NASAs Dawn Spacecraft Captures Best-Ever View of Dwarf Planet


NASAs Dawn spacecraft has returned the sharpest images ever seen of the dwarf planet Ceres. The images were taken 147,000 miles (237,000 kilometers) from Ceres on Jan. 25, and represent a new milestone for a spacecraft that soon will become the first human-made probe to visit a dwarf planet.

"We know so little about our vast solar system, but thanks to economical missions like Dawn, those mysteries are being solved," said Jim Green, Planetary Science Division Director at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

At 43 pixels wide, the new images are more than 30 percent higher in resolution than those taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 2003 and 2004 at a distance of over 150 million miles. The resolution is higher because Dawn is traveling through the solar system to Ceres, while Hubble remains fixed in Earth orbit. The new Dawn images come on the heels of initial navigation images taken Jan. 13 that reveal a white spot on the dwarf planet and the suggestion of craters. Hubble images also had glimpsed a white spot on the dwarf planet, but its nature is still unknown. [image-69]

"Ceres is a 'planet' that you've probably never heard of, said Robert Mase, Dawn project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. We're excited to learn all about it with Dawn and share our discoveries with the world."

As the spacecraft gets closer to Ceres, its camera will return even better images. On March 6, Dawn will enter into orbit around Ceres to capture detailed images and measure variations in light reflected from Ceres, which should reveal the planets surface composition.

"We are already seeing areas and details on Ceres popping out that had not been seen before. For instance, there are several dark features in the southern hemisphere that might be craters within a region that is darker overall," said Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator of the Dawn mission at JPL. "Data from this mission will revolutionize our understanding of this unique body. Ceres is showing us tantalizing features that are whetting our appetite for the detailed exploration to come."

Ceres, the largest body between Mars and Jupiter in the main asteroid belt, has a diameter of about 590 miles (950 kilometers). Some scientists believe the dwarf planet harbored a subsurface ocean in the past and liquid water may still be lurking under its icy mantle.

Originally described as a planet, Ceres was later categorized as an asteroid, and then reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. The mysterious world was discovered in 1801 by astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, who named the object for the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships

You may not realize that the word cereal comes from the name Ceres. Perhaps you already connected with the dwarf planet at breakfast today," said JPL's Marc Rayman, Mission Director and Chief Engineer of the Dawn mission.

Excerpt from:

NASAs Dawn Spacecraft Captures Best-Ever View of Dwarf Planet

Compres Distinguished Lecturer speaking at Concord University

ATHENS, W.Va. COMPRES Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Przemyslaw Dera will speak at Concord University on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2014. His lecture begins at 5 p.m. in Room 400 of the Science Building on the Athens campus. There is no admission charge and the community is invited to attend.

Dr. Dera is an associate professor at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. The title of his lecture is Tales of Rock & Sand: A Crystallographic Journey From Hades to Heaven.

The presentation will highlight the most exciting recent experimental results and advances in methodology from research done at high-pressure, synchrotron X-ray laboratories. This work provides new insights into the properties, behavior and transformations of minerals and helps to decipher the puzzles of meteorites and deep Earth processes. High-pressure X-ray crystallography is one of the principal analytical tools of Mineral Physics research. New developments in equipment and methods have opened new opportunities to explore the behavior of crystals with much smaller sizes and at significantly higher pressures allowing new mysteries to be solved.

Dr. Dera received his Ph.D. (2000) in Physical Chemistry from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. From 2000 2007 he worked at the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington D.C., first as Distinguished Barbara McClintock Postdoctoral Fellow, and later as Associate Staff Scientist. In 2007 he moved to the University of Chicago and the Center for Advanced Radiation Sources. Since 2013, he has been an associate professor at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology.

Professor Dera's main research interests involve the development of experimental methods to better study materials at very high pressure utilizing synchrotron X-ray radiation. He currently focuses on the properties of Earth-forming minerals and on understanding solid-state chemical reactions at high pressure.

Dr. Dera is being brought to Concord via the COMPRES Distinguished Lecture series in the field of Mineral Physics. COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences, focuses on the study of materials at high-pressure to achieve better understanding of fundamental Earth and planetary processes. COMPRES helps enable Earth Science researchers to conduct the next generation of high-pressure science on world-class equipment and facilities. It facilitates the operation of beam lines, the development of new technologies for high pressure research, and advocates for science and educational programs.

