UPDATE: THURSDAY, AUG. 24 ... The ChetcoBar fire near Brookings continues to grow, but weather conditions over the past few days have allowed crews to make progress against what has been declared the nation's top priority wildfire.
Firefighters have been building direct fire line and indirect contingency line on the south and southwestern flank of the fire using hand crews, dozers and helicopter bucket drops. Crews continued to improve defensible space, prepping structures and setting up sprinkler systems around homes.
The locally-known Chetco Wind is expected over the fire area beginning tonight, creating gusty
Northeast winds and causing a drop in relative humidity and much warmer temperatures through Saturday. Firefighters have been preparing for this change in weather by building direct fire line and contingency lines on the south and southwestern portions of the fire and increasing the number of structural firefighting resources to assist with structure protection. The team will use helicopters and air tankers as weather allows.
Level 2 ("SET") and Level 3 ("GO!") evacuations remain in effect. Residents in the level 2 evacuation area are advised to remain prepared to leave the area at a moment's notice, while residents in the Level 3 evacuation area are advised to stay out of the area completely. An interactive map of the evacuation area can be viewed here.
Those who have not signed up for reverse 911, can sign up for the emergency alert here.
The Red Cross is continuing to staff an emergency evacuation shelter at Riley Creek Elementary at 94350 6th St. Gold Beach, OR. (541) 600-6068. There is no shelter in Brookings.
Smoke impacts and haze will increase today along the coast in the Gold Beach and Brookings-Harbor region due to northeast winds transporting smoke to the southwest. Highway 101 will continue to have limited visibility due to sea fog this morning transitioning to smoke midday. For more info about air quality, click here.
UPDATE: WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23 ... Firefighters on the ChetcoBar fire in theKalmiposisWilderness near Brookings made progress yesterday and overnight, building direct and contingency indirect line on the south and southwestern flank of the fire including establishing dozer line and working around structures to improve defensible space.
The fire growth was minimal yesterday. The same is expected today because of favorable weather. The fire is still about 5.2 miles northeast of Brookings. It has burned 99,944 acres. Officials project the fire may not be contained until mid-October.
The public is asked to avoid the fire affected area and watch for fire crews and heavy equipment enroute to and from the fire line.
Community Meeting:A community meeting is being planned at Gold Beach this evening. The time and location will be announced later today.
Weather: Yesterdays weather patterns of cooler air and higher relative humidity (RHs) is expected through Thursday, along with the light to moderate afternoon and evening sea breezes. Areas of fog and low clouds this morning will clear back to the coast this afternoon.
One more night of excellent humidity recovery is expected tonight, with a deep marine layer ahead of an approaching weak cold front. Cool high pressure will build into the Pacific Northwest behind this front, presenting another round of gusty north to northeast winds Thursday night into Friday. Onshore flow is expected to return Sunday or Monday, returning to the regions typical weather.
Smoke and haze will continue to be visible along Gold Beach and Brookings-Harbor as there's little air movement. That is expected to change as soon as the coastal winds pick up in the afternoon. Rogue River valley and Gold Beach will see unhealthy levels throughout the day. Highway 101 will have limited visibility as smoke infiltrates along the coast. For more info about air quality, please visit the Oregon Smoke Blog: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com/
Evacuations: For current information on areas under an evacuation please visit our interactive map. Yesterday, portions of the evacuation area was reduced to a Level 2, allowing residents in the fire affected area from Cape Ferrello Road and Carpenterville Road north to Pistol River and east and west off Carpenterville Road to return to their homes. Residents returning to their homes in Level 2 evacuation areas can obtain re-entry forms at established check points with verifiable proof of residency. Re-entry forms are no longer available at Rays Market. The Red Cross is continuing to staff an emergency evacuation shelter at Riley Creek Elementary in Gold Beach 94350 6th St. Gold Beach, OR. (541)-600-6068. There is no shelter in Brookings.
If you've been curious about the meanings of the levels in the "Ready! Set! Go!" evacuation scheme, here's a helpful guide ...
UPDATE: TUESDAY, AUG. 22 ... The National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho has designated the Chetco Bar fire as the nation's top priority. The designation boosts the availability of firefighting resources as fire managers prioritize how to use limited personnel and materials.
