Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits Market : share forecast to witness considerable growth from 2020 to 2026 – The Daily Chronicle

Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits Industry Analysis 2020

TheIntegrated Quantum Optical Circuits Marketreport enlightens its readers about its products, applications, and specifications. The research enlists key companies operating in the market and also highlights the roadmap adopted by the companies to consolidate their position in the market.By extensive usage of SWOT analysis and Porters five force analysis tools, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and combination of key companies are comprehensively deduced and referenced in the report.Every single leading player in this global market is profiled with their related details such as product types, business overview, sales, manufacturing base, applications, and other specifications.Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits is a device that integrates multiple optical devices to form a single photonic circuit. This device uses light instead of electricity for signal processing and computing. It consists of complex circuit configurations due to integration of various optical devices including multiplexers, amplifiers, modulators, and others into a small compact circuit.

Major Market Players Covered In This Report:, Aifotec AG, Ciena Corporation, Finisar Corporation, Intel Corporation, Infinera Corporation, Neophotonics Corporation, TE Connectivity, Oclaro Inc., Luxtera, Inc., Emcore Corporation, ,

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Integrated Quantum Optical CircuitsMarket has exhibited continuous growth in the recent past and is projected to grow even more throughout the forecast. The analysis presents an exhaustive assessment of the market and comprises Future trends, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, facts, historical information, in addition to statistically supported and trade validated market information.

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The key product type of Integrated Quantum Optical Circuitsmarket are:, Indium Phosphide, Silica Glass, Silicon Photonics, Lithium Niobate, Gallium Arsenide,

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The Integrated Quantum Optical Circuitsmarket comprising of well-established international vendors is giving heavy competition to new players in the market as they struggle with technological development, reliability and quality problems the analysis report examines the expansion, market size, key segments, trade share, application, and key drivers.

Key players within the Integrated Quantum Optical Circuitsmarket are identified through secondary analysis, and their market shares are determined through primary and secondary analysis. The report encloses a basic summary of the trade lifecycle, definitions, classifications, applications, and trade chain structure. Each of these factors can facilitate leading players to perceive the scope of the Market, what unique characteristics it offers and the manner in which it will fulfill a customers need.

By Company Profile, Product Image and Specification, Product Application Analysis, Production Capability, Price Cost, Production Value, Contact Data are included in this research report.

What Integrated Quantum Optical CircuitsMarket report offers:Integrated Quantum Optical CircuitsMarket share assessments for the regional and country-level segmentsMarket share analysis of the highest trade playersIntegrated Quantum Optical CircuitsMarket Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and Recommendations)Strategic recommendations on key business segments

The Report Answers Following Questions:Over successive few years, which Integrated Quantum Optical Circuitsapplication segment can perform well?Within which market, the businesses ought to establish a presence?Which product segments are exhibiting growth?What are the market restraints which are likely to impede the growth rate?However, market share changes their values by completely different producing brands?

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The report entails detailed profiling of each company, and information on capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments, are also included within the scope of the report. In the end, the Integrated Quantum Optical CircuitsMarket Report delivers a conclusion which includes Breakdown and Data Triangulation, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, Research Findings, Market Size Estimation, Data Source. These factors are expected to augment the overall business growth.

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Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits Market : share forecast to witness considerable growth from 2020 to 2026 - The Daily Chronicle

A Meta-Theory of Physics Could Explain Life, the Universe, Computation, and More – Gizmodo

You may think of physics as a way to explain the behaviors of things like black holes, colliding particles, falling apples, and quantum computers. But a small group physicists today is working on a theory that doesnt just study individual phenomena; its an entirely new way to describe the universe itself. This theory might solve wide-ranging problems such as why biological evolution is possible and how abstract things like ideas and information seem to possess properties that are independent of any physical system. Its called constructor theory, but as fascinating as it is, theres one glaring problem: how to test it.

When I first learned of constructor theory, it seemed too bold to be true, said Abel Jansma, a graduate student in physics and genetics at the University of Edinburgh. The early papers covered life, thermodynamics, and information, which seemed to be too much groundwork for such a young theory. But maybe its natural to work through the theory in this way. As an outsider, its exciting to watch.

As a young physics researcher in the 2010s, Chiara Marletto had been interested in problems regarding biological processes. The laws of physics do not say anything about the possibility of lifeyet even a slight tweak of any of the constants of physics would render life as we know it impossible. So why is evolution by natural selection possible in the first place? No matter how long you stared at the equations of physics, it would never dawn on you that they allow for biological evolutionand yet, apparently, they do.

Marletto was dissatisfied by this paradox. She wanted to explain why the emergence and evolution of life is possible when the laws of physics contain no hints that it should be. She came across a 2013 paper written by Oxford physicist and quantum computing pioneer David Deutsch, in which he laid the foundation for constructor theory, the fundamental principle of which is: All other laws of physics are expressible entirely in terms of statements about which physical transformations are possible and which are impossible, and why.

Marletto said she suspected that constructor theory had a useful set of tools to address this problem of why evolution is possible despite the laws of physics not explicitly encoding the design of biological adaptations. Intrigued by the possibilities, Marletto soon shifted the focus of her PhD research to constructor theory.

While many theories are concerned with what does happen, constructor theory is about what can possibly happen. In the current paradigm of physics, one seeks to predict the trajectory of, say, a wandering comet, given its initial state and general relativitys equations of motion. Constructor theory, meanwhile, is more general and seeks to explain which trajectories of said comet are possible in principle. For instance, no trajectory in which the comets velocity exceeds the speed of light is possible, but trajectories in which its velocity remains below this limit are possible, provided that they are also consistent with the laws of relativity.

The prevailing theories of physics today can explain things as titanically violent as the collision of two black holes, but they struggle to explain how and why a tree exists. Because constructor theory is concerned with what can possibly happen, it can explain regularitiesany patterns that warrant explanationin domains that are inherently unpredictable, such as evolution.

Constructor theory can also capture properties of information, which do not depend on the physical system in which they exist: The same song lyrics can be sent over radio waves, conjured in ones mind, or written on a piece of paper, for example. The constructor theory of information also proposes new principles that explain which transformations of information are possible and impossible, and why.

The laws of thermodynamics, too, have been expressed exactly in constructor theory; previously, theyd only been stated as approximations that would only apply at certain scales. For example, in attempting to capture the Second Law of Thermodynamicsthat the entropy of isolated systems can never decrease over timesome models show that a physical system will reach eventual equilibrium (maximum entropy) because that is the most probable configuration of the system. But the scale at which these configurations are measured has traditionally been arbitrary. Would such models work for systems at the nanoscale, or for systems that are composed of merely one particle? By recasting the laws of thermodynamics in terms of possible and impossible transformations, rather than in terms of the time evolution of a physical system, constructor theory has expressed these laws in exact, scale-independent statements: It describes the Second Law of Thermodynamics as allowing some transformation from X to Y to be possible, but not its inversework can be entirely converted into heat, but heat can never be entirely converted into work without side effects.

Physics has come a long way since the days of the Scientific Revolution. In 1687, Isaac Newton proposed his universal physical theory in his magnum opus, Principia Mathematica. Newtons theory, called classical mechanics, was founded on his famous three laws of motion. Newtons theory implies that if one knows both the force acting on a system for some time interval as well as the systems initial velocity and position, then one could use classical mechanics equations of motion to predict the systems velocity and position at any subsequent moment in that time interval. In the first few decades of the 20th century, classical mechanics was shown to be wrong from two directions. Quantum mechanics overturned Newton in explaining the physics of the microscopic world. Einsteins general relativity superseded classical mechanics and deepened our understanding of gravity and the nature of mass, space, and time. Although the details differ between the three theoriesclassical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and general relativitythey are all nevertheless expressible in terms of initial conditions and dynamical laws of motion that allow one to predict the state of a systems trajectory across time. This general framework is known as the prevailing conception.

But there are many domains in which our best theories are simply not expressible in terms of the prevailing conception of initial conditions plus laws of motion. For instance, quantum computations laws are not fundamentally about what happens in a quantum system following some initial state but rather about what transformations of information are possible and impossible. The problem of whether or not a so-called universal quantum computera quantum computer that is capable of simulating any physical system to arbitrary accuracycan possibly be built is utterly foreign to the initial conditions plus laws of motion framework. Even in cosmology, the well-known problem of explaining the initial conditions of the universe is difficult in the prevailing conception: We can work backward to understand what happened in the moments after the Big Bang, but we have no explanation for why the universe was in its particular initial state rather than any other. Constructor theory, though, may be able to show that the initial conditions of our universeat the moment of the Big Bangcan be deduced from the theorys principles. If you only think of physics in terms of the prevailing conception, problems in quantum computation, biology, and the creation of the universe can seem impossible to solve.

The basic ingredients of constructor theory are the constructor, the input substrate, and the output substrate. The constructor is any object that is capable of causing a particular physical transformation and retains its ability to do so again. The input substrate is the physical system that is presented to the constructor, and the output substrate is the physical system that results from the constructors transformation of the input.

For a simple example of how constructor theory might describe a system, consider a smoothie blender. This device takes in ingredients such as milk, fruits, and sugar and outputs a drink in completed, homogenized form. The blender is a constructor, as it is capable of repeating this transformation again and again. The input substrate is the set of ingredients, and the output substrate is the smoothie.

A more cosmic example is our Sun. The Sun acts as a nuclear fusion reactor that takes hydrogen as its input substrate and converts it into helium and light as its output substrate. The Sun itself is the constructor, as it retains its ability to cause another such conversion.

In the prevailing conception, one might take the Suns initial state and run it through the appropriate algorithm, which would yield a prediction of the Suns ending once it has run out of fuel. In constructor theory, one instead expresses that the transformation of hydrogen into helium and light is possible. Once its known that the transformation from hydrogen to helium and light is possible, it follows that a constructor that can cause such a transformation is also possible.

Constructor theorys fundamental principle implies that all laws of physicsthose of general relativity, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and even informationcan be expressed as which physical transformations are possible in principle and which are not.

This setup is, perhaps counterintuitively, extremely general. It includes a chemical reaction in the presence of a catalyst: the chemical catalyst is the constructor, while the reactants are the input substrate and the products are the output substrate. The operation of a computer is also a kind of construction: the computer (and its program) is a constructor, and the informational input and output correspond to constructor theorys input substrate and output substrate. A heat engine is yet another kind of constructor, and so are all forms of self-reproducing life. Think of a bacterium with some genetic code. The cell along with its code are a kind of constructor whose output is an offspring cell with a copy of the parent cells genetic code.

