Nutrition Non-Profit Opposes Costly USDA Animal ID Plan

Washington, DC, June 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proposed government regulations may threaten the viability of small scale producers and raise the cost of locally produced food, say local food advocates.

In 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scuttled its plans for a National Animal Identification System (NAIS) following a storm of protests from thousands of farmers and consumers. But just two years later, the agency is pushing through a modified version of the traceability program that still fails to address the concerns about the costs and burdens it will impose.

As proposed by the USDA, the new program would require every chicken that is transported across state lines to be officially identified. Provisions for "group identification" are included but will most likely only apply to large vertically integrated operations, while those who own small numbers of poultry will be required to individually identify their birds.

"Thousands of people buy day-old chicks from out-of-state hatcheries every year and will be subject to new federal regulations," notes Sally Fallon Morell, President of the nutrition education non-profit Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), and a champion of local fresh food for its nutritional value. "The USDA has completely failed to calculate the costs the new regulations will impose, in both out-of-pocket expenses and red tape, on small poultry farmers and backyard chicken owners who have a few birds for their own use and enjoyment."

Cattle owners would also be subject to requirements to officially identify cattle that cross state lines. Associated businesses, such as livestock sale barns and veterinarians, would be subject to extensive new recordkeeping requirements as well.

The WAPF joined in a letter sent by over a dozen consumer and farming organizations to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, objecting to the USDA's failure to properly assess the costs of the program. As noted in the letter, research done at the North Dakota State University indicated that the costs to cattle producers could be more than five times greater per animal than the USDA's estimate and amount to hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

"The agency woefully underestimated the cost to livestock producers, for example, assuming farmers could tag a 1,000 lb cow in just one minute, as if they were handling a case of beans," continued Ms. Fallon Morell.

WAPF promotes consumer access to local foods from farmers committed to food safety, humane animal husbandry and rich soil.

"By adding yet more unnecessary regulation, the proposed animal tracking scheme will mean fewer options and higher food prices for the final consumer," concluded Ms. Fallon Morell. "The burden falls hardest on small producers, those least like to have problems with animal health and safety."

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)3 non profit, with 572 local chapters and over 14,000 members, worldwide.

The rest is here:
Nutrition Non-Profit Opposes Costly USDA Animal ID Plan

Nutrition Blogger Fights North Carolina Licensing Rebuke

WASHINGTON Steve Cooksey eats what he calls a cave man diet lots of meat and greens, no bread or pasta. He says it has helped him conquer life-threatening diabetes.

But when he wrote about his experiences and offered advice on his Web site, officials in North Carolina said he was breaking the law by providing nutrition care services without a license.

Charla M. Burill, the executive director of the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition, called Mr. Cooksey in January to tell him so. The conversation was by all accounts civil, and Ms. Burill had a state law on her side.

About a week after they talked, Ms. Burill sent Mr. Cooksey pages from his site liberally annotated in red ink. She said that writing a blog on your beliefs was fine. But Mr. Cookseys Dear Abby-style advice column was unlawful. So was a paid life-coaching service.

You are no longer just providing information when you do this, she wrote of the column and the service. You are assessing and counseling, both of which require a license.

Indeed, a North Carolina law says that assessing the nutritional needs of individuals and groups without a license is a crime. Many other states license nutritionists and dietitians, but the North Carolina law seems to be among the stricter ones.

In her markup of Mr. Cookseys site, Ms. Burill underlined examples of unlawful advice, including this one: I do suggest that your friend eat as I do and exercise the best they can.

Mr. Cooksey reluctantly made the requested changes. Then he filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Charlotte, N.C., saying his First Amendment rights had been violated.

Cookseys advice, his lawyers wrote, ultimately amounts to recommendations about what to buy at the grocery store more steaks and avocados and less pasta, for example.

The First Amendment simply does not allow North Carolina to criminalize something as commonplace as advice about diet, they added.

Here is the original post:
Nutrition Blogger Fights North Carolina Licensing Rebuke

Nationwide Planting of Vegetables in Schools Kicks-Off Nutrition Month Celebration

July 2 marks the official start of this years Nutrition Month celebration guided by the theme Pagkain ng gulay ugaliin, araw-araw itong ihain!. The National Nutrition Council of the Department of Health kicks-off the nationwide celebration with the planting of vegetables by school children of the ConcepcionElementary Schoolin Marikina City.

The children will be joined by Health Secretary and NNC Chair Enrique Ona, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala, Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman and Education Secretary Armin Luistro together with NNC Executive Director and concurrent Assistant Secretary of Health Maria-Bernardita Flores.

Thousands of school children are expected to plant vegetables in public elementary schools. The Department of Education issued a memorandum encouraging all schools to celebrate Nutrition Month with the simultaneous planting of vegetables as part of its share to promote consumption of vegetables among children as part of a healthy diet.

This years Nutrition Month celebration aims to encourage every Filipino to eat more vegetables, i.e. 3 servings or more per day, to add more vitamins and minerals in the diet as well as prevent non-communicable diseases such as various forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As vegetables have less calories, adding them to the diet can help people to reduce weight or maintain normal body weight. A serving of vegetable is equal to a cup of raw leafy vegetables or cup of raw or cooked non-leafy vegetables.

