‘A Work In Progress’ – How Will Maine’s Phased Reopening Work? – mainepublic.org

'A Work In Progress' - How Will Maine's Phased Reopening Work?

Maine Gov. Janet Mills Tuesday released her plan to restart the state economy. But there are still a lot of questions about how it might work and how it affects businesses. We've brought in Maine Public's chief political correspondent Steve Mistler to help explain what we know so far and, hopefully, clear up some confusion.

Ed note: interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Morin: Steve, the first phase of the governor's plan begins Friday. It would allow businesses like hair salons, barbershops, golf courses and auto dealerships to reopen if they're able to meet certain health and safety guidelines. Do we know what those guidelines are?

Mistler: No, but we should very soon. The Mills administration says they're developing a series of industry-specific checklists that will be posted to the Department of Economic and Community Development website Wednesday night or Thursday morning at the latest.

And Heather Johnson, the commissioner of DECD, said Wednesday that those checklists were partially developed by the affected industries, so that the state wasn't just imposing regulations that either couldn't be met or just aren't applicable. For example, a sample checklist for car dealerships includes things like sanitizing vehicles after a test drive or making sure there's distancing in the service waiting rooms. Those types of checklists are being developed for all of the affected industries.

And another important thing to highlight here is that these checklists will be rolled out as we get closer to different phases in the restart plan. For example, we're unlikely to see the safety checklists for restaurants until later in May, because those establishments wouldn't even be allowed to open until Phase 2, which is tentatively scheduled for June 1. The same goes for all businesses in Phase 3, which tentatively begins in July, or maybe even August. And of course, all of this depends on the status of the outbreak. If we have another surge of cases, the timing of this phased restart would definitely change.

I've been wondering about how these checklists are going to be monitored. Is the state going to be policing whether businesses are actually adhering to these safety guidelines?

No, not at least on the front end. Commissioner Johnson confirmed Wednesday that the state is basically leaving it to the businesses to police themselves. And if you think about it, I'm not sure there's any other way to do it, unless the state is going to hire a bunch of people to inspect individual businesses. Now, Johnson did say that the state will intervene if there are complaints. But in terms of upfront compliance, that's really going to be up to the businesses themselves. And I guess to their customers who, presumably, have an interest in keeping themselves safe.

Speaking of enforcement, I notice that the governor's plan pretty much retains the current requirement that out-of-state visitors self-quarantine for 14 days, at least through the first three phases of the plan. But how is that going to work in practice?

You've really touched on a tricky situation here. So the governor's plan says the out-of-state visitors can stay at hotels and campgrounds, which wouldn't open up until June at the earliest if they've met that 14 day quarantine, which is in effect now. But who's going to come to Maine, quarantine for 14 days somewhere, and then go to a hotel or a campground? I'm guessing not many people. It seems more likely that they're going to ignore that quarantine requirement or not come at all. That latter scenario is a big concern for businesses that are dependent on tourists, who on average, spend about three or four days here, according to state data. The former scenario, that they come anyway and ignore the quarantine, is a scary prospect for people who are already worried about tourists coming here and possibly spreading more of COVID-19.

Now, Governor Mills acknowledges that the requirement will be difficult to enforce. But I also get the sense her administration is exploring other ways to balance the health concerns against businesses who are dependent on tourists. Here's what Commissioner Johnson said about the quarantine requirement Wednesday: "Right now, a 14-day quarantine is kind of the only solution, ot the primary solution. We see line-of-sight to other potential solutions, but there's a lot of science that needs to that needs to happen between now and then."

So it sounds like the administration is looking at possible alternatives to the 14-day quarantine, which I understand was developed because that's believed to be the incubation period for the virus.

Yeah, that's right. If there's research that the incubation period is actually shorter, then maybe the administration would change the current requirement. But I think we're a pretty long ways off from that.

I've also been wondering about this badge that the state would give to businesses that follow their safety check lists. What can you tell us about that?

I'm glad you brought that up, Ed, because I've been seeing so much social media traffic suggesting that these badges, which are more like signs or posters, are basically some kind of big government tattoo or worse. But it's really not. I mean, the badges are voluntary for the businesses to use. And they're really meant as a tool for businesses to assure customers that they've satisfied these health checklists that we talked about earlier. And that might make a lot of sense for some donors attempting to restart during a pandemic. So much of the debate about reopening the economy has been about whether the government will even allow it. But it's also about whether customers will feel safe enough to participate and patronize businesses. And that's going to be a big challenge for businesses. And these badges might provide some reassurances for their customers.

I know there are a lot of other questions swirling out there, but maybe that's to be expected.

Yeah, I think that's right. I mean, much of this plan is very much a work in progress. And that's because so much of this work has never been done before. And that was a message that Maine Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Nirav Shah said during Wednesday's press briefing: "These are questions that at no time, at least in modern history, has society ever really faced."

That seems like something to keep in mind as all of this unfolds.

Originally published April 29, 2020 at 6:12 p.m. ET.

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'A Work In Progress' - How Will Maine's Phased Reopening Work? - mainepublic.org

Points of Progress: Breakthrough in plastic recycling, and more – The Christian Science Monitor

1. United States

The bald eagle continues to make its comeback from the brink of extinction in the United States, particularly across the Upper Midwest, where states are reporting record high numbers of the national bird. In Minnesota, the eagle population has climbed from 1,312 in 2005 to around 4,000 by the latest estimate. The continued increase in individual birds, as well as the record number of nests documented this year, is credited to the care afforded by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.The ban of toxic pesticides such as DDT and conservation efforts have also contributed to the comeback. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the number of nesting pairs in the continental U.S. rose from 487 in 1963 to 9,789 in 2007, when the bald eagle was taken off the endangered species list. (ABC News, St. Peter Herald, The Chronotype)

Literacy rates have risen dramatically over the past few years to 92% in Sobral, one of the poorest municipalities in Brazil, while the number of families living in extreme poverty declined by 89%. This is a result of a movement to improve education in Sobral, which started in 1997 with renovating school buildings, furnishing them with computers and resources, and boosting public spending on education.People think its magic and its not. It is persistence and a lot of hard work, says Ivo Gomes, Sobrals mayor. Now, the city tops 5,000 districts in Brazils education development index. Similar initiatives are being replicated across the country. Work has begun in 25 municipalities across five states. (The Guardian)

Makoko, the worlds largest floating slum, is being given a place on digital maps of Nigeria, a sign of recognition and inclusion of a place that is home to an estimated 250,000 people. The project, launched by the nonprofit organizations Code for Africa and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap in September 2019, is another step toward helping residents create an infrastructure that supports community development.Residents were taught how to pilot drones and populate the map with images from the community. Established nearly a century ago after fishermen from neighboring countries settled there, Makoko has been ignored by the Nigerian government or threatened with regular eviction notices. A navigable digital map aims to enable development of health care, electricity, and education services for the residents of Makoko. (CNN)

After decades of operation, SSEs Fiddlers Ferry electricity power station in northern England shuttered on March 31, 2020.

Two energy companies have shut down two coal-fired power operations ahead of the U.K.s ban on coal-fired power beginning in 2025. The closures leave only four coal plants in the country. After almost 50 years, the U.K.s leading energy corporations, SSE and RWE, shuttered their coal-fired plants on March 31. SSEs plant, designed in 1973 to serve 2 million customers, had been losing 3 million ($3.68 million) per year. Coal plants are going out of business largely because of a hefty government tax on carbon that aims to cut emissions in half, and competition from less expensive renewable energy sources.Four years ago, coal powered almost a quarter of U.K. electricity. In 2019, coal-fired electricity only made up 2.1% of U.K. energy output.(The Guardian)

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Giant pandas Le Le (top) and Ying Ying at Ocean Park mated for the first time in 13 years in the privacy of Hong Kongs pandemic lockdown.

