I-Ching 2012 – End Of The World 2012? – Video

I-Ching 2012 - End Of The World 2012?
10000 years ago humans began domesticating plants and animals. 500 years ago we invented the printing press. 100 years ago we began driving automobiles. 50 years ago we invented the computer. 30 years ago we landed on the moon. The speed of change is rapid. Population, computing power, speed of transport, the sheer amount of known information, and most other things that involve humans, are all increasing at an accelerating rate. The rate at which they are increasing is increasing. We are all part of it, with younger people thinking nothing of it, and the elderly commenting on it, but generally handling it okay. But if we were to transport King Arthur to modern-day New York he #39;d most probably pass out from trying to grasp what was happening. But can it stop, slow down or reverse. No, for that is not in our nature. Things will keep changing at a faster rate. Every 18 months the power of computers double. Soon they will be smarter than us, and we are already on the verge of cloning humans and close to using nanotechnology to create atomic size mini-machines. Maybe there will come a time when the rate of change will reach such a speed that change is all that will exist. Various fringe scientists have tried to calculate this point of infinity, giving us calculated dates ranging from 2010 to 2050. Dates that many of us will live to see. Perhaps the date is Dec 22, 2012. Ethnobotanists and fractal time experts Terrence and Dennis McKenna believe so, and they present their ideas ...From:TheRAGrimesViews:7 1ratingsTime:03:55More inNews Politics

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I-Ching 2012 - End Of The World 2012? - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E10 – Of Course the Secret is in the Women’s Restroom – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E10 - Of Course the Secret is in the Women #39;s Restroom
Subscribe: bit.ly Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: bit.ly Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: bit.ly An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): bit.ly Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:82 15ratingsTime:29:51More inShows

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E10 - Of Course the Secret is in the Women's Restroom - Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited – Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, at Reformed Theological Seminary, RTS, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, EmbryosFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:36:45More inNews Politics

See original here:
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited - Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 3, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited – Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 3, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 3, at Reformed Theological Seminary, RTS, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, EmbryosFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:49:43More inNews Politics

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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 3, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited - Video

Shaping Metal – Video

Shaping Metal
Authors: Julian Bragagna and Georg Kleisel Description: Together with their science teachers the students worked on nanotechnology to get a general idea of the topic. After that the students decided to do further research on shape memory alloys.Their knowledge of this scientific phenomenon in mind, the students then explored artistic ways to communicate it to a wider public.From:ISWA projectViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:29More inScience Technology

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Shaping Metal - Video

Paige Winter is newsmaker of the year – New Bern Sun Journal

Paige Winter is the newsmaker of the year

At 17, Paige Winter has gone through trauma that most of us will never experience but that doesnt make her any less of an American teen. She loves hanging out with her boyfriend and hugging her ferret and her bedroom screams teen over her bed one of those bug-eyed aliens is pushing his way through the wall above the left side of her bed, while Iron Mans gloved hand sticks through wall on the other side, his signature palm-light ready to pierce the darkness.

Her face is tastefully salted with glitter, her hair is festooned with tiny butterfly clips and shaded in bands of white, blue and black.

A typical teenager. Except for the Hollywood star thing. How many New Bern teens get phone calls and texts from Robert Downey Jr.?

On June 2, 2019, Paige was swimming near the Fort Macon Park when she was attacked by one of the very animals she advocates to protect. A shark her doctors would later say it was likely a bull shark grabbed hold of her. As the shark thrashed, Winter tried desperately to pry its mouth open while her father, Charlie Winter, grabbed hold of the shark and began pounding it with his fist.

The shark let go and swam away, but Paige was left with severe lacerations to her left hand and leg, her abdomen and torso. In the end she lost two of her left-hand fingers and her leg. To this day she is recovering from repeated operations on her hand aimed at helping her heal and gain mobility.

The event didnt lessen her love of marine life. Six days later, from her bed at Vidant Hospital, she was reminding the nation that it was World Oceans Day and called for protection and respect of the marine life who call our sandy swimming holes their home.

A visit to her home shows she holds no grudge: reminders of our cartilaginous friends are all over her room: toy sharks with gaping jaws share her bed and her oft-repeated mantra Sharks are people too! is inscribed on an plaque that sets on her bedroom fireplace mantle. Even the sock on her prosthetic leg reflect both her love of environment and her sense of humor: it is a shark that seems to be gobbling up the shiny metal shaft that is now her lower leg.

About that Robert Downey Jr. thing: Paige is a huge fan of the actor, known for his portrayals of Tony Stark/Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Back in June when she was still in the hospital, and national news and television shows were following her stories, one station took notice of this and contacted the actor.

Downey Jr. responded by putting together a video to send along to her, during which he invited her to become the North Carolina representative of his Footprint Coalition a foundation aiming to use robots and nanotechnology to clean up the planet. He followed this up by Facetiming her, and the two have been in touch ever since.

