The Heart Specialist – Claire Holden Rothman – Video

The Heart Specialist - Claire Holden Rothman The Heart Specialist - Claire Holden Rothman Set in Quebec at the turn of the 19th to 20th century, The Heart Specialist is the epic story of Agnes White, a lonely orphaned girl fascinated by the "wrong" thingsmicroscopes, dissections, and anatomy instead of more ladylike interestswho rises to the status of one of the world #39;s most celebrated pioneering women doctors. Not only does she break through patriarchal academic barriers; she masters the science of the human heart, becoming a scholar of international fame, all in a place and time inimical to intelligent women.When Agnes is small, her father, a French-Canadian doctor living in Montreal, is charged with the murder of his handicapped sister. Although he is eventually acquitted, his reputation is ruined, and he flees, abandoning Agnes and her pregnant mother. Less than a year later, her mother dies of consumption, leaving Agnes and her baby sister Laure on their own. Agnes #39;s sparse memories of her father have an abiding impact on her, and she is determined to find him, as well as to follow in his footsteps as a doctor, even though medical schools in Canada are closed to women at the time. She eventually gets her degree and finds a niche for herself as the curator of the McGill University pathology museum. But even as her professional star rises, her life is solitary and her happiness remains incomplete because of her missing father. One of the only clues in her quest to find him is a strange, misshapen heart ...From:albertmclellan985Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:13More inPeople Blogs

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The Heart Specialist - Claire Holden Rothman - Video

Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots Of Classical Civilization – Video

Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots Of Classical Civilization Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots Of Classical Civilization Female drug addicts are often stereotyped either as promiscuous, lazy, and selfish, or as weak, scared, and trapped into addiction. These depictions typify the â?pathology and powerlessnessâ #65533; narrative that has historically characterized popular and academic conversations about female substance abusers. Neither Villain Nor Victim attempts to correct these polarizing perspectives by presenting a critical feminist analysis of the drug world. By shifting the discussion to one centered on womenâ?s agency and empowerment, this book reveals the complex experiences and social relationships of women addicts.Essays explore a range of topics, including the many ways that women negotiate the illicit drug world, how former drug addicts manage the more intimate aspects of their lives as they try to achieve abstinence, how women tend to use intervention resources more positively than their male counterparts, and how society can improve its response to female substance abusers by moving away from social controls (such as the criminalization of prostitution) and rehabilitative programs that have been shown to fail women in the long term. Advancing important new perspectives about the position of women in the drug world, this book is essential reading in courses on women and crime, feminist theory, and criminal justice. Publisher: Rutgers University Press Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Black Athena: The ...From:blancacole15Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:10More inPeople Blogs

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Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots Of Classical Civilization - Video

Dr. Richard Allcock discusses the Ion PGM and his first Ion Proton Sequencer data – Video

Dr. Richard Allcock discusses the Ion PGM and his first Ion Proton Sequencer data
Dr. Richard Allcock, Associate Professor at the School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Western Australia, discusses his experience with the Ion PGM and Ion Proton sequencers at ASHG, including data from his initial Ion Proton sequencer runs.From:iontorrentViews:34 3ratingsTime:16:04More inScience Technology

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Dr. Richard Allcock discusses the Ion PGM and his first Ion Proton Sequencer data - Video

ASERT: Building Diversity and Excellence in the BioMedical Workforce – Video

ASERT: Building Diversity and Excellence in the BioMedical Workforce
The Academic Science Education and Research Training (ASERT) program for postdoctoral fellows combines intensive mentored research with a certificate program in education pedagogy and teaching practice. "We created ASERT to address significant gaps in biomedical science education in preparing postdocs to be educators and assume positions as faculty at academic institutions," explains Angela Wandinger-Ness, PhD, Associate Professor in Pathology, who is the Principal Investigator and Research Director of the program. Fellows are supported for three years through an NIH Institutional Research and Career Development Award (IRACDA), with 75% time dedicated to research and 25% to teaching. Dedicated mentors in the fields of biology, bioengineering, and biomedical sciences guide fellows through development of research goals and help with publications and grant proposals. The program is one of 18 IRACDA sites nationally. Trainees receive additional funding to attend workshops and national conferences, as well as additional networking opportunities as participants of this prestigious program. They also obtain hands-on teaching experience with mentors at partner minority-serving institutions in New Mexico (CNM, New Mexico State University, and Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute). "ASERT is really about exchange and mutual benefit to all participants," says Sherry Rogers, PhD, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, who is the Education Director of the program. Fellows are ...From:unmhscViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:34More inScience Technology

