Thrust, parry and progress – Chinadaily USA


Higher-level opening-up and reform can counter anti-globalization, divestment and decoupling strategy of the US

In the face of changes brought by protectionism and the novel coronavirus outbreak, China needs to focus on a new economic pattern, one dominated by domestic economic circulation and facilitated by circulation between China and the rest of the world. This dual economic circulation between domestic and international markets will be promoted during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period.

This is not only expedient to cope with the industrial and supply chain disruption caused by the global public health crisis but also the means for China to seek high-quality economic growth at this critical stage of its development.

Amid the rise of global trade protectionism, unilateralism and the impacts of the pandemic on the global economy, China needs to advance reforms and higher-level opening-up and lower tariffs and expand imports to gain a bigger say on the global economic stage. Today, large exporting countries are not necessarily economic powers for the exports may be mainly labor-intensive products and processed ones with imported components. However, large importing countries are definitely economic heavyweights for the foreign exchange for imports is generated by technology and service trade surpluses. The currencies of such countries are included in the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights basket of reserve currencies that can be used for direct transnational settlements.

In the next three to five years, China should lower its overall tariff rates, which would help reduce the import costs borne by consumers, facilitate industrial transformation and upgrading, and drive the growth in imports.

China has performed the best in bringing the pandemic under control, making it a place with the lowest investment risks. Through furthering opening-up, it will see more international industrial investment and less transfer of foreign industrial chains in China to other countries, which will help supplement, expand and improve the domestic industrial chains. Efforts are now needed to expand the fields open to foreign investment and ease market access for the service industry. The 2020 negative list for foreign investment was recently introduced. The items that are off-limits on the nationwide negative list for foreign investment have been cut from 40 to 33 and those on the list governing foreign investment in pilot free trade zones have been reduced from 37 to 30.Notably, restrictions on foreign shares in securities companies, securities investment fund management companies, futures companies and life insurance companies have been scrapped. Restrictions on foreign investment share ratios in commercial vehicle manufacturing will also be lifted. These measures will enable China to better attract foreign capital and supplement its industrial chains.

China needs to expand the opening-up of its service industries including logistics, research and development and design, and the digital economy to attract more international companies to enter the Chinese market and join regional industry chain clusters to develop clusters of strategic emerging industrial chains. Amid weak external demand, China can develop industrial circulation by driving domestic demand. After the global market recovers, it can further expand its industrial clusters and improve the quality of development to further the circulation of the global industrial chain.

China needs to accelerate the development of an internationalized, law-based and fair business environment. In recent years, it has made significant progress in improving its domestic business environment in line with the standards of the World Bank, which can be attributed to the country's steady efforts to streamline administration, delegate power and improve government services. Under the new situation, the government needs to further drive reforms and improve the domestic business environment, by translating specific requirements into laws and regulations with clear accountability.

The country also needs to develop new pacesetters for opening-up by building free trade zones and free trade ports with Chinese characteristics. China has developed an opening-up landscape featuring 18 free trade zones and one free trade port. It needs to improve its industrial capabilities in line with international standards, build advanced manufacturing clusters and strategic emerging industrial bases with international influences, develop a world-class business environment and greatly ease market access for foreign investment in the fields of finance, insurance, logistics, R&D and design, education, health and the digital economy.

The country should seek to accelerate free trade agreement negotiations and participate in the negotiations for the formulation of international economic and trade rules. The revised US-Canada-Mexico Agreement came into effect in July, in which a "poison pill" clause is targeted at weakening China's position in global trade and industrial supply chains. The US is likely to push for similar free trade agreements with the European Union, the United Kingdom and Japan. In this regard, China needs to seize the opportunity to accelerate the China-Japan-Republic of Korea, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, China-EU bilateral investment treaty and China-UK BIT negotiations, and start negotiations to join the Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership. It needs to launch countermeasures against the US containment efforts and attract technologies, industries, capital and talent by participating in the economic and trade rule negotiations.

The pandemic has led to a global economic recession and all countries need to continue to support globalization, give full play to the role of the market in optimizing resource allocation, and improve the division of labor between enterprises, regions and countries around the world. The beggar-thy-neighbor approaches and practices of decoupling, shifting the blame and promoting unilateralism and anti-globalization are against the trend of times and are thus doomed to fail. China needs to counter anti-globalization, divestment and decoupling through driving high-level opening up, improving the business environment and enhancing the appeal of its large market.

The author is former mayor of Chongqing and academic advisor of China Finance 40 Forum (CF40). The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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Thrust, parry and progress - Chinadaily USA

DCSS BOE updated on school opening progress – The Demopolis Times – Demopolis Times

Demopolis Superintendent Kyle Kallhoff updated members of the Board of Education on plans for the reopening of schools on August 20.

From improving sanitization within classrooms and buildings to handling online learning, Kallhoff said it is a schoolwide effort involving everyone.

We just have to do more than weve ever done before. We all have to get used to it and pitch in, he said.

The school system will be cleaning daily, but there will professional deep cleaning once each week. The contract for that calls for about $100,000 in spending with those funds being made available through the CARES Act.

Masks will also be required, even in outdoor spaces with gatherings of 10 or more people.

This will include football games and there will be signage placed reminding people to wear their masks, Kallhoff said.

To assist online students living in rural areas that may have trouble with Internet connectivity, the system plans to park buses acting as Wi-Fi hot spots at specified locations where those students can go to connect.

The superintendent also addressed the need to accommodate for the academic slide that will exist from schools closing early in the spring.

We are working on plans to help our students get caught up, he said.

Efforts are also underway in providing the state mandated isolation area for students who may begin showing symptoms of the coronavirus. Every teacher will have a scanning thermometer and other health supplies. Screen guards will also be installed for bus drivers. These items are being funded through the Coronavirus Relief Fund.

The CRF will also fund technology needed for remote learning, such as Chrome books, a system wide Zoom account, Schoology training, and secure testing software.

Kallhoff said protocols have been set for teachers who need to send a student to the isolation room.

If a child shows any symptom that student will go straight to the isolation room, Kallhoff said.

The superintendent also reported on the current status of the Virtual Learning Academy as well as remote learning.

About 885, or one-third of Demopolis students, have registered for the Virtual Learning Academy, meaning they will be taking all their classes online from their homes.

Remote learning will be provided to on-campus students in the case classes have to be canceled or if a student has to be absent for an extended number of days. For some students missing classes, a paper packet may be required.

Students in the school systems special education program will have a blended approach as some services will require on-campus classes.

Kallhoff said there is still much work and planning to be done.

We still need a plan for feeding our virtual students. We also need to improve our remote learning plan in case of a shutdown. The plan we used in the spring is not acceptable; we need something for the long haul, he said.

The system is also working on a waiver that students will sign for extra-curricular activities stating they understand the risks of COVID-19.

In the regular session of the special meeting, the board approved the following items.

Approving a salary schedule revision for Pre-K auxiliary teacher.

Approval of a bid from Borden Dairy to provide milk. The bid was $69,000.

Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Demopolis Police Department in providing School Resource Officers for each of the four campuses. The SROs are provided to schools with a split cost between the DCSS and the City of Demopolis. Kallhoff said the school system pays about $80,000 for the officers.

Approval of contracts with Derrick McCormack for technology assistance, Architecture/Construction/Maintenance instruction with Rick Wilson and Alan Lashley, and special education support with Jennifer Jones.

The board approved the following personnel items.

Conditional Employment Elizabeth Dickerson as English Teacher at DHS; Lydia Williams as rotating custodian

Approved substitute roster

Miscellaneous personnel issues:

The 2020-2021 salary schedule remains the same with only one change, that being an increase of Pre-K Auxiliary teacher salary from $19,223 to $20,000 per the State Department of Education Salary Matrix.

Modify the long-term substitute for Emily Black to be Brittney Stacey rather than Nan Dollar as approved in June.

Regina Hill to serve as long-term substitute for Janie Basinger.

Will Ayers to receive $3,500 supplement as varsity football assistant coach and $2,500 as head boys track coach.

The board also approved supplements for Virtual Learning Academy Lead Teachers.

Jill Tutt and Kristina Kallhoff will each serve as Lead Teachers.

Virtual Learning Academy teachers at the elementary grade levels are: Gabrielle McVay, Nicholas Seymore, Lisa Martin, Laurice Thomasson, Lindsay Thorne, Brittany Donald, Kristin Phillips, Julie Harrison, Stephanie Pittman, Sue Hughes, Jannalee Duke, Jennifer Helms, Katie Kolar, Patricia Bolden and Julia Singleton.

Virtual Learning Academy teachers at the secondary grade levels are: Trish McVay, Beth Lindsay, Nicole Aledo, Susan Browder, Kim Easly-Bell, Jackie Tripp, Allene Jones, Jami Webb, Beth Wideman, Dianne McNeill, Brasswell Brasswell, Deborah McAfee, Jack Gantt, Rebecca Pipkins, Rachel White, Caitlyn White, Cynthia Phillips, Deborah Boykin, Michael Duran, Robin Dunn, Kim Browder, Cyd Johnston, Traci Spiller, Tonya Thornton and Amie Miler.

