Scientists created a biological quantum circuit in grisly experiment with tardigrades – The Next Web

An international team of researchers are claiming to have performed the first ever experiment successfully quantum entangling a multi-celled organism.

The team, whose research was recently published in a pre-print paper, says its managed to place a tardigrade a tiny critter affectionately known as a water bear in a state of quantum entanglement between a pair of superconducting qubits.

In other words: the researchers managed to put a tardigrade in a state where it was directly connected to the qubits in such a way that anything that happens to the water bear or the qubits would simultaneously affect all three.

This is a fundamental property of quantum computing. But this kind of quantum function usually only occurs with particle-sized objects. Researchers have put single-celled organisms in a state of quantum entanglement before, but this would mark the first time scientists have done so with a complex biological organism.

There is, however, some debate as to the significance of the teams efforts. Per the researcherspaper:

We observe coupling between the animal in cryptobiosis and a superconducting quantum bit and prepare a highly entangled state between this combined system and another qubit. The tardigrade itself is shown to be entangled with the remaining subsystems. The animal is then observed to return to its active form after 420 hours at sub 10 mK temperatures and pressure of 6 106 mbar, setting a new record for the conditions that a complex form of life can survive.

Theres a lot to unpack there, but first and foremost: other physicists are being critical of this work early due to what appears to be a loose definition of entanglement.

As spotted by Live Sciences Brandon Specktor, the buzz on social media appears to be entirely skeptical:

But, as Specktor also points out, this is all likely to get sorted in peer-review. For now, lets talk about the experiment itself.

Tardigrades are among the most resilient creatures we know of. They can enter a state of suspended animation where they have no observable biological functions in order to survive in extremely hostile environments.

Its for this reason the scientists chose to attempt integrating them with quantum bits in a circuit. The ideas pretty basic. You freeze the tardigrades to the point that theyre next to absolute zero, and then you can put them in a state of entanglement just like any other super-cold particle.

However, because the tardigrades are living beings, the storys a bit more visceral than your standard we entangled several photons variety of experiment.

According to teams paper, these particular tardigrades were collected in February 2018 from a roof gutter in Niva, Denmark.

So, to sum up, a group of humans in white coats kidnapped a bunch of cute little water bears, who were already living in a literal gutter, and then exposed them to the coldest temperatures a tardigrades ever experienced before forcing them into a three-way entanglement with superconducting qubits.

The team was able to revive one of the tardigrades that were successfully involved in what theyre calling entanglement. But, as for the others, the researchers wrote we wish to point out that it is very important for the revival of the animal to change the external temperature and pressure gently.

Rest in power little science bears, well never forget you.

Further reading: Physicists might have created quantum entanglement in bacteria

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Scientists created a biological quantum circuit in grisly experiment with tardigrades - The Next Web

Turns Out Schrdinger, the Father of Quantum Physics, Was a Pedophile – Futurism

A recent investigation that resurfaced damning evidence that famed physicist Erwin Schrdinger was a pedophile is continuing to make waves in the academic community.

Schrdinger, widely cited as the father of quantum physics and perhaps best remembered for his 1935 thought experiment Schrdingers Cat, was widely revealed to be a pedophile by The Irish Times after the newspaper published a report detailing his record as a sexual predator and serial abuser.

Its a stomach-churning revelation about a researcher whose work revolutionized the study of the natural world and even led directly to todays international research frenzy into quantum computing and which shows, once again, that even the powerful and brilliant can be monsters.

The Irish Times identified young girls who Schrdinger became infatuated with, including a 14-year-old girl whom the physicist groomed after he became her math tutor.

Schrdinger, who died in 1961, later admitted to impregnating the girl when she was 17 and he was in his mid-forties. Horrifyingly, she then had a botched abortion that left her permanently sterile, according to the newspaper.

Perhaps most diabolically, the physicist kept a record of his abuse in his diaries, even justifying his actions by claiming he had a right to the girls due to his genius.

Walter Moore, author of the biography Schrdinger, Life and Thought published in 1989, said that the physicists attitudes towards women was essentially that of a male supremacist. Disgustingly, the biography seemed to downplay and even romanticize his abusive habits, and describes him as having a Lolita complex.

Schrdinger also attempted a relationship with a different 12-year-old girl, disgustingly writing in his journal that she was among the unrequited loves of his life. However, he decided not to pursue her after a family member voiced their concerns that the physicist was a, you know, unrepentant abusive predator.

In response, a petition has been launched to change the title of a lecture hall at Dublins Trinity University thats named after him.

We can acknowledge the great mark Schrdinger has left on science through our study, and this petition does not wish to diminish the impact his lectures or ideas had on physics, the petition says. However, it seems in bad taste that a modern college such as Trinity would honor this man with an entire building.

Thats true, of course. You can recognize the contributions someone has had in their field while also acknowledging that they were an absolute scumbag.

Buthonoring them by naming a lecture hall or a giant space telescope is completely unnecessary.

READ MORE: How Erwin Schrdinger insulted his Lolita complex in Ireland [The Irish Times]

More on horrible men: James Webb Hated Gay People. Why Are We Naming a Telescope After Him?

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Turns Out Schrdinger, the Father of Quantum Physics, Was a Pedophile - Futurism

The Fourth Industrial Revolution AI, Quantum, and IoT Impacts on Cybersecurity – Security Boulevard

Technology changes at a breakneck pace, and to be of any use, the security we rely on to protect that technology must change alongside it.

Cybersecurity solutions, in particular, must keep up with the evolving needs of hybrid enterprise networks that connect an ever-expanding mesh of cloud devices, on-prem legacy hardware and everything in between.

The next cybersecurity challenge lies with the advances in quantum computing that are set to revolutionize tech while simultaneously equipping threat actors with a new arsenal of cyberweapons.

The fourth industrial revolution is upon us. Its a bold claim are we really about to usher in an era as potentially impactful as the steam engine, the age of science and mass production and the initial rise of digital technology?

Well, yes. According to several high-profile industry experts who spoke at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2021, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing are set to fundamentally change the way the world engages with technology.

As an emerging concept, the high-level technology industry has yet to arrive at a fully-consistent definition, but widespread consensus points to a focus on several key elements. The fourth industrial revolution will be marked by fundamental advances and interconnectivity between fields like:

Tying them all together is quantum computing, which we can define aswell, its not particularly simple to explain quantum computing for most of us. Even MIT, while trying to explain it like were five years old, refers to quantum computing as technology that harnesses some of the almost-mystical phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Still, its good to develop a high-level understanding so that we can view the impact on cybersecurity within a more informed context. The MIT explainer referenced above offers a relatively-accessible introduction, as does this Microsoft Azure guide. Without diving deep into a course on qubits, superposition and entanglement, however, we can also gain insight by considering how enterprises are already using quantum computing.

Volkswagen and Daimler, for example, are using quantum supercomputers to improve electric vehicle batteries based on chemical simulations. Simulating, at a molecular level, the behavior of matter is one way we will fundamentally change our approach to problem-solving in the age of quantum computing.

Quantum computing is based on technology weve yet to fully harness. However, the same constant remains true when it comes to bad actors: whatever the good guys understand about quantum computing, the bad guys do, too.

Unfortunately, there will always be an army of cyber criminals standing by, ready to apply their knowledge and talents to nefarious activity. Its safe to say that vulnerabilities will plague quantum systems just as theyve plagued every other next generation system.

In order for cybersecurity solutions to adequately guard quantum networks, they will need to address several key factors:

While each of these issues will require specific high-level and granular solutions, networks equipped with true self-learning AI capabilities will fare better when monitoring network activity, even as it occurs at whirlwind, quantum speeds.

MixModes predictive, proactive, efficient AI gives organizations a fighting chance at combating modern actors. Rules-based approaches are doomed to fail against cyberthreats in the quantum space.

On one level, its a simple matter of speed. The systems of tomorrow (and many of the systems of today) will move too quickly for modern SOCs to keep their security platforms up-to-date. Context-aware AI must live within enterprise systems in order to detect anomalies as they occur in such rapidly changing environments.

MixMode is ready to face quantum threats by thriving within quantum networks. MixMode is data- and feed-agnostic it can operate effectively and independently regardless of data format and type.

As systems rapidly expand and scale to allow for the increased data inputs organizations will need to monitor. For example, we can expect an influx of 5G-enabled IoT sensors and increased remote connections among a workforce forever changed by the 2020 pandemic.

Because MixModes third-wave, self-supervised AI doesnt need constant babysitting or continual rules-tweaking, the platform will protect quantum systems with an approach proven to identify threats and anomalies in network traffic, log systems, API, time-series, cloud data, and beyond.

Learn more about MixMode and set up a demo today.

How a Government Entity Switched to MixMode and Decreased Data Storage Costs by 50%

The SOC Reckoning

2021: The Year SOCs Embrace Cybersecurity Convergence

Why Responding to a Cyber Attack with a Traditional SIEM Leaves You Vulnerable

Misconceptions of the SOAR Playbook

Building a Better SOC Based on What We Learned in 2020

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution AI, Quantum, and IoT Impacts on Cybersecurity - Security Boulevard

Quantum computing startups pull in millions as VCs rush to get ahead of the game – The Register

Venture capital firms are pouring billions into quantum computing companies, hedging bets that the technology will pay off big time some day.

Rigetti, which makes quantum hardware, announced a $1.5bn merger with Supernova Partners Acquisition Company II, a finance house focusing on strategic acquisitions. Rigetti, which was valued at $1.04bn before the deal, will now be publicly traded.

