Molecular computing: DNA-inspired advanced computers – The Hindu

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Researchers at Yale University have developed a single-molecule switch, a device that could be key to the future of molecular or small computers.

Single-molecule-electret, the switching device could serve as a platform for small non-volatile storage devices such as Read-only-memory (ROM). These small electronics are crucial to developing more advanced computers by replacing silicon chips with molecules.

Most electrets are made of materials that produce the sound in speakers and the pairs of opposite electric charges line up in the same direction. By applying an electric field, their directions can be reversed. The attempt has always been to make these electrets as small as possible.

Mark Reed, the Harold Hodgkinson Professor of Electrical Engineering & Applied Physics at Yale University demonstrated a single-molecule electret with a functional memory. His work, along with colleagues at Nanjing University, Renmin University, Xiamen University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, were published in Nature Nanotechnology.

What is Molecular Computing?

Molecular computing is the science of using DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology hardware to build a computer. Instead of using silicon, scientists attempt running software with liquids, test tubes and living cells to reduce the size of circuits as much as possible.

Why replace Silicon?

Silicon microprocessors have been around in the computing world for more than four decades. But to build smaller computers, circuits need to be miniaturized. So, while reducing the size of the circuits, current flowing through the transistor starts leaking into other components, thereby, faulting the circuit and making it useless.

So, researchers are highlighting the idea of molecular computing due to its potential to pack more circuitry at cheaper cost onto a microchip than silicon. Few nanometres in size, molecules make it possible to manufacture chip sets that can hold trillions of switches and components in them.

What can replace Silicon?

Scientists are working on different possibilities, including DNA to replace silicon for molecular computing. It could be a breakthrough technology since a single copy of DNA sequence is large enough to print an entire encyclopaedia out of it.

DNA computing came into light in 1994 when American computer scientist Loenard Adleman used tools of molecular biology to solve a difficult computational problem. It was said that the method had the potential to outperform electronic computers.

DNA enables scientists to manipulate its solutions and work on millions of strands together in the laboratory. Just as computer stores information in the form of bits, DNA molecules are nothing but strings of Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. These four bits together can hold large amount of data.

It could be interpreted as a software that builds a human being from a single cell. DNA holds no limit to power since more the number of molecules, greater is its strength. Unlike traditional computers, DNA computing can carry out million of operations at the same time.

For instance, a single cubic centimetre with 10 trillion DNA molecules could perform 10 trillion calculations at once while holding 10 terabytes of data. It is also viewed as a complement of quantum computing.

However, the number of possible solutions grow exponentially with the size of problems so even small problems would require large volumes of DNA to represent all possible answers.

Theres a long way to go before it could be achieved but the degree of miniaturization offered by DNA could be key to the future of molecular computing.

Along with DNA computing, others biological computing methods include membrane calculation, evolutionary calculation and virus calculation.

Where will it be used?

The early DNA computers are unlikely to replace silicon soon, but it will be used for advanced calculations and powerful computing by national governments. In addition to this, it could also lead to better understanding of other biological processes.

Read more from the original source:

Molecular computing: DNA-inspired advanced computers - The Hindu

Physicists Propose New Field of Study Related to Coherent Ising Machine – Business Wire

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NTT Research, Inc., a division of NTT (TYO:9432), today announced that Dr. Yoshihisa Yamamoto, the Director of its Physics and Informatics (PHI) Lab, along with colleagues at several academic institutions, has proposed an interdisciplinary research agenda that amounts to a new field of academic study. Their proposal, which arises in the course of addressing a fundamental research problem, appears in an article titled Coherent Ising Machines: Quantum optics and neural network perspectives, published as a Perspectives cover article in Applied Physics Letters (APL) (117 (16) (2020)). The collaborating authors from Stanford University are Drs. Surya Ganguli and Hideo Mabuchi, associate professor and professor, respectively, of applied physics in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University.

A Coherent Ising Machine (CIM) is a special-purpose processor designed to address particularly difficult types of problems that can be mapped to an Ising model, such as combinatorial optimization problems. The Ising model, named after the physicist Ernst Ising, consists of variables that represent interacting spins, i.e. forms of a fundamental particles angular momentum. A CIM is actually a network of optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and solves problems by finding the spin configuration that minimizes a problems Ising energy function. (Here is a visualization from MITs Lincoln Laboratory of how a CIM resolves the textbook combinatorial optimization problem of the traveling salesperson; potential current applications range from logistics to medicine to machine learning and beyond.) One condition for the optimal spin state is that it occur well above the lasing threshold, the point at which optical gain of the laser is balanced against its losses. A basic problem of the CIM, however, is that when the laser pump rate is increased from below to above threshold, the machine may be prevented from relaxing to true ground state, for reasons related to the behavior of eigenvectors with minimum values. This article explores two approaches to that problem. The first involves coherent spreading over local minima via quantum noise correlation; the second, implementing real-time error correction feedback. In their discussion of these approaches, the authors offer various perspectives based on a range of interdisciplinary viewpoints that span quantum optics, neural networks and message passing.

Along the way, write the co-authors in the article, we will touch upon connections between the CIM and foundational concepts spanning the fields of statistical physics, mathematics and computer science, including dynamical systems theory, bifurcation theory, chaos, spin glasses, belief propagation and survey propagation.

One reason for engaging in a cross-pollination of ideas across classical, quantum and neural approaches to combinatorial optimization is that, to date, CIM studies could be characterized as primarily experimentally-driven. Large-scale measurement feedback coupling coherent Ising machine (MFB-CIM) prototypes constructed by NTT Basic Research Laboratories are reaching levels of computational performance that, in a fundamental sense, we do not really understand, write the authors. That situation stands in marked contrast to that of mainstream quantum computing, in which laboratory efforts have lagged behind theoretical analyses.

We look forward to accelerated advancement of learning in both the theoretical and experimental studies of CIMs, said Dr. Yoshihisa Yamamoto, director of the PHI Lab at NTT Research, and one of the articles co-authors. Although there is no well-defined method for launching a new academic field of study, we see many rich possibilities for future interdisciplinary research, focused around a multifaceted theoretical and experimental approach to combinatorial optimization that unites perspectives from statistics, computer science, statistical physics and quantum optics, and we are grateful to the editors of APL for providing a forum from which to launch this proposal.

A publication of AIP Publishing, a wholly owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), APL features concise, up-to-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics. Perspectives are a new invitation-only article type for the journal, seeking personal views and scientific directions from experts in the field, said APL Editor-in-Chief Lesley F. Cohen. We are absolutely delighted that Dr. Yamamoto and his colleagues accepted our invitation to produce their fascinating and timely Perspective article on this emerging and important topic.

The NTT Research PHI Lab has itself already cast a wide net, as part of its long-range goal to radically redesign artificial computers, both classical and quantum. It has established joint research agreements with seven universities, one government agency and quantum computing software company, covering a wide range of topics. Those universities are California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Notre Dame University, Stanford University, Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Michigan. The government entity is NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, and the private company is 1QBit.

About NTT Research

NTT Research opened its Palo Alto offices in July 2019 as a new Silicon Valley startup to conduct basic research and advance technologies that promote positive change for humankind. Currently, three labs are housed at NTT Research: the Physics and Informatics (PHI) Lab, the Cryptography and Information Security (CIS) Lab, and the Medical and Health Informatics (MEI) Lab. The organization aims to upgrade reality in three areas: 1) quantum information, neuro-science and photonics; 2) cryptographic and information security; and 3) medical and health informatics. NTT Research is part of NTT, a global technology and business solutions provider with an annual R&D budget of $3.6 billion.

NTT and the NTT logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION and/or its affiliates. All other referenced product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 2020 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION

More here:

Physicists Propose New Field of Study Related to Coherent Ising Machine - Business Wire

Put Employees at the Center of Your Post-Pandemic Digital Strategy – Harvard Business Review

Executive Summary

Its time to rethink your digital strategy in the context of people. Its not just about adding new technologies like quantum computing, IoT, or AI, but how that tech will make your employees connect more effectively with their work. Its also time to shift from the here-and-now and look further out, revisiting your long-term strategies. To get the most out of your technology investments, you need to hit the pause button and think more about how you can connect your people to the goals you hope to achieve with that technology.

When the pandemic hit in March, many companies long-term plans and strategies were thrown out the window, as everyone from the frontlines to the C-suite shifted into fire-fighting mode. Many worked around the clock by leveraging remote technology. Its often been exhausting, as each day seems to bring new challenges and obstacles to overcome. As a result, the past six months have felt more like six years to a lot of us.

This pace isnt sustainable. While you may have needed your organization to run at 200 miles-per-hour as you learned to adjust to the new realities of the pandemic, youre now risking serious burnout among your team. Research shows that employees are reporting alarming levels of stress and fatigue, and the risk for depression among U.S. workers has risen by 102% as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is becoming a serious threat to organizations, including those who have already been forced to lay off staff or downsize. The paradox is that while many organizations have gained new efficiencies from embracing digital transformation using technologies such as Zoom to keep their workforce functioning remotely they may now risk losing their best employees, many of whom feel disconnected and disengaged in this new digital workplace. A recent survey from the consultancy KPMG found that losing talent is now the number one risk organizations face.

Thats why its time to rethink your digital strategy in the context of people. Its not just about adding new technologies like quantum computing, IoT, or AI, but how that tech will make your employees connect more effectively with their work. Its also time to shift from the here-and-now and look further out, revisiting your long-term strategies. To get the most out of your technology investments, you need to hit the pause button and think more about how you can connect your people to the goals you hope to achieve with that technology.

Over the course of my career, Ive studied more than 1,000 organizations and have coached more than 100 organizations that have undergone significant transformations. Over the past five years, Ive been particularly interested in the impact of DT and how organizations can leverage technology for growth. What Ive learned is that most digital transformation efforts fail often spectacularly which leads to hundreds of billions of dollars in wasted investment and the deterioration of employee engagement.

My mission has been to help coach organizations to achieve more positive outcomes through their digital transformation efforts. More recently, Ive been researching how the model I developed last year a transformation framework in partnership with the Project Management Institute (PMI), called The Brightline Transformation Framework can be applied to Covid-19 and its impact on organizational efforts to embrace digital transformation.

Specifically, this approach aligns the inside-out which means aligning every employees most important personal aspiration with the outside-in, where employees understand and embrace the companys strategic vision, so that everyone is working toward the same objectives.

