Leica Microsystems Launches Free Digital Pathology App for iPad and iPhone

Have not downloaded the app yet and tried it out but wanted to share this news on the blog.

Wetzlar, Germany. Leica Microsystems announces the release of the SlidePath Gateway application for iPad and iPhone, which is the latest addition to the Total Digital Pathology portfolio. SlidePath Gateway is a Digital Pathology viewing application with built-in educational content from leading institutes and pathologists. The free application is available now for download from the Apple App store.

IPad SlidePath Gateway

SlidePath Gateway provides access to high quality whole slide images captured on the Leica SCN400 slide scanner, with expert review findings and content provided by contributing bodies including:

  • ASCP CheckPath Anatomical Pathology EQA Program (2006)
  • Cerviva Cervical Cytology EQA Pilot (2009)
  • NHS Breast Screening Pathology EQA Program (2010)
  • UK National Urologic Pathology EQA Program (2009)
  • UKNEQAS HER2 Breast Interpretive EQA Pilo (2011)

Dr. Donal O’Shea, Head of Digital Pathology in Leica Microsystems says, “The release of the SlidePath Gateway App displays Leica Microsystems’ commitment to develop and expand its Digital Pathology portfolio. With this App we are giving everyone the opportunity to try Digital Pathology, access high resolution whole slide imagesand expert opinions, through a highly intuitive user interface. With the rapid adoption and acceptance of iPads and other tablet devices in hospitals and clinical settings, we see SlidePath Gateway paving the way for future adoption of Digital Pathology in routine use.”

SlidePath Gateway for the iPad puts Digital Pathology at your fingertips. Users who install the application can browse folders of images from each of the External Quality Assessment (EQA) programs, select individual cases and view, zoom and navigate around the slides. Each case includes expert pathologist assessments, which can be viewed with the slides, giving increased insight into the samples. They can also see a sample set of Leica Biosystems’ Novocastra antibody range.

Existing users of Leica Microsystems’ Digital Pathology management solution, SlidePath Digital Image Hub (DIH), who usually access their system via a standard internet browser, can now securely connect to their own DIH library of images and review them through the application.

Building on a strong reputation for providing high quality, easy-to-use systems, SlidePath Gateway demonstrates Leica’s drive to deliver cutting edge, flexible tools to the Digital Pathology market.


Leica Microsystems is a world leader in microscopes and scientific instruments. Founded as a family business in the nineteenth century, the company’s history was marked by unparalleled innovation on its way to becoming a global enterprise.

Its historically close cooperation with the scientific community is the key to Leica Microsystems’ tradition of innovation, which draws on users’ ideas and creates solutions tailored to their requirements. At the global level, Leica Microsystems is organized in four divisions, all of which are among the leaders in their respective fields: the Life Science Division, Industry Division, Biosystems Division and Medical Division.

Leica Microsystems’ Biosystems Division, also known as Leica Biosystems, offers histopathology laboratories the most extensive product range with appropriate products for each work step in histology and for a high level of productivity in the working processes of the entire laboratory.

The company is represented in over 100 countries with 12 manufacturing facilities in 7 countries, sales and service organizations in 19 countries and an international network of dealers. The company is headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany.



Pathology publisher goes digital

Sage Scope Adds Deeper Look For Sage Journals Online Users

SAGE is adding a new feature to its SAGE Journals Online offerings with SAGE scope, a tool that provides readers with interactive slide imagery as supplements to articles posted on SAGE Journals Online. The digital pathology scanning and hosting will be provided by Flagship Biosciences, a digital pathology services firm, and powered by SlidePath’s Digital Image Hub software.

This new addition will allow readers to view the pathology slides not as a flat image, but as if they were seeing it under their own light microscope. The ultra-high resolution slide with the proper digitization software can pan, zoom, and focus slides while adding specific application functionality unique to each user.  Researchers are able to drill down to 20x magnification with rich detail and high resolution, giving them full access to all the data the author or authors saw when they took the sample.

“SAGE scope will help bridge the gap between just a picture and the ability to interact with a sample as the researcher did,” said Ron Epstein, SAGE Director, STM Journals. “This added feature allows SAGE journal readers to discover the information more closely to the way the author intended.”

SAGE is on of the first academic publishers to create an active digital database for pathology, and sees further potential for use in its medical journals.

“We’re excited to meet the needs of the market with this addition and know that not only will our authors see an added value, but those who utilize SAGE journals as well,” said Epstein.

SAGE scope can be seen now in selected SAGE Journals Online. To view the digital files please go to http://sagescope.flagshipbio.com. Select VetPath, Volume 48, Issue 1.



Webinar from Aperio: An Integrated Digital Pathology Workflow for Digital Scanning, Image Management, and Image Analysis

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

8:00 am Pacific Time, 11:00 am Eastern Time
(4:00 pm London GMT / 10:00 am Mexico City Standard Time) 


Dr. Florian Leiss, Definiens Trainer and Marketing Specialist
Priya Vaidyanathan, Ph.D, Image Analysis Specialist, Aperio

In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, you will learn about the new solutions available as a result of the partnership between Aperio and Definiens. 

