Nanotechnology Market 2019 Global Industry Size, Share, Growth, Key Insights, Application, Leading Companies, Trends and Forecast by 2024 – Montana…

Nanotechnology Market

The market size estimations have been provided in terms of value. The globalNanotechnology industryreport also identifies major market players and provides analysis in terms of company overview, Financials, products & services, market trends, recent developments and growth strategies.

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Major Players in the market are:Catalytic Materials, LLC (US), Advanced Diamond Technologies, Inc. (US), Nanocyl S.A. (Belgium), Hybrid Plastics (US), Luxtera, Inc. (US), Unidym, Inc. (US), Bruker Corporation (US), Hanwha Nanotech Corporation (South Korea), Starpharma Holdings (Australia), NanoMaterials Ltd, (Israel)

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Nanotechnology Market 2019 Global Industry Size, Share, Growth, Key Insights, Application, Leading Companies, Trends and Forecast by 2024 - Montana...

Global Nanotechnology Enabled Coatings for Aircraft Market 2017 … – Business Wire (press release)

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Global Nanotechnology Enabled Coatings for Aircraft Market 2017-2021" report has been added to Research and Markets' offering.

The analysts forecast the global nanotechnology enabled coatings for aircraft market to grow at a CAGR of 15.46% during the period 2017-2021.

Global Nanotechnology Enabled Coatings for Aircraft Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

One trend in the market is nanotechnology in maritime warfare systems. There has been a growing emphasis on using nanotechnology for improving the capabilities of submerged and marine combat platforms among defense agencies worldwide.

The use of nanotechnology allows developers to design and manufacture micro-sensors that can be scattered on the ocean floor for detecting hostile enemy submarines.

One driver in the market is increased focus on reducing aerodynamic drag. Nanotechnology involves engineering at the molecular level to produce new materials with enhanced performance for a wide array of industries and purposes.

This is regarded as one of the most important sources of innovation in the coming decades and will have applications across a comprehensive array of industries.

Key vendors

Other prominent vendors

Key Topics Covered:

Part 01: Executive summary

Part 02: Scope of the report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Introduction

Part 05: Market landscape

Part 06: Market segmentation by coatings types

Part 07: Geographical segmentation

Part 08: Decision framework

Part 09: Drivers and challenges

Part 10: Market trends

Part 11: Vendor landscape

Part 12: Appendix

Companies Mentioned

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Global Nanotechnology Enabled Coatings for Aircraft Market 2017 ... - Business Wire (press release)

Nanotechnology meetings 2018 | Nanotechnology conferences …


Nanotechnology is the engineering ofefficient structures atthe molecular scale. Thisprotections both existing work and concepts that are more innovative inits original sense. Nanotechnology as demarcated by size is unsurprisingly very broad, containing fieldsof science as diverse as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology,semiconductor physics, micro fabrication, molecular engineering. The related research and applications aresimilarly diverse, fluctuating from extensions of conventional device physicsto totally new methods based upon molecular self-assembly, from emerging new materials withmeasurements on the Nano scale to straight regulator of matter on the atomicscale.

Relevant conferencesonNanotechnology:

International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,29 Jan -2 Feb 2018, Australia. 6th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Material Science,April 16-18, 2018, Spain. Nanomaterialsand Nanotechnology, March 15-16, 2018 London, UK, World Nano Conference,May 07-08, 2018 Rome, Italy. International conference on Nano and material science,Florida, USA. International NanotechnologyExhibition and Conference February 14-15, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Related Societies:

AmericanBar Association Section Nanotechnology Project

American ChemicalSociety - Nanotechnology Safety Resources

American Societyfor Precision Engineering (ASPE)

ConvergingTechnologies Bar Association


Nanoroboticsis a developing technologyfield manufacture machines or robots which mechanisms are at or near the scaleof a nanometer. More precisely, Nanorobotics refers to the nanotechnologyengineering discipline of deceitful and erection nanorobots, with devicesvacillating in size from micrometersand constructed of Nanoscale or molecular modules. The terms nanobot,nanoid, nanite, nanomachine, or nanometer have also been used to describe suchdevices at present beneath research and improvementand even a large machine such as an atomic force microscope can be deliberateda Nanoroboticsinstrument when configured to perform nanomanipulation.

Relevant conferencesonNanotechnology:

InternationalConference on Robotics andAutomation, 21-26 April, 2018, Brisbane, Australia. Global summit on Nanotechnology andRobotics, 20-21 November, 2017, New York, USA. International conference on Nano and material science,Florida, USA. International NanotechnologyExhibition and Conference February 14-15, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Related Societies:

GrapheneStakeholders Association

IEEE (Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers)

International Association ofNanotechnology (IANT)

MaterialsResearch Society


Nanomedicineis the medical application of nanotechnology.Nanomedicine varieties from the medical solicitations of Nano materials andbiological devices, to Nanoelectronicbiosensors, and even potential future applications of molecular nanotechnologysuch as biological machineries. Current snags for Nanomedicineimplicate appreciative the issues related to toxicity and environmentalimpression of Nanoscale materials. Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a cherishedset of research tools and clinically worthwhile devices in the near future. TheNational NanotechnologyInitiative expects new viable applications in the pharmaceutical industry thatmay contain innovative drug deliverysystems, new therapies, and in vivo imaging.

Relevant conferencesonNanotechnology:

International Nanomedicine Conference 3-5July 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Nanomedicine andNanotechnology in Health Care, Nov 23-24, 2017 Melbourne, Australia.

International Conference on Nanorobotics and IntelligentSystems, January 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France.


Related Societies:

SemiconductorIndustry Association (SIA)

National CancerInstitute

Alliancefor Nanotechnology in Cancer

NationalInstitutes of Health


Nano Materials and Nanoparticleexamination is right now a region of serious experimental exploration, becauseof a wide range of potential applicationsin biomedical, optical, and electronic fields. 27 research colleges are takingabout Nano-compositeseverywhere all over the world, and marketestimation over Asia Pacific is $2650 million, in US $786 million aredischarged per annum for Nano materials and Nano particles examination. Thecontrol of composition,size, shape, and morphologyof Nano materials and Nanoparticles is an essential foundation for the development and application ofNano scale devices in all over the world.

Nanomaterials are the elementswhichhasat least one spatial measurement in the size range of 1 to100 nanometer. Nanomaterialscan be produced with various modulation dimensionalities. It can be distinctnanostructure such as quantum dots, nanocrystals, atomicclusters,nanotubes andnanowires,whilegatheringofnanostructures includes arrays, assemblies, andsuperlatticesofdistinctnanostructure. The chemical and physicalproperties of Nanomaterialscan considerably differ from the bulk materials or atomic-molecular of the same

Relevant conferencesonNanotechnology:

International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,29 Jan -2 Feb 2018, Australia. 6th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Material Science,April 16-18, 2018, Spain. Nanomaterialsand Nanotechnology, March 15-16, 2018 London, UK, World Nano Conference,May 07-08, 2018 Rome, Italy. International conference on Nano and material science,Florida, USA. International NanotechnologyExhibition and Conference February 14-15, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Related Societies:

AmericanBar Association Section Nanotechnology Project

American ChemicalSociety - Nanotechnology Safety Resources

American Societyfor Precision Engineering (ASPE)

ConvergingTechnologies Bar Association

Molecular Nanotechnology:

Molecular nanotechnologyis a technology based on the knack to build structures to multifaceted, atomicconditions by means of mechanosynthesis.This is individual from Nanoscalematerials. Molecular Nanotechnology a technological insurrection which seeksnothing less than perfectibility. Molecular industrialized technology can beclean and self-contained. Molecular Nanomanufacturing will slowly renovate our associationtowards matter and molecules as clear as the computer changed our correlationto information and bits. It will help accurate, economicalcontrol of the structure of matter. Molecular nanotechnologywould involve relating physical principles revealed by biophysics, chemistry,other nanotechnologies, and the molecular machinery of life with the systemsengineering standards found in modern macroscaleplants.

Relevant conferencesonNanotechnology:

World Congress onRegulationsof NanotechnologyJuly 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO.

Nanotechnology 2017August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China. InternationalConference on Nanoscience andNanotechnology, 29 Jan -2 Feb 2018. International Conference on Nanostructured Materials andNanotechnology, Miami, USA, March 12 - 13, 2018

Related Societies:

Nanomedicine Roadmap Initiative

American NationalStandards Institute Nanotechnology Panel(ANSI-NSP)


National NanotechnologyInitiative

DNA Nanotechnology:

The rest is here:
Nanotechnology meetings 2018 | Nanotechnology conferences ...

Medical Nanotechnology |Nanotechnology congress |Medical …

Conference Series LLC invites all the participants across the globe to attend the 15th World Medical Nanotechnology Congress, October 18-19, 2017, Osaka, Japan.Medical Nanotechnology 2017 provides a perfect symposium for scientists, engineers, directors of companies and students in the field of Nanotechnology to meet and share their knowledge. The scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forwardmanythoughtprovoking strategies. It provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, as well as for launching new applications and technology.

Track 1- Nanomedicine:

Nano medicine is the next wave of advancements in the healthcare space. The nanotechnology revolution is now enabling novel approaches to address the major problems in modern medicine, leading to the emergence of nanomedicine as a new paradigm for diagnosis and therapy, according to experts.

