Great news! Potential COVID-19 drug to mitigate the consequences of coronavirus infection identified – The Financial Express

There is also a possibility that the project could get a three-year renewal.

Coronavirus treatment: New drug to mitigate or prevent coronavirus infection may have been found! Researchers from the University of Malaga (UMA) and the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND) have been making progress in the identification of new therapies that can be implemented rapidly and can combat COVID-19. They have now found a potential drug to prevent or mitigate the consequences of an infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that has caused a global pandemic. The first results of the study have been published in Cytokine and Growth Factors Review journal and have been accessed by Financial Express Online.

The research is being led by principal researchers Fabiana Csukasi and Ivn Durn, and over the coming year, the team would be studying the impact of 4-Phenylbutiric acid (4-PBA) treatment in modulating the inflammatory response that is produced in severe COVID-19 cases. This inflammatory response can lead to excessive and uncontrolled release of cytokines, which are the molecules responsible for the organisation of the bodys defence. This uncontrolled release can cause severe reactions, going as far as triggering vascular hyperpermeability and muti-organ failure. The researchers have proposed controlling this cytokine storm through the help of the infected cells.

Durn said that when the cells are under stress due to the infection, they trigger the release of cytokines, and as the stress level increases, the call for cytokine also increases, leading to this storm. Therefore, Durn said that one possible treatment for this is reducing the stress on cells.

The researcher added that repurposing of 4-PBA, an anti-stress drug, could help in modulating the cellular stress. The drug has been approved for clinical usage in other diseases, and therefore, it should not be hard to apply for repurposing it in terms of COVID-19. Another important point to note is that cellular stress is also present in cases of aging, carcinogenesis or diabetes, all of which are comorbidities flagged as risk factors for COVID-19.

Durn said that the preliminary research was conducted on animal models and the results from the study have shown that mortality caused by cellular stress-induced respiratory failure was completely curbed by 4-PBA. The researcher added that the results also helped in the identification of Binding Immunoglobulin Protein (BiP), a marker of stress blood, as an indicator of situations of cellular stress. This could be explored and measured in affected patients.

The UMA professor said that this could mean that BiP levels could determine the efficacy of 4-PBA treatment as well as be an early indicator of the COVID-19 risk groups. Thus, it could help in the establishment of a correlation between high stress levels and the severity of the inflammation after the infection.

The researcher added that people with comorbidities have cellular stress in the first place, and an infection of coronavirus could make them more prone to fall severely ill or even die. Thus, if the status of a patients cellular stress became known, then healthcare workers would be able to detect their susceptibility before they get infected and also know how to treat them in time.

The study has been financed by the Government of Andalusias COVID-19 Fund and the initial grant has been to the tune of EUR 90,000. There is also a possibility that the project could get a three-year renewal.

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Great news! Potential COVID-19 drug to mitigate the consequences of coronavirus infection identified - The Financial Express

Predictions 2022: Year of personalisation of healthcare and therapies – Fortune India

What could change in the next 5 years? 2022 is the foundation year for an unprecedented amount of collaborative research and innovation. As we move ahead, an integrated healthcare industry will create new ways to diagnose patients; prevention will actually become the cure; and technology will provide unprecedented levels of patient information, making it easier than ever before to find therapies to treat individual-specific conditions, or even specific individuals.

In the next decade, global healthcare will blur the lines between different segments, and even sectors. The traditional distinction between different parts of the healthcare industry clinical practice, diagnostics, devices and pharmaceuticals has already begun to disappear. So will the barriers between innovators, service providers and technologists.

Digital health is already changing the face of diagnosis and drug discovery. In the future, new healthcare platforms will provide remote care to patients, smart sensors will monitor body chemistry and vital signs, and identify potential disease risk. Manufacturing technology will be increasingly refined and complex but not complicated.

That artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will accelerate along the spectrum of healthcare is a given. Robotics and virtual reality have already begun and will continue to aid doctors in the operation theatre to conduct surgery with much higher precision. Sensors monitoring vital signs, triggering alerts and even treatment are already making their mark.

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Predictions 2022: Year of personalisation of healthcare and therapies - Fortune India

Nanotech opens up job options in variety of industries – BL on Campus

The word nano refers to the length scale (one nanometre is one-billionth of a metre) that is one thousand times smaller than the micro scale, the scale that was traditionally associated with the electronics industry. Viruses and DNA are examples of natural objects on the nano scale; in contrast a human cell can appear enormous.

The term nanotechnology refers to the engineering, measurement and understanding of nano-scaled materials and devices. Manipulating matter atom by atom and creating features on the atomic or nano scale is now a proven technology and there is an ever growing catalogue that utilises nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology represents an entire scientific and engineering field, broadly within Materials Science and Engineering, and not just a single product or even group of products. As a consequence of this there are several different types of nanotechnology, and many applications associated with each type. There are also several other types of nano-sized objects which exist in our environment, both natural and unnatural such as films and coatings, embedded nanotechnology, biologically natural, biological nanotechnology, natural particles, manufactured particles, nano-electrical mechanical systems.

Building on current nanotechnology-enabled applications in areas as diverse as consumer electronics, medicine, energy, water purification, aerospace, automotive, infrastructure, sporting goods, textiles, and agriculture, the nanotechnology research underway today will enable entirely new capabilities and products. Nanotechnology also underpins key industries of the future. For example, new architecture and paradigms exploiting nanotechnology are providing the foundation for artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science (QIS), next-generation wireless communications, and advanced manufacturing.

While advances in modern electronics have long been at the nanoscale, new nanomaterials and designs will ensure the continued strength of the semiconductor industry, which powers computing, e-commerce, and national security. Nanotechnology also enables the rapid genomic sequencing and sensing required to advance medicine and biotechnology. Nanotechnology R&D has enabled early detection of emerging diseases and will lead to the treatments of the future. Past investments in nanotechnology research and development have provided a foundation to support the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Nanotechnology-enabled applications include vaccines, sensors, masks, filters, and antimicrobial coatings.

Examples of nanotechnology innovations are: a highly sensitive wearable gas sensor; nanoparticles absorbed by plants to deliver nutrients; durable, conductive yarns made with MXene; electrodes that incorporate nanoparticles and enable the conversion of sunlight to hydrogen fuel; nano-engineered pores in a membrane for water filtration; drug-loaded nano particles carried by red blood cells; and the first programmable memristor computer, enabling low-power AI applications. Nanotechnology advances are impacting a variety of other sectors including consumer electronics, aerospace, automotive, infrastructure, sporting goods, and agriculture.

Research Infrastructure

The research infrastructure, including physical and cyber resources as well as education and workforce development efforts, is critical to support the entire funding ecosystem (National Nanotechnology Initiative), and agencies will continue to invest in these important areas. Agencies use a wide variety of mechanisms to support the research infrastructure, including Centre grants, instrumentation development or acquisition programmes, training grants, fellowships, and collaborative programmes that support workforce development.

Career opportunities

The scope and application of nanotechnology is tremendous. Indian engineering and science graduates are increasingly opting for nanotechnology. Right from medicine, pharmaceuticals, information technology, electronic, opto-electronics, energy, chemicals, advanced materials to textiles, nanotechnology has its applications. Nanotechnology provides job opportunities in health industry; pharmaceutical industry; agriculture industry; environment industry; food and beverage industry as well in government and private research institutes.


One needs to have a diehard passion for research, especially to find out new structures in the field of nanotechnology. It is important to have sound analytical skills, along with a scientific bent of mind. Analysing and interpreting skills are a necessity in this field and also to accept failures in experiments as a challenge. Other necessary skills which are required are: Good mathematical and computer programming skills; adequate laboratory training for expert handling of advanced equipment; ability to learn and adopt new techniques; have a systematic way of working; a natural propensity for research work; keep track of the latest scientific news, books and research magazines; a good background of physics, chemistry, medicine, electronics and biotechnology

Job Prospects

A lot of job opportunities and a research career exists in the areas of nano-device, nano-packaging, nano-wires, nano-tools, nano-biotechnology, nano-crystalline materials, nano-photonics and nano-porous materials to name a few. It is estimated that around three million nanotechnology skilled workforce will be required worldwide by 2021. Many government institutes and Indian industries have focused on nano-materials. It is also estimated nano-technology will create another five million jobs worldwide in support fields and industries. A professional in the field of nanotechnology can easily find lucrative jobs in most of fields.

Since nanotechnology is a special branch that essentially combines physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and technology, it is opening up job prospects for students specialising in these subjects. The career opportunities in the fields of nanoscale science and technology are expanding rapidly, as these fields have increasing impact on many aspects of our daily lives.

A professional in the field of nanotechnology can easily find viable career opportunities in various sectors. They can work in the field of nano-medicine, bio-informatics, stem cell development, pharmaceutical companies, and nano toxicology and nano power generating sectors.

The major areas for the development of applications involving nanotechnology are medical and pharmaceuticals, information technology, electronics, magnetics and opto-electronics, energy chemicals, advanced materials and textiles.

Nanotechnology has varied applications in drug delivery to treat cancer tumours (without using radiotherapy and chemotherapy), solar energy, batteries, display technologies, opto-electronic devices, semiconductor devices, biosensors, luminous paints, and many others. A major challenge in this emerging field is the training for a new generation of skilled professionals.

An abundance of job opportunities awaits candidates with an MTech in Nanotechnology from India and abroad. Indian industry has focused on nanomaterials and many scientific institutions have started research and development activities in the field. The CSIR has set up 38 laboratories, across the country, to carry out research and development work in this field. Those with a PhD in Nanotechnology will have vibrant opportunities in the R&D sectors.

It is a perfect career for those who have a scientific bent of mind and a passion for studying and experimenting with the minutest molecules. Students with a science and engineering background and even mathematics with a physics background can pursue Nanotechnology as a career. Candidates with MTech in Nanotechnology are in great demand both in India and abroad.

(The writer is Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM University)

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Nanotech opens up job options in variety of industries - BL on Campus

Using digital twins in health care to stave off the grim reaper – VentureBeat

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VentureBeat caught up with NTT Research Medical & Health Informatics Lab director Dr. Joe Alexander, who elaborated on his view of the future of bio digital twins, which promise to improve precision medicine and bring digital transformation to the health care industry.

