The green alchemists creating new nanotechnology gold – Cosmos

By Tania Bawden

Flinders University, South Australia

In a surprise discovery, Flinders University researchers in South Australia have produced a range of different types of gold nanotechnology particles by adjusting water flow in the novel vortex fluidic device without the need for toxic chemicals.

The green chemistry lab work at the Flinders Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology on nano gold formation also led to the discovery of a contact electrification reaction in water in the device which resulted in the generation of hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide.

In a new article inSmall Science, Australian and overseas scientists collaborated on the developing size and form of gold nanoparticles from various vortex fluidic device (VFD) processing parameters and concentrations of gold chloride solution.

Through this research, we have discovered a new phenomenon in theVFD. The photo-contact electrificiation process at the solid-liquid interface which could be used in other chemical and biological reactions, says Flinders PhD Ms Badriah Alotaibi, who led the study.

We also have achieved synthesis of pure, pristine gold nanoparticles in water in the VFD, without the use of chemicals commonly used and thus minimising waste, says Alotaibi.

This method is significant for the formation of nanomaterials in general because it is a green process, quick, scalable and yields nanoparticles with new properties.

Gold nanoparticles size and shape are critical for a range of applications from drug delivery to catalysis, sensing and electronics due to their physical, chemical and optical properties.

The vortex fluidic device, devised a decade ago by senior author Flinders University Professor Colin Raston, is a rapidly rotating tube open at one end with liquids delivered through jet feeds. Different rotational speeds and external application of light in the device can be used to synthesise particles to specification.

Researchers around the world are now finding the continuous flow, thin film fluidic device useful in exploring and optimising more sustainable nano-scale processing techniques, says Raston.

In this latest experiment, we hypothesise that the high shear regimes of the VFD led to the quantum mechanical effect known as contact electrification, which is another exciting development.

Raston says this discovery is a paradigm shift in how to make materials in a controlled way using water, with no other chemicals required, which contributes to a more sustainable future.

This article is from Flinders University News.

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The green alchemists creating new nanotechnology gold - Cosmos

Microscopic Marvel: A Photonic Device that Could Change Physics and Lasers Forever – SciTechDaily

Rendering of the photonic topological insulator developed in the study. Credit: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers have developed the first topological quantum simulator device in the strong light-matter interaction regime that operates at room temperature, revolutionizing quantum studies and laser efficiency, and making advanced research more accessible.

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) have fabricated a device no wider than a human hair that will help physicists investigate the fundamental nature of matter and light. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, could also support the development of more efficient lasers, which are used in fields ranging from medicine to manufacturing.

The device is made of a special kind of material called a photonic topological insulator. A photonic topological insulator can guide photons, the wave-like particles that make up light, to interfaces specifically designed within the material while also preventing these particles from scattering through the material itself.

Because of this property, topological insulators can make many photons coherently act like one photon. The devices can also be used as topological quantum simulators, miniature laboratories where researchers can study quantum phenomenon, the physical laws that govern matter at very small scales.

The photonic topological insulator we created is unique. It works at room temperature. This is a major advance. Previously, one could only investigate this regime using big, expensive equipment that super cools matter in a vacuum. Many research labs do not have access to this kind of equipment, so our device could allow more people to pursue this kind of basic physics research in the lab, said Wei Bao, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at RPI and senior author of the Nature Nanotechnology study.

It is also a promising step forward in the development of lasers that require less energy to operate, as our room-temperature device threshold the amount of energy needed to make it work is seven times lower than previously developed low-temperature devices, Bao added.

The RPI researchers created their novel device with the same technology used in the semiconductor industry to make microchips, which involves layering different kinds of materials, atom by atom, molecule by molecule, to create a desired structure with specific properties.

To create their device, the researchers grew ultrathin plates of halide perovskite, a crystal made of cesium, lead, and chlorine, and etched a polymer on top of it with a pattern. They sandwiched these crystal plates and polymer between sheets of various oxide materials, eventually forming an object about 2 microns thick and 100 microns in length and width (the average human hair is 100 microns wide).

When the researchers shined a laser light on the device, a glowing triangular pattern appeared at the interfaces designed in the material. This pattern, dictated by the devices design, is the result of topological characteristic of lasers.

Being able to study quantum phenomena at room temperature is an exciting prospect. Professor Baos innovative work shows how materials engineering can help us answer some of sciences biggest questions, said Shekhar Garde, dean of the RPI School of Engineering.

Reference: Topological valley Hall polariton condensation by Kai Peng, Wei Li, Meng Sun, Jose D. H. Rivero, Chaoyang Ti, Xu Han, Li Ge, Lan Yang, Xiang Zhang and Wei Bao, 24 May 2024, Nature Nanotechnology. DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01674-6

The study was primarily supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research.

Here is the original post:
Microscopic Marvel: A Photonic Device that Could Change Physics and Lasers Forever - SciTechDaily

Nanoscience and nanotechnology at Tel Aviv University – The Jerusalem Post

Nanotechnology is the future of basically everything, says Prof. Tal Dvir, director of Tel Aviv Universitys Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Its the future of medicine, energy, and computing. Everything is done with the small est building blocks.

In recent years, nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter on a near-atomic scale to produce new structures, materials, and devices, has assumed a position of importance in virtually all branches of science and technology.

Tel Aviv Universitys Koum Center is one of Israels leading research centers in this field. Its new three-floor, 8,000-square-meter home on campus in the Roman Abramovich Building for Nano and Quantum Science & Technology heralds a new era in the field of nanotechnology research in Israel and at TAU.

Everything was designed for the next generation of researchers, says Dvir, referring to the advanced, state-of-the-art facilities. We thought about the future when we designed this building.

The Abramovich Building is the most advanced nanotechnology building in Israel and among the most innovative in the world. The ground floor features the largest clean room in Israel along with other areas for the characterization and fabrication of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The building will host thirty scientists working on solutions using nanotechnology, a multidisciplinary field that includes researchers from many different disciplines, including engineering, exact sciences, life sciences and medical sciences, all of whom have their own unique approach to the field.

Moreover, researchers from various universities and companies in the nanotechnology industry will utilize the advanced facilities on the buildings ground floor to fabricate their devices, Dvir says.

There are close to 100 companies that have come to the university to consult with our engineers and researchers at the nano center when they want to develop new technologies, which they can then take and manufacture on a large scale in their facilities. The design and planning and the initial testing are done together with our staff.

The upper two floors of the nanotechnology building will provide labs for select professors from across campus. Dvir adds that the multidisciplinary nature of the staff will enable fruitful discussions and interactions between researchers in different disciplines that will increase their creative output.

Some of the exciting nanotechnology research currently being conducted at TAU includes a nanobot project headed by Prof. Dan Peer that sends nano-robots circulating in the bloodstream, targeting and destroying cancerous cells. Another project, led by Prof. Yael Hanein, creates devices that will integrate with the retina to enable blind people to see.

Tel Aviv Universitys new nanotechnology gy building has received the generous support of numerous donors, whose named facilities will be unveiled this spring.

The new nanotechnology building will energize TAUs nano research community, reinforce multidisciplinary research and technological innovation, intensify industry collaboration, and create new connections between the scientific world and society at large.

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Nanoscience and nanotechnology at Tel Aviv University - The Jerusalem Post

Green Chemistry Unlocks Diverse Gold Nanoparticles – AZoNano

Researchers from Flinders University's Nanotechnology Department collaborated with international scientists to develop the size and shape of gold nanoparticles from different VFD processing parameters and concentrations of gold chloride solution, as published in a recent article in Small Science.

Researchers made this startling discovery by modifying the water flow in the innovative vortex fluidic device. They created a variety of distinct kinds of gold nanoparticles without the use of hazardous chemicals.

The discovery of a contact electrification reaction in the devices water, which produced hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide, resulted from the green chemistry lab work on the creation of nanogold.

Through this research, we have discovered a new phenomenon in the vortex fluidic device. The photo-contact electrificiation process at the solid-liquid interface which could be used in other chemical and biological reactions.

Ms Badriah Alotaibi Ph.D., Study Lead, Flinders University

Alotaibi continued, We also have achieved synthesis of pure, pristine gold nanoparticles in water in the VFD, without the use of chemicals commonly used and thus minimizing waste. This method is significant for the formation of nanomaterials in general because it is a green process, quick, scalable, and yields nanoparticles with new properties.

Various applications, including drug delivery, catalysis, sensing, and electronics, depend on the size and shape of gold nanoparticles because of their unique physical, chemical, and optical characteristics.

The vortex fluidic device, developed 10 years ago by Colin Raston, a Professor at Flinders University and senior author, consists of a quickly rotating tube that is open at one end and uses jet feeds to deliver liquids. Particles can be synthesized to specifications using the device by applying light externally and rotating at different speeds.