The campaign is in response to the finding that the average Filipino eats less and less vegetables per day in the past 30 years. Based on the food consumption surveys of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Filipinos eat only about 2 servings of vegetables on average or about 110 grams. The vegetable consumption has been declining since 1978 when Filipinos still ate 145 grams per day. The data is alarming considering that low fruit and vegetable intake is among the top 10 selected risk factors for global mortality based on a World Health Organization Report. The report also showed that 1.7 million deaths are due to low intake of fruits and vegetables.

The Nutrition Month campaign also aims to encourage families, schools and communities to put up vegetable gardens to ensure supply of fresh and nutritious vegetables. The FNRI also reported that only 67.7% of Filipino households have vegetable gardens or fruit trees. Having vegetable gardens can help in reducing malnutrition and hunger especially among poor families.

According to A/Sec. Flores, The NNC encourages everyone to consume three or more servings of vegetables each day. Lets also eat our indigenous vegetables such as malunggay, saluyot, kangkong, kamote tops and ampalaya. Let us also plant vegetables in all possible places. Even if there is no available space in many urban communities, , there are many urban gardening technologies such as container gardening and the use of hydroponics or soil-less gardening that can be used.

A/Sec Flores also added that Young infants starting at 6 months, should be given pureed, mashed and finely cut green leafy and yellow vegetables. This can be added to thick lugaw to make for a nutritious complementary food in addition to breastmilk. The NNC is very concerned that infants 6-11 months old had an intake of only 2 grams of vegetables while 1 year old children had an intake of 8 grams per day on average. For young children, vegetables are important sources of vitamin A and iron which are important nutrients that improve childrens immune system, growth and development.

Other government agencies, non-government organizations, local government units, private sector and civil society are expected to also conduct various activities to help in promoting vegetables consumption.

See the original post here:
Nationwide Planting of Vegetables in Schools Kicks-Off Nutrition Month Celebration

The Dannon Company Awards Cook Children's The 2012 Dannon Next Generation Nutrition® Grant

FORT WORTH, Texas, Aug. 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --The Dannon Company, Inc. today awarded Cook Children's a Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant totaling $30,000 in support of its Nutrition University, a healthy eating and exercise program dedicated to fostering positive lifestyle habits for overweight children. Dannon presented the award during an event in conjunction with the Tax Free Weekend Back to School Expo at North East Mall.

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Taught by Cook Children's registered dietitians, Nutrition University includes nutrition presentations, cooking demonstrations and healthy family dinner nights and encourages yogurt as part of a balanced diet. This year the program will directly serve 600 children and their parents. As part of the award, the Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant will provide scholarships for 100 children who might not otherwise be able to participate in the program.

"Programs like Nutrition University provide an opportunity for youth to learn important nutritional information that will help them build on a healthy future," said Gayle Binney, Dannon's corporate responsibility manager. "For 70 years, Dannon has created great-tasting yogurt that also provides essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and potassium. We couldn't be prouder to partner with a program like Cook Children's and to offer scholarship funding for this program to low-income families."

Nutrition University is working to combat childhood obesity and promote the consumption of foods that are lacking in children's diets, like low-fat dairy. According to the Center for Disease Control's 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, sixteen percent of Texas youth are overweight and another 16% are obeseputting this group at significantly greater risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and a range of other illnesses. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, consumption of dairy products such as yogurt is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes, lower blood pressure and improved bone health.

Cook Children's Health Care System President and CEO Rick Merrill said, "Our relationship with Dannon is significant because it will aid our efforts to improve the health of children through these nutrition programs. We are grateful for their financial support and are so pleased that their employees will join with us throughout the year to promote good health."

"Childhood obesity is a life-threatening condition that deserves our undivided attention in this country and in the state of Texas," said Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price. "I'm excited to be here supporting Dannon and Cook Children's for the fantastic work they are doing to keep our families healthy."

Dannon established the Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant to promote childhood nutrition education in each of the four communities where a Dannon facility is located. As part of the program, Dannon contributes $30,000 to one non-profit organization in each of the following communities ($120,000 in total) Auglaize, Mercer, Darke, or Shelby County, Ohio; Salt Lake County, Utah; Tarrant County, Texas; and Westchester County, New York, for programs that nurture healthy eating habits among children. Over the last seven years, programs funded through the Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant have reached more than 2,000 children in Tarrant County.

Today's grant ceremony, held at North East Mall, was attended by Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, Fort Worth Council Member Frank Moss, Tarrant County Director of Public Health Lou Brewer, Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Bill Thornton and Fort Worth ISD Director of Health and Physical Education Georgi Roberts. Also in attendance were Cook Children's Medical Director of Clinical Research Dr. James Marshall and Grants Administrator Johnell Kelley; Dannon Corporate Responsibility Manager Gayle Binney; and Dannon's Fort Worth Plant Director Pere Costa Torrent.