Because explaining which transformations are possible and which are impossible never relies on the particular form that a constructor takes, it can be abstracted away, leaving statements about transformations as the main focus of constructor theory. This is already extremely advantageous, since, for instance, one could express which computer programs or simulations are realizable and which are not in principle, without having to worry about the details of the computer itself.

How could one show that the evolution of life, with all of its elegant adaptations and appearance of design, is compatible with the laws of physics, which seem to contain no design whatsoever? No amount of inspection of the equations of general relativity and quantum mechanics would result in a eureka momentthey show no hint of the possibility of life. Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection explains the appearance of design in the biosphere, but it fails to explain why such a process is possible in the first place.

Biological evolution is understood today as a process whereby genes propagate over generations by replicating themselves at the expense of rival, alternative genes called alleles. Furthermore, genes have evolved complex vehicles for themselves that they use to reproduce, such as cells and organisms, including you. The biologist Richard Dawkins is famous for, among other things, popularizing this view of evolution: Genes are the fundamental unit of natural selection, and they strive for immortality by copying themselves as strands of DNA, using temporary, protective vehicles to proliferate from generation to generation. Copying is imperfect, which results in genetic mutations and therefore variation in the ability of genes to spread in this great competition with their rivals. The environment of the genes is the arbiter that determines which genes are best able to spread and which are unfit to do soand therefore, is the source of natural selection.

With this replicator-vehicle logic in mind, one can state the problem more precisely: The laws of physics do not make explicit that the transformations required by evolution and by biological adaptations are possible. Given this, what properties must the laws of physics possess to allow for such a process that demands self-reproduction, the appearance of design, and natural selection?

Note that this question cannot be answered in the prevailing conception, which would force us to try to predict the emergence of life following, say, the initial conditions of the universe. Constructor theory allows us to reframe the problem and consider why and under what conditions life is possible. As Marletto put it in a 2014 paper: the prevailing conception could at most predict the exact number of goats that will (or will probably) appear on Earth given certain initial conditions. In constructor theory, one states instead whether goats are possible and why.

Marlettos paper, Constructor Theory of Life, was published just two years after Deutschs initial paper. In it, she shows that the evolution of life is compatible with laws of physics that themselves contain no design, provided that they allow for the embodiment of digital information (on Earth, this takes the form of DNA). She also shows that an accurate replicator, such as survivable genes, must use vehicles in order to evolve. In this sense, if constructor theory is true, then temporary vehicles are not merely a contingency of life on our planet but rather mandated by the laws of nature. One interesting prediction that bears on the search for extraterrestrial life is that wherever you find life in the universe, it will necessarily rely on replicators and vehicles. Of course, these may not be the DNA, cells, and organisms with which we are familiar, but replicators and vehicles will be present in some arrangement.

You can think of constructor theory as a theory about theories. By contrast, general relativity explains and predicts the motions of objects as they interact with each other and the arena of space-time. Such a theory can be called an object-level theory. Constructor theory, on the other hand, is a meta-level theoryits statements are laws about laws. So while general relativity mandates the behavior of all stars, both those weve observed and those that weve never seen, constructor theory mandates that all object-level theories, both current and future, conform to its meta-level laws, also called principles. With hindsight, we can see that scientists have already taken such principles seriously, even before the dawn of constructor theory. For example, physicists expect that all as-yet unknown physical theories will conform to the principle of conservation of energy.

General relativity can be tested by observing the motions of stars and galaxies; quantum mechanics can be tested in laboratories like the Large Hadron Collider. But since constructor theory principles do not make direct predictions about the motion of physical systems, how could one test them? Vlatko Vedral, Oxford physicist and professor of quantum information science, has been collaborating with Marletto to do exactly that, by imagining laboratory experiments in which quantum mechanical systems could interact with gravity.

One of the greatest outstanding problems in modern physics is that general relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible with each othergeneral relativity does not explain the tiny motions and interactions of atoms, while quantum mechanics does not explain gravity nor its effects on massive objects. All sorts of proposals have been formulated that might unify the two pillars under a deeper theory that contains both of them, but these are notoriously difficult to test experimentally. However, one could go around directly testing such theories by instead considering the principles to which they should conform.

In 2014, Marletto and Deutsch published a paper outlining the constructor theory of information, in which they expressed quantities such as information, computation, measurement, and distinguishability in terms of possible and impossible transformations. Importantly, they also showed that all of the accepted features of quantum information follow from their proposed constructor theoretic principles. An information medium is a physical system in which information is substantiated, such as a computer or a brain. An observable is any physical quantity that can be measured. They defined a superinformation mediumas an information medium with at least two information observables whose union is not an information observable. For example, in quantum theory, one can measure exactly a particles velocity or its position, but never both simultaneously. Quantum information is an example of superinformation. But crucially, the constructor theoretic concept of superinformation is more general and is expected to hold for any theories that supersede quantum theory and general relativity as well.

In a working paper from March 2020, Marletto and Vedral showed that if the constructor theoretic principles of information are correct, then if two quantum systems, such as two masses, become entangled with each other via a third system, such as a gravitational field, then this third system must itself be quantum (one of their earlier publications on the problem can be found here). So, if one could construct an experiment in which a gravitational field can locally generate entanglement between, say, two qubits, then gravity must be non-classicalit would have two observables that cannot simultaneously be measured with the same precision, as is the case in quantum theory. If such an experiment were to show no entanglement between the qubits, then constructor theory would require an overhaul, or it may be outright false.

Should the experiment show entanglement between the two masses, all current attempts to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics that assume that gravity is classical would be ruled out.

There are three versions of how gravity could be made consistent with quantum physics, said Vedral. One of them is to have a fully quantum gravity. Theories that propose fully quantum gravity include loop quantum gravity, the idea that space is composed of loops of gravitational fields, and string theory, the idea that particles are made up of strings, which move through space and some of whose vibrations correspond to quantum mechanical particles that carry gravitational force.

These would be consistent with a positive outcome of our proposed experiment, said Vedral. The ones that would be refuted are the so-called semi-classical theories, such as whats called quantum theory in curved space-time. There is a whole range of these theories. All of them would be ruled outit would be inconsistent to think of space-time as classical if its really capable of producing entanglement between two massive particles.

Marletto and Vedrals proposed experiment, unfortunately, faces some major practical challenges.

I think our experiment is still five or six orders of magnitude away from current technological capabilities, said Vedral. One issue is that we need to eliminate any sources of noise, like induced electromagnetic interaction... The other issue is that its very hard to create a near-perfect vacuum. If you have a background bunch of molecules around objects that you want to entangle, even a single collision between one of the background molecules and one of the objects you wish to entangle, this could be detrimental and cause decoherence. The vacuum has to be so close to perfect as to guarantee that not a single atomic collision happens during the experiment.

Vedral came to constructor theory as an interested outsider, having focused primarily on issues of quantum information. He sometimes thinks about the so-called universal constructor, a theoretical device that is capable of performing all possible tasks that the laws of physics allow.

While we have models of the universal computermeaning ideas of how to make a computer that can simulate any physical systemwe have no such thing for the universal constructor. A breakthrough might be a set of axioms that capture what it means to be a universal constructor. This is a big open problem. What kind of machine would that be? This excites me a lot. Its a wide-open field. If I was a young researcher, I would jump on that now. It feels like the next revolution.

Samuel Kuypers, a physics graduate student at the University of Oxford who works in the field of quantum information, said that constructor theory has unequivocally achieved great successes already, such as grounding concepts of information in exact physical terms and rigorously explaining the difference between heat and work in thermodynamics, but it should be judged as an ongoing project with a set of aims and problems. Thinking of potential future achievements, Kuypers hopes that general relativity can be reformulated in constructor theoretic terms, which I think would be extremely fruitful for trying to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Time will tell whether or not constructor theory is a revolution in the making. In the few years since its inception, only a handful of physicists, primarily at Oxford University, have been working on it. Constructor theory is of a different character than other speculative theories, like string theory. It is an entirely different way of thinking about the nature of reality, and its ambitions are perhaps even bolder than those of the more mainstream speculations. If constructor theory continues to solve problems, then physicists may come to adopt a revolutionary new worldview. They will think of reality not as a machine that behaves predictably according to laws of motion, but as a cosmic ocean full of resources capable of being transformed by an appropriate constructor. It would be a reality defined by possibility rather than destiny.

Logan Chipkin is a freelance writer in Philadelphia. His writing focuses on science, philosophy, economics, and history. Links to previous publications can be found at Follow him on Twitter @ChipkinLogan.

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A Meta-Theory of Physics Could Explain Life, the Universe, Computation, and More - Gizmodo

Physicist Chen Wang Receives DOE Early Career Award – UMass News and Media Relations

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced this week that it has named 76 scientists from across the country, including assistant professor of physics Chen Wang, to receive significant funding for research with its Early Career Award. It provides university-based researchers with at least $150,000 per year in research support for five years.

DOE Under Secretary for Science Paul Dabbar says DOE is proud to support funding that will sustain Americas scientific workforce and create opportunities for our researchers to remain competitive on the world stage. By bolstering our commitment to the scientific community, we invest into our nations next generation of innovators.

Wang says, I feel very honored to receive this award. This is a great opportunity to explore a new paradigm of reducing error for emerging quantum technologies.

His project involves enhancing quantum bit (qubit) performance using a counter-intuitive new approach. He will harness friction usually an unwelcome source of error in quantum devices to make qubits perform with fewer errors. The work is most relevant for quantum computing, he says, but potential applications include also cryptography, communications and simulations.

One of the basic differences between classical and quantum computing which is not in practical use yet is that classical computers perform calculations and store data using stable bits labeled as zero or one that never unintendently change. Accidental change would introduce error.

By contrast, in quantum computing, qubits can flip from zero to one or anywhere between. This is a source of their great promise to vastly expand quantum computers ability to perform calculations and store data, but it also introduces errors, Wang explains.

The world is intrinsically quantum, he says, so using a classical computer to make predictions at the quantum level about the properties of anything composed of more than a few dozens of atoms is limited. Quantum computing increases the ability to process information exponentially. With every extra qubit you add, the amount of information you can process doubles.