Researchers around the world are now finding the continuous flow, thin film fluidic device useful in exploring and optimizing more sustainable nano-scale processing techniques. In this latest experiment, we hypothesize that the high shear regimes of the VFD led to the quantum mechanical effect known as contact electrification, which is another exciting development.

Colin Raston, Professor and Study Senior Author, Flinders University

Professor Raston said, This discovery is a paradigm shift in how to make materials in a controlled way using water, with no other chemicals required, which contributes to a more sustainable future.

The Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF), the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility (AMMRF), the College of Science and Engineering mechanical workshop at Flinders University, and the Australia Research Council funded the study.

Immiscible Liquids - Green Chemistry SolutionsPlay

Video Credit: Flinders University.

Alotaibi, M. B., et al. (2024) Nanogold Foundry Involving HighShearMediated Photo contact Electrification in Water. Small Science.

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Green Chemistry Unlocks Diverse Gold Nanoparticles - AZoNano

Researchers Develop Goldene A New Form of Ultra-Thin Gold With Semiconductor Properties – SciTechDaily

Researchers at Linkping University have successfully created single-atom-thick gold sheets, known as goldene, using a technique inspired by ancient Japanese smiths. Credit:

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick. The material has been termed goldene. According to researchers from Linkping University, Sweden, this has given the gold new properties that can make it suitable for use in applications such as carbon dioxide conversion, hydrogen production, and production of value-added chemicals. Their findings are published in the journal Nature Synthesis.

Scientists have long tried to make single-atom-thick sheets of gold but failed because the metals tendency to lump together. But researchers from Linkping University have now succeeded thanks to a hundred-year-old method used by Japanese smiths.

If you make a material extremely thin, something extraordinary happens as with graphene. The same thing happens with gold. As you know, gold is usually a metal, but if single-atom-layer thick, the gold can become a semiconductor instead, says Shun Kashiwaya, researcher at the Materials Design Division at Linkping University.

Lars Hultman, professor of thin film physics and Shun Kashiwaya, researcher at the Materials Design Division at Linkping University. Credit: Olov Planthaber

To create goldene, the researchers used a three-dimensional base material where gold is embedded between layers of titanium and carbon. But coming up with goldene proved to be a challenge. According to Lars Hultman, professor of thin film physics at Linkping University, part of the progress is due to serendipidy.

We had created the base material with completely different applications in mind. We started with an electrically conductive ceramics called titanium silicon carbide, where silicon is in thin layers. Then the idea was to coat the material with gold to make a contact. But when we exposed the component to high temperature, the silicon layer was replaced by gold inside the base material, says Lars Hultman.

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick. Credit: Olov Planthaber

This phenomenon is called intercalation and what the researchers had discovered was titanium gold carbide. For several years, the researchers have had titanium gold carbide without knowing how the gold can be exfoliated or panned out, so to speak.

By chance, Lars Hultman found a method that has been used in Japanese forging art for over a hundred years. It is called Murakamis reagent, which etches away carbon residue and changes the color of steel in knife making, for example. But it was not possible to use the exact same recipe as the smiths did. Shun Kashiwaya had to look at modifications:

I tried different concentrations of Murakamis reagent and different time spans for etching. One day, one week, one month, several months. What we noticed was that the lower the concentration and the longer the etching process, the better. But it still wasnt enough, he says.

Shun Kashiwaya, researcher at the Materials Design Division at Linkping University. Credit: Olov Planthaber

The etching must also be carried out in the dark as cyanide develops in the reaction when it is struck by light, and it dissolves gold. The last step was to get the gold sheets stable. To prevent the exposed two-dimensional sheets from curling up, a surfactant was added. In this case, a long molecule that separates and stabilises the sheets, i.e. a tenside.

The goldene sheets are in a solution, a bit like cornflakes in milk. Using a type of sieve, we can collect the gold and examine it using an electron microscope to confirm that we have succeeded. Which we have, says Shun Kashiwaya.

Lars Hultman, professor of thin film physics at Linkping University. Credit: Olov Planthaber

The new properties of goldene are due to the fact that the gold has two free bonds when two-dimensional. Thanks to this, future applications could include carbon dioxide conversion, hydrogen-generating catalysis, selective production of value-added chemicals, hydrogen production, water purification, communication, and much more. Moreover, the amount of gold used in applications today can be much reduced.

The next step for the LiU researchers is to investigate whether it is possible to do the same with other noble metals and identify additional future applications.

Reference: Synthesis of goldene comprising single-atom layer gold by Shun Kashiwaya, Yuchen Shi, Jun Lu, Davide G. Sangiovanni, Grzegorz Greczynski, Martin Magnuson, Mike Andersson, Johanna Rosen and Lars Hultman, 16 April 2024, Nature Synthesis. DOI: 10.1038/s44160-024-00518-4

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Researchers Develop Goldene A New Form of Ultra-Thin Gold With Semiconductor Properties - SciTechDaily

UAH researcher wins $588K NSF CAREER Award to study magnetic nanoparticles to benefit health, industry – Newswise

BYLINE: Russ Nelson

Newswise Dr. Isaac Torres-Daz, a researcher at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has won a $588,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award to support research into magnetic nanoparticles, which can be manipulated using magnetic fields. These particles consist of a magnetic material, often iron, nickel and cobalt, combined with a chemical component, for a wide range of applications, such as sensors and nanobots that can be inserted into the blood to execute non-invasive treatments at cellular scales or support hyperthermia therapy in the treatment of cancer.

With magnetic hyperthermia for medical treatments, the potential enhanced heating effect is caused by the orientation of magnetic particles and their interactions. Overall, the award can advance the fundamental understanding of hydrodynamics and nanotechnology.

Torres-Dazs work also benefits magneto-rheology the branch of physics dealing with the deformation and flow of matter due to the variable polarization response based on the size and shape of the magnetic particles. These advances could lead to smart fluids that change viscosity in the presence of a magnetic field, of significant commercial interest for engineering applications such as car shock absorbers and aerospace hydraulic dampers that convert the kinetic energy of moving parts into thermal energy. The innovations offer potential boons for drug delivery advancements as well for transporting pharmaceutical compounds to a target site to achieve a desired therapeutic effect.

The Faculty Early Career Development CAREER Program offers the NSF's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty. The five-year grant will address one of the main challenges in colloid science, which is to establish the connections between interacting particles with different shapes and their arrangement under the influence of a magnetic field. Colloid science is an interdisciplinary blend of chemistry, physics, nanoscience and other fields that deals with colloids, which are homogeneous substances consisting of large molecules or ultramicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed through a second substance.

A part of a researcher's activities is to find and define problems relevant to society, says Torres-Daz, an assistant professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering at UAH, a part of The University of Alabama System. My passion for magnetic nanoparticles and my long experience studying them from theoretical and experimental perspectives have driven me to define this as a research topic. One of the main challenges is to quantify their interactions as a function of position and orientation.

The main goal is to gain insights that help realize the potential of anisotropic colloids. Unlike isotropic colloids, such as uniform spheres which show the same properties in all directions, anisotropic particles, shapes such as rods, ellipsoids and cubes, are non-uniform in their shape and show different properties in different directions.

I combined my mechanical and chemical engineering background to tackle a fundamental problem of interacting anisotropic particles that can potentially impact different applications, Torres-Daz says.

The research is especially important to the development of tunable materials, where certain materials have a polarization that can be reversed by the application of an external magnetic field. The work impacts polarized surfaces, such as when a chemical film is applied to a transparent plastic or glass surface to filter the light that is allowed to pass through.

Kristina Hendrix 256-824-6341 [emailprotected]

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UAH researcher wins $588K NSF CAREER Award to study magnetic nanoparticles to benefit health, industry - Newswise

2024 WIN Summer School on Sustainable Nanotechnology | Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology – University of Waterloo

*subject to change Day 1 Next Generation Energy Systems

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Asif Abdullah Khan (PDF)

Powering the Future: Exploring the World of Flexible Piezoelectric Composites for IoT Solutions

Xin Zeng (PDF)

Advanced Green Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development

Saeed Hadad (PhD)

Leveraging Innovations: Advances in All-Solid-State Batteries for Sustainable Energy Storage Systems


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Elaine Lengowski (Visiting Scholar)

Manufacturing Nanocellulose

Farman Ullah (Research Associate)

Introduction to Thin Film Deposition Systems and Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition and Their Application

Ashna Rajeev (PDF)

Intersection of nanotechnology and polymer engineering for smart and functional materials

Ghulam Ab (PDF)

In-situ Raman Spectroelectrochemistry of graphene and related 2D materials: Understanding the localized charge transfer process and (de)intercalation charge storage process for rechargeable batteries

Una Hogan (PhD Student)

Machine Learning as a tool in Micro and Nanoplastics Identification using Raman Spectroscopy

Friday June 21, 2024

9:00 10:00 am

James Cheon/ Micheal Tam

QNC 3402

Micheal Tam

10:00am 10:30 am

Tyler Lott (PhD)

High-resolution bio-imaging via liquid-phase electron microscopy

QNC 3402

German Sciaini

10:30 11:00 am


11:00 11:30 am

Peyman GhavamiNejad (PhD)

Minimally- and non-invasive biomedical devices for point of care diagnosis

QNC 3402

Mahla Poudineh

11:30 am 12:00 pm

Fatemah Keyvani (PhD) Mahla Poudineh

Wearable Biosensor for Health Monitoring

QNC 3402

Mahla Poudineh

12:00 1:00 pm


1:00 2:00 pm

Lab Tour: Saeed Hadad/Micheal Tam

QNC 5512

Micheal Tam

2:00 2:30 pm

Hackathon time

QNC 3402

2:30 4:00 pm

Closing Reception with Hackathon Presentations

QNC 3402

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2024 WIN Summer School on Sustainable Nanotechnology | Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology - University of Waterloo

Global Dermatological Drugs Market Set to Surpass US$30 Billion with Advanced Nanotechnology and Aging … – PR Newswire

DUBLIN, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Dermatological Drugs Market Report 2024-2034" has been added to's offering.

