NASA Chief: There is More Going on Right Now in Space Than I’ve Ever Seen in My Career – Futurism

In BriefSpaceX's Falcon Heavy launch, Blue Origin and VirginGalactic's upcoming space tours, and NASA's plans for the ISS makeit clear there's a lot going on with regards to space, and NASA'sActing Administrator couldn't help but noticed. All Eyes on Space

Its an exciting time for those interested in space and everything it has to offer us. Between our potential to travel in space and how much weve come to learn (and can still learn) from unmanned probes and satellites, its hard to not be hopeful for the future of our interest in the seemingly-boundless expanse that surrounds us.

NASAs Acting Administrator Robert M. Lightfoot, Jr. feels the same about the exploration of space. To him, the many plans, projects, and initiatives focused in this respect are well worth getting excited about.

There is more going on right now in space than Ive ever seen in my career, he told Futurism.

Its easy to empathize with this perspective. SpaceX, the company founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, plans to send astronauts to space in 2018, and recently helped deliver a supercomputer to the International Space Station. If that wasnt enough space travel, it also has a highly-anticipated event slated for November: the first launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket.

At the same time, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his company Blue Origin are looking to make space travel more accessible by providing brief tours to everyday people.Their New Shepard capsule, while not meant to reach other planets, or even the Moon, is powerful enough to reach a suborbit, allowing passengers to see space. Its expected to begin offering commercial flights next year.

In both public and private spaces, SpaceX and Blue Origin are often viewed as direct competitors, and as such its no secret that this is a race to see who makes it happen first. That said, theres more competition when it comes to commercializing space travel, such as Virgin Galactic, which also hopes to put people in space next year.

We are getting to space a little differently than we used to. Its not just us anymore by ourselves, said Lightfoot.

Despite how committed private companies are, NASA isnt leaving all the fun to them. Though it doesnt have plans to send people on space tours, it still has probes and other spacecraft out there. Cassini, which recently sent back new data from Saturn as part of its final mission. Theres also the revival of New Horizons, a spacecraft thats been dormant for the last several months that will now be used to investigate a mysterious object in the Kuiper Belt. Getting more people into space is enticing, but for now there are some places only a satellite is capable of reaching.Click to View Full Infographic

As for its own future developments, NASA has plans to improve upon the International Space Station, and its solar arrays, and the benefits of the refit may reach become a part of our quotidian lives. Known as the Roll Out Solar Array, or ROSA, this technology could make it far easier to transport and collect solar power. The tech could also improve services weve come to rely on, like GPS, weather forecasts, and satellite radio. ROSA still has a few quirks to work out, but its quickly on its way to becoming the most efficient solar array created.

Lightfoot is right to take note of how many things people have planned for space, and it feels like the momentum will lead to new developments and discoveries. Fingers crossed this trend doesnt slow, and people continue to have an interest in space for years to come.

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NASA Chief: There is More Going on Right Now in Space Than I've Ever Seen in My Career - Futurism

NASA: Wave at the moon during the solar eclipse – CNET

The LRO snapped this photo of Earth during the 2012 solar eclipse.

While you're standing outside enjoying the spectacle of the great North American solar eclipse, be sure to reach a hand out toward the moon and give an enthusiastic wave.

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) will turns its eyes from the moon and instead aim its camera at Earth during Monday's eclipse, so the space agency wants you to say "hi" to the distant spacecraft.

The LRO will snap a portrait of Earth around 11:25 a.m. PT, so be sure to set an alert on your calendar. NASA's LRO team member Andrea Jones notes that you don't have to be in the path of totality to participate, saying "everyone in an entire hemisphere of the Earth can wave at the Moon as LRO takes our picture."

The LRO captured an image of Earth during the 2012 solar eclipse. A dark blotch shows where the moon's shadow fell at the time.

The LRO's camera will again get a great look at the Earth's surface features today, but it doesn't have the resolution to make out individual people. It's the thought that counts, though. With millions able to witness the eclipse, the moon-wave is all about bringing us together for a shared experience at a moment in history.


31 amazing photos of solar eclipses (pictures)

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NASA: Wave at the moon during the solar eclipse - CNET

NASA & PARI scientists in prime seat to analyze the eclipse – WLOS

While tourists and locals are enjoying the eclipse in and around Western North Carolina, NASA and PARI scientists will be analyzing the eclipse from the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute. (Photo credit: WLOS Staff)

While tourists and locals are enjoying the eclipse in and around Western North Carolina, NASA and PARI scientists will be analyzing the eclipse from the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute.

Officials say because the core of the sun will be blocked by the moon it's a chance for them to study the outer rays, which officials there say is huge for them.

PARI, which is near Brevard, is the first research institute of its kind to be in the path of a total eclipse.

So researchers say they don't know what they'll discover.

They'll be using a number of optical cameras and radio telescopes to make that happen.

Scientists are on-site all day, but the magic moment comes at 2:36 p.m. and lasts about 1 minute and 47 seconds.

Scientists say for everyone else, to really take in what this eclipse has to offer, it's extremely important to be in the right spot.

Don Cline, President, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI), "some people feel that they can go out and watch the eclipse from their home or location like for Asheville and if you do, you'll miss the main feature of seeing the solar eclipose and that is stars in the middle of the day."

Cline says you have to be in totality to see stars.

PARI is offering a live stream, starting at 9 a.m., from their YouTube channel. You can watch presentations from NASA researchers and PARI's very own Dr. Bob Hayward.

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NASA & PARI scientists in prime seat to analyze the eclipse - WLOS

Are you ready for the Great American Eclipse? These NASA astronaut saw one from space. – South Bend Tribune

After more than 38 years 14,057 days to be precise the path of a total solar eclipse will traverse American soil. It hasnt happened anywhere in the U.S. since Feb. 26, 1979.

Millions of people from coast-to-coast will turn their gaze skyward on Monday hoping for a glimpse of whats being billed as the Great American Eclipse, so named because the eclipse will occur exclusively in the United States. Adding to the allure, it will be the first total solar eclipse to cross the entire country from west coast to east coast in 99 years.

Over the ages, more than 107 billion people are estimated to have inhabited the Earth. Fewer than 600 have escaped the planets gravitational bounds and flown into space. A group of fewer than 20, however, have seen a solar eclipse from space.

The latter group is expected to grow on Monday as the crew of the International Space Station is expected to catch a glimpse of the moons umbra the 70-mile-wide dark, inner shadow moving across the American heartland.

Its an awe-inspiring view for those fortunate enough to have the experience.

Were a very fortunate group, said Bill McArthur, a recently retired NASA astronaut and a veteran of four spaceflights. You realize very quickly youre very blessed to get to experience something like that.

McArthur would know. He was serving as commander and science officer of Expedition 12 aboard the International Space Station on March 29, 2006, when a total solar eclipse crossed the Earths surface from the eastern tip of Brazil across the Atlantic Ocean and portions of Africa before ending over portions of Mongolia.

