Nanotechnology to protect astronauts from harmful radiation, and … – ABC Online

Updated July 05, 2017 11:57:18

Imagine a window that could instantly turn into mirror the possibility is real, thanks to a breakthrough in nanotechnology by researchers at the Australian National University (ANU).

They have developed a material that promises to protect astronauts from harmful radiation, as well as practical uses closer to home.

ANU researchers have dubbed their invention a "smart mirror", and all that is needed for it to change is an adjustment to its temperature.

"Our smart mirror consists of lots of dielectric nanoparticles which are carefully designed and arranged within a single layer," ANU lead researcher Dr Mohsen Rahmani said.

The layer of nanoparticles are spread so thin that they are just 0.00005 of a millimetre apart.

"Today's technology, all optical silicates consist of the elements that work statically," Dr Rahmani said.

"Which means they either transmit the light or reflect the light, or something in between."

Until now, optical silicates have only achieved one function.

But with a switch in heat, this new one promises to transform to either absorb, reflect or emit light and radiation.

"By our technology, for the first time you can have a single element which can have all those functions at the same time, and you can control the light passing through or reflects," Dr Rahmani said.

Dr Rahmani said the film was thin enough to coat a pin head hundreds of times, and could be applied to any surface like a spacesuit.

"By adjusting the temperature of that thin layer, we are able to control the optical properties of those nanoparticles," he said.

"So that the entire surface can either transmit or reflect the incoming light on demand."

One of the major problems involved with prolonged space travel is exposure to cosmic radiation.

Currently thick filter panels are needed to protect both space craft and astronauts.

"As we know, the temperature in space varies a lot," Dr Rahmani said.

"Just imagine we can have a smart mirror which can reflect different frequencies at different temperature.

"It can give a great platform to protect the devices or astronauts in different environments in the space."

Sending people into space has seen the creation of a number of innovations and inventions now used in daily life memory foam, quick-dry anti-rust paint, water filters, and some bulletproof fabrics all came from the space race.

And just like those innovations initially designed for space travel, this one also has useful applications on Earth.

Just like a car's back window has wires running through it to defog it with a change in heat, a similar system has been proposed to control the temperature in the new film, switching clear glass to a mirror or an illuminated panel.

"The principle is quite extendable to other frequencies as well," co-researcher and associate professor Andrey Miroshnichenko said.

"Including visible, which opens [a] whole range of new types of application, including architectural ones.

"Where for example, your window becomes a mirror."

With mirrors switching to light panels, the ANU team said the technology also promises to save energy.

Topics: science-and-technology, nanotechnology, research, australia, australian-national-university-0200

First posted July 05, 2017 11:42:49

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Nanotechnology to protect astronauts from harmful radiation, and ... - ABC Online

Grey goo – Wikipedia

Grey goo (also spelled gray goo) is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all biomass on Earth while building more of themselves,[1][2] a scenario that has been called ecophagy ("eating the environment", more literally "eating the habitation").[3] The original idea assumed machines were designed to have this capability, while popularizations have assumed that machines might somehow gain this capability by accident.

Self-replicating machines of the macroscopic variety were originally described by mathematician John von Neumann, and are sometimes referred to as von Neumann machines or clanking replicators. The term gray goo was coined by nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler in his 1986 book Engines of Creation.[4] In 2004 he stated, "I wish I had never used the term 'gray goo'."[5]Engines of Creation mentions "gray goo" in two paragraphs and a note, while the popularized idea of gray goo was first publicized in a mass-circulation magazine, Omni, in November 1986.[6]

The term was first used by molecular nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler in his book Engines of Creation (1986). In Chapter 4, Engines Of Abundance, Drexler illustrates both exponential growth and inherent limits (not gray goo) by describing nanomachines that can function only if given special raw materials:

Imagine such a replicator floating in a bottle of chemicals, making copies of itselfthe first replicator assembles a copy in one thousand seconds, the two replicators then build two more in the next thousand seconds, the four build another four, and the eight build another eight. At the end of ten hours, there are not thirty-six new replicators, but over 68 billion. In less than a day, they would weigh a ton; in less than two days, they would outweigh the Earth; in another four hours, they would exceed the mass of the Sun and all the planets combinedif the bottle of chemicals hadn't run dry long before.

According to Drexler, the term was popularized by an article in science fiction magazine Omni, which also popularized the term nanotechnology in the same issue. Drexler says arms control is a far greater issue than grey goo "nanobugs".[7]

In a History Channel broadcast, a contrasting idea (a kind of gray goo) is referred to in a futuristic doomsday scenario: "In a common practice, billions of nanobots are released to clean up an oil spill off the coast of Louisiana. However, due to a programming error, the nanobots devour all carbon based objects, instead of just the hydrocarbons of the oil. The nanobots destroy everything, all the while, replicating themselves. Within days, the planet is turned to dust."[8]

Drexler describes gray goo in Chapter 11 of Engines Of Creation:

Early assembler-based replicators could beat the most advanced modern organisms. 'Plants' with 'leaves' no more efficient than today's solar cells could out-compete real plants, crowding the biosphere with an inedible foliage. Tough, omnivorous 'bacteria' could out-compete real bacteria: they could spread like blowing pollen, replicate swiftly, and reduce the biosphere to dust in a matter of days. Dangerous replicators could easily be too tough, small, and rapidly spreading to stopat least if we made no preparation. We have trouble enough controlling viruses and fruit flies.

Drexler notes that the geometric growth made possible by self-replication is inherently limited by the availability of suitable raw materials.

Drexler used the term "gray goo" not to indicate color or texture, but to emphasize the difference between "superiority" in terms of human values and "superiority" in terms of competitive success:

Though masses of uncontrolled replicators need not be grey or gooey, the term "grey goo" emphasizes that replicators able to obliterate life might be less inspiring than a single species of crabgrass. They might be "superior" in an evolutionary sense, but this need not make them valuable.

Bill Joy, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems, discussed some of the problems with pursuing this technology in his now-famous 2000 article in Wired magazine, titled "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us". In direct response to Joy's concerns, the first quantitative technical analysis of the ecophagy scenario was published in 2000 by nanomedicine pioneer Robert Freitas.[3]

Drexler more recently conceded that there is no need to build anything that even resembles a potential runaway replicator. This would avoid the problem entirely. In a paper in the journal Nanotechnology, he argues that self-replicating machines are needlessly complex and inefficient. His 1992 technical book on advanced nanotechnologies Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation[9] describes manufacturing systems that are desktop-scale factories with specialized machines in fixed locations and conveyor belts to move parts from place to place. None of these measures would prevent a party from creating a weaponized grey goo, were such a thing possible.

Prince Charles called upon the British Royal Society to investigate the "enormous environmental and social risks" of nanotechnology in a planned report, leading to much media commentary on gray goo. The Royal Society's report on nanoscience was released on 29 July 2004, and declared the possibility of self-replicating machines to lie too far in the future to be of concern to regulators.[10]

More recent analysis in the paper titled Safe Exponential Manufacturing from the Institute of Physics (co-written by Chris Phoenix, Director of Research of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, and Eric Drexler), shows that the danger of grey goo is far less likely than originally thought.[11] However, other long-term major risks to society and the environment from nanotechnology have been identified.[12] Drexler has made a somewhat public effort to retract his grey goo hypothesis, in an effort to focus the debate on more realistic threats associated with knowledge-enabled nanoterrorism and other misuses.[13]

In Safe Exponential Manufacturing, which was published in a 2004 issue of Nanotechnology, it was suggested that creating manufacturing systems with the ability to self-replicate by the use of their own energy sources would not be needed.[14] The Foresight Institute also recommended embedding controls in the molecular machines. These controls would be able to prevent anyone from purposely abusing nanotechnology, and therefore avoid the grey goo scenario.[15]

Grey goo is a useful construct for considering low-probability, high-impact outcomes from emerging technologies. Thus, it is a useful tool in the ethics of technology. Daniel A. Vallero[16] applied it as a worst-case scenario thought experiment for technologists contemplating possible risks from advancing a technology. This requires that a decision tree or event tree include even extremely low probability events if such events may have an extremely negative and irreversible consequence, i.e. application of the precautionary principle. Dianne Irving[17] admonishes that "any error in science will have a rippling effect....". Vallero adapted this reference to chaos theory to emerging technologies, wherein slight permutations of initial conditions can lead to unforeseen and profoundly negative downstream effects, for which the technologist and the new technology's proponents must be held accountable.

