nanotechnology – National Geographic

Republished from the pages of National Geographic magazine Written by Jennifer Kahn June 2006

"I sit before you today with very little hair on my head. It fell out a few weeks ago as a result of the chemotherapy I've been undergoing. Twenty years ago, without even this crude chemotherapy, I would already be dead. But 20 years from now, nanoscale missiles will target cancer cells in the human body and leave everything else blissfully alone. I may not live to see it. But I am confident it will happen." Richard Smalley spoke these words on Jun 22, 1999. He died of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma on October 28, 2005. The 62-year-old Nobel Prize-winning chemist was a nanotech pioneer.

A tsunami is unnoticeable in the open oceana long, low wave whose power becomes clear only when it reaches shore and breaks. Technological revolutions travel with the same stealth. Spotting the wave while it's still crossing the ocean is tricky, which explains why so few of us are aware of the one that's approaching. Nanotechnology has been around for two decades, but the first wave of applications is only now beginning to break. As it does, it will affect everything from the batteries we use to the pants we wear to the way we treat cancer.

The main thing to know about nanotechnology is that it's small. Really small. Nano, a prefix that means "dwarf" in Greek, is shorthand for nanometer, one-billionth of a meter: a distance so minute that comparing it to anything in the regular world is a bit of a joke. This comma, for instance, spans about half a million nanometers. To put it another way, a nanometer is the amount a man's beard grows in the time it takes him to lift a razor to his face.

Nanotechnology matters because familiar materials begin to develop odd properties when they're nanosize. Tear a piece of aluminum foil into tiny strips, and it will still behave like aluminumeven afer the strips have become so small that you need a microscope to see them. But keep chopping them smaller, and at some point20 to 30 nanometers, in this case,the pieces can explode. Not all nanosize materials change properties so usefully (there's talk of adding nano-aluminum to rocket fuel), but the fact that some do is a boon. With them, scientists can engineer a cornucopia of exotic new materials, such as plastic that conducts electricity and coatings that prevent iron from rusting. It's like you shrink a cat and keep shrinking it, and then at some point, all at once, it turns into a dog.

Substances behave magically at the nanoscale because that's where the essential properties of matter are determined. Arrange calcium carbonate molecules in a sawtooth pattern, for instance, and you get fragile, crumbly chalk. Stack the same molecules like bricks, and they help form the layers of the tough, iridescent shell of an abalone.

It's a tantalizing idea: creating a material with ideal properties by customizing its atomic structure. Scientists have already developed rarefied tools, such as the scanning tunneling microscope, capable of viewing and moving individual atoms via an exquisitely honed tip just one atom wide.

"Nano's going to be like the invention of plastic," says Paul Alivisatos, associate director of physical sciences at Lawrence Berkeley national Laboratory's new nanofabrication center. "It'll be everywhere: in the scalpels doctors use for surgery and in the fabrics we wear." Alivisatos already owns a pair of stain-resistant nanopants from the Gap, made from fibers treated with fluorinated nanopolymer. "I spilled coffee on them this morning, and it rolled right off."

On a table in a lab at Rice University, Andr Gobin, a graduate student, is working with two slices of raw chicken. He nudges the slices together so they touch and dribbles greenish liquid along the seam. The liquid is a solution of nanoshells: minuscule silica beads covered, in this case, with gold. Switching on an infrared laser, Gobin deftly traces the beam down the length of the green line. Tweezing the chicken up, he dangles what is now a single piece of meat.

Someday soon surgeons may be able to use a nanoshell treatment like this to reconnect veins that have been cut during surgery. "One of the hardest things a doctor has to do during a kidney or heart transplant is reattach cut arteries," says Gobin. "They have to sew the ends together with tiny stitches. Leaks are a big problem." With Gobin's nanoshell solution a surgeon could simply meld the two ends and get a perfect seal. It would make grafting veins as easy as soldering wire.

