Liquid Biopsy Detects Nano-Sized Signs of Breast Cancer in Early-Stage Patients – Technology Networks

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A USC-led team of scientists has found indications that a special blood test called a liquid biopsy could determine whether a patient has breast cancer at its early stage and if that cancer is unlikely to return.

These high-definition comprehensive liquid biopsies are conducted using a standard blood draw from the arm of a patient in a doctors office. Once in the laboratory, the sample is examined for signs of cancer.

The study demonstrating the liquid biopsy results for early breast cancer detection was published in Natures npj Breast Cancer journal. The work was a collaboration between USC, Billings Clinic, Duke University, Epic Sciences and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. The results raise hopes that one day doctors could detect breast cancer in patients with a simple blood draw.

The researchers at the USC Michelson Convergent Science Institute in Cancer (CSI-Cancer) are cautiously optimistic about their findings. They are eager to test and see whether the results will be proven in larger clinical trials to demonstrate the benefit of the method for patients everywhere.

Its an amazing opportunity to change how early breast cancer detection is being done with a simple blood draw, but it's only a research outcome at this point and we still need to demonstrate clinical benefit, said Peter Kuhn, a USC cancer physicist who directs CSI-Cancer.

Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the world, affecting 1 in 8 women over their lifetime.

Since 1976 when the American Cancer Society endorsed the technique, mammography X-ray, along with a tissue biopsy, has become the standard way for doctors to check patients for breast cancer.

But mammography is not 100% accurate and its detection can be impeded by healthy dense tissue. Mammographys sensitivity to breast cancer is around 87%, according to the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. And for some women, mammograms are not accessible, especially those living in poor isolated communities that have no clinics or hospitals. Others simply do not get a regular mammogram.

But a tissue biopsy also is not a fool-proof method. Although it can reveal information about the tumor, it has limitations. Doctors can sample only a small area and may fail to capture the full extent of the tumor. A tissue biopsy is also invasive and painful.

Combined, the drawbacks for diagnosis with mammograms and tissue biopsies mean some patients are not diagnosed until the cancer has grown and spread. New methodologies such as CSI-Cancers liquid biopsy can bring a complementary toolset into clinical practice.

For the study, Kuhn and his team worked with 100 breast cancer patients some early and late stage and 40 patients without breast cancer from April 2013 through January 2017. The work was conducted at clinical sites including at the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center at Keck Medicine of USC, the Billings Clinic in Montana, Duke University Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina and the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif.

The team tested a theory that the high-definition liquid biopsy could detect multiple cancer biomarkers, including the so-called oncosomes nano-sized, membraned cargo carriers that enrich the bodys environment for cancer growth. These oncosomes are secreted by cancer cells as the group has shown previously.

The news here is that we found the vast majority of early-stage breast cancer patients have these oncosomes at very robust levels, said Kuhn, a Deans Professor at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and cancer physicist. Theyre about 5-10 microns in diameter. About the size of a cell. We first identified these large vesicles in prostate cancer about a year-and-a-half ago and showed that they are related to the cancer. They are hiding in plain sight.

If further studies produce similar results, this could mean that the next generation high-definition liquid biopsy may become a diagnostic tool for early breast cancer detection and other cancers, he said. The test also could inform patients who have been treated for cancer that they will most likely remain cancer-free.

Typically, Im the bearer of bad news. I say, You have cancer in your blood, Kuhn said. But a test like this could give hope that if there is a sign of cancer, we can find it very early and improve treatment and survival.

Reference: Setayesh SM, Hart O, Naghdloo A, et al. Multianalyte liquid biopsy to aid the diagnostic workup of breast cancer. npj Breast Cancer. 2022;8(1):1-11. doi: 10.1038/s41523-022-00480-4

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Liquid Biopsy Detects Nano-Sized Signs of Breast Cancer in Early-Stage Patients - Technology Networks

Assistant Professor of Practice in West Lafayette, IN for Purdue University


Posted: 14-Dec-22

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The Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Science at Purdue University invites applications for a non-tenure track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor of Practice. The successful candidate will support the learning and engagement activities of the Department, defined broadly.