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The Dannon Company Awards Cook Children's The 2012 Dannon Next Generation Nutrition® Grant

The Dannon Company Awards Minster Athletic Boosters The 2012 Dannon Next Generation Nutrition® Grant

MINSTER, Ohio, Sept.1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --The Dannon Company, Inc. today awarded the Minster Athletic Boosters a Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant totaling $30,000 in support of the Minster Memorial Field improvement project, Honoring the Past While Building for the Future. Dannon presented Minster Athletic Boosters with the award during a ceremony that preceded Minster High School's first 2012-2013 home varsity football game.


Honoring the Past While Building for the Future will provide Minster High School students and the broader town of Minster with a fully renovated athletic complex, new track, field space and additional revamped physical facilities. The award builds upon existing nutrition and fitness programs that began at Minster Local Schools through a partnership with the Auglaize/Mercer County YMCAa partnership that, in 2006, was awarded the very first Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant in Ohio.

"With this grant, Dannon is helping provide all of Minster's residents with an essential means of reaching their healthy lifestyle and fitness goals," said Bruce Thobe, president of Minster Athletic Boosters. "We're honored to have Dannon as our partner in our efforts to promote active lifestyles for all of Minster's residents."

"The Dannon Company is happy to support the Boosters' efforts to provide a safe fitness facility for all of Minster's residents," said Gayle Binney, Dannon's corporate responsibility manager. "For the last 70 years, Dannon has created great-tasting yogurt that provides essential daily nutrients like calcium, protein and potassium while also promoting healthy lifestyles and initiatives that blend nutrition with fitness. We encourage people to eat one yogurt every day as part of their three recommended servings of low-fat dairy every day."

Dannon established the Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant to promote childhood nutrition education in each of the four communities where a Dannon facility is located. As part of the program, Dannon contributes $30,000 to one non-profit organization in each of the following communities ($120,000 in total) Auglaize, Mercer, Darke, or Shelby County, Ohio; Salt Lake County, Utah; Tarrant County, Texas; and Westchester County, New York, for programs that nurture healthy eating habits among children. Over the last seven years, programs funded through the Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant have reached more than 17,000 children in Ohio.

Today's grant ceremony, held just prior to Minster High School's first varsity football home game, was attended by Ohio State Representative John Adams, Auglaize County Commissioner John Bergman, Auglaize County Commissioner Don Regula, Minster Athletic Boosters President Bruce Thobe; Dannon Corporate Responsibility Manager Gayle Binney; and Dannon's Minster, Ohio Senior Plant Director Doug Roy.

About the Minster Athletic Booster ClubThe Minster Athletic Booster Club has been in service for more than 30 years, and is dedicated to providing support for Minster's student athletes and financial backing to improve athletic facilities and equipment for all sports teams in the school district and community. The Minster Athletic Booster Club serves all seventh through twelfth graders (455 students) in the Minster school district, and has to date been responsible for the construction of a full athletic complex, latex track, strength facility, football stadium, baseball field and more. The Minster Athletic Booster Club help the children of Minster, Ohio understand that good nutrition and physical activity go hand-in-hand in creating a healthy lifestyle.

About Honoring the Past while Building for the FutureThe Minster Athletic Booster Club's Minster Memorial Field improvement project, Honoring the Past While Building for the Future, is a program designed to assist the youth of Minster Local Schools in their efforts to maintain personal fitness and healthy living. The program provides the local community with a fully renovated athletic complex, set to open in the fall of 2012. This award builds upon existing nutrition and fitness programs initiated at Minster Local Schools when they partnered with the Auglaize/Mercer County YMCA to receive the first Dannon Next Generation Nutrition Grant awarded in Ohio in 2006. Today, the Minster Local Schools include healthy meal programs, nutrition label reading, taste tests, and more during the school year to ensure that Minster students know how to build a strong body by eating healthy foods and staying active.

About The Dannon Company, Inc.Celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2012 and headquartered in White Plains, New York, Dannon has plants in Minster, OH, Fort Worth, TX, West Jordan, UT, and Portland, OR. Dannon makes more than 200 different flavors, styles and sizes of cultured refrigerated and frozen dairy products to serve its retail and foodservice customers. In its pursuit to bring health through food to as many people as possible, Dannon is committed to Americans enjoying yogurt every day as one of the three recommended daily servings of dairy.

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The Dannon Company Awards Minster Athletic Boosters The 2012 Dannon Next Generation Nutrition® Grant

Jamba Juice Unveils New Healthy Beverage for Schools


The ongoing effort to improve nutrition and access to good-for-you food and beverage choices for kids in schools just got a healthy boost. Jamba Juice Company (JMBA), with nutrition guidance from National Dairy Council, today announced a new fruit and dairy beverage for K-12 schools. The healthy smoothie, naturally sweetened with fruit and fruit juice, combines the nutrient-rich benefits of fat-free milk with real fruit. The beverage will be unveiled this week at the School Nutrition Association conference in Denver.