Related Conferences:

7thCongress on Material Researchand technology February20-21,2017 Germany, InternationalConference on Smart Materials& Structure March 20-22,2017 USA, 9thWorldConference on Material Scienceand Engineering June 12-14,2017 Italy,Conference on Material Scienceand Engineering May 29-31,2017 Japan,Conference on Grapheneand2D materialsMarch 28-31,2017 Spain, International Conference on Advanced materialsandNanotechnologyFebruary 12-16,2017 New Zealand, International Conference onGraphene NanotechnologyAugust 14-15,2017 UK,Conference on GrapheneForum April 26-28,2017 France.American Chemical Society-Nanotechnology Safety Resources,Graphene Stakeholders Association (GSA)

NanoBusiness Alliance, Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Student Association (NANSA), Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI)

Track 2- Nanoelectronics and Biomedical Devices:

Nanoelectronics are so small that several hundred such devices would fit in the period at the end of this sentence. Laboratory versions made of silicon nanowires can detect disease biomarkers and even single virus cells, or record heart cells as they beat. Liebers team also has integrated nanoelectronics into living tissues in three dimensions creating a cyborg tissue. One obstacle to the practical, long-term use of these devices is that they typically fall apart within weeks or days when implanted. In the current study, the researchers set out to make them much more stable.

Related Conferences:

Conference on Plasma Chemistry2017, South Africa, 2ndAnnualConference on BiomaterialsMarch 27-28, 2017 Spain, International Conference onGraphene NanotechnologyAugust 14-15,2017 UK, InternationalConference on Functional Energy MaterialsDecember 07-09,2017 USA, International workshop onGrapheneDecember 13,2016 Spain, Conference onChemistry of Two-Dimensional Materials, August 22-26,2017 Amphi Ourisson,Conference on GrapheneForum December 04-09,2016 USA.Material Research Society,Nanotechnology Association(NIA)

American Nano Society, Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology.

Track 3- DNA Nanotechnology:

The ability of DNA to selfassemble into a variety of nanostructures and nanomachines is highlighted in a growing number of papers in Nature Nanotechnology. The appeal of DNA to nanoscientists is threefold: first, it is a natural nanoscale material; second, a large number of techniques for studying DNA are already available; and third, its ability to carry information can be exploited in the selfassembly process. DNA is also increasingly being used to organize other nanomaterials, and the related field of RNA nanotechnology is beginning to emerge. All this can be seen in the articles below.

Related Conferences:

8thInternationalConference On material Scienceand Engineering May 29-31, 2017 Japan, InternationalConference on Functional Energy MaterialsDecember 07-09, 2017 USA, InternationalConference on BiomaterialsMarch 27-28,2017 Spain , InternationalConference on Industrial DiamondMay 14-15,2017 Netherlands, Exhibition inGraphene and 2D materialsMarch 28-31,Spain, InternationalConference on Material Scienceand Technology December 14-15,2016 Bangkok,Conferences on MaterialsResearch August 20-25,2017 Mexico.

International Associations of Nano Technology (IANT),American Chemical Society(ACS).

Track 4- Medical Nanotechnology Devices:

The fast development of the Nanodevices is driving the world through the roadways of improvement in different sections of science and innovation. The Nano devices&Nano frameworks have brought a colossal change of mankind with its Nano way of life gadgets. The examination includes in brilliant sensors and savvy conveyance frameworks, demonstrating and reproduction alongside the organically enlivened gadgets which are expected to move at a gigantic development of 34% CAGR and the anticipated development of the Nanoswitches and Optical-biosensors is up to $58.9% billion increment before the end of 2018 by enrolling a sound CAGR of 20.7%.Around the world making the world's focus the exploration territories of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.

Related Conferences:

InternationalConference on Smart Materials& Structure March 20-22, 2017 USA, InternationalConference on Graphene NanotechnologyAugust 14-15, 2017 UK, 7thInternationalConference on Material Researchand technology February 20-21, 2017 Germany,Conference on GrapheneForum March 11-16, 2017 Singapore,Conference on Carbon materialsDecember 8-9, 2016 China,Conference OnNanomaterialsMarch 06-10, 2017.

American physical Society,Nanotechnology Association (NIA)NanoBusiness Alliance,Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Student Association (NANSA), Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI)

Track 5- Drug Delivery and Therapeutics:

Nanotechnology could be strategically implemented in new developing drug delivery systems that can expand drug markets. Such a plan would be applied to drugs selected for full-scale development based on their safety and efficacy data, but which fail to reach clinical development because of poor bio pharmacological properties. The new drug delivery methods are expected to enable pharmaceutical companies to reformulate existing drugs on the market, thereby extending the lifetime of products and enhancing the performance of drugs by increasing effectiveness, safety and patient adherence, and ultimately reducing healthcare costs.

Related Conferences

InternationalConference on Functional on Energy MaterialsDecember 07-09, 2017 USA,Conference on material Scienceand Engineering May 29-31, 2017 Japan, WorldCongress on Material Scienceand Engineering June 12-14, 2017 Italy, InternationalConference on CeramicsandComposite materials June 29-30, 2017 Spain,Conference on Grapheneand other2D materialsMay 10-11,2017 Germany,Conference on GrapheneMarch 28-31,2017 Spain,Conference on GrapheneForum April 26-28,2017 Paris.

American Association for advancement of science,ASME Nanotechnology Institute.

Track 6- Cancer Nanotechnology:

The improvement of nanomaterials and nanotechnology has acquired another time the field of Nano prescription. The use of the Nanomedicine in the diverse fields of solution are offering humankind for the leap forward in medication conveyance, some assistance with blooding cleansing, tissue designing growth furthermore related fields of drug. The business sector examination says that the Nanomedicine deals for the disease conclusion has crossed $7.1billion in 2009 and with more than 230 organizations in Nanoinformatics and 45 items worldwide of Nano bio-innovation at least $4.6 billion in innovative work is been contributed each year. More than 490 colleges of Nano solution around the globe and around 54 commercial ventures in India are doing research in medication conveyance and biomedical instrumentation. Almost $9,600 million is been supported on this task. Tissue building is the Present exploration which is concentrated by the United Kingdom.

Related Conferences

14th International Conference onNanomaterials and NanotechnologyMarch 30- 31, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 16th WorldNano ConferenceJune 5-6, 2017 Milan, Italy; 8th International Conference onNanomaterials - Research & Application, October 19-21, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic; 5th InternationalConference on Multifunctional,Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 06 - 10 March 2017,Lisbon (PT); 3rd International Conference onNanomaterials, Fundamentalsand Applications (NFA 2017), 09 - 11 October 2017, Strbske Pleso (SK); International Conference onGraphene Nanotechnology2017 August 14-15, 2017 Scotland , UK; 9thNano Congress for Next GenerationAugust 1-2, 2016 Manchester, United Kingdom; 12thNanotechnology Productsand Summit November 24-25, 2016 Melbourne, Australia

American Nano Society, International Association of Nanotechnology, Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Rice University

Track 7- Polymer Nanotechnology:

This review will discuss polymer matrix based nanocomposites with exfoliated clay being one of the key modifications. While the reinforcement aspects of nanocomposites are the primary area of interest, a number of other properties and potential applications are important including barrier properties, flammability resistance, electrical/electronic properties, membrane properties, polymer blend compatibilization. An important consideration in this review involves the comparison of properties of nanoscale dimensions relative to larger scale dimensions.

Related Conferences

7th AnnualCongress on Materials ResearchandTechnologyFebruary 20-21, 2017 Berlin, Germany; 8thInternationalMaterials ScienceandEngineering ConferenceMay 29-31, 2017 Osaka, Japan;InternationalConference on GrapheneandSemiconductorsJuly 17-19, 2017 Chicago, IL, USA; 3rdInternationalConference on Smart Materialsand Structures, March 20-22, 2017 Orlando, FL, USA; 9th WorldCongress on Materials Scienceand Engineering June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd AnnualBiomaterialsConferenceMarch 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 5thInternationalSymposium on Frontiers in Polymer ScienceMay 17-19, 2017 Seville, Spain; 3rdInternationalConference on Polymer Materials ScienceJanuary 3-5,2017, Bangkok, Thailand; 12thInternationalConference on Advanced PolymersviaMacromolecular EngineeringMay 21-25, 2017 Ghent, Belgium.

American Physical Society;Telford Polymer Association

Track 8- Nanotoxicity:

Two decades of Nanotoxicology research has shown that the interactions between nanomaterials and cells, animals, humans and the environment are remarkably complex. Researchers are still trying to understand in detail how the physical, chemical and other properties of nanomaterials influence these interactions, and thus determine the ultimate impact of nanomaterials on health and the environment. And as new nanomaterials are developed, and animal testing is reduced, computational methods are becoming increasingly important for prioritizing safety studies. There is also an on-going debate about the regulation of nanomaterials. Nature Nanotechnology has published articles on all these topics and this web focus on nanotoxicology contains links to all of them.