Two giant pandas successfully mated for the first time during the coronavirus lockdown after living together for 13 years in a Hong Kong zoo. Ocean Park, home to Ying Ying and Le Le, shut down on Jan. 26, freeing the amusement park of its usual crowds. The species is known for its reluctance to mate and difficulties with fertility. Female pandas are fertile for only 24 to 72 hours a year, which makes matters more difficult for animal conservationists working to reverse the population decline of the vulnerable species.In 2014, the World Wide Fund for Nature estimated that there were only 1,864 giant pandas remaining in the wild. Pregnancy is more likely through natural mating over artificial insemination, and after 10 years of trials and lessons, zookeepers and experts say this is a cause for celebration. It is not yet known if a cub is on its way. (The Guardian, The New York Times)

Scientists have created a mutant bacterial enzyme that can break down PET, which is used to make plastic drink bottles. Originally discovered in compost, the enzyme can break down plastic to its chemical building blocks within a few hours. The chemicals then can be used to make new food-grade plastic bottles. The research, published in the journal Nature, is the product of screening 100,000 microorganisms.Carbios, the company behind the breakthrough, intends to reach industrial-scale recycling within five years. It partnered with companies such as LOral and Pepsi to speed up development. Other scientific efforts to find biological ways to break down major plastic are underway, including using wax moth larvae to break down polyethylene. (The Guardian, Nature)

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Points of Progress: Breakthrough in plastic recycling, and more - The Christian Science Monitor

Opinion: Good progress battling the virus. It’s time to heal the economy. – Juneau Empire

Mixed reactions greeted Gov. Mike Dunleavys announced modifications easing emergency health mandates across the state. Some medical and government officials contended it was too soon to open up Alaskas economy and that restrictive lockdowns should continue. Others disputed that claim, saying that with proper precautions continuing social distancing, wearing of facemasks and appropriate hygiene procedures it was prudent to allow some businesses to open.

Dunleavy wisely evaluated competing courses of action by balancing governments responsibility for public safety against the economic, social and health costs of extending lockdown mandates.

Earlier, hundreds of Alaskans had participated in an organized protest of COVID-19 restrictions. Anxious to get back to work to resuscitate their businesses, frustrated with constraints on their freedom and maybe suffering from old-fashioned cabin fever, the message was clear enough is enough.

Andrew McCarthy, a senior fellow at National Review Institute, addressed this point in a recent article. It does not mean that expertise, in particular the mastery of science, is insignificant. It is critical. But it does not have declarative authority. Expertise is not right because it says so. It is there to help us, not order us. It has to compete. It has to convince. And unless it does, it should have no power to infringe on our liberties.

McCarthys contention is that inherent in the Constitution is the abiding principle that liberty may not be restricted unless the government first convinces us that it must be. Mandates are not imposed just because a government official says so. Indeed, like our court system, the burden of proof is upon the government to prove its case before an individuals liberty is infringed.

Most Alaskans who have contracted COVID-19 have recovered from the disease, as of this writing 65% to date out of 351 cases. Only 37 have required hospitalization. Nine have died two of them from out of state. Over 16,000 tests have been administered. The number of active cases peaked on April 2 and has been declining since.

These were among the facts Dunleavy cited to justify reopening the states economy.

These are good numbers, Dunleavy said. These are numbers that demonstrate to us, again, that we can take those steps methodically, in a calculated fashion, to get back to doing some of the work.

Alaskas Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink, said the state is assessing four areas in weighing what to reopen, both at the state and local level. They include the number of cases; the amount of testing; contact tracing ability; and health care preparedness.

By beginning the reopening process, the Dunleavy administration hopes to blunt the economic devastation the coronavirus has inflicted upon our state while minimizing health risks to the general population.

According to ISER associate professor of economics Mouhcine Guettabi, 62,000 individual Alaskans had filed for unemployment by late April, representing 17% of the labor force. It is expected this number will rise significantly as additional layoffs occur and self-employed workers qualify for benefits.

Alaska was already dealing with a severe structural budget deficit before the COVID-19 crisis hit. Now, our formerly robust visitor and fishing industries may essentially be closed this year. Alaskas oil and mining industries are under extreme pressure due to collapsing worldwide demand.

Government cutbacks and layoffs at the state and local level are inevitable.

While significant federal aid will pour into the state over the next several months, Alaskans should recognize this aid is only temporary and it will never compensate businesses for the unprecedented losses they have incurred.

The proponents of lockdown have framed the options going forward as returning to work or risking death. This is a false choice.

With preventative measures and common sense, the odds of contracting the virus and being hospitalized are slight. The danger of dying in Alaska in a traffic accident is much greater than falling victim to the coronavirus.

With only five active COVID-19 cases and no current hospitalizations in Juneau, the CBJ Assembly sensibly endorsed the loosening of restrictions this week.

Alaska is not New York. Taking incremental steps towards re-opening our economy is neither dangerous nor foolhardy.

Given the available evidence, it is imperative.

Win Gruening retired as the senior vice president in charge of business banking for Key Bank in 2012. He was born and raised in Juneau and is active in community affairs as a 30-plus year member of Juneau Downtown Rotary Club and has been involved in various local and statewide organizations. Columns, My Turns and Letters to the Editor represent the view of the author, not the view of the Juneau Empire.

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Opinion: Good progress battling the virus. It's time to heal the economy. - Juneau Empire

Inspired Updates Progress on COVID-19 Initiatives – PRNewswire

NEW YORK, April 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Inspired Entertainment, Inc. ("Inspired" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: INSE) recently provided an updated 13-week projected cash flow forecast to its lenders which showed an improved liquidity profile as compared to a previously provided forecast. Additionally, the Company today announced favorable improvements in recent business trends.

Forward Liquidity Projections

The Company has taken a number of actions over the past few weeks to provide greater financial flexibility and near-term liquidity for its business. Based upon the projections1 provided to lenders on April 24, 2020 (the "April 24th Projections"), Inspired currently projects having available cash balances of GBP25.7 million, or $31.8 million2, at July 17, 2020, assuming the retail lockdown carries on for this period. This compares favorably to a prior projected cash balance of 10.1 million, or $12.5 million2, at July 31, 2020 based upon prior projections provided to lenders on March 24, 2020 (the "March 24th Projections")3.

Following the projection period underlying the April 24th Projections, management currently expects a further improvement in monthly operating cash uses (excluding debt service), to approximately 0.5 million per month for as long as all retail locations are closed. It should be noted that all projections assume that all retail locations would remain closed for the entire projection period.

Additionally, on April 24th, following the preparation of the April 24th Projections, the Italian Government announced that certain gaming locations (including wagering on both Virtual Sports and live sports) would be permitted to operate beginning May 11, 2020. The April 24th Projections do not include any potential benefit due to these potential retail re-openings.

Furthermore, Inspired currently expects to apply to access certain UK Government-sponsored lending programs which appear targeted to buffering the liquidity position of companies such as Inspired as these companies "reopen" their businesses in the future. Neither set of projections contemplates the receipt of any proceeds from such programs, which can be an important part of any additional capital we may raise in the future. There can be no assurance, however, that Inspired will be able to access these lending programs.

Business Update

Currently, the vast majority of the Company's retail customers remain on lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the Company has seen an uptick in demand in certain of its business lines. In light of the absence of live sporting events and as demonstrated by the recent success of the Virtual Grand National and the excitement surrounding the upcoming "The Kentucky Derby: Triple Crown Showdown", Virtual Sports remain an important driver of the Company's business.

In addition to actions previously reported by the Company on March 30th, Inspired has implemented further furloughs across its workforce as well as expense reductions. Following these actions, and in light of recent operating trends, the Company currently expects to have positive Adjusted EBITDA levels beginning in April 2020.

Lorne Weil, Executive Chairman of Inspired said, "As the impact of this pandemic continues to grow, we remain focused on the well-being of our employees, while taking the necessary steps to strengthen our financial flexibility, prioritize investments, and reduce our expenditures in this time of uncertainty. While it is impossible to predict how long this crisis will last, we believe these actions will help us to navigate this environment to ensure our Company's long-term success."

Weil added, "We have been fortunate to see growth in certain of our business lines since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, providing us an important cushion against the current cessation in our land-based business. We remain committed to providing our customers with excellent service and products and continue to do our best to accommodate the unprecedented demand in certain business lines, which we see as a significant sign of strength in the longer term."

Weil concluded, "We continue to monitor developments on a real-time basis, and, fortunately, we're starting to see some restrictions on land-based venues have been lifted. We're looking forward to resuming normal operations as soon as conditions permit, as we seek to build upon our positive momentum from our fourth quarter."

AboutInspired Entertainment, Inc.

