radKIDS.org – The national leader in children’s safety

Building a Network of Quality Caring Community Based Instructors

radKIDS, Inc. is the national leader in children's safety, with headquarters based in South Dennis, Massachusetts. The radKIDS curriculum is brought to children and parents by the training and development of nationally certified instructors drawn from their own communities. By empowering a community with certified local instructors, the radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education program is not just a program but a true gift to the community. The radKIDS curriculum meets, and in many cases exceeds, the foundational education standards for elementary physical education and health in all 50 states.

radKIDS does not tell your child what we hope they will do, we actually teach, train and empower children with real skills so they can recognize, avoid, resist, and if necessary escape violence or harm in their lives. Education is the only thing that can change fear into power and radKIDS can and does give children opportunity and power to live safer in our world today.

Since its inception in 2000, radKIDS, Inc. has been committed to providing education that enhances the ability of children and parents to utilize knowledge, skills, and power to protect themselves from violence and harm. Read On...

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radKIDS.org - The national leader in children's safety

Empowerment Theory – Springer

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Empowerment Theory - Springer

Top 100 Womens Empowerment Blogs | Psychology of Eating

Here are our picks forTop 100 Womens Empowerment Blogs.Please enjoy! Here atThe Institute for the Psychology of Eating,were on a mission to forever change the way the world understands food, body and health.

The Institute for the Psychology of Eatingisthe worlds only online school dedicated to a progressive, positive, holistic understanding of eating psychology and nutrition. Unique and revolutionary in its approach, the Institute teaches students and professionals how to effectively work with the most common and compelling eating challenges of our times weight, body image, overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, endless dieting, digestion, fatigue, immunity, mood and much more.

The Institute features an internationally acclaimed distance learningprofessional offering theEating Psychology Coach Certification Training along with well loved online programs for the public, includingTransform Your Relationship with Food.No matter what nutritional system you follow, we all have a relationship with food that profoundly impacts our behavior and metabolism.Ifyoure interested in learning more about the work we do, please check out our FREE Video Series calledThe Dynamic Eating PsychologyBreakthrough.You can sign up for itHERE.The list below forTop100 Womens EmpowermentBlogsis in no particular order. Theyre all ranked highly in our eyes!

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1. The Wild Sisterhood Jen Saunders is a writer, painter, and empowerment artist who is passionate about inspiring women to love themselves, follow their hearts and change the world. Her writing has been featured on popular websites such as Tiny Buddha, Kind Over Matter, Roots Of She, and many more. Her first guest contribution to Tiny Buddha was so popular, her story was also featured in the bestselling Tiny Buddha book.

2. Eves Health and Fitness Blog Eves Health & Fitness blog gives valuable fitness tips and background information on food. Her blog is a nice addition to the network of all the health and fitness information out there.

3. Healthy Woman The doctors at Healthy Woman are dedicated to the emotional, physical, and psychological needs of women. Their blog offers health advice ranging from nutritional tips to common birth control concerns and valuable cancer information.

4. Hardy Girls Healthy WomenHardy Girls Healthy Women is a research-based non-profit that whole-heartedly works to empower girls and women. This is a great resource for parents and activists alike. Its also simply a good read if youre interested in womens empowerment.

5. MizFit Online Carla Birnberg founded MizFitOnline to share her health and fitness knowledge from years of working as a health writer, community builder, personal trainer and bodybuilding competitor. She helps women feel strong and powerful in their bodies.

6. Speaking of Womens Health Speaking of Womens Health is dedicated to: Educating women to make informed decisions about health, well-being and personal safety for themselves and their families. The site is run by the Cleveland Clinic Center for Specialized Womens Health.

7. StrongHealthyWoman.com Laura Miranda is a Physical Therapist, Personal Trainer and local fitness & nutrition expert. She created her blog for busy women hungry for cutting edge fitness and nutrition advice.