Think of the state of a bit or a qubit as a position on a sphere, he says. For a classical bit, a zero or one is stable, maybe the north or south pole. But a quantum bit can be anywhere on the surface or be continuously tuned between zero and one.

To address potential errors, Wang plans to explore a new method to reduce qubit errors by introducing autonomous error correction the qubit corrects itself. In quantum computing, correcting errors is substantially harder than in classical computing because you are literally forbidden from reading your bits or making backups, he says.

Quantum error correction is a beautiful, surprising and complicated possibility that makes a very exciting experimental challenge. Implementing the physics of quantum error correction is the most fascinating thing I can think of in quantum physics.

We are already familiar with how friction helps in stabilizing a classical, non-quantum system, he says, such as a swinging pendulum. The pendulum will eventually stop due to friction the resistance of air dissipates energy and the pendulum will not randomly go anywhere, Wang points out.

In much the same way, introducing friction between a qubit and its environment puts a stabilizing force on it. When it deviates, the environment will give it a kick back in place, he says. However, the kick has to be designed in very special ways. Wang will experiment using a super-cooled superconducting device made of a sapphire chip on which he will deposit a very thin patterned aluminum film.

He says, Its a very difficult challenge, because to have one qubit correct its errors, by some estimates you need tens to even thousands of other qubits to help it, and they need to be in communication. But it is worthwhile because with them, we can do things faster and we can do tasks that are impossible with classical computing now.

See more here:
Physicist Chen Wang Receives DOE Early Career Award - UMass News and Media Relations

Quantum mechanics is immune to the butterfly effect – The Economist

That could help with the design of quantum computers

Aug 15th 2020

IN RAY BRADBURYs science-fiction story A Sound of Thunder, a character time-travels far into the past and inadvertently crushes a butterfly underfoot. The consequences of that minuscule change ripple through reality such that, upon the time-travellers return, the present has been dramatically changed.

The butterfly effect describes the high sensitivity of many systems to tiny changes in their starting conditions. But while it is a feature of classical physics, it has been unclear whether it also applies to quantum mechanics, which governs the interactions of tiny objects like atoms and fundamental particles. Bin Yan and Nikolai Sinitsyn, a pair of physicists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, decided to find out. As they report in Physical Review Letters, quantum-mechanical systems seem to be more resilient than classical ones. Strangely, they seem to have the capacity to repair damage done in the past as time unfolds.

To perform their experiment, Drs Yan and Sinitsyn ran simulations on a small quantum computer made by IBM. They constructed a simple quantum system consisting of qubitsthe quantum analogue of the familiar one-or-zero bits used by classical computers. Like an ordinary bit, a qubit can be either one or zero. But it can also exist in superposition, a chimerical mix of both states at once.

Having established the system, the authors prepared a particular qubit by setting its state to zero. That qubit was then allowed to interact with the others in a process called quantum scrambling which, in this case, mimics the effect of evolving a quantum system backwards in time. Once this virtual foray into the past was completed, the authors disturbed the chosen qubit, destroying its local information and its correlations with the other qubits. Finally, the authors performed a reversed scrambling process on the now-damaged system. This was analogous to running the quantum system all the way forwards in time to where it all began.

They then checked to see how similar the final state of the chosen qubit was to the zero-state it had been assigned at the beginning of the experiment. The classical butterfly effect suggests that the researchers meddling should have changed it quite drastically. In the event, the qubits original state had been almost entirely recovered. Its state was not quite zero, but it was, in quantum-mechanical terms, 98.3% of the way there, a difference that was deemed insignificant. The final output state after the forward evolution is essentially the same as the input state before backward evolution, says Dr Sinitsyn. It can be viewed as the same input state plus some small background noise. Oddest of all was the fact that the further back in simulated time the damage was done, the greater the rate of recoveryas if the quantum system was repairing itself with time.

The mechanism behind all this is known as entanglement. As quantum objects interact, their states become highly correlatedentangledin a way that serves to diffuse localised information about the state of one quantum object across the system as a whole. Damage to one part of the system does not destroy information in the same way as it would with a classical system. Instead of losing your work when your laptop crashes, having a highly entangled system is a bit like having back-ups stashed in every room of the house. Even though the information held in the disturbed qubit is lost, its links with the other qubits in the system can act to restore it.

The upshot is that the butterfly effect seems not to apply to quantum systems. Besides making life safe for tiny time-travellers, that may have implications for quantum computing, too, a field into which companies and countries are investing billions of dollars. We think of quantum systems, especially in quantum computing, as very fragile, says Natalia Ares, a physicist at the University of Oxford. That this result demonstrates that quantum systems can in fact be unexpectedly robust is an encouraging finding, and bodes well for potential future advances in the field.

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline "A flutter in time"

See original here:
Quantum mechanics is immune to the butterfly effect - The Economist

Quantum Computing Market Size By Product Analysis, By Application, By End-Users, By Regional Outlook, By Top Companies and Forecast to 2027 – Bulletin…

New Jersey, United States,- The Quantum Computing Market is predicted by Verified Market Researchs report to find players focusing on new product development to secure a strong position in terms of revenue sharing. Strategic collaboration can be a powerful way to bring new products to the market. The level of competition observed in the market may increase.

This research report categorizes the global market by players/brands, regions, types, and applications. The report also analyzes the global market status, competitive landscape, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels, five forces of distributors, and porters.

The latest 2020 edition of this report reserves the right to provide further comments on the latest scenarios, recession, and impact of COVID-19 on the entire industry. It also provides qualitative information on when the industry can rethink the goals the industry is taking to address the situation and possible actions.

The report covers extensive analysis of the key market players in the market, along with their business overview, expansion plans, and strategies. The key players studied in the report include:

Quantum Computing Market Segment Analysis-

The research report includes specific segments by Type and Application. Each type provides information about the production during the forecast period of 2015 to 2027. The application segment also provides consumption during the forecast period of 2015 to 2027. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid market growth.

Quantum Computing Market, By Offering

Consulting solutions Systems

Quantum Computing Market, By Application

Machine Learning Optimization Material Simulation

Quantum Computing Market, By End-User

Automotive Healthcare Space and Defense Banking and Finance Others

The study analyses the following key business aspects:

Analysis of Strategies of Leading Players: Market players can use this analysis to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors in the Quantum Computing market.

Study on Key Market Trends: This section of the report offers a deeper analysis of the latest and future trends of the Quantum Computing market.

Market Forecasts:Buyers of the report will have access to accurate and validated estimates of the total market size in terms of value and volume. The report also provides consumption, production, sales, and other forecasts for the Quantum Computing market.

Regional Growth Analysis:All major regions and countries have been covered in the report. The regional analysis will help market players to tap into unexplored regional markets, prepare specific strategies for target regions, and compare the growth of all regional markets.

Segmental Analysis:The report provides accurate and reliable forecasts of the market share of important segments of the Quantum Computing market. Market participants can use this analysis to make strategic investments in key growth pockets of the Quantum Computing market.

Business Opportunities in Following Regions and Countries:

North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, and Benelux)

Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)

Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia)

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The report also traces the leading market rivals that will create and influence the Quantum Computing business to a greater extent.

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The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub’s First University Member – HPCwire

May 28, 2020 Under the direction of Michael Devetsikiotis, chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), The University of New Mexico recently joined the IBM Q Hubat North Carolina State University as its first university member.

The NC State IBM Q Hub is a cloud-based quantum computing hub, one of six worldwide and the first in North America to be part of the globalIBM Q Network. This global network links national laboratories, tech startups, Fortune 500 companies, and research universities, providing access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems.

Mainstream computer processors inside our laptops, desktops, and smartphones manipulatebits, information that can only exist as either a 1 or a 0. In other words, the computers we are used to function through programming, which dictates a series of commands with choices restricted to yes/no or if this, then that.Quantum computers, on the other hand, process quantum bits or qubits, that are not restricted to a binary choice. Quantum computers can choose if this, then that or both through complex physics concepts such as quantum entanglement. This allows quantum computers to process information more quickly, and in unique ways compared to conventional computers.

Access to systems such as IBMs newly announced53 qubit processor (as well as several 20 qubit machines) is just one of the many benefits to UNMs participation in the IBM Q Hub when it comes to data analysis and algorithm development for quantum hardware. Quantum knowledge will only grow with time, and the IBM Q Hub will provide unique training and research opportunities for UNM faculty and student researchers for years to come.

How did this partnership come to be? Two years ago, a sort of call to arms was sent out among UNM quantum experts, saying now was the time for big ideas because federal support for quantum research was gaining traction. Devetsikiotis vision was to create a quantum ecosystem, one that could unite the foundational quantum research in physics atUNMsCenter for Quantum Information and Control(CQuIC) with new quantum computing and engineering initiatives for solving big real-world mathematical problems.

At first, I thought [quantum] was something for physicists, explains Devetsikiotis. But I realized its a great opportunity for the ECE department to develop real engineering solutions to these real-world problems.

CQuIC is the foundation of UNMs long-standing involvement in quantum research, resulting in participation in theNational Quantum Initiative(NQI) passed by Congress in 2018 to support multidisciplinary research and training in quantum information science. UNM has been a pioneer in quantum information science since the field emerged 25 years ago, as CQuIC Director Ivan Deutsch knows first-hand.

This is a very vibrant time in our field, moving from physics to broader activities, says Deutsch, and [Devetsikiotis] has seen this as a real growth area, connecting engineering with the existing strengths we have in the CQuIC.

With strategic support from the Office of the Vice President for Research, Devetsikiotis secured National Science Foundation funding to support a Quantum Computing & Information Science (QCIS) faculty fellow. The faculty member will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the goal to unite well-established quantum research in physics with new quantum education and research initiatives in engineering. This includes membership in CQuIC and implementation of the IBM Q Hub program, as well as a partnership with Los Alamos National Lab for a Quantum Computing Summer School to develop new curricula, educational materials, and mentorship of next-generation quantum computing and information scientists.As part of the Q Hub at NC State, UNM gains access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems for commercial use cases and fundamental research. It also allows for the restructuring of existing quantum courses to be more hands-on and interdisciplinary than they have in the past, as well as the creation of new courses, a new masters degree program in QCIS, and a new university-wide Ph.D. concentration in QCIS that can be added to several departments including ECE, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemistry.

Theres been a lot of challenges, Devetsikiotis says, but there has also been a lot of good timing, and thankfully The University has provided support for us. UNM has solidified our seat at the quantum table and can now bring in the industrial side.