Qualifications: Candidates must have a PhD in Physics or Astronomy or closely related field, with a track record and a commitment to teaching and engagement. Successful candidates will teach at undergraduate and graduate levels, participate in curriculum development for face-to-face and online courses, conduct professional development of teaching assistants, engage in scholarship of teaching and learning, including seeking external funding to support these efforts, dedicate time to committee work related to learning and engagement activities, contribute to recruitment and retention of students, and participate in departmental outreach efforts.

The Department and College: The Department of Physics and Astronomy has 60 tenured and tenure-track professors, 190 graduate students, and 280 undergraduates. The Department is engaged in research in astrophysics, atomic, molecular, and optical physics, biological physics, condensed matter, high energy, nuclear physics, and physics education, as well as university-wide multidisciplinary research in data science, nanoscience, photonics, and quantum information science involving the Birck Nanotechnology Center, the Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, and the Colleges of Engineering. For more information, see

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is part of the College of Science, which comprises the physical, computing and life sciences at Purdue. It is the second-largest college at Purdue with over 350 faculty and more than 6000 students. With multiple commitments of significant investment and strong alignment with Purdue leadership, the College is committed to supporting existing strengths and enhancing the scope and impact of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Purdue itself is one of the nations leading land-grant universities, with an enrollment of over 41,000 students primarily focused on STEM subjects. For more information, see

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Purdue University, the College of Science, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy are committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including discovery, instruction, and engagement. Candidates are encouraged to address in their cover letter how they are prepared to contribute to a climate that values diversity and inclusion. Purdue University, the College of Science, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy are committed to free and open inquiry in all matters. Candidates are encouraged to address in their cover letter how they are prepared to contribute to a climate that values free inquiry and academic freedom.

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About Purdue University

Physics explores the fundamental mysteries of nature...from how the universe was created, to how biological systems function, to how to create new forms of matter. The strength of Purdue's physics department is its internationally recognized research in the areas of astrophysics, high energy physics, geophysics, nanophysics, nuclear physics, sensor technology, biophysics and more. How chlorophyll and hemoglobin work, the structure of black holes, the search for fundamental particles, the precise dating of Stonehenge, and new sensors for homeland defense are a few of the topics that drive the research in our department.

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Assistant Professor of Practice in West Lafayette, IN for Purdue University

Nanotechnology Timeline | National Nanotechnology Initiative

This timeline features Premodern example of nanotechnology, as well as Modern Era discoveries and milestones in the field of nanotechnology.

Early examples of nanostructured materials were based on craftsmens empirical understanding and manipulation of materials. Use of high heat was one common step in their processes to produce these materials with novel properties.

The Lycurgus Cup at the British Museum, lit from the outside (left) and from the inside (right)

4th Century: The Lycurgus Cup (Rome) is an example of dichroic glass; colloidal gold and silver in the glass allow it to look opaque green when lit from outside but translucent red when light shines through the inside. (Images at left.)

9th-17th Centuries: Glowing, glittering luster ceramic glazes used in the Islamic world, and later in Europe, contained silver or copper or other metallic nanoparticles. (Image at right.)

6th-15th Centuries: Vibrant stained glass windows in European cathedrals owed their rich colors to nanoparticles of gold chloride and other metal oxides and chlorides; gold nanoparticles also acted as photocatalytic air purifiers. (Image at left.)

13th-18th Centuries: Damascus saber blades contained carbon nanotubes and cementite nanowiresan ultrahigh-carbon steel formulation that gave them strength, resilience, the ability to hold a keen edge, and a visible moir pattern in the steel that give the blades their name. (Images below.)

These are based on increasingly sophisticated scientific understanding and instrumentation, as well as experimentation.

1857: Michael Faraday discovered colloidal ruby gold, demonstrating that nanostructured gold under certain lighting conditions produces different-colored solutions.