Despite the countless hours astronauts spend training for each mission to space, McArthur said he didnt know about the eclipse until just a few days beforehand.

Theres always a bit of pressure to be as prepared as you can be knowing if you blink youll miss it, so to speak, McArthur said.

It was a similar experience for Donald Pettit, a current NASA astronaut and a veteran of three spaceflights.

You have this amazing view that you cant get any other way than being in space, Pettit said. You can see all these structural details the umbra, the penumbra (the moons lighter outer shadow) that astronomers and physicists through the ages never actually saw, yet they mathematically worked it out, and you get to see that they were right.

Neither McArthur nor Pettit has ever seen a total solar eclipse from Earth. While theyve both seen one from space, Pettit holds another distinction.

Ive seen two from orbit, Pettit said. Its about time I see one from Earth.

Pettits first encounter was with a total solar eclipse on Dec. 4, 2002, as part of Expedition 6 on the International Space Station. The second was an annular solar eclipse one where the moon isnt quite big enough to cover the entire sun so a narrow ring of fire is visible on the edge as part of Expedition 31 on May 20, 2012.

Its just amazing to be able to see whats going on on the scale of half a continent, Pettit said. Its something you cant see with your feet on the ground or in an airplane. You have to have the vantage point of being in space.

Many members of the Michiana Astronomical Society are hitting the roads for the eclipse.

The moons shadow will travel about 10,000 miles across the Earths surface, from the middle of the Pacific Ocean across the continental United States to the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. The umbra will spend about an hour and a half crossing 14 states from Oregon to South Carolina.

Linda Marks, the vice president of the Michiana Astronomical Society, said society members will be spread out from coast to coast.

Were pretty much everywhere, she said.

While all of North America will have a view of a partial eclipse, weather permitting, club members are hedging their bets on being in the path of totality. In South Bend, the moon is expected to block about 86 percent of the sun with the maximum eclipse coming at 2:22 p.m., according to NASA.

One of the clubs members, Granger resident Chuck Bueter, an amateur astronomer and past president of the society who hosts a blog at, is heading for Idaho. Its not just the total eclipse hes hoping to see, however.

One of the many splendors of an eclipse is youve got all these people looking skyward, Bueter said. After the eclipse, keep looking up. With the new moon at night its going to be amazing stargazing.

As excited as Bueter is for this eclipse, hes equally excited for the next opportunity to see a total solar eclipse in the U.S. April 8, 2024. It will be another eclipse exclusive to North America as the umbra will cross Canada, Mexico and the United States. The part that has Bueter most excited is that unlike Mondays eclipse, the path of totality will cross Indiana, just south of Indianapolis.

Were going to have totality in Indiana, Bueter said. We should prepare now.

Having viewed Earth from the perspective of space on multiple occasions, both Pettit and McArthur said one of the aspects of Mondays eclipse that excites them is the opportunity it presents to pique the interest of the next generation of explorers and scientists.

Any time some natural event piques scientific interest in the public thats a good thing, Pettit said. Theres any number of things that happen that show science and math front and center in terms of trying to explain what is going on.

The universe is an amazing thing, yet so much of it is still a mystery, he said. The more we can inspire curiosity I think the better off we are in the long run. We have the next generation of adults that understand where we stand in the grand scheme of things, our place, our environment and how to be good stewards for future generations.

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Are you ready for the Great American Eclipse? These NASA astronaut saw one from space. - South Bend Tribune

Nasa: July 2017 == record July 2016 –

A global map of the June 2017 LOTI (land-ocean temperature index) anomaly, relative to the 1951-1980 June average. View larger image.

July 2017 was statistically tied with July 2016 as the warmest July in the 137 years of modern record-keeping, according to a monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

Last month was about 0.83 degrees Celsius warmer than the mean July temperature of the 1951-1980 period. Only July 2016 showed a similarly high temperature (0.82 C), all previous months of July were more than a tenth of a degree cooler.

Starting with this update, the previously used ocean data set ERSST v4 was replaced by the newer ERSST v5. This contributed to the changes of some of the data in last month's update. For more information, see theUpdates to Analysisand theHistory Pages.

The monthly analysis by the GISS team is assembled from publicly available data acquired by about 6,300 meteorological stations around the world, ship- and buoy-based instruments measuring sea surface temperature, and Antarctic research stations.

The modern global temperature record begins around 1880 because previous observations didn't cover enough of the planet. Monthly analyses are sometimes updated when additional data becomes available, and the results are subject to change.

For more information on NASA GISS's monthly temperature analysis,

For more information about NASA GISS,

Leslie McCarthy, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, N.Y., 212-678-5507,

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NASA astronaut Mike Fincke talks solar eclipse – Grand Island Independent

RAVENNA A couple hundred people poured into Ravenna High School to hear NASA astronaut Mike Fincke speak about the upcoming solar eclipse and his space experiences.

Mike was joined by his wife Renita, who is a NASA engineer who is working on figuring out how to keep astronauts healthy while in space.

The Ravenna Area Vision Fund sponsored the Finckes coming to town. Mike was selected by NASA in April 1996 and has been on several space missions. According to his bio, he was first assigned technical duties in the Astronaut Office Station Operations Branch, serving as an International Space Station Capsule Communicator. Hes also qualified to be a co-pilot on the Russian Soyuz TM and TMA spacecraft.

Mike currently serves as branch chief for the Commercial Crew Branch for NASA. He was on Expedition 9 in 2004 and Expedition 18 in 2008. He also was on the STS-134 mission in 2011. Total, he has spend 381 days, 15 hours and 11 minutes in orbit in space.

Mike outlined how unique the solar eclipse on Monday is. The totality that youre going to see on Monday is extremely special, Mike said.

He said hes never even seen anything like it, being in an area that is in the line of complete totality.

So when you ask NASA if we can send an astronaut, we say Yes!, Mike said, crediting the eclipses uniqueness.

He said not only is the eclipse unique, but its important in learning more about the sun. The more we learn about the sun, the more we can make life better on planet Earth, he said.

He showed video of his space adventures, including the fun things astronauts do: floating around acting like Iron Man in the space station, splashing floating bubbles of water in their face, and letting their hair go wild in the zero gravity.

It can turn these 40-year-olds into kids again, Mike said.

Gina McPherson, director of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce, was clad in a sun costume. She said having Mike and Renita in Ravenna for a big event like the eclipse was huge. The Finckes spoke on Friday to Ravenna students and rode in Saturday mornings parade.

Its one thing to have a NASA astronaut here, but to have it be apart of the eclipse stuff takes it to a whole other level, McPherson said.

She also said having Renita speak to the students was great because shes an engineer in a male-dominated field. McPherson said the students took to Renita and were inspired.

Mike said being in space made him realize how beautiful our home planet is. He said he used to think Mars was his favorite planet until he was in orbit. He got to see the city lights, the water and land from way above.

Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system, Mike said, adding that we need to take care of it and each other.