Outside-In Approach. Employees must first understand and embrace the companys north star, including customer insights and megatrends, so everyone is working toward the same objectives.

Inside-Out Approach. Aligning every employees purpose or personal north star with those of the company includes:

Taking this approach is more relevant than ever in the wake of the pandemic, as it emphasizes that employees personal goals and engagement are the critical factors underpinning every successful transformation much more so than other elements like technology or business processes.

For organizations to thrive in a post-Covid world, while simultaneously tackling the challenges of burnout and the threat to employee retention, there is an urgent need to rethink these two key areas:

1. Bring the Outside In

The pandemic has changed the landscape of many industries ecosystems leading to an existential crisis for many organizations. Consider Airbnb, whose business suffered a loss of a billion dollars due to guest cancellations all while paying out some $250 million to compensate their hosts for their losses. The company now recognizes that nothing will ever be the same again. To help engage their team in adjusting to the new realities of the marketplace, the leadership team embarked on an outside-in transformation exercise that helped them identify their new north star; the transformational goal they wanted to achieve that could help propel the company forward for the long run.

As CEO Brian Chesky framed it, the companys new goal was to get back to our roots, back to the basics, back to what is truly special about Airbnb everyday people who host their homes and offer experiences. One of the trends Chesky and his team identified was that, as a result of the pandemic, there is a growing acceptance that people can now work from anywhere which could open up new opportunities to service customers interested in traveling and experiencing unique communities and cultures for an extended time. At the same time, the company has begun winding down activities that werent core to the business such as scaling back on investments in transports, hotels, and luxury properties.

2. Align Your Inside-Out with the Outside-In

Once Airbnb had established where it wanted to go, the company embarked on an inside-out journey with its employees helping them connect to the companys new north star by creating personal/team vision statements that aligned with the greater goal to help create the human connections that so many people miss these days. The idea was to enlist employees help in rebuilding the business, and to enlist their feedback on how they could directly impact the companys efforts to scale and prosper again.

Another Outside-In/Inside-Out transformation effort has been occurring at Kasikornbank (KBank), one of the largest banks in Thailand. [Disclosure: they are a client of mine.] The companys north star was not only to save jobs they kept all their workers during the pandemic but also to save their customers: small and medium-sized businesses. KBank and its employees worked closely with thousands of their clients to help them weather the storm by offering to delay their loan payments, as long as those businesses also avoided layoffs the kind of program usually only initiated by governments. Its estimated that KBanks efforts saved some 41,000 jobs, which gave their employees a sense of purpose, confidence, and loyalty as a result of their organization making such a positive difference to their country.

Covid-19 has taught us how connected and integrated we all are with each other and with the communities in which we operate. Its now time to give your employees the opportunity to understand how your organizations north star aligns with their desire to contribute to a meaningful cause. Thats how you get them to re-engage while recharging their emotional energy stores. The longer you wait to make these connections, the more your organization is at risk of losing the human capital it requires to thrive into the future, regardless of how much you spend on technology.

Read more:

Put Employees at the Center of Your Post-Pandemic Digital Strategy - Harvard Business Review

Bringing the promise of quantum computing to nuclear physics – MSUToday

Quantum mechanics, the physics of atoms and subatomic particles, can be strange, especially compared to the everyday physics of Isaac Newtons falling apples. But this unusual science is enabling researchers to develop new ideas and tools, including quantum computers, that can help demystify the quantum realm and solve complex everyday problems.

Thats the goal behind a new U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) grant, awarded to Michigan State University (MSU) researchers, led by physicists at Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). Working with Los Alamos National Laboratory, the team is developing algorithms essentially programming instructions for quantum computers to help these machines address problems that are difficult for conventional computers. For example, problems like explaining the fundamental quantum science that keeps an atomic nucleus from falling apart.

The $750,000 award, provided by the Office of Nuclear Physics within DOE-SC, is the latest in a growing list of grants supporting MSU researchers developing new quantum theories and technology.

The aim is to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum simulation algorithms, thereby providing new insights on their applicability for future studies of nuclei and nuclear matter, said principal investigator Morten Hjorth-Jensen, an FRIB researcher who is also a professor in MSUs Department of Physics and Astronomy and a professor of physics at the University of Oslo in Norway.

Morten Hjorth-Jensen (Credit: Hilde Lynnebakken)

Although this grant focuses on nuclear physics, the algorithms it yields could benefit other fields looking to use quantum computings promise to more rapidly solve complicated problems. This includes scientific disciplines such as chemistry and materials science, but also areas such as banking, logistics, and data analytics.

There is a lot of potential for transferring what we are developing into other fields, Hjorth-Jensen said. Hopefully, our results will lead to an increased interest in theoretical and experimentaldevelopments of quantum information technologies. All the algorithms developed as part of this work will be publicly available, he added.

What makes quantum computers attractive tools for these applications is a freedom afforded by quantum mechanics.

Classical computers are constrained to a binary system of zeros and ones with transistors that are either off or on. The restrictions on quantum computers are looser.

Instead of transistors, quantum computers use technology called qubits (pronounced q-bits) that can be both on and off at the same time. Not somewhere in between, but in both opposite states at once.

Combined with the proper algorithms, this freedom enables quantum computers to run certain calculations much faster than their classical counterparts. The type of calculations, for instance, capable of helping scientists explain precisely how swarms of elementary particles known as quarks and gluons hold atomic nuclei together.

"It is really hard to do those problems, said Huey-Wen Lin, a co-investigator on the grant. I dont see a way to solve them any time soon with classical computers.

Huey-Wen Lin

Lin is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering at MSU.

She added that quantum computers wont solve these problems immediately, either. But the timescales could be measured in years rather than careers.

Hjorth-Jensen believes this project will also help accelerate MSUs collaborations in quantum computing. Formally, this grant supports a collaboration of eight MSU researchers and staff scientist Patrick Coles at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

But Hjorth-Jensen hopes the project will spark more discussions and forge deeper connections with the growing community of quantum experts across campus and prepare the next generation of researchers. The grant will also open up new opportunities in quantum computing training for MSU students who are studying in the nations top-ranked nuclear physics graduate program.

The grant, titled From Quarks to Stars: A Quantum Computing Approach to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem, was awarded as part of Quantum Horizons: Quantum Information Systems Research and Innovation for Nuclear Science," a funding opportunity issued by DOE-SC.

Hjorth-Jensen and Lin are joined on this grant by their MSU colleagues Alexei Bazavov and Matthew Hirn from the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering; Scott Bogner, Heiko Hergert, Dean Lee and Andrea Shindler from FRIB, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Hirn is also an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics.

MSU is establishing FRIB as a new user facility for the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Under construction on campus and operated by MSU, FRIB will enable scientists to make discoveries about the properties of rare isotopes in order to better understand the physics of nuclei, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, and applications for society, including in medicine, homeland security, and industry.

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of todays most pressing challenges. For more information, visit

Read the rest here:

Bringing the promise of quantum computing to nuclear physics - MSUToday

4 Reasons Why Now Is the Best Time to Start With Quantum Computing – Medium

Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field, with everyone trying to build the perfect hardware, find new applications for current algorithms, or even develop new algorithms. Because of that, the near-future demand for quantum programmers and researchers will increase shortly.

Many governmental and industrial institutions have set aside substantial funds to develop quantum technologies. The Quantum Daily (TQD) estimated the current market for quantum computing to be around $235 million. This number is predicted to grow substantially to $6.25 billion by 2025.

This incredible amount of funds leads to an increase in the number of academia, government, and industry positions. Almost all technology companies are changing their business model to adapt to when quantum technology makes an impact.

TQD also adds that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that in 2020 so far, there are around 1.4 million more quantum software development jobs than applicants who can fill them.

In 2019, MIT published an article called Q&A: The talent shortage in quantum computing that addressed the different challenges the field faces right now. Afterward, it developed MIT xPRO, a group addressing the reality that students arent the only people interested in learning about the different aspects of quantum information.

Read more from the original source:

4 Reasons Why Now Is the Best Time to Start With Quantum Computing - Medium

Quantum computing: Photon startup lights up the future of computers and cryptography – ZDNet

A fast-growing UK startup is quietly making strides in the promising field of quantum photonics. Cambridge-based company Nu Quantum is building devices that can emit and detect quantum particles of light, called single photons. With a freshly secured 2.1 million ($2.71 million) seed investment, these devices could one day underpin sophisticated quantum photonic systems, for applications ranging from quantum communications to quantum computing.

The company is developing high-performance light-emitting and light-detecting components, which operate at the single-photon level and at ambient temperature, and is building a business based on the combination of quantum optics, semiconductor photonics, and information theory, spun out of the University of Cambridge after eight years of research at the Cavendish Laboratory.

"Any quantum photonic system will start with a source of single photons, and end with a detector of single photons," Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, the CEO of Nu Quantum, tells ZDNet. "These technologies are different things, but we are bringing them together as two ends of a system. Being able to controllably do that is our main focus."

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As Palacios-Berraquero stresses, even generating single quantum particles of light is very technically demanding.

In fact, even the few quantum computers that exist today, which were designed by companies such as Google and IBM, rely on the quantum states of matter, rather than light. In other words, the superconducting qubits that can be found in those tech giants' devices rely on electrons, not photons.

Yet the superconducting qubits found in current quantum computers are, famously, very unstable. The devices have to operate in temperatures colder than those found in deep space to function, because thermal vibrations can cause qubits to fall from their quantum state. On top of impracticality, this also means that it is a huge challenge to scale up the number of qubits in the computer.

A photonic quantum computer could have huge advantages over its matter-based counterpart. Photons are much less prone to interact with their environment, which means they can retain their quantum state for much longer and over long distances. A photonic quantum computer could, in theory, operate at room temperature and as a result, scale up much faster.

The whole challenge comes from creating the first quantum photon, explains Palacios-Berraquero. "Being able to emit one photon at a time is a ground-breaking achievement. In fact, it has become the Holy Grail of quantum optics."

"But I worked on generating single photons for my PhD. That's the IP I brought to the table."

Carmen Palacios-Berraquero and the Nu Quantum team just secured a 2.1 million ($2.71 million) seed investment.

Combined with improved technologies in the fields of nanoscale semi-conductor fabrication, Palacios-Berraquero and her team set off to crack the single-photon generation problem.