Before Rigetti's deal, quantum computer hardware and software companies raked in close to $1.02bn from venture capital investments this year, according to numbers provided to The Register by financial research firm PitchBook. That was a significant increase from $684m invested by VC firms in 2020, and $188m in 2019.

Prior to the Rigetti transaction, the biggest deal was a $450mn investment in PsiQuantum, which was valued at $3.15bn, in a round led by venture capital firm BlackRock on July 27.

Quantum computers process information differently way than classical computing. Quantum computers encode information in qubits, and store exponentially more information in the form of 1s, 0s or a superposition of both. These computers can evaluate data simultaneously, while classical computers evaluate data sequentially, simply put.

Theoretically, that makes quantum computers significantly more powerful, and enables applications like drug discovery, which are limited by the constraints of classical computers.

Rigetti and PsiQuantum are startups in a growing field of quantum computer makers that includes heavyweights IBM and Google, which are building superconducting quantum systems based on transmon qubits. D-Wave offers a quantum-annealing system based on flux bits to solve limited-sized problems, but this week said it was building a new superconducting system to solve larger problems.

Quantum computers show promise but still immature, with questions around stability, said Linley Gwennap, president of Linley Group, in a research note last month.

"Solving the error-rate problem will require substantially new approaches. If researchers can meet that challenge, quantum processors will provide an excellent complement to classical processors," Gwennap wrote.

If quantum ever works, there could be a huge market, hence the VC interest, but the technology is years away from significant revenue, Gwennap told The Register.

Deals by SPAC (special purpose acquisition companies) like Supernova Partners tend to be highly speculative, but the venture firm's due diligence on Rigetti was more around the possible rewards if quantum computers live up to their hype.

Rigetti's quantum technology is scalable, practical and manufacturable, said Supernova's chief financial officer Michael Clifton, in a press conference this week related to the deal.

"Quantum is expected to be as important as mobile and cloud have been over the last two decades," Clifton said, adding, "we were focused on large addressable markets, differentiated technologies and excellent management teams."

Rigetti's quantum computer is modular and scalable with qubit systems linked through faster interconnects. The company's introductory system in 2018 had 8 qubits, and will scale it up to 80 qubit multichip system with high-density I/O and 3D signalling. The company's roadmap includes a 1000-qubit system in 2024 that is "error mitigating," and a 4000-qubit system in 2026 with full error correction features.

Rigetti designs and makes the quantum computers chips in its own fabrication plant, which helps accelerate the delivery of chips. Amazon offers access to Rigetti's quantum hardware through AWS.

IT leaders in non-tech companies are taking quantum computing seriously, IDC said in May.

A survey by the analyst house in April revealed companies would allocate more than 19 per cent the annual IT budgets to quantum computing in 2023, growing from 7 per cent in 2021. Investments would in at quantum algorithms and systems available through the cloud to boost AI and cybersecurity.

Quantum computing startups pull in millions as VCs rush to get ahead of the game - The Register

IBM Launches Its First Quantum Computing Certification | The Info-Tech Brief – Oakland News Now News Now

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IBM Launches Its First Quantum Computing Certification | The Info-Tech Brief - Oakland News Now

Tech partnership to drive Finlands quantum computing project –

Finlands VTT Technical Research Centre has formed a strategic collaboration with tech startup IQM Group to build the countrys first quantum computer.

The VTT-IQM co-innovation partnership aims to deliver a 50-qubit machine by 2024, drawing on international quantum technology expertise to augment Finlands home-grown quantum capabilities.

The partnership combines VTTs expertise in supercomputing and networking systems with IQMs capacity to deliver a hardware stack for a quantum computer while working with VTT to integrate critical technologies.

The financing element of the project saw IQM launch a new series A funding round in November. The Helsinki-headquartered company raised 39m in new capital in the funding round, bringing to 71m the total amount raised by IQM for quantum computing-related research and development (R&D) project activities to date.

State-owned VTT is providing financing for the project in the form of grants totalling 20.7m from the Finnish government.

Micronova, a national research and development infrastructure resource operated jointly by VTT and Aalto University, will provide the clean room environment to build the quantum computer and associated components at a dedicated facility at Espoo, southwest of Helsinki. The build will use Micronovas specialised input and micro- and nanotechnology expertise to guide the project.

The project marks the latest phase in cooperation between VTT and Aalto University. The two partners are also involved in a joint venture to develop a new detector for measuring energy quana. As measuring the energy of qubits lies at the core of how quantum computers operate, the detector project has the potential to become a game-changer in quantum technology.

IQMs collaborative role with VTT emerged following an international public tender process. All partners expect to see robust advances in the quantum computing project in 2021, said Jan Goetz, CEO of IQM.

This project is extremely prestigious for us, said Goetz. We will be collaborating with leading experts from VTT, so this brings a great opportunity to work together in ways that help build the future of quantum technologies.

Finlands plan to build a 50-qubit machine stacks up reasonably well in terms of ambition and scope, compared with projects being run by global tech giants Google and IBM.

In 2019, Google disclosed that it had used its 53-qubit quantum computer to perform a calculation on an unidentified unique abstract problem that took 200 seconds to accomplish. Google, which hopes to build a one million-qubit quantum computer within 10 years, estimated that it would have taken the worlds most powerful supercomputer, at the time, 10,000 years to resolve and complete the same calculation.

For its part, IBM is engaged in a milestone project to build a quantum computer comprising 1,000 qubits by 2023. IBMs largest current quantum computer contains 65 qubits.

The VTT-IQM project will proceed in three stages. The first will involve the construction of a five-qubit computer by the year of 2021. The project will then be scaled up in 2022, parallel with enhancement of support infrastructure, to deliver the target 50-qubit machine in 2023.

Our focus is more on how effectively we use the qubits, rather than the number, said Goetz. We expect, that by 2024, we will be in a place where there is a high likelihood of simulating several real-world problems and start finding solutions with a quantum computer.

For instance, conducting quantum material simulations for chemistry applications such as molecule design for new drugs, or the discovery of chemical reaction processes to achieve superior battery and fertiliser production.

The Finnish governments direct funding of the project is driven by a broader mission to further elevate the countrys reputation as a European tech hub and computing superpower, said Mika Lintil, Finlands economic affairs minister.

We want Finland to harness its potential to become the European leader in quantum technologies, he added. By having this resource, we can explore the opportunities that quantum computing presents to Finnish and European businesses. We see quantum computing as a dynamic tool to drive competitiveness across the whole of the European Union.

Within VTT, the quantum computing project will run parallel with connected areas of application, including quantum sensors and quantum-encryption algorithms. Quantum sensors are becoming increasingly important tools in medical imaging and diagnostics, while quantum-encryption algorithms are being deployed more widely to protect information networks.

Quantum computing-specific applications have the capacity to empower businesses to answer complex problems in chemistry and physics that cannot be solved by current supercomputers, said VTT CEO Antti Vasara.

Investing in disruptive technologies like quantum computing means we are investing in our future ability to solve global problems and create sustainable growth, he said. Its a machine that has immense real-world applications that can make the impossible possible. It can be used to simulate or calculate how materials or medicinal drugs work at the atomic level.

In the future, quantum technologies will play a significant role in the accelerated development and delivery of new and critical vaccines.

Finlands advance into quantum computing will further enhance Helsinkis status as a Nordic and European hub for world-leading innovative ecosystems dedicated to new technologies.

The project will also bolster IQMs capacity to build Europes largest industrial quantum hardware team to support projects across Europe, said Goetz.

IQM established a strategic presence in Germany in 2020, following the German governments commitment to invest 2bn in a project to build two quantum computers.

We are witnessing a boost in deep-tech funding in Europe, said Goetz. Startups like us need access to three channels of funding to ensure healthy growth. We need research grants to stimulate new key innovations and equity investments to grow the company. We also require early adoption through acquisitions supported by the government. This combination of funding enables us to pool risk and create a new industry.

IQMs initial startup funding included a 3.3m grant from Business Finland, the governments innovation financing vehicle, in addition to 15m equity investment from the EIC (European Innovation Council) Accelerator programme.

The 71m harvested by IQM in 2020 ranks among the highest capital fund raising rounds by a European deep-tech startup in such a short period.

See the rest here:
Tech partnership to drive Finlands quantum computing project -

Quantum Computers May Steal Bitcoin by Deriving Private Keys once Advanced Enough in 5-30 Years, Experts Claim – Crowdfund Insider

John Smith, who has been regularly keeping up with computer science, quantum computing, and cryptocurrency-related developments, claims that the future of crypto is quantum-resistant, meaning we must build systems that can protect themselves against the potential attack from quantum computers (QCs) when they become powerful enough to present a challenge to digital asset networks.

While discussing what the future threat to Bitcoin (BTC) from Quantum Computing might be, and how big of a deal it really is, Smith claims that the threat is that quantum computers will eventually be able to break Bitcoins current digital signatures, which could render the network insecure and cause it to lose value.

He goes on to question why there isnt already a solution as trivial as simply upgrading the signatures? He explains that this might not be possible due to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and other large crypto-asset networks such as Ethereum (ETH).

While discussing how long until someone actually develops a quantum computer that can steal BTC by quickly deriving private keys from their associated public keys, Smith reveals that serious estimates range somewhere from 5 to over 30 years, with the median expert opinion being around 15 years.

Smooth added:

Banks/govts/etc. will soon upgrade to quantum-resistant cryptography to secure themselves going forward. Bitcoin, however, with large financial incentives for attacking it and no central authority that can upgrade *for* users, faces a unique set of challenges.

