The Worldwide Quantum Computing Industry will Exceed $7.1 Billion by 2026 – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, Jan. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Quantum Computing Market by Technology, Infrastructure, Services, and Industry Verticals 2021 - 2026" report has been added to's offering.

This report assesses the technology, companies/organizations, R&D efforts, and potential solutions facilitated by quantum computing. The report provides global and regional forecasts as well as the outlook for quantum computing impact on infrastructure including hardware, software, applications, and services from 2021 to 2026. This includes the quantum computing market across major industry verticals.

While classical (non-quantum) computers make the modern digital world possible, there are many tasks that cannot be solved using conventional computational methods. This is because of limitations in processing power. For example, fourth-generation computers cannot perform multiple computations at one time with one processor. Physical phenomena at the nanoscale indicate that a quantum computer is capable of computational feats that are orders of magnitude greater than conventional methods.

This is due to the use of something referred to as a quantum bit (qubit), which may exist as a zero or one (as in classical computing) or may exist in two-states simultaneously (0 and 1 at the same time) due to the superposition principle of quantum physics. This enables greater processing power than the normal binary (zero only or one only) representation of data.

Whereas parallel computing is achieved in classical computers via linking processors together, quantum computers may conduct multiple computations with a single processor. This is referred to as quantum parallelism and is a major difference between hyper-fast quantum computers and speed-limited classical computers.

Quantum computing is anticipated to support many new and enhanced capabilities including:

Target Audience:

Select Report Findings:

Report Benefits:

Key Topics Covered:

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Technology and Market Analysis3.1 Quantum Computing State of the Industry3.2 Quantum Computing Technology Stack3.3 Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence3.4 Quantum Neurons3.5 Quantum Computing and Big Data3.6 Linear Optical Quantum Computing3.7 Quantum Computing Business Model3.8 Quantum Software Platform3.9 Application Areas3.10 Emerging Revenue Sectors3.11 Quantum Computing Investment Analysis3.12 Quantum Computing Initiatives by Country3.12.1 USA3.12.2 Canada3.12.3 Mexico3.12.4 Brazil3.12.5 UK3.12.6 France3.12.7 Russia3.12.8 Germany3.12.9 Netherlands3.12.10 Denmark3.12.11 Sweden3.12.12 Saudi Arabia3.12.13 UAE3.12.14 Qatar3.12.15 Kuwait3.12.16 Israel3.12.17 Australia3.12.18 China3.12.19 Japan3.12.20 India3.12.21 Singapore

4.0 Quantum Computing Drivers and Challenges4.1 Quantum Computing Market Dynamics4.2 Quantum Computing Market Drivers4.2.1 Growing Adoption in Aerospace and Defense Sectors4.2.2 Growing investment of Governments4.2.3 Emergence of Advance Applications4.3 Quantum Computing Market Challenges

5.0 Quantum Computing Use Cases5.1 Quantum Computing in Pharmaceuticals5.2 Applying Quantum Technology to Financial Problems5.3 Accelerate Autonomous Vehicles with Quantum AI5.4 Car Manufacturers using Quantum Computing5.5 Accelerating Advanced Computing for NASA Missions

6.0 Quantum Computing Value Chain Analysis6.1 Quantum Computing Value Chain Structure6.2 Quantum Computing Competitive Analysis6.2.1 Leading Vendor Efforts6.2.2 Start-up Companies6.2.3 Government Initiatives6.2.4 University Initiatives6.2.5 Venture Capital Investments6.3 Large Scale Computing Systems

7.0 Company Analysis7.1 D-Wave Systems Inc.7.1.1 Company Overview:7.1.2 Product Portfolio7.1.3 Recent Development7.2 Google Inc.7.2.1 Company Overview:7.2.2 Product Portfolio7.2.3 Recent Development7.3 Microsoft Corporation7.3.1 Company Overview:7.3.2 Product Portfolio7.3.3 Recent Development7.4 IBM Corporation7.4.1 Company Overview:7.4.2 Product Portfolio7.4.3 Recent Development7.5 Intel Corporation7.5.1 Company Overview7.5.2 Product Portfolio7.5.3 Recent Development7.6 Nokia Corporation7.6.1 Company Overview7.6.2 Product Portfolio7.6.3 Recent Developments7.7 Toshiba Corporation7.7.1 Company Overview7.7.2 Product Portfolio7.7.3 Recent Development7.8 Raytheon Company7.8.1 Company Overview7.8.2 Product Portfolio7.8.3 Recent Development7.9 Other Companies7.9.1 1QB Information Technologies Inc. Company Overview7.9.1.2 Recent Development7.9.2 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd. Company Overview7.9.2.2 Recent Development7.9.3 QC Ware Corp. Company Overview7.9.3.2 Recent Development7.9.4 MagiQ Technologies Inc. Company Overview7.9.5 Rigetti Computing7.9.5.1 Company Overview7.9.5.2 Recent Development7.9.6 Anyon Systems Inc. Company Overview7.9.7 Quantum Circuits Inc. Company Overview7.9.7.2 Recent Development7.9.8 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Company Overview7.9.8.2 Recent Development7.9.9 Fujitsu Ltd. Company Overview7.9.9.2 Recent Development7.9.10 NEC Corporation7.9.10.1 Company Overview7.9.10.2 Recent Development7.9.11 SK Telecom7.9.11.1 Company Overview7.9.11.2 Recent Development7.9.12 Lockheed Martin Corporation7.9.12.1 Company Overview7.9.13 NTT Docomo Inc. Company Overview7.9.13.2 Recent Development7.9.14 Alibaba Group Holding Limited7.9.14.1 Company Overview7.9.14.2 Recent Development7.9.15 Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. Company Overview7.9.16 Airbus Group7.9.16.1 Company Overview7.9.16.2 Recent Development7.9.17 Amgen Inc. Company Overview7.9.17.2 Recent Development7.9.18 Biogen Inc. Company Overview7.9.18.2 Recent Development7.9.19 BT Group7.9.19.1 Company Overview7.9.19.2 Recent Development7.9.20 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Company Overview7.9.21 Volkswagen AG7.9.21.1 Company Overview7.9.21.2 Recent Development7.9.22 KPN7.9.22.1 Recent Development7.10 Ecosystem Contributors7.10.1 Agilent Technologies7.10.2 Artiste-qb.net7.10.3 Avago Technologies7.10.4 Ciena Corporation7.10.5 Eagle Power Technologies Inc7.10.6 Emcore Corporation7.10.7 Enablence Technologies7.10.8 Entanglement Partners7.10.9 Fathom Computing7.10.10 Alpine Quantum Technologies GmbH7.10.11 Atom Computing7.10.12 Black Brane Systems7.10.13 Delft Circuits7.10.14 EeroQ7.10.15 Everettian Technologies7.10.16 EvolutionQ7.10.17 H-Bar Consultants7.10.18 Horizon Quantum Computing7.10.19 ID Quantique (IDQ)7.10.20 InfiniQuant7.10.21 IonQ7.10.22 ISARA7.10.23 KETS Quantum Security7.10.24 Magiq7.10.25 MDR Corporation7.10.26 Nordic Quantum Computing Group (NQCG)7.10.27 Oxford Quantum Circuits7.10.28 Post-Quantum (PQ Solutions)7.10.29 ProteinQure7.10.30 PsiQuantum7.10.31 Q&I7.10.32 Qasky7.10.33 QbitLogic7.10.34 Q-Ctrl7.10.35 Qilimanjaro Quantum Hub7.10.36 Qindom7.10.37 Qnami7.10.38 QSpice Labs7.10.39 Qu & Co7.10.40 Quandela7.10.41 Quantika7.10.42 Quantum Benchmark Inc.7.10.43 Quantum Circuits Inc. (QCI)7.10.44 Quantum Factory GmbH7.10.45 QuantumCTek7.10.46 Quantum Motion Technologies7.10.47 QuantumX7.10.48 Qubitekk7.10.49 Qubitera LLC7.10.50 Quintessence Labs7.10.51 Qulab7.10.52 Qunnect7.10.53 QuNu Labs7.10.54 River Lane Research (RLR)7.10.55 SeeQC7.10.56 Silicon Quantum Computing7.10.57 Sparrow Quantum7.10.58 Strangeworks7.10.59 Tokyo Quantum Computing (TQC)7.10.60 TundraSystems Global Ltd.7.10.61 Turing7.10.62 Xanadu7.10.63 Zapata Computing7.10.64 Accenture7.10.65 Atos Quantum7.10.66 Baidu7.10.67 Northrop Grumman7.10.68 Quantum Computing Inc.7.10.69 Keysight Technologies7.10.70 Nano-Meta Technologies7.10.71 Optalysys Ltd.

8.0 Quantum Computing Market Analysis and Forecasts 2021 - 20268.1.1 Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure8.1.1.1 Quantum Computing Market by Hardware Type8.1.1.2 Quantum Computing Market by Application Software Type8.1.1.3 Quantum Computing Market by Service Type8. Quantum Computing Market by Professional Service Type8.1.2 Quantum Computing Market by Technology Segment8.1.3 Quantum Computing Market by Industry Vertical8.1.4 Quantum Computing Market by Region8.1.4.1 North America Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, Industry Vertical, and Country8.1.4.2 European Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.4 Middle East & Africa Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.5 Latin America Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical

9.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

10.0 Appendix: Quantum Computing and Classical HPC10.1 Next Generation Computing10.2 Quantum Computing vs. Classical High-Performance Computing10.3 Artificial Intelligence in High Performance Computing10.4 Quantum Technology Market in Exascale Computing

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See the original post here:

The Worldwide Quantum Computing Industry will Exceed $7.1 Billion by 2026 - GlobeNewswire

Quantum Computing Acceleration of AI in Pharma on the Rise – RTInsights

More than four out of five (82 percent) surveyed pharma companies believe quantum computing will impact the industry within the next decade.

Quantum computing is being eyed to accelerate computations in a variety of applications. While many routine computational workloads are well-served by traditional high-performance computing (HPC) systems, quantum computing offers advantages for certain classes of applications. One category that it appears can greatly benefit is pharmaceutical research. Specifically, leading organizations in the field hope to use the technology to accelerate drug discovery and the development of new therapies.

One sign of the growing adoption in the life sciences was anannouncement last week of a collaborative agreement between BoehringerIngelheim and Google Quantum AI (Google). The two will focus on researching andimplementing cutting-edge use cases for quantum computing in pharmaceuticalresearch and development (R&D), specifically molecular dynamicssimulations.

See also: Quantum Computing: Coming to a Platform Near You

The new partnership combines Boehringer Ingelheimsexpertise in the field of computer-aided drug design and in silico modelingwith Googles efforts in quantum computers and algorithms. Boehringer Ingelheimis the first pharmaceutical company worldwide to join forces with Google inquantum computing. The partnership is designed for three years and is co-led bythe newly established Quantum Lab of Boehringer Ingelheim.

In making the announcement, the teams noted that while thetechnology is still new, there are opportunities to make significant advances.Quantum computing is still very much an emerging technology, saidMichaelSchmelmer, Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Boehringer Ingelheimwith responsibility for Finance and Group Functions. However, we are convincedthat this technology could help us to provide even more humans and animals withinnovative and groundbreaking medicines in the future.

The work here is yet another part of wide-ranging Boehringer Ingelheim technology investments in a broad range of digital technologies. Those investments encompass key areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data science to better understand diseases, their drivers and biomarkers, and digital therapeutics.

With respect to potential advances using quantum computing,the technology has the potential to accurately simulate and compare much largermolecules than currently possible with traditional (HPC) systems. Extremelyaccurate modeling of molecular systems is widely anticipated as among the mostnatural and potentially transformative applications of quantum computing, saidRyan Babbush, Head of Quantum Algorithms at Google, when the news was announced.

Using the technology in pharmaceutical research will require new compute systems, software, and expertise. As such, adoption is still in its early stages. A survey conducted last year by the Pistoia Alliance, theQuantum Economic Development Consortium(QED-C), andQuPharm found almost one third (31 percent) of life science organizations were set to begin quantum computing evaluation in 2020. A further 39 percent are planning to evaluate this year or have the technology on their radar, while 30 percent have no current plans to evaluate.

