Sports Business Industry:

Know a student looking for a career in the sports business industry? The Sports Marketing Association (SMA), a student run organization on the University of Arizona campus is holding a day long educational, networking, and interviewing event! This Friday, February 24th from 11AM to 5PM, SMA will be hosting 20+ speakers in the sports industry at the MAC Gym in the University of Arizona Rec Center. The MAC Gym is right outside the weight room and south of the sand volleyball courts in the rec center. Students will have the opportunity to listen to professionals discussing current topics and trends in the sports industry by attending any (or all!) of the discussion panels shown below. The event is free for students and there is no RSVP needed to attend. However, we ask all attendees to dress in business professional attire.
Come as you want. If you want to stay for the entire event, we'd love that! But if a certain panel catches you're interest, come to that! Whatever fits in your schedule!
Check out our Facebook event page here! Post questions, insights on companies or just to check out more details!
What: Third Annual SMA Sports Media and Career Symposium
When: Friday, February 24th 2012 from 11AM to 5PM
Where: MAC Gym at the University of Arizona Recreation Center
Attire: Business Professional
Cost: Free - NO RSVP Needed
The schedule for the day:
11 am to 12 pm - How Brands Use Sports Media to Reach Their Fans
Major League Soccer - Dan Courtemanche
Team One Advertising - Darian Areyan
The Lavidge Company - Bryan Perleberg
Octagon - Bo Heiner
JFG Consulting - Jeff Golner
12-12:30pm - Networking/Lunch Break - FREE Food!
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm – The Impact of Media and Technology on College Athletics
Learfield Sports - David Soble
Fiesta Bowl - Adam Lehe
Rose Bowl - Gina Chappin
Fox Sports Arizona - Ed Olsen
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm – From SMA to Getting Paid – Stories from alumni in the sports world moderated by Mark Tudi, Sports Search
Arizona Diamondbacks - Kristie Van Engelen
Phoenix Coyotes - Brittany Grant
Phoenix Suns - Bob Hamer
Tucson Padres - James Jensen
Fox Sports/ - Inna Lazarev
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Roundtable Sessions
Each speaker will host their own roundtable where students can ask questions about the respective company and receive information on internships and entry-level opportunities.
Other roundtable attendees include:
Univ. of Arizona Athletic Dept. - Alixe Holcomb
Wildcat Club - Tom Theodorakis & Victor Yates
Phoenix Suns - Chris Moran & David Baldwin
Phoenix Coyotes - Kevin West
Univ. of Arizona Alumni Assoc. - Nick Pierson
For questions, please email
Andrew Price
Sports Marketing Association
University of Arizona Marketing Major


Book Review: The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

I think it's fair to say that cooking and eating have been topics of conversation for as long as humans have been engaging in such activities. That is, forever. It's trendy to think that we are the first to try a 10-day fast or to cut out carbs or to ponder the link between sex and food. But, as we read in The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy (2011, Vintage), these things are at least as old as the French Revolution. Written in 1825 by the French judge Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin and in continuous print ever since, The Physiology of Taste is a 444-page tome on all things food-related.

After spending a brief time in the United States in exile during the Revolution, Brillat-Savarin returned to his native France to gather a lifetime of food obsession and observation in this book. He does a fair amount of what might be interpreted as pretentious posturing, but this is balanced with an equal amount of self-deprecating humor. He somewhat pompously refers to himself as "The Professor," even originally publishing this title anonymously as such, but he also is very quick to point out the unflattering elements of his appearance, for example. This back and forth is key to this work being relatable to today's reader instead of slipping into the realm of dead documents. Brillat-Savarin is writing about the pleasures of the table and having fun doing so.

He opens with twenty succinct aphorisms, "tell me what you eat, and I shall tell you what you are" being the most famous among them. The rest of the work, however, is not nearly so succinct. Like much nineteenth century writers, Brillat-Savarin can be long-winded, but I came to appreciate his attention to detail as he recounted each course of a dinner party, the demeanor of all those present, or his method for steaming an extremely large fish. All of these small elements come together to paint a very vivid picture of the experience of cooking and eating almost 200 years ago. His description of the perfect piece of toast, for example, made me want to go directly to the kitchen to make some.

In her 1949 translation, M.F.K. Fisher, a well-known food writer in her own right, provides not only a guide to the life and times of "The Professor," but also a gentle lens through which to view him. She is admittedly smitten with the man and helps the reader to reach past his sometimes belabored points in order to see the witticisms nestled within. It is with her help that we can see how relevant this work is today and her notes truly do add much to the work.

View the original article on

Continued here:
Book Review: The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

And you can tell everybody, this is your mouse’s song

Otherwise titled: Your mouse sounds JUST like his dad!

Hoffman et al. “Spectrographic analyses reveal signals of individuality and kinship in the ultrasonic courtship vocalizations of wild house mice” Physiology and Behavior, 2012.


Obviously, we’ve known about mice “squeaking” for ages. Some of them even HOWL. But mice also communicate with sounds that are too high pitched for humans to hear. These ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are used primarily by male mice, and the male mice make them when they scent or are near a likely lady. Female mice apparently like being serenaded, they respond to male’s USVs, and can even distinguish between the USVs of their close kin vs the USVs of unrelated mice.