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ASERT: Building Diversity and Excellence in the BioMedical Workforce - Video

The Future of Digital Pathology: Is it Here For You? – Video

The Future of Digital Pathology: Is it Here For You?
The 2012 Professor CFA Culling Memorial Lecture features Dr. Ian Scott Cornell of the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, BC Canada. Dr. Cornell disusses the current state and future of digital imaging in pathology based on the Canadian experience.From:TheHistoTubeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:09:50More inScience Technology

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The Future of Digital Pathology: Is it Here For You? - Video

Ear Pain – Get instant relief much quicker than pills, antibiotics, this salt thing is a miracle. – Video

Ear Pain - Get instant relief much quicker than pills, antibiotics, this salt thing is a miracle.
EAR PAIN - Home remedy acts much quicker than pills or antibiotics - this salt thing is a miracle. - Last night my girl child was crying with ear pain. After observing her for half an hour I decided to take her to a hospital but again decided to test this home remedy on her as told by my grandmother. I found this as a home remedy last night (easier) and worked wonders! cook 4 to 5 spoons of salt until brown, put in cloth and hold to ear (blocking out air with salt in towel over ear opening). Careful! Salt is very hot! Put it to the ear opening for a minute (allowing #39;vapors or whatever was helping #39; to permeate into the ear). Repeat this 10 to 15 times. My child went back to sleep and pain free for the whole night she went to school the next day without complaining about her ear. This salt thing is a miracle! Nothing in the ear means no harm and nothing but relief. Try it! Test yourself if you have any ear pain. Much quicker than pills. I will take note how long it stays away! So far it #39;s worked a miracle!! BUT REMEMBER IF IT DOESN #39;T WORK CONSULT A DOCTOR BECAUSE FOREIGN BODY MAY ENTER THE EAR WHICH WILL NEED URGENT MEDICAL TREATMENT. Earache (or ear-pain ) is one of the most disturbing of human experiences .Mostly it is due to problem in the ear itself and diagnosis is simple after accurate history and thorough examination of ear, nose and throat. Sometimes earache may be referred from pathology of remote areas (known as referred earache). Nerves supplying sensation to ...From:Mamu BorahViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:50More inEducation

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Ear Pain - Get instant relief much quicker than pills, antibiotics, this salt thing is a miracle. - Video

Spinal Imaging – Video

Spinal Imaging Spinal Imaging - Congenital: Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Spine- Pediatric Spine: Pediatric Spinal Imaging- Biomechanics: Biomechanics of the Spine- Scoliosis- Degenerative Disease: Evidence-Based Medicine in Low Back Pain- Degenerative Disc Disease- Pathology of the Posterior Elements- Spinal Stenosis- Spinal Instability- Osteoporosis - Insufficiency Fractures- Trauma: Whiplash Injuries- Cervical Spinal Fractures and Dislocations- Thoracolumbar Trauma- Surgery in Degenerative Disease and Trauma of the Spine: Surgical Procedures: Discectomy and Herniectomy- Imaging of the Spine after Surgery for Degenerative Disease- Surg. Procedures: Cages, Prosthesis and Instrumentation- Imaging in Cages, Prostheses and Instrumentation- Spinal Tumors- Metastatic Disease of the Spine- Imaging of Primary Osseous Tumors of the Spine- Bone Marrow: Spinal Bone Marrow Disorders- Infection and Inflammation: Spinal Infections- Spondylarthropathies- Sacrum: Imaging of the Sacrum. EAN/ISBN : 9783540684831 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Bildgebende Verfahren (Medizin), Wirbelsule Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Goethem, Johan WM - Hauwe, Luc - Parizel, Paul M. - Congenital: Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Spine- Pediatric Spine: Pediatric Spinal Imaging- Biomechanics: Biomechanics of the Spine- Scoliosis- Degenerative Disease: Evidence-BasedFrom:dorethalopez5478Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inPeople Blogs

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Spinal Imaging - Video

ProPath® Celebrates the Season at the 25th Annual Children’s Medical Center Holiday Parade

ProPath, a pathology practice providing diagnostic services to clinicians and medical facilities nationwide, today announced that it will once again be a sponsor of the Childrens Medical Center Holiday Parade.