Nu Quantum's products come in the form of two little boxes: the first one generates the single photons that can be used to build quantum systems for various applications, and the other measures the quantum signals emitted by the first one. The technology, maintains the startup CEO, is bringing quantum one step closer to commercialization and adoption.

"Between the source and the detector of single photons, many things can happen, from the simplest to the most complex," explains Palacios-Berraquero. "The most complex one being a photonic quantum computer, in which you have thousands of photons on one side and thousands of detectors on the other. And in the middle, of course, you have gates, and entanglement, and and, and and. But that's the most complex example."

A photonic quantum computer is still a very long-term ambition of the startup CEO. A simpler application, which Nu Quantum is already working on delivering commercially with the UK's National Physical Laboratory, is quantum random number generation a technology that can significantly boost the security of cryptographic keys that secure data.

The keys that are currently used to encrypt the data exchanged between two parties are generated thanks to classical algorithms. Classical computing is deterministic: a given input will always produce the same output, meaning that complete randomness is fundamentally impossible. As a result, classical algorithms are predictable to an extent. In cryptography, this means that security keys can be cracked fairly easily, given sufficient computing power.

Not so much with quantum. A fundamental property of quantum photons is that they behave randomly: for example, if a single photon is sent down a path that separates in two ways, there is no way of knowing deterministically which way the particle will choose to go through.

SEE: What is the quantum internet? Everything you need to know about the weird future of quantum networks

The technology that Nu Quantum is developing with the National Physical Laboratory, therefore, consists of a source of single photons, two detectors, and a two-way path linking the three devices. "If we say the right detector is a 1, and the left detector is a 0, you end up with a string of numbers that's totally random," says Palacios-Berraquero. "The more random, the more unpredictable the key is, and the more secure the encryption."

Nu Quantum is now focusing on commercializing quantum random number generation, but the objective is to build up systems that are increasingly complex as the technology improves. Palacios-Berraquero expects that in four or five years, the company will be able to start focusing on the next step.

One day, she hopes, Nu Quantum's devices could be used to connect quantum devices in a quantum internet a decade-long project contemplated by scientists in the US, the EU, and China, which would tap the laws of quantum mechanics to almost literally teleport some quantum information from one quantum device to the next. Doing so is likely to require single photons to be generated and distributed between senders and receivers, because of the light particles' capacity to travel longer distances.

In the shorter term, the startup will be focusing on investing the seed money it has just raised. On the radar, is a brand-new lab and headquarters in Cambridge, and tripling the size of the team with a recruitment drive for scientists, product team members and business functions.

View post:

Quantum computing: Photon startup lights up the future of computers and cryptography - ZDNet

What is Quantum Computing, and How does it Help Us? – Analytics Insight

The term quantum computing gained momentum in the late 20thcentury. These systems aim to utilize these capabilities to become highly-efficient. They use quantum bits or qubits instead of the simple manipulation of ones and zeros in existing binary-based computers. These qubits also have a third state called superposition that simultaneously represents a one or a zero. Instead of analyzing a one or a zero sequentially, superposition allows two qubits in superposition to represent four scenarios at the same time. So we are at the cusp of a computing revolution where future systems have capability beyond mathematical calculations and algorithms.

Quantum computers also follow the principle of entanglement, which Albert Einstein had referred to as spooky action at a distance. Entanglement refers to the observation that the state of particles from the same quantum system cannot be described independently of each other. Even when they are separated by great distances, they are still part of the same system.

Several nations, giant tech firms, universities, and startups are currently exploring quantum computing and its range of potential applications. IBM, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and other companies are investing heavilyin developing large-scale quantum computing hardware and software. Google and UCSB have a partnership to develop a 50 qubits computer, as it would represent 10,000,000,000,000,000 numbers that would take a modern computer petabyte-scale memory to store. A petabyte is the unit above a terabyte and represents 1,024 terabytes. It is also equivalent to 4,000 digital photos taken every day. Meanwhile, names like Rigetti Computing, D-Wave Systems, 1Qbit Information Technologies, Inc., Quantum Circuits, Inc., QC Ware, Zapata Computing, Inc. are emerging as bigger players in quantum computing.

IEEE Standards Association Quantum Computing Working Group is developing two technical standards for quantum computing. One is for quantum computing definitions and nomenclature, so we can all speak the same language. The other addresses performance metrics and performance benchmarking to measure quantum computers performance against classical computers and, ultimately, each other. If required, new standards will also be added with time.

The rapid growth in the quantum tech sector over the past five years has been exciting. This is because quantum computing presents immense potential. For instance, a quantum system can be useful for scientists for conducting virtual experiments and sifting through vast amounts of data. Quantum algorithms like quantum parallelism can perform a large number of computations simultaneously. In contrast, quantum interference will combine their results into something meaningful and can be measured according to quantum mechanics laws. Even Chinese scientists are looking to developquantum internet, which shall be a more secure communication system in which information is stored and transmitted withadvanced cryptography.

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University used quantum algorithms to transform MRI scans for cancer, allowing the scans to be performed three times faster and to improve their quality by 30%. In practice, this can mean patients wont need to be sedated to stay still for the length of an MRI, and physicians could track the success of chemotherapy at the earliest stages of treatment.

Laboratoire de Photonique Numrique et Nanosciences of France has built a hybrid device that pairs a quantum accelerometer with a classical one and uses a high-pass filter to subtract the classical data from the quantum data. This has the potential to offer an highly precise quantum compass that would eliminate the bias and scale factor drifts commonly associated with gyroscopic components. Meanwhile, the University of Bristolhas founded a quantum solution for increasing security threats. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine are working to uncover the potential quantum computers hold to help understand genetic diseases.Scientists are also using quantum computing to find a vaccine for COVID and other life-threatening diseases.

In July 2017, in collaboration with commercial photonics tools providerM Squared, QuantIC demonstrated how a quantum gravimeter detects the presence of deeply hidden objects by measuring disturbances in the gravitational field. If such a device becomes practical and portable, the team believes it could become invaluable in an early warning system for predicting seismic events and tsunamis.

Read more here:

What is Quantum Computing, and How does it Help Us? - Analytics Insight

The Coding School, IBM Quantum Provide Free Quantum Education to 5,000 Students Around the World – PRNewswire

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The Coding Schoolis collaborating with IBM Quantumto offer a first-of-its-kind quantum computing course for 5,000 high school students and above, designed to make quantum education globally accessible and to provide high-quality virtual STEM education. To ensure an equitable future quantum workforce, the course is free. Students can apply here.

"While quantum computing will revolutionize the world, few opportunities exist to make quantum accessible to K-12 students or the general population today," notes Kiera Peltz, the founder and executive director of The Coding School. "We are proud to collaborate with IBM Quantum, a global leader in quantum computing, to ensure the next generation is equipped with the skills necessary for the future of work."

The course, Qubit by Qubit's Introduction to Quantum Computing, will run for a full academic year, from October 2020 to May 2021, and consists of weekly live lectures, labs, and problem sets. Students are eligible to receive high school course credit for this course. The course is University of California A-G accreditedand is in the process of WASC accreditation. In addition to students registering independently, TCS is working with high schools to offer this course during the school day, making it the first time quantum computing is widely available as a for-credit course at the high school level.

Taught live by MIT and Oxford University quantum scientists, the course has been developed for students with no prior quantum computing experience and introduces students to the foundational concepts of quantum computing, including quantum mechanics, quantum information and computation, and quantum algorithms. Students will work with Qiskit, an open-source quantum software development kit, and the IBM Quantum Experienceplatform to run quantum circuits on real quantum computers. Lead instructors are Francisca Vasconcelos, a Rhodes Scholar and MIT graduate, and Amir Karamlou, a Graduate Fellow in MIT's Engineering Quantum Systems group.

"This year, more than ever before, students and educators are moving beyond the traditional classroom setting to online platforms like The Coding School," said Liz Durst, Director, IBM Quantum & Qiskit Community. "While this is a great challenge, IBM Quantum is excited to sponsor 5,000 studentsfrom around the world who are curious about quantum computing to start learning as early as high school about the fundamentals of how to program real quantum processors. We're proud to be collaborating with the Qubit by Qubit initiative on this Introduction to Quantum Computing course, working together to deliver a community-based approach to learning with our own best educational experts, tools, and resources such as the Qiskit Textbook."

Beyond increasing accessibility to quantum education, TCS and IBM Quantum are dedicated to ensuring the future quantum workforce is diverse and inclusive. Prior quantum courses by TCS have had over 70 percent students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in STEM. For this year-long course, students have already registered from over 60 countries. Students from communities traditionally underrepresented in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply, and high school students will be prioritized.

"I am eager to share my appreciation of this nascent field with students, especially those at the high school level," said Vasconcelos. "Through this TCS and IBM Quantum collaboration, we are training a diverse global cohort of future quantum engineers, researchers, and business leaders."

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The course starts on Oct. 18, 2020. Learn more about the program and apply here.

High schools interested in partnering with TCS to offer this program for free as a for-credit or after-school enrichment course should email [emailprotected].

About The Coding School:

About TCS: Qubit by Qubit (QxQ) is an initiative of The Coding School, a 501(c)(3) tech education nonprofit. Founded in 2014, TCS has taught over 15,000 students from 60+ countries how to code. To learn more, visit:

About IBM Quantum

IBM Quantum is an industry-first initiative to build quantum systems for business and science applications. For more information about IBM's quantum computing efforts, please visit

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The Coding School, IBM Quantum Provide Free Quantum Education to 5,000 Students Around the World - PRNewswire

Canadian quantum computing firms partner to spread the technology – IT World Canada

In a bid to accelerate this countrys efforts in quantum computing, 24 Canadian hardware and software companies specializing in the field are launching an association this week to help their work get commercialized.

Called Quantum Industry Canada, the group says they represent Canadas most commercial-ready technologies, covering applications in quantum computing, sensing, communications, and quantum-safe cryptography.

The group includes Burnaby, B.C., manufacturer D-Wave Systems, Vancouver software developer 1Qbit, Torontos photonic quantum computer maker Xanadu Quantum Technologies, the Canadian division of software maker Zapata Computing, Waterloo, Ont.,-based ISARA which makes quantum-safe solutions and others.

