The Role of Quantum Computing in Online Education – MarketScale

On this episode of the MarketScale Online Learning Minute, host Brian Runo dives into how quantum computing, the next revolutionary leap forward in computing, could apply to online education.

In particular, it can be used to epitomize the connectivism theory and provide personalized learning for each individual, as its not restricted by the capacity of an individual instructor.

In this way, each learner can be empowered to learn at their own pace and be presented with materials more tailored to them in real-time.

In fact, quantum computing is so revolutionary that the education world likely cant even currently dream up the innovations it will enable.

For the latest news, videos, and podcasts in theEducation Technology Industry, be sure to subscribe to our industry publication.

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The Role of Quantum Computing in Online Education - MarketScale

The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub’s First University Member – Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

The NC State IBM Q Hub is a cloud-based quantum computing hub, one of six worldwide and the first in North America to be part of the global IBM Q Network. This global network links national laboratories, tech startups, Fortune 500 companies, and research universities, providing access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems.

Mainstream computer processors inside our laptops, desktops, and smartphones manipulate bits, information that can only exist as either a 1 or a 0. In other words, the computers we are used to function through programming, which dictates a series of commands with choices restricted to yes/no or if this, then that. Quantum computers, on the other hand, process quantum bits or qubits, that are not restricted to a binary choice. Quantum computers can choose if this, then that or both through complex physics concepts such as quantum entanglement. This allows quantum computers to process information more quickly, and in unique ways compared to conventional computers.

Access to systems such as IBMs newly announced 53 qubit processor (as well as several 20 qubit machines) is just one of the many benefits to UNMs participation in the IBM Q Hub when it comes to data analysis and algorithm development for quantum hardware. Quantum knowledge will only grow with time, and the IBM Q Hub will provide unique training and research opportunities for UNM faculty and student researchers for years to come.

How did this partnership come to be? Two years ago, a sort of call to arms was sent out among UNM quantum experts, saying now was the time for big ideas because federal support for quantum research was gaining traction. Devetsikiotis vision was to create a quantum ecosystem, one that could unite the foundational quantum research in physics at UNMs Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) with new quantum computing and engineering initiatives for solving big real-world mathematical problems.

At first, I thought [quantum] was something for physicists, explains Devetsikiotis. But I realized its a great opportunity for the ECE department to develop real engineering solutions to these real-world problems.

CQuIC is the foundation of UNMs long-standing involvement in quantum research, resulting in participation in the National Quantum Initiative (NQI) passed by Congress in 2018 to support multidisciplinary research and training in quantum information science. UNM has been a pioneer in quantum information science since the field emerged 25 years ago, as CQuIC Director Ivan Deutsch knows first-hand.

This is a very vibrant time in our field, moving from physics to broader activities, says Deutsch, and [Devetsikiotis] has seen this as a real growth area, connecting engineering with the existing strengths we have in the CQuIC.

With strategic support from the Office of the Vice President for Research, Devetsikiotis secured National Science Foundation funding to support a Quantum Computing & Information Science (QCIS) faculty fellow. The faculty member will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the goal to unite well-established quantum research in physics with new quantum education and research initiatives in engineering. This includes membership in CQuIC and implementation of the IBM Q Hub program, as well as a partnership with Los Alamos National Lab for a Quantum Computing Summer School to develop new curricula, educational materials, and mentorship of next-generation quantum computing and information scientists.As part of the Q Hub at NC State, UNM gains access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems for commercial use cases and fundamental research. It also allows for the restructuring of existing quantum courses to be more hands-on and interdisciplinary than they have in the past, as well as the creation of new courses, a new masters degree program in QCIS, and a new university-wide Ph.D. concentration in QCIS that can be added to several departments including ECE, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemistry.

Theres been a lot of challenges, Devetsikiotis says, but there has also been a lot of good timing, and thankfully The University has provided support for us. UNM has solidified our seat at the quantum table and can now bring in the industrial side.

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The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub's First University Member - Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

Riverlane partner with bio-tech company Astex – Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

Riverlane builds ground-breaking software to unleash the power of quantum computers. Chemistry is a key application in which quantum computing can be of significant value, as high-level quantum chemistry calculations can be solved far faster than using classical methods.

World leaders in drug discovery and development, Astex Pharmaceuticals apply innovative solutions to treat cancer and diseases of the central nervous system.The two companies will join forces to combine their expertise in quantum computing software and quantum chemistry applications to speed up drug development and move us closer to quantum advantage.

As part of the collaboration, Astex are funding a post-doctoral research scientist at Riverlane. They will apply very high levels of quantum theory to study the properties of covalent drugs, in which protein function is blocked by the formation of a specific chemical bond.So far in this field of research, only empirical methods and relatively low levels of quantum theory have been applied. Riverlane will provide access to specialised quantum software to enable simulations of the target drug-protein complexes.

Dave Plant, Principal Research Scientist at Riverlane, said: This collaboration will produce newly enhanced quantum chemical calculations to drive efficiencies in the drug discovery process. It will hopefully lead to the next generation of quantum inspired pharmaceutical products.

Chris Murray, SVP of Discovery Technology at Astex said: "We are excited about the prospect of exploring quantum computing in drug discovery applications. It offers the opportunity to deliver much more accurate calculations of the energetics associated with the interaction of drugs with biological molecules, leading to potential improvements in drug discovery productivity."

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Riverlane partner with bio-tech company Astex - Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

The impact of spycraft on how we secure our data –

The cyber security industry has come a long way since its inception. The ancestors of cyber were the men and women working at Bletchley Park during the Second World War, long before the introduction of what we would consider modern cyber security practices but even before then, humans used codes and ciphers to keep information safe for millennia. Even Julius Caesar popularised a cipher which was named after him.

More recently, developments have been driven by the intelligence and defence sectors, which have a real need to uncover as well as keep sensitive intelligence safe. Some of these innovations were showcased recently at the Science Museums Top Secret exhibition, which ran from July 2019 to February 2020 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of GCHQ, the UKs intelligence, security and cyber agency.

It also gives us the context as to where developments have originated, and the ways in which they will subsequently impact how businesses keep their data safe from cyber criminals in the future.

The threats organisations face today are varied from organised crime groups to nation-state hackers, as well as individual hackers. One of the ways organisations try to defend themselves is through encryption.

Ciphers have been around for centuries in one form or another from non-standard hieroglyphs in the walls of tombs built in ancient Egypt almost 4,000 years ago, to substitution ciphers developed 1,200 years ago by Arab mathematician Al-Kindi. The rise of electronic communications during the Cold War led to monumental developments in ciphers and encryption technology, which were used to keep phone conversations secure.

Today, the focus for many organisations and businesses is the use of encryption on mobile devices, enterprise networks and cloud services. Given the impact of mobile devices and digital communication on how organisations conduct their business with partners and customers globally, this has been a key development ensuring conversations remain private while enabling fast and secure communication.

Today, encryption is used in all sectors for medical data in healthcare, customer information in banking, and much more. This highlights the importance of all areas of industry, outside of tech and IT, learning from the intelligence communitys experience developing advanced solutions to secure communications and data.

Many technologies initially developed by the intelligence community have become commonplace in keeping our everyday communications secure, according to Elizabeth Bruton, curator of the Science Museums Top Secret exhibition.

Randomness has always been used to disguise messages, she said. Though the technology today is radically different, the basic principles of encryption using long strings of random characters letters and numbers have changed very little over the past 100 years. The Top Secret exhibition features letter tiles used by the Government Code and Cypher School staff at Mansfield College, Oxford, during the Second World War.

GC&CS staff pulled these tiles out of a bag to create long strings of random numbers or letters, she said. They were used to make encryption keys and one-time pads to keep British wartime messages secure. Today, randomness underpins some of the encryption systems we use to keep our communications secure.

Also featured in the Top Secret exhibition is a chaotic pendulum used by the internet security company Cloudflare to help keep online messages secret. Cloudflare uses readings from devices such as this pendulum and a wall of lava lamps to make long strings of random numbers, said Bruton. These random numbers help create keys that encrypt the traffic that flows through Cloudflares network.

Although its interesting to see how todays cyber security solutions have been influenced by the past, emerging technologies can also help us gaze into the future. One of the exhibits in the Top Secret exhibition consists of parts from a quantum computer. This new computing paradigm has the potential to rewrite how we use technology.

Quantum computers could significantly weaken our cyber defences by processing information in a manner completely different to that of traditional computers. Work is already underway to develop quantum-resistant encryption that is likely to become a common business practice in the next decade.