For additional graphics and full announcement,

Source: Natalie Rogers, University of New Mexico

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The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub's First University Member - HPCwire

Archer touts performing early-stage validation of quantum computing chip – ZDNet

Archer staff operating the specialised conduction atomic force microscopy instrumentation required to perform the measurements.

Archer Materials has announced a milestone in its race to build a room-temperature quantum computing quantum bit (qubit) processor, revealing it has successfully performed its first measurement on a single qubit component.

"We have successfully performed our first measurement on a single qubit component, which is the most important component, marking a significant period moving forward in the development of Archer's 12CQ quantum computing chip technology," CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair said.

"Building and operating the 12CQ chip requires measurements to be successfully performed at the very limits of what can be achieved technologically in the world today."

See also:Australia's ambitious plan to win the quantum race

Choucair said directly proving room-temperature conductivity of the 12CQ chip qubit component advances Archer's development towards a working chip prototype.

Archer said conductivity measurements on single qubit components were carried out using conductive atomic force microscopy that was configured using "state-of-the-art instrumentation systems", housed in a semiconductor prototype foundry cleanroom.

"The measurements directly and unambiguously proved, with nanometre-scale precision, the conductivity of single qubits at room-temperature in ambient environmental conditions (e.g. in the presence of air, moisture, and at normal atmospheric pressures," Archer said in a statement.

It said the measurements progress its technological development towards controlling quantum information that reside on individual qubits, which is a key componentry requirement for a working quantum computing qubit processor.

Another key component is readout.

"Control must be performed prior to readout, as these subsequent steps represent a logical series in the 12CQ quantum computing chip function," Archer wrote.

See also: What is quantum computing? Understanding the how, why and when of quantum computers

In announcing last week it was progressing work on its graphene-based biosensor technology, Archer said it was focusing on establishing commercial partnerships to bring its work out of the lab and convert it into viable products.

Archer on Monday said it intends to develop the 12CQ chip to be sold directlyand have the intellectual property rights to the chip technology licensed.

"The technological significance of the work is inherently tied to the commercial viability of the 12CQ technology. The room-temperature conductivity potentially enables direct access to the quantum information stored in the qubits by means of electrical current signals on-board portable devices, which require conducting materials to operate, for both control and readout," Choucair added.

He said the intrinsic materials feature of conductivity in Archer's qubit material down to the single qubit level represents a "significant commercial advantage" over competing qubit proposals that rely on insulating materials, such as diamond-based materials or photonic qubit architectures.

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Archer touts performing early-stage validation of quantum computing chip - ZDNet

Virtual ICM Seminar: ‘The Promises of the One Health Concept in the Age of Anthropocen’ – HPCwire

May 27, 2020 The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) at the University of Warsaw invites enthusiasts of HPC and all people interested in challenging topics in Computer and Computational Science to the ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science that will be held on May 28, 2020 (16:00 CEST). The event is free.

On May 28, 2020, Dr. Aneta Afelt from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling department at the University of Warsaw, Espace-DEV, IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement, will present a lecture titled, The Promises of the One Health Concept in the Age of Anthropocen

The lecture will dive into the One Health concept. In May 2019 an article was published: Anthropocene now: influential panel votes to recognize Earths new epoch situating at the stratigraphy of Earths history a new geological epoch the domination of human influence on shaping the Earths environment. When humans are a central figure in an ecological niche it results in massive subordination and transformation of the environment for their needs. Unfortunately, the outcome of such actions is a robbery of natural resources. The consequences are socially unexpected a global epidemiological crisis. The current COVID-19 pandemic is an excellent example. It seems that one of the most important questions of the anthropocene era is how to maintain stable epidemiological conditions for now and in the future. The One Health concept proposes a new paradigm a deep look at the sources of humanitys well-being: humanitys relationship with the environment. Humanitys health status is interdependent with the well-being of the environment. It is clear that the socio-ecological niche disturbance results in the spread of pathogens. Can sustainable development of socio-ecological niches help? The lecture dives into the results!

To register, visit

ICM Seminars is an extension of the international Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference, which took place March 23-25th in virtual space.

The digital edition of SCFE gathered of the order of 1000 participants we want to continue this formula ofOpen Sciencemeetings despite the pandemic and use this forum to present the results of the most current research in the areas of HPC, AI, quantum computing, Big Data, IoT, computer and data networks and many others, says Dr. Marek Michalewicz, chair of the Organising Committee, SCFE2020 and ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science.

Registrationfor all weekly events is free. The ICM Seminars began with an inaugural lecture on April 1st by Scott Aronson, David J. Bruton Centennial Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas. Aronson led the presentation titled Quantum Computational Supremacy and Its Applications.

For more information, visit

About the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw (UW)

Established by a resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated 29 June 1993, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, is one of the top HPC centres in Poland. ICM is engaged in serving the needs of a large community of computational researchers in Poland through provision of HPC and grid resources, storage, networking and expertise. It has always been an active research centre with high quality research contributions in computer and computational science, numerical weather prediction, visualisation, materials engineering, digital repositories, social network analysis and other areas.

Source: ICM UW

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Virtual ICM Seminar: 'The Promises of the One Health Concept in the Age of Anthropocen' - HPCwire

Smart Cities and eGovernance Trends in India – Analytics Insight

Smart Cities Mission, an initiative launched in 2015, aims at creating the next generation cities in India. These cities would not just have an easy-to-access infrastructure but also be technologically advanced in government-citizen interaction. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Radio-frequency identification (RFID), cloud computing, and many more would be used by the government to offer smarter solutions. It would ease the resource-deficit burden of the country by empowering the government to do much more with less.

And when cities are becoming smarter, the traditional methods of governing would not suffice. Thats why the government is taking new eGovernance initiatives that are laced with the latest technologies. Digital transformation in government is here and each government agency is taking required steps to ensure smooth eGovernance.

By eGovernance in smart cities, we mean a type of governance that aims at efficient usage of information and communication technology (ICT) for improving the services offered by the government to its citizens and increasing the stakeholder participation in decision making and policy formation. This would help improve the governance of the state and move towards government digital transformation.

The government has crossed the most crucial stages of eGovernance, starting from having an online presence, to allowing digital interaction opportunities to citizens, and ensuring digital transactions like paying of taxes, fees, etc. Now, it aims at reaching the fourth stage of eGovernance to make the smart cities truly smart. This is the transformation stage where it seeks to improve its functioning through e-means like automation, RPA, data collection, and much more.

The inhabitants of these smart cities would get to enjoy various e-benefits like e-consultation, e-democracy, e-participation, and policymaking. As smart cities lead towards a government digital transformation, the citizens would get everything online.

The government launched the smart city initiative back in 2015 but is still fighting several odds and challenges. There have been not one, not two, but many challenges to the smart city plan and eGovernance in these cities. Whether we talk about the illiteracy of the people, their unwillingness and resistance to change, or the risk of data breach, there are several challenges that are hindering the progress of smart cities in India. Apart from that, getting the right funding for transforming your government is also a challenge.

For smooth eGovernance in the country, especially the smart cities, the government needs to utilize several channels. Until now, the government has been using channels like smartphone applications, social media applications, SMS services, voice-prompted interface, and many more. In the coming times, there are several trends that are expected to change the way smart cities and eGovernance in India. Lets have a quick look:

The buzzword in the network and communications community right now is 5G. With higher bandwidth and better performance, 5G offers much faster connectivity. Smart cities would definitely be seen utilizing this network technology to allow faster connectivity. Moreover, using 5G, eGovernance operations and processes can be completed in half the time. And it wouldnt go without saying that the latest technologies like the Internet of Things and ICT would also benefit which are acting as a foundation of transforming these Indian cities into smart cities.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two of the emerging technologies that will transform the way users interact with businesses. As we can see real estate using AR and VR to showcase property listings, the government would also be seen using AR & VR for visualizing different scenarios in smart cities. By visualizing scenarios like those for any emergency situation in controlled environments, the government can make better decisions for the future. It provides them with an opportunity to view structural elements that could not be performed in reality.

Moreover, they can visualize data and interact with the environment to analyze it using various perspectives. The government developers can also use AR and VR to compare different infrastructure plans and visualize their roads, highways, bridges, etc., to shuffle and see which plan would work more efficiently for development.

Quantum computing allows scientists to calculate computational problems in a jiffy. It can be used to detect any anomaly in large bits of data to see what deviates from the normal.Machine Learning can also be used for detecting anomalies. The government can use these quantum computing algorithms on the data collected from the people and offer help. In smart cities, the government can use quantum computing to see anomalies in data from domains like medicine, traffic flow, economic forecasting, tax collection, meteorology, etc. It can quickly offer a solution by detecting these anomalies and creating a solution even before the problem starts or goes out of hand.

Smart cities would have autonomous processes that would collect real-time data from everything like the traffic management to weather forecasting to make better decisions. These smart cities would follow a data-driven governance mode to ensure they are serving their citizens to the best of their capabilities. From identifying the problems to analyzing opportunities and creating solutions, data would certainly empower the government of these smart cities. Even the UN has set high-quality, timely, reliable and disaggregated data as one of its major agendas by 2030.

The government agencies would be able to utilize the data to analyze anything from specific analysis of high disease rate in certain areas to general data analysis for housing & infrastructure plan, data will help in eGovernance.

IoT aka Internet of Things is indeed connecting everything, from humans and machines to machines and machines, to make them smarter. Whether we talk about smart TVs, smart homes or smart Cars, everything is connected and can be accessed by the click on a button on your smartphone. So, how can smart cities lag behind?

These smart cities would be laced with built-in sensors in street lights, electricity grids, traffic signals, and everything else to effectively monitor and automate the data collection and distribution. By analyzing the data, these smart sensors would help the utility companies and other organizations save energy and make sustainable decisions for the cities. Things would become intelligent with edge computing and AI technology. It would be a new form of governance that would be witnessed in these smart cities because of government digital transformation that IoT and smart things would bring.

Network convergence means the bringing together of different networks to promise the delivery of high-speed internet. With network convergence, you can get more convenient and flexible modes for communicating and accessing information online. Smart cities will see more wire-line and wireless networking systems offering a centralized infrastructure. Not only will this help the people of the smart cities and the government in monitoring the people here, but it would also enable the businesses to model state-of-the-art excellent business plans for the future.

