Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program

It's time again to consider applying to the Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program. If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, have a 3.0 GPA, will have at least 3 semesters left at University of Arizona after the current spring semester, are interested in pursuing research and aspire a graduate degree in a biomedical field, then you certainly should apply. The benefits and opportunities are MANY and there is no prior research experience required.
The simple application and more information can be found at http://www.cbc.arizona.edu/marc/
The financial benefits are:
paid partial or full tuition
paid health insurance
$1800 per year to travel to science meetings
approximately $900 per month in stipend
The application deadline is Wednesday, February 1st.
If you'd like to discuss the possibilities or have ANY questions, PLEASE feel free to contact me via email (cjneal@email.arizona.edu) or by phone at 621-4667. I'd be very happy to talk with you.
Cindy Neal, Assistant Director
MARC Program
University of Arizona


Healthy Heart Conference at The University of Arizona Medical Center:

The UA Sarver Heart Center would like to cordially invite you to attend the Healthy Heart Conference at the University of Arizona Medical center on Saturday, February 4th.
The Basics:
Healthy Heart Conference
Saturday, Feb. 4
8am - Noon (Registration, Screenings, Breakfast at 8:00am, Program begins 9:15am)
$15 per person (covers food & materials)
Details: Learn everything you need to know to keep your heart going strong from the experts at The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center by joining us for the annual Healthy Heart Conference on February 4, 2012! Registration is $15/person and check-in begins at 8AM. Sign in will be located in the main lobby at the University of America Medical Center. Health screenings for blood pressure, diabetes and asthma will also be available in the cafeteria on a first-come, first-served basis until 11 a.m. provided by UA College of Pharmacy students. The program will begin in the DuVal Auditorium at 9:15 a.m.
Speakers: This year speakers include Gordon A. Ewy MD, Lorraine Mackstaller MD, Leslie Ritter PhD/RN, Betsy Dokken NP/PhD, Karl B. Kern MD, Julia Indik MD/PhD, and Robert S. Poston MD. Experts in their fields, they will provide education about how to keep your heart healthy, the important risk factors for heart disease, how to recognize stroke, and controlling diabetes. They will also present findings from research about unblocking arteries, controlling arrhythmias using ablations, and the frontier of robotic surgery.
Dialogue: This panel of Sarver Heart Center experts will also available to answer questions about cardiovascular health, heart disease and current treatment options during extensive Q&A Sessions. Based on successful panel discussions at past Sarver Heart Center events, Dr. Ewy has asked that we build lots of question-and-answer time into each presentation, so truly this conference can be a dialogue between the MDs and PhDs of the UA Sarver Heart Center and the community we serve. Bring your questions!
Outreach: Please consider inviting friends, family and neighbors. This conference is an outstanding opportunity to give them a positive and heart-healthy experience at a half-day event which showcases the best of the Sarver Heart Center. Consider it an early Valentine’s Day gift – even better than chocolate! (And, there will be chocolate!)
How Do I Register? You may register online with a credit card at http://www.heart.arizona.edu. Online registration is secure, quick, and saves you a stamp! Please register by Wednesday, Feb. 1.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks - we hope to see you on Saturday, February 4th!
Melissa Ludgate
Assistant Health Educator
UA Sarver Heart Center
(520) 626-2419


Project Sunshine

Do you like spending time with children?
Are you looking to volunteer with an organization that supports a great cause?
Would you be interested in helping to bring a smile to a hospitalized child’s face?
If you answered yes to these questions,
PROJECT SUNSHINE would love to have you as a member!
Project Sunshine is a nonprofit, nationwide organization that provides free educational, recreational, and social programs to children facing medical challenges and their families.
The University of Arizona Chapter of Project Sunshine works closely with the
Child Life Specialists at Diamond Children’s Medical Center to bring fun arts and craft activities to hospitalized children, their siblings, and their parents.
Our activities include:
Craft Parties, Book Buddies, Star for a Day, Kids for Kids, Ben’s Bells, Craft Bag Assembling, and Fundraisers!
Come learn more about Project Sunshine at our
New Member Meeting and Orientation:
Monday, January 30th 2012
6:00PM - 7:30 PM
In the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL)-
4th Floor of the Student Union Memorial Center
For more information about the Project Sunshine Organization,
please visit the national website at http://projectsunshine.org/
Thank you and we hope to meet you at our meeting!
Project Sunshine Coordinators, 2011-2012
P.S.- If you have any questions about the U of A Chapter of Project Sunshine,
please feel free to email us at uaprojectsunshine@gmail.com


Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium

The University of Arizona Graduate College administers five undergraduate research programs. Most are summer-only programs; however, two programs are year-round. All are described below. These programs, along with affiliated Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) are collectively known as the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC). The UROC programs are designed to prepare underrepresented students for the rigors of graduate school and give them the skills and motivation to apply to top graduate schools & programs. UROC provides participants with excellent research training and graduate school preparation.

