In the long run, we must live – Economic Times

By Hardayal Singh

John Maynard Keynes did a great disservice to future generations when he said that in the long run, we are all dead. Inadvertently, he may have shifted the discourse in public policy towards ad hocism at the expense of long-term outcomes. The consequence of this shift, particularly in India, has been disastrous.

The recent health emergency in Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) is one manifestation of such systemic myopia. One of the origins of this crisis springs from surplus rice produced in Haryana and Punjab during the kharif (autumn) season.

Currently, the buffer stock is 27.2 million tonnes against a national requirement of 10.25 million tonnes. Rice is a water guzzler. Production of one tonne of rice requires nearly 7,000 tonnes of water. So, if GoI is compelled to export 12 million tonnesof rice out of its current surplus, it is actually exporting 84 billion tonnes of water. The only reason farmers produce this crop is because they are supplied free water and electricity, and are assured of a minimum support price (MSP).

To conserve scarce groundwater resources, farmers in these two states are statutorily prevented from planting paddy till mid-June every year. So, they can harvest rice only in late October-early November.

The only way they can prepare their fields for the next rabi planting in November is to burn the stubble emanating from the earlier crop.

When wind speeds are low, this creates a poisonous smog. Beyond band-aid solutions, the only way out is to create incentives to nudge farmers away from rice towards crops such as fruit, vegetables and maize. Besides saving scarce water, this would reduce air pollution in Delhi-NCR by about 30%. Augmenting maize production would also help India cope with its ethanol scarcity for fuel purposes.

In the 1980s, GoI resorted to reckless borrowing to finance development. As a result, the combined fiscal deficit of the central and state governments climbed from 6.3% of GDP in FY1982 to 9.4% of GDP in FY1991. By that time, a full-fledged forex crisis broke out, since shortterm external commercial borrowings rose to 146.5% of forex reserves. Timely loans of about $3.4 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and friendly governments like Japan and Germany, prevented the economy from plunging into chaos.

Called upon to carry out economic reforms by IMF, GoI did the barest minimum required of it. It reformed the consumer markets. But out of fear of a popular backlash, it failed to reform the public sector, education sector and product (land, labour and capital) markets. The consequences of this are being felt even today.

Internationally, too, most governments often do what is expedient at the cost of what is right. In the future, the economic and social costs of such failures are likely to be much greater. As new advances in molecular biology, artificial intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, IT and Internet of Things (IoT) shape our lives, the rate of technological and social change will be much faster. As a result, considerable expertise will be required to anticipate and deal with the problems thrown up by a new world. Unemployment will assume anew dimension with increasingautomation. Growth alone will not be able to create jobs. People will have to update their skills through their lives to remain relevant.

Would it not be better if we frame policies that anticipate long-term developments, rather than react to crises when they descend on us? In the case of north Indian cities and towns, seasonally each year.

The writer was chief commissioner, income-tax

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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In the long run, we must live - Economic Times

Weill Neurohub Will Promote Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Brain Trauma and Neurodegenerative Diseases – BioSpace

The Weill Family Foundation, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley), University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the University of Washington (UW) launched the Weill Neurohub with a $106 million gift. The Neurohub will be a multi-functional collaboration to improve the development of new treatments for diseases of the brain and nervous system.

The gains in knowledge amassed by neuroscientists over the past few decades can now be brought to the next level with supercomputers, electronic brain-computer interfaces, nanotechnology, robotics, and powerful imaging tools, said Sanford I. Sandy Weill, chairman of the Weill Family Foundation. The Neurohub will seize this opportunity by building bridges between people with diverse talents and training and bringing them together in a common cause: discovering new treatments to help the millions of patients with such conditions as Alzheimers disease and mental illness.

In addition to academic investment, the Neurohub will leverage the expertise and resources of the 17 National Laboratories managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE and the Weill Family Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding in August 2019 to create a new public-private partnership.

That partnership is studying the use of the DOEs artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputing capabilities with the Bay Area universities and the private sector, to further research into traumatic brain injury (TBI) and neurodegenerative diseases.

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, who is leaving the position by the end of the year, led the creation of an AI and Technology Officer during his tenure at DOE. We are on the cusp of great discoveries that could transform our approach to TBI, Alzheimers disease, and other neurological and psychiatric disorders, Perry said, and easing access to the world-class computational power of our National Laboratories to initiatives like the Weill Neurohub is a win-win for science and the public sectorand, eventually, for patients.

The Neurohub will offer funding for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students at the UW, Berkeley, and UCSF, including funding for high-risk/high-reward research that is less likely to find funding through conventional sources. However, the majority of the funding will support highly novel cross-institutional projects built on one or more of four scientific pillars that Weill Neurohub leaders have deemed priority areas.

Those four pillars are imaging, engineering, genomics and molecular therapeutics, and computation and data analytics.

The UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences was established in 2016 with a $185 million gift from the Weill Family Foundation and Joan and Sandy Weill. Their funding of neurosciences now exceeds $300 million.

The UCSF Weill Institute set out to break down walls between the clinical disciplines of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, and also bring these clinical specialties together with the basic neurosciences, said Stephen Hauser, the Robert A. Fishman Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Weill Institute director. Now, with the Weill Neurohub, were going even further: eliminating institutional boundaries between three great public research universities, and also other disciplinary walls between traditional neuroscience and non-traditional approaches to understanding the brain. By embracing engineering, data analysis, and imaging science at this dramatically higher levelareas in which both Berkeley and the UW are among the best in the worldneuroscientists on all three campuses will gain crucial tools and insights that will bring us closer to our shared goal of reducing suffering from brain diseases.

Hauser and Berkeleys Ehud Udi Isacoff, the Evan Rauch Chair of Neuroscience, will be co-director of the new Weill Neurohub. They will be joined on the Weill Neurohubs Leadership Committee by Tom Daniel, the Joan and Richard Komen Endowed Chair and professor of biology at the UW.

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Weill Neurohub Will Promote Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Brain Trauma and Neurodegenerative Diseases - BioSpace

Nanotechnology Gives Green Energy a Green Color – Futurism

Green Panels

Solar panels have tremendous potential to provide affordable renewable energy, but many people see traditional black and blue panels as an eyesore. Architects, homeowners and city planners may be more open to the technology if they could install green panels that melt into the landscape, red panels on rooftops and white ones camouflaged as walls.

A new study published this week inApplied Physics Lettersbrings us one step closer to a future of colorful, efficientsolar panels. Researchers have developed a method for imprinting existing solar panels with silicon nanopatterns that scatter green light back toward an observer. The panels have a green appearance from most angles yet only show about a 10 percent power reduction due to the loss of absorbed green light.

Some people say why would you make solar cells less efficient? But we can make solar cells beautiful without losing too much efficiency, said Verena Neder, a researcher at AMOLF and lead author of the paper. The new method to change the color of the panels is not only easy to apply but also attractive as an architectural design element and has the potential to widen their use.

Most research on solarcellshas focused on increasing efficiency and reducing cost. Currently, the solar panels sold to consumers can ideally turn up to 22 percent of the suns light into usable energy. Colored solar panels are already on the market, but the dyes and reflective coatings that give them their color greatly reduce efficiency.

Neder and colleagues created their efficient, green solar panels through soft-imprint lithography, which works somewhat like an optical rubber stamp to imprint a dense array of silicon nanocylinders onto the cell surfaces. Each nanocylinder is about 100 nanometers wide and exhibits an electromagnetic resonance that scatters a particular wavelength of light. The geometry of the nanocylinder determines which wavelength it scatters and can be fine-tuned to change the color of the solar cell. The imprint reduces the solar panelsefficiencyby about 2 percent.

In principle, this technique is easily scalable for fabrication technology, said Albert Polman, a scientific group leader at AMOLF and senior author on the paper. You can use a rubber stamp the size of a solar panel that in one step, can print the whole panel full of these little, exactly defined nanoparticles.

Unlike existing colored solar panels, the nanopatterns give a consistent appearance from different angles. The structure we made is not very sensitive to the angle of observation, so even if you look at it from a wide angle, it still appears green, Neder said.

The nanopatterns also could be useful in makingtandem solar cells, which stack several layers, each designed to absorb certain parts of the spectrum, to achieve efficiencies of greater than 30 percent.

Next, the researchers are designing imprints to create red and bluesolar cells. Once they master these three colors, the primary colors oflight, they can create any color, potentially even white. You have to combine different nanoparticles, and if they get very close to each other they can interact and that will affect thecolor, Polman said. Going to white is a really big step.