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NASA astronaut Mike Fincke talks solar eclipse - Grand Island Independent

NASA, PBS Marking 40 Years Since Voyager Spacecraft Launches – Voice of America


Forty years after blasting off, Earth's most distant ambassadors the twin Voyager spacecraft are carrying sounds and music of our planet ever deeper into the cosmos.

Think of them as messages in bottles meant for anyone or anything out there.

Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of NASA's launch of Voyager 2, now almost 11 billion miles distant. It departed from Cape Canaveral on August 20, 1977, to explore Jupiter and Saturn.

Voyager 1 followed a few weeks later and is ahead of Voyager 2. It's humanity's farthest spacecraft at 13 billion miles away and is the world's only craft to reach interstellar space, the vast, mostly empty space between star systems. Voyager 2 is expected to cross that boundary during the next few years.

Each carries a 12-inch, gold-plated copper phonograph record (there were no CDs or MP3s in 1977) containing messages from Earth: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, chirping crickets, a baby's cry, a kiss, wind and rain, a thunderous moon rocket launch, African pygmy songs, Solomon Island panpipes, a Peruvian wedding song and greetings in dozens of languages. There are also more than 100 electronic images on each record showing 20th-century life, traffic jams and all.

Tweets, photos

NASA is marking the anniversary of its back-to-back Voyager launches with tweets, reminiscences and still-captivating photos of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune taken by the Voyagers from 1979 through the 1980s.

Public television is also paying tribute with a documentary, The Farthest Voyager in Space, airing Wednesday on PBS at 9 p.m. EDT.

The two-hour documentary describes the tense and dramatic behind-the-scenes effort that culminated in the wildly successful missions to our solar system's outer planets and beyond. More than 20 team members are interviewed, many of them long retired. There's original TV footage throughout, including a look back at the late astronomer Carl Sagan of the 1980 PBS series Cosmos. It also includes an interview with Sagan's son, Nick, who at 6 years old provided the English message: "Hello from the children of planet Earth."

Planetary scientist Carolyn Porco who joined Voyager's imaging team in 1980 puts the mission up there with man's first moon landing.

'Iconic' achievement

"I consider Voyager to be the Apollo 11 of the planetary exploration program. It has that kind of iconic stature,'' Porco, a visiting scholar at the University of California-Berkeley, told The Associated Press on Thursday.

It was Sagan who, in large part, got a record aboard each Voyager. NASA was reluctant and did not want the records eclipsing the scientific goals. Sagan finally prevailed, but he and his fellow record promoters had less than two months to rustle everything up.

The identical records were the audio version of engraved plaques designed by Sagan and others for Pioneers 10 and 11, launched in 1972 and 1973.

The 55 greetings for the Voyager Golden Records were collected at Cornell University, where Sagan taught astronomy, and the United Nations in New York. The music production fell to science writer Timothy Ferris, a friend of Sagan living then in New York.

For the musical selections, Ferris and Sagan recruited friends along with a few professional musicians. They crammed in 90 minutes of music recorded at half-speed; otherwise, the discs would have held just 45 minutes' worth of music.

How to choose from an infinite number of melodies and melodious sounds representing all of Earth?

Beethoven, Bach and Mozart were easy picks. Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven represented jazz, Blind Willie Johnson gospel blues.

Chuck Berry

For the rock 'n' roll single, the group selected Chuck Berry's 1958 hit "Johnny B. Goode." Bob Dylan was a close runner-up, and the Beatles also rated high. Elvis Presley's name came up (Presley died four days before Voyager 2's launch). In the end, Ferris thought "Johnny B. Goode'' best represented the origins and creativity of rock 'n' roll.

Ferris still believes it's "a terrific record'' and he has no "deep regrets'' about the selections. Even the rejected tunes represented "beautiful materials.''

"It's like handfuls of diamonds. If you're concerned that you didn't get the right handful or something, it's probably a neurotic problem rather than anything to do with the diamonds,'' Ferris told the AP this week.

But he noted: "If I were going to start into regrets, I suppose not having Italian opera would be on that list.''

The whole record project cost $30,000 or $35,000, to the best of Ferris' recollection.

NASA estimated the records would last 1 billion to 3 billion years or more potentially outliving human civilization.

For Ferris, it's time more than distance that makes the whole idea of finders-keepers so incomprehensible.

A billion years from now, "Voyager could be captured by an advanced civilization of beings that don't exist yet. ... It's literally imponderable what will happen to the Voyagers,'' he said.

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NASA, PBS Marking 40 Years Since Voyager Spacecraft Launches - Voice of America

Monday’s Eclipse a ‘once in a lifetime’ event, NASA education specialist says – ABC NEWS 4

How much do you actually know about the eclipse? Hundreds of people lined up Saturday to learn from a NASA education specialist at the Charleston County Library. Not only was the specialist dropping some serious knowledge, but the library was also handing out free glasses.

Eyes will be on the sky in Charleston come 2:46 on Monday, but there are also other things to keep a look out for. NASA broke that down and explained why this event is so important to scientists.

How is the moon, that's that tiny, cover up a sun that's that big? Jennifer Hudgins asked the group.

Hudgins, a NASA education specialist, broke it all down for those in attendance.

"The moon is able to cover up the sun, because it's closer to us. The sun is so much further away that they actually end up being the same size, which is how we're able to view totality of an eclipse here, Hudgins said.

She described Monday as a once in a lifetime event.

"To be here in Charleston and see totality, I can't wait. I'll be one of those looking up at the eclipse the whole time too," Hudgins said.

Glasses were handed out for safety, but Hudgins said theres more than one way to view the eclipse.

"You can even take a colander or a strainer from your kitchen and shine it on the ground, and you're going to get many eclipses all over the ground, Hudgins said.

But if you're safely looking up with the proper eye wear, take a look around.

"So Mercury is right near the sun, so we hardly ever see Mercury. So with the sun being eclipsed, Mercury will be visible. So, we are actually mapping the surface during that time, Hudgins said.

She said you'll be able to see Venus and Mars, as well as some major stars, like Regulus, Sirius and the Orion constellation.

NASA scientists will be using space-based satellites to study the sun that day as well.

"During the eclipse the corona of the sun is visible, and it's the only time that we can really study the corona. We also have some jets that are going to be flying for NASA that's going to follow the path of the eclipse and the shadow of the moon across the country. So, those satellites can study the corona longer," Hudgins said.

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Monday's Eclipse a 'once in a lifetime' event, NASA education specialist says - ABC NEWS 4

NASA Admin: By the Time You’re a Junior, What You Learned as a Freshman is Obsolete – Futurism

Fundamental Skills

As automation looms over the world of work, the changing face of labor factors more and more into decisions about which college course makes for the best investment of time and money. In a recent discussion with Futurism, Robert M. Lightfoot Jr. a graduate of the University of Alabama and the acting administrator of NASA had a few pointers for students and educators about how to navigate this increasingly bumpy terrain.

