Physical Therapy Gym Tech

Physical Therapy Gym Tech
To: Future Health Professionals
From: Kyle Kacerek
Re: Job opening
Are you a graduate or graduating senior? Are you thinking about applying to a grad school in a health-related field? Would you like to get some real clinical experience? If so, then Tygiel Physical Therapy is the place for you! We are looking for majors in physiology or related fields.
A position will be opening at Tygiel Physical Therapy as a gym tech. The position will begin training ASAP, and no prior training is required. If you are still in school, arrangements can be made to work around your school schedule. The position is part-time, but full-time employment will be considered if the right candidate requests it.
The position involves instructing patients in therapeutic exercises under the guidance of a physical therapist. You will also be trained in the various treatment modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation.
I am a UA Physiology alumni and would recommend this position to anyone who has health care ambitions, especially if you are considering Physical Therapy as a future profession. We are located down the street from St. Joseph's hospital.
If you are interested, please come by to fill out an application:
6606 E. Carondelet Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85710


Muralcles Meeting

Muralcles 2nd General Meeting:
Wednesday, October 5th, from 5p.m.-6p.m.
Sabino Room, 3rd Floor of Student Union.
We will be having event sign-ups and decorating art bags for our pediatric patients!
New members are always welcome!
For New Members:
1. Join by clicking:
2. Make an Orgsync account and request to join the Muralcles Orgsync page. You don't need a password, just request to join the organization.
3. Read the Welcome message on Orgsync and fill out the New Membership form.
4. Accumulate 5 points throughout the semester (Meetings = 1 point, Events = 2 points, Other Events = 2 points) to gain Active Membership status.
Unfortunately there are only medium and large shirts left, which will be available for pick-up and for buy at this meeting. Some people have already emailed me about shirt pick up so these have been reserved for you!
Unable to make the meeting?
That's okay! We will email you a meeting recap and events will open up on Orgsync for RSVPing.
Email questions to
To Remove Yourself from this List Send a message to with the message: SIGNOFF Muralcles.


Whole Body Vibration Research Study

Curious about how to improve your flexibility?
Find out by participating in our research study!
We are currently looking for healthy male and female participants aged 18-30 years old to participate in a study that will assess the effect of whole body vibration on muscle flexibility range of motion.
You need to be:
Healthy with no history of lower back pain and no history of cardiovascular disorders, migraines, epilepsy.
For this study, you will be randomized into 3 groups: Control Group, Treadmill Group, Whole Body Vibration Group. You will come to the Gittings Building at the University of Arizona every other day (three times a week) for a period of 2 weeks. Each session will last 15-30 minutes and consist of performing a sit and reach test followed by 5 minutes of activity (or 5 minutes of no activity if you are in control group) and then a follow-up sit and reach test. During the first visit, your body height and weight will be measured.
There is no cost to you to participate in this study. At any time (even after you give permission), you may refuse to perform a particular activity or drop from the study altogether. This is 100% okay with us; it is your decision to make and it will not affect your participation in any other activities at the University of Arizona.
Interested? Please contact or (480) 203-0645 for more information!