School nutrition professionals, the USDA and parent/teacher groups have been working to improve the nutrition in school meals, but also have wrestled with cost considerations and finding options kids will actually consume. This is an important step in the right direction, said Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, a nutrition and food, author and member of the Jamba Healthy Living Council. This project moves us closer towards the goal of providing schools with nutritious food and beverage solutions at a reasonable cost per-serving.

Kids should love the natural sweetness of this healthy smoothie, continued Zelman. Its made with nutrient-rich real fruit and fat-free milk that not only tastes great, but also helps address the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and can be offered as an a la carte item at school meal.

Jamba is entering the second year of its JambaGO initiative, a program aimed at bringing better nutrition to kids with full fruit and vegetable servings in smoothie beverages. We believe the program needed a dairy component to reach its full potential as a relevant healthy option in school foodservice programs, said Julie Washington, chief brand officer, Jamba Juice Company. Jamba reached out to National Dairy Council and Dairy Research Institute, founded by Americas dairy farmers, for help with dairy nutrition expertise and in formulating a new dairy and fruit drink. They responded with a dedicated team of nutrition and product development experts. JambaGO smoothies are being served in about 100 schools around the nation and the company expects that number to grow to between 400-500 installations by year end.

According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, sodas, energy and sports drinks are a top source of added sugars in the American diet. Public health officials are concerned about the steady rise of empty calories consumed by young people and are seeking ways to curb the intake of excess calories to address obesity and the health of the nation. Dairy farmers and dairy companies want to help students get the benefits of essential nutrients found in products made from fat-free milk, such as calcium, potassium and protein, said Jean Ragalie, RD, president, National Dairy Council. Adding dairy to the fruit-based JambaGO smoothie offerings demonstrates our continued commitment to innovation to develop healthy food and beverage choices that children will enjoy.

Schools continue to be a vital link in providing better nutrition for kids. The current JambaGO program has been a huge success for us, said Ken Llewellyn, food service director and nutrition specialist for the Crane School District, Crane, MO. We like it because were offering kids beverages that deliver the nutrient benefits of real fruit, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. The new option coming with real fruit and fat-free milk will be a great addition. The JambaGO program has helped us boost student involvement in our breakfast program by over 10 percent and as a result we are now experiencing 72 percent participation.

The new fat-free dairy and fruit beverage is available in berry and peach flavors and is expected to be available to schools starting in September 2012.

Made with fat-free milk blended with fruit juices and apple, strawberry, and blueberry fruits, the Berry Fruit Smoothie contains one serving of fruit and one-half serving of fat-free dairy per eight fluid ounces, is fat-free, cholesterol free, low sodium food , and is formulated to be a good source of protein, potassium and phosphorus and an excellent source of calcium and vitamin C.

The Peach Fruit Smoothie is made with fat-free dairy blended with fruit juices and peach fruits. It contains one serving of fruit and one-half serving of fat-free dairy per eight fluid ounces and is fat-free, cholesterol free, and low sodium food. It is formulated to be a good source of protein, potassium, vitamin C, and phosphorous and an excellent source of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and calcium.

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Jamba Juice Unveils New Healthy Beverage for Schools

Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (MJN): Zacks Rank Buy

Estimates have been rising for Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (MJN) after the company delivered its 6th consecutive positive earnings surprise. It is a Zacks #2 Rank (Buy) stock.

Based on consensus estimates, analysts project strong double-digit earnings growth over the next couple years as the company continues to grow in the emerging markets.

On top of this growth, it pays a dividend that yields a solid 1.5%.

Company Description

Mead Johnson manufactures and distributes pediatric nutrition products primarily under its 'Enfa' family of brands. The Enfa brand, including Enfamil infant formula, is a global brand franchise in pediatric nutrition.

The company was founded in 1905 and is headquartered in Glenview, Illinois. It was spun-off from Bristol-Meyers Squibb (BMY) in 2009.

First Quarter Results

Mead Johnson Nutrition delivered strong first quarter results on April 26. Adjusted earnings per share came in at 82 cents, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 78 cents. It was an 8% increase over the same quarter last year.

Net sales rose 9% to $986.6 million, ahead of the consensus of $980.0 million. This was driven by a 5% increase in volume and a 4% increase in prices. Growth was particularly strong in the Asia/Latin America segment, which offset weakness in the North America/Europe segment.

The gross margin did decline 230 basis points year-over-year. But operating income was up 12% over the same period to $222.6 million.

Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (MJN): Zacks Rank Buy

Dining services adds nutrition facts to daily menu

Written by Alyssa Morlacci Monday, 03 September 2012 18:24

With nutrition facts now available for Dining Services daily menus a health initiative thats new this semester its easier than ever for campus diners to choose which food items to stock up on and which to leave behind.

Before classes began, Kent State executive chefs compiled nutrition facts for the menus that change daily at Eastway Cafe and Kent Market, and the facts are listed at those locations, said Dining Services director Richard Roldan. Nutrition facts for more locations and items that are served every day are available on the Dining Services website.

We talk about nutrition and people wanting to understand what they eat, Roldan said. So for us it was important that everything was out there and the information was available.