Topics include:

  • Integrating image aquisition, management, and analysis workflow 
  • Spectrum database management software for managing digital slides
  • Live demo of Definiens' Tissue Studio for Her2 analysis in breast cancel tissue sections

To register for the 8 am EDT session, click here.https://aperio.webex.com/aperio/onstage/g.php?d=768950587&t=a

You may also register by visiting the Aperio Events page.

You will receive a confirmation email upon registration with a web link that will lead you to the online event. Simply visit the link at the assigned time. The session is secure and easy to access. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the Aperio Events Team at events@aperio.com or 760.539.1192. 


InView Training Through Simulation in Thames Histopathology Training School

 “i-Path’s InView is a useful additional learning resource which complements the traditional methods of teaching” Dr Sarah Hill, Joint Chair, Thames Histopathology Training School.

The Thames Histopathology Training School is the largest in the UK with over 100 trainee posts in the program.  Training is undertaken in 12 training centres across England.

InView is an online platform aimed at training pathologists and biomedical scientists in diagnostics cytology and histology. InView uses a completely innovative approach to education in diagnostic practice.

“Our trainees find InView very useful. It helps them to bridge the gap between learning from the text books and double headed reporting of real cases with consultants” Dr Sarah Hill, Joint Chair, Thames Histopathology Training School.

InView supplements traditional learning methods with virtual case material, integrating on-line education into pathology training, by combining digital images, e-learning tools and streaming video used to deliver virtual case material in pathology.

Aperio Webinar Announcement: GLP Compliance in Digital Pathology – June 30

Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 Sessions to choose from: 

7:00 am Pacific Time, 10:00 am Eastern Time 
(3:00 pm London GMT / 9:00 am Mexico City Standard Time) 


4:00 pm Pacific Time, 7:00 pm Eastern Time
(8:00 am Japan Time / 9:00 am Australia EST July 1)  

Curtis Adams, Ph.D., Sr. Life Sciences Product Manager, Aperio 

In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, we will present an overview of how digital pathology can help meet GLP regulations. 

Topics include:

  • Research areas requiring GLP compliance
  • Requirements for GLP validation
  • IQ/OQ/PQ
  • Advantages of being GLP verified
  • In house testing vs. vendor services for GLP validation

To register for the 7am PDT session,  click here.https://aperio.webex.com/aperio/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=486968685

To register for the 4pm PDT session, click here.https://aperio.webex.com/aperio/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=485389991

You may also register by visiting the Aperio Events page.

You will receive a confirmation email upon registration with a web link that will lead you to the online event. Simply visit the link at the assigned time. The session is secure and easy to access. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the Aperio Events Team at events@aperio.comor 760.539.1192


Call for Papers: The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering

May 17~20, 2012     Shanghai, China


The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2012) will be held from May 17th to 20th, 2012 in Shanghai, China. iCBBE 2012 will bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of bioinformatics and biomedical engineering.

iCBBE has been successfully held 5 times, and all the papers accepted have been indexed by Ei compendex in a short time.

All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

Selected outstanding papers (extended) will be recommended to be published in related SCI/Ei journals.


(ISSN:0005-2736 SCI)

Cellular and Molecular Biology (CELL MOL BIOL)

(ISSN:0145-5680 SCI)

Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry (J ENZYM INHIB MED CH)

(ISSN:1475-6366 SCI)        

Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biologyg (PROG BIOPHYS MOL BIO)

(ISSN:0079-6107 SCI)

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology  (APPL BIOCHEM BIOTECH)

(ISSN:0273-2289 SCI)        

Biotechnology Advances (BIOTECHNOL ADV)

(ISSN:0734-9750 SCI)

Archiv der Pharmazie (ARCH PHARM)

(ISSN:0365-6233 SCI)   


(ISSN:0194-911X SCI)                   

Critical Reviews? in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems (CRIT REV THER DRUG)

(ISSN:0743-4863 SCI)   

Reproductive Sciences (REPROD SCI)

(ISSN:1933-7191 SCI)

Invertebrate Reproduction and Development (INVERTEBR REPROD DEV)

(ISSN:0792-4259 SCI)         


Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 

 Protein structure, function and sequence analysis 

 Protein interactions, docking and function 

 Computational proteomics 

 DNA and RNA structure, function and sequence analysis 

 Gene regulation, expression, identification and network 

 Structural, functional and comparative genomics 

 Computational evolutionary biology 

 Data acquisition, normalization, analysis and visualization 

 Algorithms, models, software, and tools in Bioinformatics 

 Any novel approaches to bioinformatics problems 


Biomedical Engineering 

 Biomedical imaging, image processing & visualization 

 Bioelectrical and neural engineering 

 Biomaterials and biomedical optics 

 Methods and biology effects of NMR/CT/ECG technology 

 Biomedical devices, sensors, and artificial organs 

 Biochemical, cellular, molecular and tissue engineering 

 Biomedical robotics and mechanics 

 Rehabilitation engineering and clinical engineering 

 Health monitoring systems and wearable system 

 Bio-signal processing and analysis 

 Biometric and bio-measurement 

 Biomaterial and biomedical optics 

 Other topics related to biomedical engineering 

Special track:

The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2012)


Requirements for paper submission:

Only English papers will be accepted.