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DCSS BOE updated on school opening progress - The Demopolis Times - Demopolis Times

On The Money: Democratic leaders report ‘some progress’ in stimulus talks | Prosecutors hint at probe into ‘possibly extensive and protracted criminal…

Happy Monday and welcome back to On The Money. Im Sylvan Lane, and heres your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line.

See something I missed? Let me know at or tweet me @SylvanLane. And if you like your newsletter, you can subscribe to it here:

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THE BIG DEALDemocratic leaders report 'some progress' in stimulus talks with White House: Democratic leaders announced slow progress with White House negotiators Monday after meeting for nearly two hours in Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiNegotiators hit gas on coronavirus talks as frustration mounts Hillicon Valley: NSA warns of new security threats | Teen accused of Twitter hack pleads not guilty | Experts warn of mail-in voting misinformation Schiff, Khanna call for free masks for all Americans in coronavirus aid package MOREs (D-Calif.) office on Capitol Hill.

It was productive. Were moving down the track, but we still have our differences. We are trying to have a clearer understanding of what the needs are, Pelosi said after meeting with Treasury Secretary Steven MnuchinSteven Terner MnuchinNegotiators hit gas on coronavirus talks as frustration mounts Schiff, Khanna call for free masks for all Americans in coronavirus aid package Lawmakers aim for COVID-19 relief deal this week MORE and White House chief of staff Mark MeadowsMark Randall MeadowsNegotiators hit gas on coronavirus talks as frustration mounts Lawmakers aim for COVID-19 relief deal this week On The Money: Unemployment debate sparks GOP divisions | Pandemic reveals flaws of unemployment insurance programs | Survey finds nearly one-third of rehired workers laid off again MORE.

The needs are that millions of children in our country are food insecure. Millions of people in our country are concerned about being evicted, she added. The way we can correct so much of that is for us to defeat the virus. Much of our discussion has to be on how we defeat the virus, and that takes dollars and policy.

The Hills Alexander Bolton explains here.

The prognosis: Asked if a deal might emerge in the next 48 hours, both Democratic leaders remained silent. Staffs on both sides plan to work late into Monday evening.

Whats on the table:


Prosecutors hint at probe into 'possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization' The Manhattan district attorney's office on Monday hinted that its subpoena for President TrumpDonald John TrumpMark Kelly clinches Democratic Senate nod in Arizona Trump camp considering White House South Lawn for convention speech: reports Longtime Rep. Lacy Clay defeated in Missouri Democratic primary MORE's tax returns is part of an investigation into potential fraud allegations detailed in media reports in recent years.

In response to the latest legal challenge by Trump's attorneys, New York County prosecutors said that news reports about the president's financial history provide sufficient justification for requesting the extensive amount of information from the accounting firm Mazars in their grand jury investigation.

The Hills Harper Neidig breaks it down here.

What prosecutors are eyeing:

Trump backs potential Microsoft, TikTok deal, sets September deadline: President Trump said Monday that social media platform TikTok must end its U.S. operations on Sept. 15 if a pending deal with Microsoft to buy the company from Chinese group ByteDance does not go through.

We set a date I set a date of around Sept. 15, at which point its going to be out of business in the United States, Trump told reporters. But if somebody, and whether its Microsoft or somebody else, buys it, that will be interesting.

Trump noted that he approved of Microsoft buying TikTok. Microsoft confirmed Sunday that it had spoken to Trump and was in talks to buy TikTok from ByteDance, a Beijing-based company that is currently under investigation by the Treasury Departments Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

I dont mind whether its Microsoft or somebody else a big company, a secure company, a very American company buys it, Trump said Monday. Its probably easier to buy the whole thing than to buy 30 percent of it.

The Hills Maggie Miller has more here.



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Slight progress as urgency grows on virus relief – Yahoo News

Senate Minority leader Senator Chuck Schumer told reporters "we are not going to give up. We are not going to walk away," as negotiations continue on a huge coronavirus relief bill. (August 4)

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: The Senate Republicans are so divided and tied up in knots that all Leader McConnell can do is go to the floor and make partisan speeches. He's not in the room negotiating, because the Republicans can't even articulate a coherent position.

We're going to keep fighting until we get there. We are not going to give up. We are not going to walk away, but we're not going to let them pick out one or two issues and then say let's go home.

The Republicans are so tied up, so many of them, in their ideological not that they don't want to spend money. Republicans don't seem to understand the scale and scope of the crisis. The disease has washed over our country like a flood, and Republicans are acting like we just need to fix a leaky faucet. Now I'm hopeful. The negotiations are moving forward bit by bit, and we are moving closer together on certain issues.


Slight progress as urgency grows on virus relief - Yahoo News

At the Table: Work-in-progress Artis in Schenectady worth the wait – The Daily Gazette

SCHENECTADY After five months, the seesaw nature of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make me hesitant to dine indoors. Fortunately, the season lends itself to enjoying meals outdoors, whether its takeout at home or on a patio at the venue.

I was flipping through the internet under recently opened restaurants. I had heard the name Artis and wanted to track it down. Because it was new, its online information was sketchy; nevertheless I persisted.

Billed as Artis Southern Cuisine & Steakhouse, I was intrigued by just the name. So we pieced together segments of the menus we found online and ordered via Uber Eats (yup, you can get a ride and a meal from the same outfit a blessing in these days of masks, social distancing and frequent handwashing). We had been curious about how delivery would affect the variables governing takeout.

Dinner guest completed the online form, which included charges not only for the food and tax, but also for a service fee ($5.78), a delivery fee ($1.99) and a deliveryperson tip ($7.40), according to the receipt downloaded a little while later. Im wondering whether or not anything equivalent to a tip for the restaurant was included.

During the online ordering, the arrival time of our meal changed three times, a little later with each update. Delivery of the food was approximately an hour later than originally scheduled, though we were alerted with each change.

So what of the food? In a word, it was very good. I wish we had been able to enjoy our meal at the venue itself, but online photos depicted happy diners elbow-to-elbow at large tables without a mask in sight, and we were scared off. Artis does make it clear, however, that COVID-19 guidelines are in place, although the photos did not support their lengthy online declaration.

My guest ordered Beef Ribs (make that Rib, but it was the meat of two ribs on a single bone, $17 with two side dishes). From a list of nine sides (mac/ cheese, potato salad, fried cabbage, baked beans, macaroni salad, collard greens, coconut rice and beans, sweet potato casserole and a side salad, sold separately as well for $3 or $5), Guest chose collard greens and coconut rice.

I requested the sweet potato casserole and the mac and cheese with my entre of Fried Haddock ($15). However, when the food was delivered, we discovered the pairs of sides had been reversed. This was no problem for us because we always share.

My guest also ordered a house salad ($6.50), which was superfluous because he could have had one as a side with his entre. The winner of the evening was the beef rib. One rib bone with meat enough for two ribs. The old description rang true: The meat was so tender it fell off the bone. There was enough to share for dinner and enough remaining to enjoy the next day.

It was the first time my guest had tried coconut rice. He remarked that the slight sweetness provided an unusual but pleasant complement to the tangy sauced rib. The collard greens surprised his taste buds with a hint of cloves.

My pan-fried haddock (whiting, as it was described elsewhere on the menu) was slightly blackened, but was neither overly seasoned nor greasy. Along with some of the best mac and cheese I have ever enjoyed, the dinner was a winner. The sweet potato casserole was not composed of sliced, but rather slightly mashed sweet potatoes. Topped with slightly melted mini marshmallows, I had the feeling the dish couldnt make up its mind solid or semi-mashed, side vegetable or dessert. The dish may have been representative of a particular area in the South, or a recipe from Grandma.

To open a restaurant in these unsettled times is an act of bravery. Artis is incomplete.

Only a 6-ounce NY strip steak ($20) is offered on the Steakhouse menu, albeit it can be ordered paired with shrimp ($24), snow crab legs ($32) or a lobster tail ($42).

Experience will polish the venues rough edges. But judging from the variety of items on the menu and the quality of the food we sampled, in time, Artis Southern Cuisine & Steakhouse could quickly become a local treasure.

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At the Table: Work-in-progress Artis in Schenectady worth the wait - The Daily Gazette

East Tennessee’s COVID-19 case rates are trending up, despite progress elsewhere in the state –

In Davidson County, home to Nashville, the case rate has trended down for about ten days. In East Tennessee, most counties are seeing record increases.

KNOX COUNTY, Tenn. For the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, East Tennessee was seemingly spared.

It took the Tennessee Department of Health's 16-county region 81 days to reach 1,000 confirmed cases. It took Davidson County just 31 days.

In the past month, however, that's changed.

"Our cases have increased quite a bit, our deaths have gone up," said Dr. Martha Buchanan, director of the Knox County Health Department. "Data has shown some places when they closed bars have seen their case rates go down."

On Wednesday evening, the Knox County Board of Health voted to close all bars in the county beginning Aug. 3. The board defined a bar as any business that makes 50 percent or more of their profit through alcohol sales.

The Tennessee Department of Health defines the case rate as the number of new cases a day per 100,000 people, averaged over 14 days. Any county with a case rate equal to or less than 10 is considering to be below the "threshold for acceptable disease transmission within the community."

As of July 31, Davidson County home to Nashville had a case rate of about 37.41, a big decline from 51.64 on July 20.

In Hamblen County, the case rate was 63.36 on July 31, a significant increase from the case rate of 34.87 on July 20. In Knox County, the case rate was 23.83 on July 31, up from 18.29 on July 20.