The three organizations have established a cross-industry Community of Interest (CoI). The aim is to explore opportunities for the technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of biopharma R&D. The CoI aims to support companies that need help navigating the pathway to quantum computing.

While we are still in the early stages of this newtechnology becoming available, there are great expectations of its importance.That same survey found that more than four out of five respondents (82 percent)believe quantum computing will impact the industry within the next decade.

More here:

Quantum Computing Acceleration of AI in Pharma on the Rise - RTInsights

Light-Induced Twisting of Weyl Nodes Switches on Giant Electron Current Useful for Spintronics and Quantum Computing – SciTechDaily

Schematic of light-induced formation of Weyl points in a Dirac material of ZrTe5. Jigang Wang and collaborators report how coherently twisted lattice motion by laser pulses, i.e., a phononic switch, can control the crystal inversion symmetry and photogenerate giant low dissipation current with an exceptional ballistic transport protected by induced Weyl band topology. Credit: U.S. Department of Energy, Ames Laboratory

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energys Ames Laboratory and collaborators at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of Alabama at Birmingham have discovered a new light-induced switch that twists the crystal lattice of the material, switching on a giant electron current that appears to be nearly dissipationless. The discovery was made in a category of topological materials that holds great promise for spintronics, topological effect transistors, and quantum computing.

Weyl and Dirac semimetals can host exotic, nearly dissipationless, electron conduction properties that take advantage of the unique state in the crystal lattice and electronic structure of the material that protects the electrons from doing so. These anomalous electron transport channels, protected by symmetry and topology, dont normally occur in conventional metals such as copper. After decades of being described only in the context of theoretical physics, there is growing interest in fabricating, exploring, refining, and controlling their topologically protected electronic properties for device applications. For example, wide-scale adoption of quantum computing requires building devices in which fragile quantum states are protected from impurities and noisy environments. One approach to achieve this is through the development of topological quantum computation, in which qubits are based on symmetry-protected dissipationless electric currents that are immune to noise.

Light-induced lattice twisting, or a phononic switch, can control the crystal inversion symmetry and photogenerate giant electric current with very small resistance, said Jigang Wang, senior scientist at Ames Laboratory and professor of physics at Iowa State University. This new control principle does not require static electric or magnetic fields, and has much faster speeds and lower energy cost.

This finding could be extended to a newquantum computing principle based on the chiral physics and dissipationlessenergy transport, which may run much faster speeds, lower energy cost and high operation temperature. said Liang Luo, a scientist at Ames Laboratory and first author of the paper.

Wang, Luo, and their colleagues accomplished just that, using terahertz (one trillion cycles per second) laser light spectroscopy to examine and nudge these materials into revealing the symmetry switching mechanisms of their properties.

In this experiment, the team altered the symmetry of the electronic structure of the material, using laser pulses to twist the lattice arrangement of the crystal. This light switch enables Weyl points in the material, causing electrons to behave as massless particles that can carry the protected, low dissipation current that is sought after.

We achieved this giant dissipationless current by driving periodic motions of atoms around their equilibrium position in order to break crystal inversion symmetry, says Ilias Perakis, professor of physics and chair at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. This light-induced Weyl semimetal transport and topology control principle appears to be universal and will be very useful in the development of future quantum computing and electronics with high speed and low energy consumption.

What weve lacked until now is a low energy and fast switch to induce and control symmetry of these materials, said Qiang Li, Group leader of the Brookhaven National Laboratorys Advanced Energy Materials Group. Our discovery of a light symmetry switch opens a fascinating opportunity to carry dissipationless electron current, a topologically protected state that doesnt weaken or slow down when it bumps into imperfections and impurities in the material.

Reference: A light-induced phononic symmetry switch and giant dissipationless topological photocurrent in ZrTe5 by Liang Luo, Di Cheng, Boqun Song, Lin-Lin Wang, Chirag Vaswani, P. M. Lozano, G. Gu, Chuankun Huang, Richard H. J. Kim, Zhaoyu Liu, Joong-Mok Park, Yongxin Yao, Kaiming Ho, Ilias E. Perakis, Qiang Li and Jigang Wang, 18 January 2021, Nature Materials.DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-00882-4

Terahertz photocurrent and laser spectroscopy experiments and model building were performed at Ames Laboratory. Sample development and magneto-transport measurements were conducted by Brookhaven National Laboratory. Data analysis was conducted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham. First-principles calculations and topological analysis were conducted by the Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the DOE Office of Science.

Read more from the original source:

Light-Induced Twisting of Weyl Nodes Switches on Giant Electron Current Useful for Spintronics and Quantum Computing - SciTechDaily

Closing the quantum computing skills gap could make all the difference in tackling climate change – The Globe and Mail

Two years ago, the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that global emissions must be slashed to net zero by 2050 if we are to avoid the full devastation of climate change. Nearly 120 countries (including Canada) representing 65 per cent of global emissions and more than 70 per cent of the world economy have committed to working on net-zero targets. However, while the goal of these countries is the same, the approach by which to achieve it varies.

Advanced technologies are poised to be game-changers in the battle to overcome climate change. Quantum computing is just one example, as researchers learn more about its potential, including discovering new ways to capture and transform CO2s harmful emissions into usable energy and remove carbon from the atmosphere. Scientists are also working on it to create molecules that replace the chemical catalysts needed for fertilizer production a process which now accounts for up to 3 per cent of the energy used on the planet.

While all computing systems depend on an ability to store and manage information, some of the solutions to challenges we face now such as CO2 reduction may not be achievable using todays computational power. Quantum computers, which leverage quantum mechanical phenomena to perform computations, could solve in mere seconds problems that once might have taken a million years to crack.

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The potential of quantum computing is not lost on government and industry leaders. Research firm Gartner projects that, by 2023, 20 per cent of organizations will have earmarked quantum computing in their budgets, compared with less than one per cent in 2018. This is good news for Canada, a country considered to be a pioneer in quantum science. According to a recent study by McKinsey and Company, our country has been ranked first in the world in quantum computing science, first in the G7 in per-capita spending on research in on the subject, and fifth in the world in total expenditure on quantum science in general. This translates into a $142.4-billion opportunity that could employ 229,000 Canadians by 2040, according to the National Research Council of Canada. This potential demand for a brand-new pool of talent to fill potentially more than a quarter of million jobs means that we need to prepare our workforce now.

While science and math are the foundation of a career in quantum computing, there is no single set of skills that will take you there. Physics, computer science and engineering are all solid competencies, but as quantum is so interdisciplinary, exploring other options is important too. For example, cybersecurity expertise will be in higher demand as the potential for cybercrime grows at the same rate as the technology.

As with many opportunities, a diverse background of knowledge is often helpful, especially as the pervasiveness of quantum technology grows across more industries, including finance, health care, telecommunications, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Education that prepares for careers as technical writers, project managers, analysts and other similar roles is beneficial. The ability to communicate, think critically, collaborate and be curious is also important. And, as we move to a greener economy both in Canada and worldwide, knowledge of climate issues is valuable.

To fill the skills gap that the growth of quantum computing will create, academic institutions, companies and governments across Canada should be developing and executing strategies now. Businesses can start identifying what current job roles could evolve into quantum-based ones with some reskilling. Cross-industry and cross-business collaboration would also serve to develop key employee skills for a capable workforce nationwide. Finally, governments should ensure that their training programs recognize the growth potential of quantum, especially as it develops to meet the needs of stronger environmental measures.

In the case of academics, quantum education ought to be integrated into curriculum starting in high school and be offered widely at the post-secondary level. On this front, is progress being made here in Canada as programs launch at universities across the country, including the Universit de Sherbrooke, where last June IBM announced the new IBM Quantum Hub the first in Canada. Producing a skilled quantum workforce is not a small endeavour, so creating the opportunities for skills growth should be a priority.

The theme of 2021 is most certainly recovery and progress. As the country moves forward, we must look for new occasions to innovate and opportunities for growth we may not have had before. It is important now more than ever to do everything we can to ensure our workforce is prepared for the jobs to come, as well as for a more advanced and sustainable future.

Claude Guay, president of IBM Canada.

Shan Qiao Photo, Shan Qiao/Handout

Claude Guay is the president of IBM Canada. He is the leadership lab columnist for January 2021.

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Continued here:

Closing the quantum computing skills gap could make all the difference in tackling climate change - The Globe and Mail

IonQ and South Korea’s Q Center Announce Three-Year Quantum Alliance – PRNewswire

COLLEGE PARK, Md., Jan. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --IonQ, the leader in quantum computing, today announced a three-year alliance with South Korea's Quantum Information Research Support Center, or Q Center. The Q Center is an independent organization at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) focused on the creation of a rich research ecosystem in the field of quantum information science. The partnership will make IonQ's trapped-ion quantum computers available for research and teaching across South Korea.

IonQ's systems have the potential to solve the world's most complex problems with the greatest accuracy. To date, the company's quantum computers have a proven track record of outperforming all other available quantum hardware.

Researchers and students across South Korea will be able to immediately start running jobs on IonQ's quantum computers. This partnership will enable researchers, scientists, and students to learn, develop, and deploy quantum applications on one of the world's leading quantum systems.

"I am proud to see IonQ enter this alliance with Q Center," said Peter Chapman, CEO & President of IonQ. "IonQ's hardware will serve as the backbone for quantum research. Our technology will play a critical role not only in the advancement of quantum, but also in fostering the next generation of quantum researchers and developers in South Korea."

"Our mission is to cultivate and promote the advancement of quantum information research in South Korea," said SKKU Professor of SAINT (SKKU Advanced Institute of NanoTechnology), Yonuk Chong. "We believe IonQ has the most advanced quantum technology available, and through our partnership, we will be able to make tremendous strides in the advancement of the industry."

This alliance builds on IonQ's continued success. IonQ recently released a product roadmap to deploy rack mounted quantum computers by 2023, and achieve broad quantum advantage by 2025. IonQ also recently unveiled a new $5.5 million, 23,000 square foot Quantum Data Center in Maryland's Discovery District. IonQ has raised $84 million in funding to date, announcing new investment from Lockheed Martin, Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH (RBVC) and Cambium earlier this year. Previous investors include Samsung Electronics, Mubadala Capital, GV, Amazon, and NEA. The company's two co-founders were also recently named to the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee (NQIAC).

About IonQIonQ is the leader in quantum computing. By making our quantum hardware accessible through the cloud, we're empowering millions of organizations and developers to build new applications to solve the world's most complex problems in business, and across society. IonQ's unique approach to quantum computing is to start with nature: using individual atoms as the heart of our quantum processing units. We levitate them in space with electric potentials applied to semiconductor-defined electrodes on a chip, and then use lasers to do everything from initial preparation to final readout and the quantum gate operations in between. The unique IonQ architecture of random-access processing of qubits in a fully connected and modular architecture will allow unlimited scaling. The IonQ approach requires atomic physics, precision optical and mechanical engineering, and fine-grained firmware control over a variety of components. Leveraging this approach, IonQ provides both a viable technological roadmap to scale and the flexibility necessary to explore a wide range of application spaces in the near term. IonQ was founded in 2015 by Jungsang Kim and Christopher Monroe and their systems are based on foundational research at The University of Maryland and Duke University.

About SKKUSungkyunkwan University (SKKU) is a leading research university located in Seoul, South Korea. SKKU is known around the world for the quality of its research and invests heavily in research and development. SKKU has more than 600 years of history as a leading educational institution, and is guided by the founding principles of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and self-cultivation.



IonQ and South Korea's Q Center Announce Three-Year Quantum Alliance - PRNewswire

Worldwide High Performance Computing Industry to 2026 – The Market is Driven Largely by Simulations, Engineering and Design Solutions – PRNewswire

DUBLIN, Jan. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "High Performance Computing Market by Component, Infrastructure, Services, Price Band, HPC Applications, Deployment Types, Industry Verticals, and Regions 2021 - 2026" report has been added to's offering.