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Grey goo - Wikipedia

Will the United States Use Nanoweapons to Resolve the North Korean Issue? – HuffPost

Unless youre working in the field, you probably never heard about U.S. nanoweapons. This is intentional. The United States, as well as Russia and China, are spending billions of dollars per year developing nanoweapons, but all development is secret. Even after Pravda.rus June 6, 2016 headline, US nano weapon killed Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, scientists say, the U.S. offered no response. Earlier this year, May 5, 2017, North Korea claimed the CIA plotted to kill Kim Jong Un using a radioactive nano poison, similar to the nanoweapon Venezuelan scientists claim the U.S. used to assassinate former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. All major media covered North Koreas claim. These accusations are substantial, but are they true? Lets address this question.

Unfortunately, until earlier this year, nanoweapons gleaned little media attention. However, in March 2017 that changed with the publication of my book, Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity (2017 Potomac Books), which inspired two articles. On March 9, 2017, American Security Today published Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity Louis A. Del Monte, and on March 17, 2017, CNBC published Mini-nukes and mosquito-like robot weapons being primed for future warfare. Suddenly, the genie was out of the bottle. The CNBC article became the most popular on their website for two days following its publication and garnered 6.5K shares. Still compared to other classes of military weapons, nanoweapons remain obscure. Factually, most people never even heard the term. If you find this surprising, recall most people never heard of stealth aircraft until their highly publicized use during the first Iraq war in 1990. Today, almost everyone that reads the news knows about stealth aircraft. This may become the case with nanoweapons, but for now, it remains obscure to the public.

Given their relative obscurity, well start by defining nanoweapons. A nanoweapon is any military weapon that exploits the power of nanotechnology. This, of course, begs another question: What is nanotechnology? According to the United States National Nanotechnology Initiatives website,, Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. To put this in simple terms, the diameter of a typical human hair equals 100,000 nanometers. This means nanotechnology is invisible to the naked eye or even under an optical microscope.

If the U.S. chooses to use nanoweapons covertly, they most likely will use:

If the U.S. chooses to use nanoweapons in open conflict with North Korea, it will likely be:

The U.S. has a formidable nanoweapons arsenal. Even as they use them covertly and in open conflict, it may not be apparent that the technology that underpins the weapons is nanotechnology, thus making them by definition nanoweapons.

When will that change? It will change when something big happens. Imagine billions of toxic nanoparticles released on an adversarys army, causing death and chaos. This would significantly reduce the adversarys military effectiveness. In all likelihood, it may take weeks or months for the adversary to determine the cause. Imagine millions of nanobots attacking an adversarys army, again causing death and chaos. In effect, killer insect-like nanobots would be a technological plague.

Ironically, the next big thing in military weapons is small. Barely mentioned in the media, nanoweapons are as effective and lethal as their larger more visible counterparts. In time, a nations military might will be a measure of its nanoweapons capabilities, as well as it nuclear and more conventional capabilities. In fact, by the second half of this century, nanoweapon capabilities are likely to determine the superpowers.

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Will the United States Use Nanoweapons to Resolve the North Korean Issue? - HuffPost

What is the future of nanotechnology in food? – Food Dive

Dive Brief:

Nanotechnology in the food industry is expected to nearly triple in value to $20.4 billion by 2020, with several emerging areas for innovation, reports New Food Magazine.

Engineered nanotech compounds could offer great benefits in ingredients particularly for increased solubility and bioavailabilityas well as in food packaging with antimicrobial surfaces and sensors that change color when food begins to degrade.

In the food sector, there has been a 40% increase in publications and a 90% increase in patent filings involving nanotechnology in the past two decades. More than 1,000 companies now have an R&D focus on nanotechnology-based products. Future applications could include immobilizing enzymes to improve their efficiency and reuse, and using nanoscale structures to create new food textures.

Nanotechnology refers to controlling compounds on a molecular scale measured in nanometers, or millionths of meters. In the food industry, the technology has excited manufacturers as its potential uses have been explored, such as producing stronger flavors or colors, improving the bioavailability of nutrients, and detecting bacteria in packaging.

However, early enthusiasm from researchers and product developers was met with pushback from consumers who were concerned about the technologys safety. Since then, the FDA has released guidelines on using nanotechnology in food, but the industry has been wary about how it communicates nanotech-based innovation with consumers.

Nanoscale compounds in food are not new. They exist naturally in milk,with nanoscale casein particles responsible for its fat stability. Meanwhile,more than 1,600 consumer products contain engineered nanoscale particles, according to an inventory run by The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. They are already widely used in the food packaging sector to help ensure food quality and safety. Nanotech-based sensors can detect and measure the presence of oxygen or bacteria, such as listeria.

In the ingredient sector, nanotechnology is still more widely used in supplements. However,nanoencapsulation could be used to protect sensitive compounds like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids so they could be delivered only when they reach the gut. That would improve how they are absorbed by the body, and reduce their impact on a products taste and appearance.

Communicating the benefits of nanotechnology in food is still one of the industrys biggest challenges, and some say it is slowing development in the sector. However, with diverse applications covering everything from improved food safety to better nutrition, reduced food waste, and biodegradable packaging, it is inevitable that consumers will start to see more nanoscale compounds in consumer products in the coming years.

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What is the future of nanotechnology in food? - Food Dive

Combining Nanotechnology with Nature to Create Waterproof Coatings for Leather and Textiles – AZoM

Written by AZoMJun 27 2017

Shutterstock | Volodymyr Plysiuk

The production and consumption of consumer goods is constantly increasing in todays society. Goods are made and sold cheaply, break, or become obsolete quickly and are substituted in a cycle that produces huge quantities of waste.

The consumer cycle reduces the worlds natural resources and results in the production of huge quantities of waste to be disposed of frequently, at high cost to the environment.

Textile goods, such as shoes and clothes, are mostly problematic for the environment. Shoes and clothes can be manufactured and sold very cheaply; they are washed regularly and then unavoidably thrown away when they start to appear old.

Laundering clothes frequently adds to the already existing environmental concerns; excessive water and energy usage, pollution by detergents and the discharge of microscopic plastic fibers from synthetic fabrics all present a threat to the environment. One way of fighting the pollution and waste linked with the textile industry is by manufacturing goods that are easy to clean without detergents, durable and maintain their new appearance.1,2,3

In the recent years, there has been an increase in nanotechnology research, and nanotechnology has been incorporated into many applications in everyday life. The Nanotechnologists at Nanex have currently drawn inspiration from nature to create a new coating for textiles and leather that repels dirt and water, allowing the manufacture of shoes and clothes that are water-resistant, self-cleaning and durable. Self-cleaning clothes could positively influence the environment by minimizing energy consumption, water consumption and pollution from detergent and plastics fibers.4

The coating created by Nanex draws its inspiration from the properties of the lotus plant.4 Lotus plants grow in muddy, semi-aquatic environments, but have an inherent ability to remain dirt-free as their leaves are water-repellent and have self-cleaning surfaces.