Those numbers influence the counties' transmission rate, or R naught.

"The transmission rate is, for every person who has a disease... how many other people are they going to make sick?" Dr. Buchanan said.

The goal is to have a transmission rate below one. That would mean the spread is slowing down.

According to the University of Tennessee's Coronavirus-19 Outbreak Response Experts (CORE-19), the transmission rate is below one in parts of Middle Tennessee and Shelby County.

In East Tennessee, the counties are all red, yellow or orange meaning the cases are still growing exponentially.

Dr. Martha Buchanan said it requires a team effort to reduce the spread in the East Tennessee region.

"The virus nor people respect boundaries of counties. We go back and forth a lot," she said. "I think it would be helpful if we had across the board, similar policies in limiting the spread of disease."


East Tennessee's COVID-19 case rates are trending up, despite progress elsewhere in the state -

Director of NIH speaks to News 2 about vaccine trial progress – WKRN News 2

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health said hes ready for answers. We all want to find out how to put this COVID-19 virus, this bad guy, in the rear-view mirror.

The NIH has started the mRNA-1273 vaccine trial in 89 clinical research sites in the US located in emerging hot zones.

We know this virus is out there in Nashville, said Dr. Collins, Its a place where we want to test it and see if it works.

The phase 3 trial will take place at Vanderbilt and the following volunteers are needed:Those over the age of 18 with frequent close contact with others who may be infected like health care, factory, and retail employees.

People over the age of 65 with or without risks.

And those younger than 65 with at least one risk factor such as chronic lung disease, asthma, cardiac disease, severe obesity, diabetes, or liver disease.

Its one dose on day one and another does on day 28 a two-dose vaccine, Collins explained, Then you get watched for 2 to 3 months to see what happens.

What would you say to those who are concerned that in an effort to prove efficacy quickly, youre compromising safety? asked News 2 Anchor, Alex Denis.

Thanks for that question, Alex, responded Dr. Collins, O think people are concerned. This government effort is called Operation Warp Speed which is supposed to indicate how rapidly were trying to move, but I think it makes people worried a little bit. Like, wait a minute, are you cutting corners here?

Dr. Collins continued by explaining the process.

The part were doing thats rapid is to deal with some of the bureaucratic delays which often take vaccines years to develop and none of those are being allowed. But the actual conduct of the trial, and the assessment of the results, will be as rigorous as its ever been and the FDA will not approve any vaccine that doesnt measure up to the highest standard of being safe and effective, Collins said.

If you would like to take part in a vaccine trial, click here.

Stay with News 2 for continuing coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Continued here:

Director of NIH speaks to News 2 about vaccine trial progress - WKRN News 2

Forward progress stopped on 200-acre grass fire in Gorman that slowed traffic on Interstate 5 – KGET 17

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) Firefighters have stopped forward progress on a 200-acre grass fire burning near Interstate 5 Sunday night in Gorman. The fire continued to keep northbound traffic at a standstill.

The Post Fire has burned 200 acres and was reported at 15% containment. The Los Angeles County Fire Department said firefighters will stay over night in the area to contain hotspots.

The fire broke out just before 7 p.m. near Gorman Post Road and northbound lanes of I-5, LA County fire officials said.

CHP said all lanes of northbound I-5 at Smokey Bear Road, traffic from SR-138 to I-5 and Gorman Post Road were closed. Southbound lanes of I-5 remained open. Two northbound lanes on I-5 have reopened.

Here is the latest on road closures, according to Caltrans.

CHP reports smoke had spread across lanes of I-5. Southbound traffic has been moving.

We will update this story as we learn more information.

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Forward progress stopped on 200-acre grass fire in Gorman that slowed traffic on Interstate 5 - KGET 17

With no preseason, Mason Rudolphs progress will not be evident – Behind the Steel Curtain

Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin once quipped that Landry Jones, his former backup quarterback, took more preseason snaps than any passer in the history of the NFL.

I dont know if there was any validity to Tomlins statement, but if Jones really does hold some sort of preseason record, it doesnt appear as if Mason Rudolph, Pittsburghs current backup quarterback, will ever break it. And thats because he, like every other Steelers player in 2020, will go an entire training camp without preseason football due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

Unfortunately for those wondering how far Rudolph has progressed this offseason following a 2019 campaign in which he started eight games in place of an injured Ben Roethlisberger, well never truly know.

Yes, its true that Tomlin has said many times what his players do in training camp often tells him just as much about their progress as what they do in preseason action. However, this is probably one time where some visual evidence in the form of in-stadium action would do Rudolph some good in terms of what his bosses think, what his critics think and, perhaps most importantly, what he thinks.

As Rudolph found out last season, filling in for a savior, a messiah, the franchise signal-caller, a future Hall of Famer, is never easy, especially when you dont come in and quickly show that you have this whole starting quarterback in the NFL thing down.

Rudolph didnt show much last year. This isnt to say he showed that he was horriblefar from it. Its just that he didnt show that he could one day fill Roethlisbergers enormous cleats when the big guy finally does decide to hang them up for good.

Again, he wasnt horrible, but his stat-line that included 176 completions on 283 attempts for 1,765 yards, 13 touchdown passes and nine interceptions was very backup quarterback-like.

Big deal, Rudolph is a backup quarterback, right?

Apparently, those numbers were alarming for those who spent the entire offseason banging the drum for the Steelers to sign a more dependable alternative. And then theres the elephant in the room which is the expectation that Rudolph, who the Steelers selected in the third round of the 2018 NFL Draft, could be the heir apparent at the quarterback position.

With zero preseason games to judge him by this summer, how is anyone going to ever be comfortable with Rudolph as the number two quarterback who is one snap away from having the fate of the 2020 season in his hands?

True, many young and unproven players will be in the same boat as Rudolph in the coming weeks, but the ones that actually make the team will have the opportunity to get their feet wet with some live action once the regular season begins in mid-September. As for Rudolph, he wont know where hes truly at as a third-year quarterback unless and until something happens to No. 7 (knocking on wood).

Im a card-carrying member of Team Rudolph when it comes to the Steelers decision to stick with him as their backup, but Im not going to know if I should let my membership expire until I see how much, if any, progress hes made from his 2019 roller coaster experience.

If 2020 is a perfect world for the Pittsburgh Steelers, next summer will roll around and we still wont know if Rudolph has made any progress as an NFL quarterback.

Neither will his bosses, his critics and, perhaps most importantly, Mason Rudolph.

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With no preseason, Mason Rudolphs progress will not be evident - Behind the Steel Curtain

PHOTOS: Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress Reopens at the Magic Kingdom After Nearly Two Days of Unexpected Downtime –

Theres a great, big, beautiful tomorrow after all! Walt Disneys Carousel of Progress at the Magic Kingdom has finally reopened after nearly two days of downtime. The rotating theater failed to open yesterday during park open, and remained closed from park open today to virtually two hours before park close.

The Carousel of Progress currently boasts a 10-minute wait, with guests lined up past the ramp due to social distancing guidelines. Guests seem eager for a respite from the heat, as well as a dose of Disney history.

Earlier today, maintenance crews were seen on-site actively carrying out repairs.

Fans of the rotating show have noticed a number of issues with the attraction as of late, including faulty speakers and missing music tracks, and even more serious issues with the various animatronics, such as Johns hand falling off mid-show back in February.

With the beloved Carousel of Progress spinning once again, all thats left to repair in Tomorrowland is the ill-fated PeopleMover, which remains closed since the parks reopening.

Well continue to monitor the status of that attraction and many more throughout the Magic Kingdom for any further operational updatesnow thats progress!


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PHOTOS: Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress Reopens at the Magic Kingdom After Nearly Two Days of Unexpected Downtime -

After years of hype, 5G making progress in the USA – USA TODAY

Bob O'Donnell, Special to USA TODAY Published 12:03 p.m. ET July 31, 2020 | Updated 4:25 p.m. ET Aug. 4, 2020

The world's largest tech show will be an all-digital experience due to COVID-19 concerns. Video Elephant

FOSTER CITY, Calif. Given all the time that most of us have spent at home recently, its easy to lose sight of advances in technologies such as 5G that are generally more useful when were out and about.

Just as municipalities around the country used reductions in traffic to speed up road improvement projects and other infrastructure enhancements, several of the U.S.-based telco carriers have been working to bring 5G to life sooner than anticipated.

Last week, AT&T announced it achieved nationwide coverage for its 5G network,joining T-Mobile, which reached that important goal last December. The companies use low-band frequencies to achieve nationwide networks. Cellular signals, which are transmitted at these lower frequencies (600 MHz for T-Mobile and 850 MHz for AT&T), are able to travel long distances. This means companies can create a bigger network with fewer cell towers.

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The problem is that the width of the lanes used to transmit data at those frequencies are very narrow, which means that the speeds are not much different from 4G. Thats certainly not what we were led to believe 5G was going to be able to do.

You can get significantly faster 5G download speeds using a technology called millimeter wave (mmWave), which transmits data at much higher frequencies (such as 39 GHz) and, most importantly, offers significantly wider lanesfor data traffic. The problem with mmWave is that the signals dont travel far (roughly a city block), and theyre highly susceptible to interference, includingfromwindows, wallsand even other people.

