EPA praises progress on cleaner air amid regulatory rollback – ABC News

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt on Wednesday praised significant improvements in the nation's air quality, even as he moves to roll back regulations aimed at making further gains.

An EPA report released Wednesday shows that in the 45 years since passage of the Clean Air Act, emissions of six harmful pollutants declined by a combined 73 percent even as U.S. economic output tripled.

The biggest gains were made cutting emissions of lead and sulfur dioxide, which declined 99 percent and 85 percent, respectively, between 1990 and 2016.

"Despite this success, there is more work to be done," Pruitt said in a statement. "Nearly 40 percent of Americans are still living in areas classified as 'non-attainment' for failing to achieve national standards. EPA will continue to work with states, tribes, and local air agencies to help more areas of the country come into compliance."

According to the report, the least progress has been made in reducing ground-level ozone, which is down by 22 percent since 1990.

Ground-level ozone is created when common pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants and other sources react in the atmosphere to sunlight. It can cause serious breathing problems among sensitive groups of people, contributing to thousands of premature deaths each year.

Since his appointment by President Donald Trump earlier this year, Pruitt has moved to block or delay several Obama-era regulations aimed at reducing pollutants caused by burning fossil fuels.

Follow Associated Press environmental writer Michael Biesecker at http://www.Twitter.com/mbieseck

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EPA praises progress on cleaner air amid regulatory rollback - ABC News

Horse ordinance: Mixed committee making progress – The Ridgefield Press

A home on Manor Road has three horses that have drawn the ire of neighbors. Ivanha Paz photo

Folks bucking to get a horse ordinance in town can rein in their complaints.

A committee of people on both sides of the issue has been working toward an agreement on a proposed ordinance that could be considered by the selectmen and, if they like it, put before voters at a town meeting.

It will likely take the form of an expansion of a current ordinance on keeping of animals.

In 07 we added article two for hooved animals in the downtown areas you need so much land, etc. said First Selectman Rudy Marconi Monday, July 24.

So, now, due to the Manor Road issue, people are asking for an ordinance that will cover property 1.5 acres or less, residential property. So thats what this ad hoc committee has been working on.

There was already one proposal put forward, and withdrawn.

We had a public hearing a couple of months ago. The neighbors who were there, and the horse advocates who felt the proposed ordinance during the public hearing was far too restrictive have formed a volunteer committee to address the issue, Marconi said. And over the last several months they, have been been meeting, I have been meeting with them, and they have submitted a draft which is now in the hands of town counsel.

Once counsel has reviewed it, and has made any necessary legal modifications, it will be brought to the Board of Selectmen. If the selectmen approve, then a public hearing must be called, to be followed by a town meeting for adoption.

Ridgefield does less than many other communities to regulate horse ownership.

During our research we found that were one of a number of very few municipalities that do not have an ordinance pertaining to horses, Marconi said. Every community that surrounds us, including South Salem and North Salem (both in nearby New York state), have very strict ordinances. And that is one reason why people who advocate for horses love Ridgefield its because we dont have strict ordinances.

Several issues are addressed in the draft ordinance that the committee has put together, according to Marconi.

Any property under 1.5 acres would need to meet several conditions concerning manure storage, setbacks, fencing, amount of usable acreage, Marconi said.

The requirement is for at least a half acre of land usable by the horse or horses, Marconi said.

There is also a provision within the ordinance to grandfather current owners who have had horses for at least five years to be exempt from the ordinance.

The ordinance is being drafted to address ownership of horses, and there are suggestions it should specify ponies as well, Marconi said.

Although the committee is made up of both neighbors concerned about the three horses kept on a one-acre lot off Manor Road, and also horse owners who turned out to oppose tight regulation of horse ownership, they appear to have reached some consensus on the draft ordinance.

They had a vote informally, but they did have a vote and it had support from both sides, Marconi said.

So thats where we are at now, its in the hands of the attorney.

The matter will probably come up for review by the Board of Selectmen at its Aug. 23 meeting, he said, and if the board supported it, the ordinance would then go to a public hearing and, after that, a town meeting.

Marconi didnt say whether he had a position on the proposal himself.

If the people support it, he said, its my job to address the peoples concerns.

The rest is here:

Horse ordinance: Mixed committee making progress - The Ridgefield Press

Debt-ceiling talks between White House, Senate break up with no … – Washington Post

With a deadline of Sept. 29 looming and Congress nearing their summer recess, the debt ceiling is primed to be a big issue when they return. Here's what you need to know. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Talks between the White House and the Senates top Republican and Democrat broke up Tuesday with no progress on raising the countrys debt ceiling, an impasse that threatens a financial crisis if left unresolved.

The Senate and House have 12 joint working days before Sept. 29, when the Treasury Department says it would no longer be able to pay all of the governments bills unless Congress acts. A default would likely set off a major disruption to the world financial system, witha stock market crash and surging interest rates that could send the economy into arecession.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has urged Congress for months to raise the debt limit, but the White House has lacked a unified message and run into resistance on Capitol Hill, where Democrats and Republicans are at odds on key tax and spending issues.

During a hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee on May 24, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling before the summer. (House Ways and Means Committee)

Mnuchin met Tuesday morning with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), searching for ways to raise the debt ceiling, but the gathering ended without any progress or even a clear sense of what the lawmakers need to deliver votes to raise the limit, according to three people briefed on the meeting who insisted on anonymity to speak candidly about the private discussions.

Several hours after the meeting, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders implored Congress to act, illustrating how serious the Trump administration now believes this issue to be.

To ensure that we have robust economic growth and promote fiscal discipline, the Trump administration believes its important to raise the debt ceiling as soon as possible," she said at her daily press briefing. "Over the past two decades, members of Congress and presidents from both parties have raised debt ceiling 15 time and we look forward to working with Congress to ensure the full faith and credit of the United States government.

But lawmakers so far have shown little sign of engaging. The House of Representatives has already left town and will not return until after Labor Day.

The U.S. government spends more money than it brings in through revenue, creating anannual deficit. The Treasury Department borrows money to cover that gap by issuing debt, and it has always paid back the bondholders on time. According to one measurement, the government now has close to $20 trillion in debt.

Congress has established a cap on the amount of money the government can borrow, and Mnuchin has told Congress that this cap must be raised by Sept. 29 to ensure that the government can continue paying all of its bills.

After debt-ceiling talks with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Aug. 1, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said "we all know" it needs to be raised "to make sure America continues to never, ever default." (The Washington Post)

Republicans often resist efforts to raise the debt ceiling, making GOP leaders rely on Democrats to help them get enough votes to pass the bill. But substantive talks on how to raise the debt ceiling have not yet begun, and the breakdown at the Mnuchin meeting on Tuesday suggests a vote on the measure could come down to the wire late next month.