The High Performance Computing market includes computation solutions provided either by supercomputers or via parallel processing techniques such as leveraging clusters of computers to aggregate computing power. HPC is well-suited for applications that require high performance data computation and analysis such as high frequency trading, autonomous vehicles, genomics-based personalized medicine, computer-aided design, deep learning, and more. Specific examples include computational fluid dynamics, simulation, modeling, and seismic tomography.

This report evaluates the HPC market including companies, solutions, use cases, and applications. Analysis includes HPC by organizational size, software and system type, server type, and price band, and industry verticals. The report also assesses the market for integration of various artificial intelligence technologies in HPC. It also evaluates the exascale-level HPC market including analysis by component, hardware type, service type, and industry vertical.

Select Report Findings:

The market is currently dominated on the demand side by large corporations, universities, and government institutions by way of capabilities that are often used to solve very specific problems for large institutions. Examples include financial services organizations, government R&D facilities, universities research, etc.

However, the cloud-computing based "as a Service" model allows HPC market offerings to be extended via HPC-as-a-Service (HPCaaS) to a much wider range of industry verticals and companies, thereby providing computational services to solve a much broader array of problems. Industry use cases are increasingly emerging that benefit from HPC-level computing, many of which benefit from split processing between localized devices/platforms and HPCaaS.

In fact, HPCaaS is poised to become much more commonly available, partially due to new on-demand supercomputer service offerings, and in part as a result of emerging AI-based tools for engineers. Accordingly, up to 52% of revenue will be directly attributable to the cloud-based business model via HPCaaS, which makes High-Performance Computing solutions available to a much wider range of industry verticals and companies, thereby providing computational services to solve a much broader array of problems.

In a 2020 study, we conducted interviews with major players in the market as well as smaller, lesser known companies that are believed to be influential in terms of innovative solutions that are likely to drive adoption and usage of both cluster-based HPC and supercomputing. In an effort to identify growth opportunities for the HPC market, we investigated market gaps including unserved and underserved markets and submarkets. The research and advisory firm uncovered a market situation in which HPC currently suffers from an accessibility problem as well as inefficiencies and supercomputer skill gaps.

Stated differently, the market for HPC as a Service (e.g. access to high-performance computing services) currently suffers from problems related to the utilization, scheduling, and set-up time to run jobs on a supercomputer. We identified start-ups and small companies working to solve these problems.

One of the challenge areas identified is low utilization but (ironically) also high wait times for most supercomputers. Scheduling can be a challenge in terms of workload time estimation. About 23% of jobs are computationally heavy and 37% of jobs cannot be defined very well in terms of how long jobs will take (within a 3-minute window at best). In many instances, users request substantive resources and don't actually use computing time.

In addition to the scheduling challenge, we also identified a company focused on solving additional problems such as computational planning and engineering. We spoke with the principal of a little-known company called Microsurgeonbot, Inc. (doing business as, which is developing a tool for setting up computing jobs for supercomputers.

The company is working to solve major obstacles in accessibility and usability for HPC resources. The company focuses on solving a very important problem in HPC: Supercomputer job set-up and skills gap. Their solution known as "Guru" is poised to make supercomputing much more accessible, especially to engineers in small to medium-sized businesses that do not have the same resources or expertise as large corporate entities.

Target Audience:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Executive Summary

2 Introduction2.1 Next Generation Computing2.2 High Performance Computing2.2.1 HPC Technology2.2.2 Exascale Computation2.2.3 High Performance Technical Computing2.2.4 Market Segmentation Considerations2.2.5 Regulatory Framework2.2.6 Value Chain Analysis2.2.7 AI to Drive HPC Performance and Adoption

3 High Performance Computing Market Dynamics3.1 HPC Market Drivers3.2 HPC Market Challenges

4 High Performance Computing Market Analysis and Forecasts4.1 Global High Performance Computing Market 2021 - 20264.1.1 Total High Performance Computing Market4.1.2 High Performance Computing Market by Component4.1.3 High Performance Computing Market by Deployment Type4.1.4 High Performance Computing Market by Organization Size4.1.5 High Performance Computing Market by Server Price Band4.1.6 High Performance Computing Market by Application Type4.1.7 High Performance Computing Deployment Options: Supercomputer vs. Clustering4.1.8 High Performance Computing as a Service (HPCaaS)4.1.9 AI Powered High Performance Computing Market4.2 Regional High Performance Computing Market 2021 - 20264.2.1 High Performance Computing Market by Region4.2.2 North America High Performance Computing Market by Component, Deployment, Organization, Server Price Band, Application, Industry Vertical, and Country4.2.3 Europe High Performance Computing Market by Component, Deployment, Organization, Server Price Band, Application, Industry Vertical, and Country4.2.4 APAC High Performance Computing Market by Component, Deployment, Organization, Server Price Band, Application, Industry Vertical, and Country4.2.5 MEA High Performance Computing Market by Component, Deployment, Organization, Server Price Band, Application, Industry Vertical, and Country4.2.6 Latin America High Performance Computing Market by Component, Deployment, Organization, Server Price Band, Application, Industry Vertical, and Country4.2.7 High Performance Computing Market by Top Ten Country4.3 Exascale Computing Market 2021 - 20264.3.1 Exascale Computing Driven HPC Market by Component4.3.2 Exascale Computing Driven HPC Market by Hardware Type4.3.3 Exascale Computing Driven HPC Market by Service Type4.3.4 Exascale Computing Driven HPC Market by Industry Vertical4.3.1 Exascale Computing as a Service

5 High Performance Computing Company Analysis5.1 HPC Vendor Ecosystem5.2 Leading HPC Companies5.2.1 Amazon Web Services Inc.5.2.2 Atos SE5.2.3 Advanced Micro Devices Inc.5.2.4 Cisco Systems5.2.5 DELL Technologies Inc.5.2.6 Fujitsu Ltd5.2.7 Hewlett Packard Enterprise5.2.8 IBM Corporation5.2.9 Intel Corporation5.2.10 Microsoft Corporation5.2.11 NEC Corporation5.2.12 Nvidia5.2.13 Rackspace Inc.

6 High Performance Computing Market Use Cases6.1 Fraud Detection in the Financial Industry6.2 Healthcare and Clinical Research6.3 Manufacturing6.4 Energy Exploration and Extraction6.5 Scientific Research6.6 Electronic Design Automation6.7 Government6.8 Computer Aided Engineering6.9 Education and Research6.10 Earth Science

7 Conclusions and Recommendations

8 Appendix: Future of Computing8.1 Quantum Computing8.1.1 Quantum Computing Technology8.1.2 Quantum Computing Considerations8.1.3 Market Challenges and Opportunities8.1.4 Recent Developments8.1.5 Quantum Computing Value Chain8.1.6 Quantum Computing Applications8.1.7 Competitive Landscape8.1.8 Government Investment in Quantum Computing8.1.9 Quantum Computing Stakeholders by Country8.1.10 Other Future Computing Technologies8.1.11 Market Drivers for Future Computing Technologies8.2 Future Computing Market Challenges8.2.1 Data Security Concerns in Virtualized and Distributed Cloud8.2.2 Funding Constrains R&D Activities8.2.3 Lack of Skilled Professionals across the Sector8.2.4 Absence of Uniformity among NGC Branches including Data Format

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Worldwide High Performance Computing Industry to 2026 - The Market is Driven Largely by Simulations, Engineering and Design Solutions - PRNewswire

Securing the DNS in a Post-Quantum World: Hash-Based Signatures and Synthesized Zone Signing Keys – CircleID

This is the fifth in a multi-part series on cryptography and the Domain Name System (DNS).

In my last article, I described efforts underway to standardize new cryptographic algorithms that are designed to be less vulnerable to potential future advances in quantum computing. I also reviewed operational challenges to be considered when adding new algorithms to the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC).

In this post, I'll look at hash-based signatures, a family of post-quantum algorithms that could be a good match for DNSSEC from the perspective of infrastructure stability.

I'll also describe Verisign Labs research into a new concept called synthesized zone signing keys that could mitigate the impact of the large signature size for hash-based signatures, while still maintaining this family's protections against quantum computing.

(Caveat: The concepts reviewed in this post are part of Verisign's long-term research program and do not necessarily represent Verisign's plans or positions on new products or services. Concepts developed in our research program may be subject to U.S. and/or international patents and/or patent applications.)

The DNS community's root key signing key (KSK) rollover illustrates how complicated a change to DNSSEC infrastructure can be. Although successfully accomplished, this change was delayed by ICANN to ensure that enough resolvers had the public key required to validate signatures generated with the new root KSK private key.

Now imagine the complications if the DNS community also had to ensure that enough resolvers not only had a new key but also had a brand-new algorithm.

Imagine further what might happen if a weakness in this new algorithm were to be found after it was deployed. While there are procedures for emergency key rollovers, emergency algorithm rollovers would be more complicated, and perhaps controversial as well if a clear successor algorithm were not available.

I'm not suggesting that any of the post-quantum algorithms that might be standardized by NIST will be found to have a weakness. But confidence in cryptographic algorithms can be gained and lost over many years, sometimes decades.

From the perspective of infrastructure stability, therefore, it may make sense for DNSSEC to have a backup post-quantum algorithm built in from the start one for which cryptographers already have significant confidence and experience. This algorithm might not be as efficient as other candidates, but there is less of a chance that it would ever need to be changed. This means that the more efficient candidates could be deployed in DNSSEC with the confidence that they have a stable fallback. It's also important to keep in mind that the prospect of quantum computing is not the only reason system developers need to be considering new algorithms from time to time. As public-key cryptography pioneer Martin Hellman wisely cautioned, new classical (non-quantum) attacks could also emerge, whether or not a quantum computer is realized.

The 1970s were a foundational time for public-key cryptography, producing not only the RSA algorithm and the Diffie-Hellman algorithm (which also provided the basic model for elliptic curve cryptography), but also hash-based signatures, invented in 1979 by another public-key cryptography founder, Ralph Merkle.

Hash-based signatures are interesting because their security depends only on the security of an underlying hash function.

It turns out that hash functions, as a concept, hold up very well against quantum computing advances much better than currently established public-key algorithms do.

This means that Merkle's hash-based signatures, now more than 40 years old, can rightly be considered the oldest post-quantum digital signature algorithm.

If it turns out that an individual hash function doesn't hold up whether against a quantum computer or a classical computer then the hash function itself can be replaced, as cryptographers have been doing for years. That will likely be easier than changing to an entirely different post-quantum algorithm, especially one that involves very different concepts.

The conceptual stability of hash-based signatures is a reason that interoperable specifications are already being developed for variants of Merkle's original algorithm. Two approaches are described in RFC 8391, "XMSS: eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme" and RFC 8554, "Leighton-Micali Hash-Based Signatures." Another approach, SPHINCS+, is an alternate in NIST's post-quantum project.

Figure 1. Conventional DNSSEC signatures. DNS records are signed with the ZSK private key, and are thereby "chained" to the ZSK public key. The digital signatures may be hash-based signatures.

Hash-based signatures can potentially be applied to any part of the DNSSEC trust chain. For example, in Figure 1, the DNS record sets can be signed with a zone signing key (ZSK) that employs a hash-based signature algorithm.

The main challenge with hash-based signatures is that the signature size is large, on the order of tens or even hundreds of thousands of bits. This is perhaps why they haven't seen significant adoption in security protocols over the past four decades.

Verisign Labs has been exploring how to mitigate the size impact of hash-based signatures on DNSSEC, while still basing security on hash functions only in the interest of stable post-quantum protections.

One of the ideas we've come up with uses another of Merkle's foundational contributions: Merkle trees.

Merkle trees authenticate multiple records by hashing them together in a tree structure. The records are the "leaves" of the tree. Pairs of leaves are hashed together to form a branch, then pairs of branches are hashed together to form a larger branch, and so on. The hash of the largest branches is the tree's "root." (This is a data-structure root, unrelated to the DNS root.)

Each individual leaf of a Merkle tree can be authenticated by retracing the "path" from the leaf to the root. The path consists of the hashes of each of the adjacent branches encountered along the way.

