The World of Nanotechnology – How Nanotechnology Works …

Experts sometimes disagree about what constitutes the nanoscale, but in general, you can think of nanotechnology dealing with anything measuring between 1 and 100 nm. Larger than that is the microscale, and smaller than that is the atomic scale.

Nanotechnology is rapidly becoming an interdisciplinary field. Biologists, chemists, physicists and engineers are all involved in the study of substances at the nanoscale. Dr. Strmer hopes that the different disciplines develop a common language and communicate with one another [source: Strmer]. Only then, he says, can we effectively teach nanoscience since you can't understand the world of nanotechnology without a solid background in multiple sciences.

One of the exciting and challenging aspects of the nanoscale is the role that quantum mechanics plays in it. The rules of quantum mechanics are very different from classical physics, which means that the behavior of substances at the nanoscale can sometimes contradict common sense by behaving erratically. You can't walk up to a wall and immediately teleport to the other side of it, but at the nanoscale an electron can -- it's called electron tunneling. Substances that are insulators, meaning they can't carry an electric charge, in bulk form might become semiconductors when reduced to the nanoscale. Melting points can change due to an increase in surface area. Much of nanoscience requires that you forget what you know and start learning all over again.

So what does this all mean? Right now, it means that scientists are experimenting with substances at the nanoscale to learn about their properties and how we might be able to take advantage of them in various applications. Engineers are trying to use nano-size wires to create smaller, more powerful microprocessors. Doctors are searching for ways to use nanoparticles in medical applications. Still, we've got a long way to go before nanotechnology dominates the technology and medical markets.

In the next section, we'll look at two important nanotechnology structures: nanowires and carbon nanotubes.

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The World of Nanotechnology - How Nanotechnology Works ...

NASA – Nanotechnology

Ultrasensitive Label-Free Electronic Biochips Based on Carbon Nanotube Nanoelectrode Arrays The potential for low-cost disposable chips for rapid molecular analysis using handheld devices is ideal for space applications. + Read More Bulk Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Growth Carbon nanotubes can play a variety of roles in future space systems, including wiring, high-strength lightweight composite materials, thermal protection and cooling systems and electronics/sensors. + Read More CAD for Miniaturized Electronics and Sensors Computer-aided design of nanoscale devices and sensors is a cost effective way to infuse emerging nanoelectronics technologies in on-board information processing. + Read More Carbon Nanotube Field Emitters We are developing Carbon Nanotube (CNT) field emitters to improve their efficiency and durability. Current densities of ~1A/cm2 have been measured from these emitters. + Read More Nanoengineered Heat Sink Materials Advanced thermal materials will radically improve the performance of devices and instruments such as high-performance computers and high power optical components used in exploration hardware. + Read More Human-Implantable Thermoelectric Devices We are developing thermoelectric power sources that will be able to generate power from even a small temperature gradient, such as temperature variations available internally and externally throughout the human body. + Read More Automatic Program Synthesis for Data Monitors and Classifiers The AutoBayes and AutoFilter program synthesis systems can automatically generate efficient, certified code for data monitors from compact specifications. The tools enable advanced on-board statistical data analysis algorithms and highly flexible ISHM. + Read More Carbon Nanotubes for Removal of Toxic Gases in Life Support Systems Single walled carbon nanotubes can greatly increase the catalytic efficiency and decrease the mass and energy requirements of life support systems on future space missions, allowing new thermal processes for waste management and resource recovery. + Read More Carbon Nanotube Sensors for Gas Detection A nanosensor technology has been developed using nanostructures: single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), combined with a silicon-based microfabrication and micromachining process. + Read More Carbon Nanotubes as Vertical Interconnects A bottom-up approach is developed to integrate vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into nanoscale vertical interconnects, which can conduct much higher currents and enable more layers for Si-based integrated circuit (IC) chips. + Read More Nanoelectronics for Logic and Memory Nanowire-based electronic devices offer great potential to implement future integrated nanoelectronic systems for both on-board computing and information storage. + Read More Nonvolatile Molecular Memory Approaching the limits in miniaturization for ultra-high density, low power consumption media, this capability may enable orders of magnitude increases in on-board data storage capabilities that are compatible with space exploration system resource limitations of mass, power and volume. + Read More Large-Scale Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Probe Tips for Space Imaging and Sensing Applications An innovative approach has been developed that combines nanopatterning and nanomaterials synthesis with traditional silicon micromachining technologies for large-scale fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) probe tips. + Read More Nano and Micro Fabrication Process Modeling Development of manufacturable technologies for nanoelectronics and MEMS devices for advanced computing and sensing applications presents significant challenges. + Read More Nanoelectronics for Space Extracting a signal from radiation resistant devices or nanoscale devices for NASA mission is highly challenging. We study the electrode-device contact systematically. + Read More Solid-state Nanopores for Gene Sequencing he objective of this project is to develop a revolutionary device that can sequence single molecules of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA, at a rate of a million bases per second by electrophoresis of the charged polymers through a solid-state nanopore channel of molecular dimensions. + Read More Nanoscale Mass Transport and Carbon Nanotube Based Membranes Carbon nanotube based membranes known as buckypaper may be used as filter media for analytical mission instruments or implantable device support for astronaut health monitoring. + Read More Nanotechnology at Ames The Life Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research Center conducts research and development in nanotechnology to address critical life science questions. + Read More Optoelectronics and Nanophotonics Developing smaller, faster, and more efficient lasers, detectors, and sensors through first-principle design, nanoscale engineering, and prototyping for space communications, computing, lidar ranging, and spectroscopic profiling applications. + Read More Plasma Diagnostics A standardized plasma diagnostic reactor, known as the "GEC Cell" is equipped with a wide range of diagnostics for measuring and understanding plasma physics and chemistry for a variety of low temperature plasmas + Read More Thermal, Radiation and Impact Protective Shields (TRIPS) Nanotechnology is providing new concepts for multipurpose shields against the triple threats of Aeroheating during atmospheric entry, Radiation (Solar and Galactic Cosmic Rays) and Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris (MMOD) strikes. + Read More

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NASA - Nanotechnology

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