AI, quantum computing and other technologies poised to transform healthcare – Healthcare Finance News

Photo: Al David Sacks/Getty Images

The COVID-19 pandemic has created numerous challenges in healthcare, but challenges can sometimes breed innovation. Technological innovation in particular is poised to change the way care is delivered, driving efficiency in the process. Efficiency will be key as hospitals and health systems look to recover from the initial, devastating wave of the pandemic.

Ryan Hodgin, chief technology officer for IBM Global Healthcare, and Kate Huey, partner at IBM Healthcare, will speak about some of these technological innovations in their digital HIMSS21 session, "Innovation Driven Resiliency: Redefining What's Possible."

The technology in question can encompass telehealth, artificial intelligence, automation, blockchain, chatbots, apps and other elements that have become mainstays of healthcare during the course of the pandemic.

In a way, science fiction is becoming science fact: Technologies that were once in the experimental phase are now coming to life and driving innovation, particularly quantum computing. The power of quantum computing has the potential to transform healthcare just by sheer force of its impressive computational power.

One of the big factors accelerating technological innovation is the healthcare workforce, which has been placed under enormous stress over the past 18 months, with many doctors and clinicians reporting burnout or feelings of being overwhelmed. These technologies promise to reduce the burden being felt by providers.

Importantly, they also promise to more actively engage healthcare consumers, who increasingly expect healthcare to be as user-friendly and experience driven as their favorite apps or online shopping portals.

Hodgin and Huey will speak more on the topic when their session debuts on Tuesday, August 10, from 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

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AI, quantum computing and other technologies poised to transform healthcare - Healthcare Finance News

Google AI Blog: Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable …

This result is the first experimental challenge against the extended Church-Turing thesis, which states that classical computers can efficiently implement any reasonable model of computation. With the first quantum computation that cannot reasonably be emulated on a classical computer, we have opened up a new realm of computing to be explored.

The Sycamore ProcessorThe quantum supremacy experiment was run on a fully programmable 54-qubit processor named Sycamore. Its comprised of a two-dimensional grid where each qubit is connected to four other qubits. As a consequence, the chip has enough connectivity that the qubit states quickly interact throughout the entire processor, making the overall state impossible to emulate efficiently with a classical computer.

The success of the quantum supremacy experiment was due to our improved two-qubit gates with enhanced parallelism that reliably achieve record performance, even when operating many gates simultaneously. We achieved this performance using a new type of control knob that is able to turn off interactions between neighboring qubits. This greatly reduces the errors in such a multi-connected qubit system. We made further performance gains by optimizing the chip design to lower crosstalk, and by developing new control calibrations that avoid qubit defects.

We designed the circuit in a two-dimensional square grid, with each qubit connected to four other qubits. This architecture is also forward compatible for the implementation of quantum error-correction. We see our 54-qubit Sycamore processor as the first in a series of ever more powerful quantum processors.

ApplicationsThe Sycamore quantum computer is fully programmable and can run general-purpose quantum algorithms. Since achieving quantum supremacy results last spring, our team has already been working on near-term applications, including quantum physics simulation and quantum chemistry, as well as new applications in generative machine learning, among other areas.

We also now have the first widely useful quantum algorithm for computer science applications: certifiable quantum randomness. Randomness is an important resource in computer science, and quantum randomness is the gold standard, especially if the numbers can be self-checked (certified) to come from a quantum computer. Testing of this algorithm is ongoing, and in the coming months we plan to implement it in a prototype that can provide certifiable random numbers.

Whats Next?Our team has two main objectives going forward, both towards finding valuable applications in quantum computing. First, in the future we will make our supremacy-class processors available to collaborators and academic researchers, as well as companies that are interested in developing algorithms and searching for applications for todays NISQ processors. Creative researchers are the most important resource for innovation now that we have a new computational resource, we hope more researchers will enter the field motivated by trying to invent something useful.

Second, were investing in our team and technology to build a fault-tolerant quantum computer as quickly as possible. Such a device promises a number of valuable applications. For example, we can envision quantum computing helping to design new materials lightweight batteries for cars and airplanes, new catalysts that can produce fertilizer more efficiently (a process that today produces over 2% of the worlds carbon emissions), and more effective medicines. Achieving the necessary computational capabilities will still require years of hard engineering and scientific work. But we see a path clearly now, and were eager to move ahead.

AcknowledgementsWed like to thank our collaborators and contributors University of California Santa Barbara, NASA Ames Research Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Forschungszentrum Jlich, and many others who helped along the way.

Today we published the results of this quantum supremacy experiment in the Nature article, Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor. We developed a new 54-qubit processor, named Sycamore, that is comprised of fast, high-fidelity quantum logic gates, in order to perform the benchmark testing. Our machine performed the target computation in 200 seconds, and from measurements in our experiment we determined that it would take the worlds fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to produce a similar output.

Each run of a random quantum circuit on a quantum computer produces a bitstring, for example 0000101. Owing to quantum interference, some bitstrings are much more likely to occur than others when we repeat the experiment many times. However, finding the most likely bitstrings for a random quantum circuit on a classical computer becomes exponentially more difficult as the number of qubits (width) and number of gate cycles (depth) grow.

The Sycamore ProcessorThe quantum supremacy experiment was run on a fully programmable 54-qubit processor named Sycamore. Its comprised of a two-dimensional grid where each qubit is connected to four other qubits. As a consequence, the chip has enough connectivity that the qubit states quickly interact throughout the entire processor, making the overall state impossible to emulate efficiently with a classical computer.

The success of the quantum supremacy experiment was due to our improved two-qubit gates with enhanced parallelism that reliably achieve record performance, even when operating many gates simultaneously. We achieved this performance using a new type of control knob that is able to turn off interactions between neighboring qubits. This greatly reduces the errors in such a multi-connected qubit system. We made further performance gains by optimizing the chip design to lower crosstalk, and by developing new control calibrations that avoid qubit defects.

We designed the circuit in a two-dimensional square grid, with each qubit connected to four other qubits. This architecture is also forward compatible for the implementation of quantum error-correction. We see our 54-qubit Sycamore processor as the first in a series of ever more powerful quantum processors.

ApplicationsThe Sycamore quantum computer is fully programmable and can run general-purpose quantum algorithms. Since achieving quantum supremacy results last spring, our team has already been working on near-term applications, including quantum physics simulation and quantum chemistry, as well as new applications in generative machine learning, among other areas.

We also now have the first widely useful quantum algorithm for computer science applications: certifiable quantum randomness. Randomness is an important resource in computer science, and quantum randomness is the gold standard, especially if the numbers can be self-checked (certified) to come from a quantum computer. Testing of this algorithm is ongoing, and in the coming months we plan to implement it in a prototype that can provide certifiable random numbers.

Whats Next?Our team has two main objectives going forward, both towards finding valuable applications in quantum computing. First, in the future we will make our supremacy-class processors available to collaborators and academic researchers, as well as companies that are interested in developing algorithms and searching for applications for todays NISQ processors. Creative researchers are the most important resource for innovation now that we have a new computational resource, we hope more researchers will enter the field motivated by trying to invent something useful.

Second, were investing in our team and technology to build a fault-tolerant quantum computer as quickly as possible. Such a device promises a number of valuable applications. For example, we can envision quantum computing helping to design new materials lightweight batteries for cars and airplanes, new catalysts that can produce fertilizer more efficiently (a process that today produces over 2% of the worlds carbon emissions), and more effective medicines. Achieving the necessary computational capabilities will still require years of hard engineering and scientific work. But we see a path clearly now, and were eager to move ahead.

AcknowledgementsWed like to thank our collaborators and contributors University of California Santa Barbara, NASA Ames Research Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Forschungszentrum Jlich, and many others who helped along the way.

Read the original here:
Google AI Blog: Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable ...

The Worldwide Quantum Computing Industry will Exceed $7.1 Billion by 2026 – Yahoo Finance

Dublin, Jan. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Quantum Computing Market by Technology, Infrastructure, Services, and Industry Verticals 2021 - 2026" report has been added to's offering.

This report assesses the technology, companies/organizations, R&D efforts, and potential solutions facilitated by quantum computing. The report provides global and regional forecasts as well as the outlook for quantum computing impact on infrastructure including hardware, software, applications, and services from 2021 to 2026. This includes the quantum computing market across major industry verticals.

While classical (non-quantum) computers make the modern digital world possible, there are many tasks that cannot be solved using conventional computational methods. This is because of limitations in processing power. For example, fourth-generation computers cannot perform multiple computations at one time with one processor. Physical phenomena at the nanoscale indicate that a quantum computer is capable of computational feats that are orders of magnitude greater than conventional methods.

This is due to the use of something referred to as a quantum bit (qubit), which may exist as a zero or one (as in classical computing) or may exist in two-states simultaneously (0 and 1 at the same time) due to the superposition principle of quantum physics. This enables greater processing power than the normal binary (zero only or one only) representation of data.

Whereas parallel computing is achieved in classical computers via linking processors together, quantum computers may conduct multiple computations with a single processor. This is referred to as quantum parallelism and is a major difference between hyper-fast quantum computers and speed-limited classical computers.