Higher relative humidity and diminished winds caused minimal perimeter growth overnight, leaving the fire at about 98,000 acres. Some residents are being allowed to return to the homes they had to evacuate over the past few days. Three homes have been destroyed by the fire.
Yesterdays weather patterns will continue throughout today and tonight with cooler temps, fog and low lying clouds. Slightly higher relative humiditys overnight (60-70%) and lighter winds slowed the fires growth compared to previous days. We are seeing full humidity recoveries as high in elevation as 1500.
The fire is still approximately 2.5 miles northeast of Brookings. Brookings and Harbor area will have some low-lying smoke as a result of the fire. Air quality will improve slightly but sensitive groups should limit exposure to the outdoors. For more information about air quality, please visit the Oregon Smoke Blog: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com/
Fire crews used favorable weather conditions to their advantage to continue building direct and contingency indirect line on the south and southwestern flank of the fire, in the area between the Chetco River and Carpenterville. Structural protection resources are continuing to assess and work around structures to make them more defensible.
There is no community meeting scheduled at this time. Evacuations: Curry County Sheriffs Office, in consultation with the Chetco Bar Incident Management Teams, are working to get displaced residents back into their homes as soon as possible. Evacuation orders remain in effect at this time. For current information on boundaries please visit our interactive map at http://arcg.is/1zXWzD
The Red Cross is staffing an emergency evacuation shelter at Riley Creek Elementary in Gold Beach 94350 6th St. Gold Beach, OR. (541)-600-6068. There is no shelter in Brookings.
UPDATE: MONDAY, AUG. 21 ... The Chetco Bar fire in the Rogue River-SiskiyouNational Forest has tripled in size since Sunday morning. It's now burned more than 91,000 acres, leading to road and trail closures and evacuation orders.
Strong winds yesterday and overnight pushed the fire to the south and west. The present perimeter of the fire is in the vicinity of Nook Bar west to Ransom Ridge and north to Bosley Butte. Structure protection equipment will focus their work around homes.
Unstable atmospheric conditions seen for the past several days will ease as a different weather pattern moves into the area. An infrared flight estimated the size at 91,551 acres.
There will be significant smoke this weekend in the Brookings and Harbor area as a result of the fire. Air quality will fluctuate between moderate and unhealthy for sensitive groups in Brookings. For more information about air quality, please visit the Oregon Smoke Blog: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com/
Evacuations: Yesterday the Curry County Sheriffs Office issued an additional mandatory evacuation (Level 3) order that includes an area from the junction of Hwy 101 andCarpentervilleRd. north to the Pistol River, and east to the previous Level 3 evacuation areas. The Sheriffs Office will continue to evaluate the need for additional evacuation orders as necessary to protect public safety. The Red Cross is staffing an emergency evacuation shelter at Riley Creek Elementary in Gold Beach 943506thSt. Gold Beach, OR. (541)-600-6068. There is no shelter in Brookings.
Evacuation Meeting: A meeting will be held for displaced residences at the Red Cross Evacuation Shelter,- Riley Creek Elementary in Gold Beach 943506thSt. at 3:30 p.m. For further information please call the shelter at (541)-600-6068.
Closures: An area closure is in effect in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness in addition to the trail closures in place. Before you head out into the woods this weekend pleases check Inciweb or the Rouge River Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) homepage for all closure orders including those that pertain to the Chetco Bar Fire.
Community Meeting: Azalea Middle School, 505 Pacific Ave, Brookings on Monday, Aug. 21, 6 p.m.
UPDATE: SUNDAY, AUG. 20 ...The Chetco Bar fire, which has been slowly burning in the fire scar of the 2002 Biscuit fire in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness for more than a month, has quickly grown in size and threat level, now reaching an estimated 31,000 acres and forcing evacuations and closures.
The Curry County Sheriffs Office has issued a mandatory Level 3 (GO!) evacuation order that encompasses Gardner Ridge Road to the Wilson Creek area, and along the Chetco River from Gardner Ridge Road to the Wilderness Retreat area. A Level 2 notice (Be Ready) has been issued from Tide Rock to Cameron Bridge and from Shady to Mt. Emily road. The Sheriffs Office will be evaluating the need for additional evacuation orders as necessary to protect public safety.