If you are keeping up with the current situation, you would be aware of how the government is using drone technology to analyze the current situation in different regions. They are using drones to see if people are in their homes or still roaming the streets. Well, this is just the beginning, the government of the smart cities would be using more of these advanced and modern eDevices to monitor the people and make smart decisions.

Smart ICT and IoT devices would be on the rise in smart cities to ensure efficient monitoring of the cities and addressing real-time issues effectively.

The Indian government has advanced from using client-side systems to web-based systems and is now going complete cloud to ensure stability and connectivity. Cloud-based systems will help the government in creating national-level registries that are stored centrally on cloud. Downtime and maintenance cost reduces when everything is stored on the cloud; making eGovernance easier and quicker. Cloud migration or storing data on the cloud only requires a strong internet connection and the emergence of 5G would only add icing on the cake.

The aim is to create a unified e-government infrastructure that would be based on the cloud and enable easy monitoring and also eases the concern of interoperability. Services are accessible remotely over the internet and not locally, which allows quick access to all. There are various domains in which cloud can help in centralized monitoring and easier eGovernance. These are:

Indias National Informatics Centre has deployed an open-source eucalyptus software that acts as the foundation for its cloud approach. It allows broad-scale cloud-based eGovernance in India.

Wrapping it up, lets throw light on the four models of eGovernance that we will be seeing in our smart Indian cities. These would be G2C: Government to Citizen Model, G2G: Government To Government Model, G2B: Government To Business Model, and G2E: Government To Employee. These four models would allow a better and seamless flow of information from the government to different aspects of the system. When dealing with the life of citizens of smart cities, the government would need to follow these models of governance to ensure its smart services are creating the digital infrastructure that is needed.

Innovative ICT applications would rule the eGovernance of smart cities and we would certainly see emerging technologies like data analytics, GIS, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum computing, Internet of Things, and many more to rule smart cities. It will be interesting to see how these trends evolve as government digital transformation takes shape in Indian smart cities.

Tanya Kumari leads the Digital Marketing & Content for Classic Informatics, a global web development company. She is an avid reader, music lover and a technology enthusiast who likes to be up to date with all the latest advancements happening in the techno world. When she is not working on her latest article on tech dynamics, you can find her by the coffee machine, briefing co-workers on the perks of living a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.

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Smart Cities and eGovernance Trends in India - Analytics Insight

Highest-performing quantum simulator IN THE WORLD delivered to Japan – TechGeek

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, introduced the worlds first commercially available quantum simulator capable of simulating up to 40 quantum bits, or Qubits, which translates to very fucking fast.

The simulator, named Atos Quantum Learning Machine, is powered by an ultra-compact supercomputer and a universal programming language.

Quantum computing is a key priority for Japan. It launched a dedicated ten-year, 30 billion yen (.. aka US$280 million / AUD$433 million) quantum research program in 2017, followed by a 100 billion yen (.. aka US$900 million / AUD $1 billion) investment into its Moonshot R&D Program one focus of which will be to create a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer to revolutionise the economy, industry, and security sectors by 2050.

Were delighted to have sold our first QLM in Japan, thanks to our strong working partnership with Intelligent Wave Inc.. We are proud to be part of this growing momentum as the country plans to boost innovation through quantum

Combining a high-powered, ultra-compact machine with a universal programming language, the Atos Quantum Learning Machine (enables researchers and engineers to develop an experiment with quantum software. It is the worlds only quantum software development and simulation appliance for the coming quantum computer era.

It simulates the laws of physics, which are at the very heart of quantum computing, to compute the exact execution of a quantum program with double-digit precision.

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Highest-performing quantum simulator IN THE WORLD delivered to Japan - TechGeek

IIT Mumbai alumnus Rajiv Joshi, an IBM scientist, bags inventor of the year award – Livemint

Indian-American inventor Rajiv Joshi has bagged the prestigious Inventor of the Year award in recognition of his pioneering work in advancing the electronic industry and improving artificial intelligence capabilities.

Dr Joshi has more than 250 patented inventions in the US and works at the IBM Thomson Watson Research Center in New York.

He was presented with the prestigious annual award by the New York Intellectual Property Law Association early this month during a virtual awards ceremony.

An IIT Mumbai alumnus, Joshi has an MS degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a PhD in mechanical/electrical engineering from Columbia University, New York.

His inventions span from novel interconnect structures and processes for more scaling, machine learning techniques for predictive failure analytics, high bandwidth, high performance and low power integrated circuits and memories and their usage in hardware accelerators, meant for artificial intelligence applications.

Many of these structures exist in processors, supercomputers, laptops, smartphones, handheld and variable gadgets and many other electronic items. His innovations have helped advance day-to-day life, global communication, health sciences and medical fields.

Necessity and curiosity inspire me," Dr Joshi told PTI in a recent interview, adding that the identification of a problem and providing out of the box solution as well as observe and think help him immensely to generate ideas.

Joshi claimed that stories about great, renowned inventors like Guglielmo Marconi, Madame Curie, Wright Brothers, James Watt, Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison inspired him.

In his acceptance speech, Dr Joshi said that cloud, artificial intelligence and quantum computing not only remain the buzzwords, but their utility, widespread usage is advancing with leaps and bounds.

All these areas are very exciting and I have been dabbling further in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing," he said.

Quantum computing, which has offered tremendous opportunities, also faces challenges, he noted, adding that he is involved in advancing technology, improving memory structures and solutions and their usage in AI and contributing to quantum computing to advance the science. (With Agency Inputs)

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IIT Mumbai alumnus Rajiv Joshi, an IBM scientist, bags inventor of the year award - Livemint

Global Quantum Computing Market 2020 Industry Trends, Growth Opportunities, Industry Revenue, and Business Analysis by Forecast 2026 Cole Reports -…

In its currently appended report by Magnifier Research with the title Global Quantum Computing Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026 has incorporated statistics and data associated with the market. The report provides an inclusive analysis of the market structure which involves distinctive perceptions about the market for a projected time period from 2020 to 2026. The report analyzes the performance of the existing scenario of the global Quantum Computing market. The report provides helpful information regarding the current trends in the market. It mainly showcases market size, market share, market trends, development rate, and other important market elements.

Market Synopsis:

The report analyzes major market players on the basis of various parameters such as company survey, product portfolio, and revenue of the market from 2020 to 2026. The report contains an information bank that comprises analysis of global Quantum Computing market growth trends, consumer volume, and demand and supply status. The study highlights the production strategies incorporated by the leading market contenders, factors influencing and restricting the market growth, key segments of the market, and limitations and restraints that could probably become obstruction while the market is progressing to achieve planned revenue.


The report explores the recent significant developments by the leading vendors and innovation profiles in the global Quantum Computing market including are: D-Wave Systems, 1QB Information Technologies, QxBranch LLC, QC Ware Corp, Research at Google-Google,

As part of the geographic evaluation of the international global Quantum Computing industry, this research digs deep into the boom of key regions and countries, consisting of but no longer confined to North America (United States, Canada, Mexico), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe), Central & South America (Brazil, Rest of South America), Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa)

On the basis of product type, this report displays the shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate of each type:

On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate for each application: Defense, Banking & Finance, Energy & Power, Chemicals, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals,


Other terms covered in the report include historic, current and future market analysis, industry players, cost structure, and project feasibility analysis of key manufacturers for 2020 to 2026 forecast period. The current global Quantum Computing market scenario, revenue statistics of the market and sales rate that each firm is expected to attain during the forecast period are further provided in the report. The revenue share hold by different geographies at present condition is given in the report. Readers of the report are expected to receive useful guidelines on how to make your companys presence known in the market as well as increase its share in the coming years. Moreover, information regarding the analysis of new projects undertaken as well as the conclusions has been given in the report.

Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.

About Us

Magnifier Research is a leading market intelligence company that sells reports of top publishers in the technology industry. Our extensive research reports cover detailed market assessments that include major technological improvements in the industry. Magnifier Research also specializes in analyzing hi-tech systems and current processing systems in its expertise. We have a team of experts that compile precise research reports and actively advise top companies to improve their existing processes. Our experts have extensive experience in the topics that they cover. Magnifier Research provides you the full spectrum of services related to market research, and corroborate with the clients to increase the revenue stream, and address process gaps.

Contact UsMark StoneHead of Business DevelopmentPhone: +1-201-465-4211Email: [emailprotected]Web:

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Global Quantum Computing Market 2020 Industry Trends, Growth Opportunities, Industry Revenue, and Business Analysis by Forecast 2026 Cole Reports -...

Seeqc UK Awarded 1.8M in Grants to Advance Quantum Computing Initiatives – HPCwire

LONDON Seeqc, the Digital Quantum Computing company, announced its UK team has been selected to receive two British grants totaling 1.8 million (~$2.1 million) from Innovate UKs Industrial Challenge Strategy Fund.

Quantum Foundry

The first 800,000 grant from Innovate UK is part of a 7M project dedicated to advancing the commercialization of superconducting technology. Its goal is to bring quantum computing closer to business-applicable solutions, cost-efficiently and at scale.

Seeqc UK is joining six UK-based companies and universities in a consortium to collaborate on the initiative. This is the first concerted effort to bring all leading experts across industry and academia together to advance the development of quantum technologies in the UK.

Othergrant recipientsinclude Oxford Quantum Circuits, Oxford Instruments, Kelvin Nanotechnology, University of Glasgow and the Royal Holloway University of London.

Quantum Operating System

The second 1 million grant is part of a 7.6 million seven-organization consortium dedicated to advancing the commercialization of quantum computers in the UK by building a highly innovative quantum operating system. A quantum operating system, Deltaflow.OS, will be installed on all quantum computers in the UK in order to accelerate the commercialization and collaboration of the British quantum computing community. The universal operating system promises to greatly increase the performance and accessibility of quantum computers in the UK.

Seeqc UK is joined by othergrant recipients, Riverlane, Hitachi Europe, Universal Quantum, Duality Quantum Photonics, Oxford Ionics, and Oxford Quantum Circuits, along with UK-based chip designer, ARM, and the National Physical Laboratory.

Advancing Digital Quantum Computing

Seeqc owns and operates a multi-layer superconductive electronics chip fabrication facility, which is among the most advanced in the world. The foundry serves as a testing and benchmarking facility for Seeqc and the global quantum community to deliver quantum technologies for specific use cases. This foundry and expertise will be critical to the success of the grants. Seeqcs Digital Quantum Computing solution is designed to manage and control qubits in quantum computers in a way that is cost-efficient and scalable for real-world business applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, logistics and chemical manufacturing.