A number of Republicans, and even some within the White House, have suggested that there should be spending cuts that accompany any agreement to raise the debt ceiling, a condition that many Democrats have said they will not accept. Democrats, meanwhile, have also signaled they will not agree to raise the debt ceiling if Republicans plan to then add trillions of dollars in debt through a large tax-cut package.

President Barack Obama's administration and Congress almost failed in their efforts to raise the debt ceiling in 2011, and the uncertainty roiled financial markets.They ultimately agreed to a series of budget caps and other changes in exchange for raising the borrowing limit, but the Obama administration later adopted a position that it would not negotiate any future changes to the debt ceiling.

President Trump's administration has not had to raise the debt ceiling yet, and Trump has ridiculed Republicans in the past for agreeing to lift the borrowing limits when Obama was in office.

-- David Nakamura contributed to this report.

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Debt-ceiling talks between White House, Senate break up with no ... - Washington Post

The New Tesla Is Great, But It Isn’t Progress – Bloomberg – Bloomberg

It is a nice looking car.

Tesla Inc.s new electric car has debuted to rave reviews; one writer called it the most important car in the world right now. In general, the commentary on the Model 3 has suggested the product delivers on its promise. Solar panels are falling exponentially in price, and there are periodic bursts of good news on the quest to develop a more durable and cost-effective battery. All of these developments would boost the prospects of green energy.

Tesla Delivers the New Model 3, Here's a First Look

You might think the U.S. productivity slowdown is finally ending, but unfortunately the news isnt as good as it first seems. Instead, we are specializing in a new and sadly necessary practice of what I call defensive innovation.

Defensive innovation is when you create a new product or capability to protect yourself against an impending disaster, such as the worst scenarios for climate change. Its important, of course, to practice defensive innovation, but dont confuse it with progress. The defense only stops your living standards from falling.

The military response to foreign threats is another example of defensive innovation. The risk and potential costs of cyberwarfare are escalating rapidly, and terrorist threats seem worse than they did in the 1980s or 1990s. The best case scenario is that we come up with better means of tracking and hindering cyber and terrorist attacks -- by cutting off funding or by tracing and halting potential perpetrators. Those too will be defensive innovations, aimed mostly at preserving capabilities we already have.

The American military might someday develop better protection against the new threat of North Korean intercontinental ballistic missiles, which might be capable of delivering nuclear weapons to U.S. cities, possibly even New York and Washington. Imagine something akin to Israels Iron Dome, but protecting a broader geographic area against a greater diversity of weapons. That would be an impressive achievement, but would be an essentially defensive innovation.

Sometimes defensive innovations are mixed in with positive advances. The aging American population faces a potential crisis of senility, dementia and Alzheimers disease. A very large number of nonfunctioning elderly people would impose a significant burden on the economy and on caretakers. If medical science miraculously eliminated those cognitive problems, that would be a very real gain in well-being and happiness for Americas elderly. But some of the gain would be defensive in nature, preventing millions of Americans from facing the burdens of caring for such individuals.

Similarly, the electric car is not entirely a defensive innovation. It may be zippier and fun to drive, with a new driver interface. Still, the truly exciting element of the electric car seems to be its potential for limiting carbon emissions and other forms of air pollution.

Driverless cars will save lives and ease commutes. But again they are a defensive product, as otherwise traffic congestion will be much worse.

The need for defensive innovation suggests that many observers overrate the true pace of technological progress. Too many exciting headlines are about cleaning up previous messes, and often those are messes we have made ourselves. Repair work is necessary, but its preventing a step backward rather than paving the way for higher living standards on a sustainable basis.

Note that in the earlier stages of economic growth, there is usually less defensive innovation, if only because there is less to defend. There are fewer resources to protect, and the pollution problems of poorer societies are either smaller-scale or simply intractable, short of having more prosperity. So when these poorer societies innovate, usually those are progressive developments. The relative paucity of defensive innovation does mean higher risk, of course, and that is a human cost. But if anything we are underestimating the progress those societies are making. They are accepting higher risks to move ahead more rapidly.

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These days, too many of Americas defensive innovations arent even about protecting actual social values at all. Homeowners seem to have gotten better at limiting nearby real estate developments, and defenders of the status quo have honed their skills at policy gridlock. More and more of the federal budget is frozen into place to pay for entitlements. That stultification of the role of government is what happens when you get too good at defensive innovation.

So dont be too easily impressed by even the truest and most reliable stories of tech advances. Instead ask yourself whether were playing offense or defense.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

To contact the author of this story: Tyler Cowen at tcowen2@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stacey Shick at sshick@bloomberg.net

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The New Tesla Is Great, But It Isn't Progress - Bloomberg - Bloomberg

Progress Releases Kendo UI Builder 2.0, Delivering the New Face of OpenEdge Web Experience – Business Wire (press release)

BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS) today announced the latest version of Progress Kendo UI Builder, an industry-leading responsive web UI toolkit for rapidly delivering beautiful and intuitive web experiences. The new release introduces browser compatibility with Electron Shell, an extended library of built-in templates, the ability to customize screens with Blank View and enhanced data connectivity.

Today, the ultimate success of a business application depends on the availability of an engaging user experience. While reliability and scalability remain the backbone of superb performance, the look and feel of an application is vital for attracting and retaining users, said John Ainsworth, SVP, Core Products, Progress. With the latest version of Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit, our partners and customers can quickly and cost-effectively enhance their Progress OpenEdge applications using an extended library of UI components and data connectivity to better optimize development efforts.

New features in Progress Kendo UI Builder 2.0 toolkit include:

In todays digital world, the ability to quickly develop software gives organizations a competitive advantage. With Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit, weve significantly accelerated the development time of our new web-based application, TWIN360, by leveraging its ready, pre-built UI components, said Magnus Svensson of CGI, a global information technology and business process services provider. Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit enabled us to easily create beautiful and personalized user interactions across all channels and devices and, as a result, to ensure excellent customer satisfaction.

Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit enables developers to define the layout and content of their web apps with easy to use, pre-built and pre-tested visual components. Based upon the popular Progress Kendo UI framework and built to run on industry-standard technologies such as Angular, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit minimizes development time.

For more details about the latest release of Progress Kendo UI Builder toolkit, and to download a free trial, please visit https://www.progress.com/openedge/components/kendo-ui-builder or watch webinar.

Additional Resources

About Progress Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS) offers the leading platform for developing and deploying mission-critical business applications. Progress empowers enterprises and ISVs to build and deliver cognitive-first applications, that harness big data to derive business insights and competitive advantage. Progress offers leading technologies for easily building powerful user interfaces across any type of device, a reliable, scalable and secure backend platform to deploy modern applications, leading data connectivity to all sources, and award-winning predictive analytics that brings the power of machine learning to any organization. Over 1700 independent software vendors, 80,000 enterprise customers, and 2 million developers rely on Progress to power their applications. Learn about Progress atwww.progress.comor +1-800-477-6473.