The quantum opportunity has been brewing for many years, association co-chair Michele Mosca of the University of Waterloos Institute for Quantum Computing and the co-founder of two quantum startups, said in an interview, explaining why the new group is starting now. Canadas been a global leader at building up the global opportunity, the science, the workforce, and we didnt want this chance to pass. Weve got over 24 innovative companies, and we wanted to work together to make these companies a commercial success globally.

Its also important to get Canada known as a leader in quantum-related products and services, he added. This will help assure a strong domestic quantum industry as we enter the final stages of quantum readiness.

And while quantum computing is a fundamental new tool, Mosca said, its also important for Canadian organizations to start planning for a quantum computing future, even if the real business value isnt obvious. We dont know exactly when youll get the real business advantage you want to be ready for when quantum computers can give you an advantage.

Adib Ghubril, research director at Toronto-based Info-Tech Research Group, said in an interview creation of such a group is needed. When you want to foster innovation you want to gain critical mass, a certain number of people working in different disciplines it will help motivate them, even maybe compete.

Researchers from startups and even giants like Google, Microsoft, Honeywell and IBM have been throwing billions at creating quantum computers. So are countries, especially China, but also Australia, the U.K., Germany and Switzerland. Many big-name firms are touting projects with experimental equipment, or hybrid hardware that does accelerated computations but dont meet the standard definition of a quantum computer.

True quantum computers may be a decade off, some suggest. Ghubril thinks were 15 years from what he calls reliable, effective quantum computing. Still, last December IDC predicted that by 2023, one-quarter of the Fortune Global 500 will gain a competitive advantage from emerging quantum computing solutions.

Among the recent signposts:

Briefly, quantum computers take the theory of quantum mechanics to change the world of traditional computation of bits represented by zeros and ones. Instead, a bit can be a zero or a one. In a quantum computer, such basic elements are called qubits. With their expected ability to do astonishing fast computations, quantum computers may be able to help pharmaceutical companies create new drugs and nation-states to break encryption protecting government secrets.

Companies are taking different approaches. D-Wave uses a quantum annealing process to make machines it says are suited to solving real-world computing problems today. Xanadu uses what Mosca calls a more circuit-type computing architecture. Theres certainly the potential that some of the nearer-term technologies will offer businesses advantage, especially as they scale.

We know the road towards a full-fledged quantum computer is long. But there are amazing milestones in that direction.

Ghubril says Canada is in the leading pack of countries working on quantum computing. The momentum out of China is enormous, he said, but it looks like the country will focus on using quantum for telecommunications and not business solutions.

From his point of view companies are taking two approaches to quantum computers. Some, like D-Wave, are trying to use quantum ideas to optimize solving modelling problems. The problem is not every problem is an optimization problem, he said. Other companies are trying for the Grand Poobah the real (quantum) computer. So the IBMs of the world are going for the gusto. They want the real deal. They want to solve the material chemistry and biosynthesis and so on. Theyve gone big, but by doing so theyve gone slower. You cant do much on the IBM platform. You can learn a lot, but you cant do much. You can do more on a D-Wave, but you can only do one thing.

Ghburil encourages companies to dabble in the emerging technology.

Thats Infotechs recommendation: Just learn about it. Join a forum, open an account, try a few things. Nobody is going to gain a (financial) competitive advantage. Its a learning advantage.

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Canadian quantum computing firms partner to spread the technology - IT World Canada

Algorithm Fast-Forwards Quantum Simulations To Solve Out-of-Reach Problems – Technology Networks

A new algorithm that fast forwards simulations could bring greater use ability to current and near-term quantum computers, opening the way for applications to run past strict time limits that hamper many quantum calculations.

"Quantum computers have a limited time to perform calculations before their useful quantum nature, which we call coherence, breaks down," said Andrew Sornborger of the Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and senior author on a paper announcing the research. "With a new algorithm we have developed and tested, we will be able to fast forward quantum simulations to solve problems that were previously out of reach."

Computers built of quantum components, known as qubits, can potentially solve extremely difficult problems that exceed the capabilities of even the most powerful modern supercomputers. Applications include faster analysis of large data sets, drug development, and unraveling the mysteries of superconductivity, to name a few of the possibilities that could lead to major technological and scientific breakthroughs in the near future.

Recent experiments have demonstrated the potential for quantum computers to solve problems in seconds that would take the best conventional computer millennia to complete. The challenge remains, however, to ensure a quantum computer can run meaningful simulations before quantum coherence breaks down.

"We use machine learning to create a quantum circuit that can approximate a large number of quantum simulation operations all at once," said Sornborger. "The result is a quantum simulator that replaces a sequence of calculations with a single, rapid operation that can complete before quantum coherence breaks down."

The Variational Fast Forwarding (VFF) algorithm that the Los Alamos researchers developed is a hybrid combining aspects of classical and quantum computing. Although well-established theorems exclude the potential of general fast forwarding with absolute fidelity for arbitrary quantum simulations, the researchers get around the problem by tolerating small calculation errors for intermediate times in order to provide useful, if slightly imperfect, predictions.

In principle, the approach allows scientists to quantum-mechanically simulate a system for as long as they like. Practically speaking, the errors that build up as simulation times increase limits potential calculations. Still, the algorithm allows simulations far beyond the time scales that quantum computers can achieve without the VFF algorithm.

One quirk of the process is that it takes twice as many qubits to fast forward a calculation than would make up the quantum computer being fast forwarded. In the newly published paper, for example, the research group confirmed their approach by implementing a VFF algorithm on a two qubit computer to fast forward the calculations that would be performed in a one qubit quantum simulation.

In future work, the Los Alamos researchers plan to explore the limits of the VFF algorithm by increasing the number of qubits they fast forward, and checking the extent to which they can fast forward systems. The research was published September 18, 2020 in the journal npj Quantum Information.

Reference: Crstoiu C, Holmes Z, Iosue J, Cincio L, Coles PJ, Sornborger A. Variational fast forwarding for quantum simulation beyond the coherence time. npj Quantum Information. 2020;6(1):1-10. doi:10.1038/s41534-020-00302-0

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

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Algorithm Fast-Forwards Quantum Simulations To Solve Out-of-Reach Problems - Technology Networks

Race for quantum supremacy gathers momentum with several companies joining bandwagon, says GlobalData – Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

Kiran Raj, Principal Disruptive Tech Analyst at GlobalData, comments: Qubits can allow to create algorithms for the completion of a task with reduced computational complexity that cannot be achieved with traditional bits. Given such advantages, quantum computers can solve some of the intractable problems in cybersecurity, drug research, financial modelling, traffic optimization and batteries to name a few.

An analysis of GlobalDatas Disruptor Intelligence Center reveals various companies in the race to monetize quantum computing as an everyday tool for business.

IBM's latest quantum computer, accessible via cloud, boasts a 65-qubit Hummingbird chip. It is an advanced version of System Q, its first commercial quantum computer launched in 2019 that has 20 qubits. IBM plans to launch a 1,000-qubit system by the end of 2023.

Alphabet has built a 54-qubit processor Sycamore and demonstrated its quantum supremacy by performing a task of generating a random number in 200 seconds, which it claims would take the most advanced supercomputer 10,000 years to finish the task. The company also unveiled its newest 72-qubit quantum computer Bristlecone.

Alibabas cloud service subsidiary Aliyun and the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly launched an 11-qubit quantum computing service, which is available to the public on its quantum computing cloud platform. Alibaba is the second enterprise to offer the service to public after IBM.

Not just big technology companies, well-funded startups have also targeted the quantum computing space to develop hardware, algorithms and security applications. Some of them are Rigetti, Xanadu, 1Qbit, IonQ, ISARA, Q-CTRL and QxBranch.

Amazon, unlike the tech companies competing to launch quantum computers, is making quantum products of other companies available to users via Braket. It currently supports quantum computing services from D-Wave, IonQ and Rigetti.

Mr Raj concludes: Albeit a far cry from the large-scale mainstream use, quantum computers are gearing up to be a transformative reality. They are highly expensive to build and it is hard to maintain the delicate state of superposition and entanglement of qubits. Despite such challenges, quantum computers will continue to progress into the future where companies may rent them to solve everyday problems the way they currently rent cloud services. It may not come as a surprise that quantum computing one day replaces artificial intelligence as the mainstream technology to help industries tackle problems they never would have attempted to solve before.

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Race for quantum supremacy gathers momentum with several companies joining bandwagon, says GlobalData - Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market:Revenue Gross, Demand, End-Users, Key Players, Top Competition, Growth & Forecast Insights till…

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Production Analysis and Geographical Market Performance Forecast

The most recent Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Research study includes some noteworthy developments with accurate market estimates. It presents a thorough analysis dependent on an extensive research of the various market elements like development situation, market size, potential opportunities, trend analysis, and operational landscape. This market analysis centers on the Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense market business status, presents worth and volume, consumers, market product type, key players, and regional analysis.

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The market study on the global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market profiles some of the leading companies. It provides a brief account of companies operational structure and mentions their strategic initiatives. Analysts have also provided complete information about their existing products and the ones in the pipeline and overview of the research and development statuses of products in these companies.

The prominent players covered in this report: D-Wave Systems Inc, Qxbranch LLC, IBM Corporation, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1qb Information Technologies Inc., QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc., Station Q-Microsoft Corporation, and Rigetti Computing

The Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market report covers the growth prospects and market landscape. After studying the key companies, the market analysis focuses on the new entrants and challenges they could face along with market competition. The research throws light on different facets of the market to determine weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and limitations affecting the growth of the Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market.

The report studies the companies in the Global Market that are currently adopting new technological trends in the market. The market is segmented into By Component (Hardware, Software, Services), By Application (QKD, Quantum Cryptanalysis, Quantum Sensing, Naval)

The scope of the Report:

The research report includes a segmentation of the global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market on the basis of technology, application, end users, and region. Each segment gives crucial insights on the market. It delves deeper into the environmental concerns and the changing political scenario that will influence the future of the market.

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Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market:Revenue Gross, Demand, End-Users, Key Players, Top Competition, Growth & Forecast Insights till...

All together now: Experiments with twisted 2D materials catch electrons behaving collectively – UW News

Engineering | News releases | Research | Science

October 6, 2020

Aerial shot of the University of Washingtons Seattle campus.Mark Stone/University of Washington

Scientists can have ambitious goals: curing disease, exploring distant worlds, clean-energy revolutions. In physics and materials research, some of these ambitious goals are to make ordinary-sounding objects with extraordinary properties: wires that can transport power without any energy loss, or quantum computers that can perform complex calculations that todays computers cannot achieve. And the emerging workbenches for the experiments that gradually move us toward these goals are 2D materials sheets of material that are a single layer of atoms thick.