Going on to mention the main challenges, Smith notes that we can separate vulnerable BTC into three classes, including lost coins (which are estimated to be several million), non-lost coins residing in reused/taproot/otherwise-vulnerable addresses, and coins in the mempool (i.e., being transacted).

Beginning with lost coins, why are they even an issue? Because its possible to steal a huge number all at once and then selling them in mass quantities which could tank the entire crypto market. He added that if that seems imminent, the market could preemptively tank. He also mentioned that an attacker may profit greatly by provoking either of the above and shorting BTC.

While proposing potential solutions, Smith suggests preemptively burning lost coins via soft fork (or backwards compatible upgrade). He clarifies that just how well this works will depend on:

He further noted:

Another potential way around the problem of millions of lost BTC is if a benevolent party were to steal & then altruistically burn them. Not clear how realistic this is, given the financial incentives involved & who the parties likely to have this capability would be.

He added:

Moving on why are non-lost coins with vulnerable public keys an issue? This is self-evident. The primary threat to the wealth of BTC holders is their BTC being stolen. And as with lost coins, a related threat is that the market starts to fear such an attack is possible.

He also mentioned that another solution could be that Bitcoin adds a quantum-resistant signature and holders proactively migrate. He points out that how well this all works will depend on:

While discussing the vulnerability of coins in the mempool, Smith mentioned that it could complicate migration to quantum-resistant addresses *after* large QCs are built or it could greatly magnify the threat posed by an unanticipated black swan advance in QC.

While proposing other solutions, Smith noted:

A commit-reveal tx scheme can be used to migrate coins without mempool security. This gets around the vulnerability of a users old public key by adding an extra encryption/decryption step based on their new quantum-resistant key but w/ crucial limitations.

He added:

Considerations w/ commit-reveal migration [are that] its not foolproof unless a user starts with their coins stored in a non-vulnerable address, because attackers can steal any vulnerable coins simply by beating the original owner to the punch.

Considerations with commit-reveal migration are also that commit transactions introduce technical hurdles (vs. regular txs) & increase the load on the network. Neither of these are insurmountable by any means, but they suggest that this method should not be relied upon too heavily, Smith claims.

He also noted that how well the commit-reveal transaction type works will depend on:

He added:

One potential way around the network overhead & just plain hassle of commit-reveal migration would be if a highly efficient quantum-resistant zero-knowledge proof were discovered. Current QR ZK algorithms are far too large to use in Bitcoin, but that could change. Worth noting.

While sharing other potential solutions, Smith noted that theres the tank the attack & rebuild.

He pointed out that Bitcoins network effects are massive, so it is challenging to accurately estimate or predict what the crypto ecosystem will look like in the future, but the potential economic disruption of BTC failing may incentivize extraordinary measures to save the network.

He added:

Bitcoins ability to tank a quantum-computing-related market crash will depend on [whether theres] another chain capable of replacing BTC as the main crypto store of value [and whether] BTC [can] avoid a mining death spiral? Also, how far will stakeholders go to ensure the network survives & rebounds?

Smith also mentioned that for people or institutions holding Bitcoin, some good measures may be purchasing insurance, and/or hedging BTC exposure with an asset that would be expected to increase in value in the case of an attack.

Read more from the original source:
Quantum Computers May Steal Bitcoin by Deriving Private Keys once Advanced Enough in 5-30 Years, Experts Claim - Crowdfund Insider

Photonic processor heralds new computing era | The Engineer The Engineer – The Engineer

A multinational team of researchers has developed a photonic processor that uses light instead of electronics and could help usher in a new dawn in computing.

Current computing relies on electrical current passed through circuitry on ever-smaller chips, but in recent years this technology has been bumping up against its physical limits.

To facilitate the next generation of computation-hungry technology such as artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, researchers have been searching for new methods to process and store data that circumvent those limits, and photonic processors are the obvious candidate.

Funding boost for UK quantum computing

Featuring scientists from the Universities of Oxford, Mnster, Exeter, Pittsburgh, cole Polytechnique Fdrale (EPFL) and IBM Research Europe, the team developed a new approach and processor architecture.

The photonic prototype essentially combines processing and data storage functionalities onto a single chip so-called in-memory processing, but using light.

Light-based processors for speeding up tasks in the field of machine learning enable complex mathematical tasks to be processed at high speeds and throughputs, said Mnster Universitys Wolfram Pernice, one of the professors who led the research.

This is much faster than conventional chips which rely on electronic data transfer, such as graphic cards or specialised hardware like TPUs [Tensor Processing Unit].

Led by Pernice, the team combined integrated photonic devices with phase-change materials (PCMs) to deliver super-fast, energy-efficient matrix-vector (MV) multiplications. MV multiplications underpin much of modern computing from AI to machine learning and neural network processing and the imperative to carry out such calculations at ever-increasing speeds, but with lower energy consumption, is driving the development of a whole new class of processor chips, so-called tensor processing units (TPUs).

The team developed a new type of photonic TPU capable of carrying out multiple MV multiplications simultaneously and in parallel. This was facilitated by using a chip-based frequency comb as a light source, which enabled the team to use multiple wavelengths of light to do parallel calculations since light has the property of having different colours that do not interfere.

Our study is the first to apply frequency combs in the field of artificially neural networks, said Tobias Kippenberg, Professor at EPFL

The frequency comb provides a variety of optical wavelengths which are processed independently of one another in the same photonic chip.

Described in Nature, the photonic processor is part of a new wave of light-based computing that could fundamentally reshape the digital world and prompt major advances in a range of areas, from AI and neural networks to medical diagnosis.

Our results could have a wide range of applications, said Prof Harish Bhaskaran from the University of Oxford.

A photonic TPU could quickly and efficiently process huge data sets used for medical diagnoses, such as those from CT, MRI and PET scanners.

See the rest here:
Photonic processor heralds new computing era | The Engineer The Engineer - The Engineer

A fertilizer revolution is on the horizon – Alberta Express

As fledgling technology goes, quantum computing sounds as science fiction as it gets. Most people have likely not even heard about it, let alone think it can be used for anything immediately useful.

But if IBM fulfills a very bold promise it made in September, crop producers will see the fruits of this technology in a very tangible way within the next five years.

By using quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up the process, IBM researchers are confident they can revolutionize the production of nitrogen fertilizer.

Basically, for every ton of fertilizer produced, we consume one ton of fossil fuel, Teo Laino, manager of IBM Research Zurich, said in an email interview.

We are working to identify and develop materials that will make the conversion of nitrogen into fertilizers happen in a more environmental and sustainable way.

If successful, this could mean lower nutrient costs for producers and given growing concerns about greenhouse gases produce a major PR win for the ag industry, as well.

IBMs goal is to improve the Haber-Bosch process (which turns nitrogen gas into nitrates) in a very fundamental way. This process, created by two German chemists more than a century ago, is both one of the greatest advances in agriculture and one of its biggest challenges.

Fertilizers have helped to sustain two times more people on Earth (than otherwise), said Laino.

(But) this process is consuming nearly two to three per cent of the global energy production on a yearly basis.

The impact of the current process has brought the population to the verge of a sustainability crisis.

This is what prompted the global technology giant to pledge that it would use its quantum computing and AI capability to fundamentally improve the Haber-Bosch process.

We will need to discover new processes that have a greater respect for the environment and the planet, he said. This will also have benefits for the primary producers less impact to the environment means less disaster events related to climate.

This effort to find a much less energy-intensive way to make fertilizer in five years is tremendously exciting, said University of Manitoba soil scientist Mario Tenuta, one of the countrys leading experts on fertilizer use and the senior Canada research chair in 4R nutrient management.

(IBM is) not thinking about making a widget its thinking about making something thats going to change the structure of our industrial processes and get us closer to where we need to go in terms of living and sustaining our presence here, he said.

IBMs specific goal is to find a new catalyst for the Haber-Bosch process a seemingly small thing but one with huge implications. (A catalyst is a substance that makes a chemical reaction proceed much more quickly without being consumed in the reaction.)

Making nitrogen fertilizer requires, not surprisingly, nitrogen. Theres plenty out there (it makes up 78 per cent of the air we breathe), but plants can only use it in its fixed form. In nature, that means it must be harvested from the atmosphere by micro-organisms to form ammonia, nitrites and nitrates which help plants grow.

IBMs bid to greatly reduce the amount of energy needed to make fertilizer would have a huge advance for agriculture, says Mario Tenuta, a University of Manitoba soil scientist and one of the countrys top experts on fertilizer Supplied

Legumes can do this, but to do it on an industrial scale with the Haber-Bosch process requires very high temperatures, and hence lots of energy. For decades, researchers have tried to engineer a better catalyst that would reduce the energy needed to produce ammonia through the Haber-Bosch process, but identifying one has been problematic. There are virtually endless combinations of materials to sort through and processing all of them has proven itself beyond the capacity of both humans and traditional computers.

Thats where quantum computing comes in.

Quantum computers are exponentially faster than even the largest mainframe computers. The simplest explanation is instead of encoding information in bits that exist in a binary state of either 1 or 0, they use qubits that exist in states of both 1 and 0 simultaneously. Youd probably need a PhD in quantum physics to understand much more, but it is this state of superposition that makes quantum computing so fast.

IBM researchers plan to extract the materials quantum computers identify as possible catalysts and then with the help of AI construct, test and validate predictive models that could make a more energy-efficient fertilizer production process possible.

We use an entire ecosystem of technologies, from AI to tackle sustainable goal challenges to quantum computing, which isan important part of accelerating the scientific discovery process, said Laino. We currently use quantum computing to address several important chemical challenges in these processes.