Progress, OpenEdge, and Kendo UI are a trademarks or registered trademarks ofProgress Software Corporationand/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the US and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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Progress Releases Kendo UI Builder 2.0, Delivering the New Face of OpenEdge Web Experience - Business Wire (press release)

William Hill profit rises; sees progress in 2017 – MarketWatch

LONDON--Bookmaker William Hill PLC (WMH.LN) Wednesday recorded a 2% rise in first-half adjusted pretax profit and said it expects to make good progress in 2017 and beyond.

The company, which operates betting shops and a website in the U.K. as well as operations in the U.S. and Australia, said adjusted pretax profit--which excludes exceptional items--rose to 111.2 million pounds ($143.2 million) during the 26 weeks ended June 27, compared with GBP109.3 million a year earlier. Pretax profit was down 7% to GBP93.5 million in the first half from GBP100.7 million a year earlier

The company's net revenue rose 3% to GBP837 million compared with GBP814.4 million a year earlier.

"The first half of 2017 has seen good progress against our three strategic priorities and wagering growth across all four divisions. Our product improvements combined with improved marketing have seen both existing customers respond positively and the number of new customers start growing again during the period," Chief Executive Philip Bowcock said.

The company added it is on track to deliver GBP40 million of annualized savings by the year-end and is confident about delivering a good outturn in 2017 and beyond.

-Write to Razak Musah Baba at razak.baba@wsj.com; Twitter: @Raztweet

Go here to read the rest:

William Hill profit rises; sees progress in 2017 - MarketWatch

Progress made on pipeline to connect Exit 8 to Lowland – Citizentribune

Pre-construction has begun. A tentative timeline has been set.

Morristown Utility Systems general manager, Jody Wigington, said the construction and implementation of a new sewer line running from Exit 8 of Interstate 81 to the Lowland wastewater treatment plant just south of Exit 12 could be complete in as little as a year if no unforeseen challenges arise.

The project includes placing the new line, which will replace an old line nearing its capacity, and updating the treatment plant itself.

Both are a part of a consent order from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. With the order in place, Wigington said the projects have to be seen through to completion. However, because the work was needed and MUS consented, he said fewer penalty payments were required.

He said it was not only the only option but was the best option as the construction will benefit the city long-term.

Weve been a little limited with knowing we cant recruit certain types of wet business that uses a lot of water and waste water (to this area) with the existing line, Wigington said. This will open the door to welcome any type of customer the city might want to recruit. The only effect on our existing customers are the rate increases.

In addition to providing development opportunities for Exit 8, Wigington said this will allow for Exit 12 development.

Other rate increases may be coming down the pike for MUS electricity customers as a result of increases from the Tennessee Valley Authority, the supplier for MUS and other companies around the Lakeway Area and state.

In a presentation at the most recent MUS board of directors meeting, a TVA representative reported the organization has cut operating costs by reducing its footprint and has conserved fuel costs by using what is economical to produce the greatest amounts of power for its customers.

Despite this, the TVA has been unable to pay down its debt of nearly $26 billion as revenue continues to decrease.

In order to reduce the debt, TVA will be recommending a 1.5 percent rate adjustment per year at the retail level.

I think they do a good job. They have a balanced portfolio of plants and are able to pick the fuel that is most efficient to run, Wigington said. Meanwhile, TVA, for the first time in its history, is predicting negative load growth. We are barely moving, and if our industry hadnt done so many expansions in the last three or four years, we would be negative, too.

Wigington said load growth is the amount of electricity used by customers. It decreases with conservation.

We are seeing conservation across the board, he continued. The sewer rates are high, so people are conserving water use to keep the sewer bill down. With electricity, its primarily been lighting. LED lighting uses about 10 to 15 percent of the power incandescent lighting uses. At the same time, we have to have revenue.

I mean, were the company that wants to help people save and cut their bills, he said. Were sitting with flat sales here, and TVA has declining sales and declining revenue. Theyre not being about to reduce their debt, so theyre having to increase the rates to make up the difference.

During the board meeting, the TVA representative said the increases will most likely take place the next two years. After, TVA will revisit the long-term financial plan and make a decision to increase rates further or stabilize them.

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Progress made on pipeline to connect Exit 8 to Lowland - Citizentribune

The Center For American Progress Is Releasing A Nearly 50-Page Report Claiming TrumpRussia Collusion – BuzzFeed News

A major progressive think tank wants Democrats to stop being shy about accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia.

The Center for American Progress has written a nearly 50-page report for Democrats in Congress, making the case for collusion between President Donald Trumps campaign and Russia. The report, a draft of which was reviewed by BuzzFeed News ahead of its release Wednesday, makes the bold claim that it is now clear there was collusion and this is the biggest political scandal in American history.

CAPs report, which includes several appendices linking to news reports and quotes from the Trump administration, does not include any new information, but it does represent a push for a dramatic change of tone for Democrats in Congress.

We're ... trying to convey that its time to stop beating around the bush on Trumps collusion with Russia. There is a mountain of evidence that Trump and his associates colluded with Russia and its time to start saying so, Adam Jentleson, senior strategic adviser and former deputy chief of staff for Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, told BuzzFeed News in an email.

We think its time to be a lot more forward-leading because the evidence is overwhelming.

This is a drastic departure from what most Democrats in Congress have been saying since Trump entered the White House in January. At least in public, most congressional Democrats have yielded on the side of caution, calling for further investigation before alleging actual collusion while at the same time emphasizing stories like the recent revelation that Donald Trump Jr. and others from the campaign spoke with a Russian lawyer last summer, in a meeting pitched to the presidents son with the promise of damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

I think the reason why were putting this report out is that we need to sort of face the facts of whats staring us in the face here, Max Bergmann, a senior fellow at CAP and author of the report, told BuzzFeed News. When you piece it all together and you lay out the facts, all the information that we know the picture becomes very clear. And what is clear is that the presidents campaign was willing to collude with Russians and did.

The Justice Department under special counsel Robert Mueller, the House and Senate intelligence committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee are all still conducting investigations on Russia interference in the US election and any involvement by the Trump campaign.

The draft of CAPs report lays out everything the public knows about how the Trump campaign and Russia interacted during the campaign based on information gathered from press reports and congressional testimony. According to CAP, the evidence should be enough for Democrats to argue the campaign colluded with Russia.

CAPs plan is to deliver the report to key offices on the Hill with the hope of giving Democrats the confidence to make a collusion argument. Jentleson said Democratic leadership, as well as members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees in the House and Senate, will be receiving the report.