When a water droplet falls on the surface of a lotus leaf, it beads up into a nearly perfect sphere and easily rolls off the leaf. As the water rolls off the leaf, it picks up and carries away any dirt or dust, resulting in a self-cleaning surface.5,6

To establish how water-repellent a surface is, Researchers study the shape that a water droplet makes on the surface, and the angle formed by the surface of the liquid and the contact surface, referred to as the contact angle.

The larger the contact angle, the lesser the liquid will spread on the surface, and the more water-repellent the surface is. A high contact angle with water (>90) is linked with a hydrophobic, water-repellent surface. Surfaces with a contact angle with water of more than 150 are called superhydrophobic surfaces. Both the lotus leaf surface and the surfaces covered in Nanex coating are superhydrophobic.7,8

The lotus leafs superhydrophobicity is due to the chemistry and the hierarchical topography of the leafs surface. When water falls on the leaf's surface, the rough texture of the surface provided by microscale bumps results in trapped air and decreased contact between the surface and the water. Therefore, the attractive forces between the water molecules are more than the attractive forces between the surface and the water molecules, causing a water droplet to form.

Nanoscale hairs on the microscale bumps of the lotus leaf further decrease the contact between the surface and the water molecules, causing superhydrophobicity. Nanex coatings make use of nanostructures in a similar way to the lotus leaf, leading to the creation of water-repellent, self-cleaning textile surfaces.4-6

Shutterstock | aeiddam0853578919

Nanex coatings work in a similar manner to the lotus leaf. The coating covers every fiber of the original fabric and forms nanostructures on the surface of the fabric. When water falls on the surface, air is trapped by the nanostructures, and as the attractive forces between the water molecules are more than the attractive forces between the surface and the water, a droplet forms that slides off the surface, taking with it any dirt that is present.

Nanex coatings, thus, render the fabric water-repellent and protect against stains, while preserving the look, feel and breathability of the original fabric. Nanex coatings have already found many applications and can be applied using an aerosol to any natural fiber (see video). Jasna Rok and Elegnano have partnered with Nanex to create water and stain resistant shoes and clothing using Nanex coatings.9,10

In summary, consumerism results in many environmental problems including the depletion of energy, natural resources and water. Shoes and clothes that are washed regularly add to further detrimental effects on the environment due to pollution caused by plastics fibers and detergents.

Nature has inspired some Nanotechnologists to develop coatings that render leather and textiles water-resistant and self-cleaning, decreasing their environmental impact. Research at Nanex is currently focused on creating anti-odor sprays that eliminate odor particles, further minimizing the need to wash clothes.


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Nanex.

For more information on this source, please visit Nanex.

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Combining Nanotechnology with Nature to Create Waterproof Coatings for Leather and Textiles - AZoM

Aerospace Nanotechnology Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020-2025 – Bandera County Courier

The latest report on Aerospace Nanotechnology Market released by Regal Intelligence, offers a detailed overview of the global industry. The report shows the latest market insights abstracting upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The study details key statistics on the market status, size, share, and growth factors of the Aerospace Nanotechnology Industry. Further, this report covers statistics of the top key players: competitive landscape, demand and supply side, revenue and global market share.

Aerospace Nanotechnology Market Research follows a focused research framework that provides studies on the crucial market dynamics in several regions across the world. The report also presents a holistic analysis based on the thorough research of market dynamics such as market growth scenario, potential opportunities, competitive landscape, and trend analysis. Secondary research was done to collect information on the market, peer market, and parent market. This research is conducted to understand the current landscape of the market, especially in 2019. Top-down and bottom-up approaches were employed to estimate the complete Aerospace Nanotechnology market size. The analysis and insights will help all the manufacturers and investors to have a better understanding of the direction in which the market will be headed.

Overview of the Report of Aerospace Nanotechnology IndustryThe report examines segments and Aerospace Nanotechnology Market Data Break down, including major players. If you are involved in the Global Aerospace Nanotechnology industry, our study will provide you an inclusive point of view. The report forecast the market size of segments with respect to countries in Americas (US, Canada, and Rest of Americas), Europe (UK, Germany, and Rest of Europe), APAC (China and Rest of APAC), MEA (KSA, UAE, and Rest of MEA), and ROW.

Top Players in the Market are: Airbus, CHOOSE NanoTech, Lockheed Martin, Glonatech, Zyvex Technologies, Flight Shield, HR TOUGHGUARD, tripleO Performance Solution, Lufthansa Technik, General Nano, Metamaterial Technologies

The Global Aerospace Nanotechnology is segmented by following Product Types and application:

By Type Nanomaterials, Nanotools, Nanodevices

By Application Application A, Application B, Application C

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ing questionnaires, surveys or interviews with individuals or small groups. Primary research is conducted to validate both the data points obtained from secondary research and to fill in the data gaps after secondary research.

In the extensive primary research process data that has already been produced, compiled, gathered, organized and published by others. It is collected from a number of publicly available as well as paid databases include reports and studies by government agencies, trade associations or others. Additionally, it includes documents, letters diaries, and autobiographies, referencing other forms of research and using quotes.

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Aerospace Nanotechnology Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020-2025 - Bandera County Courier

Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment Market 2020 Industry Analysis and Trends Forecast to 2026 Stryker Corporation, Dentsply International, Thermo…

Methodical research based conclusions drawn in the report presented by Orbis Pharma Reports on Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market is designed and articulated on the basis of thorough analytical study, extensive research endeavors as well as minute detail compilation, prolonged observation that eventually result in optimal comprehension as well as systematic decoding of the Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market. A thorough methodical research synopsis on the aforementioned Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market based on Orbis Pharma Reports expert analysts suggest that this well-orchestrated documentation is an output of high end research initiatives and an amalgamation and flawless evaluation of a series of elements, events, triggers that are obtained by various tools that gradually shape the growth curve in global Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market.

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This dedicated, well-planned report mindfully crafted by Orbis Pharma Reports is based on various market analytical tools such as PESTEL and SWOT analysis that thoroughly instigate strength and confidence in the potential marketing strategies that reciprocate and direct the Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market towards optimistic growth in global Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market.

Major Company Profiles operating in the Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment Market:

Stryker CorporationDentsply InternationalThermo Fisher Scientific3MSmith + NephewAbbottAAP Implantate AGStarkey Hearing TechnologiesPerkinElmer, Inc.Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

By the product type, the market is primarily split into:

Active Implantable Medical EquipmentsBiochipPortable Material

By the application, this report covers the following segments:

Treatment UsingDiagnostic UsingResearch Using

A thorough review of drivers, restraints and challenges have been considered in detail to derive logical conclusions concerning future growth scope in the aforementioned market has also been pinned in this section of the report presented by Orbis Pharma Reports pertaining to Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market.

The current status of the Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market is thoroughly influenced by the current pandemic crisis of COVID-19 outbreak that has hit the market adversely, whereby several prominent economies are undergoing a massive transformation after having witnessed a sharp plummeting impact on growth prognosis in the past few months.

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This ready-to-refer market presentation elaborating on various touchpoints about the Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market is accurately designed and distributed by Orbis Pharma Reports highlighting prevalent market states and conditions, all in place to suit the best interests of the readers, such that enabling them to abandon previous notions and orchestrate new business deals, based on existing market status to ensure vigorous growth in Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market.