8. The Great Fitness Experiment Charlotte decided that she was tired of reading studies in magazines and wondering, well that works well on mice, but what about on people? So now she reads all the health and fitness research she can track down and she tries it herself. Then she writes it all down in her blog for you!

9. The Healthy Apron Erin takes the mystery out of fitness science. Whether you are struggling with food, weight or simply searching for a healthier lifestyle, you can learn great things from The Healthy Apron.

10. Workout Mommy Lisa is the Work Out Mommy, and her blog aims to help you find that time and keep you motivated and on task! If youre a mom, check out the empowering tips and advice this blog has to offer.

11. Fit Bottomed Girls Erin, Jen, Kristen and Trish together make up the Fit Bottomed Girls. Their goal is to motivate you to get healthy through a balance of good food and healthy activity. They have a great sense of humor and take the punishment idea out of working out.

12. FYI Behealthy.comFYI Be Healthy is dedicated to health and nutrition. Its authors take scientific studies from all areas relating to health and transform the information into very well-written and accessible articles for you.

13. Happy Mothering Before Chrystal had children, she was a marketing communications manager at a Fortune 20 healthcare company. Now she finds the empowerment to be both a mom and a working woman. Her blog helps mothers find their own empowerment.

14. Healthy Women. Informed. Empowered. HealthyWomen has been working for more than 20 years to, educate, inform and empower women to make smart health choices for themselves and their families.

15. Imperfect Women Imperfect Women is written and edited by about a dozen women (ages spanning four decades!). The goal of the editors and writers is to reach out to women of all walks of life. They believe that, each womans choices about her life and family should be respected. We share one common trait: we are all works in progress.

16. The Vegan Woman The Vegan Woman is written by 13 women and one man. They create a positive, safe space to talk about the vegan lifestyle and share information and advice. Whether your new to the lifestyle, a life-longer, or interested in being vegan, check out this empowering site full of knowledge.

17. Women Health and Family Tips Women Health and Family Tips combines nutrition, exercise and personal inner search for a healthier you. Theres a lot of great personal advice here that we can all benefit from!

18. Women SpeakDr. Nancy is a motivational speaker who draws on her life experience as a clinical psychologist, crisis responder and director of an employee assistance program to bring empowerment to other women.

19. Stirrup QueensMelissa provides information relating to adoption and infertility. As the mother of two twins conceived through fertility treatments she shares wisdom with other mothers and soon-to-be-mothers to help make their journey smoother.

20. Any BodyMultiple individuals contribute to this site. All of them have the same mission of giving women a voice to challenge the limited physical representation of females in contemporary society.

21.EverydayFeminine MagicBlog written by Indigo Bacal, the founder of Wilde (Women of Inspired Leadership Devoted to Evolution) Tribe. Indigo promotes feminine magic and finding your true voice.

22. Purpose to Prosperity Blog written by Sage Lavine, a business coach promoting women empowerment through financial freedom. She also promotes the idea that business development can be our spiritual teacher.

23. Voices at W4 VOICES is a forum for raising awareness and sharing insights about the living conditions and prospects of girls and women today. Through interviews, articles, commentaries and testimonies, VOICES highlights initiatives that are helping to improve the lives of girls and women around the world. Everyone concerned about girls and womens empowerment is invited to read and/or share his/her perspective on VOICES.

24. NicoleDaedone.com Nicole Daedone is a sought-after speaker, teacher, and author who has spent her groundbreaking career redefining orgasm from a womans point of view. Seeing a womans sex as her power, she treats sexuality with unparalleled humor, intelligence, and insight. Nicole is the author ofSlow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasmand is the founder of OneTaste, a company that offers training in orgasm, communication, and man-woman relationships.

25. KellyNotaras.com Kellya sex and relationship consultantwho provides consulting services to women and men to become fully expressed, sexually empowered individuals. Having trained with Nicole Daedone, Kellys work is authentic and powerful and her writing is honest and down to earth. She brings a refreshing and compassionate approach to sexuality and relationship.