If you can get mmWave 5G service (which all three major U.S. carriers enabledbut only in a few cities), it can deliver download speeds that are 50 times faster than 4G. The huge caveatis that you have to be outside, not moving, with few people around and in the right section of the cities where the service is turned on.

In real-world tests of Verizons 5G network, which uses only mmWave, a measurement company called Open Signal found that people were getting 5G service only 0.4% of the time. If youve spent a lot of money on a 5G phone, thats probably not going to make you very happy.

The most interesting near-term options for 5G are around the mid-band spectrum, radio frequencies in the roughly 2.5-3.5 GHz range. Thanks to its acquisition of Sprint, T-Mobile is the only U.S. carrier using these frequencies, although AT&T and Verizon have talked about using them.

The quality of 5G service when using mid-band frequencies turns out to be a very solid compromise of good coverage (although not quite as wide as the low-band frequencies) with traffic lane sizes that should accommodate a very respectable speed increase of 10 times over 4G.

In addition to basic frequency developments, the carriers have been working on other enhancements to their 5G networks. AT&T announced about a month ago that it turned on a technology called DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing), which allows 4G and 5G phones to use the same frequencies. AT&T can use some of its huge range of 4G coverage to carry 5G signals, which can lead to better coverage and faster download speeds.

T-Mobile is moving aggressively toward deploying 5G SA (Standalone) Mode. Basically, all aspects of the network the wireless connection to the cell tower and the internal core network that carries the data to and from various websites are optimized for 5G. This will translate into another feature thats been long-promised for 5G reductions in latency, or lag time. Up until now, all 5G networks have been in NSA (Non-Standalone) Mode, which mixes 5G radio connections with 4G core networks.

Response times for 5G phones havent been any better than 4G phones. 5G SA-based networks can offer a 40% improvement in latency, which, for an application such as mobile gaming, could mean the difference between shooting a monster or getting eaten by one.

There have been new 5G phones brought to marketacross a much wider range of price points, from $500 to more than $1,500. In addition to offerings from LG and OnePlus, Samsung is likely to introduce several more 5G-capable phones next week. Apple will bring the first 5G-capable iPhones to market in October based on hints from its recent earnings call.

From a pricing plan perspective, the good news is that most carriers don't charge any kind of premium for 5G, although their range of plan options for 5G phones are typically limited to somewhat pricier unlimited plans.

The bottom line is that we are much closer to a good-quality 5G experience in the USA than weve ever been. After years of hype around the subject, its nice to see some of the early promises start to come to life. Plus, the good news about wireless network enhancements is that many of them will quietly improve, which will bring better performance to the 5G phones you can buy today or in the near future without you having to do anything.

Thats a concept I think we can all get behind.

USA TODAY columnist Bob O'Donnell is the president and chief analyst of TECHnalysis Research, which provides strategic consulting and market research services to the technology industry and professional financial community. His clients are major technology firms, including Microsoft, HP, Dell, Samsung and Intel. You can follow him on Twitter @bobodtech.The views and opinions expressed in this column are the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY.

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After years of hype, 5G making progress in the USA - USA TODAY

AstraZeneca Reports Strong Earnings and Vaccine Progress. The Stock Is Rising. – Barron’s

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AstraZeneca stock climbed on Thursday, as new drug sales helped the British pharmaceutical giant beat expectations in the second quarter.

Late-stage trials for its experimental coronavirus vaccine, being developed with the University of Oxford, have also begun in the U.K., Brazil, and South Africa, the company said. The stock rose 2.8% in early trading and is now 16% up year-to-date.

Revenue rose 12% to $12.6 billion in the first half of the year, which the company said was driven by the performance of new medicines in emerging markets and its oncology portfolio. Sales of new drugs, including cancer medicines Tagrisso, Lynparza and Imfinzi, surged 42% and represented 50% of total global revenue.

Read:AstraZenecas Covid-19 Data Look Positive, but Dont Live Up to the Hype

As its rivals reported falling revenue in the second quarter, in contrast AstraZeneca reported revenue climbing 8% to $6.3 billion, beating estimates. Net profit for the quarter soared to $756 million from $130 million in the year-ago period.

GlaxoSmithKline and French peer Sanofi both said on Wednesday that with fewer visits to the doctor and trips abroad, lockdown measures had hit sales of drugs and vaccines.

Earnings per share (EPS) of $1.17 in the first half of 2020 jumped 108% from the same period in 2019, while its operating profit margin rose by 2 percentage points to 29%. The company maintained its 2020 guidance for total revenue to rise by a high single-digit to low-double digit percentage, and core EPS to rise by a mid-high teens percentage.

The Anglo-Swedish drugmaker returned to sales growth in November 2018 for the first time since 2014, as investment in new drugs began to reap rewards. The loss of patents on some key drugs had hit sales in the intervening years. Chief Executive Pascal Soriot described the return to growth as a turning point, predicting a period of rapid growth ahead. The company hasnt looked back since and has now achieved eight consecutive quarters of revenue growth.

See Also:AstraZeneca Targets Year-End for Covid-19 Vaccine

The British pharmaceutical giant is also at the forefront of the race for a coronavirus vaccine, through its partnership with the University of Oxford. Phase I/II trial results, published earlier this month showed encouraging signs, and AstraZeneca said on Thursday that along with late-stage trials being under way in the U.K., Brazil, and South Africa, trials are also due to start in the U.S. The stock has risen 42% since mid-March lows, driven by the companys vaccine progress.

Looking ahead. Citigroup analyst Andrew Baum said the company could be on track to raise guidance later this year. AstraZeneca is our most preferred name in global pharma for the sixth year, he said, maintaining a buy rating on the stock.

The impressive first-half results show that even without the prospect of a world-changing coronavirus vaccine, AstraZeneca is an attractive proposition for investors. While there is still a long way to go in the push for a vaccine, the companys position in the race is another string to its bow.

See the original post:

AstraZeneca Reports Strong Earnings and Vaccine Progress. The Stock Is Rising. - Barron's

Environment Department Highlights Progress, Additional Work Needed On 5th Anniversary Of Gold King Mine Spill – Los Alamos Reporter

A new Buy Fresh Buy Local chapter has started in the San Juan area in the aftermath of the 2015 Gold King Mine spill. Photo Courtesy NMED


New interest sparked in supporting local food system

On Aug. 5, 2015, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) crew doing exploratory work at the Gold King Mine near Silverton, Colorado, accidentally caused a blowout of impounded mine water. More than 3 million gallons of acidic mine water contaminated with heavy metals flowed into Cement Creek, a tributary of the Animas River. The plume reached the Animas River and flowed into New Mexico and the San Juan River, which runs through the Navajo Nation and Utah.

As a result, New Mexico sued the EPA, its contractors and mining companies for damages sustained by the state. That case is moving through federal court and is expected to go to trial in 2021.The lawsuit includes allegations of negligence, gross negligence, nuisance, and trespass, as well as violations of federal environmental laws. New Mexico seeks cost recovery, damages, injunctive relief, and attorneys fees.

Each and every day, we will aggressively pull every legal lever available to us to hold the federal government accountable and make New Mexicans whole again, said New Mexico Environment Department Cabinet Secretary James Kenney. We will not forget our people, their livelihoods and the impacts the spill had on our environment.

In the meantime, the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has worked closely with communities, tribes and neighboring states affected by the spill on several important efforts, including developing an improved communications plan for similar incidents in the future, ongoing monitoring for water contamination, and executing a public relations campaign to combat a stigma faced by farmers in the Animas Valley.

Although extensive testing indicates that water used to irrigate crops is well within irrigation standards and contaminants are not present in crops at dangerous levels, farmers continue to see lower sales due to a lack of consumer confidence.

The Healthy Food Grows Where Healthy Rivers Flowcampaign, a collaboration between NMED, New Mexico State University and the San Juan Soil and Water Conservation District, aims to educate the public about the safety of eating these crops and the health benefits of eating locally grown foods. As part of the campaign, project partners deliver local produce to northwestern New Mexico communities without ready access to a grocery store, leading to increased sales for farmers and better access to healthy foods.

Farmers are some of the hardest working people in our community, so it was really tragic to see their hard work go to waste after the Gold King Mine spill, when healthy crops were unable to be sold while some in our community went hungry, said Melissa May, district manager of the San Juan Soil and Water Conservation District. Luckily, this campaign has sparked renewed interest in supporting the local food system, and we are excited for our new Buy Fresh Buy Local chapter to carry this momentum into the future.

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Environment Department Highlights Progress, Additional Work Needed On 5th Anniversary Of Gold King Mine Spill - Los Alamos Reporter

Modernas COVID-19 Vaccine Is Making Good Progress but Valuation Is Too High, Says J.P. Morgan – Yahoo Finance

Moderna (MRNA) is undoubtedly one of 2020s success stories. Its rise has rested on the hope it can be the one to solve the COVID-19 conundrum and bring to market the desperately needed COVID-19 vaccine.

Although several questions regarding its business practices - unrelated to its vaccine candidates progress - have come to the fore recently (including how execs are possibly profiteering off the stocks rise and an unsuccessful attempt to invalidate another companys patent), what concerns J.P. Morgan analyst Cory Kasimov at this point, is its fast accumulation of share gains.