This article was provided by American Institute of Physics. Materials may have been edited for clarity and brevity.

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Nanotechnology Gives Green Energy a Green Color - Futurism

Test uses nanotechnology to quickly diagnose Zika virus … – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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May be possible to use approach with other emerging infectious diseases

A Washington University researcher holds a piece of paper coated with tiny gold nanorods that can be used to test blood for Zika virus. If a patient whose blood is being tested has come into contact with Zika virus, the blood will contain substances that react with a protein coating the nanorods. The test paper doesn't need to be refrigerated, and test results are available in about 15 minutes.

Washington University in St. Louis researchers have developed a test that quickly detects the presence of Zika virus in blood.

Currently, testing for Zika requires that a blood sample be refrigerated and shipped to a medical center or laboratory, delaying diagnosis and possible treatment. Although the new proof-of-concept technology has yet to be produced for use in medical situations, the tests results can be determined in minutes. Further, the materials required for the test do not require refrigeration and may be applicable in testing for other emerging infectious diseases.

Findings from the small study from Washington University School of Medicine and the School of Engineering & Applied Science is available online in the journal Advanced Biosystems.

The researchers tested blood samples taken from four people who had been infected with Zika virus and compared it to blood from five people known not to have the virus. Blood from Zika-infected patients tested positive, but blood from Zika-negative controls did not. The assay produced no false-positive results.

Among the reasons such a test is needed, according to the researchers, is that many people infected with Zika dont know theyre infected. Although symptoms include fever, joint pain, muscle pain and rash, many people dont feel ill after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Testing is particularly important for pregnant women because Zika infection can cause congenital Zika syndrome, which contributes to several neurologic problems in the fetus or newborn infant.

Zika infection is often either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, said Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD, one of the studys three senior investigators. The most effective way to diagnose the disease is not to wait for people to develop symptoms but to do population screening.

That strategy requires inexpensive, easy-to-use and easy-to-transport tests. Kharasch, the Russell D. and Mary B. Shelden Professor of Anesthesiology, collaborated with Srikanth Singamaneni, PhD, an associate professor of mechanical engineering & materials science, and Jeremiah J. Morrissey, PhD, a research professor of anesthesiology, to create the test, which uses gold nanorods mounted on paper to detect Zika infection within a few minutes.

If an assay requires electricity and refrigeration, it defeats the purpose of developing something to use in a resource-limited setting, especially in tropical areas of the world, said Singamaneni. We wanted to make the test immune from variations in temperature and humidity.

The test relies on a protein made by Zika virus that causes an immune response in infected individuals. The protein is attached to tiny gold nanorods mounted on a piece of paper. The paper then is completely covered with tiny, protective nanocrystals. The nanocrystals allow the diagnostic nanorods to be shipped and stored without refrigeration prior to use.

To use the test, a technician rinses the paper with slightly acidic water, removing the protective crystals and exposing the protein mounted on the nanorods. Then, a drop of the patients blood is applied. If the patient has come into contact with the virus, the blood will contain immunoglobulins that react with the protein.

Were taking advantage of the fact that patients mount an immune attack against this viral protein, said Morrissey. The immunoglobulins persist in the blood for a few months, and when they come into contact with the gold nanorods, the nanorods undergo a slight color change that can be detected with a hand-held spectrophotometer.

With this test, results will be clear before the patient leaves the clinic, allowing immediate counseling and access to treatment.

The color change cannot be seen with the naked eye, but the scientists are working to change that. Theyre also working on developing ways to use saliva rather than blood.

Although the test uses gold, the nanorods are very small. The researchers estimate that the cost of the gold used in one of the assays would be 10 to 15 cents.

As other infectious diseases emerge around the world, similar strategies potentially could be used to develop tests to detect the presence of viruses that may become problematic, according to the researchers.

First author and engineering doctoral student Qisheng Jiang (left) works with senior author Jerry Morrissey, PhD, on a test to detect Zika virus with gold nanorods mounted on a small piece of paper.

Jiang Q, Chandar YJ, Cao S, Kharasch ED, Singamaneni S, Morrissey JJ. Rapid, point-of-care, paper-based plasmonic biosensor for Zika virus diagnosis. Advanced Biosystems, published online Aug. 10, 2017.

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant numbers CBET1254399 and CBET1512043. Additional funding was provided by the Department of Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis.

Washington University School of Medicines 2,100 employed and volunteer faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is one of the leading medical research, teaching and patient-care institutions in the nation, currently ranked seventh in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

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Test uses nanotechnology to quickly diagnose Zika virus ... - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Research report covers the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market share and Growth, 2019-2025 – Health News Office

This report presents the worldwide Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2018 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

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Top Companies in the Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market:

Royal Oak EnterprisesHickory SpecialtiesCampfire CharcoalAbbey ColorArizona ChemicalBorregaard Ligno TechBraaistarCeresking Ecology&TechDeqing Yinlong IndustrialE & C Charcoal

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeGum arabicGuar gumWood chemicalsCharcoalTannic acid

Segment by ApplicationCommericalIndustrialHousehold

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The report provides a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists and competitive analysis of Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market. It provides the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices industry overview with growth analysis and futuristic cost, revenue and many other aspects. The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Tire Nanotechnology in Medical Devices study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope and application of this report.

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Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market recent innovations and major events.

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-Favorable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market.

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The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:

Table of Contents

1 Study Coverage

1.1 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Product

1.2 Key Market Segments in This Study

1.3 Key Manufacturers Covered

1.4 Market by Type

1.4.1 Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Size Growth Rate by Type

1.4.2 Hydraulic Dredges

1.4.3 Hopper Dredges

1.4.4 Mechanical Dredges

1.5 Market by Application

1.5.1 Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Size Growth Rate by Application

2 Executive Summary

2.1 Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Size

2.1.1 Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Revenue 2014-2025

2.1.2 Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Production 2014-2025

2.2 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Growth Rate (CAGR) 2019-2025

2.3 Analysis of Competitive Landscape

2.3.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)

2.3.2 Key Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Manufacturers Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters Manufacturers Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Product Offered Date of Manufacturers Enter into Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market

2.4 Key Trends for Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Markets & Products

3 Market Size by Manufacturers

3.1 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Production by Manufacturers

3.1.1 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Production by Manufacturers

3.1.2 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Production Market Share by Manufacturers

3.2 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Revenue by Manufacturers

3.2.1 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.2.2 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.3 Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Price by Manufacturers

3.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

More Information.

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Research report covers the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market share and Growth, 2019-2025 - Health News Office

Nanotech hits the road – It’s All About . . . –

Mark Jennings-Bates -Mar 20, 2020 / 6:00 am | Story:280043


I feel like I should write a column about COVID-19, but more people are doing that, so lets stick with the plan.

As I mentioned last week, I wanted to write a series of articles about nanotechnology and the impact it can have around the world.

One thingI can count on is voluminous feedback from all the people who dislike reading my column yet, continue to read it, which always confuses me, but thank you anyway.

If you do the research, it turns out that there is a lot of scientific data that supports the positive impact nanotechnology applications can make in society.

OneareaI first learned about several years ago was utilizing the unique properties of nanotechnology to fortify soils and build roads that are at least equivalent in strength to existing technologies, yet offer some superior qualities in terms of porosity, low maintenance and economics.

While we analyze a road technology that offers a comparable product for less money and reduces maintenance, it should be enough to turn heads.

Indeed, in places like Africa it is.

This could be attributed to less availability of funding for infrastructure but it, like cell phones or solar power, can lead to a technology jump where more traditional forms of road construction, such as asphalt or concrete, are bypassed for a preferred alternative.

The technology is quite simple. Nano particles of iron and sometimes zinc are produced with a particular type of faceting and coating to allow them to react with native soils in a particular manner.

The construction process is similar to asphalt in terms of building an appropriate and engineered sub-base for the road and then fortifying the top layer to provide a smooth, strong driving surface.

In essence, once the soil has been lab tested, a recipe is created for the top layer. A certain amount of the sub-base is ripped and mixed with the nano particles before being returned on top of the sub-base and then compacted.

Over 24 hours, the iron and zinc oxidizes and bonds with the soil particulates, creating a very strong layer. This layer, because of the size of the nano particles, is virtually impermeable to water, which is what degrades roads quickly.

It also exhibits the ability to transfer heavy load because of the large surface area to mass ratio of the nano particles.

Once cured, tests have shown little degradation of the substrate after years of commercial use and a tremendous simplicity to the repair process.