Inspired offers an expanding portfolio of content, technology, hardware and services for regulated gaming, betting, lottery, and leisure operators across retail and mobile channelsaround the world.The Company's gaming, virtual sports, interactive and leisure products appeal to a wide variety of players, creating new opportunities for operators to grow their revenue.The Company operatesin approximately 35 jurisdictions worldwide, supplyinggaming systems with associated terminals and content for more than 50,000 gaming machines located in betting shops, pubs, gaming halls and other route operations; virtual sports products through more than 44,000 retail channels; digital games for 100+ websites; and a variety of amusement entertainment solutions with a total installed base of more than 19,000 devices.Additional information can be found atwww.inseinc.com.

Forward Looking Statements

This news release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "estimate," "plan," "will," "would" and "project" and other similar expressions that indicate future events or trends or are not statements of historical matters. These statements are based on Inspired's management's current expectations and beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions concerning future events.

Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside of Inspired's control and all of which could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Inspired's views as of any subsequent date, and Inspired does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. You are advised to review carefully the "Risk Factors" section of Inspired's annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and in Inspired's subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, which are available, free of charge, on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's website at http://www.sec.gov. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding our belief that we have sufficient liquidity to fund our business operations during the next 13 weeks. In addition, the statements made by the Company with respect to the potential future impact of COVID-19 on the Company's business and operations, and the Company's expected responses thereto, are forward-looking statements. The Company encourages investors to visit its website from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted. The Company does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements, except as may be required by law.


Aimee Remey [emailprotected] +1 646 565-6938

For Press and Sales [emailprotected]

http://www.inseinc.com @Inspired_News

1While Inspired does not intend to provide such information on a regular, ongoing basis, in response to a number of requests for information by public markets investors, Inspired is making public closing balance detail of the April 24th Projections (as provided for in an agreement with its lenders dated April 6, 2020), as well as the March 24th Projections. Inspired currently believes that all assumptions underlying these projections are reasonable, but each of the underlying assumptions are subject to change and Inspired undertakes no responsibility for updating these projections based upon any such changes (or for any other reason).

2Using prevailing foreign exchange rates as of market close on April 24, 2020.

3Note: projected dates provided to lenders were not the same between the two sets of projections.

SOURCE Inspired Entertainment, Inc.


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Inspired Updates Progress on COVID-19 Initiatives - PRNewswire

Ohio Makes Progress With Reagent and Testing Swabs, Contact Tracing – Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH

Governor DeWine announced new collaborative efforts in the state's fight against COVID-19.

(Columbus, Oh.) - At the end of last week, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted gaveupdates on Ohio's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including reagent,testing swabs, and contact tracing.


Governor DeWine announced that the newly formed Testing Strike Team, led by former Governors Celeste and Taft, have reached an agreement with Thermo Fisher, which willsubstantially expand the COVID-19 testing capacity in Ohio.

"This is an exciting, new partnership, and we look forward to working with the Thermo Fisher team and its 1,500 employees working in Ohio," said Governor DeWine.

Governor DeWine has worked tirelessly to address the critical need to increase diagnostic testing across his state, and our teams have worked together to develop a plan to meet that goal, said Marc N. Casper, chairman, president and CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Through his leadership and determination, labs across the state will have access to reagents and instruments needed to accelerate testing and control the spread of the virus. We are committed to helping the Governor in this effort to protect Ohio citizens and help save lives.

Testing Swabs:

Through the collaborative efforts of the Ohio Manufacturing Alliance to Fight COVID-19, Cleveland's ROE Dental Laboratorywill manufacture nearly1 million testing swabs to support Ohio's testing efforts.

This company that typically produces dental restorations, such as crowns, dentures, and dental surgical guides, will now be able tomanufacture swabs from Formlabs, a 3-D printing company in Toledo.

ROE Dental Laboratory has invested in more than 36 additional 3-D printers, almostdoubling production. This has led to bringing backnearly 100 employees to produce swabs around the clock.

"We are very appreciative to ROE Dental for providing these much-needed supplies for Ohioans. Because of their efforts and other efforts underway, Ohio will be producing a million swabs in the coming weeks," said Governor DeWine. "Public-private partnerships like this represent how, here in Ohio, we are all in this together. We believe that these efforts will not only increase our capacity to test, but they will also provide us with a stable supply chain."

This testing will dramatically increase Ohio's testing in our priority areas, including nursing homes, hot spots, congregate living settings, food and grocery stores, and essential manufacturing facilities.

Contact Tracing:

The increased testingwill allow for enhanced contact exposure tracing throughout the state.

"Voluntary contact exposure tracing is one of the strongest weapons we have to help keep our families, our friends, and ourselves healthy," said Governor DeWine. "For several weeks, we have been recruiting community health workers to conduct this vital voluntary tracing."

As part of Ohio's offense strategy, the state hasstarted working with Massachusetts-based Partners in Health, which will bring needed resources to Ohio to help increase the ability to trace contact exposure to the virus.

For more information on Ohio's response to COVID-19, visitcoronavirus.ohio.govor call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.

Originally posted here:

Ohio Makes Progress With Reagent and Testing Swabs, Contact Tracing - Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH

Stitt: OESC and digital transformation show progress in managing increase in unemployment claims – Claremore Daily Progress

OKLAHOMA CITY Governor Kevin Stitts Secretary of Digital Transformation, David Ostrowe, in partnership with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) and Executive Director Robin Roberson announced today the State agency has made headway in upgrading the states decades old system for filing unemployment claims.

Since the first of April, the agency has processed over 160,000 claims, which is more than the agency traditionally processes in one full year, said Secretary of Digital Transformation David Ostrowe. The speed of processing these critical and timely benefits was made possible due to rapid and significant digital improvements made to the agencys operations in partnership with OMES.

The agency has also added more than 1,000 helpdesk agents to the call center in the last two weeks, and over 200 helpdesk agents were added beginning April 20 to assist in Tier 2 call backs to customers.

This addition to the workforce has allowed more than 71,000 Tier 2 claims to move through the process where they were once stalled.

All the credit goes to Executive Director Robin Roberson for her visionary leadership and business acumen that has brought 21st century practices to state government, Ostrowe added. Ive witnessed dedicated state employees at OESC putting in long hours to help their fellow citizens during this unprecedented time. Through this partnership with Digital Transformation and OESC Ive gotten to see the best of what our state can do when we are all focused on a mission to help our fellow Oklahomans.

Oklahoma is one of the first states to fund Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and citizens are now able to apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance online. Applicants who have pre-applied will begin receiving notifications to complete their application.

Other enhancements and metrics:

A new claims status process has been put in place to allow citizens to more easily check the status of their claim without having to contact the helpdesk.

A new weekly claims filing process has been deployed, this new process allows citizens to more easily submit their weekly claims attestation visit.

Over 160,000 new claims processed since April 1 through April 22.

We are making critical coverage of the coronavirus available for free. Please consider subscribing so we can continue to bring you the latest news and information on this developing story.

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Stitt: OESC and digital transformation show progress in managing increase in unemployment claims - Claremore Daily Progress

Myth circulates online that COVID-19 symptoms progress in three distinct stages – AFP Factcheck

Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claimpatients infected with the novel coronavirus will experience respiratory symptoms that progress in severity in three distinct stages. The posts also prescribe purported home remedies for the disease, including eating garlic and gargling saltwater and vinegar. Theclaims are misleading; health experts have saidCOVID-19 symptoms vary from person-to-person;the purported coronavirus treatments listed in the posts have previouslybeen debunked by AFP.

The claim has been shared more than 600 times after it was published on Facebook here on April 14, 2020.

Below is a screenshot of the misleading post:

Written in a mix of Tagalog and English, the post reads, in part: "The covid-19 incubation is 14 days before the symptoms present, so once you are infected, you wouldn't immediately know. Very alarming, once you are infected you can already infect others even if you don't experience the symptoms. Really the most important, to know the behavior of the virus once it hits you. It's in 3 stages.

"#1STSTAGE headache... pain in the head just like someone with sinusitis, then when the pain is gone its the beginning of / #2NDSTAGE. you will have flu, high fever and dry throat along with dry cough and cold to the point of losing your voice.. after a few days you will slightly feel better, that's the time of the onset of / #3RDSTAGE which is #THEMOSTDANGEROUS. I repeat the most dangerous. From flu it will become a pneumonia.."