Bigger picture, said the 5-star analyst, We remain constructive on the company overall (COVID-19 or otherwise) but are currently most comfortable on the sidelines given MRNAs $30B+ valuation.

That valuation has increased dramatically since the turn of the year (up by 306%) as investors have applauded each step in the progress of the biotechs COVID-19 vaccine candidate mRNA-1273. Modernas latest surge came earlier this week, after data published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that in a preclinical study evaluating mRNA-1273 in nonhuman primates, the vaccine elicited strong antibody and T cell responses.

With a Phase 3 study of mRNA-1273 initiated earlier this week, and management hopeful it can present data by Thanksgiving, the positive preclinical study results are a nice addition to the candidates progress. However, Kasimov wonders how much influence the data will have in the long run.

Kasimov said, We see the publication of Modernas data in non-human primates (NHP) as supportive of the potential for mRNA-1273 (COVID-19 vaccine), adding to the other encouraging pieces of early evidence, including Phase 1 results. That said, how results in monkeys ultimately translate to humans and whether the lack of an apparent CD8 T-cell response is relevant (especially when other vaccine candidates have shown CD8 T-cell involvement) are two (of admittedly many) outstanding questions.

Accordingly, Kasimov maintained a Neutral (i.e. Hold) rating along with an $89 price target, which implies nearly 15% upside from current levels. (To watch Kasimovs track record, click here)

Overall, theres still plenty of support for Moderna among Kasimovs colleagues. MRNA's Strong Buy consensus rating is based on 13 Buys and 3 Holds. Over the next 12 months, the Street is factoring in a 17% gain for the stock, considering the average price target clocks in at $90.67. (See Moderna stock analysis on TipRanks)

To find good ideas for healthcare stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks Best Stocks to Buy, a newly launched tool that unites all of TipRanks equity insights.

The rest is here:

Modernas COVID-19 Vaccine Is Making Good Progress but Valuation Is Too High, Says J.P. Morgan - Yahoo Finance

Eyes on the Street: Progress on New Elysian Valley Walk/Bike L.A. River Bridge – Streetsblog Los Angeles

This article supported by Los Angeles Bicycle Attorney as part of a general sponsorship package. All opinions in the article are that of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of LABA. Click on the ad for more information.

The bridge itself isnt there yet, but the city of Los Angeles new Elysian Valley walk/bike bridge is taking shape. Theres a new central pier wall and falsework structures that show the future bridges alignment.

The Elysian Valley bridge will be the downstream-most of four new bridges in the L.A. Rivers central earthen-bottom stretch called the Glendale Narrows. Two of the other bridges are complete and open in North Atwater and Atwater Village. The fourth, which will connect Glendale to Griffith Park, is funded but not yet under construction.

Elysian Valleys bridge will span the L.A. River near the end of Altman Street. It will connect Elysian Valley (aka Frogtown) to Cypress Park and the planned large-scale river revitalization at Taylor Yard. Bridge project construction broke ground in June 2019 and is expected to be complete in 2021.

Streetsblog biked there last weekend and took a few photos.

On the Frogtown side of the river, the bridge on/off-ramp structure appears nearly complete.

In the middle of the river, the one central concrete pier wall is already built.

Spreading across the riverbed are a series of frames called falsework which will hold the bridge up during construction, and then be removed.

Some of the falsework will rest in cutouts in the sloped concrete channel walls.

Sitting in the river bed, theres an under-construction metal structure that appears to be part of the central bridge span.

Earlier Streetsblog posts reported that the river path remained passable, but this is no longer the case. To bypass construction, pedestrians and cyclists can fairly easy follow construction detour signage for an alternate route on quiet Elysian Valley neighborhood streets.

See the original post here:

Eyes on the Street: Progress on New Elysian Valley Walk/Bike L.A. River Bridge - Streetsblog Los Angeles

Points of Progress: Where women are seeing gains, globally – The Christian Science Monitor

1. Canada

The U.S.-based National Womens Hockey League announced the opening of a franchise in Toronto, offering hope that womens sports will not be abandoned during the pandemic.In the middle of national shutdowns, the NWHL has established a new team named the Toronto Six, after the Canadian citys nickname. It is the first time the league, formed in 2015 and the first to pay women a salary for playing hockey, will have a presence beyond the U.S. The move is not without critics, but coming a year after the demise of the Canadian Womens Hockey League for lack of financing it will mark a major advance for women in sport when the season opens in late fall.

Sara Miller Llana,Staff writer

The U.S. Army Special Forces has welcomed its first female Green Beret, a major milestone for one of the last all-male branches of the Army. Green Berets are considered experts in unconventional warfare and counterterrorism. Its against Army Special Operations Command policy to release the names of newly minted soldiers due to unique missions assigned upon graduation, but the female graduate of Special Forces training has captured media attention.A former military intelligence officer, Kathleen Wilder, completed the Armys Special Forces Qualification Course back in 1980, but was not allowed to graduate at the time. She filed a sex discrimination complaint and was later sent a graduation certificate. At the July 9 graduation ceremony, Lt. Gen. Fran Beaudette encouraged the new class of Green Beret men and women to smash through stereotypes, innovate, and achieve the impossible. (Army Times, CNN)

Lindsey McGinnis,Staff writer

Latin America is on pace to close its gender gap in 59 years, a huge jump from the 74 years expected in 2018. This puts the region just behind Western Europe, which is expected to close gender disparities in the workforce, education, access to health, and political empowerment in 54 years.The World Economic Forum, which issues the annual Global Gender Gap Index, says the sudden advance was due to regional improvements, particularly in political empowerment. Mexico, for example, leaped up the rankings this year after nearly tripling the number of women serving in ministerial positions (15.8% to 42.1%). With local and federal elections slated this year in nations from Chile to Brazil, the region could slash several more years off its journey toward gender equality. (World Economic Forum)

Whitney Eulich,Special correspondent

Arab women are serving as government ministers in record numbers.With women serving in nine of 33 ministerial posts, the United Arab Emirates has the highest ratio of female cabinet members in the Gulf. In December, Kuwait named a record three women as ministers. Saudi Arabia recently appointed women as deputy minister of labor and social development and deputy director-general for alimony affairs a first for each role. And 25% of Jordans latest cabinet are women.Arab women are not only being better represented in government, but are also rising to significant posts. In January, Lebanese politician Zeina Akar Adra became the Arab worlds first female defense minister and now helms the countrys national security efforts and armed forces.

Taylor Luck,Special correspondent

Nigerian leaders pledge a state of emergency over rape and gender-based violence. After Nigerian women took to the streets en masse in early June to protest a series of high-profile rapes and murders of young women, the countrys government did something surprising: It listened. In mid-June, Nigerias 36 state governors each promised to declare a state of emergency over violence against women, and pledged to start the countrys first sex offender registry.

People raise awareness about sexual violence in Abuja, Nigeria, June 5, 2020. Nigeria has vowed to create a sex offender registry.

While it remains to be seen if they will all come through, activists say they have never before seen this kind of momentum against gender-based violence. This is a generation that says enough is enough, Chioma Agwuegbo, one of the protests organizers, told Quartz Africa. (Quartz Africa)

Ryan Lenora Brown,Staff writer

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South Korean women are mobilizing around gender rights as never before, making significant gains. The latest advance came during April elections, when more women 57 were elected to parliament than at any time since the country democratized in 1987. The ruling Democratic Party enjoyed a landslide victory and now has 30 female legislators. The new Womens Party, the countrys first feminist party, won 200,000 votes but no seats.

Women cast their ballots for the parliamentary election in Seoul, South Korea, on April 10, 2020.

South Korea ranks 117th in the world for womens political representation. But the countrys momentum on gender issues is unmistakable, as womens gains in education raise pressure for greater equality in the workplace and at home, and younger women help energize a #MeToo movement. (Inter-Parliamentary Union)

Ann Scott Tyson,Staff writer

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Points of Progress: Where women are seeing gains, globally - The Christian Science Monitor

City of Sheboygan Making Progress Against Emerald Ash Borer – WHBL News

by Kevin Zimmermann

SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) A tiny pest has made for big headaches for Tim Bull.Hes the forester for the City of Sheboygan and its his job to oversee the battle against the Emerald Ash Borer.The tiny invasive beetle kills ash trees in a few years, and their destruction can be seen in most of Wisconsin.4 years ago Sheboygan launched its efforts to manage the disease in the roughly 5,000 ash trees it hosts, and so far so good.

Bull says that insecticide treatments to around 24-hundred ash trees in city parks and parkways have been over 95% effective in keeping those trees alive.The trees not treated are being removed, and about 500 of those remain.

The next step is replacement and in October, 127 sizable trees will be planted in six city parks to replace the ones lost.Thats made possible by grants like the $5,000 corporate gift made by Alliant Energy in collaboration with several area Rotary organizations that kicked in another $15,000.The new trees wont be Ash, but the new ones wont be vulnerable to the Ash Borer, and will provide a colorful variety of foliage and flowers.

Go here to read the rest:

City of Sheboygan Making Progress Against Emerald Ash Borer - WHBL News

Signs of progress on stimulus deal as GOP/Democrats head into another meeting – Seeking Alpha

"I think there is a desire to get something done as soon as we can," says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. That's boilerplate stuff, but the tone is 180 degrees different than last week, when White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows left a meeting and said we're "nowhere close to a deal."