Quantum computing is anticipated to support many new and enhanced capabilities including:

Ultra-secure Data and Communications: Data is encrypted and also follow multiple paths through a phenomenon known as quantum teleportation

Super-dense Data and Communications: Significantly denser encoding will allow substantially more information to be sent from point A to point B

Target Audience:

Story continues

ICT Service Providers

ICT Infrastructure Providers

Security Solutions Providers

Data and Computing Companies

Governments and NGO R&D Organizations

Select Report Findings:

The global market for QC hardware will exceed $7.1 billion by 2026

Leading application areas are simulation, optimization, and sampling

Managed services will reach $206 million by 2026 with CAGR of 44.2%

Key professional services will be deployment, maintenance, and consulting

QC based on superconducting (cooling) loops tech will reach $3.3B by 2026

Fastest growing industry verticals will be government, energy, and transportation

Report Benefits:

Market forecasts globally, regionally, and by opportunity areas for 2021 - 2026

Understand how quantum computing will accelerate growth of artificial intelligence

Identify opportunities to leverage quantum computing in different industry verticals

Understand challenges and limitations to deploying and operating quantum computing

Identify contribution of leading vendors, universities, and government agencies in R&D

Key Topics Covered:

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Technology and Market Analysis3.1 Quantum Computing State of the Industry3.2 Quantum Computing Technology Stack3.3 Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence3.4 Quantum Neurons3.5 Quantum Computing and Big Data3.6 Linear Optical Quantum Computing3.7 Quantum Computing Business Model3.8 Quantum Software Platform3.9 Application Areas3.10 Emerging Revenue Sectors3.11 Quantum Computing Investment Analysis3.12 Quantum Computing Initiatives by Country3.12.1 USA3.12.2 Canada3.12.3 Mexico3.12.4 Brazil3.12.5 UK3.12.6 France3.12.7 Russia3.12.8 Germany3.12.9 Netherlands3.12.10 Denmark3.12.11 Sweden3.12.12 Saudi Arabia3.12.13 UAE3.12.14 Qatar3.12.15 Kuwait3.12.16 Israel3.12.17 Australia3.12.18 China3.12.19 Japan3.12.20 India3.12.21 Singapore

4.0 Quantum Computing Drivers and Challenges4.1 Quantum Computing Market Dynamics4.2 Quantum Computing Market Drivers4.2.1 Growing Adoption in Aerospace and Defense Sectors4.2.2 Growing investment of Governments4.2.3 Emergence of Advance Applications4.3 Quantum Computing Market Challenges

5.0 Quantum Computing Use Cases5.1 Quantum Computing in Pharmaceuticals5.2 Applying Quantum Technology to Financial Problems5.3 Accelerate Autonomous Vehicles with Quantum AI5.4 Car Manufacturers using Quantum Computing5.5 Accelerating Advanced Computing for NASA Missions

6.0 Quantum Computing Value Chain Analysis6.1 Quantum Computing Value Chain Structure6.2 Quantum Computing Competitive Analysis6.2.1 Leading Vendor Efforts6.2.2 Start-up Companies6.2.3 Government Initiatives6.2.4 University Initiatives6.2.5 Venture Capital Investments6.3 Large Scale Computing Systems

7.0 Company Analysis7.1 D-Wave Systems Inc.7.1.1 Company Overview:7.1.2 Product Portfolio7.1.3 Recent Development7.2 Google Inc.7.2.1 Company Overview:7.2.2 Product Portfolio7.2.3 Recent Development7.3 Microsoft Corporation7.3.1 Company Overview:7.3.2 Product Portfolio7.3.3 Recent Development7.4 IBM Corporation7.4.1 Company Overview:7.4.2 Product Portfolio7.4.3 Recent Development7.5 Intel Corporation7.5.1 Company Overview7.5.2 Product Portfolio7.5.3 Recent Development7.6 Nokia Corporation7.6.1 Company Overview7.6.2 Product Portfolio7.6.3 Recent Developments7.7 Toshiba Corporation7.7.1 Company Overview7.7.2 Product Portfolio7.7.3 Recent Development7.8 Raytheon Company7.8.1 Company Overview7.8.2 Product Portfolio7.8.3 Recent Development7.9 Other Companies7.9.1 1QB Information Technologies Inc. Company Overview7.9.1.2 Recent Development7.9.2 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd. Company Overview7.9.2.2 Recent Development7.9.3 QC Ware Corp. Company Overview7.9.3.2 Recent Development7.9.4 MagiQ Technologies Inc. Company Overview7.9.5 Rigetti Computing7.9.5.1 Company Overview7.9.5.2 Recent Development7.9.6 Anyon Systems Inc. Company Overview7.9.7 Quantum Circuits Inc. Company Overview7.9.7.2 Recent Development7.9.8 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Company Overview7.9.8.2 Recent Development7.9.9 Fujitsu Ltd. Company Overview7.9.9.2 Recent Development7.9.10 NEC Corporation7.9.10.1 Company Overview7.9.10.2 Recent Development7.9.11 SK Telecom7.9.11.1 Company Overview7.9.11.2 Recent Development7.9.12 Lockheed Martin Corporation7.9.12.1 Company Overview7.9.13 NTT Docomo Inc. Company Overview7.9.13.2 Recent Development7.9.14 Alibaba Group Holding Limited7.9.14.1 Company Overview7.9.14.2 Recent Development7.9.15 Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. Company Overview7.9.16 Airbus Group7.9.16.1 Company Overview7.9.16.2 Recent Development7.9.17 Amgen Inc. Company Overview7.9.17.2 Recent Development7.9.18 Biogen Inc. Company Overview7.9.18.2 Recent Development7.9.19 BT Group7.9.19.1 Company Overview7.9.19.2 Recent Development7.9.20 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Company Overview7.9.21 Volkswagen AG7.9.21.1 Company Overview7.9.21.2 Recent Development7.9.22 KPN7.9.22.1 Recent Development7.10 Ecosystem Contributors7.10.1 Agilent Technologies7.10.2 Artiste-qb.net7.10.3 Avago Technologies7.10.4 Ciena Corporation7.10.5 Eagle Power Technologies Inc7.10.6 Emcore Corporation7.10.7 Enablence Technologies7.10.8 Entanglement Partners7.10.9 Fathom Computing7.10.10 Alpine Quantum Technologies GmbH7.10.11 Atom Computing7.10.12 Black Brane Systems7.10.13 Delft Circuits7.10.14 EeroQ7.10.15 Everettian Technologies7.10.16 EvolutionQ7.10.17 H-Bar Consultants7.10.18 Horizon Quantum Computing7.10.19 ID Quantique (IDQ)7.10.20 InfiniQuant7.10.21 IonQ7.10.22 ISARA7.10.23 KETS Quantum Security7.10.24 Magiq7.10.25 MDR Corporation7.10.26 Nordic Quantum Computing Group (NQCG)7.10.27 Oxford Quantum Circuits7.10.28 Post-Quantum (PQ Solutions)7.10.29 ProteinQure7.10.30 PsiQuantum7.10.31 Q&I7.10.32 Qasky7.10.33 QbitLogic7.10.34 Q-Ctrl7.10.35 Qilimanjaro Quantum Hub7.10.36 Qindom7.10.37 Qnami7.10.38 QSpice Labs7.10.39 Qu & Co7.10.40 Quandela7.10.41 Quantika7.10.42 Quantum Benchmark Inc.7.10.43 Quantum Circuits Inc. (QCI)7.10.44 Quantum Factory GmbH7.10.45 QuantumCTek7.10.46 Quantum Motion Technologies7.10.47 QuantumX7.10.48 Qubitekk7.10.49 Qubitera LLC7.10.50 Quintessence Labs7.10.51 Qulab7.10.52 Qunnect7.10.53 QuNu Labs7.10.54 River Lane Research (RLR)7.10.55 SeeQC7.10.56 Silicon Quantum Computing7.10.57 Sparrow Quantum7.10.58 Strangeworks7.10.59 Tokyo Quantum Computing (TQC)7.10.60 TundraSystems Global Ltd.7.10.61 Turing7.10.62 Xanadu7.10.63 Zapata Computing7.10.64 Accenture7.10.65 Atos Quantum7.10.66 Baidu7.10.67 Northrop Grumman7.10.68 Quantum Computing Inc.7.10.69 Keysight Technologies7.10.70 Nano-Meta Technologies7.10.71 Optalysys Ltd.

8.0 Quantum Computing Market Analysis and Forecasts 2021 - 20268.1.1 Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure8.1.1.1 Quantum Computing Market by Hardware Type8.1.1.2 Quantum Computing Market by Application Software Type8.1.1.3 Quantum Computing Market by Service Type8. Quantum Computing Market by Professional Service Type8.1.2 Quantum Computing Market by Technology Segment8.1.3 Quantum Computing Market by Industry Vertical8.1.4 Quantum Computing Market by Region8.1.4.1 North America Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, Industry Vertical, and Country8.1.4.2 European Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.4 Middle East & Africa Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical8.1.4.5 Latin America Quantum Computing Market by Infrastructure, Technology, and Industry Vertical

9.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

10.0 Appendix: Quantum Computing and Classical HPC10.1 Next Generation Computing10.2 Quantum Computing vs. Classical High-Performance Computing10.3 Artificial Intelligence in High Performance Computing10.4 Quantum Technology Market in Exascale Computing

For more information about this report visit

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The Worldwide Quantum Computing Industry will Exceed $7.1 Billion by 2026 - Yahoo Finance

The Quantum Comprehension Gap and the Emergence of Quantum Ethics – insideHPC

Though years from potential fruition, quantum computing and its control has emerged as an issue among technology ethicists. But if a YouTube video released last week voicing the concerns of six quantum experts is any indication, the level of discourse is at an early and amorphous stage, with only vague notions of solutions.

This is not to belittle the good work of Matt Swayne, an editor at Quantum Daily who co-produced the video with publisher Evan Kubes. To be fair, the video is intended for a general, not technical, audience, and Swayne and Kubes raise critical issues that individual technologists, their companies, their countries and governing bodies will need to come to grips with. Its just to say that quantum ethics, like the technology itself, is at an early stage, and that the thinking, talking and actions taken on quantum ethics will have to progress far and fast if it is to be effective.

The thought of what quantum may someday be able to do, that it could dust todays HPC and supercomputing, is staggering. Altering the human genome, designing super (and super-expensive) drugs, developing new military weapons, along with espionage and law enforcement techniques all of these and more have major implications not only for the technology but for the existing gaps between rich and poor people and countries, between normally intelligent and the abnormally intelligent technological elite, gaps that quantum could widen.

As Faye Wattleton, co-founder , EeroQ Quantum Hardware, said in the video, I think its in a moment for us to pause, and cause us to take a step back to say, Wait a minute, if we can do in a few minutes what it would take 10,000 years to do with our current technology, well, that really requires some careful consideration.

If we think about what it can do for good, of course, (many) industries farmer, molecular simulation, creating new materials thats wonderful, said Dr. Ilana Wisby, CEO, Oxford Quantum Circuits. But of course, it could also be used to create new materials for purposes that arent so wonderful. We start to see and understand why governments, for example, are interested from even a material science perspective. And, of course, the infamous one is Shors Algorithm and the understanding that quantum computing could one day, likely, break encryption What we have to understand and address now is: Is it worth the risk? Just because we can do something doesnt mean we should.

The point regarding the gap in quantum comprehension is not raised in the video, but there already is a major divide between those doing quantum R&D over against the vast majority of technologists, never mind the public at large, for whom quantum will remain an utter blank, a non-starter, beginning with the head splitting concept that a qubit can be a 0 and a 1 at the same time (though, we admit, the more often we hear it repeated the less intimidating it becomes, even if its no more comprehendible). As Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman said, If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you dont understand quantum mechanics. (It may have been Feynman who also said, You dont understand quantum mechanics, you just go with it.)

