How you can help find a drug to stop coronavirus by not using your computer – News 5 Cleveland

If you're reading this on a computer really, if you own a working computer you can help to find a potential treatment for coronavirus.

Folding@Home, a project that uses the collective computing power of thousands of computers around the world to simulate protein dynamics, is tackling SARS-COV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

By downloading the Folding@Home software and letting it run simulations when your computer is idle, like when youre asleep and totally not scrolling through some quality quarantmemes on phone, youre helping scientists in the Bowman Lab at the University of Washington in St. Louis understand how the coronavirus proteins work, and how to design therapeutics to stop them.

Its similar to the long-running project SETI@Home, which is unfortunately ending the volunteer program this month. It uses distributed computing to analyze radio telescope data in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and, by the way, if youre listening, we could use some help here.

By donating your spare computational power to Folding@Home, youll be a part of one of the worlds fastest computing systems, running at a speed of about 98.7 petaFLOPS, according to recent statistics from the site. Thats 10 to the 15th power FLOPS. A 98,000 teraFLOPS. The Titan Supercomputer cranks out a measly 20 petaFLOPS.

Folding@Home recently simulated a protein from Ebola virus that was considered undruggable, and after performing experiments confirming that prediction, theyre now on the hunt for drugs to bind to this newly discovered site.

Learn more about the project here.

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How you can help find a drug to stop coronavirus by not using your computer - News 5 Cleveland

Help COVID-19 Researchers by Downloading an App – The Corvallis Advocate

Do you want to help fight covid-19 without even leaving your home? Every computer has a central processing unit, or CPU, and it can be used to help with protein folding simulations to aide research efforts.

An application called folding@home (FAH or F@h) is a distributed computing project for disease research that simulates protein folding, computational drug design, and other types of molecular dynamics. As of today, the project is using the idle resources of personal computers owned by volunteers from all over the world. Thousands of people contribute to the success of this project and they hope it will eventually be millions.

This project began in 2000 at Stanford University: Under the direction of professor Vijay Pande, The Pande Lab started researching protein folding, computational drug design and other types of molecular dynamics. Recently the team has updated the software to begin simulating potentially druggable protein targets for the virus that causes COVID-19, detailed in a blog post on the FAH website.

How to help: If you would like to join FAHs research efforts, they have download versions for all major operating systems.

You can either fold anonymously or share your identity, as well as adjust your power settings within the app via the advanced settings. The program will continue to work as long it is opened and based on the preferences you have set.

Tech note:Do you have a computer with a dedicated GPU? Even better, you can put your systems GPU to work helping generate data for scientists fight everything from Covid-19 to cancer.

For more technical detail on CPU and GPU allocation you can find guides on youtube or here. Technical requirements can found on the FAH website, modern gaming graphics cards are the best suited, but almost any hardware can help. So gamers can really help fight COVID-19.

By Sam Schultz

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Help COVID-19 Researchers by Downloading an App - The Corvallis Advocate

Nvidia’s calling on gaming PC owners to put their systems to work fighting COVID-19 – GamesRadar+

If you have a gaming PC, you can lend your graphical power to fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. That's not a thing I ever thought I'd write, but it turns out 2020 is occasionally weird in good ways too.

Nvidia is putting out a call to PC gamers everywhere to download the Folding@home application and start putting their spare clock cycles toward advancing humanity's scientific knowledge of coronavirus. The program links computers into an international network that uses distributed processing power to chew through massive computing tasks - something that gaming-grade GPUs are quite good at, as it turns out. You can still turn the application off and reclaim your GPU's full power for playing games whenever you want.

Folding@home has been around for years - it was also available on PS3 back in the day - with users lending their distributed power to all kinds of research. A new wave of projects "simulating potentially druggable protein targets from SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the related SARS-CoV virus (for which more structural data is available)" were made available on the service earlier this week.

These projects could help researchers better understand coronavirus, and eventually even develop effective therapies against it. If you've been grappling with feelings of helplessness in the face of the worldwide outbreak, this is a small but real way you can lend your aid to the world without any medical experience. It also doesn't hurt that you don't need to leave your house to do it, since we're supposed to avoid that as much as possible anyway.

Pokemon Go is making some changes to help players keep enjoying the game while allowing for social distancing. Staying at home this weekend? Maybe you need a Disney Plus bundle to pass the time. Or if you've been thinking of upgrading your gaming PC check out our picks for the best graphics cards or best gaming laptops.

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Nvidia's calling on gaming PC owners to put their systems to work fighting COVID-19 - GamesRadar+

One of Our Best Biochemists, She Was Never Awarded By India! – The Better India

Such was Darshan Ranganathans dedication that she got her mother to send jackfruit from India all the way to London, just for her research! #WomenInScience

Off the top of your head, how many women in science can you name from across the globe? Go ahead, take your time. Now that you have done that, how many Indian women in science can you think of? Does the name Darshan Ranganathan crop up in your head?


A pioneer in the field of chemistry, among the many awards she had won for her work, Darshan was the recipient of Third World Academy of Sciences Award for her outstanding contributions to bio-organic chemistry.

In a world where the representation of women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) is quite low, the legacy left behind by women like Darshan can be a guiding force for many girls who want to make a mark in the field of science.

Darshan Ranganathan not only made strides in the field of bio-organic chemistry research, but funded her entire career with multiple fellowships. One of these fellowships even gave her the opportunity to travel all the way to Imperial College in London for a post-doctoral in the late 1960s!

Darshan was born in Karol Bagh, New Delhi on 4 June, 1941 and was the third child to Shantiswarup Makan and Vidyavati Markan. She completed her early education from Aryaamamj Girls Primary School in Delhi after which she studied in Indraprastha Higher Secondary School.

Here, her teacher S V L Ratan was a great influence on her and inspired by her to make a career in the field of Chemistry. She graduated in the subject from Delhi University. Later, Darshan completed her PhD in organic Chemistry in the same university, under the guidance of Prof. TR Seshadri. During her PhD, she also taught he subject at the Miranda college. Her hard work led her to receive The Senior Research Scholarship of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.

This helped her carry out her post-doctoral work with Professor DHR Barton at the Imperial College London.

It was at the Imperial College, London that she started studying cycloartenol in jackfruit and on photochemical reactions of steroids.

Darshan had always been interested in studying the structure or organic compounds and she ended up doing some pioneering work in the field of protein folding. This basically means that she studied the three-dimensional structure of plant-based atoms. With a passion for reproducing biochemical processes in the laboratory, she would often go to great lengths in fulfilling her research work.

Cycloartenol is a biologically active compound found in plants and the professor with whom she was working, wanted to clarify the confusion regarding its actual structure found in plants.

But, since jackfruit was not available in London, she went to the extent of asking her mother to ship it to her from Delhi in dry form. Hence, her involvement in the project helped the professor further the research work.


Additionally, the other leading work she did was to create a protocol for the autonomous reproduction of imidazole. This is an organic compound that is an important ingredient found in antifungal drugs and antibiotics, which is why it has great pharmaceutical importance. She returned to India in 1969.

Upon her return, Darshan met Subramania Ranganathan, at a symposium. A few months later, he proposed to her and they married on 4 June 1970.

Just 12 days after her marriage, she joined the laboratory at IIT Kanpur, where her husband also worked. At the time, she did not really have any scholarship but she enjoyed working long hours.

In a glorious eulogy, her husband wrote:

I told her that from the very first day, we would share my resources as an Assistant Professor of the Department, by way of students, equipment, chemicals, project funds and that we will work in different domains of research. With all the trials, tribulations and various types of prejudices she did exceedingly well on her own.

He adds that she had independently published in several journals and was already a member of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Together, they even co-authored, Current Organic chemistry highlights. Her husband wrote, Those days, I typed on a stencil and she drew the structures beautifully.

In 1992, she got her first real job at the Regional Research Laboratory, Trivandrum in 1992 and ended up setting up a laboratory for her research.

The biggest feat for Darshan was that she could manage her entire career of research by securing fellowships. In 1991, she got the fellowships of the Indian Academy of Sciences, The Indian National Science Academy in 1996, AV Rama Rao Foundation Award (JNCASR), Third world Academy of Sciences award (TWAS) in Chemistry (1999) among several others.

In 1998, she and her husband moved to Hyderabad on invitation by Dr Raghavan, Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology.

She was later diagnosed with cancer and died on the day she was born, on 4 June 2001 at the age of sixty. Her son Anand, who was born in 1972, also followed his parents footsteps and became a scientist.

This is what her husband had to say for the eminent scientist:

She was a star. For such a wonderful human being, the end should come so early and so painfully is indeed a cruel twist of destiny. She fought her long suffering just as bravely. But he says that their time together were the golden years that went by, a dream never to return.

He truly looks up to his wife and says that her career path is one that can be emulated. Summarising Darshans genius is even more difficult. At the time of her passing away, she was the most prolific organic biochemist in India, he wrote.

Also Read: Kamal Ranadive, The Unsung Scientist Who Made Science Accessible to All Women

(Edited by Saiqua Sultan)


See the article here:
One of Our Best Biochemists, She Was Never Awarded By India! - The Better India

Donate processing power to help find a treatment for Covid-19 – Rock Paper Shotgun

If you want to help stop the spread of Covid-19, wash your hands. Follow medical advice. If you want to help some more, though, it wouldnt hurt to chuck some of your processing power at protein modelling. Folding@home is a program that lets you do exactly that: analysing protein structures to find potential druggable sites. I wont pretend to fully understand the science, but I do know this is more likely to help than doing nothing.

The program simply runs in the background, using spare CPU to run simulations of coronavirus proteins.

Folding@home Director Greg Bowman, whos also a full-time researcher at Stanford University, gives a rough explanation of how it works in this blog post. Viruses use proteins, molecular machines, to suppress our immune systems and reproduce. Bowman explains that other approaches to modelling these proteins only reveal a single snapshot of a proteins usual shape, whereas simulations can give you a moving picture. The goal is to accurately model how the atoms move within the viruss protein structure.

Doing so can reveal new therapeutic opportunities, Bowman says.

For example, in our recent paper, we simulated a protein from Ebola virus that is typically considered undruggable because the snapshots from experiments dont have obvious druggable sites. But, our simulations uncovered an alternative structure that does have a druggable site. Importantly, we then performed experiments that confirmed our computational prediction, and are now searching for drugs that bind this newly discovered binding site.

He compares each download to buying a lottery ticket. The more simulations they run, the more likely they are to stumble on something useful. Right now, too many people are chipping in for their servers to handle, so he warns that there will be intermittent downtime.

You can download the software here.

Many gaming events have been cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19, including our dear own Rezzed. Heres a helpful list of every event we know has been affected.

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Donate processing power to help find a treatment for Covid-19 - Rock Paper Shotgun

Working In Science Was A Brutal Education. Thats Why I Left. – BuzzFeed News

Stephanie Singleton for BuzzFeed News

Do you miss being a scientist? some people ask.


When people talk about science, they usually mean people in white lab coats doing things, like solving equations on the board or preparing solutions in beakers. What they mean is science as this crude mechanism of discovery by which humans refine over decades and centuries a small kernel of knowing. What they mean is grant dollars. What they mean is wild hair. What they mean is clean, aseptic, analytical. Brainy little robot people. White.

I try to be honest about my time in science about the feeling of satisfaction I had when I plotted all of my confocal data and there was a beautiful curve depicting the drop-off in signal as one moved further down the tissue of the gonad. I think about the calculations we did on scraps of paper to check the ratios of inheritance of the genes we introduced. I think of the little side room where we took our coffee and bagels. I think of the feeling of friendship and family that comes with being in a big lab, where everyone has a place, a role, an expertise, a skill. I remember the surprise I felt when people started to come to me because I knew something, because I could help. And how rare that was for me.

For the better part of several years, I saw my labmates every day. For hours and hours. Every holiday, every break, we stayed. We worked. We supported each other. We fought. We feuded. We gossiped. We threw parties for each other. We celebrated. We said goodbye at graduations and retirements. There were people who supported me and cherished me and looked after me. People who treated me like I mattered. A lab is a family. In a way.

Science was beautiful and it was wild and it was unknowable. Science was spending days and weeks on a single experiment with no way to know if it would work and no real way to tell if it had worked. Science was like trying to find your way to a dark forest only to realize that you had always been inside of the forest and that the forest is inside of another, greater, darker forest. Science was laughing with my labmates about television the night before, about the song of the summer, about tennis, about the unruly nature of mold growing on our plates, about cheap wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. Science was being taught to think. Taught to speak. Science was a finishing school. Science was a brutal education. Science made me ruthless. Science made me understand the vast beauty of the world.

But science was also working 15 hours a day for weeks or months. Science was working weekends and holidays. Science was being called lazy for taking a break. Science was the beat of doubting silence after I answered a question put to me. Science was being told that racism was not racism. Science was being told that I was fortunate that I had running water while growing up and that I was actually privileged because there are some places that do not. Science was being told that I was mistaken for a waiter at a party because I had worn a black sweater. Science was being told that I had to work harder despite working my hardest. Science was being told that I talked too much. Science was being told that I was too loud. Science was being told that I was behind, always behind. Science was being told that I had failed but had been gifted a pass by virtue of who you are. Science was being told that I had never once been to class despite attending every session and office hour because I was mistaken for someone else.

Science was being the only black person in the program for four years. Science was saying nothing because I was tired of being corrected about the particulars of my own experience. Science was being told that I should consider moving to the other side of town where more black people live. Science was someone suggesting that I find a church in order to find community. Science was having my hair stroked and touched. Science was being told that I was articulate. Science was watching peoples eyes widen slightly in surprise when I told them what program I was in. Science was the constant humiliation of wondering if I had justified my presence or if I had made it harder for the next black person to get admitted. Science was having to worry about that in the first place.

Science was a place I ultimately left, not so much because I wanted to, but because I had to. Science is not being able to say that because I reflexively feel the rebuttal waiting on the other end of that sentence: You could have made it work if you wanted it enough. Science is not knowing whether I wanted it enough.

Does science influence your writing?

Oh, sure. I guess.

Do you write science fiction?

No, I write domestic realism.

After the above exchange, people sometimes look at me like Im joking and at any moment will drop the faade to reveal that I do in fact write and love science fiction, after all.

But no, I do not write science fiction. I think that if people knew more scientists and spent significant time in their company, they would understand that the worst possible preparation for a career as a science fiction writer is an intensive science education. My training as a scientist makes it difficult to absent myself in the way I need to in order to write good fiction. I can never turn off the part of my brain that knows about protein folding or microscopy or tissue preparation or stem cells or physics or chemistry. Writing science fiction would be an extended exercise in pedantry.

People presume that science and writing are quite different. But they are both ways of knowing. They are ways of understanding the greater mystery of the world. They are systems of knowledge and inquiry. I do not understand something until I have written it, or more accurately put, until I have written my way through it.

Science was being the only black person in the program for four years. Science was saying nothing because I was tired of being corrected about the particulars of my own experience.