On average, students gain three to 10 pounds during their first two years of college, and most students gain that weight during their first semester, said nutrition outreach coordinator Tanya Falcone.

There is a misconception that eating healthy on campus is impossible, she said, but with the facts, students have more choices than they might realize.

1. Keep meals at a maximum of 500 calories and 15 grams of fat. This is based on the 2,000 calorie diet that plans for three meals and two smaller snacks.

2. Split meals that have larger amounts of calories and grams of fat with a friend or eat half and save the rest for later.

3. Look for items that are grilled instead of fried.

4. Eat healthy foods during a craving. For example, instead of eating three pieces of pizza, have one piece and a salad.

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Dining services adds nutrition facts to daily menu

Liquid Nutrition Appoints Evan Brown as new Chief Financial Officer


Liquid Nutrition Group Inc. (Liquid Nutrition or Company) (TSX-V: LQD.V and LQD.WT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Evan Brown to the role as Chief Financial Officer effective immediately.

Brown brings a wealth of international accounting experience to his new role. Most recently, he served as Assistant Controller of York Capital Management in New York. Previously Brown held the role of vice president at Goldman Sachs & Co., and has worked out of both the Toronto and Cayman Islands offices.

He is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor Degree in Commerce from Royal Roads University.

The management team and Board of Directors would like to thank outgoing CFO Mark OHara for his valuable contribution to the growth of Liquid Nutrition.

About Liquid Nutrition Group Inc.

Liquid Nutrition Group Inc. (LNGI) (TSX-V:LQD.V and LQD.WT) is a functional beverage, vitamin and supplement store brand committed to bringing healthy and delicious eating to communities around the world. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Liquid Nutrition Franchising Corporation, LNGI is currently the franchisor of nine stores located in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City and Oakville with franchise commitments and expansion opportunities throughout Canada, the United States, and the Middle East as well as license opportunities internationally. For store locations, business opportunities or more information, please visit Please join Liquid Nutrition on Facebook and follow us on twitter @liquidnutrition.

About Team Liquid

Comprised of pro-athletes and experts in the world of sports, fitness and nutrition, members of Team Liquid were selected based on their personal and professional dedication to healthy active living. To learn more about Team Liquid and view the full roster, visit What Team Liquid has to say about Liquid Nutrition:

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Liquid Nutrition Appoints Evan Brown as new Chief Financial Officer

KLUTCHclub Introduces Amino Vital® Endurance to Wellness and Fitness Enthusiasts


Amino Vitalamino acid-based sports nutrition products, developed by Ajinomoto North America, Inc. and available exclusively on, today announced Endurance will be included in KLUTCHclubs November boxes. KLUTCHclub delivers high-quality health, wellness, and fitness products and samples direct to consumers each month on a subscription basis.

Samples of Amino Vital Endurance will be included in both KLUTCHwomen and KLUTCHmen subscriptions. As an additional bonus, Amino Vital is treating KLUTCHclub members to an exclusive promotion. Members will receive 20% off Endurance for first time orders with free shipping on orders over $45.

KLUTCHclub is designed to help members experience new brands and types of products. We are excited to introduce Amino Vital Endurance to our niche audience of wellness and fitness fanatics, said Katie Constantine, vice president of development, KLUTCHclub. Amino Vital is a well-known sport nutrition brand offering a type of product our members may not yet have experienced.

Amino Vital provides advanced sports nutrition products based on a proprietary blend of amino acids to improve the performance of athletes. Amino Vital Endurance is specially formulated with amino acids, plus electrolytes and carbohydrates to deliver sustained energy and in-workout recovery.

Working with KLUTCHclub provides us with a unique marketing opportunity to inform members about the importance of amino acid based sports nutrition, commented Katrina Jordan, product marketing manager at Amino Vital. Amino Vitals goal of helping athletes achieve peak performance every time they push their bodies to the limit is a natural fit with KLUTCHclubs initiative to promote a healthy lifestyle and wellness.

Each month, KLUTCHclub members receive a box with over $50 worth of health and wellness products from emerging and well-known brands. Other items in the November box in addition to Endurance include Good Greens, Alo, Manitoba, Chapfix, Wyman's, Nature's Gate, GNU and more.

To sign up for KLUTCHclub and receive Amino Vital Endurance in a KLUTCHwomen or KLUTCHmen November box, visit Choose a subscription before November 31st.

About Amino Vital

Amino Vital sports nutrition products help serious athletes achieve their peak mental and physical performance. Developed exclusively by Ajinomoto North America, Inc., Amino Vital draws its strength from a premier class of five essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, valine, arginine, and glutamine, manufactured by the industrys worldwide leader. Amino Vital products are absorbed by the body more quickly than traditional protein-based supplements and work to promote cellular level muscle recovery, repair and energy as well as increase concentration and focus. For more information, please visit

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KLUTCHclub Introduces Amino Vital® Endurance to Wellness and Fitness Enthusiasts

Danone plans to double domestic nutrition biz in 4 yrs

Danone plans to double domestic nutrition biz in 4 yrs The French firm had acquired the nutrition business of Wockhardt for a consideration of Rs 1,280 crore Press Trust of India / Mumbai Sep 30, 2012, 13:09 IST

French dairy giant Danone, which had acquired the nutrition business of Wockhardt, plans to double the domestic baby and medical nutrition business in three to four years, a top company official has said.