Related Conferences

12thNanotechnologyProducts Expo November 10-12, 2016 Melbourne, Australia: 13thInternational Conference onNanotekand Expo December 5-6, 2016 Seattle, USA: 7th WorldNanoConference June 20-21, 2017 Cape Town, South Africa: 8th WorldMedicalNanotechnologyCongress and Expo June 9-11, 2016 Dallas, USA: 9thNano Congressfor Future Generation June 27-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain: 11th InternationalConference and Expo onNanoscienceandMolecularNanotechnologySeptember 26-28, 2017 Baltimore, United States: 4th InternationalConference on Process Engineeringand Advanced Materials (ICPEAM2016), 1517 August 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IUMRS-ICAM 2017 InternationalConference on Advanced Materials, 25-29 October 2015, South Korea: 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 24-29 January 2016, Kenitra-Rabat, Morocco: OIC 2016 Optical Interference Coatings, 19-24 Jun 2016, Tucson, United States: ICMCTF'17 - InternationalConference On Metallurgical Coatings& Thin Films, 17-21 Jul 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. NanoFIS 2016 - Functional Integrated nanoSystems, 2729 June 2016, Graz, Austria: NANOTEXNOLOGY 2016 July 29 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece: 16th InternationalConference on Nanotechnology,22-25 August 2016, Sendai, Japan: 11th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 9-12 October 2016, Toulouse, France: 6th InternationalConference on Manipulation, Manufacturingand Measurement on the Nanoscale, 18-22 July 2016, Chongqing, China: Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V, 4-9 October, 2015.

American Nano Society, International Association of Nanotechnology, Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Rice University

Track 9- Bio-Nanomaterials and Tissues Engineering:

Scaffold-based tissue engineering approaches have been under investigation for more than 30 years now and many different techniques have been developed in order to engineer various tissues of the body. Some of them have been translated from bench to bedside, yet many are still under intensive examination. Biodegradable scaffolds applied in tissue engineering aim to temporarily substitute for the extracellular matrix and its complex biological functions during the regeneration and/or remodelling period, and are subsequently degraded and replaced by new tissue.

Related conferences

9thNano Congressfor Future Generation August 01-02, 2016 Manchester, UK; 4th GlobalConference onNano EngineeringforMedicineandBiology2016February 21-24, 2016Houston, TX, United States; InternationalConference onNano materials,Nano devices, Fabricationand Characterization (ICNNFC 2016) April 1-2, 2017 Prague, Czech Republic ;BIT`s 5th Annual World Congress ofNano Science& Technology (Nano-S&T 2015) September 24-26, 2017 Xian, China ;14th InternationalConference onNanoimprintandNanoprint Technology - NNT 2015October 22-24, 2015 Napa, CA, United States ;InternationalConference on MicrosystemsandNanotechnologies(ICMN 2015) November 20-22, 2015 Guilin, Chinas; 10th IEEE international Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering 27-29 November 2016 TBD;6th InternationalConference on Manipulation, Manufacturingand Measurement on the Nanoscale 18-22 July 2016, Chongqing, China; InternationalConference on Manipulation, Automationand Robotics at Small ScalesParis, 18-22 July 2017 France; InternationalConference on Nano scienceand Nanotechnology.7-11 Feb 2016, Canberra, Australia; InternationalConference on Nanostructures. 07-10 Mar 2016, Tehran, Iran;Conferences on nanostructured materials.August 7 to 12, 2016, Qubec City,Canada;InternationalConference on Advanced Nano Materialsand Emerging Engineering Technologies, 31st May 2016,Singapore; The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials and Emerging Engineering Technologies. 30th August 2016,Singapore; 4th InternationalConference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnologyand Nano-

NASA-JSC Area NanoTechnology Study Group, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, NanoScience and Technology Institute

Track 10- Environmental Safety:

Health and Environmental Safety of Nanomaterials addresses considerations regarding the impact of nanomaterials on the atmosphere and human health, and examines the security of specific nanomaterials. Understanding the distinctive chemical and physical properties of nanostructures has diode to several developments within the applications of nanocomposite materials. Whereas these materials have applications during a Brobdingnagian vary of areas, their potential for toxicity should be completely understood.

Related Conferences:

9thNano Congressfor Future Generation June 27-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain: 11th InternationalConference and Expo onNanoscienceandMolecularNanotechnologySeptember 26-28, 2016 London, UK: 12thNanotechnologyProducts Expo November 10-12, 2016 Melbourne, Australia: 13thInternational Conference onNanotekand Expo December 5-6, 2016 Seattle, USA: InternationalConference on Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology February 711, 2016 Canberra, Australia: The Fundamental Science of Nanotechnology 11 January 20 March 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom: BioNanoMed 2016 - Nanotechnology enables Personalized Medicine, 68 April 2016, Krems, Austria: IUMRS-ICAM 2015 InternationalConference on Advanced Materials,25-29 October 2015, South Korea: 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 24-29 January 2016, Florida, United States: ISyDMA'2016 First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications, 04-06 May 2016, Kenitra-Rabat, Morocco: OIC 2016 Optical Interference Coatings, 19-24 Jun 2016, Tucson, United States: ICMCTF'17 - InternationalConference On Metallurgical Coatings& Thin Films, 17-21 Jul 2017, Prague, Czech Republic: NanoFIS 2016 - Functional Integrated nanoSystems, 2729 June 2016, Graz, Austria: NANOTEXNOLOGY 2016 July 29 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece: 16th InternationalConference on Nanotechnology,22-25 August 2016, Sendai, Japan: 11th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 9-12 October 2016, Toulouse, France: 6th InternationalConference on Manipulation, Manufacturingand Measurement on the Nanoscale, 18-22 July 2016, Czech Republic: ASME 4th GlobalConference on NanoEngineering for Medicineand Biology 2016, February 21-24, 2016 Houston, Texas, USA: 4th Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference (ICNT2016), 28-29 January 2016.

Intelligent Testing Strategies for Engineered Nanomaterials (ITS-NANO), Bangladesh Nanotechnology Society (BNS), Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC)

Track 11- Recent developments in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience:

Nanotechnology will be utilized for Detection, Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Monitoring. Themes like Nanotechnology based Imaging Technologies and Lab-on-a-Chip Point of Care Diagnostics, Advanced Nano-Bio-Sensor Technologies, Implantable Nano sensors, Nano Arrays for Advanced Diagnostics and Therapy, Invasive Therapy Technologies and Cellular based Therapy might be talked about.

Related conferences:

6th Global ExpertsConference on Meeting & Expo onNano materialsandNanotechnologyApril 21-23, 2016 Dubai, UAE ;,InternationalConference onNanotechnologyModellingandSimulation(ICNMS 2016) April 1-2, 2016 Prague, Czech Republic ;InternationalConference onNanotechnologyand Environmental Issues (ICNEI 2016) April 1-2, 2016 Prague, Czech Republic;2nd World Congress and Expo onNanotechnologyand Materials Science 2016April 4-6, 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates ;14th InternationalConference onNanoimprintandNanoprint Technology - NNT 2015October 22-24, 2015 Napa, CA, United States ;1st International Conference on Research and Development in Imaging,Nanotechnology, Industrial Design and Robotics RDINIDR 2015 )Cordoba, Argentina November 20-21, 2015; 4th InternationalConference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnologyand Nano-Technology 25thAugust 2016,Malaysia Kuala Lumpur; 18th InternationalConference on Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology March 14 - 15, 2016 Paris France; Hernstein, Austria; WinterConference on Plasma Spectrochemistry.1016 January 2016Tucson, United States;Conference on Advances in Refractoryand Reactive Metals and Alloys .2729 January 2016,Mumbai, India; Sixth InternationalConference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biologyand Therapeutics .1720 February 2016,Bangalore, India; Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications 2931 March 2016,Preston, UK; SPIE Energy Future Conference and Exhibitions 2016.46 July 2016,UNSW, Australia; InternationalConference on Experimental Mechanics37 July 2016.

Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, The Institute of NanoTechnology, Nano Business Alliance

Track 12- NanoBio Technology

NanoBio Technologyis the system of engineering principles with relation to molecular functions and nano mechanisms.Medical Nanotechnologyis the application of technical aspects to biological process that includesNano medicines, Tissue GrowingNanostructures, Cell interactions with nano particles etc. Revolutionary opportunities and future scope of nanotechnology is gaining its utmost importance in nano life sciences.

Related Conferences ofNano-bio technology:

InternationalConference onMedical ImagingandDiagnosisMay 09-10, 2016, USA; 6th AnnualConference on Clinical NephrologyMay 9-11, 2016 San Francisco, USA; InternationalConference onMedical EthicsandLegal MedicineJune 09-11, 2016, UK; 3rdBiomedical EngineeringConferenceand Expo, November 07-08, 2016, Barcelona, Spain; 2ndInternationalConference onBio-Medical EngineeringandEnvironmental Technology(BMEET-16) Jan. 2-3, 2016 Pattaya (Thailand); 11thInternationalConference onHealthcareandBiological Research(ICHBR), February 21-22, 2016, Dubai;Internal Medicine: Updates and Guidelines with Insights to Practical Clinical StrategiesFebruary 29-March 4, 2016, USA;Clinical Chemistry2016, May 2-3, 2016, USA; 2016 InternationalConference On Surgical PathologyMay 3-6, 2016, Spain; 4th InternationalConference on Bioinformaticsand Computational Biology, February 2-4,2016, ICBCB Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3rd International Conference on Civil, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE-2016) February 4, 2016 Bali, Indonesia; InternationalConference On NGS Data Analysisand Informatics February 18-20, 2016, San Diego, United States of America; The Biomarker Conference February 18-20, 2016, San Diego, United States of America; Second International Conference on Engineering and Technology February 19-20, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 11th InternationalConference on Healthcareand Biological Research (ICHBR), Dubai, 21-22 February 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates; The 9th International JointConference on Biomedical Engineering Systemsand Technologies BIOSTEC 2016 21-22 February 2016, Rome, Italy; CONIELECOMP 2016 February 24-25, 2016, Cholula, Mexico; International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing February 26-27, 2016, Roorkee, India; WAST- 4th InternationalConference on Advances in Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences February 27-28, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Precision Medicine: Beyond the Genome for Insights into New Treatments San Francisco, March 7-8, 2016 United States of America; 2016 6th InternationalConference on Biomedical Engineeringand Technology - ICBET March 12-14, 2016, Singapore, Singapore;

Track 13- Nanomedicine and Nanopharmaceuticals:

Nanopharmaceuticalssuch as liposomes,quantum dots, dendrimers,carbon nanotubesand polymeric nanoparticles have brought considerable changes in drug delivery and the medical system. Nanopharmaceuticals offer a great benefit for the patients in comparison with the conventional drugs. There are several advantages of these drugs such as enhanced oral bioavailability, improved dose proportionality, enhanced solubility and dissolution rate, suitability for administration and reduced food effects.