The post adds that the best remedy for COVID-19 includes gargling lukewarm water with salt and vinegar; consuming boiled ginger and Philippine limes; eating garlic; and not letting ones throat dry up.

Identical claims havebeen shared here, here, here, here and here on Facebook.

The claimsare misleading.

International health authorities maintain that the symptoms of COVID-19can vary from person-to-person.

"The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 present at illness onset vary, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states in this information page.

Over the course of the disease, most patients will experience fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms, the CDC said. Headache, sore throat and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea have also been reported but are less common.

Below is a screenshot of the CDCs guidance:

COVID-19 symptoms also vary in severity and can differ depending on other factors, includingthepatient's ageand pre-existing conditions.

The COVID-19 virus affects different people in different ways, the World Health Organization (WHO) states here. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment.

The WHO notes: older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The claims made in the misleading posts about purported home remedies are also inaccurate. Gargling saltwater and vinegar, consuming boiled ginger, eating garlic, and keeping ones throat moist have all been previously debunked by AFP here, here, here and here.

Visit link:

Myth circulates online that COVID-19 symptoms progress in three distinct stages - AFP Factcheck

Dolphins’ undrafted free agent activity is latest sign of progress – Dolphins Wire

The Miami Dolphins NFL Draft is complete the team has successfully added 12 total talents to the roster (if you include RB Matt Breida) throughout the course of the last three days. It serves as the culmination of a difficult 2019 year in which the Dolphins willingly took a step back and decided to invest themselves into a rebuilding process. That rebuild isnt complete, but it sure as hell looks different now than it did this time last year and thats a great thing.

Consider this. The Miami Dolphins were a hotspot for undrafted free agents at the end of the 2019 NFL Draft. Why? Because this team was so barren and lost for talent that the team was a guarantee for snaps if you could make the roster. And from the Dolphins point of view, undrafted free agents were the lotterys equivalent to free scratch offs. Theyre super cheap and despite a low hit rate, theres enough there to keep you interested.

Sure enough, Miami got a few winning tickets out of the UDFA rat race last year. The most notable are WR Preston Williams and CB Nik Needham.

This years UDFA plan is much different for Miami. Its almost non-existent. The current undrafted free agents currently scheduled to be heading to Miami are as follows:

DL Ray Lima, Iowa StateDL Benito Jones, MississippiOG Donnell Stanley, South CarolinaDE Tyshun Redner, Middle Tennessee StateOL Nick Kaltmayer, Kansas StateWR Kirk Merritt, Arkansas StateWR Matt Cole, McKendreeTE/DE Bryce Sterk, Montana State

This group doesnt have hot, buzzy names. This group probably sees a practice squad stash and perhaps one player make the active roster. And that is the latest and greatest sign of progress yet. Because when UDFAs dont choose to come play for your team, it is typically for one of two reasons either your team is considered a complete disaster from a culture standpoint or it is because they dont feel they have a great chance to showcase themselves on your team.

We know the Dolphins are anything but a disaster, so what does that tell you about this modest crop of undrafted free agents?

Continue reading here:

Dolphins' undrafted free agent activity is latest sign of progress - Dolphins Wire

The National Divide Over COVID-19 Testing Threatens Our Progress – TIME

COVID-19 is dividing the country in many dangerous even deadly ways and now, those divisions threaten to further stall urgently needed action. At a time when science and data must drive policy and we have seen that such policy works too many are instead dismissing facts and evidence to advance shortsighted goals. Americans are eager to get back to work, but only when we can do so safely, responsibly, and with the hopes of not having to shut down again.

The public debate at the moment is between those calling for ubiquitous testing (and Im among them) and those saying we cant do it or dont need to. Adding to this disagreement, there is now debate about whether we should be testing for COVID-19 at all, and instead test for antibodies that might reveal immunity to the disease. At a time when urgent, widespread action is necessary, these divisions are becoming a roadblock. Im reminded of the image of protesters screaming from their cars at health care workers silently preventing them from moving forward. No one advances.

The fact is, we need ubiquitous testing because we need to know who is actively infected and a danger to others and who is not currently infected. Testing for active infectious disease is a bedrock of controlling that disease, borne out of years of evidence and experience. There is no questions about whether we should do this and there should not be any question about whether we can do it. We must. And while we need more testing may seem a tired verse, we still are not testing for the virus at the levels we need. PCR tests which look for the presence of the virus have topped out at about 150,000 per day nationally. This is simply not enough to yield an accurate and actionable picture of the epidemic and at this moment, we are surely missing a majority of the people who are actively infected and spreading to others. Our analysis suggests that we need a minimum, 500,000 per day, and that assumes we maintain social distancing for a bit to bring case numbers down further.

Antibody tests, which are receiving a lot of attention, arent an alternative to the PCR test that looks for virus. They are a complement we need both. These antibody tests are essential for getting an overall picture of the epidemic, how many have had silent infections, and whether people might be immune. While these tests are great at the population level, there is too much error at the individual level. Given high rates of false positives and false negatives population we currently see as this technology is still being developed, it would be risky to tell people that they are immune when they may not be. Still, they are helpful when applied more broadly to a community or state and we should add them to our arsenal, but not be distracted from the challenge of tracking the virus as it moves.

Without ubiquitous testingtesting everyone with symptoms, and those they have come in contact withwe simply cannot be confident that a reported decline in cases represents a true decline in infections and that its safe to open. If a state misjudges its true underlying infection trajectory, it may suffer large flare-ups of the disease, necessitating a long and painful lockdown again. Yet most states are long way from adequate testing and the tracing of contacts that must follow. Massachusetts was the first state to begin building the infrastructure to trace contacts and it is still far from being ready. Other states have begun this effort but have ways to go to be ready. One report estimates the U.S. will need 100,000 new workers to perform this task.

The President has been encouraging the protests and that adds pressure on the Governors to open, even when those states dont meet the criteria his task force set out for opening up. It would be helpful if the President listened more closely to the public health and science advisors on his team and let their advice shape his message to states. The facts and the data are clear, we cannot re-open without a far more robust picture of who is infected and who is not. We should not ask anyone to return to a workplace without knowing if their coworkers are healthy. We cannot go back to a dinner out, without knowing if the waiter or waitress is healthy. Or get on a beach or a boat without knowing the people around us are not shedding virus asymptomatically.

The divisions around testing are now blocking needed and urgent action. These divisions must be repaired. The scientists and public health experts agree on whats needed, its time our national policy reflect the best science and evidence and policy leaders should bring us together to safely re-open based on that guidance.

The bottom line is that we can open up America again, but it cant be back to business as usual. That will be difficult. We must open up slowly and deliberately with ubiquitous testing, contact tracing, and isolating those who are sick. And of course, no large gatherings. It wont be back to business as usual. But not getting back to business as usual is better than not getting back to business at all. And those really are our only choices.

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Contact us at editors@time.com.

Read the original post:

The National Divide Over COVID-19 Testing Threatens Our Progress - TIME

Coronavirus hit to Australian economy to be outlined in budget progress report – The Guardian

The Morrison government will issue an unprecedented progress report on the budget, outlining the coronavirus pounding to the national economy and the huge outlay to deal with the pandemic.

The statement on 12 May the first day of parliaments return is being seen as a prelude to the federal and state governments easing restrictions on businesses.

But the statement, to be delivered by the treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, in the House of Representatives and finance minister, Mathias Cormann, in the Senate, will also use the magnitude of the economic crunch to underline that recovery will not be swift.

The near-term outlook depends critically on this ongoing success [in suppressing Covid-19] and our ability to gradually ease restrictions so people can return to work, the ministers said in a statement on Monday night.

It is reasonable to expect that the pace and scope of any easing in containment measures will become more clear in the period ahead while economic data on the current state of the economy will become more readily available.

The review of government finances before the 6 October budget will resemble a mid-year economic fiscal outlook (MYEFO) usually released in December, halfway through the financial year.

The government will be under pressure to nominate how it will pay for the $320bn in stimulus and safety-net schemes, representing 16.4% of annual economic output.

Labor is expected to support the decision to release a detailed statement.