So we know that females can discriminate between close kin USVs and non-kin USVs. Is this because they simply memorize the ones closest to them and look for ones that are different? Or is there something addition, say that male mice USVs can reveal kinships between mice?

To test this, the authors of this study captured a bunch of wild house mice (laboratory mice won’t work here, you wouldn’t be able to really determine kinship vs non, each strain is inbred to have the same DNA, so unless you compared strains…). They cross bred the wild house mice together in the lab to make sure everyone had the same social background and age, and recorded the mice calling. They pulled apart the recordings and classified them by the types of sounds, and the similarities between the calls in related and non-related mice. And it turns out that, when translated into tones that human ears can hear, mouse USVs sound a lot like bird chirps.

Mouse Serenade

And they have things in common with bird chirps as well: kinship and individuality.

This is what a mouse USV “looks” like. You can see that mice can emit these sounds at two levels at the same time, with a high ultrasonic pitch (at the bottom of the graphs), and a higher harmonic (at the top, which is a multiple of the first pitch). The harmonic is optional, many just contain the top pitch and are more “whistles”. And they clearly emit them in different patterns as well. When they compared previous vocalizations between mice that were related or not, they found that closely related mice ‘sound’ like each other, with similarity between 93% of the lower harmonics and 89% of the higher ultrasonic pitch.

Here you can see two sibling male mice. Their vocal calls “look” extremely similar. But it turns out that related males don’t just sing the SAME song. Their USVs have their own original variations as well. While the USVs show high relationships with kin, each mouse also has his own special chirp.

This graph depicts the USVs of their tested mice. You can see that there is overlap between some individuals, but that each individual is also somewhat distinct.

Of course this leaves us with more questions. How do male mice “learn” their USVs? Is it innate or do they pick it up from closely related mice? Do the calls contain any indications of the “quality” of the male (is it related to higher hormone levels or dominance, for example) and will females choose a male for specific aspects of their calls?

And what about the silent males? In their studies, three of the male mice never called at all, and this apparently takes place in both the laboratory and the wild. What about these ‘silent’ mice? Are there other more effective mechanisms for attracting mates?

But until we can answer these questions, we can imagine our little furry friends twittering soft little love songs. And know that female mice know the difference.

Hoffmann, F., Musolf, K., & Penn, D. (2012). Spectrographic analyses reveal signals of individuality and kinship in the ultrasonic courtship vocalizations of wild house mice Physiology & Behavior, 105 (3), 766-771 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.10.011

See the rest here:
And you can tell everybody, this is your mouse's song

Serotonin Could Play a Large Role in Bone Loss

New study has extensive implications due to effects of lactation and breast cancer on bone

Article is published in the American Journal of Physiology—
Endocrinology and Metabolism

Newswise — Bethesda, Md.—Scientists have long known that calcium leaches from the bones both during lactation and in certain types of cancer. The driver behind these phenomena is a molecule called parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP), which is secreted by the mammary glands. The signal that regulates the secretion of PTHrP, and where this other unknown molecule exerts its influence, has remained a mystery. Now, in a new study using cells and tissues from mice, cows, and people, a team of researchers at the University of Cincinnati have identified this mystery molecule as serotonin, a neurotransmitter most often recognized for its role in happiness and well-being. The scientists also identified the specific receptor that serotonin acts on in mammary tissue. Understanding these two findings more deeply could lead to better ways to combat bone loss, potentially by using drugs that affect serotonin signaling.

The study is entitled “Mammary Gland Serotonin Regulates Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein and Other Bone-Related Signals” ( It appears in the Articles in PresS section of the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism, published by the American Physiological Society (APS).


The researchers first examined lactating mice with a genetic mutation that prevented them from making serotonin efficiently and compared the amount of PTHrP in these animals to that in lactating normal, healthy mice. Next, they treated mouse and cow mammary cells with serotonin to see if it could induce secretion of PTHrP. They then treated human breast cancer lines with serotonin to see if the neurotransmitter could change expression of PTHrP and a gene called Runx2, which is known to be involved in metastatic breast cancer and bone loss. Finally, they examined mice genetically modified to be missing a particular type of serotonin receptor, as well as mouse mammary cells, to determine which serotonin receptor might be responsible for influencing PTHrP secretion.


The researchers found that lactating mice genetically modified to prevent them from making serotonin efficiently (tryptophan hydoxylase 1 mutation) had significantly less PTHrP in their mammary glands compared to lactating normal, healthy mice, suggesting that serotonin is pivotally important for producing PTHrP. Supporting these findings, mouse and cow mammary cells treated with serotonin increased their expression of the gene responsible for PTHrP production by 8- and 20-fold, respectively. Treating three human breast cancer cell lines with serotonin increased expression of the PTHrP gene by 20-fold, and also increased expression of Runx2 as well. Though previous studies have shown that a serotonin receptor known as 5-HT7 is important for some mammary gland functions, this current study suggests that a different receptor, known as 5-HT2, is the target responsible for stimulating PTHrP levels.