Dr. Ilana Wisby, CEO, Oxford Quantum Circuits

The comprehension gap only adds to the complexities of quantum ethics when we consider that those who will apply the ethics in the form of legislation i.e., politicians wont understand the technology at all. Collision of the tech-political worlds was put on display last summer during Congressional hearings on Big Tech in which members of Congress asked elementary and transparently uninformed questions that the Big Tech company executives struggled mightily to answer without condescension and that was about social media, a technology every politician uses (one media wag said the hearings at times seemed more like an extended Facebook help session).

Theres a truism that when it comes to business, politicians first do too little, then too much. This could pose a problem for FAANG and other companies pursuing quantum that are accustomed to asking for forgiveness, not permission, from local, state and federal governments and regulators.

Perhaps companies in the quantum sector should look for guidance from Germanys approach to governance of autonomous vehicles. Led by the countrys transportation minister, an ethics commission was assembled and deliberated on the matter with religious, intellectual and other societal leaders, along with technologists and car makers. The commissions 2017 report recommended that all AVs let humans take control, that if an accident occurs in which the car is in control then the automaker is liable, that AVs cant be programmed demographically (such as deciding that an elderly person should die before a baby), and other matters. If these ethical constraints make it harder to produce AVs then so be it ethics before technology seemed to be the commissions overriding priority.**

Ilyas Khan, CEO, Cambridge Quantum Computing

In that vein, one the experts who participated in the video, Ilyas Khan, CEO, Cambridge Quantum Computing, urged the quantum community not repeat the ethical lapses of previous decades.

My generation was asleep of the wheel in the 90s, Khan said. The pursuit of various different returns overcame our sensibility. If you think 100 years ago, 150 years ago, when mass media first made its appearance in the form of newspapers that millions of people would read, we put controls in place. When railways started to emerge, we put controls in place. In the mid-90s, the combination of the internet revolution and what happened with mobile telephony, we gave up, there were no controls. Now, societies get very excited about things like (the financial crisis of) 2008, and 2009 and the so-called bankers that were at fault, but this is a far, far bigger issue that were facing today because of being asleep of the wheel in the 90s, and the 80s.

Considering quantums potential powers, and the natural concern of the bottom 99 percent who can only stand in uncomprehending awe before that power, an ethics-first approach may be the right way to guide quantum through its development if it is to be accepted, not feared, by society at large.

As one of the experts in the video, Nick Farina, founder, EeroQ Quantum Hardware, has said, The early stage of quantum computing is not a reason to delay ethical considerations, its actually a great opportunity to create ethical frameworks in advance of large scale impact.

** Source: Steve Conway, senior adviser, HPC market dynamics, at industry analyst firm Hyperion Research.

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The Quantum Comprehension Gap and the Emergence of Quantum Ethics - insideHPC

Scaling the heights of quantum computing to deliver real results – – China Daily

Jiuzhang, a quantum computer prototype developed at the University of Science and Technology of China, represents such a giant leap forward in computing that just 200 seconds of its time dedicated to a specific task would equal 600 million years of computing time for today's current most powerful supercomputer.

On Dec 4, Science magazine announced a major breakthrough made by a team from USTC headed by renowned physicist Pan Jianwei. The team had jointly developed a 76-photon Jiuzhang, realizing an initial milestone on the path to full-scale quantum computing.

This quantum computational advantage, also known as "quantum supremacy", established China's leading position in the sphere of quantum computing research in the world.

USTC has produced a string of wonders: Sending Wukong, China-'s first dark matter particle explorer, and Mozi, the world's first quantum communication satellite, into space; and witnessing the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory sending off light from the Hefei Light Source.

During the past 50 years, USTC has made significant achievements in the fields of quantum physics, high-temperature superconductivity, thermonuclear fusion, artificial intelligence and nanomaterials.

Technology is the foundation of a country's prosperity, while innovation is the soul of national progress.

Since 1970, when USTC was relocated to Hefei, Anhui province, it has focused on research and innovation, targeting basic and strategic work in a bid to fulfill its oath to scale "the peak of sciences".

The large number of world-renowned innovative achievements shined glory on USTC, exhibiting its courage to innovate, daring to surpass its peers and unremitting pursuit of striving to be a top university in the world.

Although USTC was set up only 62 years ago, it established the country's first national laboratory and also the first national research center. It has obtained the largest number of achievements selected among China's Top 10 News for Scientific and Technological Progress each year since its founding.

Its reputation as an "important stronghold of innovation" has become stronger over the years.

While facing the frontiers of world science and technology, the main economic battlefield, the major needs of China and people's healthcare, USTC focuses on cultivating high-level scientific and technological innovation talents and teams, and shoulders national tasks.

It has used innovation to generate transformative technologies and develop strategic emerging industries, perfecting its ability to serve national strategic demand, and regional economic and social development.

Facing sci-tech frontiers

USTC has top disciplines covering mathematics, physics, chemistry, Earth and space sciences, biology and materials science. While based on basic research, USTC pays close attention to cutting-edge exploration, encouraging innovative achievements.

Serving major needs

In response to major national needs, USTC has led and participated in a number of significant scientific and technological projects that showcase the nation's strategic aims.

For example, sending the Mozi satellite and Wukong probe into space. Meanwhile, it also participated in the development of core components of Tiangong-2, China's first space lab, and Tianwen-1, the nation's first Mars exploration mission.

Main economic battlefield

In the face of economic and social development needs, USTC has balanced meeting national needs and boosting exploration in frontier spheres.

It has witnessed a series of innovative achievements in the fields of materials science, energy, environment, advanced manufacturing, AI, big data and security.

Safeguarding health

USTC's School of Life Sciences was founded in 1958 with emphasis on biophysics. In recent years, this flourished into many branches of biological sciences.

The new School of Life Sciences was established in Hefei in 1998. Based on its years of cultivation in the field of life sciences, the university has contributed much to China's medical science.

In 2020, the university developed the "USTC protocol" to treat COVID-19 patients, which has been introduced to more than 20 countries and regions.

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Scaling the heights of quantum computing to deliver real results - - China Daily

IonQ and South Korea’s Q Center Announce Three-Year Quantum Alliance – PRNewswire

COLLEGE PARK, Md., Jan. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --IonQ, the leader in quantum computing, today announced a three-year alliance with South Korea's Quantum Information Research Support Center, or Q Center. The Q Center is an independent organization at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) focused on the creation of a rich research ecosystem in the field of quantum information science. The partnership will make IonQ's trapped-ion quantum computers available for research and teaching across South Korea.

IonQ's systems have the potential to solve the world's most complex problems with the greatest accuracy. To date, the company's quantum computers have a proven track record of outperforming all other available quantum hardware.

Researchers and students across South Korea will be able to immediately start running jobs on IonQ's quantum computers. This partnership will enable researchers, scientists, and students to learn, develop, and deploy quantum applications on one of the world's leading quantum systems.

"I am proud to see IonQ enter this alliance with Q Center," said Peter Chapman, CEO & President of IonQ. "IonQ's hardware will serve as the backbone for quantum research. Our technology will play a critical role not only in the advancement of quantum, but also in fostering the next generation of quantum researchers and developers in South Korea."

"Our mission is to cultivate and promote the advancement of quantum information research in South Korea," said SKKU Professor of SAINT (SKKU Advanced Institute of NanoTechnology), Yonuk Chong. "We believe IonQ has the most advanced quantum technology available, and through our partnership, we will be able to make tremendous strides in the advancement of the industry."

This alliance builds on IonQ's continued success. IonQ recently released a product roadmap to deploy rack mounted quantum computers by 2023, and achieve broad quantum advantage by 2025. IonQ also recently unveiled a new $5.5 million, 23,000 square foot Quantum Data Center in Maryland's Discovery District. IonQ has raised $84 million in funding to date, announcing new investment from Lockheed Martin, Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH (RBVC) and Cambium earlier this year. Previous investors include Samsung Electronics, Mubadala Capital, GV, Amazon, and NEA. The company's two co-founders were also recently named to the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee (NQIAC).

About IonQIonQ is the leader in quantum computing. By making our quantum hardware accessible through the cloud, we're empowering millions of organizations and developers to build new applications to solve the world's most complex problems in business, and across society. IonQ's unique approach to quantum computing is to start with nature: using individual atoms as the heart of our quantum processing units. We levitate them in space with electric potentials applied to semiconductor-defined electrodes on a chip, and then use lasers to do everything from initial preparation to final readout and the quantum gate operations in between. The unique IonQ architecture of random-access processing of qubits in a fully connected and modular architecture will allow unlimited scaling. The IonQ approach requires atomic physics, precision optical and mechanical engineering, and fine-grained firmware control over a variety of components. Leveraging this approach, IonQ provides both a viable technological roadmap to scale and the flexibility necessary to explore a wide range of application spaces in the near term. IonQ was founded in 2015 by Jungsang Kim and Christopher Monroe and their systems are based on foundational research at The University of Maryland and Duke University.

About SKKUSungkyunkwan University (SKKU) is a leading research university located in Seoul, South Korea. SKKU is known around the world for the quality of its research and invests heavily in research and development. SKKU has more than 600 years of history as a leading educational institution, and is guided by the founding principles of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and self-cultivation.


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IonQ and South Korea's Q Center Announce Three-Year Quantum Alliance - PRNewswire

Is the blockchain vulnerable to hacking by quantum computers? –

Theres a lingering fear among crypto investors that their bitcoin might get swooped by a hacker.

Thats not very likely, but its not impossible either, particularly once quantum computing gets into the wrong hands. Last year Googles quantum computer called Sycamore was given a puzzle that would take even the most powerful supercomputers 10 000 years to solve and completed it in just 200 seconds, according to Nature magazine.

That kind of processing power unleashed on the bitcoin blockchain which is a heavily encrypted ledger of all bitcoin transactions is a cause for concern.


The encryption technology used by the bitcoin blockchain has proven itself robust enough to withstand any and all attacks. Thats because of its brilliant design, and ongoing improvements by an ever-growing community of open-source cryptographers and developers.