I think in many ways, the best preparation for a writer is a period of prolonged and rigorous thought about a difficult and complicated question. You learn to assemble your resources. You learn to fight with yourself. You learn to quarrel on the page with your worst ideas and with the ones you hold dearest. You treat your expectations with suspicion. You demand proof. You demand evidence. You think hard about the alternate hypothesis or other explanations, and you devise strategies to root these out. You learn to live with doubt. You try to prove yourself wrong. You look for places where you have been too soft. Too vague. You eliminate language that contains falsehoods. You eliminate language that can mislead your reader. You ask questions. You pursue answers with all the energy you can muster. You try to put language to what it is you observe. You develop a stamina for iteration. You develop a thick skin. You learn to seek criticism. You treat criticism like kindness. You churn the raw material of life into something that can be understood, and when you fail, you marvel at the mystery of things.

Do you miss science?

Yes. No. Yes. No.

Sometimes, when I dont feel well, I consider the question of how to derive an expression for the degradation of a molecular species in a particular tissue under a given set of circumstances. Old calculus. I turn to YouTube lectures from MIT about thermodynamics. I think of my first winter in Madison, Wisconsin.

The first snowfall was in October. It had been a hot, rainy summer, so much so that the weather seemed to turn all at once with very little warning. I was either in the middle or at the start of my second rotation as a biochemistry graduate student, working in a biophysical chemistry lab and spending most of my day in the windowless instrument facility in the basement. My project was to deduce the effect of protein concentration on the ability of a polymer of DNA to wind itself. I spent a lot of time pipetting various liquids into each other in little cuvettes, slotting them into a machine, and then waiting for the reading. It was the kind of work to which I felt ideally suited, and I could have gone on that way forever. I had recently moved to the Midwest from Alabama to pursue a PhD, and it seemed as likely as anything else that I would go on pipetting and measuring the effect of things like DNA polymer length and protein concentration on DNA winding. It was as removed from the circumstances of my previous life as anything else, and so I didnt have a compelling reason to doubt that this would be the shape my life held.

But I remember sitting down at the desk in the lab and looking out the broad window. There was a large tree at the center of the courtyard that had recently turned yellow. Fall was there in name, but not in temperature. The labs were kept quite cold, and so I wore a sweater indoors and shucked it as soon as I got outside. But that day, I looked out of the window and saw snow drifting down. The flakes were thick and fluffy, and they seemed almost fake. It was the first time I had seen snow in years, and I was totally enamored by it. The other people in the lab were on edge because snow in October portended something dark and awful a hard winter, a long, brutal freeze. Where they saw inconvenient travel and slushy roads, I saw something beautiful if frivolous, a minor novelty. Winter came early that year, and it didnt end until the very beginning of the following summer. When I went to the lake on my birthday in early June, there was still ice in the water.

People presume that science and writing are quite different. But they are both ways of knowing.

When people ask me about my time in science, it is this day which presents itself to me in jewel-like clarity. It is the day something about my life altered irrevocably. Or perhaps it is that the snow has accumulated, the way all such moments do in life, the weight of meaning, of prophecy. Inevitability is an artifact of retrospection. It is because the snow represented a stark deviation from the previous course of events in my life, at the precise moment when my life was changing so wildly, that I remember it. It is not that the snow changed me, but it came at a point when I was starting not to resemble myself. I cannot use the snow to explain to people what my life was like in science. It has the whiff of superstition, folklore. It feels too much like a memory and not enough like an answer. I do not tell them about the snow or how it seemed a benediction at the outset of something I needed desperately to work.

It was only later that I realized this was wishful thinking, and that the snow was just snow.

Do you think youd ever go back to science?

That part of my life is over now.

Ive come to understand that what people want in such a situation is to have their own conceptions of the world confirmed. That is, they want me to say that when you leave science because you have written a novel and a book of stories and have decided to attend an MFA program in creative writing, you are doing something that is antithetical to science. People presume that it is akin to picking up and leaving your home in the middle of the night under great duress, never to return. What they want is the spectacle of the forgotten treasured item, the confirmation that something has been lost, perhaps forever.

I think if people knew what it was that I left, then theyd know better than to ask. It would be like asking someone if they were sad to have left their home with no prospect of returning. It would be like asking someone if they were sad to have left their faith behind. It would be like asking someone if they were sad to have given up some fundamental idea about who they are. It would be like asking someone if they were sad to have watched their life burn to the ground. It would be like asking someone if they were sad to have left their family and friends.

They would mind their own business if they knew.

But they do not know, and so they say things like Science, wow, thats so cool, like, do you miss it?

And I smile because that is what I have learned to do. Because explaining is too hard. Too messy. There is no clean or easy or simple way to make it known to others that I left because I had to, because it was necessary to leave that I do miss it, but I also dont because Im still that person but not that person, that every day I remind myself less of the person I was then. Its sad, like losing a memory of myself, and all those years are lost to me now, all the little tricks and habits of home dropping down and away, as I become this other person known for this other thing, and its too much in the moment to say that I miss it both more and less every day, that I become a person more capable of appreciating what is lost in the grand scheme of things but less a person who knows what it is Ive actually lost, and that there is some painful, brutal, awful misalignment in the scale of those two losses.

When people ask if I miss science, the only answer available to me is an incomplete solution to the problem: Yes. No. Sometimes. Its over now.

Brandon Taylor is the senior editor of Electric Literatures Recommended Reading and a staff writer at Literary Hub. His writing has earned him fellowships from Lambda Literary Foundation, Kimbilio Fiction, and the Tin House Summer Writer's Workshop. He holds graduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Iowa, where he was an Iowa Arts Fellow at the Iowa Writers Workshop in fiction. Learn more about his first novel Real Life here.

Excerpt from:
Working In Science Was A Brutal Education. Thats Why I Left. - BuzzFeed News

L-serine could be used to treat ALS, after promising study results – Drug Target Review

Researchers have shown that, when treated with L-serine, a non-human primate model of ALS had fewer pathologies associated with the disease.

Scientists have shown that administering L-serine to a vervet model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) had less aggregates and activated microglia, compared to their counterparts. L-serine is now being investigated in clinical trials as a possible therapeutic for ALS.

vervets treated with BMAA and the amino acid L-serine had significantly reduced ALS pathology, compared to their BMAA only counterparts

Researchers at the Behavioural Science Foundation on St Kitts in the Caribbean created a model for ALS using vervet primates exposed to a cyanobacterial neurotoxin called BMAA. According to the team, the treated animals develop aggregates of misfolded proteins and have high levels of activated microglia in their brains and spinal cords, both pathologies seen in humans with ALS.

In the study, published in the Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, vervets treated with BMAA and the amino acid L-serine had significantly reduced ALS pathology, compared to their BMAA-only counterparts.

Dr David Davis at the Department of Neurology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, US, first author on the paper, said that the differences were profound: Without L-serine co-administration, the BMAA-exposed vervets developed motor neuron degeneration, pro-inflammatory microglia and dense inclusions of TDP-43 and other misfolded proteins known to be associated with ALS. In animals dosed with L-serine, the progression of these ALS-like changes was considerably reduced.

The researchers hope that L-serine could be used as a therapeutic to slow the progression of ALS. They also hope they may be able to use the model to identify the cause of sporadic ALS, the most common form of the disease.

L-serine molecules in proteins are often the site where proteins are phosphorylated so they can be folded. Dr Paul Alan Cox, Executive Director of the Brain Chemistry Labs in Jackson Hole, US, revealed that scientists at his company have discovered that L-serine modulates the unfolded protein response (UPR) which helps protect neurons from the damage produced by misfolded proteins. The UPR is an intracellular signal in response to misfolded proteins causing endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, with diverse signalling including:

These outputs provide adaptive responses for the correction of folding defects and cell survival. If the protein folding defect is not corrected, cells undergo apoptosis.

Dr Walter Bradley, an author on the study and international ALS expert, said: While these data provide valuable insights, we do not yet know if L-serine will improve outcomes for human patients with ALS. We need to carefully continue US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved clinical trials before we can recommend that L-serine be added to the neurologists toolbox for the treatment of ALS. However, this vervet BMAA model will be an important new tool in the quest for new drugs to treat ALS.

See original here:
L-serine could be used to treat ALS, after promising study results - Drug Target Review

Study Shows How Soap Molecules Alter the Protein Structure – AZoM

Written by AZoMFeb 10 2020

During the production of cosmetics and detergents, it is important to control the structure of proteins. But so far, there has been no clear understanding of how both proteins and soap molecules work together to alter the structure of proteins.

Scientists at Aarhus University have successfully produced a comprehensive picture of how soap molecules are able to refold and unfold the proteins on the millisecond timescale.

Figuring out the interactions between soap molecules (surfactants) and proteins has traditionally been significant for the industry, specifically within cosmetics and detergents.

It is known that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)an anionic surfactantunfolds globular proteins, whereas octaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E8)a non-ionic surfactantdoes the reverse, that is, it helps proteins to refold into a shape.

If washing powders had to work efficiently, then it should be ensured that the surfactants do not alter the structure of proteins or enzymes. This is because any changes in the structure of the enzymes destroy their potential to remove dirt or break down stains.

A majority of the washing powders contain a combination of surfactants that enable the enzymes to stay active. Moreover, certain biotechnologies tend to manipulate the surfactants along with proteins.

Generally, membrane proteins are present in the cell membrane. To extract these membrane proteins from this setting for various analyses, they need to be solubilized by the surfactant. This surfactant should be sufficiently gentle and only enclose the membrane-inserted portion of the proteins, so that their structure is not disturbed.

On the other hand, when the molecular weight of proteins is being characterized in the laboratory, one typical method is to unfold these proteins by SDS, which happens to be the aggressive negatively charged surfactant, and track how these proteins move in a polymer gel within an electric field. But this method works only when the surfactant fully unfolds the proteins and damages their structure.

A debate is still going on about which kind of interactions between the surfactant and the protein is most significant. Is it the electrostatic interactions that occur between the protein and the surfactant charges, or is it only the characteristics of the interface of the aggregates (micelles) that the surfactants form in water, which account for protein unfolding?

Despite a thorough analysis of the unfolding processes at the protein level, a clear picture of the communication between surfactant and protein is not available in these processes. This lack of understanding has been addressed in the present work by utilizing the globular protein -lactoglobulin, or bLG, as a model protein.

A better understanding of the refolding and unfolding of proteins was achieved by plotting the numerous steps of protein-surfactant interactions as a function of time.

At first, bLGthe model proteinwas combined with the anionic surfactant SDS and, at the same time, the time evolution of the development of complexes between surfactant and protein molecules was tracked on the time scale ranging from milliseconds to minutes.

This method allowed the scientists to establish the structure of the emerging complexes. The team then plotted the time course of the refolding process when C12E8, a non-charged surfactant, was introduced to a sample comprising complexes of protein and SDS.

To visualize the way the protein reassembles during the course of the refolding and unfolding process caused by surfactants, complementary spectroscopic methods like tryptophan fluorescence and Circular Dichroism were employed together with time-resolved Small-angle X-ray scattering, or SAXS.

While variations in the bLG structure were tracked by both tryptophan fluorescence and Circular Dichroism, variations in the total shape of the complexes of protein and surfactant were monitored by synchrotron SAXS. Earlier, such kinds of combined techniques have never been used to analyze these processes.

Protein unfolding by SDS was a uniform process, in which all the molecules of proteins follow the same path of unfolding. The SDS complexes, or micelles, directly attack the protein molecules and then slowly unfold the protein so that it creates a shell over the SDS micelle. The refolding process begins when C12E8 micelles form mixed SDS-C12E8 micelles by sucking out the SDS from the protein-SDS complex.

But the actual refolding process appears to follow a number of paths, as numerous structures were observed to form simultaneously, such as mixed micelles of C12E8 and SDS, protein-surfactant complexes (perhaps comprising both C12E8 and SDS), properly folded proteins, and naked proteins that unfolded just like long polymeric chains.

The experiment made it possible to track the inter-conversion between these species, so that the type of processes that are fast and the ones that are slow can be determined.

The folded protein is likely to form from the naked unfolded proteins (quickly) and also from the complexes of protein and surfactants (more gradually). Hence, the most optimal way where surfactants can assist in the protein folding process is to essentially get out of the way and allow the protein to trace its own way back to the folded state.

The outcomes have given a better understanding of the structural variations that take place at the proteinsurfactant level. The results also demonstrated that refolding and unfolding of proteins mediated by surfactants are intricate processes of rearrangements that take place on time scales from less than milliseconds to minutes and also involve a close association between proteins and surfactant complexes.

The Independent Research Fund Denmark funded the study. The study was performed by scientists from Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Department of Chemistry, and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University, in association with scientists from ESRFThe European Synchrotron in Grenoble (France).

Professor Jan Skov Pedersen (iNANO and Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University) and Professor Daniel E. Otzen (iNANO and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University) were in charge of the research group.


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Study Shows How Soap Molecules Alter the Protein Structure - AZoM

CryoEM of CBD Tau Suggests Another Unique Protofibril – Alzforum

14 Feb 2020

Evidence continues to pile up that filaments of aggregated tau form unique strains in different tauopathies. Why is that? A paper in the February 20 Cell suggests that post-translational modifications help decide a filaments ultimate shape. Investigators led by Anthony Fitzpatrick, Columbia University, New York, paired cryo-electron microscopy images of tau filaments from people with corticobasal degeneration (CBD) and Alzheimers disease with mass spectrometry to identify amino acid adducts. They report unique modifications in the protofibril of each structure.

The powerful combination of cryo-EM with mass spectrometry gives a more complete representation of the aggregated tau protein as it actually exists in the diseased brain, said Lary Walker, Emory University, Atlanta.

Cryo-EM alone yields important insights into the core structure of tau tangles, but precisely localizing post-translational modifications adds flesh to the bones, he said.

Meanwhile, scientists led by Sjors Scheres and Michel Goedert at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, U.K., also used cryo-EM to resolve the structure of CBD fibrils. In the February 12 Nature, they report a mysterious molecule hiding in a fold in the protofibril, much like they found in tau protofibrils from a person with chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Fitzpatricks group found a similar molecule. Scheres does not believe this is a post-translational modification because it does not seem covalently attached. Together, the two papers offer the first high-resolution view of tau fibrils in CBD.

Tau Doublet. CBD tau protofibrils comprise two monomers joined back-to-back. Each C-shaped monomer comprises 107 amino acids (circles), that form 11 -sheets (solid black lines). Non-tau moieties (pink) lie trapped within the fold or are covalently connected to the outside. [Courtesy of Arakhamia et al., 2020.]