As the report makes judicious advances based on aforementioned inferences about Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market presented by Orbis Pharma Reports, backing upon best in industry practices, it carefully unfurls ample light on elements such as current, historic, as well as future growth rendering prospects characteristic to the market growth trends limited to Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market.

The report presented by Orbis Pharma also involves crucial evidence based references on various market circumstances as well as protuberant segments encompassing type and applications that increase high end growth and revenue generation in the global Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment market in the forthcoming years.

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Nanotechnology in Medical Equipment Market 2020 Industry Analysis and Trends Forecast to 2026 Stryker Corporation, Dentsply International, Thermo...

Particle Size Analysis Market Worth $465 Million by 2025 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets – PRNewswire

CHICAGO, June 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the new market research report "Particle Size Analysis Market by Technology (Laser Diffraction, DLS, Static, Dynamic Imaging, Coulter Principle, Nanoparticle Tracking), Dispersion, End-User (Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petroleum, Mining, Food, Academia), Region - Global Forecast to 2025", published by MarketsandMarkets, the Particle Size Analysis Marketis projected to reach USD 465 million by 2025 from USD 356 million in 2020, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period.

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Increasing research activities in the field of nanotechnology, rising investments in pharmaceutical R&D, and stringent regulatory guidelines for product quality across industries are fueling the growth of the market. Moreover, increasing government support for nanotechnology research and the rapidly growing pharmaceutical industry in emerging countries are some of the other major factors driving the growth of this market.

The laser diffraction segment accounted for the largest share of the particle size analysis market, by technology, in 2019

Based on technology, the market is segmented into laser diffraction, dynamic light scattering, imaging, coulter principle, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and other technologies. The laser diffraction segment accounted for the largest share of the particle size analysis market in 2019, driven by the growing initiatives to create awareness about laser diffraction, increasing R&D expenditure in the pharma and biotech sectors, and rising food safety concerns.

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Dynamic imaging to dominate the imaging market during the forecast period

Based on type, the imaging market is segmented into two major typesdynamic imaging and static imaging. Factors such as high-quality/resolution images, better image recognition, user-friendliness, individual sample measurement, and high-speed analysis are driving the growth of the dynamic imaging segment.

Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) segment to register the highest growth during the forecast period, by technology

The Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) segment is expected to register the highest growth during the forecast period by technology. The significant growth of this segment is attributed to advanced applications of these particle size analyzers and growing research activities in the field of nanotechnology. NTA is mainly used in biopharma and biotech applications. Increasing R&D activities in the biopharmaceutical industry are expected to propel the growth of this segment.

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The North American region accounted for the largest share of the particle size analysis market in 2019.

The particle size analysis industry is segmented into five regional segments, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The North American region accounted for the largest share of the particle size analysis market in 2019. Presence of a large customer base in the region. relatively low energy prices in the US market as compared to other competitive nations such as the UK and Japan are encouraging the growth of end-use markets (such as mining, minerals, chemicals, petroleum) in the US. Moreover, significant funding for nanotechnology development and strict industrial regulations for particle size analysis for pharmaceutical drugs and food products with respect to drug development and quality control are some of the major factors driving the growth of this market.

The major players operating in the particle size analysis market are Malvern Panalytical (UK), HORIBA (Japan), Beckman Coulter, (UK), MICROTRAC MRB, (US), Izon Science (UK), Micromeritics Instrument Corporation (US), Shimadzu Corporation (Japan), Sympatec (Germany), Anton Paar (Austria), TSI (US), Bettersize Instruments (China), FRITSCH (Germany), Brookhaven Instruments, (US), LS Instruments AG (Switzerland), and AimSizer (China).

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Particle Size Analysis Market Worth $465 Million by 2025 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets - PRNewswire

Organic Skin Care Market Competitive Research And Precise Outlook 2019 To 2025 – News Times

Organic Skin Care Market

TheOrganic Skin Care Marketrecently Published a Global Market research study with more than 100 industry informative desk and Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed TOC on Organic Skin Care Market.The report provides information and the advancing business series information in the sector to the exchange. The report gives an idea associated with the advancement of this market development of significant players in this industry. An examination of this Organic Skin Care market relies upon aims, which are of coordinated into market analysis, are incorporated into the reports.

Top Companies in the Global Organic Skin Care MarketAveda Corporation, The Body Shop International, Burts Bee, Estee Lauder, The Hain Celestial Group, Yves Rocher, Amway, Bare Escentuals, Arbonne International, Kiehls, Natura Cosmticos, LOccitane en Provence.

The global organic skin care market is expected to grow with a value CAGR of +8.1% over the forecast period 2019-2025.

Market OverviewIn the current market scenario, consumers are constantly seeking eco-friendly, ethically labelled products which are free from harsh chemicals they believe to be bad for their health and environment. This is a major factor for the growth of organic skin care market across the globe.Highly populated countries like India, Brazil and Mexico have an increased purchasing power and thus, leading to the overall growth in purchasing of organic skin care products. Such countries are also establishing a favorable regulatory environment for investments in organic skin care products.

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Market InsightsEmerging Nanotechnology Applications in Personal Care Products to Drive Organic Skin Care MarketNanotechnology is one of the biggest hope of the mankind for a technological progress in the 21st century. Skin care is one of the most prominent fields where nanotechnology is being enthusiastically introduced.Nanotechnology is frequently used in many cosmetic products, such as moisturizers, hair care products, make up and sunscreen. With the help of encapsulation using nanotechnology, newer structures being formulated can provide better hydration of skin, stability of the agent, bioavailability and controlled occlusion.

North America Holds Largest Demand in Organic Skin Care MarketNorth America was the largest market for organic skin care care in 2017. The trend is poised to continue over the forecast period. The growth of the market can be attributed to rising demand for safe and natural products. Over the past few years, companies have been introducing new and innovative products that are designed to cater to specific consumer needs. Major players in organic skin care industry such as LOral, The Body Shop, and Este Lauder launched several organic products that target the ageing population.

The Organic Skin Care market can be divided based on product types and its sub-type, major applications and Third Party usage area, and important regions.

This report segments the global Organic Skin Care Market on the basis ofTypesareFace Creams, Body Lotion

On The basis Of Application, the Global Organic Skin Care Market is Segmented intoBaby, Teenagers, Adults, The Old

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Regions Are covered By Organic Skin Care Market Report 2019 To 2025.North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia).

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Organic Skin Care Market Competitive Research And Precise Outlook 2019 To 2025 - News Times

New Worlds Adrian Cheng Announces New Initiatives to Combat Coronavirus – Business Insider

SINGAPORE Media OutReach 2 March 2020 To help fight the COVID-19 epidemic and solve the shortage of preventative gear such as surgical masks, Adrian Cheng, CEO of New World Development (NWD or the Group) on Friday announced that the Group will set up local mask production lines through its charity foundation to produce 200,000 masks a day in Hong Kong SAR. Production is expected to start in April 2020, and the masks will be given for free to the public as part of NWDs efforts to combat the coronavirus. In addition, NWD will invest HK$10 million and work in partnership with Master Dynamic Limited (MD), a leading Hong Kong material analysis and nanotechnology company, to research and develop the application of NanoDiamonds technology to enhance the protective function of mask materials, with the aim to further develop a specialised coating that will kill bacteria and viruses. The new technology has the potential to create a new generation of affordable and highly effective surgical masks.

With global shortages of surgical masks during the COVID-19 outbreak, there is an urgent need to produce high-quality yet affordable masks locally to meet rising demands from society, especially from low-income families. This initiative is underpinned by the Groups Creating Shared Value (CSV) principles and aims to contribute concrete and innovative solutions to social issues at a critical time. The initiative is moreover aligned with the Groups goal to provide an ecosystem of services and infrastructure to ensure the well-being of the local community, which includes healthcare businesses such as Gleneagles Hospital, FTLife Insurance and its health tech wellness centre Humansa.