Breakthroughs such as quantum computing are a reminder that organisations should constantly be thinking about how the threats they face evolve. After all, cyber crime is set to cost businesses over $2tn this year alone. Todays new tech could be tomorrows threat, and bad actors such as organised cybercriminals and nation-state attackers will always look to exploit the latest and greatest tech.

Cyber criminals are often quick to use new technologies. Since they dont operate in regulated industries or need to consider customers and users, they can be more efficient at harnessing these technologies for harm than organisations are at harnessing them for good.

The cyber security sector is experiencing tremendous growth, driven by our dependence on technology. Global cyber security spending is expected to reach $248bn by 2026.

As such, its prudent for all organisations to look at both the past and the future if they want to remain safe from cyber criminals and invest wisely. The crossover between what technologies the intelligence sector has developed and how these have been adopted into mainstream cyber security solutions highlights the many years of research it takes to keep data safe.

As organisations face ever more threats, they should look to learn as much as they can from every sector and be open to sharing best practices to ensure robust defences.

Subject to the anticipated reopening of the UKs museums as Covid-19 pandemic restrictions ease, the Top Secret exhibition is scheduled to open at Manchesters Science and Industry Museum in October 2020.

Mark Hughes is senior vice-president of security at DXC Technology

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Bipartisan push for US$100 billion investment in science – University World News


The Endless Frontier Act was introduced by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat, New York), Senator Todd Young (Republican, Indiana), Representative Ro Khanna (Democrat, California) and Representative Mike Gallagher (Republican, Wisconsin).

The preamble to the act warns that although the United States has been the unequivocal global leader in scientific and technological innovation since the end of World War II, and as a result the American people have benefited through good-paying jobs, economic prosperity and a higher quality of life, today this leadership position is being eroded.

Far too many of our communities have tremendous innovation potential but lack the critical public investment to build the nations strength in new technologies, while our foreign competitors, some of whom are stealing American intellectual property, are aggressively investing in fundamental research and commercialisation to dominate the key technology fields of the future.

It says: Without a significant increase in investment in fundamental scientific research, education and training, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, and the broader US innovation ecosystem across the nation, it is only a matter of time before Americas global competitors catch-up and overtake the US in terms of technological primacy: whichever country wins the race in key technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, advanced communications, and advanced manufacturing will be the superpower of the future.

The bill argues that the US government needs to catalyse US innovation by boosting investments in the discovery, creation and commercialisation of new technologies that ensure American leadership in the industries of the future.

The bill would rename the National Science Foundation (NSF) the National Science and Technology Foundation (NSTF) and task a new deputy director with executing the new funding of fundamental research related to specific recognised global technology challenges with geostrategic implications for the United States and create within it a Technology Directorate.

The authorisation for the new directorate would be US$100 billion over five years to reinvigorate American leadership in the discovery and application of key technologies that will define global competitiveness.

Connecting disadvantaged populations

An additional US$10 billion would be authorised over five years for the Department of Commerce to designate at least 10 regional technology hubs, awarding funds for comprehensive investment initiatives that position regions across the country to be global centres for the research, development and manufacturing of key technologies.

There would be a drive to connect disadvantaged populations and places to new job and business opportunities developing key technologies.

Peter McPherson, president of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities which comprises 239 public research universities, land-grant institutions, state university systems, and affiliated organisations said: Public research universities applaud Senators Schumer and Young and Representatives Khanna and Gallagher for their work across the aisle to bolster US discovery and innovation.

The Endless Frontier Act, whose name is taken from a 1945 report that issued a clarion call for what would become the National Science Foundation, serves as a key step in driving US global scientific leadership in the 21st century.

Now more than ever, we need a national commitment to science and research on a grand level. Research and innovation can create new sectors of the global economy, drive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately deliver long-term economic growth.

The Science Coalition, which represents more than 50 leading public and private research universities, issued a statement saying: In recent years, America has fallen behind its global counterparts in overall support and funding for fundamental scientific research, and this imbalance jeopardises our global economic competitiveness and our national security.

These lawmakers are right to prioritise funding for NSF and a new generation of cutting-edge research and technology. We commend their commitment to our researchers and STEM workforce pipeline that would chart a new course for American science and innovation.

According to the bill, the new directorate would fund research in the following areas:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning; High performance computing, semiconductors and advanced computer hardware; Quantum computing and information systems; Robotics, automation and advanced manufacturing; Natural or anthropogenic disaster prevention; Advanced communications technology; biotechnology, genomics and synthetic biology; Advanced energy technology; Cybersecurity, data storage and data management technologies; and Materials science, engineering and exploration relevant to the other focus areas.

The authorised activities would include:

Increases in research spending at universities, which can form consortia that include private industry, to advance US progress in key technology areas, including the creation of focused research centres.

New undergraduate scholarships, industry training programmes, graduate fellowships and traineeships and post-doctoral support in the targeted research areas to develop the US workforce.

The development of test-bed and fabrication facilities.

Programmes to facilitate and accelerate the transfer of new technologies from the lab to the marketplace, including expanding access to investment capital.

Planning and coordination with state and local economic development stakeholders and the private sector to build regional innovation ecosystems.

Increases in research spending for collaboration with US allies, partners and international organisations.

McPherson said the bill was needed to enable the US to compete with global rivals.

Federal investment in R&D has languished in recent decades. As a share of the economy, its a third of what it was at its peak. China, and other countries, meanwhile, have vastly expanded their investments in research and development, he said.

The current pandemic has underscored the critical need to redouble public investment in research and development. We must ensure more of these innovations and advancements take place in the US rather than elsewhere around the globe, he added.

This bill would not only advance US innovation, but also would help ensure the fruits of innovation are broadly shared. Investing in research across the country and in critical sectors such as quantum computing, biotechnology and robotics will help secure our place as home to the worlds most dynamic and advanced economy, McPherson said.

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Bipartisan push for US$100 billion investment in science - University World News

What’s New in HPC Research: Astronomy, Weather, Security & More – HPCwire

In this bimonthly feature,HPCwirehighlights newly published research in the high-performance computing community and related domains. From parallel programming to exascale to quantum computing, the details are here.

Developing the HPC system for the ASKAP telescope

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope (itself a pilot project for the record-setting Square Kilometre Array planned for construction in the coming years) will enable highly sensitive radio astronomy that produces a tremendous amount of data. In this paper, researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) highlight how they are preparing a dedicated HPC platform, called ASKAPsoft, to handle the expected 5 PB/year of data produced by ASKAP.

Authors: Juan C. Guzman, Eric Bastholm, Wasim raja, Matthew Whiting, Daniel Mitchell, Stephen Ord and Max Voronkov.

Creating an open infrastructure for sharing and reusing HPC knowledge

In an expert field like HPC, institutional memory and information-sharing is crucial for maintaining and building on expertise but institutions often lack cohesive infrastructures to perpetuate that knowledge. These authors, a team from North Carolina State University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, introduce OpenK, an open, ontology-based infrastructure aimed at facilitating the accumulation, sharing and reuse of HPC knowledge.

Authors: Yue Zhao, Xipeng Shen and Chunhua Liao.

Using high-performance data analysis to facilitate HPC-powered astrophysics

High-performance data analysis (HPDA) is an emerging tool for scientific disciplines like bioscience, climate science and security and now, its being used to prepare astrophysics research for exascale. In this paper, written by a team from the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy, the authors discuss the ExaNeSt and EuroExa projects, which built a prototype of a low-power exascale facility for HPDA and astrophysics.

Authors: Giuliano Taffoni, David Goz, Luca Tornatore, Marco Frailis, Gianmarco Maggio and Fabio Pasian.

Using power analysis to identify HPC activity

Monitoring users on large computing platforms such as [HPC] and cloud computing systems, these authors a duo from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory write, is non-trivial. Users can (and have) abused access to HPC systems, they say, but process viewers and other monitoring tools can impose substantial overhead. To that end, they introduce a technique for identifying running programs with 97% accuracy using just the systems power consumption.

Authors: Bogdan Copos and Sein Peisert.

Building resilience and fault tolerance in HPC for numerical weather and climate prediction

In numerical weather and climate prediction (NWP), accuracy depends strongly on available computing power but the increasing number of cores in top systems is leading to a higher frequency of hardware and software failures for NWP simulations. This report (from researchers at eight different institutions) examines approaches for fault tolerance in numerical algorithms and system resilience in parallel simulations for those NWP tools.

Authors: Tommaso Benacchio, Luca Bonaventura, Mirco Altenbernd, Chris D. Cantwell, Peter D. Dben, Mike Gillard, Luc Giraud, Dominik Gddeke, Erwan Raffin, Keita Teranishi and Nils Wedi.