26. LeonieDawsom.comLeonie is a blogger, author, and visual artist who helps women build businesses based on their creative gifts. She also organizes an online womens circle made up of over 2,000 women from around the world.

27. She Takes on the WorldShe Takes on the World is written by Natalie MacNeil. Natalie is a woman business owner and globetrotter who decided to start blogging in 2007. She Takes on the World is one of the top blogs in the world for career-minded women and women entrepreneurs.

28. Jessica Valenti One of the Top 100 Inspiring Women in the world by The Guardian Jessica is the author of four books on feminism, politics and culture. Her third book, The Purity Myth: How Americas Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women, won the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Award and was made into a documentary by the Media Education Foundation.

29. Soul and Art StudioCreator of Soul Art Studio, is a business that promotes connecting people with their spirit and creating a life and business that expresses it.

30. DanielleLaPorte.comDanielle LaPorte writes about authenticity, creativity and meaningful work. She loves sharing her insights at conferences, on stage, always in high heels.

31. Truth + Heart + HussleDanielle Dowling is part relationship expert, part womens life coach and part spiritual ass-kicker. She helps women dream big and get it.

32. Marie Forleo Marie Forleos goal is to add more value to your world than you ever dreamed possible by giving you tools that you can immediately use to improve your business and life. Shes the founder of a 100% virtual, woman-owned and run, socially-conscious company who envisions a world where every human being has the financial and emotional freedom to live life to the fullest.

33. The Boss of YouThe Boss of You provides business coaching for women. The authors are Lauren Bacon and Emira Mears who started the site as a living guide to business, their way. You can find their thoughts & ruminations on business, profiles of women-run businesses, resources for women entrepreneurs and more!

34. Gypsy GalsGypsyGals is a website written by Prime and Nina Sarmiento. They provide supportive advice for solo female travelers, as well as detailed, photo-rich city guides to the best cities for women.

35. A Feminine FeastSabrina Chaw is a coach and lecturer who works to support women to embody the truth and power of their Feminine core. She also organizes women circles and workshops just for women.

36. TheEntrepreneurialGuru for WomenAli provides business coaching and mentoring for women entrepreneurs. She started her first business from scratch 11 years ago in her NYC apartment and has since grown her enterprise into the millions.

37. Financial Freedom Coach for WomenKarie is a financial freedom coach for women. Her blog covers a wide range of financial topics as well as the occasional promotion for other women entrepreneurs.

38. Owning PinkLissa Rankin, an OB-GYN physician, author and artist, blogs on owningpink.com. The blog entries cover all things woman from relationships, to feminism, to sexual and reproductive health.

39. Wise LivingTara is a writer, public speaker, and developer of the Playing Big program, which supports women as they find and use their gifts. Her blog contains inspirational words, as well as useful tools for living an authentic life.

40. Truth + Transformation for Women SolopreneursJac works with women solopreneurs to grow and develop their businesses. She believes that developing your own business is an amazing platform for self-actualization.

41. Crazy Sexy Life Kris Carr covers topics such as happiness, health, and spiritual wealth. There is also a community built around the blog that encourages women to become CEOs of their health.

42. RebeccaDettman.comRebecca Dettman is a spiritual expert that started the blog Psyched in Stilettos, which covers the latest spiritual trends and cosmic news. Rebecca also started the Aurora Circle, an online group for likeminded spiritual women.

43. Nourishing Our RadianceSeveral writers contribute to this blog, which focuses on inspiring women to transform their relationship to nourishment through compassionate mind body awareness.

44. A Life of Perfect DaysConnie is a transformational life coach and passionate writer. Shes addicted to green juice and yoga, while her site is a place of inspiration and insight. She wants to help women follow their own bliss & listen to their heart.

45. Shastas Friendship BlogShasta writes a blog for women about developing and maintaining friendships with other women. The blog is attached to girlfriendcircles.com, which matches women with other women for offline friendships.