World revenue for Dermatological Drugs Market, in terms of value is forecast to surpass US$30 billion in 2024, with strong revenue growth through to 2034.

Geriatric Population Driving Demand for Dermatological Drugs

As the global population ages at an unprecedented pace, the dermatological drugs market is poised for a significant upswing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050, 80% of older individuals will reside in low- and middle-income countries. The rapid acceleration in population aging, outpacing historical trends, is a key catalyst. As per WHO, by 2030, one in every 6 person will be aged 60 or over. Also, from 2021 to 2050, population aged over 65 in Asia will grow by more than half-a-billion, creating a burgeoning market for dermatological drugs. This demographic shift signifies an increased demand for skincare solutions tailored to age-related dermatological concerns, such as wrinkles, age spots, and skin conditions prevalent in the elderly. Thus, the coming years will mark a lucrative era for the dermatological drugs industry, driven by the unique needs of the expanding geriatric population.

Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery Could Revolutionize the Dermatological Drugs Market

In the dynamic landscape of dermatology, the integration of cutting-edge technological advancements in drug delivery is poised to propel the market to unprecedented heights. The advent of nanotechnology enables precise targeting of skin cells, enhancing the efficacy of dermatological drugs while minimizing side effects. This revolutionary approach ensures a more tailored and efficient treatment, boosting patient outcomes and satisfaction. Micro-needle technology is reshaping the administration of dermatological drugs. These minimally invasive devices painlessly penetrate the skin, facilitating controlled and sustained release of therapeutic agents. This not only improves patient compliance but also optimizes drug absorption, leading to quicker and more effective results. Several companies are actively researching and developing nanocarriers and smart delivery systems for skincare applications such as NanoVibronix (US) and Nanologica (Sweden).

Furthermore, the incorporation of smart polymers in drug formulations represents a paradigm shift in dermatological treatments. These polymers respond to specific physiological cues, releasing drugs at the right time and in the right amounts. This precision enhances therapeutic outcomes, reduces the frequency of application, and minimizes adverse reactions.

Forecasts to 2034 and other analyses reveal commercial prospects

Segments Covered in the Report

Route of Administration


Prescription Mode

Distribution Channel

In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for five regional and 21 leading national markets.

The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Dermatological Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034, with a focus on this segment of these companies' operations.

Leading companies profiled in the report

In summary, the report provides you with the following knowledge:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Report Overview

2 Executive Summary

3 Market Overview 3.1 Key Findings 3.2 Market Dynamics 3.2.1 Market Driving Factors Increasing Prevalence of Skin Disorders Growing Awareness and Patient Education Globalization and Urbanization Revolutionizing Dermatology: Unleashing Market Growth Through Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies Innovative Breakthroughs: Propelling Dermatological Drugs Market Through Surging R&D Investments Geriatric Population Driving Dermatological Drugs Market 3.2.2 Market Restraining Factors Generic Competition Adverse Effects and Safety Concerns Drug Resistance Non-Pharmacological Options: A Hindrance to Dermatological Drugs Market Growth Limited Reimbursement and Coverage Challenges in Dermatological Drugs Sector Regulatory Approval Process Poses Barriers to Dermatological Drugs Market Growth 3.2.3 Market Opportunities Approval of Novel Dermatological Drugs Advancements in Dermatology Research and Technology Telemedicine and E-Health 3.3 COVID-19 Impact Analysis 3.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 3.5 PEST Analysis

4 Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis by Route of Administration

5 Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis by Disease

6 Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis by Prescription Mode

7 Dermatological Drugs market Analysis by Distribution Channel

8 Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis by Region

9 North America Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis

10 Europe Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis

11 Asia Pacific Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis

12 Latin America Dermatological Drugs Market Analysis

13 MEA Dermatological Drugs market Analysis

14 Company Profiles

For more information about this report visit

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Global Dermatological Drugs Market Set to Surpass US$30 Billion with Advanced Nanotechnology and Aging ... - PR Newswire

Chinese scientists develop powerful hydrogen therapy that could reverse ageing – South China Morning Post

Using nanotechnology, the team has developed a scaffold implant that delivers hydrogen 40,000 times more efficiently than other methods such as drinking hydrogen-rich water or inhaling hydrogen gas.

According to the paper, the implant can deliver a slow and sustained release of hydrogen for up to a week, compared to the 30-minute limit on hydrogen-rich water. The study found the prolonged treatment helped repair bone defects in older mice.


Chinas elderly are heading to retirement, heres why thats a problem

Chinas elderly are heading to retirement, heres why thats a problem

Hydrogen acts as an anti-inflammatory agent with the ability to scavenge the toxic radicals associated with ageing.

It has been found to have a universal anti-senescence impact on various cells and tissues, meaning that it helps them continue to replicate and grow.

Corresponding author He Qianjun, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, told the South China Morning Post the scaffold was developed to repair bone defects in the elderly, but could one day be used for other age-related conditions and diseases, including Alzheimers.

We developed [the method] mainly based on our discovery of the broad-spectrum anti-ageing properties of hydrogen, He said, in an email to the Post.

Chinese nanoplatform aircraft carrier delivers drugs to cancer patients

The scaffold had a significant effect in inducing bone growth compared to the blank scaffold that does not produce hydrogen, He said.

Senescence the gradual deterioration of bodily function as we age is one of the major causes of age-related conditions and diseases. In recent years, links have also been identified between cellular senescence and these conditions.

At a cellular level, senescence can be responsible for DNA damage and the loss of cell cycle functions like division and growth.

Cells can also secrete materials that cause inflammation, creating a senescence micro-environment that causes tissues and bones to decline in their ability to self-repair, according to the paper.

This persistent inflammation and loss of regenerative ability is a main obstacle to effective tissue repair for elderly people, the researchers said.

Existing anti-senescence treatments are unable to universally regulate the entire micro-environment, the paper said.

But the researchers found that hydrogen is able to alter the senescence micro-environment from pro-inflammation to anti-inflammation, supporting bone defect regeneration.

According to He, the hydrogen is able to remodel the senescence micro-environment during the early stage of inflammation and have a continuing effect on later bone repair.

Chinese scientists find a way to restore bodys cancer-fighting cells

The implantable scaffold is biosafe, using products like metasilicate and calcium ions as well as hydrogen gas, he said.

The researchers created the scaffold with calcium disilicide nanoparticles hydrolysed to store hydrogen sprayed on to porous, bioactive glass and wrapped in a biodegradable polymer to stop it degrading and releasing the hydrogen too quickly.

The device was tested on 24-month-old mice equivalent to 70 in humans that had femoral bone defects.

The scaffold was able to release hydrogen for seven to nine days, a duration not reported for any other method, the paper said.

Hong Kong university builds case for using antidiabetic drug for anti-ageing

The teams next challenge is to create a scaffold with an even longer period of release a development that could be even better for repair, according to He.

While more research is needed, further development of high-performance materials to deliver hydrogen is crucial.

We believe that continuous hydrogen supply will be a universal anti-ageing technology that can treat various ageing-related diseases, including preventing and treating diseases like Alzheimers, He said.

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Chinese scientists develop powerful hydrogen therapy that could reverse ageing - South China Morning Post

Chiral powers next-generation electronics with nanomaterials as it raises $3.8m – Installation – Installation and AV Technology Europe

Nanotechnology companyChiral has announced a $3.8m funding round to address the challenge of silicon-based chip shortages, innovating the way nanomaterials are integrated into devices. Its expertise in nanotechnology, automation, and high-precision robotics is said to be pivotal in the industrys move beyond silicon to the next generation of electronics. The pre-seed funding round was co-led by Founderful (formerly Wingman Ventures) and HCVC and includes grants from ETH Zurich and Venture Kick.