All the papers should be formatted according to IEEE template strictly. Please login the website to see further information.


Experts and scholars are welcome to make suggestions on the topics for special sessions by email.

Providing one-day free tour in Shanghai after conference.

Please contact the conference committee if you are interested in sponsoring the conference. All submitted papers from co-sponsored university can get a discount of 10%

Important dates:

Paper submission due: Oct. 17, 2011

Acceptance notification: Before Dec. 16, 2011

Contact us:

Secretary: Ms. HU

TEL: 13264702230

Email: submit@icbbe.org


Why a pathology image should not be considered as a radiology image

Interesting paper on Why a pathology image should not be considered as a radiology image in the Journal of Pathology Informatics

Fernandez A, Compton CC, Hipp JD, Balis UJ. Why a pathology image should not be considered as a radiology image. J Pathol Inform [serial online] 2011 [cited 2011 Jun 20];2:26. Available from: http://www.jpathinformatics.org/text.asp?2011/2/1/26/82051


Often, the emergence of unified and seamless integration of digital images within contemporary radiology workflow models is held as the exemplar by which any possible future states of an all-digital workflow model in pathology should be compared. Indeed, there is strong evidence to suggest that pathology will ultimately transform into what could be properly termed as a 'digital diagnostic modality', but it is important to distinguish between the prior transformative process within radiology, with its own set of operational challenges (elimination of film, modality workflow management, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) harmonization, antitrust, and proprietary file format issues, to name a few), and those challenges that now face pathology, with there being only partial overlap.

Read full article

Check Out SPOT Macro Imaging Solution

Got a look at this product last week - very nice controls and outstanding images in a nutshell. One of the best gross photo stands I have seen in a longtime.

Pathstand24 PathStand 24™ Macro Imaging Station for Enhanced Pathology Grossing is Worth a Look:

The PathStand 24 digital imaging station produces high-quality images to support your diagnoses and provide visual evidence for your pathology reports.

The PathStand 24 is a complete stand-alone imaging station for the pathology grossing laboratory, with foot-pedal controlled integrated digital camera and calibrated zoom lens. Section lines, block labels, measurements and other annotations can be added directly to the image using the touch-screen monitor, and then transferred directly to your LIMS system.

  • Long-lasting high intensity LED lighting provides optimal color temperature for excellent color reproduction
  • Compatible with LIMS systems including Cerner CoPath and ApolloLIMS
  • Built-in polarizers eliminate glare from wet tissue samples to provide impressive detail and clarity
  • Integrated scientific digital camera produces research quality images with low noise
  • Made with stainless steel construction and fasteners to be corrosion and solvent-resistant in the laboratory environment
  • Available barcode scanning of case and sample information reduces the potential for errors and speeds up the data entry process
  • Turn-key imaging station design allows your laboratory to get up and running quickly




    Pathology Resource — IBM Super Computer

    Watson is capable of assessing health data, including medical laboratory test results

    When IBM’s Watson  “supercomputer” squared off against human contestants on theJeopardy game show last February, there certainly were some pathologists andclinical laboratory managers watching this “man versus machine” battle of knowledge. But those pathologists and medical lab managers did not realize that IBM intends for Watson to play a major role in helping physicians diagnose and treat disease. 

    See full story from Dark Daily.


    IBM’s Watson supercomputer defeated Ken Jennings (left) and Brad Rutter (right) to win $1 million for charity. Someday it may be used by physicians, including pathologists, to better treat patients. (Image sourced from The New York Times.) -- Taken from Dark Daily.

    CAP Highlights to CMS Pathologists’ Potential Roles in ACOs

    While Medicare’s proposed accountable care organization (ACO) rule doesn’t impede pathologists from actively contributing to the model’s success, one concern is that it may not enable pathologists to maximize their value within the health care system. The College outlined these and other observations in official comments to CMS on the proposed rule, submitted earlier this week.

    Read full story at CAP STATLINE.


    More CAP STATLINE news:

    Noted Pathologist James Madara, MD, Named AMA CEO

    The AMA has announced that distinguished academic pathologist, James L. Madara, MD, will take over as Executive Vice President and CEO as of July 1. The current EVP and CEO, Michael Maves, MD, will end his tenure on June 30.