Pioneering the exascale era with astronomy

Another team this time, from SURF, a collaborative organization for Dutch research also investigated the intersection of astronomy and the exascale era. This paper, written by three researchers from SURF, highlights a new, OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure layer and Spider, a new addition to SURFs high-throughput data processing platform. The authors explore how these additions help to prepare the astronomical research community for the exascale era, in particular with regard to data-intensive experiments like the Square Kilometre Array.

Authors: J. B. R. Oonk, C. Schrijvers and Y. van den Berg.

Enabling EASEY deployment of containerized applications for future HPC systems

As the exascale era approaches, HPC systems are growing in complexity, improving performance but making the systems less accessible for new users. These authors a duo from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich propose a support framework for these future HPC architectures called EASEY (for Enable exAScale for EverYone) that can automatically deploy optimized container computations with negligible overhead[.]

Authors: Maximilian Hb and Dieter Kranzlmller.

Do you know about research that should be included in next months list? If so, send us an email at[emailprotected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

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What's New in HPC Research: Astronomy, Weather, Security & More - HPCwire

IIT Mumbai alumnus Rajiv Joshi, an IBM scientist, bags inventor of the year award – Livemint

Indian-American inventor Rajiv Joshi has bagged the prestigious Inventor of the Year award in recognition of his pioneering work in advancing the electronic industry and improving artificial intelligence capabilities.

Dr Joshi has more than 250 patented inventions in the US and works at the IBM Thomson Watson Research Center in New York.

He was presented with the prestigious annual award by the New York Intellectual Property Law Association early this month during a virtual awards ceremony.

An IIT Mumbai alumnus, Joshi has an MS degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a PhD in mechanical/electrical engineering from Columbia University, New York.

His inventions span from novel interconnect structures and processes for more scaling, machine learning techniques for predictive failure analytics, high bandwidth, high performance and low power integrated circuits and memories and their usage in hardware accelerators, meant for artificial intelligence applications.

Many of these structures exist in processors, supercomputers, laptops, smartphones, handheld and variable gadgets and many other electronic items. His innovations have helped advance day-to-day life, global communication, health sciences and medical fields.

Necessity and curiosity inspire me," Dr Joshi told PTI in a recent interview, adding that the identification of a problem and providing out of the box solution as well as observe and think help him immensely to generate ideas.

Joshi claimed that stories about great, renowned inventors like Guglielmo Marconi, Madame Curie, Wright Brothers, James Watt, Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison inspired him.

In his acceptance speech, Dr Joshi said that cloud, artificial intelligence and quantum computing not only remain the buzzwords, but their utility, widespread usage is advancing with leaps and bounds.

All these areas are very exciting and I have been dabbling further in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing," he said.

Quantum computing, which has offered tremendous opportunities, also faces challenges, he noted, adding that he is involved in advancing technology, improving memory structures and solutions and their usage in AI and contributing to quantum computing to advance the science. (With Agency Inputs)

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IIT Mumbai alumnus Rajiv Joshi, an IBM scientist, bags inventor of the year award - Livemint

Is the ‘endless frontier’ at an end? | TheHill – The Hill

The COVID-19 pandemic is intensifying U.S. concerns about Chinas technological strength. Unfortunately, much of the resulting policy debate has centered on ways to limit Chinas capacities when what we need most is a systematic approach to strengthening our own. In any race, success comes from training harder and running faster not from hoping that your challenger will trip. To guarantee our nations future economic health and national security, we need a comprehensive, forward-looking national strategy to keep the U.S. at the forefront of science and technology.

Fortunately, a bipartisan bill has emerged that offers the blueprint the moment demands. Introduced by Sens. Chuck SchumerCharles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerJudd Gregg: Biden a path to the presidency, or not Montana barrels toward blockbuster Senate fight Federal judges should be allowed to be Federalist Society members MORE (D-N.Y.) and Todd YoungTodd Christopher YoungHillicon Valley: House FISA bill in jeopardy | Democrats drop controversial surveillance measure | GOP working on legislation to strip Twitter of federal liability protections GOP senators urge Trump not to restrict guest worker visas Lawmakers introduce bill to invest 0 billion in science, tech research MORE (R-Ind.) and Reps. Ro KhannaRohit (Ro) KhannaHillicon Valley: Twitter flags Trump tweet for 'glorifying violence' | Cruz calls for criminal investigation into Twitter over alleged sanctions violations | Senators urge FTC to investigate TikTok child privacy issues Khanna calls for internet 'fairness doctrine' in response to controversial Trump tweets Khanna: Coronavirus has 'accelerated' the need for rural broadband MORE (D-Calif.) and Mike GallagherMichael (Mike) John GallagherRep. Banks launches bid for RSC chairman Hillicon Valley: House FISA bill in jeopardy | Democrats drop controversial surveillance measure | GOP working on legislation to strip Twitter of federal liability protections Lawmakers introduce bill to invest 0 billion in science, tech research MORE (R-Wis.), the Endless Frontier Act would provide a visible, focused and sustained commitment to U.S. research, education and technology transfer, as well as to economic development precisely the combination of remedies that will secure the nations future.

The bill recognizes that since World War II, federal research funding has been a central contributor to U.S. economic dominance. Its no accident that sectors like aircraft and information technology that have benefited most from decades of federal research support have been the leading U.S. exporters and emblems of U.S. leadership. The legislation would authorize $100 billion in new funding over five years for research and related activities.

But the bill also reflects the fact that, to counter Chinas very different model for economic growth, we not only need to invest more in science and technology now, we also need to invest differently than in the past. We simply must move more effectively from scientific success to market impact. With that in mind, the bill would establish a new technology directorate at the National Science Foundation that would fund fundamental research with an eye toward advancing 10 pivotal technologies, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing. To complement this research, the bill also calls for supporting more students pursuing undergraduate and advanced studies in relevant fields and for developing new ways to move ideas more effectively from lab to market, including by creating test beds for new developments.

The aim of the new directorate is to support fundamental scientific research with specific goals in mind. This is not about solving incremental technical problems. As one example, in artificial intelligence, the focus would not be on further refining current algorithms, but rather on developing profoundly new approaches that would enable machines to learn using much smaller data sets a fundamental advance that would eliminate the need to access immense data sets, an area where China holds an immense advantage. Success in this work would have a double benefit: seeding economic benefits for the U.S. while reducing the pressure to weaken privacy and civil liberties in pursuit of more training data.

Supporting fundamental research with an eye to real-world challenges is the kind of thinking that drove the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop what became the internet. Such use-inspired basic research, funded by NSF a trusted and experienced civilian agency that understands research and researchers is whats needed to retain U.S. leadership in both science and technology, to keep us prosperous and secure.

The bill would also encourage universities to experiment with new ways to help accelerate the process of bringing innovative ideas to the marketplace, either via established companies or startups. At MIT we started The Engine, an independent entity that provides private-sector funding, work space and technical assistance to start-ups that are developing technologies with enormous potential but that require more extensive technical development than typical VCs will fund, from fusion energy to a fast, inexpensive test for COVID-19. Other models may suit other institutions but the nation needs to encourage many more such efforts, across the country, to reap the full benefits of our federal investment in science.

Some may worry that this new approach could impair NSFs vital mission, but I believe it is a natural complement, in keeping with the agencys impressive record of adapting to the nations needs. The U.S. has the top universities in the world because we have combined the best strategies of the past with the flexibility to respond to new challenges; this legislation is designed to protect and maintain support for curiosity-driven basic research across scientific fields the mainstay of NSFs work that serves the nation so well even as it furthers NSFs mission and gives it additional tools.

Nations, like individuals, do not succeed by sitting still and hoping that others will fail. Success comes to those that build on their own strengths, learning from what has worked in the past but not being constrained by it.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the report that launched the postwar U.S. research enterprise, Science: The Endless Frontier. That enterprise has helped give Americans decades of unparalleled prosperity, a rising quality of life and military confidence. The Endless Frontier Act would enable us to capitalize on what has worked and retool it for todays world, with its new challenges and challengers.

Dr. L. Rafael Reif is president of MIT.

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Is the 'endless frontier' at an end? | TheHill - The Hill

Quantum computing analytics: Put this on your IT roadmap – TechRepublic

Quantum is the next step toward the future of analytics and computing. Is your organization ready for it?

Quantum computing can solve challenges that modern computers can't--or it might take them a billion years to do so. It can crack any encryption and make your data completely safe. Google reports that it has seen a quantum computer that performed at least 100 million times faster than any classical computer in its lab.

