CCAN – putting nanotechnology to work for Irish companies – Video

CCAN - putting nanotechnology to work for Irish companies
CCAN acts on behalf of its member companies to assemble and fund project teams from across the entire national research community. Learn more at

By: CCAN - Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology)

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CCAN - putting nanotechnology to work for Irish companies - Video

Nanotechnology congress & Expo

Tracks & Sessions

Track Content: Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology

Nanomedicine can be defined as medical application of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications ofnanomaterialsand biological devices,Nano electronicdevices & biosensors and possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. Nanomaterials can be functionalised to interface with biological molecules & structures as the size of nanomaterials is comparable to most biological molecules and structures. Nanomaterials can be useful for both in vivo and in vitro biomedical research and applications and integration of nanomaterials with biology has led to the development of advanced diagnostic devices, physical therapy applications, analytical tools, contrast agents and drug delivery vehicles.Nanomedicinestrives for delivering valuable set of research tools & clinically useful devices and its industry sales reached $16 billion in 2015, with an average of $3.8 billion investment in nanotechnology R&D every year and increase of 45% per year global funding for emerging nanotechnology.

Related Conferences:

20thannual Nanotech 2017 Conference & Expo, Washington DC, USA. 2017 International Conference on Nanotechnology, Montreal, Canada. 12th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2017), Singapore. 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems(IEEE-NEMS 2017), Los Angeles, California, USA. The 11th IEEE international Conference on Nano/ Molecular Medicine and Engineering. 7th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, Chongqing, China. MARSS-17 (International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales). NANOfIM 2017 (Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop). 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NFA 2017), Slovakia, Europe. 7th FEZA Conference on Zeolites - Materials with Engineered Properties, Bulgaria, Europe

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 2:Advanced Nanomaterials- production, synthesis and processing

Track Content:

Nanotechnology has found a vast number of applications in many areas and its market grown at a rapid pace in recent years. This resulted in new horizons in materials science and many exciting new developments. The supply of new Nanomaterials, form the prerequisite for any further progress in this new area of science and technology. Nanomaterials feature specific properties that are characteristic of these materials, and which are based on surface and quantum effects. The control of composition, size, shape, and morphology of nanomaterials is an essential foundation for the development and application of Nanomaterials and Nano scale devices.

Related Conferences:

5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Portugal, Europe. Non-Invasive Delivery of Macromolecules Conference 2017, Carlsbad, USA. 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Agartala, India. 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN8), Queenstown, New Zealand. International Conference on Nanotechnology research at San Antonio, Texas, USA. 4th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Barcelona, Spain. 2nd International Nanotechnology Conference & Expo, DUBAI, UAE. NanoWorld Conference (NWC-2017), Boston, USA. Nanotech France 2017 International Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France. 2017 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Singapore

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 3:Nano-Electronic Devices and Micro/Nano systems

Track Content:

Nano-electronics hold a few responses for how we may build the capacities of gadgets while we lessen their weight and control utilization. Enhancing show screens on gadgets. This includes lessening power utilization while diminishing the weight and thickness of the screens. Specialists are adding to a kind of memory chip with an anticipated thickness of one terabyte of memory for each square crawl or more prominent. Lessening the measure of transistors utilized as a part of coordinated circuits

Related Conferences:

8thInternational Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'17), Rome, Italy. NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2nd International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing (ICDMM 2017), Beijing, China. International Conference on Innovative and Smart Materials 2017 (ICISM 2017), Singapore. ICMENS 2017 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Singapore. ICNMS 2017 5th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science, San Diego, California, United States. ICAMR 2017 The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Hong Kong, China. 2nd International Conference on Green Composite Materials (ICGCM 2017), Hong Kong, China. 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Energy(ICNNE 2017), Lyon, France

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 4:Micro/ Nano-fabrication, Nano patterning, Nano Lithography & Nano Imprinting

Track Content:

Nano-fabrication is the configuration and production of gadgets with measurements measured in nanometers. One nanometer is 10 - 9 meters, or a million of a millimeter. Nanofabrication is of enthusiasm to PC engineers since it opens the way to super-high-thickness microchip s and memory chip s. It has been recommended that every information bit could be put away in a solitary iota. Conveying this further, a solitary molecule may even have the capacity to speak to a byte or expression of information. Nanofabrication has additionally gotten the consideration of the restorative business, the military, and the avionic business