In recent years, Scheres, Goedert, and colleagues have been methodically resolving the structures of tau filaments found in various tauopathies. They found that paired helical filaments and straight fibrils of tau from AD brain contained the same C-shaped protofibril structure (Jul 2017 news). Protofibrils in tau filaments from Picks disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy assumed different J- and C-shaped structures (Aug 2018 news; Mar 2019). No one had yet examined filaments from CBD, which form from a tau isoform containing all four microtubule-binding domains. Tau can be alternatively spliced to have either three (3R) or four (4R) of these repeats. Fibrils in Picks disease incorporate only 3R tau, those in both AD and CTE have 3R and 4R forms.

Previous structural analyses of tau fibrils with cryo-EM focused on its fibril-forming core. To isolate that, researchers used the enzyme pronase to remove the fuzzy outer coat of the fibril, revealing the more stable interior of the filament. However, pronase can strip away post-translational modifications as well, and tau accrues a whole host of them, some being disease-dependent (Jul 2015 news; Sep 2015 news). The group wondered if these alterations explain the unique structures of fibrils found in different tauopathies.

To find out, co-first authors Tamta Arakhamia, Christina Lee, and Yari Carlomagno used cryo-EM to examine the undigested tau fibrils taken postmortem from the brain of a person with CBD. As has been reported previously, the sarkosyl-insoluble material was made up of both twisted and straight filaments (Ksiezak-Reding et al., 1996). The former was twice as wide and abundant as the latter.

The two fibrils were made of the same conformer of misfolded tau. While straight fibrils comprised just one column of monomers, each rung of the twisted fibril consisted of a linked pair (see image above). For both, the core-forming protofibril spanned amino acids 274 to 380. It included the last residue of R1, all of R2, R3, and R4, and 12 residues after R4. These regions formed 11 -sheetsthree from R2, three from R3, four from R4, and one formed by the last 13 amino acids. The sheets folded into four layers, forming a C-shaped loop (see image above).

Scheres and Goedert also analyzed undigested CBD tau fibrils using cryo-EM. First author Wenjuan Zhang and colleagues found essentially the same -sheet configuration and fold as did Fitzpatrick and colleagues. Zhang also found a molecule inside the fold of the protofibril. It was not covalently attached to any amino acid. Based on the positively charged amino acids that surround it, Zhang predicted this molecule to have a net negative charge of -3, and be 4 x 9 ngstroms in size. Scheres had reported a similarly mysterious molecule inside the fold of CTE protofibrils, but that one was hydrophobic.

Arakhamia also found a large density inside the molecule, deep within a hydrophilic cavity formed by amino acids 281296 and 358374. It was not covalently bound, and so does not appear to be an amino acid modification. However, they found other large, non-tau densities adorning the outside of the fibrils. On the straight fibrils, these were attached to lysines 321, 343, 353, and 369, and to one histidine, H362. On the twisted form, they linked to K321, K353, and H362.

To identify these non-tau densities, Arakhamia and co-authors analyzed fibrils from several people with CBD by mass spectrometry, then mapped the identified PTMs onto the cryo-EM structure (see image below). The authors found numerous phospho, trimethyl, acetyl, and ubiquitin additions. Some amino acids were either acetylated or ubiquitinated. Strikingly, while a few phospho groups attached to the superficial fuzzy outer coat, acetyl and ubiquitin groups predominated in the fibril-forming core.

PTM Map. Mass spectrometry identified modifications on amino acid sidechains of tau monomers from CBD (left) and AD (right). For the most part, acetylation (blue), ubiquitination (orange), and trimethylation (red) modified the fibril-forming cores, while phosphorylation (green) took place outside. [Courtesy of Arakhamiaet al., 2020.]

I found that to be surprising, said Li Gan, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York. I would have assumed that the tau fibrils in the diseased brain would be hyperphosphorylated.

Do these modifications affect folding of tau fibrils? That acetyl and ubiquitin groups bound to the core suggested to the authors that these were present as tau fibrils formed and played a hand in their aggregation. Acetylation may make tau protein less soluble, as it neutralizes positive charges on side chains and reduces their repulsion, predicted the authors. Ubiquitin may stabilize stacks of -sheets by providing more surfaces for hydrogen bonding. Likewise, Zhang and colleagues think the mysterious hydrophilic molecule inside the fold might also be important in formation of the filament. That it is buried inside each monomer suggests that it is continuously incorporated during fibrillization and may stabilize the CBD fold during filament assembly, they wrote.

Could modifications of tau dictate which type of fold, and therefore which strain, accumulates in the brains of different diseases? Arakhamia and colleagues compared CBD tau PTMs with those on tau fibrils from AD. Again, they mapped mass spectrometry data from many fibrils onto the cryoEM structure. As in the CBD fibril, phosphoryl groups attached mainly beyond the protofibril core of AD tau, while acetyl and ubiquitin groups bound to the core. However, the amino acids modified were different in the different protofibrils and in the filaments they formed. In CBD, ubiquitinated K353 and acetylated K343 were found in twisted fibrils. The reverse, acetylated K353 and ubiquitinated K343, modified straight filaments. Similarly, acetyl groups bound K311 and K317/K321 in AD paired helical filaments, but ubiquitin occupies each of those sidechains in straight filaments. The results hint that PTMs influence the shape of aggregating tau fibrils.

This finding implies that ubiquitin ligases and acetyltransferases modulate the behavior of tau, potentially tuning the ratio of fibril subtypes in tau inclusions, Fitzpatrick wrote to Alzforum. It will be informative to use our approach of combining cryo-EM with PTM mapping by mass spectrometry to determine the additional structural role played by PTMs in tau oligomer formation and template-based seeding.

This paper illustrates, on a single-molecule level, that the interplay between acetylation and ubiquitination could play a role in tau fibrillization and strain properties, Gan told Alzforum. If PTMs play such an important role in fibril formation, the recombinant seeds people have been using may not be as biologically relevant, she added. Goedert emphasized this at the Tau2020 meeting held in Washington, D.C., February 1213. He noted that tau structures formed from recombinant protein using heparin are different from those isolated from brain tissue, particularly with respect to the fourth repeat and the 12 amino acids that come after it. Cryo-EM findings cast a lot of doubt on work using recombinant tau structures, he said.

Gan noted that the physiological consequences of the different tau strainsor whether they are even toxicis unclear. Before we develop strain-specific approaches, we need to understand what the strains do. On that note, Marc Diamond, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, wondered whether PTMs were causal or incidental. He suggested that researchers find out by removing PTMs from fibrils before seeding. If that does not change the strain output, it would imply that they were not required for strain identity.Gwyneth Dickey Zakaib

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CryoEM of CBD Tau Suggests Another Unique Protofibril - Alzforum

High Focus on Product Innovation & Development to Assist the Growth of the Folding Cartons Market between and . 2017 2025 Dagoretti News -…

The market report envelopes an all-in information of the global Folding Cartons market and the nature of the market growth over the foreseeable period. The report provides a comprehensive elaboration of the positives and negatives of the global Folding Cartons market with DROT and Porters Five Forces analysis. With SWOT analysis, the report offers detailed insights about different players operating within the Folding Cartons market. In addition, the analysts of the report have served the qualitative and quantitative scrutinizing of different micro- and macro-economic factors influencing the global Folding Cartons market.

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Global Ethanol Market: Dynamics

The world ethanol market is prophesied to be strong against tough conditions that could paralyze its growth. Despite challenging production economics due to low oil prices, ramping up of opponents against the RFS, and uncertainty because of regulatory indecision, the market survived pretty well in 2015. The year showcased the resolve and strength of the ethanol sector. Producers were able to ride out the storm with the help of the indispensable value of ethanol as a low-cost, clean octane booster and thriving export demand. In the U.S., millions of metric tons of high-protein animal feed and billions of gallons of high-octane renewable fuel were produced in ethanol bio-refineries of several states.

Global Ethanol Market: Segmentation

The international ethanol market is forecasted to be classified according to two classes, viz. type of feedstock and end use. As per the classification by feedstock, the market could see a segmentation into coarse grain-based, sugarcane-based, and wheat-based ethanol. Although there could be different markets for ethanol in terms of feedstock type, one is expected to garner a larger share in the coming years. The analysts foresee the market to be dominated by coarse grain-based ethanol, which represented a 53.0% share in 2017.

On the basis of end-use segmentation, the international ethanol market is predicted to be segregated into fuel, industrial solvents, beverages, and cosmetics.

Regionally, North America could set the tone for a staggering growth in the international ethanol market while collecting a revenue of US$48.3 bn by the end of 2022. Another attractive region for the market is prognosticated to be Europe. However, there could be other geographies such as Japan showcasing a slower growth in the near future. Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ) and the Middle East and Africa (MEA) drew a greater revenue than Japan in 2017.

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High Focus on Product Innovation & Development to Assist the Growth of the Folding Cartons Market between and . 2017 2025 Dagoretti News -...

Folded, frozen, and faster: JUST Egg is now more convenient, and cheaper, to enjoy –

The folded version of the JUST Egg comes frozen and can be prepared in a few ways: toaster oven, skillet, or for the time-strapped, the standard toaster where the company suggests selecting the bagel setting for about 6.5 minutes.

"The genesis of it really was, how do we figure out a little bit of a faster way for people to enjoy it?We got really excited about this idea of folding and what that means from a texture perspective. It feels more like as if you made an omelette and put it in a biscuit," Tetrick told FoodNavigator-USA.

2019 was the first full year JUST Egg was in retail and the results surpassed both the company's and Tetrick's internal goals for the product.

"Last year we managed to get into most of the major retailers, most of them in the egg set and have managed to become the No. 1 liquid egg," said Tetrick who added that the company has sold the equivalent of 20 million eggs in its first year.

What was even more encouraging, and unexpected, was that the majority of consumers buying JUST Egg are not vegan or vegetarian, and 20% to 22% are buying the product not just as an egg replacement, but as their main source of protein, said Tetrick.

"We didnt expect that was going to happen.Even saying it out loud, you have a hard time wrapping your brain around it."

Tetrick noted that the new folded egg is a different, fluffier version than the patty plant-based egg product JUST Egg supplies to the foodservice channel.

The product will begin rolling out in April in the freezer section of Whole Foods Markets; select Albertsons Safeway stores; Gelsons Markets in Southern California; Stop & Shop in the Northeast, Kings Food Markets in the New York metro area and Giant Martin's in the Mid-Atlantic, with more to come.In all, it will be sold in approximately 5,000 stores at launch and will be available for restaurants and other foodservice destinations from major distributors.

"There are millions of shoppers going to the frozen set who have probably never heard of us, probably never heard of JUST Egg, and now theyll be able to see it," said Tetrick.

Retail frozen food alone is a $57bn business annually, with the category growing in both dollar and units in 2018, according to the American Frozen Food Institute and Food Marketing Institute.

The folded egg, which was developed with breakfast sandwiches in mind, has potentially much broader, all-day appeal with consumers, says the firm. According to arecent survey, conducted by the company of nearly 1,000 consumers, 50% would use the fold-over egg replacement as a general sandwich ingredient and 40% would add it to other dishes such as salads or fried rice, underscoring its appeal as a convenient protein source.

As a frozen product, the JUST Egg contains the same base ingredients (i.e. mung bean protein) but is free-from the preservatives of the liquid egg product, noted Tetrick. At retail, the products will be placed either next to traditional frozen breakfast sandwiches or in the plant-based protein alternatives section.

"It will next It will be good for us, because you can hypothesize about which set works best," Tetrick said. With the company's liquid JUST Egg product, the products perform better when placed next to conventional eggs than when put next to chilled alternative proteins.

"People are not just looking at this as a way to replace an egg, thats an element of it, but theres a big percentage of people that are looking at this as clean, healthy, sustainable protein,"he noted.

Opening up its own dedicatedproduction facility in Western Minnesota at the end of last year, means that JUST Egg can start reducing costs and make the products accessible to all, not just high-income shoppers.

"Our objective ultimately is to be the most cost effective protein source human beings consume, not just the most cost efficient egg source," Tetrick said. The average cost of an egg, globally, is about USD$0.08. Through efficient production and ingredient sourcing of the mung bean, JUST Egg has been able to reduce its cost to just over USD$0.20/egg, while still more than double the cost, it is much more cost effective than when the company first launched seven and a half years ago, said Tetrick.

According to the company, it has cut its cost of the final JUST Egg product to $4.99 SRP a bottle, down from $7.99. Its folded egg product is also $4.99 SRP, with four folded eggs to a box.

"Its not just the taste and texture, we need to hammer on this cost piece so that the folks that I grew up with in Birmingham, Alabama, can not just afford, but easily afford," added Tetrick.

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Folded, frozen, and faster: JUST Egg is now more convenient, and cheaper, to enjoy -

Gocycle to partner with nutrition brand Fuel10k to promote benefits of e-bikes – Bike Biz

Gocycle is set to partner with protein breakfast brand Fuel10k to increase awareness of how e-bikes can help more people to lead an active lifestyle.

Fuel10k will give away five fast-folding Gocycle GX electric bikes as part of its biggest-ever on-pack promotion between January and April.

The GX will feature on three million of the brands high-protein breakfast drinks and porridge pots in outlets nationwide.

Richard Thorpe, Gocycle designer and founder, said: We are really excited about the opportunity to spread the message of the enormous health benefits of e-bikes to millions of people across the UK. E-bikes are the perfect travel solution for people who want to lead a more active and sustainable lifestyle and above all they are fun!

This partnership is all about fuelling more people to lead a more active lifestyle in the long-term. E-bikes are a great way to get back out onto two wheels. Having the electrical assistance on tap removes many of the daunting elements of cycling and encourages more people to cycle more of the time which can only be a good thing.

Individuals can enter the competition by purchasing a Fuel10k breakfast drink or porridge pot that features a Gocycle on the packaging. They will be presented with a unique code which they can enter on Fuel10ks competition site to be in with a chance of winning a fast-folding Gocycle GX and other prizes such as sports T-shirts, water bottles or discount codes.

Scott Chassels, Fuel10k managing director, added: We are an increasingly time-poor society and everyone seems to be busier than ever, but that shouldnt be at the detriment of our health. Fuel10k exists to give people a better for you, protein-based, breakfast on-the-go, which helps them to maximise the precious little time they have in the morning and fuel their active day ahead.

We are really excited by this partnership as e-bikes can really enhance the lifestyles of busy people by helping them to have a healthier, more sustainable and speedier commute.

The fast-folding Gocycle GX is available to order now online and through select resellers throughout US, Canada, UK, and EU.

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Gocycle to partner with nutrition brand Fuel10k to promote benefits of e-bikes - Bike Biz

How To Grow (Almost) Anything – Hackaday

An off-shoot of the infamous How to Make (Almost) Anything course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, How to Grow (Almost) Anything tackles the core concepts behind designing with biology prototyping biomolecules, engineering biological computers, and 3D printing biomaterials. The material touches elements of synthetic biology, ethics of biotechnology, protein design, microfluidic fabrication, microbiome sequencing, CRISPR, and gene cloning.