The rest is here:

The Center For American Progress Is Releasing A Nearly 50-Page Report Claiming TrumpRussia Collusion - BuzzFeed News

Geron: SLOW Progress – Seeking Alpha


From the formation of their collaboration in November 2014, Geron (NASDAQ:GERN) and Janssen, Johnson and Johnson's (JNJ) pharmaceutical arm have moved steadily forward in their efforts to prove the beneficial impact of imetelstat as a critical lifesaving therapy in the battle against certain cancers. Step by methodical step, they have advanced their understanding of imetelstats detailed clinical merits. Two clinical trials are gathering and assessing necessary data and have undergone formal clinical reviews.

Today they announced another advance. Insofar as it involves still more data collection, the market is showing frustration with the pace of progress. Shareholders can only wince and go forward. Todays announcement constitutes progress, albeit progress of the frustrating type for those impatient for final resolution.

Last night's press release from Geron, followed by this morning's conference call, provided new data points to consider in the lingering imetelstat saga. The conclusion I drew from the carefully scripted presentations was that all's well for those who have plenty of time and are willing to wait patiently while this multipart drama unfolds on its own time schedule.

My initial introduction to this latest bit of news was quite disconcerting. This morning I was checking out the stocks I follow and saw that Geron had taken a big hit. Then I saw a SA news headline, "Geron down 13% in early trading on extended timeline for imetelstat study, risk that Janssen will bail".

Oh no, I thought; the worst is happening. Then I realized after reading the release that this was nothing more than business as usual in the imetlstat world. Any statement about Janssen potentially bailing was mere surplusage. As is true in most, if not all such deals, the big dog has a retained right to bail. It is a background fact, akin to gravity...no need to keep repeating it, particularly in a news item. I guess the point that gave it piquancy was the stock price drop, suggesting something more was afoot. Not so.

Let me address the basics of the announcement and its significance as I see it.

First, the Imerge trial addresses patients with low-to-intermediate risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) who failed to respond to prior treatment with an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent.

Janssen has analyzed data from the Imerge trial and has determined that a subset of 13 patients show positive results at a higher rate than the remaining group of patients. These 13 patients share the commonality that they had not received prior treatment from "... a hypomethylating agent (HMA) or lenalidomide".

Janssen further determined that it should enroll an additional cohort of 20 patients to bring this subset of patients to 30, the number that it considers sufficient for its next analysis.

Rather than being negative or neutral, I consider this decision to be on the whole positive. It shows that Janssen is actively interested and engaged with the imetelstat data.

It also shows that this is going to be a lengthy process. The timing is uncertain but the press release states that active recruitment will begin in Q4, 2017. Certainly the work of recruiting, enrolling, processing and then analyzing data from 20 additional patients implies a considerable time lag.

In the written press release Geron states:

Detailed results for the original 32 patients in Part 1 of IMerge, including key secondary endpoints of hematologic improvement and rate of RBC-TI lasting at least 24 weeks, as well as duration of response and detailed safety information, will be submitted for presentation at a major medical conference. [Emphasis added]

The more Janssen interacts with imetelstat in the public sphere, the more encouraged I become that it will proceed to bring the therapy to market. Certainly its previous announcement of imetelstat as future blockbuster in its pipeline was a big positive indication. I take its intention to present Imerge results at a major medical conference in the same vein.

Janssen's Phase 2 IMbark trial, assessing imetelstat in patients with treatment-resistant intermediate/high risk myelofibrosis (MF) is on an entirely different track.

The IMbark trial will continue without modification. According to the press release:

Janssen will conduct an internal data review in Q1 2018 to enable a protocol amendment to allow long-term treatment and follow-up. Janssen will notify Geron earlier, probably in Q4, whether it intends to pursue development of imetelstat for any indication after a primary data analysis is done on IMbark (should start no later than the end of Q3)

As I see this, today's CC simply confirms the ongoing process to which Janssen has committed itself. As far as any tell on the efficacy of imetelstat, it has to be more on the positive side than the negative.

Although, when one looks at a five day chart of Geron's stock, it doesn't look positive.

GERN Price data by YCharts

What caused this violent stock reaction? I suspect it was impatience.

For those who are timing imetelstat's progress towards continuation by Janssen and ultimately FDA approval, today was something of a disappointment. Optimists have hoped that Janssen would take its next big step forward by issuing a continuation decision under its Geron collaboration agreement sometime in 2017 or early in 2018.

The following language from its press release suggests to me that Q3, 2018 is a more likely target date:

Continuation Decision

The Joint Steering Committee has agreed that the timing of the protocol-specified primary analysis for IMbark will begin upon the earlier of either a pre-specified number of deaths occurring in the trial or the end of the third quarter of 2018. Following completion of this primary analysis, which includes an assessment of potential survival benefit associated with imetelstat treatment, Janssen will notify Geron whether it elects to maintain the license rights and continue the development of imetelstat in any indication, i.e., the Continuation Decision.

Generally my own optimism for Geron's imetelstat prospects focuses more on the likelihood that Janssen proceed, rather than any expectation that it do so on an expedited basis. However, today's drop suggests that I may be in the minority on that score.

Geron had cash and equivalents of $121MM according to its Q1, 2017 10-Q. This was stated as sufficient for expected needs for at least one year. However, insofar as net cash expended during Q1, 2017 was <$8MM, Geron should not face a cash crunch if indeed Janssen waits to issue a continuation decision until 2018.

At the close of Geron's 8/1/2017 call, Geron announced that because of the proximity of its upcoming earnings release, it would not do an earnings CC this quarter. Rather, it said it would issue its earnings press release. Geron will next address investors at its presentation to the Cantor Fitzgerald Healthcare Conference taking place September 25-27, 2017.

Geron is soldiering boldly ahead as it works to bring the development of imetelstat to fruition. There are no guarantees in this drug approval business. However, Geron has managed to put itself on a path where it has reasonable prospects for a highly remunerative future.

Geron offers a binary bet on its imetelstat cancer therapy. Although I know from researching Geron articles that it has other irons in the fire, I also know these other irons have no current impact on Geron's stock price.

Today's announcement seems to have disturbed the market. I submit that it should not have done so. When Johnson and Johnson boasted about imetelstat's future prospects, it was referring to the year 2021.

Anyone who has counted on this playing out as near term story has been fooling themselves. Geron appears to have the cash resources to follow this to its conclusion. Investors in Geron should likewise consider that they are in it for the long haul.

Disclosure: I am/we are long GERN.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Read more:

Geron: SLOW Progress - Seeking Alpha

Lions hope to see progress in dropped passes with glasses – The Detroit News


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Eric Ebron and the Lions were among the biggest offenders in dropped passes in 2016.(Photo: Daniel Mears, Detroit News)

Allen Park The Detroit Lions had a problem with drops in 2016. The team finished near the bottom of the league in putting catchable passes on the ground, in terms of both volume and percentage.

It was an epidemic that plagued multiple players, with two Lions finishing in the bottom 10 in the league and four in the bottom 50. And, at least for the early portion of training camp, the team is still having some issues.

On Sunday, when Caldwell listed his gripes about the imperfect nature of the opening practice, dropped passes was the first gripe he listed.