46. Tending Your Inner GardenTending Your Inner Garden is a website for women who want to grow. It encourages women to discover their deeper self and their relationship to all things sacred. They use the seasons as a model for change and help women become in tune with their own inner guidance.

47. Get Vitalized NaturallyWritten by a physician who focuses on womens health and issues that affect women. Postings often include information about physical wellbeing, but also touch on sexual and mental health.

48. Mama Genas School of Womanly ArtsRegena writes about women using their power of pleasure to have their way with the world. She runs the Womanly Arts Mastery Program, which is a 6 month course that helps women discover their pleasure and achieve their dreams.

49. The Psychologist, The Mom, & Me The Psychologist, The Mom, & Me covers a ride range of topics related to personal growth for women, as well as parenting. Dr. Hibbert is an expert on Parenting, Womens Emotions, Pregnancy & Postpartum, and Grief & Loss.

50. Money Wise Women Several writers contribute to this blog about financial health for women. While the appearance of the blog is drab, it does contain regularly updated content.

51. 27 Months Without Peanut-Butter Documents the personal encounters and experiences of Maggie Close, a peace corps volunteer who has been working with teenage girls in Jordan since 2011. Its a very simple blog, but the stories of these young women are not only awe-inspiring but also provides a healthy dose of perspective and gratitude.

52. Coaching Women to SucceedAnn is a coach that works with women making career changes. She helps women reclaim their confidence and power.

53. Center of the Psychology of WomenThe CPoW blog contains cultural commentary, interviews, essays and advice all while bringing chic to the feminine mystique. Much of the information on the site is geared towards readers in L.A.

54. Womens Success Coaching Live Your PotentialWomen Success Coaching has been recognized for many years in a row by Forbes magazine as one of the top sites for women. Topics covered in the blog often relate to career and business development.

56. Sylvia Browders Blog for WomenEntrepreneurs Sylvia Browder is geared towards women entrepreneurs. Several writers contribute to articles covering topics such as financial wellbeing, spirituality, health and wellness, and business development.

57. Awakening WomenAwakening Women is written for a global audience of women. It aims to bring the fiercely compassionate wisdom of the feminine back into our lives, thus restoring balance.

58. Harness Your Hormones. Unleash Your Power.Jessica is a health, hormone, and nutrition educator for women. Her blog covers these topics, as well as occasionally touching on business topics. Her wants to empower women to reach their highest, brightest and most exquisite potential.

59.Vanessa Carnevale Vanessa is a life coach, small business mentor, and a keynote speaker and writer. She loves to help people achieve rich and purposeful lives. Vanessa delivers business tips and life inspiration tomotivate you to live your dream.

60. WellnessWarriorJessica Ainscough is a writer and holistic coach who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 22. The blog covers a variety of wellness topics from yoga to mental wellbeing to nutrition to inspirational quotes.

61. KarenFagan.comKaren Fagan is an empowerment coach for women, motivational speaker, and writer. Karens blog is written for women who want to live a brilliant life.

62. The Path to WellnessMelissa is a certified holistic health and life coach who helps women end their negative relationship with their bodies and fall back in love with themselves and their life.

63. Feministing The editors of Feministing.com established the site as a community for feminists all over to help give them the tools, connections and empowerment to effect positive change in their communities.

64. In Other WordsIn Other Words is a feminist bookstore in Portland, Oregon, and their blog provides a safe space for political and social discussions from a feminist perspective.

65. Wholistic Women RetreatsThe Wholistic Coaching Coalition is an amazing group of certified coaches trained in personal and professional development. They teach women the skills to find greater fulfillment in their lives.

66. Life Your WayTia uses her life experiences, business knowledge and life coaching skills to help readers dream bigger, demand better and make braver choices.

67. TinaRead.comDr. Trinas mission is to show couples how to have fun and meaningful sex at all stages of life. Check out her blog to answers to those questions you never really want to ask out loud.

