Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E01 – That’s A Lot To Process! – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E01 - That #39;s A Lot To Process!
Subscribe: Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:158 19ratingsTime:19:40More inShows

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Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E01 - That's A Lot To Process! - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E02 – Rendezvous With A Bum! I Prefer Home Owning Impaired – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E02 - Rendezvous With A Bum! I Prefer Home Owning Impaired
Subscribe: Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:62 2ratingsTime:19:35More inGaming

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Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E02 - Rendezvous With A Bum! I Prefer Home Owning Impaired - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E03 – Command Centre Reached! – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E03 - Command Centre Reached!
Subscribe: Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:0 0ratingsTime:22:06More inGaming

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Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E03 - Command Centre Reached! - Video

High speed turning – Video

High speed turning
Nanotechnology Systems 350 ultra precision lathe using an Edgetech diamond tool to turn a 2024-T351 aluminum workpiece on a ISO 5.5 Professional Instrument #39;s air bearing spindle. cross feed: 15mm/min feed spindle speed: 1000 RPM Depth: 0.002 mmFrom:mdrlpsuViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inScience Technology

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Fall 2012 Commencement Address, Hector de Jesus Ruiz – Video

Fall 2012 Commencement Address, Hector de Jesus Ruiz
The Cockrell School of Engineering #39;s Fall 2012 Commencement ceremony was held Dec. 8 at the Frank Erwin Center. 299 undergraduate and 277 graduate students received their degrees. The commencement address was given by Dr. Hector de Jesus Ruiz. Dr. Hector de Jesus Ruiz, an accomplished engineer, corporate strategist and chief executive, has helped build and guide top-tier technology companies for nearly three decades. Ruiz, founder and CEO of Bull Ventures LLC and managing partner of Advanced Nanotechnology Solutions (ANS) Inc., began his career at Texas Instruments in the company #39;s research laboratories and manufacturing operations. He went on to Motorola, where he rose from running a microchip manufacturing facility in Scotland to overseeing the firm #39;s worldwide semiconductor operations. He then lead semiconductor research and development, ultimately becoming president of Motorola #39;s Semiconductor Products Sector. Ruiz joined AMD as president and COO in 2000, and was named CEO in 2002. At AMD, Ruiz set the strategic direction of the company, helping guide its growth from a small, broad supplier of components to an innovative technology solutions leader in the processor space. In 2006, he announced plans to build and operate the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing facility in the world in upstate New York, and in 2009 led an industry transformation by spinning out AMD #39;s manufacturing assets to form GLOBALFOUNDRIES. During his tenure at AMD, Ruiz received numerous ...From:CockrellSchoolViews:2 0ratingsTime:16:14More inEducation

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Fall 2012 Commencement Address, Hector de Jesus Ruiz - Video

Preparation of Zeolite ZSM5 and Catalysis of Xylene Isomerization – Video

Preparation of Zeolite ZSM5 and Catalysis of Xylene Isomerization
Zeolites are three-dimensional, crystalline networks of AlO4- and SiO4 tetrahedra. Their crystallization is often a nucleation-controlled process from a gel and the structure that crystallizes depends on the cations present. "A multitude of commercial processes have been developed that exploit size exclusion and selective molecular diffusivity properties based upon the nanosize pore and channel structure of zeolites... The demand for two C8 isomers, paraxylene and orthoxylene, is much greater than that for the C8 isomers metaxylene and ethylbenzene. H-ZSM5 with its 0.6 nm pore size has the ability to isomerize xylenes with little cracking of the feedstock. A second crucial property is that paraxylene has a much higher diffusivity in H-ZSM5 than do the other xylene isomers. This means that the paraxylene molecules can more easily diffuse out of the zeolite crystal, whereas the ortho and metaxylene isomers are effectively trapped within the pores." -Vision for Nanotechnology R D in the Next Decade, National Science and Technology Council IWGN Workshop Report, Section 9.7.4 Nanoscale Catalysts (1999). ZSM-5, Zeolite Socony Mobil #5, is a catalyst first made by Argauer and Landolt in 1972 (US Patent 3702886). It is a medium pore zeolite with channels defined by ten-membered rings. The synthesis involves three different solutions. The first solution is the source of alumina, sodium ions, and hydroxide ions; in the presence of excess base the alumina will form soluble Al(OH)4 ...From:Mrsec IegViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:34More inScience Technology

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Preparation of Zeolite ZSM5 and Catalysis of Xylene Isomerization - Video

NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg – Video

NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg
Soundtrack Courtesy of The Tell Records Pull Us Together Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved. The planes that laid these trails, took off from RAF Fairford Airbase Cirencester Britain. There are 2 trails laid at the same time. The upper trail which billows out is the Nano Material, watch as it grows in the air fed by the lower trail (food in the form of Organic Bacteria , Barium and Aluminium) There are still people on the ground which have no knowledge of these practices, and in some way what they don #39;t know cant bother them, but it will harm them if this material falls to earth whilst it is transforming. The Royal Society London insist that they are still in the experimental Black board stage, Either they are extremely dense, or are lying, for this video and many others on you tube under the heading of Chem-trails, show that GeoEngineering is being carried out in not only in Britain, but all over the world. The fact that Greenpeace UK, Friends of the earth UK,Rising Tide UK , and other environmental groups have not picked up on this yet, leads me to question the methodology that these groups rely on to warn them of issues in which to rally round. Nonetheless Risingtide US have picked up on it which is encouraging.From:frantaagViews:19 1ratingsTime:03:15More inScience Technology