Quantum blows away the processing of data and algorithms on conventional computers because of its ability to operate on electrical circuits that can be in more than one state at once. A quantum computer operates on Qubits (quantum bits) instead of on the standard bits that are used in conventional computing.

SEE: Managing AI and ML in the enterprise 2020: Tech leaders increase project development and implementation (TechRepublic Premium)

Quantum results can quickly make an impact on life science and pharmaceutical companies, for financial institutions evaluating portfolio risks, and for other organizations that want to expedite time-to-results for processing that on conventional computing platforms would take days to complete.

Few corporate CEOs are comfortable trying to explain to their boards what quantum computing is and why it is important to invest in it.

"There are three major areas where we see immediate corporate engagement with quantum computing," said Christopher Savoie, CEO and co-founder of Zapata Quantum Computing Software Company, a quantum computing solutions provider backed by Honeywell. "These areas are machine learning, optimization problems, and molecular simulation."

Savoie said quantum computing can bring better results in machine learning than conventional computing because of its speed. This rapid processing of data enables a machine learning application to consume large amounts of multi-dimensional data that can generate more sophisticated models of a particular problem or phenomenon under study.

SEE: Forget quantum supremacy: This quantum-computing milestone could be just as important (TechRepublic)

Quantum computing is also well suited for solving problems in optimization. "The mathematics of optimization in supply and distribution chains is highly complex," Savoie said. "You can optimize five nodes of a supply chain with conventional computing, but what about 15 nodes with over 85 million different routes? Add to this the optimization of work processes and people, and you have a very complex problem that can be overwhelming for a conventional computing approach."

A third application area is molecular simulation in chemistry and pharmaceuticals, which can be quite complex.

In each of these cases, models of circumstances, events, and problems can be rapidly developed and evaluated from a variety of dimensions that collate data from many diverse sources into a model.

SEE:Inside UPS: The logistics company's never-ending digital transformation (free PDF)(TechRepublic)

"The current COVID-19 crisis is a prime example," Savoie said. "Bill Gates knew in 2015 that handling such a pandemic would present enormous challengesbut until recently, we didn't have the models to understand the complexities of those challenges."

For those engaging in quantum computing and analytics today, the relative newness of the technology presents its own share of glitches. This makes it important to have quantum computing experts on board. For this reason, most early adopter companies elect to go to the cloud for their quantum computing, partnering with a vendor that has the specialized expertise needed to run and maintain quantum analytics.

SEE: Rural America is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Tech could help some patients see a way forward. (cover story PDF) (TechRepublic)

"These companies typically use a Kubernetes cluster and management stack on premises," Savoie said. "They code a quantum circuit that contains information on how operations are to be performed on quantum qubits. From there, the circuit and the prepared data are sent to the cloud, which performs the quantum operations on the data. The data is processed in the cloud and sent back to the on-prem stack, and the process repeats itself until processing is complete."

Savoie estimated that broad adoption of quantum computing for analytics will occur within a three- to five-year timeframe, with early innovators in sectors like oil and gas, and chemistry, that already understand the value of the technology and are adopting sooner.

"Whether or not you adopt quantum analytics now, you should minimally have it on your IT roadmap," Savoie said. "Quantum computing is a bit like the COVID-19 crisis. At first, there were only two deaths; then two weeks later, there were ten thousand. Quantum computing and analytics is a highly disruptive technology that can exponentially advance some companies over others."

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Image: sakkmesterke, Getty Images/iStockphoto

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Quantum computing analytics: Put this on your IT roadmap - TechRepublic

Seeqc UK Awarded 1.8M in Grants to Advance Quantum Computing Initiatives – HPCwire

LONDON Seeqc, the Digital Quantum Computing company, announced its UK team has been selected to receive two British grants totaling 1.8 million (~$2.1 million) from Innovate UKs Industrial Challenge Strategy Fund.

Quantum Foundry

The first 800,000 grant from Innovate UK is part of a 7M project dedicated to advancing the commercialization of superconducting technology. Its goal is to bring quantum computing closer to business-applicable solutions, cost-efficiently and at scale.

Seeqc UK is joining six UK-based companies and universities in a consortium to collaborate on the initiative. This is the first concerted effort to bring all leading experts across industry and academia together to advance the development of quantum technologies in the UK.

Othergrant recipientsinclude Oxford Quantum Circuits, Oxford Instruments, Kelvin Nanotechnology, University of Glasgow and the Royal Holloway University of London.

Quantum Operating System

The second 1 million grant is part of a 7.6 million seven-organization consortium dedicated to advancing the commercialization of quantum computers in the UK by building a highly innovative quantum operating system. A quantum operating system, Deltaflow.OS, will be installed on all quantum computers in the UK in order to accelerate the commercialization and collaboration of the British quantum computing community. The universal operating system promises to greatly increase the performance and accessibility of quantum computers in the UK.

Seeqc UK is joined by othergrant recipients, Riverlane, Hitachi Europe, Universal Quantum, Duality Quantum Photonics, Oxford Ionics, and Oxford Quantum Circuits, along with UK-based chip designer, ARM, and the National Physical Laboratory.

Advancing Digital Quantum Computing

Seeqc owns and operates a multi-layer superconductive electronics chip fabrication facility, which is among the most advanced in the world. The foundry serves as a testing and benchmarking facility for Seeqc and the global quantum community to deliver quantum technologies for specific use cases. This foundry and expertise will be critical to the success of the grants. Seeqcs Digital Quantum Computing solution is designed to manage and control qubits in quantum computers in a way that is cost-efficient and scalable for real-world business applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, logistics and chemical manufacturing.

Seeqcs participation in these new industry-leading British grants accelerates our work in making quantum computing useful, commercially and at scale, said Dr. Matthew Hutchings, chief product officer and co-founder at Seeqc, Inc. We are looking forward to applying our deep expertise in design, testing and manufacturing of quantum-ready superconductors, along with our resource-efficient approach to qubit control and readout to this collaborative development of quantum circuits.

We strongly support the Deltaflow.OS initiative and believe Seeqc can provide a strong contribution to both consortiums work and advance quantum technologies from the lab and into the hands of businesses via ultra-focused and problem-specific quantum computers, continued Hutchings.

Seeqcs solution combines classical and quantum computing to form an all-digital architecture through a system-on-a-chip design that utilizes 10-40 GHz superconductive classical co-processing to address the efficiency, stability and cost issues endemic to quantum computing systems.

Seeqc is receiving the nearly $2.3 million in grant funding weeks after closing its $6.8 million seed round from investors including BlueYard Capital, Cambium, NewLab and the Partnership Fund for New York City. The recent funding round is in addition to a $5 million investment from M Ventures, the strategic corporate venture capital arm of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

About Seeqc

Seeqc is developing the first fully digital quantum computing platform for global businesses. Seeqc combines classical and quantum technologies to address the efficiency, stability and cost issues endemic to quantum computing systems. The company applies classical and quantum technology through digital readout and control technology and a unique chip-scale architecture. Seeqcs quantum system provides the energy- and cost-efficiency, speed and digital control required to make quantum computing useful and bring the first commercially-scalable, problem-specific quantum computing applications to market.

Source: Seeqc

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Seeqc UK Awarded 1.8M in Grants to Advance Quantum Computing Initiatives - HPCwire

Registration Open for Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering – HPCwire

LOS ALAMITOS, Calif.,May 14, 2020 Registration is now open for the inauguralIEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20), a multidisciplinary event focusing on quantum technology, research, development, and training. QCE20, also known as IEEE Quantum Week, will deliver a series ofworld-class keynotes,workforce-building tutorials,community-building workshops, andtechnical paper presentations and postersonOctober 12-16inDenver, Colorado.

Were thrilled to open registration for the inaugural IEEE Quantum Week, founded by the IEEE Future Directions Initiative and supported by multiple IEEE Societies and organizational units, said Hausi Mller, QCE20 general chair and co-chair of the IEEE Quantum Initiative.Our initial goal is to address the current landscape of quantum technologies, identify challenges and opportunities, and engage the quantum community. With our current Quantum Week program, were well on track to deliver a first-rate quantum computing and engineering event.

QCE20skeynote speakersinclude the following quantum groundbreakers and leaders:

The week-longQCE20 tutorials programfeatures 15 tutorials by leading experts aimed squarely at workforce development and training considerations. The tutorials are ideally suited to develop quantum champions for industry, academia, and government and to build expertise for emerging quantum ecosystems.