But the bigger news is the vast reduction of material movement required because of the use of in-situ soils. Aside from reducing logistics, this has a tacit positive effect on the environment with a reduction in GHG emissions from the logistics.

Combine that with the fact you are not heating asphalt, transporting it and letting it cool in an open atmosphere and emit VOCs that are harmful to anyone in the vicinity, and you have what I believe is a game changing model in the infrastructure world that can impact the environment positively.

Studies have shown that by comparison to asphalt, GHG emissions would be reduced by approximately 80% if we replaced asphalt roads with nanotechnology roads.

If you extrapolate that to the forecast number of roads to be built by 2050, it is equivalent to grounding all aircraft for nine years.

I understand it is easy to say so what, but this week, with a vast reduction in vehicle traffic, manufacturing emissions around the world and less productivity, we are already seeing quick examples of cleaner oceans and air.

What is unusual is that green technologies often cost more. This may be one example where not only can we benefit the environment, but we can save some money in the process.

Mark Jennings-Bates -Mar 13, 2020 / 6:00 am | Story:279331


Can nanotechnology save the world?

I believe it can and goodness knows we need some solution for what is going on whether it is:

We likely only have ourselves to blame for the challenges we are experiencing.

While the world struggles to contain the ripples from theCovid19 outbreak, some people are hard at work in labs and R&D centres around trying to find new world solutions.

It turns out those solutions come in a very tiny form and the potential for nano particles is, lets say, explored, but not implemented.

To give you an idea how small a nano particle typically is, a piece of writing or copy paper is approximately 0.05mm thick.

By comparison, 1mm is equivalent to 1,000,000 nano metres and a nano particle ranges between 1nm and 100nm. I hope you see the point, but you wont ever see a nano particle with the naked eye.

But why is something so small able to change the future of the world?

Turns out there is a lot of answers from a short question so over the next few weeks, I want to explore a burgeoning industry and talk about why nanotechnology can in fact save the world.

When you take a deep dive in to the subject, you will see that nano particles have been around for a long time, and secondly that development is advancing at a rapid rate with our knowledge of what they can be used for increasing exponentially.

Literally, we can find examples of nano particles being used very successfully in areas like road construction through to anti bacterial and anti viral applications in the medical industry.

How? Well lets start getting in to it a little more than next week.

Mark Jennings-Bates -Mar 6, 2020 / 6:00 am | Story:278776

Photo: The Canadian Press

While the media generally is bashing Michael Bloomberg for wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on a personal campaign to run for president in the U.S., I think he might have had another plan all along.

After investing almost $700 million in his personal campaign, he just walked away, or did he?

As a very successful entrepreneur, Bloomberg is clearly a smart person who thinks very carefully before making a move like this. As a politician, he understands the process;and as a philanthropist, he is one billionaire who has signed The Giving Pledge unlike current President Donald Trump, who cannot help but brag about his wealth.

I dont think Bloombergs plan was ever revolving around becoming the president.

Is he competent? I believe so.

Could it have happened?Certainly.

But what was the real issue?The real issue in my mind was a divided second party,aparty with a spectrum of politics almost as broad as the overall political spectrum in the U.S. From Bloomberg to Sanders there is a bone-chilling variety of approaches if you are a card-carrying Democrat in the US.

No, I dont think Bloomberg could count on changing the USA by being the President. But he could change the face of politics by investing wisely in another candidate.

Bloomberg understands the power of spending money in politics, as does Trump. But for Bloomberg to try and back a winning horse, he can only donate around $3,000 to the candidate. He could, of course, donate in a few other ways and increase that to somewhere around $100,000, as far as I can tell. But Bloomberg knows that compared to the Republican war chest that is a drop in the ocean. The other challenge by donating to the party is it will be divided amongall of the candidates; when, in fact, they need to field the strongest candidate to have a chance to unseat Trump.

So there is only one other option. As a billionaire, with a solid background in business, politics, and philanthropy, you throw your hat in the ring. You hire some very smart people, you enter late, make a lot of the right noise, and weed out the weaker candidates. Then at the right time, statistically, you bow out gracefully.

In the processand in this instance, Biden a more moderate candidate, who might appeal to someone like Bloomberg who is known to move from Democrat to Republican routinely in his support benefits from a $700-million investment that took Bloomberg from nowhere to fourth on the list during his short but impactful campaign.

In comparison, Bidens campaign had raised less than $100 million, falling behind some of the other candidates. Now as the field narrows and a candidate is picked, Bloomberg has the option to help the party without seeing his money diluted across a broad range of candidates.

Bloombergs process was completely legal, completely ethical, and as a reported numbers guy, I think he waited for the appropriate time to make the best investment that he could in unseating Trump.

It was a brilliant move that nobody in the media appears to be talking about because the media focusses on losing not winning! Bloomberg just had a major win. Lets see how it plays out later in the year.

Mark Jennings-Bates -Feb 28, 2020 / 6:00 am | Story:278165

Photo: Contributed

I was one of those people who had heard of the miraculous effects of CBD oil.

Now that it is readily available, I read more and more articles of people reducing anxiety, curing all kinds of ailments, and reducing pain.

My wife occasionally suffers a little anxiety (often a few days before we compete in a rally event). The pre-event planning is pretty intense, and together with the knowledge of having to compete and try to get on a podium, the anxiousness builds. Once in the car, however, my wife is calm and relaxed while we fly along forest roads over crests and within inches of trees.

So, with all my wisdom and experience (none!) I suggested my wife give CBD oil a try perhaps it would reduce her anxiousness.

I splurged for the best I could find on my way home from Kelowna recently. The closest I have ever been to marijuana or a similar product is talking to someone who suddenly fell off the kitchen stool they were sitting on while smoking weed and then continued the conversation from the floor, so I definitely felt like a neophyte choosing the product.

I was excited to see if my wife would find any calming sensation.

It took a few nights to build up the courage to give it a try and then wait to see the reaction. I was sure the mild pains would fade away, her mood would calm and we would have an amazing night planning the next rally.

Thirty minutes later my wife became restless. She suddenly looked very tired and became irritable. Then she was definitely uncomfortable.

We tried to watch a movie, but it was clear she was not enjoying the sensation.

The next day we discussed what had happened. It turns out that for her, all of her minor ailments started to become painful all at the same time. Far from calming she became quite anxious and said it felt similar to PMS! By the end of the day she was smiling and said everything had returned to normal, thank goodness.

So our little experiment was pretty short lived and I guess the lesson may be the CBD oil may work for some, but is certainly not a cure all for everything or everyone.

Anybody want to buy some CBD oil?

Excerpt from:
Nanotech hits the road - It's All About . . . -

How Coronavirus Pandemic Will Impact Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market Applications, History by Key Manufacturers and Trends Forecast to 2032 -…

Global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market Growth Projection

The new report on the global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market is an extensive study on the overall prospects of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market over the assessment period. Further, the report provides a thorough understanding of the key dynamics of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market including the current trends, opportunities, drivers, and restraints. The report introspects the micro and macro-economic factors that are expected to nurture the growth of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market in the upcoming years and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology . In addition, the report offers valuable insights pertaining to the supply chain challenges market players are likely to face in the upcoming months and solutions to tackle the same.

The report suggests that the global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market is projected to reach a value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). The key indicators such as the year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth and CAGR growth of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market are discussed in detail in the presented report. This data is likely to provide readers an understanding of qualitative and quantitative growth prospects of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market over the considered assessment period.

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The report clarifies the following doubts related to the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market:

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Segmentation of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market

The key players covered in this studyBASF SEMinerals Technologies IncAMCOL InternationalLiquidia TechnologiesNanoOptoBioDelivery Sciences InternationalHosokawa Micron GroupHyperion Catalysis International IncorporatedBBI SolutionsCytodiagnosticsGoldsolNanoComposixSigma AldrichTanaka TechnologiesEastman Kodak Company

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoCarbon NanotubesNanoclaysNanofibersNanosilverOthers

Market segment by Application, split intoAerospaceAutomotiveMedicalMilitaryElectronicsOthers

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

The study objectives of this report are:To analyze global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.To present the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.To define, describe and forecast the market by product type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology are as follows:History Year: 2014-2018Base Year: 2018Estimated Year: 2019Forecast Year 2019 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2018 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Hey, Paul Davies Your ID is Showing – Discovery Institute

Editors note:Dr. Shedingeris a Professor of Religion at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He is the author of a recent book critiquing Darwinian triumphalism,The Mystery of Evolutionary Mechanisms.