Related Conferences

Conference and Exhibition onMetabolomics, May 16-18, 2016 Osaka,;Conference onGenetic Counseling and Genomic MedicineAugust 11-12, 2016 Birmingham; Japan; 5thConference onTissue Science and Regenerative MedicineSeptember 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany;Conference onRestorative MedicineOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA;Conference on Molecular Genetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; Golden Helix Symposium, January 14-16, 2016, Mansoura, Egypt;ThePersonalized Medicine, World Conference 24-27 January, 2016, San Francisco, USA; 14thAsia-Pacific Federation forClinical Biochemistryand Laboratory Medicine Congress, November 26-29, 2016,Taipei, Taiwan;Personalized Medicine, July 10-15, 2016, Hong Kong, China; 18thInternational Conference on Pharmaceutical Engineering, March 30 - 31, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

Track 14- Nanomedicine Applications:

One of the most promising applications of nanotechnology is in the field of medicine. Indeed, a whole new field of nanomedicine is emerging. Nanomedicine has been defined as the monitoring, repair, construction and control of human biological systems at the molecular level using engineered nano devices and nanostructures. It can also be regarded as another implementation of nanotechnology in the field of medical science and diagnostics.

Related Conferences

InternationalConference and Expo on Nanoscienceand Molecular Nanotechnology September 26-28, 2016 London, UK: 7th World Nano Conference May 19-21, 2016 Osaka, Japan: 8th World Medical Nanotechnology Congress & Expo June 9-11, 2016 Dallas, USA:12th Nanotechnology Products Expo November 10-12, 2016 Melbourne, Australia: 9th Nano Congress for Future Generation June 27-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain: 4th Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Conference (ICNT2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28th to 29th January 2016 : Nanotechnology Conference & Expo Baltimore, USA, 4th to 6th April 2016: InternationalConference on Nanotechnology Modellingand Simulation (ICNMS 2016) April 1-2, 2016 Prague, Czech Republic: 4thConference on Nanoand Materials Science (ICNMS 2016) New York, USA: ASME 4th GlobalConference on Nano Engineering for Medicineand Biology 2016February 21-24, 2016 Houston, TX, USA

American Nano Society, International Association of Nanotechnology, Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Rice University

See the original post:
Medical Nanotechnology |Nanotechnology congress |Medical ...

Researcher awarded millions to develop nanotechnology drug delivery systems – EPM Magazine

A researcher at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine has been granted two awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop nanotechnology drug delivery systems for patients with breast cancer and those at risk of serious blood clots.

The R01 awards will be provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to Nicole F Steinmetz, PhD, George J. Picha professor in biomaterials, member of the Case Comprehensive cancer Center and director of the Center for Bio-Nanotechnology at CWRU School of Medicine.

Nanoparticle engineering is an evolving field, with enormous potential in molecular imaging and therapeutics, stated Steinmetz. We are thrilled that the NIH is supportive of this new frontier in medicine.

From NCI, Steinmetz will receive a $2.2 million grant for the development of therapeutic nanotechnology specifically aimed at triple negative breast cancer patients. As triple negative breast cancer cells do not have surface receptors (commonly used by drug developers for therapeutic delivery) treatment options for about 15% of patients is limited.

Last year, Steinmetz and colleagues found virus-like particles from a plant virus (cowpea mosaic virus) that can stimulate the immune system to fight tumours and prevent outgrowth of metastasis. With the funding, Steinmetz and colleagues will explore the mechanisms behind the anti-tumour effects and develop dual-pronged therapeutic approaches through drug delivery strategies.

These plant virus-like particles have cancer fighting qualities on their own, but they can also be used as vehicles to encapsulate therapeutics, such as chemo- and immune drugs to synergise and potentiate the cancer immunotherapy, Steinmetz added. With the new grant, we will test whether combining the particles with breast cancer medications can combat breast cancer in mice.

Separately, the NHLBI will award $2.6 million for the development of nanotechnology to identify deep vein thromboses before they become fatal. We are developing a biology-derived plant virus nanotechnology, here using the tobacco mosaic virus, for molecular imaging and drug delivery, Steinmetz continued. The non-invasive MRI approach will allow us to gain molecular information about the thrombus, therefore, aiding prognosis. By integrating imaging and therapeutic capabilities, our approach will help diagnose patients, treat the disease and monitor disease progression over time.

The grants will be awarded this summer and will last for five years. If the projects are successful, they will be eligible for renewal.

More here:
Researcher awarded millions to develop nanotechnology drug delivery systems - EPM Magazine

Destiny 2 Datamine Reveals the Return of SIVA | Game Rant – GameRant

A new Destiny 2datamine of the most recent patch has community members speculating about the return of a key piece of technology from the original Destiny. It's a return that many Destiny 2 players are going to be surprised to hear about, because the story was seemingly wrapped up in the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron. The technology is, naturally, SIVA SIVA being the Bray-developed self-replicating nanotechnology initially used by Rasputin against the Iron Lords.

The datamine in question is very interesting to consider. It's a series of file references connected by the term "felwinter." The first such reference is "mission_felwinters_lie_scanning" and the subsequent references are "o_felwinter_coffin," "o_felwinter_resurrect," "o_felwinter_fight," and most importantly "o_felwinter_siva." This is the lone reference to SIVA that dataminers have found, but is nevertheless very intriguing.

RELATED: Destiny 2 Bringing Back OP Weapon from D1?

During Destiny, the Fallen House of Devils rediscovered SIVA after it being buried since the Golden Age. Lord Saladin then formed a new generation of Iron Lords to defeat the resurrected threat and was ultimately successful. The Destiny protagonist and crew defeated the SIVA-empowered Fallen and their SIVA replication chamber. While the Guardians reportedly had everything SIVA placed under quarantine, there have been hints that it wasn't fully contained.

The new datamine indicates something worse than a SIVA outbreak, if that can be believed. Felwinter, for those unfamiliar, was an Iron Lord. More than that, he was an Iron Lord which was particularly brutal toward his enemies. The chain of filenames being coffin, resurrect, SIVA, and then fight indicates that it's possible SIVA will be bringing the Golden Age Iron Lord back, but not as a friend.

As for what form SIVA and Felwinter will be revealed in, it's anyone's best guess. Some are predicting a surprise mission toward the end of the current season, or even an Exotic weapon quest. Others think SIVA and Felwinter have a bigger role to play and will be a part of the main story for next season. The datamine shows what's presumably just a single mission, so anything's possible.

Bungie's always revisiting old story beats and introducing new ideas in Destiny 2. It's both surprising and not that SIVA will be coming back, though the scale of SIVA's return is the biggest question. It could be a brief reminder of Destiny 2's Rise of Iron expansion or it could be building toward a major threat arriving in the near or far future. Add it to the list of exciting possibilities coming to Destiny 2 eventually.

Destiny 2 is available now on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE:Destiny 2: Cast in Iron Quest Steps to Get Iron Remembrance Armor, Point of the Stag Bow

GameStop is Permanently Closing Over 300 Stores

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Destiny 2 Datamine Reveals the Return of SIVA | Game Rant - GameRant

Vin Diesel Says Bloodshot Character Evokes ‘Fear and Empathy,’ Plus: His Take on ‘Fast 9’ – Extra

Extras Terri Seymour sat down with Vin Diesel to talk about his new superhuman movie, Bloodshot.

Vin plays Marine Ray Garrison, who is reborn after he and his wife are assassinated. Using nanotechnology, a team of scientists turns him into a superhuman, biotech killing machine called Bloodshot.

Diesel described it as a different take on the superhero genre, adding, this was a really dynamic character that both evoked fear and empathy at the same time. Its so emotional at the core and yet it was fulfillment of discovering that you have superhero-like powers.

Its only the second pre-existing character I have played, he said. Groot being the first.

So how does he feel about playing a comic book character? I have been hearing from the hardcore fans; they are so happy.

Terri noted the action in the film, and Vin shared, This film did call for a more rigorous combat training and choreography, to the point there were injuries before we started filming.

The fight coordinator was fresh off working on John Wick, he says, and was trying to design a fight style that incorporated the rage of Bloodshot.

Vin is a tough, healthy guy, so whats his take on the coronavirus? Its a good reminder for everyone to sanitize and be a lot more mindful My first impulse is this is a time the whole world needs to come together.