Throughout the week, 19QCE20 workshopsprovide forums for group discussions on topics in quantum research, practice, education, and applications. The exciting workshops provide unique opportunities to share and discuss quantum computing and engineering ideas, research agendas, roadmaps, and applications.

The deadline for submittingtechnical papersto the eight technical paper tracks isMay 22. Papers accepted by QCE20 will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The best papers will be invited to the journalsIEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering(TQE)andACM Transactions on Quantum Computing(TQC).

QCE20 provides attendees a unique opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, programmers, and newcomers. QCE20 is co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Council on Superconductivity,IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS), IEEE Future Directions Quantum Initiative, IEEE Photonics Society, and IEEETechnology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS).

Registerto be a part of the highly anticipated inaugural IEEE Quantum Week 2020. event news and all program details, including sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

About the IEEE Computer Society

The IEEE Computer Society is the worlds home for computer science, engineering, and technology. A global leader in providing access to computer science research, analysis, and information, the IEEE Computer Society offers a comprehensive array of unmatched products, services, and opportunities for individuals at all stages of their professional career. Known as the premier organization that empowers the people who drive technology, the IEEE Computer Society offers international conferences, peer-reviewed publications, a unique digital library, and training programs. more information.

About the IEEE Communications Society

TheIEEE Communications Societypromotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. The Society provides services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.

About the IEEE Council on Superconductivity

TheIEEE Council on Superconductivityand its activities and programs cover the science and technology of superconductors and their applications, including materials and their applications for electronics, magnetics, and power systems, where the superconductor properties are central to the application.

About the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society

TheIEEE Electronics Packaging Societyis the leading international forum for scientists and engineers engaged in the research, design, and development of revolutionary advances in microsystems packaging and manufacturing.

About the IEEE Future Directions Quantum Initiative

IEEE Quantumis an IEEE Future Directions initiative launched in 2019 that serves as IEEEs leading community for all projects and activities on quantum technologies. IEEE Quantum is supported by leadership and representation across IEEE Societies and OUs. The initiative addresses the current landscape of quantum technologies, identifies challenges and opportunities, leverages and collaborates with existing initiatives, and engages the quantum community at large.

About the IEEE Photonics Society

TheIEEE Photonics Societyforms the hub of a vibrant technical community of more than 100,000 professionals dedicated to transforming breakthroughs in quantum physics into the devices, systems, and products to revolutionize our daily lives. From ubiquitous and inexpensive global communications via fiber optics, to lasers for medical and other applications, to flat-screen displays, to photovoltaic devices for solar energy, to LEDs for energy-efficient illumination, there are myriad examples of the Societys impact on the world around us.

About the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society

IEEE TEMSencompasses the management sciences and practices required for defining, implementing, and managing engineering and technology.

Source: IEEE Computer Society

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Registration Open for Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering - HPCwire

Video: The Future of Quantum Computing with IBM – insideHPC

Dario Gil from IBM Research

In this video, Dario Gil from IBM shares results from the IBM Quantum Challenge and describes how you can access and program quantum computers on the IBM Cloud today.

From May 4-8, we invited people from around the world to participate in the IBM Quantum Challengeon the IBM Cloud. We devised the Challenge as a global event to celebrateour fourth anniversary of having a real quantum computer on the cloud. Over those four days 1,745people from45countries came together to solve four problems ranging from introductory topics in quantum computing, to understanding how to mitigate noise in a real system, to learning about historic work inquantum cryptography, to seeing how close they could come to the best optimization result for a quantum circuit.

Those working in the Challenge joined all those who regularly make use of the 18quantum computing systems that IBM has on the cloud, includingthe 10 open systemsand the advanced machines available within theIBM Q Network. During the 96 hours of the Challenge, the total use of the 18 IBM Quantum systems on the IBM Cloud exceeded 1 billion circuits a day. Together, we made history every day the cloud users of the IBM Quantum systems made and then extended what can absolutely be called a world record in computing.

Every day we extend the science of quantum computing and advance engineering to build more powerful devices and systems. Weve put new two new systems on the cloud in the last month, and so our fleet of quantum systems on the cloud is getting bigger and better. Well be extending this cloud infrastructure later this year by installing quantum systems inGermanyand inJapan. Weve also gone more and more digital with our users with videos, online education, social media, Slack community discussions, and, of course, the Challenge.

Dr. Dario Gil is the Director of IBM Research, one of the worlds largest and most influential corporate research labs. IBM Research is a global organization with over 3,000 researchers at 12 laboratories on six continents advancing the future of computing. Dr. Gil leads innovation efforts at IBM, directing research strategies in Quantum, AI, Hybrid Cloud, Security, Industry Solutions, and Semiconductors and Systems. Dr. Gil is the 12th Director in its 74-year history. Prior to his current appointment, Dr. Gil served as Chief Operating Officer of IBM Research and the Vice President of AI and Quantum Computing, areas in which he continues to have broad responsibilities across IBM. Under his leadership, IBM was the first company in the world to build programmable quantum computers and make them universally available through the cloud. An advocate of collaborative research models, he co-chairs the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, a pioneering industrial-academic laboratory with a portfolio of more than 50 projects focused on advancing fundamental AI research to the broad benefit of industry and society.

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Video: The Future of Quantum Computing with IBM - insideHPC

IonQ CEO Peter Chapman on how quantum computing will change the future of AI – VentureBeat

Businesses eager to embrace cutting-edge technology are exploring quantum computing, which depends on qubits to perform computations that would be much more difficult, or simply not feasible, on classical computers. The ultimate goals are quantum advantage, the inflection point when quantum computers begin to solve useful problems. While that is a long way off (if it can even be achieved), the potential is massive. Applications include everything from cryptography and optimization to machine learning and materials science.

As quantum computing startup IonQ has described it, quantum computing is a marathon, not a sprint. We had the pleasure of interviewing IonQ CEO Peter Chapman last month to discuss a variety of topics. Among other questions, we asked Chapman about quantum computings future impact on AI and ML.

The conversation quickly turned to Strong AI, or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which does not yet exist. Strong AI is the idea that a machine could one day understand or learn any intellectual task that a human can.

AI in the Strong AI sense, that I have more of an opinion [about], just because I have more experience in that personally, Chapman told VentureBeat. And there was a really interesting paper that just recently came out talking about how to use a quantum computer to infer the meaning of words in NLP. And I do think that those kinds of things for Strong AI look quite promising. Its actually one of the reasons I joined IonQ. Its because I think that does have some sort of application.

In a follow-up email, Chapman expanded on his thoughts. For decades, it was believed that the brains computational capacity lay in the neuron as a minimal unit, he wrote. Early efforts by many tried to find a solution using artificial neurons linked together in artificial neural networks with very limited success. This approach was fueled by the thought that the brain is an electrical computer, similar to a classical computer.

However, since then, I believe we now know the brain is not an electrical computer, but an electrochemical one, he added. Sadly, todays computers do not have the processing power to be able to simulate the chemical interactions across discrete parts of the neuron, such as the dendrites, the axon, and the synapse. And even with Moores law, they wont next year or even after a million years.

Chapman then quoted Richard Feynman, who famously said Nature isnt classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, youd better make it quantum mechanical. And by golly, its a wonderful problem because it doesnt look so easy.

Similarly, its likely Strong AI isnt classical, its quantum mechanical as well, Chapman said.

One of IonQs competitors, D-Wave, argues that quantum computing and machine learning are extremely well matched. Chapman is still on the fence.

I havent spent enough time to really understand it, he admitted. There clearly [are] a lot of people who think that ML and quantum have an overlap. Certainly, if you think of 85% of all ML produces a decision tree, and the depth of that decision tree could easily be optimized with a quantum computer. Clearly, there [are] lots of people that think that generation of the decision tree could be optimized with a quantum computer. Honestly, I dont know if thats the case or not. I think its still a little early for machine learning, but there clearly [are] so many people that are working on it. Its hard to imagine it doesnt have [an] application.

Chapman continued in a later email: ML has intimate ties to optimization: Many learning problems are formulated as minimization of some loss function on a training set of examples. Generally, Universal Quantum Computers excel at these kinds of problems.

He listed three improvements in ML that quantum computing will likely allow:

Whether Strong AI or ML, IonQ isnt particularly interested in either. The company leaves that to its customers and future partners.

Theres so much to be to be done in a quantum, Chapman said. From education at one end all the way to the quantum computer itself. I think some of our competitors have taken on lots of the entire problem set. We at IonQ are just focused on producing the worlds best quantum computer for them. We think thats a large enough task for a little company like us to handle.