Meanwhile, we study how to solve more holistic problems while making progress on a road map that is bringing us closer to running bigger solutions on larger quantum computing hardware.

If all is successful, the next step would be to scale the process.

The company foresees the use of fuel cells that would work like a reverse battery. Basically, instead of storing energy, fuel cells would use energy from renewable sources to combine nitrogen from the atmosphere and hydrogen from water to produce ammonia. The catalytic molecules identified by the technology would be used to lower the amount of energy needed to sustain the nitrogen fixation process.

While this would be a good thing overall, what would it actually mean for crop farmers trying to keep their input costs down?

Basic economics dictate that a less energy-intensive process for making fertilizer should mean savings for fertilizer companies (less energy equals less cost), with those savings theoretically passed on to the producer.

However, there are still some unknown factors at play, particularly when it comes to the kind of energy that will fuel fertilizer production, said Tenuta.

With IBMs focus on using renewables such as solar and hydro as fuel for the production process, how much farmers would wind up paying for the end product is anyones guess, he said.

I am personally expecting that by 2050 our reliance on fossil fuels as an energy source is going to be in the minoritycompared to renewables, he said. You just dont know what the cost of those renewables is going to be down the road.

That said, Tenuta believes the fact that IBM is looking for this catalyst using in-reach technology is itself remarkable.

And who knows where that might lead, he said, adding it might even allow fertilizer to be made on farms.

Maybe a really good catalyst will ensure there is no difference between a factory and a farmers yard, said Tenuta. You would still think that (production) would be more efficient in a big factory than making it at a small scale, but who knows?

Read more here:
A fertilizer revolution is on the horizon - Alberta Express

Quantum Computing Technologies Market, Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies & Forecast up to 2025 – AlgosOnline

Market Study Report, LLC, has added a detailed study on the Quantum Computing Technologies market which provides a brief summary of the growth trends influencing the market. The report also includes significant insights pertaining to the profitability graph, market share, regional proliferation and SWOT analysis of this business vertical. The report further illustrates the status of key players in the competitive setting of the Quantum Computing Technologies market, while expanding on their corporate strategies and product offerings.

The report on Quantum Computing Technologies market presents insights regarding major growth drivers, potential challenges, and key opportunities that shape the industry expansion over analysis period.

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According to the study, the industry is predicted to witness a CAGR of XX% over the forecast timeframe (2020-2025) and is anticipated to gain significant returns by the end of study period.

COVID-19 outbreak has caused ups and downs in industries, introducing uncertainties in the business space. Along with the immediate short-term impact of the pandemic, some industries are estimated to face the challenges on a long-term basis.

Most of the businesses across various industries are taking measures to cater the uncertainty and have revisited their budget to draft a roadmap for profit making in the coming years. The report helps companies operating in this particular business vertical to prepare a robust contingency plan taking into consideration all notable aspects.

Key inclusions of the Quantum Computing Technologies market report:

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Quantum Computing Technologies Market segments covered in the report:

Regional segmentation: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa

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Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Definition and forecast parameters

Methodology and forecast parameters

Data Sources

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Business trends

Regional trends

Product trends

End-use trends

Chapter 3: Quantum Computing Technologies Industry Insights

Industry segmentation

Industry landscape

Vendor matrix

Technological and innovation landscape

Chapter 4: Quantum Computing Technologies Market, By Region

Chapter 5: Company Profile

Business Overview

Financial Data

Product Landscape

Strategic Outlook

SWOT Analysis

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Quantum Computing Technologies Market, Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies & Forecast up to 2025 - AlgosOnline

Quantum Computing Entwined with AI is Driving the Impossible to Possible – Analytics Insight

Mergingquantum computing with artificial intelligence (AI)has been on the priority list for researchers and scientists. Even though quantum computing is still in the early phases of development, there have been many innovations and breakthrough. However, it is still unclear on whether the world will change for good or bad when AI is totally influenced by quantum computing.

Quantum computingis similar to traditional computing. It relies on bits, which are 0s and 1s to encode information. The data keeps growing despite limiting it. Moores law has observed that the number of transistors on integrated circuits wills double every two years, making way for tech giants to run the race of making the smallest chips. This has also induced tech companies to compete for the first launch of a viable quantum computer that would be exponentially more powerful than todays computers. The futuristic computer will process all the data we generate and solve increasingly complex problems.

Remarkably, the use ofquantum algorithms in artificial intelligencetechniques will boost machines learning abilities. This will lead to improvements in an unprecedented way. The main goal of the merger is to achieve a so-calledquantum advantage, where complex algorithms can be calculated significantly faster than with the best classical computer. The expected change will be a breakthrough in AI. Experts and business leaders predict thatquantum computings processing powercould begin to improve AI systems within about five years. However, combining AI and quantum is considered scary from an angle. The late researcher and scientist Stephen Hawking has said that the development of full AI could spell the end of the human race. Once humans develop AI, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution couldnt compete and would supersede.

Can solve complex problems quickly

One of the major expectations that people have fromquantum computingis to have increased computational skill. It is predicted that quantum computers will be able to complete calculations within seconds that would take thousands of years to calculate. Google claims that the company has a quantum computer that is 100 million times faster than any existing computer. This futuristic and quick way of calculating will solve all the data problems in minutes if not seconds. The key to availing the transition is by converting all the existing data into quantum language.

Enhance warfighter capabilities

Even though the improvement of quantum computing is in the initial stage, it is expected to enhance warfighter capabilities significantly in the future. It is predicted that quantum computing is likely to impact ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance), solving logistic problems more quickly. While we know the types of problems and general application space, optimisation problems will be some of the first where we will see advantages.

Applications in the banking sector

Malpractice and constant forgeries are common in the banking and financial sector. Fortunately, the combination of AI with quantum computing might help improve and combat fraud detection. Models trained using a quantum computer will be capable of detecting patterns that are hard to spot using conventional equipment. Meanwhile, the acceleration of algorithms will yield great advantages in terms of the volume of information that the machines handle for this purpose.

Help integrate data from different datasets

Quantum computers are anticipated to be experts in merging different datasets. Although this seems quite impossible without human intervention in the initial phase, computers will eventually learn to integrate data in the future. Henceforth, if there are different raw data sources with unique schema attached to them and a research team wants to compare them, a computer would have to understand the relationship between the schemas before the data could be compared.

All is not good though

In some way, AI and quantum computing worry people with an equal amount of expectations it gives. Quantum computing technology will be very futuristic, but we cant assure you that it is human-friendly. It could be far better than humans suppressing people in their jobs. Quantum computing also poses athreat to security. The latest Thales Data Threat report says that 72% of surveyed security experts worldwide believe quantum computing will have a negative impact on data security within the next five years.

Read more:
Quantum Computing Entwined with AI is Driving the Impossible to Possible - Analytics Insight

The science of looking ahead – Deccan Herald

At the turn of the millennium, when scientists sequenced the human genome, its full implications escaped popular imagination. Amid debates over its possible benefits and risks, genome science gave an unprecedented push to advances in biology, never as evident as now, two decades later, as the world battles a pandemic.

No one, after the coronavirus pandemic, can deny the capacity of science to surpass human imagination. Never before in the history ofsciencehave multiple vaccines emerged within months after the discovery of a newvirus.Production and even immunisation started even before 2020 ended. What the past year has shown us is what science can do if research advances, political will and coordinated global efforts merge.

With this backdrop in mind,we do some crystal gazing to explore what might become the reality in the next 10 yearsin select scientific areas. All may not fructify, but many could, particularly if science is backed by society.

SPACE: Are we alone in this universe?

This is a query that has enamoured scientists for decades. It received a boost half-a-century ago when Cornell University physicist Frank Drake, in a famous formula, demonstrated the theoretical possibility of having millions of such advanced civilisations just in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Soon the search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) began and till date, there is no dearth of excitement. The cigar-shaped Oumuamua that zipped through the solar system two years ago has added more fuel to the interest.

The next decade is likely to provide several crucial clues to answer this long-standing query. Astrophysicists are of the opinion that it would be an epoch-breaking decade in human understanding of the cosmos, because of the 6-meter class James Webb Space Telescope that will bethree times more powerful than the Hubble space telescope and would probe deep space as never before. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to provide unprecedented information about atmospheres of extrasolar planets and perhaps help identify the molecular building blocks necessary for life there.

The grandiose space telescope would receive able support from three giant ground-based telescopes European Extra Large Telescope, Thirty Meter Telescope and the Giant Magellanic Telescope that will allow astronomers to penetrate the farthest part of the visible universe and probe the faintest objects in our own galaxy. The next generation radio telescope Square Kilometre Array will add heft to the quest by unveiling the most enigmatic, yet to be discovered radio signals from the universe.

Some discoveries that are likely include bio-signatures in the atmosphere of Earth-like exo-planets, implying the presence of life, discovery of the elusive ninth solar planet, exo-moons, first generation stars and better understanding of dark matter and dark energy that comprises the bulk of the universe.

But a human landing on Mars or colonisation of the moon are unlikely. More travel to the moon is possible, but is there a chance of settling there? Certainly notin the coming decade.

NANOTECHNOLOGY: 'Plenty of room at the bottom'

The late AmericanNobel laureate Richard Feynmanhadobservedin a 1959 lecture that there is plenty of room at the bottom, spawning the genesis of nanotechnologyor the science of the ultra small, but the beauty of Feynmans staggeringly small worldhas become evident only overthe last two decadeswith the realisation of the tools to see, measure and manipulate matter at the nanoscale.And to give you an idea about the scale that we are talking about, a single strand of human hair measures 50,000 nanometres across.