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics (FCMN), Monterey, California, United States. IEEE 17th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Pittsburgh, PA, United States. ICNN 2017 : 19th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Rome, Italy. International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. EuroNanoForum 2017, Valletta, Malta. International Conference on Advances in Biological Systems and Materials Science in NanoWorld, Varanasi, India. New Tools and Approaches for Nanomaterial Safety Assessment, Malaga, Spain. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Queenstown, New Zealand. nano tech 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 5:Graphene and Applications

Track Content:

Researchers and companies consider the graphene, carbon sheets that are only one atom thick viable to be used as material in several fields. Potential applications include Fuel cells, Optoelectronics, Bio-micro robotics, Lower cost solar cells, Transistors, water desalination, sensors etc.

Related Conferences:

Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology, Ventura, CA, USA. NANOTEK 2017, Hamburg, Germany. 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems, London, UK. International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures, Orlando, FL, USA. World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering, Dubai, UAE. Graphene 2017, Barcelona, Spain. The International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces, Incheon, South Korea. International Conference on Nanomedicine, Drug Delivery, and Tissue Engineering (NDDTE'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanotechnology and Environmental Issues (ICNEI'17), Barcelona, Spain

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 6:Computation, Simulation & Modeling of Nanostructures, Nano systems & devices

Track Content:

Functional Nano-scale structures frequently involve quite dissimilar materials which are difficult to characterize experimentally and ultimately be assembled, controlled, and utilized by manipulating quantities at the macro-scale a combination of features which puts unprecedented demands on theory, modelling and simulation.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanobiotechnology (ICNB'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization (ICNNFC'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology, Windermere, UK. International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'17),Rome, Italy. Nano-Mechanical Interfaces, Hong Kong, P R China. Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology, Toronto, Canada. Nanoporous Materials & Their Applications, Andover, NH, USA. International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials (ICANM 2017), Toronto, Canada. International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TANN'17), Toronto, Canada. 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science (NANOMS2017), Suzhou, China. Global Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Las Vegas, USA

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 7:Bio-Nanomaterials and biomedical devices, applications

Track Content:

The science and innovation of Nanomaterials has made awesome energy and desires in the most recent couple of years. The following decade is liable to witness significant steps in the arrangement, characterisation and abuse of Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Nanotubes, Nanorods, Nanocrystals, Nanounits and their congregations.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics (FCMN), Monterey, California, United States. IEEE 17th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Pittsburgh, PA, United States. ICNN 2017 : 19th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Rome, Italy. International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. EuroNanoForum 2017, Valletta, Malta. International Conference on Advances in Biological Systems and Materials Science in NanoWorld, Varanasi, India. New Tools and Approaches for Nanomaterial Safety Assessment, Malaga, Spain. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Queenstown, New Zealand. nano tech 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 8:Nano photonics, Nano Imaging, Spectroscopy & plasmonic devices

Track Content:

Nanophotonics is an enabling technology which concerns with application of photonics at nanoscale dimensions, where field enhancement effects which result in new optical phenomena offering superior performance or completely new functionalities in photonic devices and encompasses a wide variety of topics, including metamaterials, plasmonics, high resolution imaging, quantum nanophotonics, functional photonic materials.This technology potential to impact across a wide range of photonics products such as high efficiency solar cells to ultra-secure communications to personalized health monitoring devices

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Nanotechnology Modeling and Simulation (ICNMS'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanobiotechnology (ICNB'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization (ICNNFC'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology, Windermere, UK. International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'17), Rome, Italy. Nano-Mechanical Interfaces, Hong Kong, P R China. Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology, Toronto, Canada. Nanoporous Materials & Their Applications, Andover, NH, USA. International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials (ICANM 2017), Toronto, Canada. International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TANN'17), Toronto, Canada. 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science (NANOMS2017), Suzhou, China. Global Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Las Vegas, USA

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 9:Nanotechnology & Energy

Track Content:

Research into hydride materials for vitality applications commonly concentrates on upgrading gravimetric capacity thickness and particle transport of the materials. Then again, the necessities for stationary applications, for example, power devices can be essentially diverse and manageable to a more extensive class of potential materials. Various geophysical and social weights are driving a movement from fossil fills to renewable and practical vitality sources. To impact this change, we should make the materials that will bolster new vitality advances. Sun oriented vitality is the most extreme need to create photovoltaic cells that are productive and financially savvy.

