Business & Tech By Edmond Ortiz | 10 hours ago
Lea Thompson for the Rivard Report
Ensuring that more people have access to computers, could help boost economic, educational, and personal opportunities.
San Antonios firstDigital Inclusion Summittook placeWednesday, and participants agreed that comprehensive training must accompany efforts to increase digital access and literacy.
More than 100 people attended the day-long conferenceat the Central Library. Speakers said progress in bridging the digital divide is being made by extending high-speed internet access citywide, especially in lower-income communities.
That, and ensuring that more people have access to computers, could help boost economic, educational, and personal opportunities in such neighborhoods, they added. Attendeesalso called for increased focus on outcomes of greater access and literacy.
San Antonio Public LibraryDirector Ramiro Salazar said the library systems increasing number of branches help with this effort.
For many communities, [libraries] are the only access they have to high-speed internet, Salazar said.
Molly Cox, president and CEO of SA2020, said digital inclusion is key to personal empowerment in many communities. But its more than simply having computer or web access its about using it productively, she noted.
How can you fill out a college application without internet access? How do you look for a job? How do you sign up for health care without an email? Cox added.
One in six San Antonians do not have a computer or internet access, Cox said,citing research. Smartphones alone are inadequate for completingmore complextasks, such as writing school papers or developing a rsum, she added.
Mayor Ivy Taylor has long advocated forSan Antonio becominga globally competitive city where everyone has a chance atprosperity. The mayors office spearheads a digital inclusion initiative, where the City, theSan Antonio Housing Authority, and private and public partners work toward solutions.
We cant achieve that vision without bridging the digital divide, Taylor said. Its the gap between people who have broadband access and know how to use it and those who dont.
Taylor said not having internet access at home or in neighborhoods prevents people from completing essential tasks, such as applying for a job, paying bills, or discussinga childs school performance with ateacher.
Even engaging in local government is a challenge without reliableweb access, Tayloradded. As a result, people without adequatedigital access do not get to share educational and workforce skills with others, she explained.
Socioeconomic inequality exacerbatesthe digital divide, especially among younger and lower-income families and the elderly. Such individuals often lack the digital or financial literacy to achieve upward mobility, Taylor said.
According to the 2013 American Community Survey, San Antonio ranked in the bottom third of major cities based on percentage of households lacking internet access. Taylor said developing public and private sector partnerships is vital to closing the digital gap.
Think about that for a minute: up to one in four San Antonians may be functionally illiterate, she said. The most important thing we can do to address the digital divide is to build relationships that help our residents learn basic skills that apply competently to new technology.
Panel discussion participants talked about how such partnerships and innovation shore up access, training, and literacy.
More than one year ago, the Housing Authoritybegan working with ConnectHome, a pilot initiative launched by then-President Obama in 2015. The program links communities, businesses, and the federal government in extending broadband technology to residents in assisted housing.
Google Fiber and several private and public partners joined the Housing Authority in the local cause.
The Housing Authority first installed computers with broadband access in centralized rooms at three of its properties. Itlater enabled WiFi in individual unitsand computer rooms at two other Housing Authority properties.
The organizationhas also provided more than 350 devices to residents across these communities, and more installations are in the works. Local ConnectHome partners hope to expand their efforts beyond federally funded public housing.
The Housing Authority also offersdigital literacy classes at its properties where broadband access and devices are provided. Officials said its important to instill a sense of confidence while providing proper digital literacy training to residents.
Some of the residents at Housing Authority properties go on to become so-called ambassadors to help train fellow residents.
Confidence is one of the most important things [residents] need to continue, said Catarina Velasquez, educational consultant with the San Antonio Housing Authority
One of the summits speakers, Bill Callahan, is the director of Cleveland-based Connect Your Community 2.0, a nonprofit that helps increase digital inclusion and literacy in low-income communities across Cleveland and Detroit.
He said less than two decades ago, at the dawn of the mainstream internet, many people were comfortable with filling out job applications in person.
Now that most job applications are offered online, fewer residents are confident they can access a computer to seek out job openings, much less fill out applications online.
This isnt just a mobility or access problem for the individual, but a huge problem for the community, Callahan said.
Public discussions about digital inclusionlack focus on exclusion, Callahan explained not deliberate exclusion, but rather inclusion effortsthat are not comprehensive.
As a result, many people specifically in low-income and rural communities still get left behind.
When cities engage as smart cities, you put your digital eggs in one basket, but you tell other communities youre less vital, Callahan said. He pointed to a Bexar County map where most residents still lack digital access and mobility.
Organizations such as Bexar Bibliotech and Communities in Schoolswork to achieve greater access, mobility, and literacy. Bibliotech now boaststwo full-servicebranches, one of which isthe first digital library in the nation located in public housing. The libraries allow locals to access the same books available at traditional libraries through digital e-readers which can be checked out for two weeks at a time. In addition, Bibliotech has collaborated with VIA Metropolitan Transit on the Ride and Read initiative, added six digital kiosks at transit centers throughout the city, and committed to furthering anti-cyberbullying programming.
Callahan andHousing Authority representatives agreed that people who have recently become digitally literate shouldshare their newfound knowledge with their peers and, thus, help close the digital divide.
Were not making sure everyone who has access or a computer can use the system, Callahansaid. You cant expect someone who cant pay their $60-a-month electric bill to just figure out their internet.
Jen Vanek, director of the IDEAL Consortium, shared similar sentiment: Access to poor training is worse than no training.
Vanek said digital literacy should be well-rounded, relevant, and specified. She added that it should be embedded inEnglish as a second language, general education development, and workforce development.
Deb Socia, executive director of the nonprofit Next Century Cities, said widening digital access and literacy helps unleash peoples potential.
With access, anyone can create a web-based enterprise, she said. In turn, communities build wealth internally.
This is about investing in people, Socia said.
Investing in people means collaboration, said Catherine Crago of Austin Pathways. She described how the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) built a coalition of private and public partners to further digital mobility for local low-income residents.
The Austin Community College Districtdonated hundreds of computers to Austin Housing Authorityresidents, allowing HACA to divert more resources totraining. In turn, more residents have access and share their knowledge.
These people are willing to learn, relearn, and co-learn, Cragoadded.
Angelique de Oliveira of Goodwill Industries said Goodwill helps serve low-income residents with needs and workforce development by collecting, refurbishing, and recycling used computers.
One of the things in using a computer is you can achieve employment as an outcome, she added.
Towards the summits end, Cox stressed the importance of outcomes regarding digital inclusion.
I want to know what happens with those people when they turn on those computers, once they have access, then go out into the community and apply their new skills, shesaid.
Edmond Ortiz, a lifelong San Antonian, is a freelance reporter/editor who has worked with the San Antonio Express-News and Prime Time Newspapers.
See original here:
Digital Inclusion Summit: Training, Partnerships Are Key - Rivard Report