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin yesterday: "We made a little bit of progress."

Progress out of the meeting was good enough that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has put on hold for now a plan to force votes on short-term extensions for unemployment insurance. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her conference there's potential for a deal in coming days.

Meanwhile, the July jobs report comes on Friday, and a disappointing or even negative print is sure to add even more of an onus on lawmakers to be seen as doing something to help. As California goes, so goes the nation, and that state's economy has gone back into the tank thanks to another round of virus-related shutdowns.

Read more from the original source:

Signs of progress on stimulus deal as GOP/Democrats head into another meeting - Seeking Alpha

Bryant and Brown show progress in Wizards loss to Nets – Bullets Forever

The competitive portion of the Wizards Bubble season is now complete. They lost by eight to the depleted Brooklyn Nets to fall seven games behind them. Theyll need to make up three games in the standings with six to play and their schedule consists of the Indiana Pacers, Philadelphia 76ers, New Orleans Pelicans, Oklahoma City Thunder, Milwaukee Bucks, and Boston Celtics. All are probable losses for the Wizards.

In the loss to the Nets, the Wizards failed on defense primarily because of excessive fouling. Washington defenders were called for 31 fouls, which resulted in 37 Nets free throw attempts (they made 31). Brooklyn shot poorly as a team (.483 efg) but controlled turnovers and got high-efficiency trips to the free throw line.

Wizards perimeter defenders consistently failed to execute basic force rules they allowed penetration to the middle and let Nets players go to their strong hands whenever they wanted.

On offense, the Wizards were okay overall but continued to struggle with shooting (just 9-31 from three-point range) and an inability to execute a cohesive offensive strategy. They tried several times in the first half to post Rui Hachimura against smaller Nets defenders. The rookie struggled to establish position when Brooklyn got physical.

Several times, Thomas Bryant had the ball on the perimeter in position to work one of the handoff plays Wizards fans have seen a gazillion times with Bradley Beal. With Beal not in Orlando, Bryant was short on handoff partners and possessions foundered.

The team that shoots better from the floor wins about 78% of the time in the NBA. The Wizards outshot Brooklyn, but lost each of the other factors. Shooting is the most important factor, but its not everything.

While the loss is disappointing for those hoping the Wizards could somehow claw into the postseason, the team got a terrific performance from Thomas Bryant 30 points and 13 rebounds. Even better, Bryant showed solid defensive awareness, did a good job positioning on most defensive possessions and seemed more comfortable with the teams shift to drop coverage on pick and roll (theyve mostly had big men hedge during the 2019-20 season). On several plays, he kept ball handlers from getting a free run at the rim while also keeping contact with the roll man.

He still had some execution errors in the fourth quarter he made an excellent rotation on a Caris LeVert drive, forced LeVert into a difficult leaning jumper, and then screwed it up anyway by swatting for the ball instead of maintaining his verticality and trusting his positioning. He ended up sending LeVert to the free throw line.

Still, it was an excellent performance from Bryant, who made 7-12 from outside 12 feet, including 4-6 from three-point range. Hes developed into a legitimate stretch big, which should help teammates as opponents update their scouting reports.

Also encouraging for the Wizards was the all-court game of Troy Brown, Jr. 22 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists. Brown needs the ball in his hands to be at his best, and he got it against the Nets. He and Bryant showed some nice chemistry in pick and roll, though Browns inability to threaten the defense with his jumper provided less space for them operate.

Hachimuras game was disappointing. The Nets clearly targeted him with double teams but he was indecisive about how to attack or how to even find the open man. He struggled against Brooklyns physicality on post up attempts.

In the second half, the Wizards tried getting him the ball on the perimeter. He still didnt attack, though generally just passing the ball back to the PG so the team could run a different action.

His lack of a three-point shot hurts him and the team. In the fourth quarter, he had an open look from long range when the Nets defender played under a Bryant screen. Hachimura drove laterally (not turning the corner decisively to get into the paint) and pulled up for an 18-footer. Except, because his defender could comfortably play under the screen, he was able to navigate player traffic and meet Hachimura in the middle and challenge the jumper. It missed.

Below are PPA scores for the Wizards and Nets. PPA is my per possession production metric. In PPA, 100 is average and higher is better.

Next for the Wizards is the second game of their lone back-to-back of The Bubble. Theyll take on the Indiana Pacers. Its a probable loss for Washington.

See the article here:

Bryant and Brown show progress in Wizards loss to Nets - Bullets Forever

Progress and missed opportunities: Morocco enters its third decade under King Mohammed VI – Brookings Institution

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Moroccos King Mohammed VI will celebrate 21 years on the throne in July 2020. Over the last two decades, the king has spearheaded positive civil and political reforms, as well as formidable foreign policy and infrastructural changes. Most recently, the regime took swift and effective measures to control the initial spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. Yet, deeply rooted socioeconomic and political challenges have fueled growing popular disillusionment with the regime and triggered numerous strikes and protests in recent years. Two decades on, regret and missed opportunities are multiplying, as Moroccans look back on the reign of a monarch many had hoped would bring about deep political reform and eradicate social inequality.

This policy briefing closely evaluates the major achievements and challenges that came out of Moroccos first two decades under King Mohammed VI. First, it overviews the noteworthy foreign policy achievements, large-scale infrastructural developments, important civil reforms, and limited political transformation undertaken by the monarch. Second, it examines the lack of deep political reform and socioeconomic growth that continues to plague the kingdom. Finally, it contends that the regime should preemptively introduce genuine and targeted reforms in order to improve political and socioeconomic conditions and prevent popular discontent from boiling over into violence.

Key Recommendations:

In 2019, the Arab Barometer found that 70 percent of Moroccans between the ages of 18 and 29 had thought about emigrating,1 while 49 percent supported rapid political change on the domestic front the latter percentage being the highest of all Arab countries polled.2 Such figures along with chronic protests, a countrywide boycott, critical chants and rap songs, and expressions of discontent on social media point to an increasing sense of popular disillusionment with the regime. The growing frustration of a wide group of Moroccans comes at an interesting time in the countrys political history. King Mohammed VI will celebrate 21 years on the throne on July 30, 2020 in the midst of a pandemic that has pushed the country into mandatory lockdown, left many without wages, and led to a reported rise in police violence.3

Under Mohammed VI, Morocco has undergone important political and economic reforms while facing considerable challenges. During the first five years of the kings reign, the regime allowed fairer elections, decreased media censure, acknowledged the human rights violations committed during the reign of the late King Hassan II (1961-1999), and pursued economic development programs. Other achievements include strengthening the countrys foreign policy by diversifying its alliance base and upgrading its infrastructure through large-scale projects. In response to the 2011 uprisings, the regime introduced reforms that marginally limited its powers (i.e., requiring that the prime minister come from the party with the largest share of votes, and reducing the number of diplomatic and high administrative posts that could be nominated directly by the monarch).4 Furthermore, an Islamist party the Justice and Development Party (PJD) entered the government for the first time in the countrys history.

However, despite these achievements, Morocco remains plagued by socioeconomic challenges. The country suffers from high unemployment rates, poverty, social inequality, mediocre healthcare and education, a persistent urban-rural divide, and towering public debt. Furthermore, the economy relies on oil imports and unstable agricultural and tourism sectors. In the last decade, protests triggered by economic hardship have faced increased repression from the regime, which fears rising instability. In fact, since the 2011 uprisings, the regime has faced great security concerns due to the emergence of the Islamic State (IS) in neighboring countries and the Hirak movement in the historically rebellious Rif region. Two decades on, the reform process seems to have collapsed altogether.

Overall, continuous economic hardship and political restrictions will increase popular frustration and fuel further protests. Yet, the king who remains the most powerful political actor in the country can still deescalate this volatile situation, as the regime has not yet resorted to brutal violence. To avoid chaos, the regime should focus on: (1) bringing about concrete political opening by limiting interference in government affairs and by effectively dividing tasks between the monarchy and the government; and (2) reducing social inequality by reforming the taxation system, thereby raising funds to improve the living conditions of rural populations and to enhance education and welfare.

Since Mohammed VI succeeded to the throne in 1999, Morocco has undergone noteworthy changes in terms of foreign policy, infrastructural development, and civil reform. However, concrete political reform continues to lag behind past promises, and socioeconomic challenges persist despite minor advances.

Morocco has taken significant strides in foreign policy by diversifying its alliance base to pursue economic and diplomatic interests.5 Under the current king, the country has rejoined the African Union (AU), developed stronger ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), improved relations with Europe, and strengthened its position as an international ally in fighting terrorism and irregular migration.6

To maintain trade relations and continue to receive bilateral aid from Europe Moroccos largest trading partner and donor the regime has often had to accept trade restrictions and human rights criticism from the European Union (EU). Indeed, the EU accounted for 59.4 percent of Moroccos trade in 2017 (i.e., 64.6 percent of its exports and 56.5 percent of its imports).7At least 73 percent of Moroccos inward foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks in 2019 came from European countries.8

Under Mohammed VI, there has been a conscious effort to reduce this influence, and Moroccan decision-makers have striven to diversify the countrys support base by strengthening ties with GCC countries and developing new relationships with non-traditional partners, such as China and Russia.9Most striking has been the kingdoms re-direction toward sub-Saharan Africa.