    Dr. Madara comes to the AMA from Leavitt Partners, where he was senior advisor at the health care consulting firm started by former Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt. Before joining Leavitt Partners, Dr. Madara was at the University of Chicago from 2002-2009, where he served as the Thompson Distinguished Service Professor and Dean at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, as well as the CEO of the University of Chicago Medical Center. Prior to this post, he was the Timmie Professor and Chair of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

    Read full story.


    Digital Pathology Research Services Offered by i-Path

    i-Path understands that off-the-shelf systems rarely deliver and  now supports researchers with end to end project management. Working closely with the customer to understand requirements and delivering results in an efficient and cost effective way.

     1.    Web based software for slide management, sharing and viewing Upload clinical, pathological and research data to a single web-based portal for the management of digital pathology projects

     “This repository (the Northern Ireland Virtual Tissue Archive) of tumour samples is essential for the development of new targeted therapies in cancer and will support the local, national and international development of Stratified Medicine” Dr Jackie James, Northern Ireland Biobank Scientific Lead.

     2.    Image analysis as a service

    Complete image analysis services for whole slide samples and TMA slides 

     “Working with i-Path we have found an additional service to offer our clients which few other CROs are offering” Dr Karl Mulligan, Head of Operations, Almac Diagnostics.

     3.    Tissue Microarray Software and Management

     Web based remote management and manual scoring of TMA studies

    i-Path’s TMA Toolbox revolutionised how we scored TMA slides for this project. The software is sophisticated in its set up and easy to use, revolutionising TMA workflow and biomarker discovery” Dr Dean Fennell, Clinician Scientist.

    Learn more at http://www.i-path.co.uk


    ACOs and Medical Homes: Preparing Your Lab for Dramatic Changes in How Physicians Use Clinical Laboratories

    Positioning your lab to provide critical value-added
    services in the new healthcare environment


    Brian R. JacksonJemes M. Crawford MD, PhDjustin clark


    Brian R. Jackson, MD, MS, is the medical director of Medical Informatics at ARUP Laboratories

    James M. Crawford, MD, PhD, Senior Vice President for Laboratory Services, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System

    Justin M. Clark (Moderator), Director of Operations, THE DARK REPORT

    LIVE Event June 23 – Register NOW!

    Less than seven months from today, the federal Medicare program begins contracting with Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), leaving clinical laboratories and pathology groups with precious little time to craft an intelligent strategy for serving this new model of integrated patient care.

    But ACOs are not the only new challenge ahead for the lab testing industry. Medical Homes are another equally credible way to deliver integrated patient care. In recent years, this model has caught fire with both providers and payers as early Medical Home efforts delivered surprisingly impressive improvements in patient outcomes.

    Clinical lab managers and pathologists should recognize that ACOs and Medical Homes represent the most radical attempt to reform healthcare since the “closed panel, gatekeeper”-model HMOs of the 1990s. Everyone in the lab industry remembers how that experiment turned out: Local labs lost access to large numbers of patients in their communities. National labs rushed to offer HMOs loss-leader pricing and found themselves in deep financial trouble-not to mention the fact that such deeply-discounted prices for lab testing have remained at this dismal level ever since.

    No one in the lab industry wants the ACO/Medical Home trend to undermine the clinical integrity and financial solvency of the nation’s laboratory testing organizations. That’s why it’s imperative your laboratory prepare for the era of ACOs and Medical Homes, which begins only 35 short weeks from today.

    Get the insight and analysis you need to understand the ACO and Medical Home patient-care model when you join The Dark Report and DarkDaily.com for this timely audio conference “ACOs and Medical Homes: Preparing Your Lab for Dramatic Changes in How Physicians Use Clinical Laboratories” on Thursday, June 23, 2011.

    In a fast-moving, information-packed 90 minutes, you’ll learn from two keen observers of the ACO and Medical Home patient-care models. First up is Brian Jackson, MD, MS, Medical Director of Laboratory Informatics at ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City.

    Dr. Jackson is working with many of the nation’s most prominent hospitals and health systems as they assemble their Accountable Care Organizations and make decisions about how these nascent ACOs will use laboratory testing services as well as their need to access laboratory test data. You’ll get an insider’s perspective on how these ACOs will deliver integrated patient care.

    To tackle the subject of Medical Homes, you’ll hear from James Crawford, MD, PhD, Senior Vice President for Laboratory Services at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System (NS-LIJ), one of the nation’s largest urban health systems. He chairs the NS-LIJ working team that’s developing the health system’s Medical Home program.

    Dr. Crawford will provide a nuanced understanding of the Medical-Home-integrated patient-care model, along with several robust strategies that your laboratory organization can use to become a valued lab-testing provider to the Medical Homes in your community.

    This is essential information about ACOs and Medical Homes that your clinical lab or pathology group needs so it can fully understand the operation of these radical new care models, plus the challenges they will present to your laboratory organization.

    Both ACOs and Medical Homes have the potential to dramatically change the way medical care is provided. In this new world, for example, healthcare payments will be based on the value provided to patients rather than on a fee for service. While fee-for-service won’t go away, providers will be able to earn a lot more by keeping their patients healthy.