Shadow finance minister, Katy Gallagher, warned on Friday the March monthly financial statement showed tax revenue was $4bn short of forecasts made less than four months ago.

With the budget not being held until October 2020 it is critically important that the government provide an economic update to the Australian people when the parliament returns in May, she said.

The ministers said the May statement would outline the impact of the coronavirus on the economy and the governments actions to date, to be reinforced by an update on the economic and fiscal outlook in June, following the release of the March quarter national accounts.

Those March quarter figures on economic growth could identify the start of a decline which might blend into a recession.

There are increasingly stark complaints from industry sectors that the business-led recovery the government wants is struggling to get under way.

Businesses are pressuring governments to reopen pubs, clubs and theatres before they are shut down for good.

They also want borders reopened.

Peak employer organisation the Australian Industry Group wants a first step to be the removal of restrictions on crossing state borders, imposed by governments in Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania.

Welcome talk of restarting NZ-Australia air travel raises the obvious question of why cant we reopen the borders between our own states immediately and take down the inconsistent and overly-cautious cross-border barriers, the Ai Group chief executive, Innes Willox, said on Monday.

It should not be easier to get from Sydney to Wellington than it is to get from Coolangatta to Tweed Heads.

And when we eventually can holiday again, wouldnt it be better for our local economy to take a break in Broome or the Flinders Ranges rather than go skiing in Queenstown?

Business also wants relief from limits on who could take to the roads.

Willox said members of his organisation reported nervous staff fearing police stops and potentially huge fines.

He sad freight was moving reasonably well after a difficult start.

But many Ai Group members working across borders do so under threat of self-isolation orders and financial penalties for non-compliance ranging from $13,335 in Queensland to $62,800 in the Northern Territory, he said.

Borders should be reopened fully with the continued understanding and strong messaging that the community and business are expected to adhere to all health and social distancing requirements.

Such healthy practices have become second nature to most of us now and we should have confidence in the community to do the right thing without threat.

Excerpt from:

Coronavirus hit to Australian economy to be outlined in budget progress report - The Guardian

Clive Cox pleased with the progress of Golden Horde and Positive – Racing TV

Clive Cox has plenty to look forward to when he is able to unleash Golden Horde and Positive this season.

The pair did very little wrong last year, with Richmond Stakes winner Golden Horde finishing third to Earthlight in the Prix Morny before closing the gap on Andre Fabres charge to a neck when second in the Middle Park Stakes at Newmarket.

Positive found only Pinatubo too good in the Vintage Stakes at Goodwood and came out on top in a strong renewal of the Solario Stakes at Sandown, where he accounted for subsequent Verterm Futurity Trophy hero Kameko among others.

Cox said: Theyve done very well over the winter and Im very happy with them. Obviously like everyone else were just looking for light at the end of the tunnel with exact targets and timings really, but they are two wonderful horses to have on our hands.

Were very pleased with their progress, but were in the same boat as everyone else really. As much as possible were excited at returning as and when its safe to do so.

Golden Horde is set to stick to the trip at which he excelled last year and has the Commonwealth Cup as a target, should Royal Ascot go ahead as planned in June, albeit behind closed doors.

Cox said: I think Im more inclined to be concentrating on six furlongs at the moment. Hes an absolute joy to deal with, hes very strong and mature and has done especially well over the winter.

It was far wetter than ideal for him in France, it was very testing ground and although he coped with it, he improved for better ground.

If that (Commonwealth Cup) is there, we will be.

Positive was sixth in the Dewhurst on his final start, but that was a run in which he encountered ground much softer than he had in his three previous outings.

Cox said: He was just uncomfortable on that ground, I think a drier surface with him is very important, but likewise he is a horse we love and hes done well through the winter.

Were open minded, Im sure hes going to perform at the highest level and seven furlongs or a mile is very much on the agenda.

See the original post here:

Clive Cox pleased with the progress of Golden Horde and Positive - Racing TV

7 Stages to the New Normal, revisited the lack of progress haunts my thinking – Web In Travel

When I wrote the first version of the story that was published in WiT three weeks ago, I used less data than is now available. Now I think we have a better view of the situation. Thus I am revising my timeline and its not pretty.

Stage 3 wassupposed to end with March. There are still repatriation flights occurringacross the world. The UK is repatriating citizens from India. The Cyprusgovernment is helping to repatriate UK citizens back from the island nation.The US State Department is still getting people back from Africa. The vastmajority will be complete by the end of next week.

Stage 4, Ibelieved previously, would galvanise the stakeholders in the airline industry not least of which would be the governments to form consensus groups togetherto create solutions that would start the process of a planned return to somedegree of normalcy. Sadly, this is not happening.

Unlike theperiod after 9/11 when there was unprecedented cooperation between countriesand commercial stakeholders in support of the air transportation system, thereis little of that going on. Much criticism needs to be levelled at the USA forits failure to participate, let alone lead.

Thus Ibelieve now that Stage 4 will extend out for Europe and North America thiswill likely mean Stage 4 will last until September. Thus the Northern Europeansummer season is now shot. This recession, at least as far as the aviationmarket is concerned, is an abrupt L rather than the somewhat rosy view oftraditional economists who wrote reports showing V or U shaped recoverymodels.

I fully expect to see World Travel Market cancelled or drastically reduced in size. Other major events too will be cancelled and some events will never return. What happens in stage 4 and the extent of positive action will have a direct impact on the speed and slope of recovery. Chinas singular focus will pay dividends. USAs procrastination and stumbles will doom it to a long and painful period. The USA economy which depends so much on air travel will falter.

Stage 5 most of the airline industry has accepted this new truth which includes athree- to five-year recovery model, but the looming challenge is the cash burnof so many of the airlines will mean that many of them will now be facing downthe barrel of bankruptcy. The unevenness of the recovery will start to appear.

I believethat China and certain other countries such as Taiwan and South Korea will alsobe at the new normal a lot faster. The balance of this year (2020) willdissolve into recriminations, more bailouts and no cross industry solutions. Aswe enter the fourth quarter irrespective of the success of containment ofCovid-19 fears of the next wave of a virus-like disease will curtail anypossibility of recovery.

The sheermagnitude of the downturn will now start to dawn on the human race that theextent and length of the downturn will be three to five years, rather than justa correction. Stage 5 will occupy a time period now well into 2021. Alreadythere is some talk of the Olympics not making it even in 2021.

My view isthat the longer there is a delay in bold decision-making in Stage 4, thegreater the likelihood is of regulation and the more extensive its form. Recognitionthat the air transportation system is a strategic asset will see(re)nationalization of some airlines. And right in the cross-hairs is IATA.This venerable organization will have to face the reality of a massive cut inits budget. That impact will start to become apparent at the end of 2020.

Stage 6 the recovery will be slower and start a lot later. That gentle slope will hidethe extent of the re-crafting of the airline sector and the travel industry asa whole. We will see far fewer players. We will see higher prices andsubsidies. Travel will lose a lot of the edge of attractiveness. Withunemployment in many countries like USA hovering at an unprecedented 10% intolate 2021 or even into 2022; discretionary spending priorities will change fora very long time.

My sensenow is that the hard line between stages 6 and 7 will not be as apparent. Therewill be no cheering on reaching that milestone.

Whateverthe timeline we will have a lot more have vs have not discussions in thecoming years. Over capacity of supply, and over-tourism will be far less ofan issue.

The biggest change will be the revolution in the infrastructure of our industry. Digital will sweep away so much that is manual. Legacy structures will collapse in the face of the need for low cost solutions. Governments will have to step back in to regulate and preserve the system in ways they have not had to consider in now decades. I remain cautiously optimistic but the lack of progress haunts my thinking.

Timothy ONeil-Dunne is principal of 777 Partners

Featured image credit: LuckyTD/Getty Images

Continued here:

7 Stages to the New Normal, revisited the lack of progress haunts my thinking - Web In Travel

Progress Made by States in 2019 Is Key to Increasing Broadband – The Pew Charitable Trusts

As the coronavirus forces millions of Americans to work, study, and socialize from home, the importance of broadband access has never been more keenly felt. But the issue is not new. The past several years have seen states pass a raft of broadband legislation, as policymakers have recognized the central role that broadband plays in providing people with education, health care, social connection, and economic opportunity. The 2019 legislative session was no different, as states took action to expand access to broadband, even before the coronavirus highlighted the need for more connectivity.