No better advertisements for intelligent design exist than works written by establishment scientists that unintentionally make design arguments. I can think of few better examples than well-known cosmologist Paul Daviess recently published book The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life (2019).

With a nod toward James Clerk Maxwells entropy-defying demon, Davies argues that the gulf between physics and biology is completely unbridgeable without some fundamentally new concept. Since living organisms consistently resist the ravages of entropy that all forms of inanimate matter are subject to, there must be some non-physical principle allowing living matter to consistently defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics. And for Davies there is; the demon in the machine turns out to be information.

Throughout the book, Davies marvels at the stunning complexity of life, especially at the cellular and molecular levels. He wonders at the existence of molecular machines like motors, pumps, tubes, shears, and rotors paraphernalia familiar to human engineers and their ability to manipulate information in clear and super-efficient ways, in Daviess words conjuring order out of chaos. In fact, he calls the cell a vast web of information management, observing that while molecules are physical structures, information is an abstract concept deriving from the world of human communication.

Yet despite all these analogies between the nanotechnology of life and the world of human engineering, Davies deftly ignores the obvious conclusion the nanotechnology of life must have been designed, just like human-engineered machinery. Though he tries valiantly to ignore this obvious conclusion, Davies cannot completely run and hide, for he explicitly says, It is hard not to be struck by how ingenious all this machinery is, and how astonishing that it remains intact and unchanged over billions of years. (Emphasis in the original.) Indeed! Anything so ingenious must, almost by definition, be the product of intelligence if we are not to drain the word ingenious of its meaning.

But trying to ignore the implications of his own work, Davies soldiers on with more unintentional ID statements:

Lifes ability to construct an internal representation of the world and itself to act as an agent, manipulate its environment and harness energy reflects its foundation in the rules of logic. It is also the logic of life that permits biology to explore a boundless universe of novelty.

Logic, of course, is a product of mental activity. So is Davies implying an active intelligence working at the cellular and molecular level? It appears so even if he would never admit it. Yet he does practically admit it when he throws up his hands and declares, Indeed, lifes complexity is so daunting that it is tempting to give up trying to understand it in physical terms.

If the molecular machinery of the cell has overwhelmed Davies with its sublime complexity, he is equally astounded by the field of epigenetics: In the magic puzzle box of life, epigenetic inheritance is one of the more puzzling bits of magic. He discusses the research on directed mutation by John Cairns in the 1980s, more recent work on epigenetics by Eva Jablonka, and the early work on transposition by Barbara McClintock and its flourishing in James Shapiros Natural Genetic Engineering and concludes: its tempting to imagine that biologists are glimpsing an entire shadow information-processing system at work at the epigenetic level. Tempting indeed! And lest we forget, information processing derives from and is a property of intelligence.

Finally, Davies turns to the origin of life question which he brands as almost a miracle. He agrees that chemistry alone cannot explain the origin of life because one also needs to account for the origin of information. For Davies:

Semantic information is a higher-level concept that is simply meaningless at the level of molecules. Chemistry alone, however complex, can never produce the genetic code or contextual instructions. Asking chemistry to explain coded information is like expecting computer hardware to write its own software.

The origin of coded information is, according to Davies, the toughest problem in evolutionary biology. But, of course, it is only a tough problem for those who have excluded intelligence from the equation a priori. From an ID perspective, the origin of information is no mystery at all. It is always the creation of intelligent minds, a point made consistently by Stephen Meyer.

To explain all this, Davies can do no better than to speculate that somehow new laws and principles emerge from information processing systems of sufficiently great complexity. But he entirely ignores the question of the origin of the information processing system itself, which he has already pronounced as beyond the ability of chemistry alone to explain.

It is likely that Davies would never want to align himself with the ID community. He might believe that the professional cost is just too great. But if I didnt know any better, I would swear that The Demon in the Machine had rolled right off the presses of Discovery Institute. If abstract information is truly at the root of life, then intelligence has to be factored into the equation. Davies has made a compelling case for the former, so by extension and much to his chagrin he seems to be making a compelling case for the latter.

Photo: Paul Davies, by Cmichel67 / CC BY-SA.

Excerpt from:
Hey, Paul Davies Your ID is Showing - Discovery Institute

Vin Diesel Reveals Why He Wanted To Play Bloodshot – Honk News

Vin Diesel is making fast and the furious vehicle moves for superheroes in his latest film Bloodletting and is now accepted for what he should do for the performance.

In a new characteristic viewing at the roots of Bloodshot, Diesel explained that he was attracted to the idea of playing a character who had superhero-like powers that manipulated his mind.

He works as Marine Ray Garrison, who is reborn with nano by a team of scientists when killed in action. With nanotechnology in their veins, the garrison became stronger than before and transformed into superhero blood, which gained the ability to heal quickly. But he is unaware that he is not in control of his body.

As co-producer Bob Layton explains, the character is James Bond, like Frankenstein, with Kevin Onehook: the idea that they were ultimately trying to create immortality.

It seems like this team is going for a character approach. This is what Bloodshot co-producer Bob Layton said in 2018 when asked what he learned from other comic book films.

Vin Diesel has recently felt a certain amount of pressure for bloodshed not only because it is a superhero film, but also because he will play the favorite character of many real soldiers. Furthermore, it seems that he is going to lengthen his acting muscles to play the role of a superhero with mental illness.

Bloodshot is a soldier who was killed but reborn through science and augmented with nanotechnology to create a superhuman killing machine. He trains with fellow super-soldiers and struggles to recall his past life, eventually reclaiming the memory of the man who killed his wife.

Vin Diesel recently posted a video about making Bloodshot, stating that this is his second comic book character in the Galaxy after Groot in Marvels Guardians, but this is his first major superhero showcase in the flesh.

Bloodshot also stars Baby Driver and Hobbes and Shaw star Iza Gonzalez and has declared a superhero cinema like no other.

Go here to read the rest:
Vin Diesel Reveals Why He Wanted To Play Bloodshot - Honk News

Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market Business Opportunity, Segmentation, Industry Overview and Forecast Till 2023 – Jewish Life News

In Depth Study of the Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market

Nanotechnology in Water Treatment , in its newly released Market research report, provides an understanding of the many different facets of the Nanotechnology in Water Treatment market. The all-round analysis of this Nanotechnology in Water Treatment market depicts the data and throws light. The demand-side and supply-side styles are monitored to offer a very clear picture of this industry scenario across different geographies.

According to the research, the Nanotechnology in Water Treatment market is expected to Reach a value of US$XX by the close of 20-19 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). Different parameters that are most likely to nurture the market while within the decades development have been discussed in the analysis.

Reasons To Buy From Nanotechnology in Water Treatment :

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Crucial Data enclosed in the Nanotechnology in Water Treatment market research:

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Industry Segments Covered from the Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market

And, the YoY growth, market share, growth potential Market price of each of these segments and sub-segments is included from the accounts.

Market segments and sub-segments

The regional analysis covers:

The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain.

A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.

Highlights of the report:

Note: Although care has been taken to maintain the highest levels of accuracy in TMRs reports, recent market/vendor-specific changes may take time to reflect in the analysis.

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Here is the original post:
Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market Business Opportunity, Segmentation, Industry Overview and Forecast Till 2023 - Jewish Life News

This Is How SEAT Explores the Future – PR Newswire UK

Computer Vision AI for a safer driving experience. Eye openess, angle of vision, head position... An algorithm analyses the actions of the driver and warns them in the event of distraction or drowsiness. SEAT has teamed up with the startup Eyesight Technologiesto work on adapting this driver monitoring system in its cars. "Our software is a key to safety," says Tal Krzypow, the Vice-president of Product atEyesight Technologies.

Light control at the touch of a button. A new active glazing technology by Gauzy enables users to darken or lighten the glass of the windscreen, side windows or sunroof on demand. "We are the only material science company working with both SPD and Liquid Crystal based nanotechnology. Both technologies allow glass to shift to shaded or opaque for a custom user experience, and back to transparent instantly for driving,"says Adrian Lofer, a cofounder and CTO of the nanotechnology business Gauzy which is collaborating with SEAT.

In the Silicon Valley of the Middle East. Gauzybegan in the kitchen of one of its founders, who was looking for a way to make windows more private. Today, Gauzy has more than 100 employees. Like them, there are 6,600 startups, 800 of which are dedicated to the automotive industry.

