How to Pronounce Quantum – Video

How to Pronounce Quantum
Learn how to say Quantum correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of quantum (oxford dictionary): noun (plural quanta /-t #601;/) 1 Physics a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. an analogous discrete amount of any other physical quantity, such as momentum or electric charge. Physiology the unit quantity of acetylcholine released at a neuromuscular junction by a single synaptic vesicle, contributing a discrete small voltage to the measured end-plate potential. 2a required or allowed amount, especially an amount of money legally payable in damages: the court must determine the quantum of compensation due a share or portion: each man has only a quantum of compassion Origin: mid 16th century (in the general sense #39;quantity #39;): from Latin, neuter of quantus (see quantity). Sense 1 dates from the early 20th century http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:13More inHowto Style

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How to Pronounce Quantum - Video

Aerobic exercise beats resistance training for weight loss

Researchers have found that aerobic exercise is better than resistance training when it comes to burning fat and weight loss.

The study which appears in the Journal of Applied Physiology compared three modes of working out: aerobic on it's own, resistance training and a combination of the two.

Aerobic exercise, including walking, running and swimming, came up trumps as the best way to lose weight.

Whilst resistant training has become popular recently, the research found that whilst it builds muscle mass, the effects of it on getting rid of fat stores are inconclusive.

Scientists closely monitored 234 overweight people on the three regimes and found that those who did aerobic training, and those with aerobic plus resistance lost more weight than the resistance only group.

Those doing aerobic spent on average 133 minutes a week training and lost weight, whilst the resistance group worked out for 188 minutes and didn't shed the pounds.

Leslie Willis, an exercise physiologist and the study's lead author, explained, 'No one type of exercise will be best for every health benefit.

However, it might be time to reconsider the conventional wisdom that resistance training alone can induce changes in body mass or fat mass due to an increase in metabolism, as our study found no change.'

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Aerobic exercise beats resistance training for weight loss

Virginia Klausmeier at TEDxBayArea Ignite – Video

Virginia Klausmeier at TEDxBayArea Ignite
Virginia, CEO of Sylvatex, has been involved with the development of the company #39;s microemulsion technology since 2000. She assisted the founding chemist, late Dr. William Klausmeier, in laboratory testing and helped to develop the intellectual property portfolio. Over the last few months, Virginia has engaged with the thought leaders of the petroleum industry and solidified a strong network of experts that support the technology and company market focus. Prior to this venture she managed the new development ideas for a Fortune 500 medical device company and led the US clinical and biomechanical research. Sylvatex has won numerous awards at industry conferences and venture funding competitions, including Silicon Valley LAUNCH and PortTechLA, as well as funding and support through Greenstart accelerator program. Virginia earned her BS in Chemistry and Physiology and MS in Biomechanics at the University of Oregon and is also active in Astia, Silicon Valley Leadership Group and San Francisco #39;s Biofuel Task force. Virginia was recently featured as one of the "Top 10 women in biofuels" and has recently been selected along with a small number of other female CEOs to be mentored by Sen. Feinstein.From:TEDxTalksViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:51More inEntertainment

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Virginia Klausmeier at TEDxBayArea Ignite - Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 1 Physiology of Human Intelligence – Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 1 Physiology of Human Intelligence
Professor Jerome Lejeune gave a series of Lectures on Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC The video was provided by the Family of the Americas.From:casepresViews:0 0ratingsTime:11:59More inNonprofits Activism

Professor Jerome Lejeune 1 Physiology of Human Intelligence - Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 2 Physiology of Human Intelligence – Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 2 Physiology of Human Intelligence
Professor Jerome Lejeune gave a series of Lectures on Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC The video was provided by the Family of the Americas.From:casepresViews:0 0ratingsTime:13:58More inNonprofits Activism

Professor Jerome Lejeune 2 Physiology of Human Intelligence - Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 4 Physiology of Human Intelligence – Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 4 Physiology of Human Intelligence
Professor Jerome Lejeune gave a series of Lectures on Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC The video was provided by the Family of the Americas.From:casepresViews:0 0ratingsTime:14:23More inNonprofits Activism

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Professor Jerome Lejeune 4 Physiology of Human Intelligence - Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 5 Physiology of Human Intelligence – Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 5 Physiology of Human Intelligence
Professor Jerome Lejeune gave a series of Lectures on Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC The video was provided by the Family of the Americas.From:casepresViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:37More inNonprofits Activism

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Professor Jerome Lejeune 5 Physiology of Human Intelligence - Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 3 Physiology of Human Intelligence – Video

Professor Jerome Lejeune 3 Physiology of Human Intelligence
Professor Jerome Lejeune gave a series of Lectures on Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC The video was provided by the Family of the Americas.From:casepresViews:0 0ratingsTime:14:54More inNonprofits Activism

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Professor Jerome Lejeune 3 Physiology of Human Intelligence - Video

How to pronounce Resorption – Video

How to pronounce Resorption
Learn how to say Resorption correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of resorption (oxford dictionary): noun [mass noun] the process or action by which something is reabsorbed: the resorption of water Physiology the absorption into the circulation of cells or tissue: bone resorption Derivatives resorptive Pronunciation: /-t #618;v/ adjective Origin: early 19th century: from resorb, on the pattern of the pair absorb, absorption http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:13More inHowto Style

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How to pronounce Resorption - Video

How to Pronounce Resorptive – Video

How to Pronounce Resorptive
Learn how to say Resorptive correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of resorption (oxford dictionary): noun [mass noun] the process or action by which something is reabsorbed: the resorption of water Physiology the absorption into the circulation of cells or tissue: bone resorption Derivatives resorptive Pronunciation: /-t #618;v/ adjective Origin: early 19th century: from resorb, on the pattern of the pair absorb, absorption http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:13More inHowto Style

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How to Pronounce Resorptive - Video

Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme E=M6 – Video

Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme E=M6
Source: INSERM Check COSMED website: Get connected with "COSMED News" Facebook Page. Go to and click "I LikeFrom:cosmedsrlViews:3 0ratingsTime:06:19More inScience Technology

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Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme E=M6 - Video

Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme iCare – Video

Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme iCare
Source: INSERM Check COSMED website: Get connected with "COSMED News" Facebook Page. Go to and click "I LikeFrom:cosmedsrlViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:53More inScience Technology

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Exercise physiology tests with K4b2 as shown on French TV programme iCare - Video