1936: Erwin Mller, working at Siemens Research Laboratory, invented the field emission microscope, allowing near-atomic-resolution images of materials.

1947: John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs discovered the semiconductor transistor and greatly expanded scientific knowledge of semiconductor interfaces, laying the foundation for electronic devices and the Information Age.

1950: Victor La Mer and Robert Dinegar developed the theory and a process for growing monodisperse colloidal materials. Controlled ability to fabricate colloids enables myriad industrial uses such as specialized papers, paints, and thin films, even dialysis treatments.

1951: Erwin Mller pioneered the field ion microscope, a means to image the arrangement of atoms at the surface of a sharp metal tip; he first imaged tungsten atoms.

1956: Arthur von Hippel at MIT introduced many concepts ofand coined the termmolecular engineering as applied to dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and piezoelectrics

1958: Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments originated the concept of, designed, and built the first integrated circuit, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 2000. (Image at left.)

1959: Richard Feynman of the California Institute of Technology gave what is considered to be the first lecture on technology and engineering at the atomic scale, "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech. (Image at right.)

1965: Intel co-founder Gordon Moore described in Electronics magazine several trends he foresaw in the field of electronics. One trend now known as Moores Law, described the density of transistors on an integrated chip (IC) doubling every 12 months (later amended to every 2 years). Moore also saw chip sizes and costs shrinking with their growing functionalitywith a transformational effect on the ways people live and work. That the basic trend Moore envisioned has continued for 50 years is to a large extent due to the semiconductor industrys increasing reliance on nanotechnology as ICs and transistors have approached atomic dimensions.1974: Tokyo Science University Professor Norio Taniguchi coined the term nanotechnology to describe precision machining of materials to within atomic-scale dimensional tolerances. (See graph at left.)

1981: Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer at IBMs Zurich lab invented the scanning tunneling microscope, allowing scientists to "see" (create direct spatial images of) individual atoms for the first time. Binnig and Rohrer won the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1986.

1981: Russias Alexei Ekimov discovered nanocrystalline, semiconducting quantum dots in a glass matrix and conducted pioneering studies of their electronic and optical properties.

1985: Rice University researchers Harold Kroto, Sean OBrien, Robert Curl, and Richard Smalley discovered the Buckminsterfullerene (C60), more commonly known as the buckyball, which is a molecule resembling a soccer ball in shape and composed entirely of carbon, as are graphite and diamond. The team was awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their roles in this discovery and that of the fullerene class of molecules more generally. (Artist's rendering at right.)

1985: Bell Labss Louis Brus discovered colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots), for which he shared the 2008 Kavli Prize in Nanotechnology.

1986: Gerd Binnig, Calvin Quate, and Christoph Gerber invented the atomic force microscope, which has the capability to view, measure, and manipulate materials down to fractions of a nanometer in size, including measurement of various forces intrinsic to nanomaterials.

1989:Don Eigler and Erhard Schweizer at IBM's Almaden Research Center manipulated 35 individual xenon atoms to spell out the IBM logo. This demonstration of the ability to precisely manipulate atoms ushered in the applied use of nanotechnology. (Image at left.)

1990s: Early nanotechnology companies began to operate, e.g., Nanophase Technologies in 1989, Helix Energy Solutions Group in 1990, Zyvex in 1997, Nano-Tex in 1998.

1991: Sumio Iijima of NEC is credited with discovering the carbon nanotube (CNT), although there were early observations of tubular carbon structures by others as well. Iijima shared the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience in 2008 for this advance and other advances in the field. CNTs, like buckyballs, are entirely composed of carbon, but in a tubular shape. They exhibit extraordinary properties in terms of strength, electrical and thermal conductivity, among others. (Image below.)

1992: C.T. Kresge and colleagues at Mobil Oil discovered the nanostructured catalytic materials MCM-41 and MCM-48, now used heavily in refining crude oil as well as for drug delivery, water treatment, and other varied applications.