In a similar fashion to the original HTMAA course, HTGAA works by introducing a new concept each week that builds up to a final project. Students learn about designing DNA experiments, using synthesized oligonucleotide primers to amplify a PCR product, testing the impact of genes on the production of lycopene in E coli., protein analysis and folding, isolating a microbiome colony from human skin and confining bacteria to image, printing 3D structures that contain living engineered bacteria, and using expansion microscopy (ExM) to visualize a mouse brain slice. The final projects run the gamut from creating a biocomputer in a cream to isolating yeast from bees.

Growing out from an initiative to create large communities around biotechnology research, the course requires minimal prior exposure to biology. By working directly with hands-on applications to biodesign concepts, students are able to direct apply their knowledge of theoretical biology concepts to real-world applications, making it an ideal springboard for bio-inspired DIY projects. Even though the syllabus isnt fully available online, theres a treasure trove of past projects to browse through for your next big inspiration.

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How To Grow (Almost) Anything - Hackaday

A conserved ATP- and Scc2/4-dependent activity for cohesin in tethering DNA molecules – Science Advances


The establishment of sister chromatid cohesion is essential for accurate chromosome segregation during the mitotic cell cycle. Cohesin is a complex of the SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) family originally identified for its role in tethering sister chromatids from S phase until anaphase (1, 2). In addition to its function in sister chromatid cohesion, cohesin modulates the organization of interphase nuclei and mitotic chromosomes (1, 3, 4). Studies in vertebrates have shown that cohesin complexes maintain contacts between different loci in cis and in this way contribute to the folding of individual chromatids into distinct loops that provide an integral level of genome architecture (1, 3, 4). The current model for how SMC complexes, including cohesin, might form DNA loops involves the capture and bending of DNA segments followed by progressive enlargement of these to form loops (5, 6); this activity has been termed loop extrusion. Evidence for this model has been obtained from in vitro analysis of purified yeast condensin (7). Cohesins most prominent function is the tethering of sister chromatids, which is expected to involve an ability to bridge two DNA molecules in trans. Unlike condensin, cohesin has not yet been demonstrated to extrude loops in vitro. A potential activity in loop extrusion has been suggested for cohesin because of its involvement in the maintenance of cis looping and as a potential linear tracking mechanism that could explain the preferential use of convergent CTCF DNA motifs at TAD borders during genome folding (8, 9). However, it is currently not clear how loop extrusion could explain the well-established role of cohesin in sister chromatid cohesion.

Mechanistically, we only have a vague idea of how cohesin might generate intermolecular tethers while mediating sister chromatid cohesion. Two main models have been proposed to explain cohesin function in sister chromatid cohesion: the ring or embrace model (10, 11), in which a single cohesin ring entraps both sister DNA molecules (10), and the handcuff model, where sister chromatid cohesion is mediated by the entrapment of sister DNAs in different cohesin complexes and a subsequent cohesin-cohesin interaction (1, 12, 13). The capture of the pair of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecules during the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion by a single cohesin molecule in the embrace model has been proposed to occur by either (i) passage of the replisomes through the ring lumen of a DNA-bound cohesin or (ii) when a DNA-bound cohesin captures a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) at the fork, which is then converted into dsDNA by DNA synthesis (14). Although cohesin complexes have been purified from fission yeast (15), frogs (16), and human cells (17), single-molecule analyses of DNA bridging activities have not been reported. Purified cohesin complexes have been shown to exhibit DNA binding activity in a salt-resistant manner (18) and to rapidly diffuse on DNA; however, these were shown to be independent of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (1517), suggesting that they are not at the core of its ATP-dependent activity.

Single-molecule studies of purified yeast condensin have shown that this SMC complex compacts DNA molecules on magnetic tweezers (19), translocates along linear DNA molecules in an ATP-dependent manner (20), and forms DNA looplike structures on surface-tethered, flow-stretched DNA (7). Furthermore, while purified condensin exhibits robust ATPase activity in the presence of DNA (19), purified yeast cohesin is a poor ATPase on its own (21, 22). Recent work has shown that the Scc2-Scc4 loader complex greatly stimulates cohesins ATPase activity (21, 22). On the basis of these findings, we sought to investigate activities of budding yeast cohesin in the presence of the Scc2-Scc4 loader complex using the following two complementary single-molecule approaches: DNA curtains and optical tweezers.

To investigate activities of yeast cohesin using single-molecule assays, we first purified budding yeast cohesin tetramers, containing Smc1, Smc3, Scc1/Mcd1 (thereafter referred to as Scc1), and Scc3, from exponentially growing yeast cultures (Fig. 1A). Cohesin subunits were overexpressed in high-copy plasmids using galactose (GAL)inducible promoters. Purified material was obtained via affinity chromatography, using a triple-StrepII tag fused to the Smc1 subunit, followed by passage through a HiTrap Heparin HP column (Fig. 1A and table S1). Analysis of purified complexes by negative-stain electron microscopy confirmed the presence of rod-shaped cohesin holocomplexes, the majority in a folded conformation (Fig. 1B) (23). The Scc2-Scc4 complex was also purified from budding yeast (Fig. 1C) using a similar strategy and showed DNA binding activity as expected (fig. S1A) (21, 22). Purified cohesin also bound plasmid DNA in a salt-resistant manner (fig. S1B), and the bound plasmid was released by DNA cleavage with restriction enzymes (fig. S1C). This is consistent with the topological binding mode proposed for this complex (18, 22). However, in our hands, this activity was not strictly dependent on ATP and was not stimulated by Scc2-Scc4 (fig. S1B), in contrast to what has been reported recently (18, 22). Last, we confirmed that our purified Scc2-Scc4 complex was able to stimulate cohesin ATPase activity (Fig. 1D) (21, 22).

(A) Purified cohesin tetramer containing Smc1, Smc3, Scc1, and Scc3 was analyzed by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by Coomassie blue staining. Western blot analysis shows the mobility of Smc1 and Scc1. (B) Top panel: Representative micrograph of a BS3-crosslinked cohesin sample observed in negative stain EM. Scale bar, 50 nm. Bottom panel: Class averages obtained with RELION. A set of the best ~5000 particles was used for this classification. The size of the circular mask is 450 . (C) Coomassie blue staining of the purified Scc2-Scc4 complex. (D) ATP hydrolysis by yeast cohesin and cohesin ATPase mutant Smc3-K38I with or without the Scc2-Scc4 complex.

Next, we sought to test whether budding yeast cohesin exhibited the behavior described for cohesin from other organisms on DNA curtains (1517). -DNA molecules (48.5 kb) were anchored to a lipid bilayer in a flow cell surface and aligned into double-tethered DNA curtains using nanofabricated barriers (Fig. 2A) (15). Quantum dots (Qdots) conjugated to antibodies against the hemagglutinin tag (HA3) fused to the C-terminal region of the Scc1 kleisin subunit were used to visualize the complexes (Fig. 2B). On flowing the labeled cohesin complex over the DNA curtains, binding was observed at low ionic strength (Fig. 2A). The chamber was flushed with a high ionic strength buffer to remove nontopologically bound complexes (Fig. 2A). While a large fraction of cohesin complexes dissociated, we observed diffusion along the DNA (Fig. 2B). The binding preference of cohesin to more A/T-rich regions reported earlier (15) was also observed (Fig. 2, C to E). The diffusion coefficients correlated with the ionic strength of the buffer (fig. S2F). The survival probabilities of cohesin were not affected by the addition of ATP, or the ATP analogs adenosine 5-diphosphate (ADP) and ATPS (Fig. 2C). We found that the presence of Scc2-Scc4 enhanced the ability of cohesin to stay bound on the DNA (Fig. 2D); however, the presence of nucleotides did not alter cohesin stabilities (Fig. 2D). Therefore, these results are consistent with the activities observed for cohesin from other organisms (15, 17) and show that budding yeast cohesin undergoes rapid diffusion on DNA curtains in an ATP-independent manner.

(A) Schematic representation of double-tethered DNA curtains used in the study. (B) Image of cohesin tagged with quantum dots (magenta) bound to -DNA stained with YOYO-1 (green). Scale bar, 10 m. (C) Survival probability plots of cohesin in the presence of ATP, ADP, ATPS, or no nucleotide. (D) Lifetimes of cohesin (fast phase and slow phase) in the presence or absence of Scc2-Scc4 and different ATP analogs. Error bars are 68% confidence intervals from bootstrapping. (E) Image of a pair of double-tethered DNA curtains bound by cohesin. DNA molecules are in green, and cohesin is in magenta. Diagrammatic representation is shown (left). (F) Time-lapse images of a pair of double-tethered DNA curtains bound by cohesin as they are tethered. DNA molecules are in green, and cohesin is in magenta. Diagrammatic representation is shown (top). Pairing events were observed frequently in the DNA curtains. An average of 5 to 10 events per DNA curtain was detected.

In our DNA curtain experiments, we made an observation not reported in earlier studies (15, 17). Cohesin signals were often observed bound between what appeared to be two fused DNAs (Fig. 2E). The pairing events formed under low-salt conditions in the presence of ATP (Fig. 2F and movies S1 and S2), but they persisted when the chamber was flushed with a high ionic strength buffer, raising the possibility that topologically bound complexes mediated these events.

To further explore our observation that cohesin tetramers paired -DNA molecules on the DNA curtains, we decided to use a dual-trap optical tweezer with confocal fluorescence microscopy capabilities. A similar approach has been previously used in the study of protein-DNA interactions (24). Briefly, we tether a -DNA molecule with biotinylated ends to two optically trapped streptavidin-coated polystyrene beads, enabling us to accurately apply and measure forces on the captured DNA molecule. We performed our experiments in multichannel laminar flow cells where we had the possibility to move the tethered DNA to different flow lanes containing different protein complexes and buffers. In addition, we were able to image the tethered DNAs using confocal fluorescence microscopy. Overall, the approach allows increased experimental control over DNA curtains. Proteins can be added, removed, or incubated under different salt conditions sequentially, and the physical effect of their activities can be measured accurately on a single DNA molecule.

To test for the formation of intramolecular cohesin bridges in cis, we adapted a previously published protocol that measures protein-mediated DNA bridging (Fig. 3A) (25, 26). First, we captured a single -DNA molecule and generated a force-extension (FE) curve in the absence of protein by extending the molecule slightly beyond its contour length (~16 m). We then moved the DNA to a channel containing 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl and incubated for 30 s in a relaxed conformation (~3 m between beads). Following incubation, the relaxed DNA was then moved to a channel without protein but containing 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl. Reextending the DNA in the buffer-only channel yielded FE curves with sawtooth features at extensions shorter than the contour length (Fig. 3B, Cohesin + Scc2/4). This is characteristic of intramolecular bridge rupture events (25, 26) (Fig. 3A, right) and shows that cohesin can tether the DNA in cis forming a protein-mediated bridge between different segments of the molecule, thus creating an intramolecular loop. When we repeated this protocol in the presence of 1 nM cohesin and no Scc2-Scc4 (Fig. 3B, Cohesin), or 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 and no cohesin (Fig. 3B, Scc2/4), FE curves identical to those of the initial naked DNA were observed, demonstrating that no protein-mediated bridges were formed (Fig. 3A, left). Similarly, incubating 1 nM cohesin and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex in the absence of ATP, or with the ATP analogs ADP or ATPS, yielded FE curves identical to those of naked DNA (fig. S3A). To confirm the requirement of ATP, we repeated the protocol in the presence of 1 nM cohesin ATPase mutant (K38I) (fig. S4) and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 (Fig. 3B, CohesinK38I + Scc2/4). FE curves identical to those of the naked DNA were observed (Fig. 3B, CohesinK38I + Scc2/4). Therefore, the DNA bridging activity requires ATP and depends on the Scc2-Scc4 loader complex.

(A) Schematic representation of FE curve for -DNA exhibiting the presence (right diagram and graph) and absence (left diagram and graph) of protein DNA bridges. Dotted line is fit to worm-like chain for naked DNA. (B) FE curves for -DNAs preincubated with 1 nM cohesin and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP (Cohesin + Scc2/4), 1 nM cohesin and 1 mM ATP (Cohesin), 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP (Scc2/4), or 1 nM cohesin ATPase mutant and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP (CohesinK38I + Scc2/4). Schematic diagram of the experimental design. After capturing a single DNA molecule between two optically trapped beads, DNA was incubated in the presence of protein in a relaxed conformation (3-m bead distance) for 30 s in 50 mM NaCl and then moved to a buffer channel with 125 mM NaCl for extension and measurements. Only incubation with 1 nM cohesin and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP (Cohesin + Scc2/4) showed DNA bridging rupture events. (C) FE curves in the presence of increasing ionic strength. High salt favors topologically constrained and permanent DNA bridges. (D) Schematic representation of the experimental design to test cohesin second DNA capture. After capture of -DNA between the two optically trapped beads, DNA is extended and incubated for 30 s in the protein channel. DNA is moved to a buffer channel and then relaxed (3-m bead distance) and incubated for 30 s before reextension to test for DNA bridges (E). The extended DNA is then incubated in a relaxed position in the protein channel and then moved to buffer channel and extended to confirm that bridges can be formed when protein is loaded while DNA is relaxed (F). (E) -DNA incubated with 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP in an extended conformation and then moved to a buffer channel (125 mM NaCl) in the presence of 1 mM ATP (buffer only, dark blue) or 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP (+Scc2/4, light blue). DNAs were reextended, and the FE curves were recorded. (F) The -DNA molecules in (E) were incubated in a relaxed position (3-m bead distance) in the presence of 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP DNAs. DNAs were moved to a buffer-only channel (125 mM NaCl containing 1 mM ATP) and reextended. FE curves show the presence of DNA bridging rupture events.

Next, we tested the effect of ionic strength on cohesin bridging (Fig. 3C). Cohesin bridges were observed at all salt concentrations tested (Fig. 3C). The length of DNA extension released during the rupture of a DNA bridge can be directly related to the loop size encompassed by the bridge. We analyzed the sizes of the DNA bridges from the FE curves at 125 mM salt (fig. S3B) and found that the distribution of loop sizes is exponential with a characteristic size of ~900 base pairs (bp), consistent with a model of random bridge formation (5, 6). Most of the small sawtooth peaks observed at low forces and extensions disappear under high-salt conditions, while the overall contour length of the DNA remained reduced (Fig. 3C). We also recorded FE curves when we relaxed tethers (Fig. 3, B and C, reverse arrows) after the extensions are done in the buffer channel, therefore in the absence of protein (Fig. 3, B and C, forward arrows). These showed that compaction due to DNA bridges formed at low-salt concentrations was lost after extension (Fig. 3C, reverse arrows; 50 mM NaCl) with force. However, relaxation of tethers with DNA bridges formed at high-salt concentrations showed compaction events that had resisted after extension (Fig. 3C, reverse arrows; 300 and 500 mM NaCl). These results show two distinct types of cohesin bridging events: (i) one predominantly occurring at low salt that is characterized by frequent interactions that are reversible and can be disrupted by moderate force (5 to 40 pN) and (ii) a second permanent bridge class that resists higher ionic strength conditions and full physical stretching of the DNA molecule. Both classes of DNA bridges were not observed when an ATPase mutant cohesin complex (SMC3-K38I) was used (Fig. 3B, CohesinK38I + Scc2/4), confirming that the ATPase activity of the complex is a requirement for both types of bridges. Next, we tested whether permanent bridges could resist repeated extensions. We performed two cycles of bead extension and relaxation and confirmed the persistence of the permanent cohesin bridge using FE curves (fig. S5). We conclude that permanent cohesin bridges resist high stretching forces and that the complexes mediating the tethers cannot be displaced from the DNA molecules. This explains the repeated detection of the same bridge on FE curves during the cycle of bead extension and relaxation (fig. S5).