Related Conferences:

Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology, Ventura, CA, USA. NANOTEK 2017, Hamburg, Germany. 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems, London, UK. International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures, Orlando, FL, USA. World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering, Dubai, UAE. Graphene 2017, Barcelona, Spain. The International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces, Incheon, South Korea. International Conference on Nanomedicine, Drug Delivery, and Tissue Engineering (NDDTE'17), Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Nanotechnology and Environmental Issues (ICNEI'17), Barcelona, Spain

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 10:Nanotechnology Environmental effects and Industrial safety

Track Content:

As nanotechnology is advancing, so is the extension for its business development. The extensive variety of potential items and applications gives nanotechnology its tremendous development prospects. It has been estimated that the worldwide nanotechnology industry will develop to reach US$ 75.8 Billion by 2020. In such a situation, tremendous open door lies for industry members to tap the quickly developing business sector. Significant contributions are expected to environmental and climate protection from Nanotechnological products, processes and applications are expected to by saving raw materials, energy and water as well as by reducing greenhouse gases and hazardous wastes. Usage of nano materials promises certain environmental benefits and sustainability effects

Related Conferences:

5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Portugal, Europe. Non-Invasive Delivery of Macromolecules Conference 2017, Carlsbad, USA. 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Agartala, India. 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN8), Queenstown, New Zealand. International Conference on Nanotechnology research at San Antonio, Texas, USA. 4th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Barcelona, Spain. 2nd International Nanotechnology Conference & Expo, DUBAI, UAE. NanoWorld Conference (NWC-2017), Boston, USA. Nanotech France 2017 International Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France. 2017 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Singapore

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 11:Future prospects of Nanotechnologies and commercial viability

Track Content:

Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology is the new outskirts of science and innovation in Europe and around the globe, working at the size of individual particles. Top researchers and in addition policymakers overall acclaim the advantages it would convey to the whole society and economy: a large portion of them demand the key part research would play in the quality creation procedure to create exploitable arrangement of innovations by the European business prompting a decision of remarkable applications, items, markets and productive income sources.

Related Conferences:

20thannual Nanotech 2017 Conference & Expo, Washington DC, USA. 2017 International Conference on Nanotechnology, Montreal, Canada. 12th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2017), Singapore. 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems(IEEE-NEMS 2017), Los Angeles, California, USA. 11th IEEE international Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering. 7th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, Chongqing, China. MARSS-17 (International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales). NANOfIM 2017 (Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop). 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NFA 2017), Slovakia, Europe. 7th FEZA Conference on Zeolites - Materials with Engineered Properties, Bulgaria, Europe

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

Track 12:Nanometrology

Track Content:

Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology is the new outskirts of science and innovation in Europe and around the globe, working at the size of individual particles. Top researchers and in addition policymakers overall acclaim the advantages it would convey to the whole society and economy: a large portion of them demand the key part research would play in the quality creation procedure to create exploitable arrangement of innovations by the European business prompting a decision of remarkable applications, items, markets and productive income sources.

Related Conferences:

8thInternational Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'17), Rome, Italy. NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2nd International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing (ICDMM 2017), Beijing, China. International Conference on Innovative and Smart Materials 2016 (ICISM 2016), Singapore. ICMENS 2017 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Singapore. ICNMS 2017 5th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science, San Diego, California, United States. ICAMR 2017 The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Hong Kong, China. 2nd International Conference on Green Composite Materials (ICGCM 2017), Hong Kong, China. 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Energy (ICNNE 2017), Lyon, France.

Related Nanotechnology Associations:

The innovative and emerging nanotechnologies have significantly reshaped the manufacturing, biotechnology, electronic, environmental and pharmaceutical markets. In-depth market analysis of these technologies as well as trends, forecasts and profiles of major players from different analytical reports from various analysts prove how valuable the growth of nanotechnology has become. Efficiency of nanotechnology has led to great discoveries in prescription drug products, photonics and has had a great environmental impact in the water treatment and decreasing the amount of pollutants that deplete the environment

Conference Series Ltd Conferences has taken the initiative to gather the world class experts both from academic and industry in a common platform at its Nanotechnology Conferences to share their recent research finding to the world and enlighten other esteemed delegates on latest trends in the field of nanotechnology. Nanoscience 2017 is second in its series of annual scientific events aimed to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of Nanotechnology.