1993: Moungi Bawendi of MIT invented a method for controlled synthesis of nanocrystals (quantum dots), paving the way for applications ranging from computing to biology to high-efficiency photovoltaics and lighting. Within the next several years, work by other researchers such as Louis Brus and Chris Murray also contributed methods for synthesizing quantum dots.

1998: The Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology (IWGN) was formed under the National Science and Technology Council to investigate the state of the art in nanoscale science and technology and to forecast possible future developments. The IWGNs study and report, Nanotechnology Research Directions: Vision for the Next Decade (1999) defined the vision for and led directly to formation of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative in 2000.

1999: Cornell University researchers Wilson Ho and Hyojune Lee probed secrets of chemical bonding by assembling a molecule [iron carbonyl Fe(CO)2] from constituent components [iron (Fe) and carbon monoxide (CO)] with a scanning tunneling microscope. (Image at left.)

1999: Chad Mirkin at Northwestern University invented dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), leading to manufacturable, reproducible writing of electronic circuits as well as patterning of biomaterials for cell biology research, nanoencryption, and other applications. (Image below right.)

1999early 2000s: Consumer products making use of nanotechnology began appearing in the marketplace, including lightweight nanotechnology-enabled automobile bumpers that resist denting and scratching, golf balls that fly straighter, tennis rackets that are stiffer (therefore, the ball rebounds faster), baseball bats with better flex and "kick," nano-silver antibacterial socks, clear sunscreens, wrinkle- and stain-resistant clothing, deep-penetrating therapeutic cosmetics, scratch-resistant glass coatings, faster-recharging batteries for cordless electric tools, and improved displays for televisions, cell phones, and digital cameras.

2000: President Clinton launched the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) to coordinate Federal R&D efforts and promote U.S. competitiveness in nanotechnology. Congress funded the NNI for the first time in FY2001. The NSET Subcommittee of the NSTC was designated as the interagency group responsible for coordinating the NNI.

2003: Congress enacted the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (P.L. 108-153). The act provided a statutory foundation for the NNI, established programs, assigned agency responsibilities, authorized funding levels, and promoted research to address key issues.

2003: Naomi Halas, Jennifer West, Rebekah Drezek, and Renata Pasqualin at Rice University developed gold nanoshells, which when tuned in size to absorb near-infrared light, serve as a platform for the integrated discovery, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer without invasive biopsies, surgery, or systemically destructive radiation or chemotherapy.2004: The European Commission adopted the Communication Towards a European Strategy for Nanotechnology, COM(2004) 338, which proposed institutionalizing European nanoscience and nanotechnology R&D efforts within an integrated and responsible strategy, and which spurred European action plans and ongoing funding for nanotechnology R&D. (Image at left.)

2004: Britains Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering published Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Uncertainties advocating the need to address potential health, environmental, social, ethical, and regulatory issues associated with nanotechnology.

2004: SUNY Albany launched the first college-level education program in nanotechnology in the United States, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering.

2005: Erik Winfree and Paul Rothemund from the California Institute of Technology developed theories for DNA-based computation and algorithmic self-assembly in which computations are embedded in the process of nanocrystal growth.

2006: James Tour and colleagues at Rice University built a nanoscale car made of oligo(phenylene ethynylene) with alkynyl axles and four spherical C60 fullerene (buckyball) wheels. In response to increases in temperature, the nanocar moved about on a gold surface as a result of the buckyball wheels turning, as in a conventional car. At temperatures above 300C it moved around too fast for the chemists to keep track of it! (Image at left.)

2007: Angela Belcher and colleagues at MIT built a lithium-ion battery with a common type of virus that is nonharmful to humans, using a low-cost and environmentally benign process. The batteries have the same energy capacity and power performance as state-of-the-art rechargeable batteries being considered to power plug-in hybrid cars, and they could also be used to power personal electronic devices. (Image at right.)