Authentication paths can be much shorter than typical hash-based signatures. For instance, with a tree depth of 20 and a 256-bit hash value, the authentication path for a leaf would only be 5,120 bits long, yet a single tree could authenticate more than a million leaves.

Figure 2. DNSSEC signatures following the synthesized ZSK approach proposed here. DNS records are hashed together into a Merkle tree. The root of the Merkle tree is published as the ZSK, and the authentication path through the Merkle tree is the record's signature.

Returning to the example above, suppose that instead of signing each DNS record set with a hash-based signature, each record set were considered a leaf of a Merkle tree. Suppose further that the root of this tree were to be published as the ZSK public key (see Figure 2). The authentication path to the leaf could then serve as the record set's signature.

The validation logic at a resolver would be the same as in ordinary DNSSEC:

The only difference on the resolver's side would be that signature validation would involve retracing the authentication path to the ZSK public key, rather than a conventional signature validation operation.

The ZSK public key produced by the Merkle tree approach would be a "synthesized" public key, in that it is obtained from the records being signed. This is noteworthy from a cryptographer's perspective, because the public key wouldn't have a corresponding private key, yet the DNS records would still, in effect, be "signed by the ZSK!"

In this type of DNSSEC implementation, the Merkle tree approach only applies to the ZSK level. Hash-based signatures would still be applied at the KSK level, although their overhead would now be "amortized" across all records in the zone.

In addition, each new ZSK would need to be signed "on demand," rather than in advance, as in current operational practice.

This leads to tradeoffs, such as how many changes to accumulate before constructing and publishing a new tree. Fewer changes and the tree will be available sooner. More changes and the tree will be larger, so the per-record overhead of the signatures at the KSK level will be lower.

My last few posts have discussed cryptographic techniques that could potentially be applied to the DNS in the long term or that might not even be applied at all. In my next post, I'll return to more conventional subjects, and explain how Verisign sees cryptography fitting into the DNS today, as well as some important non-cryptographic techniques that are part of our vision for a secure, stable and resilient DNS.

Read the previous posts in this six-part blog series:

View post:

Securing the DNS in a Post-Quantum World: Hash-Based Signatures and Synthesized Zone Signing Keys - CircleID

Quantum computers are coming. Get ready for them to change everything – ZDNet

Supermarket aisles filled with fresh produce are probably not where you would expect to discover some of the first benefits of quantum computing.

But Canadian grocery chain Save-On-Foods has become an unlikely pioneer, using quantum technology to improve the management of in-store logistics. In collaboration with quantum computing company D-Wave, Save-On-Foods is using a new type of computing, which is based on the downright weird behaviour of matter at the quantum level. And it's already seeing promising results.

The company's engineers approached D-Wave with a logistics problem that classical computers were incapable of solving. Within two months, the concept had translated into a hybrid quantum algorithm that was running in one of the supermarket stores, reducing the computing time for some tasks from 25 hours per week down to mere seconds.

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Save-On-Foods is now looking at expanding the technology to other stores, and exploring new ways that quantum could help with other issues. "We now have the capability to run tests and simulations by adjusting variables and see the results, so we can optimize performance, which simply isn't feasible using traditional methods," a Save-On-Foods spokesperson tells ZDNet.

"While the results are outstanding, the two most important things from this are that we were able to use quantum computing to attack our most complex problems across the organization, and can do it on an ongoing basis."

The remarkable properties of quantum computing boil down to the behaviour of qubits -- the quantum equivalent of classical bits that encode information for today's computers in strings of 0s and 1s. But contrary to bits, which can be represented by either 0 or 1, qubits can take on a state that is quantum-specific, in which they exist as 0 and 1 in parallel, or superposition.

Qubits, therefore, enable quantum algorithms to run various calculations at the same time, and at exponential scale: the more qubits, the more variables can be explored, and all in parallel. Some of the largest problems, which would take classical computers tens of thousands of years to explore with single-state bits, could be harnessed by qubits in minutes.

The challenge lies in building quantum computers that contain enough qubits for useful calculations to be carried out. Qubits are temperamental: they are error-prone, hard to control, and always on the verge of falling out of their quantum state. Typically, scientists have to encase quantum computers in extremely cold, large-scale refrigerators, just to make sure that qubits remain stable. That's impractical, to say the least.

This is, in essence, why quantum computing is still in its infancy. Most quantum computers currently work with less than 100 qubits, and tech giants such as IBM and Google are racing to increase that number in order to build a meaningful quantum computer as early as possible. Recently, IBM ambitiously unveiled a roadmap to a million-qubit system, and said that it expects a fault-tolerant quantum computer to be an achievable goal during the next ten years.

IBM's CEO Arvind Krishna and director of research Dario Gil in front of a ten-foot-tall super-fridge for the company's next-generation quantum computers.

Although it's early days for quantum computing, there is still plenty of interest from businesses willing to experiment with what could prove to be a significant development. "Multiple companies are conducting learning experiments to help quantum computing move from the experimentation phase to commercial use at scale," Ivan Ostojic, partner at consultant McKinsey, tells ZDNet.

Certainly tech companies are racing to be seen as early leaders. IBM's Q Network started running in 2016 to provide developers and industry professionals with access to the company's quantum processors, the latest of which, a 65-qubit device called Hummingbird, was released on the platform last month. Recently, US multinational Honeywell took its first steps on the quantum stage, making the company's trapped-ion quantum computer available to customers over the cloud. Rigetti Computing, which has been operating since 2017, is also providing cloud-based access to a 31-qubit quantum computer.

Another approach, called quantum annealing, is especially suitable for optimisation tasks such as the logistics problems faced by Save-On-Foods. D-Wave has proven a popular choice in this field, and has offered a quantum annealer over the cloud since 2010, which it has now upgraded to a 5,000-qubit-strong processor.

A quantum annealing processor is much easier to control and operate than the devices that IBM, Honeywell and Rigetti are working on, which are called gate-model quantum computers. This is why D-Wave's team has already hit much higher numbers of qubits. However, quantum annealing is only suited to specific optimisation problems, and experts argue that the technology will be comparatively limited when gate-model quantum computers reach maturity.

The suppliers of quantum processing power are increasingly surrounded by third-party companies that act as intermediaries with customers. Zapata, QC Ware or 1QBit, for example, provide tools ranging from software stacks to training, to help business leaders get started with quantum experiments.

SEE: What is the quantum internet? Everything you need to know about the weird future of quantum networks

In other words, the quantum ecosystem is buzzing with activity, and is growing fast. "Companies in the industries where quantum will have the greatest potential for complete disruption should get involved in quantum right now," says Ostojic.

And the exponential compute power of quantum technologies, according to the analyst, will be a game-changer in many fields. Qubits, with their unprecedented ability to solve optimisation problems, will benefit any organisation with a supply chain and distribution route, while shaking up the finance industry by maximising gains from portfolios. Quantum-infused artificial intelligence also holds huge promise, with models expected to benefit from better training on bigger datasets.

One example: by simulating molecular interactions that are too complex for classical computers to handle, qubits will let biotech companies fast-track the discovery of new drugs and materials. Microsoft, for example, has already demonstrated how quantum computers can help manufacture fertilizers with better yields. This could have huge implications for the agricultural sector, as it faces the colossal task of sustainably feeding the growing global population in years to come.

Chemistry, oil and gas, transportation, logistics, banking and cybersecurity are often cited as sectors that quantum technology could significantly transform. "In principle, quantum will be relevant for all CIOs as it will accelerate solutions to a large range of problems," says Ostojic. "Those companies need to become owners of quantum capability."

Chemistry, oil and gas, transportation, logistics, banking or cybersecurity are among the industries that are often pointed to as examples of the fields that quantum technology could transform.

There is a caveat. No CIO should expect to achieve too much short-term value from quantum computing in its current form. However fast-growing the quantum industry is, the field remains defined by the stubborn instability of qubits, which still significantly limits the capability of quantum computers.

"Right now, there is no problem that a quantum computer can solve faster than a classical computer, which is of value to a CIO," insists Heike Riel, head of science and technology at IBM Research Quantum Europe. "But you have to be very careful, because the technology is evolving fast. Suddenly, there might be enough qubits to solve a problem that is of high value to a business with a quantum computer."

And when that day comes, there will be a divide between the companies that prepared for quantum compute power, and those that did not. This is what's at stake for business leaders who are already playing around with quantum, explains Riel. Although no CIO expects quantum to deliver value for the next five to ten years, the most forward-thinking businesses are already anticipating the wave of innovation that the technology will bring about eventually -- so that when it does, they will be the first to benefit from it.

This means planning staffing, skills and projects, and building an understanding of how quantum computing can help solve actual business problems. "This is where a lot of work is going on in different industries, to figure out what the true problems are, which can be solved with a quantum computer and not a classical computer, and which would make a big difference in terms of value," says Riel.

Riel points to the example of quantum simulation for battery development, which companies like car manufacturer Daimler are investigating in partnership with IBM. To increase the capacity and speed-of-charging of batteries for electric vehicles, Daimler's researchers are working on next-generation lithium-sulfur batteries, which require the alignment of various compounds in the most stable configuration possible. To find the best placement of molecules, all the possible interactions between the particles that make up the compound's molecules must be simulated.

This task can be carried out by current supercomputers for simple molecules, but a large-scale quantum solution could one day break new ground in developing the more complex compounds that are required for better batteries.

"Of course, right now the molecules we are simulating with quantum are small in size because of the limited size of the quantum computer," says Riel. "But when we scale the next generation of quantum computers, then we can solve the problem despite the complexity of the molecules."

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Similar thinking led oil and gas giant ExxonMobilto join the network of companies that are currently using IBM's cloud-based quantum processors. ExxonMobil started collaborating with IBM in 2019, with the objective of one day using quantum to design new chemicals for low energy processing and carbon capture.

The company's director of corporate strategic research Amy Herhold explains that for the past year, ExxonMobil's scientists have been tapping IBM's quantum capabilities to simulate macroscopic material properties such as heat capacity. The team has focused so far on the smallest of molecules, hydrogen gas, and is now working on ways to scale the method up to larger molecules as the hardware evolves.

A number of milestones still need to be achieved before quantum computing translates into an observable business impact, according to Herhold. Companies will need to have access to much larger quantum computers with low error rates, as well as to appropriate quantum algorithms that address key problems.

"While today's quantum computers cannot solve business-relevant problems -- they are too small and the qubits are too noisy -- the field is rapidly advancing," Herhold tells ZDNet. "We know that research and development is critical on both the hardware and the algorithm front, and given how different this is from classical computing, we knew it would take time to build up our internal capabilities. This is why we decided to get going."

Herhold anticipates that quantum hardware will grow at a fast pace in the next five years. The message is clear: when it does, ExxonMobil's research team will be ready.

One industry that has shown an eager interest in quantum technology is the financial sector. From JP Morgan Chase's partnerships with IBM and Honeywell, to BBVA's use of Zapata's services, banks are actively exploring the potential of qubits, and with good reason. Quantum computers, by accounting for exponentially high numbers of factors and variables, could generate much better predictions of financial risk and uncertainty, and boost the efficiency of key operations such as investment portfolio optimisation or options pricing.

Similar to other fields, most of the research is dedicated to exploring proof-of-concepts for the financial industry. In fact, when solving smaller problems, scientists still run quantum algorithms alongside classical computers to validate the results.

"The classical simulator has an exact answer, so you can check if you're getting this exact answer with the quantum computer," explains Tony Uttley, president of Honeywell Quantum Solutions, as he describes the process of quantum options pricing in finance.

"And you better be, because as soon as we cross that boundary, where we won't be able to classically simulate anymore, you better be convinced that your quantum computer is giving you the right answer. Because that's what you'll be taking into your business processes."

Companies that are currently working on quantum solutions are focusing on what Uttley calls the "path to value creation". In other words, they are using quantum capabilities as they stand to run small-scale problems, building trust in the technology as they do so, while they wait for capabilities to grow and enable bigger problems to be solved.

In many fields, most of the research is dedicated to exploring proof-of-concepts for quantum computing in industry.