Lightfoot began by noting how quickly progress moves in todays world, and how this may leave some young people (and some educators) at a loss: By the time you are a junior in college, what you learned as a freshman is already obsolete. Of course, he notes that there are some basics you will always need, there are some fundamental skills that are required either way. If you are in a science program, you need science. If you are in a technology program, you need engineering and math. Thats just the bottom line.

But still, issues remain.

Regardless of what fundamentals you learn, by the time that you graduate college, much of the information you acquired there will no longer applyand things are only going to get worse as our research into automation and artificial intelligence continues to advance.

This said, Lightfoot maintains that higher education does teach students a lot of valuable lessons they just might not be on the syllabus (yet). Ultimately, he outlined what needs to change to prepare young people for the world, and workforce, of tomorrow.

Most college courses require students to work alongside one another sooner or later. The way Lightfoot sees it, this kind of experience plays an essential role in preparing the sort of candidates who are going to excel at an organization like NASA.

There are a couple of skills that will always be needed, says Lightfoot. Thats being able to work on a team, to work well with other people, and to understand that youre never an individual in this. I can tell you, theres not a soul in this agency that can say I did something. No. We did something.

An organization like NASA cant complete its important work without every cog in the machine working in sync. Automation and robotics are going to change the kind of job opportunitiesleft available to college graduates in the next decade and beyond, but good collaboration skills will still be valuable.

You need to learn to communicate, adds Lightfoot. Those skills are very important, and theyre something that you can always teach and will always be important. It may not be much, but in the end, having skills inhuman-centered interactions will help ensure you are employable in the world of tomorrow.

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NASA Admin: By the Time You're a Junior, What You Learned as a Freshman is Obsolete - Futurism

NASA’s Parker Probe Will Explore The Sun’s Hellish Atmosphere in 2018 –

NASA's Parker Solar Probe will fly closer to the sun than any spacecraft in history, and help scientists unlock secrets of our nearest star.

Paul Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University and the chief scientist at COSI Science Center. Sutter leads science-themed tours around the world at

By now, with so little time left until a total solar eclipse crosses the U.S. from coast to coast on Monday (Aug. 21), skywatchers planning to attend the event should understand that it's dangerous to look directly at the sun with the unaided eye, even if it's almost entirely covered by the moon. Seriously, don't do it.

The intense radiation emitted by the sun at multiple wavelengths, from the infrared through the ultraviolet, heats and warms our little world, but even at a distance of 93 million miles (149 million kilometers) and through our thick atmosphere, it can damage our skin and eyes. And occasionally make it possible to cook eggs on the sidewalk, if you're the adventurous sort.

So, NASA is going to send a spacecraft closer than ever before, and hope to capture useful data before the probewell, melts.

The Parker Solar Probe was named after astrophysicist Eugene Parker (and let me interrupt myself and take this opportunity to castigate NASA for missing the golden opportunity to christen it the Icarus). The mission is set to launch in the summer of 2018. The craft won't take long to start taking dips near the sun, coming within 3.7 million miles (6 million km) of the surface. That sounds like a pretty large distance, which might lead some people to think the probe isn't getting that close to the sun but the spacecraft will experience the sun's inferno at a scale 520 times greater than us here on Earth.

That mission design will continuously dip the probe in and out of the danger zone, coming seven times closer to the sun than any spacecraft before it. That puts poor Parker squarely within the sun's corona, the poorly understood wispy outer layer of our star. The hope is that this Evel Knievel-inspired plan will help us unlock the mysteries of that outer layer.

How does the corona reach temperatures exceeding 3 million degrees Fahrenheit (6 million Celsius), despite extending so far from the relatively cool surface? How do charged particles emanating from the sun get accelerated to near-light speed before spilling out into the system as a continuous solar wind? How do magnetic fields twist and tangle to transfer such tremendous energies?

We currently just have fuzzy half-answers to the above questions, and it's only by taking direct measurements as close to the furnace as possible that we can make more progress in answering them.

If you're lucky enough to see totality during the upcoming eclipse, you'll get to witness the sun's corona for yourself. And starting next year, plucky little Parker will be soon swimming in that sweltering soup, bravely collecting data before it, too, succumbs to the flames.

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NASA's Parker Probe Will Explore The Sun's Hellish Atmosphere in 2018 -

Biggest near-Earth asteroid recorded by NASA will make a pass in September – Sacramento Bee

Sacramento Bee
Biggest near-Earth asteroid recorded by NASA will make a pass in September
Sacramento Bee
If Monday's approaching solar eclipse has you excited about astronomy, there's some good news: Not even two weeks later, another rare feat will pass us by. And miss us, thankfully. An asteroid called Florence will pass within 4.5 million miles of Earth ...
NASA greets Earth-buzzing asteroid Florence in SeptemberCNET
NASA: 3-Mile-Wide Asteroid Set to Pass by Earth Sept. 1Newsmax
NASA Tracking Three-Mile-Wide Asteroid That Will Pass Earth in SeptemberNewsweek
New Atlas -NASA -Arecibo Observatory
all 72 news articles »

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Biggest near-Earth asteroid recorded by NASA will make a pass in September - Sacramento Bee

Great American Eclipse: Why NASA is Chasing the Total Solar Eclipse with Jet Planes – Newsweek

NASA is preparing to study the total solar eclipse on Monday by chasing the path of totality with jet planes. By doing so, the space agency should be able to capture the clearest ever image of the suns outer atmosphereits corona.

The corona is like a fiery shell of plasma that surrounds the sun, reaching temperatures of over 1 million degrees Celsius. It is the place where solar winds and coronal mass ejections come from, both of which have the potential to affect Earth. A large CME, for example, could knock out communications satellites and power grids, with one U.S. government report indicating it could cause up to $2 trillion worth of damage.

However, our understanding of the suns corona is limited. Compared with the sun, it is very dim, so when scientists try to look at it, it is obscured by the brightness of the suns surface. During a solar eclipse, however, this all changes. With the suns light blocked out, researches can look at the corona in far more detail.

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This National Solar Observatory image shows a model of the sun's corona during the August 21 total solar eclipse, based on measurements taken one solar rotation (or 27.2753 Earth days) before the event. National Solar Observatory

To take advantage of the forthcoming eclipse, which will pass across the entire U.S., from the Pacific to the Atlantic, NASA plans to follow the event with superfast planes flying high in the stratosphere andcruising at an altitude of 50,000 feet.

The two WB-57F research jets have been modified so that telescopes are mounted on their noses. These telescopes will be used to take high-definition pictures of the corona 30 times per second. Because of the high altitude, the sky will be 20 to 30 times darker than it is on the ground. There will also be less atmospheric turbulence. Combined, this should provide scientists with the clearest-ever view of the corona taken to date.

Each plane will track the eclipse for three and a half minutes, giving a total observation time of seven minutes. From a static point on the surface of Earth, the maximum observation time is just two and a half minutes.