In a paper published Sept. 14 in the journal Nature Physics, a team led by the University of Washington reports that carefully constructed stacks of graphene a 2D form of carbon can exhibit highly correlated electron properties. The team also found evidence that this type of collective behavior likely relates to the emergence of exotic magnetic states.

Weve created an experimental setup that allows us to manipulate electrons in the graphene layers in a number of exciting new ways, said co-senior author Matthew Yankowitz, a UW assistant professor of physics and of materials science and engineering, as well as a faculty researcher at the UWClean Energy Institute.

Yankowitz led the team with co-senior author Xiaodong Xu, a UW professor of physics and of materials science and engineering. Xu is also a faculty researcher with the UW Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute, the UW Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems and the Clean Energy Institute.

Since 2D materials are one layer of atoms thick, bonds between atoms only form in two dimensions and particles like electrons can only move like pieces on a board game: side-to-side, front-to-back or diagonally, but not up or down. These restrictions can imbue 2D materials with properties that their 3D counterparts lack, and scientists have been probing 2D sheets of different materials to characterize and understand these potentially useful qualities.

But over the past decade, scientists like Yankowitz have also started layering 2D materials like a stack of pancakes and have discovered that, if stacked and rotated in a particular configuration and exposed to extremely low temperatures, these layers can exhibit exotic and unexpected properties.

Illustration of a moir pattern that emerges upon stacking and rotating two sheets of bilayer graphene. Correlated electronic states with magnetic ordering emerge in twisted double bilayer graphene over a small range of twist angles, and can be tuned with gating and electric field.Matthew Yankowitz

The UW team worked with building blocks of bilayer graphene: two sheets of graphene naturally layered together. They stacked one bilayer on top of another for a total of four graphene layers and twisted them so that the layout of carbon atoms between the two bilayers were slightly out of alignment. Past research has shown that introducing these small twist angles between single layers or bilayers of graphene can have big consequences for the behavior of their electrons. With specific configurations of the electric field and charge distribution across the stacked bilayers, electrons display highly correlated behaviors. In other words, they all start doing the same thing or displaying the same properties at the same time.

In these instances, it no longer makes sense to describe what an individual electron is doing, but what all electrons are doing at once, said Yankowitz.

Its like having a room full of people in which a change in any one persons behavior will cause everyone else to react similarly, said lead author Minhao He, a UW doctoral student in physics and a former Clean Energy Institute fellow.

Quantum mechanics underlies these correlated properties, and since the stacked graphene bilayers have a density of more than 1012, or one trillion, electrons per square centimeter, a lot of electrons are behaving collectively.

Optical microscopy image of a twisted double bilayer graphene device.Matthew Yankowitz

The team sought to unravel some of the mysteries of the correlated states in their experimental setup. At temperatures of just a few degrees above absolute zero, the team discovered that they could tune the system into a type of correlated insulating state where it would conduct no electrical charge. Near these insulating states, the team found pockets of highly conducting states with features resembling superconductivity.

Though other teams have recently reported these states, the origins of these features remained a mystery. But the UW teams work has found evidence for a possible explanation. They found that these states appeared to be driven by a quantum mechanical property of electrons called spin a type of angular momentum. In regions near the correlated insulating states, they found evidence that all the electron spins spontaneously align. This may indicate that, near the regions showing correlated insulating states, a form of ferromagnetism is emerging not superconductivity. But additional experiments would need to verify this.

These discoveries are the latest example of the many surprises that are in store when conducting experiments with 2D materials.

Much of what were doing in this line of research is to try to create, understand and control emerging electronic states, which can be either correlated or topological, or possess both properties, said Xu. There could be a lot we can do with these states down the road a form of quantum computing, a new energy-harvesting device, or some new types of sensors, for example and frankly we wont know until we try.

In the meantime, expect stacks, bilayers and twist angles to keep making waves.

Co-authors are UW researchers Yuhao Li and Yang Liu; UW physics doctoral student and Clean Energy Institute fellow Jiaqi Cai; and K. Watanabe and T. Taniguchi with the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan. The research was funded by the UW Molecular Engineering Materials Center, a National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center; the China Scholarship Council; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan; and the Japan Science and Technology Agency.


For more information, contact Xu at and Yankowitz at

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All together now: Experiments with twisted 2D materials catch electrons behaving collectively - UW News

Quantum Computing Market : Advancements and Efficient Clinical Outcomes would Drive the Industry Growth with Top Key Player’s Analysis – The Daily…

Kenneth Research has published a detailed report on Quantum Computing Market which has been categorized by market size, growth indicators and encompasses detailed market analysis on macro trends and region-wise growth in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa region. The report also includes the challenges that are affecting the growth of the industry and offers strategic evaluation that is required to boost the growth of the market over the period of 2019-2026.

The report covers the forecast and analysis of the Quantum Computing Market on a global and regional level. The study provides historical data from 2015 to 2019 along with a forecast from 2019-2026 based on revenue (USD Million). In 2018, the worldwide GDP stood at USD 84,740.3 Billion as compared to the GDP of USD 80,144.5 Billion in 2017, marked a growth of 5.73% in 2018 over previous year according to the data quoted by International Monetary Fund. This is likely to impel the growth of Quantum Computing Marketover the period 2019-2026.

The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry.

Request To Download Sample of This Strategic Report: report provides a unique tool for evaluating the Market, highlighting opportunities, and supporting strategic and tactical decision-making. This report recognizes that in this rapidly-evolving and competitive environment, up-to-date marketing information is essential to monitor performance and make critical decisions for growth and profitability. It provides information on trends and developments, and focuses on markets capacities and on the changing structure of the Quantum Computing.

The quantum annealing category held the largest share under the technology segment in 2019. This is attributed to successful overcoming of physical challenges to develop this technology and further incorporated in bigger systems. The BFSI category held the largest share in the quantum computing market in 2019. This is owing to the fact that the industry is growing positively across the globe, and large banks are focusing on investing in this potential technology that can enable them to streamline their business processes, along with unbeatable levels of security

Automotive to lead quantum computing market for consulting solutions during forecast periodAmong the end-user industries considered, space and defense is the largest contributor to the overall quantum computing market, and it is expected to account for a maximum share of the market in 2019. The need for secure communications and data transfer, with the demand in faster data operations, is expected to boost the demand for quantum computing consulting solutions in this industry. The market for the automotive industry is expected to grow at the highest CAGR

Quantum computing can best be defined as the use of the attributes and principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations and solve problems. The global market for quantum computing is being driven largely by the desire to increase the capability of modeling and simulating complex data, improve the efficiency or optimization of systems or processes, and solve problems with more precision. A quantum system can process and analyze all data simultaneously and then return the best solution, along with thousands of close alternatives all within microseconds, according to a new report from Tractica.

2018 was a growth year for the market, as businesses from the BFSI sector showed tremendous interest in quantum computing and the trend is likely to continue in 2019 and beyond. Moreover, the public sector presents significant growth opportunity for the market. In the forthcoming years, the application opportunities for quantum computing is expected to expand further, which may lead to a higher commercial interest in the technology.

Market SegmentationThe report focuses on the following end-user sectors and applications for quantum computing:By Based on offering*Consulting solutions*Systems

By End-user sectors*Government.*Academic.*Healthcare.*Military.*Geology/energy.*Information technology.*Transport/logistics.*Finance/economics.*Meteorology.*Chemicals.

By Applications*Basic research.*Quantum simulation.*Optimization problems.*Sampling.

By Regional AnanlysisNorth America*U.S.*Canada

Europe*Germany*UK*France*Italy*Spain*Belgium*Russia*Netherlands*Rest of Europe

Asia-Pacific*China*India*Japan*Korea*Singapore*Malaysia*Indonesia*Thailand*Philippines*Rest of Asia-Pacific

Latin America*Brazil*Mexico*Argentina*Rest of LATAM

Middle East & Africa*UAE*Saudi Arabia*South Africa*Rest of MEA

The quantum computing market is highly competitive with high strategic stakes and product differentiation. Some of the key market players include International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Telstra Corporation Limited, IonQ Inc., Silicon Quantum Computing, Huawei Investment & Holding Co. Ltd., Alphabet Inc., Rigetti & Co Inc., Microsoft Corporation, D-Wave Systems Inc., Zapata Computing Inc., and Intel Corporation.

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Competitive Analysis:The Quantum Computing Market report examines competitive scenario by analyzing key players in the market. The company profiling of leading market players is included in this report with Porters five forces analysis and Value Chain analysis. Further, the strategies exercised by the companies for expansion of business through mergers, acquisitions, and other business development measures are discussed in the report. The financial parameters which are assessed include the sales, profits and the overall revenue generated by the key players of Market.

About Kenneth Research:

Kenneth Research is a reselling agency which focuses on multi-client market research database. The primary goal of the agency is to help industry professionals including various individuals and organizations gain an extra edge of competitiveness and help them identify the market trends and scope. The quality reports provided by the agency aims to make decision making easier for industry professionals and take firm decisions which helps them to form strategies after complete assessment of the market. Some of the industries under focus include healthcare & pharmaceuticals, ICT & Telecom, automotive and transportation, energy and power, chemicals, FMCG, food and beverages, aerospace and defense and others. Kenneth Research also focuses on strategic business consultancy services and offers a single platform for the best industry market research reports.

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Quantum Computing Market : Advancements and Efficient Clinical Outcomes would Drive the Industry Growth with Top Key Player's Analysis - The Daily...

Eight trends accelerating the age of commercial-ready quantum computing – TechCrunch

Ethan BatraskiContributor

Ethan Batraski is a partner at Venrock, where he invests across sectors with a particular focus on hard engineering problems such as developer infrastructure, advanced computing and space.

Every major technology breakthrough of our era has gone through a similar cycle in pursuit of turning fiction to reality.

It starts in the stages of scientific discovery, a pursuit of principle against a theory, a recursive process of hypothesis-experiment. Success of the proof of principle stage graduates to becoming a tractable engineering problem, where the path to getting to a systemized, reproducible, predictable system is generally known and de-risked. Lastly, once successfully engineered to the performance requirements, focus shifts to repeatable manufacturing and scale, simplifying designs for production.