    This audio conference is a terrific opportunity for you and your management team to come up to speed on the challenges and opportunities that ACOs and Medical Homes will create. It’s your best chance to find out how your lab can add substantial value to the performance of both Accountable Care Organizations and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) so be sure to register today.

    And don’t forget: You can have everyone on your lab team participate with you. For just one registration, you can all listen, learn, and get personalized answers to questions about your lab’s unique needs. Register today to guarantee your participation.


     Thursday, June 23, 2011

    TIME: 1 p.m. EDT; 12 p.m. CDT; 11 a.m. MDT; 10 a.m. PDT

    PLACE: Your telephone or speakerphone

    COST: $195 per dial-in site (unlimited attendance per site) through  6/10/11; $245 thereafter

    TO REGISTER NOW: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

    For one low price-just $195 (through 6/10/11; $245 thereafter) you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful audio conference. Best of all, you’ll be able to connect personally with our speakers when we open up the phone lines for live Q&A.

    Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 90-minute audio conference:

    • How ACOs will bring hospitals and office-based physicians into a single patient care continuum.
    • The many ways your lab can compete based on clinical value rather than on traditional metrics (price-per-test, turnaround time, etc.).
    • Key principles and operating requirements of a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH).
    • How a PCMH model compares with an ACO model-and why that’s important for your lab.
    • The appropriate clinical and financial strategies that your lab and pathology group can use with ACOs and Medical Homes.
    • The different approaches that ACOs and Medical Homes are expected to use for contracting with and reimbursing clinical labs and pathology groups.

    …and much more!

    How to Register Now:

    1. Online
    2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

    Your audio conference registration includes:

    • A site license to attend the conference (invite as many people as you can fit around your speakerphone at no extra charge)
    • A downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speaker
    • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference
    • The opportunity to connect directly with the speaker during the audience Q&A session

    Register Now!  Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363

    Distinguished Faculty:

    Brian R. Jackson, MD, MS is the Medical Director of Medical Informatics at ARUP Laboratories. He directs the informatics department, including the e-business and medical content teams. He received his BA in mathematics, his MS in medical informatics, and his MD from the University of Utah. He also completed a clinical pathology residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Prior to his employment at ARUP, Dr. Jackson was a staff clinical pathologist and informaticist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, a product manager for a Belgium-based medical software firm, and a National Library of Medicine informatics fellow at the University of Utah. His research interests include economic analysis of diagnostic testing and physician utilization of laboratory tests. He is certified in clinical pathology by the American Board of Pathology.

    James M Crawford, MD, PhD is Professor and Chair at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, and Senior Vice President for Laboratory Services, North Shore-LIJ Health System in Manhasset, NY. He serves on the North Shore LIJ Physician and Ambulatory Network Services (PAANS) Executive Committee, and is a member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System Interim Steering Committee for formation of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO). At the national level, Dr. Crawford is involved in advocating for the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH), serving as a co-chair of the Center for eHealth for the Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative. He is past-president of the Association of Pathology Chairs, and is a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) board of directors. Dr. Crawford’s specific area of practice expertise is hepatic and gastrointestinal pathology, and he is a former editor-in-chief of Laboratory Investigation, an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. He is author of more than 200 papers and chapters and senior editor of three books.

    ACCENT® Continuing Education Credit
    The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) designates this program for a maximum of 1.5 ACCENT® credit hours towards the AACC Clinical Chemist’s Recognition Award. AACC is an approved provider of continuing education for clinical laboratory scientists in the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.


    Caliper to Present Key Findings on Applications of Multispectral Imaging and Pattern Recognition Technology at ASCO 2011 Annual Meeting

    Results Demonstrate Feasibility of Automated, Digital Workflow to Assist Visual Analysis of Tumor Samples Susceptible to Human Error

    HOPKINTON, Mass., June 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Caliper Life Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALP), a leading provider of tools and services for drug discovery and life sciences research, today announced the presentation of key findings that validate an automated, digital pathology workflow for faster and more accurate characterization and analysis of tumor samples, during the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2011 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.

    Results demonstrate proof-of-concept for the application of Caliper's Vectra® multispectral imaging system and the inForm™ pattern recognition-based image analysis software to help automate challenging visual assessments in pathology. In the study, these technologies were utilized to count and determine the density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in ovarian cancer. The results generated by the digital pathology system were compared with those achieved through manual analysis, revealing that the semi-automated workflow showed a TIL score that correlated strongly with manual assessments, demonstrating that TIL assessments can be made practical for routine use. While this study was conducted using ovarian tumor samples, the automated workflow has applications in other cancer types, including melanoma and pancreatic.

    "TIL counting has been shown to be prognostic and predictive of therapeutic response; however, it is not used today because it is too difficult to do visually or manually," said Kevin Hrusovsky, President and CEO of Caliper. "This approach has immediate applications for cancer research and clinical trial design. Ultimately, this technology may be integrated into the clinical workflow by helping pathologists accurately and efficiently identify and measure specific biomarkers, which can be used to determine personalized treatment regimens for patients."