The French firm had acquired the nutrition business of Wockhardt for a consideration of Rs 1,280 crore, paving the way for its entry into the domestic baby and medical nutrition market and the new entity was named Nutricia International.

Danone had earlier this year acquired drug firm Wockhardt's various brands under its nutrition business, including Farex, Protinex, Dexolac and Nusobee, apart from related industrial operations from Carol Info Services based in Punjab.

When asked if the company would launch its global brands in the baby nutrition business here, Marcel said, "We will leverage on the existing brands in the first phase, as we want to leverage the strengths of Wockhardt's brands and understand the market better.

"We will see when it is a good time to bring in new brands. This is a strategic roadmap that takes some time for implementation".

Danone sells its baby nutrition products in 137 countries with a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region, which accounts for around 40% of its volumes.

Its baby nutrition brands include Milupa, Bledina, Gallia, Aptamil, SGM and Dumex among others.

On the investment side, Marcel remained tight-lipped on the amount, but said the company would be pumping in money to enhance capacity.

"We know factories will be reaching full capacity soon. So we will have to plan the next step of investment. We will invest for sure, but I cannot share the numbers. Our plan is to keep manufacturing here, so we will have to invest in production facilities in the coming years," he said.

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Danone plans to double domestic nutrition biz in 4 yrs

The Fortune Society and Aetna Foundation Celebrate Food & Nutrition Program for Low-Income Families


Harlem resident and mother, Barbara Biscaino, presented a live cooking demonstration today preparing her favorite healthy dish -- corn and cucumber salad -- in front of a live audience that included Manhattan Deputy Borough President Rose Pierre-Louis; JoAnne Page, President and CEO of The Fortune Society; Sharon Dalton, Vice President of the Aetna Foundation; and Harlem families. Biscaino learned how to prepare the dish as well as dozens of other healthy meals while participating in The Fortune Societys Food & Nutrition Program for Families & Children. The cooking demonstration, which was held at The Fortune Societys LEED-certified, affordable housing facility known as Castle Gardens, highlighted the success of the food and nutrition program.

In December 2011, with a $25,000 grant from the Aetna Foundation and a supplemental grant from the New York State Department of Healths Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP), The Fortune Society launched the Food & Nutrition Program for Families & Children. Since the program began, approximately 800 Fortune families and children, which include formerly incarcerated adults and residents of Fortunes housing facilities in Harlem, have attended a series of nutrition education workshops, including Taste and Texture and Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables. They also have participated in 35 cooking demonstrations, taking home bags of fresh produce after each one. The produce is provided by local suppliers Corbin Hill Road Farm and Brooklyn Grange Farm, which operates urban rooftop farms in Brooklyn and Queens. The two suppliers have distributed more than 4,500 pounds of fresh produce to Fortune clients and community members.

Since beginning the program, Biscaino and her daughter have learned how to convert their favorite foods into healthier alternatives; select, store and preserve fresh produce; prepare healthy, delicious and affordable meals; sanitize a kitchen; and write recipes.

Before enrolling in this program, my daughter and I would eat fast food three or four days a week, putting our health on the back burner. Now, our entire outlook on healthy eating has changed. Every day, we prepare and cook healthy meals together, making sure to include fresh fruit and vegetables into all of them. Because of this change, we both feel more energetic and will hopefully live longer. I have already lost a few pounds, said Biscaino.

Many of our Fortune families live on a tight budget, eating whatever food is most affordable and assuming healthy meals are too costly to prepare, said JoAnne Page, President and CEO of The Fortune Society. The Food & Nutrition Program shows our families that they can prepare healthy, affordable meals and equips them with recipes and culinary skills that will last a lifetime. We thank the Aetna Foundation and the NYS Department of Health Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program for supporting this program and helping our families make healthy eating a top priority in their daily lives.

In the upcoming year, the program will continue to offer regular cooking demonstrations and will increase the number of hands-on workshops so that more participants can learn by cooking during class. The class curriculum will have a greater focus on the participants needs, such as child and family nutrition, heart-healthy eating and diabetes education. The program also will include recipe selection workshops, nutrition-related activities and a field trip to one of the supplier farms.

Research shows that diets rich in fruits and vegetables can prevent obesity and its related diseases, which disproportionally affect low-income and minority populations, said Sharon Dalton, Vice President of the Aetna Foundation, who manages the Foundations regional grant-making program. By combining access to fresh, local produce with crucial nutrition education, The Fortune Societys program can have a positive impact on peoples long-term health and well-being.