Importance of the Findings

These findings suggest that serotonin is a molecule that regulates PTHrP production, which in turn affects how calcium leaches from the bones during lactation and soft tissue cancer metastases. The authors suggest that this finding isn’t completely surprising, since many antidepressants that act on serotonin have bone loss as a side effect. Understanding the action of serotonin better could help researchers develop better ways to preserve bone, they say, potentially through the action of drugs that act on the serotonin system.

“The complexity of 5-HT (serotonin) signaling demands cautious interpretations and the testing of new hypotheses and additional model systems. With improved knowledge, serotonergic drugs may provide novel opportunities for therapeutic interventions,” the authors say.

Study Team

The study was conducted by Nelson D. Horseman, Laura L. Hernandez and Karen A. Gregerson of the University of Cincinnati.


NOTE TO EDITORS: The study is available online at To schedule an interview with Dr. Horseman, please contact Donna Krupa at, @Phyziochick, or 301.634.7209.

Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells, tissues and organs function to create health or disease. The American Physiological Society (APS; has been an integral part of the discovery process for 125 years. To keep up with the science, follow @Phyziochick on Twitter.

Read more from the original source:
Serotonin Could Play a Large Role in Bone Loss

Summer 2012 Internships with Imaginations:

Looking for an adventure this summer?
Check out Summer 2012 Internships with Imaginations!
Imaginations is a student-run, nonprofit organization that allows students to experience the beauty of Thailand, Peru and Indonesia while working and living amongst the local people!? Our organization is committed to improving the quality of life of children and families through sustainable health and education initiatives at home and abroad.?? Applications are due Friday, March 2nd.??For more information: Check out our website:
•Clinical Medicine
•Social Work
•Teaching English?
•Clinical Medicine
•Global Health
•Elephant Conservation
•Buddhist Immersion
•Hill Tribe Conservation
•Teaching English ?
INFORMATION SESSIONS:?Monday, February 20, 2012 at 2pm, Sabino Room (SUMC)
Monday, February 27, 2012 at 5pm, Copper Room (SUMC)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 6pm, San Pedro Room(SUMC)??
Learn about our programs, costs, and application process at For more information, check out these links!?
Thailand Project Summer 2011 ?"Like Us" on Facebook! ?Follow us on Twitter. Also, feel free to email with any questions! The deadline to apply is quickly approaching!? Applications are due by 11:59PM, Friday, March 2nd!


Wray Herbert: The Physiology of Willpower: Where Does Discipline Come From?

Willpower is the key to much that's good in life. Willpower is what makes us save for the future rather than splurge now. It helps us to keep our heads down, studying and working when we really don't feel like it, to earn that degree or promotion. Willpower allows us to say no to that tempting cigarette, extra dessert, or second glass of whiskey -- and to hop on the treadmill. And, of course, failures of self-control can sabotage all those goals.

So it's no wonder that psychological scientists have been studying willpower for decades, trying to figure out who is disciplined under what circumstances -- and why. What exactly is going on in the mind's cognitive machinery -- and the brain's neurons -- when we successfully summon our will -- or when we say, oh the hell with it?

One of the reigning theories of willpower is what's called the energy model of self-control. According to this model, the brain is like a muscle, with a limited supply of strength, which can be depleted through exertion. Nobody is disciplined all the time; we all have lapses. And according to the energy model, these lapses occur when one act of self-control weakens our resolve, leaving us "fatigued" as we face another challenge. Many studies have demonstrated that an act of mental exertion can compromise subsequent acts of discipline. What's more, proponents of this theory have reported evidence that the brain -- again like a muscle -- is fueled primarily by simple carbohydrates, like sugar, and that depleted willpower can be replenished simply by refueling.

This model of self-control has been tremendously influential, but not all scientists are convinced it's the whole story. Northwestern University's Daniel Molden is among the skeptics. He and a team of colleagues have been using new laboratory methods and novel experimental designs to reexamine the role of carbohydrate metabolism in self-discipline -- and to offer a competing theory of how willpower plays out in the brain.

The scientists question several aspects of the energy model, beginning with the fundamental assertion that acts of self-control lower blood glucose levels. They suspected that this important finding might be the result of using imprecise blood glucose monitors, so they reran the basic experiment using state-of-the-art laboratory measures. They recruited volunteers, who fasted and rested before having their baseline blood glucose level measured. Some of the volunteers then completed a vigilance task requiring high self-control, while others did a task requiring little mental discipline. Afterward, all the volunteers gave blood samples for further analysis, and also performed another self-control challenge.

The results were intriguing. Volunteers who initially completed the mentally challenging task were in fact less persistent on the subsequent task. This is consistent with earlier work supporting the energy model. But -- the more important finding -- these volunteers did not show a drop in blood glucose, indicating that the act of willpower did not lead to increased carbohydrate metabolism, as the model predicts. Nor does it appear that low blood sugar can explain the subsequent lapse in mental power.