Seeqcs participation in these new industry-leading British grants accelerates our work in making quantum computing useful, commercially and at scale, said Dr. Matthew Hutchings, chief product officer and co-founder at Seeqc, Inc. We are looking forward to applying our deep expertise in design, testing and manufacturing of quantum-ready superconductors, along with our resource-efficient approach to qubit control and readout to this collaborative development of quantum circuits.

We strongly support the Deltaflow.OS initiative and believe Seeqc can provide a strong contribution to both consortiums work and advance quantum technologies from the lab and into the hands of businesses via ultra-focused and problem-specific quantum computers, continued Hutchings.

Seeqcs solution combines classical and quantum computing to form an all-digital architecture through a system-on-a-chip design that utilizes 10-40 GHz superconductive classical co-processing to address the efficiency, stability and cost issues endemic to quantum computing systems.

Seeqc is receiving the nearly $2.3 million in grant funding weeks after closing its $6.8 million seed round from investors including BlueYard Capital, Cambium, NewLab and the Partnership Fund for New York City. The recent funding round is in addition to a $5 million investment from M Ventures, the strategic corporate venture capital arm of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

About Seeqc

Seeqc is developing the first fully digital quantum computing platform for global businesses. Seeqc combines classical and quantum technologies to address the efficiency, stability and cost issues endemic to quantum computing systems. The company applies classical and quantum technology through digital readout and control technology and a unique chip-scale architecture. Seeqcs quantum system provides the energy- and cost-efficiency, speed and digital control required to make quantum computing useful and bring the first commercially-scalable, problem-specific quantum computing applications to market.

Source: Seeqc

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Seeqc UK Awarded 1.8M in Grants to Advance Quantum Computing Initiatives - HPCwire

Will Quantum Computing Really Change The World? Facts And Myths – Analytics India Magazine

In recent years, some big tech companies like IBM, Microsoft, Intel, or Google have been working in relative silence on something that sounds great: quantum computing. The main problem with this is that it is difficult to know what exactly it is and what it can be useful for.

There are some questions that can be easily solved. For example, quantum computing is not going to help you have more FPS on your graphics card at the moment. Nor will it be as easy as changing the CPU of your computer for a quantum to make it hyperfast. Quantum computing is fundamentally different from the computing we are used to, but how?

At the beginning of the 20th century, Planck and Einstein proposed that light is not a continuous wave (like the waves in a pond) but that it is divided into small packages or quanta. This apparently simple idea served to solve a problem called the ultraviolet catastrophe. But over the years other physicists developed it and came to surprising conclusions about the matter, of which we will be interested in two: the superposition of states and entanglement.

To understand why we are interested, lets take a short break and think about how a classic computer works. The basic unit of information is the bit, which can have two possible states (1 or 0) and with which we can perform various logical operations (AND, NOT, OR). Putting together n bits we can represent numbers and operate on those numbers, but with limitations: we can only represent up to 2 different states, and if we want to change x bits we have to perform at least x operations on them: there is no way to magically change them without touching them.

Well, superposition and entanglement allow us to reduce these limitations: with superposition, we can store many more than just 2 ^ n states with n quantum bits (qubits), and entanglement maintains certain relations between qubits in such a way that the operations in one qubit they forcefully affect the rest.

Overlapping, while looking like a blessing at first glance, is also a problem. As Alexander Holevo showed in 1973, even though we have many more states than we can save in n qubits, in practice we can only read 2 ^ n different ones. As we saw in an article in Genbeta about the foundations of quantum computing: a qubit is not only worth 1 or 0 as a normal bit, but it can be 1 in 80% and 0 in 20%. The problem is that when we read it we can only obtain either 1 or 0, and the probabilities that each value had of leaving are lost because when we measured it we modified it.

This discrepancy between the information kept by the qubits and what we can read led Benioff and Feynman to demonstrate that a classical computer would not be able to simulate a quantum system without a disproportionate amount of resources, and to propose models for a quantum computer that did. was able to do that simulation.

Those quantum computers would probably be nothing more than a scientific curiosity without the second concept, entanglement, which allows two quite relevant algorithms to be developed: quantum tempering in 1989 and Shors algorithm in 1994. The first allows finding minimum values of functions, which So said, it does not sound very interesting but it has applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning, as we discussed in another article. For example, if we manage to code the error rate of a neural network as a function to which we can apply quantum quenching, that minimum value will tell us how to configure the neural network to be as efficient as possible.

The second algorithm, the Shor algorithm, helps us to decompose a number into its prime factors much more efficiently than we can achieve on a normal computer. So said, again, it doesnt sound at all interesting. But if I tell you that RSA, one of the most used algorithms to protect and encrypt data on the Internet, is based on the fact that factoring numbers are exponentially slow (adding a bit to the key implies doubling the time it takes to do an attack by force) then the thing changes. A quantum computer with enough qubits would render many encryption systems completely obsolete.

Until now, quantum computing is a field that hasnt been applied much in the real world. To give us an idea, with the twenty qubits of the commercial quantum computer announced by IBM, we could apply Shors factorization algorithm only to numbers less than 1048576, which as you can imagine is not very impressive.

Still, the field has a promising evolution. In 1998 the first ord quantum drive (only two qubits, and needed a nuclear magnetic resonance machine to solve a toy problem (the so-called Deutsch-Jozsa problem). In 2001 Shors algorithm was run for the first time. Only 6 years later, in 2007, D-Wave presented its first computer capable of executing quantum quenching with 16 qubits. This year, the same company announced a 2000 qubit quantum quenching computer. On the other hand, the new IBM computers, although with fewer qubits, they are able to implement generic algorithms and not only that of quantum quenching. In short, it seems that the push is strong and that quantum computing will be increasingly applicable to real problems.

What can those applications be? As we mentioned before, the quantum tempering algorithm is very appropriate for machine learning problems, which makes the computers that implement it extremely useful, although the only thing they can do is run that single algorithm. If systems can be developed that, for example, are capable of transcribing conversations or identifying objects in images and can be translated to train them in quantum computers, the results could be orders of magnitude better than those that already exist. The same algorithm could also be used to find solutions to problems in medicine or chemistry, such as finding the optimal treatment methods for a patient or studying the possible structures of complex molecules.

Generic quantum computers, which have fewer qubits right now, could run more algorithms. For example, they could be used to break much of the crypto used right now as we discussed earlier (which explains why the NSA wanted to have a quantum computer). They would also serve as super-fast search engines if Grovers search algorithm can be implemented, and for physics and chemistry, they can be very useful as efficient simulators of quantum systems.

Unfortunately, algorithms and codes for classic computers couldnt be used on quantum computers and magically get an improvement in speed: you need to develop a quantum algorithm (not a trivial thing) and implement it in order to get that improvement. That, at first, greatly restricts the applications of quantum computers and will be a problem to overcome when those systems are more developed.

However, the main problem facing quantum computing is building computers. Compared to a normal computer, a quantum computer is an extremely complex machine: they operate at a temperature close to absolute zero (-273 C), the qubits support are superconducting and the components to be able to read and manipulate the qubits are not simple either.

What can a non-quantum quantum computer be like? As we have explained before, the two relevant concepts of a quantum computer are superposition and entanglement, and without them, there cannot be the speed improvements that quantum algorithms promise. If computer disturbances modify overlapping qubits and bring them to classical states quickly, or if they break the interweaving between several qubits, what we have is not a quantum computer but only an extremely expensive computer that only serves to run a handful of algorithms. equivalent to a normal computer (and will probably give erroneous results).

Of the two properties, entanglement is the most difficult to maintain and prove to exist. The more qubits there are, the easier it is for one of them to deinterlace (which explains why increasing the number of qubits is not a trivial task). And it is not enough to build the computer and see that correct results come out to say that there are intertwined qubits: looking for evidence of entanglement is a task in itself and in fact, the lack of evidence was one of the main criticisms of D-systems. Wave in its beginnings.

A priori and with the materials that quantum computers are being built with, it does not seem that miniaturization is too feasible. But there is already research on new materials that could be used to create more accessible quantum computers. Who knows if fifty years from now we will be able to buy quantum CPUs to improve the speed of our computers.


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Will Quantum Computing Really Change The World? Facts And Myths - Analytics India Magazine

Quantum Computing Market Segmentation, Application, Technology, Analysis Research Report and Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

1qb Information Technologies

Global Quantum Computing Market Segmentation

This market was divided into types, applications and regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by type and application in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you develop your business by targeting niche markets. Market share data are available at global and regional levels. The regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive forces and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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Quantum Computing Market Region Coverage (Regional Production, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.):

North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)

Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.)

South America (Brazil, Argentina etc.)

Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)

Some Notable Report Offerings:

-> We will give you an assessment of the extent to which the market acquire commercial characteristics along with examples or instances of information that helps your assessment.

-> We will also support to identify standard/customary terms and conditions such as discounts, warranties, inspection, buyer financing, and acceptance for the Quantum Computing industry.

-> We will further help you in finding any price ranges, pricing issues, and determination of price fluctuation of products in Quantum Computing industry.

-> Furthermore, we will help you to identify any crucial trends to predict Quantum Computing market growth rate up to 2026.

-> Lastly, the analyzed report will predict the general tendency for supply and demand in the Quantum Computing market.

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Table of Contents:

Study Coverage: It includes study objectives, years considered for the research study, growth rate and Quantum Computing market size of type and application segments, key manufacturers covered, product scope, and highlights of segmental analysis.

Executive Summary: In this section, the report focuses on analysis of macroscopic indicators, market issues, drivers, and trends, competitive landscape, CAGR of the global Quantum Computing market, and global production. Under the global production chapter, the authors of the report have included market pricing and trends, global capacity, global production, and global revenue forecasts.

Quantum Computing Market Size by Manufacturer: Here, the report concentrates on revenue and production shares of manufacturers for all the years of the forecast period. It also focuses on price by manufacturer and expansion plans and mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Production by Region: It shows how the revenue and production in the global market are distributed among different regions. Each regional market is extensively studied here on the basis of import and export, key players, revenue, and production.