Chipmaking has become one of the worlds most critical technologies in the last two decades. The main driver of this explosive growth has been the continuous scaling of silicon technology (widely known as Moores Law). But these advances in silicon technology are slowing down, as we reach the physical limits of silicon. For this reason, the industry has been investing heavily in nanomaterials like carbon nanotube, graphene and TMDs, which are expected to enable chips with unprecedented functionality. However, making electronic devices with these extremely small materials at speed, with precision, and without compromising on quality has been a long-standing obstacle.

Research has evidenced the use case and impact of nanomaterials across a range of electronics including high-performance transistors, low-power sensors, quantum devices, and many more. However, existing production methods, mostly based on chemistry, are not controllable, which has thus far prevented commercialisation of these devices.

Chiral has built high-speed, automated, robotic machines that integrate nanomaterials into devices. These machines can robotically place micrometer-sized (or even nanometer-sized) materials on small chips. Repeating these motions in a fast and automated manner requires a very high level of engineering, which, when done right, ensures the precision and control that conventional chemistry-based methods lack.

The development of Chirals technology started as a national research project conducted at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Zurich, EPFL, and Empa), in which the companys co-founders, Seoho Jung, Natanael Lanz, and Andre Butzerin participated as PhD students. After 4 years of R&D, the research team finished its first prototype machine, which was 100 times faster than the other systems available at the time. The immediate reaction of the market to the prototype, which quickly led to the companys first batch of pilot customers, convinced the co-founders that they should continue their activity as a company. They incorporated Chiral in June 2023 as a result.

At Chiral, we are pioneering the next generation of electronic devices across industry, explained Seoho Jung, co-founder and CEO at Chiral. Chipmakers are aware of the potential of nanomaterials and were bringing that potential to life. This funding will accelerate the development of our next machine, which will unlock new market opportunities with its versatility and performance. We are also excited to scale our team to keep up with the growing demand and customer base.

The global nanotechnology market size is projected to grow from $79.14 billion in 2023 to $248.56 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 17.8% (Fortune business insights research). One of the largest chipmakers in the world, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)presented its development roadmapshowing nanomaterial-based transistors as its future architecture.

Were thrilled to join forces with Chiral alongside HCVC, said Pascal Mathis, founding partner at Founderful. Chirals AI- and robotics-based technology lets us envision a future where nanomaterial-based chips are being produced at the scale needed for commercialisation a major bottleneck up until now. We look forward to supporting Seoho, Natanael and Andr in their journey to introduce a new paradigm of chips beyond silicon.

Alexis Houssou, founding partner at HCVC, added:With the current boom in AI applications, we stand at a pivotal moment where the slowdown of Moores law threatens to decelerate the pace of technological progress significantly. The team at Chiral has embarked on a critical mission to pave the way toward a groundbreaking post-silicon era, promising to transcend current limitations and unlock new possibilities for advancement. We couldnt be more excited to support their mission, in collaboration with Founderful, as they build the future of computing infrastructure.

Jung concluded:In the future, it will be normal for electronic devices or chips to contain nanomaterials. The development roadmaps of the worlds leading chipmakers like TSMC, Samsung, and Intel all share our vision. We are confident that Chiral technology will empower the industry to make this transition faster.

See the rest here:
Chiral powers next-generation electronics with nanomaterials as it raises $3.8m - Installation - Installation and AV Technology Europe

Iran, a pioneer in nanotechnology – Press TV

Iran has made nanotechnology a priority in recent years, achieving remarkable success. The nanotechnology research website StatNano has ranked Iran as fourth in the world in nanotechnology publications.

The number of scientific articles is deemed a significant parameter for measuring and comparing scientific development, according to StatNano that provides the global and regional ranking of the main indicators of nano science, technology, and industry. China was atop the rankings, followed by the United States and India.

International entities have acknowledged Iranian contributions to the field. In February 2022, the American Institute of Physics published a scholarly article on the use of nanomaterials for cancer treatment by Iranian scientists.

Among Iran's nanotechnology products, 42% are related to construction, 17% to petroleum and 13% to automobile manufacturing.

Nanotechnology refers to industrial production from atomic and molecule-sized matter. It leverages the properties of nanoparticles into a wide range of applications spanning a vast number of industries. Key accomplishments in the field of nanotechnology can be seen across a wide variety of engineering, energy and medical sectors.

The field is important because it is changing the world. It is a broad discipline that includes diverse scientific fields such as surface science, molecular biology, molecular engineering, organic chemistry, energy storage, and semiconductor physics.

Many experts believe that nanotechnology will bring about a new era of productivity and wealth, and this is reflected in the growth in public investment in technologies and research over the past two decades.

Nanotechnology has become one of the pillars of modern scientific research. The evolution of nano-based products and nanomaterials in the past few years has immensely benefited the entire economy and society.

Over the last two decades, the world has observed a steady increase in the number of industries producing nano-based products and the number of countries promoting nanotechnology. There is a continuous increase in the number of patents registered under nanotechnology worldwide. More importantly, the ratio of nanotechnology to nominal GDP has increased significantly, suggesting that the contribution of nanotechnology to World GDP has increased. Nanotechnology has also played a key role in new job creation.

Many developing nations such as Brazil, India, the Philippines, Chile, Mexico, and South Africa are emerging as frontrunners in nanotechnology research. Iran is a success story, having established government-funded programs and research institutes to push the envelope of nanotechnology.

The Islamic Republic initiated its national nanotechnology development plan referred to as "Future Strategy" in 2005, after being advised by several scholars about the impact of that the technology could have on its wealth and economy.

State planners decided that developing nanotechnology could help Iran address its chronic economic woes resulting from US sanctions and mismanagement.

Nanotechnology can help Iran renovate the industries which are using old technologies and make them competitive. The field is also best placed to halt the migration of professionals from the country. High efciency, convenience, and the low price of nanotechnology products can boost demand and create a high level of satisfaction. Nanotechnology is also crucial to sustainable economic development.

Over the past few years, doctoral courses related to nanotechnology have been established in 23 Iranian universities in such fields as nanochemistry, nanophysics, nanomaterials and nanomedicine. Also, 66 universities accept students for the master's degree program.

More here:
Iran, a pioneer in nanotechnology - Press TV

AI and Nanotechnology: A Revolutionary Synergy in Healthcare – Medriva

With the rapid advancements in technology, the healthcare industry is on the verge of a paradigm shift. The promising union of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology is opening up a world of possibilities in medical treatments. This transformative synergy can revolutionize healthcare by emulating human intelligence, performing complex tasks, and manipulating matter at atomic and molecular levels with precision. However, while the potential is vast, the actualization of AI-nanobots in healthcare is still on the horizon.

AIs role in healthcare is already significant with its capability to quickly interpret data, find patterns, and make predictions to support medical decision making. An example of this can be seen in India, where radiologists are using deep learning algorithms to automate image processing, interpretation, and report generation. One groundbreaking application is the screening of diabetic retinopathy (DR) by eliminating the need for pupil dilation and using AI to detect the presence of DR in retinal photographs. This use of AI significantly reduces screening time and improves early detection of DR.

On the other hand, nanotechnology is paving the way for significant breakthroughs in medicine. With the ability to control and manipulate matter at an atomic and molecular level, nanotechnology brings unprecedented precision to medical treatments. For instance, DNA robots are currently being tested in animals to seek out and destroy cancer cells, demonstrating the potential of nanobots in healthcare.

It is predicted that by 2030, nanobots will be flowing through human bloodstreams, bringing a host of potential applications in healthcare. These range from treating cancer and conducting cell research, to delivering drugs with a high degree of accuracy, reducing plaque in veins, and addressing dietary issues. Furthermore, nanobots could constantly monitor our bodies for maladies and transmit this information to a cloud for close monitoring by medical staff, leading to a greater state of connectivity and proactive healthcare.

Despite the promising potential, the application of AI-nanobots in healthcare presents certain challenges. One of these is the issue of delivering drugs to specific target tissues and cells in the brain. A study using predictive models based on large datasets suggests that factors such as the release rate and molecular weight have a negative impact on brain targeting. Nevertheless, the study also found a slightly positive impact on brain targeting when the drug is a P-glycoprotein substrate, indicating potential pathways for overcoming these challenges.

Moreover, while the idea of nanobots transmitting our thoughts to the cloud is intriguing, it is still a far-fetched concept. As we move forward, it is crucial to approach these developments with curiosity and responsibility, fostering progress while navigating the ethical and practical implications of these technologies.

In conclusion, the future of healthcare is bright with the promising potential of AI-nanobots. While we are still on the cusp of this technological revolution, the journey towards it is filled with exciting possibilities and challenges. As we continue to explore and innovate, the synergy of AI and nanotechnology holds the promise of a transformative impact on healthcare.