His also offered his take on Fast 9, calling it incredible.

As for the female version of the franchise, he teased, Everything is coming along.

Bloodshot opens in theaters March 13.

Original post:
Vin Diesel Says Bloodshot Character Evokes 'Fear and Empathy,' Plus: His Take on 'Fast 9' - Extra

Nanotechnology Industry Insights & Outlook, 2020-2024 by Component, Application and Region – Yahoo Finance

DUBLIN, March 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Nanotechnology Market Outlook 2024" report has been added to's offering.

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Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing technology with potential applications in many sectors of the global economy, namely healthcare, cosmetics, energy, and agriculture among others. The technology is revolutionizing every industry, while tremendously attracting worldwide attention.

Owing to its wide range of uses, the global nanotechnology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 17% during the forecasted period of 2018-2024. Thus, there lies a great opportunity for industry participants to tap the fast-growing market, which would garner huge revenue on the back of the commercialization of the technology.

In the latest research study, analysts have conducted a segmented research on the nanotechnology industry, and have interpreted the key market trends & developments that clearly highlight the areas offering promising possibilities for industries to boost their growth.

In 2017, the global nanotechnology market has shown impressive growth owing to factors, like an increase in government and private sector funding for R&D, partnerships & strategic alliances between countries, and increased in demand for smaller and more powerful devices at affordable prices. At present, the healthcare industry is one of the largest sectors where nanotechnology has made major breakthroughs with its application for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases like cancer, heart ailments, etc. Further, significant developments are also being done in other sectors like electronics, agriculture, and energy.

In this report, the analysts have studied the current nanotechnology market on segment basis (by application, by component and by region), so as to provide an insight on the current market scenario as well as forecasts of the aforementioned segments till 2024. The report provides an in-depth analysis of all the major segments, taking into account the major developments taking place at the global level in the respective segments that will further boost the growth of the nanotechnology market.

Further, the application section covers the use of nanotechnology in electronics, energy, cosmetics, medical, defence, and food and agriculture sectors; while the component section covers the segregation of nanotechnology market into nanomaterials, nanotools, and nanodevices.

Additionally, the report covers the country-level analysis of 13 major countries like the US, France, UK, Germany, and Russia among others in terms of R&D, nanotechnology patent analysis, funding, and regulations, to provide an in-depth understanding about the investments and recent research & developments done in the field of nanotechnology.

The report covers the profiles of key players like Altair, Nanophase Tech, Nanosys, etc. with the key financials, strength & weakness analyses, and recent activities, providing a comprehensive outlook of the global nanotechnology industry. Overall, the report provides all the pre-requisite information for clients looking to venture in this industry, and facilitate them to formulate schemes while going for an investment/partnership in the industry.

Story continues

Key Topics Covered

1. Analyst View

2. Research Methodology

3. Nanotechnology - An Introduction

4. Key Market Trends and Developments4.1 Nanotech Tools Open Market for more Miniature Electronics4.2 Nanotechnology Accelerating Healthcare and Medical Device Industry4.3 International Collaborations for Nanotechnology Research4.4 Nanotechnology Playing a Vital Role in the Growth of Energy Industry4.5 Nanotechnology Playing a Key Role in the Growth of Food & Agriculture Industry

5. Nanotechnology Market Outlook to 20245.1 By Components5.1.1 Nanomaterials5.1.2 Nanotools5.1.3 Nanodevices5.2 By Major Applications5.2.1 Electronics5.2.2 Energy5.2.3 Cosmetics5.2.4 Biomedical5.2.5 Defense5.2.6 Food and Agriculture

6. Country-Level Analysis(Funding, Research & Developments, Regulations)6.1 U.S.6.2 Brazil6.3 Germany6.4 France6.5 U.K.6.6 Ireland6.7 Russia6.8 Japan6.9 South Korea6.10 Taiwan6.11 China6.12 India6.13 Australia

7. Patents Analysis

8. Competitive Landscape8.1 Altair Nanotechnologies Inc.8.2 Nanophase Technologies Corporation8.3 Nanosys, Inc.8.4 Unidym, Inc. (subsidiary of WisePower Co.)8.5 Ablynx8.6 Zyvex Corporation8.7 Acusphere, Inc.8.8 Chasm Technologies, Inc.8.9 PEN, Inc.8.10 Bruker Nano GmbH8.11 Advanced Diamond Technologies, Inc.

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Nanotechnology Industry Insights & Outlook, 2020-2024 by Component, Application and Region - Yahoo Finance

Funding boost awarded to building materials researchers – Manufacturers’ Monthly

Photo: Innovation Minister Kate Jones with Professor Allan Manalo and Dr Leila Javazmi.

Two University of Southern Queensland (USQ) researchers, whose work is said to have the potential to revolutionise manufacturing, have been awarded a total of $480,000 in Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship funding to help drive their research into materials innovations.

Queenslands Innovation Minister Kate Jones awarded nanotechnology researcher Dr Leila Javazmi $180,000 towards her work on nanobers (strings with a diameter of 100 nanometres or less). Because of their size and properties, nanobers can be used in tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and products such as protective clothing and energy storage.

Javazmi will use graphene nanobers to create low-cost and high-efficient sensors for the multi-billion dollar composites manufacturing industry. The university says her research has the potential to revolutionise manufacturing in Queensland.

The smart sensors will monitor the structural health, including detecting defects, of materials during the production process as well as their service life, Javazmi said.

The sensors will initially be applied in civil infrastructure projects using advanced composite materials, such as roads and bridges.

USQ has the only pultrusion line of Australian universities, as well as the advanced electrospinning apparatus, designed by Javazmi, which draws out minuscule threads from a material using an electric charge.

Javazmi will work with industry organisations Wagners CFT and Graphene Manufacturing Group to further her work.

Civil engineering professor Allan Manalo has been awarded $300,000 towards developing a non-corrosive alternative to steel-reinforced concrete for stronger, more durable jetties and boat ramps. The research builds on earlier work into using glass fiber composite to reinforce concrete beams and planks.

Structures reinforced with composite polymer bars can outperform galvanised steel in marine environments, and it takes less labour to manufacture, Manalo said.

The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads will use the new technology in boating infrastructure projects. Inconmat Australia will manufacture and supply the new material, and Gympie-based SkillCentred Queensland will install the infrastructure.

Funding boost awarded to building materials researchers - Manufacturers' Monthly

Why Is Ceramic Coating Car Paint Protection so… – The News Wheel

Added on January 31, 2020The News Wheelcar protectant , car sealant , ceramic car coating , ceramic coating , ceramic coating car paint , should I get a ceramic coating for my car , wax vs sealant , what is ceramic coating , why does ceramic coating cost so much , why is ceramic coating so expensive

This article is sponsored by Schmicko.

Ceramic coating, also known as nano-ceramic coating, acts as an additional layer of protection for your car. The ultra-fine, thin coating is manually applied over cars by hand and uses nanotechnology to seal the entire surface, making it water-repellant. Not only does it protect your car from water, but it also helps prevent damage from UV rays, chemicals, excessive heat, scratches, dirt, and other kinds of heavy pollutants. Its almost like a glass-like barrier for your vehicle, meaning it can take damage and pressure much better than a non-coated vehicle. Its not new either; it has been used by the military for years thanks to its protective properties and was only recently introduced to the auto industry.

The biggest benefit of ceramic coating is its effective protection against pollutants and dirt that attack your cars paint, which make it look older in a relatively short period (and can be very costly if left unattended). Four other benefits include:

Compared to other types of layers that you add to your cars paint, ceramic coatings last the longest; it remains intact for years. Some brands even offer ceramic coating services with a warranty to support these claims. As a result, you get an all-time shine and gloss over your car for a long period of time, removing the need to wax your car on a regular basis.

A layer of ceramic coating protects your car from a lot of thingsranging from corrosive chemicals to color fading due to extreme heat during summer.You might be surprised to know that wateritself can cause damage to your car. As the paint absorbs moisture from theatmosphere or when water particles remain on the surface, it eventuallyevaporates. Whats left behind are water spots leaving salt, dirt, and mineraldeposits that soon solidify and etch into the paintwork. Beingsuper-hydrophobic, ceramic paint protection significantly assists withrepelling these water spots, which can often appear on both your paint andwindows.

Ceramic coatings also offer protection from chemicals and pollutants produced by gasoline, brake fluid, generic cleaners, etc. With just a layer ceramic coating, your paint doesnt wear off over time. It also acts as a protective barrier against UV rays, which tend to be the most dangerous for your car, as such rays oxidize the paint and causes it to fade. And while things like bird droppings or tree sap might sound harmless, these pollutants actually etch deeper into your cars paint, causing near permanent damage.

Ceramic coatings act as a shell against scratches. However, this does not mean that your car becomes completely immune to them; the probability of it getting scratched simply decreases by a large margin. It saves your car from everyday scratches like from parking lots, bushes, bikes, etc.

The most popular reason for ceramic coatings is its ability to improve the gloss and shine of your cars paint, keeping its appearance looking as good as new. As the coating prevents the build-up of dirt and pollutants, cleaning the car becomes easier to maintain. You will notice a significant difference when it comes to washing the car, as it feels a lot smoother when you glide across from panel to panel to clean.