Tempting as it might be for CIOs to hope for short-term value from quantum services, it's much more realistic to look at longer timescales, maintains Uttley. "Imagine you have a hammer, and somebody tells you they want to build a university campus with it," he says. "Well, looking at your hammer, you should ask yourself how long it's going to take to build that."

Quantum computing holds the promise that the hammer might, in the next few years, evolve into a drill and then a tower crane. The challenge, for CIOs, is to plan now for the time that the tools at their disposal get the dramatic boost that's expected by scientists and industry players alike.

It is hard to tell exactly when that boost will come. IBM's roadmap announces that the company will reach 1,000 qubits in 2023, which could mark the start of early value creation in pharmaceuticals and chemicals, thanks to the simulation of small molecules. But although the exact timeline is uncertain, Uttley is adamant that it's never too early to get involved.

"Companies that are forward-leaning already have teams focused on this and preparing their organisations to take advantage of it once we cross the threshold to value creation," he says. "So what I tend to say is: engage now. The capacity is scarce, and if you're not already at the front of the line, it may be quite a while before you get in."

Creating business value is a priority for every CIO. At the same time, the barrier to entry for quantum computing is lowering every time a new startup emerges to simplify the software infrastructure and assist non-experts in kickstarting their use of the technology. So there's no time to lose in embracing the technology. Securing a first-class spot in the quantum revolution, when it comes, is likely to be worth it.

Go here to read the rest:

Quantum computers are coming. Get ready for them to change everything - ZDNet

Honeywell fires up the H1, its second-generation quantum computer – CNET

An ion chamber houses the qubit brains of Honeywell's quantum computers.

Honeywell's second-generation quantum computer, the H1, is in business. The powerful computer performs calculations by carefully manipulating 10 ytterbium atoms housed in a thumbnail-size package called an ion trap.

Honeywell, a surprise new entrant intoquantum computers, is one of a several companies hoping to revolutionize computing. Tech giants IBM, Google, Intel and Microsoft also have serious quantum computing programs, and startups such as Rigetti Computing and IonQ are in the fray with their own machines.

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A host of other startups like QC Ware, Zapata, Cambridge Quantum Computing, Rahko, and Xanadu are working to make quantum computers easier to use for those that don't have a bunch of Ph.D.s on staff to wrestle with the weird laws that govern the ultra-small scale of the quantum physics realm.

The continued progress is essential if quantum computers, still in their infancy, are to meet their potential. Years of investments will be required to carry today's early designs to a more practical, profitable phase.

The heart of a quantum computer is called a qubit, a data storage and processing element that unlike conventional computer bits can store an overlapping combination of zero and one through one quantum computing phenomenon called superposition. Honeywell's H1 machine today has 10 qubits, charged ytterbium atoms arranged in a line.

Those qubits can be tickled electromagnetically to change the data they're storing, shift positions and reveal their state to the outside world when a calculation is finished. Qubits can be connected through a phenomenon called entanglement that exponentially increases the number of states a quantum computer can evaluate.

That's why quantum computers promise to be able to crack computing problems that conventional machines can't. One big expected use is molecular modeling to improve chemical processes like fertilizer manufacturing. Quantum computers are also expected to take on other materials science challenges, such as creating efficient solar panels and better batteries. Other uses focus on optimization tasks like overseeing the financial investments and routing a fleet of delivery trucks.

Honeywell pioneered this trapped-ion design with the H0 quantum computer prototype. "Because of demand from partners and customers, we transformed H0 into a commercial system," said Tony Uttley, president of Honeywell Quantum Solutions. Customers who've used H0 include Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Texas at Austin, oil-and-gas giant BP and financial services company JPMorgan Chase.

The H0 set a record for an IBM-designed quantum computing speed test called quantum volume, a measure that combines the number of qubits and how much useful work they can accomplish. In August, IBM reached a quantum volume of 64, part of a plan to double performance annually. But in October, Honeywell announced its H0 reached a quantum volume of 128. That's part of its plan to increase performance at least by a factor of 10 annually, reaching 640,000 by 2025.

Honeywell also detailed H2, H3, H4 and H5 quantum computer design plans extending through 2030. They'll replace today's straight-line ion trap with increasingly complicated arrangements, including a looped "racetrack" in the H2 already in testing today and increasingly large crisscrossing lattices for the H3, H4 and H5.

One big motivation for the new designs is cramming in more qubits. That'll be important to move beyond today's kicking-the-tires calculations into more serious work. It'll be essential for one of the big challenges for future quantum computers, error correction, which designers hope will let easily perturbed qubits perform calculations for longer before being derailed.

The rest is here:

Honeywell fires up the H1, its second-generation quantum computer - CNET

Quantum Computing Is Bigger Than Donald Trump – WIRED

Just this week the Senate had a hearing, ostensibly about speech on internet platforms. But what the hearing was really about was our continuing inability to figure out what to do with a technological infrastructure that gives every single person on the planet the ability to broadcast their thoughts, whether illuminating or poisonous. We know that solutions are elusive, especially in the context of our current electoral issues. But this is actually one of the less vexing conundrums that technology has dropped on our lap. What are we going to do about Crispr? How are we going to handle artificial intelligence, before it handles us? A not-encouraging sign of our ability to deal with change: While we werent looking, smart phones have made us cyborgs.

Heres another example of a change that might later look more significant than our current focus: Late last year, Google announced it had achieved Quantum Supremacy, This means that it solved a problem with its experimental quantum computer that couldnt be solved with a conventional one, or even a supercomputer.

Its a forgone conclusion that quantum computing is going to happen. When it does, what we thought was a speed limit will evaporate. Nobodynobody!has an idea of what can come from this. I bet it might even be bigger than whatever Donald Trump will do in a second (or third or fourth) term, or the civil disorder that might erupt if he isnt returned to the Peoples House.

A few days after the election, on that same West Coast trip, I had a random street encounter with one of the most important leaders in technology. We spoke informally for maybe 15 or 20 minutes about what had happened. He seemed shattered by the outcome, but no more than pretty much everyone I knew. He told me that he asked himself, should I have done more? Like all of the top people in the industry, he has since had to make his accommodations with the Trump administration. But as with all his peers, he has not relented on his drive to create new technology that will continue the remarkable and worrisome transformation of humanity.

The kind of people who work for him will keep doing what they do. Maybe they will no longer want to work for a company thats overly concerned about winning the favoror avoiding the disfavorof a president who they think is racist, a president who despises immigrants (wife and in-laws excepted), a president who encourages dictators and casts doubts on voting. If things get bad in this country, a lot of those engineers and scientists will leave, and a lot of other countries will welcome them. The adventure will continue. Even if the United States as we know it does not last another generation, scientists will continue advancing artificial intelligence, brain-machine interfaces, and, of course, quantum computing. And thats what our time will be known for.

Yes, a thousand years from now, historians will study the Donald Trump phenomenon and what it meant for our gutsy little experiment in democracy, as well as for the world at large. I am still confident, however, that historians will find more importance in learning about the moments in our lifetimes when science changed everything.

What I am not confident about is predicting how those future historians will do their work, and to what extent people of our time would regard those historians as human beings, or some exotic quantum Crispr-ed cyborgs. Thats something that Donald Trump will have no hand in. And why its so important, even as politics intrude on our everyday existence, to do the work of chronicling this great and fearsome adventure.

View original post here:

Quantum Computing Is Bigger Than Donald Trump - WIRED

Quantum Computing Technologies Market : Information, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 – Eurowire

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Table of Contents

Market Overview: In this section, the authors of the report provide an overview of products offered in the global Quantum Computing Technologies market, market scope, consumption comparison by application, production growth rate comparison by type, highlights of geographical analysis in Quantum Computing Technologies market, and a glimpse of market sizing forecast.

Manufacturing Cost Analysis: It includes manufacturing cost structure analysis, key raw material analysis, Quantum Computing Technologies industrial chain analysis, and manufacturing process analysis.

Company Profiling: Here, the analysts have profiled leading players of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market on the basis of different factors such as markets served, market share, gross margin, price, production, and revenue.

Analysis by Application: The Quantum Computing Technologies report sheds light on the consumption growth rate and consumption market share of all of the applications studied.

Quantum Computing Technologies Consumption by Region: Consumption of all regional markets studied in the Quantum Computing Technologies report is analysed here. The review period considered is 2014-2019.

Quantum Computing Technologies Production by Region: It includes gross margin, production, price, production growth rate, and revenue of all regional markets between 2014 and 2019.

Competition by Manufacturer: It includes production share, revenue share, and average price by manufacturers. Quantum Computing Technologies market analysts have also discussed the products, areas served, and production sites of manufacturers and current as well as future competitive situations and trends.

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Quantum Computing Technologies Market : Information, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 - Eurowire

Will Quantum Mechanics Produce the True Thinking Computer? – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Some hope that quantum mechanics can explain human consciousness.

Maybe we are all quantum computers but dont know it? Maybe quantum computers could think like people?

There is an odd relationship between the human mind and quantum mechanics, the science of entities like electrons that are too small to be governed by ordinary physics.

Some aspects of consciousness appear to be mediated by such elementary particles. Science writer Philip Ball explains,

Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics either. Could that be more than coincidence?

Quantum mechanics is the best theory we have for describing the world at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles. Perhaps the most renowned of its mysteries is the fact that the outcome of a quantum experiment can change depending on whether or not we choose to measure some property of the particles involved

To this day, physicists do not agree on the best way to interpret these quantum experiments, and to some extent what you make of them is (at the moment) up to you. But one way or another, it is hard to avoid the implication that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked.

This might, of course, be at least one part of the reason that consciousness remains a mystery.

But now, is a quantum computer smarter than the conventional machine that just computes numbers?

In Gaming AI, tech philosopher George Gilder notes that the resourceful AI geniuses believe that they can effect an astronomical speedup by changing the ordinary 1 or 0 bit to the quantum bit, or qubit:

The qubit is one of the most enigmatic tangles of matter and ghost in the entire armament of physics. Like a binary digit, it can register 0 or 1; what makes it quantum is that it can also register a nonbinary superposition of 0 and 1.

But before we get carried away by the possibilities, Gilder goes on to say that theres a hitch. An endless superposition works fine for Schrodingers cat. But, to be useful in the real world, the quantum computer must settle on either 0 or 1. If the needed number is your paycheck, to be cashed, it must be a number, not an infinite debate.

In any event, quantum computers come with real world problems that conventional computers dont have:

the chip can no longer function as a determinist logical device. For example, today the key problem in microchips is to avoid spontaneous quantum tunneling, where electrons can find themselves on the other side of a barrier that by the laws of classical physics would have been insurmountable and impenetrable. In digital memory chips or processors, spontaneous tunneling can mean leakage and loss.

Quantum computing has advantages and disadvantages. In any event, consciousness is still a mystery and its not clear at this point how quantum computers help us understand much. But stay tuned!

Note: You can download Gaming AI for free here.

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Quantum supremacy isnt the Big Fix. If human thought is Turings halting oracle, as seems likely, then even quantum computing will not allow us to replicate human intelligence (Eric Holloway)

The rest is here:

Will Quantum Mechanics Produce the True Thinking Computer? - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Australia’s Archer and its plan for quantum world domination – ZDNet

Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair and quantum technology manager Dr Martin Fuechsle

Quantum computing will revolutionise the world; its potential is so immeasurable that the greatest minds in Redmond, Armonk, and Silicon Valley are spending big on quantum development. But a company by the name of Archer Materials wants to put Sydney, Australia, on the map alongside, if not ahead, of these tech giants.

Universal quantum computers leverage the quantum mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement to create states that scale exponentially with the number of quantum bits (qubits).

Here's an explanation: What is quantum computing? Understanding the how, why and when of quantum computers

"Quantum computing represents the next generation of powerful computing, you don't really have to know how your phone works on the inside, you just want it to do things that you couldn't do before," Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair told ZDNet.

"And with quantum computing, you can do things that you couldn't necessarily do before."

There is currently a very small set number of tasks that a quantum computer can do, but Choucair is hopeful that in the future this will grow to be a little bit more consumer-based and business-faced.