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) November 16, 2012

The Childrens Medical Center Holiday Parade is the largest one-day event in Dallas with more than 350,000 attendees. This nationally televised event is a holiday tradition for families throughout North Texas and across the country, thanks to the television syndication that reaches more than 99 million households.

ProPath is a featured balloon sponsor for this years parade for the third consecutive year. ProPath physicians and staff participate in the parade as giant inflatable balloon handlers. Employees become the tether and manipulators of the balloon while proudly displaying the ProPath logo as part of their uniform.

We are proud to be a sponsor of Childrens Medical Center and the life changing work they do in our community, said Cory A. Roberts, M.D., President and Medical Director of ProPath. A great time is had by our physicians and staff alike each year while marching a balloon through the streets of Dallas. We hope to be a part of this joyous event for years to come.

The Parade beneficiary is a department of Child Life experts who provide age-appropriate therapies to help children cope with their hospital stay through diagnosis-specific education, therapeutic and bedside activities, and medical play. Specialists work extensively with parents and family members to provide support as well as prepare patients for surgical procedures. Services like Child Life are not covered by insurance and are funded by philanthropy.

About Children's Medical Center

The private, not-for-profit Children's Medical Center is the fifth-largest pediatric healthcare provider in the country, with 559 licensed beds, two full-service campuses and 10 outpatient sites. Children's was the state's first pediatric hospital to achieve Level 1 Trauma status and is the only pediatric teaching facility in North Texas, affiliated with UT Southwestern Medical Center. For more information, please visit

About ProPath

ProPath is the premier team of pathologists providing outpatient anatomic and full-service, hospital based pathology services to physicians, surgery centers, hospitals and reference laboratories nationwide. With headquarters in Dallas, Texas, our practice and internationally recognized immunohistochemistry laboratory have some of the most competitive turnaround times for routine specimens. ProPath is a wholly physician-owned pathology group that remains devoted to comprehensive, quality diagnostic services for unsurpassed patient care. We have been providing reliable and convenient pathology services since 1966. ProPath is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), and the Department of Human Services in Accordance with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA). We follow comprehensive quality control and quality improvement programs. Our team of nearly 40 board certified pathologist has subspecialty training and expertise in dermatopathology, renal pathology, hematopathology, gastrointestinal pathology, urologic pathology, immunohistochemistry, cytopathology, surgical pathology, breast pathology and molecular diagnostics. For more information about ProPath, please visit

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ProPath® Celebrates the Season at the 25th Annual Children's Medical Center Holiday Parade

Color Atlas Of Clinical Oral Pathology – , Douglas D. Damm – Video

Color Atlas Of Clinical Oral Pathology - , Douglas D. Damm Color Atlas Of Clinical Oral Pathology - , Douglas D. Damm Color Atlas of Clinical Oral Pathology presents a wide variety of diseases, that may affect the oral cavity and perioral region. Although more emphasis is given to the commonly occurring disorder, the atlas is comprehensive in scope. It includes developAuthor: Neville, Brad W. Author: Damm, Douglas D. Publisher: People #39;s Medical Publishing House - USA Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Color Atlas of Clinical Oral Pathology Pages: 00425 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2001-11-28 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781550091960 Category: Medical : Dentistry - Periodontics Color Atlas of Clinical Oral Pathology presents a wide variety of diseases, that may affect the oral cavity and perioral region. Although more emphasis is given to the commonly occurring disorder, th brad w. neville, douglas d. damm, medical, dentistry, periodonticsFrom:aidaclark7845Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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Color Atlas Of Clinical Oral Pathology - , Douglas D. Damm - Video

How to Pronounce Medicine – Video

How to Pronounce Medicine
Learn how to say Medicine correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of medicine (oxford dictionary): noun [mass noun] 1the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in technical use often taken to exclude surgery): he made distinguished contributions to pathology and medicine the remarkable achievements of modern medicine 2a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease: give her some medicine [count noun]: your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines 3(among North American Indians and some other peoples) a spell, charm, or fetish believed to have healing, protective, or other power: Fleur was murdering him by use of bad medicine Phrases give someone a dose (or taste) of their own medicine give someone the same bad treatment that they have given to others: tired of his humiliation of me, I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine take one #39;s medicine submit to punishment as being deserved: cattle thieves would confess their guilt and proudly take their medicine Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin medicina, from medicus #39;physician #39; Spelling help Spell medicine with an i after the d. Spelling tip a medic works in medicine. http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inHowto Style