If you are looking to get the ceramic coating done from the same car dealership you bought your car from, you may want to do some additional research. Most car dealers that offer ceramic coating services do so at higher prices and usually have low-quality products. Using a professional ceramic coating company is advised and highly recommended, as car detailing experts will be highly experienced in applying with great precision and skill.

While there are a number of DIY ceramic coating kits available, itsnot recommended to use them. Since youll likely have no prior experience, itcan be very easy to mess it all up and end up costing more than you originallyplanned to fix it. Once applied, ceramic coating is very difficult to removebecause it becomes semi-permanent. Not to mention, you cant just use a paintbrush to add ceramic coating to your car without any preparation.

Another reason why you should opt for professional services is that DIY products are usually cheaper and of lower quality. Professional grade ceramic coating uses high-quality products and can only be applied by professionals. Many ceramic coatings will react differently to each other, which can be influenced by environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, so if you are not confident about what you are doing, its best to leave it to the experts.

Car wax and paint sealants are often used as alternatives to ceramic coatings. However, they are usually much cheaper and ineffective compared to ceramic coatings. So in reality, they arent true direct alternatives theyre just cheaper and less effective.

While wax offers average durability and sealants offer intermediate durability, ceramic coatings tend to provide excellent durability in comparison to the rest. It keeps your vehicles exterior in its best condition for years. Wax works well for roughly a month or so and sealants are good for about a couple of months. On the other hand, ceramic coatings work perfectly for a few years, depending on their quality.

As ceramic coatings are based on advanced nanotechnology, they have proved to be the most effective protectant compared to wax and sealants. Remember that ceramic paint protection provides an element of hardness (9H Hardness), a property that is virtually non-existent in any wax or sealant. When you apply ceramic coating, it hardens into a glass-like element and provides hard protection unlike no other alternative on market.

You need not worry about maintenance with ceramic coating. By simply wiping the surface of your car now and then, it will stay in great condition. It also saves you the trouble of applying regular hydrophobic coatings, as well as any additional protection that wax and sealants require.

Going through the above discussion must have given you an idea for why ceramic coatings can be costly. To break it down simpler, here are the two main reasons why this investment is well worth the cost:

As ceramic coatings work for longer years compared to its alternatives, it costs more. It requires high-quality products and uses advanced technology; a layer of ceramic coating is worth thousands of dollars.

From its glossy appearance to the protection of paint from water,chemicals, pollutants, UV rays and scratches, ceramic coatings offer a varietyof benefits.

Ceramic coatings are definitely a good choice if you want to keep your car in good condition. It makes your car durable and keeps it protected, and saves you from high maintenance costs in the long term.

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Why Is Ceramic Coating Car Paint Protection so... - The News Wheel

NIOSH: Nano- and Microplastics in the Workplace – The National Law Review

Since 1996, Carla Hutton has monitored, researched, and written about regulatory and legislative issues that may potentially affect Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C) clients. She is responsible for creating a number of monthly and quarterly regulatory updates for B&C's clients, as well as other documents, such as chemical-specific global assessments of regulatory developments and trends. She authors memoranda for B&C clients on regulatory and legislative developments, providing information that is focused, timely and applicable to client initiatives. These tasks have proven invaluable to many clients, keeping them aware and abreast of developing issues so that they can respond in kind and prepare for the future of their business.

Ms. Hutton brings a wealth of experience and judgment to her work in federal, state, and international chemical regulatory and legislative issues, including green chemistry, nanotechnology, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Proposition 65, and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) program.

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NIOSH: Nano- and Microplastics in the Workplace - The National Law Review

New Chair in Materials Physics and Innovation Policy – The University of Manchester

Richard said: Manchester is one of the worlds great universities, whose research in many fields, including advanced materials, has international reach. In addition to its national importance, it plays a central role in driving economic growth and prosperity in the city and across the North of England. This is an exciting time to join The University of Manchester and Im looking forward to being part of this important work.

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester said: Richard is a greatly respected materials physicist who has also made very significant contributions to major national and international activities and to the areas of regional economic growth, productivity and prosperity. I am delighted that he will be joining us.

Professor Martin Schrder, Vice President and Dean of the Universitys Faculty of Science and Engineering, added: I am thrilled and delighted to welcome Professor Richard Jones to the University.

Richard is a renowned experimental physicist with a focus on materials science, specialising in the properties at surfaces and interfaces. Richard has wider interestsin the social and economic consequences of nanotechnology and has contributed significantly to innovation within the higher education sector. I very much look forward to working with Richard and developing and delivering new initiatives across science and engineering.

Richard has a personal blog and is also active on Twitter.

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New Chair in Materials Physics and Innovation Policy - The University of Manchester

Nanotechnology In Construction Market 2019-2025 by the Adoption of Technology Among the Players Operating in the Market Is Trending in the Industry |…

Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials offer interesting new opportunities in the construction industry & architecture, for example through the development of very durable, long-lived and at the same time extremely lightweight construction materials. A wide range of methods for the treatment of surfaces is also available, including glass, masonry, wood or metal, the goal is to improve functionalities as well as extend the lifetime of the materials.

The report titled, Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market presents the current scenario of the industry also the factors that are anticipated to impact the futuristic growth is also presented through our in-depth analysis. The overall market growth and revenue generated in the year 2019 is portrayed along with the evaluation of the state of the market by 2025. It also offers quantitative and qualitative analysis of every feature of the market and catches the emerging industry trends. The aim of the Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market report is to allow the readers to concentrate on the classifications on the basis of product qualifications, standing competitive landscape and the markets incomes with profitability.

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Top Key Players:

Altair Nanomaterials, Bayer, eLCOSH, Future Markets, Cabot, Cara Plastics, Degussa, DuPont, Elementis, Nanophase Technologies, Nanocor, Pilkington, NanoWerk, PPG Industries & TOTO.

North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe have been examined by researchers to get an analysis of technological advancements across the globe and their impact on the Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market. Among those regions, North America at the top level in terms of production and Europe is on the top in terms of consumption. The rising needs and the growing prevalence are the major key factors stimulating the growth of the Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market. The number of key vendors is situated in the global region. Researchers throw light on the adoption of successful strategies which has been carried out by top-level industries.

The increasing adoption contributing to the growth of the Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market. Business profiles of top manufacturers or service providers have been elaborated in the research report. It includes informative data such as company overview, contact details, specifications, and profit margin. In addition to this, it offers case studies from various c level peoples. On the other hand, it gives a clear idea of the financial aspects of the businesses. It lists the driving and restraining factors of the businesses for understanding the various up-down stages of the businesses.

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Nanotechnology In Construction Market Segment By Type

Nanotechnology In Construction Market Segment By Application

Segment By Regions/Countries, This Nanotechnology In Construction Market Report Covers

In This Study, The Years Considered To Estimate The Market Size Of Nanotechnology In Construction Are As Follows:

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The Global Nanotechnology In Construction Market Report Contains:

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Rebecca Parker

(Report Consultant)

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Nanotechnology In Construction Market 2019-2025 by the Adoption of Technology Among the Players Operating in the Market Is Trending in the Industry |...

Nanotechnology for food packaging Market: Segmentation, Industry trends and Development to 2018 – 2028 – Weekly Spy

Nanotechnology for food packaging Market From FMIs Viewpoint

Aided by an expert team of 300+ analysts, Future Market Insights serves each and every requirement of the clients with its market reports. Digital intelligence solutions are employed to create actionable insights for our customers that help them in overcoming market challenges. Our professionals are dedicated to perform an extensive survey for gathering accurate information about the market.

Future Market Insights, in its latest business report elaborates the current situation of the global Nanotechnology for food packaging Market in terms of volume (x units), value (Mn/Bn USD), production, and consumption. The report scrutinizes the market into various segments, end users, regions and players on the basis of demand pattern, and future prospect. This Nanotechnology for food packaging Market study considers 2018 as the base year, 2019 as the estimated year, and 2018 2028 as the forecast timeframe.

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Nanotechnology for food packaging Market: Segmentation, Industry trends and Development to 2018 - 2028 - Weekly Spy

Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Industry analysis and forecast (2018-2026) – BeetleVersion

Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Marketis expected to reach US$ 10.5 Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of 11.5 % during the forecast period.

Nanotechnology in medical devices is a field, where there is scope for remarkable growth. This technology for the treatment of specific atoms, molecules, or compounds into structures to produce materials and devices with special properties. Cellular level repairs can be carried by nanorobots through this technology. Nanotechnology is used for new medical devices such as diagnostics and implantable devices as well as stents and catheters. Nanotechnology can be integrated into applications such as bioassays, monitoring devices, and imaging devices. The potential for nanotechnology market in medical devices is growing due to rising adoption of innovative technological advancement.

A rising aging population and increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with bones, ear, and others organ systems would create commercial market opportunities. Furthermore, high costs and time-consuming product approval processes of the nanotechnology-based medical devices may hamper the growth of the market.


Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market is segmented by product and region. Among products, biochips and implantable materials market accounted for the largest share in 2015, owing to the increasing demand of innovative surgically implanted medical devices for safety treatment.

Among regions, the North America region is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the rising aging population, increasing international research collaborations and nanotechnology R&D expenditure. The APAC region is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Furthermore, large-scale improvements in the healthcare infrastructure of countries such as China, Taiwan, and India are further driving the market in these regions.