Although much of nanotechnology's promise remains unrealized, investment in the field is booming. The U.S. government allocated more than a billion dollars to nanotechnology research in 2005more than twice what it spent on sequencing the human genome when that project was at its height. Japans and the European Union have spent similar amounts, and even smaller countries are hurrying to get a foot in the door. A Korean company has used nanosilver-based antibacterials in refrigerator interiors. The same material can be incorporated in bandages. The hopes is the same on all fronts: to get the jump on a growing global market that the National Science Foundation estimates will be worth a trillion dollars by 2015.

One reason for the rapid global spread of nanotechnology is that the entry cost is comparatively low. Countries that missed out on the computer revolution because they lacked the capital to build vast, high-tech factories that make silicon chips are less likely to miss the nanotech wave.

"It's science you can do in a beaker," says Stephen Empedocles, vice president of Nanosys, a company that's developing cheap solar nanostructures. Traditionally the manufacture of solar-energy cells has required a multimillion-dollar fabrication facility that cooks sheets of glass at extremely high temperatures until the atoms order themselves into a receptive latticework. Solar nanostructures, on the other hand, grow like rock candy. You can "mix them up in a beaker with a hundred dollars' worth of starter chemicals," Empedocles says, and then paint them on window glass to turn an entire building into a solar-energy generator. Or, they might be embedded in the plastic body of a cell phone or a laptop computer.

For a hundred dollars, in fact, anyone can buy nanoparticlesspecifically a gram (.04 ounce) of carbon nanotubesonline. Place the order, and you'll receive a small ziplock bag of what looks like soot tucked inside a cardboard FedEx envelope along with some safety instructions. (They recommend gloves to keep the carbon slivers off the skin and a respirator to keep the tiny black specks from entering the lungs.)

There's not much you can do at home with a thimbleful of carbon nanotubes. But some of their mysteries are revealed in another Rice University lab, where Matteo Pasquali holds up a test tube containing a few dark threads so stiff that they seem to have been starched and ironed. These are fibers spun from carbon nanotubesseveral billion of themwhich, in theory, should be stronger than Kevlar, the material in bulletproof vests.

For now, however, the threads are only about as tough as the acrylic found in an ordinary sweater. The reason the threads are weak, Pasquali believes, is because some portion of the billion nanotubes bundled together have hidden breaks. A photo taken through a microscope shows fibers that look like pale gray hairs, some perfectly straight, others frayed and curling. "We have split ends," Pasquali says with a sigh. "We need a nanotube conditioner."

Carbon has proved a useful element in nanotechnology. One of the science's building blocks is a molecule that contains 60 carbon atoms arranged in a sphere. A molecule of C60 looks like the geodesic dome invented by Buckminster Fuller, thus its nickname: buckyball.

Richard Smalley and colleagues discovered the buckyball in 1985, and in 1996 Smalley and two others earned a Nobel Prize in chemistry for the deed. Until his recent death, Smalley was a bucky fanatic. He renovated his house, close to the Rice University campus in Houston, with a glass skylight shaped like half a buckyball, with precisely proportioned steel struts representing the bonds between atoms.

Smalley was openly proselytical about the merits of buckyballs and a particular fan of their relatives, carbon nanotubes. ("Fifty to a hundred times stronger than steel and one-sixth the weight!" he often pronounced as though reporting the achievements of a precocious child.)

Because of their light, stiff composition, merely sprinkling carbon nanotubes into epoxy strengthens the glue by more than 30 percent. The tubes have also begun turning up in high-end sporting equipment. They strengthen tennis rackets, mountain-bike handlebars, frames for racing bikes, and golf-club shafts. Carbon nantubes also show promise for use in transparent conductive films for displays on computers, cell phones, PDAs, and automatic teller machines.

Smalley was also an ardent advocate of nanotubes as a solution to the world's impending engery crisis. His plan was to replace old copper and aluminum power lines with wires spun from carbon nanotubes. Nanotubes can carry far more current than traditional metal wiresover a billion amps of current per square centimeter (0.16 square inches)and, unlike metal wires, they lose very little of that energy as heat. In theory, the nanotube power lines would carry electricity over thousands of miles. Rather than relying on local coal-fired power plants, cities could use energy generated by giant solar farms in deserts or by wind farms off coasts. "This is the great getting-up morning of nano," Smally said. "If Mother Nature allows it, we could restring the electrical grid of the world."