We text all the time now, Paige says. And phone calls? Yes. The last time, I was on a date with my boyfriend, she said. She said she and the star are still working to make her representation of the coalition happen. Hes so nice and excited about everything, she said.

Like a dark version of winning big in the lottery, Paige has had to deal with people coming out of the woodwork, claiming to be her very-close friend. She recalls one boy, an acquaintance, but I didnt really like him, who, she says, was telling people stories like he had been there, like he knew everything about it. She said other acquaintances that she only slightly knew began acting like they were best friends. I still show them kindness anyway, she says. Its okay, its not really a big deal.

She said that her teachers have always been friendly to her but she has noticed, since June, they They kind of treat me a little bit different, somehow theyre extra interested in me.

The press attention overwhelmed her at first, but it has eased off a great deal. But her dreams of one day becoming a singing star like Ariana Grande -- have made handling media easier.

The only thing that bothers me is how easy it is to find out where I live, she says. She goes out of her way to be quiet about her address she is careful about social sites she goes to or letting anyone list her address. When she talks to out-of-state people or groups, she identifies her home only as North Carolina.

Still, its so easy to find out, she says.

Helping her through the media spotlights and the close friends she barely knows are her family and long-time friends. I have a boyfriend, hes pretty cool, she says. He aint worried about nothing. I have a best friend, whos perfect.

She has a younger sister she is close to and a brother. He is not my blood brother, she adds, but he always comes around. He was with me when it happened. He deserves brother status. Her dad, she adds, is a frigging hero.

Asked if she sees her life as ever getting back to normal, she takes mild offense: it is normal.

This is a new normal, she insists. I knew nothing would ever be the same again. (But) I think Ive come really far.

She has been recognized as patient of the year in an Atlanta ceremony by the MedEvac Foundation and has dined with the MedEvac crew that flew her to Vidant. She has mostly put the June attack behind her (though she does not see any plunges at the beach in her immediate future).

She is still active in theater and chorus with the high school she has an ensemble part in Cinderella in which she even handles some dances. Im speeding along with the prosthetics, she adds a gift of East Carolina Brace and Limbs In a few weeks Ill be able to have the stitches out of (my hand) and work with robotic fingers. The robotic fingers will be able to read the movement of the tendons that once attached to her missing fingers, and mimic the actions her own would have made.

On top of it all she will soon have her own service dog from Highland Canine of Harmony, NC. A labradoodle, she has chosen to name it Otis, a name she connects with cows, her favorite animals (sorry, sharks).

I have moments where I kind of freak out mentally, and he will be trained for that, Paige says of the bovinely-named dog. He will also assist with her stability when she is moving about on her prosthesis. Hes so cute, she adds. He has curly hair.

About those moments: it is part of that New Normal, a part that her friends accept. My friends from the beginning the theater kids they have never questioned when I get stressed. They understand.

I mostly have crazy adventures (now), she says. Im really busy.

Oddly enough, she says, a lot of people forget that I am 17, she said. People seemed surprised when she was excited when she was nominated for homecoming queen (she didnt win, but she said the girl who did was beautiful and deserved it). Im a teen, she says, and happily admits, Im not mature about everything.

She has learned a lot about sharks, since the attack, she said and, more importantly, she has learned a lot about herself. Being you is more important than being the image of you that you think people want to see. Before I got hurt I had been sad, and felt unjustified in being sad, she said. She did things to look, and maybe force herself to feel, more chipper. But now I have those moments when Im sad, and I know that its okay, she says. I dont have to be this upbeat person constantly.

Go here to read the rest:
Paige Winter is newsmaker of the year - New Bern Sun Journal

Nanotechnology – Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Nanotechnology and nanoscience is about controlling and understanding matter on the sub-micrometer and atomic scale.

This wikibook on nanoscience and nanotechnology gathers information about the various tools, methods and systems to provide students, researchers and everyone else an open-source handbook and overview guide to this vast interdisciplinary and expanding field - a book that can be adjusted as new things appear and improved by you!

Why is nanotechnology such a 'hot' subject - and is it more hype than substance? This part gives a brief introduction to the visions of nanotechnology and why so many people are working on it around the world. To help set a perspective there are overview tables with timelines, length scales and information resources.

Microscopes allows us to probe the structure of matter with high spatial resolution, making it possible to see for instance individual atoms with tools such as the scanning tunneling microscope, the atomic force microscope, and the transmission electron microscope. With the related spectroscopic methods, we can study the energy levels in nanosystems. This part gives an overview of the tools and methods used in microscopy and spectroscopy of nanostructures.

On the nanoscale force that we in everyday life do not consider strong, such as contact adhesion, become much more important. In addition, many things behave in a quantum mechanical way. This chapter looks into the scaling of the forces and fundamental dynamics of matter on the nanoscale.

Many unique nanostructured materials have been made, such as carbon nanotubes that can be mechanically stronger than diamond. This part provides an overview of nanoscale materials such as carbon nanotubes, nanowires, quantum dots and nanoparticles, their unique properties and fabrication methods.