Mr. Adrian Cheng says, The recent COVID-19 made me realise how challenging it has been for the local community to source masks locally. Right after I announced to donate HK$10 million in protective gear to local communities, our team reached out to suppliers worldwide in search of high-quality masks. The fluctuation in prices and unreliability of supply prompted me to make the decision to start a local production line right here in Hong Kong. We have no shortage of scientific research capabilities, talent and resources in this city, and we are absolutely equippedto produce high-quality masks locally to tackle immediate and long-term needs. Driven by our vision for creating shared value and doing so through the power of technology, innovation and cooperation, I believe we can work together to win the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic and bring long-term positive change to society.

Breakthrough NanoDiamonds Technology for Antibacterial and Antiviral Masks

Headquartered at Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) with a 6,000 square feet Nanotechnology Applications Centre (NTAC), MD has a team of more than 100 engineers, software developers and researchers.

Collaborating with Chow Tai Fook (CTF) Jewellery Group, MD has previously successfully developed T MARK, which features a protruded nano-marking technology on diamond tables and antibacterial nano-coating technology on CTFs gold jewellery and has obtained a number of R&D patents. During the R&D process for this technology, MD discovered that NanoDiamonds-coating technology is bacteriostatic with the ability to block off and suppress the growth of bacteria and viruses. The company is exploring ways to apply this specific technology to the non-woven material of surgical masks, which may be used to produce high-performance, breathable and waterproof antibacterial and antiviral masks that can block off, suppress and even kill bacteria and viruses. Preliminary results from this R&D project are expected in four months. MD has previously worked with a local university to apply NanoDiamonds technology to healthcare solutions such as cancer diagnosis and successfully helped doctors to identify the location of early-stage tumors.

Daily Production of 200,000 Masks for Low-income Families

NWD has also ordered two automated mask production machines and sourced raw materials to make adults and children-sized masks. A factory with cleanrooms to make surgical masks at ASTM-Level 1 and above will be set up. Each production line can make up to 100,000 masks daily, starting April 2020. The masks produced are for community-based distribution through non-profit organisations to low-income families.

NWD has established a professional team to cover engineering, planning and construction, factory operation and R&D, including a team from Hip Hing Construction under NWS Holdings, which was responsible for the construction of cleanrooms at Gleneagles Hospital.

In the long run and when the epidemic eases, the production lines will be used to meet internal operational needs of the Group. Additionally, some masks will be sold to individuals in need and non-profit organisations at a low price.

Over 1 Million Surgical Masks and Protective Kits Already Donated to Low-income Families

Last month, the Groups charitable foundation donated HK$10 million to establish a community anti-epidemic fund. To date, over 1 million masks and over 10,000 preventative kits containing surgical masks, hand sanitiser gels and sanitising wipes were distributed to low-income families through non-profit organisations in Hong Kong.

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Founded in 1970, NewWorld Development Company Limited (The Group, Hong Kong stock code: 00017)was publicly listed in Hong Kong in 1972 and is a constituent stock of the HongKong Hang Seng Index. A premium brand infused with a unique personality bestdefined by The Artisanal Movement, New World Groups core business areas includeproperty development, property investment, roads, aviation and construction.Its operations in Greater China, especially the Greater Bay Area, had a totalasset value of approximately HK$503.3 billion as at 30 June 2019. The Groups twolisted companies are NWS Holdings Limited (61%), and New World Department StoreChina Limited (75%). New World China Land Limited is wholly owned by the Group.

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New Worlds Adrian Cheng Announces New Initiatives to Combat Coronavirus - Business Insider

Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market Estimated to Record Highest CAGR by 2018 2026 – Fusion Science Academy

The GlobalElectric HandpiecesMarket report covers progress, current state, and future forecast of the market. The objective of the market study is to define, segment, describe, and forecast the market as per various pre-defined categories. A synopsis of the industry with regards to market size concerning renumeration and volume aspects along with the current Electric Handpieces market scenario is offered in the report. The report shows course the market is expected to take in the coming years along with its estimations. The detailed investigation allows assessment of the factors influencing the market. Experts have analyzed the nature of development, investments in research and development, changing consumption patterns, and growing number of applications.

The Electric Handpieces market report offers the statistical and analytical evaluation of the worldwide marketplace. With the help of the in-depth qualitative insights, historical records, and verifiable projections approximately marketplace size. The forecasting featured inside the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. Report delivers the whole qualitative and quantitative evaluation by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain. Furthermore, details regarding regions that have received highest returns is also incorporated. The report also speaks about the Electric Handpieces market plans to deliver a highly bifurcated overview of this industry, with regards to its present and future scenarios. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

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The global Electric Handpieces market report provides up-to-date with key trends and emerging drivers are shaping this industry growth as the study avails you with market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional breakdowns, competitive landscape, shares, trend and strategies for this market. In the Electric Handpieces Market Analysis & Forecast 2020-2026, the revenue is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2020 and 2026. This report presents the worldwide Electric Handpieces market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2014-2019 and forecast to 2026), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

Competitive Analysis:The Electric Handpieces market report o covers technical data, manufacturing plants analysis, and raw material sources analysis as well as mentions which product has the highest penetration, their profit margins, and R&D status. The section contains a detailed chapter on the company profiles, where the key players in the global Electric Handpieces market are studied.

The following key players are operating in the Electric Handpieces market research reportDanaher, NSK, Dentsply Sirona, W&H, Bien Air, MORITA, SciCan, DentalEZ, Anthogyr, Codent, Sinol, Foshan CAN Dental Equipment Co., Ltd., NOUVAG, TTBIO, Modeer Precision.

Regional Analysis:This section covers detailed analysis of the Electric Handpieces market across various countries in different regions. Based on the region, the market has been segmented intoNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

The market has been segmented into Product Type :High-Speed Electric Handpieces, Low-Speed Electric Handpieces

The market has been segmented into Application :Hospital, Dental Clinic

Study objectives of Global Electric Handpieces Market report covers :1) Electric Handpieces Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)2) Electric Handpieces market report provides in-depth analysis for changing competitive dynamics.3) Contains information on the historical and current market size and the future potential of the market.4) Electric Handpieces Market forecasts for a minimum of 5 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional Electric Handpieces markets5) Information pertaining to the producers product portfolio, product features, and their respective product applications have been talked about in the report.6) The report profiles the companies in conjunction with the facts regarding their gross margins and price models

Electric Handpieces market scope A basic summary of the competitive landscape A detailed breakdown of the regional expanse A short overview of the segmentation

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Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Market Estimated to Record Highest CAGR by 2018 2026 - Fusion Science Academy

More research needed in the field of nanotechnology – The Hindu

Additional Deputy Commissioner Sadashiva Prabhu said on Wednesday that more research was necessary in the field of nanotechnology as it had immense potential in various fields.

He was speaking after inaugurating a national seminar on Advances in Nanotechnology and Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable Development organised by MGM College here.

Mr. Prabhu said that nanotechnology was affecting almost all sectors, including healthcare, food processing and biotechnology. Advances in nanotechnology would also help in conservation of environment, he said.

Registrar of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Narayan Sabhahith said that sustainability of environment was important. Population on the planet had increased rapidly in the last 200 years.

During the ancient times, the human settlement was along the course of rivers because people needed water to survive and for other purposes also, he said.

As long as population was less, there were no problems. But with the constant increase in population leading to the present levels, this had put a strain on the rivers and water bodies, he said.