Xploringleading edge technology.In just two years, SEAT has worked with more than 200 emerging Israeli businesses through Xplora. The team responsible for Innovation at SEAT is especially looking for solutions that enhance well-being and safety, cybersecurity, sustainability and artificial intelligence. "If we want to shape the future, we have to be in the most innovative ecosystems," says Stefan Ilijevic, the head of Product innovation at SEAT.

Video - - - - -


Originally posted here:
This Is How SEAT Explores the Future - PR Newswire UK

Ezekiel-ion | The glasses you want to wear all the time, launched on Kickstarter – Benzinga

World's first luxury nanotech eyewear with advanced eye protection and therapeutic functions just launched on Kickstarter. Ezekiel-ion glasses do more than just protecting the users' eyes from blue light, UV and EMF radiation but also help the eyes heal themselves from existing eye conditions and offer functions not found in any of today's eye glasses.

TORONTO (PRWEB) February 04, 2020

Ezekiel-ion, an Ontario, Canada-based nanotechnology company that designs and creates eyewear for eye health, protection, and preservation in a world filled with harmful digital screens, UV rays, and EMF radiation, today announced they are launching Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for the first-ever luxury nanotech eyewear with advanced eye protection and therapeutic functions.

Our eyes are bombarded with blue light from digital screens, UV rays from the sun and EMF radiation from electronic devices. Many suffered dry eyes, red eyes, eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and even brain tumors as a result. On top of these, many people already are living with vision impairment, such as eye floaters, astigmatism, myopia, presbyopia, cataract, and other eye problems.

"We've created a new kind of glasses that will do more than just keeping the eyes from the damage that seeps through all of our screens today," said Jack Huang, Founder, and Owner of Ezekiel-ion, Inc. "Ezekiel-ion glasses will not only protect against blue light, UV and EMF radiation, they will also have the unique ability to actually help improve eye health through our proprietary nanotech frames that release negative ions and far-infrared (FIR). They will even filter the air we breathe. This may sound incredible, but they are scientifically proven.*"

Scientific studies have shown that negative ions and FIR help the body to heal itself*, potentially relieving myopia, eye floaters, astigmatism, dry and red eyes, cataracts, eye bags, and glaucoma. In a nutshell, these glasses release natural healing negative ions and FIR that are going to help eyes everywhere.

"We are only given one pair of eyes in this lifetime; how you treat them is up to you," said Huang. "That's why we are excited to announce the launching of our Kickstarter campaign. We invite you to be part of this visual movement."

The new Ezekiel-ion glasses offer the users effective protection from blue light, UV and EMF radiation as well as releasing negative ions and far-infrared. In doing so, Ezekiel-ion glasses help improve existing eye conditions and offer functions not found in any of today's eye glasses.

For more information, visit:


Company website:

*References (examples):

1. Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications, 2012

2. Far-Infrared Therapy Promotes Nerve Repair following End-to-End Neurorrhaphy in Rat Models of Sciatic Nerve Injury, 2015

3. Negative Air Ions and Their Effects on Human Health and Air Quality Improvement, 2018

4. Water-generated negative air ions activate NK cell and inhibit carcinogenesis in mice, 2005.

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

See the original post here:
Ezekiel-ion | The glasses you want to wear all the time, launched on Kickstarter - Benzinga

3 Nanotechnology Stocks to Watch in 2020 – Investment U

When one thinks of technology, one may think of things like televisions. iPhones. Computers. And the internet. One may even be thinking about todays most innovative technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence. One may be less inclined to be thinking about matter working on an atomic level. But for those keeping an eye on nanotechnology stocks, atomic level matter is precisely what the tech stock investor has in mind.

Nanoetchnology is a tech innovation conducted at the nanoscale. The nanoscale is between one to 100 nanometers. To think about this in more concrete terms, a nanometer is 1/90,000 the width of a single human hair.

Nanotech could affect the future of industries like

and more. One interesting feature of nanomaterial is that it begins to take on new properties when reduced to its small size. For example, some materials at that tiny scale become more magnetic than larger amounts.

Another example of this is that some nanomaterials are better able to kill pathogens than larger sized quantities.

Characteristics like these obviously have large potential for technology and commerce. There are many other uses of nanotechnology as well.

According to BCC Research, the global market for nanotechnology was about $2 billion in 2018. It should grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.24% through 2023.

Much of this growth is expected to come from China and the Asia-Pacific. This is already one of the largest markets for nanotech and advanced materials.

Zacks data has the nanotechnology industry performing relatively well compared with the broader stock market over the past year. The S&P returned nearly 27% in that period. Whereas nanotechs ROI was a slightly higher 28.5%.

That disparity increases over a longer timeline. Over the last five years, nanotechnology stocks earned a whopping total return of 128% versus 73% for the S&P.

On the other hand, one must consider the fact that these returns are based on expected future earnings growth rather than present earnings. Nanotechnologys profitability will hopefully be the future. But it isnt quite yet the present.

Nevertheless, it has a relatively average P/E ratio of 20.52 for the industry. And it has high stock returns over the past five years. So, one can surely see the appeal of taking a stake in this sector.

But which individual nanotechnology stocks should you consider? Here are a few we like:

Taiwan Semiconductor is one of the top nanotechnology stocks in the business. They have a strong record of success with the tiny tech. This makes their stock a more expensive pure-play investment.

The firm is the worlds largest dedicated integrated circuit manufacturer. And their goal is to become one of the worlds leading semiconductor foundries.

The companys stock has climbed from $36.29 about a year ago to around $55 now. Thats a gain of about 53%. Quarterly net income in December, 2019 was reported at $116.04 billion. And thats a 3.69% year-over-year gain on $317.24 billion revenue.

With lots of cash flow and healthy profit margins, theres good reason to think that Taiwan Semiconductor has room to continue increasing. So, this makes it a good nanotechnology stock to keep watching.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a biotechnology company based in Waltham, Massachusetts. It had 2018 revenues of $24.36 billion. And, their mission is to improve the human condition through systems, consumables, and services for researchers.

Thermo Fisher Scientific acquired FEI Company. This helped augment its nanotechnology business. For example, its portfolio includes high-powered transmission electron microscopes (TEM). And TEMs are the only way to image nanomaterials.

TMO has been a terrific stock over the past year. It has jumped nearly 100 points from a low of $235.90 to around $330 . This is where it is currently hovering for a return of about 40%.

Revenue has remained steady in the $6 billions each quarter over the past year. And net income hasnt dropped lower than $760 million in any of those periods.

This nanotech stock does have a high P/E ratio of 37. But, its continuing performance and overall growth seems to justify its high prices.

The stock has dropped 10 points over the past week, so you may want to keep your eye open for a good buying opportunity in the weeks ahead.

Onto Innovation is the result of a merger between Nanometrics Incorporated and Rudolph Technologies. It is a global semiconductor capital equipment supplier.

The company has a broad portfolio of technologies. These include those for wafer manufacturing, front-end process control and advanced packaging.

Some of their other cutting-edge technologies for semiconductors include 3D metrology, macro defect inspection, and metal interconnect composition.

Ontos stock has been another nanotechnology winner over the past year. Though there has been significant volatility along the way, a $26.51 low price in August has given way to a price hovering around $38 today.

The stock is not cheap with a P/E ratio of 41. And year over year fundamentals have been trending the wrong way.

In the quarter ending September 2019, net income was down almost 9% from the previous year despite a 4% increase in revenue. Nevertheless, its profit margin is still over 10% and cash on hand increased from $112 million the previous quarter. That put it up to almost $140 million.

Onto Innovation may be a riskier play than the other two nanotech stocks listed here. But, as you know, with great risk comes great potential for reward,.

Sometimes very small technologies can lead to very large profits. And the universe of things you can do with nanotechnologies will be ever-expanding as research and development continues.

While there are other less pure-play stocks to consider like IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) for example. But, to really leverage the profit potential, Taiwan Semiconductor, Thermo Fisher and Onto Innovation remain terrific nanotechnology stocks to watch as we continue into Feburary, 2020.

Nanotechnology Stocks are just one of many different tech plays you can make. And For more insightful content on tech stocks like blockchain, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and more, be sure to sign up for the free Investment U eletter by filling in your email address below!

Brian M. Reiser has a Bachelor of Science degree in Management with a concentration in finance from the School of Management at Binghamton University.

He also holds a B.A. in philosophy from Columbia University and an M.A. in philosophy from the University of South Florida.