Not everyone is so sure. Carbon nanotubes come in three types. They all conduct electricity, but only one does it especially well. And so far no one has come up with a way to make those nanotubes very long. Right now, the longest electricity-conducting nanotube in existence measures a fraction of an inch.

At the root of the problem is the fact that there are two ways to make nanoparticles: "top down," where a bulk material gets chopped down into nanosize bits, and "bottom up," where molecules grow under controlled conditions, as in crystals, and then snap together into particular configurations based on their charge and molecular chemistry.

Bottom-up constructionswhich long carbon nanotubes would requireare where the real power of nano lies. But they're also far more complicated, subject to all the laws of bonding that limit the ways atoms and molecules can be arranged. Getting carbon to curl into a perfectly aligned tube rather than a thick, twisted scroll is exceedingly complex.

Scientists are still relatively ham-fisted when it comes to the finer points of bottom-up assembly, particularly compared with a far more prolific nanofactory: the human body.

The human body makes quick and constant work of assembling raw materials like calcium and keratin to create elaborate structures like bones and skin. Compared with the work a blood cell does, scientists are "pretty much inept," admits Jim Heath, a Caltech chemist who is developing nanoscale sensors capable of detecting and diagnosing cancers. "But we're learning. We've come a long way in the past two years."

Heath's goal is to identify cancers early, when they are still just a few thousand cells strong and far easier to treat. Unlike HIV or malaria, which produce unique antibodies identifiable from a simple blood test, cancers are difficult to spot. Nonetheless, they do leave what Heath calls a fingerprint: a change in the number and type of proteins that regularly circulate in the blood.

Determining which combination of proteins makes up the unique signature of a particular cancer is an ongoing project. "To diagnose one cancer reliably in early stages, we probably need to measure 20 or 25 different proteins," Heath says. "So to develop a test that would identify 20 different cancers, we'd need about 500 measurements. And we would want to be able to do that easily, with just a finger prick of blood."

Heath has already developed nanosize sensors called nanowires that can electronically detect a few protein molecules along with other biochemical markers that are early signs of cancer. Heath's strategy is to coat a collection of nanowires with different compounds, each of which binds to one particular marker. When the marker, which can be a protein, an antibody, or DNA, latches on, it changes the conductivity of the nanowire, creating a tiny but measurable alteration in current. Heath has combined tens of thousands of these sensors onto a single chip, which allows him to detect cancer-signifying molecules in blood while their concentration is still low. The chips also allow him to identify what types of cancer are present. Currently, heath reports, his chip can detect between 20 and 30 relevant biomolecules. He plans to begin using the chip to detect brain cancers this summer.

Richard Smalley was one scientist who followed Heath's progress carefully. Smalley's non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was a relatively slow-moving cancer, but even when he was in remission, between a hundred million and billion cancer cells circulated in his body (a number that doctors consider relatively low).

One of the advantages of treating cancer in an early stage is that the cells are less likely to have mutated and become resistant. Drug resistance is one of the trickiest things about cancer, which adapts so rapidly that medications can rarely keep up. "You don't want a killing mechanism to be fancy," Smalley said. It needs to be fast and thorough.

But targeting a brute-force treatment is difficult, says Jennifer West, a bioengineer who is treating tumors in mice using gold nanoshells. Difficult because things that kill cancer cells typically kill healthy cells as well. "That's what we'd like to avoid," West says, Her approach relies on the fact that tumors grow blood vessels so quickly to keep up with the rapidly multiplying tumor cells that they don't have time to knit tightly and instead leak like rusted pipes. West's gold nanoshells are about 120 nanometers in diametera cancer cell is 170 times bigger. So the nanoshells are minute enough to seep through the cracks in the tumor capillaries and become lodged in the tumor.

To kill the tumor, West activates the shells with infrared rays that pass harmlessly through the skin but heat the gold, killing the adjacent tumor cells. Because the cancer cells die, they don't develop the resistance that can plague drug-based cures.