Japanese telecom giant NTT has launched a major initiative to improve digital health through precision medicine using digital twin technology. This project is part of NTT Research, a new R&D hub focused on basic research. The goal is to address long-term technological challenges with solutions that, once achieved, can positively impact wider ranges of businesses and many parts of our lives. These projects are not tied to specific product roll-out plans but could lead to much more significant long-term improvements than conventional incremental research conducted by enterprises.

VentureBeat: What exactly is medical and health informatics where does it fit into the landscape of other enterprise medical software like EHRs, diagnostics, telemedicine, and research?

The acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of health care information to foster better collaboration among a patients various health care providers is the study of health informatics. It plays a critical role in the push toward health care reform. Health informatics is an evolving specialization that links information technology, communications, and health care to improve the quality and safety of patient care. EHRs help providers better manage care for patients and are an important part of health informatics.

Telemedicine has more to do with the access and sharing of medical information for the purpose of treating patients remotely. The term diagnostics can be applied to any process or device that involves techniques for (medical) diagnoses.

One current area of research that is of particular interest to our team is precision cardiology. This includes the cardiovascular bio digital twin as well as heart-on-a-chip technologies.

Research at MEI Labs does not currently target EHR software development or telemedicine per se. Our work does support remote monitoring, diagnostics, and advanced therapeutics.

VentureBeat: What is the bio digital twin initiative, and how do you plan to advance it?

Alexander: A bio digital twin is an up-to-date virtual representation (an electronic replica) which provides real-time insights into the status of a real-world asset to enable better management and to inform decision-making. This concept has been applied to the preventive maintenance of jet engines and may be applied as well to the predictive maintenance of health.

The Bio Digital Twin (BioDT) initiative aims to individualize and revolutionize health care by use of BioDT technologies. We will first realize precision cardiology on multiple scales through development of a cardiovascular BioDT (CV BioDT) and heart-on-a-chip platforms. The CV BioDT is at the whole organ physiological system level, whereas the heart-on-a-chip is at a microfluidics level, making use of an individuals stem cells to make in vitro organs.

For the CV BioDT, we will begin with acute conditions (acute myocardial infarction and acute heart failure) and progress to chronic cardiovascular conditions and their co-morbidities and complications. The latter requires heavy dependence on organ systems other than the heart. Ultimately, based on our accumulating knowledge of underlying physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms (together with advanced sensing technologies), we will be able to move into wellness and prevention.

VentureBeat: What is the value of a digital twin, and how does it build upon other technologies for capturing and managing medical data or simulating things?

Alexander: We expect that our bio digital twin will best enable individualized care. By reproducing an individuals entire physiology based on causal mechanisms, we should be able to predict health issues as well as provide recommendations for therapies in complex patients through what if scenario testing.

Autonomous therapies delivered by the bio digital twin become possible, where the physician would simply monitor autonomous devices. Virtual clinical trials in populations of bio digital twins also become feasible and would dramatically accelerate drug (or vaccine) development.

What we are proposing is not evolutionary, but revolutionary. An ambitious project of this scope and scale will take time. We will certainly need continuously to inventory the evolving trajectories of clinical and technology landscapes for facilitatory impact points.

VentureBeat: Why did you decide to start with the heart, and how will this complement other, similar efforts?

Alexander: We started with cardiovascular disease because it is the global leading cause of death. One of the principal missions of NTT Research is to provide long-term benefits to humanity; this is fundamental to deciding what projects to pursue.

Our immediate cardiovascular disease targets will be acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and acute heart failure (acute HF). We will pursue chronic heart failure and other conditions afterwards.

VentureBeat: Whats next in digital twins and why?

Alexander: Following development of the CV BioDT, our next pursuit will be neurodegenerative diseases, e.g., Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease. Our reasoning here is similar: neurodegenerative diseases are the 2nd leading cause of death, at least in the U.S.

VentureBeat: What kinds of things are you working on with nano and microscale sensors and electrodes?

Alexander: MEI Lab is developing organ-on-a-chip microfluidics platforms as well as three-dimensionally transformable and implantable electrodes. This work involves the exploration and examination of new materials that include nanofibers and nanofiber-based paper electrodes.

VentureBeat: Which ones show the most promise in the short term and possibility in the long term?

Alexander: This is a difficult question for me to answer since I am not directly involved in the research. However, all our targets tend to be long term. Based on current progress, microscale three-dimensionally transformable electrodes for sensing are more promising in the shorter term, followed by similar types of electrodes for both stimulating and sensing. Organ-on-a-chip platforms will likely mature in the longer term.

VentureBeat: What are some of the key developments in digital biomarkers, wearable technologies, and remote sensing you are exploring?

Alexander: While we are in an ongoing background process of doing a clinical and technical landscape inventory of such devices, we have not yet developed a strategy within the MEI Lab to point us in any particular directions. Our focus right now is on acute conditions where patients are hospitalized and well-instrumented for access to the directly observable data necessary for early model building, verification, and validation.

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Using digital twins in health care to stave off the grim reaper - VentureBeat

A copper-infused COVID-19 mask is making its way out of a WVU lab – Times-West Virginian

MORGANTOWN Whether behind the hotel front desk or the restaurant counter, hospitality and customer service employees come face-to-face with guests from all walks of life for hours on end.

With the delta variant on the rise and an upswing in COVID-19 cases, the hospitality business faces the challenge of staffing positions as people weigh their personal safety against their employment as the pandemic rages on.

Masking up remains one safe precaution.

But its also an uncomfortable gesture, as some masks may inflict wear and tear on the face or not provide an adequate level of protection for the worker, explained Ajay Aluri, founding director of the Hospitality Innovation and Technology Lab at West Virginia University.

As a native of India, where copper is king and touted for its antimicrobial properties, Aluri thought, Why not make a safer, more comfortable mask infused with copper when using for a longer period of time?

Copper has a special place in the culture and tradition of India, said Aluri, also associate professor of hospitality and tourism management in the Chambers College of Business and Economics. People wear copper bracelets and use copper utensils for cooking. And theres a notion, from the COVID standpoint, that copper is antimicrobial.

From the HIT Lab was born Hygenmask, a three-layered facemask containing a copper-infused nano-coated fabric, a sustainable bamboo fabric and an ePTFE (a biomaterial) filter. Wearers also dont have to worry about elf ears since the masks lack ear loops. Elastic head loops go over the head and can be tightened for a customized fit.

WVU HIT Lab is a platform for both industry and academia to come together to solve the problems of the hospitality and tourism industry. Before Hygenmask, Aluri and his students created Hygenkey, a copper touch tool with antiviral and antibacterial qualities, in response to the pandemic in 2020.

The mask is ideally for people who are always at the front desk or talking to people six to eight hours at a time, whether in restaurants, resorts, airports, or any hospitality and tourism industry, Aluri said. Some of these masks out there, if you wear them for a long time, it can be really rough on your skin. So we strived to make it more hygienic and sustainable from a fabric standpoint.

One of Aluris partners recommended a sustainable bamboo fabric, which offers a smooth feel but still fits tight around the face, he said.

But you dont have to take his word for it. Aluri reached across campus to ask scientists with the WVU School of Medicines Center for Inhalation Toxicology (iTOX) to test the product. Since the onset of the pandemic, the Center has been at the forefront of testing all sorts of masks from N95 alternatives to WVU gaiters to the Singers Mask to double masks.

The Center found that Aluris mask blocked up to 93% of droplets being respired.

The Hygenmask offers good protection to its users, said Timothy R. Nurkiewicz, director of the Center and E.J. Van Liere Endowed Professor and chair of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. Combined with physical distancing, good HVAC, limiting time in a crowd and limiting the crowd size, the mask should afford the users some confidence.

Researchers conducted fit testing, which evaluates how well a mask protects the person wearing the mask. A score of 100 is necessary to pass a N95 mask. Gaiters and saggy disposable masks typically score a one.

Aluris mask ranged from six-to -15 on the study participants.

Those numbers are substantially better than what you would find with your average cloth masks, which usually gets a fit factor of two, said Karen Woodfork, a teaching associate professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology who was part of the research team.

People send us all kinds of masks and most of them get ones or twos, Nurkiewicz said. When we saw Ajays mask scoring in that range, that tells you theres a bit of protection there.

Nurkiewiczs lab did not test the copper properties of the mask.

Perhaps theres no better way to test a product than actually using it.

Aluri donned the mask during a 14-hour flight to India.

Im only taking it down when Im eating or drinking, Aluri said. I had no marks on my face and Hygenmask was quite comfortable.

Most of all, Nurkiewicz and his team believe that Aluris mask accomplishes its purpose and will be of benefit to its target audience those who serve the public day-to-day.

The mask sits away from your mouth enough so you can articulate better, Nurkiewicz said. Also, in terms of regular breathing, you will labor more with a mask that sits right on your lips. Theres some space there, making it more comfortable and making the wearer more likely to keep it on for a longer period of time.

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A copper-infused COVID-19 mask is making its way out of a WVU lab - Times-West Virginian

Latest Innovative Report on Oral Contrast Agent Market | Research Report Explores The Trade Trends For The Forecast 2020 2026 – The Daily…

Global Oral Contrast Agent Market research report is in-depth study on the market size, growth, trends, market share, as well as detailed industry analysis. The research report offers the study of market size of the Oral Contrast Agent Market in terms of value of the year 2020 and estimated market size of 2026. The study offers the analysis of market performance for the forecast period 2015-2026, accounting on the basis of various growth determinants over the last five years.

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The key players profiled in the research study of Oral Contrast Agent Market include:The major vendors covered:GE Healthcare (US)Bracco Imaging (Italy)Bayer HealthCare (Germany)Guerbet (France)Lantheus (US)Daiichi Sankyo (Japan)Unijules Life Sciences (India)J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India)Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden)Taejoon Pharm (South Korea)Jodas (India)Magnus Health (India)

The study on the global Oral Contrast Agent Market for all relevant companies dealing with the Oral Contrast Agent Market and related profiles include data in quantitative terms, product portfolio, and business strategy along with active tracking of recent developments. The research study is a wholesome collection of primary and secondary data collected and analysed from valuable information sources. The market forecast is based on data ranging from the year 2015 until 2026. For easy understanding, the study includes data representation in the form of various graphs and tables.