Since theorized by Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin, quantum computing has been thought to be in a perpetual state of scientific discovery. Occasionally reaching proof of principle on a particular architecture or approach, but never able to overcome the engineering challenges to move forward.

Thats until now. In the last 12 months, we have seen several meaningful breakthroughs from academia, venture-backed companies, and industry that looks to have broken through the remaining challenges along the scientific discovery curve. Moving quantum computing from science fiction that has always been five to seven years away, to a tractable engineering problem, ready to solve meaningful problems in the real world.

Companies such as Atom Computing* leveraging neutral atoms for wireless qubit control, Honeywells trapped ions approach, and Googles superconducting metals, have demonstrated first-ever results, setting the stage for the first commercial generation of working quantum computers.

While early and noisy, these systems, even at just 40-80 error-corrected qubit range, may be able to deliver capabilities that surpass those of classical computers. Accelerating our ability to perform better in areas such as thermodynamic predictions, chemical reactions, resource optimizations and financial predictions.

As a number of key technology and ecosystem breakthroughs begin to converge, the next 12-18 months will be nothing short of a watershed moment for quantum computing.

Here are eight emerging trends and predictions that will accelerate quantum computing readiness for the commercial market in 2021 and beyond:

1. Dark horses of QC emerge: 2020 will be the year of dark horses in the QC race. These new entrants will demonstrate dominant architectures with 100-200 individually controlled and maintained qubits, at 99.9% fidelities, with millisecond to seconds coherence times that represent 2x-3x improved qubit power, fidelity and coherence times. These dark horses, many venture-backed, will finally prove that resources and capital are not sole catalysts for a technological breakthrough in quantum computing.

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Eight trends accelerating the age of commercial-ready quantum computing - TechCrunch

Quantum Computing and the evolving cybersecurity threat – Security Boulevard

Where would we be without computers? Whether giving us the chance to work remotely, work on files with colleagues in real time, or for recreational activities like streaming there can be no doubt that computing devices have changed the way we go about our day-to-day lives.

However, while more traditional computers are great for completing run-of-the-mill tasks, there are many more complex problems in the world that these machines will struggle to solve. For problems above a certain size and complexity, traditional machines simply dont have enough computational power to tackle them. To put this in perspective, Fugaku, the worlds fastest supercomputer is over 1,000 times faster than a regular computer, and, in 2019 Google claimed its Sycamore quantum processor was more than a billion times faster at solving problems than a supercomputer.

Given their processing superiority, if we want to have a chance at solving some of the worlds most complex issues, we must look to quantum computers.

Understanding Quantum Computing

In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, quantum computing leverages the substantial mechanics principles of superposition and entanglement in order to create states that scale exponentially with the number of quantum bits or qubits. Rather than just being on or off, qubits can also be in whats called superposition where theyre both on and off at the same time, or somewhere on a spectrum between the two.

Put more simply, for scientists to properly simulate scientific situations, the calculations they make on a computer must be able to handle uncertainty in the way that traditional, and even supercomputers cant. This is the key characteristic of quantum computing.

Today, real quantum processors are used by researchers from all over the world to test out algorithms for applications in a variety of fields. Indeed, these computers may soon be able to spur the development of new breakthroughs in science, medication for currently incurable diseases, discovering materials to make more efficient devices and structures like more powerful solar panels as well as creating algorithms to quickly direct resources to where they are needed, such as ambulances.

Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity

However, not only do these machines have to be protected from hackers, they themselves could also pose a threat to digital life as we know it.

Right now, for example, cyberattacks can be carried out with relative ease, due to the fact many organisations do not have protections in place for their confidential information. As such, placing a much greater emphasis on improving the security of communications and data storage is crucial for guaranteeing the protection of sensitive information for states, private entities and individuals, than say 20 years ago. However, if quantum computers can launch attacks that break asymmetric cryptography, they then render the entire PKI-based encryption method we currently use to protect our sensitive information, obsolete. Which begs the question: Then what?

To take advantage of the time quantum computers will be able to break such systems, some countries are already beginning to collect encrypted foreign communications, with the expectation that they will be able to extract valuable secrets from that data in the future. Indeed, countries need to be aware that when quantum cryptanalysis does become available, it will significantly affect international relations by making any broadcast communications in the state open to decryption. For countries that extensively rely on encryption to secure military operations, diplomatic correspondence or other sensitive data, this could be a watershed event.

As quantum computers continue to improve, businesses and the general public will become increasingly aware of the threat cryptographic systems pose to all digital security globally. The ability to update cryptographic algorithms, keys and certificates quickly in response to advances in cracking techniques and processing speed will therefore be key.

To prepare for these inevitable cryptographic updates, more enterprises than ever will need to explore automation as a critical component for ensuring future-proofed security. Quantum resistant communication technology will soon be an inevitable part of cybersecurity mitigation.

Business and technology strategists must monitor progress on the evolution and potential implications of quantum computing starting now. Confidential data, over-the-air software updates, identity management systems, connected devices, and anything else with long-term security obligations must be made quantum safe before large quantum computers are developed and are reliable, meaning their error rates are low.

We have announced collaborations with ISARA Corporation and ID Quantique to make quantum-safe crypto more widely available for data protection in the cloud, applications and networks. Innovations like these can help combat the future security threats of quantum computing. With governments and organisations, such as NIST, racing to become cryptographically quantum resilient, readying enterprises for this change has never been more important.

You can find out more information on our quantum cybersecurity solutions here and if you have any other questions please feel free to tweet us @ThalesDigiSec.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Enterprise Security Thales blog authored by Aline Gouget. Read the original post at:

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Quantum Computing and the evolving cybersecurity threat - Security Boulevard

QUANTUM COMPUTING : Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, (form 10-Q) –

This quarterly report on Form 10-Q and other reports filed Quantum Computing,Inc. (the "Company" "we", "our", and "us") from time to time with the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") contain or may containforward-looking statements and information that are based upon beliefs of, andinformation currently available to, the Company's management as well asestimates and assumptions made by Company's management. Readers are cautionednot to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are onlypredictions and speak only as of the date hereof. When used in the filings, thewords "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "future," "intend," "plan,"or the negative of these terms and similar expressions as they relate to theCompany or the Company's management identify forward-looking statements. Suchstatements reflect the current view of the Company with respect to future eventsand are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors,including the risks contained in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company'sAnnual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, relatingto the Company's industry, the Company's operations and results of operations,and any businesses that the Company may acquire. Should one or more of theserisks or uncertainties materialize, or should the underlying assumptions proveincorrect, actual results may differ significantly from those anticipated,believed, estimated, expected, intended, or planned.Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in theforward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot guarantee futureresults, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. Except as required byapplicable law, including the securities laws of the United States, the Companydoes not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements to conform thesestatements to actual results.Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principlesgenerally accepted in the United States ("GAAP"). These accounting principlesrequire us to make certain estimates, judgments and assumptions. We believe thatthe estimates, judgments and assumptions upon which we rely are reasonable basedupon information available to us at the time that these estimates, judgments andassumptions are made. These estimates, judgments and assumptions can affect thereported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the financialstatements as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during theperiods presented. Our financial statements would be affected to the extentthere are material differences between these estimates and actual results. Inmany cases, the accounting treatment of a particular transaction is specificallydictated by GAAP and does not require management's judgment in its application.There are also areas in which management's judgment in selecting any availablealternative would not produce a materially different result. The followingdiscussion should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and notesthereto appearing elsewhere in this report.OverviewAt the present time, we are a development stage company with limitedoperations. The Company is currently developing "quantum ready" softwareapplications and solutions for companies that want to leverage the promise ofquantum computing. We believe the quantum computer holds the potential todisrupt several global industries. Independent of when quantum computingdelivers compelling performance advantage over classic computing, the softwaretools and applications to accelerate real-world problems must be developed todeliver quantum computing's full promise. We specialize in quantumcomputer-ready software application, analytics, and tools, with a mission todeliver differentiated performance using non-quantum processors in thenear-term.We are leveraging our collective expertise in finance, computing, mathematicsand physics to develop a suite of quantum software applications that may enableglobal industries to utilize quantum computers, quantum annealers and digitalsimulators to improve their processes, profitability, and security. We primarilyfocus on the quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) formulation,which is equivalent to the Ising model implemented by hardware annealers, bothnon-quantum from Fujitsu and others and quantum from D-Wave Systems, and alsomappable to gate-model quantum processors. We have built a software stack thatmaps and optimizes problems in the QUBO form and then solves them powerfully oncloud-based processors. Our software is designed to be capable of running onboth classic computers and on annealers such as D-Wave's quantum processor. Weare also building applications and analytics that deliver the power of oursoftware stack to high-value discrete optimization problems posed by financial,bio/pharma, and cybersecurity analysts. The advantages our software delivers canbe faster time-to-solution to the same results, more-optimal solutions, ormultiple solutions. 19

Products and Products in Development

The Company is currently working on software products to address, communitydetection (analysis for pharmaceutical applications and epidemiology),optimization of job shop scheduling, logistics, and dynamic route optimizationfor transportation systems. The Company is continuing to seek out difficultproblems for which our technology may provide improvement over existingsolutions.

We are continuing to develop software to address two classes of financialoptimization problems: Asset allocation and Yield Curve Trades. For assetallocation, our target clients are the asset allocation departments of largefunds, who we envision using our application to improve their allocation ofcapital into various asset classes.

Three Months Ended June 30, 2020 vs. June 30, 2019

Gross margin for the three months ended June 30, 2020 was $0 as compared with $0for the comparable prior year period. There was no gross margin because theCompany has not yet commenced marketing and selling products or services.

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 vs. June 30, 2019

Gross margin for the Six months ended June 30, 2020 was $0 as compared with $0for the comparable prior year period. There was no gross margin because theCompany has not yet commenced marketing and selling products or services.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The following table summarizes total current assets, liabilities and workingcapital at June 30, 2020, compared to December 31, 2019:

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

We have identified the accounting policies below as critical to our businessoperations and the understanding of our results of operations.

The Company's policy is to present bank balances under cash and cashequivalents, which at times, may exceed federally insured limits. The Companyhas not experienced any losses in such accounts.

Net loss per share is based on the weighted average number of common shares andcommon shares equivalents outstanding during the period.