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NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg - Video

Andre Geim – The Gap Between Academia and Industry – interview – Goldstein on Gelt-Nov 2012 – Video

Andre Geim - The Gap Between Academia and Industry - interview - Goldstein on Gelt-Nov 2012 Have you ever heard of graphene? Graphene is a very versatile material developed by Professor Andre Geim, Langworthy Professor and director of the Manchester Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Manchester, UK, and winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics. The last time that Professor Geim appeared on the show, he explained what graphene is used for and its many applications in daily life. What can Professor Geim tell us today? Is graphene fulfilling its potential? And why is there a gap between academia and industry? "Goldstein on Gelt" is a global investment and financial planning radio show designed to educate and entertain its listeners with financial strategies and investment tips. Investment advisor Douglas Goldstein hosts the weekly show and is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd., 0ratingsTime:15:24More inEducation

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Andre Geim - The Gap Between Academia and Industry - interview - Goldstein on Gelt-Nov 2012 - Video

2012 Hinton Lecture: Breaking the Barriers – Dr Tom Enders CEO EADS The Royal Academy of Engineering – Video

2012 Hinton Lecture: Breaking the Barriers - Dr Tom Enders CEO EADS The Royal Academy of Engineering
01 October 2012 - 2012 Hinton Lecture: Breaking the Barriers Speaker: Dr Tom Enders, CEO, EADS; Chaired by Sir John Parker GBE FREng October 1 is the anniversary of Concorde breaking the sound barrier for the first time. As CEO of leading aerospace and defence company EADS, Tom Enders marks the occasion by exploring some of the other barriers that need to be broken for UK engineering to continue driving economic and industrial growth. Throughout the last 200 years, the world has seen repeated economic cycles that turned on the latest technological advances, from the steam engine and electricity to the microchip and, of course, air travel. At each turn, the pace has become quicker, the competition stiffer and the stakes higher; a situation that will accelerate with the arrival of new areas like nanotechnology, 3D printing and alternative energies. Dr Enders examines how the aerospace industry can respond to such challenges and nurture cross-sector cooperation to help maintain industrial competitiveness for the UK and Europe.From:RAEngineeringViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:08:59More inScience Technology

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2012 Hinton Lecture: Breaking the Barriers - Dr Tom Enders CEO EADS The Royal Academy of Engineering - Video

Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design – Video

Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design
Brought to you by MconneX ( The ability to mix and match properties at the nano level is key to making materials that are strong but lightweight or can store energy, says UM researcher John Hart. Hart, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, explains how materials could be built from the bottom up using nanotechnology to give them the perfect qualities for their application. ABOUT THE PROFESSOR: John Hart ( is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering ( at the University of Michigan. His research interests include manufacturing and application of nanostructured materials; nanotubes and nanowires; energy conversion; catalysis and reaction control; composite materials and structures; optical, electronic, and fluidic devices; self-assembly; machine and instrument design; scientific visualizations. He works in the UM #39;s Mechanosynthesis Group ( MORE: Watch additional MichEpedia videos or join the discussion at http://www.engin.umich.eduFrom:michiganengineeringViews:12 0ratingsTime:03:05More inScience Technology

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Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design - Video

Molecular Engineering with Matthew Tirrell (full discussion) – Video

Molecular Engineering with Matthew Tirrell (full discussion)
Matthew Tirrell, a pioneering researcher in the fields of biomolecular engineering and nanotechnology, and the founding Pritzker Director of the Institute for Molecular Engineering, discussed the research and advances in his field with an audience of University of Chicago alumni.From:UChicagoViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:03:53More inEducation

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Molecular Engineering with Matthew Tirrell (full discussion) - Video

‘Itsy-Bitsy Spider’ song, Sung by Targeted individual: TimothyTrespas – Video

#39;Itsy-Bitsy Spider #39; song, Sung by Targeted individual: TimothyTrespas
Itsy-bitsy spider song. Sung by Targeted individual: TimothyTrespas Taking a moment out of my busy life as a human experiment into mind control, morgellons, and nanotechnology, to celebrate the great big spider I saw hanging from it #39;s web. Most people do not like spiders. But remember, unless it is poison, spiders EAT LOTS of BUGS! And that is a good thing. Especially after one has been traumatized by insect torture and morgellons torture. All the best. Thanks for watching! Humor is good medicine for balanced mental stability. Learn to laugh in the face of murderous evil adversity! Silliness is required for entry. We will all be a little bit more sane for it! Thank you Love, Peace, and Blessings to all Timothy TrespasFrom:timothytrespasViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:36More inEducation

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'Itsy-Bitsy Spider' song, Sung by Targeted individual: TimothyTrespas - Video

microvid – Video

microscopic tubules, shapes, colors, (is this morgellons? malpighian tubules? insect/disease vectors? nanotechnology? genetic recombination? chem trails? what is it?)From:MicroScope2013Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:34More inPeople Blogs

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microvid - Video