The Pew broadband research initiative has updated its State Broadband Policy Explorerto include laws enacted in 2019, a year in which, according to Pews data, states focused on three key areas for expanding broadband access: continuing to establish governance and funding structures; clarifying who can provide broadband; and addressing emerging digital issues and opportunities.

Establishing governance and funding structures: States continued to create new entities and funding streams to drive broadband policy, adding to the programs that Pew catalogedin 2018.

Broadband taskforcesgroups of stakeholders inside and outside governmentcan develop recommendations and establish governance structures that lead to the expansion of broadband access. In 2019, Idaho, Iowa, North Carolina, and Texas each created a broadband task force, and Louisiana established one in both the legislative and executive branches. States can also task an existing agency with responsibility for broadband or establish a new office to oversee broadband efforts. Thats what Washington did when it created the Statewide Broadband Office within the Department of Commerce.

Seven statesArizona, Wyoming, South Dakota, Washington, Vermont, Maryland, and Illinoisset up broadband funding structures in 2019. Although many states, prior to 2019, had established funds to expand access to high-speed internet, money was not always appropriated to those funds. However, the seven states with newly established funding mechanisms also allocated money, including Illinois $400 million statewide broadband deployment grant program.

Pews research has found that state broadband programs often play the important role of coordinating with other state agencies to support connectivity efforts. For example, Washingtons new broadband office works with the states Board of Public Works to administer a competitive grant and loan program.

By creating visible points of contact within state government, setting up stakeholder groups to guide policy, and allocating funds to bridge the divide, states are clarifying what they want to achieve and how they will get there.

Clarifying who can provide broadband service: States have taken steps to make clear which entities may provide broadband service. In 2019, six statesAlabama, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texasenacted bills giving electric cooperatives the authority to provide broadband, either directly or through an affiliate, doubling the number of states that permit this approach. (North Carolina previously allowed only telephone cooperatives to provide broadband service, but passed legislation in 2019 allowing electric cooperatives to provide service as well.) Five of these statesGeorgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texasalong with Colorado, further clarified that electric cooperatives can use their existing electric easements for broadband service. This allowance prevents cooperatives from having to negotiate new easements with property owners, thus removing a barrier that can increase costs and time.

States clarifying which entities are allowed to provide broadband service is an important step forward in addressing the digital divide. In particular, specifying which entities are eligible for funding can offer new providers the opportunity to enter the market and clarifies the options that local leaders have to increase broadband access through public-private partnerships or by providing internet themselves.

Addressing emerging digital issues: While 2019 saw the continuation of trends from previous years in the form of governance and funding structures, as well as clarity in service provisions, there were also some new developments.

These included Colorado and Maine passing measures that require recipients of state broadband grant money to abide by net neutralitya requirement that internet service providers treat all internet traffic equally and not favor some content over other. Both those states, plus Vermont, also enacted provisions that encourage state contractors to follow net neutrality rules, either by requiring state agencies to give priority to contractors who agree to be net neutral, or by prohibiting agencies from contracting with companies that do not.

States also addressed issues related to 5G wireless technology, reflecting both growing interest in and concern about the role of this emerging technology for the future of broadband networks. Eleven statesArizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsinpassed laws addressing the deployment of 5G networks, for example by outlining permitting processes for the installation of 5G and placing restrictions on the size of small cell wireless facilities. Connecticut and Alabama both created task forces to address issues related to 5G, while New Hampshire created a task force devoted specifically to studying the health effects of this new technology.

The 2019 legislative session also saw states exploring new roles for investor-owned electric utilities to expand middle mile infrastructure, the critical component for increasing last mile connectivity in homes and small businesses. Virginia, for example, established a three-year pilot program that allows these utilities to petition the states Corporation Commission to lease excess capacity on their fiber optic cables to internet service providers in unserved areas. Similarly, West Virginias law creates a process for electric utilities to conduct feasibility studies and get permission from the states Public Service Commission to build and lease middle mile fiber along their existing electric service delivery infrastructure.

By building on existing developments and exploring new approaches, governors and legislators continued to lead the effort to increase broadband access in 2019. From creating new programs and establishing broadband funds to removing regulatory barriers and providing policy leadership through task forces, state leaders took action on several fronts. These changes and many more are included in the updated edition of Pews State Broadband Policy Explorer.

Although states made important progress in 2019 expanding broadband access, there is still much work to do. That is why broadband policy continued to develop in 2020 before many state legislatures halted their schedules in response to the coronavirus epidemic. For example, Maine and Virginia substantially increased the money available for broadband in their states. Maine added $15 million to its ConnectMaine fund and Virginia appropriated $34.7 million to its broadband grant programs in each of the next two years. Additionally, states are considering legislation aimed at expanding access to broadband in response to the coronavirus, such as a proposal in Massachusetts that would require internet service providers to provide broadband access to students who lack connectivity and whose schools have closed.

State policymakers continue to play an increasingly important role in broadband policy, and their role will evolve and adapt as they confront new challenges and find new ways of expanding connectivity.

Kathryn de Wit is a manager, Anna Read is an officer, and Dan Kitson is a senior associate with The Pew Charitable Trusts broadband research initiative.

Read more here:

Progress Made by States in 2019 Is Key to Increasing Broadband - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Sanofi’s BTK Progress, And Other News: The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Biopharma – Seeking Alpha

Sanofi Shows Promising Results for BTK Inhibitors in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

Sanofi (NASDAQ:SNY) reported positive results for its drug candidate SAR442168 in patients suffering from relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. The results pertained Phase 2b clinical trial of the drug. The study did not observe any new safety signals. Sanofi had acquired the global rights for the drug candidate from Principia Biopharma in November 2017 in a $76 million deal. Sanofi had been working actively to boost its multiple sclerosis development pipeline. The company paid $40 million in upfront payments for the deal.

The data showed that the BTK inhibitor significantly reduced disease activity associated with multiple sclerosis as measured using MRI. The Phase 2 study aimed to evaluate the dose-response relationship after 12 weeks of treatment with SAR442168. The measurement was done by determining the number of new brain lesions using MRI.

John Reed, MD, PhD, Sanofis Global Head of Research & Development said, "The effect on brain lesions seen in our Phase 2b study is encouraging. As we go forward, we will explore whether our brain-penetrant BTK inhibitor offers strong efficacy and exceptional safety for a broad spectrum of MS patients with either relapsing or progressive forms of disease. Our phase 3 program is moving rapidly to initiate four pivotal clinical trials." The BTK inhibitor regulates both adaptive i.e. B-cell activation and innate i.e. CNS microglial cells immune cells.

The trial studied the drug at four different doses ranging from 5mg to 60mg after 12 weeks. It also used placebo data collected at four weeks. The primary objective consisted of measuring the number of new Gd-enhancing T1 hyperintense lesions. The dose response data was analyzed using modeling and a multiple comparison procedure. At 60mg dose, there was 85% relative reduction of new Gd-enhancing T1 hyperintense lesions. The secondary objective involved the measurement of new or enlarging T2 hyperintense lesions. In this area, the drug candidate at 60mg dose showed 89 percent relative reduction compared to placebo.

The Phase 2b trial was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over, dose-ranging trial spread over a period of 12 weeks. One group consisting of 64 subjects received one of the four doses of the drug candidate for the first 12 weeks and then were turned to placebo arm for four weeks. The second group of 66 patients was given placebo for four weeks and then switched to dosing of SAR442168. This data was used for eliminating a dose response curve and for minimizing exposure to placebo.

SAR442168 is an oral, brain penetrant, selective small molecule inhibitor of BTK. During its Phase 1 study, the drug candidate demonstrated BTK binding and cerebrospinal fluid exposure. The company now plans to initiate late stage study for the drug. The main emphasis is to start four pivotal Phase III clinical trials.

Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:KNSA) reported positive results for its lead drug candidate vixarelimab for treating moderate to severe prurigo nodularis. The results pertained to a Phase 2a clinical trial involving 49 patients. Prurigo nodularis is a condition where hard itchy lumps are formed on the skin that propagate when scratched.