    While researchers can utilize this workflow to study the tumor microenvironment and/or stratify patients in clinical trials, results also demonstrate that Caliper's multispectral imaging and pattern recognition technology can also provide pathologists with an enabling tool that augments their ability to evaluate tumors and nodal status beyond the standard, manual staging techniques.

    Caliper, Vectra, and inForm are trademarks of Caliper Life Sciences, Inc.

    About Caliper Life Sciences

    Caliper is a premier provider of cutting-edge technologies enabling researchers in the life sciences industry to create life-saving and enhancing medicines and diagnostic tests more quickly and efficiently.  Caliper is aggressively innovating new technology to bridge the gap between in vitro assays and in vivo results, enabling the translation of those results into cures for human disease.  Caliper's portfolio of offerings includes state-of-the-art microfluidics, lab automation and liquid handling, optical imaging technologies, and discovery and development outsourcing solutions. For more information please visithttp://www.caliperLS.com.


    SOURCE Caliper Life Sciences, Inc.


    Webinar from Aperio: GLP Compliance in Digital Pathology

    Thursday, June 30, 2011

    2 Sessions to choose from: 

    7:00 am Pacific Time, 10:00 am Eastern Time 
    (3:00 pm London GMT / 9:00 am Mexico City Standard Time) 

    4:00 pm Pacific Time, 7:00 pm Eastern Time
    (8:00 am Japan Time / 9:00 am Australia EST July 1)  

    Curtis Adams, Ph.D., Sr. Life Sciences Product Manager, Aperio 

    In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, we will present an overview of how digital pathology can help meet GLP regulations. 

    Topics include:

    • Research areas requiring GLP compliance
    • Requirements for GLP validation
    • IQ/OQ/PQ
    • Advantages of being GLP verified
    • In house testing vs. vendor services for GLP validation

    To register for the 7am PDT session, click here.https://aperio.webex.com/aperio/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=486968685

    To register for the 4pm PDT session, click here.https://aperio.webex.com/aperio/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=485389991

    You may also register by visiting the Aperio Events page.

    You will receive a confirmation email upon registration with a web link that will lead you to the online event. Simply visit the link at the assigned time. The session is secure and easy to access. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the Aperio Events Team at events@aperio.com or 760.539.1192.

    Save the Date – Pathology Informatics 2011, October 4-7, Pittsburgh, PA

    Schedule forthcoming.  Visit http://www.pathinformatics.pitt.edu/content/overview.

    Pathology Informatics 2011 (PI-2011) is the product of more than 40 cumulative years of experience in providing continuing medical education in the area of pathology informatics. Its predecessor conferences were: (1) AIMCL, held in Ann Arbor from 1983 to 2003; (2) APIII held in Pittsburgh from 1996 to 2009; and (3) Lab InfoTech Summit from 2004 to 2009. A decision was made in 2010 to merge these events into a single mega-event, bringing together their directors and staffs under the sponsorship of the Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, and the Association for Pathology Informatics, API.  This first merged conference, Pathology Informatics 2010 was held in Boston, Massachusetts in September 2010. 

    Pathology Informatics, a subdiscipline of pathology and clinical laboratory medicine, is growing rapidly. In recognition of this fact, we offer registrants to PI-2011 three workshops on the first day of and three tracks on the subsequent two and one-half days. The three tracks are the following: (1) Clinical Information Management; (2) System Support and Connectivity; and (3) Digital Pathology. These three tracks are punctuated by plenary lectures to the whole group by noted pathologists and scientists. The first of these tracks closely approximates the previous Lab InfoTech Summit held in Las Vegas and the latter two track closely to previous APIII offerings.

    We view the role of the exhibitors at PI-2011 as essential to the learning mission because they serve as partners in the deployment of new information management systems. Because the training of pathology residents and fellows in pathology informatics is essential to our mission, we have also taken special efforts to award travel grants to them in programs across the country and encourage pathology program directors to view the PI-2011 experience as an “away rotation” for such trainees. Special discounts on the registration fees are offered to them as well as to API and HIMA members.

    Who Should Attend?

    Pathology Informatics 2011 is an annual educational conference designed for world-wide collaboration, technology and learning together to come together in one meeting place.

    PI2011 offers direct interaction with physicians, researchers, residents and graduate students, Industry-related developers, engineers, imaging informatics professionals, vendor representatives and many others interested in how informatics and imaging are transforming pathology, oncology and radiology. Prior knowledge of informatics is not required and courses are offered for individuals new to this field.

    Conference Highlights

    • Three pre-conference workshops and three tracks to choose from over the course of the four conference days.

    • An eminent faculty consisting of most of the national experts in the field of pathology informatics in the country and from abroad.

    • Dawn-to-dusk programming over the course of four days including a gala welcoming reception on the first night of the conference and formal lecture-demonstrations by a selection of exhibitors.