For additional information on Dr. Dera's upcoming lecture at Concord, please contact Dr. Stephen Kuehn, assistant professor in the Division of Mathematics, Science and Health, at or 304-384-6322.

See the original post:

Compres Distinguished Lecturer speaking at Concord University

Why humans should go to Mars and other places in space

Reusable, modular space systems could make human Mars missions more affordable and eliminate one long-running objection to them. (credit: J. Strickland)

In a recent op-ed published in the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, titled Why humans shouldnt go to Mars, University of Virginia biology professor Michael Menaker argues that human exploration of Mars doesnt make good sense. We are already exploring Mars with robotic spacecraft, he states, and there are urgent Earth-bound problems to solve.

However, he has not made his case, which is based on several wrong fundamental assumptions. Its possible he may be reacting to the blatant Mars Hype that was recently put out by some people within NASA who support the SLS and Orion programs, since the article does mention the Orion test launch. What the article really represents, however, is the zero sum game attitude by a few within the science community, some of whom depend on government science programs for their employment. I must emphasize that this point is not meant to denigrate the vast majority of scientists, many of whom work on valid and important research and struggle every year to maintain their labs financial survival. I suspect the majority of those who work on robotic spacecraft programs do strongly support the human space program, but those who do not sometimes get more media attention when they speak out, since taking such a position is controversial. Their attitude is that funding for a human Mars mission would take money away from their science. What Menaker forgets is that any human spaceflight program uses funding that could possibly go to the robotic or pure science programs instead, so that opposition to Mars programs is also in effect opposition to all human spaceflight. His comments later in the essay, about urgent Earth-bound problems, confirm that this is his position.

In my view, both robotic and human programs are both important and interdependent. The robotic program gets part of its support from interest in future human exploration, while that future human program will rely heavily on the data from the robotic programs to determine good landing sites and allow safe landings. As a very strong supporter of science in general, and space science and planetology in particular, I find it sad that some people have such a limited vision of how tightly linked science and exploration are. Professor Menaker works at the University of Virginia, whose first president was Thomas Jefferson. As US President, Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition across two-thirds of a continent and back. That expedition contributed tremendously to understanding the geography and biology of the American West. In like manner, future exploration of Mars by robots and humans will help us understand planets in general, even our own Earth. The exhortation by Menaker to stay home on the Earth would, if followed, greatly impede both our ability to understand the Earth and to protect it.

Menaker agonizes over the stress on crews on such long voyages, but these are nothing new, and in turn will contribute greatly to humanitys future. Previously, several nations, such as Portugal, Spain, and England, have sent crews of sailors on very long voyages of exploration, some lasting for three years, as long as a Mars expedition would last (just getting to Mars takes six to eight months.) The results of these voyages included finding an economical route to the Far East around Africa, proving yet again that the world was round by circumnavigation, and the discovery of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands. Furthermore, expeditions to Mars will be in constant contact with their families on Earth, even though there will be a time delay. The isolation and stress of a Mars mission will be nothing like such maritime crews withstood, in an age before good food and good health could be provided at sea.

Menakers take on the high cost of Mars expeditions and the risk to astronauts is also based on wrong and outdated assumptions. With current and past technology, as represented by the expendable SLS booster and Orion programs, the cost, the risk to crews, and the potential radiation doses would in fact be very high. If Mars missions were mounted using the current NASA plans, the cost would probably be in the hundreds of billions of dollars and radiation doses could exceed current lifetime safety limits. However, it is very unlikely that such huge amounts would ever be approved by Congress, and since just one of the unmanned programs, the James Webb Space Telescope, will cost almost $10 billion all by itself, complaining about only the current human space budget seems misplaced. It is also worth pointing outfor probably the millionth timethat the entire NASA budget is one half of one percent of the federal budget. All of the existing social programs vastly outspend it.

So it is much more likely that Mars expeditions will actually be conducted with reusable boosters and reusable spacecraft designed and built by private companies. Much of the space community is coming to share this view. In addition to reducing the cost, such boosters will allow the use of heavy and effective radiation shielding on the crew habitats, making the radiation issue moot. By the time we are ready for Mars expeditions, sometime after 2025, such boosters and spacecraft will be operating.