Recent studies using purified cohesin from Schizosaccharomyces pombe have shown that cohesin can capture a second DNA, but only if single stranded (14). This led the authors to conclude that cohesin is not capable of trapping to dsDNAs in vitro (14). Moreover, it was suggested that this activity is likely to occur at replication forks, where cohesin bound to a dsDNA molecule is exposed to nascent ssDNA (14). The second capture of the single-stranded molecule was dependent on the presence of cohesin loader and ATP (14). Our results seem to contradict this because we show that cohesin purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is fully able to trap two dsDNA molecules (Fig. 3, B and C). Next, we decided to investigate whether capture of the two molecules is sequential or simultaneous. In our original tethering assay, we could not differentiate whether the two dsDNAs are captured sequentially or in a single step, as we had incubated the DNA in a relaxed position (with the two DNA segments in proximity). To distinguish whether one or two events were involved in the formation of the cohesin tethers observed, we sought to test whether cohesin could capture a second DNA after initial loading. To this aim, we captured a single -DNA molecule and generated an FE curve. We maintained the DNA in an extended position (~15 m between beads) using a pulling force of 5 pN (Fig. 3D) and loaded cohesin by moving the DNA to a channel containing 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl. We incubated the DNA for 30 s (Fig. 3D) before moving it to a different channel containing 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl. We then relaxed the DNA conformation (~3 m between beads) to allow DNA segments to come into proximity (Fig. 3D) and incubated in the relaxed conformation for an additional 30 s. The FE curve obtained after reextension of the DNA was identical to the initial naked DNA profile (Fig. 3E, Only buffer, and fig. S6). We obtained a similar result when we included 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex and 1 mM ATP in the channel where we relaxed the DNA (Fig. 3E, +Scc2/4, and fig. S6). These results show that loaded cohesin is unable to capture a second DNA segment. To confirm that DNA bridges could be formed in the same DNA in one step, we relaxed the molecules used in the experiments and incubated them for 30 s in a channel containing 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP. When molecules were reextended, the resulting FE curves confirmed the formation of DNA bridges (Fig. 3F and fig. S6). In addition, we confirmed that cohesin complexes can bind to extended DNAs using a published DNA friction protocol (fig. S7) (27). Therefore, our results are consistent with a previous report (14), showing that cohesin bound to DNA cannot undergo a second capture event involving a dsDNA molecule, but demonstrate that cohesin is able to capture two dsDNAs simultaneously. A previous study could not evaluate the possibility that cohesin could capture two dsDNAs simultaneously, thus reaching an erroneous conclusion (14). We conclude that cohesin establishes bridges between two dsDNA in a single step, or two kinetically very close steps, which requires physical proximity of the DNA segments.

Next, we investigated whether cohesin can form intermolecular bridges. We developed an intermolecular bridging assay, where two dsDNA molecules are tethered in parallel between the pair of beads, and tested the ability of cohesin to form bridges between these two molecules (Fig. 4A). DNA molecules were visualized with SYTOX Orange. After confirming the presence of two DNA molecules tethered in parallel between the beads (Fig. 4B, Naked), the DNA was incubated in a relaxed state to bring the DNAs into proximity (~3-m bead distance) in the presence of 1 nM cohesin and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 and 1 mM ATP for 30 s. The DNAs were moved to a buffer-only channel (300 mM NaCl plus 1 mM ATP). Strikingly, clear bridging was observed between the two molecules on reextension (Fig. 4B, Cohesin + Scc2/4). DNA bridges did not form in the absence of ATP (Fig. 3B, no ATP) or when we used cohesin ATPase mutant complex (Fig. 4B, K38I + Scc2/4), confirming that cohesins ATPase activity is required. Bridge formation in this assay was very efficient; of 10 molecules tested, 8 showed intermolecular bridges (Fig. 4B, Cohesin + Scc2/4) and 2 showed intramolecular bridging on the two individual DNAs. Intermolecular bridges always appeared to be near the midpoint of the DNA (Fig. 4B, Cohesin + Scc2/4). Potential reasons to explain this include the fact that the central region of -DNA molecules is rich in A/T content where cohesin might bind preferentially. Alternatively, cohesin might be able to slide on the DNA while maintaining tethers and therefore likely to move to the center regions as the molecules are extended. To further characterize this, we used a quadruple-trap optical tweezer setup, which allows the independent manipulation of the two DNA molecules (27).

(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design for the dual-trap optical tweezer to generate permanent intermolecular cohesin bridges. Two -DNA molecules are tethered between the two beads and incubated in a relaxed position (3-m bead distance) in the presence or absence of protein in buffer containing 50 mM NaCl. The relaxed molecules are then moved to a different channel containing 300 mM NaCl and reextended. Imaging is done before incubations and after reextension in a buffer containing 300 mM NaCl and 50 nM SYTOX Orange to visualize DNA. (B) Two -DNA molecules were tethered and treated as described in (A) and incubated with either (i) 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4, and no ATP (Cohesin + Scc2/4, left); (ii) 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4, and 1 mM ATP (Cohesin + Scc2/4, middle); or (iii) 1 nM cohesin ATPase mutant K38I, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4, and 1 mM ATP (K38I + Scc2/4, right). Imaging was performed before incubation and after DNA reextension in a buffer containing 300 mM NaCl to minimize DNA entanglement and 50 nM SYTOX Orange to visualize DNA. Images from three independent experiments are shown. Three independent experiments are shown for each category. (C) Schematic representation of the experimental design to test for sliding of permanent cohesin bridges (top diagram). Following the formation of an intermolecular cohesin bridge (see fig. S8 for details in bridge formation protocol), beads 3 and 4 were moved together in the x axis to slide the bridge along DNA1. Images showing two representative sliding experiments are shown. Experiments were performed in a buffer containing 300 mM NaCl and 50 nM SYTOX Orange. Movies of the experiments are shown in movies S4 and S5. The experiment was performed three times, and sliding was observed in all cases. (D) Schematic representation of the experimental design to disrupt intermolecular cohesin bridges. Following the formation of an intermolecular cohesin bridge, bead 3 is moved down in the y axis until one of the DNA ends loses contact with the bead. Imaging was performed before and after the pull in a buffer containing 300 mM NaCl and 50 nM SYTOX Orange. Representative experiment is shown. A movie of the experiment is shown in movie S6.

We first captured two single -DNA molecules using a pair of traps for each (DNA1 between traps 1 and 2 and DNA2 between traps 3 and 4) in a parallel conformation (fig. S8). Both DNA molecules were stretched close to their contour lengths (~16 m). We then manipulated DNA2 using beads 3 and 4 and moved it upward (in the z direction) before rotating it 90 and moving it into a crossed conformation directly above DNA1 (fig. S8). We then lowered DNA2 to its original z position and relaxed it to ensure physical contact between the two DNA molecules at the junction point (fig. S8). We then moved the crossed DNAs into a different channel containing 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4, and 1 mM ATP (60 s, 50 mM NaCl) before returning the DNAs to a channel containing 1 mM ATP in 300 mM NaCl. We reversed the manipulation of DNA2, first moving bead 3 upward and over DNA1 before manipulating beads 3 and 4 so that DNA2 was rotated 90 and lowered back to the original position where DNA1 and DNA2 were parallel to each other. When we moved the beads to a channel containing SYTOX Orange to visualize DNA, we observed that DNA1 and DNA2 were bridged (fig. S8), as expected from our analysis of parallel DNA bridging in the dual-trap optical tweezers setup (Fig. 4B, Cohesin + Scc2/4 + 1 mM ATP). We then tested whether simultaneously moving DNA2 using beads 3 and 4 in the x axis would cause the sliding of the bridge along DNA1 (Fig. 4C). We observed that the bridge could be moved, showing that cohesin can slide on DNAs while tethering two DNA molecules in trans (Fig. 4C and movies S4 and S5). When we applied force to disrupt the bridge [moving bead 3 down in the y axis (away from beads 1 and 2); Fig. 4D], we were not able to break apart the cohesin tether. At high forces, the interaction between the ends of the DNAs and the beads often snapped (Fig. 4D and movie S6). Amazingly, cohesin bridges resisted this, and half of DNA2 could be observed hanging from the bridge (Fig. 4D and movie S6). We conclude that permanent intermolecular cohesin bridges can slide on DNA and resist high force. We predict that the forces exerted to disrupt the interaction between the DNAs and the bead exceed 80 pN. At these high forces, the prediction is that all the protein interfaces on cohesin rings should be disrupted. Therefore, cohesin association with DNA in permanent tethers is likely to occur in a manner that resists opening of the interfaces.

Previous studies using purified cohesin from different organisms did not report DNA bridging activities (1517); however, the studies did not use budding yeast cohesin. We therefore decided to test whether the bridging activity observed is specific for S. cerevisiae cohesin tetramers or it has been conserved in cohesin from other organisms. To this aim, we purified the human cohesin (hCohesin) tetramer complex, containing hSmc1, hSmc3, hRad21, and Stag1, as described previously (fig. S9A) (28). We then tested whether hCohesin could bridge DNA intramolecularly. We captured a single -DNA molecule and generated an FE curve in the absence of protein to confirm the presence of naked DNA. We then moved the DNA to a channel containing 1 nM hCohesin and 1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl and incubated it for 30 s in a relaxed conformation (~3 m between beads). We then moved the relaxed DNA to a channel without protein in the presence of 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl. Reextending the DNA resulted in FE curves with a naked DNA profile (Fig. 5A, hCohesin), demonstrating that hCohesin on its own cannot promote DNA bridges. Although we could not obtain hScc2-Scc4, we decided to test whether the budding yeast loader complex Scc2-Scc4 (scScc2-Scc4) had any effect on hCohesin activity. To this aim, we repeated the intramolecular DNA bridging assays with hCohesin and included the Scc2-Scc4 loader complex in the incubations. Relaxed DNA was incubated in the presence of 1 nM hCohesin tetramer, 2.5 nM scScc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl. The relaxed DNA was then moved to a channel with 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl. Reextension yielded the sawtooth features characteristic of intramolecular bridge rupture events (Fig. 5B, hCohesin + Scc2/4) detected with yeast cohesin tetramers (Fig. 3C, 125 mM). Therefore, hCohesin tetramers containing Stag1 have conserved the ability to bridge DNA. hCohesin was able to form both reversible and permanent bridges (Fig. 4B, hCohesin + Scc2/4).

(A) FE curve for -DNA preincubated with 1 nM human cohesin and 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl buffer (hCohesin). Dotted line is fit to worm-like chain model. After capturing a single DNA molecule between two optically trapped beads, DNA was incubated in the presence of protein in 50 mM NaCl buffer in a relaxed conformation (3-m bead distance) for 30 s and then moved to the 125 mM NaCl buffer channel for extension and measurements. No evidence of DNA bridges was observed under this condition. (B) FE curve for -DNA preincubated with 1 nM human cohesin, 2.5 nM yeast Scc2-Scc4, and 1 mM ATP in 125 mM NaCl buffer (hCohesin + Scc2/4). Experimental procedure as in (A). FE curves exhibited multiple rupture events indicating the presence of reversible and permanent DNA bridges. (C) DNA compaction trace for -DNA molecule extended using a force of 1 pN (top). The DNA was tethered between two beads. One bead was clamped (fixed), while a 1-pN force was applied to the second bead to maintain the molecule extended. The DNA was then incubated in the presence of 1 nM condensin (1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl) (left, magenta trace). The FE curve for the -DNA full extension after incubation is shown (bottom). Additional examples can be found in fig. S10. (D) DNA compaction trace for -DNA molecule extended using a force of 1 pN (top) in the presence of 1 nM cohesin and 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex (1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl) (right, yellow trace). The distance between the beads was recorded over time. The FE curve for the -DNA full extension after incubation is shown (bottom). Additional examples can be found in fig. S10. (E) Kymograms of single-tethered -DNA stained with (YOYO-1) during the incubation with yeast cohesin and Scc2-Scc4 in the presence of ATP in 50 mM NaCl buffer at a flow rate of 20 l/min. HF, high flow. The free end of DNA is marked with orange arrowheads. No compaction of single-tethered -DNAs was observed. (F) Kymograms of single-tethered -DNA stained with (YOYO-1) during the incubation with yeast cohesin and Scc2-Scc4 in the presence of ATP in 50 mM NaCl buffer at a flow rate of 10 l/min. The conditions are as in (E) except for the reduced flow rate. Slow compaction of single-tethered -DNAs was observed over time (orange arrowheads mark the free end of DNA). (G) Kymograms of single-tethered -DNA stained with (YOYO-1) during the incubation with yeast cohesin and Scc2-Scc4 in the presence of ATP in 50 mM NaCl buffer at stopped flow. The free end of DNA is marked with orange arrowheads. The HF phase at the end of the experiment shows that the DNA was compacted during the stopped flow phase. Note that under stopped flow conditions, DNA molecules that diffuse laterally on the flow chip can transiently cross the field of view and also appear in a kymogram representation. Examples are marked with asterisks (*). These events bear no relevance for the interpretations of the assay.