Indeed, Mohammed VI has championed greater presence within the African continent, a move that positions the kingdom as the Wests gateway to Africa, thereby allowing it to enhance its international standing, shore up regional support, and improve its economy. Morocco rejoined the AU in 2017, more than three decades after leaving it.10 Since then, the regime has demonstrated its interest in joining the Economic Community of West African States,11 which invited Morocco to a recent summit.12 The king has personally worked to build ties with sub-Saharan countries; he has made numerous visits to various states and signed nearly 1,000 agreements for economic, political, and security deals.13

Through the kings efforts, Moroccan companies have increased cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa in banking, telecommunications, insurance, and manufacturing. In fact, according to the African Development Bank, 85 percent of the kingdoms FDI went to sub-Saharan states in 2018.14 Moroccan-African trade is also growing it increased by 68 percent between 2008 and 2018 (see Figure 1),15 while Moroccan exports to western Africa tripled during the same period.16 Beyond boosting the kingdoms economy and diversifying its alliance base, Moroccos ties to sub-Saharan countries will further benefit its relationship with the EU by promoting Morocco-EU-African trade.

In terms of regional security, instability has grown in North Africa and the Sahel over the last decade, allowing Morocco to rise as a key counterterrorism player. Recent protests in Algeria, Sudan, and Egypt have highlighted Morocco as a zone of stability in an otherwise struggling region and as a safe ally for Western actors. Meanwhile, the kingdoms willingness to contain terrorist activity in Libya and Mali has strengthened its position as an actor that can help with counterterrorism efforts in the region.

Furthermore, Morocco has faced fewer terrorist attacks than neighboring Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Italy, and France, a fact that may be attributed to its effective cybersecurity and counterterrorism forces (see Figure 2).17 Indeed, Moroccan authorities maintain a network of close to 50,000 auxiliary agents that are placed in neighborhoods to inform on residents.18 Counter-terrorist forces are usually able to dismantle cells before terrorist activity or planning takes place. According to the authorities, they foiled 352 attacks and dismantled over 170 cells between 2002 and 2017; 19 many of these were reportedly linked to ISIS.20 Moroccos control of terrorist activity within its own borders and in other countries has made the regime an indispensable ally to the EU and United States, thereby balancing out its dependence on their financial support.


In addition to providing the United States and EU with intelligence on terrorist cells, Moroccan counter-terrorist forces have stopped plots before they unfurled on European soil notably in France in 2015 and Spain in 2017.22 They also foiled attacks on U.S. and British ships in the Strait of Gibraltar in 2002.23 The regime has also allowed the United States to carry out military training in Morocco through the annual African Lion exercise.24 In return, Morocco has received support from both the EU and United States (notably through the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership) to train its forces and target radicalization at the population level.25 Furthermore, there has been much U.S. and EU support for Moroccos soft power approach to countering radicalization through programs that train local, African, and European imams.26 The success of such programs has strengthened Moroccos international position.

The regimes infrastructural development plan over the past two decades started with a push for mass electrification 27 before improving the countrys motorway infrastructure. The regime then focused on launching a renewable energy megaproject. These costly developments will attract greater investment and tourism inflow and will eventually reduce Moroccos reliance on energy imports.

A groundbreaking achievement during Mohammed VIs reign was the construction of the countrys first mega solar power complex, Noor, which saw investments of around $9 billion.28 Once complete, the complex will be the worlds largest concentrated solar power plant, 29 able to power a city twice the size of Marrakech at peak capacity.30 Most of Noors phases are already on stream, and construction is underway for the final phase.31 The aim is for 42 percent of Moroccos electrical power to come from renewable sources by 2020, and 52 percent by 2030.32 This is feasible given that 35 percent of the countrys electricity came from renewable sources in 2018.33

There has also been significant improvement to the countrys motorway network under the current king, with the networks length having increased from around 400 kilometers in 1999 to 1,831 kilometers in 2016.34 As a result, 60 percent of the population (mostly in urban areas) now has direct access to the highway network,35 which connects 18 airports and 37 commercial ports (13 of which are dedicated to foreign trade).36

Furthermore, after close to 16 years of planning and construction,37 Morocco inaugurated Al Boraq, its first high-speed rail service, in November 2018. In its first phase, Al Boraq currently spans close to 350 kilometers, connecting Casablanca and Tangiers and reducing the travel time between them from five hours to two hours. Eventually, the high-speed rail service will extend to 1,500 kilometers throughout the country.38 The project received significant criticism domestically, with major objections concerning its cost of more than $2 billion. 39 Such a budget was deemed exorbitant by certain associations and political figures, given that Morocco has yet to tackle issues of weak welfare provision, healthcare, and education.

Many macroeconomic and social indicators point to an improved socioeconomic landscape in Morocco. Since Mohammed VIs ascension to the throne, the countrys per capita income (constant dollars over time) has increased from $1,963 in 1999 to $3,361 in 2018,40 and exports have tripled.41 At the social level, the primary school enrollment rate increased by over 27 points between 1999 and 2018,42 the poverty headcount ratio at the national poverty line decreased from 15.3 percent in 2000 to 4.8 percent in 2013,43 life expectancy increased by over eight years between 1999 and 2018, 44 and unemployment decreased from 13.9 percent in 1999 to 9 percent in 2019.45 The economy was boosted by a strong revival of the tourism sector indeed, the number of tourists visiting the kingdom has tripled over the past 20 years46 and it has greatly benefited from the growth of specific industries (such as automotive and aerospace).47

However, according to the World Bank, nearly a quarter of Moroccans are poor or at risk of poverty,48 and the gap between the highest and lowest socioeconomic classes is wide, pointing to great inequality. Moroccos Gini index is 40.9 percent, meaning it has barely improved since 1998.49 This is the highest number in North Africa (excluding Libya, which is in the throes of civil war), followed by Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt.50

Indeed, while poverty has decreased countrywide, it is still prevalent in rural areas. Poverty rates among the rural population were twice as high as at the national level in 2018; in fact, the rural population accounted for 79.4 percent of poor people in the country.51 In 2014, close to 1.2 million rural inhabitants lived under the poverty line, compared to 225,000 urban inhabitants, while 19.4 percent of the rural population was considered vulnerable compared to 7.9 percent of the urban population, according to official sources.52 These numbers show a wide center-periphery wealth divide and indicate the states failure to close the gap.

Furthermore, Moroccos economy remains largely dependent on agricultural activity, which makes it vulnerable to poor harvests and environmental shocks. The agricultural sector, which accounted for approximately 39 percent of total employment in 2018,53 is highly volatile compared to the rest of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.54 It remains dependent on weather conditions, meaning that any rainfall deficit or excess impacts production. Moreover, Moroccos reliance on oil imports hurts its economy every time oil prices peak. The country also has a high level of public debt, which reached $76.8 billion in June 2019.55 While Moroccos GDP has improved, its annual growth has been too small to enhance standards of living or meet societys expectations; at an average annual rate of 4 percent, it is considered low for emerging markets.56

Youth unemployment also remains a pressing problem in Morocco, where around 16.6 percent of the population is made up of young people (ages 15 to 24).57 In 2019, the country had a youth unemployment rate of 22 percent nationally and 40.3 percent in urban areas.58 Lower unemployment rates in rural areas (in 2018, 178,000 people in rural areas versus 990,000 people in urban areas were unemployed)59 do not indicate better economic conditions. Rather, they can be attributed to the educated urban populations reticence to accept undesired positions. Indeed, evidence gathered from field research shows that educated youths in urban areas queue for desired jobs, with many preferring public sector jobs that meet their expectations as university graduates.60 Within the urban middle class, even those who are employed face difficulties, as public sector workers struggle to cover basic expenses due to low wages. Overall, Moroccos lower middle class continues to face significant economic hardship. This is exacerbated by mediocre public healthcare and education, which lead some people to pay high prices in private clinics and schools.

Undeniable progress was made in terms of womens rights during the first five years of Mohammed VIs reign. In 2004, the king reformed the family code to raise the minimum marriage age to 18 years and to grant women the right to self-guardianship, child custody, and divorce;61 these were significant changes, despite some caveats.62 In addition, polygamy laws were modified to require the approval of the existing wife (or wives).63 However, further reforms have yet to take place, namely relating to inheritance laws, the legalization of abortion, and the abolishment of the death penalty.

On the political front, the current kings reign has been marked by far less brutal repression than his predecessors. The electoral process is also more transparent than it was 20 years ago, with less evidence of rigged elections and regime interference. The 2011 uprisings resulted in granting some political freedoms, including partial empowerment of the legislative branch and free and fair parliamentary elections. The latter were won by the PJD, allowing them to enter government after having been kept out for decades.

In relative terms, when comparing a non-absolute authoritarian monarchy like Morocco to an absolute monarchy like Saudi Arabia, it is clear that the former is faring better in terms of human rights and political freedoms. However, when comparing Morocco to a constitutional monarchy like Spain, the former does not fare as well (see Figures 3 and 4). The structures and institutions that facilitate political opening exist in Morocco, but the transition remains restricted from the top.