Moreover, because the nanoshells lodge only in the tumor and are nontoxic unless activated by infrared light, West expects her treatment to be nearly side-effect freeparticularly compared with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. As part of the FDA approval process, West has injected mice with increasingly large doses of nanoshells. Not a single mouse has died. "We injected mice with increasingly large doses of nanoshells. Not a single mouse has died. "We haven't even been able to induce any adverse effects," she says with a shrug. "If we had injected these mice with the same amount of table salt, they would have keeled over long ago.

Unfortunately, the very thing that makes nanoshells such a promising therapytheir ability to move easily through the body and to interact with different cellsis a downside when it comes to the problem of nanoparticle pollution.

In 2004 Eva Oberdrster, a toxicologist at Sothern Methodist University in Dallas, reported that largemouth bass exposed to water containing buckyballs at a concentration of 500 parts per billion suffered brain damage. And people are similarly vulnerable. After exposing lab-grown human skin and liver cells to an even weaker solutiona mere 20 parts per billionRice University chemist Vicki Colvin found that fully half the exposed cells died.

Results like these are troubling, in part because of the rapidly growing number of products already on the market that contain nanoparticles. "With nanomaterials, it's not enough to look at the properties of the bulk material," Colvin warns. "Whether you're working with gold or lead, the toxicity will be hard to predict." There is some evidence, for example, that the nanoscale particles of titanium dioxide used in sunscreen, depending on the way they are nanosized, can produce high amounts of free radicals when exposed to sunlight. Free radicals can damage cells, making some more likely to turn cancerous.

Colvin's concern is that companies are currently optimizing their particles for processability rather than for human health. A recent study found that buckyballs could be made less toxic fairly easilyby attaching inert molecules known as hydroxyl groups. The more hydroxyl groups attached, the less dangerous the buckyballs became. For the most thoroughly coated, the safe exposure level went up by a factor of ten thousand.

But it's hard to get funding for this kind of research, Colvin says. "Funding managers want a sexy story at the end of the day. They want to be able to say that they're helping to cure cancer. It doesn't sound as glorious when your finding is that a certain particle you were hoping to use ought to have hydroxyl groups put on it in order to be safe."

Still, researchers are making important advances. They are finding new ways to use nanosize sensors in water purification systems that will filter everything from bacteria to industrial pollutants like arsenic. The key feature of the new filters is the fact that nanoparticles have a vast amount of surface area for their weight: One ounce (28.3 grams) of nanobeads, for instance, contains a staggering 300,000 square feet (27,871 square meters) of surface area. Because the chemical reactions that neutralize pollutants take place on the surface of the beads, the greater the available area, the more effective the filter.

The potential impact of nanofilters is substantial. Many regions in China have drinking water that contains dangerously high levels of arsenic and other industrial pollutants. Because of this, Colvin predicts that Asia will be a test bed for point-of-use water treatment systems that utilize nanoparticles to eliminate toxic chemicals. "Right now, nanoscale iron is a bit too expensive to be used to treat wastewater," she says. "But it's the best way to clean up concentrated arsenic, and I expect the cost will come down soon."

Because nanotech applications are so potentially useful, Colvin doesn't think research should be stopped, or even slowed. But she does think that a larger proportion of government money should be directed toward safety and related questionslike whether nanoparticles could accumulate undetected in the water and food chains.

Such safety issues are key, given the speed with which the nanotech tsunami is moving. Corporations will invest more than four billion dollars in nanotech this year alone, and a recent nanotech conference in Japan drew a crowd of 30,000.

Meanwhile, commercial applications continue to spread. Homeowners now have the option of installing windows manufactured by PPG Industries, a company that uses nanoscale particles of titanium dioxide to make glass that doesn't streak and never needs washing. Food companies have begun experimenting with nanopackaging that changes color when food spoils or contains bacteria like E. coli. The prefix has even trickled over into popular culture, where it's the advertising hit du jour, with GM hawking a "nano" Hummer, and Apple its iPod Nano digital music player.

"What's amazing is how quickly this is evolving," Colvin says. "Even ten years ago, a lot of these applications would have seemed pretty unrealistic."

The boom left Richard Smalley downright nostalgic: "Nano is a baby that's all growed up," he mused shortly before his death. Perhaps, but we've still got some interesting years ahead.