The Phase 2a clinical trial met its primary endpoint which was related to the change from baseline in Worst Itch Numeric Rating Scale at week 8 in comparison to placebo. The mean reduction in the treatment arm was -50.6 percent compared to -29.4 percent in the control arm. Thus, the reduction in weekly-average WI-NRS from baseline at Week 8 was statistically significantly greater in patients who received vixarelimab versus those who received placebo.

The percentage of vixarelimab recipients achieved a PN-IGA score of 0/1 at Week 8 compared to placebo recipients was also observed to be statistically significant. The majority of the patients receiving the drug also showed a clinically meaningful greater-than-or-equal-to 4-point weekly-average WI-NRS reduction at Week 8. John F. Paolini, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Kiniksa said, The potential impact and differentiation of the OSMR mechanism was demonstrated: in addition to the nearly 70% reduction in the median weekly-average WI-NRS at Week 8, a disease severity benefit was seen, with approximately a third of vixarelimab-treated patients attaining a clear or almost clear lesion score by Week 8.

Vixarelimab is an investigational fully human monoclonal antibody that targets OSMR, which in turn is responsible for mediating signaling of two main cytokines implicated in pruritus, inflammation and fibrosis. These two cytokines are interleukin-31 (IL-31) and oncostatin M. The Phase 2a trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study aiming to test the efficacy, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and safety of vixarelimab in reducing pruritus in patients suffering from prurigo nodularis.

Immunomedics Inc. (NASDAQ:IMMU) reported receiving fast track approval for its lead drug candidate Trodelvy. The drug candidate is designed to treat adult patients suffering from metastatic triple negative breast cancer who have previously received at least two therapies for metastatic disease. Trodelvy is the first antibody-drug conjugate approved by the FDA especially for treating relapsed or refractory metastatic TNBC. It also has the distinction of being the first FDA-approved anti-Trop-2 ADC.

The drug candidate has been approved under the Accelerated Approval Program pathway of the FDA. Trodelvy was earlier given Breakthrough Therapy and Priority Review designations. The main criterion used for approval purpose are the Objective Response Rate and Duration of Response. Dr. Loretta M. Itri, Chief Medical Officer of Immunomedics said, This approval highlights the potential of our unique ADC platform and strengthens the premise that the Trop-2 antigen found in many solid cancers is an important target for drug delivery. We are committed to broadening the potential use of Trodelvy in other Trop-2-expressing cancers, especially those with unmet need. The drug comes with a black box warning pertaining severe diarrhea and neutropenia.

The Phase 2, a single arm study, showed that the drug candidate had an ORR of 33.3 percent while its median DoR stood at 7.7 months. These results were derived by local assessment of 108 adult patients suffering from TNBC. These patients had previously received a median of three systemic therapies in the metastatic setting.

Immunomedics recently reported that it has stopped the Phase 3 confirmatory ASCENT study of the drug candidate in patients suffering from metastatic TNBC. The study enrolled more than 500 patients and showed compelling efficacy across several endpoints, leading to earlier conclusion. The decision was taken upon the unanimous recommendation presented by the DSMC. Immunomedics expect the top-line data from the study to be available by mid-2020. The company believes that the drug candidate has the potential to become standard of care in the management of TNBC.

Thanks for reading. At the Total Pharma Tracker, we do more than follow biotech news. Using our IOMachine, our team of analysts work to be ahead of the curve.

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Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


Sanofi's BTK Progress, And Other News: The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Biopharma - Seeking Alpha

UPDATE: Police in Charles County Respond to Home Invasion in Progress, Shoot and Kill Armed Suspect | Southern Maryland News Net – Southern Maryland…

UPDATE: On April 26, 2020 at approximately 10:20 a.m., officers from the Charles County Sheriffs Office responded to the 10000 block of Spring Oak Court in La Plata for the report of a home invasion in progress.

As officers were responding, 911 received additional calls advising the suspect armed with a military-style long gun had approached several homes in the neighborhood. He broke out a window to one house and then walked to the front yard of another home where he fired multiple rounds at the residence. When officers arrived, they heard numerous gunshots and observed the man firing at the house, which they learned was occupied by several people including children. One of the officers discharged his firearm, which struck and disabled the gunman. The officers approached the man, secured the weapon and initiated CPR until paramedics arrived. The man was transported to Charles Regional Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased.

Anyone with additional information is asked to call Detective G. Higgs at (301) 609-6497. Tipsters wishing to remain anonymous may contact Charles County Crime Solvers by calling 1-866-411-TIPS. Tips can also be submitted online at http://www.charlescountycrimesolvers.com or by using the P3Intel mobile app. The investigation is ongoing.

4/26/2020 @ 10:45 a.m.: On Sunday, April 26, 2020, at approximately 10:33 a.m., police fire, and rescue personnel responded to Spring Oak Drive in La Plata, for the reported shooting.

Dispatchers told fire and rescue personnel the Charles County Sheriffs Office advised they had one gunshot victim, and to stay well away from the scene until deemed safe.

Police reported the first victim as a 39-year-old male with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. The second victim was described as the suspect, with police performing life-saving measures. All rescue personnel responded into the scene approximately 15 minutes after dispatch.

The 39-year-old male was transported to an area hospital with injuries believed to be non-life-threatening.

The second victim was transported to an area hospital with a reported gunshot to the head.

Police are currently on the scene, the incident is currently ongoing and under investigation. Updates and details will be provided when they become available.

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UPDATE: Police in Charles County Respond to Home Invasion in Progress, Shoot and Kill Armed Suspect | Southern Maryland News Net - Southern Maryland...

Construction crews making progress on Springfield schools with no students in class – KY3

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) - No students in class means construction crews can get more work done on some Springfield schools.

The major renovations at several Springfield Public Schools are running on budget and on time, according to Director of Operations Travis Shaw. Some projects involve total building renovations, others include secure entrances.

"Nobody's in the building so we don't have to build temporary walls," Travis said. "We don't have deal with a lot of those preparatory things that we normally would. Not to mention they can fast track other items and get those projects moving at a more rapid pace."

There have been no students in school since March and teachers are expected to get their furniture out of Sunshine Elementary the end of this month. Shaw said that'll speed work up even more.

"They're realistically going to get an entire month of additional time to be able to work on the interior of that space that they didn't expect to get," Shaw said.

With no students in class at Sunshine Elementary, more construction progress is happening. Same goes with road work. With less traffic, crews have fewer things to worry about.

"It reduces the risk if you will. The less cars out there, the less opportunity for something unfortunate to happen," said Martin Gugle, with Springfield Public Works.

Back inside the school, crews are now wearing masks and taking more time to clean their work areas.

"Social distancing while you are on a construction site. That's a difficult thing to do," Shaw said.

Shaw said the coronavirus may have changed many things about construction, but getting students in their new classrooms has stayed at the forefront of Shaw's mind.

"It'll be a great day in Springfield schools and we've got a lot more projects to come that we'll get to experience that," Shaw said.

The next phase of projects at Springfield schools is set to start this summer, with a completion date of 2022.

Here is the original post:

Construction crews making progress on Springfield schools with no students in class - KY3

EU’s chief Brexit negotiator cites "disappointing" progress in talks with UK – New Europe

EUs chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier criticised the lack of progress in post-Brexit talks with the UK, after the two sides concluded the second round of negotiations on Friday.

Barnier labelled the talks that were held through videoconference as so far, disappointing, citing that no significant progress was made in key areas, such as the level playing field, state aid, fisheries, the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

The UK did not wish to commit seriously on a number of fundamental points, EUs chief Brexit negotiator added, while the British government said that there weresignificant differences of principle in several areas.

He also said a joint decision would be taken on 30 June about whether to extend the transition period scheduled for December 31, with the UKs Prime Minister Boris Johnson reiterating on Friday that no extension of the transition period will be requested, as a ban on such a request is also enshrined into the countrys national law.

The UK cannot refuse to extend the transition and at the same time slow down discussions on important areas, Barnier said, adding that the once again, the clock is ticking.

Earlier the same day, French European Affairs Minister Amelie de Montchalin said that the Coronavirus crisisdoes not change European priorities in the Brexit negotiations. Yet, the French Minister acknowledged the impact that a no-deal Brexit would have for Europe, as it would come on top of the Coronavirus crisis, stressing, however, that Britain would suffer the most.