There is a public meeting planned for 3 p.m.Sunday afternoon at Azalea Middle School, 505 Pacific Ave, Brookings.
Currently, strong north winds overnight continued to push the fire to the south. The south perimeter of the fire is in the vicinity of Little Redwood Campground and Panda Ridge. Overnight, structure protection and a burnout operation was successful in protecting the Wilderness Retreat area. Incoming structure protection equipment will focus their work around homes.
Unstable atmospheric conditions will continue for most of the day with winds easing somewhat this afternoon. There will be significant smoke this weekend in the Brookings and Harbor area as a result of the fire. Air quality will fluctuate between moderate and unhealthy for sensitive groups in Brookings. For more information about air quality, please visit the Oregon Smoke Blog: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com/
An area closure is in effect in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness in addition to the trail closures in place. Before you head out into the woods this weekend pleases check Inciweb or the Rouge River Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) homepage for all closure orders including those that pertain to the Chetco Bar Fire.
Safety Message:
As the eclipse approaches and traffic in the area significantly increases, please keep yourself and others safe. August is peak wildfire season in the Pacific Northwest. A small spark can rapidly become a large fire. Know fire risks and respect fire restrictions, such as campfire bans. Tread lightly and leave no trace. Leave your site better than you found it.
Social Media Resources:
Twitter: @RRSNF #ChetcoBarFireInciweb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5385/
ORIGINAL POST: The Chetco Bar fire has been slowly burning since mid-July in an area of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness burned by the 2002 Biscuit fire. Because of its slow movement and back country location, fire managers have taken a careful approach of building contingency lines and planning for long term containment.
But the fire made an unexpected run and jumped containment lines last night, triggering road closures and evacuation orders.
It moved much more quickly yesterday and last night than we expected; the containment plans we had are no longer feasible, US Forest Service Incident Commander Bob Houseman told the Curry Coastal Pilot. If the fire behaves like that again today, it could be pressing that (Wilderness Retreat) area by this afternoon.
As a result of the fires movement, more resources arrived on scene today including engines, crews and overhead. More fire resources are in route and expected in the coming days. With strong north winds and lower relative humidity the fire moved to the south and is established in the Quail Prairie drainage. An infrared flight estimates the fire at 10,963 acres.
The Curry County Sheriffs Department has issued a Level 3 (GO!) mandatory evacuation. The evacuation order area is in the Wilderness Area and along the Chetco River above Loeb State Park. Level 3, or "GO!": LEAVE WITHIN 24 HOURS alerts residents that danger to your area is current or imminent, and you should evacuate as soon as possible but no later than 8 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 19.
There is also an evacuation warning area at the three river bars along the Chetco River - Miller, Nook and Redwood bars.
At 8 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday, Aug. 19, the voluntary evacuation warning will become a mandatory evacuation order. A warning means that there is a probability of the need to evacuate. Residents should make arrangements to move property and livestock. People with special health needs or other concerns should relocate during the warning.
Displaced residents may relocate to the evacuation shelter at the Brookings-Harbor High School (625 Pioneer Rd, Brookings, 97415). The American Red Cross is staffing this shelter. Travelers in campers and motels are asked to relocate elsewhere along the Oregonian coast.
The Sheriffs Department is turning back public traffic along the North Bank Chetco River Road at the Loeb State Park. Only residents will be allowed to proceed past that checkpoint. Due to the imminent risk to public safety, there will be no exceptions to this policy. We strongly advise travelers to avoid this area so the appropriate law enforcement and wildland firefighter resources can respond to this emergency.
Chetco Bar Fire Information will be staffed 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and can be reached at 541-247-3680. There will be a Community Meeting Sunday, 3 p.m., at the Azalea Middle School, 505 Pacific Ave, Brookings.
The Sheriff will be hold a press conference at 5:00 pm at the Brookings Emergency Operations Center (898 Elk Dr. Brookings, OR)
Continue reading here:
Crews Make Progress, But Chetco Bar Fire Still Grows - Jefferson Public Radio