Extras: See photos, field notes, and more from thisNational Geographic article.

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nanotechnology - National Geographic

Nanotechnology: A simple and fun introduction – Explain …

by Chris Woodford. Last updated: June 3, 2016.

Imagine if you climbed out of the shower only to discover you'd shrunk in the wash by about 1500 million times! If you stepped into your living room, what you'd see around you would not be chairs, tables, computers, and your family but atoms, molecules, proteins, and cells. Shrunk down to the "nanoscale," you'd not only see the atoms that everything is made fromyou'd actually be able to move them around! Now suppose you started sticking those atoms together in interesting new ways, like tiny LEGO bricks of nature. You could build all kinds of fantastic materials, everything from brand new medicines to ultra-fast computer chips. Making new things on this incredibly small scale is called nanotechnology and it's one of the most exciting and fast-moving areas of science and technology today.

Photo: Looking into the nanoworld: Sulfur atoms arranged on a layer of copper deposited onto a crystal of ruthenium. By courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory.

We live on a scale of meters and kilometers (thousands of meters), so it's quite hard for us to imagine a world that's too small to see. You've probably looked at amazing photos in science books of things like dust mites and flies photographed with electron microscopes. These powerful scientific instruments make images that are microscopic, which means on a scale millionths of a meter wide. Nanoscopic involves shrinking things down to a whole new level. Nano means "billionth", so a nanometer is one billionth of a meter. In other words, the nanoscale is 1000 times smaller than the microscopic scale and a billion (1000 million) times smaller than the world of meters that we live in.

This is all very interesting and quite impressive, but what use is it? Our lives have some meaning on a scale of meters, but it's impossible to think about ordinary, everyday existence on a scale 1000 times smaller than a fly's eye. We can't really think about problems like AIDS, world poverty, or global warming, because they lose all meaning on the nanoscale. Yet the nanoscalethe world where atoms, molecules (atoms joined together), proteins, and cells rule the roostis a place where science and technology gain an entirely new meaning.

By zooming in to the nanoscale, we can figure out how some of the puzzling things in our world actually work by seeing how atoms and molecules make them happen. You've probably seen that trick TV programs do with satellite photos, where they start off with a picture of the green and blue Earth and zoom in really fast, at ever-increasing scale, until you're suddenly staring at someone's back garden. You realize Earth is green because it's made from a patchwork of green grass. Keep zooming in and you'll see the chloroplasts in the grass: the green capsules inside the plant cells that make energy from sunlight. Zoom in some more and you'll eventually see molecules made from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen being split apart and recombined inside the chloroplasts. So the nanoscale is good because it lets us do nanoscience: it helps us understand why things happen by studying them at the smallest possible scale. Once we understand nanoscience, we can do some nanotechnology: we can put the science into action to help solve our problems. That's what the word "technology" means and it's how technology (applied science) differs from pure science, which is about studying things for their own sake.

It turns out there are some very interesting things about the nanoscale. Lots of substances behave very differently in the world of atoms and molecules. For example, the metal copper is transparent on the nanoscale while gold, which is normally unreactive, becomes chemically very active. Carbon, which is quite soft in its normally occurring form (graphite), becomes incredibly hard when it's tightly packed into a nanoscopic arrangement called a nanotube. In other words, materials can have different physical properties on the nanoscale even though they're still the same materials! On the nanoscale, it's easier for atoms and molecules to move around and between one another, so the chemical properties of materials can also be different. Nanoparticles have much more surface area exposed to other nanoparticles, so they are very good as catalysts (substances that speed up chemical reactions).

Photo: Looking at the nanoscale with electron holography. By courtesy of US Department of Energy/Brookhaven National Laboratory.

One reason for these differences is that different factors become important on the nanoscale. In our everyday world, gravity is the most important force we encounter: it dominates everything around us, from the way our hair hangs down around our head to the way Earth has different seasons at different times of year. But on the nanoscale, gravity is much less important than the electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules. Factors like thermal vibrations (the way atoms and molecules store heat by jiggling about) also become extremely significant. In short, the game of science has different rules when you play it on the nanoscale.