The main sources of gathering relevant data are industry experts from the Oral Contrast Agent Market industry, including processing organizations, management organizations and analytical services providers that actively contribute in the value chain of the Oral Contrast Agent Market. To compile the analytical study, we interviewed various sources and collected qualitative and quantitative information with key focus to determine future prospects of the Oral Contrast Agent Market. While, the secondary research studies include critical information about the industrial value chain, strategical developments by key companies and studying annual reports of the market players while tracking their key initiatives and contribution in market share.

The major objective of the Oral Contrast Agent Market study are:

To analyse Oral Contrast Agent Market status, key players, key market, growth opportunity and future forecast.

To offer the Oral Contrast Agent Market development in North America, Europe, China, Japan and Southeast Asia.

To strategically profile the companies dealing in Oral Contrast Agent Market and broadly study their strategic development plans to acquire key share in the global marketplace.

The research report provides data information and detailed profile analysis of leading companies of the Oral Contrast Agent Market.

Table of Content

1 Study Coverage1.1 Oral Contrast Agent Product Introduction1.2 Market Segments1.3 Key Oral Contrast Agent Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue1.4 Market by Type1.4.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Growth Rate by Type1.4.2 Barium-based Contrast Media1.4.3 Iodinated Contrast Media1.4.4 Gadolinium-based Contrast Media1.4.5 Microbubble Contrast Media1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Growth Rate by Application1.5.2 Cardiovascular Disorders1.5.3 Cancer1.5.4 Gastrointestinal Disorders1.5.5 Musculoskeletal Disorders1.5.6 Neurological Disorders1.5.7 Nephrological Disorders1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts2.1.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue 2015-20262.1.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales 2015-20262.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent, Market Size by Producing Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20202.2.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-2020

3 Global Oral Contrast Agent Competitor Landscape by Players3.1 Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Manufacturers3.1.1 Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.1.2 Oral Contrast Agent Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2 Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Manufacturers3.2.1 Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.2 Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.3 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2015-2020)3.2.4 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Oral Contrast Agent Revenue in 20193.2.5 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Oral Contrast Agent Price by Manufacturers3.4 Oral Contrast Agent Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types3.4.1 Oral Contrast Agent Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters3.4.2 Manufacturers Oral Contrast Agent Product Type3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Oral Contrast Agent Market3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

4 Market Size by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.1.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Type (2015-2020)4.1.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Type (2015-2020)4.1.3 Oral Contrast Agent Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026)4.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.3 Oral Contrast Agent Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.3 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End

5 Market Size by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.1.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Application (2015-2020)5.1.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Application (2015-2020)5.1.3 Oral Contrast Agent Price by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.3 Global Oral Contrast Agent Price Forecast by Application (2021-2026)

6 North America6.1 North America Oral Contrast Agent by Country6.1.1 North America Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Country6.1.2 North America Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Country6.1.3 U.S.6.1.4 Canada6.2 North America Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Type6.3 North America Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Application

7 Europe7.1 Europe Oral Contrast Agent by Country7.1.1 Europe Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Country7.1.2 Europe Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Country7.1.3 Germany7.1.4 France7.1.5 U.K.7.1.6 Italy7.1.7 Russia7.2 Europe Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Type7.3 Europe Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Application

8 Asia Pacific8.1 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent by Region8.1.1 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Region8.1.2 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Region8.1.3 China8.1.4 Japan8.1.5 South Korea8.1.6 India8.1.7 Australia8.1.8 Taiwan8.1.9 Indonesia8.1.10 Thailand8.1.11 Malaysia8.1.12 Philippines8.1.13 Vietnam8.2 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Type8.3 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Application

9 Latin America9.1 Latin America Oral Contrast Agent by Country9.1.1 Latin America Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Country9.1.2 Latin America Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Country9.1.3 Mexico9.1.4 Brazil9.1.5 Argentina9.2 Central & South America Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Type9.3 Central & South America Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Application

10 Middle East and Africa10.1 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent by Country10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent Sales by Country10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent Revenue by Country10.1.3 Turkey10.1.4 Saudi Arabia10.1.5 U.A.E10.2 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Type10.3 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent Market Facts & Figures by Application

11 Company Profiles11.1 GE Healthcare (US)11.1.1 GE Healthcare (US) Corporation Information11.1.2 GE Healthcare (US) Description and Business Overview11.1.3 GE Healthcare (US) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 GE Healthcare (US) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.1.5 GE Healthcare (US) Related Developments11.2 Bracco Imaging (Italy)11.2.1 Bracco Imaging (Italy) Corporation Information11.2.2 Bracco Imaging (Italy) Description and Business Overview11.2.3 Bracco Imaging (Italy) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.2.4 Bracco Imaging (Italy) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.2.5 Bracco Imaging (Italy) Related Developments11.3 Bayer HealthCare (Germany)11.3.1 Bayer HealthCare (Germany) Corporation Information11.3.2 Bayer HealthCare (Germany) Description and Business Overview11.3.3 Bayer HealthCare (Germany) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.3.4 Bayer HealthCare (Germany) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.3.5 Bayer HealthCare (Germany) Related Developments11.4 Guerbet (France)11.4.1 Guerbet (France) Corporation Information11.4.2 Guerbet (France) Description and Business Overview11.4.3 Guerbet (France) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.4.4 Guerbet (France) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.4.5 Guerbet (France) Related Developments11.5 Lantheus (US)11.5.1 Lantheus (US) Corporation Information11.5.2 Lantheus (US) Description and Business Overview11.5.3 Lantheus (US) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.5.4 Lantheus (US) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.5.5 Lantheus (US) Related Developments11.6 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan)11.6.1 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) Corporation Information11.6.2 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) Description and Business Overview11.6.3 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.6.4 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.6.5 Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) Related Developments11.7 Unijules Life Sciences (India)11.7.1 Unijules Life Sciences (India) Corporation Information11.7.2 Unijules Life Sciences (India) Description and Business Overview11.7.3 Unijules Life Sciences (India) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.7.4 Unijules Life Sciences (India) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.7.5 Unijules Life Sciences (India) Related Developments11.8 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India)11.8.1 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India) Corporation Information11.8.2 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India) Description and Business Overview11.8.3 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.8.4 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.8.5 J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (India) Related Developments11.9 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden)11.9.1 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden) Corporation Information11.9.2 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden) Description and Business Overview11.9.3 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.9.4 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.9.5 Spago Nanomedicine (Sweden) Related Developments11.10 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea)11.10.1 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea) Corporation Information11.10.2 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea) Description and Business Overview11.10.3 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.10.4 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.10.5 Taejoon Pharm (South Korea) Related Developments11.1 GE Healthcare (US)11.1.1 GE Healthcare (US) Corporation Information11.1.2 GE Healthcare (US) Description and Business Overview11.1.3 GE Healthcare (US) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.1.4 GE Healthcare (US) Oral Contrast Agent Products Offered11.1.5 GE Healthcare (US) Related Developments11.12 Magnus Health (India)11.12.1 Magnus Health (India) Corporation Information11.12.2 Magnus Health (India) Description and Business Overview11.12.3 Magnus Health (India) Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)11.12.4 Magnus Health (India) Products Offered11.12.5 Magnus Health (India) Related Developments

12 Future Forecast by Regions (Countries) (2021-2026)12.1 Oral Contrast Agent Market Estimates and Projections by Region12.1.1 Global Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.1.2 Global Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast by Regions 2021-202612.2 North America Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.1 North America: Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.2 North America: Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.2.3 North America: Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.3 Europe Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.1 Europe: Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.2 Europe: Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.3.3 Europe: Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.4 Asia Pacific Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.1 Asia Pacific: Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.2 Asia Pacific: Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.4.3 Asia Pacific: Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)12.5 Latin America Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.1 Latin America: Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.2 Latin America: Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.5.3 Latin America: Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)12.6 Middle East and Africa Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.1 Middle East and Africa: Oral Contrast Agent Sales Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.2 Middle East and Africa: Oral Contrast Agent Revenue Forecast (2021-2026)12.6.3 Middle East and Africa: Oral Contrast Agent Market Size Forecast by Country (2021-2026)

13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis13.1 Market Opportunities and Drivers13.2 Market Challenges13.3 Market Risks/Restraints13.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis13.5 Primary Interviews with Key Oral Contrast Agent Players (Opinion Leaders)

14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis14.1 Value Chain Analysis14.2 Oral Contrast Agent Customers14.3 Sales Channels Analysis14.3.1 Sales Channels14.3.2 Distributors

15 Research Findings and Conclusion

16 Appendix16.1 Research Methodology16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach16.1.2 Data Source16.2 Author Details16.3 Disclaimer

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Nordic Nanovector ASA: Results for the Third Quarter 2020 – PRNewswire

OSLO, Norway, Nov. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANO) announces its results for the third quarter 2020. A live webcast presentation by Nordic Nanovector's management team will take place today in Oslo at 08.30 CET, see details below. A link to the webcast and the presentation is available from the company's homepage (

Lars Nieba, Interim CEO of Nordic Nanovector, said: "Following the successful interim analysis in August and completion of our private placement in September, we are progressing towards the major value inflection point of three-month top-line data from the PARADIGME clinical study, which is targeted for H2 2021. Generating these data will require us to successfully navigate the latest challenges of increased COVID-19 restrictions. We remain confident in our ability to achieve this goal, aided by the protocol amendments, the possibility to reduce the patient sample, and all the other measures we are actively implementing to drive patient recruitment into PARADIGME."

Q3'2020 Highlights

Events after Q3'2020

Financial Highlights

(Figures in brackets = same period 2019 unless otherwise stated)


The company continues to target the readout of three-month top line data from PARADIGME in H2'2021. Approval of protocol amendments is proceeding as planned and completed in the best-recruiting countries, and other initiatives to increase the rate of enrolment are underway. The company also targets the readout of three-month top line data from the second cohort of the Archer-1 trial in H1'2021.