Right now, however, quantum computing, for all intents and purposes, is at a very early stage. It's not going to completely displace a classical computer, but it will give the capacity to do more with what we currently have. Choucair believes this will positively impact a range of sectors that are reliant on an increasing amount of computational power.

"This comes to light when you start to want to optimise very large portfolios, or perform a whole bunch of data crunching, AI and all sorts of buzzwords -- but ultimately, you're looking for more computational power. And you can genuinely get speed-ups in computational power based on certain algorithms for certain problems that are currently being identified," he explained.

"The problems that quantum computers can solve are currently being identified and the end users are being engaged."

Archer describes itself as a materials technology company. Its proposition is simple at heart: "Materials are the tangible physical basis of all technology. We're developing and integrating materials to address complex global challenges in quantum technology, human health, and reliable energy".

There are many components to quantum computing, but Archer is building a qubit processor. 12CQ is touted by the company as a "world-first technology that Archer aims to build for quantum computing operation at room-temperature and integration onboard modern electronic devices".

"We're not building the entire computer, we're building the chipset, the processer at the core of it," Choucair told ZDNet. "That really forms the brain of a quantum computer.

"The difference with us is that we really are looking at on-board use, rather than the heavy infrastructure that's required to house the existing quantum computing architectures.

"This is not all airy-fairy and it is not all of blue sky; it's real, there's proven potential, we've published the workwe have the data, we have the science behind us -- it took seven years of immense, immersive R&D."

Archer is building the chip inside a AU$180 million prototype foundry out of the University of Sydney. The funding was provided by the university as well as government.

"Everyone's playing their role to get this to market," he said.

Choucair is convinced that the potential when Archer "gets this right" will be phenomenal.

"Once you get a minimal viable product, and you can demonstrate the technology can indeed work at room temperature and be integrated into modern-day electronics. I think that's, that's quite disruptive. And it's quite exciting," he said.

Magnified region observing the round qubit clusters which are billionths of a meter in size in the centre of qubit control device components (appearing as parallel lines).

Choucair found himself at Archer in 2017 after the company acquired a startup he founded. Straight away, he and the board got started on the strategy it's currently executing on.

"There is very, very small margin for error from the start, in the middle, at the end -- you need to know what you're getting yourself into, what you're doingthis is why I think we've been able to be so successful moving forward, we've been so rapid in our development, because we know exactly what needs to get done," Choucair said.

"The chip is a world firstscience can fail at any stage, everybody knows that, but more often than not, it may or may not -- how uncertain do you want something to be? So for us, the more and more we develop our chip, the higher chances of success become."

Read more about Archer's commercial strategy here: Archer looks to commercialisation future with graphene-based biosensor tech

Choucair said materials technology itself was able to reduce a lot of the commercial barriers to entry for Archer, which meant the company could take the work out of the university much sooner.

"The material technology allowed us to do things without the need for heavy cooling infrastructure, which costs millions and millions of dollars and had to be housed in buildings that cost millions and millions of dollars,' he explained. "Massive barrier reduced, material could be made simply from common laboratory agents, which means you didn't have to build a billion-dollar facility to control atoms and do all these crazy scientific things at the atomic level.

"And so, really, you end up with the materials technology that was simple to handle, easy to make, and worked at room temperature, and you're like, wow, okay, so now the job for us is to actually build the chip and miniaturise this stuff, which is challenging in itself."

The CEO of the unexplainable has an impressive resum. He landed at Archer with a strong technical background in nanotechnology, served a two-year mandate on the World Economic Forum Global Council for Advanced Materials, is a fellow of both The Royal Society of New South Wales and The Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and was an academic and research fellow at the University of Sydney's School of Chemistry.

Choucair also has in his armoury Dr Martin Fuechsle, who is recognised for developing the world's smallest transistor, a "single-atom transistor".

"Fuechsle is among the few highly talented physicists in the world capable of building quantum devices that push the boundaries of current information processing technology," Choucair said in January 2019, announcing Fuechsle's appointment. "His skills, experience, and exceptional track record strongly align to Archer's requirements for developing our key vertical of quantum technology."

SEE:Guide to Becoming a Digital Transformation Champion(TechRepublic Premium)

Archer is publicly listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, but Choucair would reject any claims of it being a crazy proposition.

"20 years ago, a company that was maybe offering something as abstract as an online financial payment system would have been insane too, but if you have a look at the top 10 companies on the Nasdaqa lot of their core business is embedded in the development of computational architecture, computational hardware," he said.

"We're a very small company, I'm not comparing myself to a Nasdaq-listed company. I'm just saying, the core businessI think it's a unique offering and differentiates us on a stock exchange."

He said quantum technology is something that people are starting to value and see as having potential and scale of opportunity.

Unlike many of the other quantum players in Australia and abroad, Archer is not a result of a spin-off from a university, Choucair claimed.

"The one thing about Archer is that we're not a university spin out -- I think that's what sets us apart, not just in Australia, but globally," he said. "A lot of the time, the quantum is at a university, this is where you go to learn about quantum computing, so it's only natural that it does come out of a university."

Historically, Australia has a reputation of being bad at commercialising research and development. But our curriculum vitae speaks for itself: Spray-on skin, the black box flight recorder, polymer bank notes, and the Cochlear implant, to name a few.

According to Choucair, quantum is next.

"We really are leading the world; we well and truly punch above our weight when it comes to the work that's been done, we lead the world," he said.

"And that quantum technology is across quantum computing and photonics, and sensing -- it's not just quantum computing. We do have a lot of great scientists and those who are developing the technology."

But as highlighted in May by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in its quantum technologies roadmap, there are a lot of gaps that need to be filled over the long term.

"We just have to go out there and get the job done," Choucair said.

"In Australia we have resource constraints, just like anywhere else in the world. And I think there's always a lot more that can be donewe're not doing deep tech as a luxury in this country. From the very top down, there is an understanding, I believe, from our government and from key institutes in the nation that this is what will help us drive forward as a nation."

Archer isn't the only group focused on the promise of quantum tech down under, but Choucair said there's no animosity within the Aussie ecosystem.

Read about UNSW's efforts: Australia's ambitious plan to win the quantum race

There's also a partnership between two universities: UNSW and Sydney Uni quantum partnership already bearing fruit

"I think we all understand that there's a greater mission at stake here. And we all want, I can't speak on everyone's behalf, but at Archer we definitely have vision of making quantum computing widespread -- adopted by consumers and businesses, that's something that we really want to do," he said.

"We have fantastic support here in Australia, there's no doubt about it."

A lot of the work in the quantum space is around education, as Choucair said, it's not something that just comes out of abstractness and then just exists.

"You have to remember this stuff's all been built off 20, 30, 40 years of research and development, quantum mechanics, engineering, science, and tech -- hundreds and thousands of brilliant minds over the course of two-three generations," the CEO explained.

While the technology is here, and people are building algorithms that only run on quantum computers, there is still another 20-or-so years of development to follow.

"This field is not a fast follower field, you don't just get up in the morning and put your slippers on and say you're going to build a quantum computer," he added.

Archer is also part of the IBM Q Network, which is a global network of startups, Fortune 500 companies, and academic research institutes that have access to IBM's experts, developer tools, and cloud-based quantum systems through IBM Q Cloud.

Archer joined the network in May as the first Australian company that's developing a qubit processor.

Choucair said the work cannot be done without partnerships and collaboration alongside the best in the world.

"Yes, there is a race to build quantum computers, but I think more broadly than a race, to just enable the widespread adoption of the technology. And that's not easy. And that takes a concerted effort," he said. "And at this early stage of development, there is a lot of overlap and collaboration.

"There's a bit of a subculture that Australia can't do it -- yeah, we can.

"There's no excuses, right? We're doing it, we're building it, we're getting there. We're working with the very best in the world."

Read the rest here:

Australia's Archer and its plan for quantum world domination - ZDNet

Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market Top Manufacturers : 1QB Information Technologies, Airbus, Anyon Systems, Cambridge Quantum Computing,…

This versatile composition of research derivatives pertaining to diverse concurrent developments in the global Quantum Computing for Enterprise market is poised to induce forward-looking perspectives favoring unfaltering growth stance.

This newly added research report of Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market analytical report included in the fast growing online repository is a well-orchestrated, adequately collated business intelligence documentation that lays down a versatile growth spectrum, evaluating the market across historical as well as current timelines to make highly accurate forecast predictions complying with industry needs.

Vendor Profiling: Global Market_Keywor Market, 2020-27:

The Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market report takes into account the complete forecast tenure, spanning across 2020-25 and highlights key developments and events in the interest of unfaltering profit generation. Major touch-point analysis of versatile market factors comprising key player positioning, versatile developments, segment advances and a detailed DROT analytical survey make crucial report components.

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Further in the report, readers are also equipped with considerable understanding on overall geographical expanse, highlighting market growth hotspots, also shedding visible light on competent market participants complete with their market positioning, company status, product and service highlights as well.

These highly classified set of information have been optimally sourced from disparate sources following tenacious primary and secondary research practices to devise market specific, growth rendering investment discretion.

Analysis by Type: This section of the report includes factual details pertaining to the most lucrative segment harnessing revenue maximization.

Analysis by Application: Further in the subsequent sections of the report, research analysts have rendered precise judgement regarding the various applications that the Quantum Computing for Enterprise market mediates for superlative end-user benefits.

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Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market Report Indicators: Points to Consider Competition Analysis: A critical analytical assessment of frontline players and a detailed overview of the entire competition gamut has been one of the prime focal points of this research study. A critical evaluation inclusive also of a detailed SWOT analysis of the mentioned players has been included in the report for the superlative business outcomes. The Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market report includes detailed assessment of revenue generation trends, capacity milestones, production and consumption patterns as well as gross margin and sales developments have been intricately discussed in this report for high end returns.

Regional and Global Market Outlook: The report in its subsequent sections also encompasses veritable insights on region specific market performance. Further details in the report shed light on prominent growth hubs as well as vendor manufacturing and promotional activities across countries and regions that influence customer response. Details about import and export performance as well as production and consumption trends have also been discussed at length in the report.

Market Segmentation: The report in its subsequent sections also elaborates on various segment-wise performance in catapulting high revenue growth. Each of the segment specified in the report allows readers to identify the highest potential market segment triggering revenue maximization.

Regional Analysis North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.) Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)

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The report offers a clear and accessible estimation of the global Quantum Computing for Enterprise market that are presented as value based and volume based estimations. The report is mindfully structured to present all market relevant information which are designed and presented in the form of graphs, charts and tables to allow market players quickly decipher the peculiarities to invoke mindful business decisions

Primary Reasons for Report Investment: Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market The report includes versatile data pertaining to overall commercial landscape, thereby encouraging players to implement profit-oriented business decisions.

The report helps readers to gain insightful details on potential drivers, restraints, threats and challenges besides eying market opportunities and trends that collectively steer remunerative business outlook through the forecast span, 2020-25.

The report is thoroughly designed to favor futuristic business decisions in global Quantum Computing for Enterprise market.

Aligning with customer requirements and industry needs, this holistic research report on global Quantum Computing for Enterprise market supports thorough customization to comply with investor discretion.

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Global Quantum Computing for Enterprise Market Top Manufacturers : 1QB Information Technologies, Airbus, Anyon Systems, Cambridge Quantum Computing,...

Quantum Computing and the Cryptography Conundrum –

By: Anand Patil

On October 23, 2019, researchers from Google made an official announcement of a major breakthrough one that scientists compared to the Wright Brothers first flight, or even mans first moon landing. They said to have achieved Quantum Supremacy, meaning that they had created a Quantum Computer that could perform a calculation that is considered impossible by the classical computers of today. The announcement was a landmark, highlighting the possibilities of Quantum Computing.

The concept of Quantum Computing itself isnt new. It is a field that has been a point of interest of physicists and computer researchers since the 1980s. Googles announcement, however, has brought it to the mainstream, and shone a spotlight on the promise that this niche field of innovation holds. Of course, like someone once said, with great power comes with great responsibility, so this field isnt without complexities.

The Possibilities of Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is a branch of computer science that is focused on leveraging the principles of quantum physics to develop computer technology. Quantum Computers hold the promise to power major advances in various fields that require complex calculations from materials science and pharmaceuticals to aerospace and artificial intelligence (AI).