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Tags: Quantum Computing Market Size, Quantum Computing Market Trends, Quantum Computing Market Growth, Quantum Computing Market Forecast, Quantum Computing Market Analysis

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Quantum Computing Market Segmentation, Application, Technology, Analysis Research Report and Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty

RMACC’s 10th High Performance Computing Symposium to Be Held Free Online – HPCwire

BOULDER, Colo., April 22, 2020 The Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC) will hold its 10thannual High Performance Computing Symposium as a multi-track on-line version on May 20-21.Registration for the event will be free to all who would like to attend.

The on-line Symposium will include presentations by two keynote speakers and a full slate of tutorial sessions.Another longtime Symposium tradition a poster competition for students to showcase their own research also will be continued. Competition winners will receive an all-expenses paid trip to SC20 in Atlanta.

Major sponsor support is being provided by Intel, Dell and HPE with additional support from ARM, IBM, Lenovo and Silicon Mechanics.

Links to the Symposium registration, its schedule, and how to enter the poster competition can be found

The Keynote speakers areDr.Nick Bronn, a Research Staff Member in IBMs Experimental Quantum Computing group, andDr. Jason Dexter, a working group coordinator for the groundbreaking black hole imaging studies published by Event Horizon Telescope.

Dr. Bronn serves at IBMs TJ Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY.He has been responsible for qubit (quantum bits) device design, packaging, and cryogenic measurement, working towards scaling up larger numbers of qubits on a device and integration with novel implementations of microwave and cryogenic hardware.He will speak on the topic,Benchmarking and Enabling Noisy Near-term Quantum Hardware.

Dr.Dexter is a member of the astrophysical and planetary sciences faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder.He will speak on the role of high performance computing in understanding what we see in the first image of a black hole.Dr. Dexter is a member of both the Event Horizon Telescope and VLTI/GRAVITY collaborations, which can now image black holes.

Their appearances along with the many tutorial sessions continue the RMACCs annual tradition of showcasing cutting-edge HPC achievements in both education and industry.

The largest consortium of its kind, the RMACC is a collaboration among 30 academic and government research institutions in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The consortiums mission is to facilitate widespread effective use of high performance computing throughout the 9-state intermountain region.

More about the RMACC and its mission can be found at the


Primarily a volunteer organization, the RMACC is collaboration among 30 academic and research institutions located in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.The RMACCs mission is to facilitate widespread effective use of high performance computing throughout this 9-state intermountain region.

Source: RMACC

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RMACC's 10th High Performance Computing Symposium to Be Held Free Online - HPCwire

Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: aNovel Simple Build with Existing Technology – Analytics Insight

Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: a Novel Simple Build with Existing Technology

The basic units of a quantum computer can be rearranged in 2D to solve typical design and operation challenges

Efficient quantum computing is expected to enable advancements that are impossible with classical computers. Scientists from Japan and Sydney have collaborated and proposed a novel two-dimensional design that can be constructed using existing integrated circuit technology. This design solves typical problems facing the current three-dimensional packaging for scaled-up quantum computers, bringing the future one step closer.

Quantum computing is increasingly becoming the focus of scientists in fields such as physics and chemistry,and industrialists in the pharmaceutical, airplane, and automobile industries. Globally, research labs at companies like Google and IBM are spending extensive resources on improving quantum computers, and with good reason. Quantum computers use the fundamentals of quantum mechanics to process significantly greater amounts of information much faster than classical computers. It is expected that when error-corrected and fault-tolerant quantum computation is achieved, scientific and technological advancement will occur at an unprecedented scale.

But, building quantum computers for large-scale computation is proving to be a challenge in terms of their architecture. The basic units of a quantum computer are the quantum bits or qubits. These are typically atoms, ions, photons, subatomic particles such as electrons,or even larger elements that simultaneously exist in multiple states, making it possible to obtain several potential outcomes rapidly for large volumes of data. The theoretical requirement for quantum computers is that these are arranged in two-dimensional (2D) arrays, where each qubit is both coupled with its nearest neighbor and connected to the necessary external control lines and devices. When the number of qubits in an array is increased, it becomes difficult to reach qubits in the interior of the array from the edge. The need to solve this problem has so far resulted in complex three-dimensional (3D) wiring systems across multiple planes in which many wires intersect,making their construction a significant engineering challenge.

A group of scientists from Tokyo University of Science, Japan, RIKEN Centre for Emergent Matter Science, Japan, and University of Technology, Sydney, led by Prof Jaw-Shen Tsai, proposes a unique solution to this qubit accessibility problem by modifying the architecture of the qubit array. Here, we solve this problem and present a modified superconducting micro-architecture that does not require any 3D external line technology and reverts to a completely planar design, they say. This study has been published in the New Journal of Physics.

The scientists began with a qubit square lattice array and stretched out each column in the 2D plane. They then folded each successive column on top of each other, forming a dual one-dimensional array called a bi-linear array. This put all qubits on the edge and simplified the arrangement of the required wiring system.The system is also completely in 2D. In this new architecture, some of the inter-qubit wiringeach qubit is also connected to all adjacent qubits in an arraydoes overlap, but because these are the only overlaps in the wiring, simple local 3D systems such as airbridges at the point of overlap are enough and the system overall remains in 2D. As you can imagine, this simplifies its construction considerably.

The scientists evaluated the feasibility of this new arrangement through numerical and experimental evaluation in which they tested how much of a signal was retained before and after it passed through an airbridge. Results of both evaluations showed that it is possible to build and run this system using existing technology and without any 3D arrangement.

The scientists experiments also showed them that their architecture solves several problems that plague the 3D structures: they are difficult to construct, there is crosstalk or signal interference between waves transmitted across two wires, and the fragile quantum states of the qubits can degrade. The novel pseudo-2D design reduces the number of times wires cross each other,thereby reducing the crosstalk and consequently increasing the efficiency of the system.

At a time when large labs worldwide are attempting to find ways to buildlarge-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers, the findingsof this exciting new study indicate that such computers can be built using existing 2D integrated circuit technology. The quantum computer is an information device expected to far exceed the capabilities of modern computers, Prof Tsai states.The research journey in this direction has only begun with this study, and Prof Tsai concludes by saying, We are planning to construct a small-scale circuit to further examine and explore the possibility.


ReferenceTitle of original paper: Pseudo-2D superconducting quantum computing circuit for the surface code: the proposal and preliminary tests

Journal:New Journal of Physics


Tokyo University of Science (TUS) is a well-known and respected university, and the largest science-specialized private research university in Japan, with four campuses in central Tokyo and its suburbs and in Hokkaido. Established in 1881, the university has continually contributed to Japans development in science through inculcating the love for science in researchers, technicians, and educators.

With a mission of Creating science and technology for the harmonious development of nature, human beings, and society, TUS has undertaken a wide range of research from basic to applied science. TUS has embraced a multidisciplinary approach to research and undertaken intensive study in some of todays most vital fields. TUS is a meritocracy where the best in science is recognized and nurtured. It is the only private university in Japan that has produced a Nobel Prize winner and the only private university in Asia to produce Nobel Prize winners within the natural sciences field.


Dr Jaw-Shen Tsai is currently a Professor at the Tokyo University of Science, Japan. He began research in Physics in 1975 and continues to hold interest in areas such as superconductivity, the Josephson effect, quantum physics, coherence, qubits, and artificial atoms. He has 160+ research publications to his credit and serves as the lead author in this paper. He has also won several awards, including Japans Medal of Honor, the Purple Ribbon Award.

Professor Jaw-Shen Tsai

Department of Physics

Tokyo University of Science

Tsutomu Shimizu

Public Relations Divisions

Tokyo University of Science



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Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: aNovel Simple Build with Existing Technology - Analytics Insight

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): What It Is and How It Works – Hashed Out by The SSL Store – Hashed Out by The SSL Store

Understanding advanced encryption standard on basic level doesnt require a higher degree in computer science or Matrix-level consciousness lets break AES encryption down into laymans terms

Hey, all. We know of security of information to be a hot topic since, well, forever. We entrust our personal and sensitive information to lots of major entities and still have problems with data breaches, data leaks, etc. Some of this happens because of security protocols in networking, or bad practices of authentication management but, really, there are many ways that data breaches can occur. However, the actual process of decrypting a ciphertext without a key is far more difficult. For that, we can thank the encrypting algorithms like the popular advanced encryption standard and the secure keys that scramble our data into indecipherable gibberish.

Lets look into how AES works and different applications for it. Well be getting a little into some Matrix-based math so, grab your red pills and see how far this rabbit hole goes.

Lets hash it out.

You may have heard of advanced encryption standard, or AES for short but may not know the answer to the question what is AES? Here are four things you need to know about AES:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) established AES as an encryption standard nearly 20 years ago to replace the aging data encryption standard (DES). After all, AES encryption keys can go up to 256 bits, whereas DES stopped at just 56 bits. NIST could have chosen a cipher that offered greater security, but the tradeoff would have required greater overhead that wouldnt be practical. So, they went with one that had great all-around performance and security.

AESs results are so successful that many entities and agencies have approved it and utilize it for encrypting sensitive information. The National Security Agency (NSA), as well as other governmental bodies, utilize AES encryption and keys to protect classified or other sensitive information. Furthermore, AES is often included in commercial based products, including but limited to:

Although it wouldnt literally take forever, it would take far longer than any of our lifetimes to crack an AES 256-bit encryption key using modern computing technology. This is from a brute force standpoint, as in trying every combination until we hear the click/unlocking sound. Certain protections are put in place to prevent stuff from like this happening quickly, such as a limit on password attempts before a lockdown, which may or may not include a time lapse, to occur before trying again. When we are dealing with computation in milliseconds, waiting 20 minutes to try another five times would seriously add to the time taken to crack a key.

Just how long would it take? We are venturing into a thousand monkeys working on a thousand typewriters to write A Tale of Two Cities territory. The possible combinations for AES 256-bit encryption is 2256. Even if a computer can do multiple quadrillions of instructions per second, then we are still in that eagles-wings-eroding-Mount-Everest time frame.

Needless to say, its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (theres not enough memory on our computers to support the number of a letters that I want to convey) longer than our current universe has been in existence. And thats just for a 16-byte block of data. So, as you can see, brute forcing AES even if it is 128 bits AES is futile.

That would likely change, though, once quantum computing becomes a little more mainstream, available, and effective. Quantum computing is expected to break AES encryption and require other methods to protect our data but thats still a ways down the road.