However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient recruitment has worsened in light of the emergence of a second wave resulting in severe travel restrictions being implemented in the various countries where we are executing our clinical studies. These restrictions and uncertainty around the duration, severity and geographic scope of the COVID-19 outbreak are projected to slow down the enrolment of patients due to re-prioritisation of hospital activities towards COVID-19 patients and away from clinical studies such as PARADIGME. In addition, travel restrictions could create logistical challenges for the shipment of clinical supplies. Several proactive actions have been taken to minimize the impact of these travel restrictions which could blunt further delays in completing enrolment and delivering preliminary results as targeted.

The company has taken steps to conserve cash and following the recent successful private placement, Nordic Nanovector has a cash runway that extends into Q3'2021.

Despite the challenging times, the many positive actions the company has made in the last nine months have improved the prospects of delivering pivotal results from PARADIGME in H2'2021.

The company continues to believe that, if positive, these trial data could represent a significant value inflection point for the company and its shareholders, confirming Betalutin as a highly promising new targeted therapy that can address the unmet needs of R/R FL patients.

Presentation and live webcast Q3 2020 results A presentation and live webcast by Nordic Nanovector's management team will take place today at 8:30 am CET.

The webcast can be accessed from in the section: Investors & Media and a recording will also be available on this page after the event.

The results report and the presentation is available at in the section: Investors & Media/Reports and Presentation/Interim Reports/2020.

For further information, please contact:

IR enquiries

Malene Brondberg, CFO

Cell: +44 7561 431 762

Email: [emailprotected]

Media Enquiries

Mark Swallow/Frazer Hall/David Dible (Citigate Dewe Rogerson)

Tel: +44 203 926 8535

Email: [emailprotected]

About Nordic Nanovector:

Nordic Nanovector is committed to develop and deliver innovative therapies to patients to address major unmet medical needs and advance cancer care. The Company aspires to become a leader in the development of targeted therapies for haematological cancers. Nordic Nanovector's lead clinical-stage candidate is Betalutin, a novel CD37-targeting antibody-radionuclide-conjugate designed to advance the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). NHL is an indication with substantial unmet medical need, representing a growing market forecast to be worth nearly USD 29 billion by 2026. Nordic Nanovector retains global marketing rights to Betalutin and intends to actively participate in the commercialisation of Betalutin in the US and other major markets.

Further information can be found at .

Forward-looking statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. These statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances, since they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future and which, by their nature, will have an impact on Nordic Nanovector's business, financial condition and results of operations. The terms "anticipates", "assumes", "believes", "can", "could", "estimates", "expects", "forecasts", "intends", "may", "might", "plans", "should", "projects", "targets", "will", "would" or, in each case, their negative, or other variations or comparable terminology are used to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not historic facts. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to, risks associated with implementation of Nordic Nanovector's strategy, risks and uncertainties associated with the development and/or approval of Nordic Nanovector's product candidates, ongoing and future clinical trials and expected trial results, the ability to commercialise Betalutin, technology changes and new products in Nordic Nanovector's potential market and industry, Nordic Nanovector's freedom to operate (competitors patents) in respect of the products it develops, the ability to develop new products and enhance existing products, the impact of competition, changes in general economy and industry conditions, and legislative, regulatory and political factors. No assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Nordic Nanovector disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Sections 4-2 and 5-12 of the Securities Trading Act.

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SOURCE Nordic Nanovector

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Nordic Nanovector ASA: Results for the Third Quarter 2020 - PRNewswire

Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market will generate massive revenue by 2027 according to forecasts by Report Ocean The Manomet Current -…

Global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market is valued approximately USD 196.47 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 11.9 % over the forecast period 2020-2027. Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) is the product which is nano-formulations of the existing drugs or new drugs or nanomaterials. Nanomedicine helps in improving human health by providing solutions for various life-threatening diseases, like cancer, Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, diabetes, orthopedic diseases, and infections blood, lungs, and cardiovascular system.

For instance: according to the Alzheimers Disease International, there were around 50 million people globally with dementia in 2020, which is expected to double every 20 years. According to the Globocan 2020, the global cancer burden increased to 19.3 million cases and 10 million cancer deaths in 2020. This will increase the demand for effective nanomedicines in the management of the diseases. Further, increasing investments in urgent care, increasing geriatric population and strategic development between hospitals and the manufacturers has led the adoption of Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) across the forecast period. The market has seen positive growth due to investments in new products by research & development.

For Instance: in 2020, Medtronic PLC launched navigated titanium spinal implant, its new Adaptix Interbody System which is with the Titan nanoLOCK Surface Technology. In 2019, Nanobiotix, a clinical stage nanomedicine company had obtained the CE approval for its Hensify (NBTXR3), nanoparticles designed for injection directly into a tumor. However, stringent regulatory issues and high cost of nano-medicines compared to the traditional medicines along with low awareness among consumers in low income countries impedes the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2020-2027. Also, with the increasing prevalence of diseases, technological advancements for early disease diagnosis & preventive intervention the adoption & demand for Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) is likely to increase.

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The regional analysis of global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to the growing geriatric population and promptness & affordability of nano-medicines coupled with the well-established healthcare infrastructure along with the huge investments in research & development activities. For instance: according to the, in 2018, coronary heart disease was the leading cause of deaths attributable to cardiovascular disease in the United States with 43.8% of total CVD deaths. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is also anticipated to exhibit highest growth rate / CAGR over the forecast period 2020-2027. Factors such as rise in research grants, increasing venture capital investors from developing economies of this region and increasing international research collaborations along with the improving healthcare infrastructure would create lucrative growth prospects for the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market across Asia-Pacific region.

Major market player included in this report are:Abbott LaboratoriesCombiMatrix CorporationGE HealthcareSigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Johnson & JohnsonMallinckrodt plcMerck & Company, Inc.Nanosphere, Inc.Pfizer, Inc.Celgene Corporation

The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:By Diseases:Cardiovascular DiseasesOncological DiseasesNeurological DiseasesOthersBy Application:Drug DeliveryBiomaterialsActive ImplantsOthersBy Region:North AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeUKGermanyFranceSpainItalyROE

Asia PacificChinaIndiaJapanAustraliaSouth KoreaRoAPACLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoRest of the World

Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:

Historical year 2017, 2018Base year 2019Forecast period 2020 to 2027

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Target Audience of the Global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market in Market Study:

Key Consulting Companies & AdvisorsLarge, medium-sized, and small enterprisesVenture capitalistsValue-Added Resellers (VARs)Third-party knowledge providersInvestment bankersInvestors

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Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market will generate massive revenue by 2027 according to forecasts by Report Ocean The Manomet Current -...

Global Nanobots Market 2020 | Research Report Covers | (COVID-19 Analysis) | Industry Research, Drivers, Top Trends | Global Analysis And Forecast to…

Global Nanobots Market Report Provides Detailed Study Of Industry Players, Business Strategies, Latest Developmental Trends, And Market Growth Rate

The globalNanobots marketreport offers a thorough study of the market in the estimated period. The important players Xidex Corp, Zymergen Inc, Synthace Limited, Ginkgo Bioworks, Advanced Diamond Technologies, Advanced Nano Products Co Limitedin the global Nanobots market are mentioned along with their strong points as well as weak points in this report. It covers almost all aspects of the global Nanobots market including challenges, demand, drivers, and opportunities. The report reviews the impact of these aspects on every market region as well. The value chain analysis and vendor list are also included in the global Nanobots market report.

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{We Provide Free Sample copy as per your Research Requirement, also including COVID 19 impact analysis}

The global Nanobots market research report emphasizes the presentation of the in-depth market segments {Microbivore Nanorobots, Respirocyte Nanorobots, Clottocyte Nanorobots, Cellular Repair Nanorobots}; {Nano Medicine, Biomedical, Mechanical, Other applications}. The Nanobots market is assessed on the basis of revenue (USD Million) as well. The performance of the important players, vendors, and suppliers influencing the market is also incorporated in the global Nanobots market research report. The majority of the information, together with projected statistics, is presented in the report with the help of tables and graphics. This presentation technique helps the user to understand the market scenario in an easy way.

Various practical tools are used for assessing the development of the global Nanobots market in the future period. The global Nanobots market report offers an outline of the market on a global level. It helps users to decide their next business move and propel their businesses. The index growth and competitive framework of the global Nanobots market over the projected period is involved while reviewing the Nanobots market. The global Nanobots market is also bifurcated regionally North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia), Europe (Spain, Russia, Germany, Italy, France, and UK), Asia-Pacific (Japan, Korea, India, China, Australia, and South-east Asia), The Middle East and Africa (Egypt, South Africa, GCC Countries) as well.

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Major Questions Answered in Report:1. Which are the growth factors likely to help the market reach to the next level?2. What is the expected growth rate during the forecast period?3. What are the latest opportunities and challenges for Nanobots market in the future?4. Which are the key market players?

The global Nanobots market is studied in terms of technology, topography, and consumers. The report also covers the market volume during the estimated period. The distinctiveness of the global Nanobots market research report is the representation of the Nanobots market at both the global and regional level.

Key Reasons for Purchasing Global Nanobots Market Report:

New approaches and latest development trend that describe the structure of the market Advanced market breakdown structure Historical data and future market scope In-depth market analysis based on statistics, growth stimulators, and market developments Statistical data representation through figurative, numerical, and theoretical elaboration Report provides insight of the business and sales activities Key competitive players and regional distribution will help find prospective market analytics Report will strengthen the investors decision-making processes

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Global Nanobots Market 2020 | Research Report Covers | (COVID-19 Analysis) | Industry Research, Drivers, Top Trends | Global Analysis And Forecast to...

Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, Announced Today Precision NanoSystems Will Receive $18.2 Million from the Government of Canada to Develop an…

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -Precision Nanosystems, Inc. (PNI), a global leader in technologies and solutions in genetic medicine, announced today that it has received a commitment of up to $18.2 million in support from the Government of Canada under the Innovation, Science and Economic Development's (ISED) Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. PNI will use the investment to advance a best-in-class COVID-19 mRNA vaccine candidate to clinical trials.