The energy model also predicts that consuming sugar will refuel self-control, by reversing the depletion of mental resources needed for discipline. Molden and colleagues reexamined this core idea in an imaginative way: As before, some of the volunteers performed a mentally depleting self-control task, and others did not. Then, some rinsed their mouths out with a solution of water and table sugar, spitting it out as they would with any mouthwash. Others rinsed with a solution that was sweetened with Equal, so it seemed just like a sugary drink but contained no fuel. Immediately after rinsing, all the volunteers attempted a second task requiring persistence and self-control.

The results again challenged the energy model. As reported in a forthcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science, those who rinsed with the artificially sweetened drink were much less persistent -- consistent with the idea that self-control is mentally depleting. However, rinsing with the sugary solution appeared to restore the volunteers' lost willpower -- significantly more than rinsing with the artificially sweetened drink. The rinse is crucial here, and a departure from the original lab work: In the earlier experiments that led to the energy model, the volunteers had to actually ingest the sugar to get mentally replenished. But this study showed that merely rinsing with the sugary mouthwash had the same effect, restoring self-discipline. What's more, it had this effect immediately. The experiment allowed no time to metabolize the sugar and make it into brain fuel.

So what's happening here? If mental exertion is not depleting blood sugar, but is compromising subsequent self-discipline, then what's the mechanism? And what's restoring self-control, if not metabolized carbs? The scientists believe the mechanism is motivation. They believe that the mouth "senses" the carbohydrates in the mouthwash, and this sensation signals -- likely through the brain's dopamine system -- the possibility that a reward is coming. Sensing that an energy boost is coming, the brain is motivated to put in extra effort. In short, the sugar motivates -- rather than fuels -- willpower.

The scientists ran two different versions of the rinsing experiment. One demonstrated the effect of the mouthwash on physical persistence; the other on cognitive persistence. But one important question remained unanswered: Is it possible that even rinsing one's mouth with sugar might boost blood glucose -- drawing out the body's supplies? If so, this would revise -- but support -- the energy model of self-control. To address this, the scientists directly tested the effect of carbohydrate rinsing on blood glucose levels. They had a group of volunteers rinse repeatedly with a carbohydrate solution that was much stronger than the usual rinse -- to make the standard of proof as rigorous as possible. Others drank the same concentrated solution. The results gave further support to the new motivational model of self-control. Blood glucose levels jumped in those who drank the sugary drink, but didn't budge for those who rinsed.

All this may sound like inside-the-laboratory hair splitting, but it's not. Understanding the nitty-gritty of how willpower works has wide-ranging social implications. If sugar and metabolism do play an important role in boosting self-control, educators would want to think about the kinds of cafeteria foods that might optimize discipline, productivity and learning in the classroom. And how should society deal with metabolic deficiencies, if in fact they pose greater challenges, for some, to success and well-being? Or alternatively, if lack of self-control is really a lack of motivation, rather than energy or ability, and motivation can be restored with something as simple as a mouthwash, this opens all sorts of possibilities for novel interventions in the future.

For more by Wray Herbert, click here.

For more on emotional intelligence, click here.




Follow Wray Herbert on Twitter:

Excerpt from:
Wray Herbert: The Physiology of Willpower: Where Does Discipline Come From?

How (not) to think like a doctor

On our first day of physiology, our professor showed us a picture of an elephant. He let us look at it for several seconds and then asked: what is this? On the next slide, he put up a chest X-ray. We stared for a few more seconds and were then asked: what’s the diagnosis?

He was demonstrating what was done in a recent experiment that examined the way doctors think. In the study, similar images were shown for similarly brief amounts of time, but to physicians rather than first-year medical students. It took doctors the same amount of time to recognize an animal as to make a diagnosis – under 1.5 seconds. Moreover, brain scans revealed that the same parts of the brain were being used to do both tasks.

This was not the first time in medical school I was made acutely aware of how I think.

What are the ways a person could identify an elephant? One method is working from the top-down. You could observe: this is large, grey, and has four legs and a trunk. Then you would come up with possible objects that possess those qualities, exclude ones that do not make sense, and continue to collect and reason through data until you arrive at the correct diagnosis.

Or, you could reflexively recognize the pattern and make the identification.

For something like an elephant, which approach we take is obvious. We call upon pattern recognition all the time, without even consciously noticing that we’re solving a problem. It can be extremely beneficial.

Imagine if you had to derive an elephant from the top-down every time you saw one. Moreover, imagine you saw twenty elephants a day. You wouldn’t have the time to reason through your assortment of observations in each case. The ability to perceive patterns and instinctively classify them based on things we’ve seen before supplies us with the tools to derive those things we have not.

As a result, it makes sense that medicine would rely on this mode of thinking. Medicine is huge in scope. It is cumulative. Many doctors are taught the top-down approach – meaning take a few facts, and formulate a diagnosis. Receive a few pieces of the puzzle, and extrapolate the whole picture.

Entering medicine means learning a new language, and you won’t be able to solve complex problems if you are looking up every other word and puzzling through every concept in the question. There are undoubtedly disease patterns you should know, cold.