Edgar Online, source Glimpses

Original post:

QUANTUM COMPUTING : Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, (form 10-Q) -

Why global collaboration is key to Accelerated Discovery – World Economic Forum

A short line down, slow and steady, followed by five more to complete a perfect hexagon.

As a 15-year-old in Madrid, I loved my science classes. I had a particularly inspiring chemistry teacher who challenged us to memorize the entire periodic table. I cherished going to the labs, experimenting with bubbly liquids changing color as I heated up my flask steamy substances changing phase before my eyes and drawing funny stick diagrams of molecules.

Decades later, in 2015, I would see the same perfect hexagon in an image of a molecule taken with the Nobel Prize-winning scanning tunneling microscope designed by IBM in the early 1980s. As a teenager, I believed stick diagrams were platonic ideals, an easy way to represent the realm of the small. And here I was, staring at a very real molecule of pentacene a row of five hexagons. I was transported back to my teenage years, when I peeked into the future. Suddenly, the future was right there in front of me.

Today, the lead scientist of that project, IBM Research chemist Leo Gross, and other researchers around the world routinely image molecules. They can even snap a picture as molecules change their charge state, and before and after a chemical reaction.

But its not just chemical imaging thats making leaps and bounds. The entire scientific method is getting turbocharged. Thats partly due to cutting-edge tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computers futuristic machines that look like steampunk golden chandeliers. Its also due to the changing way we do science. At last, the world is starting to grasp the importance of public-private collaborations to scientific discovery. And the COVID-19 pandemic is a catalyst to several such successful global partnerships.

We should keep the momentum. Classical high-performance computers (HPC), AI and quantum computing on their own are powerful, but the potential is even greater. To truly embrace the Future of Computing, policymakers, industry and academia have to create an infrastructure in which these technologies work together, boosting and complementing each other.

At the nodes of this infrastructure should be strategic national and international partnerships, with industry, academia and governments working jointly to accelerate progress, better prepare for and address global threats, and improve the world. We need more scientists in leadership positions in government and industry. And we need to ensure seamless links between policymakers and researchers, in regular times and during global emergencies.

One global collaboration we should create is what I suggest calling the Science Readiness Reserves (SRR). This organization would help rapidly mobilize researchers who are experts in various global disasters, connecting scientists worldwide with organizations that have cutting-edge technology, such as supercomputers or quantum computers.

The impact will touch every sector of our society and economy. We have all the ingredients to make it happen: bits, neurons and qubits. The secret sauce? They have to work together.

IBM Q System One, the world's first fully integrated universal quantum computing system

Image: IBM

Take pentacene, that simple molecule I once loved to draw, five perfect hexagons connected side to side. With 22 electrons and 22 orbitals, its among the most complex molecules we can simulate on a traditional, classical computer.

But there are billions upon billions of molecular configurations more possible combinations for a new molecule than there are atoms in the universe.

Sifting effectively through this vast chemical space would allow us to rapidly find a specific molecule and create a new material with the properties we want. This could unlock endless possibilities of material design for life-saving drugs, better batteries, more advanced prosthetic limbs or faster and safer cars, advancing healthcare, manufacturing, defense, biotechnology, communications and nearly every other industry. This design ability would replace our centuries-old reliance on serendipity in material discovery something weve been through with plastics, Teflon, Velcro, Vaseline, vulcanized rubber and so many other breakthroughs. Even graphene the atom-thick layer of carbon and the thinnest, strongest material known was discovered by (informed) chance, when physicist Kostya Novoselov found discarded Scotch tape in his labs waste basket.

Material design has long been a slow and iterative process. Typically, researchers jog between experiments, theory and simulations between a computer, perfecting calculations that approximate the behavior of unknown molecules, and a lab, to test if the molecules work as predicted, in a seemingly never-ending loop. Yes, high-performance computing (HPC) can simulate simple physical and chemical processes. Yes, advances in HPC have helped us pinpoint potentially useful molecules for lab tests. And yes, AI is increasingly valuable in screening novel high-performance materials, creating models to assess the relationship between the behavior of matter and its chemical structure, predicting properties of unknown substances and combing through previously published papers.

Still, it takes years to develop new materials. We need to inject quantum into the mix and get bits, neurons and qubits to play side by side.

We all deal with bits daily, from toddlers aptly manipulating tablets to autonomous robots clearing up the site of a nuclear power plant accident. Bits power smartphones, the brain scanner in our local hospital and a remotely controlled NASA rover on Mars. Artificial neurons, on the other hand, are mathematical functions that help AIs deep neural networks learn complex patterns, loosely mimicking natural neurons our brains nerve cells.

Then there are qubits, the fundamental units of information. They are bits oddball and much younger quantum cousins. Qubits behave just like atoms, with weird properties of superposition (being in multiple states at once) and entanglement (when one qubit changes its state at the same time as its entangled partner, even if they are light years apart). While a classical computer has to sift through potential combinations of values of a bit (0 or 1), one at a time, a quantum computer can make an exponential number of states interact simultaneously.

Molecules are groups of atoms held together by chemical bonds, and qubits are a great way to simulate a molecules behavior. For material design, quantum computing will add an invaluable extra dimension: accurate simulations of much more complex molecular systems.

Beyond material discovery, quantum computers will be a boon in any field where its necessary to predict the best outcome based on many possibilities, such as calculating the investment risk of a financial portfolio or the most optimal fuel-saving path for a passenger jet. This technology is just entering the phase of commercialization, accessible and programmable through the cloud.

At IBM, we believe quantum computers will reach the so-called quantum advantage outperforming any classical computer in certain use cases within this decade.

At IBM, we believe quantum computers will reach the so-called quantum advantage outperforming any classical computer in certain use cases within this decade.

When that happens, the world will no longer be the same provided we dont forget the secret sauce. Bits, neurons and qubits are powerful on their own, but working together, they will trigger a true technology revolution enabling a new Accelerated Discovery workflow, the default scientific method of the future.

In healthcare, this will impact drug discovery and lead to better personalized medicine, more efficient bioprinting of organs and rapidly developed vaccines. AI is already helping classical computers speed up medical imaging, diagnosis and data analysis. Quantum computers could, in the future, assist AI algorithms to find new patterns by exploring extremely high dimensional feature spaces, impacting fields like imaging and pathology. Together, HPC, AI and quantum computers have the potential to help us deal with dwindling food supplies, pollution, CO2 capture, energy storage and climate change. And this method will complement our own assessments of the risks of global threats that havent happened yet but could at any time.

This brings me to the other element needed to achieve the Future of Computing: national and international collaborations.

The pandemic has shown that public-private collaborations work, even when composed of industry rivals. Formed in March 2020, the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium brought together government, industry leaders and academic labs to pool computing resources to support scientists conducting COVID-19 research. The collaboration also offers critical data sharing and creativity exchange.

This is the kind of collaboration we need on a global scale, beyond pandemics. The boost to the scientific method powered by quantum, HPC and AI can help address and improve many elements of society, from cybersecurity to entertainment to manufacturing. It is time to also reimagine how we use the talent in our science and technology institutions, and explore new ways to foster collaboration. This is why the proposed Science Readiness Reserves could be so important.

Science is vital to our future prosperity and health. It always has been, and always will be. If ever we needed a wake-up call to recognize the urgency of science and the power of collaboration, the time is now.

The World Economic Forum was the first to draw the worlds attention to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the current period of unprecedented change driven by rapid technological advances. Policies, norms and regulations have not been able to keep up with the pace of innovation, creating a growing need to fill this gap.

The Forum established the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network in 2017 to ensure that new and emerging technologies will helpnot harmhumanity in the future. Headquartered in San Francisco, the network launched centres in China, India and Japan in 2018 and is rapidly establishing locally-run Affiliate Centres in many countries around the world.

The global network is working closely with partners from government, business, academia and civil society to co-design and pilot agile frameworks for governing new and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, blockchain, data policy, digital trade, drones, internet of things (IoT), precision medicine and environmental innovations.

Learn more about the groundbreaking work that the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network is doing to prepare us for the future.

Want to help us shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Contact us to find out how you can become a member or partner.

Read more:

Why global collaboration is key to Accelerated Discovery - World Economic Forum

7 Quantum Computing Stocks to Buy for the Next 10 Years – InvestorPlace

Quantum computing or the use of quantum mechanics to create a genre of next-generation quantum computers with nearly unlimited compute power has long been a concept stuck in the theory phase.

But quantum computing is starting to grow up. Recent breakthroughs in this emerging field such as Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG, NASDAQ:GOOGL) claiming to achieve quantum supremacy in late 2019 have laid the foundation for the quantum computing space to go from theory, to reality, over the next several years. This transition will spark huge growth in the global quantum computing market.

The investment implication?

Its time to buy quantum computing stocks.

At scale, quantum computing will disrupt nearly every industry in the world, ranging from finance, to biotechnology, to cybersecurity, and everything in between.

It will improve the way medicines are developed by simulating molecular processes. It will reduce energy loss in batteries through optimized routing and design, thereby allowing for the creation of things like hyper-efficient electric car batteries. In finance, it will speed up and optimize portfolio optimization, risk modeling and derivatives creation. In cybersecurity, it will disrupt the way we think about encryption. It will create superior weather forecasting models, unlock advancements in autonomous vehicle technology and help humans fight climate change.

Im not kidding when I say quantum computing will change everything.

And quantum computing stocks are positioned to be big winners over the next decade.

So, with that in mind, here are seven quantum computing stocks to buy for the next 10 years:

Source: rvlsoft /

Among the various quantum computing stocks to buy for the next 10 years, the best buy is probably Alphabet stock.

That is because many many consider Alphabets quantum computing arm Google AI Quantum, which is built on the back of a state-of-the-art 54-qubit processor dubbed Sycamore to be the leading quantum computing project in the world. Why? This thinking is bolstered mostly by the fact that, in late 2019, Sycamore performed a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken the worlds most powerful supercomputers 10,000 years to perform.

This achievement led Alphabet to claim that Sycamore had reached quantum supremacy. What does this mean? Well, this benchmark is loosely defined as point when a quantum computer can perform a task in a relatively short amount of time that no other supercomputer could complete in any reasonable amount of time.

Many have since debated whether or not Alphabet has indeed reached quantum supremacy.

But thats somewhat of a moot point.