So, for the moment were kind of happy to let everyone else work on different problems, he added. We just dont have extra bandwidth or resources to put into working on machine learning algorithms. And luckily, there [are] lots of other companies that think that there [are] applications there. Well partner with them in the sense that well provide the hardware that their algorithms will run on. But were not in the ML business, per se.


IonQ CEO Peter Chapman on how quantum computing will change the future of AI - VentureBeat

David Graves to Head New Research at PPPL for Plasma Applications in Industry and Quantum Information Science – Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing…

Graves, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, since 1986, is an expert in plasma applications in semiconductor manufacturing. He will become the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratorys (PPPL) first associate laboratory director for Low-Temperature Plasma Surface Interactions, effective June 1. He will likely begin his new position from his home in Lafayette, California, in the East Bay region of San Francisco.

He will lead a collaborative research effort to not only understand and measure how plasma is used in the manufacture of computer chips, but also to explore how plasma could be used to help fabricate powerful quantum computing devices over the next decade.

This is the apex of our thrust into becoming a multipurpose lab, said Steve Cowley, PPPL director, who recruited Graves. Working with Princeton University, and with industry and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), we are going to make a big push to do research that will help us understand how you can manufacture at the scale of a nanometer. A nanometer, one-billionth of a meter, is about ten thousand times less than the width of a human hair.

The new initiative will draw on PPPLs expertise in low temperature plasmas, diagnostics, and modeling. At the same time, it will work closely with plasma semiconductor equipment industries and will collaborate with Princeton University experts in various departments, including chemical and biological engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, and physics. In particular, collaborations with PRISM (the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials) are planned, Cowley said. I want to see us more tightly bound to the University in some areas because that way we get cross-fertilization, he said.

Graves will also have an appointment as professor in the Princeton University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, starting July 1. He is retiring from his position at Berkeley at the end of this semester. He is currently writing a book (Plasma Biology) on plasma applications in biology and medicine. He said he changed his retirement plans to take the position at PPPL and Princeton University. This seemed like a great opportunity, Graves said. Theres a lot we can do at a national laboratory where theres bigger scale, world-class colleagues, powerful computers and other world-class facilities.

Exciting new direction for the Lab

Graves is already working with Jon Menard, PPPL deputy director for research, on the strategic plan for the new research initiative over the next five years. Its a really exciting new direction for the Lab that will build upon our unique expertise in diagnosing and simulating low-temperature plasmas, Menard said. It also brings us much closer to the university and industry, which is great for everyone.

The staff will grow over the next five years and PPPL is recruiting for an expert in nano-fabrication and quantum devices. The first planned research would use converted PPPL laboratory space fitted with equipment provided by industry. Subsequent work would use laboratory space at PRISM on Princeton Universitys campus. In the longer term, researchers in the growing group would have brand new laboratory and office space as a central part the Princeton Plasma Innovation Center (PPIC), a new building planned at PPPL.

Physicists Yevgeny Raitses, principal investigator for the Princeton Collaborative Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility (PCRF) and head of the Laboratory for Plasma Nanosynthesis, and Igor Kavanovich, co-principal investigator of PCRF, are both internationally-known experts in low temperature plasmas who have forged recent partnerships between PPPL and various industry partners. The new initiative builds on their work, Cowley said.

A priority research area

Research aimed at developing quantum information science (QIS) is a priority for the DOE. Quantum computers could be very powerful in solving complex scientific problems, including simulating quantum behavior in material or chemical systems. QIS could also have applications in quantum communication, especially in encryption, and quantum sensing. It could potentially have an impact in areas such as national security. A key question is whether plasma-based fabrication tools commonly used today will play a role in fabricating quantum devices in the future, Menard said. There are huge implications in that area, Menard said. We want to be part of that.

Graves is an expert on applying molecular dynamics simulations to low temperature plasma-surface interactions. These simulations are used to understand how plasma-generated ions, atoms and molecules interact with various surfaces. He has extensive research experience in academia and industry in plasma-related semiconductor manufacturing. That expertise will be useful for understanding how to make very fine structures and circuits at the nanometer, sub-nanometer and even atom-by-atom level, Menard said. Davids going to bring a lot of modeling and fundamental understanding to that process. That, paired with our expertise and measurement capabilities, should make us unique in the U.S. in terms of what we can do in this area.

Graves was born in Daytona Beach, Florida, and moved a lot as a child because his father was in the U.S. Air Force. He lived in Homestead, Florida; near Kansas City, Missouri; and in North Bay Ontario; and finished high school near Phoenix, Arizona.

Graves received bachelors and masters degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Arizona and went on to pursue a doctoral degree in the subject, graduating with a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1986. He is a fellow of the Institute of Physics and the American Vacuum Society. He is the author or co-author of more than 280 peer-reviewed publications. During his long career at Berkeley, he has supervised 30 Ph.D. students and 26 post-doctoral students, many of whom are now in leadership positions in industry and academia.

A leader since the 1990s

Graves has been a leader in the use of plasma in the semiconductor industry since the 1990s. In 1996, he co-chaired a National Research Council (NRC) workshop and co-edited the NRCs Database Needs for Modeling and Simulation of Plasma Processing. In 2008, he performed a similar role for a DOE workshop on low-temperature plasmas applications resulting in the report Low Temperature Plasma Science Challenges for the Next Decade.

Graves is an admitted Francophile who speaks (near) fluent French and has spent long stretches of time in France as a researcher. He was named Matre de Recherche (master of research) at the cole Polytechnic in Palaiseau, France, in 2006. He was an invited researcher at the University of Perpignan in 2010 and received a chaire dexcellence from the Nanoscience Foundation in Grenoble, France, to study plasma-graphene interactions.

He has received numerous honors during his career. He was appointed the first Lam Research Distinguished Chair in Semiconductor Processing at Berkeley for 2011-2016. More recently, he received the Will Allis Prize in Ionized Gas from the American Physical Society in 2014 and the 2017 Nishizawa Award, associated with the Dry Process Symposium in Japan. In 2019, he was appointed foreign expert at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China. He served as the first senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Science.

Graves has been married for 35 years to Sue Graves, who recently retired from the City of Lafayette, where she worked in the school bus program. The couple has three adult children. Graves enjoys bicycling and yoga and the couple loves to travel. They also enjoy hiking, visiting museums, listening to jazz music, and going to the theater.

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David Graves to Head New Research at PPPL for Plasma Applications in Industry and Quantum Information Science - Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing...

Yale College 2020: Meet some of the graduates – Yale News

To offer a sense of the extraordinary human richness within the Yale College Class of 2020, we present here short profiles of 14 members one per residential college. Among these representatives of the nearly 1,400 members of the class, selected from nominations submitted by college heads and deans, youll meet singers and scientists, athletes and activists, ROTC cadets and Rhodes Scholars a panoply of spirited, ambitious, and thoughtful undergraduates drawn from a bright constellation.

After four years at Yale, Kazemi Adachis interests and passions bear little resemblance to those of the high school student he was, growing up in suburban Chicago.

When I first got to Yale, I was overwhelmed by the cool, different opportunities, said Adachi, who will graduate with a degree in physics.

Among the interests he acquired in New Haven are a passion for African-diaspora step dancing, Buddhism, and the desire to help build quantum computers.

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Yale is full of marvels. Onyx Brunner 20 made it his job to share them with a rotating cast of thousands.

A campus tour guide since his first year, Brunner took special delight in showing off Yales residential colleges. For him, the colleges exemplify the palpable community spirit that animated his undergraduate experience.

I loved showing prospective students and visitors how Yale does its best to provide undergraduates a welcoming home, said Brunner.

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In his first two years at Yale, Kushal Dev was affectionately called the Swing Guy because he spent so much time on the Silliman College courtyard swing.

He still loves that swing, but hes since earned additional renown in the college as founder of the Silliman Textbook Library a communal space housing over 1,000 textbooks that can be used by Yale students who cant afford them.His other extracurricular passions included singing in the a cappella group Out of the Blue and performing in Yale Movement, a K-Pop and urban dance group.

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Rachel Diaz, a graduating senior in Pauli Murray, came to Yale as a transfer student from a community college in Miami two and a half years ago.

If there was ever a face for imposter syndrome, said Diaz, a first-generation college student, I was probably it.

Yet she found her place on campus as a member of Sabrosura, Yales Latin dance team, performing and doing choreography for sold-out shows in the Off Broadway Theater on campus. The sounds of bachata, merengue, and salsa music on a show night reminded her of the sights and sounds of home, she said: Hearing my language and being around people who grew up with similar lifestyles helped me realize the importance of community.