But there are downsides. Jump to conclusions based on only a few facts, and your ideas are prone to biases. There is the bias associated with arbitrary prior experience; you might be more likely to make a diagnosis of one illness, for instance, simply because you happened to see it before. You might try to massage your observations into preconceived models in which they do not belong. Or, you might discard stubborn data completely, assuming them flawed.

Maybe most of the time, your prediction based on pattern recognition will be correct. But you will be wrong about the complicated cases. And being wrong in medicine can have serious consequences.

Our professor’s point in showing us the elephant experiment was not to encourage us to think like the doctors in the study. Rather, the point was to show what we might be prone to do – and thereby to encourage us to resist those impulses. Do not guess, we were advised. Do not just memorize patterns. Work through each problem, and fill in each step.

Following these recommendations will be an uphill battle. Problem-solving takes time – something that is relentlessly lacking from medicine. Medicine is fast-paced. People talk fast and make decisions fast. The doctors in the study diagnosed chest X-ray lesions in a mere 1.33 seconds.

As I continue to learn more and find myself in increasingly fast-paced environments, I realize I may have the urge to memorize patterns. I can look at lab values and remember that the last time A and B went down, C and D went up, and feel tempted to speculate that the same disease process underlies a new case. I will likely have colleagues and superiors that endorse rather than temper this kind of thinking.

But medicine is more complicated than that.

I hope I can develop the ability to recognize the elephants of medicine when I need to, but to remember to pause and think: what else could be large, grey, with four legs and a trunk? What other information would I need to distinguish the possibilities?

Thinking like this will be more work. But it just might lead to discovering what’s really going on.

Image: From Wikimedia Commons

More here:
How (not) to think like a doctor

20 Minutes Of Exercise A Day Is Enough To Improve Your Health

1:00AM Today | Thorin Klosowski

It seems like one of the major reasons people don’t like to work out is the amount of time it takes to do so. However, a new study in the Journal of Physiology suggests you might be able to get all the exercise you need in just 20 minutes if you’re willing to work at it.

Photo by whologwhy.

We’ve talked briefly about interval training before, but this is one of the first studies to dig into if it actually works as a replacement for the usual recommendation of 30 minutes of continuous exercise. The idea is simple. You workout for one minute with strenuous activity and push your heart rate to about 90 per cent of its maximum rate. You can get a rough estimate of your heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. After the minute is up, you slow down and recover for one minute. You then repeat this 10 times for a total of 20 minutes (or 10 minutes of actual exercise). You can use this for running, cycling, swimming, or any number of cardiovascular workouts.

If you’re crunched for time and can’t get that full 30 minutes in, this is a great way to shorten the duration and still get in shape.

Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disease [Journal of Physiology via New York Times]

Excerpt from:
20 Minutes Of Exercise A Day Is Enough To Improve Your Health

New Research Reveals Zaggora Hotpants™ Help Women Lose 4 Times More Weight in 30 Minutes

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --  Zaggora has announced the results of a study performed by the physiology department of a leading UK university. The university was commissioned to conduct a series of tests to research the thermal and metabolic changes that occur when exercising in Hotpants compared to a standard pair of gym shorts.

Tested on nine females with an average BMI of 23.3, researchers found that compared to a standard garment in 30 minutes of exercise:

Weight loss was around four times greater in Hotpants Hotpants increased the energy expenditure during exercise by 6% Hotpants increased energy expenditure in the resting stage after exercise by 16% The core temperature in Hotpants increased by an average of 18% compared to the control Thermal sensation was significantly greater but still safe in Hotpants

Zaggora launched Hotpants with huge success in July 2011, selling a pair every minute in their first 10 weeks, and over 275,000 pairs within the first five months. Thriving on social proof from over 130,000 women on Facebook, Zaggora's first technology-enhanced product flew off the shelves after women experienced significant weight loss and smoother legs.

The Zaggora Hotpants concept is focused on using a special Celu-Lite fabric technology to increase the user's natural body temperature during exercise. In turn, the body starts working harder, resulting in increased metabolism and greater calorie burn. Zaggora Hotpants were made to fit into every woman's lifestyle no matter how busy they are, and can be worn under clothes at work, whilst at the gym, or at home.

Last month, Zaggora announced the launch of three new products, expanding its range of technology advanced active wear. The new products follow the same concept as Hotpants, and are designed to give workouts more power in 2012. The new range includes 'Flares,' leggings that target thighs, calves and bums; 'Capri Flares,' three quarter length leggings; and 'Nude Hotpants' which can be worn under garments.

In 2012, Zaggora will be commissioning additional scientific research to further explore the long term effects of their technology enabled active wear.

*Tests were conducted in December 2011 and January 2012 in controlled conditions in British Association of Sport and Exercise Science Accredited Laboratories at the University of Brighton, Chelsea School of Sport.

Available from prices start from pounds Sterling 44.99.


Inspired by real women, Zaggora was founded by Dessi Bell after she struggled to find an effective solution to lose weight in time for her wedding. Zaggora is an iconic brand specialising in developing technology enabled clothing helping women to look and feel good. The company is committed to delivering a natural and efficient way for women to achieve more out of their workouts and feel good about themselves.