PNI provides over 250 industry and academic partners with solutions for the development of vaccines, gene therapies, and cell therapies, in the areas of infectious diseases, oncology and rare diseases. With this investment from the Government of Canada, PNI's Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Andrew Geall, and his team will use their state-of-the-art technology platforms and expertise in self-amplifying mRNA vectors, lipid-based drug delivery systems and nanomedicine manufacturing to develop a cost-effective COVID-19 vaccine.

As part of Canada's efforts to combat COVID-19, the Strategic Innovation Fund is working diligently to support projects led by the private sector for COVID-19 related vaccine and therapy clinical trials to advance Canada's medical countermeasures in the fight against COVID-19. "An effective vaccine will be critical as we work to contain the COVID-19 virus and prevent future infections.Today's contribution will support PNI to advance the development of a mRNA vaccine candidate through pre-clinical studies and clinical trials to help protect Canadians," stated the Honorable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.

Bringing together its proprietary technology platforms, key partnerships and unparalleled expertise in nanomedicines, PNI is excited to be leading the development of a Made-in-Canada COVID vaccine. James Taylor, CEO and co-founder of PNI said "Since its inception PNI has executed on its mission to accelerate the creation of transformative medicines. It is an honor to be supported by the Canadian government in this global fight against COVID-19 and to further build capabilities for rapid response against COVID-19 and future pandemics"

About Precision NanoSystems Inc. (PNI)

PNI is a global leader in ushering in the next wave of genetic medicines in infectious diseases, cancer and rare diseases. We work with the world's leading drug developers to understand disease and create the therapeutics and vaccines that will define the future of medicine. PNI offers proprietary technology platforms and comprehensive expertise to enable researchers to translate disease biology insights into non-viral genetic medicines.

SOURCE Precision Nanosystems

Here is the original post:
Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, Announced Today Precision NanoSystems Will Receive $18.2 Million from the Government of Canada to Develop an...

Nanorobotics Market Growth, Recent Trends By Regions, Type, Application And Geographical Analysis To 2026 – The Think Curiouser

Global Nanorobotics Market report provides in-depth analysis and detailed information by key players, end-users, applications, Competitor analysis, geography, Sales, Revenue, Price, Gross Margin, Market Share, Import-Export, Trends, CAGR value and how it is expected to reach from 2020 to 2026.

Global Nanorobotics Market Report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Nanorobotics market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.

The global Nanorobotics market was valued at US$ 5.11 Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ 10.71 Bn in 2026, growing at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period.

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The report focuses on global major leading industry players providing information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also carried out.

Key Players covered in this Nanorobotics market report are

The report splits by major applications:

Then report analyzed by types:

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The Study Objectives Are:

The Nanorobotics industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. Finally, the feasibility of new investment projects is assessed, and overall research conclusions offered.

With the tables and figures the report provides key statistics on the state of the industry and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.

Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins.

The Nanorobotics Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Nanorobotics manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.

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About AllTheResearch:

AllTheResearch was formed with the aim of making market research a significant tool for managing breakthroughs in the industry. As a leading market research provider, the firm empowers its global clients with business-critical research solutions. The outcome of our study of numerous companies that rely on market research and consulting data for their decision-making made us realise, that its not just sheer data-points, but the right analysis that creates a difference. While some clients were unhappy with the inconsistencies and inaccuracies of data, others expressed concerns over the experience in dealing with the research-firm. Also, same-data-for-all-business roles was making research redundant. We identified these gaps and built AllTheResearch to raise the standards of research support.

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Nanorobotics Market Growth, Recent Trends By Regions, Type, Application And Geographical Analysis To 2026 - The Think Curiouser

NANOBIOTIX Announces Four Presentations at The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting – BioSpace

Oct. 20, 2020 06:00 UTC

PARIS & CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News:

NANOBIOTIX (Paris:NANO) (Euronext: NANO - ISIN: FR0011341205 the Company), a clinical-stage nanomedicine company pioneering new approaches to the treatment of cancer, today announced four (4) clinical and/or pre-clinical presentations to be delivered at The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting. Two presentations will be delivered by Nanobiotix and two will be delivered by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Details of presentations:

Phase I Study of Intratumoral NBTXR3 in Combination with anti-PD-1 in Patients with Advanced Cancers Colette Shen, Jessica Frakes, Jiaxin Niu, Jared Weiss, Jimmy Caudell, Katherine Jameson, Patricia Said, Tanguy Seiwert

Abstract ID: 410

Date: Thursday, Nov. 12 from 4:505:20 p.m. EST and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 11:30 p.m. EST

Modulation of TCR Repertoire by Radiotherapy-activated NBTXR3 Nanoparticles Audrey Darmon, Ping Zhang, Sbastien Paris

Abstract ID: 582

Date: Thursday, Nov. 12 from 4:505:20 p.m. EST and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 11:30 p.m. EST

Overcoming Resistance to anti-PD-1 with Tumor Agnostic NBTXR3: From Bench to Bedside James W. Welsh, Colette Shen, Jessica Frakes, Jiaxin Niu, Jared Weiss, Jimmy Caudell, Hu Yun, Hampartsoum Barsoumian, Juliette Thariat, Sylvie Bonvalot, Zsusanna Papa; Maria Angelica Cortez, Ping Zhang, Katherine L. Jameson, Patricia Said, Sbastien Paris, Tanguy Seiwert,

Abstract ID: 396

Date: Thursday, Nov. 12 from 4:505:20 p.m. EST and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 11:30 p.m. EST

NBTXR3 Nanoparticle with Immunoradiation Improves Survival and Generates Long-term Anti-tumor Memory in an anti-PD1 Resistant Murine Lung Cancer Model Yun Hu, Sbastien Paris, Hampartsoum Barsoumian, Chike Osita Abana, Saumil Gandhi, Quynh-Nhu Nguyen, Maria Angelica Cortez, James W. Welsh

Abstract ID: 200

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 11 from 12:15 pm - 12:25 pm EST


About NBTXR3

NBTXR3 is a novel radioenhancer composed of functionalized hafnium oxide nanoparticles that is administered via one-time intra-tumoral injection and activated by radiation therapy. The physical and universal mode of action (MoA) of NBTXR3 is designed to trigger cellular destruction death and adaptive immune response.

NBTXR3 is being evaluated in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) of the oral cavity or oropharynx in elderly patients unable to receive chemotherapy or cetuximab with limited therapeutic options. Promising results have been observed in the phase I trial regarding local control. In the United States, the Company has started the regulatory process to commence a phase III clinical trial in locally advanced head and neck cancers. In February 2020, the United States Food and Drug Administration granted the regulatory Fast Track designation for the investigation of NBTXR3 activated by radiation therapy, with or without cetuximab, for the treatment of patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell cancer who are not eligible for platinum-based chemotherapy.

Nanobiotix is also running an Immuno-Oncology development program. The Company has launched a Phase I clinical trial of NBTXR3 activated by radiotherapy in combination with anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors in locoregional recurrent (LRR) or recurrent and metastatic (R/M) HNSCC amenable to re-irradiation of the HN and lung or liver metastases (mets) from any primary cancer eligible for anti-PD-1 therapy.

Other ongoing NBTXR3 trials are treating patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or liver metastases, locally advanced or unresectable rectal cancer in combination with chemotherapy, head and neck cancer in combination with concurrent chemotherapy, and pancreatic cancer. The Company is also engaged in a broad, comprehensive clinical research collaboration with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to further expand the NBTXR3 development program.


Incorporated in 2003, Nanobiotix is a leading, clinical-stage nanomedicine company pioneering new approaches to significantly change patient outcomes by bringing nanophysics to the heart of the cell.

The Nanobiotix philosophy is rooted in designing pioneering, physical-based approaches to bring highly effective and generalized solutions to address unmet medical needs and challenges.

Nanobiotixs novel, proprietary lead technology, NBTXR3, aims to expand radiotherapy benefits for millions of cancer patients. Nanobiotixs Immuno-Oncology program has the potential to bring a new dimension to cancer immunotherapies.

Nanobiotix is listed on the regulated market of Euronext in Paris (Euronext: NANO / ISIN: FR0011341205; Bloomberg: NANO: FP). The Companys headquarters are in Paris, France, with a US affiliate in Cambridge, MA, and European affiliates in France, Spain and Germany.


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements concerning Nanobiotix and its business, including its prospects and product candidate development. Such forward-looking statements are based on assumptions that Nanobiotix considers to be reasonable. However, there can be no assurance that the estimates contained in such forward-looking statements will be verified, which estimates are subject to numerous risks including the risks set forth in the universal registration document of Nanobiotix registered with the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorit des Marchs Financiers) under number R.20-010 on May 12, 2020 (a copy of which is available on and to the development of economic conditions, financial markets and the markets in which Nanobiotix operates. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are also subject to risks not yet known to Nanobiotix or not currently considered material by Nanobiotix. The occurrence of all or part of such risks could cause actual results, financial conditions, performance or achievements of Nanobiotix to be materially different from such forward-looking statements.