About The Fortune Society

For more than forty years, The Fortune Society has been developing model programs that help former prisoners successfully re-enter their communities. The Fortune Society offers a holistic and integrated one-stop-shopping model of service provision. Among the services offered are outpatient substance abuse treatment, alternatives to incarceration, HIV/AIDS services, career development and job retention, education, family services, drop in services and supportive housing as well as ongoing access to aftercare. For more information, visit

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The Fortune Society and Aetna Foundation Celebrate Food & Nutrition Program for Low-Income Families

The International Youth Conditioning Association Runs Promotion on its Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification …

The worlds leading youth fitness organization, the International Youth Conditioning Association, is running a promotion on its Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification. The promotion is currently underway and ends Friday, October 12th at Midnight EST.

Elizabethtown, KY (PRWEB) October 10, 2012

The IYCA, the worlds leading youth fitness organization, is offering the nutrition certification after years of experience working with coaches and trainers who have expressed a desire to push their young athletes to the next level in areas beyond mere youth sports training.

A lot of youth fitness trainers and coaches come to us because they dont know how to take the next step when it comes to young athlete development, says Pat Rigsby, co-owner and CEO of the International Youth Conditioning Association.

What many youth sports coaches and trainers fail to understand is that athletes might not have people monitoring what they eat, Rigsby continues. Kids need to be taught proper nutrition, because in our society its very easy to be tempted to eat poorly.

Rigsby, a former college baseball coach, notes that trainers express reservations about branching into other areas of young athlete development beyond exercise and sports. Trainers shouldnt be content to just make exercise programs for kids, Rigsby says. Kids fitness is about developing the entire athlete.

One of the major concerns trainers have voiced is that there is not enough time during youth sports training sessions to address nutritional concerns. However, Rigsby notes that a good trainer will carve out time to address concerns that affect youth sports performance.

In fact, children often look to their coaches for any information that would help them with sports performance, including diet.

One final concern that plagues youth sports coaches is that they simply do not have the expertise to advice children on proper nutrition.

This is a valid concern, Rigsby admits. However, that is the entire purpose for the IYCAs Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification. We want to teach trainers and coaches how to instill proper eating in their young athletes.

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The International Youth Conditioning Association Runs Promotion on its Youth Nutrition Specialist Certification ...

Extremly Fast Weight Loss. – Video

Extremly Fast Weight Loss.
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Extremly Fast Weight Loss. - Video

Tony Wright's tips for Pregnancy – Video

Tony Wright #39;s tips for Pregnancy
Tony Wright, consciousness researcher and author of Left in the Dark, shares tips for pregnancy. Tony discusses nutrition and stress and how they potentially impact development. Check out Tony #39;s book: Left in the Dark 0ratingsTime:04:29More inEducation

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Tony Wright's tips for Pregnancy - Video

☆ Project Quads Working Week VI ☆ FLEXDEM TV ☆ Bodybuilding Strength

#9734; Project Quads Working Week VI #9734; FLEXDEM TV #9734; Bodybuilding Strength Fitness #9734;
This video charts the 6th week of Ez #39;s lower body construction at the hands of champion bodybuilder and leg development specialist, Mark Palfrey. This week it was just my training partner Vince Passmore and I, as Mark was away filming. A bit about Mark and Studio-1: Mark Palfery is a national level bodybuilder with an extensive background in personal training and martial arts. He owns and manages Studio-1 as a gym for people that like to take their training seriously. About Flexdem Clothing and the Flexdem TV channel: Flexdem Gym Wear combines classic old skool styling with a modern street vibe and is a brand made for people who are prepared to rep beyond failure as standard. The TV channel is an open ended video series that covers weight training, strength conditioning, bodyweight exercises, fitness, nutrition, supplements, interviews, mini documentaries, abdominal development, weight gain, weight loss etc... Flexdem Gym Wear: Facebook Twitter: A bit of info about Ez: Ez has over 35 years of experience in sport covering running, judo, boxing, Japanese ju jitsu, vale tudo, Brazilian jiu jitsu and weight training. He excelled in boxing where he competed over a 20 year period from a 110lb junior right up to a 179lb senior (light heavyweight) open class fighter and won a multitude of honours, represented his country and travelled the world fighting. Whilst Ez is acutely aware that he isn #39;t #39;qualified #39; in ...From:glyphmediaViews:91 10ratingsTime:16:48More inSports

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☆ Project Quads Working Week VI ☆ FLEXDEM TV ☆ Bodybuilding Strength

Science Behind Laminine Health Breakthrough! – Video

Science Behind Laminine Health Breakthrough!
YTE Young Tissue Extract Summary of Clinical Studies - Laminine The avian egg is an important source of nutrients, containing all the proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and growth factors required by the developing embryo, as well as a number of defense factors to protect against bacterial and viral infections. Moreover, eggs are now understood to contain substances with biological functions beyond basic nutrition, and extensive research has been undertaken to identify and characterize these biologically active components (Kovacs-Nolan J, Philips M, Mine Y: Advances in the value of eggs and egg components for human health. J. Agra Food Chem. 2005; 53:8421-31) YTE trade; is a patented extract from fertilized, partially incubated hen eggs, obtained through separation of oligopeptides from the total mass. These have molecular weights of 0.5 -- 1.8 kD and are able to pass freely through the digestive barrier. These embryonic peptides work via elevation of 17- ketosteroid levels in the adrenal glands which improve anabolism through increased synthesis of androgens and a decrease in the catabolic hormone cortisol, which offers multiple benefits. Initially, a less processed powder using the whole content of the egg (excluding shell) was used. Administration was in powder form in sachets. The taste of the product was not considered as acceptable to the public. Later (from 1999) separation of inactive parts were performed before further processing, hence providing a more concentrated ...From:Lochinvar De La RamaViews:0 0ratingsTime:23:54More inScience Technology