Nanoscience-2017is an exciting opportunity to showcase the new technology, the new products of your company, the service your industry may offer to a broad international audience. It covers a lot of topics and it will be a nice platform to showcase their recent researches on Nanotechnology, Material Science and other interesting topics.


Nanotechnology refers to a wide range of technologies conducted on functional systems at the nanometer scale. It can be said that nanotechnology is the ability that can be projected to construct items either using the bottom-up approach or using the top-down approach, whereby top-down nanotechnology is considered to be the most well-established form of nanotechnology. In the year 2015, Information and communication technology industry held the major share in the nanotechnology market accounting for almost 55% and followed by energy with a share of 25% during the forecast period of 2016 to 2025.

The nanotechnology market can be segmented by type, application, end-user and geography exclusively. The market is categorized in to various categories such as nanocomposites, nanofibers, nanoceramics, nanomagnetics and more based on the types of nanotechnology commercially available. Every single type of nanotechnology differs greatly and the composition is different with different technical specifications. The crucial user segments include electronics & semiconductors, biotechnology, textile, military, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, food, automobiles and others. Increasing importance on renewable and sustainable energy sector with the use of low cost materials fuels the growth of nanotechnology

The importance can also be measured by the increasing research expenditures worldwide: In 1998 governments all over the world spent around $600 million on research and development in nanotechnologies; in 2002, this expenditure totalled $2.1 billion; and in 2006 investments of nearly $6 billion were expected. European spending in development nanotechnology is similar to that of the US and Japan.

Nanotechnology in Austria

Gross domestic expenditure on research and development in Austria is well above the EU average. Investment from foreign companies in R&D in Austria has been rising for years and is at an extremely high level, while domestic industry has doubled expenditure on R&D over the last 10 years. There are many successfully exported Austrian products and services such as:

A Rich Scientific Heritage

In 1943 the Austrian Paul Eisler invented the printed circuit board, a device that supports and connects electrical components and which today is found in almost every electronic device. Today the Austrian company AT & S is the largest printed circuit board manufacturer in Europe and India and significantly involved in China. The company from Leoben has a top global position in the highest technology segment, HDI Microvia printed boards which are predominantly used in mobile devices. The group also operates successfully in the research and development of modern automotive circuit boards as well as in the industrial and medical technology sectors.

Solid Research Principles

Austrian scientists are today considered among the very best in the world in the field of quantum computer research. The two theoretical physicists from Innsbruck, Peter Zoller and Hans Briegel, along with the experimental physicist from Vienna, are among the worlds most cited experts in the field. The framework for developing new technologies is exceptionally favourable in Austria. The breadth of the Austrian research landscape is breathtaking: from traditional, principle-based research right through to cutting-edge areas of applied science. Operations research is often found in innovative SMEs.

Micro Technology and Nanotechnology

Micro technology and nanoscience represent highly promising technologies of the future and are given considerable weight in Austria, particularly as regards solid state electronics and materials science. The most important nanotechnology products and areas of application include Pigments and other additives for varnishes and plastics, Processors, Surface coatings (e.g. tiles, bathtubs, worktops), Manufacture of dental filling materials and Medical application of nanoparticles for new types of diagnosis and therapy. There are currently around 100 Austrian companies applying their knowledge of nanotechnology, while countless companies are active in areas where nanotechnology will play a key role in the future, such as microelectronics, optics, medical technology, sensor technology, materials science, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, textile industry, aviation and space travel.

In order to promote nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Austria specifically, the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (RFT), recommended setting up an Austrian NANO Initiative as early as 2002. In 2004, this initiative was established as a multi-annual funding program - aiming at increased networking, creating critical masses, making nanosciences and nanotechnologies utilizable for the economy and for society, and providing an adequate number of qualified technical staff. The Austrian NANO Initiative capitalizes on this variety as one of the strengths of their program and by intensive networking of science and industry enables the development of highly innovative state-of-the-art products with new physical or chemical properties.