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How to Pronounce Medicine - Video

Orthopedic Assessment of the Upper Body DVD by Real Bodywork – Video

Orthopedic Assessment of the Upper Body DVD by Real Bodywork
A short clip from the above titled tutorial DVD. In the full DVD you will learn classic assessment techniques for the neck, shoulder and elbow. Lavishly produced and filled with beautiful 3-D animations that show exactly which structures are involved. Alan Edmundson PT, will walk you through a logical progression of testing that will reveal the underlying pathology with crystal clarity. Each section is divided into Subjective Assessment, Observation, Tests, Special Tests and Palpation. This includes tests such as passive range-of-motion, active range-of-motion, strength tests, nerve conduction tests, neck facet joint assessment, impingement tests for the rotator cuff, ligament tests and more. 109 total! You will also learn which questions to ask, and exactly what the answers indicate. Each assessment is clearly demonstrated and explained, so you can quickly apply the techniques to your practice.From:WillenLimitedViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:26More inEducation

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Orthopedic Assessment of the Upper Body DVD by Real Bodywork - Video

Orthopedic Assessment of the Lower Body DVD by Real Bodywork – Video

Orthopedic Assessment of the Lower Body DVD by Real Bodywork
A short clip from the above titled tutorial DVD. Learn classic assessment techniques for the ankle, knee, hip and spine. Lavishly produced and filled with beautiful 3-D animations that show exactly which structures are involved. Alan Edmundson, PT will walk you through a logical progression of testing that will reveal the underlying pathology with crystal clarity. Each section is divided into Subjective Assessment, Observation, Tests, Special Tests and Palpation. This includes tests such as passive range-of-motion, active range-of-motion, strength tests, nerve conduction tests, spinal facet joint assessment, knee meniscus assessment, ligament tests and more. 140 total! You will also learn what questions to ask, and exactly what the answers indicate. Each assessment is clearly demonstrated and explained, so you can quickly apply the techniques to your practice!From:WillenLimitedViews:282 0ratingsTime:04:04More inEducation

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Orthopedic Assessment of the Lower Body DVD by Real Bodywork - Video

An Illustrated Pocketbook Of Parkinson’s Disease And Related Disorders – G. David – Video

An Illustrated Pocketbook Of Parkinson #39;s Disease And Related Disorders - G. David An Illustrated Pocketbook Of Parkinson #39;s Disease And Related Disorders - G. David An authoritative introduction to Parkinson #39;s disease and its related disorders and syndromes, this book provides a concise overview of the disease and its diagnosis and management. The author presents samples of clinical, investigative (CT, MRI, and PET) and pathological images with succinct descriptive text of the disorders featured. He describes the conditions related to Parkinson #39;s disease, and the pictures provide pathological macroscopic and microscopic sections, various imaging studies, and details of movement disorders in general. The book will serve as a useful teaching tool that demonstrates the imaging and pathology of the disease.Author: David, G. Publisher: Taylor Francis Illustration: Y Language: ENG Title: An Illustrated Pocketbook of Parkinson #39;s Disease and Related Disorders Pages: 00000 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2004-11-11 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781842141427 Category: Medical : General An authoritative introduction to Parkinson #39;s disease and its related disorders and syndromes, this book provides a concise overview of the disease and its diagnosis and management. The author presents g. david, medical, generalFrom:davidaguilar565Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:14More inPeople Blogs

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An Illustrated Pocketbook Of Parkinson's Disease And Related Disorders - G. David - Video