Your fingers are millions of nanometers long, so it's no good trying to pick up atoms and molecules and move them around with your bare hands. That would be like trying to eat your dinner with a fork 300 km (186 miles) long! Amazingly, scientists have developed electron microscopes that allow us to "see" things on the nanoscale and also manipulate them. They're called atomic force microscopes (AFMs), scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), and scanning tunneling microscopes (STMs).

Photo: The eight tiny probe tips on the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) built into NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. The tip enlarged in the circle is the same size as a smoke particle at its base (2 microns). Photo by courtesy of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA-JPL).

The basic idea of an electron microscope is to use a beam of electrons to see things that are too small to see using a beam of light. A nanoscopic microscope uses electronic and quantum effects to see things that are even smaller. It also has a tiny probe on it that can be used to shift atoms and molecules around and rearrange them like tiny building blocks. In 1989, IBM researcher Don Eigler used a microscope like this to spell out the word I-B-M by moving individual atoms into position. Other scientists have used similar techniques to draw pictures of nanoscopic guitars, books, and all kinds of other things. These are mostly frivolous exercises, designed to wow people with nanopower. But they also have important practical applications. There are lots of other ways of working with nanotechnology, including molecular beam epitaxy, which is a way of growing single crystals one layer of atoms at a time.

Most of nanotechnology's benefits will happen decades in the future, but it's already helping to improve our world in many different ways. We tend to think of nanotechnology as something new and alien, perhaps because the word "technology" implies artificial and human-made, but life itself is an example of nanotechnology: proteins, bacteria, viruses, and cells all work on the nanoscopic scale.

It could be you're already using nanotechnology. You might be wearing nanotechnology pants (that's "trousers" to you in the UK), walking on a nanotechnology rug, sleeping on nanotechnology sheets, or hauling nanotechnology luggage to the airport. All these products are made from fabrics coated with "nanowhiskers." These tiny surface fibers are so small that dirt cannot penetrate into them, which means the deeper layers of material stay clean. Some brands of sunscreens use nanotechnology in a similar way: they coat your skin with a layer of nanoscopic titanium dioxide or zinc oxide that blocks out the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Nano-coatings are also appearing on scratch-resistant car bumpers, anti-slip steps on vans and buses, corrosion resistant paints, and wound dressings.

Carbon nanotubes are among the most exciting of nanomaterials. These rod-shaped carbon molecules are roughly one nanometer across. Although they're hollow, their densely packed structure makes them incredibly strong and they can be grown into fibers of virtually any length. NASA scientists have recently proposed carbon nanotubes could be used to make a gigantic elevator stretching all the way from Earth into space. Equipment and people could be shuttled slowly up and down this "carbon ladder to the stars," saving the need for expensive rocket flights.

Photo: Making an electric circuit with carbon nanotubes. A carbon nanotube (shown here in light blue at the top) is connected to an electricity supply using aluminum (shown in dark blue at the bottom). Picture by courtesy of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA-MSFC).

One form of nanotechnology we all use is microelectronics. The "micro" part of that word suggests computer chips work on the microscopic scaleand they do. But since terms like "microchip" were coined in the 1970s, electronic engineers have found ways of packing even more transistor switches into integrated circuits to make computers that are smaller, faster, and cheaper than ever before. This constant increase in computing power goes by the name of Moore's Law, and nanotechnology will ensure it continues well into the future. Everyday transistors in the early 21st-century are just 100200 nanometers wide, but cutting-edge experiments are already developing much smaller devices. In 1998, scientists made a transistor from a single carbon nanotube.

Photo: Creatures of the nanoworld? This is what a single molecule of the semiconductor material cadmium sulfide looks like. Nanoparticles like this could be used to make improved electronic displays and lasers. Picture by courtesy of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA-MSFC).

And it's not just the chips inside computers that use nanotechnology. The displays on everything from iPods and cellphones to laptops and flatscreen TVs are shifting to organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), made from plastic films built on the nanoscale.