Science Behind Laminine Health Breakthrough! - Video

How to Catch Combination | Boxing Lessons for Beginners – Video

How to Catch Combination | Boxing Lessons for Beginners
Watch more Boxing Lessons for Beginners videos: Subscribe to the Howcast Health Channel - Learn how to catch combination in this how to box video from Howcast. The Howcast Health Channel offers easy-to-follow instructions on all forms of exercise, both new and traditional, including water aerobics, Pilates, yoga, strength training, how to use an exercise ball, and various forms of martial arts. The Channel also includes expert advice on health topics, such as chiropractic, cholesterol, massage therapy, meditation, sexual health, stress management, and vitamins. Plus, you #39;ll find all the latest diet and nutrition information. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Subscribe to Howcast #39;s other YouTube Channels: Howcast Main Channel - Howcast Video Games Channel - Howcast Tech Channel - Howcast Food Channel - Howcast Arts Recreation Channel - Howcast Sports Fitness Channel - Howcast Personal Care Style Channel - Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more.From:HowcastViews:141 9ratingsTime:01:45More inSports

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Extend Nutrition Announces Major Retail Expansion of its Diabetes Nutrition Bars and Snacks that Help Control Blood …

Extend Bar shelf space almost doubles and is now available in more than 25,000 retailers, including Walmart, CVS, Kmart, Walgreens and Target Pharmacies, where diabetes nutrition products are sold.

St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) October 30, 2012

Extend Nutrition offers a line of patented, doctor-developed snack products that are the only snacks clinically proven to help control blood sugar for up to 9 hours. For the nearly 26 million Americans living with diabetes, Extend Nutrition products represent a life-changing snack solution with clinically proven benefits for weight loss and diabetes management.

The distribution expansion includes Extend Nutritions two most popular Extend Bar flavors - Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate, 4 Bar Boxes, which retail for $5.49 on average. The company plans increased marketing and advertising support to raise awareness with retail customers and promote sales at retail chains.

"The increased availability of Extend Nutrition snack products at these major retailers speaks to its emerging popularity among consumers and recognition of the need to offer healthy snacks that help control blood sugar," said Kensey Turnbaugh, Extend Nutrition's Brand Manager. "Consumers are beginning to connect the dots between blood sugar management, obesity and the growing diabetes epidemic."

Invented by Dr. Francine Kaufman, world-renowned endocrinologist and former President of the American Diabetes Association, the patented line of Extend Nutrition Bars, Shakes, and Crunchy Snacks are delicious nutritional solutions clinically proven to help control blood sugar for up to 9 hours. Blood sugar control is the key to both diabetes and weight management. Extend Nutrition snacks have been enthusiastically recommended by thousands of certified diabetes educators and registered dietitians around the world for over 10 years. Extend Nutrition products are now available at more than 25,000 retailers nationwide, including your local Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Target, Kmart and other leading retailers where diabetes nutrition products are sold. Extend Nutrition strives to provide families with simple nutritional solutions that deliver peace of mind and confidence resulting in a healthier and happier lifestyle.

For more information visit Extend Nutrition, like Extend Nutrition on Facebook, or follow on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Jonathan Lindberg

(314) 336-0588 ext. 315

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Extend Nutrition Announces Major Retail Expansion of its Diabetes Nutrition Bars and Snacks that Help Control Blood ...

Krumping: Patterns | Hip Hop Dance Combos – Video

Krumping: Patterns | Hip Hop Dance Combos
Watch more Hip Hop Dance Combos videos: Subscribe to the Howcast Health Channel - Learn how to do krumping patterns in this hip hop dance video from Howcast. The Howcast Health Channel offers easy-to-follow instructions on all forms of exercise, both new and traditional, including water aerobics, Pilates, yoga, strength training, how to use an exercise ball, and various forms of martial arts. The Channel also includes expert advice on health topics, such as chiropractic, cholesterol, massage therapy, meditation, sexual health, stress management, and vitamins. Plus, you #39;ll find all the latest diet and nutrition information. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Subscribe to Howcast #39;s other YouTube Channels: Howcast Main Channel - Howcast Video Games Channel - Howcast Tech Channel - Howcast Food Channel - Howcast Arts Recreation Channel - Howcast Sports Fitness Channel - Howcast Personal Care Style Channel - Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more.From:HowcastViews:169 10ratingsTime:02:20More inHowto Style

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Krumping: Patterns | Hip Hop Dance Combos - Video