Caldwell has always been proactive when it comes to improving his players hands. From the time he arrived in Detroit, he instituted a practice habit that called for offensive players to catch 100 balls per day, whether in individual drills, team work or on from the Juggs machine after the session.

The idea is that repetition would result in perfection.

More:Report: Stafford, Lions have 'substantial gap' in negotiations

Obviously that hasnt quite cut it, so Caldwell and his staff have looked for additional ways to solve the issue. First and foremost, theyve increased the number of passes receivers are expected to catch on a daily basis.

Caldwell has also turned to technology.

One of things you cant do is say, Hey, you need to get better. We have to put mechanisms and a plan to get better, so weve done that, Caldwell said. Weve also used some things, the flashing glasses and all that kind of stuff. Some of our guys are using those.

Flashing glasses?

They cut off your vision for a moment and reignite it where you can see, Caldwell said. They make you concentrate a little bit harder.

More:Injuries hamper Lions ability to feel the rush

Caldwell didnt get into specifics about brand or model, but Nike unveiled glasses in 2012 that matched the description. Heres a brief description from a Wired story that year:

The companys funky new Sparq Vapor Strobe eyewear works with the equally geeky Sparq Sensory Station to analyze and improve 10 vital visual and sensory skills. The eyewears lens work a bit like a strobe light hence the name by alternating between clear and obstructed fields of vision to improve your ability to target an oncoming object.

Will the glasses make a difference? As Caldwell likes to say, Well see, but you have to appreciate looking for new ways to solve an issue.

Were going to make certain we dont let some of those opportunities slip by, like they did last year, Caldwell said.


Twitter: @justin_rogers

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Lions hope to see progress in dropped passes with glasses - The Detroit News

Leveraging the Power of Black Women – Center for American Progress – Center For American Progress

On the eve of the 2016 presidential election, pundits and political watchers opined on whether the Obama coalitionthe multiracial, multiethnic, cross-class coalition made up of African Americans,Latinos, women, young people, professionals, and economically populist blue-collar whiteswould onceagain come together to elect the first female president in U.S. history. As the results began to crystalize that the pursuit of the highest, hardest glass ceiling for women had yet to be shattered, the assessmentof what happened predictably focused on the preferences and attitudes of one segment of the coalition:the white, mostly male, working-class voters who stayed home or voted for the other candidate.

Inspecting the lives of so-called Obama-Trump votersreferring mostly to the white voters who supported former President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and voted for President Donald Trump in 2016took center stage.The perceived anger and neglect of these voters emerged as the primary thesis of the 2016 post-election assessment. Very little analysis focused on another important side of the equation: the decreased turnout rates among African Americans, specifically African American women, the most consistent and traditionally reliable block of Obama supporters.In 2012, 36 percent of blue-collar white voters voted for Obama, compared with more than 95 percent of black female voters.

While gaining a clear understanding of the 2016 election results requires a thorough examination of each facet of the Obama coalition, taking a closer look at its most reliable membersblack womenis critical.

Black women are a powerful force in the American political system. In 2008 and 2012, they turned out to vote at higher rates than any other demographic group, playing a decisive role ushering in new candidates across the country.Black womens civic participation embodies the stated ideals of the nations participatory democracy: They consistently recognize and value the importance of being politically active and engaged in order to effect change in their communities.At the same time, the civic engagement of black women too often does not result in concrete policy changes that are responsive to their needs.While black women are always expected to turn out and provide support, the public narrative about womenand more importantly about what women needfrequently focuses on white women, typically those with economic resources.

The unique experiences and challenges of black women, shaped by the intersection of race and gender, are commonly overlooked, rarely prioritized, and effectively rendered invisible. Thus, black women are still shockingly underrepresented in critical positions of power and influencewhere decisions are made about which problems are addressed, which policies are adopted, and which communities are served.In 2016, black women gained 14 state legislative seats and constituted 20 percent of the freshmen women in Congress. While they have overcome systemic barriers and gained ground every political cycle, their representation still lags woefully behind:Black women comprise 7 percent of the U.S. population, yet just 5 percent of federal judges, 4 percent of mayors in the nations 100 largest cities,and 3 percent of members of Congress and state legislators.

In 2016, pundits and political strategists expected black women to continue their historical trends by voting in large numbers. They gave little attention to the persistent underrepresentation and long-standing disparities that have limited black womens opportunities, economic stability, and overall well-being. Nor was there a focused public conversation about the need to engage black women voters directly with a targeted message that put forth specific policies to improve their everyday lives. To the surprise of these experts, turnout among black women plummeted from more than 70 percent to just 64 percent. Although black women still outperformed almost all other voters, with their turnout percentage slightly behind the turnout of white women, the decline was dramatic andin some instancespivotal.

A key takeaway from the election results is that lawmakers seeking the support of black women cannot afford to take them for granted. Lawmakers must be proactive and intentional to understand and address the challenges that black women face, including the barriers and biases that limit their opportunities and the disparities they experience in local communities. Policymakers must develop constructive solutions to address such concerns, in order to improve the status of black women and advance policies that promote stability, opportunity, and prosperity across the nation.

The critical issues that black women must overcome are wide-ranging, from a lack of economic opportunity to inadequate access to health care, housing, education, and criminal justice. For example, black women continue to face an appalling and exploitive wage gap that perpetuates poverty and stifles economic mobility. On average, they earn 34 percent less than white men with the same education, experience, marital status, and region of residence. One study found that when women enter traditionally male-dominated fields, the average pay for those occupations declines, even after controlling for education, work experience, and geography. Furthermore, black women suffer from a range of health disparities, including high rates of asthma, fibroids, and breast and cervical cancer mortality. Despite these systemic and often intergenerational challenges, black women continue to demonstrate a greater trust in government and belief in its potential to serve as a catalyst for upward mobility than other demographic groups.

Unfortunately, voter suppression and deceptive practices are also a persistent and familiar theme in American democracy, which disproportionately affects black women who participate in elections. In 2012, black women reported transportation challenges, inconvenient polling places, long lines, and voter ID requirements as barriers to voting. These problems persisted and expanded ahead of the 2016 election. By November, 17 states adopted new voting restrictions, such as strict voter ID requirements and reduced early voting opportunities. While some of these laws were struck down for unconstitutionally targeting people of color, 14 were still in place on Election Day.

At the root of these problems is a fundamental resistance to discussing race and genderand their unique intersectionsdirectly, as well as a failure to address persistent and poisonous narratives about black women, race, and class. To develop truly responsive policies and protect against voter suppression, policymakers must confront each of these issues head-on. We must recognize and reconcile our biases, working across our divisions to create policies that benefit historically oppressed communities. This, along with meaningful conversations about empowering black women and leveraging that power, will ensure that the future of the United States is fairer and more prosperous for all.