68. Date Like a GrownupBobbi Palmer helps smart, accomplished grownup women Find Hope and then Find Him. You can start to get to know Bobbi through her well-written blog.

69. Live Bold and BloomBarrie Davenport wants to inspire her readers to do exactly what her blog is titled: Live Bold and Bloom! For inspiration, check out her blog.

70. Biz Chick Blog Biz Chick Blogs is an online magazine for working women. Its a place for women to share ideas and discuss topics relevant to everyday working life.

71. Flourish Over 50Susan founded Flourish Over 50 to provide an online community for women over 50. As she puts it, Your life after 50 is a time of rediscovery, a time to reinvent yourself to live life to the fullest. Share your stories with others here!

72. Aging AbundantlyFor women nearing middle age, Aging Abundantly provides support and advice for women entering a new chapter in their lives.

73. Becoming a Woman of PurposeDiscover how to ignite your inner peace through the tools and tips Carolyn offers in Becoming a Woman of Purpose!

74. Oops 50!If your a woman over 50, head to Oops 50! to share your experiences, your life and your knowledge and learn from others.

75. Third Age WomenThe Third Age Women blog is all about finding fulfillment and self-sufficiency in all areas of life. For advice on everything from budgeting to adult education, check this out.

76. Women on the FenceErica Diamond created her blog for all women who have ever been on the fence about anything life, business, love

77. The Jenny Pincher The Jenny Pincher is for single women. It offers advice on how to get out of debt and build wealth.

78. Single Minded WomenThe Single Minded Women blog is for single women. It provides entertaining, informative and vital information that every single woman can use to enhance her lifestyle.

79. Dating and Relating CompanyElizabeth is an online dating and relationship consultant. She promotes quality sites and people who she believes in. Check out Dating and Relating Company for real advice!

80. Love in 90 DaysDr. Diana is a love expert, media psychologist and bestselling author. She has helped thousands of women find their dreams.

81. Love and Relationship AdviceSusie & Otto write about ways they have learned to create more understanding and equal relationships. For great, clear advice that both you and your partner can benefit from, check out their blog.

82. Former Fat ChickShareen is a health coach that focuses on inspiring & motivating others who want to improve their health by losing weight. Shes a self-proclaimed Former Fat Chick who lives in Niles, CA.

83. BlogHer BlogHer is the largest community of women bloggers out there! For the best women-lead conversations on the Internet, head to this blog.

84. LipSticking Lip-sticking is a society and interactive website for women, by women and about women. Lead by Yvonne DiVita, their blog is written about issues in business and life.

85. The Soul Sisters Blog The Soul Sisters Blog is written by three sisters on a mission to empower and inspire women everywhere to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams. If you desire to get more out of life, check out their empowering blog.

86. The Maternal Health Task Force The Maternal Health Task Force empowers women through efforts to improve maternal health worldwide. This is a major contribution to womens empowerment, and their writing keeps readers up to date on all of their work and new developments in the maternal health field.

87. Wealthy Bag Lady -With more than 20 years of experience, Linda Hollander is the industry leader in teaching women entrepreneurs about small business success and attracting corporate sponsors. If youre a business owner, check out her blog to see what she can teach you.

88. Womens Life Empowerment Robin writes about how to take control and keep control in the workplace and in your life. For some great empowering advice, check out her blog.

89. What About Our Daughters A truly inspirational blog written for black women and girls. The blog encourages women to use their economic power to effect change in our society. Learn how you can make a difference through their inspirational articles.

90. On Writing, Teaching and Feminism Marina DelVecchio is a College Instructor who blogs about the importance of literacy and the necessary empowerment in young girls and women. She does a great job of including our daughters in the conversation of womens empowerment.

91. The FBomb The F in FBomb stands for feminist. And rightly named, this blog is for teenage girls who care about their rights as women and want to be heard.

92. Geek Feminism The Geek Feminism blog supports feminists in all geek communities. This including science and technology, gaming, SF fandom, and really anyone who identifies herself as a geek. So, if youre a geek and a feminists, heres the conversation for you.