So far, Quantum Computers have been nothing more than fancy laboratory experiments large and expensive but they have successfully demonstrated that the underlying principles are sound and have the potential to transform industries and accelerate innovation like never before. This has spurred scientific and industrial interest in this nascent field, giving rise to multiple projects across the world in pursuit of creating a viable, general-use Quantum Computer. That said, it may still be many years before Quantum Computers are commercially and generally available.

So Why Does It Matter Today?The possibility of Quantum Computers poses a serious challenge to cryptographic algorithms deployed widely today. Todays key-exchange algorithms, like RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and others, rely on very difficult mathematical problems such as prime factorization for their security, which a Quantum computer would be able to solve much faster than a classical computer.

For example, it would take a classical computer centuries or even longer, to break modern algorithms like DH, RSA-2048 etc. by using brute-force methods. However, given the power and efficiency of quantum machines in calculations such as finding prime factors of large numbers it may be possible for a quantum computer to break current asymmetric algorithms in a matter of days

So, while the encrypted internet is not at risk at the moment, all that a bad actor has to do is capture the encrypted data today including the initial key exchange, and then wait until a powerful enough quantum computer is available to decrypt it. This is particularly a problem for organizations that have large amounts of sensitive data that they need to protect over the long term such as Banks, Governments and Defense agencies.

What Can I Do Now?For organizations that could be at risk in the future, this is the best time to start evaluating post-quantum cryptography. Simply put, this means moving to algorithms and/or keys that are a lot more robust and can withstand a brute-force attack by a quantum computer i.e. quantum resistant.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US is leading the effort towards the standardization of post-quantum secure algorithms. However, given the lengthy process involved, this may take many years to fructify.

An alternative is to use Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) techniques with existing algorithms that are considered quantum-safe. This involves using a dedicated optical channel to exchange keys using the quantum properties of photons. Any attempt to tap this secure channel will lead to a change in the quantum state of the photon and can be immediately detected and therefore the key is unhackable. One of the limitations of QKD in this method is the need for a dedicated optical channel that cannot span more than 50km between the two terminals. Of course, this also means that the existing encryption devices or routers should be capable of ingesting such Quantum-Generated keys.

Post-Quantum Cryptography and CiscoCisco is an active contributor to the efforts to standardize post-quantum algorithms. However, recognizing that an implementable standard may be some years away, there is work ongoing to ensure that organizations are able to implement quantum-resistant encryption techniques in the interim, that leverage existing network devices like routers which are most commonly used as encryptors.

To start with, a team of veteran technical leaders and cryptography experts from the US and India developed an API interface called the Secure Key Import Protocol or SKIP through which Cisco routers can securely ingest keys from an external post-quantum key source. This allows existing Cisco routers to be quantum-ready, with just the addition of an external QKD system. Going forward, this team is working on a way to deliver quantum-safe encryption keys without the need for short-range point-to-point connections.

The advantage of this method is that organizations can integrate post-quantum key sources with existing networking gear in a modular fashion without the need to replace anything already installed. In this manner, you could create a quantum-ready network for all traffic with minimal effort.

Getting Ready for the Post-Quantum WorldQuantum Supremacy is an event which demonstrates that a quantum machine is able to solve a problem that no classical computer can solve in a feasible amount of time. This race has gathered momentum in the recent past with several companies joining the bandwagon, and some even claiming to have achieved it.

There is an unprecedented amount of attention focused on making a commercially viable quantum computer. Many believe it is inevitable, and only a question of time. When it does happen, the currently used cryptography techniques will become vulnerable, and therefore be limited in their security. The good news is, there are methods available to adopt strong encryption techniques that will remain secure even after quantum computers are generally available.

If you are an organization that wants to protect its sensitive data over the long term, you should start to evaluate post-quantum secure encryption techniques today. By leveraging existing networking infrastructure and adding suitable post-quantum key distribution techniques, it is possible to take a quantum leap in securing your data.

(The author is Director, Systems Engineering, Cisco India and SAARC and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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Quantum Computing and the Cryptography Conundrum -

Forum Teratec 2020 Gathered Experts in Simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI – HPCwire

Oct. 19, 2020 Held in digital format on October 13 and 14, 2020, given the circumstances of COVID-19, Forum Teratec gathered over 1200 experts in Simulation, HPC, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. It brought together industrialists, users, suppliers and political decision-makers around the essential issue of digital. As President of Teratec Daniel Verwaerde said in his introduction: This crisis demonstrates the fundamental importance of digital, and especially HPC and HPDA in our lives and in our economy.

The Forum Teratec 2020 was up to the challenge of previous years editions, welcoming more than 1,200 participants. It brought together major European decision-makers virtually, including Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner, Florence Parly, the French Minister of the Armed Forces and many industrialists. More than sixty companies and innovative projects presented their latest results with the ability for participants to share experiences during business meetings. In addition, six thematic workshops attended by national and international experts provided an opportunity to review the latest technological advances, in the fields of digital-twin in medicine, quantum computing, satellite data and the environment, AI and scientific computing, Cloud computing and HPC or Exascale.

One strategic stake, both political and economical

In all economic fields, these technologies will be essential and companies able to master them will be the leaders of tomorrow. Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market clearly stated: High-Performance Computing represents a major strategic challenge for Europe as much industrial, technological and, of course, scientific. It is also one of the pillars of our digital autonomy.

Digital autonomy for European States will require the implementation of a network of supercomputers on their territory for all users in industry, research and the public sector.

The European Commission has identified HPC as one of key pillars of the digital decade and decided to invest, together with Member States and industry, more than 8 billion in new-generation supercomputers under the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.

Beyond supercomputers, European sovereignty is also conditioned by Europes ability to produce processors at best global scope, in order to reduce its dependence in this strategic area. It is also in the process of bringing together all the players involved (research organizations, small and large enterprises, public authorities) within digital ecosystems capable of mastering those technologies that will guarantee Europes competitiveness in the global economy.

Key technologies for all economic sectors

For Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces: Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Computing, Quantum computing and, more generally, breakthrough innovations linked to data are subjects of prime importance for the Ministry of the Armed Forces. They are therefore at the heart of innovation and investment strategies, with the aim of devoting them 1 billion a year from 2022.

HPC in the COVID-19 era

During the roundtable discussion How can digital technology serve health in the age of COVID-19?, major sponsors of the Forum Teratec discussed the contribution of HPC and HPDA to the health sector, with obvious particular focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. They were thus able to demonstrate the value of these technologies in the management of the pandemic and in research for treatments and vaccines.

Innovation is core for the 6th Trophies for Simulation and AI 2020

The 6th Simulation and AI 2020 Trophies, organized with LUsine Digitale in partnership with Ansys, the CEA, Inria and Smart 4D, rewarded innovative projects or companies that have carried out an outstanding operation in the field of digital simulation, high-performance computing, Big Data or AI, or their application to healthcare. For each category, the winners are:

Closing the Forum Teratec, Daniel Verwaerde concluded: The Forum Teratec 2020 has shown the major importance of HPC and HPDA for the management of the health crisis and for industrial recovery. I would like to thank over than 1,200 participants who made it a remarkable success, and I look forward to seeing them again at the Forum Teratec 2021 next June, 22 and 23.

Source: Teratec


Forum Teratec 2020 Gathered Experts in Simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI - HPCwire

Quantum Computing Market 2020 | Outlook, Growth By Top Companies, Regions, Types, Applications, Drivers, Trends & Forecasts by 2025 – PRnews…

Market Study Report, LLC, has added a research study on Quantum Computing market which delivers a concise outline of the market share, market size, revenue estimation, geographical outlook and SWOT analysis of the business. The report further offers key insights based on growth opportunities and challenges as experienced by leaders of this industry, while evaluating their present standing in the market and growth strategies.

The new Quantum Computing market research report presents a granular analysis of the business outlook and also covers the world market overview. It throws lights on various market segmentations based on product type, application spectrum, well-established companies, and regions.

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Additionally, the document analyses the impact of COVID-19 on the market growth.

Key features of Quantum Computing market report:

Regional Analysis of Quantum Computing market:

Quantum Computing Market Segmentation: Americas, APAC, Europe, Middle East & Africa

Overview of the regional terrain of Quantum Computing market:

Product types and application scope of Quantum Computing market:

Product landscape:

Product types: Hardware, Software and Cloud Service

Key factors enclosed in the report:

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Application Landscape:

Application segmentation: Medical, Chemistry, Transportation, Manufacturing and Others

Details stated in the report:

Other details specified in the report:

Competitive spectrum of the Quantum Computing market:

Competitive landscape of Quantum Computing market: D-Wave Solutions, IBM, Microsoft, Rigetti Computing, Google, Anyon Systems Inc., Intel, Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited and Origin Quantum Computing Technology

Major features as per the report:

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Quantum Computing Market 2020 | Outlook, Growth By Top Companies, Regions, Types, Applications, Drivers, Trends & Forecasts by 2025 - PRnews...

Quantum Computing Market To Witness Astonishing Growth 2026 Honeywell International, Inc., Accenture, Fujitsu, Rigetti & Co, Inc., 1Qb…

DBMR has added a new report titledQuantum Computing Marketwith data Tables for historical and forecast years represented with Chats & Graphs spread through Pages with easy to understand detailed analysis. Quantum Computing Market research report provides key analysis on the market status of the Quantum Computing manufacturers with market size, growth, share, trends as well as industry cost structure. The market type, organization size, availability on-premises, end-users organization type, and the availability in areas such as North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa are kept into focus while creating this global Quantum Computing market report. The growth of the Quantum Computing market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world, howeverlatest COVID scenarioand economic slowdown have changed complete market dynamics.

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Market Key Players: Quantum Computing Market

Some Of The Major Players Operating In This Market Are Honeywell International, Inc., Accenture, Fujitsu, Rigetti & Co, Inc., 1Qb Information Technologies, Inc., Ionq, Atom Computing, Id Quantique, Quintessencelabs, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Google,Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Xanadu, Magiq Technologies, Inc., Qx Branch, Nec Corporation, Anyon System,Inc. Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited, Qc Ware Corp, Intel Corporation And Others.

Market Analysis: Quantum Computing Market

Global Quantum Computing Market Is Projected To Register A Healthy Cagr Of 29.5% In The Forecast Period Of 2019 To 2026.

Market Segmentation: Quantum Computing Market

Global Quantum Computing Market By System (Single Qubit Quantum System and Multiple Qubit System), Qubits (Trapped Ion Qubits, Semiconductor Qubits and Super Conducting), Deployment Model (On-Premises and Cloud), Component (Hardware, Software and Services), Application (Cryptography, Simulation, Parallelism, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Others), Logic Gates (Toffoli Gate, Hadamard Gate, Pauli Logic Gates and Others), Verticals (Banking And Finance, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Defence, Automotive, Chemical, Utilities, Others) and Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia- Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026

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Decoding Regional Overview of the Quantum Computing Market:

Further in its subsequent sections of the report, this mindful presentation of the Quantum Computing market lends vital details on regional scope and development sprees highlighting potential growth spots.

These details are indicated in the report to allow market players undertake a systematic analytical review of the Quantum Computing market to arrive at logical conclusions governing the growth trajectory of the Quantum Computing market and their subsequent implications on the growth of the aforementioned market.

Table of Content: Quantum Computing Market

Market Overview:The report begins with this section where product overview and highlights of product and application segments of the global Quantum Computing Market are provided. Highlights of the segmentation study include price, revenue, sales, sales growth rate, and market share by product.

Competition by Company:Here, the competition in the Worldwide Quantum Computing Market is analysed, By price, revenue, sales, and market share by company, market rate, competitive situations Landscape, and latest trends, merger, expansion, acquisition, and market shares of top companies.

Company Profiles and Sales Data:As the name suggests, this section gives the sales data of key players of the global Quantum Computing Market as well as some useful information on their business. It talks about the gross margin, price, revenue, products, and their specifications, type, applications, competitors, manufacturing base, and the main business of key players operating in the global Quantum Computing Market.