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Hannah Dickson says her Yale years have been, in effect, a primer on leadership.

Not least due to her prominent roles in Davenport College, the graduating senior and Air Force ROTC cadet has learned and observed how organizations structure their operations, gather and assess data, and make all manner of decisions.

I wanted experiences that would give me insight into different branches of government and different institutions, said Dickson.

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In many ways, Joseph Doran was born to serve. And Trumbull College, Yale, and New Haven are all the better for the four years he spent at the university.

The native of northern Virginia graduates May 18 with degrees in economics and global affairs, and he hopes one day to serve his country as a foreign service officer in the U.S. State Department.

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His late fathers treasured saxophone was a constant in Christian Fernandezs life at Yale. Paying forward the support of the people who helped him succeed was another.

The instrument, a tenor saxophone that he played often, brought him joy and reminded him of his family in New Orleans.

Over the past four years, Fernandez has been a saxophonist or clarinetist in the Yale Precision Marching Band, Yale Concert Band, Yale Jazz Ensemble, and Tertulia the first and only campus salsa band among other groups.

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Claire Gorman 20 arrived on campus intent on studying computer science. As her Yale experience unfolded, she developed a love for architecture.

Embracing both interests, Gorman majored in computing and the arts. Her senior project merges machine learning and architectural theory to explore how cities and landscapes function and change over time.

My years at Yale have been the best of my life, said Gorman.Ive learned more there than I can articulate.

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Titilayo Mabogunje found her niche at Yale in both quiet spaces and public stages.

A major in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, Mabogunje spent hours working in Yales laboratories researching epilepsy and immunobiology. She also pursued her passion for the performing arts onstage, appearing at the Yale Cabaret, with the Yale dance group Steppin Out, as a spoken-word artist, and in a senior thesis production of Macbeth.

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Whether singing in the Alley Cats, Zooming with his first-years, or reading a peers thesis, Tyler Miles 20 makes it a priority to cultivate community.

In his own first year at Yale, Miles, an African American studies major from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, was inspired by a singing FroCo to join the Alley Cats, one of Yales oldest a cappella groups. Membership in the all-male group would help define Miles Yale experience.It was through the Alley Cats that Miles made some of his closest friends and favorite memories, and found a platform for charity work outside of Yale.

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Early in her time at Yale, Veena Muraleetharan discovered that one way to fight injustice is to wed scholarship and activism.

In high school, she became interested in reproductive justice the right of every individual to have autonomy over their own bodies and sexuality, to have or to not have children, and to parent those children in safe communities. As a first-year Yale student, she joined the undergraduate advocacy group Reproductive Justice Action League at Yale (RALY), which connected her with others on campus and throughout Connecticut. She eventually became RALYs co-president.

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Christina Pao 20 B.A./M.A. was committed to public service before the pandemic hit. By making inequalities more visible, she said, it has stoked her ambition to make the world a fairer place.

Pao, who is from Portland, Oregon, has spent her undergraduate years at Yale working to better understand how research specifically in the areas of migration and gender can drive evidence-based policy and mend inequalities, such as housing disparities and unequal worker protections. She recently completed a thesis on the gender politics of refugee integration in Germany, and will graduate with a B.A. in classics and a B.A./M.A. in political science.

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Elizabeth Ruddys bright college years have been filled with pirouettes, particles, and possibilities.

Ruddy, a graduating senior in Berkeley College, came to Yale from Needham, Massachusetts, with a determination to be open to new pursuits. Shed spent a fair amount of her childhood devoted to ballet; what else would she explore at Yale?

Plenty, as it happened.

Read more about Liz Ruddy

Hannah Steffke 20 B.S. was still new at Yale when she took organic chemistry. Something clicked.

Many chemistry courses later, Steffke, who would major in the subject, came to appreciate how chemistry can be used to solve global challenges. Chemistry allows us to look at some of the worlds biggest scientific challenges like climate change, cancer, and COVID-19 on their smallest level, Steffke said. Shes used chemistry at Yale to better understand everything from water purification, to antibiotic resistance and drug development.

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Yale College 2020: Meet some of the graduates - Yale News

Quantum Computing Market Growth Trends, Key Players, Analysis, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts to 2026 – News Distinct

1qb Information Technologies

Quantum Computing Market Competitive Analysis:

Consistent technological developments, surging industrialization, raw material affluence, increasing demand for the Quantum Computing , and rising disposable incomes, soaring product awareness are adding considerable revenue to the market. According to the report, the Quantum Computing market is expected to report a healthy CAGR from 2020 to 2026. Affairs such as product innovations, industrialization, increasing urbanization in the developing and developed countries are likely to boost market demand in the near future.

The report further sheds light on the current and forthcoming opportunities and challenges in the Quantum Computing market and provide succinct analysis that assists clients in improving their business gains. Potential market threats, risks, uncertainties, and obstacles are also highlighted in this report that helps market players to lower the possible losses to their Quantum Computing business. The report also employs various analytical models such as Porters Five Forces and SWOT analysis to evaluate several bargaining powers, threats, and opportunities in the market.

Quantum Computing Market Segments:

Moreover, the leading Quantum Computing manufacturers and companies are illuminated in the report with extensive market intelligence. The report enfolds detailed and precise assessments of companies based on their financial operations, revenue, market size, share, annual growth rates, production cost, sales volume, gross margins, and CAGR. Their manufacturing details are also enlightened in the report, which comprises analysis of their production processes, volume, product specifications, raw material sourcing, key vendors, clients, distribution networks, organizational structure, and global presence.

The report also underscores their strategics planning including mergers, acquisitions, ventures, partnerships, product launches, and brand developments. Additionally, the report renders the exhaustive analysis of crucial market segments, which includes Quantum Computing types, applications, and regions. The segmentation sections cover analytical and forecast details of each segment based on their profitability, global demand, current revue, and development prospects. The report further scrutinizes diverse regions including North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and South America. The report eventually helps clients in driving their Quantum Computing business wisely and building superior strategies for their Quantum Computing businesses.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Quantum Computing Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Quantum Computing Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Quantum Computing Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Quantum Computing Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Quantum Computing Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Quantum Computing Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview8.2 North America8.2.1 U.S.8.2.2 Canada8.2.3 Mexico8.3 Europe8.3.1 Germany8.3.2 U.K.8.3.3 France8.3.4 Rest of Europe8.4 Asia Pacific8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 India8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific8.5 Rest of the World8.5.1 Latin America8.5.2 Middle East

9 Quantum Computing Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview9.2 Company Market Ranking9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview10.1.2 Financial Performance10.1.3 Product Outlook10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Archer to work alongside IBM in progressing quantum computing – ZDNet

Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair and quantum technology manager Dr. Martin Fuechsle

Archer Materials has announced a new agreement with IBM which it hopes will advance quantum computing and progress work towards solutions for the greater adoption of the technology.

Joining the IBM Q Network, Archer will gain access to IBM's quantum computing expertise and resources, seeing the Sydney-based company use IBM's open-source software framework, Qiskit.

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Archer is the first Australian company that develops a quantum computing processor and hardware to join the IBM Q Network. The IBM Q Network provides access to the company's experts, developer tools, and cloud-based quantum systems through IBM Q Cloud.

"We are the first Australian company building a quantum chip to join into the global IBM Q Network as an ecosystem partner, a group of the very best organisations at the forefront of quantum computing." Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair said.

"Ultimately, we want Australian businesses and consumers to be one of the first beneficiaries of this exciting technology, and now that we are collaborating with IBM, it greatly increases our chances of success".

Archer is advancing the commercial readiness of its12CQ qubit processor chip technology towards a minimum viable product.

"We look forward to working with IBM and members of the network to address the most fundamental challenges to the wide-scale adoption of quantum computing, using our potentially complementary technologies as starting points," Choucair added.

In November, Archer said it was continuing to inch towards its goal of creating a room temperature quantum computer, announcing at the time it had assembled a three qubit array.

The company said it has placed three isolated qubits on a silicon wafer with metallic control electrodes being used for measurement. Archer has previously told ZDNet it conducts measurements by doing magnetic fields sweeps at microwave frequencies.

"The arrangement of the qubits was repeatable and reproducible, thereby allowing Archer to quickly build and test working prototypes of quantum information processing devices incorporating a number of qubits; individual qubits; or a combination of both, which is necessary to meet Archer's aim of building a chip for a practical quantum computer," the company said.

In August, the company said it hadassembled its first room-temperature quantum bit.