AI and Nanotechnology: A Revolutionary Synergy in Healthcare - Medriva

Ten Years of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology – University of Pennsylvania

Ten Years of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology

2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology, a building that exemplifies cutting-edge scientific research by virtue of its sleek geometry and meticulous attention to detail by all those involved in its development.

Heralded by many as an architectural gem, not only at the University of Pennsylvania but in Philadelphia. The iconic, glass-clad, cantilevered 78,000 square-foot structure is nestled between the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter and David Rittenhouse Laboratory on the eastern edge of campus. It was also Penns first collaborative building between two schools: the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the School of Arts & Sciences.

Over the last decade, the center has opened its doors to students, academics, industry professionals, and many more who seek out the facilitys state-of-the-art equipment geared at serving two high-precision objectives: to build and measure.

Function Guiding Form: The Planning Phase

Eduardo Glandt, emeritus dean of Penn Engineering, played a crucial role in establishing the iconic structure. He jokes that he was quite literally at the ground floor of the $93 million-dollar centers construction, as he led the charge in securing funding, scouting faculty and staff members, and meeting with architects to make the dream a reality. Dr. Glandt recalls that finding the right architects was no small feat, saying, The demands on the designers were steep. So, we were in contact with about 10 different firms, and we had to go to Helsinki, Tokyo, and Basel to find the right people who were up for the challenge.

Ultimately, the firm suited to the task was closer to home than expected: Weiss/Manfredi, a firm co-founded by Marion Weiss, the Graham Professor of Practice in Architecture at Penns Weitzman School of Design.

Dr. Glandt explains that the Singh Centers design, with its distinctive U-shaped floor plan, was born out of necessity, as it needed to be seamlessly integrated around the pre-existing Edison Building. Later, the Edison Building, once an integral part of the Singh Center complex, would be razed and the land turned into a garden, adding yet another layer of serenity to the landscape.

Another set of significant constraints the architects faced was that the internal environment needed to be pristine: free from vibrations to accommodate an electron microscope in the characterization facility and absent from certain ultraviolet light used in the fabrication room. The latter resulted in another unique identifier, namely, the buildings marigold dcor.

Dr. Glandt notes that the glass that separates the common areas from the photolithographic activities, which is essentially using light to transfer patterns to materials, is amber to prevent UV contamination. The architects ran with this constraint and used it as a motif for the interior, said Dr. Glandt. Its incredible to see what they were able to do, and how thats given the building such a distinct look.

Dr. Glandt also expresses admiration for the buildings aesthetic and believes it is part and parcel of the centers success over the years.

Beauty tends to attract beauty, and I think the centers emblematic of this in many ways, he said. Before opening, Dr. Glandt and others worked hard to resurface Tony Smiths We Lost, a famed sculpture that used to sit on College Green, because they knew its cubic geometry would greatly complement the centers.

Following this, members of the community reached out, suggesting and offering more artworks to be showcased in the center, one of which includes some of the first microscopy artistic photographs. This set of photos can be seen at the entrance of the electron microscopy facility. Dr. Glandt also notes that the architects added We Lost to their renderings and recalls that when he presented the plans to scientific director Mark Allen during his recruitment, Dr. Allen marveled at the notion of art at a fabrication lab.

A Hub for Innovation

Dr. Allen said he has witnessed the centers facilities play an important role in a multitude of projects over the last 10 years. From pioneering drug delivery mechanisms targeting cancerous cells on a molecular scale to formulating energy-efficient batteries and next-generation semiconductors, the centers multidisciplinary approach has been a strength, enabling researchers from varying disciplines to come together in one space. Although the Singh Center was initially a joint venture between Penn Engineering and Arts & Sciences, scientific director Mark Allen said it has also proven useful to researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, Weitzman School of Design, and schools of Dental Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Its quite a nexus of collaboration, which I believe is the essence of innovation, said Dr. Allen, who is also the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor in Penn Engineering. Our ethos revolves around converging varied fields of study, pushing the boundaries of whats conceivable, and fortunately, we see that happen at an exciting time for nanotechnology.

In reflecting on the centers growth and what continues to draw people in, Dr. Allen said, the efforts by the deans involved have been tremendously helpful in allowing us to achieve our science goals.

Dr. Allen praises the current deans, Vijay Kumar of Engineering and Steven J. Fluharty of Arts & Sciences, for picking up the mantle in expanding the centers capabilities through supporting initiatives for hiring faculty with diverse backgrounds in the nanoworld.

The Singh Center has driven revolutionary advancements at the nano- and microscale- across many applications, said Dean Kumar. This includes novel micro-electromechanical systems, the invention of new catalysts and storage technologies to combat climate change, and the development of new biomaterials and drug delivery systems for health care.

Dean Fluharty, who is also the Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience, added that the center embodies a spirit of collaboration that over the past decade has paved the way for significant advancements in a wide range of research areas.

One of our research teams harnessed the centers state-of-the-art tools and materials to develop a new drug delivery device that can transport microparticles against cardiovascular flows, and another group created patterned photoelectrodes that use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide to energy-dense chemical fueland these are just two examples of the innovative work we are seeing, he said. I look forward to many more exciting discoveries in the years to come.

Gerald Lopez, the Singh Centers associate director and director of business operations, adds that under Dr. Allens leadership, the facility has been at the forefront of research, boasting more than 1,000 scientific publications, enabling more than 200 work years, and has been crowned the Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub.

Helping to Shape the Nanotech Future

Dr. Allen notes that it has been an exciting time for nanotechnology these last few years, citing the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act as recognition of the impact this field has on many spheres of modern life and science. More recently, how the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to researchers who pioneered a method to use nanocrystals for a range of activities related to light transmission.

Dr. Allen explained that the center has also inspired the next generation of nanotech practitioners by lowering the barrier of entry to some of the most sophisticated machining tools in this space.

The center has really become a testbed that welcomes people with ideas. We provide an environment that teaches and fosters practices that challenge those ideas and potentially use that information to build something, he said. We will continuously partner with other institutions in and around Philly, like the Community College of Philadelphia, to give more students hands-on experience with the cutting-edge tools that will transform the future.

This is an especially meaningful partnership since Dr. Allen noted that the employment workforce in many large semiconductor fabrication places is highly diverse.

Its roughly 50% bachelors level engineers, which is usually the technical staff, maybe 25% graduate degrees, and the other quarter, people with either no college or associates degrees because there is a need at all levels. Dr. Allen said. So, if were going to have an effective workforce development activity, we need to engage at all levels. And I think thats one of the wonderful things being done at places like the Singh Center.

Looking forward, Drs. Glandt and Allen are filled with anticipation. Nanotechnologys role in our daily lives is burgeoning, Dr. Allen said. The Singh Center, with its unparalleled infrastructure and dynamic research community, is geared to spearhead this transformation and were excited to see whats next and to keep sharing what we have coming down the pike.

Adapted from a Penn Today article written by Nathi Magubane, November 20, 2023.

Read more from the original source:
Ten Years of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology - University of Pennsylvania

Nanotechnology – Definition and Introduction – Nanowerk

Nanotechnology deals with the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications.

Dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers are known as the nanoscale.

Some examples to demonstrate the size of the nanoscale. ( Nanowerk) (click on image to enlarge)

The term was coined in 1974 by Norio Taniguichi of of Tokyo Science University to describe semiconductor processes such as thin-film deposition that deal with control on the order of nanometers. His definition still stands as the basic statement today: "Nano-technology mainly consists of the processing of separation, consolidation, and deformation of materials by one atom or one molecule."

Many argue that the history of nanotechnology starts with Richard Feynman's classic talk in December 1959: There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom - An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics:

Unusual physical, chemical, and biological properties can emerge in materials at the nanoscale. These properties may differ in important ways from the properties of bulk materials and single atoms or molecules.

The bulk properties of materials often change dramatically with nano ingredients. Composites made from particles of nano-size ceramics or metals smaller than 100 nanometers can suddenly become much stronger than predicted by existing materials-science models.

For example, metals with a so-called grain size of around 10 nanometers are as much as seven times harder and tougher than their ordinary counterparts with grain sizes in the hundreds of nanometers. The causes of these drastic changes stem from the weird world of quantum physics. The bulk properties of any material are merely the average of all the quantum forces affecting all the atoms. As you make things smaller and smaller, you eventually reach a point where the averaging no longer works.

The properties of materials can be different at the nanoscale for two main reasons:

Surface Area

Quantum Size Effects

Second, quantum effects can begin to dominate the behavior of matter at the nanoscale particularly at the lower end affecting the optical, electrical and magnetic behavior of materials. This effect describes the physics of electron properties in solids with great reductions in particle size. This effect does not come into play by going from macro to micro dimensions. However, it becomes dominant when the nanometer size range is reached.

The fascination with nanotechnology stems from these unique quantum and surface phenomena that matter exhibits at the nanoscale. They improve existing industrial processes, materials and applications in many fields and allows entirely new ones.