Market Status and Outlook by Region:In this section, the report discusses about gross margin, sales, revenue, production, market share, CAGR, and market size by region. Here, the global Quantum Computing Market is deeply analysed on the basis of regions and countries such as North America, Europe, China, India, Japan, and the MEA.

Application or End User:This section of the research study shows how different end-user/application segments contribute to the global Quantum Computing Market.

Market Forecast:Here, the report offers a complete forecast of the global Quantum Computing Market by product, application, and region. It also offers global sales and revenue forecast for all years of the forecast period.

Research Findings and Conclusion:This is one of the last sections of the report where the findings of the analysts and the conclusion of the research study are provided.

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Recent Developments: Quantum Computing Market

Geographic Coverage: Quantum Computing Market

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Quantum Computing Market To Witness Astonishing Growth 2026 Honeywell International, Inc., Accenture, Fujitsu, Rigetti & Co, Inc., 1Qb...

The Week of October 19, 2020 – FYI: Science Policy News

DOE Selects Reactor Projects for New Demonstration Program

On Oct. 13, the Department of Energy announced awards of $80 million each for two nuclear reactor development projects, funding the first year of new cost-sharing partnerships that aim to demonstrate working prototypes. One of the recipients is TerraPower, a venture backed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates that is developing a reactor design known as Natrium, which uses molten salt as a coolant and aims to be more economical than traditional nuclear power plants. The other recipient is X-energy, which is developing a reactor called Xe-100 that is cooled by helium gas and fueled by TRISO (TRi-structural ISOtropic) fuel pellets that are designed to make meltdowns impossible and enable refueling without a plant shutdown. Congress created the demonstration program through last years appropriations legislation and, while the Trump administration has proposed discontinuing the awards, DOE anticipates it will spend a total of $3.2 billion on them over the next seven years if the funding is made available. The department also expects to make smaller awards in December to between two and five reactor development projects for reducing technical risks, and to at least two early-stage reactor concept development projects. Through its Project Pele, the Defense Department is also funding the development of three TRISO-based designs for mobile nuclear reactors, including one proposed by X-energy, and may eventually support one of the projects through to a prototype demonstration.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Oct. 17 that Chinese government representatives have privately warned U.S. officials that Americans in China may be detained in response to recent arrests of scientists with ties to Chinas military. This summer, the Department of Justice charged three visiting researchers and one graduate student with visa fraud, alleging they lied about their connections to the Chinese military on visa applications. It also charged a visiting researcher for destroying a hard drive, arguing the act interfered with an investigation into possible transfer of sensitive software to Chinas National University of Defense Technology. The department did not confirm the threats to the Journal, but stated, We are aware that the Chinese government has, in other instances, detained American, Canadian, and other individuals without legal basis to retaliate against lawful prosecutions and to exert pressure on their governments, with a callous disregard of the individuals involved. In 2018, China arrested two Canadian citizens shortly after Canada detained the chief financial officer of the telecommunications company Huawei, whom the U.S. had charged with evading sanctions against Iran.

The American Physical Society announced last week it has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Department seeking details on therecent revocation of more than 1,000 visas held by Chinese students and researchers. A May 2020 proclamation by President Trump empowered the department to cancel visas for certain Chinese graduate students and researchers deemed to have current or past ties to an unnamed set of institutions affiliated with the Chinese military. APS states that no administration officials they met with could or were willing to provide any details, such as: an example of a case of student espionage involving university basic research; the number of students the administration claims have engaged in or are charged with espionage; or, an estimate of the impact to the U.S. of the alleged espionage that would form the basis for the proclamation. The FOIA request seeks all internal policy documents related to the proclamation, the names of institutions it applies to, and the names of the U.S. institutions the visa holders were planning to attend, among other details. The request argues, Lacking any public explanation, the denial of visas will only contribute to the growing view that the United States is unwelcoming to foreigners and thereby diminish the ability of the United States to attract top talent, as the APS has seen in its annual survey of international students. (APS is an AIP Member Society.)

The White House published a National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies last week that outlines general steps the U.S. is taking to bolster the National Security Innovation Base and protect technology advantage, such as fostering public-private partnerships and expanding export controls. The strategy also lists 20 broad types of critical and emerging technologies that are identified as priorities across the government. The list overlaps with the White Houses Industries of the Future framework and includes additional items such as energy technologies and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear mitigation technologies. In a statement on the strategy, the Commerce Department highlighted its implementation of multilateral export controls on certain emerging technologies pursuant to the Export Control Reform Act of 2018. The latest set, published this month, applies to hybrid additive manufacturing/computer numerically controlled tools; computational lithography software designed for the fabrication of extreme ultraviolet masks; technology for finishing wafers for five nanometer integrated circuit production; digital forensics tools that circumvent authentication or authorization controls on a computer and extract raw data; software for monitoring and analysis of communications and metadata acquired from a telecommunications service provider via a handover interface; and sub-orbital spacecraft.

On Oct. 15, the National Academies announced that its newly established National Science, Technology, and Security Roundtable will be led by MIT Vice President for Research Maria Zuber, former National Intelligence Council Chair John Gannon, and former Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chair Richard Meserve. The roundtable will serve as a forum for representatives of the scientific community, federal science agencies, the intelligence community, and law enforcement officials to discuss concerns and activities related to securing research against exploitation by foreign governments. Congress mandated its creation through the Securing American Science and Technology Act, enacted as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. The National Academies has long played a role in advising the government on research security matters, such as through the 1982 Corson report and the 2009 report Beyond Fortress America.

In its quarterly tranche of recommendations released last week, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence proposes a set of broad STEM workforce development initiatives as well as more targeted efforts in microelectronics, quantum computing, and biotechnology. Among its 66 recommendations are for Congress to provide the National Science Foundation with $8 billion over five years to fund 25,000 STEM undergraduate scholarships, 5,000 STEM graduate fellowships, and 500 postdoctoral positions. It also proposes creating a National Microelectronics Scholar Program modeled on the Department of Defenses SMART scholarship-for-service program. For quantum computing, the commission recommends providing researchers with access to quantum computers through a national cloud computing infrastructure and incentivizing domestic manufacturing of component materials through tax credits and loan guarantees. The commission also calls for the White House to create a Technology Competitiveness Council chaired by the vice president to focus government attention on technological innovation.

Among the 97 recommendations released last week by the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress is a proposal to reconstitute the long-defunct Office of Technology Assessment as a Congressional Technology and Innovation Lab. The committee explains the new entity would go beyond the mandate of the original OTA by proactively studying and testing new technologies rather than waiting for directives to study technologies. It adds that the lab would employ nonpartisan experts, visiting professors, and graduate students to provide fresh perspectives to members of Congress and their staff. In recent years, there has been a renewed push within Congress to revive OTA, though House appropriators backed away from the idea this year, instead favoring continued expansion of the Government Accountability Offices Science, Technology, Assessment, and Analytics team.

The United Kingdom-based scientific journal Nature officially endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Oct. 14.Having previously published a news article reviewing ways that President Trump has damaged science, the journal's editorsfurther evaluateTrumps record on issues connected to science and criticizes his divisive approach to politics more generally. TheyargueBiden would chart a starkly different course on matters such as the pandemic, climate change, environmental regulation, and immigration, and urge, Joe Biden must be given an opportunity to restore trust in truth, in evidence, in science and in other institutions of democracy, heal a divided nation, and begin the urgent task of rebuilding the United States reputation in the world. While some scientific publications have broken longstanding positions of neutrality to weigh in on this years election, Nature previously backed Hillary Clinton in 2016, when it referred to Trump as a demagogue not fit for high office, and in 2008 it issued a more measured endorsement of Barack Obama.

More than 1,000 current and former officers of the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Epidemiology Intelligence Service fellowship programsigned a letter published this month that proteststhe ominous politicization and silencing of the agency. Representing more than a quarter of the people who have participated in the program throughout its nearly 70 year history, the letter adds to the mounting criticism of how the Trump administration has sought control over CDCs pandemic-response efforts. This past week, the Associated Press reported that in June the Trump administration assigned two appointees to the agencys headquarters tasked with keeping an eye on CDC Director Robert Redfield, according to a half-dozen CDC and administration officials. The assignment was made during the same period that the chief spokesperson and a science adviser at the agencys parent department sought to exert control over CDC messaging and scientific products. Both those individuals departed the department last month under a cloud of scandal.

During her nomination hearing last week to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Amy Coney Barrett declined to explain her personal views on climate change when pressed by Democratic senators. In one exchange, vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) asked Barrett if she believes smoking causes cancer and whether coronavirus is infectious before then asking if she believes climate change is occurring. Barrett agreed that the coronavirus is infectious and smoking causes cancer, but declined to provide a direct response on climate change, stating, I will not express a view on a matter of public policy, especially one that is politically controversial because thats inconsistent with the judicial role. Harris observed that Barretts appointment to the court could have implications for climate policy, noting Justice Ginsberg voted in favor of the landmark 5-to-4 Massachusetts v. EPA case, which enabled the government to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.

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The Week of October 19, 2020 - FYI: Science Policy News

Molecular computing: DNA-inspired advanced computers – The Hindu

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Researchers at Yale University have developed a single-molecule switch, a device that could be key to the future of molecular or small computers.

Single-molecule-electret, the switching device could serve as a platform for small non-volatile storage devices such as Read-only-memory (ROM). These small electronics are crucial to developing more advanced computers by replacing silicon chips with molecules.

Most electrets are made of materials that produce the sound in speakers and the pairs of opposite electric charges line up in the same direction. By applying an electric field, their directions can be reversed. The attempt has always been to make these electrets as small as possible.

Mark Reed, the Harold Hodgkinson Professor of Electrical Engineering & Applied Physics at Yale University demonstrated a single-molecule electret with a functional memory. His work, along with colleagues at Nanjing University, Renmin University, Xiamen University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, were published in Nature Nanotechnology.

What is Molecular Computing?

Molecular computing is the science of using DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology hardware to build a computer. Instead of using silicon, scientists attempt running software with liquids, test tubes and living cells to reduce the size of circuits as much as possible.

Why replace Silicon?

Silicon microprocessors have been around in the computing world for more than four decades. But to build smaller computers, circuits need to be miniaturized. So, while reducing the size of the circuits, current flowing through the transistor starts leaking into other components, thereby, faulting the circuit and making it useless.

So, researchers are highlighting the idea of molecular computing due to its potential to pack more circuitry at cheaper cost onto a microchip than silicon. Few nanometres in size, molecules make it possible to manufacture chip sets that can hold trillions of switches and components in them.

What can replace Silicon?

Scientists are working on different possibilities, including DNA to replace silicon for molecular computing. It could be a breakthrough technology since a single copy of DNA sequence is large enough to print an entire encyclopaedia out of it.

DNA computing came into light in 1994 when American computer scientist Loenard Adleman used tools of molecular biology to solve a difficult computational problem. It was said that the method had the potential to outperform electronic computers.

DNA enables scientists to manipulate its solutions and work on millions of strands together in the laboratory. Just as computer stores information in the form of bits, DNA molecules are nothing but strings of Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. These four bits together can hold large amount of data.

It could be interpreted as a software that builds a human being from a single cell. DNA holds no limit to power since more the number of molecules, greater is its strength. Unlike traditional computers, DNA computing can carry out million of operations at the same time.

For instance, a single cubic centimetre with 10 trillion DNA molecules could perform 10 trillion calculations at once while holding 10 terabytes of data. It is also viewed as a complement of quantum computing.

However, the number of possible solutions grow exponentially with the size of problems so even small problems would require large volumes of DNA to represent all possible answers.

Theres a long way to go before it could be achieved but the degree of miniaturization offered by DNA could be key to the future of molecular computing.

Along with DNA computing, others biological computing methods include membrane calculation, evolutionary calculation and virus calculation.

Where will it be used?

The early DNA computers are unlikely to replace silicon soon, but it will be used for advanced calculations and powerful computing by national governments. In addition to this, it could also lead to better understanding of other biological processes.

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Molecular computing: DNA-inspired advanced computers - The Hindu