The Austrian NANO Initiative places an emphasis on expanding the research competence by additional education and training opportunities, as well as by targeted funding of small and medium-sized enterprises. It funds innovative high technology at the interface between basic and application-oriented research and uses national potential for targeted internationalization, networking, and qualification measures. The Nano scale Sciences and Nanotechnologies (NANO) Initiative is a multi-annual funding program in Austria, which coordinates on national and regional levels and is supported by several Ministries, Federal provinces, and funding institutions under the overall control of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). Managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) on behalf of the BMVIT, the focus and structure of the Austrian NANO Initiative were developed in cooperation with scientists, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders.

In the first period of the Austrian NANO Initiative (2004-2006), an overall public budget of 35 million was provided for highly innovative research and technology development projects. Seven outstanding RTD Project Clusters are currently funded, after undergoing an international peer review, and more than 100 industry partners and research organizations all over Austria participate in these successful NANO Clusters. The Clusters are encouraged to further enlarge their consortia by adding new projects.The Austrian NANO Initiative also provides funds for exploring innovative ideas as well as for conceiving, organizing and carrying out events.

Nanotechnology-related education and training in Austria

The Austrian NANO Initiative is providing funds to build up and expand the human resources required to ensure the qualitative and quantitative growth of NANO in Austria. Funding is provided for education and training measures for positive development within the higher education sector (universities, universities of applied sciences), the vocational training sector, and the general-education secondary school sector, as well as for the support of enterprises involving nanosciences and nanotechnologies.

Austrian businesses expect a significant deployment of nano products and production technologies by 2010. In addition to the projected increase in nano production, intensified fundamental nano research is expected. Two main developments can be extrapolated from this: The demand for highly qualified personnel for R&D positions will increase steeply, as will the demand for engineering personnel (graduates of vocational upper secondary schools, universities for applied sciences, and research universities). The latter need is based on the interest in projects that transfer research into marketable applications and products, as well as the demand for deployment of nano-related process innovations. Additional administrative and economic skills will become increasingly important for key personnel.

As in the business sector,nano-related employment in educational institutionsis expected to increase significantly until 2010. Programs with a nano-related research focus, as well as applied nano-related study programs, are currently being planned or developed for establishment during the next few years. Comparison of supply and demand for nano-relevant education and training programs shows mainly regional imbalances.

Distinct changes on the educational level are expected up until 2010 for nano-related job profiles. University graduates will slightly decrease from 70% to 60%, and graduates from universities of applied sciences will double to approximately 20%. Nano education at the (upper) secondary level is expected to reach and remain static at 15% by 2010. For nano-related topics, education and training are dominated mainly by universities, with well-developed centers in Vienna, Styria, Upper Austria, and the Tyrol. Presently, most programs focus on advanced students as well as students preparing master's theses and PhD dissertations, and on postdoctoral programs.

NanoScience 2016

See the article here:
Nanotechnology congress & Expo

PermaGlossâ„¢ – "self-healing" Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology car paint protection – Video

PermaGlossâ„¢ - "self-healing" Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology car paint protection
PermaGlossâ„¢ - Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology Paint Protection with self-healing Nanoparticles, the ultimate solution in protecting paint surfaces with "self-...

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PermaGlossâ„¢ - "self-healing" Ceramic Polymer Nanotechnology car paint protection - Video

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TriLUG Meeting 12 September 2013 - Open Source: the Nanotechnology of the Cloud
TriLUG Meeting 12 September 2013 - Open Source: the Nanotechnology of the Cloud Presenter: Michael Tiemann

By: Bill Farrow

Originally posted here:
TriLUG Meeting 12 September 2013 - Open Source: the Nanotechnology of the Cloud - Video

Line 22 7b97z20 Semiconductor Fermi Electron Hole Nanotechnology WIRES 3 Formula 5g WOW SETI – Video

Line 22 7b97z20 Semiconductor Fermi Electron Hole Nanotechnology WIRES 3 Formula 5g WOW SETI 7b97z20 100 videos there are more videos after this one i #39;ll post all then update the #. Math Equation Wow Seti 1...

By: theideagirlsays

Originally posted here:
Line 22 7b97z20 Semiconductor Fermi Electron Hole Nanotechnology WIRES 3 Formula 5g WOW SETI - Video

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Line 22 7b97z21 Semiconductor Fermi Electron Hole Nanotechnology WIRES 4 Formula 5g WOW SETI - Video