With regard to nanoscale materials, there are plenty of examples we could talk about here nanoparticles, quantum dots, nanowires, nanofibers, ultrathin-films, MXenes, etc.

One example, though, that is exemplary of how an 'old' material gets an exciting new life through nanoscale technologies is the element carbon.

Current applications of nanomaterials include very thin coatings used, for example, in electronics and active surfaces (such as self-cleaning windows). In most applications the nanomaterial will be fixed or embedded but in some, such as those used in cosmetics and in some environmental remediation applications, free nanoparticles are used. The ability to engineer materials to very high precision and accuracy (smaller than 100nm) is leading to considerable benefits in a wide range of industrial sectors, for instance in the production of components for the information and communication technology, automotive and aerospace industries.

A mite, less than 1 mm in size, approaching a microscale gear chain. (Image: Sandia National Laboratories)

Some 20-30 years ago, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) emerged in industrial manufacturing in a major way. MEMS consist of any combination of mechanical (levers, springs, membranes, etc.) and electrical (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) components to work as sensors or actuators. The size of today's smartphones would be impossible without the use of numerous MEMS devices. Apart from accelerometers and gyroscopes, smartphones contain micro-mirrors, image sensors, auto-focus actuators, pressure sensors, magnetometers, microphones, proximity sensors and many more. Another example from everyday life is the use of MEMS as accelerometers in modern automobile airbags where they sense rapid deceleration and, if the force is beyond a programmed threshold, initiate the inflation of the airbag.

Then, researchers took a further step down the size scale and have begun exploring another level of miniaturization nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). NEMS are showning great promise as highly sensitive detectors of mass, displacement, charge, and energy.

In some senses, nanoscience and nanotechnologies are not new. Chemists have been making polymers, which are large molecules made up of nanoscale subunits, for many decades and nanotechnologies have been used to create the tiny features on computer chips for the past 30 years.

However, advances in the tools that now allow individual atoms and molecules to be examined and probed with great precision have enabled the expansion and development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies. With new tools came new fundamental concepts and it turned out that the mechanical rules that govern the nanoworld are quite different from our everyday, macroworld experience.

Today there are a number of tools that can be used to characterize the nanomechanics of biomolecular and cellular interactions. Besides cantilever-based instruments like the AFM, examples include optical tweezers, and magnetic pullers.

Nano tech improves existing industrial processes, materials and applications by scaling them down to the nanoscale in order to ultimately fully exploit the unique quantum and surface phenomena that matter exhibits at the nanoscale. This trend is driven by companies' ongoing quest to improve existing products by creating smaller components and better performance materials, all at a lower cost.

A prime nanotechnology example of an industry where nanoscale manufacturing technologies are employed on a large scale and throughout is the semiconductor industry where device structures have reached the single nanometers scale. Your smartphone, smartwatch or tablet all are containing billions of transistors on a computer chip the size of a finger nail.

So, what can nanotechnology do? There is almost no field today where nanotechnology isn't applied in some form or shape as things like surface coatings, sensors, electronic components, membranes, etc. in medicine, environmental remediation, water filtration, nanoelectronics, food and agriculture, cosmetics, energy and batteries, space and aeronautics, automotive industries, displays, sports equipment and many more.

If you select "Introduction to Nanotechnology" from our menu bar above you will find numerous articles on all these topics in the right column.

Many products are defined as "nanotechnology product" because they contain nanoparticles in some form or other. For instance, many antimicrobial coatings contain silver in nanoscale form; food products and cosmetics contain nanoparticles; and some products are partially made with composite materials containing nanomaterials (e.g. carbon nanotubes or -fibers) to mechanically strengthen the material.

"Nanotech" products that are on the market today are mostly gradually improved products (using evolutionary nanotechnology) where some form of nano-enabled material (such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanocomposite structures or nanoparticles of a particular substance) or nanotech process (e.g. nanopatterning or quantum dots for medical imaging) is used in the manufacturing process.

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Nanotechnology - Definition and Introduction - Nanowerk

Applications of nanotechnology – Wikipedia

Potential applications of carbon nanotubesEdit

Nanotubes can help with cancer treatment. They have been shown to be effective tumor killers in those with kidney or breast cancer.[4][5] Multi-walled nanotubes are injected into a tumor and treated with a special type of laser that generates near-infrared radiation for around half a minute. These nanotubes vibrate in response to the laser, and heat is generated. When the tumor has been heated enough, the tumor cells begin to die. Processes like this one have been able to shrink kidney tumors by up to four-fifths.[4]

Ultrablack materials, made up of forests of carbon nanotubes, are important in space, where there is more light than is convenient to work with. Ultrablack material can be applied to camera and telescope systems to decrease the amount of light and allow for more detailed images to be captured.[6]

Nanotubes show promise in treating cardiovascular disease. They could play an important role in blood vessel cleanup. Theoretically, nanotubes with SHP1i molecules attached to them would signal macrophages to clean up plaque in blood vessels without destroying any healthy tissue. Researchers have tested this type of modified nanotube in mice with high amounts of plaque buildup; the mice that received the nanotube treatment showed statistically significant reductions in plaque buildup compared to the mice in the placebo group.[7] Further research is needed for this treatment to be given to humans.

Nanotubes may be used in body armor for future soldiers. This type of armor would be very strong and highly effective at shielding soldiers bodies from projectiles and electromagnetic radiation. It is also possible that the nanotubes in the armor could play a role in keeping an eye on soldiers conditions.[8]

Nanotechnology's ability to observe and control the material world at a nanoscopic level can offer great potential for construction development. Nanotechnology can help improve the strength and durability of construction materials, including cement, steel, wood, and glass.[9]

By applying nanotechnology, materials can gain a range of new properties. The discovery of a highly ordered crystal nanostructure of amorphous C-S-H gel and the application of photocatalyst and coating technology result in a new generation of materials with properties like water resistance, self-cleaning property, wear resistance, and corrosion protection.[10] Among the new nanoengineered polymers, there are highly efficient superplasticizers for concrete and high-strength fibers with exceptional energy absorbing capacity.[10]

Experts believe that nanotechnology remains in its exploration stage and has potential in improving conventional materials such as steel.[10] Understanding the composite nanostructures of such materials and exploring nanomaterials' different applications may lead to the development of new materials with expanded properties, such as electrical conductivity as well as temperature-, moisture- and stress-sensing abilities.[10]

Due to the complexity of the equipment, nanomaterials have high cost compared to conventional materials, meaning they are not likely to feature high-volume building materials.[11] In special cases, nanotechnology can help reduce costs for complicated problems. But in most cases, the traditional method for construction remains more cost-efficient.[11] With the improvement of manufacturing technologies, the costs of applying nanotechnology into construction have been decreasing over time and are expected to decrease more.[11]

Nanoelectronics refers to the application of nanotechnology on electronic components. Nanoelectronics aims to improve the performance of electronic devices on displays and power consumption while shrinking them.[3] Therefore, nanoelectronics can help reach the goal set up in Moore's law, which predicts the continued trend of scaling down in the size of integrated circuits.

Nanoelectronics is a multidisciplinary area composed of quantum physics, device analysis, system integration, and circuit analysis.[12] Since de Broglie wavelength in the semiconductors may be on the order of 100nm, the quantum effect at this length scale becomes essential.[12] The different device physics and novel quantum effects of electrons can lead to exciting applications.[12]

The terms nanobiotechnology and bionanotechnology refer to the combination of ideas, techniques, and sciences of biology and nanotechnology. More specifically, nanobiotechnology refers to the application of nanoscale objects for biotechnology while bionanotechnology refers to the use of biological components in nanotechnology.[1]

The most prominent intersection of nanotechnology and biology is in the field of nanomedicine, where the use of nanoparticles and nanodevices has many clinical applications in delivering therapeutic drugs, monitoring health conditions, and diagnosing diseases.[13] Being that much of the biological processes in the human body occur at the cellular level, the small size of nanomaterials allows for them to be used as tools that can easily circulate within the body and directly interact with intercellular and even intracellular environments. In addition, nanomaterials can have physiochemical properties that differ from their bulk form due to their size,[14] allowing for varying chemical reactivities and diffusion effects that can be studied and changed for diversified applications.

