No quick judgments
So many of us are quick to jump to conclusions about others.Youre vocal about supporting law and order? You must be a knuckle dragging hick or a yacht owning snob, blindly following FOX and the WSJ, and love President Trump.
Since when is supporting law and order inhumane? Since when is wanting to protect your community inhumane?
Since when did personal property ownership mean nothing?
Why is it inhumane to want to live in safety?
Why is it considered inhumane to want people entering our country to have no criminal intent?
Why is it considered radical to question scientific studies?If scientific studies and beliefs were not questioned, wed still be using leeches to cure disease and avoiding eggs to promote heart health.
Who thinks believing in basic human rights is a bad thing?
Please site your reams of statistical data.
When did it become liberal to make bold assumptions about community members who are Christian? When did it become liberal to make bold assumptions about anyone disagreeing with you?
Yes, the better question is when did the very principles this country was founded on become radical?
Jackie Rohr
Chagrin Falls
Take a breath
Environmental racism is an obstacle to social justice.
Our communities of color are literally chocking to death. Studies indicate that more than 300,000 people die every single year from health issues related to air pollution. A disproportionate number of the victims are people of color.
COVID-19 deaths are higher in highly polluted areas. Climate change and weather-related disasters effects are more severe on groups that have been excluded from socioeconomic progress and get little help in rebuilding their lives. The dialog and actions toward building a more just society cannot be separate from efforts to repair and eradicate environmental injustice.
As insurmountable as this sounds, radical and immediate action must be taken to fight climate change. In 2019, a bipartisan coalition of former Federal Reserve chairs, top economic advisers to recent presidents of both parties and Nobel Prize-winning economists have endorsed a federal carbon tax, one that would distribute all of the revenue to American households. H.R. 763 Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act is a bipartisan bill designed to aggressively decrease carbon emissions in the U.S. In the past couple of months, we have challenged racial injustice and changes are coming. Its time to act on climate change and take radical action. Demand Congress to act on H.R.763.
Catalina Maddox-Wagers
Cleveland Heights
Greatest Generation, indeed
This letter is in regard to Barbara Christians column about the Greatest Generation.
My father is the son of an immigrant mother and a part of the Greatest Generation, and at age 94, he is still alive. His own father was a machine gunner in WWI in Marne, France and became deaf in one ear because of it but still refused the government assistance offered him for his hearing loss because of his pride and love of nation.
Freebies were an insult to him. Fast forward to my own dad lying about his age and enlisting in the Navy at age 17 after Pearl Harbor to defend his beloved nation and then went on to serve on three submarines. Prior to that he attended the old John Adams High School and grew up across the street. His older brother Jimmy not only was a marine who fought at Okinawa in WWII but was also the very first NASCAR winner for Ford Motor Co. in Dayton, Ohio in 1950 at the Winston Cup. He even beat Richard Pettys dad Lee and greats like Curtiss Merriweather in an old Ford Detroit police car with a flathead where he emerged shirtless and the nickname Shirtless Jimmy Florian stuck and NASCAR outlawed going shirtless from that day forward. So much for the south claiming all first titles for NASCAR. Clevelands own blood has Fords first.
So I guess this is one example of a once thriving Cleveland neighborhood back in the day that is part of what truly bred the Greatest Generation. I remember playing at the school playground in the mid 1960s directly across from his childhood home but not without an adult because I was told the neighborhood was growing unsafe.How can that be? My dad grew up here safe.
But now I have to ask a serious question. Why in 2020 and for many years prior to, am I not able to drive through that very same neighborhood just to visit my own mothers grave who tragically died in 1961 along with other close relatives buried at Cavalry Cemetery without fearing for my safety or life because of the increasedcrime rate that surrounds it? I miss placing flowers and touching her gravestone along with my grandparents right next to hers. After all, men like my dad from the Greatest Generation, who grew up in that very same neighborhood including through the Great Depression by eating rice daily and were happy just to get an apple on Christmas morning, never feared like I do for their nor their family members safety back then either. Sadly, this is true of many of Clevelands old neighborhoods today.
What happened?
Perhaps we need to reexamine so-called old and outdated American family values that have become mostly extinct today for modern political correctness sake despite my dads childhood home that still stands today.
Barbara Toncheff
Chagrin Falls
Silent no more
As a member of the Silent Generation, I must be silent no more.
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was not accepted by the Democrat Party as president. The Civil War ensued and was fought over the institution of slavery. Jan. 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the south followed by the 13th Amendment which abolished slavery and the 14th which gave black people equal protection under the law; the 15th amendment gave black men the vote.
In 2016, Donald Trump was not accepted by the Democrat Party as president. Following a booming economy of three years, civil unrest and rioting precipitated by the unconscionable murder of a black man, by police, ensued. This travesty, occurring in the midst of a devastating pandemic, could be crippling without strong and measured leadership. Black Lives Matter began with peaceful protests, which seemingly were hijacked by Antifa, anarchists, Marxists and paid mobsters. Perhaps the radical Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, an organization with no connection to Black Lives Matter, was involved in incitement of rioting and looting.
President Trump has benefitted the Black community promoting education and enterprise. Black unemployment was at an all time low of 5.5 percent in 2019; in 2014, it was over 12 percent. Trumps First Step Act authorized early release and rehab opportunities to nonviolent prisoners, 90 percent of whom were black. Charter schools have been granted $500 million and federal funding to black universities has been increased by 17 percent.
This man can be brash and in your face; political correctness is not his forte, accounting for the blinding Trump hate. He is leading us through daunting crises. He has instituted tax reform and cuts, provided a financial stimulus to all, discontinued harmful business regulations, reformed the VA with health accountability, secured the border, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and established fair trade rules putting America first. He led us to a booming economy and will continue this quest in spite of constant opposition and sniping through the radical lefts domination of the media, entertainment and education at the expense of the American people.
Lets make America great again.
Sheila Collins
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Letters to the editor - 07/16/2020 | Viewpoint | -