Research in nanotechnology has diversified enormously, fuelled by massive improvement inelectron microscopy, physical and chemical synthesis routes, emergence of the new class of materials (starting from graphene in 2004), and device technology to translate nano materials to product.Thegeneral physical properties of matter at nano-scale are relatively well-understood now, and there is a global efforttoexploit these properties to achieve unique therapeutic methodologies, as well as materials and devices that can impact life directly.

Medicine is one area where the technology holds enormous promises.Breakthroughs are likely in areas ranging from wearable fitness technology that would monitor our health daily to electronic tattoos to sense vital signs.There could even be sensors inside the body and multi-billion pharmaceutical firm GSK is alreadypursuing researchon electroceuticals. Also, scientists envision havingnano-robots inside the blood. Such nanobots will swim in the bloodstream to deliver cancer drugs to the targeted cellswithout damaging others. This, however, is unlikely to be realised in the next 10 years as scientists have to overcome the challenge ofunderstanding the toxic effects ofsuchswarms of nanobots inside the blood and how to mitigate them.

More realistic possibilities areadvancementsindeviceminiaturisation andimprovement in their performance. Its entirely possible to have computers with storage capacity 10 times more or completely foldable laptops and mobile screens as well as foldable electronic newspapers.There could be nano-sensors on aircraft, bridges or nuclear power plants to monitor health so that minor problems dont turn into a major operational issues.Paint industry is also an area that may be transformedas there would bepaintswith nanomaterials to keep your walls dry even in rain,resist scratches andmake a tankvanish before the eyes of the enemy.

WATER:The hunt to harvest

Nanotechnologywillplay a crucial role in improving peoples access to water. Although oceans fill uptwo-thirdsof the planet, scarcity of fresh water is severely threatening both agriculture and the availability of drinking water for regular household usage.Thesolutions that may be realised in the next decadewill depend largely on nanotechnology and nanomaterials.Technological breakthroughs are expected to lower the energy requirement of the desalination process so that they become commercially viable. Removal of arsenic and fluoride using new materials and technology is entirely doable. Scientists have made progress in harvesting water from natural sources like humidity and fog, which may come closer to reality in the next 10 years.

With the advancementof artificial intelligence and better solutions to big data problems, what is likely to be realised is a Google Earth kind of platform on water resources, mapping the water usageof everyhouseholdin the world and the nature of spending. Scientists believe this wouldnot onlyautomaticallylead to enormous savings in water use, but alsoconvert everycivil infrastructure intoa placeto harvest and conserve water.

COMPUTATION: The big wave is coming

There are several low-hanging fruits to be realised within the next 10 years, but it would take decades to witness the full potential of quantum computing the holy grail of computing. A foundation of the quantum computings backbone may be laid in the next 10 years.

Artificial intelligence, big data processing and IoT are beginning to change urban lives, even though their potential is far more. AI is the next big thing, which would result in self-driving vehicles, swarms of drones and rockets, robotic manufacturing, managing complex logistics and vertical farming. From stock markets to healthcare, AI will rule everywhere.

Riding on a 5G backbone, Internet of Things will make smart homes and offices a reality with remote and intelligent operations. In such homes and offices, every home appliance is connected and can be operated remotely. By 2025, it is projected that nearly 100 trillion devices will be connected through smart interfaces with an economic impact between $2.7 to $6.2 trillion annually and IoT will change the fundamental nature of business. But all of them will pale before quantum communication technologies.

A future quantum computer could, for example, crack any of the modern common security systems such as 128-bit AES encryption, the best one in the market in seconds. Even the best supercomputer would take millions of years to do the same job. However, it would not be easy to get there, even though the US National Institute of Standards and Technology has predicted that quantum computers will be able to crack the 128-bit AES encryption by 2029. Scientists hope, in the next 10 years, a backbone for a global secure quantum communication network would be in place, but problems like what materials are to be used in quantum computers, what architecture is to follow and what types of protocols are needed in quantum communication may take a far longer time to resolve. A better understanding of the quantum world would also equip the scientists with weapons to cross the final frontier the brain.

BRAIN: Cracking the cerebral codes

Every advancement in biology in the last century was aimed at the ultimate goal of treating diseases of the body.Theongoing centurywill see an equal,if not more,thrust on treating diseases of the mind aswell, withan increasing pool oftop-classbiologists, physicists and computer scientistsjoininghandstounravel the mysteries of the brain.

Dementia is one such area that would progress enormouslyin the next 10 yearsas thedisease now gets worldwide attentiondue to itshuge economicconsequence. Thegoal isnowtoidentifyearlybiomarkersthat get activatedtwo to three decades before the disease sets in.Earlydetectionwould lead toearlyintervention and better management ofmany such neurological illnesses.

As scientists try to crack the cerebralcodes,they often face a handicap due to theabsence of relevant disease models tocome out withnewdrugs and diagnostics.Advancement in stem cell technologyand creationof organoids provided good leadsso far, but the next decade will witnessrapidprogress leading to an accelerated pace of drug development.An increasingly more number of scientists wouldalso explorethe brain as an integrated system along with thebody'simmune system or microbiome.The aim, once again, would be tofind out thecurefordiseases of the mind.

Morefundamentalquestions likewhatdefinescognition orwhether there is free will, would have to wait longer for an answer.

GENETIC ENGINEERING: Look before you leap

Now, this one is aminefield. No doubt engineered microbes would bring revolutions in chemical and industrial processes, while advancements in RNA technology (as seen in Covid-19 vaccines) will overhaul vaccine development with its potential to create life-saving shots within weeks. But the big fear is whether technological progress would usher in an era of eugenics 2.0.

At the core lies CRISPR gene-editing technology a tool so powerful that humans can even think of playing God. Chinese scientist He Jiankuis feat of producing designer babies exacerbated such fears. There are two ways to use gene-alterations. It can be done through somatic editing to cure a particular disease or disorder caused by defective genes. This, in all probability, would emerge as a therapy. But, more dangerous would be germline editing, which would allow genetic changes to transmit to the next generation. Just think what would happen if traits like good looks, athleticism and intelligence become modifiable and hereditary. It's a complete no-no at the global scale and there are really tough scientific challenges to overcome, but scientists do fear the creation of a grey market for such designer babies somewhere in the world.

See the article here:
The science of looking ahead - Deccan Herald

Quantum Computing And Investing – ValueWalk

At a conference on quantum computing and finance on December 10, 2020, William Zeng, head of quantum research at Goldman Sachs, told the audience that quantum computing could have a revolutionary impact on the bank, and on finance more broadly. In a similar vein, Marco Pistoia of JP Morgan stated that new quantum machines will boost profits by speeding up asset pricing models and digging up better-performing portfolios. While there is little dispute that quantum computing has great potential to perform certain mathematical calculations much more quickly, whether it can revolutionize investing by so doing is an altogether different matter.

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Q3 2020 hedge fund letters, conferences and more

The hope is that the immense power of quantum computers will allow investment managers earn superior investment returns by uncovering patterns in prices and financial data that can be exploited. The dark side is that quantum computers will open the door to finding patterns that either do not actually exist, or if they did exist at one time, no longer do. In more technical terms, quantum computing may allow for a new level of unwarranted data mining and lead to further confusion regarding the role of nonstationarity.

ValueWalk's Raul Panganiban interviews George Mussalli, Chief Investment Officer and Head of Equity Research at PanAgora Asset Management. In this epispode, they discuss quant ESG as well as PanAgoras unique approach to it. The following is a computer generated transcript and may contain some errors. Q3 2020 hedge fund letters, conferences and more Interview . Read More

Any actual sequence of numbers, even one generated by a random process, will have certain statistical quirks. Physicist Richard Feynman used to make this point with reference to the first 767 digits of Pi, replicated below. Allegedly (but unconfirmed) he liked to reel off the first 761 digits, and then say 9-9-9-9-9 and so on.[1] If you only look at the first 767 digits the replication of six straight nines is clearly an anomaly a potential investment opportunity. In fact, there is no discernible pattern in the digits of Pi. Feynman was purposely making fun of data mining by focusing on the first 767 digits.