The key players of the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market include St. Jude Medical, Inc. (U.S.), Starkey Hearing Technologies (U.S.), PerkinElmer, Inc. (U.S.), Stryker Corporation (U.S.), and Affymetrix, Inc. (U.S.).In the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices market, St. Jude Medical, Inc. holds the leadership position due to production capacity expansion, brand portfolio expansion, mergers, collaborations, and acquisitions. In 2018, the company has adopted new product launches, product enhancements, and geographic expansion as its crucial business plans to certify its dominance in this market.


Scope of Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report:

Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market, By Product

Active Implantable Deviceso Cardiac Rhythm Management Deviceso Hearing Aid Deviceso Retinal Implants Biochipso DNA Microarrayso Lab-On-Chip Implantable Materialso Dental Restorative Materialo Bone Substitute Materials Medical Textiles and Wound Dressings OthersGlobal nanotechnology in medical devices market, By Application

Therapeutics Diagnostics Research applications Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market, By Region

North America Europe APAC Latin America MEA Key Players St. Jude Medical, Inc. Starkey Hearing Technologies PerkinElmer, Inc. Stryker Corporation Affymetrix, Inc. AstraZeneca Capsulution Nanoscience AG AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc. AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc.Key Players Global nanotechnology in medical devices market

St. Jude Medical, Inc. Starkey Hearing Technologies PerkinElmer, Inc. Stryker Corporation Affymetrix, Inc. AstraZeneca Capsulution Nanoscience AG 3M Company Smith & Nephew plc AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc. EOS GmbH Medtronic EnvisionTEC GE Global Research Merck KGaA Integran Technologies Inc Apnano Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. AAP Implantate AG Dentsply International Zyvex Corporation Shenzhen Nanotech Port Co. Ltd., Nanophase Technologies Nanocyl SA


Chapter One: nanotechnology in medical devices Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global nanotechnology in medical devices Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global nanotechnology in medical devices Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America nanotechnology in medical devices Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe nanotechnology in medical devices Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific nanotechnology in medical devices Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America nanotechnology in medical devices Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue nanotechnology in medical devices by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global nanotechnology in medical devices Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global nanotechnology in medical devices Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global nanotechnology in medical devices Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of nanotechnology in medical devices Market Report at:

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Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Industry analysis and forecast (2018-2026) - BeetleVersion

Electron Microscope Market Business Evaluation with Upcoming Trends and Opportunities 2019-2027 – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - Meridian Market Consultants) Global Electron Microscope Market, by Type (Scanning and Transmission), by Application (Material sciences, Nanotechnology, Life sciences, Semiconductors, and Others), and By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, & Africa)is expected to grow at a significant CAGRfor the period between 2019 and 2027.

To know the latest insights, qualitative data, trends, quantitative data, and more related toGlobal Electron Microscope Market, visit:

The electron microscope is a specialized device that makes use of electronic beam and electron lenses to result in a high resolution and intensified image. As per the report, the high-resolution power to enhance the output image to up to several nanometres and the adoption of nanotechnology for instrument functioning are the prime growth driving factors of the market. The growing demand for semiconductors with the adoption of technological advancements in the field of manufacturing of microscopes further propels the market growth. Furthermore, the Rising need for root-cause failure analysis also boosts the demand for electron microscopes during the forecast years. Additionally, the increasing investments in pharmaceuticals, high manufacturing, consumer electronics, etc. will drive the electron microscope market growth in developing regions. However, the high purchasing and maintenance cost of electron microscopes will further restrict the market growth during the upcoming years.

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Furthermore, Meridian Market Consultants (MMC) Studyidentifies thatthe power of electron microscope to offer a refined and high-resolution image of up to several nanometres is the prime growth driving factor that propels the growth of electron microscope market. High product cost and the expensive maintenance of an electron microscope restrict the market growth. On the contrary, the miniaturization of the electronic devices serves to be the remarkable changing market trend. Also, increasing demand for electronic and optical products across the globe creates lucrative growth opportunities for electron microscope during the forecast years. The adoption of technological advancements and collaborations of the market players also tends to offer a positive impact on market growth.

MMC Study identifies some of the key participating players in the electron microscope market globally are Angstrom Advanced Inc., Hirox Europe Ltd., Hitachi High-Technologies Europe GmbH, JEOL Ltd., Nikon Metrology Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific., and ZEISS International.

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Meridian Market Consultants (MMC)is committed to provide deep insights that serve as creative tools for the client that enables it to perform confidently in the market. At MMC we adhere to the client's needs and regularly ponder to bring out more valuable and real outcomes for our customers. We are equipped with a strategically enhanced group of researchers and analysts that redefines and stabilizes the business polarity in different categorical dimensions of the market.

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Electron Microscope Market Business Evaluation with Upcoming Trends and Opportunities 2019-2027 - MENAFN.COM

Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market 2019 Growth and Share Analysis By Top players, Application, and Types and Regional Forecast 2023…

Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Growth, Size, Share & Trend Analysis By Type (Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, ) Applications (Application 1, Application 2, Application 3, Application 4, Application 5, ) Region, Competitive Insights, And Segment Forecasts, 2019 2023

The Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market report mainly studies the market size, recent trends and development status of the Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market, as well as investment Opportunities, government policy, market dynamics (drivers, restraints, Opportunities), supply chain and competitive landscape. Technological innovation and advancement will further optimize the performance of the product, making it more widely used in downstream applications. Moreover, Porters Five Forces Analysis (potential entrants, suppliers, substitutes, buyers, industry competitors) provides crucial information for knowing the Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market.

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Major Players Of Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market


Smith & NephewMitsui ChemicalsStarkeyPerkinElmerAffymetrixStrykerDentsply3MAAP ImplantateST.Jude

This report covers the Types as well as Application data for Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market along with the country level information for the period of 2013-2023

Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Segmented By Types and By its Applications:


Type 1Type 2Type 3Type 4Type 5


Application 1Application 2Application 3Application 4Application 5

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Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Scope and Features

Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Introduction and Overview Includes Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market Definition, Market Scope and Market Size Estimation and region-wise Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Value and Growth Rate history from 2013-2023, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market dynamics:Drivers, Limitations, challenges that are faced, emerging countries of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology, Industry News and Policies by Regions.

Industry Chain Analysis To describe upstream raw material suppliers and cost structure of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology, major players of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology with company profile, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology manufacturing base and market share, manufacturing cost structure analysis, Market Channel Analysis and major downstream buyers of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology.

Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Analysis by Product Type and Application It gives Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market share, value, status, production, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Value and Growth Rate analysis by type from 2013 to 2018. Although downstream market overview, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology consumption,Market Share, growth rate, by an application (2013-2018).

Regional Analysis This segment of report covers the analysis of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology production, consumption,import, export, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market value, revenue, market share and growth rate, market status and SWOT analysis, Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology price and gross margin analysis by regions.

Competitive Landscape, Trends And Opportunities: It includes the provides competitive situation and market concentration status of major players of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology with basic information i.e company profile, Product Introduction, Market share, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2013-2019

Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Analysis and Forecast by Region Includes Market Value and Consumption Forecast (2013-2023) of Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology market Of the following region and sub-regions including the North America, Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland), China, Japan,Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam) Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria), India, South America(Brazil, Mexico, Colombia)

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Table Of Content

1 Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Introduction and Market Overview

2 Industry Chain Analysis

3 Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Value (US$ Mn) and Market Share, Production , Value (US$ Mn) , Growth Rate and Average Price (US$/Ton) analysis by Type (2013-2019)

4 Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Consumption, Market Share and Growth Rate (%) by Application (2013-2019) by Application

5 Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Production, Value (US$ Mn) by Region (2013-2019)

6 Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Production (K Units), Consumption (K Units), Export (%), Import (%) by Regions (2013-2019) 7 Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Status by Regions

8 Competitive Landscape Analysis

9 Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application

10 Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market Analysis and Forecast by Region

11 New Project Feasibility Analysis

12 Research Finding and Conclusion

13 Appendix

13.1 Methodology, Research Data Source

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Global Medical Devices Based On Nanotechnology Market 2019 Growth and Share Analysis By Top players, Application, and Types and Regional Forecast 2023...

LAUTECH VC wants special funding for Nanotechnology research – The Nation Newspaper

Our Reporter

The Vice Chancellor, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Michael Ologunde, has called for special funding for research on Nanotechnology because of its potentials to solve the continents myriads of problems ranging from food production and storage, to disease control and environmental remediation.

Speaking at the just concluded 3rd edition of the annual workshop and conference by LAUTECH Nanotechnology Research Group (NANO+), themed Nanotechnology in Africa: Opportunities and Constraints, Ologunde was optimistic that the crop of scientists behind the promotion of nanotechnology as a frontier of knowledge has the wherewithal to take the University, our dear nation and indeed the African Continent to greater heights in knowledge dissemination and advancement of humanity.

The VC stated that the University would continue to invest in the provision of an enabling environment and equipment that would spur cutting-edge and translational research for the benefit of humanity.

Minister of Science and Technology, Ogbonnaya Onu, represented by Kelechi Ebisike, head, Research and Development, Engineering Materials Development Institute (EMDI), Akure, noted that local content drives a nation, and build a strong GDP base for any nation.

According to the minister, President Muhammadu Buhari is interested in local content of any technology, same way the ministry of Science and Technology is interested in promoting local content. The minister however urged researchers in the country to come up with findings that will proffer meaningful and measurable solutions to problems, the ministry of Science and Technology is open to research that would bring about developmental growth of our great nation, Nigeria.