Besides mediating sister chromatid cohesion (1, 2), cohesin holds individual chromatids in cis, thus forming loops (4, 29, 30). Recently, yeast condensin was the first SMC complex shown to exhibit an activity compatible with loop extrusion (7). It is unclear whether this activity is also present in the other eukaryotic SMC complexes cohesin and Smc5/6. Condensin can compact linear DNA against forces of up to 2 pN (19). However, condensin loop extrusion activity is only observed when DNA is stretched under significantly lower forces (below 0.5 pN) (7). We purified yeast condensin (fig. S9, B and C) using an established protocol (20, 31) and tested whether, as predicted from studies using magnetic tweezers (19), it could also compact -DNA molecules extended in the optical tweezers against a force of 1 pN. A single -DNA molecule was first captured between the beads. We then immobilized one of the beads and applied a constant force of 1 pN to the other bead in the opposite direction. This maintains the DNA extended with ~14 m between beads. We then moved the DNA to a channel containing 1 nM condensin in 50 mM NaCl buffer supplemented with 1 mM ATP. We incubated the extended DNA recording the distance between the two beads over time (Fig. 5C, Condensin). We observed progressive decrease of the distance between the beads (Fig. 5C, Condensin, and fig. S10), consistent with the activity of condensin as a motor that compacts DNA (19). Some condensation events occurred in short bursts and caused the molecule to shorten ~1 to 2 m in a few seconds (Fig. 5C, Condensin, and fig. S10). After incubation, we generated an FE curve, which showed the presence of sawtooth peaks characteristic of protein-mediated DNA bridging (Fig. 5C, bottom) (25, 26). Condensin bridges were fully reversible and disappeared when the DNA was extended (Fig. 5C, bottom). It is unclear whether the compaction observed is due to loop extrusion because this activity was reported to occur at forces below 1 pN (7). Next, we sought to text whether yeast cohesin tetramers could also compact extended -DNA molecules in this assay. We incubated the DNA extended using 1 pN of force with 1 nM cohesin, 2.5 nM Scc2-Scc4 complex, and 1 mM ATP in 50 mM NaCl buffer and incubated the extended DNA recording the distance between the two beads (Fig. 5D, Cohesin). The distance between the beads did not change over time (Fig. 5D, Cohesin, and fig. S10); therefore, we conclude that cohesin tetramers do not exhibit DNA compaction activity in this assay. As expected, the FE curve generated after incubation showed no evidence of protein-mediated DNA bridging (Fig. 5D, bottom), and similar results were obtained when we used a stretching force of 0.5 pN.

Since loop extrusion activity of condensin occurs at forces below 0.5 pN (7), we considered the possibility that yeast cohesin might also be able to extrude loops (and hence condense DNA) at extremely low forces. Below 0.5 pN, our optical tweezer did not reliably maintain the distance between the beads (data not shown). We therefore used single-tethered DNA curtains and different flow rates to extend DNA at very low tensions. Initially, we incubated cohesin in the presence of Scc2/Scc4 and ATP using a 125 mM NaCl buffer and a flow rate of 30 l/min; however, we did not observe compaction of single-tethered DNAs (data not shown). We then decided to reduce the ionic strength of the buffer to 50 mM NaCl and the flow rate to 20 l/min (Fig. 5E). We did not observe compaction in the course of the experiment (Fig. 5E). However, when we further reduced the flow rate to 10 l/min we observed slow compaction of the majority of the molecules (Fig. 5F). Last, we performed the same experiment but stopped the flow after protein injection (Fig. 5G). We observed rapid compaction of the single-tethered DNAs (Fig. 5G). From these data, we conclude that DNA compaction in single-tethered DNA curtains at such low flow is likely to be formed as a consequence of compaction that might involve loop extrusion since this activity only occurs at low ionic strength conditions and when DNA is extended by very low force.

The original role attributed to cohesin was the maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion from S phase until the anaphase onset (1, 2). Here, we have developed powerful single-molecule assays to probe the mechanisms by which cohesin holds DNAs together. Using them, we have shown that cohesin complexes can form different types of bridges between dsDNAs and that this requires Scc2-Scc4 and ATP. The two classes of cohesin tethers exhibited different physical properties, particularly the sensitivity to being broken by force. The reversible bridges were disrupted when moderate forces (5 to 40 pN) were applied (Fig. 3C). In contrast, permanent bridges could withstand extreme forces without being disrupted (Figs. 3C and 4D). They are also more predominant in high ionic strength conditions (Fig. 3C). On the basis of these physical properties, we propose that permanent bridges represent cohesin complexes that maintain sister chromatid cohesion. However, further characterization of their genesis, architecture, and biochemistry will be important to confirm such proposal. Reversible bridges were more predominant at low-salt concentrations (Fig. 3C), which suggest that they are likely formed by protein-protein interactions. In low salt, cohesin is likely to be saturated on DNA and being relatively sticky could easily engage in nonspecific interactions. Therefore, some reversible bridging events could potentially represent nonspecific protein aggregation. In particular, this might be the case for intramolecular DNA bridging at 50 mM NaCl salt (Fig. 3C). However, even under these conditions, reversible bridges were ATP and Scc2/4 dependent (fig. S3A). At 125 mM NaCl salt, which is in the physiological range, reversible bridges were also significant and resisted forces of up to 40 pN (Fig. 3C), strongly arguing that reversible bridges are biologically relevant. Previous studies have demonstrated that cohesin can use nontopological mechanisms (32); in addition, interallelic complementation between different cohesin alleles has also been reported (33). It is therefore possible that reversible DNA bridges reflect functional cohesin-cohesin interactions.

Recent studies have interrogated cohesin mechanisms using biochemical reconstitution of topological loading onto plasmids (14, 18, 34, 35). We believe that the single-molecule assay presented in this study is more informative for the study of cohesin bridging. In our hands, cohesin loading in the gel-based assay was not strictly ATP dependent and was not stimulated by Scc2/4, as observed for S. pombe cohesin (14, 18, 34, 35). Topological loading efficiency can be dependent on multiple factors, but critically on the amount of protein used, the times of incubation, and the number and stringency of the washes. We followed the original protocol described for S. pombe cohesin (18), and despite attempting different conditions, we never observed ATP-dependent loading. It is therefore likely that S. pombe and S. cerevisiae cohesins behave differently. The observation that S. pombe cohesin does not show bridging activity in double-tethered DNA curtains (15), while S. cerevisiae cohesin does (Fig. 2, E and F), supports this possibility.

Our results using two DNA molecules demonstrate that permanent cohesin tethers can slide when force is applied (Fig. 4C); however, when the permanent bridges occur in cis, cohesin complexes cannot slide off the DNA molecules (Fig. 3C and fig. S5). The simplest explanation is that the two DNA molecules tethered are not located in the same physical space within the protein (Fig. 6A). The two main models proposed to explain how cohesin holds sister chromatids are the ring and handcuff models. The basic difference between these two models is the fact that in the ring model, the two DNAs occupy the same physical space within cohesin, i.e., they are co-entrapped in one compartment of the cohesin structure (10, 11), while in the handcuff model (and all its variations), the two DNAs are located in different physical compartments (1, 12, 13), generally argued to be two separate (but interacting) complexes. On the basis of the single-ring model, it would be expected that cohesin slides off DNA molecules when bridging them intramolecularly (Fig. 6A). In contrast, our observations suggest that this is not the case (Fig. 3C). Using in vivo cysteine cross-linking of trimer cohesin complexes, it has been recently shown that cohesin has different subcompartments (36). Sister DNAs occupied the K (kleisin) compartment formed between the SMC ATPase heads and the Scc1 subunit (36). Scc3 and Scc1 form a module that binds DNA and is necessary for cohesin association to chromosomes (37), but Scc3 was not crosslinked in the subcompartment study (36). We propose that DNAs in permanent cohesin bridges might be held in two chambers of the K (kleisin) compartment (Fig. 6B, K1 and K2), physically separated by Scc3 (Fig. 6B), and the architecture would resemble a pretzel-like structure (Fig. 6B). The DNAs might be separated (one in K1 and the other in K2), or might travel through the two K compartments together. Alternatively, different compartments of two cohesin complexes might be involved (Fig. 6C).

(A) Schematic representation of expected behavior of intramolecular cohesin tethers from the previously proposed ring model. The model proposes that cohesin co-entraps two DNAs within its ring structure, i.e., both DNAs occupy one physical space within cohesin. From this model, it is expected that cohesin should be fully displaced from -DNA molecules when tethering in cis as force is applied to separate the beads. This is not what it was observed experimentally (Fig. 3C and fig. S5). (B) Schematic representation of expected behavior of intramolecular cohesin tethers from the subcompartment model. The subcompartment model is based on the assumption that DNAs are located in different physical compartments. The prediction from the model is that cohesin cannot be fully displaced from -DNA molecules when tethering them in cis. This is what we observed experimentally (Fig. 3C and fig. S5). (C) Proposed model for a single cohesin complex with at least three subcompartments (cohesin pretzel). In this model, sister DNAs occupy two different chambers (K1 and K2) of the K (kleisin) compartment formed between the SMC ATPase heads and the Scc1 subunit (36). Two possible conformations of SMC hinges are shown. Note that the experimental data are also compatible with the possibility that both DNAs jointly travel through the two chambers (K1 and K2) of the K compartment. (D) Schematic representation of previously proposed cohesin handcuffs models holding sister DNAs in different compartments of two separate complexes, which also fits with our experimental observations.

Kimura et al. (5) first proposed that the SMC complex condensin might generate DNA loops (5). This was conceived as one of two models that could explain how condensin specifically produced (+) trefoil knots in the presence of a type II topoisomerase (5). The proposal was based on an earlier model of loop expansion that was put forward for bacterial MutS action (38). MutS loop expansion was shown to occur as a consequence of ATP-dependent bidirectional movement of the MutS dimer from the initial loading site (38). The proposal of Kimura et al. (5) has been recently demonstrated directly through the observation of condensin-dependent DNA looplike structures on surface-tethered, flow-stretched DNA (7). The loop extrusion activity of cohesin was also conceived as a model that could explain the role of cohesin in genome folding through cis looping and the preferential use of convergent CTCF DNA motifs at TAD borders (8, 9). We detected DNA compaction by yeast cohesin tetramers at very low flow rates (Fig. 5, F and G), as would be predicted from a loop extrusion activity similar to the one shown for condensin (7). HiC data show that removal of cohesin leads to loss of contacts at TAD boundaries (6, 8, 39), demonstrating that the complex is involved in the formation or maintenance of loops. It is likely that cohesin extrudes DNA loops in a similar manner to condensin (7). However, our data, although consistent with cohesin function as a loop extruder, do not demonstrate it. We would like to note that our data showing intramolecular tethering by cohesin do not imply that cohesin generates loops in vivo through random DNA bridging. We feel that this would be highly unlikely. The intramolecular tethers observed might reflect an in vitro activity (as cohesin is unlikely to differentiate between cis and trans tethering when loaded onto DNA in these assays). Further experiments will be required to test whether intramolecular tethering is of any relevance in vivo. The activities described here are fully consistent with the original role attributed to cohesin in maintaining sister chromatid cohesion (1, 2). Our work provides a new critical tool for future investigations to further decipher how cohesin executes one of the critical functions required for genome inheritance, i.e., maintaining sister chromatids in close proximity from the time they are born in S phase until they are separated in anaphase.

The different subunits of the S. cerevisiae Scc2-Scc4 and cohesin complexes were synthesized under the control of galactose-inducible promoters and cloned into multicopy episomal vectors (URA3-SCC4-GAL1-10promoter-SCC2-3xmyc-3xStrepII;TRP1-SMC1-3xStrepII-GAL1-10promoter-SMC3 GAL7promoter-MCD1-8xHis-3xHA; URA3-GAL1-10promoter-SCC3). Yeast W303-1a strains carrying the different constructs (CCG14800 for the Scc2-Scc4 complex, CCG14801 for cohesin tetramer, and CCG14815 for cohesin smc3-K38I tetramer) were grown at 30C in selective dropout medium containing 2% raffinose and 0.1% glucose to an OD600 (optical density at 600 nm) of 1. Protein expression was induced by addition of 2% galactose, and cells were grown for further 16 hours at 20C. Cells were then harvested by centrifugation at 4C, resuspended in two volumes of buffer A [25 mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 200 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 5 mM -mercaptoethanol] containing 1 cOmplete EDTA-free protease inhibitor mix (Roche), frozen in liquid nitrogen, and lysed in Freezer-Mill (SPEX CertiPrep 6870). Cell powder was thawed at 4C for 2 hours before mixing it with one volume of buffer A containing benzonase (Millipore) and incubated at 4C for an extra hour. Cell lysates were clarified by centrifugation at 45,000g for 1 hour followed by filtration using 0.22-m syringe filters. Clarified lysates were loaded onto 5-ml StrepTrap-HP columns (GE Healthcare) preequilibrated with buffer A. The resin was washed with five column volumes of buffer A and eluted with buffer B (buffer A containing 5 mM desthiobiotin). The peak fractions containing the overexpressed proteins were pooled together, and salt concentration was adjusted to 150 mM NaCl using 100 mM NaCl buffer A. Samples were then filtered as described above to remove residual aggregates and loaded onto 5-ml HiTrap Heparin HP (GE Healthcare) columns preequilibrated with 150 mM NaCl buffer A. Elution was carried out using a linear gradient from 150 mM to 1 M NaCl in buffer A. Peak fractions were pooled and concentrated by centrifugal ultrafiltration (100 kDa Amicon Ultra, Millipore). Salt concentration was adjusted to 300 mM NaCl during the concentration step. Gel filtration was carried out using a Superose 6 Increase 100/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) in 300 mM NaCl buffer A. Fractions corresponding to monomeric complexes were pooled and concentrated as described above. Purified proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE (NuPAGE 4 to 12% bis-tris protein gels, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Coomassie staining (InstantBlue, Expedeon). Protein identification was carried out by mass spectrometry analysis and Western blot. S. cerevisiae condensin complex was expressed and purified, as previously described (20, 31).

Human cohesin tetramer was purified, as described before (28). Human cohesin subunits (RAD21, SMC1A, SMC3-FLAG, 10xHis-SA1) were coexpressed in High Five insect (BTI-Tn-5B1-4) cells. Cells were disrupted by short sonication. Afterwards, the lysate was clarified by high-speed centrifugation. The complex was then purified via HisTrap [washing buffer: 25 mM tris (pH 7.5), 500 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2, 20 mM imidazole, 0.01% Tween-20, 20 mM -mercaptoethanol; elution buffer: 25 mM tris (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2, 150 mM imidazole, 0.01% Tween-20]. Fractions were pooled and dialyzed [25 mM tris (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2]. The protein was further purified by tandem ion exchange chromatography by using an anion-exchange column connected to a cation exchange column. The complex was then eluted from the cation-exchange column [25 mM tris (pH 7.5), 1 M NaCl, 5% glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2]. Subsequently, the peak fractions were pooled and dialyzed into storage buffer [25 mM tris (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 2 mM MgCl2]. Purity was confirmed by gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.

Increasing concentrations of the Scc2-Scc4 complex ranging from 100 to 800 nM were incubated for 45 min with 50 ng of pUC19 at 30C in 25 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.0), 50 mM NaCl, 8% glycerol, bovine serum albumin (BSA; 0.1 mg/ml), and 0.5 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) in a final volume of 15 l. The reactions were resolved by electrophoresis for 1 hour at 80 V on 0.8% (w/v) tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) agarose gels at 4C. DNA was detected on a fluorescent image analyzer (FLA-5000, Fujifilm) after SYBR Green I (Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific) gel staining. Condensin assays were carried out as previously described (20).

For cross-linking of cohesin complex, protein samples were incubated with BS3 at a 1:3000 molar ratio in buffer XL [25 mM Hepes, 125 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 1 mM DTT (pH 8)] for 2 hours on ice before quenching with 10 mM tris-HCl (pH 8) for 30 min on ice.