His primary interests at Investment U include personal finance, debt, tech stocks and more.

See the rest here:
3 Nanotechnology Stocks to Watch in 2020 - Investment U

Biotech ETFs Are Not Riding the Wave from Coronavirus Panic – ETF Trends

Despite concerns of a spreading coronavirus out of China, biotechnology stocks and sector-related ETFs are not enjoying the usual bump on hopes of developing new treatments to counter the contagion.

Among the worst performing non-leveraged ETFs of Friday, the Virtus LifeSci Biotech Clinical Trials ETF (BBC) declined 3.4% and SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (NYSEArca: XBI) decreased 3.2%. Meanwhile, the more broadly watchediShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (NasdaqGS: IBB) fell 2.5%.

In the biotech space, investors may focus on three companies that would combat the coronavirus, including Novax (NasdaqGS: NVAX), Moderna (NasdaqGS: MRNA) and NanoVericides (NYSE: NNVC), WCCFTech reports.

Novax is working on vaccine targeting seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Ebola, and its successful vaccine for the MERS virus along with its history with this family of viruses makes it standout in case of a coronavirus epidemic.

Moderna is developing several vaccines to cure respiratory syndromes and flu. The company is now working to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.

Lastly, NanoViricides is developing nanotechnology-based anti-viral vaccines that target several infectious diseases including influenza. The company also has experience treatments for MERS and Ebola, which makes it a candidate for a successful coronavirus vaccine.

Federal and state health officials said Tuesday that a man in Washington state was the first confirmed U.S. case of the new coronavirus outbreak, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday added the second U.S. case of the new coronavirus in a Chicago woman, Reuters reports. The CDC also added that as many as 63 potential cases were being investigated, and 11 have tested negative.

The new virus has claimed the lives of 26 people and infected over 800, but most of the cases and deaths have been contained to China. The virus remains a relative unknown as officials do not know how dangerous it is and how it spreads.

CDC believes the immediate risk to the American public is low at this time, but the situation continues to evolve rapidly, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDCs Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said.

For more information on the healthcare segment, visit our healthcare category.

Biotech ETFs Are Not Riding the Wave from Coronavirus Panic - ETF Trends

Sita Tackles Age-Old Problem of Having Nothing to Wear – WWD

Having nothing to wear is undoubtedly one of the most common problems shoppers face within their respective wardrobes. And thats precisely why Sita, a pared-down womens apparel brand that focuses on minimalist, smartly tailored closet essentials, aimed to solve it.

To start, Sita designed a proprietary premium four-way stretch performance fabric, SitaTech, that checks all the boxes temperature-controlled, breathable, moisture-wicking, odor neutralizing and machine washable with nanotechnology, or nano-yarns that are literally a million times thinner than cotton.

The objective? Create a fabric that women can wear comfortably throughout various daily activities including the gym and transition into nighttime, with styles that are so enduring, theres no need to change. Deemed a luxury fabric, SitaTech is engineered in France and enhanced in Japan, with its nano-yarns knitted in Italy and the final step, its design teams assembling each piece, in New York.

And the brand is all about girl power, as its cofounder, Aljohara Almodaimigh was inspired to create Sita named after the Hindu model of the ideal woman, or a goddess of good character, prosperity and happiness after tiring of constant wardrobe changes during her busy work schedule as the owner and founder of Kore, the only woman-owned, womens gym chain in Saudi Arabia.

Almodaimigh told WWD, My life as the co-owner of Kore, a leading women-only fitness chain in Saudi, and as a Barre instructor took me from fitness studios to business meetings to social engagements, all in one day. I had trouble finding versatile apparel appropriate to every occasion and activity without having to change. One day in January 2018, I woke up and decided to create a line that can take me from day to night.

Here, Almodaimigh and Gianfranco Zani, a cofounder of Sita, talk to WWD about SitaTech, nanotechnology and the sustainability-led evolution of consumer demand.

WWD: Tell me about SitaTech. Why is the fabric innovation so differentiated in the market and how does it compare with other fabrics in the market?

Gianfranco Zani: We developed and trademarked SitaTech, an innovative, sustainable performance fabric made of nanofibers, 1 million times thinner than cotton. It is machine washable with permanent features to wick moisture, neutralize odor generating bacteria, four-way stretch, and features a cooling effect.

In-depth, nanofibers have several advantages. It has a higher tensile strength of up to 30 percent more than any other fiber, hence each garments life span is considerably extended.

The chemical resistance is superior to any other fiber in the market. Our nanofibers have been ionized on a nanoscale level to permanently neutralize all sources of odor creating bacteria: ammonia, hydrogen sulfate, isovaleric acids and acetic acids. What this means for the end consumer is that women will need to wash their clothes when they are actually dirty. For the environment, this has a huge effect, as less washing and no dry cleaning is required.

Nanofibers reduce the amount of coloring agents and water by up to 40 percent and its manufacturing uses up to 30 percent less energy at the manufacturing stage. By using nanotechnology and permanently insert active agents into the filament, nano fabrics use 60 percent less energy than traditional surface finishes.

WWD: How has consumer demand influenced the sustainable fashion movement?

G.Z.: Consumers pose high expectations to the industry when it comes to sustainability. With our approach, we not only diminish water and energy consumption during the manufacturing process, or considerably extend the lifespan of clothes, or make it work in every wardrobe at any occasion. We give every consumer the opportunity to individually contribute to reduce water, energy and consumption. Consumers are as responsible as the industry is, and soon enough it will not suffice to demand sustainable practices and products. Sustainability does not stop after buying sustainably produced items.

We are extending sustainability from industrial production all the way to individual maintenance. At a certain point in the evolution of the sustainability debate, consumers will want to know how they can actively contribute without sacrificing comfort and convenience, functionality and fashion. The answer to that is Sita that is where Sita is today. You have to do today what the world will do tomorrow.

WWD: Were there any challenges creating a woman-owned brand in Saudi, and did the nations culture influence Sitas aesthetic?

G.Z.: Quite frankly, it didnt. Obviously, the social aspect is dear to us, as one of the founders is based in Saudi Arabia. She is a young professional who build a leading fitness club brand exclusively for women, therefore empowering her audience to live a healthier and stronger life. With that state of mind, we wanted to create a brand that gives women around the world the opportunity to adhere to their cultural conditions, without sacrificing dressing codes, comfort and functionality.

Aljohara Almodaimigh: There were no challenges facing businesswomen in Saudi. There are many Saudi female-owned businesses across various sectors. Men and women are treated equally in terms of opening up their own businesses, and the Saudi Government has always encouraged female entrepreneurship.

WWD: In what ways has the country evolved its policies regarding womens right and female empowerment in recent years?

A.A.: Saudi Arabia is going through a ground-breaking transition that has improved the rights of women and given them exciting opportunities. The support that women are receiving in the country is amazing. Sitas success is proof that the governments initiatives to develop the female talent in the kingdom is promising and prospering.

WWD: Whats next for Sita?

G.Z.: Our proprietary product gives us a considerable advantage to secure the future and growth of the brand. The scalability of the brand is unique and at the same time universal. We offer layered luxury pieces that cover all the basic needs of everyones wardrobe.

The educational work that the product requires allows us to grow at a solid and steady pace, leading to an exceptionally loyal, global customer base. We have a sales force in place that is covering the major fashion markets. We are exploring additional opportunities that will greatly expand the brands name through thoughtful and symbiotic partnerships.

For more Business news from WWD, see:

U.N. Texpertise Event Looks at Fashions Sustainable Development Goals

Field Notes: In the Name of Accountability

Inspectorio Leads Brands, Retailers to Sustainability, Transparency

Continue reading here:
Sita Tackles Age-Old Problem of Having Nothing to Wear - WWD

Researchers Explore the Biological Effects of Nanomaterials – AZoNano

Written by AZoNanoDec 17 2019

Despite the rising popularity of nanotechnology, the risk assessment for nanoparticles is an arduous process that poses considerable difficulties to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

Image Credit: Siarhei_AdobeStock.

To determine more efficient test techniques, a research team, including scientists from BfR and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), closely examined the biological impacts of nanomaterials. The results of the study have been published in the Particle and Fibre Toxicology journal.

Nanomaterials are used in many applications, ranging from construction materials to dyes, and from medicine to electronics and cosmetic products. They can be found in various different applications, but the nature of these materials is not known.

Nanomaterials are defined purely by their size. Materials between one and 100 nanometres in size are referred to as a nanomaterial.