A report by research group Gartner (Hype Cycle for Blockchain Technologies, 2020) suggests blockchain researchers are already anticipating possible attacks by quantum computers that are perhaps five to 10 years away from commercial availability. Its a subject called Postquantum blockchain which is a form of blockchain technology using quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms that can resist attack by future quantum computers.

The good news is that quantum-resistant algorithms are likely to remain several steps ahead of the hackers, but its an issue that is drawing considerable attention in the financial, security and blockchain communities.

Postquantum cryptography is not a threat just yet, but crypto exchanges are going to have to deploy quantum-resistant technologies in the next few years, before quantum computers become generally available.

Phishing is probably a bigger threat

In truth, youre far more likely to be hit by a phishing scam, where identity thieves use emails, text messages and fake websites to get you to divulge sensitive personal information such as bank account or crypto exchange passwords.

As a user, you should be using LastPass or similar software to generate complex passwords, along with two-factor authentication (requiring the input of a time-sensitive code before you can access your crypto exchange account).Most good exchanges are enabled for this level of security.

There are many sad stories of bitcoin theft, but these are usually as a result of weak security on the part of the bitcoin holder, much like leaving your wallet on the front seat of your car while you pop into the shop for a minute.

Like all tech breakthroughs, quantum computing can be used for good and bad.

On the plus side, it will vastly speed drug discovery, molecular modelling and code breaking. It will also be a gift to hackers and online thieves, which is why financial services companies are going to have to invest in defensive technologies to keep customer information and assets safe.

Most crypto exchanges invest substantial amounts in security. The vast majority of crypto assets (about 97%) are stored in encrypted, geographically-separated, offline storage. These cannot be hacked.

The risk emerges when bitcoin are moved from offline (or cold storage) to online, such as when a client is about to transact.

But even here, the level of security is usually robust. A further level of protection is the insurance of all bitcoin that are stored in online systems. They also have systems in place to prevent any employee from making off with clients assets, requiring multiple keys before a bitcoin transaction is authorised.

There have been hacks on crypto exchanges in the past (though not on the blockchain itself), and millions of dollars in crypto assets stolen. In more recent years, this has become less common as exchanges moved to beef up their security systems.

In 2014 Mt.Gox, at the time responsible for about 70% of all bitcoin transactions in the world, suffered an attack when roughly 800000 bitcoin, valued at $460 million, were stolen. In 2018, Japan-based crypto exchange Coincheck was hit with a $534 million fraud impacting 260000 investors.

As the value of bitcoin and other crypto assets increases, the incentive for hackers rises proportionately, which is why problems such as quantum-enabled thievery are already being addressed.

Read:Moneyweb Crypto glossary

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Is the blockchain vulnerable to hacking by quantum computers? -

Quantum Computing Market : Overview Report by 2020, Covid-19 Analysis, Future Plans and Industry Growth with High CAGR by Forecast 2026 – The Courier

Latest added Quantum Computing Market research study by MarketDigits offers detailed product outlook and elaborates market review till 2026. The market Study is segmented by key regions that is accelerating the marketization. At present, the market is sharping its presence and some of the key players in the study are Honeywell International, Accenture, Google, Microsoft, Xanadu, Anyon System, QC Ware Corp, Intel Corporation. The study is a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative Market data collected and validated majorly through primary data and secondary sources.

This report studies the Quantum Computing Market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the Quantum Computing Market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.

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Scroll down 100s of data Tables, charts and graphs spread through Pages and in-depth Table of Content on Global Quantum Computing Market By System (Single Qubit Quantum System and Multiple Qubit System), Qubits (Trapped Ion Qubits, Semiconductor Qubits and Super Conducting), Deployment Model (On-Premises and Cloud), Component (Hardware, Software and Services), Application (Cryptography, Simulation, Parallelism, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Others), Logic Gates (Toffoli Gate, Hadamard Gate, Pauli Logic Gates and Others), Verticals (Banking And Finance, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Defence, Automotive, Chemical, Utilities, Others) and Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia- Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026. Early buyers will get 10% customization on study.

To Avail deep insights of Quantum Computing Market Size, competition landscape is provided i.e. Revenue Analysis (M $US) by Company (2018-2020), Segment Revenue Market Share (%) by Players (2018-2020) and further a qualitative analysis is made towards market concentration rate, product/service differences, new entrants and the technological trends in future.

Unlock new opportunities in Quantum Computing Market; the latest release from MarketDigits highlights the key market trends significant to the growth prospects, Let us know if any specific players or list of players needs to consider to gain better insights.

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Global quantum computing market is projected to register a healthy CAGR of 29.5% in the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

Quantum computing is an advanced developing computer technology which is based on the quantum mechanics and quantum theory. The quantum computer has been used for the quantum computing which follows the concepts of quantum physics. The quantum computing is different from the classical computing in terms of speed, bits and the data. The classical computing uses two bits only named as 0 and 1, whereas the quantum computing uses all the states in between the 0 and 1, which helps in better results and high speed. Quantum computing has been used mostly in the research for comparing the numerous solutions and to find an optimum solution for a complex problem and it has been used in the sectors like chemicals, utilities, defence, healthcare & pharmaceuticals and various other sectors.

Quantum computing is used for the applications like cryptography, machine learning, algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum parallelism and others on the basis of the technologies of qubits like super conducting qubits, trapped ion qubits and semiconductor qubits. Since the technology is still in its growing phase, there are many research operations conducted by various organizations and universities including study on quantum computing for providing advanced and modified solutions for different applications.

For instance, Mercedes Benz has been conducting research over the quantum computing and how it can be used for discovering the new battery materials for advanced batteries which can be used in electric cars. Mercedes Benz has been working in collaboration with the IBM on IBM Q network program, which allows the companies in accessing the IBMs Q network and early stage computing systems over the cloud.

Some of the major players operating in this Quantum Computing Market are Honeywell International, Inc., Accenture, Fujitsu, Rigetti & Co, Inc., 1QB Information Technologies, Inc., IonQ, Atom Computing, ID Quantique, QuintessenceLabs, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Google,Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Xanadu, Magiq Technologies, Inc., QX branch, NEC Corporation, Anyon System,Inc. Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited, QC Ware Corp, Intel Corporation and others.

Product Launch

Research Methodology: Global Quantum Computing Market

Primary Respondents: OEMs, Manufacturers, Engineers, Industrial Professionals.

Industry Participants: CEOs, V.P.s, Marketing/Product Managers, Market Intelligence Managers and, National Sales Managers.

The Quantum Computing market research report makes an organization armed with data and information generated by sound research methods. This market analysis helps to get up to date about various segments that are relied upon to observe the rapid business development amid the estimate forecast frame. This market research report offers an in-depth overview of product specification, technology, product type and production analysis considering major factors such as revenue, cost & gross margin. Quantum Computing market report plays very essential role when it is about achieving an incredible growth in the business.

Quantum Computing Market Reports Table of Contents

1.1. Market Definition and Scope

1.2. Market Segmentation

1.3. Key Research Objectives

1.4. Research Highlights

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Overview

4.3. Market Dynamics

4.4. Porters Five Force Analysis

5.1. Technological Advancements

5.2. Pricing Analysis

5.3. Recent Developments

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Quantum Computing Market : Overview Report by 2020, Covid-19 Analysis, Future Plans and Industry Growth with High CAGR by Forecast 2026 - The Courier

This Incredible Particle Only Arises in Two Dimensions – Popular Mechanics

Physicists have confirmed the existence of an extraordinary, flat particle that could be the key that unlocks quantum computing.

Get unlimited access to the weird world of Pop Mech.

What is the rare and improbable anyon, and how on Earth did scientists verify them?

[T]hese particle-like objects only arise in realms confined to two dimensions, and then only under certain circumstanceslike at temperatures near absolute zero and in the presence of a strong magnetic field, Discover explains.

Scientists have theorized about these flat, peculiar particle-like objects since the 1980s, and the very nature of them has made it sometimes seem impossible to ever verify them. But the qualities scientists believe anyons have also made them sound very valuable to quantum research and, now, quantum computers.

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The objects have many possible positions and "remember," in a way, what has happened. In a press release earlier this fall, Purdue University explains more about the value of anyons:

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Its these fractional charges that let scientists finally design the exact right experiments to shake loose the real anyons. A coin sorter is a good analogy for a lot of things, and this time is no different: scientists had to find the right series of sorting ideas in order to build one experimental setup that would, ultimately, only register the anyons. And having the unique quality of fractional charges gave them, at least, a beginning to work on those experiments.

Following an April paper about using a miniature particle accelerator to notice anyons, in July, researchers from Purdue published their findings after using a microchip etched to route particles through a maze that phased out all other particles. The maze combined an interferometera device that uses waves to measure what interferes with themwith a specially designed chip that activates anyons at a state.

Purdue University

What results is a measurable phenomenon called anyonic braiding. This is surprising and good, because it confirms the particle-like anyons exhibit this particular particle behavior, and because braiding as a behavior has potential for quantum computing. Electrons also braid, but researchers werent certain the much weaker charge of anyons would exhibit the same behavior.

Braiding isnt just for electrons and anyons, either: photons do it, too. "Braiding is a topological phenomenon that has been traditionally associated with electronic devices," photon researcher Mikael Rechtsman said in October.

He continued:

Now, the quantum information toolkit includes electrons, protons, and what Discover calls these strange in-betweeners: the anyons.

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This Incredible Particle Only Arises in Two Dimensions - Popular Mechanics

Is Now the Time to Start Protecting Government Data from Quantum Hacking? – Nextgov

My previous column about the possibility of pairing artificial intelligence with quantum computing to supercharge both technologies generated a storm of feedback via Twitter and email. Quantum computing is a science that is still somewhat misunderstood, even by scientists working on it, but might one day be extremely powerful. And artificial intelligence has some scary undertones with quite a few trust issues. So I understand the reluctance that people have when considering this marriage of technologies.

Unfortunately, we dont really get a say in this. The avalanche has already started, so its too late for all of us pebbles to vote against it. All we can do now is deal with the practical ramifications of these recent developments. The most critical right now is protecting government encryption from the possibility of quantum hacking.

Two years ago I warned that government data would soon be vulnerable to quantum hacking, whereby a quantum machine could easily shred the current AES encryption used to protect our most sensitive information. Government agencies like NIST have been working for years on developing quantum-resistant encryption schemes. But adding AI to a quantum computer might be the tipping point needed to give quantum the edge, while most of the quantum-resistant encryption protections are still being slowly developed. At least, that is what I thought.