Indeed, over 20 years, the current regime has favored limited liberalization over deep change. Mohammed VI has avoided the very reforms many had hoped he would introduce relating to freedom of expression, censure of the press, and regime interference in government affairs and formation.64

Over the past 20 years, the kingdoms Freedom House rating of Partly Free has not changed.65 In fact, the last episode of significant political opening took place under Hassan II, shortly before his death.66 Moreover, repression seems to have increased following the 2011 uprisings, including heightened judicial harassment of dissidents.67 In 2012, one year after the constitutional referendum, the authorities repressed protests organized by the February 20 movement, which had emphasized the wider oppositions dissatisfaction with what they deemed to be cosmetic reforms.68

The 2016-2018 protests, which took place in the historically marginalized Rif region,69 were also met with repression. These protests, triggered by the death of a fishmonger crushed by a garbage truck, gained countrywide traction.70 Organizers spoke out against government corruption, economic hardship, and tough living conditions. Around 150 protesters were arrested, and movement organizers were given long prison terms.71 Following the Rif protests, demonstrations triggered by economic hardship in Errachidia and Jrada were also repressed.72 In 2019, police forces used water cannons and batons to disperse smaller-scale demonstrations organized by specific groups (teachers, students, etc.).73

The period following the 2011 uprisings has also been marked by greater regime interference in government affairs, despite promises to ensure a more robust and independent legislative branch.74 While the legislative branch is partially more empowered, elected officials do not possess the power to govern the country or implement deep reform without the regimes permission and cooperation; effective power rests with the monarchy. Indeed, the monarch is the highest political, military, security, and religious authority, appointing key ministers (such as defense and interior), secretaries of state, and governors, among others.

Furthermore, palace-aligned parties such as the National Rally for Independents (RNI), the Constitutional Union (UC), and the Popular Movement (MP) interfere in government affairs and formation, as demonstrated in the aftermath of the 2016 legislative elections. The PJD which had won a historic 125 out of 395 parliamentary seats75 needed to enter into a coalition with other parties.76 However, the RNI (which won 37 seats)77 formed a bloc with the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP), the UC, and the MP (all parties with minor results) to increase its influence in government.78 While the RNI refused to join the coalition without these parties, then-Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane rejected the USFPs participation (as it had won only 20 seats).79 This resulted in a five-month deadlock that led the monarch to ask Benkirane to step down in March 2017 and to appoint current Prime Minister Sadeddine El Othmani in his place.80 El Othmani formed a coalition with the palace-aligned parties within a week,81 thereby diminishing the PJDs influence in government and creating divisions within the party.

Other promises made during the 2011 uprisings for greater political freedoms (of press, speech, and organization)82 did not come through. In fact, the regime has refined its tactics of controlling the media and its image. For example, business figures close to the palace control various media outlets, which spread pro-regime propaganda.83 The regime rewards loyal outlets while taking to court journalists who have been critical (in these cases, courts often rule in the regimes favor).84

Individuals criticizing the regime via social media have also faced repression. Two famous YouTubers were arrested toward the end of 2019 for criticizing the king.85 That same year, three Moroccan rappers released Long Live the People, a viral track criticizing the state and the king, which included the lyrics: Bullets will not suffice Im the hurt one the Moroccan citizen who fought for independence but never felt it Who took our money? Who was it that took the phosphates?86 As the song gained popularity within the country and internationally, one of the rappers, Gnawi, was sentenced to a year in jail for insulting the police on social media.87

As economic hardship persists for marginalized communities and popular frustration grows due to persistent social inequality, discontent will increase and protests will multiply. The revolution in neighboring Algeria,88 no matter its outcome, will only embolden Moroccans to express dissent. While this piece does not aim to predict the timeline for a tipping point, tensions are bound to boil over if the kingdoms socioeconomic and political conditions do not improve.

The regime can still deescalate this volatile situation, despite growing expressions of popular discontent and increased protests. Indeed, it has not yet crossed over to brutal repression, and the opposition is too fragmented to mobilize the population. The regime still has time and space to rebuild its social contract with the people. o do so, it must introduce genuine reforms that would: (1) bring about concrete political opening by empowering the legislative branch, and (2) reduce social inequality by improving the living conditions of rural populations and prioritizing education and welfare.

Authoritarian learning 89 goes both ways; as regimes modify their behavior based on what they have learned from opposition events at home and abroad, so do opposition actors. Just as the Moroccan regime has developed a successful pattern of containing opposition through a combination of promised and cosmetic reforms and repression, so have opposition actors and the wider population learned from regime behavior and grown disillusioned with its failure to deliver on a number of promises. These span from as far back as 1956, when King Mohammed V promised various political groups 90 a constitution that he never passed, to as recently as the 2011 uprisings, when the current king promised a new era of reform but implemented little change.

If current grievances were to boil over and fragmented opposition actors were to unify, further pledges from the regime may not suffice to contain an eventual uprising. It is therefore in the best interest of the monarchy to act preemptively, before the tipping point, by introducing genuine reforms and change. A good start would be for the regime to strengthen the legislative branch and grant the prime minister greater powers, thereby paving the way for more individual freedoms. This recommendation would not require the monarchy to step away from power, but rather to be involved in the political sphere in such a way that allows the legislative branch to fulfill its constitutional role.

First, the monarchy should stop palace-aligned parties from interfering in government formation and affairs. Although the RNI-led initiative that resulted in a deadlock in forming the new government in 2016 and the subsequent ousting of Benkirane did not violate the text of any constitutional articles,91 these actions did not respect the spirit of the constitution.

Second, the monarchy and the government need to agree on an effective division of tasks. There are fields in which the monarchy has been extraordinarily successful and which it should continue to oversee most notably foreign policy, international business initiatives, and the development of business-oriented infrastructure. However, the legislative branch should take charge of affairs related to domestic politics and the economy and be given more control over public funds, in order to carry out successful socioeconomic and political reforms.

To tackle social inequality, the regime should focus on three key aspects: (1) reducing the gap between rural and urban populations; (2) increasing the literacy rate for affected groups; and (3) raising more funds to make these changes possible.

To address the urban-rural divide in the short term, more funds should be allocated to rural areas that lack infrastructure and electricity, and which have not benefited from the same massive improvements as urban areas. The regime should focus on upgrading and adding to roads in rural areas, as well as building schools and health clinics in remote villages.

For a long-term solution, the regime must work toward reducing illiteracy, especially among the segments of the population most affected (in this case, women and rural inhabitants). To address this issue successfully, the regime must allocate funds to: (1) encourage and enable families to send their children to school and prevent dropout, and (2) allow illiterate adults to access literacy courses. Major obstacles to childhood education include poverty and distance. The regime must reinforce the public school system with more financial and human resources, give poor families cash incentives to keep their children in school, and set up more schools in remote villages. To reduce adult illiteracy, the regime must allocate funding to literacy courses, provide more courses across the kingdom, and encourage private employers to allow illiterate employees to attend such trainings.

To make these costly changes, the regime must raise more funds, especially as high public debt and dependency on oil imports have limited available state funding. There are several ways to do this, including: improving the tax collection system; spending less on megaprojects; reducing subsidies; and reforming the countrys taxation policy. Although the last option may generate significant political pushback from the higher income groups, it is the most straightforward option, given the regimes propensity to develop large-scale projects, the cuts already made to the subsidy system following the 2011 uprisings, and the economic implications of the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The countrys income taxation policy is currently progressive to 38 percent for six different income groups.92 People in the highest income group (the sixth one) earn over 180,000 dirhams per month, or close to $18,500. This policy can be reformed to include a seventh income group that would be taxed at a higher percentage. For example, people who earn more than 500,000 dirhams per month (around $55,000) could be taxed at a rate of 44 percent. Higher taxes should also be collected on property and wealth.

King Mohammed VIs twenty-first year on the throne marks around a decade since the 2011 uprisings reached Morocco, and a decade since the king promised political opening and change that would meet the demands of the protest movement.93 This symbolic date may explain the growing dissatisfaction with the regime among the media, the opposition, and the population. However, it has not all been bad far from it. The king has introduced important changes in terms of foreign policy, infrastructure, and womens rights. In the beginning of the kings reign, the regime allowed some political opening and committed to increasing economic development. Following the 2011 uprisings, the regime introduced reforms that marginally limited its powers and allowed an Islamist party to lead the government for the first time in the countrys history.

Yet, so much more could and should be done to open the political sphere and address massive inequality. With protests rocking neighboring Algeria, as well as Lebanon and Iraq, and with persistent economic hardship and political restrictions fueling popular frustrations, protests are bound to increase. The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic (due to disrupted trade flows, reduced tourism, a potential European crisis, and increased public spending) will only exacerbate Moroccos economic hardship.

To keep tensions from boiling over, the regime should focus on: (1) bringing about concrete political opening by minimizing interference in government affairs and by effectively dividing tasks between the monarchy and the government; and (2) reducing social inequality by reforming the taxation system, thereby raising funds to improve the living conditions of rural populations and to enhance education and welfare. Such changes would improve the countrys political and socioeconomic landscapes and would make it, in the monarchs own words, a country that accommodates all its sons and daughters; a country in which all citizens without exception enjoy the same rights and have the same obligations, in an environment where freedom and human dignity prevail.94

Excerpt from:

Progress and missed opportunities: Morocco enters its third decade under King Mohammed VI - Brookings Institution