Dr Kristin Schubert, Department of Molecular Systems Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

To help visualize the tiny size of nanomaterials, 1 nm is only one-millionth of a millimeter. As nanomaterials are very tiny, they can easily penetrate the bodyfor instance, via the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and lungs where they can lead to adverse impacts.

Similar to traditional chemicals, nanomaterials should also be tested for possible health hazards before they are produced, used, and commercialized at the industrial level.

Each nanomaterial is now being tested individually. Moreover, individual tests are required for each nanomaterial variant because even the tiniest changesfor instance, in surface or size propertiescan impact toxicity.

Risk assessment for nanomaterials is sometimes difficult and very time-consuming. And the list of substances to be tested is getting longer every day, because nanotechnology is growing to become a key technology with wide-ranging applications. We therefore urgently need to find solutions for more efficient risk assessment.

Dr Andrea Haase, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

But how to suitably classify the nanomaterials into groups? Do their effects have similarities? And what properties of materials are related to these effects? In the new study, the BfR and UFZ researchers, as well as industry representatives, collaborated to answer these questions.

We focused on the biological effects and examined which molecules and signalling pathways in the cell are influenced by which types of nanomaterials, added Schubert.

The researchers performed in vitro experiments, where they exposed the epithelial cells found in rats lungs to different types of nanomaterials and then observed for changes inside the cells. To accomplish this task, the researchers utilized the so-called multi-omics techniquesthey first detected various amino acids and lipids as well as several thousand cell proteins, and analyzed significant signaling pathways inside the cell.

Then, with the help of an innovative bioinformatic analysis method, they assessed large amounts of data and reached some fascinating results.

We were able to show that nanomaterials with toxic effects initially trigger oxidative stress and that in the process certain proteins are up- or down-regulated in the cell. In future, these key molecules could serve as biomarkers to detect and provide evidence of potential toxic effects of nanomaterials quickly and effectively.

Dr Kristin Schubert, Department of Molecular Systems Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

If the nanomaterial has high levels of toxicity, it results in increased oxidative stress. This is followed by the development of inflammatory processes, and the cell dies after a specific point.

We now have a better understanding of how nanomaterials affect the cell, added Haase. And with the help of biomarkers we can now also detect much lower toxic effects than previously possible.

In addition, the scientists detected distinct links between changes in the cellular metabolism and specific properties of nanomaterials.

For example, we were able to show that nanomaterials with a large surface area affect the cell quite differently from those with a small surface area, added Schubert.

It will be very useful to know the type of parameters that play a major role in toxic effects. It implies that nanomaterials can be improved at the time of the manufacturing process, for instance, via small changes, thereby reducing the harmful effects.

Our study has taken us several large steps forward, stated Schubert. For the first time, we have extensively analysed the biological mechanisms underlying the toxic effects, classified nanomaterials into groups based on their biological effects and identified key biomarkers for novel test methods.

Andrea Haase from BfR is more than happy: The results are important for future work. They will contribute to new concepts for the efficient, reliable risk assessment of nanomaterials and set the direction in which we need to go.


Here is the original post:
Researchers Explore the Biological Effects of Nanomaterials - AZoNano

Nanotechnology Market Segmentation, Top Companies, Applications, Comprehensive Research Report and Forecast to 2026 – Market Research Sheets

The recent report added by Verified Market Research gives a detailed account of the drivers and restraints in the Global Nanotechnology market. The research report, titled [Global Nanotechnology Market Size and Forecast to 2026] presents a comprehensive take on the overall market. Analysts have carefully evaluated the milestones achieved by the global Nanotechnology market and the current trends that are likely to shape its future. Primary and secondary research methodologies have been used to put together an exhaustive report on the subject. Analysts have offered unbiased outlook on the global Nanotechnology market to guide clients toward a well-informed business decision.

Global Nanotechnology Market was valued at USD 1.03 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reachUSD 2.29 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of10.40 % from 2019 to 2026.

The comprehensive research report has used Porters five forces analysis and SWOT analysis to give the readers a fair idea of the direction the global Nanotechnology market is expected to take. The Porters five forces analysis highlights the intensity of the competitive rivalry while the SWOT analysis focuses on explaining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats present in the global Nanotechnology market. The research report gives an in-depth explanation of the trends and consumer behavior pattern that are likely to govern the evolution of the global Nanotechnology market.

The following Companies as the Key Players in the Global Nanotechnology Market Research Report:

Regions Covered in the Global Nanotechnology Market:

Europe (Germany, Russia, UK, Italy, Turkey, France, etc.)

The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt)

North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada)

South America (Brazil etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

The scope of the Report:

The research report on global Nanotechnology market includes segmentation on the basis of technology, application, end users, and region. Each segmentation is a chapter, which explains relevant components. The chapters include graphs to explain the year-on-year progress and the segment-specific drivers and restraints. In addition, the report also provides the government outlooks within the regional markets that are impacting the global Nanotechnology market.

Lastly, Verified Market Researchs report on Nanotechnology market includes a detailed chapter on the company profiles. This chapter studies the key players in the global Nanotechnology market. It mentions the key products and services of the companies along with an explanation of the strategic initiatives. An overall analysis of the strategic initiatives of the companies indicates the trends they are likely to follow, their research and development statuses, and their financial outlooks. The report intends to give the readers a comprehensive point of view about the direction the global Nanotechnology market is expected to take.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Nanotechnology Market

1.1 Overview of the Market 1.2 Scope of Report 1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of Verified Market Research

3.1 Data Mining 3.2 Validation 3.3 Primary Interviews 3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Nanotechnology Market Outlook

4.1 Overview 4.2 Market Dynamics 4.2.1 Drivers 4.2.2 Restraints 4.2.3 Opportunities 4.3 Porters Five Force Model 4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Nanotechnology Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Nanotechnology Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Nanotechnology Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Nanotechnology Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview 8.2 North America 8.2.1 U.S. 8.2.2 Canada 8.2.3 Mexico 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Germany 8.3.2 U.K. 8.3.3 France 8.3.4 Rest of Europe 8.4 Asia Pacific 8.4.1 China 8.4.2 Japan 8.4.3 India 8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific 8.5 Rest of the World 8.5.1 Latin America 8.5.2 Middle East

9 Nanotechnology Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview 9.2 Company Market Ranking 9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product Outlook 10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Verified market research partners with clients to provide insight into strategic and growth analytics; data that help achieve business goals and targets. Our core values include trust, integrity, and authenticity for our clients.

Analysts with high expertise in data gathering and governance utilize industry techniques to collate and examine data at all stages. Our analysts are trained to combine modern data collection techniques, superior research methodology, subject expertise and years of collective experience to produce informative and accurate research reports.

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This post was originally published on Market Research Sheets

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Nanotechnology Market Segmentation, Top Companies, Applications, Comprehensive Research Report and Forecast to 2026 - Market Research Sheets

After 20 years of hiring, I refuse to look at resumes that have this common yet outdated section – CNBC

Over the past 20 years, I've reviewed thousands of resumes, and despite the vast amount of information available on how to write one, only a shockingly small amount of people do it well.

The most impressive resumes concisely and compellingly illustrate one major message: "This is how I made things better for the companies I worked for." But the one section that gets in the way of this objective is ... well, the "objective" those few words up at the very top, meant to capture the entirety of a candidate's career ambitions. Instead, they don't really say anything at all.

It's highly outdated and unnecessary. And yet, I still get so many resumes that have one. While it might sound harsh, 90% of the time, I refuse to read through resumes that include an objective.

Virtually every objective I've read has either been too broad or too short, never just right. To say that you're "seeking a challenging team leadership position" might be true, but it still reveals nothing about what you can do for a prospective employer.

Here are some extreme examples from the Hall of Shame that illustrate why you need to eliminate the objective:

The first one is oddly specific and sounds more like a list of demands than genuine interest in the company. The second is just too "in your face," while the last objective sounds overly presumptuous.

To say that you're 'seeking a challenging team leadership position' might be true, but it still says nothing about what you can do for a prospective employer.

Gary Burnison

CEO, Korn Ferry

In general, an objective distracts the hiring manager from focusing on what benefits you bring to the table. It can also make you seem pigeonholed and ruin your chances of being considered for other great opportunities and open positions (because the hiring manager will assume they may be too different from your stated objective).

If you're a job seeker with only few years of experience, a "headline" is a quick way to make an impact. The headline appears below your name, address and other contact information. Here are a few great examples:

For mid-level professionals with several years of experience, valuable technical skills and expertise that directly relates to the contribution they will make to their next employer, a "summary" will suffice.