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NANOBIOTIX Announces Four Presentations at The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting - BioSpace

WeissLaw LLP Reminds CPAA, TOTA, and LFAC Shareholders About Its Ongoing Investigations – PRNewswire

NEW YORK, Oct. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --

If you own shares in any of the companies listed above and would like to discuss our investigations or have any questions concerning this notice or your rights or interests, please contact:

Joshua Rubin, Esq.WeissLaw LLP1500 Broadway, 16th FloorNew York, NY 10036(212)682-3025(888) 593-4771[emailprotected]

Conyers Park II Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: CPAA)

WeissLaw LLP is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the board of directors of Conyers Park II Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: CPAA)in connection with the company's proposed merger with Advantage Solutions Inc. ("Advantage Solutions"), a privately-held sales and marketing company. Under the terms of the merger agreement, CPAA will acquire Advantage Solutions through a reverse merger that will result in Advantage Solutions becoming a public company listed company. The proposed transaction implies an initial enterprise value for Advantage Solutions of approximately $5.2 billion. If you own CPAA shares and wish to discuss this investigation or your rights, please call us at one of the numbers listed above or visit our website:

Tottenham Acquisition I Limited (NASDAQ: TOTA)

WeissLaw LLP is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the board of directors of Tottenham Acquisition I Limited (NASDAQ: TOTA, TOTAU, TOTAW, TOTAR)in connection with the company's proposed merger with privately-held clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, Clene Nanomedicine, Inc. ("Clene"). Under the terms of the merger agreement, Tottenham will acquire Clene through a reverse merger that will result in Clene becoming a public company listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market. The proposed transaction values Clene at $542.5 million, and the new entity will receive $25 million from Tottenham's trust account. If you own TOTA shares and wish to discuss this investigation or your rights, please call us at one of the numbers listed above or visit our website:

LF Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: LFAC)

WeissLaw LLP is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the board of directors of LF Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: LFAC)in connection with the proposed acquisition of Landsea Homes Incorporated ("Landsea Homes"). Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, LFAC will acquire Landsea Homes through a reverse merger that will result in Landsea Homes becoming a publicly-listed company. The combined company is expected to have a pro forma equity value of approximately $510 million. Upon closing, Landsea Homes' founder, Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd., will own 67.4% of the combined company. If you own LFAC shares and wish to discuss this investigation or your rights, please call us at one of the numbers listed above or visit our website:


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WeissLaw LLP Reminds CPAA, TOTA, and LFAC Shareholders About Its Ongoing Investigations - PRNewswire

Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026): By Technology, Application and Region. – re:Jerusalem

Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market was valued US$ XX Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ 98.2 Bn by 2026, at a XX% CAGR of around during a forecast period.

Various novel technologies for developing effective drug delivery systems came into existence among which nanotechnology platforms for achieving targeted drug delivery are gaining prominence nowadays. Research in the medical field includes the development of drug nanoparticles, polymeric and inorganic biodegradable nano-carriers for drug delivery, and surface engineering of carrier molecules.

The report contains a detailed list of factors that will drive and restrain the growth of the Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market. Such as, rapidly expanding areas of research and development to develop novel nano-medicine are expected to drive the nanotechnology drug delivery market growth in the future. Additionally, one of the major factors assisting market growth is the growing prevalence of infectious diseases and cancer, developing nanotechnology research, and increasing demand for novel drug delivery systems. However, high cost coupled with stringent regulatory scenario hinders the market growth to some extent.

Nanoparticles are expected to account for the largest XX% market share by 2026. The segment dominated the market as key nanoparticles like gold nanoparticles, dendrimers, and fullerenes are used in pharmaceutical drug delivery.The report offers a brief analysis of the major regions in the global nanotechnology drug delivery market, namely, APAC, Europe, North America, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America dominated the nanotechnology drug delivery market in 2018, because of high medical reimbursement facilities, and technological advancement. The APAC is projected to have the fastest growth, owing to a rapidly increasing population, an increase in consumer awareness, favorable government policies, modernization of healthcare infrastructure, and growing medical tourism industry in developing economies such as China, and India in this region.

Nanotechnology drug delivery market report gives a competitive analysis of the individual standing of the companies against the global landscape of the medical industry. The forecast also provides the estimated trends in demand for the global market and their impact on the sizes of these companies to help the reader curate profitable business strategies. Such as Pfizer, Inc., AstraZeneca and Amgen signed agreements to collaborate with BIND Therapeutics to develop nano-medicines. These initiatives are expected to fuel the growth of the nanotechnology drug delivery market in the upcoming future.

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The objective of the report is to present comprehensive analysis of Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers the all the aspects of industry with dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision makers.

The report also helps in understanding Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments, and project the Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by type, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market make the report investors guide.

The report study has analyzed revenue impact of covid-19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.Scope of the Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market

Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market, by Technology

Nanocrystals Nanoparticleso Dendrimerso Gold Nanoparticleso Dendrimerso Fullereneso Others Liposomes Micelles Nanotubes OthersGlobal Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market, by Application

Neurology Oncology Cardiovascular/Physiology Anti-inflammatory/Immunology Anti-infective OthersGlobal Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market, by Region

North America Asia Pacific Europe Middle East & Africa South AmericaKey players operating in the Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market

Johnson & Johnson Merck & Co Roche Bayer Novartis Pharmaceuticals Pfizer AstraZeneca Amgen Celgene Corporation Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Capsulution Pharma AlphaRx Inc. Calando Pharmaceuticals Copernicus Therapeutics Elan Corporation Nanotherapeutics PAR Pharmaceutica Taiwan Liposome Co. AbbVie, Inc Amgen, Inc

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Global Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026): By Technology, Application and Region. - re:Jerusalem

Both Intracranial and Intravenous Administration of Functionalized Car | IJN – Dove Medical Press

Ok-Hyeon Kim,1 Jun Hyung Park,2 Jong In Son,1 Kyung-Yong Kim,1 Hyun Jung Lee1,2

1Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 2Department of Global Innovative Drugs, Graduate School of Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Correspondence: Hyun Jung LeeChung-Ang University, Rm615 Bd105, 84 Heuksuk-Ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of KoreaTel +82-2-820-5434Email

Purpose: Although single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) with functional groups have been suggested as a potential nanomedicine to treat neuronal disorders, effective routes to administer SWNTs have not been compared thus far. The bloodbrain barrier is a considerable challenge for the development of brain-targeting drugs, and therefore functionalized SWNT routes of administration have been needed for testing Parkinsons disease (PD) treatment. Here, effective administration routes of functionalized SWNTs were evaluated in PD mouse model.Methods: Three different administration routes were tested in PD mouse model. Functionalized SWNTs were injected directly into the lateral ventricle three days before (Method 1) or after (Method 2) 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) injection to compare the protective effects of SWNTs against dopaminergic neuronal death or functionalized SWNTs were injected intravenously at three and four days after 6-OHDA injection (Method 3). Asymmetric behaviors and histological assessment from all animals were performed at two weeks after 6-OHDA injection.Results: Ventricular injections of SWNTs both before or after 6-OHDA exposure protected dopaminergic neurons both in the substantia nigra and striatum and alleviated rotational asymmetry behavior in PD mice. Moreover, intravenous administration of SWNTs three and four days after 6-OHDA injection also prevented neuronal death and PD mice behavioral impairment without apparent cytotoxicity after six months post-treatment.Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that functionalized SWNTs could effectively protect dopaminergic neurons through all administration routes examined herein. Therefore, SWNTs are promising nanomedicine agents by themselves or as therapeutic carriers to treat neuronal disorders such as PD.

Keywords: single-walled nanotubes, Parkinsons disease, intracranial, intravenous, nanomedicine

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Both Intracranial and Intravenous Administration of Functionalized Car | IJN - Dove Medical Press

Pulse Biosciences Announces Presentation of Clinical Results Using Nano-Pulse Stimulation Technology for the Clearance of Skin Lesions at the American…

HAYWARD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pulse Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: PLSE) a novel bioelectric medicine company progressing Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) technology, today announced that clinical results from studies spanning the Companys dermatologic application portfolio will be presented at the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) virtual annual meeting on October 9-11, 2020. Positive study results generated using the Companys innovative cellular-specific Nano-Pulse Stimulation mechanism performed with its CellFX System for the treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia lesions, cutaneous non-genital warts, plantar warts, and basal cell carcinoma will be presented in two oral presentations and two e-posters.

These newest published results from NPS clinical studies provide further evidence of the unique CellFX cellular mechanism of action for multiple applications across the lesion treatment spectrum. These recent findings were also the basis for the recently initiated multicenter clinical study to compare NPS technology to RF electrodessication in clearing sebaceous hyperplasia lesions. Treatment of the first study patient was previously announced by the Company on October 1, 2020.

The positive results being shared at this years ASDS meeting add to the growing body of evidence in support of using Nano-Pulse Stimulation technology delivered by the CellFX System to treat a broad range of dermatology applications for which targeted clearance of cellular lesions or structures is medically or cosmetically desirable, said Darrin Uecker, President and CEO of Pulse Biosciences. These data underscore our persistent dedication to providing dermatologists a highly differentiated non-thermal solution with vast opportunity.

Highlights from this meeting of leading dermatologic surgeons demonstrate:

Dr. Ted Lain, author of the non-genital cutaneous wart study, said: We are pleased to present conclusive evidence of consistently high rates of clearance across a variety of anatomical areas in one to two NPS treatments. Compared to todays standard wart treatments, which typically require two to four visits to clear common cutaneous warts, these NPS results represent a much more convenient approach for the patient and the physician. Dr. Lain is Chief Medical Officer of Sanova Dermatology in Austin, TX.

Members of the dermatologic surgery community who have registered for the virtual meeting can gain access to accepted video presentations and posters at the ASDS meeting portal. The listed dates and times below are subject to change.


A Prospective, Non-Randomized, Multicenter Pivotal Study of Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) for Treatment of Cutaneous Non-Genital Warts

Chief Medical Officer of Sanova Dermatology, Austin, TX

(narrated video slide set)

Friday, October 9th at

11:15am ET

General Derm Track

Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) Procedure to Treat Sebaceous Hyperplasia A Dose-Ranging, Multi-Center, Pivotal Study

Medical Director of Dermatology, Laser & Vein Specialists of the Carolinas, Charlotte, NC.

(narrated video slide set)

Saturday, October 10th at

11:00 to 11:45am ET

Cosmetic Track

A Prospective, Non-Randomized, Multicenter Pivotal Study of Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) Technology for Cutaneous Warts on the Feet

Clear Dermatology& Aesthetics Center, Scottsdale, AZ

A first human feasibility study of Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) to evaluate the potential elimination of a biopsy-confirmed nodular or superficial BCC in a short-term treat and resect study design

Mohs surgeon and founder of Surgical Dermatology Group, Birmingham, AL

We are thrilled to showcase our latest research and congratulate the American Society for Dermatology Surgery for hosting this important scientific exchange with aesthetic and surgical dermatology professionals as we work toward commercial introduction of our CellFX System powered by Nano-Pulse Stimulation technology, said Ed Ebbers, Pulses Executive Vice President and General Manager, Dermatology.