Read what real women have to say about Zaggora products:

Press: Lucy Page | Head of Marketing & PR |

Go here to see the original:
New Research Reveals Zaggora Hotpants™ Help Women Lose 4 Times More Weight in 30 Minutes

Oxygen-Deprived Baby Rats Fare Worse If Kept Warm


Article is published in the American Journal of Physiology—
Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology

Newswise — Bethesda, Md. (Feb. 13, 2012)—Premature infants’ immature lungs and frequent dips in blood pressure make them especially vulnerable to a condition called hypoxia in which their tissues don’t receive enough oxygen, sometimes leading to permanent brain damage. New animal research suggests that a common practice in caring for these babies might in fact exacerbate this condition, increasing the chances for long-term neurological deficits. A new study shows that rat pups exposed to low oxygen for up to three hours, but kept warm, have changes in insulin and glucose regulation that lead to hypoglycemia. Those allowed to spontaneously cool, a natural response to decreased oxygen in the blood, kept their glucose and insulin values more stable over time. The findings suggest that cooling premature infants who have undergone oxygen deprivation, rather than placing them in incubators or under warmers, could help stave off brain damage associated with this condition.

The article is entitled “Effects of Body Temperature Maintenance of Glucose, Insulin, and Corticosterone Responses to Acute Hypoxia in the Neonatal Rat.” It appears in the American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, published by the American Physiological Society.


The researchers worked with rats that were either two days old or eight days old. Since rats are born at an earlier developmental stage than humans, these ages were chosen to be analogous to critical periods of human neurological development when premature infants might be especially vulnerable to oxygen deprivation. Litters of pups of either age were separated into three groups: One breathed room air with normal levels of oxygen and was kept warm at normal body temperature with a heating pad; one was exposed to air with about a third of typical oxygen levels and allowed to spontaneously cool; and a third was exposed to low-oxygen air, but kept warm at normal body temperature. Over the course of a three-hour period, the researchers monitored the pups for levels of glucose, insulin, and other proteins and hormones in the bloodstream.


The researchers found that the younger pups exposed to hypoxia and heat had dramatic spikes and dips in insulin over the three-hour period, with insulin quadrupling over the first hour, then falling dramatically by the third. In the older animals, glucose rose over the first hour, then fell significantly below baseline by the third. Though hypoxia alone caused significant changes in glucose and insulin concentrations in both younger and older animals, these effects weren’t as pronounced.

Importance of the Findings

These findings suggest that keeping the animals warm may encourage swings in blood sugar that increase metabolic and physiologic demands and decrease the amount of glucose available to tissues. In rats, and perhaps in premature babies as well, this effect could lead to a variety of problems, including neurological damage. The authors note that, to their knowledge, there are no specific guidelines that address body temperature management for human premature babies with hypoxia. “We hope that our studies in the neonatal rat will translate to appropriate studies and guidelines for the control of body temperature in the hypoxic newborn,” the authors say.

Study Team

The study was conducted by Hershel Raff, Eric D. Bruder, and Mitchell A. Guenther of Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.


NOTE TO EDITORS: The study is available online at To request an interview with a member of the research team, please contact Donna Krupa at, @Phyziochick, or 301.634.7209.

Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells, tissues and organs function to create health or disease. The American Physiological Society (APS; has been an integral part of the discovery process for 125 years. To keep up with the science, follow @Phyziochick on Twitter.

Continued here:
Oxygen-Deprived Baby Rats Fare Worse If Kept Warm

Group slams Arizona science standards

by Kerry Fehr-Snyder - Feb. 12, 2012 09:38 PM
The Republic |

High-school standards covering chemistry and physiology are "distressingly inadequate.''

Evolution gets short shrift.

And guidelines to help students grasp modern biology are "skimpy.''

For those and other reasons, Arizona has earned a "D" for its school science standards from the non-profit Thomas B. Fordham Institute, based in Washington, D.C., and Dayton, Ohio.

"Arizona's science standards are generally weak on content and are plagued by disorganization and a frustrating lack of cohesion,'' the institute reported in January. The group describes itself as committed to the renewal and reform of primary and secondary education in the United States.

Other states received even harsher criticism. Ten received an "F" for their standards, including Wyoming, Wisconsin and Montana. Only California and the District of Columbia received an "A."

The grades were based on an examination of the current K-12 science standards for every state and District of Columbia.

In issuing the report, the institute said high science standards are necessary if America is to remain "prosperous, scientifically-advanced and economically competitive.''

Arizona is among several states beginning to establish a common set of science standards that will be internationally benchmarked. The framework is known as the next-generation science standards.

"One of the issues has been and will be that states set their own standards," said Darcy Renfro, vice president and director of science, technology, engineering and math initiatives at Science Foundation Arizona. "There is a great mismatch of science standards."

Unlike math and English, there is no common core standard for science adopted by all states.

Arizona's grade on science standards mirrors those given in 2005 when the last review of national science standards was conducted. The study comes as businesses and schools are trying to boost education in STEM to compete in the global economy and for national security.