3 .1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 4 3 3 8 3 2 7 9 5 0 2 8 8 4 1 9 7 1 6 9 3 9 9 3 7 5 1 0 5 8 2 0 9 7 4 9 4 4 5 9 2 3 0 7 8 1 6 4 0 6 2 8 6 2 0 8 9 9 8 6 2 8 0 3 4 8 2 5 3 4 2 1 1 7 0 6 7 9 8 2 1 4 8 0 8 6 5 1 3 2 8 2 3 0 6 6 4 7 0 9 3 8 4 4 6 0 9 5 5 0 5 8 2 2 3 1 7 2 5 3 5 9 4 0 8 1 2 8 4 8 1 1 1 7 4 5 0 2 8 4 1 0 2 7 0 1 9 3 8 5 2 1 1 0 5 5 5 9 6 4 4 6 2 2 9 4 8 9 5 4 9 3 0 3 8 1 9 6 4 4 2 8 8 1 0 9 7 5 6 6 5 9 3 3 4 4 6 1 2 8 4 7 5 6 4 8 2 3 3 7 8 6 7 8 3 1 6 5 2 7 1 2 0 1 9 0 9 1 4 5 6 4 8 5 6 6 9 2 3 4 6 0 3 4 8 6 1 0 4 5 4 3 2 6 6 4 8 2 1 3 3 9 3 6 0 7 2 6 0 2 4 9 1 4 1 2 7 3 7 2 4 5 8 7 0 0 6 6 0 6 3 1 5 5 8 8 1 7 4 8 8 1 5 2 0 9 2 0 9 6 2 8 2 9 2 5 4 0 9 1 7 1 5 3 6 4 3 6 7 8 9 2 5 9 0 3 6 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 5 3 0 5 4 8 8 2 0 4 6 6 5 2 1 3 8 4 1 4 6 9 5 1 9 4 1 5 1 1 6 0 9 4 3 3 0 5 7 2 7 0 3 6 5 7 5 9 5 9 1 9 5 3 0 9 2 1 8 6 1 1 7 3 8 1 9 3 2 6 1 1 7 9 3 1 0 5 1 1 8 5 4 8 0 7 4 4 6 2 3 7 9 9 6 2 7 4 9 5 6 7 3 5 1 8 8 5 7 5 2 7 2 4 8 9 1 2 2 7 9 3 8 1 8 3 0 1 1 9 4 9 1 2 9 8 3 3 6 7 3 3 6 2 4 4 0 6 5 6 6 4 3 0 8 6 0 2 1 3 9 4 9 4 6 3 9 5 2 2 4 7 3 7 1 9 0 7 0 2 1 7 9 8 6 0 9 4 3 7 0 2 7 7 0 5 3 9 2 1 7 1 7 6 2 9 3 1 7 6 7 5 2 3 8 4 6 7 4 8 1 8 4 6 7 6 6 9 4 0 5 1 3 2 0 0 0 5 6 8 1 2 7 1 4 5 2 6 3 5 6 0 8 2 7 7 8 5 7 7 1 3 4 2 7 5 7 7 8 9 6 0 9 1 7 3 6 3 7 1 7 8 7 2 1 4 6 8 4 4 0 9 0 1 2 2 4 9 5 3 4 3 0 1 4 6 5 4 9 5 8 5 3 7 1 0 5 0 7 9 2 2 7 9 6 8 9 2 5 8 9 2 3 5 4 2 0 1 9 9 5 6 1 1 2 1 2 9 0 2 1 9 6 0 8 6 4 0 3 4 4 1 8 1 5 9 8 1 3 6 2 9 7 7 4 7 7 1 3 0 9 9 6 0 5 1 8 7 0 7 2 1 1 3 4 9 9 9 9 9 9

When it comes to investing, there is only one sequence of historical returns. With sufficient computing power and with repeated torturing of the data, anomalies are certain to be detected. A good example is factor investing. The publication of a highly influential paper by Professors Eugene Fama and Kenneth French identified three systematic investment factors, which started an industry focused on searching for additional factors. Research by Arnott, Harvey, Kalesnik and Linnainmaa reports that by year-end 2018 an implausibly large 400 significant factors had been discovered. One wonders how many such anomalies quantum computers might find.

Factor investing is just one example among many. Richard Roll, a leading academic financial economist with in-depth knowledge of the anomalies literature has also been an active financial manager. Based on his experience Roll stated that his money management firms attempted to make money from numerous anomalies widely documented in the academic literature but failed to make a nickel.

The simple fact is that if you have machines that can look closely enough at any historical data set, they will find anomalies. For instance, what about the anomalous sequence 0123456789 in the expansion of Pi.? That anomaly can be found beginning at digit 17,387,594,880.

The digits of Pi may be random, but they are stationary. The process that generates the first million digits is the same as the one which generates the million digits beginning at one trillion. The same is not true of investing. Consider, for example, providing a computer the sequence of daily returns on Apple stock from the day the company went public to the present. The computer could sift through the returns looking for patterns, but this is almost certainly a fruitless endeavor. The company that generated those returns is far from stationary. In 1978, Apple was run by two young entrepreneurs and had total revenues of $0.0078 billion. By 2019, the company was run by a large, experienced, management team and had revenues of $274 billion, an increase of about 35,000 times. The statistical process generating those returns is almost certainly nonstationary due to fundamental changes in the company generating them. To a lesser extent, the same is true of nearly every listed company. The market is constantly in flux and the companies are constantly evolving as consumer demands, government regulation, and technology, among other things, continually change. It is hard to imagine that even if there were past patterns in stock prices that were more than data mining, they would persist for long due to nonstationarity.

In the finance arena, computers and artificial intelligence work by using their massive data processing skills to find patterns that humans may miss. But in a nonstationary world the ultimate financial risk is that by the time they are identified those patterns will be gone. As a result, computerized trading comes to resemble a dog chasing its tail. This leads to excessive trading and ever rising costs without delivering superior results on average. Quantum computing risks simply adding fuel. Of course, there are individual cases where specific quant funds make highly impressive returns, but that too could be an example of data mining. Given the large number of firms in the money management business, the probability that a few do extraordinarily well is essentially one.

These criticisms are not meant to imply that quantum computing has no role to play in finance. For instance, it has great potential to improve the simulation analyses involved in assessing risk. The point here is that it will not be a holy grail for improving investment performance.

Despite the drawbacks associated with data mining and nonstationarity, there is one area in which the potential for quantum computing is particularly bright marketing quantitative investment strategies. Selling quantitative investment has always been an art. It involves convincing people that the investment manager knows something that will make them money, but which is too complicated to explain to them and, in some cases, too complicated for the manager to understand. Quantum computing takes that sales pitch to a whole new level because virtually no one will be able to understand how the machine decided that a particular investment strategy is attractive.

This skeptics take is that quantum computing will have little impact on what is ultimately the source of successful investing allocating capital to companies that have particularly bright prospects for developing profitable business in a highly uncertain and non-stationary world. Perhaps at some future date a computer will development the business judgment to determine whether Teslas business prospects justify its current stock price. Until then being able to comb through historical data in search of obscure patterns at ever increasing rates is more likely to produce profits through the generation of management fees rather than the enhancement of investor returns.

[1] The Feynman story has been repeated so often that the sequence of 9s starting at digit 762 is now referred to as the Feynman point in the expansion of Pi.

Go here to read the rest:
Quantum Computing And Investing - ValueWalk

Rewind 2020: Business, politics, social and professional impact, and what lies ahead – YourStory

In this year-end article, we look at the broad array of changes witnessed in 2020, transformative forces, and future trends for 2021 and beyond.

Some of the obvious developments for the year 2020 were offline or in-person meetings being replaced by virtual meetings, and travel and tourism being replaced by OTT and online binging. Office space was replaced by work from home.

Polluted air was replaced by cleaner air. Budget allocations for defence were reduced and budget allocations to stimulate the economy were increased. Going to schools and colleges was replaced by online classes or your teachers were replaced by teachers from anywhere. The swanky stores and fancy malls were replaced by online sales.

The most important change was that the GDP or the type of governance or the climate that a country had did not matter this is what I call a level playing field for the world.

All the above changes were across all countries, across all continents, across all levels of the society. It did not matter if you were developed or not, it did not matter if you had a medical infrastructure better than the others, it did not matter if you were in the tropics or not, it did not matter if you were rich or poor, and so on so forth.

The underlying impact of all of this will be short term and long term, is great or will be greater. For example, corporates are questioning the need to travel or to have office space in swanky zip codes. Parents are questioning the high school or college fees that they have to pay.

Governments are realising the importance of the impact of sporadic growth on the environment. They are questioning if chemical warfare is the future or not, especially when one country cant stay in isolation from the other.

The country that rules the tech space will rule the world, will be the future economic power.

Whilst all of the above developments were happening on the ground, there were huge enhancements in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, facial recognition software, quantum computing, data storage, wearable devices and adoption of 5G.

All of this combined will pave the future of the world that we live in. Based upon the above context, this is what I feel the coming year or two will be for all of us, or for the world at large.

The misuse of advancement in science and tech has also always had the negative impact on our future, form minor misuses on audio and video content distortion to the hacking of websites and passwords, to targeted warfare, I fear that the use of AI and ML by countries into social media or other digital means of communication can change the mindset of the society, a country or a generation gradually without them even realising it.

The predictive behaviour online of an individual or a group of individuals can be further directed into a more regimented/chaotic society by implanting the algorithms that one wants to, whether a political party or a country or a group of countries.

So, while we have to be careful on the use of or influence of online behaviour, especially social media, we also need to be careful of the fact that the countries will not trust other countries.

Land records and legal documents will be more authentic and safer. Tokenisation of investment in shares or equity, in land and property, and other assets will also revolutionise the world. Tokenisation will democratise investments across all sectors of investments. And many such things will be much more secure and easy to transact.

But will this lead to a new currency, an e-currency for every country and a new world order which will cashless and corrupt free? Would the countries or individuals that lose because of all this, let that happen? Not in 2021 or 2022, but we shall soon know of this too.

While life becomes smaller and easier, our memories would fade, as we will be more dependent on devices, our abilities to be human will gradually diminish, more knowledge will be imparted to us than we need or can digest. The speed of growth of the human race will be enhanced multifold, meaning thereby what has changed in the last decades will take years to change. Good or bad is for all of us to see and live.

Furthermore, in my opinion, here are a few things that hopefully will not change or will make a strong comeback.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

Excerpt from:
Rewind 2020: Business, politics, social and professional impact, and what lies ahead - YourStory

The silver lining of 2020 –

Tyler Cowen| Bloomberg Opinion

Columns share an author's personal perspective and are often based on facts in the newspaper's reporting.

For obvious reasons, 2020 will not go down as a good year. At the same time, it has brought more scientific progress than any year in recent memory and these advances will last long after COVID-19 as a major threat is gone.