About Pulse Biosciences

Pulse Biosciences is a novel bioelectric medicine company committed to health innovation that has the potential to improve and extend the lives of patients. If cleared, the CellFX System will be the first commercial product to harness the distinctive advantages of the Companys proprietary Nano-Pulse Stimulation (NPS) technology to treat a variety of applications for which an optimal solution remains unfulfilled. Nano-Pulse Stimulation technology delivers nano-second pulses of electrical energy to non-thermally clear cells while sparing adjacent non-cellular tissue. Subject to regulatory approval, the initial commercial use of the CellFX System is expected to address a broad range of dermatologic conditions that share high demand among patients and practitioners for improved and durable aesthetic outcomes. Designed as a multi-application platform, the CellFX System is intended to offer customer value with a utilization-based revenue model across an expanding spectrum of clinical applications. To learn more please visit

Caution: Pulse Biosciences CellFX System and Nano-Pulse Stimulation technology are for investigational use only.

Pulse Biosciences, CellFX, Nano-Pulse Stimulation, NPS and the stylized logos are among the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pulse Biosciences, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this press release that are not historical are forward-looking statements, including, among other things, statements relating to Pulse Biosciences expectations regarding regulatory clearance and the timing of FDA and other regulatory filings or approvals, including meetings with FDA and the ability of the Company to successfully complete a 510(k) submission for the CellFX System or for a specific indication for the treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia (SH) lesions, the ability of the Company to prepare and provide data to FDA and other regulatory bodies, NPS technology including the effectiveness of such technology and the effectiveness of related clinical studies in predicting outcomes resulting from the use of NPS technology, the CellFX System including the benefits of the CellFX System and commercialization of the CellFX System, current and planned future clinical studies and the ability of the Company to execute such studies and results of any such studies, other matters related to its pipeline of product candidates, the Companys market opportunity and commercialization plans, including the market for the treatment of SH, future financial performance, the impact of COVID-19 and other future events. These statements are not historical facts but rather are based on Pulse Biosciences current expectations, estimates, and projections regarding Pulse Biosciences business, operations and other similar or related factors. Words such as may, will, could, would, should, anticipate, predict, potential, continue, expects, intends, plans, projects, believes, estimates, and other similar or related expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult or impossible to predict and, in some cases, beyond Pulse Biosciences control. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including those described in Pulse Biosciences filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Pulse Biosciences undertakes no obligation to revise or update information in this release to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.

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Pulse Biosciences Announces Presentation of Clinical Results Using Nano-Pulse Stimulation Technology for the Clearance of Skin Lesions at the American...

Clene Nanomedicine, researching the use of gold atoms to slow ALS progression, nets $42.5M Series D – Endpoints News

A biopharma that uses gold to develop treatments for neurodegenerative diseases just got a little bit richer.

Clene Nanomedicine pulled in $42.5 million in a Series D financing round Wednesday, money which will go toward advancing its lead program through a Phase III platform trial in ALS and support Phase II trials in MS, Parkinsons disease and ALS. CEO Rob Etherington said that by the end of 2021, Clene will know whether or not the candidate, called CNM-Au8, will prove effective.

It will take us to the end of all these clinical endpoints, Etherington told Endpoints News. The exciting thing for us is that one asset could potentially be indicated to improve neurological function in MS, as well as ALS, and [though] Parkinsons is the slower program, this money is going to help us launch more completely that program.

CNM-Au8 is a liquid suspension of gold nanocrystals that catalyze intracellular biological reactions. Such catalyzation can lead to improvement in nerve cell survival, function, and communication. Chemically, the clean surfaces of the nanocrystals help normalize ATP production in cells, which is lacking in serious neurological diseases like ALS, CMO Robert Glanzman said.

Were providing bioenergy support to cells, Glanzman said. Theres a reason why we tend to get neurodegenerative diseases as we get older, and that is because as we age, theres a linear loss of bioenergetic capacity within neurons and what were doing is actually providing these neurons and other cells with free energy, essentially.

In terms of visible symptoms, Glanzman added that patients taking CNM-Au8 will see better strength, muscle mass and be able to speak, breathe and swallow more easily over a longer period of time.

Clenes Phase III study comes as it was selected to participate in the first-ever platform trial for ALS, which enrolled its first patients earlier this month. The trial compares three separate treatments for the disease, with UCBs zilucoplan and Biohavens verdiperstat joining CNM-Au8 at Harvard-backed Massachusetts General Hospital in testing 480 total patients.

Though delayed from a March start due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the platform trial aims to expedite the development of therapies for a disease that advances rapidly and that has few effective treatment options. Only riluzole, also known as Rilutek and OKed in 1995, shows any measurable effect on ALS patients, Etherington said.

Riluzole, which functionally is really the only drug that most people with ALS use, was originally approved to delay the need for tracheostomies to encourage breathing for an extra couple months, Etherington said. But it has a very modest effect generally. It is the standard of care, however, because its the only really markedly relevant drug thats been approved for ALS in this country. Theres a few others but most of them do very little.

Clene has two other programs in the pipeline, though neither have reached the clinic just yet. The first is a topical gel containing silver and zinc ions, with researchers looking at burn treatment, accelerated wound-healing and as an anti-infective. Theres also a gold-platinum therapeutic being studied for use in oncology, which is still in the initial in vitro stage.

The bottom line for Clene though is that finding a treatment option for the extremely difficult ALS indication becomes closer to reality, with a potentially huge impact on the field.

The way you and I move and can grasp things and can talk, all this fine motor movement we take for granted, Etherington said. An ALS patient loses these and this is exactly what we are studying.

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Clene Nanomedicine, researching the use of gold atoms to slow ALS progression, nets $42.5M Series D - Endpoints News

Medical Biomimetics Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 – The Research Process

A detailed overview of Medical Biomimetics market with respect to the pivotal drivers influencing the revenue graph of this business sphere. The current trends of Medical Biomimetics market in conjunction with the geographical landscape, demand spectrum, remuneration scale, and growth graph of this vertical have also been included in this report.

Increasing rate of organ failure coupled with growing geriatric population base will act as growth impact rendering factors for medical biomimetics market during the forecast timeframe. As per the U.S. Census Bureau?s 2017 National Population Projections, there will be nearly 78 million people aged more than 65 years, while 76.7 million under 18 years of age in the U.S. by 2035, thereby escalating demand for biomimetics products in coming future.

High adoption of western culture, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity has led to rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases, resulting in increased demand for biomimetic cardiovascular products. Numerous applications of biomimetics in healthcare industry including fields such as dentistry, orthopedics, cardiovascular, and ophthalmology should stimulate business growth during the analysis period.

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Medical Biomimetics Market will reach over USD 35 billion by 2025; as per a new research report.

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Orthopedic product segment accounted for more than 30% market share in 2018 and is estimated to witness significant growth during the forecast period owing to growing demand for orthopedic prosthesis and implants. For instance, increasing number of accidents and injuries have escalated the demand for prosthetic limbs. Technological advancements including development of augment bone graft should positively impact segmental growth.

Application segment of medical biomimetics market includes plastic surgery, wound healing, tissue engineering, drug delivery and others including nanomedicine, drug discovery, enzymatic modification and medical engineering. Plastic surgery application segment will witness 6.3% CAGR over the coming years due to wide application of biomimetics in plastic surgery for scaffold formation. It is also used in craniofacial surgery for restoration of facial aesthetics, function and form.

Increasing R&D activities pertaining to development of innovative biomimetic products along with advancements in nanotechnology, tissue engineering utilizing biomimetics technology should positively impact industry expansion. However, high capital investment in R&D along with stringent regulations will hinder industry growth during the forecast timeframe.

Germany medical biomimetics market dominated European region in 2018 and is anticipated to grow at 5.8% during the forecast period. High technological adoption, rising geriatric population prone to suffer from organ failure and increasing incidence of ophthalmology, orthopedic and cardiovascular disorders in the country are driving factors for Germany medical biomimetics market.

Saudi Arabia medical biomimetics market will witness 5.2% CAGR during the forecast timeframe. Growing demand and adoption of cosmetic surgical procedures among women, technological advancements and rising awareness should drive Saudi Arabia medical biomimetics industry during the analysis period. Rising incidence of coronary heart disease coupled with growing uptake of unhealthy habits such as alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking will augment demand for biomimetic products in the region.

Major Highlights from Table of contents are listed below for quick lookup into Medical Biomimetics Market report

Chapter 1. Competitive Landscape

Chapter 2. Company Profiles

Chapter 3. Methodology & Scope

Chapter 4. Executive Summary

Chapter 5. Medical Biomimetics industryInsights

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Medical Biomimetics Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 - The Research Process

Tottenham Acquisition I Limited and Clene Nanomedicine to Merge – Citybizlist Real Estate

Tottenham Acquisition I Limited (NASDAQ: TOTA, TOTAU, TOTAW, TOTAR), a special purpose acquisition company, today announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement for a business combination with Clene Nanomedicine, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a potential therapeutic nanocatalyst for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in addition to a nanotechnology based-therapy with antiviral applications. Subject to Tottenham shareholder approval and upon consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement, (i) Tottenham will reincorporate to the state of Delaware by merging with and into Chelsea Worldwide Inc., a Delaware company and wholly owned subsidiary of Tottenham ("Chelsea Worldwide"), (ii) concurrently with the reincorporation merger, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chelsea Worldwide will be merged with and into Clene, resulting in Clene being a wholly owned subsidiary of Chelsea Worldwide, and (iii) Chelsea Worldwide will be renamed Clene Inc. Upon the closing of the transactions, Clene Inc. will be NASDAQ-listed under a new ticker symbol.

Clene Nanomedicine, Inc. is an innovative clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of potentially first-in-class nanocatalysts for the treatment of bioenergetic failure associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Clene has created a novel nanotechnology drug platform for the development of a new class of orally-administered neurotherapeutic drugs. Clene's lead asset, CNM-Au8, is an orally administered therapeutic under investigation for the neurorepair of various neurodegenerative diseases including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and ALS, with one Phase 3 trial multiple Phase 2 clinical studies ongoing. Clene is also pursuing development of an ionic zinc-silver solution, CNM-ZnAg, for broad-based anti-viral and anti-microbial use, including the treatment of COVID-19. Two planned Phase 2 studies will test CNM-ZnAg efficacy in Brazil and Russia. There is not yet sufficient data to determine the efficacy of any of our drug candidates and their potential therapeutic applications.