Jocelyn Frye is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. Michele Jawando is the vice president of Legal Progress at the Center.

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Leveraging the Power of Black Women - Center for American Progress - Center For American Progress

Bruins have not made progress on new deal for David Pastrnak – WEEI.com (blog)

The Bruins have handled just about every possible organizational issue this summer, and still, restricted free agent David Pastrnak remains without a new contract.

And they dont seem to be all that much closer on that new deal.

Id say were at the same point you asked me the last time, Bruins GM Don Sweeney said when asked for an update on the negotiations. Were in a holding pattern.

Its believed that the Bruins would prefer to get Pastrnak, who is currently with the Bruins on a trip to China as part of a partnership with O.R.G. Packaging, under contract for somewhere close to $6 million per season on a long-term deal, while Pastrnaks camp could be looking for something closer to $7 million per season.

"I have not made much progress as what I would have liked," admitted Sweeney, who has over $10 million in cap space remaining with Pastrnak still unsigned. "But we have plenty of time and the opportunity to continue to talk and we will find a landing spot.

The No. 25 overall pick from 2014, the 21-year-old Pastrnak established career-bests in goals (34), assists (36), and points (70) in 75 games for the Bruins last season.

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Bruins have not made progress on new deal for David Pastrnak - WEEI.com (blog)

Kendell Beckwith Making Rapid Progress – Buccaneers.com

Kendell Beckwith may not be the absolute best player in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' training camp just yet, but when you factor in the level of difficulty for his routine, he'd definitely get one of the top scores through four days.

The Buccaneers drafted Beckwith in the third round this past April, even though the LSU product was still recovering from a torn ACL suffered the previous November. Tampa Bay's brain trust was thrilled to add a big and physical player to the middle of their defense an area of some concern after last season and were willing to wait if it took Beckwith a little while to get back on the field.


Well, they didn't have to wait long. Beckwith

He's been doing great, just coming back off an injury, too. He's been picking up everything really quick. He's just been staying patient and he's going to get his chance. The rookie defender backed up his offseason claim that he would be ready for the start of training camp, taking the field with his teammates on Day One. But two days' worth of rookie-only practices last week represented his very first onfield work in the NFL, and he's also currently learning two positions at once. That's the increased level of difficulty that has made Beckwith's first week of camp so impressive.

And the man who is most impressed is Head Coach Dirk Koetter, which is an awfully good thing for a rookie trying to earn a job.

"Kendell, that's really amazing because it's only been eight months since his ACL [injury] and very few guys come back that fast," said Koetter on Monday, after the team's first practice in full pads. "The first couple days we were out here in rookie practice before the throng of fans and media was here, Kendell, I was a little nervous, not about his knee, just he looked rusty. After four practices he's probably our most improved player, as far as a guy where he started and where he is after four practices.

"It really is a good story, kind of an amazing story, how fast he's back."

Beckwith played middle linebacker at LSU, and the Bucs eagerly drafted him despite already having a rising star at that position, coincidentally another LSU product in Kwon Alexander. The Bucs' newest Tiger represents great value anyway because he can immediately compete for the strongside linebacker job and also offer depth behind Alexander. As such, Beckwith has been actively learning both jobs in the Bucs' defense, often playing in the middle on second-team snaps. His primary competition for the strongside, or SAM, job is second-year player Devante Bond.

Beckwith hasn't had any trouble picking up the responsibilities of the SAM role. That position is generally on the field for downs in which a run is more likely, which plays into Beckwith's best strengths. At 6-3 and 247 pounds, he's easily the Buccaneers' biggest linebacker, and he was known as both a rugged and sure tackler at LSU.


"It's just playing football," he said of learning a new position. "That's the way I look it. I'm just going to go play football, know my assignment, do my job."

Beckwith got a call from Alexander, his once and future teammate, right after he was drafted in the spring. Since then, Alexander has been eager to help the rookie get acclimated.

"Both of us were happy," said Beckwith, describing the call. "I'm just excited to be down here with him. To learn from a guy like him and Lavonte [David], it's pretty special."

Alexander and David have been one of the team's most productive linebacking duos in the NFL over the past two seasons, and they shared a very fast transition to being productive NFL players. Both started from Day One in their rookie seasons (2012 for David, 2015 for Alexander). David had 284 tackles, nine sacks, six interceptions and 14 passes defensed through his first two seasons; Alexander already has 238 tackles six sacks, three interceptions and 16 passes defensed to kick off his career, despite missing four of his first 32 games. Like Koetter, Alexander sees rapid development from Beckwith, who could fashion a similarly fast start to his career.

"He's been doing great, just coming back off an injury, too," said Alexander. "He's been picking it up fast, he plays fast and makes a lot of plays. He's just being patient and he's going to get his chance."

Beckwith is not on any sort of "pitch count," so he'll get as much of an opportunity as his play warrants. That he was rusty, as Koetter put it, during those first couple practices last week was no surprise given that he hadn't really been on the field since November. One might also expect Beckwith to be a little cautious with his repaired knee in the early days of camp, but he says that isn't an issue.

"I'm still doing maintenance and keeping up the treatment on it, but so far, so good," he said. "I feel good. I'm not really thinking about it. Especially a day like today, we had a little contact, that was good for me. I feel like myself again."

Beckwith did say that he hopes never to have to be in the position of watching from the sideline again. His goal at the moment is imply to "come out and try to improve" every day. According to his head coach, he's been doing exactly that.

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Kendell Beckwith Making Rapid Progress - Buccaneers.com

Bears being patient with WR Kevin White: ‘He’s a work in progress … – Chicago Sun-Times

BOURBONNAIS Its still early, but receiver Kevin Whites slow start in training camp hasnt gone unnoticed.

Hes not where I want him to be or where we need him to be, receivers coach Zach Azzanni said Monday. Hes a work in progress. Hes had a good three days. Good first day, OK second day, much better today. Im pleased with where hes going. Hes going [up], and thats what I want.

White, the Bears first-round draft pick (seventh overall) in 2015, said he isnt putting pressure on himself to live up to high expectations.

Patient but a little bit of urgency, White said when asked about his approach entering camp.

Bears wide receiver Kevin White makes a play in training camp. (Nam Y. Huh/AP)

But Azzanni knows expectations are tough to block out.

Its human nature, Azzanni said. Hes a prideful guy. He has some conscience. He wants to do well for Chicago, for [general manager] Ryan Pace, for coach [John] Fox, for [offensive coordinator] Dowell [Loggains], for me. And I tell him: Dont worry about that. Dont worry about the media and people outside. Just go be the best player you can be.

Azzanni is working on keeping White positive.

You see flashes of what we want him to be, of what he wants to be, Azzanni said. Weve got to block out the noise for him. I cant let him read the papers and media ... because theres going to be some negative in there that gets into his head, and he cant let that happen.