High population had led to increase in pollution, which was putting pressure on environment. It was becoming unsustainable, he said.

The other problem was consumption of resources, which would pose a problem in the future. If the 10 % of the affluent population in the world reduced their consumption of resources, sustainability could be attained, he said.

Recycling and reuse of products should be given importance. Management of waste water was a big challenge in a small city such as Udupi. Hence, waste water management should be given importance, Dr. Sabhahith said.

Associate Professor, Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, MAHE, Suresh D. Kulkarni, delivered the keynote address. College principal M.G. Vijay presided over the inaugural function. MGM PU College principal Malati Devi was present.

Arun Kumar B. welcomed the gathering. K. Bhaskar Acharya proposed the vote of thanks.

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More research needed in the field of nanotechnology - The Hindu

Pilot project on improving quality of education in rural schools to be launched in Kazakhstan – AKIpress

Pilot project on improving quality of education in rural schools to be launched in Kazakhstan

AKIPRESS.COM - Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Berdibek Saparbayev visited the Nazarbayev Intellectual School on January 18 in Nur-Sultan, the press service of the Prime Minister reports.

He got acquainted with the educational process, the achievements of schoolchildren, examined the study rooms of self-knowledge, nanotechnology, biotechnology, a pottery workshop, laboratories that use advanced innovative technologies in the field of education.

The Chairman of the Board of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools JSC Kulyash Shamshidinova spoke about current activities and development prospects.

The head of the NIS also presented the project Rural School, aimed at narrowing the gap in the quality of education between urban and rural schools.

The project plans to conduct a study of the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the needs of schools in rural areas. Taking into account the recommendations made, comprehensive measures will be taken to improve the material and technical base and quality of education in rural schools.

Saparbayev approved the presented project, instructing the Ministry of Education to begin its implementation in a pilot mode in the Karaganda, Kyzylorda and East Kazakhstan regions

In addition, Berdibek Saparbayev visited and got acquainted with the work of the Gumilyov Eurasian National University and the International University of Tourism and Hospitality.a

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Pilot project on improving quality of education in rural schools to be launched in Kazakhstan - AKIpress

Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors, Historical Analysis, Opportunities and…

Zion Market Research analysts forecasts the latest report onGlobal Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Is Expected To Reach Around USD 15.78 Billion By 2025, according to their latest report. The following report contains an interpretation of the marketing plan forNanotechnology in Medical Devices Market. Global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market Report concentrates on the strong analysis of the present state of Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market which will help the readers to develop innovative strategies that will act as a catalyst for the overall growth of their industry. (Sample Copy Here) This research report segments the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market according to Type, Application and regions. It highlights the information about the industries and market, technologies, and abilities over the trends and the developments of the industries.

The Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report also includes the bifurcation of the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market based on the kind of service or product, technology, end-users, applications, and others. Further, it entails extensive data in relation to specific business & financial terms, predictable market growth, market strategies, and so on. Also, the report entails the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market computed expected CAGR of the market founded on previous records concerning the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market and existing market trends accompanied by future developments. Additionally, the report also encompasses clarification of key factors that are anticipated to considerably drive or obstruct the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Markets growth. It also divulges the future impact of enforcing regulations and policies on the expansion of the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market.

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The data offered in the report will assist the customers in improving their ability to make precise decisions related to the business under Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market. The report also focuses on the ongoing and upcoming regulations and policies to be introduced by the government bodies, which may enhance or suppress the market growth. For making the information better understanding, the analysts and professionals have incorporated diagrams, statistical figures, flow charts, and examples in the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report. Along with this, the report delivers analytical information through segmentation of the market at a geographical level

Additionally, the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report provides objective, unbiased evaluation and study of opportunities within the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market with methodical market study report entailing a number of other market-associated fundamental factors. Our experienced industry analysts estimate the market share, supply chains, market sizing, growth opportunities, applications, cost, import & export, technologies, companies, and so on, with the only endeavor to aid our clients to make knowledgeable business decisions. Also, with a team of vibrant industry professionals, we provide our customers with a high-value market study that would assist them to understand about new market avenues together with pioneering approaches to take hold of the market share. It further entails the categorization of the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market based on geography.

The Leading Market Players Covered in this Report are : GE Global Research, Merck KGaA, Ferro, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Capsulution Nanoscience, AstraZeneca, Affymetrix, PerkinElmer, 3M, Starkey Hearing Technologies, Smith & Nephew, St. Jude Medical, Acusphere, and Stryker Corporation

After the performance evaluation, the report also provides detailed information about the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market applications. The experts presented the data analyzed in the report with the help of diagrams, tables, charts and diagrams to make the concept and analysis clearer for customers. In addition, a geographic market analysis of based on specific regions are also included in the report. A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period. The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain.

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The worldwide Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report has all the explicit information such as the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market share, growth and development aspects, industrial policies, and Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market bifurcations mentioned in a smooth-tongued format. In comparison to all its rivals, our multiple tasking platform provide the specific Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market based on the end-users, product type, subtype, applications, regions, and so on. Even the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market segments [Product, Applications, End-Users, and Major Regions] are also detailed out in the reports. The global study of the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market is clearly penciled down in a simple and plain general report layout. One of the eye-catching features is the portrayal of the information such that some of the futuristic growth and development can be well understood and predicted right now itself.

This Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data.Abstract

The report covers the conjecture and investigation for the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market on a worldwide and provincial level.

The report incorporates the positive and the negative factors that are impacting the development of the market.

All the sections have been assessed dependent on the present and the future patterns.

The report incorporates the definite organization profiles of the noticeable market players.

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The Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report includes the leading advancements and technological up-gradation that engages the user to inhabit with fine business selections, define their future-based priority growth plans, and to implement the necessary actions. The global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market report also offers a detailed summary of key players and their manufacturing procedure with statistical data and profound analysis of the products, contribution, and revenue.

This report focuses on price, sales, revenue and growth rate of each type, as well as the types and each type price of key manufacturers, through interviewing key manufacturers. Second on basis of segments by manufacturers, this report focuses on the sales, price of each type, average price of Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market, revenue and market share, for key manufacturers.

Following 15 Chapters represents the Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market globally:

Chapter 1,enlist the goal of global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market covering the market introduction, product image, market summary, development scope,Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market presence;

Chapter 2,studies the key global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market competitors, their sales volume, market profits and price of Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market in 2016 and 2025;

Chapter 3,shows the competitive landscape view of global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market on the basis of dominant market players and their share in the market growth in 2016 and 2025;

Chapter 4,conducts the region-wise study of the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Marketbased on the sales ratio in each region, and market share from 2016 to 2025;

Chapter 5,6,7,8 and 9demonstrates the key countries present in these regions which have revenue share in Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market;

Chapter 10 and 11describes the market based on Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market product category, wide range of applications, growth based on market trend, type and application 2016 to 2025;

Chapter 12shows the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market plans during the forecast period from 2016 to 2025 separated by regions, type, and product application.

Chapter 13, 14, 15mentions the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market sales channels, market vendors, dealers, market information and study conclusions, appendix and data sources.

The classification of the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market is done based on the product type, segments, and end-users. The report provides an analysis of each segment together with the prediction of their development in the upcoming period. Additionally, the latest research report studies various segments of the global Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market in the anticipated period.

Also, Research Report Examines:

Every information given in the report is sourced and verified by our expert team and is collated with precision. To give a broad overview of the current global market trends and strategies led by key businesses, we present the information in a graphical format such as graphs, pie-charts with superior illustration.

astly, with a team of vivacious industry professionals, we offer our clients with high-value market research that, in turn, would aid them to decipher new market avenues together with new strategies to take hold of the market share.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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Nanotechnology in Medical Devices Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Size, Share, Trends, Growth Factors, Historical Analysis, Opportunities and...