One of the most exciting areas of nanotechnology is the possibility of building incredibly small machinesthings like gears, switches, pumps, or enginesfrom individual atoms. Nanomachines could be made into nanorobots (sometimes called nanobots) that could be injected into our bodies to carry out repairs or sent into hazardous or dangerous environments, perhaps to clean up disused nuclear power plants. As is so often the case, nature leads humans here. Scientists have already found numerous examples of nanomachines in the natural world. For example, a common bacteria called E.coli can build itself a little nanotechnology tail that it whips around like a kind of propeller to move it closer to food. Making nanomachines is also known as molecular manufacturing and molecular nanotechnology (MNT).

Photo: The world's smallest chain drive. An example of a nanomachine, this nanotechnology "bike chain" and gear system was developed by scientists at Sandia National Laboratory. By courtesy of US Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratory.

Natural examples like this tell us that nanotechnology is as old as life itself, but the concept of the nanoscale, nanoscience we can study, and nanotechnology we can harness are all relatively new developments. The brilliant American physicist Richard Feynman (19181988) is widely credited with kick-starting modern interest in nanotechnology. In 1959, in a famous after-dinner speech called "There's plenty of room at the bottom," the ever-imaginative Feynman speculated about an incredibly tiny world where people could use tiny tools to rearrange atoms and molecules. By 1974, Japanese engineering professor Norio Taniguchi had named this field "nanotechnology."

Nanotechnology really took off in the 1980s. That was when nanotech-evangelist Dr K. Eric Drexler first published his groundbreaking book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology. It was also the decade when microscopes appeared that were capable of manipulating atoms and molecules on the nanoscale. In 1991, carbon nanotubes were discovered by another Japanese scientist, Sumio Iijima, opening up huge interest in new engineering applications. The graphite in pencils is a soft form of carbon. In 1998, some American scientists built themselves another kind of pencil from a carbon nanotube and then used it, under a microscope, to write the words "NANOTUBE NANOPENCIL" with letters only 10 nanometers across.

Stunts like this captured the public imagination, but they also led to nanotechnology being recognized and taken seriously at the highest political levels. In 2000, President Bill Clinton sealed the importance of nanotechnology when he launched a major US government program called the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), designed to fund groundbreaking research and inspire public interest. By 2016, the US government was investing over $1 billion a year in nanotechnology through the NNI alone.

Engineers the world over are raving about nanotechnology. This is what scientists at one of America's premier research institutions, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, have to say: "The new concepts of nanotechnology are so broad and pervasive, that they will influence every area of technology and science, in ways that are surely unpredictable.... The total societal impact of nanotechnology is expected to be greater than the combined influences that the silicon integrated circuit, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering, and man-made polymers have had in this century." That's a pretty amazing claim: 21st-century nanotechnology will be more important than all the greatest technologies of the 20th century put together!

Photo: These nanogears were made by attaching benzene molecules (outer white blobs) to the outsides of carbon nanotubes (inner gray rings). Image by NASA Ames Research Center courtesy of Internet Archive.

Nanotechnology sounds like a world of great promise, but there are controversial issues too that must be considered and resolved. Some people have raised concerns that nanoscale organisms or machines could harm human life or the environment. One problem is that tiny particles can be extremely toxic to the human body. No-one really knows what harmful effect new nanomaterials or substances could have. Chemical pesticides were not considered harmful when they were first used in the early decades of the 20th century; it wasn't until the 1960s and 1970s that their potentially harmful effects were properly understood. Could the same happen with nanotechnology?

The ultimate nano-nightmare, the problem of "gray goo," was first highlighted by Eric Drexler. What happens if well-meaning humans create nanobots that run riot through the biosphere, gobbling up all living things and leaving behind nothing but a chewed-up mass of "gray goo"? Drexler later backed away from that claim. But critics of nanotechnology still argue humans shouldn't meddle with worlds they don't understand, but if we took that argument to its logical conclusion, we'd have no inventions at allno medicines, no transportation, no agriculture, and no educationand we'd still be living in the Stone Age. The real question is whether the promise of nanotechnology is greater than any potential risks that go with it. And that will determine whether our nano-future becomes dreamor nightmare.

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Nanotechnology: A simple and fun introduction - Explain ...

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