    • Elegant conference space and room accommodations at the Pittsburgh Wyndham Grand, one of the finest hotels in the center of downtown Pittsburgh.

    Overall Conference Objectives

    • Present practical and emerging solutions for automated information and image management in pathology and the clinical laboratories.

    • Describe how workflow in the clinical laboratories and pathology can be supported and enhanced by new software and hardware solutions.

    • Understand the various software and hardware products available in the clinical laboratory and pathology market by interacting with a large number of exhibitors.

    • Present new research in pathology informatics on the basis of submitted competitive scientific abstracts.

    • Provide a forum for basic pathology informatics instruction for house officers and fellows in pathology training programs.

    Cleveland Clinic Recruiting Pathology Chair in Abu Dhabi

    Courtesy of http://www.pathboard.com.  Did a double take initially but the Cleveland Clinic is recruiting for a pathology chair for their up and coming 364-bed hospital in the Middle East.  I gather other positions will follow Abu Dhabi works for you.
    Job Details: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department Chair, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
    This is a once-in-a-lifetime professional opportunity to make your mark on the world stage as Chair of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Reporting directly to the Chief Medical Officer, you will join a world-class medical and administrative team as it establishes the premier tertiary care hospital and clinic in the Middle East. Along with collaborative support from Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, you will plan and develop the systems, procedures and culture of the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine department and lead this new department when the facility opens its doors in late 2012.
    About Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Currently under construction, this 364-bed hospital and clinic will be a physician-led medical facility, served by Western-trained, North American board-certified (or equivalent) physicians. The first facility in the Middle East to operate the Cleveland Clinic staff model, it will serve local and international patients in an environment that combines excellent amenities with advanced technologies in surgery, imaging, telemedicine and electronic medical records. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is a subsidiary of Mubadala Healthcare, a business unit of Mubadala Development Company. Mubadala Healthcare is actively investing to stimulate Abu Dhabi’s healthcare sector and partnering with international expertise to develop world-class facilities for the region.
    About Abu Dhabi. The capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi is one of the most rapidly evolving and dynamic cities in the world. Under a new generation of visionary leaders, it has grown to a metropolis of one and a half million people and a hub of business, culture and tourism. The lifestyle and culture this international city offers are truly amazing.
    • Minimum of 10 years post graduate clinical experience, with current active national medical license
    • Board Certification in Pathology, with training in both Anatomic and Clinical Pathology
    • Experience establishing and maintaining laboratory accreditation
    • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage a team of physicians and allied health professionals associated with all lab functions
    • Ability to oversee the Anatomic and Clinical Pathology laboratory functions within the clinic and hospital, which are centered around acute care
    • Additional degrees, such as MBA, MHA, MMM or MPH desirable
    For consideration, please send your inquiries, curriculum vitae and / or recommendations to Japreet Kaur at chairsearch@ccaduae.ae   
    (Consideration of candidates will occur in 2010 and the position is to be filled in 2011). 

    Are you interested in presenting at the 2011 Pathology Visions Conference?

    If so, click here to submit Individual Oral or Individual Poster abstracts. 

    Sessions within the clinical, education and research tracks will consist of a series of 25 minute talks, immediately followed by questions. Researchers interested in presenting as part of these sessions should submit a 200 - 250 word abstract through the DPA website.

    Submission Deadline: June 15, 2011


    The annual meeting of the Digital Pathology Association (DPA) will be held October 30 - November 2, 2011 in beautiful San Diego.

    Pathology Visions brings together attendees from around the world to share best practices and learn about innovations in digital pathology. Pathology Visions features leaders and early adopters of digital pathology as well as stimulating presentations on major topics. Enrich your conference experience through hands on workshops, scientific poster sessions, digital pathology demonstrations and networking events.

    If you are involved or interested in the exciting world of digital pathology, Pathology Visions is the conference for you. Click here for more information.


    GE’s First Global “Pathology Innovation Centre of Excellence” Opens in Toronto

    New MaRS Global Centre Builds on GE's $6 Billion healthymagination Commitment to Improve Access, Quality and Cost and GE's MOU with Ontario Government

    TORONTO-MAY 31, 2011- Today, GE opened its first global "Pathology Innovation Centre of Excellence" (PICOE), located at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto.  In this new research and development centre, GE will collaborate with its digital pathology joint venture, Omnyx™, along with funding partner, HTX (Health Technology Exchange) and numerous clinical partners to create best practices and technologies to address current pathology challenges.

    This new centre has the potential to revolutionize pathology through digital innovation.  Developing products and processes to increase patient access to skilled pathologists and to empower pathologists with tools for more efficient, consistent and accurate examination will be part of the Centre's focus.  By tackling issues of cost, quality and access of pathology services, the Centre is a core component of GE's healthymagination business strategy.  PICOE builds on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) GE signed with the Ontario government in September 2009 to partner and invest long-term within the province.