Two of the most obvious and tangible signs of progress are the mRNA vaccines now being distributed across America and around the world. These vaccines appear to have very high levels of efficacy and safety, and they can be produced more quickly than more conventional vaccines. They are the main reason to have a relatively optimistic outlook for 2021. The mRNA technology also may have broader potential, for instance by helping to mend damaged hearts.

Other advances in the biosciences may prove no less stunning. A very promising vaccine candidate against malaria, perhaps the greatest killer in human history, is in the final stages of testing. Advances in vaccine technology have created the real possibility of a universal flu vaccine, and work is proceeding on that front. New CRISPR techniques appear on the verge of vanquishing sickle-cell anemia, and other CRISPR methods have allowed scientists to create a new smartphone-based diagnostic test that would detect viruses and offer diagnoses within half an hour.

It has been a good year for artificial intelligence as well. GPT-3 technology allows for the creation of remarkably human-like writing of great depth and complexity. It is a major step toward the creation of automated entities that can react in very human ways. DeepMind, meanwhile, has used computational techniques to make major advances in protein folding. This is a breakthrough in biology that may lead to the easier discovery of new pharmaceuticals.

One general precondition behind many of these advances is the decentralized access to enormous computing power, typically through cloud computing. China seems to be progressing with a photon method for quantum computing, a development that is hard to verify but could prove to be of great importance.

Computational biology, in particular, is booming. The Moderna vaccine mRNA was designed in two days, and without access to COVID-19 itself, a remarkable achievement that would not have been possible only a short while ago. This likely heralds the arrival of many other future breakthroughs from computational biology.

Internet access itself will be spreading. Starlink, for example, has a plausible plan to supply satellite-based internet connections to the entire world.

It also has been a good year for progress in transportation.

Driverless vehicles appeared to be stalled, but Walmart will be using them on some truck deliveries in 2021. Boom, a startup that is pushing to develop feasible and affordable supersonic flight, now has a valuation of over $1 billion, with prototypes expected next year. SpaceX achieved virtually every launch and rocket goal it had announced for the year. Toyota and other companies have announced major progress on batteries for electric vehicles, and the related products are expected to debut in 2021.

All this will prove a boon for the environment, as will progress in solar power, which in many settings is as cheap as any relevant alternative. China is opening a new and promising fusion reactor. Despite the absence of a coherent U.S. national energy policy, the notion of a mostly green energy future no longer appears utopian.

In previous eras, advances in energy and transportation typically have brought further technological advances, by enabling humans to conquer and reshape their physical environments in new and unexpected ways. We can hope that general trend will continue.

Finally, while not quite meeting the definition of a scientific advance, the rise of remote work is a real breakthrough. Many more Zoom meetings will be held, and many business trips will never return. Many may see this as a mixed blessing, but it will improve productivity significantly. It will be easier to hire foreign workers, easier for tech or finance workers to move to Miami, and easier to live in New Jersey and commute into Manhattan only once a week. The most productive employees will be able to work from home more easily.

Without a doubt, it has been a tragic year. Alongside the sadness and failure, however, there has been quite a bit of progress. Thats something worth keeping in mind, even if we cant quite bring ourselves to celebrate, as we look back on 2020.

Tyler Cowen is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a professor of economics at George Mason University and writes for the blog Marginal Revolution. His books include "Big Business: A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero."

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The silver lining of 2020 -

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Forecast to 2028: How it is Going to Impact on Global Industry to Grow in Near Future – Eurowire

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market 2020: Latest Analysis:

The most recent Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Research study includes some significant activities of the current market size for the worldwide Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense market. It presents a point by point analysis dependent on the exhaustive research of the market elements like market size, development situation, potential opportunities, and operation landscape and trend analysis. This report centers around the Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense-business status, presents volume and worth, key market, product type, consumers, regions, and key players.

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The prominent players covered in this report: D-Wave Systems Inc, Qxbranch LLC, IBM Corporation, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1qb Information Technologies Inc., QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc., Station Q-Microsoft Corporation, and Rigetti Computing

The market is segmented into By Component (Hardware, Software, Services), By Application (QKD, Quantum Cryptanalysis, Quantum Sensing, Naval).

Geographical segments are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America.

It has a wide-ranging analysis of the impact of these advancements on the markets future growth, wide-ranging analysis of these extensions on the markets future growth. The research report studies the market in a detailed manner by explaining the key facets of the market that are foreseeable to have a countable stimulus on its developing extrapolations over the forecast period.

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This is anticipated to drive the Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market over the forecast period. This research report covers the market landscape and its progress prospects in the near future. After studying key companies, the report focuses on the new entrants contributing to the growth of the market. Most companies in the Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market are currently adopting new technological trends in the market.

Finally, the researchers throw light on different ways to discover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats affecting the growth of the Global Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market. The feasibility of the new report is also measured in this research report.

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Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Forecast to 2028: How it is Going to Impact on Global Industry to Grow in Near Future - Eurowire

Beam me up: long-distance quantum teleportation has happened for the first time ever – SYFY WIRE

Raise your hand if you ever wanted to get beamed onto the transport deck of the USS Enterprise. Maybe we havent reached the point of teleporting entire human beings yet (sorry Scotty), but what we have achieved is a huge breakthrough towards quantum internet.

Led by Caltech, a collaborative team from Fermilab, NASAs Jet Propulsion Lab, Harvard University, the University of Calgary and AT&T have now successfully teleported qubits (basic units of quantum info) across almost 14 miles of fiber optic cables with 90 percentprecision. This is because of quantum entanglement, the phenomenon in which quantum particles which are mysteriously entangled behave exactly the same even when far away from each other.

When quantum internet is finally a thing, it will make Wifi look obsolete and dial-up even more ancient than it already is. We achieved sustained, high-fidelity quantum teleportation utilizing time-bin (time-of-arrival_ qubits of light, at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.5 microns, over fiber optic cables, Panagiotis Spentzouris, Head of Quantum Science at the Fermilab Quantum Institute, told SYFY WIRE. This type of qubit is compatible with several devices that are required for the deployment of quantum networks.

What you might recognize is the fiber optic cables used in the experiment, since they are everywhere in telecommunication tech today. Lasers, electronics and optical equipment which were also used for the experiments at Caltech (CQNET) and Fermilab (FQNET) that could someday evolve into the next iteration of internet. Though this is equipment you probably also recognize, what it did for these experiments was enable them to go off without a glitch. Information traveled across the cables at warp speed with the help of semi-autonomous systems that monitored it while while managing control and synchronization of the entangled particles. The system could run for up to a week without human intervention.

So if entangled qubits are inextricably linked despite the distance between them, is there even a limit to how far information can travel? Hypothetically, they could go on forever. What limits exist in reality are not in the qubits but the effects of their surroundings. While one of the qubits containing information stays where it is, the other one has to zoom over to wherever it needs to transfer that information. It could run into obstacles on the way.

What limits the distance that information can be transmitted is loss and noise: either from the properties of the medium we use to send the information or the effects of the environment on the medium, or imperfections on the various operations we need to perform to realize the information transfer, Spentzouris, who coauthored a study recently published in PRX Qunatum, said.

To keep quantum internet running at high precision and over distances around what it was able to cover in this experiment, the quantum teleportation that powers it needs quantum memory and quantum repeaters. Quantum memory is basically the quantum version of the memory your computer and smartphone use now. Instead of storing memory as something like 100101011, it stores it in the form of qubits. To make it possible for entangled qubits to travel as far as possible, quantum repeaters make it easier for those qubits to traverse by splitting it into sections over which they are teleported.

With this system, Spentzouris and his team are planning to lay out the epic Illinois Express Quantum Network (IEQNET), which will use the same technologies that the CQNET and FQNET experiments so successfully pulled off. More tech will obviously needed to realize this sci-fi brainchild. It will combine quantum and non-quantum functions for its quantum nodes and controls. The only thing missing will be the repeaters, since they will need more development to operate over such an expanse. Spentzouris believes quantum computing itself reaches far beyond internet.

Fully distributed quantum computing includes applications include GPS, secure computation beyond anything that can be achieved now, all the way to enabling advances in designing new materials and medicine, as well basic science discoveries, he said. It will unleash the full power of quantum computing and have a profound impact on our lives.

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Beam me up: long-distance quantum teleportation has happened for the first time ever - SYFY WIRE

Confirming simulated calculations with experiment results – Science Codex

Dr Zi Yang MENG from Division of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), is pursuing a new paradigm of quantum material research that combines theory, computation and experiment in a coherent manner. Recently, he teamed up with Dr Wei LI from Beihang University, Professor Yang QI from Fudan University, Professor Weiqiang YU from Renmin University and Professor Jinsheng WEN from Nanjing University to untangle the puzzle of Nobel Prize-winning theory Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) phase.

Not long ago, Dr Meng, Dr Li and Dr Qi achieved accurate model calculations of a topological KT phase for a rare-earth magnet TmMgGaO4 (TMGO), by performing computation on the Supercomputers Tianhe 1 and Tianhe 2 (see supplementary information); this time, the team overcame several conceptual and experimental difficulties, and succeeded in discovering a topological KT phase and its transitions in the same rare-earth magnet via highly sensitive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic susceptibility measurements, means of detecting magnetic responses of material. The former one is more sensitive in detecting small magnetic moments while the latter one can facilitate easy implementation of the experiment.