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To better understand what AES is, you need to understand how it works. But in order to see how the advanced encryption standard actually works, however, we first need to look at how this is set up and the rules concerning the process based on the users selection of encryption strength. Typically, when we discuss using higher bit levels of security, were looking at things that are more secure and more difficult to break or hack. While the data blocks are broken up into 128 bits, the key size have a few varying lengths: 128 bits, 196 bits, and 256 bits. What does this mean? Lets back it up for a second here.

We know that encryption typically deals in the scrambling of information into something unreadable and an associated key to decrypt the scramble. AES scramble procedures use four scrambling operations in rounds, meaning that it will perform the operations, and then repeat the process based off of the previous rounds results X number of times. Simplistically, if we put in X and get out Y, that would be one round. We would then put Y through the paces and get out Z for round 2. Rinse and repeat until we have completed the specified number of rounds.

The AES key size, specified above, will determine the number of rounds that the procedure will execute. For example:

As mentioned, each round has four operations.

So, youve arrived this far. Now, you may be asking: why, oh why, didnt I take the blue pill?

Before we get to the operational parts of advanced encryption standard, lets look at how the data is structured. What we mean is that the data that the operations are performed upon is not left-to-right sequential as we normally think of it. Its stacked in a 44 matrix of 128 bits (16 bytes) per block in an array thats known as a state. A state looks something like this:

So, if your message was blue pill or red, it would look something like this:

So, just to be clear, this is just a 16-byte block so, this means that every group of 16 bytes in a file are arranged in such a fashion. At this point, the systematic scramble begins through the application of each AES encryption operation.

As mentioned earlier, once we have our data arrangement, there are certain linked operations that will perform the scramble on each state. The purpose here is to convert the plaintext data into ciphertext through the use of a secret key.

The four types of AES operations as follows (note: well get into the order of the operations in the next section):

As mentioned earlier, the key size determines the number of rounds of scrambling that will be performed. AES encryption uses the Rjindael Key Schedule, which derives the subkeys from the main key to perform the Key Expansion.

The AddRoundKey operation takes the current state of the data and executes the XOR Boolean operation against the current round subkey. XOR means Exclusively Or, which will yield a result of true if the inputs differ (e.g. one input must be 1 and the other input must be 0 to be true). There will be a unique subkey per round, plus one more (which will run at the end).

The SubBytes operation, which stands for substitute bytes, will take the 16-byte block and run it through an S-Box (substitution box) to produce an alternate value. Simply put, the operation will take a value and then replace it by spitting out another value.

The actual S-Box operation is a complicated process, but just know that its nearly impossible to decipher with conventional computing. Coupled with the rest of AES operations, it will do its job to effectively scramble and obfuscate the source data. The S in the white box in the image above represents the complex lookup table for the S-Box.

The ShiftRows operation is a little more straightforward and is easier to understand. Based off the arrangement of the data, the idea of ShiftRows is to move the positions of the data in their respective rows with wrapping. Remember, the data is arranged in a stacked arrangement and not left to right like most of us are used to reading. The image provided helps to visualize this operation.

The first row goes unchanged. The second row shifts the bytes to the left by one position with row wrap around. The third row shifts the bytes one position beyond that, moving the byte to the left by a total of two positions with row wrap around. Likewise, this means that the fourth row shifts the bytes to the left by a total of three positions with row wrap around.

The MixColumns operation, in a nutshell, is a linear transformation of the columns of the dataset. It uses matrix multiplication and bitwise XOR addition to output the results. The column data, which can be represented as a 41 matrix, will be multiplied against a 44 matrix in a format called the Gallois field, and set as an inverse of input and output. That will look something like the following:

As you can see, there are four bytes in that are ran against a 44 matrix. In this case, matrix multiplication has each input byte affecting each output byte and, obviously, yields the same size.

Now that we have a decent understanding of the different operations utilized to scramble our data via AES encryption, we can look at the order in which these operations execute. It will be as such:

Note: The MixColumns operation is not in the final round. Without getting into the actual math of this, theres no additional benefit to performing this operation. In fact, doing so would simply make the decryption process a bit more taxing in terms of overhead.

If we consider the number of rounds and the operations per round that are involved, by the end of it, you should have a nice scrambled block. And that is only a 16-byte block. Consider how much information that equates to in the big picture. Its miniscule when compared to todays file/packet sizes! So, if each 16-byte block has seemingly no discernable pattern at least, any pattern that can be deciphered in a timely manner Id say AES has done its job.

We know the advanced encryption standard algorithm itself is quite effective, but its level of effectiveness depends on how its implemented. Unlike the brute force attacks mentioned above, effective attacks are typically launched on the implementation and not on the algorithm itself. This can be equated to attacking users as in phishing attacks versus attacking the technology behind the service/function that may be hard to breach. These can be considered side-channel attacks where the attacks are being carried out on other aspects of the entire process and not the focal point of the security implementation.

While I always advocate going with a reasonable/effective security option, a lot of AES encryption is happening without you even knowing it. Its locking down spots of the computing world that would otherwise be wide open. In other words, there would be many more opportunities for hackers to capture data if advanced encryption standard wasnt implemented at all. We just need to know how to identify the open holes and figure out how to plug them. Some may be able to use AES and others may need another protocol or process.

Appreciate the encryption implementations we have, use the best ones when needed, and happy scrutinizing!

Continue reading here:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): What It Is and How It Works - Hashed Out by The SSL Store - Hashed Out by The SSL Store

Tencent to Invest $70 Billion in ‘New Infrastructure’ Supporting AI and Cloud Computing – Caixin Global

Tencent to Invest $70 Billion in New Infrastructure Supporting AI and Cloud Computing

Chinese tech giant Tencent plans to invest 500 billion yuan ($70 billion) in digital infrastructure over the next five years in response to a government call to energize the worlds second-largest economy with investment in new infrastructure.

New infrastructure is broadly defined as infrastructure that supports technology and science based projects.

The massive investment by Tencent will focus on areas ranging from cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) to 5G networks, quantum computing and supercomputer centers, according to a company statement published Tuesday.

Tencent did not provide further details about the investment plan, but underscored the progress it has made in boosting its cloud computing capabilities. The company has built a network of data centers housing more than 1 million servers, the statement said.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, Tencent controlled 18% of Chinas cloud infrastructure service market, far behind market leader Alibaba, which grabbed 46.4%. Alibaba has announced plans to spend $28 billion on its cloud infrastructure over the next three years in a bid to help businesses embrace digitalization.

Tencent will also deepen partnerships with scientific research experts, laboratories and top universities to cultivate talents, tackle scientific problems and formulate industry standards, the statement added.

Tencents announcement comes days after Chinese premier Li Keqiang highlighted the role of new infrastructure in Chinas push to accelerate the tech-driven structural upgrade of its economy in his government work report delivered to the National Peoples Congress (NPC), the countrys top legislature.

Last month, Chinas National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the countrys top economic planner, divided new infrastructure into three areas: information-based infrastructure such as 5G and IoT; converged infrastructure supported by the application of the internet, big data and AI; and innovative infrastructure that supports scientific research, technology development and product development.

Contact reporter Ding Yi (

Related: Alibaba Now Controls Nearly Half of Chinas Cloud Service Market, Research Says

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Tencent to Invest $70 Billion in 'New Infrastructure' Supporting AI and Cloud Computing - Caixin Global

China is beating the US when it comes to quantum security – MIT Technology Review

Its been six years since hackers linked with China breached the US Office of Personnel Managements computer system and stole sensitive information about millions of federal employees and contractors. It was the sort of information thats collected during background checks for security clearancesvery personal stuff. But not all was lost. Even though there were obviously some massive holes in the OPMs security setup, some of its data was encrypted. It was useless to the attackers.

Perhaps not for much longer. Its only a matter of time before even encrypted data is at risk. Thats the view of John Prisco, CEO of Quantum Xchange, a cybersecurity firm based in Bethesda, Maryland. Speaking at the EmTech Future Compute event last week, he said that Chinas aggressive pursuit of quantum computing suggests it will eventually have a system capable of figuring out the key to access that data. Current encryption doesnt stand much of a chance against a quantum system tasked with breaking it.

China is moving forward with a harvest today, read tomorrow approach, said Prisco. The country wants to steal as much data as possible, even if it cant access it yet, because its banking on a future when it finally can, he said. Prisco says the China is outspending the US in quantum computing 10 times over. Its allegedly spending $10 billion alone to build the National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences, scheduled to open next year (although this number is disputed). Americas counterpunch is just $1.2 billion over five years toward quantum information science. Were not really that safe, he said.

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Part of Chinas massive investment has gone toward quantum security itself, including the development of quantum key distribution, or QKD. This involves sending encrypted data as classical bits (strictly binary information) over a fiber-optic network, while sending the keys used to decrypt the information in the form of qubits (which can represent more than just two states, thanks to quantum superposition). The mere act of trying to observe the key changes its state, alerting the sender and receiver of a security breach.

Bu it has its limits. QKD requires sending information-carrying photons over incredibly long distances (tens to hundreds of miles). The best way to do this right now is by installing a fiber-optic network, a costly and time-consuming process.

Its not foolproof, either. The signals eventually scatter and break down over long stretches of fiber optics, so you need to build nodes that will continue to boost them forward. These networks are also point-to-point only (as opposed to a broadcast connection), so you can communicate with only one other party at a time.

Nevertheless, China looks to be all in on QKD networks. Its already built a 1,263-mile link between Beijing and Shanghai to deliver quantum keys. And a successful QKD demonstration by the Chinese Micius satellite was reported across the 4,700 miles between Beijing and Vienna.

Even Europe is making aggressive strides: the European Unions OPENQKD initiative calls for using a combination of fiber optics and satellites to create a QKD-safe communications network covering 13 nations. The US, Prisco argues, is incredibly far behind, for which he blames a lack of urgency. The closest thing it has is a 500-mile fiber-optic cable running down the East Coast. Quantum Xchange has inked a deal to use the cable to create a QKD network that secures data transfers for customers (most notably the financial companies based around New York City).

With Europe and China already taking QKD seriously, Prisco wants to see the US catch upand fast. Its a lot like the space race, he said. We really cant afford to come in second place.

Update: This story has been amended to note that the funding figures for the National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences are disputed among some experts.

See the article here:

China is beating the US when it comes to quantum security - MIT Technology Review