Typical eligibility requirements:
Class standing
US citizen or permanent resident
3.0 GPA or above
Strong interest in pursuing graduate education, particularly in earning a master’s or PhD.
Low income or first generation college or underrepresented minority - (requirements vary by program; be sure to check the requirements for each program)
Dates: June 3 - August 8, 2012

Application deadline: most programs have a February 1 deadline (see below for exceptions)

Summer 2012 research opportunities for UA students:
For detailed information visit http://grad.arizona.edu/UROC

Summer Research Institute
SRI, funded by the University of Arizona, is open to juniors and seniors of all disciplines, including social science, humanities and fine arts.
Application Deadline: February 1
Contact: Donna Treloar: dtreloar@grad.arizona.edu

Minority Health Disparities
MHD, funded by NIH and UA, focuses on health issues that affect minority communities in a disproportionate manner. Open to junior or senior biomedical majors interested in continuing their education at the Ph.D. level.
Application Deadline: February 1
Contact: Stephanie Adamson: adamsons@u.arizona.edu

Biosphere 2 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU)
UA’s Biosphere 2 facility is the site of this summer research experience. By using a multidisciplinary approach (involving disciplines such as hydrology, geology, geochemistry, ecology, biology, physics, engineering, and atmospheric sciences) research teams focus on understanding how earth systems respond to environmental change. Open to freshmen, sophomores, and Juniors.
Application Deadline: March 1
Contact: Katerina Donsova, dontsova@email.arizona.edu

Hooked on Photonics
HoP, sponsored by the NSF's Center on Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research (CMDITR) of which the UA is a partner institution, is open to undergraduates at any level who are interested in chemistry, physics, material science, engineering or optics. Under-represented students are highly encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: February 15
Contact: Kimberly Sierra-Cajas kimberly@optics.arizona.edu

Collaborative Research in the Chemical Sciences
CRCS, an NSF-funded REU program, focuses on collaborative, multidisciplinary research projects that cover a broad range of disciplines within chemistry and biochemistry. Open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors graduating after program begins.
Application Deadline: February 14
Contact: Dr. Katrina Miranda, kmiranda@email.arizona.edu http://www.cbc.arizona.edu/REU/

Integrated Optics for Undergraduates
UA is the lead institution for this NSF Engineering Research Center. Students work collaboratively with faculty, graduate students, and other professionals on research projects which focus on creating ultra-broadband communication networks using photonics and various other optics applications.
Application Deadline: end of February
Contact: Trin Riojas, trin@optics.arizona.edu

Year-round research opportunities for UA students:

Ronald E McNair Achievement Program
Funded by the US Department of Education, this program provides low-income, first-generation college, and underrepresented students with opportunities and activities to excel in their undergraduate studies and assistance in admission into doctoral programs.
Application Deadline: February 1
Contact: Andrew Huerta, ahuerta@email.arizona.edu

Minority Access to Research Careers Program
This is a unique research, mentoring, financial, and academic opportunity for UA undergraduates belonging to a group considered underrepresented in biomedical research and who have interest and potential to pursue a career in this broad field. Training and financial support for the last two years of enrollment at UA.
Application Deadline: February 1
Contact: Cindy Neal, cjneal@email.arizona.edu


Student Health Activist Society (SHAS):

Are you interested in improving the health of your community?
Would like to gain valuable experience in the health care field?
Would you like to help educate the next generation in order to develop good health habits?

Here’s a chance to work side by side with health care professionals in real world situations!
Come join the Student Health Activist Society (SHAS), a newly formed club on campus! We are looking for students with a desire to enhance the health care of the local Tucson community through peer education, leadership, and volunteering. We plan on:
•Working with the U of A Respiratory Center, Arizona Cancer Center, American Lung Association, El Rio Clinics and more!
•Providing health education to local elementary, middle, & high school students
•Funding and volunteering for health programs and underserved populations
In addition, being a new club we still have positions available for election. If interested or would like to learn more, please come to our first meeting on January 18th in the Copper room of the SUMC. Cookies will be provided. If you can’t make it, contact Aaron Harvey at aharvey@email.arizona.edu or Sam Timm at samuelt@email.arizona.edu.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!


Physical Therapist Technicians

Seeking full-time, experienced Physical Therapist Technicians for our progressive, employee centered outpatient clinics located in Northwest Tucson (Ina & Oracle) and Southwest Tucson (Midvale). Your impact on our organization will be significant in providing support services for our clinicians and extraordinary customer service for our patients. This is an opportunity to stretch and improve your skills.
Responsibilities include: Instructing patients in therapist directed programs, and performing other front office/ physical therapy duties accurately and efficiently. Displaying a professional, courteous, and positive attitude when performing job duties and having the ability to work in a team environment. Our company takes pride in its ability to provide the highest level of customer service. We are looking for a new team member who will aim to ensure that all patients receive the greatest quality of treatment and care.
Qualifications: high school diploma or equivalent; basic typing, English and math skills; computer proficiency and a minimum of two years of experience with a medical or therapy practice. Bilingual English/Spanish is a plus. Customer service experience is also a plus.
Benefits include: medical insurance, 401(k) plan, profit sharing, holiday pay, and PTO.
Please send your resume to resumes@mipts.com or fax your resume to (520) 219-5827.