    GE was attracted to Canada because of the expertise and leadership in digital pathology adoption in centres like Toronto, as well as the innovative and collaborative culture. MaRS, a leading innovation centre, serves as an ideal hub for PICOE given its close proximity to hospitals, highly skilled pathologists, clinical partners and academia.

    The new 2,150-square foot centre includes a digital lab where GE will conduct training, research and development on Omnyx™ IDP (Integrated Digital Pathology) platform with clinical collaborators.  The lab will house Omnyx's Pathologist and Histology Workstations, as well as showcase Omnyx's VL series of high-resolution scanners which will digitize glass slides.



    "PICOE's opening is one way GE is investing and innovating with collaborators to find new ways to address costs, quality and access barriers to health for individuals and entire healthcare systems," said Peter Robertson, Vice President & General Manager of GE Healthcare Canada. "PICOE will create 15 new highly skilled jobs over the next three years and give pathologists and clinical partners the resources to accelerate research and development and testing for new digital pathology solutions. "

    "PICOE is an integral component of our strategy to ensure customers get the full value of their adoption of Digital Pathology." said Gene Cartwright, CEO of Omnyx. "We are excited to be part of the vibrant community surrounding the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto."

    "We are absolutely delighted to welcome GE Healthcare to the MaRS Centre.  GE is a global innovation leader, and their arrival at MaRS affirms their commitment to Ontario and to furthering collaboration with the outstanding science, tech and social innovators in our ecosystem.  This decision is timely, as a number of health innovation initiatives in the MaRS community are showing exceptional promise, offering unique opportunities for collaboration and partnership," said Dr. Ilse Treurnicht, CEO of MaRS Discovery District.

    "The opening of PICOE and hiring of staff are exciting initial milestones, and we look forward to watching the Centre develop quickly" said John Soloninka, President and CEO of HTX - the Health Technology Exchange.  "We have already received enquiries about how companies can collaborate with PICOE, and how other Multinational Enterprises can take advantage of the innovation ecosystem that GE has seen in Ontario.   This is a very positive step for Ontario medtech commercialization, and one HTX is very pleased to support."  

    "The opening of this Centre of Excellence is great news for Ontario; digital pathology will help reduce costs and give Ontarians faster and more accurate diagnoses, regardless of their location, " said Glen Murray, Minister of Research and Innovation. "PICOE will also help position Ontario as one of the world's top imaging clusters, attracting new companies and creating high-paying jobs."

    QUICK FACTS- Challenges Facing PathologyToday  

    • There is a shortage of pathologists in Canada. Today, there is a need for an additional 370 pathologists. By 2020, the country will need an additional 820 pathologists.
    • An aging and growing population has been linked to a rising incidence of cancer increasing the need for timely access to pathology. 



    About GE

    GE is Imagination at Work - a diversified technology, media and financial services company focused on solving some of the world's toughest problems. With products and services ranging from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing and security technology to medical imaging, business and consumer financing, media content and advanced materials, GE serves customers in more than 100 countries and employs more than 300,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit the company's Web site at http://www.ge.com.

    About GE Healthcare

    GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Our broad expertise in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies, performance improvement and performance solutions services help our customers to deliver better care to more people around the world at a lower cost. In addition, we partner with healthcare leaders, striving to leverage the global policy change necessary to implement a successful shift to sustainable healthcare systems. Headquartered in the United Kingdom, GE Healthcare is a unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE). Worldwide, GE Healthcare employees are committed to serving healthcare professionals and their patients in more than 100 countries. For more information about GE Healthcare, visit http://www.gehealthcare.com


    About healthymagination

    Healthymagination is GE's $6 billion commitment that was launched in May 2009. Our "healthymagination" vision for the future invites the world to join us on our journey as we continuously develop innovations focused on reducing costs, increasing access and improving quality and efficiency around the world. For more information, visit: http://www.healthymagination.com


    About Omnyx

    Omnyx, LLC is a joint venture of GE Healthcare and The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center with locations in Pittsburgh, PA and Piscataway, NJ. The company is developing an enterprise platform to transform the scope of pathology to an all-digital workflow. Omnyx will sell its digital pathology platform to clinical labs and offer an enterprise software platform for image management, workflow automation, image analysis algorithms and system integration along with its high speed whole-slide scanners. Close collaboration with pathologists at UPMC and other institutions along with their relationship with GE Healthcare allows Omnyx to focus its innovation on the needs of anatomic pathologists worldwide. Omnyx digital pathology products are currently in development and have not yet been cleared by the US FDA or licensed by Health Canada. 


    About HTX

    From Invention through to Innovation to International Invoice, HTX supports emerging and established Ontario-based companies to develop, produce and commercialize innovative market-leading advanced health technologies. HTX is funded by theGovernment of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation. For more information about the Health Technology Commercialization Program, please visit http://www.htx.ca. HTX is a member of the Ontario Network of Excellence http://www.oneinnovation.ca.