On his part, Head, Nanotechnology Research Group (NANO+), LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Agbaje Lateef said the conference is aimed at promoting discourse on nanotechnology among academia, technocrats, policy makers, industrialists, entrepreneurs, students and the general public.

He said the science of nanomaterials has come to stay with mankind, as it has been discovered that this novel utilization of resources can lead to creating new range of materials to solve myriads of problems that confront mankind ranging from food insecurity, insecurity and terrorism, diseases, energy crisis, pollution, water scarcity, climate change, unemployment among others.

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LAUTECH VC wants special funding for Nanotechnology research - The Nation Newspaper

Nanotherapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Direction – Rheumatology Advisor

Despite recent advances in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) attributed to biologic medications, only a minority of patients achieve andmaintain disease remission without the need for continuous immunosuppressive therapy.1Complicating the treatment of RA further is the development of tolerance over timeor failure of patients to respond to currently available therapies.1Thus, the development of new treatment strategies for RA remains a priority.

Nanotherapies for RA have received increasing attention in the past decade because they offer several potential advantages compared with conventional systemic therapies.2 Nanocarriers are submicron transport particles designed to deliver the drug at the site of inflammation the synovium thereby maximizing its therapeutic effect and avoiding unwanted systemic adverse effects.1 This targeted drug delivery approach also has the potential to minimize the amount of drug required to control joint inflammation3 and increase local bioavailability by protecting it from degradation in the circulation.1

In essence, nanotechnology enables the redesign of alreadyeffective rheumatologic medications into nanoformulations that may confer greaterspecificity, longer therapeutic effect, and more amenable safety profile.4Nanoencapsulated nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),5 liposomaland polymeric preparations of glucocorticoids,6 and nanosystems thatdirectly inhibit angiogenesis are just several examples of nanotherapies that havebeen tested in experimental models of inflammatory arthritis.7

Despite the promising findings observed in studies to date, further development and subsequent integration of nanotherapies in the management of RA remains hampered by the lack of efficacy and toxicity studies in humans. In an interview with Rheumatology Advisor, Christine Pham, MD, chief of the Division of Rheumatology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, discussed the advantages and challenges of applying nanotherapies in RA.

RheumatologyAdvisor: How can nanotechnology be applied in the treatment of RA?

ChristinePham, MD: Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the deliveryof therapeutic agents using submicron nanocarriers. In RA, the vessels at the siteof inflammation are leaky, allowing passage of these nanocarriers from the circulationto specific target sites in the joint environment.

RheumatologyAdvisor: Which RA drugs are suitable forthis approach?

DrPham: Many conventionalantirheumatic drugs such as methotrexate, glucocorticoids, and NSAIDs have beensuccessfully delivered by nanocarriers to mitigate inflammatory arthritis in experimentalmodels.

RheumatologyAdvisor: Whatare the main advantages of using nanotherapy/nanocarriers, as opposed to systemictherapy, in the treatment of RA?

DrPham: The mainadvantages are selective drug delivery to desired sites of action through passiveor active targeting, which can lead to increased local bioavailability and potentiallycan reduce unwanted off-target side effects. In addition, nanocarriers may increasethe solubility of certain drugs and protect therapeutics against degradation inthe circulation.

RheumatologyAdvisor: Howfar has the medical community gotten in developing (and testing) nanotherapies forRA? Which nanotherapies have shown the most promise?

DrPham: A numberof nanotherapeutics have been developed and tested in animal models of RA. Mosthave shown disease mitigation, however, none has so far made it to the clinic.

RheumatologyAdvisor: Whatneeds to happen before nanotherapies can get fully integrated into clinical practiceand treatment of patients with RA?

DrPham: Insufficientdata regarding long-term toxicity and optimal therapeutic efficacy have hamperedtheir integration into clinical practice. Anticytokine biologics have been verysuccessful, so nanotherapeutics need to show clearly that they have higher efficacyand lower toxicity for pharmaceutical companies to invest in their development forthe clinic.

Rheumatology Advisor: Are any other promising treatment strategies for RA currently under investigation?

DrPham: RNA interference(RNAi) has recently emerged as a specific way to silence gene expression. The invivo delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA), however, remains a significant hurdle,given the short half-life of the molecule in the circulation. We have used a self-assemblingpeptide-based nanosystem that protects the siRNA from degradation when injectedintravenously and which has shown to mitigate experimental RA.8,9 siRNAworks by knocking down NFkappaB p65, asubunit of NF-kappa-B transcription complex which plays acentral role in inflammation in general and in RA in particular. This platform promisesto have real translational potential.


1. Pham CTN. Nanotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2011;3(6):607-619.

2. Dolati S, Sadreddini S, Rostamzadek D, Ahmadi M, Jadidi-Niaragh F, Yousefi M. Utilization of nanoparticle technology in rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Biomed Pharmacother. 2016;80:30-41.

3. Rubinstein I, Weinberg GL. Nanomedicine for chronic non-infectious arthritis: the clinicians perspective. Nanomedicine. 2012;8(Suppl 1):S77-S82.

4. Henderson CS, Madison AC, Shah A. Size matters nanotechnology and therapeutics in rheumatology and immunology. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2014;10(1):11-21.

5. Srinath P, Chary MG, Vyas SP, Diwan PV. Long-circulating liposomes of indomethacin in arthritic ratsa biodisposition study. Pharm Acta Helv. 2000;74:399-404.

6. Metselaar JM, Wauben MH, Wagenaar-Hilbers JP, Boerman OC, Storm G. Complete remission of experimental arthritis by joint targeting of glucocorticoids with long-circulating liposomes. Arthritis Rheum. 2003;48:2059-2066.

7. Koo OM, Rubinstein I, nyuksel H. Actively targeted low-dose camptothecin as a safe, long-acting, disease-modifying nanomedicine for rheumatoid arthritis. Pharm Res. 2011;28:776-787.

8. Zhou H-F, Yan H, Pan H, et al. Peptide-siRNA nanocomplexes targeting the NF-kB subunit p65 suppress nascent experimental arthritis. J Clin Invest. 2014;124:4363-4374.

9. Rai MF, Pan H, Yan H, Sandell L, Pham C, Wickline SA. Applications of RNA interference in the treatment of arthritis. Transl Res. 2019;214:1-16.

See the original post here:
Nanotherapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Direction - Rheumatology Advisor

Weill Neurohub Will Promote Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Brain Trauma and Neurodegenerative Diseases – BioSpace

The Weill Family Foundation, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley), University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the University of Washington (UW) launched the Weill Neurohub with a $106 million gift. The Neurohub will be a multi-functional collaboration to improve the development of new treatments for diseases of the brain and nervous system.

The gains in knowledge amassed by neuroscientists over the past few decades can now be brought to the next level with supercomputers, electronic brain-computer interfaces, nanotechnology, robotics, and powerful imaging tools, said Sanford I. Sandy Weill, chairman of the Weill Family Foundation. The Neurohub will seize this opportunity by building bridges between people with diverse talents and training and bringing them together in a common cause: discovering new treatments to help the millions of patients with such conditions as Alzheimers disease and mental illness.

In addition to academic investment, the Neurohub will leverage the expertise and resources of the 17 National Laboratories managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE and the Weill Family Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding in August 2019 to create a new public-private partnership.

That partnership is studying the use of the DOEs artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputing capabilities with the Bay Area universities and the private sector, to further research into traumatic brain injury (TBI) and neurodegenerative diseases.

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, who is leaving the position by the end of the year, led the creation of an AI and Technology Officer during his tenure at DOE. We are on the cusp of great discoveries that could transform our approach to TBI, Alzheimers disease, and other neurological and psychiatric disorders, Perry said, and easing access to the world-class computational power of our National Laboratories to initiatives like the Weill Neurohub is a win-win for science and the public sectorand, eventually, for patients.

The Neurohub will offer funding for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students at the UW, Berkeley, and UCSF, including funding for high-risk/high-reward research that is less likely to find funding through conventional sources. However, the majority of the funding will support highly novel cross-institutional projects built on one or more of four scientific pillars that Weill Neurohub leaders have deemed priority areas.

Those four pillars are imaging, engineering, genomics and molecular therapeutics, and computation and data analytics.

The UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences was established in 2016 with a $185 million gift from the Weill Family Foundation and Joan and Sandy Weill. Their funding of neurosciences now exceeds $300 million.

The UCSF Weill Institute set out to break down walls between the clinical disciplines of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, and also bring these clinical specialties together with the basic neurosciences, said Stephen Hauser, the Robert A. Fishman Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Weill Institute director. Now, with the Weill Neurohub, were going even further: eliminating institutional boundaries between three great public research universities, and also other disciplinary walls between traditional neuroscience and non-traditional approaches to understanding the brain. By embracing engineering, data analysis, and imaging science at this dramatically higher levelareas in which both Berkeley and the UW are among the best in the worldneuroscientists on all three campuses will gain crucial tools and insights that will bring us closer to our shared goal of reducing suffering from brain diseases.

Hauser and Berkeleys Ehud Udi Isacoff, the Evan Rauch Chair of Neuroscience, will be co-director of the new Weill Neurohub. They will be joined on the Weill Neurohubs Leadership Committee by Tom Daniel, the Joan and Richard Komen Endowed Chair and professor of biology at the UW.

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Weill Neurohub Will Promote Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Brain Trauma and Neurodegenerative Diseases - BioSpace