"It's incredibly important to American competitiveness and our national security," said Kathleen Porter-Magee, senior director of high-quality standards for the institute.

Researchers criticized Arizona for "spotty and unsystematic" science standards in high school.

They also faulted Arizona for:

Employing disorganized standards.

Poorly conceiving concepts under which standards are grouped.

Read more:
Group slams Arizona science standards

Vitamin and mineral supplements may reduce colon cancer risk: Rat study

Regular use of vitamin and mineral supplements could help to reduce the risk of colon cancer and protect against carcinogens, according to new research in rats.

The study – published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (CJPP) – found that rats given regular multivitamin and mineral supplements showed a significantly lower risk of developing colon cancer when they were exposed to carcinogens.

“Multivitamin and mineral supplements synergistically contribute to the cancer chemopreventive potential, and hence, regular supplements of multivitamins and minerals could reduce the risk of colon cancer,” explained the authors, led by Dr Ignacimuthu Savarimuthu of Loyola College, India.

Commenting on the study, Dr. Grant Pierce, Editor of CJPP said: "It has been unclear whether multivitamin supplementation to cancer patients is helpful, has no effect, or is even detrimental during therapy,"

Cancer nutrition

Dietary nutrients “are well documented to be chemopreventive in the epidemiology of colon cancer,” said the authors, noting that there has been ‘considerable’ interest in establishing the role of particular nutrients, either individually or in combination, to prevent colon cancer.
“Research on multivitamin and mineral supplementation from diet and cancer are often speculative”, said the research team. However there have been several epidemiological studies in recent years that have linked dietary nutrients to colon cancer risk – including one reporting a ‘strong association’ with vitamins A, C, and E , and other studies linking vitamin B and vitamin D status to risk of the cancer.
“Although the specific dietary factors responsible for this protective effect have not been clearly identified, [it is clear that] fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that may influence cancer,” said the researchers

“The objective of this study was to show that including vitamin and mineral supplements in a regular diet could reduce cancer risk and protect against carcinogenesis,” they explained.

Study details

Ignacimuthu and colleagues split rats into 6 groups, which were then exposed to different combinations of supplements and carcinogens (1,2-dimethylhydrazine) – DMH-induced rat colon carcinogenesis is one of the most widely studied experimental models in cancer chemoprevention studies. The authors added that all rats were fed a high-fat diet (20% fat) over the 32 week study period.

They revealed that rats fed a high-fat plus low-fibre diet and exposed to carcinogens developed pre-cancerous lesions; whereas, rats undergoing similar treatment, but provided with daily multivitamin and mineral supplements, showed an 84% reduction in the formation such of pre-cancerous lesions, and did not develop tumours.

“Multivitamin and mineral supplementation during the initiation, post-initiation, and the entire study period significantly decreased the levels of lipid peroxidation products in circulation and colonic tissues, significantly elevated the activities of the antioxidant enzymes and reduced glutathione to near normalcy in DMH-induced rats,” wrote the authors.

Source: Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume 90, Issue 1, Pages 45-54, doi: 10.1139/y11-100
“Multivitamin and mineral supplementation in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced experimental colon carcinogenesis and evaluation of free radical status, antioxidant potential, and incidence of ACF”
Authors: A.B. Arul, I. Savarimuthu, M.A. Alsaif, K.S. Al Numair

Follow this link:
Vitamin and mineral supplements may reduce colon cancer risk: Rat study

Fitness testing assesses body composition, physical activity

The Exercise Physiology Laboratory is now offering health, fitness and metabolic assessments to help participants manage health and weight, as well as increase athletic performance.

Participants will use state-of-the-art technology, including FUEL testing, the BodPod and Sensewear Armband analysis to measure body composition, physical activity, energy expenditure, metabolism and aerobic capacity and threshold.

“For individuals desiring to optimize their cardiovascular health, achieve weight loss or improve endurance [during] athletic performance, the KNR Exercise Physiology Lab offers assessments that can help find what intensity that is for individuals,” Laura Wheatley, program coordinator at the Exercise Physiology Lab, said.

FUEL testing will measure how many calories are burned during the different exercise intensities, which will help determine each individual’s maximum fat-burning zone for aerobic training and health benefits.

During the FUEL test, participants will start by running at a low speed on his or her choice of cardio machine while wearing a metabolic mask.

As body levels are measured, speeds will gradually increase every stage for about three minutes until an anaerobic, or carbohydrate-burning threshold is reached.

“By training at a target heart rate zone, you can optimize your weight management or athletic performance goals,” Wheatley said.

Individuals can also measure body composition using the BodPod, an egg-shaped assessment machine that uses air displacement to measure the ratio of fat to fat-free mass in each participant.

Each individual will be asked to sit in the BodPod for a short period of time while breathing in during one to two minute testing intervals. Testing will then determine a healthy or goal body weight, as well as the competitive body weight for athletes.

“Athletes looking to train for endurance events like organized cycling rides, 5K runs, marathon, or triathlons can receive customized zones appropriate for recovery, aerobic training, endurance racing, and interval workouts,” Wheatley said.

Participants can also measure his or her real-life caloric expenditure and normal physical activity by wearing a Sensewear Armband for a few days of analysis.