One of the people who contacted me after my last article was Andrew Cheung, the CEO of 01 Communique Laboratory and IronCAP. They have a product available right now which can add quantum-resistant encryption to any email. Called IronCAP X, its available for free for individual users, so anyone can start protecting their email from the threat of quantum hacking right away. In addition to downloading the program to test, I spent about an hour interviewing Cheung about how quantum-resistant encryption works, and how agencies can keep their data protection one step ahead of some of the very same quantum computers they are helping to develop.

For Cheung, the road to quantum-resistant encryption began over 10 years ago, long before anyone was seriously engineering a quantum computer. It almost felt like we were developing a bulletproof vest before anyone had created a gun, Cheung said.

But the science of quantum-resistant encryption has actually been around for over 40 years, Cheung said. It was just never specifically called that. People would ask how we could develop encryption that would survive hacking by a really fast computer, he said. At first, nobody said the word quantum, but that is what we were ultimately working against.

According to Cheung, the key to creating quantum-resistant encryption is to get away from the core strength of computers in general, which is mathematics. He explained that RSA encryption used by the government today is fundamentally based on prime number factorization, where if you multiply two prime numbers together, the result is a number that can only be broken down into those primes. Breaking encryption involves trying to find those primes by trial and error.

So if you have a number like 21, then almost anyone can use factorization to quickly break it down and find its prime numbers, which are three and seven. If you have a number like 221, then it takes a little bit longer for a human to come up with 13 and 17 as its primes, though a computer can still do that almost instantaneously. But if you have something like a 500 digit number, then it would take a supercomputer more than a century to find its primes and break the related encryption. The fear is that quantum computers, because of the strange way they operate, could one day do that a lot more quickly.

To make it more difficult for quantum machines, or any other kind of fast computer, Cheung and his company developed an encryption method based on binary Goppa code. The code was named for the renowned Russian mathematician who invented it, Valerii Denisovich Goppa, and was originally intended to be used as an error-correcting code to improve the reliability of information being transmitted over noisy channels. The IronCAP program intentionally introduces errors into the information its protecting, and then authorized users can employ a special algorithm to decrypt it, but only if they have the private key so that the numerous errors can be removed and corrected.

What makes encryption based on binary Goppa code so powerful against quantum hacking is that you cant use math to guess at where or how the errors have been induced into the protected information. Unlike encryption based on prime number factorization, there isnt a discernible pattern, and theres no way to brute force guess at how to remove the errors. According to Cheung, a quantum machine, or any other fast system like a traditional supercomputer, cant be programmed to break the encryption because there is no system for it to use to begin its guesswork.

A negative aspect to binary Goppa code encryption, and also one of the reasons why Cheung says the protection method is not more popular today, is the size of the encryption key. Whether you are encrypting a single character or a terabyte of information, the key size is going to be about 250 kilobytes, which is huge compared with the typical 4 kilobyte key size for AES encryption. Even ten years ago, that might have posed a problem for many computers and communication methods, though it seems tiny compared with file sizes today. Still, its one of the main reasons why AES won out as the standard encryption format, Cheung says.

I downloaded the free IronCAP X application and easily integrated it into Microsoft Outlook. Using the application was extremely easy, and the encryption process itself when employing it to protect an email is almost instantaneous, even utilizing the limited power of an average desktop. And while I dont have access to a quantum computer to test its resilience against quantum hacking, I did try to extract the information using traditional methods. I can confirm that the data is just unreadable gibberish with no discernable pattern to unauthorized users.

Cheung says that binary Goppa code encryption that can resist quantum hacking can be deployed right now on the same servers and infrastructure that agencies are already using. It would just be a matter of switching things over to the new method. With quantum computers evolving and improving so rapidly these days, Cheung believes that there is little time to waste.

Yes, making the switch in encryption methods will be a little bit of a chore, he said. But with new developments in quantum computing coming every day, the question is whether you want to maybe deploy quantum-resistant encryption two years too early, or risk installing it two years too late.

John Breeden II is an award-winning journalist and reviewer with over 20 years of experience covering technology. He is the CEO of the Tech Writers Bureau, a group that creates technological thought leadership content for organizations of all sizes. Twitter: @LabGuys

The rest is here:
Is Now the Time to Start Protecting Government Data from Quantum Hacking? - Nextgov

Will Quantum Mechanics Produce the True Thinking Computer? – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Some hope that quantum mechanics can explain human consciousness.

Maybe we are all quantum computers but dont know it? Maybe quantum computers could think like people?

There is an odd relationship between the human mind and quantum mechanics, the science of entities like electrons that are too small to be governed by ordinary physics.

Some aspects of consciousness appear to be mediated by such elementary particles. Science writer Philip Ball explains,

Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics either. Could that be more than coincidence?

Quantum mechanics is the best theory we have for describing the world at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles. Perhaps the most renowned of its mysteries is the fact that the outcome of a quantum experiment can change depending on whether or not we choose to measure some property of the particles involved

To this day, physicists do not agree on the best way to interpret these quantum experiments, and to some extent what you make of them is (at the moment) up to you. But one way or another, it is hard to avoid the implication that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked.

This might, of course, be at least one part of the reason that consciousness remains a mystery.

But now, is a quantum computer smarter than the conventional machine that just computes numbers?

In Gaming AI, tech philosopher George Gilder notes that the resourceful AI geniuses believe that they can effect an astronomical speedup by changing the ordinary 1 or 0 bit to the quantum bit, or qubit:

The qubit is one of the most enigmatic tangles of matter and ghost in the entire armament of physics. Like a binary digit, it can register 0 or 1; what makes it quantum is that it can also register a nonbinary superposition of 0 and 1.

But before we get carried away by the possibilities, Gilder goes on to say that theres a hitch. An endless superposition works fine for Schrodingers cat. But, to be useful in the real world, the quantum computer must settle on either 0 or 1. If the needed number is your paycheck, to be cashed, it must be a number, not an infinite debate.

In any event, quantum computers come with real world problems that conventional computers dont have:

the chip can no longer function as a determinist logical device. For example, today the key problem in microchips is to avoid spontaneous quantum tunneling, where electrons can find themselves on the other side of a barrier that by the laws of classical physics would have been insurmountable and impenetrable. In digital memory chips or processors, spontaneous tunneling can mean leakage and loss.

Quantum computing has advantages and disadvantages. In any event, consciousness is still a mystery and its not clear at this point how quantum computers help us understand much. But stay tuned!

Note: You can download Gaming AI for free here.

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Quantum supremacy isnt the Big Fix. If human thought is Turings halting oracle, as seems likely, then even quantum computing will not allow us to replicate human intelligence (Eric Holloway)

More here:
Will Quantum Mechanics Produce the True Thinking Computer? - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Computing Technologies Market : Information, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 – Eurowire

The research report focuses on target groups of customers to help players to effectively market their products and achieve strong sales in the global Quantum Computing Technologies Market. It segregates useful and relevant market information as per the business needs of players. Readers are provided with validated and revalidated market forecast figures such as CAGR, Quantum Computing Technologies market revenue, production, consumption, and market share. Our accurate market data equips players to plan powerful strategies ahead of time. The Quantum Computing Technologies report offers deep geographical analysis where key regional and country level markets are brought to light. The vendor landscape is also analysed in depth to reveal current and future market challenges and Quantum Computing Technologies business tactics adopted by leading companies to tackle them.

Market dynamics including drivers, restraints, Quantum Computing Technologies market challenges, opportunities, influence factors, and trends are especially focused upon to give a clear understanding of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market. The research study includes segmental analysis where important type, application, and regional segments are studied in quite some detail. It also includes Quantum Computing Technologies market channel, distributor, and customer analysis, manufacturing cost analysis, company profiles, market analysis by application, production, revenue, and price trend analysis by type, production and consumption analysis by region, and various other market studies. Our researchers have used top-of-the-line primary and secondary research techniques to prepare the Quantum Computing Technologies report.

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Our impartial and unbiased approach toward Quantum Computing Technologies market research is one of the major benefits offered with this research study. While internal analysis holds great importance in market research, secondary research helps guide changes during the preparation of a Quantum Computing Technologies research report. We dont simply take the word of third parties, we always look for justification and validation before using their data or information in our research study. We have attempted to give a holistic view of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market and benchmark almost all important players of the industry, not just the prominent ones. As we focus on the realities of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market, be rest assured that you are on the right path to receiving the right information and accurate data.

Segment by Type, the S-Metolachlor market is segmented intoAnalysis GradePesticides Grade

Segment by Application, the S-Metolachlor market is segmented intoVegetables WeedingMelon Weeding

Regional and Country-level AnalysisThe S-Metolachlor market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries).The key regions covered in the S-Metolachlor market report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. It also covers key regions (countries), viz, U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc.The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type, and by Application segment in terms of sales and revenue for the period 2015-2026.

Competitive Landscape

Key players of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market are profiled on the basis of various factors, which include recent developments, business strategies, financial strength, weaknesses, and main business. The Quantum Computing Technologies report offers a special assessment of top strategic moves of leading players such as merger and acquisition, collaboration, new product launch, and partnership.

Competitive Landscape and S-Metolachlor Market Share AnalysisS-Metolachlor market competitive landscape provides details and data information by players. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on revenue (global and regional level) by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, company total revenue and the sales, revenue generated in S-Metolachlor business, the date to enter into the S-Metolachlor market, S-Metolachlor product introduction, recent developments, etc.The major vendors covered:SyngentaUPL LimitedJiangsu ChangqingCNADCZhongshan Chemical

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Our objective data will help you to make informed decisions related to your business. The powerful insights provided in the Quantum Computing Technologies report will lead to better decision-making and deliverance of actionable ideas. The information that this research study offers will assist your business to the position in the best manner possible for driving Quantum Computing Technologies market growth and gain sound understanding about issues affecting the industry and the competitive landscape. Players can actually improve their reputation and standing in the global Quantum Computing Technologies market as they develop improved business strategies and gain more confidence with the help of the research study.

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Table of Contents

Market Overview: In this section, the authors of the report provide an overview of products offered in the global Quantum Computing Technologies market, market scope, consumption comparison by application, production growth rate comparison by type, highlights of geographical analysis in Quantum Computing Technologies market, and a glimpse of market sizing forecast.