93. PenelopeTrunk.comA women entrepreneur who writes career advice. Penelope blogs about career, romance and parenting.

94. 8 Women Dream 8 Women Dream is about eight empowered women who tell the world about how they are accomplishing their dreams. It will leave you nothing short of inspired to go out and chase your own dreams.

95. Kale & Chocolate Elise Museles is an Eating Psychology & Nutrition Expert based in Washington, DC. A self-proclaimed recovering perfectionist, Elise shows women how to loosen the reins, bend the rules, and experience true satisfaction. (Not to mention: hot bodies, full lives & happy hearts.) Meet Elise & discover a new kind of perfect.

96. Spiritual Sweat Amanda Christian helps women set themselves free, blaze their own trails, and step into their power. She writes that we should Expect Miracles and shes not afraid to debunk the myths of being spiritual or how to be a good dancer. She is often seen with a copy of A Course in Miracles nearby. Whatever shes doing seems to be working: this lady won a professional tree climbing championship in 2012.

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Top 100 Womens Empowerment Blogs | Psychology of Eating

Empowerment and Strengths-Based Perspective: Social Work

Empowerment and a strengths perspective which support the development of innate abilities and recognize differences in a positive manner are also helping social workers increase the individual clients capacity to learn to use his or her own systems constructively

More than a simple linguistic nuance, the notion that social workers do not empower others, but instead, help people empower themselves is an ontological distinction that frames the reality experienced by both social workers and clients (Simon, 1990, p. 32, quoted in Saleeby, 2006, p. 98)

Introduction: This paper firstly looks at empowerment, what it is, and how it can assist social workers in enhancing their clients competence through development of self-efficacy, mastery, and their ability to use their own resources (both inner and outer) in a productive and beneficial manner. The paper then looks at the Strengths Perspective and how social workers can use this lens to assist clients in re-framing their sense of self, and therefore enhance their clients capacity for self-determination. The paper then looks at empowerment and the Strengths Perspective in action, through the utilization of Solution Focused theory.

In this paper it is argued that the action of empowerment is fundamental to the application of a strengths perspective. It is also argued that a positive recognition of difference, such as for those experiencing mental health issues, or who may be gay or lesbian for example, can assist clients in normalizing their lived experience.

Empowerment: Empowerment is both a theory and a practice. It is also a process as well as an outcome (Zimmerman, 1995; Gutierrez, DeLois and GlenMaye, 1995; Carr, E.S., 2003).

The practice of empowerment grew out of the womens and black rights movements of the United States in the late 60s/70s where it was recognised that these two powerless/oppressed groups did not have equal access to human services. This had a negative effect both at the level of the individual and at the level of the institution of the family, which meant that the impaired systems [were] unable to shield individuals from the negative effects of the oppressive institutions (Gutierrez et al, 1995, p. 534), thereby self-perpetuating the oppressed state of those, and other subjegated, groups.

The goal of empowerment is to increase personal, interpersonal or political power, so that individuals, families or communities can take action to improve their situation (Gutierrez et al, 1995, p. 535) Australian examples of empowered communities would include the Womens Electoral Lobby and the Tent Embassy, also developing in the 1970s for example This goal means an increase in the actual power of the client or community [as opposed to their coping with, or adaptation to, the dominant paradigm] so that action can be taken [by them] to prevent or change the problems they are facing (Gutierrez et al, 1995, p. 535). A crucial aim of empowerment is therefore enhancing the possibilities for people to control their own lives (Rappapport, 1981, p. 15) and augmenting their sense of self-determination.

The process of empowerment, involves the development of consciousness consciousness raising/conscientization, and psychological empowerment (Carr, 2003, p. 15; Zimmerman 1995) facilitating a reduction in self-blame, an assumption of personal responsibility for change, and enhancement of self-efficacy (Gutierrez et al, 1995, p. 535). Empowerment also involves the understanding by oppressed people that the nature of their oppression is structural and systemic and is not self-inflicted (Cowger, Anderson & Snively, 2006). Further, empowerment involves a commitment to challenging and combating injustice (Pease, 2002, p. 136, quoting Ward and Mullender).