The Coronavirus outbreak has forced the EU and the UK to postpone trade talks, as Barnier had tested positive for Covid-19 and his British counterpart, David Frost self-isolated after showing mild virus symptoms.

The next two rounds of talks are scheduled for May 11 and June 1.

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EU's chief Brexit negotiator cites "disappointing" progress in talks with UK - New Europe

False commentary and blinkered perspectives hampering TCO progress – EURACTIV

Never before has a situation demonstrated such a broad consensus for taking extra measures to regulate content online as the coronavirus has. At the same time, digital rights defenders and supportive MEPs are downplaying the use of automated tools in the fight against online terrorist content. EDRi (the digital rights advocacy group), with the support of the German Pirate MEP Patrick Breyer, have helped perpetuate myths surrounding the negotiations on the proposal to remove terrorist content online (TCO).

Breyer, the shadow rapporteur on the file for the Green Party, has taken to painting a misleading picture of the Council and European Commissions approach to content moderation and the terms being negotiated on the proposal to remove terrorist content online. Arguing against the deployment of automated tools to cut off the spread of harmful content online at the source in the noble pursuit of protecting the free internet is misleading. The internet is not free. What we see, and what influences our daily lives, is largely controlled by algorithms created and managed by digital platforms focused on their own revenue stream. At CEP, we continue to demonstrate the need for automated tools with human verification in order to ensure a safe and secure internet. But as a first step, how about an honest and open discussion about the situation as it stands and the obstacles we face in striving for an EU-wide response?

The proposal on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online is stalled around two major sticking points the use of automated tools and cross border removal orders.

Despite the fact that the Council agreed that all tools deployed need to be proportionate to the problem, the size and capacity of the platform and subject to human review, as well as a Commission-funded Voxpol[1] study which proved the success of such tools, the European Parliament continues to insist without proposing any alternative solution that there should be no obligation to use automated tools.

The second issue causing undue delay is that the European Parliament cannot agree to cross-border removal orders, demanding that the host Member State is the only one that can issue orders against companies in their territory. De facto, the European Parliament seems to be of the view that Ireland should become the terrorist content police of the European Union. Interestingly, the Member States themselves agreed to cross-border removal orders thereby ensuring that terrorist content is really tackled by an efficient European solution based on mutual trust. So whose rights are the European Parliament protecting if even the Member States themselves are in agreement? The citizens are certainly not better protected if they exclusively have to defend their rights in Ireland.

The negotiations on these aspects of the file have unfortunately fallen foul of the reality of COVID-19. It seems that certain MEPs wish to slow the discussions down by refusing to interact with peers virtually and, instead, focus on peddling false narratives from their blogs. Claims that these issues will be more effectively dealt with under the new Digital Services Act just smack of delay tactics. Continuing to push this proposal down the priority list is an insult to victims of terrorism and their families all over Europe.

In Germany, recent CEP research on the notice and takedown procedures under the NetzDG found that the flagging systems deployed by platforms like Facebook and Instagram, to identify and remove terrorist content online were ineffective. CEPs snapshot analysis, which was conducted over a fortnight, showed that only 43% of the flagged content was blocked or removed. Of the 93 evidently illegal content items that were reported, 24 were blocked under the NetzDG process and 16 were removed under the platforms community guidelines.

Flagging systems are therefore not the most effective solution. We need EU wide removal orders to ensure companies are obliged to take down illegal content. Alongside this, companies need to deploy all measures in their toolbox, including automated tools with human verification, to keep users safe.

Now is not the time to delay and thus we urge MEPs to seize the opportunity to inform the debate on platform liability. CEP has extended an invitation to all MEPs working on the TCO and DSA to discuss the lessons that could be learned from the NetzDG and beyond. Now is the time to remain unified in showing the same transparency, oversight and accountability both CEP and MEPs would like from platforms.

[1] Vox-pol has studied the various tools used for content moderation, including human review and the use of automated tools, and finds that despite some challenges, automatic content detection tools are allowing more content to be removed, more quickly and with greater coverage. As a result, platforms using such tools have become a much more difficult place for terrorist organisations to operate.https://www.voxpol.eu/download/vox-pol_publication/DCUJ770-VOX-Extreme-Digital-Speech.pdf

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False commentary and blinkered perspectives hampering TCO progress - EURACTIV

Progress made on state unemployment claims, but thousands still waiting – ABC 12 News

SAGINAW (WJRT) (4/24/2020) - More than 1 million Michigan residents have filed for unemployment after losing their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic.

Most of them have received a share of $1.3 billion in unemployment assistance disbursed statewide, but thousands are starting to lose hope.

They are calling and emailing the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency every day, wondering when their benefits are going to reach them.

A Tuscola County man has been out of work for over a month and is still waiting for a check. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has promised help for him and all other unemployed workers.

"Anytime you've still got thousands of people that haven't gotten the help they need, we have work to do," she said.

Whitmer's administration is working to get approximately 180,000 unemployed Michigan workers their money. Jordan Chapman of Vassar has been approved for unemployment, but has received nothing.

"I probably called 100, 200 times a day. I probably emailed 50 to 60 people," he said.

Whitmer has admitted the unemployment claims have overwhelmed the system, but the response times have improved.

"That's precisely why we have quadrupled the number of people who are working with us on the phones to help people navigate the system and get those checks out," she said.

Chapman said he can't wait any longer, he has bills to pay.

"I had to sell my boat so I could pay some bills. Thankful for friends to help me out," he said.

Chapman also hasn't received a stimulus payment either. Now he thinks he might get called back to work before he even sees a dime of unemployment benefits.

"I basically got to the point where I am ready to give up and just call it a loss because it's not worth the stress anymore," Chapman said.

Whitmer has been telling unemployed workers not to give up hope.

"I just hope that everyone who is tuning in who's frustrated, we are going to make sure that every person has the benefits that they've earned, and that is in the works," she said.

Read more here:

Progress made on state unemployment claims, but thousands still waiting - ABC 12 News

Mixed reactions over Beloit casino progress – WMTV

BELOIT, Wis. (WMTV) -- Plans for a Ho-Chunk casino in Beloit are moving forward after the Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the Ho-Chunk Nation's application.

The project is nearly a decade in the making.

"We've waited years for the approval from the Bureau of Indian Affairs," said Celestino Ruffini, CEO of VIsit Beloit.

Rock County, the City of Beloit and the Ho-Chunk Nation initially approved plans for a casino in 2012.

The federal review process is usually long: In this case, it took eight years to get the green light. However, there are mixed reactions.

Opponents say Wisconsin does not need another casino, while supporters believe the project will be a major employer.

"We have a saturated market here, they're looking at, talking about building a Hard Rock Cafe just across the state line," said Lorri Pickens, executive director of Citizens Against Expanded Gambling.

Ruffini argued Beloit needs the jobs the project would bring.

"This casino resort will bring the jobs to this community that really and truly will make a difference in the livelihood and in the pocketbooks of our residents," he explained.

The Ho-Chunk Nation hopes to build the casino on the southeast corner of Willowbrook and Colley Road, near I-39/90. The project also includes a hotel, convention center and waterpark.

Opponents worry the large complex will hurt local businesses, while supporters believe the amenities will bring in business from across the region.

"People who go to this casino, there'll be a full service deal and then they'll leave and there'll be no extra money spent in the community," Pickens said.

Ruffini argued, "From the travel and tourism perspective, it's really the meetings, events and conventions that will be brought here to the city that will put us on the map."

Pickens and Ruffini are both waiting on the next step in the process, Governor Tony Evers' approval.

Pickens hopes the governor does not approve the plan, and she has encouraged opponents to reach out to Governor Evers' office. Ruffini said he hopes Evers makes a timely decision so there is a final resolution.

A spokesperson for Governor Evers' office told NBC15, "The governor will be carefully reviewing the application and listening to all sides of the issue to ensure fair consideration."

Even if the governor approves it, plans could be further delayed. Ho-Chunk Nation President WhiteEagle said the nation has taken a financial hit after closing the rest of its casinos during the COVID-19 pandemic, and he is not sure they will be able to shoulder the cost of the Beloit project right away.

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Mixed reactions over Beloit casino progress - WMTV