Hes got to be positive. Weve got to go in our bunker, and Ive got to tell him how great he is all the time because he is.

Azzanni wants White to focus on gradual progress in the preseason.

Hes not going to come out here tomorrow and be a Pro Bowl player, Azzanni said. Hes going to work himself into that, and Im going to help him.

This and that

Guard Josh Sitton reported to camp after spending time with his family after his wife had a baby. He likely will participate on a limited basis when the Bears resume practice Wednesday.

Center Hroniss Grasu has taken snaps at guard.

Well continue to evaluate that, but hes done a great job so far, offensive line coach Jeremiah Washburn said.

Outside linebacker Dan Skuta returned to practice after missing three days with soreness stemming from a hip injury.

Players who didnt participate in the non-padded practice: receiver Markus Wheaton (appendectomy), running back Jeremy Langford (ankle), center/guard Eric Kush (hamstring), Sitton, tight end Zach Miller (foot) and outside linebacker Pernell McPhee (knee).

Follow me on Twitter @MarkPotash.

Email: mpotash@suntimes.com


Why Bears QB Mike Glennon is the unquestioned leader of his offense

How is Mitch Trubisky doing? Hes come in with the right attitude

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Bears being patient with WR Kevin White: 'He's a work in progress ... - Chicago Sun-Times

The Trump victory sharpens Al’s message: The directors discuss Gore’s progress in An Inconvenient Sequel – Salon

Convenience is one of the hallmarks of our age. Alexa and Siri service us like concubines. We perform life-changing tasks with a swipe. The savants at Pixar sure got it right in Wall-E when they satirized us as obese, shake-sucking-armchair-potatoes in space.

So it certainly was going against the grain when, 11 years ago, Participant Productions and director Davis Guggenheim smacked us with that human 2-by-4, Al Gore, with his message of climate change peril in An Inconvenient Truth. The surprising thing was, people listened, and the film became a $23-million grossing hit that helped launch a new era of environmental consciousness.

It would have been facile to think that that success would resolve the problem and there wouldnt be a need for a sequel. Finally, a sequel that really is necessary. And so, here it is just now in theaters; An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, a documentary again produced by Participant and also starring Gores message of environmental urgency, but this time directed by husband and wife team, Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk (Audrie & Daisy, The Island President).

We see Gore as less wooden and more alive this time, as a significant part of a humane and human movement to save the earth. Salon lobbed some questions to the directors ofthe film, which topped specialty box offices over the weekend.

How did the film come together?

We were hired by Diane Weyermann, Executive VP of Doc Films at Participant Media. She, Jeff Skoll, and Al Gore had been discussing a possible follow up to An Inconvenient Truth. We traveled to Nashville, where we met Al Gore, who gave us a ten-hour long slide slideshow in order to bring us up-to-date on the climate crisis. We pitched the idea of doing a behind-the-scenes film in which we would follow Al for 18 months as he went about his work. The result is a cinema verit film in which the audience will see firsthand how Al travels to meet with scientists in Greenland, climate refugees in the Philippines and ultimately to Georgetown, TX to meet with a Republican Mayor who has decided to move his city to 100 percent renewable energy.

Leonardo DiCaprio and others have produced several climate change films in recent years; why did you think it was important to make this film?

Climate change is a highly complex, multi-faceted topic, and there have been many incredible films, books, and investigative Journalism on this topic. Leo D has spent a great deal of time and energy on fighting climate change, and we applaud him! Keep it coming. Climate change is the most important, most challenging issue humans have ever faced. Storytellers need to and should continue telling stories working on problem. Participant asked us to make a follow-up to An Inconvenient Truth. We agreed because we think that Al Gore is an unusual figure in the climate movement. Davis Guggenheims film helped millions around the world understand climate crisis and also re-introduced viewers to Gore in his post-political life.

Al agreed to give us a great deal of access, and through the scenes that we gathered, we hope viewers will get to know him better and also come to understand that we are at a unique moment in history in which the solutions to climate change exist. In Paris, during the 2015 climate conference, Al is asked to help convince the Indian delegation that India has a great to gain by moving away from fossil fuels and toward renewable sources of energy. Its a privileged view into international negotiations that people rarely see.

Whats it like working with Al Gore and how involved was he in the edit?

We maintained control over final cut of the film. We did show Al some rough cuts because we wanted to make sure that we were communicating his slideshow material accurately and effectively. We enjoyed getting to know Al and found him to be generous and warm. We also found him to be tireless! We dont know where he gets his energy, other that the fact that he seems driven deeply to help solve climate change.

Whats your read on Gores emotional and intellectual evolution regarding climate change since An Inconvenient Truth?

In the film you see that he is now quite optimistic about the solutions the cost down-curve for solar and wind tech has made renewable energy as cheap, if not cheaper, than traditional energy in many parts of the world. For example, he meets with the mayor of Georgetown, TX a Trump supporter and a Republican who has embraced wind and solar because its cheaper for the city and because it makes sense to him to pollute less. Al also now connects the movement to solve the climate crisis to other important social issues of the past. He compares the movement to the movement to end slavery, apartheid, the movement for gay rights, etc. We found him to be quite convincing and emotional on this topic.

How would the film have been different without a Trump presidency? Would it still have been necessary?

Well, the story of the film is about Al Gores on-going work to solve the climate crisis. The story mostly takes place before Trumps presidency. And we think its very compelling. The Trump victory sharpens Als message because Trump stands firmly in the camp that denies the facts of climate science. What surprised us is the backlash to Trumps speech in which we announced his intentions to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement. Many mayors, U.S. governors and business leaders have stepped up and announced plans to keep Americas commitment to the agreement, despite Trumps failure to lead on the issue.

Participant tends to have pretty involved outreach programs. What is it doing for this film?

Check outwww.aninconvenientsequel.com. There is an incredible educational curriculum in the works as well.

Is there hope that if Trump doesnt get re-elected (or gets impeached, for that matter) that the US can return to the Paris Accord?

Yes! In fact, the first day that the U.S. can officially withdraw is the day after the next president takes office in 2021. The Paris Accord was designed for each country to voluntarily commit to carbon reductions. It seems somewhat likely that the U.S. will keep to its commitments, given the action being taken by many states, cities, school and companies.

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The Trump victory sharpens Al's message: The directors discuss Gore's progress in An Inconvenient Sequel - Salon

Dodgers veterans Andre Ethier, Adrian Gonzalez making progress in rehab from back injuries – Los Angeles Times

Andre Ethier and Adrian Gonzalez, a pair of Dodgers veterans recovering from herniated disks, took batting practice on Sunday afternoon. Both are likely to begin rehabilitation assignments in August, with Gonzalez expected back from the disabled list before Ethier.

Ethier is likely to be activated when the rosters expand in September.

Manager Dave Roberts watched the session before Sundays game against San Francisco. Gonzalez also took part in a simulated game with nine at-bats. Ethier impressed Roberts with the intensity of his approach.