Nanotechnology Market Outlook, Growth by Top Company, Region, Application, Driver, Trends and Forecasts By 2026| Verified Market Research – Montana…

New Jersey, United States: The report titled Nanotechnology Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to Verified Market Researchs archive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Nanotechnology market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the Nanotechnology market. Market participants can use the analysis on market dynamics to plan effective growth strategies and prepare for future challenges beforehand. Each trend of the Nanotechnology market is carefully analyzed and researched about by the market analysts.

Global Nanotechnology Market was valued at USD 1.03 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reachUSD 2.29 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of10.40 % from 2019 to 2026.

The report includes detailed analysis of the vendor landscape and thorough company profiling of leading players of the Nanotechnology market. The researchers have considered almost all important parameters for company profiling, including market share, recent development, gross margin, future development plans, product portfolio, production, and revenue.

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Leading players covered in the Nanotechnology Market report:

Insight into Competitive Landscape:

Market players need to have a complete picture of the competitive landscape of the Nanotechnology market as it forms an essential tool for them to plan their future strategies accordingly. The report puts forth the key sustainability strategies taken up by the companies and the impact they are likely to have on the Nanotechnology market competition. The report helps the competitors to capitalize on opportunities in the Nanotechnology market and cope up with the existing competition. This will eventually help them to make sound business decisions and generate maximum revenue.

Market Segment Analysis:

The report offers a comprehensive study of product type and application segments of the Nanotechnology market. The segmental analysis provided in the report is based on significant factors such as market share, market size, consumption, production, and growth rate of the market segments studied.Readers of the report are also provided with exhaustive geographical analysis to provide clear understanding of the regional growth of the Nanotechnology market. Developed as well as developing regional markets for Nanotechnology have been deeply studied to help market players identify profit-making opportunities in different regions and countries.

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What does the report offer?

Market Forecasts:Buyers of the report will have access to accurate and validated estimates of the total market size in terms of value and volume. The report also provides consumption, production, sales, and other forecasts for the Nanotechnology market.

Study on Key Market Trends:This section of the report offers deeper analysis of latest and future trends of the Nanotechnology market.

Analysis on Strategies of Leading Players:Market players can use this analysis to gain competitive advantage over their competitors in the Nanotechnology market.

Regional Growth Analysis:All major regions and countries have been covered in the report. The regional analysis will help market players to tap into unexplored regional markets, prepare specific strategies for target regions, and compare the growth of all regional markets.

Segmental Analysis:The report provides accurate and reliable forecasts of the market share of important segments of the Nanotechnology market. Market participants can use this analysis to make strategic investments in key growth pockets of the Nanotechnology market.

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Verified market research partners with clients to provide insight into strategic and growth analytics; data that help achieve business goals and targets. Our core values include trust, integrity, and authenticity for our clients.

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Nanotechnology Market Outlook, Growth by Top Company, Region, Application, Driver, Trends and Forecasts By 2026| Verified Market Research - Montana...

Carol Vorderman returns to TV following illness that left her ‘struggling to breathe’ – Heart

20 December 2019, 14:49

The former Countdown presenter appeared on GMB today following a short spell of bronchitis.

Carol Vorderman looked back to her happy and healthy self on Good Morning Britain today, following a spell of ill-health after being diagnosed with bronchitis.

The presenter, 58, joined Ben Shepard and Ranvir Singh on the show to talk about a special TV show honouring 20 years of the Pride Of Britain Awards, which airs this weekend.

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She also opened up about the word 'geek' following a debate about whether use of the word should be a hate crime.

Carol said: "It's a badge of honour, my daughter Katie is a research scientist in nanotechnology at Cambridge, I call her up and see 'hello geek/nerd child.

"My age group people might have taken the mick out of you for it, but nowadays geeks rule the world so it's very much a badge of honour. I still buy my children these funny science things with maths symbols."

Read more: Caroline Flack breaks silence as Laura Whitmore is confirmed as Love Island host replacement

Carol posted a series of pictures with Ben and Ranvir, writing alongside them: Thank u @GMB for chatting about our @PrideOfBritain special SUNDAY @ITV at 5pm. It's such a lovely show please watch.

"Lots of selfies with @benshephard @ranvir01 @Lauratobin1 and the one and only Dame @RichardAArnold. Love u gang.


Gordon Ramsay horrified as Gino D'Acampo kisses him in hilarious first look of Christmas Road Trip

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Carol Vorderman returns to TV following illness that left her 'struggling to breathe' - Heart

C-Bond NanoShield Takes a Top Award at the 2019 Fleet Europe Summit in Portugal – GlobeNewswire

HOUSTON, Nov. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- C-Bond Systems (the Company or C-Bond) (OTC: CBNT), a nanotechnology company that improves and strengthens glass, announced today that its C-Bond NanoShield windshield strengthening solution received a top award at the 2019 Fleet Europe Summit in Estoril, Portugal. C-Bond NanoShield finished among the top three of nine finalists for the 2019 Fleet Europe Innovation Award.

The Fleet Europe Innovation Award 2019 rewards innovative solutions, products or services from the international fleet supplier industry, which includes manufacturers, leasing and rental companies, fuel and insurance specialists or other vehicle fleet suppliers.

C-Bond NanoShield protects and strengthens windshields by permeating the glass surface and repairing the microscopic flaws and defects randomly distributed all over the glass surface that ultimately initiate chipping and cracking. The product is sprayed directly onto a windshield and then wiped off using a squeegee. The strengthening process begins immediately upon application and continues while the material cures in the following days.

The value proposition of C-Bond NanoShield for fleet management is simple: C-Bond NanoShield reduces windshield chipping and cracking, therefore reducing the need for windshield repair and replacement, stated Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of C-Bond. That can represent asignificant cost and time savings for fleet management companies, not to mention increased safety for drivers.

The Fleet Europe Summit is the number one international conference in Europe for all fleet and mobility leaders. This two-day event combines information, education, networking and knowledge sharing. It gathers yearly over 1,000 fleet and mobility decisions makers and influencers.

About C-BondC-Bond Systems, Inc., headquartered in Houston, Texas, is an advanced nanotechnology company and sole owner, developer and manufacturer of the C-Bond technology. C-Bond is a patent-protected nanotechnology that is scientifically tested and commercially proven to significantly increase the strength, safety and performance levels of glass and window film products. For more information visit us at, on Facebook, or Twitter.

Statements in this press release about our future expectations constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and our actual results could differ materially from expected results. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, C-Bonds ability to raise capital; the Companys ability to successfully commercialize its products; as well as other risks. Additional information about these and other factors may be described in the Companys filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) including its Form 10-K filed on April 1, 2019, its Forms 10-Q filed on August 12, 2019, May 10, 2019, and November 14, 2018, and in future filings with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this statement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.

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C-Bond NanoShield Takes a Top Award at the 2019 Fleet Europe Summit in Portugal - GlobeNewswire

Nanotechnologies almost there what’s next? – SciTech Europa

In June, SciTech Europa Quarterly travelled to Bucharest, Romania, to attend the 2019 instalment of the EuroNanoForum, a conference that brought together scientists, industrialists and policy makers to discuss cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the area of nanotechnology and advanced materials in Horizon 2020 and beyond.