With these, a continuing program of Mars exploration will be possible within annual NASA budget limits. The cost of an initial human NASA Mars program would probably be in the tens of billions of dollars, but that is trivial compared to the vast sums spend on the inefficient shuttle program. The more that private companies are involved, the lower the cost will be. If the cost is shared by developing standardized vehicles to also support a lunar base, the overall cost will be lower still. In any case, total costs of a program are misleading, since it is the annual cost that is more important to an exploration program run by a government. Over a 15-year time framefive years for development and ten years for operationsthe cost of a $30-billion program would be roughly comparable to what is now being wasted on the SLS.

A program will also not run out of vehicles quickly if they are all designed for reuse, so the program can be continued at a lower cost. With a robust Mars mission architecture, the issue of whether crew members stay at Mars or come home after one expedition becomes moot. Since the vehicles that would take crew members to Mars are reusable, we would want them back at Earth to use for another expedition. This means at least some of the crew members would return after the first expedition was over. The high amounts of mass that a robust mission can land on the surface would allow other crew members to remain on Mars and augment the next crew to arrive, with food and supplies sufficient for many years. A larger crew would provide more hands to do work such as enlarging the base and its pressurized habitat volume. Thus a flexible policy on who returns and who stays could allow a larger crew to do useful work at a Mars science base with each succeeding mission.

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Why humans should go to Mars and other places in space

Nasa scientists explain findings from Nasa’s Mars Curiosity Rover – Video

Nasa scientists explain findings from Nasa #39;s Mars Curiosity Rover
Nasa scientists explain findings from Nasa #39;s Mars Curiosity Rover. Evidence of life on Mars may have been detected by the American space agency Nasa #39;s Curiosity rover. An instrument on the....

By: Adgoy Ness

See more here:

Nasa scientists explain findings from Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover - Video

Philae Settles in Dust-Covered Ice

Before going into hibernation in the early hours of 15 November 2014, the Philae lander was able to conduct experiments and return its data to Earth. In this blog post we look at the preliminary analysis conducted by the landersMulti-Purpose Sensors for Surface and Subsurface Science instrument package, MUPUS.

MUPUS began observing the environment around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko once Philae was released from the Rosetta orbiter at 08:35 GMT on 12 November (this is spacecraft time; the signal confirming separation arrived at Earth just over 28 minutes later, at 09:03 GMT).

The first touchdown recorded by Philae occurred at 15:34 GMT (with the signal arriving on Earth at 16:03 GMT), but it later transpired that the harpoons and ice screws did not deploy as planned and the lander subsequently rebounded, experiencing two further touchdowns, at 17:25 and 17:32 GMT (spacecraft time), respectively.

Because part of the MUPUS package was contained in the harpoons, some temperature and accelerometer data could not be gathered. However, the MUPUS thermal mapper, located on the body of the lander, worked throughout the descent and during all three touchdowns.

At Philaes final landing spot, the MUPUS probe recorded a temperature of 153C close to the floor of the landers balcony before it was deployed. Then, after deployment, the sensors near the tip cooled by about 10C over a period of roughly half an hour.

We think this is either due to radiative transfer of heat to the cold nearby wall seen in the CIVA images or because the probe had been pushed into a cold dust pile, says Jrg Knollenberg, instrument scientist for MUPUS at DLR.

The probe then started to hammer itself into the subsurface, but was unable to make more than a few millimetres of progress even at the highest power level of the hammer motor.

If we compare the data with laboratory measurements, we think that the probe encountered a hard surface with strength comparable to that of solid ice, says Tilman Spohn, principal investigator for MUPUS.

Looking at the results of the thermal mapper and the probe together, the team have made the preliminary assessment that the upper layers of the comets surface consist of dust of 1020 cm thickness, overlaying mechanically strong ice or ice and dust mixtures.

Read the original here:

Philae Settles in Dust-Covered Ice

Hawaii plans for possibility of extreme tsunami

Hawaii is no stranger to natural disasters, from lava and hurricanes to tsunami.

Click here to watch Paul Drewes's report.

Destructive waves have hit before, but now emergency personnel want to makesure people are prepared for a massive tsunami.