A solid summary might look something like this: "Financial executive with extensive experience building and leading teams. Areas of expertise include: Strategic planning, business process reengineering, SEC reporting and governance..."

Hiring managers hardly spend any time looking at your resume (their first glance lasts about six seconds) if it doesn't immediately deliver what they're looking for. So it's important to use what little amount of space you have wisely.

Gary Burnison is the CEO of Korn Ferry, a global consulting firm that helps companies select and hire the best talent. His latest book, a New York Times best-seller, "Lose the Resume, Land the Job," shares the kind of straight talk that no one will tell you. Follow him on LinkedIn here.

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Here is the original post:
After 20 years of hiring, I refuse to look at resumes that have this common yet outdated section - CNBC

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth 2025 with Top Key Players BASF SE, Minerals Technologies Inc, AMCOL…

A new report published by Reports Monitor titled, Global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology-MarketResearch Report 2019 provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the overall market with forecasts to 2025.The Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market report provides deep insights and statistical details, in terms of demand and supply, cost structure, barriers and challenges, product type, key market players, technology, regions and applications.

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The researchers of the study have generated collective and useful information by means of extensive research methodologies that deliver the latest Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market patterns and industry trends. This Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market report identifies that in rapidly-changing and competitive landscape with growth significant CAGRduring Forecast 2025.

Furthermore, it also evaluates the most recent improvements while estimating the growth of the leading players likeBASF SE, Minerals Technologies Inc, AMCOL International, Liquidia Technologies, NanoOpto, BioDelivery Sciences International, Hosokawa Micron Group, Hyperion Catalysis International Incorporated, BBI Solutions, Cytodiagnostics, Goldsol, NanoComposix, Sigma Aldrich, Tanaka Technologies, Eastman Kodak Company. & More.

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoCarbon NanotubesNanoclaysNanofibersNanosilverOthers

Market segment by Application, split intoAerospaceAutomotiveMedicalMilitaryElectronicsOthers

Regional Analysis For Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market:

North America(United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Market Segments:The global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market is segmented on the basis of type of product, application, and region. The analysts authoring the report provide a meticulous evaluation of all of the segments included in the report. The segments are studied keeping in view their market share, revenue, market growth rate, and other vital factors. The segmentation study equips interested parties to identify high-growth portions of the global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market and understand how the leading segments could grow during the forecast period.

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What is the regional structure of the market? Our analysis-

A.The Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Industry report analyzes footprint of every product and its significance, analyzes examines each geographical segment of the market with import, export, consumption, and production in these regions to provide a complete understanding of the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market

B.Basic information with detail to the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology market share held by the regions in company with the trade, deal, that every geography explanations for have been given in the report. Our business offerings show the fresh and the trustworthy information derived from relevant data, which helps businesses to give strength and a competitive edge.

In addition to, the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Industry report covers analysis of different products available in the global market based on production, volume, revenue, and cost and price structure. The Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market report also highlights key strategies that proved to be profitable for the business along with the strategies involved in business expansion, partnership deals, composition, and new product/service launches.

This report considers the below mentioned key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most favorable, high-growth prospects for the global Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologymarket?Q.2. Which products segments will grow at a faster rate throughout the forecast period and why?Q.3. Which geography will grow at a faster rate and why?Q.4. What are the major factors impacting market prospects? What are the driving factors, restraints, and challenges in this Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologymarket?Q.5. What are the challenges and competitive threats to themarket?Q.6. What are the evolving trends in this Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologymarket and reasons behind their emergence?Q.7. What are some of the changing customer demands in the Nanomaterials and NanotechnologyIndustry market?Q.8. What are the new growth prospects in the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologymarket and which competitors are showing prominent results in these prospects?Q.9. Continue

For More Details On this Report:

Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549 5911 (U.S.)+44 203 318 2846 (U.K.)Email:[emailprotected]

This post was originally published on Industry Mirror

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Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth 2025 with Top Key Players BASF SE, Minerals Technologies Inc, AMCOL...

Discovered the first intrinsic magnetic topological insulator – Science Codex

The so-called topological insulators are those materials that are insulators in bulk, i.e. do not allow electric currents in its volume, but are conductors on its surface. Unlike the usual conductors, that is, metals, the electric current circulating in a topological insulator does not suffer any loss of energy. This property opens great possibilities of application in electronics, since it would enable the fabrication of more efficient, faster and low-energy consumption devices; an objective as desirable as necessary in the current scenario of rapid advance of energy demand worldwide, which threatens our environment. For that very reason, the discovery of topological insulators about a decade ago caused a global research boom in the fields of nanotechnology and condensed matter physics.

With technological applications in mind, for example in information technologies, one of the challenges during these years of intense research has been the creation of a magnetic topological insulator. So far, magnetic topological insulators had only been created by the so-called extrinsic route, which consists of doping nonmagnetic topological insulators with magnetic atoms. However, thanks to the efforts of a group of researchers from the Materials Physics Center (CFM, CSIC-UPV/EHU joint centre), Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), it is now possible to grow an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator, that is, one that has magnetic properties by its own very nature. The team that includes DIPC researchers Mikhail Otrokov (CFM Ikerbasque Research Fellow), Evgueni Chulkov (UPV/EHU, Euskadi Research Prize 2019), Mara Blanco Rey (UPV/EHU) and Pedro M. Echenique (UPV/EHU, DIPC President), has predicted theoretically the first intrinsic magnetic topological insulator, with chemical formula MnBi2Te4. The key to the success of this prediction has been the large experience that this group of scientists has in the fields of topological insulators, magnetism and material science in general. The Ikerbasque fellow and leader of this research, Mikhail Otrokov, states that "previous work from different approaches led us to the conclusion that the intrinsic route was the only feasible one nowadays. Then, we directed our efforts to find an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator based on our prior experience. Thanks to that, we knew what crystalline structure and atomic composition such a material should have".

Donostia (Basque Country, Spain) is not only the place where the theoretical prediction of this first magnetic topological insulator has been carried out, but it has also been the base camp from where its experimental confirmation has been coordinated. This work has involved experts in different areas, from leading research centres in Russia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Austria, Japan, Italy and the USA. The results of this study are being published this week in the prestigious journal 'Nature'. Otrokov has explained that for experimental confirmation, the first step was the synthesis of the compound crystals by the chemical synthesis experts. Once synthesized, the samples were subject to a multitude characterization experiments; structural, magnetic, electronic, of transport, of atomic composition, etc.; until the predicted characteristics were observed and verified.

The results of the study, which had already been disseminated through an open-access server and lectures delivered by the authors at international conferences, have been well received by the international scientific community. Currently, MnBi2Te4 and other materials based on it are studied in several research centers, those of the USA and China showing the most intense activity.

" MnBi2Te4, besides being an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator, has turned out to be antiferromagnetic, just as we had calculated", Blanco tells us. Antiferromagnetism consists of a magnetic order at an atomic scale, such that the material lacks net magnetization. As a result, these materials are much more robust against perturbations by magnets.

This crystal composed of Manganese (Mn), Bismuth (Bi) and Tellurium (Te) has a great potential both at a fundamental and a technological level. It is extremely rich in exotic properties, for example, such as the various Hall effects, including the quantum ones, some of which are used in the calibration of physical constants for its exceptional precision. In addition, MnBi2Te4 can be used to create the so-called Majorana fermions. This is a kind of particle, a quasiparticle to be accurate, that has been considered the cornerstone of quantum computing. Likewise, MnBi2Te4 is the first intrinsic material for which an electromagnetic response very similar to that of an axion is predicted. An axion is a hypothetical particle postulated in the framework of quantum chromodynamics, and it is a good candidate to solve the problem of dark matter. That is why there are a lot of experiments aimed precisely at detecting signals of axion-type behaviour in the family of this compound.

Regarding the practical applications, several devices based on magnetic topological insulators have already been patented. For instance, MnBi2Te4 could be used in chiral interconnect devices, which promise superior performance to the ordinary copper connections currently used in commercially available integrated circuits. Some other applications include optical modulators, magnetic field sensors and memory elements.

The researchers working in Donostia, together with their network of international collaborators, expect to be able to observe in MnBi2Te4 some of the exotic phenomena mentioned above, and discover new intrinsic magnetic topological insulators with even superior properties than those of MnBi2Te4.

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Discovered the first intrinsic magnetic topological insulator - Science Codex