Manufacturing Cost Analysis: It includes manufacturing cost structure analysis, key raw material analysis, Quantum Computing Technologies industrial chain analysis, and manufacturing process analysis.

Company Profiling: Here, the analysts have profiled leading players of the global Quantum Computing Technologies market on the basis of different factors such as markets served, market share, gross margin, price, production, and revenue.

Analysis by Application: The Quantum Computing Technologies report sheds light on the consumption growth rate and consumption market share of all of the applications studied.

Quantum Computing Technologies Consumption by Region: Consumption of all regional markets studied in the Quantum Computing Technologies report is analysed here. The review period considered is 2014-2019.

Quantum Computing Technologies Production by Region: It includes gross margin, production, price, production growth rate, and revenue of all regional markets between 2014 and 2019.

Competition by Manufacturer: It includes production share, revenue share, and average price by manufacturers. Quantum Computing Technologies market analysts have also discussed the products, areas served, and production sites of manufacturers and current as well as future competitive situations and trends.

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Read more:
Quantum Computing Technologies Market : Information, Figures and Analytical Insights 2020-2025 - Eurowire

Put Employees at the Center of Your Post-Pandemic Digital Strategy – Harvard Business Review

Executive Summary

Its time to rethink your digital strategy in the context of people. Its not just about adding new technologies like quantum computing, IoT, or AI, but how that tech will make your employees connect more effectively with their work. Its also time to shift from the here-and-now and look further out, revisiting your long-term strategies. To get the most out of your technology investments, you need to hit the pause button and think more about how you can connect your people to the goals you hope to achieve with that technology.

When the pandemic hit in March, many companies long-term plans and strategies were thrown out the window, as everyone from the frontlines to the C-suite shifted into fire-fighting mode. Many worked around the clock by leveraging remote technology. Its often been exhausting, as each day seems to bring new challenges and obstacles to overcome. As a result, the past six months have felt more like six years to a lot of us.

This pace isnt sustainable. While you may have needed your organization to run at 200 miles-per-hour as you learned to adjust to the new realities of the pandemic, youre now risking serious burnout among your team. Research shows that employees are reporting alarming levels of stress and fatigue, and the risk for depression among U.S. workers has risen by 102% as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is becoming a serious threat to organizations, including those who have already been forced to lay off staff or downsize. The paradox is that while many organizations have gained new efficiencies from embracing digital transformation using technologies such as Zoom to keep their workforce functioning remotely they may now risk losing their best employees, many of whom feel disconnected and disengaged in this new digital workplace. A recent survey from the consultancy KPMG found that losing talent is now the number one risk organizations face.

Thats why its time to rethink your digital strategy in the context of people. Its not just about adding new technologies like quantum computing, IoT, or AI, but how that tech will make your employees connect more effectively with their work. Its also time to shift from the here-and-now and look further out, revisiting your long-term strategies. To get the most out of your technology investments, you need to hit the pause button and think more about how you can connect your people to the goals you hope to achieve with that technology.

Over the course of my career, Ive studied more than 1,000 organizations and have coached more than 100 organizations that have undergone significant transformations. Over the past five years, Ive been particularly interested in the impact of DT and how organizations can leverage technology for growth. What Ive learned is that most digital transformation efforts fail often spectacularly which leads to hundreds of billions of dollars in wasted investment and the deterioration of employee engagement.

My mission has been to help coach organizations to achieve more positive outcomes through their digital transformation efforts. More recently, Ive been researching how the model I developed last year a transformation framework in partnership with the Project Management Institute (PMI), called The Brightline Transformation Framework can be applied to Covid-19 and its impact on organizational efforts to embrace digital transformation.

Specifically, this approach aligns the inside-out which means aligning every employees most important personal aspiration with the outside-in, where employees understand and embrace the companys strategic vision, so that everyone is working toward the same objectives.

Outside-In Approach. Employees must first understand and embrace the companys north star, including customer insights and megatrends, so everyone is working toward the same objectives.

Inside-Out Approach. Aligning every employees purpose or personal north star with those of the company includes:

Taking this approach is more relevant than ever in the wake of the pandemic, as it emphasizes that employees personal goals and engagement are the critical factors underpinning every successful transformation much more so than other elements like technology or business processes.

For organizations to thrive in a post-Covid world, while simultaneously tackling the challenges of burnout and the threat to employee retention, there is an urgent need to rethink these two key areas:

1. Bring the Outside In

The pandemic has changed the landscape of many industries ecosystems leading to an existential crisis for many organizations. Consider Airbnb, whose business suffered a loss of a billion dollars due to guest cancellations all while paying out some $250 million to compensate their hosts for their losses. The company now recognizes that nothing will ever be the same again. To help engage their team in adjusting to the new realities of the marketplace, the leadership team embarked on an outside-in transformation exercise that helped them identify their new north star; the transformational goal they wanted to achieve that could help propel the company forward for the long run.

As CEO Brian Chesky framed it, the companys new goal was to get back to our roots, back to the basics, back to what is truly special about Airbnb everyday people who host their homes and offer experiences. One of the trends Chesky and his team identified was that, as a result of the pandemic, there is a growing acceptance that people can now work from anywhere which could open up new opportunities to service customers interested in traveling and experiencing unique communities and cultures for an extended time. At the same time, the company has begun winding down activities that werent core to the business such as scaling back on investments in transports, hotels, and luxury properties.

2. Align Your Inside-Out with the Outside-In

Once Airbnb had established where it wanted to go, the company embarked on an inside-out journey with its employees helping them connect to the companys new north star by creating personal/team vision statements that aligned with the greater goal to help create the human connections that so many people miss these days. The idea was to enlist employees help in rebuilding the business, and to enlist their feedback on how they could directly impact the companys efforts to scale and prosper again.

Another Outside-In/Inside-Out transformation effort has been occurring at Kasikornbank (KBank), one of the largest banks in Thailand. [Disclosure: they are a client of mine.] The companys north star was not only to save jobs they kept all their workers during the pandemic but also to save their customers: small and medium-sized businesses. KBank and its employees worked closely with thousands of their clients to help them weather the storm by offering to delay their loan payments, as long as those businesses also avoided layoffs the kind of program usually only initiated by governments. Its estimated that KBanks efforts saved some 41,000 jobs, which gave their employees a sense of purpose, confidence, and loyalty as a result of their organization making such a positive difference to their country.

Covid-19 has taught us how connected and integrated we all are with each other and with the communities in which we operate. Its now time to give your employees the opportunity to understand how your organizations north star aligns with their desire to contribute to a meaningful cause. Thats how you get them to re-engage while recharging their emotional energy stores. The longer you wait to make these connections, the more your organization is at risk of losing the human capital it requires to thrive into the future, regardless of how much you spend on technology.

Originally posted here:
Put Employees at the Center of Your Post-Pandemic Digital Strategy - Harvard Business Review

What is an algorithm? How computers know what to do with data – The Conversation US

The world of computing is full of buzzwords: AI, supercomputers, machine learning, the cloud, quantum computing and more. One word in particular is used throughout computing algorithm.

In the most general sense, an algorithm is a series of instructions telling a computer how to transform a set of facts about the world into useful information. The facts are data, and the useful information is knowledge for people, instructions for machines or input for yet another algorithm. There are many common examples of algorithms, from sorting sets of numbers to finding routes through maps to displaying information on a screen.

To get a feel for the concept of algorithms, think about getting dressed in the morning. Few people give it a second thought. But how would you write down your process or tell a 5-year-old your approach? Answering these questions in a detailed way yields an algorithm.

To a computer, input is the information needed to make decisions.

When you get dressed in the morning, what information do you need? First and foremost, you need to know what clothes are available to you in your closet. Then you might consider what the temperature is, what the weather forecast is for the day, what season it is and maybe some personal preferences.

All of this can be represented in data, which is essentially simple collections of numbers or words. For example, temperature is a number, and a weather forecast might be rainy or sunshine.

Next comes the heart of an algorithm computation. Computations involve arithmetic, decision-making and repetition.

So, how does this apply to getting dressed? You make decisions by doing some math on those input quantities. Whether you put on a jacket might depend on the temperature, and which jacket you choose might depend on the forecast. To a computer, part of our getting-dressed algorithm would look like if it is below 50 degrees and it is raining, then pick the rain jacket and a long-sleeved shirt to wear underneath it.

After picking your clothes, you then need to put them on. This is a key part of our algorithm. To a computer a repetition can be expressed like for each piece of clothing, put it on.

Finally, the last step of an algorithm is output expressing the answer. To a computer, output is usually more data, just like input. It allows computers to string algorithms together in complex fashions to produce more algorithms. However, output can also involve presenting information, for example putting words on a screen, producing auditory cues or some other form of communication.

So after getting dressed you step out into the world, ready for the elements and the gazes of the people around you. Maybe you even take a selfie and put it on Instagram to strut your stuff.

Sometimes its too complicated to spell out a decision-making process. A special category of algorithms, machine learning algorithms, try to learn based on a set of past decision-making examples. Machine learning is commonplace for things like recommendations, predictions and looking up information.

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For our getting-dressed example, a machine learning algorithm would be the equivalent of your remembering past decisions about what to wear, knowing how comfortable you feel wearing each item, and maybe which selfies got the most likes, and using that information to make better choices.

So, an algorithm is the process a computer uses to transform input data into output data. A simple concept, and yet every piece of technology that you touch involves many algorithms. Maybe the next time you grab your phone, see a Hollywood movie or check your email, you can ponder what sort of complex set of algorithms is behind the scenes.

Read the original post:
What is an algorithm? How computers know what to do with data - The Conversation US

Google’s Billion Dollar News, Commercial Quantum Computers And More In This Week’s Top News – Analytics India Magazine

The Dutch and the Finnish are doing their part in shedding the dystopian sci-fi rep that AI gets usually. These European nations often show up on the top when it comes to initiatives that take the human aspect seriously. Now they are at it again. Amsterdam and Helsinki are making moves to make sure that transparency of AI applications is established. Not only that but these cities want their citizens to play an active role going forward. In what can be a more sci-fi sounding announcement, quantum computing industry leader DWave opens up their tech for business applications making it the first to do so. There is more to news, thanks to Google and find out why in this weeks top news brought to you by Analytics India Magazine.

VMware and NVIDIA are coming together to offer an end-to-end enterprise platform for AI along with a new architecture for data center, cloud and edge; services that use NVIDIAs DPUs. We are partnering with NVIDIA to bring AI to every enterprise; a true democratization of one of the most powerful technologies, said Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware.