These could well turn out to be the best-ever observations of high-frequency phenomena in the corona, Dan Seaton, co-investigator of the project and a researcher at the University of Colorado, said in a statement. Extending the observing time and going to a very high altitude might allow us to see a few events or track waves that would be essentially invisible in just two minutes of observations from the ground.

One of the mysteries of the suns corona scientists hope to solve is why it is so much hotter than the suns surface, which is just a few thousand degrees Celsius. One suggestion is that magnetic waves move energy from the surface to the outer atmosphere, where it is released as heat. Another theory is that tiny explosions, or nanoflares, are constantly taking place on the suns surface and releasing heat into the corona.

An eruption of solar material from the sun, also known as a coronal mass ejection. NASA

We see the evidence of nanoflare heating, but we dont know where they occur, says Amir Caspi, whose team from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, will be flying in the jets. If they occur higher up in the corona, we might expect to see waves moving downwards, as the little explosions occur and collectively reconfigure the magnetic fields.

As well as looking at the corona, the jets will be used to observe Mercury, taking the first-ever thermal images of the planet to see how temperature varies across its surface. Because Mercury spins far slower than Earth, the side facing the sun ends up reaching around 420 degrees Celsius, while temperatures on the dark side plummet far below zero. Understanding how fast the surface cools down at night will help researchers work out what the soil is made from and how dense it ispotentially shedding light on how it and the other rocky planets formed.

The path of totality will pass through 10 states: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.Read our guide on when to watch the total solar eclipse in each state here.

See the rest here:

Great American Eclipse: Why NASA is Chasing the Total Solar Eclipse with Jet Planes - Newsweek

NASA’s Voyagers: 35 years of inspiration [Update: Now it’s 40] – Ars Technica

This weekend, NASA's historic Voyager spacecrafts celebrate their 40th year in space. The missions have given humanity many awe-inspiring discoveries in those four decades, and Voyager 1 and 2 have inspired infinite further initiatives or related works, too (such as a great new documentary debuting this week). To celebrate the occasion, we're resurfacing this appreciation from 2012 that details another thing Voyager forever inspired: our science editor.

August 20, 1977 turned out to be a before-and-after moment for meand probably a lot of other people as well. None of us knew it at the time, though, since the launch of Voyager 2 (followed a few weeks later by Voyager 1) wasn't obviously a big deal to most people. In fact, I wouldn't fully appreciate the change until sometime in 1980.

To understand why, a bit of history is in order. NASA had been sending probes to other planets, like the Mariner and Pioneer series, since the 1960s. However, even the best technology of the time was pretty limited in terms of what it could do remotely. And for most of that time, they were badly overshadowed by manned exploration, first the Apollo missions and Skylab, and later the planning for the space shuttle. In fact, even as the Voyagers flew past Jupiter, I seem to recall more attention being paid to the impending de-orbit of Skylab, which scattered charred pieces of itself over Australia later that year.

But for me, everything changed with the arrival of the January issue of National Geographic early the next year. Its picture, of an erupting volcano on Jupiter's moon Io, was simply stunning. The contents continued to amaze. Supersonic winds in Jupiter's atmosphere. Stunning photos of the Great Red Spot. Water ice reshaping the surface of Europa. I can't even begin to imagine how many times I reread the issue.

Further issues of the sort came as the Voyagers passed the other outer planets, but the Jupiter issue was the one that truly fulfilled the before-and-after promise held by the Voyagers' launch.

I had always had an interest in science, going back to things like a childhood addiction to all things dinosaur and a love of PBS specials. But like most other kids, I had been operating under the distorted picture of science presented by the typical school textbooks at the time: make a hypothesis, do some direct tests, and draw a conclusion. The Voyagers turned all that upside-down.

Whoever wrote National Geographic's coverage brilliantly captured the fact that scientists sometimes do things just to see what's out there, rather than being driven by a specific hypothesis. And, quite often, they're actually surprised by what they find. Europa being nearly crater free? None of our previous planetary visits had suggested anything like that was going to be likely. Active volcanoes on a moon? That wasn't on the mission list.

In fact, the discovery of Io's volcanoes showed that serendipity played a part in science. If the narrative was right, they weren't even found during the observations that were directed at the moon. Instead, a camera simply meant to pick out stars for navigation purposes happened to capture an eruption while trying to get a fix on a nearby star.

It also became clear that the whole idea of science being all about direct tests needed a bit of revision. The Voyagers did have cameras and spectrometers that told us about the composition of various things they observed. But they also had magnetometers, that simply registered what was going on in their immediate environment. It was clear those readings could be plugged into models that told us something about the environment as a whole and, more broadly, what was going on at Jupiter and its moons to generate that environment.

And those models weren't static things that you tested, then either accepted or discarded. Tidal forces were quickly pinpointed as providing the heat that made Jupiter's inner moons such dynamic places, but the details were revised, argued over, and left with a fair degree of uncertainty attached. Other data was described even as it was made clear that there was no consensus about what could possibly explain it.

You can tell how much of an impression this made on me based on the fact that I still remember all of this over 30 years later.

But like the best of science, the Voyagers didn't just change their corner of science; they changed how we view the world.

It may be hard to imagine it now, but I had grown up at a time when we believed that the Earth was the only host of active volcanoes in the Solar System, and all of the bodies we'd explored had been so hostile that life wasn't a realistic option. Now, we regularly talk about the active geology of places like Io and Titan, and consider the relative prospects for life on various moons. The Voyagers completely changed the way we talk about the Solar System and, in the process, our place in it.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the Voyagers have also shaped how we view the rapidly expanding catalog of planets outside our solar system as well. Rather than viewing them through the lens of Mars' barrenness or the hellish conditions of Mercury and Venus, the Voyagers made it possible to envision other worlds as part of a cacophony of different environments, including some we have not seen in our own Solar System. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the Voyagers didn't help inspire some people to look for planets elsewhere in the first place.

Now, over 30 years on, the Voyagers' greatest discoveries are part of the background of how I view science and the Universe. But they continue to amaze for one other reason: their longevity. NASA builds its hardware to survive incredibly harsh environments, so provided nothing goes badly wrong, it has become common for missions to still be going long after their expected finish. Even so, 35 years of operation and data sent back from the border of the space between the stars is just a staggering testament to the Voyagers' engineering.

They will probably never change the world again, but it's somehow nice to think that their scientific career has continued to span the entirety of one they helped inspire: mine.

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NASA's Voyagers: 35 years of inspiration [Update: Now it's 40] - Ars Technica

NASA jets will chase solar eclipse at 50000 feet – CBS News

It's go time for NASA's stratospheric airborne science team. On Monday, a total solar eclipse will travel coast-to-coast in the U.S. for the first time in 99 years. Pilots at Ellington Field, next door to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, are going on an atmospheric research flight.

Their rides: 1960s-era former bomber jets, called WB-57s.

During the total solar eclipse, the same planes will serve a very different purpose, reports CBS News correspondent David Begnaud.

Cary Klemm is one of four NASA flight crew members who will be chasing the eclipse over Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky at 460 mph.