To understand the novel possibilities in nanotechnology, this part gives an overview of some typical nanoscale systems - simple experimental devices that show unique nanoscale behavior useful in for instance electronics.

Combining nanodevices into functional units for real life application is a daunting task because making controlled structures with molecularly sized components requires extreme precision and control. Here we look at ways to assemble nanosystems into functional units or working devices with top-down or bottom-up approaches.

See also the Wikibook on Microtechnology which contains information about many fabrication and processing details.

Your body is based on a fantastic amount of biological nanotechnology operating right now in each of your body's cells, which has evolved over aeons to an awesome level of complexity. Much of current nanotechnology research is aimed at bio-applications, such as bio-sensors and biologically active nanoparticles for medical therapy or targeting cancer. This part is an introduction to this cross-disciplinary field.

People are very enthusiastic about the visions of nanotechnology, but at the same time there is a natural worry about the environmental issues of the emerging technologies. This area is being increasingly brought into focus to ensure a healthy development.

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Nanotechnology - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E09 – Bob Page, Simons, Rook and El Ray – Gnarly Bunch – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E09 - Bob Page, Simons, Rook and El Ray - Gnarly Bunch
Subscribe: bit.ly Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: bit.ly Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: bit.ly An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): bit.ly Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:0 13ratingsTime:30:35More inGaming

See more here:
Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E09 - Bob Page, Simons, Rook and El Ray - Gnarly Bunch - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (The Original) – E11 – Finding The Barrels of Ambrosia – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (The Original) - E11 - Finding The Barrels of Ambrosia
Subscribe: bit.ly Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: bit.ly Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: bit.ly An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): bit.ly Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:29 3ratingsTime:23:33More inGaming

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Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (The Original) - E11 - Finding The Barrels of Ambrosia - Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited – Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, at IRSC, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, Embryos, IRSC, Indian River State CollegeFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:49:12More inNews Politics

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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited - Video

Ultra Ever Dry – Video

Ultra Ever Dry
Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface. This barrier repels water, oil and other liquids unlike any coating seen before. The other breakthrough associated with Ultra-Ever Dry is the superior coating adherence and abrasion resistance allowing it to be used in all kinds of applications where durability is required. Contact MEP Environmental to order today!From:MEPEnvironmentalViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:58More inHowto Style

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Ultra Ever Dry - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E08 – Shut Down Generator and Interrogate NSF Terrorists – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E08 - Shut Down Generator and Interrogate NSF Terrorists
Subscribe: bit.ly Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: bit.ly Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: bit.ly An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): bit.ly Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:95 15ratingsTime:26:49More inGaming

Continued here:
Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E08 - Shut Down Generator and Interrogate NSF Terrorists - Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) – E07 – Saving Hostages and Running On Rooftops – Yes! – Video

Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E07 - Saving Hostages and Running On Rooftops - Yes!
Subscribe: bit.ly Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: bit.ly Let the Bone Charms Decide - Dishonored Lethal - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2 Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod) Playlist - bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999) Playlist: bit.ly Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001) Playlist: bit.ly An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): bit.ly Developer: Ion Storm Deus Ex incorporates elements from four video game genres: role-playing, first-person shooter, adventure, and "immersive simulation", the last of which being a game where "nothing reminds you that you #39;re just playing a game".[13] For example, the game uses a first-person camera during gameplay and includes exploration and character interaction as primary features.[13] The player assumes the role of JC Denton, a nanotech-augmented operative of the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).[14] This nanotechnology is a central gameplay mechanism, and allows players to perform superhuman feats. [edit]Role-playing elements As the player accomplishes objectives, the player character is rewarded with "skill points". Skill points are used to enhance a ...From:ChristopherOddViews:28 4ratingsTime:23:58More inGaming

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Mr. Odd Plays Deux Ex (The Original) - E07 - Saving Hostages and Running On Rooftops - Yes! - Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, IRSC, Unedited – Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, IRSC, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, at IRSC, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, EmbryosFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:49:21More inNews Politics

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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, IRSC, Unedited - Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, IRSC, Unedited – Video

Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, IRSC, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, at IRSC, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, EmbryosFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:1 0ratingsTime:23:00More inNews Politics

Originally posted here:
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 2, IRSC, Unedited - Video

Frederick McCormick 2009 – Video

Frederick McCormick 2009
March 9, 2009 COSI Seminar by Dr. Frederick McCormick, Sandia National Laboratories "Sandia National Laboratories Photonic Microsystems R D" Sandia National Laboratories is leveraging the extensive CMOS, MEMS, compound semiconductor, and nanotechnology fabrication and test resources at Sandia National Laboratories to explore new science and technology in a variety of novel optical technologies. The Applied Photonic Microsystems Department at Sandia is pursuing R D in nanophotonics (photonic crystals, plasmonics, metamaterials), silicon photonics, and integrated phononics (nano-optomechanics). This talk will provide a brief overview of Sandia National Laboratories and a selection of projects involving my department.From:COSICUBViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:03:43More inScience Technology

Original post:
Frederick McCormick 2009 - Video