Negative-stain grids were prepared as follows: 3.5 l of suspended sample (final concentration of 0.02 mg/ml in buffer XL) was deposited on glow-discharged grids coated with a continuous carbon film. The sample was left on the grid for 1 min before blotting the excess liquid. A 3.5-l drop of 2% uranyl acetate solution was added for 1 min, the stain was blotted away, and the grids were left to dry.

A set of 250 micrographs was collected on a Philips CM200 TWIN FEG electron microscope operated at 160 kV. Images were recorded on a Tietz 2k charge-coupled device camera at a nominal magnification of 38,000 and a final pixel size of 3.58 , contrast transfer function (CTF) parameters were estimated using Gctf (40). A total of ~9000 particles were automatically picked using Gautomatch software using class averages obtained from a manually picked subset of 1500 particles as references. The following two-dimensional classifications were performed with RELION v3.0 beta (41).

Cohesin loading assays were done as described in (14) using the pUC19 plasmid. Topologically bound DNA-cohesin complexes were immunoprecipitated using a MACS HA Isolation kit (Miltenyi Biotec). Following incubation with Pst I and/or protein digestion, the recovered DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis on a 0.8% (w/v) TAE agarose gel in 1 TAE and visualized as described above.

For the ATPase assays, 30 nM cohesin was incubated at 29C with 60 nM Scc2/4 and 0.2 nM -DNA (New England Biolabs) in ATPase buffer [35 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.0), 20 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM MgCl2, 13.3% glycerol, 0.003% Tween-20, 1 mM tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP), BSA (0.2 mg/ml)]. The reaction was started by adding 400 M ATP spiked with [-32P]ATP. One microliter of samples was taken after 1, 15, 30, and 60 min. The reaction was immediately stopped by adding 1 l of 50 mM EDTA before spotting the samples on polyethyleneimine cellulose F sheets. The free phosphate was separated from ATP using thin-layer chromatography with 0.5 M LiCl, 1 M formic acid as the mobile phase. The spots were detected on a phosphor imager and analyzed using ImageJ. Data points were corrected for spontaneous ATP hydrolysis. Each reaction was performed in triplicate. Data were fitted to Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

DNA curtain experiments were performed as described previously (42). Briefly, flow cells were produced by deposition of chromium features onto fused silica microscope slides by e-beam lithography. Flow cells were connected to a microfluidics system based on a syringe pump (Landgraf GmbH) and two injection valves (Idex) and illuminated by 488- or 561-nm lasers (Coherent) in a prism-type total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) configuration on an inverted microscope (Nikon Ti2e). Imaging was performed using an electron multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) camera (Andor iXon life) with illumination times of 100 ms. -DNA (NEB) was end-modified by hybridizing biotinylated or digoxigeninated oligos complementary to the cos site and purified by size exclusion chromatography. Modified -DNA was anchored to the surface of a lipid bilayer in flow cells by biotin-streptavidin-biotin interactions, stretched by flow across chromium barriers, and anchored to downstream chromium pedestals by the digoxigenin-binding protein DIG10.3 (43). Experiments were performed in buffer M [40 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.8), 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, BSA (1 mg/ml), 0.16 nM YOYO-1]. Cohesin complexes were labeled by incubating them at a concentration of 3 nM in a small volume of buffer M supplemented with 50 mM NaCl with 3 molar excess Qdots (SiteClick 705 kit, Invitrogen) fused to anti-HA antibodies (3F10, Roche) for 30 min at 4C. The mixture was then supplemented with 8 nM Scc2/Scc4, 100 m biotin, and 0.5 mM nucleotide (ATP, ADP, or ATPS), if required, before injection. For diffusion measurements, the flow cell was flushed after the completion of loading with buffer M supplemented with KCl at the indicated concentrations and the flow was stopped. Illuminations were performed either continuously (diffusion and lifetime measurements) or with lower frame rates (intermolecular bridging videos). To minimize photodamage, 488-nm pulses to illuminate the DNA, if required, were only used at every 10th illumination.

Videos were recorded in NIS Elements (Nikon) and analyzed using custom-written software in Igor Pro (WaveMetrics). Lifetime measurements and initial binding distributions of cohesin complexes on DNA were generated by manually analyzing kymograms. Survival curves were generated by a Kaplan-Meier estimator, bootstrapped, and fitted to a double-exponential model.

For the determination of diffusion coefficients, labeled cohesin complexes were tracked using custom-written software, and the diffusion coefficients were extracted using a maximum-likelihood estimator (44), as described previously (15).

Optical tweezers experiments were carried out on C-trap and Q-trap systems integrating optical tweezers, confocal fluorescence microscopy, and microfluidics and recorded using BlueLake software (LUMICKS). The laminar flow cell was passivated using 0.50% pluronic and BSA (2 mg/ml). Biotin-labeled double-stranded -DNA molecules were tethered between two streptavidin-coated polyesterene beads (4.42 m in diameter, Spherotech). Depending on the experiment, one or two individual double-stranded -DNA molecules were attached between two beads. The beads were previously passivated with BSA (1 mg/ml). After DNA capture, beads were incubated inside the protein channel either in a relaxed (~3 m apart) or extended position (force clamp at 5 pN, ~14 m apart) for 30 s and then returned to the buffer channel for FE, force clamp, and fluorescence analysis. Cohesin and Scc2-Scc4 complex were used at 1 nM and 2.5 nM concentrations, respectively. Beads and DNA catching and protein loading were performed in a buffer containing 50 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 50 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, BSA (0.5 mg/ml), 40 M biotin, and 1 mM DTT. When indicated, ADP, ATPS, and ATP were added to both protein and buffer channels at a final concentration of 1 mM. Salt concentration was modified from 50 mM to 125, 300, or 500 mM NaCl in the buffer channel as specified in the text and figures. FE curves were performed at a speed of 1 m/s. Compaction experiments were carried out at a constant force of 1 pN. For friction experiments, beads were moved 6 m, back and forth, at a speed of 0.2 m/s. SYTOX Orange (Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used at a final concentration of 50 mM for DNA imaging, using a 532-nm wavelength laser. Force data were processed using Igor Pro 7 software (WaveMetrics), and images were processed using Adobe Photoshop CC.

For Western blot, 2 g of purified complexes was run on NuPAGE 4 to 12% bis-tris gels (Thermo Fisher Scientific), transferred to Immobilon-P membranes (Millipore), and probed with anti-Strep (ab180957, Abcam, 1:5000) and anti-HA (3F10, Roche, 1:5000) antibodies in 5% milkphosphate-buffered saline (PBS)/0.01% Tween overnight at 4C. Membranes were then washed and incubated with horseradish peroxidase anti-rabbit (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, 1:40,000) and anti-rat (Jackson ImmunoResearch, 1:10,000) secondary antibodies, respectively, for 1 hour at room temperature. Immunoblots were developed using the Luminata Forte detection reagent (Millipore) and Hyperfilms ECL (GE Healthcare).

Samples were processed by in-Stage Tip digestion (PreOmics GmbH, Planegg/Martinsried) following the manufacturers recommendation. Protein digests were solubilized in 30 l of reconstitution buffer and transferred to autosampler vials for liquid chromatographymass spectrometry analysis. Peptides were separated using an Ultimate 3000 RSLC nanoliquid chromatography system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to an LTQ Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) via an EASY-Spray source. Sample volumes were loaded onto a trap column (Acclaim PepMap 100 C18, 100 m 2 cm) at 8 l/min in 2% acetonitrile and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. Peptides were eluted online to an analytical column (EASY-Spray PepMap C18, 75 m 50 cm). Peptides were separated using a ramped 120-min gradient from 1 to 42% buffer B [buffer A: 5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.1% formic acid; buffer B: 75% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid, 5% DMSO]. Eluted peptides were analyzed operating in positive polarity using a data-dependent acquisition mode. Ions for fragmentation were determined from an initial MS1 survey scan at 30,000 resolution [at mass/charge ratio (m/z) of 200] in the Orbitrap followed by CID (collision-induced dissociation) of the top 10 most abundant ions in the Ion Trap. MS1 and MS2 scan AGC targets were set to 1 106 and 1 105 for a maximum injection time of 50 and 110 ms, respectively. A survey scan m/z range of 350 to 1500 m/z was used, with CID parameters of isolation width 1.0 m/z, normalized collision energy of 35%, activation Q of 0.25, and activation time of 10 ms.

Data were processed using the MaxQuant software platform (v1.6.2.3) with database searches carried out by the in-built Andromeda search engine against the UniProt S. cerevisiae database (6729 entries, v.20180305). A reverse decoy database was created, and results were displayed at a 1% false discovery rate for peptide spectrum matches and protein identification. Search parameters included the following: trypsin, two missed cleavages, fixed modification of cysteine carbamidomethylation and variable modifications of methionine oxidation, asparagine deamidation, and protein N-terminal acetylation. Label-free quantification (LFQ) was enabled with an LFQ minimum ratio count of 2. Match between runs function was used with match and alignment time limits of 0.7 and 20 min, respectively. Protein and peptide identification and relative quantification outputs from MaxQuant were further processed in Microsoft Excel, with hits to the reverse database, potential contaminants (peptide list only), and only identified by site fields removed.

Acknowledgments: We thank J. C. Danes and J. Andrecka (LUMICKS) for technical help. We thank our laboratory members for discussion and critical reading of the manuscript. We thank D. DAmours, C. Haering, and J. Peters for sharing plasmids for the expression of yeast condensin and human cohesin. Funding: The work in the L.A. laboratory was supported by Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator award to L.A. (100955, Functional dissection of mitotic chromatin) and the London Institute of Medical Research (LMS), which receives its core funding (intramural program) from the UK Medical Research Council. J.S. acknowledges support by the Center of Nanoscience (CeNS) of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt as well as funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant STI673-2-1 and from the European Research Council under ERC grant agreement 758124. The Single Molecule Imaging Group is funded by a core grant of the MRCLondon Institute of Medical Sciences (UKRI MC-A658-5TY10), a Wellcome Trust Collaborative Grant (P67153), and a BBSRC CASE-studentship (to M.D.N.). Author contributions: P.G.-E. expressed and purified yeast cohesin and Scc2-Scc4 proteins and performed biochemical assays. J.D. expressed and purified yeast condensin. I.A. expressed and purified human cohesin. P.G.-E., M.D.N., and A.L. collected optical tweezers datasets. P.G.-E., M.D.N., and J.S. processed optical tweezers data. J.H. and L.T. performed ATPase assays. R.A. prepared electron microscopy grids and collected and processed electron microscopy images. H.K. and A.M. performed mass spectrometry analysis. J.H. and J.S. performed, collected, and analyzed DNA curtain datasets. P.G.-E. and L.A. conceived the project. L.A. wrote the manuscript. L.A., D.S.R., and J.S revised the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors. The plasmid for the expression of human cohesin was a gift by the laboratory of J. M. Peters. Requests should be submitted to IMP Vienna.

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A conserved ATP- and Scc2/4-dependent activity for cohesin in tethering DNA molecules - Science Advances

Early detection of brain degeneration on the horizon with innovative sensor – UNM Newsroom

UNM research builds on findings involving protein aggregation in brain cells and neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons can be devastating to patients and their families. These diseases are difficult to diagnose before symptoms show, meaning its often already too late to reverse the damage to the central nervous system. Early detection is key for management of symptoms and attempts to stall progression of the disease, but current knowledge is limited when it comes to tools that aid in early detection. That knowledge gap is being addressed through cutting-edge research by a team at The University of New Mexicoled by Professor Eva Chi of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Eva Chi

In order to understand complex diseases of the brain, one has to understand the complexity of human biology and the brain itself. Of particular importance is proteinsmolecular structures inside a cell that can number into the tens-of-thousandsand their ability to dictate how cells function. Proteins start off with the same basic building blocks, called amino acids. The amino acids organize into a chain, and the unique function of the protein depends on how the amino acids are ordered in the chain. Once the amino acid ordering is complete, the protein chains fold themselves in various ways in order to bind to other molecules to perform certain tasks.

All proteins are made of the same building blocks; the folding of the protein into distinct shapes dictates its unique purpose inside the body. For example, digestive enzyme proteins break down our food into nutrients, and transport proteins such as hemoglobin carry substances throughout our body. Of particular interest to those who study brain degeneration are tau proteins inside neurons (brain cells) that help with cellular and nerve communication in the brain.

Protein folding is an intricate process, and as such, a lot can go wrong inside the cell. Protein folds can fail altogether, or an error in the protein chain could cause a misfold. Some of these misfolds have been linked by research scientists to numerous diseases in humans, especially when the misfolded proteins stick together. The resulting sticky clumps of proteins are called protein aggregates.

Proteins have such important functions in the body, and once they do something else such as aggregate, it can have devasting consequences in the body, creating the potential for systemic and neurodegenerative diseases, says Chi.

Illustration demonstrating how OPEs bond to and illuminate both toxic protein aggregates and proteins with normal folds.

Previous research over the past decade has shown a link between degenerative brain diseases and aggregation of tau proteins inside neurons (tauopathy), as well as plaque-forming clumps of protein fragments called amyloid beta that disrupt the pathways between the cells. Scientists hypothesize that these protein aggregates form in the brain long before symptoms appear, and Chis research is focused on detection of these aggregates using a type of biosensor. Through past research, Chi and her team have developed a highly responsive biosensor called Oligo(p-phenylene ethynylene) electrolytes, or OPEs. OPEs are as a molecular structure created in a lab that can regulate electrical signals between neurons, as well as light up under a microscope when interacting with certain types of proteins.

Aggregates form inside one cell at the start, and as a disease such as Alzheimers progresses into the next stages, the aggregates recruit more healthy proteins inside the cell before spreading to multiple cells in the brain. Since Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and similar diseases are not infectious, is unclear how the aggregation spreads from cell to cell. Mice models can track functionality through cognitive tests, but researchers cannot yet track biochemical changes inside a living human brain. Chi hopes the OPE sensors will also shine some light on this process.

These diseases have a stage based on what the brain looks like, and the disease spreads throughout the brain, but we dont know how it spreads. With other types of problems in the body, there are testsX-rays, MRIsbut there is nothing for aggregates in the brain, and its something the field has been working towards, says Chi. The goal is to discover the next generation of sensors that can detect the protein aggregates that are more relevant to causing these diseases. In the long run, these sensors, if effective, will work along the lines of brain imaging that can detect the size, location, and cell-to-cell spread of the aggregates.

Using mouse models, rat models, and donated human brain tissue in her lab, Chi takes proteins from these models in test tubes and treats them chemically to form aggregates. Her OPE sensors are added, and once the sensors find the aggregates, they bond to them and light up. Chi and her students then look at the results under a powerful microscope to see the features of the proteins and their sensors.

Fundamental interactions between the sensor and the aggregate is the main focus, Chi explains. The sensor can seek out and find these aggregates and could potentially work to repair the damage. This knowledge can be applied for other purposes, such as sensors for antimicrobial applications, or used as therapies.