"My job is to calibrate and initialize the camera payload that we'll be using to look at the eclipse. That includes focusing and zooming in to get the best shot," Klemm said.

CBS News

Klemm said he will be wearing solar eclipse glasses.

"It's actually even more important to wear the eclipse glasses at high altitudes. There's less air to block the sun, and the sun's a lot stronger," Klemm said.

26 Photos

You don't need special glasses in order to appreciate these stunning eclipse photos

Amir Caspi leads the team of scientists.

"These planes will be outfitted with special cameras in their nose cones," Caspi said. "So the planes will be looking at the solar corona, the outer atmosphere of the sun."

He said on a regular day, the sky is so bright, you can't see the corona, but during the total solar eclipse, the "dim corona suddenly becomes visible."

"Our results will lead to a better understanding of the corona, which will eventually lead to a better understanding of ...flares and coronal mass ejections," Caspi said.

"They can cause blackouts of radio frequency communications. Cell phones can have trouble working," Caspi explained. "It can cause power outages by knocking out power grids."

The best way to understand what erupts off the sun's corona is to photograph it over long periods of time. But ground-based cameras will only have about two minutes of total eclipse time.

Because two of the planes will be flying tandem along the eclipse path, it will give scientists an unprecedented look at the sun.

"Each plane will be able to observe totality for about four minutes. And when we stitch together the observations from both of the airplanes, we be getting about seven- to seven-and-a-half minutes of total solar eclipse," Caspi said. "We'll be getting 30 photographs a second for seven-and-a-half minutes of totality. That's about 29,000 photographs between the two airplanes."

Scientists will be studying the data these planes gather for years, but for the rest of us on Monday, NASA TV will be live-streaming images taken from on board shortly after 2:15 p.m. EST. They should be impressive. We're told the sky is 20 to 30 times darker up at 50,000 feet than it is down on the ground.

2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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NASA jets will chase solar eclipse at 50000 feet - CBS News

NASA, PBS marking 40 years since Voyager spacecraft launches – LA Daily News

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Forty years after blasting off, Earths most distant ambassadors the twin Voyager spacecraft are carrying sounds and music of our planet ever deeper into the cosmos.

Think of them as messages in bottles meant for anyone or anything out there.

This Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of NASAs launch of Voyager 2, now almost 11 billion miles distant. It departed from Cape Canaveral on Aug. 20, 1977 to explore Jupiter and Saturn.

Voyager 1 followed a few weeks later and is ahead of Voyager 2. Its humanitys farthest spacecraft at 13 billion miles away and is the worlds only craft to reach interstellar space, the vast mostly emptiness between star systems. Voyager 2 is expected to cross that boundary during the next few years.

Each carries a 12-inch, gold-plated copper phonograph record (there were no CDs or MP3s back then) containing messages from Earth: Beethovens Fifth, chirping crickets, a babys cry, a kiss, wind and rain, a thunderous moon rocket launch, African pygmy songs, Solomon Island panpipes, a Peruvian wedding song and greetings in dozens of languages. There are also more than 100 electronic images on each record showing 20th-century life, traffic jams and all.

NASA is marking the anniversary of its back-to-back Voyager launches with tweets, reminisces and still captivating photos of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune taken by the Voyagers from 1979 through the 1980s.

Public television is also paying tribute with a documentary, The Farthest Voyager in Space, airing Wednesday on PBS at 9 p.m.

The two-hour documentary describes the tense and dramatic behind-the-scenes effort that culminated in the wildly successful missions to our solar systems outer planets and beyond. More than 20 team members are interviewed, many of them long retired. Theres original TV footage throughout, including a lookback at the late astronomer Carl Sagan of the 1980 PBS series Cosmos. It also includes an interview with Sagans son, Nick, who at 6 years old provided the English message: Hello from the children of Planet Earth.

Planetary scientist Carolyn Porco who joined Voyagers imaging team in 1980 puts the mission up there with mans first moon landing.

I consider Voyager to be the Apollo 11 of the planetary exploration program. It has that kind of iconic stature, Porco, a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, told The Associated Press on Thursday.

It was Sagan who, in large part, got a record aboard each Voyager. NASA was reluctant and did not want the records eclipsing the scientific goals. Sagan finally prevailed, but he and his fellow record promoters had less than two months to rustle everything up.


The identical records were the audio version of engraved plaques designed by Sagan and others for Pioneers 10 and 11, launched in 1972 and 1973.

The 55 greetings for the Voyager Golden Records were collected at Cornell University, where Sagan taught astronomy, and the United Nations in New York. The music production fell to science writer Timothy Ferris, a friend of Sagan living then in New York.

For the musical selections, Ferris and Sagan recruited friends along with a few professional musicians. They crammed in 90 minutes of music recorded at half-speed; otherwise it would have lasted just 45 minutes.

How to choose from an infinite number of melodies and melodious sounds representing all of Earth?

Beethoven, Bach and Mozart were easy picks. Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven represented jazz, Blind Willie Johnson gospel blues.

For the rock n roll single, the group selected Chuck Berrys 1958 hit Johnny B. Goode. Bob Dylan was a close runner-up, and the Beatles also rated high. Elvis Presleys name came up (Presley died four days before Voyager 2s launch). In the end, Ferris thought Johnny B. Goode best represented the origins and creativity of rock n roll.

Ferris still believes its a terrific record and he has no deep regrets about the selections. Even the rejected tunes represented beautiful materials.

Its like handfuls of diamonds. If youre concerned that you didnt get the right handful or something, its probably a neurotic problem rather than anything to do with the diamonds, Ferris told the AP earlier this week.

But he noted: If I were going to start into regrets, I suppose not having Italian opera would be on that list.

The whole record project cost $30,000 or $35,000, to the best of Ferris recollection.

NASA estimated the records would last 1 billion to 3 billion years or more potentially outliving human civilization.

For Ferris, its time more than distance that makes the whole idea of finders-keepers so incomprehensible.

A billion years from now, Voyager could be captured by an advanced civilization of beings that dont exist yet ... Its literally imponderable what will happen to the Voyagers, he said.

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NASA, PBS marking 40 years since Voyager spacecraft launches - LA Daily News

Yes, it really has taken NASA 11 years to develop a parachute – Ars Technica

Enlarge / A test model of the Orion spacecraft, with its parachutes, is tested in Arizona.


Last week, NASAs acting chief technologist, Douglas Terrier, visited one of NASAs main contractors in the Houston area, Jacobs. Along with a handful of media members, he spent about an hour touring the companys engineering development facility, where the company supports NASA programs from the International Space Station to the Orion spacecraft.

At one stop during the tour, Terrier learned about a new distiller that might more efficiently recover water from urine during long-duration missions. At another, he learned about new debris sensors that will go to the station to record micrometeorite and orbital debris impacts. And at yet another, he heard about the parachute system that Jacobs has helped develop for the Orion spacecraft.