Consciousness raising, practiced by many a feminist in the 1970s for example, is learning about, and increasing ones self awareness of, their individual social fit within...

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Empowerment and Strengths-Based Perspective: Social Work

Series On Personal Empowerment at Psychology, Philosophy …

The following articles are related to Series On Personal Empowerment at Psychology, Philosophy and Real Life.

Human beings have one amazing power, but one power only the power of choice.

Our conceptualizations of the situations we find ourselves in can not only place us at a disadvantage, but can literally do us harm.

Theres no need to red flag action that youre willing to take if the disturbed character wont change. Dont threaten, just take action.

In the course of human relations, we frequently make agreements with one another. Because disturbed characters are not reliable, trustworthy, or prone to play fairly, making any kind of agreements with them can be a risky business indeed.

If you find yourself drained in a relationship, chances are youre doing way too much to make things work and not keeping the weight of responsibility where it belongs.

Ultimately, people have power only over one thing: the execution of their free will.

A person always loses power when they fail to set and enforce reasonable limits.

Read the rest here:

Series On Personal Empowerment at Psychology, Philosophy ...

Empowering Women – Self Empowerment, Personal & Spiritual …

Empowering Women aims to inspire women with the courage to break free from the chains of limiting belief patterns and societal or religious conditioning that have tradiitonally kept women suppressed and unable to see their true beauty and power.

This section offers self help tools, information, encouragement and inspirational quotes and sayings for and by women to use as a guide on the journey of Reclaiming Their Power. Women are encouraged to see and bring forth the beauty and strength within themselves, to be inspired to be the best they can be, and to let their Spirit (Goddess Selves) shine through.

For those of you who are in challenging circumstances, the words here-in can help you find some peace and some strength to begin to turn your life around. The Change Starts With You. You only need to take small steps at a time. And remember that you are not alone.

If you have come to this section of the site first, please take some time to browse through the rest of the site, where you will find many more inspirations to help you on your journey of spiritual growth.

May you gain inspiration and helpful tools to guide you on your journey towards wholeness. Embrace and enjoy the journey!

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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

~ Marianne Williamson - from "A Return To Love" ~

See the article here:

Empowering Women - Self Empowerment, Personal & Spiritual ...

Bodies of Empowerment Personal Training

Hello and welcome to Bodies of Empowerment Personal Training! My name is Nate McConnell - I'm a personal fitness trainer and weight loss expert with over 18 years of personal training experience throughout the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati areas. Here at Bodies of Empowerment, we offer a Complete Fitness Solution! We not only train you, we teach you how to eat properly through our Nutritional Consulting services. While other personal trainers simply provide you with vague tips, we go the extra mile in helping you design a healthy meal plan that includes foods you love! In short, we not only make reaching your goals realistic and attainable, we teach you how to eat and exercise for life!

If you are just looking for a trainer to take you through the motions and count reps, you are seriously selling yourself short! What makes us different? We truly invest in your life! Our clients are like family to us. You will never be treated like a number here! You can trade time for money anywhere (workouts for dollars). If youre just looking for the cheapest option in town, we are not the right fit for you! The first step is to meet with us for a free consultation. It is then, we are able to factor your budget into this process, allowing us to find the best training program for you! If you truly want to change your life and regain control over your health and fitness, then we welcome you to our family! You are home.

Whether you are just getting started, have little experience, or want to take your progress to the next level, our services provide everything you need to reach your personal goals! Why spend countless hours in the gym with little to no return for your efforts? Eliminate years of trial and error. Stop wasting time and energy on routines and diets that dont work and begin making changes now with our proven system!

See the original post here:

Bodies of Empowerment Personal Training