Prof Steve Conlan (Nanotechnology)

Prof Steve Conlan (Nanotechnology) Prof Steve Wilks (Molecular Cell Biology), Swansea University
"Nanohealth is really going to move medicine forward. There are huge challenges facing medicine, facing clinicians, facing hospitals - both in the UK and overseas." The Centre for NanoHealth is one of Swansea University #39;s major research projects, and is a collaboration between our Colleges of Engineering, Science and Medicine. In this video, co-directors Steve Conlan and Steve Wilks explain what nanohealth is, and why it #39;s so important. "Clinicians provide #39;problems #39;, which we try and solve with them. This includes things like looking at blood in microscopic detail, creating scaffolds for growing new tissues, and using optics and lasers for diagnoses."

By: Swansea Uni

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Prof Steve Conlan (Nanotechnology)

Micronova – Aalto University and VTT Centre for Micro and Nanotechnology – Video

Micronova - Aalto University and VTT Centre for Micro and Nanotechnology
Micronova is Finland #39;s National Research Infrastructure for micro- and nanotechnology, jointly run by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Aalto University. Micronova #39;s expertise covers the entire micro-nano innovation chain, from basic device physics and materials research to the development of new fabrication techniques and device prototypes, and even small scale manufacturing. Video by KLOK 2013.

By: aaltouniversity

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Micronova - Aalto University and VTT Centre for Micro and Nanotechnology - Video

CEINT Seeks Comments on Proposed ISA-TAB-Nano Templates – Nanotechnology News

Home > Nanotechnology Columns > Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. > CEINT Seeks Comments on Proposed ISA-TAB-Nano Templates

Abstract: The Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT) seeks comments on the NANoREG-proposed ISA-TAB-nano templates.

July 3rd, 2017

The Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT) seeks comments on the NANoREG-proposed ISA-TAB-nano templates. See According to CEINT, the ISA-TAB-nano file sharing format, developed under the National Cancer Informatics Program Nanotechnology Working Group (NCIP NanoWG), is an accepted ASTM standard (ASTM International E2909-13). In 2016, the European Union NANoREG project adopted and adapted the ISA-TAB-nano format to organize consistently the results of their network of researchers. According to CEINT, to create the templates, NANoREG followed the logic of the original ISA-TAB-nano formatting, but drew upon relevant existing ontologies and extended it to incorporate additional endpoints and methods not addressed in the original standard. CEINT is working with researchers at Oregon State University and the NCIP NanoWG to update and extend the ISA-TAB-nano templates. CEINT seeks comments on the following proposed templates:

- Physical-chemical characterizations comment forms; - In vivo mammalian toxicity comment forms; - In vitro mammalian toxicity comment forms; and - General feedback regarding expanded (nonstandard) ISA-TAB-nano templates.

Comments are due August 1, 2017.


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CEINT Seeks Comments on Proposed ISA-TAB-Nano Templates - Nanotechnology News

Nanotechnology-enabled High Resolution DBT – by Otto Zhou, PhD – Video

Nanotechnology-enabled High Resolution DBT - by Otto Zhou, PhD
Nanotechnology-enabled High Resolution Digital Tomosynthesis for Screening and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Lecture by Otto Zhou, PhD David Godschalk Distinguished Professor Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Curriculum in Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

By: TheOncologistJournal

Continued here:
Nanotechnology-enabled High Resolution DBT - by Otto Zhou, PhD - Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology – Jurgen Brugger – Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Jurgen Brugger
Sensing and Actuation Section Editor, Jurgen Brugger, highlights some of the exciting interdisciplinary work to bridge the gap between nanotechnology and micro engineering, and the impact of some of the latest developments on society in terms of energy and health provisions.

By: NanotechnologyVideo

See the rest here:
Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Jurgen Brugger - Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology – Mark Spearing – Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mark Spearing
Mark Spearing points out the potential of research where bottom up synthesis and self -assembly meets top down fabrication, and the excitement surrounding work in the field moving from basic science to commercially available devices.

By: NanotechnologyVideo

Excerpt from:
Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mark Spearing - Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology – Mervyn J Miles – Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mervyn J Miles
Materials Properties Section Editor Mervyn Miles comments on readily available practical applications of nanotechnology and the role of computational physics in nanomaterials research, as well as highlighting the unprecedented capabilities of high-speed atomic force microscopes.

By: NanotechnologyVideo

Read more:
Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mervyn J Miles - Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology – Mark Reed – Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mark Reed
Journal Editor in Chief, Mark Reed, emphasises the growth and expansion in in nanotechnology over the past 10 years, highlighting developments in in energy, biological interactions with microfabricated structures and electronics.

By: NanotechnologyVideo

More here:
Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Mark Reed - Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology – Stanislaus Wong – Video

Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Stanislaus Wong
Materials Synthesis Section Editor Stanislaus Wong describes hot areas of research in highly controlled and scalable nanomaterial production, working towards the goal of generating functional building blocks for a wide variety of applications and devices.

By: NanotechnologyVideo

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Meet the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology - Stanislaus Wong - Video