Chi began this research at UNM in 2013 through a private grant from the Huning family, and her current grant from the National Institutes of Health builds on the knowledge she has gained since starting on this journey. She has published three papers and filed two patent applications for the sensors.Much like the aggregates themselves, understanding diseases of the brain is a tangled web of complexity, but Chis sensors are a huge step forward in the quest for successful treatment and reversal of degenerative diseases, giving hope to the millions of people and their families affected by these devastating illnesses.

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Early detection of brain degeneration on the horizon with innovative sensor - UNM Newsroom

Covid19 Folding@home

Coronavirus What were doing and how you can help

Proteins are molecular machines that perform many functions we associate with life. They sense the environment (e.g. in taste and smell), perform work (e.g. muscle contraction and breaking down food), and play structural roles (e.g. your hair). They are made of a linear chain of chemicals called amino acids that, in many cases, spontaneously fold into compact, functional structures. Much like any other machine, its how a proteins components are arranged and move that determine the proteins function. In this case, the components are atoms.

Viruses also have proteins that they use to suppress our immune systems and reproduce themselves.

To help tackle coronavirus, we want to understand how these viral proteins work and how we can design therapeutics to stop them.

There are many experimental methods for determining protein structures. While extremely powerful, they only reveal a single snapshot of a proteins usual shape. But proteins have lots of moving parts, so we really want to see the protein in action. The structures we cant see experimentally may be the key to discovering a new therapeutic.

Using football as an analogy for the experimental situation, its as if you could only see the players lined up for the snap (the single arrangement the players spend the most time in) and were blind to the rest of the game.

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Covid19 Folding@home

New Study Reveals US Airlines With the Healthiest Food Options – TravelPulse

Alaska Airlines offers the healthiest food choices among the 10 major U.S. carriers and tied with Air Canada for the best when folding in all major North American airlines, according to a study conducted by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center and

The Airline Food Study ranked the airlines on the nutrients and calorie levels of meals, snack boxes, and individual snacks.

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Airlines were also scored on several other categories ranging from sodium levels in food, water quality, the availability of meals on flights that are under three hours long, level of transparency in terms of displaying nutritional information, and posting their menus and ingredients online.

Alaska Airlines scored a 4.0 on a five-point scale and was the highest-rated U.S. carrier in the study for the second straight year. Lead author Charles Platkin wrote he was pleased with many of the options Alaska offers, including Mediterranean Tapas snack box and its Fresh Start Protein Platter breakfast.

Rounding out the top five American airlines in the study were Delta and JetBlue, tied with a 2.9 score, and United and American at 2.7.

Hawaiian Airlines scored the lowest rating among carriers with full food offerings, and Southwest came in last with a score of 1.7 based mostly on the fact that the budget carrier offers only individual snacks.

"If the airline really does have a heart (as it does on its logo), it would care about the food thats being served. Southwest needs to add some healthy snacks," the authors wrote.

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New Study Reveals US Airlines With the Healthiest Food Options - TravelPulse

Petrobras directing supercomputer capacity to Folding@home Project effort on coronavirus – Green Car Congress

Brazil-based oil company Petrobras will direct part of the processing capacity of its high-performance computers (HPC) to contribute to the Folding@home Project effort on studying the coronavirus behavior in the human body and how the disease progresses, from the interaction of viral proteins, making way for for the development of medication and vaccines.

Launched in 2000, the Folding@home project is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers.

Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics. Among other advancements, this project has already helped in identifying the protein which links the SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus (the virus that causes COVID-19) to human cells.

Up to two supercomputers in Petrobras service may have their processing capacity redirected to this research: the Santos Dumont, Latin Americas largest supercomputer, located in the National Scientific Computing Lab (Laboratrio Nacional de Computao Cientfica - LNCC), in Petrpolis (RJ), which recently had its capacity enhanced by collaboration with another lab, the company and its partners in the Libra Consortium; and OBGON, result of the partnership with Senai-Cimatec, installed in Salvador (BA).

For the initiative, the company will mobilize 60% of Santos Dumonts capacity2 petaflops (equivalent to the computational capacity of 2 million laptops)in addition to 50% of Senai-Cimatec capacity, corresponding to one petaflop (1 million laptops).

The use of these supercomputers allows for accelerating the simulation time in order for researchers to achieve results faster in their research.

In addition to this initiative, Petrobras will mobilize its high performance computational resources for research projects of Brazilian universities in fighting coronavirus. One of the potential projects, in a partnership with both PUC-Rio and Senai-Cimatec, is the use of artificial intelligence techniques (deep learning) in order to help differentiate the X-ray exam of a regular flu patient and the X-ray exam of a coronavirus patient.

The algorithms create repetition patterns and, by comparing the data, it is possible to arrive at a diagnosis. It is a test cheaper and faster than, for example, tomography and PCR blood exams.

These initiatives integrate a broad front led by Petrobras, which is mobilizing its professionals from various fields of knowledge that may contribute in fighting the coronavirus, in partnership with universities, companies, social organizations, Brazilian and foreign institutions. Its goal is to propose solutions that may use the companys technological structure, equipment and technical consulting in order to aid the effort in fighting the pandemic, in the prevention, treatment and hospital support fronts.

In the same way, Petrobras is also dedicated to initiatives such as donation supply to institutionsincluding, for example, safety and hygiene items to the UFRJ hospitaland mobilizing its structures for storage, among others.

On the Folding@home Project. Viruses have proteins that they use to suppress our immune systems and reproduce themselves. To help tackle coronavirus, researchers want to understand how these viral proteins work and how to design therapeutics to stop them.

Folding@homes specialty is in using computer simulations to understand proteins moving parts. Watching how the atoms in a protein move relative to one another is important because it captures valuable information that is inaccessible by any other means.

Taking the experimental structures as starting points, Folding@home can simulate how all the atoms in the protein move, effectively filling in the rest that experiments miss. Doing so can reveal new therapeutic opportunities.

In a recent paper, Folding@home simulated a protein from Ebola virus that is typically considered undruggable because the snapshots from experiments dont have obvious druggable sites. But the simulations uncovered an alternative structure that does have a druggable site. Experiments confirmed the computational prediction, and now there is a search for drugs that bind this newly discovered binding site.

Folding@home seeks to do the same thing with SARS-CoV-2. On 10 March, after initial quality control and limited testing phases, the Folding@home team released an initial wave of projects simulating potentially druggable protein targets from SARS-CoV-2 and the related SARS-CoV virus (for which more structural data is available) into full production on Folding@home.

SARS-CoV-2 RBD domain in complex with human ACE2 receptor (PDBID: 6vsb, 6acg) [10.1126/science.abb2507, 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007236]

This initial wave of projects focuses on better understanding how these coronaviruses interact with the human ACE2 receptor required for viral entry into human host cells, and how researchers might be able to interfere with them through the design of new therapeutic antibodies or small molecules that might disrupt their interaction.

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Petrobras directing supercomputer capacity to Folding@home Project effort on coronavirus - Green Car Congress

What is Folding@home and how can we use it to fight the Coronavirus? – Pocket-lint

In modern times, the advent of more intelligent computing technology means that processing power can be used to help with scientific research.

That research involves using simulations to analyse the make-up of proteins in the human body and how they "fold".

Misfolding proteins are often the cause for diseases likes Alzheimers, Parkinson's, various types of cancer, ALS and more.

Using technology to research these proteins allows scientists to more efficiently and more quickly develop drugs to help combat the issues.

This is particularly relevant at the moment with the Coronavirus pandemic.

The good news is, you can help with this and doing so is really simple too. All you need to do is get involved with Folding@home.

Folding@home is a distributed computing project run by Stanford University. The aim of the project is to examine how proteins fold and it does this using spare computing power.

We first wrote about folding@home in 2007, but with rising concern about coronavirus - and confirmation of the project's involvement in researching COVID-19 - now is a great time to revisit this project and lend some support.

The idea behind the project is around shared computing power.

Lots of people have computers and a lot of the time those computers aren't doing anything - they're just sitting around with spare computational power. Folding@home takes advantage of that spare power to put it to a good cause - researching various diseases.

It's a very technical thing - both in terms of how a distributed computing project works and investigating folding proteins, but fortunately, you don't have to understand either of those things to lend your support, because it all happens in the background.

The idea is that when there are millions of computers doing a little bit of work in the background, the project will have greater computational power at its disposal, which is a great benefit to researchers.

To help, you just need to download the software to your computer and set it to run. The program then downloads "work units" and processes them to send the data back.

Generally, you'll still find you're able to use your computer as you normally would without any hassle, but while you work, play, stream or browse, you'll be helping fight disease.

All you have to do is head over to the folding@home website and you can download the software for whatever platform you're on. You'll install a small programme that will connect to the back to the project and then start churning data.

You can download Folding@home for Windows, Mac or Linux machines, so whatever you're using it's easy to get started.

It's also free to download, so it'll cost you nothing to do your part.

There are detailed guides on how to install the Folding@homesoftware for Windows, Mac and Linuxon the site too.

The installation process is really simple though. Download the software, install it, set up an identity and start folding.

You can open Folding@homein a browser to see how you're doing. You also have the option to adjust how much processing power the software is using. If you're not using your computer you could set it to "full" to do the most work or "light" if you're doing something more intensive and need to dial back the folding for a bit.

The benefits of Folding@homeare fairly straightforward. With very little technical knowledge you can set up your computer to help find cures for disease.

The more people that get involved, the more processing power there is to simulate the protein folding and the faster the results will be achieved.

This system also means that the organisation doesn't need to pay for supercomputers as everyone around the world is lending a hand.

When running Folding@home,it is possible to choose a project. This means you can dedicate your processing power to support fighting a particular disease. You can choose from Alzheimer's, Cancer, Huntington's, Parkinson's or any disease.

There is no current way to select Coronavirus as a disease to fight, but the team has said selecting any disease will still help with the research into the pandemic.

When you starting using the software you'll see you'll slowly accumulate points. These points are designed to encourage friendly competition between you, your friends and other people online.

Points are calculated based on the work units you complete and the points vary depending on the complexity of those work units. Some of the work involves studying small proteins, others are on more complex proteins and so the points awarded will varying depending on that.

You can also join a team in order to help climb a stats ladder to compete for the position of the best team. The stats of the teams are viewable here. Though you don't need to join a team and can fold anonymously if you'd prefer.

If you'd rather be part of a group effort, you can join a team easily from the web control interface that opens in a browser.

Under "I'm folding as" you'll find a link to "change identity". If you click that you'll see a pop-up that lets you choose a name and a team.

To join a team you need to know the team's number. You can find the team numbers from the stats page.

Alternatively, you can create your own team by filling out this simple form. Once you've set your team up, make a note of the number and get your friends to join in too to help do their part.

Folding@home is designedto be safe. It's been carefully tested and the servers for it are behind high-security firewalls to keep everything safe and secure. You won't have any problems running this software on your computer.

The folding@home team has confirmed that it is supporting researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City to develop treatments for COVID-19. As part of an open science approach, findings are shared with other researchers, with the global goal of developing drugs or therapies to combat the coronavirus.

This video shows the Folding@homesimulations of the COVID-19 protein. It's this sort of simulation that helps researchers understand what's happening with the proteins and how they're infecting human cells.

That data could then be used to develop ways to block the virus in the first place.

The worldwide issues with COVID-19 has lead to more and more people using Folding@home. That, in turn, has lead to a massive increase in processing power for the project. The project has now broken theexaFLOP barrier meaning it's more powerful than even the most powerful supercomputer. This also means it's carrying out over1,000,000,000,000,000,000 operations per second.

Dr Greg Bowman has recently revealed that the number of people folding has reached almost five times the amount as the number before the pandemic outbreak.

What are you waiting for? Download the software and do your bit too.

Here is the original post:
What is Folding@home and how can we use it to fight the Coronavirus? - Pocket-lint

How NVIDIA Is Using Its GPU Technolgy To Fight Against COVID-19 Virus – Forbes

As Silicon Valley is gearing up to fight against the novel coronavirus, NVIDIA is putting its GPU technology to use by enabling researchers and gamers to join the on-going efforts.


GPUs are not only meant to enhance the gaming experience through fast graphics or accelerating the training and inference of machine learning models. They also play a crucial role in assisting the scientific community involved in researching genome analysis and sequencing.

To fight the growing threat of novel coronavirus, NVIDIA is making its platform, Parabricks, free for 90 days to any researcher working on sequencing the novel coronavirus and the genomes of people afflicted with COVID-19.

Genome analysis is a computationally intensive effort that needs a high performance computing environment powered by CPUs and GPUs. Sequencing platforms such as DNBSEQ-T7 from MGI generate as much as 6 TerraBytes of data every day, which is analyzed by scientists performing whole genome sequencing. According to NVIDIA, these systems will generate about 20 ExaBytes of data by 2025 more than Twitter, YouTube and astronomy combined. Interestingly, it would take all the CPUs in every cloud and more than 200 days to run genome analysis.

Parabricks, an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based startup, built a platform based on GPU to speed up the process of analyzing whole genomes all 3 billion base pairs in human chromosomes from days to under an hour.

As platforms like DNBSEQ-T7 generate more data, analysis has becomes a major bottleneck in both time and cost perspectives. Parabricks solution addresses both of these barriers to accelerate the genomic analysis.

Parabricks platform is powered by NVIDIA CUDA-X and benefits from CUDA, cuDNN and TensorRT inference software and runs on NVIDIA entire computing platform from NVIDIA T4 to DGX to cloud GPU instances.

Earlier this year, NVIDIA acquired Parabricks with a goal to release the companion technology that accelerates single-cell and RNA analysis.

The Parabricks acquisition helped NVIDIA to officially offer genome sequencing and analysis on its HPC platform.

By making Parabricks accessible to the research community, NVIDIA aims to dramatically reduce the time for variant calling on a whole human genome from days to less than an hour on a single server.

Since Parabricks is available as a part of NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC), it is expected to run on major cloud platforms and NVIDIAs own appliances including DGX-1. Researchers with access to NVIDIA GPUs can fill out a form to request access to Parabricks.

Apart from offering Parabricks free for 90 days, NVIDIA is also encouraging gamers to participate in the Folding@Home project, a distributed computing project for disease research that simulates protein folding, computational drug design and other types of molecular dynamics.

Folding@home is a collaborative project focused on disease research. The problems they deal with rely on many calculations that can be effectively offloaded to idle PCs running in homes and offices for globally distributed processing. The project is managed by Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine.

NVIDIA is joining Intel and AMD in an effort to utilize unused GPU computing power on PCs and gaming machines to fight against COVID-19.

NVIDIA is putting its best technology to use in fighting COVID-19 through the 90 day free trial of Parabricks and by participating in the Folding@Home project.

Read the original:
How NVIDIA Is Using Its GPU Technolgy To Fight Against COVID-19 Virus - Forbes