The reality is that Alphabet has built the worlds leading quantum computer. The engineering surrounding this supercomputer will only get better. So will Sycamores compute power. As that happens, Alphabet has the ability to through its Google Cloud business turn Sycamore into a market-leading quantum-computing-as-a-service business with huge revenues at scale.

To that end, GOOG stock is one of the best quantum computing stocks to buy today for the next 10 years.

Source: JHVEPhoto /

The other big dog in the quantum computing space that closely rivals Alphabet is IBM.

IBM has been big in the quantum computing space for years. But Big Blue has attacked this space in a fundamentally different way than its peers.

That is, while other quantum computing players like Alphabet have forever chased quantum supremacy, IBM has shunned that idea in favor of building on something the company calls the quantum advantage.

Ostensibly, the quantum advantage really isnt too different from quantum supremacy. The former deals with a continuum focused on making quantum computers perform certain tasks faster than traditional computers. The latter deals with a moment focused on making quantum computers permanently faster at all things than traditional computers.

But its a philosophical difference with huge implications. By focusing on building the quantum advantage, IBM is specializing its quantum computing efforts into making quantum computing measurably useful and economic in certain industry verticals, for certain tasks.

In so doing, IBM is actually creating a fairly straightforward go-to market strategy for its quantum computing services in the long run. Help this industry, do this task, really well.

And so, with such a realizable, simple and tangible approach, IBM stock is one of the most sure-fire quantum computing stocks to buy today for the next 10 years.

Source: NYCStock /

Another big tech player in the quantum computing space with promising long-term potential is Microsoft.

Microsoft already has a huge infrastructure cloud business, Azure. Building on that infrastructure foundation, Microsoft has launched Azure Quantum, a quantum computing business with potential to turn into a huge QCaaS business at scale.

In its current state, Azure Quantum is a secure, stable and open ecosystem which serves as a one-stop-shop for quantum computing software, hardware and applications.

The bull thesis here is that Microsoft will lean into its already huge Azure customer base in order to cross-sell Azure Quantum. Doing so will give Azure Quantum a big and long runway for widespread early adoption, which is the first step in turning Azure Quantum into a huge QCaaS business.

It also helps that Microsofts core Azure business is absolutely on fire right now.

Putting it all together, quantum computing is simply one facet of the much broader Microsoft enterprise cloud growth narrative. That growth narrative will remain robust for the next several years. And it will continue to support further gains in MSFT stock.

Source: Shutterstock

The most interesting, smallest and potentially most explosive quantum computing stock on this list is Quantum Computing.

The Quantum Computing bull thesis is fairly simple.

Quantum computing is going to change everything over the next several years. But the hardware is expensive. It likely wont be ready to deliver measurable benefits at reasonable costs to average customers for several years. So, Quantum Computing is building a portfolio of affordable quantum computing software and apps that deliver quantum compute power, but can be run on traditional legacy supercomputers.

In so doing, Quantum Computing is hoping to fill the gap and turn into a widespread, low-cost provider of easily accessible quantum computing software for companies that cannot afford full-scale quantum compute hardware.

Quantum Computing is just starting to commercialize this software in 2020, through three products currently in beta mode. Those three products will likely start signing up financial, healthcare and government customers to long-term contracts in the back half of the year. Those early signups could be the beginning of tens of thousands of companies signing up for Quantums services over the next five to 10 years.

Connecting the dots, you really could see this company go from zero dollars in revenue today, to several hundred million dollars in revenue in the foreseeable future.

If that happens, QUBT stock which has a market capitalization of just $12 million today could soar.

Source: Kevin Chen Photography /

Much like the other big tech players on this space, Alibaba is in the business of creating a robust QCaaS arm to complement its already huge infrastructure-as-a-service business.

Long story short, Alibaba is the leading public cloud provider in China. Indeed, Alibaba Cloud owns about 10% of the global IaaS market. Alibaba intends to leverage this leadership position to cross-sell quantum compute services to its huge existing client base, and eventually turn into the largest QCaaS player in China, too.

Will it work?


The Great Tech Wall of China will prevent many of the other companies on this list from reaching scale, or even sustainably doing operations in, China. Alibaba does have some in-country quantum computing competition. But this isnt a winner-take-all market. And given Alibabas enormous resource advantages, it is highly likely that the company eventually turns into either the No. 1 or No. 2 player in Chinas quantum computing market.

Thats just another reason to buy and hold BABA stock for the long haul.

Source: StreetVJ /

The other big Chinese tech company diving head-first into quantum computing is Baidu.

Baidu launched its own quantum computing research center in 2018. According to the company website, the goal of this research center is to integrate quantum computing into Baidus core businesses.

If so, that means Baidus goal with quantum computing diverges from the norm. Others in this space want to build out quantum compute power to sell it, as a service, to third parties. Baidu wants to build out quantum compute power to, at least initially, improve its own operations.

Doing so will pay off in a big way for Baidu.

Baidus core search and advertising businesses could markedly improve with quantum computing. Advancements in compute power could dramatically improve search algorithms and ad-targeting techniques.

BIDU stock does have healthy upside thanks to its early research into quantum computing.

Source: Sundry Photography /

Last, but not least, on this list of quantum computing stocks to buy is Intel.

While Intel may be falling behind competitors namely Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) on the traditional CPU front, the semiconductor giant is on the cutting edge of creating potential quantum CPU candidates.

Intels newly announced Horse Ridge cryogenic control chip is widely considered the markets best quantum CPU candidate out there today. The chip includes four radio frequency channels that can control 128 qubits. That is more than double Tangle Lake, Intels predecessor quantum CPU.

In other words, Intel is the leader when it comes to quantum compute chips.

The big idea, of course, is that when quantum computers are built at scale, they will likely be built on Intels quantum CPUs.

To that end, potentially explosive growth in the quantum computing hardware market over the next five to 10 years represents a huge, albeit speculative, growth catalyst for both Intel and INTC stock.

Luke Lango is a Markets Analyst for InvestorPlace. He has been professionally analyzing stocks for several years, previously working at various hedge funds and currently running his own investment fund in San Diego. A Caltech graduate, Luke has consistently been rated one of the worlds top stock pickers by various other analysts and platforms, and has developed a reputation for leveraging his technology background to identify growth stocks that deliver outstanding returns. Luke is also the founder of Fantastic, a social discovery company backed by an LA-based internet venture firm. As of this writing, he was long MSFT.

Read this article:

7 Quantum Computing Stocks to Buy for the Next 10 Years - InvestorPlace

Quantum Key Distribution: The Next Generation – A Ten-year Forecast and Revenue Assessment 2020-2029 – – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Quantum Key Distribution: The Next Generation - A Ten-year Forecast and Revenue Assessment: 2020 to 2029" report has been added to's offering.

This report provides forecasts and analysis for key QKD industry developments. The author was the first industry analysis firm to predict that quantum security in mobile phones would become a significant revenue earner in the short-term. Phones using QRNGs were announced earlier this year and this report discusses how the mobile QRNG market will evolve.

There have been some big developments in the QKD space. In particular, the regulatory and financial framework for the development of a vibrant QKD business has matured. On the standardization and funding front, the ITU-T standardization is near complete while both the US and UK governments have announced major funding for large-scale quantum networks with QKD as a central component. And the QuantumCtek IPO may just be the beginning of the new public companies in this space.

The report contains forecasts of the hardware and service revenues from QKD in all the major end-user groups. It also profiles all the leading suppliers of QKD boxes and services. These profiles are designed to provide the reader of this report with an understanding of how the major players are creating QKD products and building marketing strategies for QKD as quantum computers become more ubiquitous.

Key Topics Covered:

Executive Summary

E.1 Key Developments Since our Last Report

E.2 Specific Signs that the Market for QKD is Growing

E.3 Evolution of QKD Technology and its Impact on the Market

E.3.1 Reach (Transmission Distance)

E.3.2 Speed (Key Exchange Rate)

E.3.3 Cost (Equipment)

E.4 Summary of Ten-year Forecasts of QKD Markets

E.4.1 Forecasts by End-user Segment

E.5 Five Firms to Watch Closely in the QKD Space

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Why QKD is a Growing Market Opportunity

1.2 Overview of QKD Technological Challenges

1.3 Goals and Scope of this Report

1.4 Methodology of this Report

1.5 Plan of this Report

Chapter Two: Technological Assessment

2.1 Setting the Scene: QKD in Cryptography-land

2.2 Why QKD: What Exactly does QKD Bring to the Cryptography Table?

2.3 PQC's Love-Hate Relationship with QKD

2.4 QKD's Technological Challenges

2.5 QKD Transmission Infrastructure

2.6 Chip-based QKD

2.7 QKD Standardization: Together we are Stronger

2.8 Key Takeaways from this Chapter

Chapter Three: QKD Markets - Established and Emerging

3.1 QKD Markets: A Quantum Opportunity Being Driven by Quantum Threats

3.2 Government and Military Markets - Where it all Began

3.3 Civilian Markets for QKD

3.4 Key Points from this Chapter

Chapter Four: Ten-year Forecasts of QKD Markets

4.1 Forecasting Methodology

4.2 Changes in Forecast Since Our Last Report

4.2.1 The Impact of COVID-19

4.2.2 Reduction in Satellite Penetration

4.2.3 Faster Reduction in Pricing

4.2.4 Bigger Role for China?

4.2 Forecast by End-User Type

4.3 Forecast by Type of QKD Infrastructure: Terrestrial or Satellite

4.4 Forecast of Key QKD-related Equipment and Components

4.5 Forecast by Geography/Location of End Users

Chapter Five: Profiles of QKD Companies

5.1 Approach to Profiling

5.2 ABB (Switzerland/Sweden)

5.3 Cambridge Quantum Computing (United Kingdom)

5.4 ID Quantique (Switzerland)

5.5 KETS Quantum Security (United Kingdom)

5.6 MagiQ Technologies (United States)

5.7 Nokia (Finland)

5.8 QuantumCtek (China)

5.9 Quantum Xchange (United States)

5.10 Qubitekk (United States)

5.11 QuintessenceLabs (Australia)

5.12 SK Telecom (Korea)

5.13 Toshiba (Japan)

For more information about this report visit

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Read more:

Quantum Key Distribution: The Next Generation - A Ten-year Forecast and Revenue Assessment 2020-2029 - - Business Wire