Caffeine crammed energy drinks produce adrenaline and exacerbate the hormonal rollercoaster both the bane of most women. New research and GungHo Focus Supplement may provide the smooth focus, energy and mood enhancement women desire.
Salt Lake City, Utah (PRWEB) December 31, 2012
85% of energy drinks and shots are consumed by men according to a study by Mintel. Yet busy women crave energy and alertness even more than most men. So why don't energy products cut it for the ladies?
Dr. Dan Mowry has studied female physiology for twenty years. He suggests, pre-menopausal women typically fight a continual battle to keep their emotional impulses on a level plain. The last thing such women want to consume is straight caffeine! Caffeine is the only active ingredient shown to be effective in these energy products. Thus they stimulate just one aspect of the central nervous system the sympathetic division. This helps the body produce adrenaline fine for men but the bane of most women, and anathema to persons undergoing PMS. This jolt to a ladys physiology exacerbates her hormonal rollercoaster. What women need, said Mowry, is a product that would deliver, enough caffeine to provide short-term alertness, but balanced to stimulate the cognitive side of her brain also so as to not disrupt an already overwrought emotional sensibility.
Smoother, Focused Lift For Women - New Research
A new focus supplement GungHo could be the solution women are seeking. Said Dr. Perry Renshaw, former Harvard professor, Director at the Brain Institute and renowned brain health scientist: GungHo is the only energy shot or drink that contains natural ingredients at proven effective doses to improve focus and concentration. Unlike other energy products that deal with short-term energy and no lasting impact on brain energy, GungHo will actually increase levels of critical neurotransmitters in the brain over time.
A core ingredient - Cognizin Citicoline - has been recently shown (2012 McGlade) to increase focus (performance in attentional tasks) among healthy women, at a dose of 250 mg per day - the effective amount found in every GungHo shot.
What about the jitters and crash? GungHo should offer more balance. Caffeine will provide short-term alertness but the cognitive elements in GungHo should also produce mood enhancing dopamine, serotonin and endorphins (commonly called the happy hormone), says Mowry.
GungHo patent-pending formula contains four calories, no sugar or carbonation and claims to be a mild appetite suppressant.
Sandy Wilson, mother of three, says, GungHo gives me the lift I need when Im tired. I think more clearly, forget less and don't get so cranky. I tried other energy drinks but the caffeine crash depressed me.
Continued here:
Energy Drinks Disrupt Women’ Physiology - An Alternative Solution for Tired Women