For Adrian and Andre, just seeing the aggressive swings, seeing pitches come at them for the first time live, that was a good step in the right direction for both those guys, Roberts said.

The Dodgers placed Gonzalez on the 60-day disabled list on Saturday. Gonzalez, who hasnt played since June 11, is eligible to return on Aug. 11. He has homered once this season. He is expected join triple-A Oklahoma City later this week for rehab games.

Ethier, who injured his back in late March, has not played for the Dodgers this season. He missed the first five months in 2016 after breaking his leg last spring. He returned as a pinch-hitter for the playoffs. Ethier will compete to play a similar role in 2017.

Kershaw plays catch again

Clayton Kershaw played catch for the third day in a row, as he increases activity while recovering from a lower back strain. Kershaw will not join the team on the road during visits to Atlanta and New York this week. Kershaw said he expected to meet the team in Arizona next week to continue his rehabilitation program.

Roberts declined to reveal the next step of Kershaws rehab. The team has not announced a timetable for his return.

What the next progression is, thats for the training staff, Roberts said.


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Dodgers veterans Andre Ethier, Adrian Gonzalez making progress in rehab from back injuries - Los Angeles Times

Yankees Trade Rumors: NY Made ‘Zero Progress’ in Sonny Gray Talks with Athletics – Bleacher Report

Tom Szczerbowski/Getty Images

The New York Yankees and Oakland Athletics have reportedly made "zero progress" on their trade discussions regarding A's ace Sonny Gray.

Bob Klapischof theBergen Recordreported the potential deal could come down to the trade deadline wire.

The Yankees have focused for weeks on acquiring Gray, as they hope to bolster the front of their rotation for a playoff push.

Gray, 27, is 6-5 with a 3.43 ERA and 1.18 WHIP this season. He's in his fourth full season with the A's and has bounced back from a miserable 2016 campaign to regain his status among the AL's most promising young starters. The potential prospect haul for Oakland could be considerable, as Gray cannot become a free agent until 2020.

The Athletics pushed Gray's scheduled start from Sunday to Monday night, likely to avoid injury in case of a trade.Buster Olney andJerry Crasnickof ESPN.com reported Oakland general manager Billy Beane is willing to table Gray trade talks until the offseason if current offers do not improve by Monday's 4 p.m. ET deadline.

The Yankees are said to be unwilling to sendoutfielderClint Frazieror infield prospectGleyber Torres to Oakland in exchange for Gray.

Perhaps seeing their chances for Gray dwindling, the Yankees acquired Jaime Garcia from the Minnesota Twins over the weekend. Garcia should slot into the back of a New York rotation that has been inconsistent for most of the season.

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Yankees Trade Rumors: NY Made 'Zero Progress' in Sonny Gray Talks with Athletics - Bleacher Report

Human Trafficking: Where’s the Progress and What Comes Next? – Skoll Foundation

Some 20 million people around the world are victims of human trafficking, and nearly 70 percent of those are trapped in forced labor.The International Labour Organization reports that this dark web of modern day slavery generates roughly $150 Billion in profits.Law enforcement agencies lack deep data about trafficking patterns, specific sub-types, and locations, and victims rarely have access to channels of communication for help. Less than one percent of victims are identified globally each year. Its hard to wrap your mind around the scale of the problem and the avenues for solutions.

How can the progress of an intervention be measured when the dynamics and drivers of the problem are so difficult to determine? Polaris has pioneered an effort to map out the landscape and break it up into discernible segments, ensuring that interventions can be tailored to the specific context. Using aggregated data, Polaris has been able to create atypology of human trafficking, a first step in creating concrete action steps for combating the scourge. Seeing the problem in higher resolution allowslaw enforcement, border officials, service providers, and governments to be better equipped to identify trafficking in its various forms and then to take targeted action to prevent it.

Polaris reviewed more than 32,000 cases of human trafficking documented between December 2007 and December 2016 through its operation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline and BeFree Textlinethe largest data set on human trafficking in the United States. They analyzed the data and developed a classification system that identifies 25 distinct types of human trafficking in the U.S. Each has its own business model, trafficker profiles, recruitment strategies, victim profiles, and methods of control. This detailed typology brings the problem of human trafficking out of the shadows and into sharper focus.

This is a huge step towards better understanding the unique facets of the larger problem. The critical next step is to get all actors, now armed with this data, to collaborate on solutions and to create shared methodologies to track the effectiveness of interventions informed by the typology. Just as Polaris marshaled a sea of data in the U.S., on the international scale, theInternational Labour Organization and the Walk Free Foundationare working in collaboration to determine a baseline by which to measure the magnitude of the problem globally and map progress against target 8.7 of the SDGs to end modern slavery.

To turn the tide on the problem, we need accurate and actionable data that informs cross-sector collaboration. Polaris is showing that its possible to employ rigorous data science to unpack the ecosystems of modern slavery, now its time to put that science to work.

Here is the original post:

Human Trafficking: Where's the Progress and What Comes Next? - Skoll Foundation

‘Avatar’ Sequels Progress to Next Level as Weta Digital Begins Visual Effects Work – Variety

Visual effects studio Weta Digital has begun work on the four sequels to James Camerons Avatar, one of the highest-grossing films ever.

The Wellington, New Zealand-based shop was most recently in the limelight for its motion-capture work on War for the Planet of the Apes.

What Joe Letteri and Weta Digital bring to these stories is impossible to quantify, said Cameron, referring to Weta Digitals senior visual effects supervisor. Since we made Avatar, Weta continued to prove themselves as doing the best CG animation, the most human, the most alive, the most photo-realistic effects in the world.

He added, And of course, that now means I can push them to take it even further.

The depth of talent at Weta is impressive and the culture of excellence is one that matches how we do things at Lightstorm, said Jon Landau, producer on all the avatar movies. Lightstorm Entertainment is the production company behind Avatar and other Cameron-directed features, including Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Titanic.

Landau hinted at breakthroughs to come. We also know that these next films promise to be even more ambitious than the first film, he noted.

Avatar is the ideal type of film for us, said Letteri. Jims vision for the world of Pandora was always so much bigger than what we created for the first film. Helping him expand the language of cinema through new narratives set in such an expansive universe is the type of opportunity that rarely comes along twice. Projects like this allow everyone involved to push themselves to do their best work.

The excitement at Weta around Avatar is obvious and the fact is that we have already been working on it for a number of years, said Weta Digital executive producer David Conley. During that period we have grown the company to a size and model that allows us to expand beyond any one project. This enables us to find a mix of other films that can help us grow along with Avatar, as is the case with Alita: Battle Angel, Avengers: Infinity War and Mortal Engines, to name a few of the other films we are currently working on.

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'Avatar' Sequels Progress to Next Level as Weta Digital Begins Visual Effects Work - Variety