A common application of nanomedicine is in therapeutic drug delivery, where nanoparticles containing drugs for therapeutic treatment of disease are introduced into the body and act as vessels that deliver the drugs to the targeted area. The nanoparticle vessels, which can be made of organic or synthetic components, can further be functionalized by adjusting their size, shape, surface charge, and surface attachments (proteins, coatings, polymers, etc.).[15] The opportunity for functionalizing nanoparticles in such ways is especially beneficial when targeting areas of the body that have certain physiochemical properties that prevent the intended drug from reaching the targeted area alone; for example, some nanoparticles are able to bypass the Blood Brain Barrier to deliver therapeutic drugs to the brain.[16] Nanoparticles have recently been used in cancer therapy treatments and vaccines.[17][18]

In vivo imaging is also a key part in nanomedicine, as nanoparticles can be used as contrast agents for common imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET).[13] The ability for nanoparticles to localize and circulate in specific cells, tissues, or organs through their design can provide high contrast that results in higher sensitivity imaging, and thus can be applicable in studying pharmacokinetics or visual disease diagnosis.[13][15]

The energy applications of nanotechnology relates to using the small size of nanoparticles to store energy more efficiently. This promotes the use of renewable energy through green nanotechnology by generating, storing, and using energy without emitting harmful greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

Nanoparticles used in solar cells are increasing the amount of energy absorbed from sunlight.[19] Solar cells are currently created from layers of silicon that absorb sunlight and convert it to usable electricity.[20] Using noble metals such as gold coated on top of silicon, researchers have found that they are able to transform energy more efficiently into electrical current.[20] Much of the energy that is loss during this transformation is due to heat, however by using nanoparticles there is less heat emitted thus producing more electricity.[20]

Nanotechnology is enabling the use of hydrogen energy at a much higher capacity.[21] Hydrogen fuel cells, while they are not an energy source themselves, allow for storing energy from sunlight and other renewable sources in an environmentally-friendly fashion without any CO2 emissions.[21] Some of the main drawbacks of traditional hydrogen fuel cells are that they are expensive and not durable enough for commercial uses.[22] However, by using nanoparticles, both the durability and price over time improve significantly.[22] Furthermore, conventional fuel cells are too large to be stored in volume, but researchers have discovered that nanoblades can store greater volumes of hydrogen that can then be saved inside carbon nanotubes for long-term storage.[22]

Nanotechnology is giving rise to nanographene batteries that can store energy more efficiently and weigh less.[23] Lithium-ion batteries have been the primary battery technology in electronics for the last decade, but the current limits in the technology make it difficult to densify batteries due to the potential dangers of heat and explosion.[21] Graphene batteries being tested in experimental electric cars have promised capacities 4 times greater than current batteries with the cost being 77% lower.[23] Additionally, graphene batteries provide stable life cycles of up to 250,000 cycles,[24] which would allow electric vehicles and long-term products a reliable energy source for decades.

See the original post here:
Applications of nanotechnology - Wikipedia

Revolutionizing Nanotechnology: Photonic Cavities that Self-Assemble at the Atomic Level – SciTechDaily

Illustration of the core of the photonic cavity that was fabricated as two halves that assembled themselves into one unit. The cavity confines light inside the gap, which is only a few atoms wide as indicated in the field of view of the magnifying glass. Credit: Thor A. S. Weis

In a new Nature paper, two nanotechnology approaches converge by employing a new generation of fabrication technology. It combines the scalability of semiconductor technology with the atomic dimensions enabled by self-assembly.

A central goal in quantum optics and photonics is to increase the strength of the interaction between light and matter to produce, e.g., better photodetectors or quantum light sources. The best way to do that is to use optical resonators that store light for a long time, making it interact more strongly with matter. If the resonator is also very small, such that light is squeezed into a tiny region of space, the interaction is enhanced even further. The ideal resonator would store light for a long time in a region at the size of a single atom.

Physicists and engineers have struggled for decades with how small optical resonators can be made without making them very lossy, which is equivalent to asking how small you can make a semiconductor device. The semiconductor industrys roadmap for the next 15 years predicts that the smallest possible width of a semiconductor structure will be no less than 8 nm, which is several tens of atoms wide.

The self-assembled cavity can be integrated into larger self-assembled components for routing light around an optical chip. The figure shows the optical cavity embedded in a circuit containing multiple self-assembled elements. Credit: Thor A. S. Weis

The team behind a new paper in Nature, Associate Professor Sren Stobbe and his colleagues at DTU Electro demonstrated 8 nm cavities last year, but now they propose and demonstrate a novel approach to fabricate a self-assembling cavity with an air void at the scale of a few atoms. Their paper Self-assembled photonic cavities with atomic-scale confinement detailing the results is published today (December 6) in the journal Nature.

To briefly explain the experiment, two halves of silicon structures are suspended on springs, although in the first step, the silicon device is firmly attached to a layer of glass. The devices are made by conventional semiconductor technology, so the two halves are a few tens of nanometers apart. Upon selective etching of the glass, the structure is released and now only suspended by the springs, and because the two halves are fabricated so close to each other, they attract due to surface forces. By carefully engineering the design of the silicon structures, the result is a self-assembled resonator with bowtie-shaped gaps at the atomic scale surrounded by silicon mirrors.

FACT BOX: Surface forces

There are four known fundamental forces: Gravitational, electromagnetic, and strong and weak nuclear forces. Besides the forces due to static configurations, e.g., the attractive electromagnetic force between positively and negatively charged particles, there can also be forces due to fluctuations. Such fluctuations may be either thermal or quantum in origin, and they give rise to surface forces such as the van der Waals force and the Casimir force which act at different length scales but are rooted in the same underlying physics. Other mechanisms, such as electrostatic surface charges, can add to the net surface force. For example, geckos exploit surface forces to cling to walls and ceilings.

We are far from a circuit that builds itself completely. But we have succeeded in converging two approaches that have been traveling along parallel tracks so far. And it allowed us to build a silicon resonator with unprecedented miniaturization, says Sren Stobbe.

One approach the top-down approach is behind the spectacular development we have seen with silicon-based semiconductor technologies. Here, crudely put, you go from a silicon block and work on making nanostructures from them. The other approach the bottom-up approach is where you try to have a nanotechnological system assemble itself. It aims to mimic biological systems, such as plants or animals, built through biological or chemical processes. These two approaches are at the very core of what defines nanotechnology. But the problem is that these two approaches were so far disconnected: Semiconductors are scalable but cannot reach the atomic scale, and while self-assembled structures have long been operating at atomic scales, they offer no architecture for the interconnects to the external world.

The leading authors at work in the lab: Ph.D.-student Ali Nawaz Babar, postdoc Guillermo Arregui, and Associate Professor Sren Stobbe. Credit: Ole Ekelund

The interesting thing would be if we could produce an electronic circuit that built itselfjust like what happens with humans as they grow but with inorganic semiconductor materials. That would be true hierarchical self-assembly. We use the new self-assembly concept for photonic resonators, which may be used in electronics, nanorobotics, sensors, quantum technologies, and much more. Then, we would really be able to harvest the full potential of nanotechnology. The research community is many breakthroughs away from realizing that vision, but I hope we have taken the first steps, says Guillermo Arregui, who co-supervised the project.

FACT BOX: How it was done

The paper details three experiments that the researchers carried out in the labs at DTU:

Supposing a combination of the two approaches is possible, the team at DTU Electro set out to create nanostructures that surpass the limits of conventional lithography and etching despite using nothing more than conventional lithography and etching. Their idea was to use two surface forces, namely the Casimir force for attracting the two halves and the van der Waals force for making them stick together. These two forces are rooted in the same underlying effect: quantum fluctuations (see Fact box).

The researchers made photonic cavities that confine photons to air gaps so small that determining their exact size was impossible, even with a transmission electron microscope. But the smallest they built are of a size of 1-3 silicon atoms.

Even if the self-assembly takes care of reaching these extreme dimensions, the requirements for the nanofabrication are no less extreme. For example, structural imperfections are typically on the scale of several nanometers. Still, if there are defects at this scale, the two halves will only meet and touch at the three largest defects. We are really pushing the limits here, even though we make our devices in one of the very best university cleanrooms in the world, says Ali Nawaz Babar, a PhD student at the NanoPhoton Center of Excellence at DTU Electro and first author of the new paper.

The advantage of self-assembly is that you can make tiny things. You can build unique materials with amazing properties. But today, you cant use it for anything you plug into a power outlet. You cant connect it to the rest of the world. So, you need all the usual semiconductor technology for making the wires or waveguides to connect whatever you have self-assembled to the external world.

The paper shows a possible way to link the two nanotechnology approaches by employing a new generation of fabrication technology that combines the atomic dimensions enabled by self-assembly with the scalability of semiconductors fabricated with conventional methods.

We dont have to go in and find these cavities afterward and insert them into another chip architecture. That would also be impossible because of the tiny size. In other words, we are building something on the scale of an atom already inserted in a macroscopic circuit. We are very excited about this new line of research, and plenty of work is ahead, says Sren Stobbe.

Reference: Self-assembled photonic cavities with atomic-scale confinement 6 December 2023, Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06736-8

Read more from the original source:
Revolutionizing Nanotechnology: Photonic Cavities that Self-Assemble at the Atomic Level - SciTechDaily

Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory – NCI

NCI established the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL) to accelerate the progress of nanomedicine by providing preclinical characterization and safety testing of nanoparticles. It is a collaborative effort between NCI, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The NCL serves as a resource and knowledge base for all cancer researchers in academia, industry, and government to facilitate the development and clinical translation of nanotechnologies intended as cancer therapeutics and diagnostics. NCL supports the characterization of:

Considering the relevance of nanoparticles to combat COVID-19 pandemic, the NCL also supports the characterization of nanotechnology-based COVID vaccines and therapeutics.