The full stack of AI software available on the NVIDIA NGCTM hub will be integrated into VMware vSphere, VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware Tanzu. This in turn will help accelerate AI adoption across the industru and allows enterprises to deploy AI-ready infrastructure across the data centers, cloud and edge.

On Thursday, Googles CEO Sundar Pichai announced that they would be sparing $1 billion for enabling high quality journalism. In a blog post penned by Pichai, underlined Googles mission to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. Googles News Showcase features the editorial curation of award-winning newsrooms to give readers more insight on the stories that matter, and in the process, helps publishers develop deeper relationships with their audiences. Google has already signed partnerships for News Showcase with nearly 200 leading publications across Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, the U.K. and Australia and will soon be expanding to India, Belgium and the Netherlands.

On Tuesday, D-Wave Systems, the Canadian quantum computing company announced the general availability of its next-gen quantum computing platform that flaunt new hardware, software, and tools to enable and accelerate the delivery of in-production quantum computing applications. The company stated that the platform is available in the Leap quantum cloud service and includes the Advantage quantum system, with more than 5000 qubits and 15-way qubit connectivity. In addition to this, there is an expanded hybrid solver service that can run problems with up to one million variables. Together, these services enables users to scale to address real-world problems with enabling businesses to run real-time quantum applications for the first time.

The PyTorch has announced that developers can leverage its libraries on Cloud TPUs. The XLA library, SAID pYtoRCH, has reached general availability (GA) on Google Cloud and supports a broad set of entry points for developers. It has a fast-growing community of researchers from MIT, Salesforce Research, Allen AI and elsewhere who train a wide range of models accelerated with Cloud TPUs and Cloud TPU Pods.

According to PyTorch, the aim of this project was to make it as easy as possible for the PyTorch community to leverage the high performance capabilities that Cloud TPUs offer while maintaining the dynamic PyTorch user experience. To enable this workflow, the team created PyTorch / XLA, a package that lets PyTorch connect to Cloud TPUs and use TPU cores as devices.

Github announced that the code scanning option, CodeQL is now generally available to all developers. With this new option developers get prompts It scans code as its created and surfaces actionable security reviews within pull requests and other GitHub experiences you use everyday, automating security as a part of your workflow. This helps ensure vulnerabilities never make it to production in the first place.Code scanning is powered by CodeQLthe worlds most powerful code analysis engine and will enable developers to use the 2,000+ CodeQL queries created by GitHub and the community, or create custom queries to easily find and prevent new security concerns.

No two palms are alike. Thats the idea behind Amazon One, a new service by the e commerce giant which allows customers to pay with their palm. Contactless payments were all the rage this pandemic and Amazon wants to step up their technology at one of their stores. All you need is a credit card, your mobile number, and of course, your palm. Once youre signed up, you can use your palm to enter, identify, and pay where Amazon One is available. Governments around the world started to ease the restrictions for public spaces like malls and stadiums and services like Amazon One might see a huge rise in demand because touching surfaces is so 2019!

On Monday, Amsterdam and Helsinki launched AI registries to detail how the respective governments use algorithms to deliver services. AI Register is a window into the artificial intelligence systems used by these cities through the register, citizens can get acquainted with the quick overviews of the citys artificial intelligence systems or examine their more detailed information based on your own interests. They can also give feedback and thus participate in building human-centred AI.

I have a master's degree in Robotics and I write about machine learning

Read more:
Google's Billion Dollar News, Commercial Quantum Computers And More In This Week's Top News - Analytics India Magazine

The Coding School, IBM Quantum Provide Free Quantum Education to 5,000 Students Around the World – PRNewswire

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The Coding Schoolis collaborating with IBM Quantumto offer a first-of-its-kind quantum computing course for 5,000 high school students and above, designed to make quantum education globally accessible and to provide high-quality virtual STEM education. To ensure an equitable future quantum workforce, the course is free. Students can apply here.

"While quantum computing will revolutionize the world, few opportunities exist to make quantum accessible to K-12 students or the general population today," notes Kiera Peltz, the founder and executive director of The Coding School. "We are proud to collaborate with IBM Quantum, a global leader in quantum computing, to ensure the next generation is equipped with the skills necessary for the future of work."

The course, Qubit by Qubit's Introduction to Quantum Computing, will run for a full academic year, from October 2020 to May 2021, and consists of weekly live lectures, labs, and problem sets. Students are eligible to receive high school course credit for this course. The course is University of California A-G accreditedand is in the process of WASC accreditation. In addition to students registering independently, TCS is working with high schools to offer this course during the school day, making it the first time quantum computing is widely available as a for-credit course at the high school level.

Taught live by MIT and Oxford University quantum scientists, the course has been developed for students with no prior quantum computing experience and introduces students to the foundational concepts of quantum computing, including quantum mechanics, quantum information and computation, and quantum algorithms. Students will work with Qiskit, an open-source quantum software development kit, and the IBM Quantum Experienceplatform to run quantum circuits on real quantum computers. Lead instructors are Francisca Vasconcelos, a Rhodes Scholar and MIT graduate, and Amir Karamlou, a Graduate Fellow in MIT's Engineering Quantum Systems group.

"This year, more than ever before, students and educators are moving beyond the traditional classroom setting to online platforms like The Coding School," said Liz Durst, Director, IBM Quantum & Qiskit Community. "While this is a great challenge, IBM Quantum is excited to sponsor 5,000 studentsfrom around the world who are curious about quantum computing to start learning as early as high school about the fundamentals of how to program real quantum processors. We're proud to be collaborating with the Qubit by Qubit initiative on this Introduction to Quantum Computing course, working together to deliver a community-based approach to learning with our own best educational experts, tools, and resources such as the Qiskit Textbook."

Beyond increasing accessibility to quantum education, TCS and IBM Quantum are dedicated to ensuring the future quantum workforce is diverse and inclusive. Prior quantum courses by TCS have had over 70 percent students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in STEM. For this year-long course, students have already registered from over 60 countries. Students from communities traditionally underrepresented in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply, and high school students will be prioritized.

"I am eager to share my appreciation of this nascent field with students, especially those at the high school level," said Vasconcelos. "Through this TCS and IBM Quantum collaboration, we are training a diverse global cohort of future quantum engineers, researchers, and business leaders."

Apply today:

The course starts on Oct. 18, 2020. Learn more about the program and apply here.

High schools interested in partnering with TCS to offer this program for free as a for-credit or after-school enrichment course should email [emailprotected].

About The Coding School:

About TCS: Qubit by Qubit (QxQ) is an initiative of The Coding School, a 501(c)(3) tech education nonprofit. Founded in 2014, TCS has taught over 15,000 students from 60+ countries how to code. To learn more, visit:

About IBM Quantum

IBM Quantum is an industry-first initiative to build quantum systems for business and science applications. For more information about IBM's quantum computing efforts, please visit

Media Contact:

Rachel Zuckerman424-310-8999[emailprotected]

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high-school-students-from-the.png High School Students from The Coding School's Quantum Computing Summer Course 2020 High School Students from The Coding School's Quantum Computing Summer Course 2020

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The Coding School, IBM Quantum Provide Free Quantum Education to 5,000 Students Around the World - PRNewswire

IBM plans to build a 1121 qubit system. What does this technology mean? – The Hindu

(Subscribe to our Today's Cache newsletter for a quick snapshot of top 5 tech stories. Click here to subscribe for free.)

Last week, IBM said it will build Quantum Condor, a 1121 qubit quantum computer, by the end of 2023. The company claims the system can control behaviour of atoms to run applications, and generate world-changing materials to transform industries. IBM says its full-stack quantum computer can be deployed via cloud, and that it can be programmed from any part of the world.

The technology company is developing a super-fridge, internally codenamed Goldeneye, to house the computer. The 10-foot-tall and 6-foot-wide refrigerator is being designed for a million-qubit system.

What are Qubits and quantum computers?

Quantum computers process data exponentially faster than personal computers do. They deploy non-intuitive methods, coupled with lots of computing, to solve intractable problems. These machines operate using qubits, similar to bits in personal computers.

The similarity ends there. The way quantum machines solve a problem is very different from how a traditional machine does.

A classical computer tries solving a problem intuitively. If they are given a command, they attempt every possible move, one after another, turning back at dead ends, until they find a solution.

Quantum computers deploy superposition to solve problems. This allows them to exist in multiple states, and test all possible ways at once. And qubits, the fundamental units of data in quantum computing, enables these machines to compute this way.

In regular computers, bits have either 0 or 1 value, and they come in four possible combinations - - 00, 01, 10, 11. Only one combination can exist at a single point of time, which limits processing speed.

But, in quantum machines, two qubits can represent same values, and all four can exist at the same time. This helps these systems to run faster.

This means that n qubits can represent 2n states. So, 2 qubits represent 4 states, 3 qubits 8 states, 4 qubits 16 states, and so on. And now imagine the many states IBMs 1121 qubit system can represent.

An ordinary 64-bit computer would take hundred years to cycle through these combinations. And thats exactly why quantum computers are being built: to solve intractable problems and break-down theories that are practically impossible for classical computers.

To make such large and difficult calculations happen, the qubits need to be linked together in quantum entanglement. This enables qubits at any end of the universe to connect and be manipulated in such a way that not one can be described without referencing the others.

Why are qubits difficult?

One of the key challenges for processing in qubits is the possibility of losing data during transition. Additionally, assembling qubits, writing and reading information from them is a difficult task.

The fundamental units demand special attention, including a perfect isolation and a thermostat set of one hundredth of a degree above absolute zero. Despite strict monitoring, due to their highly sensitive nature, they can lose superposition even from a slightest variation. This makes programming very tricky.

Since quantum computers are programmed using a sequence of logic gates of various kinds, programmes need to run quickly before qubits lose coherence. The combination of superposition and entanglement makes this process a whole lot harder.

Other companies building quantum computers

There has been a lot of interest in quantum computing in recent times. In 2016, IBM put the first quantum computer in the cloud. Google launched Sycamore quantum computer last year, and said it was close to achieving quantum supremacy.

This month, IBM released its 65-qubit IBM Quantum Hummingbird processor to IBM Q Network members, and the company is planning to surpass the 100-qubit milestone with its 127-qubit IBM Quantum Eagle processor next year. It is also planning to roll out a 433-qubit IBM Quantum Osprey system in 2022.