The University of Arizona Medical Center South Campus

Pre-Med ED Volunteer Program:
Are you a junior or senior pre-medical student looking for clinical experience?
Volunteer Services at UAMC South is recruiting for its pre-med volunteer program to accommodate their new Emergency Department.
Applications are now open and will be accepted until January 31st.**
Go to http://www.uahealth.com – South Campus “Volunteer Opportunities” to apply.
What does it involve?
Students accepted into the program will be trained at the start of the Spring 2012 semester and are expected to serve a minimum of four hours a week in the Emergency Department. Volunteers will become part of the healthcare team. In addition to assisting ED staff and improving patient care, participants will have the opportunity to further their education through clinical observation, a variety of workshops, and interactions with the community.
Who should apply?
Junior and senior undergraduate students with intentions of applying to medical school and taking MCATS. We are looking for students who show initiative and potential as leaders in the healthcare field. You must be willing to serve a minimum of 100 hours as a volunteer.
How does this differ from other pre-med clinical experiences?
The basis for this program is to benefit the volunteers, as well as the hospital, patients, and staff by focusing on fostering cultural awareness and sensitivity—principles outlined by the FACES student organization. The Pre-Med program also involves a system of student leadership to give volunteers the opportunity to challenge themselves, foster educational relationships, and prepare themselves for future clinical practice.
Contact: Maureen Shea, Manager of Volunteer Services at UAMC-South Campus
Maureen.Shea@uahealth.com • (520) 874-2596



The DRC has positions available for Gym Monitors and Athletics Aides:
The DRC has an adaptive fitness gym open to both students and community members and a renowned wheelchair sports program. The positions' responsibilities include:
assistance with exercise programs, use of weight lifting and cardio equipment and standing machines.
Gym cleaning and maintenance.
Assistance with wheelchair rugby strengthening/conditioning and team practices.
Tournament support at wheelchair athletic competitions.
Applicants should have related experience and be available to work varied afternoons/evenings. Personal experience in athletics and/or coaching also a plus.
Positions continue through the summer and individuals need to be continuing students Fall 2012.
Please send a statement of why you are interested in the positions and what strengths you bring.
Attach your resume.
Confirm your schedule has afternoon/evening time blocks available and that you are available over the summer. Please also attach a class schedule showing time availability.
Please email to Sherry Santee at ssantee@email.arizona.edu.
After reviewing applications I will contact individuals for an interview. Positions start Spring Semester but I would like the chance to interview some applicants before the holiday break if possible. These positions offer great experience!


Beckman Scholars Program

The Beckman Scholars Program is targeted to students majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), who are American citizens or permanent residents of the United States who are interested in a mentored research experience in the biological or chemical sciences. Eligible students must be current sophomores and juniors at the University of Arizona and be willing and able to work full time for a minimum of 10 weeks for two consecutive summers and part time during the intervening academic year.
The application requires students to prepare a research proposal based on a Scientific American article found on the UA Beckman Scholars’ website at: https://ubrp.arizona.edu/beckman.cfm . Finalists will be interviewed by a selection committee and are required to work with one of the fifteen Beckman Faculty mentors listed on the website.
The Scholarship is quite generous and is designed to support future STEM leaders. The deadline for the 2012 Beckman Scholars is JANUARY 27, 2012 at 5 pm. Applications should be turned in to the UBRP Office in Life Sciences South,
Room 348Questions should be directed to Carol Bender, Director, UBRP & BRAVO! (bender@email.arizona.edu or 621-9348).


The Northern Arizona University (NAU) PA Program in Phoenix

Thinking about becoming a Physician Assistant?
Are you applying now to schools or planning to soon?
The Northern Arizona University (NAU) PA Program in Phoenix is in the process of accepting applications for the inaugural class matriculating August of 2012 and will be talking about their application process and PA school this Thursday, December 1st at 4:00pm in Room 2117 at the UA College of Medicine.
Don’t know how to get there from main campus? It’s easy! Take the Puple or Teal CatTran to the College of Medicine and head to the 2nd floor to Room 2117. There will be a sign on the door.
Please click this link and register with your name and email to let us know you’re coming (not required, but it gives us an audience count).
The application for the NAU PA Program in Phoenix for the class matriculating in August 2012 is available online at https://www.applyweb.com/apply/northazg/. They are not using the Centralized Application Service until next year’s cycle. The application deadline is December 15th. Go to the talk to get tips about how to submit a strong application!
If you have any questions or would like more information, please visit their website at:
or contact Program Coordinator Kay Look or Associate Clinical Professor Michelle DiBaise at 602-728-9515.