It is not a doomsday scenario, it is actually something that has happened before.

Now plans are in the works for a worst case scenario: the possibility of a huge tsunami hitting Hawaii head on.

Hawaii has been hit by destructive waves, but one of the biggest was 500 years ago, when a massive tsunami (similar to the Japanese tsunami of 2011) slammed into our shores.

"A large magnitude 9.2, 9.3 event right in the eastern Aleutian Islands. If you look at a map that area in the Pacific Ocean points directly at us," said Rhett Butler with the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology.

Tsunami generated by earthquakes in Alaska and Kamchatka Peninsula have caused damage in Hawaii, but those waves weren't directly aimed at our islands.

If an extreme tsunami came from the Aleutians north-facing beaches would see the biggest waves, but other shores would not be spared.

"The wavelength of tsunami is huge. We're looking at a fault 600-700 kilometers that breaks. That is on the order of the whole Hawaiian islands, so the wave will wrap around the whole islands," added Butler.

Read the rest here:

Hawaii plans for possibility of extreme tsunami

News at Nine, October 28

New ocean telecom cables should be 'green'

The system ofsubmarine telecommunications that connects the world together represents a missed opportunity for tsunami warning, according to university scientists and a United Nations task force.

These submarine telecommunications cables are the backbone of the Internet, but they should be more green. According to the task force's report, sensor technology could be deployed to improve the world's understanding of ocean circulation and sea level rise.

According toRhett Butler, director of the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, all of the world's cable systems will be replaced within the coming quarter century.

Source: UH News

Kauai to study food waste to generate renewable gas

In an effort to possibly generate renewable gas to power The KauaiBus and other county vehicles, the County of Kauai is seeing how feasible it would be to generate renewable gas out of locally produced food waste.

In order to do this, the county is conducting a survey to see how much food waste it currently produces.

The survey is available at Restaurants, schools and hospitals are encouraged to take it.

Source: The Garden Island

Go here to see the original:

News at Nine, October 28

UN task force: Ocean telecom cables should be green

The global system of submarine telecommunication cables that support our connected world is deaf, dumb and blind to the external ocean environment and represents a major missed opportunity for tsunami warning and global climate monitoring, according to University of Hawaii scientists and a United Nations task force.

For an additional 5 to 10 percent of the total cost of any new cable system deployment, we could be saving lives from tsunamis and effectively monitoring global change, said UH-Manoas Rhett Butler, director of the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology and chairman of an international committee tasked to evaluate the cable opportunity.

Submarine telecommunication cables are the backbone of the Internet. More than half a million miles of the fiber-optic cable already criss-cross the deep ocean, linking more than 2.7 billion users and supporting global business, finance, social media, entertainment and political expression.

Now researchers are making a scientific and societal case for greening any new cables proposed to be built in the future.

The new report, published this month by a joint task force of three U.N. agencies, parallels an engineering feasibility study and analyses of strategy and legal challenges.

By adding a relatively straightforward set of instrumentation, accelerometers, high-resolution pressure gauges and thermometers integrated into the cables optical repeaters, the enhanced telecom cables could answer many basic science needs, as well as help monitor the physical state-of-health of the cable system itself, researchers say.

For example, a cable-based worldwide network of seafloor sensors could enable the monitoring of the pressure of a tsunami as it passes over the sea floor, allowing the measurement in real-time of the actual tsunami generated to assess its potential coastal threat and corroborate the necessity of a warning.

Likewise, global earthquake monitoring is hamstrung by the fact that nearly all of the worlds seismic stations are located on land. A smarter undersea cable system could significantly improve the resolution at which researchers can describe the earthquake process itself including how, where and how much the earthquake moves over its fault surface, details that are fundamental to understanding its tsunami-generating potential.

On the climate side, readily available sensor technology could be deployed to improve our understanding of ocean circulation, sea level rise and the exchange of heat through the ocean depths and with the atmosphere, essential elements for global monitoring.

The undersea communication cable is an untapped platform for oceanographic sensors, one that could outstrip all other systems attempting to observe the deep oceans, said Doug Luther, UH-Manoa professor of oceanography and another contributor to the report.

The rest is here:

UN task force: Ocean telecom cables should be green