These experimental results, further explained the quantum Monte Carlo computations of the team, have completed the half-a-century pursuit of the topological KT phase in quantum magnetic material, which eventually leads to the Nobel Physics Prize of 2016. The research findings are recently published in renowned academic journal Nature Communications.

KT phase of TMGO is detected

Quantum materials are becoming the cornerstone for the continuous prosperity of human society, including the next-generation AI computing chips that go beyond Moore's law, the high-speed Maglev train, and the topological unit for quantum computers, etc. However, these complicated systems require modern computational techniques and advanced analysis to reveal their microscopic mechanism. Thanks to the fast development of the supercomputing platforms all over the world, scientists and engineers are now making great use of these facilities to discover better materials that benefit our society. Nevertheless, computation cannot stand alone.

In the present investigation, experimental techniques for handling extreme conditions such as low temperature, high sensitivity and strong magnetic field, are required to verify the predictions and make discoveries. These equipments and technologies are acquired and organised by the team members coherently.

The research is inspired by the KT phase theory discovered by V Berezinskii, J Michael Kosterlitz and David J Thouless, of which the latter two are laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 (together with F Duncan M Haldane) for their theoretical discoveries of topological phase, and phase transitions of matter. Topology is a new way of classifying and predicting the properties of materials, and now becoming the mainstream of quantum material research and industry, with broad potential applications in quantum computer, lossless transmission of signals for information technology, etc. Back to 1970s, Kosterlitz and Thouless had predicted the existence of topological phase, hence named after them as the KT phase in quantum magnetic materials. Although such phenomena have been found in superfluids and superconductors, KT phase has yet been realised in bulk magnetic material, and is eventually discovered in the present work.

To detect such interesting KT phase in a magnetic material is not easy, as usually the 3-dimensional coupling would render magnetic material to develop ordered phase but not topological phase at low temperature, and even if there exists a temperature window for the KT phase, highly sensitive measurement technique is required to be able to pick up the unique fluctuation pattern of the topological phase, and that is the reason why such phase has been enthusiastically perused, but its experimental discovery has defied many previous attempts. After some initial failures, the team member discovered that the NMR method under in-plane magnetic fields, do not disturb the low-energy electronic states as the in-plane moment in TMGO is mostly multipolar with little interference on magnetic field and intrinsic magnetic moments of the material, which consequently allows the intricated topological KT fluctuations in the phase to be detected sensitively.

As shown in Fig.1, NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements indeed revealed a KT phase sandwiched between a paramagnetic phase at temperature T > T_u and an antiferromagnetic phase at temperature T

This finding indicates a stable phase (KT phase) of TMGO, which serves as a concrete example of topological state of matter in crystalline material, might have potential applications in future information technologies. With its unique properties of topological excitations and strong magnetic fluctuations, many interesting research and potential applications with topological quantum materials can be pursued from here.

Dr Meng said: "It will eventually bring benefits to the society, such that quantum computers, lossless transmission of signals for information technology, faster and more energy-saving high-speed trains, all these dreams could gradually come true from quantum material research."

"Our approach, combining the state-of-art experimental techniques with unbiased quantum many-body computation schemes, enables us to directly compare experimental data to accurate numerical results with key theoretical predictions quantitatively, providing a bridge way to connect theoretical, numerical and experimental studies, the new paradigm set up by the joint team will certainly lead to more profound and impactful discoveries in quantum materials." He added.

The supercomputers used in computations and simulations

The powerful supercomputers Tianhe-1 and Tianhe-2 in China used in the computations are among the world's fastest supercomputers and ranked No.1 in 2010 and 2014 respectively in the TOP500 list ( Their next-generation Tianhe-3 is expected to be in usage in 2021 and will be world first exaFLOPS scale supercomputer. The quantum Monte Carlo and tensor network simulations performed by the joint team make use of the Tianhe supercomputers and requires the parallel simulations for thousands of hours on thousands of CPUs, it will take more than 20 years to finish if performed in common PC.

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Confirming simulated calculations with experiment results - Science Codex

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Trends and Forecast to 2028 – TechnoWeekly

Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense

COVID-19 Industry impact

The market research extensively explores the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on the market for Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market. Limits resulting in low sales and sector operators dominating the hospitality industry are at risk due to the lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of the virus, as cafes and restaurants have closed temporarily. Demand from food service providers is expected to recover, as the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions are easy. However, some participants may be forced to leave the sector.

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Features of Key Market Research

Overview of the Market Study:

The market research also analyses methods such as PORTER analysis, PEST analysis, and SWOT analysis to provide companies with quality evaluation. It helps arrange and inspire companies investment strategies for a particular business segment in the near future. The review of market attributes, market overview, industry chain, historical and future data by categories, applications, and regions, and competition landscape are included in this market research. Industry research involves analyzing the global environment in order to estimate the markets vulnerabilities, assets, opportunities, and risks.

Insights on the Market

The purpose of the market study is to include evidence, estimates, statistics, historical data, and market data verified by the industry, as well as the appropriate methodology and evaluation for a full market evaluation. The market research also helps understand the structure by evaluating the dynamics of the market segments. Market segmentation is split on the basis of content, form, end-user, and region.

Segmentation of the Market

This detailed market analysis of Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market also provides a thorough summary and description of every segment offered in the analysis. Based on their market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness in terms of investment information and incremental value growth, the main segments are benchmarked. Market segmentation is divided into sub-groups, based on certain significant common attributes, into a wide customer or business market.

Segmented By Component (Hardware, Software, Services), By Application (QKD, Quantum Cryptanalysis, Quantum Sensing, Naval)

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Regional Estimation:

In terms of different geographies, the Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market report provides a comprehensive perspective on industry growth over the projected period, including Asia Pacific ( APAC), Europe (EU), North America (NA), Latin America (LATAM), and Middle East & Africa (MEA) revenue estimates.

Business Competitive Background:

The competitive market for Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense is measured by the number of domestic and foreign players participating in the market. The main focus is on the companys growth, merger, acquisition, and alliance, along with new product creation as measured strategies implemented by influential corporations to improve their customer market presence. D-Wave Systems Inc, Qxbranch LLC, IBM Corporation, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1qb Information Technologies Inc., QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc., Station Q-Microsoft Corporation, and Rigetti Computing are the prominent market participants examined and profiled in this study.

Highlights of the Market

The market study presents information on key manufacturers of Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market and revenues, profits, recent growth, and market share of key players. In order to evaluate the global and key regionsQuantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market advantages, potentials, opportunity, constraints, threat, and risks, the report has divided the breakdown data by category, regions, businesses, and applications.

By covering all markets, offering quality analysis, and insights to help our customers make the right choices, the market study offers solutions. The latest trends, niche areas, and leading company profiles are included in the study. To provide reliable and useful information, the market research database consists of numerous reports updated on a regular basis.

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Read more:
Quantum Computing in Aerospace and Defense Market Trends and Forecast to 2028 - TechnoWeekly

#ISSE2020: Focus on 2020’s Crypto Successes Rather than Efforts to Break it – Infosecurity Magazine

Efforts to break encryption in new crypto wars are ongoing, but there are many successes to recount in the past year.

Speaking in the closing session thevirtual ISSE ConferenceProfessor Bart Preneel from the KU Leuven, where he heads the COSIC research group, said more and more research crypto hasbeen published this year and he praised the work to enable contact tracing, but was critical of government and law enforcements efforts around end-to-end (E2E) encryption.

Saying the crypto wars have come back again, something Im doomed to live with for the rest of my life, Preneel referred to the case in 1993 when AT&T introduced a secure phone with E2E-based on Triple DES, which the US government was not happy with as it stopped them intercepting phone calls, especially outside US. The clipper chip with key escrow project failed, and now the crypto wars have come back as cryptography has shifted from hardware to software.

He said there is a case for interception of those people communicating child abuse images, terrorist acts and kidnapping cases, and governments are unable to access encrypted communications, so the government has no access. Preneel also said some people use Facebook Messenger for those purposes, and it is possible at the moment as it is not E2E encrypted, but Facebook announced E2E for Messenger to stop that channel of access, and the stupid people will not be able to escape.

He said this proposal was met with criticism as most people are not happy with backdoors, and as a society, we can agree to filter for abuse messages and images, but it could also be used against the freedom of speech of people you dont like, and for political purposes.

It keeps coming in different forms and shapes, but the debate is essentially the same and the main complaint is police and intelligence services have lots of metadata, once they find one person they can use that infrastructure to find other people, once you have metadata you have access, he said. It is a one-sided debate as law enforcement does not show what they acquired in the last 20 years, so that is actually a debate that is happening, and it is difficult to debate with one side who doesnt disclose.

Among other cryptography highlights from 2020, Preneel cited the breaking of RSA 250, where the researchers found two prime factors. It is important as a large part of digital infrastructure relies on RSA, he said. It was amazing as they used so little power, and more effort and money was put in.

Speaking on quantum computing, he said despite Google, Intel and Microsoft building and spending in quantum computing research, there were no big examples of successes this year, even by companies spending small fortunes. He said in order to break RSA 2048 you will need something like 20 million qbits, and most companies were very far from that, so he predicted that we will be safe until 2035.

With regards to contact tracing, Preneel welcomed the work done to create apps that anonymized user details, and using decentralized proximity tracing (DP3T), he said there had been 57 million downloads of DP3T-based apps across 18 EU countries and Switzerland. He said: There arestill problems in integration in some national health systems, but it is a solution that seems to work. There are clear indications it works and people are being warned and it is cost effective. The solution was security and privacy friendly.

#ISSE2020: Focus on 2020's Crypto Successes Rather than Efforts to Break it - Infosecurity Magazine