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: – Video

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of HCC.- HCC in patients without cirrhosis or hepatitis.- Pathology considerations.- Diagnosis of HCC: the role of imaging studies.- Screening Programs in High-Risk Populations.- Treatment Overview: Assembling a multidisciplinary team and selection of appropriate treatment options.- Evidence-based guidelines for treatment of HCC in Japan.- Liver Resection for HCC.- Portal Vein Embolization prior to resection.- Laparoscopic Liver Resection for HCC.- Liver Transplantation for HCC.- Resection and reconstruction of inferior vena cava and hepatic veins for advanced HCC.- Radiofrequency ablation for HCC.- Microwave ablation.- Transarterial Chemoembolization.- Intra-arterial chemotherapy bead therapy.- Radioactive microsphere therapy.- Targeted Therapies for HCC.- Systemic Therapy Options for HCC.- Patient follow-up strategies and salvage therapy for recurrence. EAN/ISBN : 9781603275224 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer Science Business Media Discussed keywords: Leberkrebs Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): McMasters, Kelly M. - Vauthey, Jean-Nicolas Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of HCC.- HCC in patients without cirrhosis or hepatitis.- Pathology considerations.- Diagnosis of HCC: the role of imaging studies.- Screening Programs in High-Risk PopulFrom:tinaknight325Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:16More inPeople Blogs

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma: - Video

Affiliates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Video

Affiliates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Welcome to Affiliates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery! Located in Champaign, we strive to provide each and every one of our patients with the best possible care to people in the surrounding communities. Whether youre in need of dental implants, bone grafting, or oral pathology, you can depend on us to help you!From:dex knowsvideoViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:31More inAutos Vehicles

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Affiliates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Video

Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging – Wallace Miller – Video

Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging - Wallace Miller Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging - Wallace Miller Streamlines Detection and Diagnosis of Thoracic Disorders!Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging provides a heavily illustrated resource for Radiologists and residents pursuing the most up to date information in current chest radiology.Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging illustrates how to apply a highly practical pattern-recognition approach to the rapid detection and diagnosis of chest pathology. This approach trains the reader in the practical systematic evaluation of thoracic disease while providing an indispensable reference for on-the-job problem solving.Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging is the single most comprehensive visual compilation available for thoracic diagnosis, with:More than 2000 multi-modality illustrations Coverage of focal lung diseasesdiffuse lung diseasesmediastinal masseshilar abnormalitiespleural abnormalities A pattern approach to benefit the user in retaining presented informationAuthor: Miller, Wallace Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging Pages: 01008 (Encrypted EPUB) / 01008 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2006-03-30 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780071413008 Category: Medical : Radiology Streamlines Detection and Diagnosis of Thoracic Disorders!Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging provides a heavily illustrated resource for Radiologists and residents pursuing the most up to da wallace miller, medical, radiologyFrom:judymclellan326Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging - Wallace Miller - Video

Molecular Mechanisms Of Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carcinomas – Video

Molecular Mechanisms Of Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carcinomas Molecular Mechanisms Of Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carcinomas This book provides a comprehensive, highly readable overview of our current knowledge of the molecular pathology of basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. The chapters present the newest findings in epidemiology, photocarcinogenesis, genetics, immunology and molecular pathology of these epithelial skin tumours. Topics include the importance of the hedgehog/patched/smoothened/GLI, p53, PDGF, or TGF-b signalling pathways as well as the relevance of papilloma virus infections, apoptosis, DNA-repair and telomerase. EAN/ISBN : 9780387350981 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer US Discussed keywords: Krebs (Krankheit) Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Reichrath, Jrg This book provides a comprehensive, highly readable overview of our current knowledge of the molecular pathology of basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. The chapters present the newest findings inFrom:hectorroberts342Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:10More inPeople Blogs

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Molecular Mechanisms Of Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carcinomas - Video

E-study Guide For: Clinical Voice Pathology : Theory And Management By Joseph Stemple, Isbn 97815975 – Video

E-study Guide For: Clinical Voice Pathology : Theory And Management By Joseph Stemple, Isbn 97815975 E-study Guide For: Clinical Voice Pathology : Theory And Management By Joseph Stemple, Isbn 9781597563482 - Cram101 Textbook Reviews Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.Author: Reviews, Cram101 Textbook Publisher: Cram101 Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: e-Study Guide for: Clinical Voice Pathology : Theory and Management by Joseph Stemple, ISBN 9781597563482 Pages: 00350 (Encrypted EPUB) On Sale: 2012-06-19 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781467234993 Category: Education : General Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook. Au cram101 textbook reviews, education, generalFrom:lessmith654Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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E-study Guide For: Clinical Voice Pathology : Theory And Management By Joseph Stemple, Isbn 97815975 - Video