There are multiple ways the NCL can help nanotech researchers and developers advance their technology, including characterization, formulation, optimization, lead selection, and method development.

NCL has a free preclinical characterization service for developers of oncology-based nanoformulations to help in their development toward clinical trials.

Technical services are predefined statements of work for select NCL assays, with a fixed cost for each service. NCL provides two technical services, both based on the Stable Isotope Tracer Ultrafiltration Assay (SITUA) an analytical method invented at NCL that measures key nanomedicine fractions in plasma.

The NCL has developed a standardized analytical cascade that performs physicochemical characterization as well as preclinical testing of the immunology, pharmacology, and toxicology properties of nanomaterials. The data generated can be used in regulatory filings, in publications, and to garner interest from investors.

The NCL was founded in 2004 in collaboration with FDA and NIST, as a publicprivate partnership to advance the science needed to expedite the development of promising nanotech therapies and diagnostics. The NCL has tested more than 450 unique nanomaterials and worked with more than 125 investigators worldwide.

Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory - NCI

Argentina: Promotion of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology – Lexology

In brief

By National Law No. 27,685 ("Law"), published on 16 September 2022, Law No. 26,270 was amended, expanding throughout the entire national territory the promotion regime for the development and production of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology. The regime will be in force up to 31 December 2034.

The Law set forth the following tax benefits: (i) the accelerated amortization of the capital goods, special equipment, and parts or elements forming those new goods, which were acquired for the project; (ii) the anticipated refund for the VAT corresponding to the goods acquired for the project; and (iii) the granting of a tax credit bond equivalent to 50% of expenses paid for hiring investigative and development services from institutions that are part of the national public system of science, technology and innovation. The tax credit bond will be valid for 10 years and it will only be transferable once.

In focus

The Law includes the concept of nanotechnology in the definition of "Modern Biotechnology", which means every technological application based on rational knowledge and scientific principles that derive from biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology and genetic engineering, or that uses live organisms or parts of them, either for the production of goods and services, or for the substantial improvement of products and productive processes.

The Law set forth the following tax benefits:

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Argentina: Promotion of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology - Lexology

Companies In The Filters Market Are Incorporating Nanotechnology To Improve The Efficiency Of The Filters As Per The Business Research Company’s…

LONDON, Sept. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to The Business Research Companys research report on the filters market, nanotechnology is gaining popularity in the filters market trends. Nanotechnology in filters refers to the use of nanomaterials and nanoparticles to improve the performance of filters. One such filter system based on nanotechnology is a nanotech-based water purification system that is thought to be modular, highly efficient, and cost-effective compared to traditional water filtration procedures. These systems are made up of carbonaceous nanomaterials, metal oxide nanoparticles, zeolites, and other nanomaterials that are integrated into a polymeric matrix to improve the performance of traditional polymeric membranes. For instance, in February 2020, Parker Hannifin Corporation, a US-based motion and control technology company, and its Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division introduced ProTura SB Nano Pleated Filters, which is a dust collection filter used in a variety of applications. The ProTura SB Nano Pleated Filters use advanced nanofibre filtration technology whose filters are made from a 100% synthetic base media with a proprietary nanofiber layer applied to the collection surface, designed for demanding applications.

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The global filters market size is expected to grow from $68.28 billion in 2021 to $72.23 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.95%. The global filters market share is expected to grow to $94.30 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.89%.

The rapidly increasing adoption of air purifiers due to increasing toxic gas release in the air causing severe health hazards is expected to fuel the filter market demand. Air toxics cause a broad range of health effects depending on the specific pollutant, the amount of exposure, and how people are exposed. People inhaling high levels of air toxics experience nose, throat and eye irritation, and breathing difficulty. Long term exposure to air toxics such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and others can cause cancer and lead to a long-term damage to the respiratory, neurological, immune, and reproductive systems. For instance, according to a study from British Lung Foundation (BLF) and Asthma UK published in February 2021, nearly 6 million people aged over 65 in England are at higher risk of lung damage and asthma attacks because of toxic air. This rise in toxic air would increase the demand for air purifies thus driving the filters market growth.

Major players in the filters market are 3M Company, Airex Filter Corp, Koch Filter, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co KG, Donaldson Company Inc, Camfil AB, Parker Hannifin Corp, DENSO Corp, Clark Air Systems, Spectrum Filtration Pvt Ltd, MANN+HUMMEL, Clear Edge Filtration Group, Pall Corporation, Danaher Corporation, TFI Filtration (India) Private Limited and Aarkays Air Equipment Private Limited.

The global filters market is segmented by product into fluid filters, ICE filters, air filters; by distribution channel into offline stores, online stores; by application into motor vehicles, consumer goods, utilities, industrial and manufacturing, others.

Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the global filters market in 2021. The regions covered in the global filters market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa.

Filters Global Market Report 2022 Market Size, Trends, And Global Forecast 2022-2026 is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provide filters market overviews, filters market analyze and forecast market size and growth for the whole market, filters market segments and geographies, filters market trends, filters market drivers, filters market restraints, filters market leading competitors revenues, profiles and market shares in over 1,000 industry reports, covering over 2,500 market segments and 60 geographies.

The report also gives in-depth analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the market. The reports draw on 150,000 datasets, extensive secondary research, and exclusive insights from interviews with industry leaders. A highly experienced and expert team of analysts and modelers provides market analysis and forecasts. The reports identify top countries and segments for opportunities and strategies based on market trends and leading competitors approaches.

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The Business Research Companys flagship product, Global Market Model, is a market intelligence platform covering various macroeconomic indicators and metrics across 60 geographies and 27 industries. The Global Market Model covers multi-layered datasets which help its users assess supply-demand gaps.

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Companies In The Filters Market Are Incorporating Nanotechnology To Improve The Efficiency Of The Filters As Per The Business Research Company's...

Atomic-scale imaging reveals a facile route to crystal formation – Nanowerk

Sep 23, 2022(Nanowerk News) What do clouds, televisions, pharmaceuticals, and even the dirt under our feet have in common? They all have or use crystals in some way. Crystals are more than just fancy gemstones. Clouds form when water vapor condenses into ice crystals in the atmosphere. Liquid crystal displays are used in a variety of electronics, from televisions to instrument panels. Crystallization is an important step for drug discovery and purification. Crystals also make up rocks and other minerals. Their crucial role in the environment is a focus of materials science and health sciences research.Scientists have yet to fully understand how crystallization occurs, but the importance of surfaces in promoting the process has long been recognized. Research from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), the University of Washington (UW), and Durham University sheds new light on how crystals form at surfaces.Their results were published in Science Advances ("Hydroxide films on mica form charge-stabilized microphases that circumvent nucleation barriers").Aluminum hydroxide, depicted here in orange, undergoes fluctuations between structures before forming an ordered crystal. (Illustration by Nathan Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)Previous studies on crystallization led scientists to form the classical nucleation theorythe predominant explanation for why crystals begin to form, or nucleate. When crystals nucleate, they begin as very small ephemeral clusters of just a few atoms. Their small size makes the clusters extremely difficult to detect. Scientists have managed to collect only a few images of such processes.New technologies are making it possible to visualize the crystallization process as never before, said PNNL Physical Sciences Division Chemist Ben Legg. He partnered with PNNL Battelle Fellow and UW Affiliate Professor James De Yoreo to do just that. With the help of Professor Kislon Voitchovsky from Durham University in England, they used a technique called atomic force microscopy to watch the nucleation of an aluminum hydroxide mineral on a mica surface in water.Mica is a common mineral, found in everything from drywall to cosmetics. It often provides a surface for other minerals to nucleate and grow. For this study, however, its most important feature was its extremely flat surface, which allowed researchers to detect the few-atom clusters as they formed on the mica.What Legg and De Yoreo observed was a crystallization pattern that was not expected from the classical theory. Instead of a rare event in which a cluster of atoms reaches a critical size and then grows across the surface, they saw thousands of fluctuating clusters that coalesced into an unexpected pattern with gaps that persisted between crystalline "islands."After careful analysis of the results, the researchers concluded that while certain aspects of the current theory held true, ultimately their system followed a nonclassical pathway. They attribute this to electrostatic forces from charges on the mica surface. Because many types of materials form charged surfaces in water, the researchers hypothesize that they observed a widespread phenomenon and are excited to look for other systems where this nonclassical process might occur.Assumptions from classical nucleation theory have far-reaching implications in disciplines ranging from materials science to climate prediction, said De Yoreo. The results from our experiments can help produce more accurate simulations of such systems.

The rest is here:
Atomic-scale imaging reveals a facile route to crystal formation - Nanowerk