Terrier continued to nod pleasantly along and ask insightful questions. The tour went on. But inwardly, I was taken aback. Surely, it did not take 11 years (and counting) to develop and test parachutes for a spacecraft. After all, between 1961 and 1972, humans went from first taking flight with Yuri Gagarin, to flying Apollo missions to the Moon. And if it was true, what did it mean for where NASA was really going in terms of human exploration?

It was true. According to NASA spokeswoman Barbara Zelon, the contract for the development and certification of the Orion parachute system has been in place for 11 years. This included early concept and trade studies, numerous ground-based tests, and 17 full-scale development airdrop tests required to prove out a wide range of failure scenarios. Finally, Orion has completed three of the final eight human certification airdrop tests and plans to complete human certification in early 2019. So Jacobs is likely to have a parachute development contract forat least 13 years.


In some sense, this is what NASA does. It tests out new technologies on the frontier of exploration and then shares them with industry. For example, Zelon said, NASA has shared more than 300 artifacts, including the design, models, and test data, with the agencys commercial crew partnersBoeing and SpaceX. This has allowed them to leverage NASAs efforts and eliminate nearly all the development work and unique testing. This saves both NASA and the companies money in the long run.

But what does it say about an exploration program that requires 13 years to develop a parachute system? After all, NASAs Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo capsules all had parachute systems, too, and each wasdeveloped within a few years. NASA had a broad base of knowledge to draw on (Orion will probably only ever come back from the Moon, like the Apollo capsules, although it is larger). It seemed like a 13-year contract for parachute development may indicate that the agency really wasnt going anywhere fast.

After the Jacobs tour, I put this question to Terrier. He did not flinch. I think its a very fair question, he said. I think its a very fair debate to ask if we as a nation are serious about this, and making it a priority. What weve enjoyed is a very constant level of support, but its certainly not the Apollo or Manhattan-type project to crank this thing out in seven years.

That is not to say that NASA, or its large contractor base, isless able than it wasin the 1960s. Far from it, Terrier said. I think its important to realize that the team and the technology and manufacturing base is very capable of doing that, the moment someone flicks that switch. The speed at which were moving is not limited by the capability of NASA or the contractors; it is limited by the resources and, frankly, the political emphasis.

Here, Terrier has highlighted the biggest reason why the United States and NASA have not moved beyond the Moon since 1969, or indeed, even sent humans back. Once the Apollo program met its Cold War imperative, NASAs priority sank, and the funding dried up. NASA has been left with significantly less money, relative to the rest of the federal budget, since then. It then tried to cobble together a meaningful human-exploration program in low Earth orbit with the shuttle and space station.

Perhaps the new administration will change this. Vice President Mike Pence has spoken about a renewed human exploration planalong with a willingness to inject more low-cost, commercial space into the mix to push NASA further, faster. Certainly, the potential is there. But for now, at least, the switch has yet to be flicked on.


Yes, it really has taken NASA 11 years to develop a parachute - Ars Technica

NASA’s Rocket to Nowhere Finally Has a Destination – WIRED

On a Thursday afternoon in June, a 17-foot-tall rocket motorlooking like something a dedicated amateur might fire offstood fire-side-up on the salty desert of Promontory, Utah. Over the loudspeakers, an announcer counted down. And with the command to fire, quad cones of flame flew from the four inverted nozzles and grew toward the sky. As the smoke rose, it cast a four-leaf clover of shadow across the ground.

This was a test of the launch abort motor, a gadget built to carry NASA astronauts away from a rocket gone wrong. Made in Utah by a company called Orbital ATK, it's part of the Space Launch System : the agency's next generation space vehicle, meant to ferry humans and cargo into deep space . NASA has tasked Orbital ATK and other contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Aerojet Rocketdynewith building SLS and its crew capsule for the kinds of missions NASA hasnt undertaken since the Apollo days. But for much of the program's six years, NASA didn't know exactly where SLS would go. The agency spent billions of dollars on what critics called a rocket to nowhere.

In June, hundreds of spectatorsrocket scientists, astronauts, locals who line the highway for every scheduled testcame to watch the fireworks of the launch abort motor test. Charley Bown, a program manager, had warned it would be very short, very powerful, and very loud. Despite his prep talk, the crowd jumped at "fire." During tests like this one, Bown actually turns from the rocketry and watches the watchers, taking pictures of their faces. Some people just smile, he says. Some have a look of amazement.

Bown has been to a lot of these shows in his decades here. And Orbital ATK has done other test fires, lighting up the boosters that will launch the SLS. But this one was different. Because back in late March, Bill Gerstenmaier, the associate administrator for NASAs Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate gave a flashy presentation detailing the agency's Deep Space Gateway and Transport Planwith proposed missions through the 2030s. Finally, the builders and testers could envision not just that their creations would go but that they would go to lunar orbit .

The tapestry of SLS's fate was always tangled. In 2010, before the shuttle was even in its grave , Congress told NASA to build the rocket using reappropriated shuttle parts. First, they thought the system might take astronauts to an asteroidyou know, practice for Mars. But maybe SLS could send a robot to tug an asteroid from its natural orbit and into the moon's orbit ? Also practice for Mars, of course.

With the 2016 transition of presidential power, NASA abandoned what little agenda it had. Which isn't unusual. The agencys mandates are always subject to the US's four-year flip-flop, despite the fact that decades-long mission plans require, believe it or not, decades. Since Trump took office, officials have debated whether to scrap missions to asteroids, whether to favor the moon over Mars, and whether to put humans aboard the very, very first mission, called EM-1 (it was a bad idea, and they won't).

Through all this, the contractors kept constructing and testing, keeping their focus simply on finishing . Until Gerstenmeier's March presentation. Finally, here was a roadmap. The first mission, according to this plan, will go to the moon's orbit in 2018.

Four years later, the rocket will launch a mission to Europa, that mystery moon on which moviemakers imagine oceanic aliens. Then, crews will shuttle to lunar orbit to build a deep-space habitat and staging area for longer-distance travel. Trips there will continue through 2029, building up the outer-space infrastructure. Four lucky people will spend a year hanging out in the ether around the moon, to see how they and the hab fare. And eventually, other astronauts will undock part of the space town and swivel it on a path toward Mars.

With those goalposts in place, NASA's contractors finally have somewhere to aim. Orbital ATK is currently proving that its hardware meets NASA's previously-established specs for safety and performance. And contractor Lockheed Martin continues to test the human capsule for NASA's deep-space forays: Orion.

As of late July, the Lockheed crew was in the throes of testing a full-size mockup of Orion . Off a road called Titan Loop in Colorado, Lockheed engineers test how the capsule fares in all kinds of weather, blasting it with sound waves to see how it handles vibration, shocking it to see if its components come out OK, putting pressure on it to see if its structure survives. It tests all the systems in various kinds of badness, says Christopher Aiken, an integration and test engineer.