D-Wave systems, a Canada-based quantum computing company, launched its cloud service in India and Australia this year. It gives researchers and developers in these two countries real-time access to its quantum computers.

Honeywell recently outlined its quantum system, and other technology companies like Microsoft and Intel are also chasing commercialisation.

The ongoing experiments and analysis speak volumes on how tech companies are viewing quantum computers as the next big breakthrough in computing.

Quantum computers will likely deliver tremendous speed, and will help in solving problems related to optimisation in defence, finance, and other industries.

IBM views the 1000-qubit mark as the point from where the commercialisation of quantum computers can take off.

Excerpt from:
IBM plans to build a 1121 qubit system. What does this technology mean? - The Hindu

Global Quantum Computing Market 2020 : Worldwide Overview by Industry Size and Share, Future Trends, Growth Factors and Leading Players | D-Wave…

This report focuses on the Global Quantum Computing Market trends, future forecasts, growth opportunities, key end-user industries, and market players. The objectives of the study are to present the key developments of the market across the globe.

The latest research report on Quantum Computing market encompasses a detailed compilation of this industry, and a creditable overview of its segmentation. In short, the study incorporates a generic overview of the Quantum Computing market based on its current status and market size, in terms of volume and returns. The study also comprises a summary of important data considering the geographical terrain of the industry as well as the industry players that seem to have achieved a powerful status across the Quantum Computing market.

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Quantum Computing Market Segmentation

By Revenue SourceHardware, Software, Services

By ApplicationSimulation, Optimization, Sampling

By IndustryDefense, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Banking & Finance, Energy & Power

The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, production, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.

Global Quantum Computing Market: Competitive LandscapeThis section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and production by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2020.

The major players in the market D-Wave Systems Inc., Qxbranch, LLC, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1qb Information Technologies Inc., QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc., Station Q Microsoft Corporation, Rigetti Computing, Research at Google Google Inc.

Global Quantum Computing MarketThis research report providesCOVID-19 Outbreakstudy accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the Quantum Computing Market. The report contains different market predictions related to marketsize, revenue, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market. It also examines the role of the leading market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview, financial summary andSWOT analysis.It presents the360-degreeoverview of the competitive landscape of the industries. Quantum Computing Market is showing steadygrowthandCAGRis expected to improve during the forecast period.

The main sources are industry experts from the global Quantum Computing industry, including management organizations, processing organizations, and analytical services providers that address the value chain of industry organizations. We interviewed all major sources to collect and certify qualitative and quantitative information and to determine future prospects. The qualities of this study in the industry experts industry, such as CEO, vice president, marketing director, technology and innovation director, founder and key executives of key core companies and institutions in major biomass waste containers around the world in the extensive primary research conducted for this study We interviewed to acquire and verify both sides and quantitative aspects.

Global Quantum Computing Market: Regional AnalysisThe report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Quantum Computing market in important regions, including the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Brazil, etc. Key regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

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Complete Analysis of the Quantum Computing Market:

Comprehensive assessable analysis of the industry is provided for the period of 2020-2025 to help investors to capitalize on the essential market opportunities.

The key findings and recommendations highlight vital progressive industry trends in the global Quantum Computing market, thereby allowing players to improve effective long term policies

A complete analysis of the factors that drive market evolution is provided in the report.

To analyze opportunities in the market for stakeholders by categorizing the high-growth segments of the market

The numerous opportunities in the Quantum Computing market are also given.

Report Answers Following Questions:

What are the factors driving the growth of the market?

What factors are inhibiting market growth?

What are the future opportunities in the market?

Which are the most dynamic companies and what are their recent developments within the Quantum Computing Market?

What key developments can be expected in the coming years?

What are the key trends observed in the market?


1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type and Application

5 United States

6 Europe

7 China

8 Japan

9 Southeast Asia

10 India

11 Central & South America

12 International Players Profiles

13 Market Forecast 2020-2025

14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

15 Appendix

Read Full Report:

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Top Trending Reports:

Originally posted here:
Global Quantum Computing Market 2020 : Worldwide Overview by Industry Size and Share, Future Trends, Growth Factors and Leading Players | D-Wave...

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market:Revenue Gross, Demand, End-Users, Key Players, Top Competition, Growth & Forecast Insights till…

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Production Analysis and Geographical Market Performance Forecast

The most recent Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Research study includes some noteworthy developments with accurate market estimates. It presents a thorough analysis dependent on an extensive research of the various market elements like development situation, market size, potential opportunities, trend analysis, and operational landscape. This market analysis centers on the Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense market business status, presents worth and volume, consumers, market product type, key players, and regional analysis.

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The market study on the global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market profiles some of the leading companies. It provides a brief account of companies operational structure and mentions their strategic initiatives. Analysts have also provided complete information about their existing products and the ones in the pipeline and overview of the research and development statuses of products in these companies.

The prominent players covered in this report: D-Wave Systems Inc, Qxbranch LLC, IBM Corporation, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1qb Information Technologies Inc., QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc., Station Q-Microsoft Corporation, and Rigetti Computing

The Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market report covers the growth prospects and market landscape. After studying the key companies, the market analysis focuses on the new entrants and challenges they could face along with market competition. The research throws light on different facets of the market to determine weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and limitations affecting the growth of the Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market.

The report studies the companies in the Global Market that are currently adopting new technological trends in the market. The market is segmented into By Component (Hardware, Software, Services), By Application (QKD, Quantum Cryptanalysis, Quantum Sensing, Naval)

The scope of the Report:

The research report includes a segmentation of the global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market on the basis of technology, application, end users, and region. Each segment gives crucial insights on the market. It delves deeper into the environmental concerns and the changing political scenario that will influence the future of the market.

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Key Benefits for Stakeholders of the Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense market Study

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Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market:Revenue Gross, Demand, End-Users, Key Players, Top Competition, Growth & Forecast Insights till...

New EU Consortium shaping the future of Quantum Computing USA – PR Newswire India

Europe has always been excellent in academic research, but over the past few decades commercializing research projects has been slow compared to international competition. This is starting to change with quantum technologies. As one of the largest efforts in Europe and worldwide, Germany announced 2 Billion funding into quantum programs in June 2020, from which 120 Million are invested in this current round of research grants.

Today, IQM announced a Quantum project consortium that includes Europe's leading startups (ParityQC, IQM), industry leaders (Infineon Technologies), research centers (Forschungszentrum Jlich),supercomputing centers (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), and academia (Freie Universitt Berlin) has been awarded 12.4 Million from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (Announcement in German).

The scope of the project is to accelerate commercialization through an innovative co-design concept. This project focuses on application-specific quantum processors, which have the potential to create a fastlane to quantum advantage. The digital-analog concept used to operate the processors will further lay the foundation for commercially viable quantum computers. This project will run for four years and aims to develop a 54-qubit quantum processor.

The project is intended to support the European FET Flagship project EU OpenSuperQ, announced in 2018 which is aimed at designing, building, and operating a quantum information processing system of up to 100 qubits. Deploying digital-analog quantum computing, this consortium adds a new angle to the OpenSuperQ project and widens its scope. With efforts from Munich, Berlin and Jlich, as well as Parity QC from Austria, the project builds bridges and seamlessly integrates into the European quantum landscape.

"The grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germanyis a huge recognition of our unique co-design approach for quantum computers. Last year when we established our office in Munich, this was one of our key objectives. The concept allows us to become a system integrator for full-stack quantum computers by bringing together all the relevant players. As Europe's leading startup in quantum technologies, this gives us confidence to further invest in Germany and other European countries" said Dr. Jan Goetz, CEO of IQM Quantum Computers.

As European technology leader, Germany is taking several steps to lead the quantum technology race. An important role of such leadership is to bring together the European startups, industry, research and academic partners. This project will give the quantum landscape in Germany an accelerated push and will create a vibrant quantum ecosystem in the region for the future.

Additional Quotes:

"DAQC is an important project for Germany and Europe. It enables us to take a leading role in the area of quantum technologies. It also allows us to bring quantum computing into one of the prime academic supercomputing centres to more effectively work on the important integration of high-performance computing and quantum computing. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration," said Prof. DrMartinSchulz, Member of the Board of Directors, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).

"The path towards scalable and fully programmable quantum computing will be the parallelizability of gates and building with reduced complexity in order to ensure manageable qubit control. Our ParityQC architecture is the blueprint for a fully parallelizable quantum computer, which comes with the associated ParityOS operating system. With the team of extraordinary members of the DAQC consortium this will allow us to tackle the most pressing and complex industry-relevant optimization problems." saidMagdalena Hauser & Wolfgang Lechner, CEOs & Co-founder ParityQC

"We are looking forward to exploring and realizing a tight connection between hardware and applications, and having DAQC quantum computers as a compatible alternative within the OpenSuperQ laboratory. Collaborations like this across different states, and including both public and private partners, have the right momentum to move quantum computing in Germany forward." saidProf. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, Director, Institute for Quantum Computing Analytics, Forschungszentrum Jlich

"At Infineon, we are looking forward to collaborating with top-class scientists and leading start-ups in the field of quantum computing in Europe. We must act now if we in Germany and Europe do not want to become solely dependent on American or Asian know-how in this future technology area. We are very glad to be part of this highly innovative project and happy to contribute with our expertise in scaling and manufacturing processes." saidDr.Sebastian Luber, Senior Director Technology & Innovation, Infineon Technologies AG

"This is a hugely exciting project. It is a chance of Europe and Germany to catch up in the development of superconducting quantum computers. I am looking forward to adventures on understanding how such machines can be certified in their precise functioning." said Prof.Jens Eisert, Professor of Quantum Physics, Freie Universitt Berlin

About IQM Quantum Computers:

IQM is the European leader in superconducting quantum computers, headquartered in Espoo, Finland. Since its inception in 2018, IQM has grown to 80+ employees and has also established a subsidiary in Munich, Germany, to lead the co-design approach. IQM delivers on-premises quantum computers for research laboratories and supercomputing centers and provides complete access to its hardware. For industrial customers, IQM delivers quantum advantage through a unique application-specific co-design approach. IQM has raised 71 Million from VCs firms and also public grants and is also building Finland's first quantum computer.

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IQM Finland OyKeilaranta 1902150

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Read more from the original source:
New EU Consortium shaping the future of Quantum Computing USA - PR Newswire India