Amongst numerous high level speakers at the event, the Director of the European Commissions Joint Research Centre (JRC) Geel site and Director of JRC Directorate F: Health, Consumers & Reference Material, Dr Elke Anklam, delivered an interesting presentation during a plenary session entitled Almost there whats next?, which was designed to promote the discussion of the status and achievements in nanotechnology and advanced materials areas during Horizon 2020, now in its pen-ultimate year.

SciTech Europa Quarterly caught up with Anklam after the event to find out more about how the European Commission is supporting innovation in nanotechnologies, as well as about some of the ways in which nanotechnologies can benefit European society.

Nanotechnology underpins a wide range of new products and technologies that have a huge potential to improve our daily lives, as well as creating jobs. Nanotechnology is also an important source of innovation worldwide and Europe is of course very active in this area. However, it is not without its challenges. The need for high tech instruments and facilities that require high-end interdisciplinary expertise can often impede the translation of innovations into real products and technologies.

The European Commission implements concrete actions to tackle this, including making research and technology infrastructures available to benefit research institutions and SMEs and help them bring their innovations to the market.

DG RTD tools such as Open Innovation Test Beds, Pilot Lines, the European Strategic Forum of Research Infrastructures Roadmaps (ESFRI), and research infrastructure projects are already in place to support innovation. The JRC offers access to more than 38 of its research infrastructures to external users, including the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory, which has state-of-the-art instrumentation to perform interdisciplinary studies aiming to characterise nanomaterials, micro/nanoplastics, nanomedicines, and advanced (bio)nanomaterials, enabling researchers to complete their studies using facilities that are not available in their institutions.

Besides giving access to infrastructures, the JRC co-ordinates the European Technology Transfer Offices Circle (TTO Circle), a network aiming to bring together major public research organisations to share best practices, knowledge, and expertise, perform joint activities, and develop a common approach towards international standards for the professionalisation of technology transfer. Such an initiative creates an interesting European ecosystem that favours the technology transfer from innovation towards the market.

To summarise, creating a sustainable innovation ecosystem including research infrastructures, technology transfer, as well as an active interface between research, policy, and regulators is necessary to be globally competitive in nanotechnologies. In addition, not only is it important to develop the regulatory landscape supporting the new technologies, but also to gain consumers confidence and acceptance to make the products a success, safe, and sustainable.

It is true that China is becoming the world leader in chemicals production. The Chinese demand for chemicals is growing very steadily and will continue to do so. We should not underestimate the competitiveness challenges for the European chemicals industry, for example when looking at key factors like energy prices, labour costs or the regulatory and tax burden. However, this is only one side of the story. European sales of chemicals have increased by more than 50% in 20 years. We are a very successful exporter of chemicals. Europe is internationally competitive in this sector, in particular thanks to very strong R&D and a skilled and talented workforce. The single market for chemicals has been a competitive asset for the chemicals industry in Europe. In the future, Europes position will depend on whether we manage to ensure a global level playing field for our companies as well as a regulatory and policy framework that is conducive to sustainable innovation. Europes ambition is to be a world leader in sustainability and the digital economy. This will open new avenues for industrial competitiveness. The chemicals industry is a key player in this transition. Europe can remain a world leader in sustainable chemicals if we fully embrace the opportunities offered by digitisation, decarbonisation and the circular economy. Achieving this ambition will require joint efforts from all actors, at all levels, including the industry itself.

Sometimes when starting new fields there is a tendency to fragment and a sort of re-invent the wheel. In many cases, one can profit from lessons learned in other fields or from results from finalised projects. There are many ways to promote tangible output from Horizon Europe taking benefit from running or past framework programmes. For instance, data management infrastructures ensuring the availability and maintenance of the data, e.g. on the behaviour, physicochemical, fate and (eco)toxicological properties of nanomaterials, produced by projects, following the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

There are already several H2020 projects implementing the harmonised logging of laboratory data or developing databases to store data related to nanomaterials analysis from different projects; part of this is freely accessible via the EU Observatory of Nanomaterials (EUON, hosted by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA)). More efforts could still be made to communicate project results and to translate them into practical applications. Knowledge also needs to be transferred to appropriate stakeholders (including the training of other scientists or regulators, and by involving more SMEs and by supporting spin-offs). It is also important to build future investigations on current, already achieved knowledge, and to share the results amongst scientists to avoid duplication of work.

This is indeed a very good point. The EU is interested in developing a technological leadership and deploying technologies. This is beneficial for the environment and wellbeing (health) of EU citizens, as well as for job creation and economic growth. Moreover, these technologies can also be deployed in emerging/developing nations. There is indeed a need to make these technologies available to those nations at a reasonable cost without the need to repeat the path that we travelled at high environmental cost.

Knowledge transfer, training, and international collaboration are very often key aspects of open-access to research infrastructure initiatives, showing that nanotechnologies for EU and their transfer (including training) to developing countries are not in competition, but rather two aspects of the same goal. In this respect, the JRC just launched a training and capacity building initiative in the nanotechnology area for research institutions and SMEs from H2020 associated countries. The goal is to provide a week of hands-on training on state-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation that would enable teams of researchers from one or several institutions from different associated countries to build new capacities and knowledge to favour their integration and collaboration within the EU scientific community.

The Malta Initiative (supported by DG RTD) is an excellent example of how a concerted action by the EU Member States and the Commission can stir and lead sustainable innovation by setting priorities, addressing regulatory needs, and collaborate with other major players at global level.

The adoption of a Safe Innovation Approach seems to be a reasonable way to maintain good safety standards while preserving innovative technologies. This includes the development and implementation of tools for Safe by Design as well as the opening of fora where regulators and industry can share information. This way, regulators can become aware in advance of upcoming (nano-)innovations and have the time to address potential issues beforehand and design appropriate regulations.

Dr Elke Anklam


Directorate F: Health, Consumers & Reference Material

Joint Research Centre (JRC)

European Commission

Tweet @ElkeAnklam

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Nanotechnologies almost there what's next? - SciTech Europa

Nanotechnology Market 2019 Global Industry Size, Share, Growth, Key Insights, Application, Leading Companies, Trends and Forecast by 2024 – Montana…

Nanotechnology Market

The market size estimations have been provided in terms of value. The globalNanotechnology industryreport also identifies major market players and provides analysis in terms of company overview, Financials, products & services, market trends, recent developments and growth strategies.

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Major Players in the market are:Catalytic Materials, LLC (US), Advanced Diamond Technologies, Inc. (US), Nanocyl S.A. (Belgium), Hybrid Plastics (US), Luxtera, Inc. (US), Unidym, Inc. (US), Bruker Corporation (US), Hanwha Nanotech Corporation (South Korea), Starpharma Holdings (Australia), NanoMaterials Ltd, (Israel)

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Agenda and Abstracts Available from 2019 Global Summit on Regulatory Science on Nanotechnology and Nanoplastics – Lexology

On September 24 26, 2019, the European Commissions (EC) Joint Research Center (JRC) hosted the 2019 Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS19), which focused on nanotechnology and nanoplastics. Co-organized with the Global Coalition for Regulatory Science Research, GSRS19 covered nanotechnology research and its role in enhancing regulatory decision making, including methods, standards, and applications. In addition, GSRS19 also introduced methods and approaches to understand nanoplastics better. GSRS19 addressed the following topics in plenary and parallel sessions:

According to JRC, discussion focused on what needs to be accomplished in these areas; the research gaps and/or priorities in regulatory science and how these can be addressed; and what platforms, mechanisms, communities of practice, and networks exist (or need to be developed) to facilitate effective collaborations between international partners. JRC has posted the GSRS2019 agenda and abstracts.

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Agenda and Abstracts Available from 2019 Global Summit on Regulatory Science on Nanotechnology and Nanoplastics - Lexology