The mockup isnt just a shell: Its electronics and controls are silicon copies of final product. When we fly this, it doesnt know its sitting on the ground, says Paul Sannes, manager of the test lab. The idea is that this model will feel and behave like the real thing under those same conditions, a voodoo doll of space travel. Last week, four Lockheed interns did an AMA on reddit. Getting to see a full mock-up of the capsule every day is pretty awesome, wrote Bailey Sikorski. Plus I get to touch it, which is even cooler.

Six hundred miles northwest, back at Orbital ATK, the biggest task is bureaucratic: a design certification review of the company's solid rocket boosters, which will power 80 percent of SLS's first few minutes of flight. Cast inside space-shuttle casings, the propellant's final form has the consistency of a pencil eraser. Technicians mix the solution in 600-gallon KitchenAids209 of them per boosterand pour that liquid into the five segments that make up each booster. Then they'll cure, trim, and X-ray them to make sure they're defect-free.

Emma Grey Ellis

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Peter Juul

NASA's Human Spaceflight Program Can't Afford Another Reset From the Next President

Wired Staff

The 12 Greatest Challenges for Space Exploration

When SLS goes up, it will eat through 1,385,000 pounds of that artisanal propellant in two minutes. And although the first flight wont happen till 2019, Orbital ATK has all the booster segments finished. The design certification will stretch through the end of this year. We provide to NASA all of the certification paperwork, all the drawings, all the test data, says Bown. And then? Assuming all's well? Ship, assemble, and fly, he says.

All that prep work means more now that SLS has real, concrete plans for launching astronauts to the moon's orbit. When the space shuttle Challenger broke apart in 1986, Bown worked at this Utah site. Engineers there, then as now, built NASAs rocket boosters. And it was a booster that failed, that cold Florida morning, 73 seconds after launch, when it was just higher than a commercial airliner. Seven astronauts died.

Bown kept working here, through decades and acquisitions and mergers and a whole lot of propellant work. I got to go from feeling horrible to feeling good about it again, he says.

Today, for major tests like that of the launch abort motor, NASA always sends at least one astronaut to observe. That presence means a lot: The astronauts get to meet the people theyve trusted to make the 177-foot-tall erasers that will fire them to space. And those engineers get to meet the people that propel their work.

The two types stand side by side at the testsboth jumping involuntarily, both perhaps in the frame of one of Bowns photos.

Continued here:

NASA's Rocket to Nowhere Finally Has a Destination - WIRED

Nasa’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano – BBC News

BBC News
Nasa's ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano
BBC News
I was a member of the Nasa Advisory Council on Planetary Defense which studied ways for Nasa to defend the planet from asteroids and comets, explains Brian Wilcox of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology.

and more »

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Nasa's ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano - BBC News

From exoplanets to galaxies: NASA chooses 6 missions for further study – Fox News

Six astrophysics programs selected for further study by NASA have science goals across the universe, ranging from exoplanets to galaxies.

This round of choices for NASA's Explorers Program, announced Aug. 9, includes three Explorer missions ($250 million each) and three missions of opportunity ($70 million each).

Each team has the chance to do a concept study. Scientific evaluations will be performed on each study, then NASA will select one Explorer mission and one mission of opportunity to fund in 2019. The expected launch dates would fall in 2022. [The Biggest Space Missions to Watch in 2017]

The three mission proposals (each receiving $2 million for the concept study), according to a NASA statement, are:

The three missions of opportunity (each receiving $500,000 for the concept study) are:

Explorers is NASA's longest-running program. Its first mission was Explorer 1 in 1958, which also was the first U.S. satellite. Explorer 1 discovered the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding Earth. More than 90 missions have run under the program, including the Uhuru and Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) missions that led to Nobel Prizes for their investigators.

"The Explorers Program brings out some of the most creative ideas for missions to help unravel the mysteries of the universe," Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of NASA's science mission directorate, said in the statement. "The program has resulted in great missions that have returned transformational science, and these selections promise to continue that tradition."

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From exoplanets to galaxies: NASA chooses 6 missions for further study - Fox News

Likely NASA Administrator Has Big Space Ambitions But Trump May Hinder Them – Houston Press

Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 10:54 a.m.

Illustration by Matt Griesmyer

An Oklahoma Congressman is President Donald Trumps choice to be the next NASA administrator, according to reports, but his plans for space may be pulled back to Earth by the man who hired him.

NASA Watch, a niche news organization that focuses on the space industry, reported Wednesday that Rep. Jim Bridenstine will be NASAs next leader. A Rice University graduate, Bridenstine is an aviator in the Navy Reserve and has served in Congress since 2012. He has not commented on speculation that hell soon join NASA.

In his five years in Congress, Bridenstine has shown an enthusiasm for space exploration, and said he wants the United States to reinvest in space and NASA, including more moon missions to explore the possibility of establishing a base there.

In 2016, the congressman sponsored the American Space Renaissance Act, which aims to project military strength through an American presence in space, spur commercial space innovation and provide clear goals and deadlines for NASA. In a website he created to promote the legislation, Bridenstine noted how often technology created for space travel has benefited the everyday lives of Americans and argued that the United States may cede influence over space by neglecting NASA.

Unfortunately, continued socioeconomic growth from space technology maturation and increased space access is no longer assured, Bridenstine wrote. Space is becoming more congested, contested, and competitive. We must establish responsible governance that will prevent mishaps, misperceptions, and mistrust, while assuring the use of space for all responsible parties. As a military pilot, I can attest that our national security and our very way of life require both military and commercial space capabilities.

The bill did not make it out of committee and received just a single co-sponsor, highlighting the struggle NASA has had finding the money it needs for its missions. Since the glory days of NASA, government investment in the space agency has dwindled. In 1966, in the middle of the Apollo Program, NASA spending accounted for 4.5 percent of the federal budget. Now, that figure is less than half a percent. Since the end of the shuttle program in 2011, American astronauts have had to hitch a ride with Russian cosmonauts to the International Space Station.

Despite his ambitions for NASA and the American space industry, Bridenstine may be hamstrung by the administration that hired him. President Trumps FY 2018 budget includes $19.1 billion for NASA, a $561 million decrease from present levels that CBS News reported would eliminate some Earth science missions and put the kibosh on NASAs plan to retrieve a piece of an asteroid, an exercise that would prepare astronauts for the challenges of flying to Mars.

Where the president himself stands on NASA remains a mystery. In 2012, he criticized the Obama administration for cutting NASAs budget and forcing astronauts to hitchhike from Kazakhstan but he has yet to offer an alternative travel arrangement.

Trump did not articulate a clear vision for NASA during his presidential campaign. During a call with astronauts aboard the International Space Station, Trump asked astronauts to reach Mars "during my first term or, at worst, during my second term," after those same astronauts told him this would not be possible until the 2030s. Plus, they'd need more money.

So Bridenstine may soon inherit a problem shared by leaders across the government: a president with grand plans unwilling to invest the time, expertise or investment to reaching them.

Here is the original post:

Likely NASA Administrator Has Big Space Ambitions But Trump May Hinder Them - Houston Press