Archer is building chip prototypes at the Research and Prototype Foundry out of the University of Sydney's AU$150 million Sydney Nanoscience Hub.

2020s are the decade of commercial quantum computing, says IBM

IBM spent a great deal of time showing off its quantum-computing achievements at CES, but the technology is still in its very early stages.

What is quantum computing? Understanding the how, why and when of quantum computers

There are working machines today that perform some small part of what a full quantum computer may eventually do. But what are the real-world applications for quantum computing?

Quantum computing has arrived, but we still don't really know what to do with it

Even for a technology that makes a virtue of uncertainty, where quantum goes next is something of a mystery.

Quantum computing: Myths v. Realities (TechRepublic)

Futurist Isaac Arthur explains why quantum computing is a lot more complicated than classical computing.

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Archer to work alongside IBM in progressing quantum computing - ZDNet

Quantum AI in the 2020s and Beyond: What IBM Is Doing – RTInsights

The most important investments that IBM is making in quantum AI is to build out its developer and partner ecosystem and to provide them with sophisticated tools, libraries, and cloud services.

Quantum computing promises to accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) faster than the speed of light. But first, this futuristic technology must prove its worth as an alternative to more mature, traditional approaches to process data-driven statistical algorithms.

IBM continues to take a leadership position in quantum computing. Among other efforts, it is evangelizing quantum computing to developers of AI, deep learning, and machine learning applications.

Quantum computing might be capable, in its current form, of performing feats that are practically impossible for computers built on traditional von Neumann architectures. However, that has not been proven, and IBM isnt making this claim, often known as quantum supremacy, pertaining to its own quantum R&D efforts.

See also: Corner the Market: How AI and Quantum Computing will Revolutionize the Speed and Scale of Trading

In fact, IBM has taken a practical approach that keeps expectations for the technologys prowess in check. It has also been in the vanguard of debunking claims of this nature by other tech vendors. A recent case in point was Googles claim in fall 2019 that Sycamore, its 53-qubit quantum hardware platform, had completed a calculation in a few minutes that would have taken 10,000 for the worlds most powerful existing supercomputer, IBM Summit.

Googles benchmark didnt fall into any of thecore use casesincluding AI, optimization, simulation, or even cryptographyforwhich quantum computing might some day hold an advantage over classicalarchitectures. The proof of the pudding for AI is whether a computerbuilt on quantum principles can do data-driven algorithmic inferencing fasterthan a classical computer, or optimistically, faster than the fastestsupercomputers currently in existence.

For its own R&D efforts in this field, IBM is merely aiming at the more realistic goal of quantum advantage. This refers to any demonstration that a quantum device can solve a problem faster than a classical computer. Considering the range of commercial activity in this field, the likelihood that quantum architecture will soon show a clear performance advantage for core use casesespecially AIgrows by the day.

In that regard, we should the range of recent quantum productannouncements by IBM and other leading tech vendors all focus on AI use cases:

All of these vendors are building developer ecosystemsaround their various quantum computing platforms.

In January, IBM announced the expansion of Q Network, its 3-year-old quantum developer ecosystem. To encourage the development of practical quantum AI applications, IBM provides Q Network participants with Qiskit; IBM Quantum platform, which provides cloud-based software for developers to access IBM quantum computers anytime; and IBM Quantum Experience, a free, publicly available, and cloud-based environment for team exploration of quantum applications. Many of the workloads being run include AI, as well as real-time simulations of quantum computing architectures.

Another key industry milestone came in March when Google launched TensorFlow Quantum. This new software-only framework extends TensorFlow so that it can work with a wide range of quantum computing platforms, not limited to its own hardware, software, and cloud computing services.

As quantum techniques start to prove their practicality on core AI use cases, they will almost certainly be applied to AIs grand challenges.

At the level of pure computer/data science, AIs grandchallenges include neuromorphic cognitive models, adaptive machine learning,reasoning under uncertainty, representation of complex systems, andcollaborative problem solving.

We expect that quantum AI developers in the ecosystems ofIBM and its rivals will tackle all of these grand challenges using theirrespective quantum AI tools, libraries, and platforms.

The most important grand challenges for quantum AI will have compelling practical applications. Chief among these is trying to mitigate a key risk that quantum technology has itself unleashed on the world: the prospect that it might break public-key cryptography as we know it. Fortunately, IBM and others are making progress on developing quantum-resistant cryptographic schemes.

Though its not clear how much IBM is investing in the R&D needed to combat the technologys more malignant misuses, you best believe that they are deeply enmeshed in some fairly secretive projects in these domains.

Developers are everything to the future of quantum AI. Themost important investments that IBM is making in quantum AI is to build out itsdeveloper and partner ecosystem and to provide them with sophisticated butconsumable tools, libraries, and cloud services.

Among commercial solution providers, IBMs quantum developer ecosystem, Q Network, is the most mature and extensive. Lets hope that sometime this year IBM begins to support TensorFlow Quantum within Q Network and integrates it seamlessly into IBM Quantum Experience.

See the article here:

Quantum AI in the 2020s and Beyond: What IBM Is Doing - RTInsights

From 47,000 annually to 2 lakh daily, PPE production skyrockets – The Tribune India

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 10

There has been a massive spike in production of personal protection equipment (PPE) kits in the country following outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. From just 47,000 kits being produced annually, the output has gone up to about two lakh per day.

Stating this here today, Dr G Satheesh Reddy, Chairman, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said Covid-19 has provided a lot of opportunity for research and development and industrial production, but cautioned that delays in development is of no use.

He was addressing scientists and staff at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mohali, via video-conferencing on the occasion of the centers 32nd foundation day. Directors and scientists from various laboratories of the DRDO, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and other institutions also participated in the conference.

He also spoke about medical ventilators produced by the industry with assistance from the DRDO, which costs from Rs 1.5 to 4 lakh and have export potential.

Dr Reddy said the C-DAC, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, will be considered as an extended arm of the DRDO for undertaking applied research.

Lauding the role of the Mohali center in research and development in electronics and information technology, Dr Reddy said artificial intelligence tools developed by it would be required in all most every field.

Dr PK Khosla, Director, C-DAC, Mohali, gave an overview of the work done in the organisations four verticals healthcare technology, cyber security, e-governance and education and training. He also spoke about four new areas under focus, including artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, robotics and quantum computing.

Dr Hemant Darbari, Director General, C-DAC, spoke on e-Sanjeevni OPD, a recently launched national level telemedicine project rolled out by the C-DAC, Mohali. It has been extended to 15 states within three weeks and provides access to over a thousand doctors.

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From 47,000 annually to 2 lakh daily, PPE production skyrockets - The Tribune India

Quantum Computing Market New Technology Innovations, Advancements and Global Development Analysis 2020 to 2025 – Cole of Duty

The reportQuantum Computing Marketprovides a unique tool for evaluating the Market, highlighting opportunities, and supporting strategic and tactical decision-making. This report recognizes that in this rapidly-evolving and competitive environment, up-to-date marketing information is essential to monitor performance and make critical decisions for growth and profitability. It provides information on trends and developments, and focuses on markets capacities and on the changing structure of the Quantum Computing.

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Quantum computing is to develop advanced computer technology based on quantum mechanics and quantum theory. Quantum computers have been used for quantum computing that follows the concept of quantum physics. Quantum computing differs from classical computing in terms of speed, bits and data. Classical computing using two bits simply referred to as 0 and 1, while the use of quantum computing all the states in between 0 and 1, which helps in better results and higher speeds. Quantum computing has been used mostly in research to compare different solutions and find an optimal solution to a complex problem and has been used in sectors such as chemicals, utilities, defense, health and medicine and a variety of other sectors. quantum computing is used for applications such as cryptography, machine learning, algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum parallelism and others on the basis of the qubit technologies like super do qubits, qubit-qubit ion is trapped and semiconductors.

Top Companies in the Global Quantum Computing Market: D-Wave Systems, 1QB Information Technologies, QxBranch LLC, QC Ware Corp, Research at Google-Google

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Segmentation on the basis of Applications:

DefenseBanking & FinanceEnergy & PowerChemicalsHealthcare & Pharmaceuticals

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In conclusion, Quantum Computing market report presents the descriptive analysis of the parent market supported elite players, present, past and artistic movement information which is able to function a profitable guide for all the Quantum Computing Industry business competitors. Our expert research analysts team has been trained to provide in-depth market research report from every individual sector which will be helpful to understand the industry data in the most precise way.

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Quantum Computing Market New Technology Innovations, Advancements and Global Development Analysis 2020 to 2025 - Cole of Duty