After wearing the armband for several days, participants simply drop it off at the lab and will receive an email report within a few days.

“You simply wear the armband on your arm throughout the day, and it calculates energy expenditure, the number of steps you take, daily physical activity, exercise intensity and sleep duration and efficiency,” Maria Canino, junior exercise science major, said.

FUEL testing costs $100, BodPod testing is $50 and Sensewear Armband testing costs $60 to the general public. However, group discounts are also available, and ISU students receive a 40 percent discount on each of these services.

Each test will be conducted at the Exercise Physiology Lab in room 177 of McCormick Hall from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. during business hours. Special accommodations can be made upon request.

“Fitness and exercise need to be seen as a journey not a destination,” Canino added.

For more information, contact Laura Wheatley at (309) 438-3526 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Go here to read the rest:
Fitness testing assesses body composition, physical activity

Willpower a non-profit organization:

Hello UA students!
Please support Willpower a non-profit organization that fundraises for cancer research. Our organization generates funds by selling apparel at the UA bookstore.
Our inspiration: William Zarifi who passed away three years ago from a brain tumor at the age of 21. Despite his debilitating condition he never lost the willpower to continue the battle against cancer. This is the message we want to spread at the UA campus. We want to support children who are enduring this battle now.
Willpower is launching its new spring line Wednesday February 8th at the UA main bookstore. The proceeds will go to the Steele Children’s Research Center, which is part of The Diamond Children’s Center. You can bursar the merchandise! Friday February 10th is the last day to bursar so please make sure you stop by before the weekend.
Please help out and support a great cause. There will be more Willpower events throughout the semester so be on the look out! Thanks!
For more information you may contact
Monica Ruiz
Willpower Vice President


Mr. Fords Anatomy Physiology: 07:05 Cranial Bone pt 1 – Video

28-11-2009 18:55 The skull is made of two components: the cranial bones and the facial bones. This video is part 1 of 2 that looks at the cranial bones of the human skull. Part 2 of the cranial bones will also be posted. For the rest of the skeletal system please visit us at

Go here to see the original:
Mr. Fords Anatomy Physiology: 07:05 Cranial Bone pt 1 - Video

Bobcat Senior Honoary Applications Available online Monday, February 6th, 2012:

Attention All Qualified Juniors,
Bobcat Senior Honorary Applications will be available online Monday, February 6th, 2012. We wanted to inform you in advance, that we will be holding an informational meeting at 7:00pm on Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 in the Swede Johnson Building, located on the corner of Speedway Blvd and Cherry Avenue. The address of Swede Johnson is 1111 N Cherry Avenue and parking is free.
Established in February 1922, Bobcats have enjoyed a long and rich history being recognized as one of the first organizations on campus. Founded for the purpose of preserving the unity and welfare of the University of Arizona, each one of its 13 members has a strong connection and pride for their school. Bobcats annually help organize and plan Homecoming, Evening of Excellence as well as other community service projects that aim to promote the U of A.
Members of Bobcats Senior Honorary are selected on the basis of their scholastic achievement, leadership, university and community involvement, and a sincere commitment to the University of Arizona.
We encourage you to attend the informational meeting on February 7th and come prepared to ask any questions about the organization and application process. In the meantime, please be sure to like our Facebook page Bobcats Senior Honorary 2012-2013 Selections.
We sincerely encourage you to consider applying to the Bobcats Senior Honorary. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Bear Down,
Matt Morris & Jessica Regan
Selection Chairs
Bobcats Senior Honorary


Emergency Medicine Club at the U of A

The Emergency Medicine Club at University of Arizona College of Medicine is proud to present:
When: Thursday, February 9, 2012 from 5:30-7:30pm
Where: U of A College of Medicine Student Clinic (on the 3rd floor of the College of Medicine, directions will be provided)
Who: Open to 20 enthusiastic undergraduate students
What: Medical students from the EM Club will teach you basic parts of a physical exam such as:
•HEENT (Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat)
The second half of the event there will be pizza and a Q&A session with the medical students.
This event is free to undergraduate EM club members, $10 for non-members, or $20 for a lifetime EM Club membership and a UA Emergency Medicine pen light (membership forms will be available at the event).
If interested, please RSVP to with your name, email address, phone number and if you are an EM club member.
You will be sent a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours of signing up and I will notify the physiology listserv when available spots are full for this event.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Ashley Bartholomew
UofA College of Medicine
Class of 2014
EM Club Officer


Intro to Human Physiology by Professor Fink – Video

02-01-2012 12:15 Introduction to Human Physiology by Professor Fink. This lecture presents a brief review of the principle functions of the Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System, Respiratory System, Gastro-Intestinal (GI, Digestive) System, Renal (Urinary, Excretory) System, Immune (Lymphatic) System, Integument (Skin) System, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Reproductive System, Nervous System, and Endocrine System. Reference is also made to pathophysiology, digestion, absorption, chemical composition of the body, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and minerals (inorganic ions, electrolytes).

The rest is here:
Intro to Human Physiology by Professor Fink - Video