Clene's current management team will continue running the combined company after the transaction.

"Clene is excited to partner with Tottenham in the creation of shareholder value. By creating the world's first public pure-play nanotherapeutic company, Clene is especially honored to bring forward the first neuroreparative therapy candidate to potentially improve neurological function across multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ALS, and many other neurological diseases with Clene's lead asset, CNM-Au8. Bioenergetic failure is a common element of many neurodegenerative diseases that we hope will soon be treated successfully with CNM-Au8. The combined company will also enable further clinical investigation of its second key asset, CNM-ZnAg, in two newly launched studies for the treatment of COVID-19," said Rob Etherington, President and CEO of Clene.

"Ever since the inception of Tottenham, our goal has always been to enable the foundation of a successful public company via a merger, instead of merely completing one. During these times we have been holding ourselves firmly to that standard while diligently and patiently looking for the best target company to merge with. We are extremely proud and honored to become associated with Clene, a company with a top-notch management team that we believe will be as successful in creating sustainable shareholder value as they have been in developing an innovative bioenergetic therapeutic approach for the potential treatment of neurodegenerative diseases that has the potential to impact millions of lives," said Jason Ma, Chairman and CEO of Tottenham. "We are thrilled to be a part of this exciting merger and we look forward to working closely together to complete the transaction."

Key Transaction Terms

Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, Tottenham's wholly owned subsidiary, Chelsea Worldwide, will acquire Clene and be renamed as Clene Inc., resulting in Clene Inc. becoming a listed company on the Nasdaq Capital Market. At the effective time of the transactions, Clene's shareholders and management will receive approximately 54.25 million shares of Chelsea Worldwide's common stock. In addition, Clene shareholders will be entitled to receive earn-out consideration of up to an additional 8,333,333 shares of Clene Inc.'s common stock, subject to Clene Inc. achieving certain share price thresholds prior to certain future dates or meeting certain Covid-19 clinical trial targets, as set forth in the Merger Agreement.

LifeSci Capital LLC and Chardan Capital Markets, LLC are acting as an M&A and financial advisors to the parties in this transaction. Loeb & Loeb LLP is acting as legal advisor to Tottenham. Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Stoel Rives LLP, Clene's local counsel, are acting as the legal advisors to Clene.

The description of the transaction contained herein is a summary only and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Merger Agreement relating to the transaction, a copy of which will be filed by Tottenham with the SEC as an exhibit to a Current Report on Form 8-K.

About Clene

Clene Nanomedicine, Inc. is a privately held, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of unique therapeutic candidates for neurodegenerative diseases. Clene has innovated a novel nanotechnology drug platform for the development of a new class of orally-administered neurotherapeutic drugs. Clene has also advanced into the clinic an aqueous solution of ionic zinc and silver for anti-viral and anti-microbial uses. Founded in 2013, the company is based in Salt Lake City, Utah with R&D and manufacturing operations located in North East, Maryland. For more information, please visit

About Tottenham Acquisition I Limited

Tottenham Acquisition I Limited is a blank check company formed for the purpose of acquiring, engaging in a share exchange, share reconstruction and amalgamation with, purchasing all or substantially all of the assets of, entering into contractual arrangements with, or engaging in any other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. Tottenham's efforts to identify a prospective target business were not limited to a particular industry or geographic region, although the company initially focused on operating businesses in the TMT (Technology, Media, Telecom), education, e-commerce, health-care and consumer goods industries with primary operations in Asia (with an emphasis in China).

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Tottenham Acquisition I Limited and Clene Nanomedicine to Merge - Citybizlist Real Estate

Kanazawa University research: Potential drug treatment for particular type of lung-cancer – PR Newswire UK

KANAZAWA, Japan, Sept. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nature Communications the mechanism making some lung-cancer patients resistant to the drug osimertinib. In addition, they suggest a combined drug treatment resolving osimertinib resistance in the case of cancer cells expressing low amounts of AXL, a protein belonging to the class of receptor tyrosine kinases.

The effectiveness of cancer treatment is often hampered by cancer cells being heterogeneous. This is the case for EGFR-mutated lung cancer: drugs based on biomolecules of a type known as tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) have been used to treat the disease, but with various levels of efficacy. (EGFR stands for "epidermal growth factor receptor", a protein playing an important role in signaling processes from the extracellular environment to a cell.) Sometimes, tumor cells are simply resistant to the drug. Now, Seiji Yano from Kanazawa University and colleagues have investigated the efficacy of the TKI osimertinib for treating EGFR-mutated lung cancer, and how it relates to the expression in tumor cells of a particular protein called AXL. They found that both AXL-high and -low expressing tumor cells showed tolerance (acquired resistance) to osimertinib, but that the mechanisms involved are different for the two situations. Moreover, the researchers suggest a way to enhance the success of osimertinib treatment for the case of AXL-low expressing tumors.

First, the scientists compared the susceptibility to osimertinib in both AXL-high and -low expressing tumor cells in in vitro experiments. They observed that osimertinib inhibited the viability of the cancer cells in both cases, but that the sensitivity to the drug was higher for AXL-low expressing EGFR-mutated lung cancer cells.They also noticed that a small number of tumor cells survived the procedure an indication of osimertinib tolerance.These findings were consistent with results from the clinical study of the drug performed earlier on 29 patients with EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer.

Through experiments aiming to understand the mechanism behind osimertinib tolerance, Yano and colleagues discovered that phosphorylation of IGF-1R was increased in AXL-low-expressing tumor cell lines, but not in AXL-high expressing tumors. (IGF-1R stands for 'insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor'; it is a protein located on the surface of human cells. Phosphorylation is the chemical process of adding a phosphoryl group.) The researchers then found that phosphorylated IGF-1R supported the survival of AXL-low expressing tumors after exposure to osimertinib.

The scientists then tested whether the observed osimertinib resistance could be resolved by administering linsitinib, a substance known to inhibit the phosphorylation of IGF-1R. Encouraged by the positive outcome of the experiment, Yano and colleagues went further and evaluated the combination of osimertinib and linsitinib. Their conclusion was that the transient combination of linsitinib with continuous osimertinib treatment could cure or at least dramatically delay tumor recurrence in AXL-low-expressing EGFR-mutated lung cancer. More investigating needs to be done, though. Quoting the researchers: " the safety and efficacy of the transient combination of IGF-1R inhibitor and osimertinib should be evaluated in the clinical trials."


Tyrosine kinase inhibitors

A tyrosine kinase inhibitor is a drug inhibiting (that is, preventing or reducing the activity of) a specific tyrosine kinase. A tyrosine kinase is a protein (enzyme) involved in the activation of other proteins by signaling cascades. The activation happens by the addition of a phosphate group to the protein (phosphorylation); it is this step that a tyrosine kinase inhibitor inhibits. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are used as anticancer drugs. One such drug is osimertinib, used to treat EGFR-mutated lung cancer.


AXL is a receptor tyrosine kinase a tyrosine kinase consisting of an extracellular part, a transmembrane part ('sitting' within a cell membrane) and an intracellular part. AXL regulates various important cellular processes, including proliferation, survival and motility.

In recent years, it has become clear that AXL is a key facilitator of drug tolerance by cancer cells. Seiji Yano from Kanazawa University and colleagues have found that this is also the case for EGFR-mutated lung cancer. While a high expression of AXL correlates with resistance to osimertinib, such tolerance also occurs in AXL-low-expressing cancer cells. Yano and colleagues have now found that for the latter case, phosphorylation of IGF-1R (insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor) is responsible for the resistance to osimertinib.


Rong Wang, Tadaaki Yamada, Kenji Kita, Hirokazu Taniguchi, Sachiko Arai, Koji Fukuda, Minoru Terashima, Akihiko Ishimura, Akihiro Nishiyama, Azusa Tanimoto, Shinji Takeuchi, Koshiro Ohtsubo, Kaname Yamashita, Tomoyoshi Yamano, Akihiro Yoshimura, Koichi Takayama, Kyoichi Kaira, Yoshihiko Taniguchi, Shinji Atagi, Hisanori Uehara, Rikinari Hanayama, Isao Matsumoto, Xujun Han, Kunio Matsumoto, Wei Wang, Takeshi Suzuki, and Seiji Yano. Transient IGF-1R inhibition combined with osimertinib eradicates AXL-low expressing EGFR mutated lung cancer, Nature Communications 11, XX(2020).

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18442-4


Link to figure

Figure CaptionMechanism of targeted drugs tolerance in lung cancer cells

Further information

About WPI NanoLSI Kanazawa University Hiroe YonedaVice Director of Public AffairsWPI Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI)Kanazawa UniversityKakuma-machi, Kanazawa 920-1192, JapanEmail: +81 (76) 234-4550

About Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI)

Nano Life Science Institute (NanoLSI), Kanazawa University is a research center established in 2017 as part of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The objective of this initiative is to form world-tier research centers. NanoLSI combines the foremost knowledge of bio-scanning probe microscopy to establish 'nano-endoscopic techniques' to directly image, analyze, and manipulate biomolecules for insights into mechanisms governing life phenomena such as diseases.

About Kanazawa University

As the leading comprehensive university on the Sea of Japan coast, Kanazawa University has contributed greatly to higher education and academic research in Japan since it was founded in 1949. The University has three colleges and 17 schools offering courses in subjects that include medicine, computer engineering, and humanities.

The University is located on the coast of the Sea of Japan in Kanazawa a city rich in history and culture. The city of Kanazawa has a highly respected intellectual profile since the time of the fiefdom (1598-1867). Kanazawa University is divided into two main campuses: Kakuma and Takaramachi for its approximately 10,200 students including 600 from overseas.

SOURCE Kanazawa University

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Kanazawa University research: Potential drug treatment for particular type of lung-cancer - PR Newswire UK