2008: The first official NNI Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Research was published, based on a two-year process of NNI-sponsored investigations and public dialogs. This strategy document was updated in 2011, following a series of workshops and public review.

20092010: Nadrian Seeman and colleagues at New York University createdseveral DNA-like robotic nanoscale assembly devices.One is a process for creating 3D DNA structures using synthetic sequences of DNA crystals that can be programmed to self-assemble using sticky ends and placement in a set order and orientation.Nanoelectronics could benefit:the flexibility and density that 3D nanoscale components allow could enable assembly of parts that are smaller, more complex, and more closely spaced. Another Seeman creation (with colleagues at Chinas Nanjing University) is a DNA assembly line. For this work, Seeman shared the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience in 2010.

2010: IBM used a silicon tip measuring only a few nanometers at its apex (similar to the tips used in atomic force microscopes) to chisel away material from a substrate to create a complete nanoscale 3D relief map of the world one-one-thousandth the size of a grain of saltin 2 minutes and 23 seconds. This activity demonstrated a powerful patterning methodology for generating nanoscale patterns and structures as small as 15 nanometers at greatly reduced cost and complexity, opening up new prospects for fields such as electronics, optoelectronics, and medicine. (Image below.)

2011:The NSET Subcommittee updated both the NNI Strategic Plan and the NNI Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Strategy, drawing on extensive input from public workshops and online dialog with stakeholders from Government, academia, NGOs, and the public, and others.

2012: The NNI launched two more Nanotechnology Signature Initiatives (NSIs)--Nanosensors and the Nanotechnology Knowledge Infrastructure (NKI)--bringing the total to five NSIs.

2013: -The NNI starts the next round of Strategic Planning, starting with the Stakeholder Workshop. -Stanford researchers develop the first carbon nanotube computer.

2014: -The NNI releases the updated 2014 Strategic Plan. -The NNI releases the 2014 Progress Review on the Coordinated Implementation of the NNI 2011 Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Strategy.

Read more:
Nanotechnology Timeline | National Nanotechnology Initiative

Drinking-water – World Health Organization


Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources, can boost countries economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.

In 2010, the UN General Assembly explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation. Everyone has the right to sufficient, continuous, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic use.

Sustainable Development Goal target 6.1 calls for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water. The target is tracked with the indicator of safely managed drinking water services drinking water from an improved water source that is located on premises, available when needed, and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination.

In 2020, 5.8 billion people used safely managed drinking-water services that is, they used improved water sources located on premises, available when needed, and free from contamination. The remaining 2 billion people without safely managed services in 2020 included:

Sharp geographic, sociocultural and economic inequalities persist, not only between rural and urban areas but also in towns and cities where people living in low-income, informal or illegal settlements usually have less access to improved sources of drinking-water than other residents.

Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. This is particularly the case in health care facilities where both patients and staff are placed at additional risk of infection and disease when water, sanitation and hygiene services are lacking. Globally, 15% of patients develop an infection during a hospital stay, with the proportion much greater in low-income countries.

Inadequate management of urban, industrial and agricultural wastewater means the drinking-water of hundreds of millions of people is dangerously contaminated or chemically polluted. Natural presence of chemicals, particularly in groundwater, can also be of health significance, including arsenic and fluoride, while other chemicals, such as lead, may be elevated in drinking-water as a result of leaching from water supply components in contact with drinking-water.

Some 829000 people are estimated to die each year from diarrhoea as a result of unsafe drinking-water, sanitation and hand hygiene. Yet diarrhoea is largely preventable, and the deaths of 297000 children aged under 5 years could be avoided each year if these risk factors were addressed. Where water is not readily available, people may decide handwashing is not a priority, thereby adding to the likelihood of diarrhoea and other diseases.

Diarrhoea is the most widely known disease linked to contaminated food and water but there are other hazards. In 2017, over 220 million people required preventative treatment for schistosomiasis an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms contracted through exposure to infested water.

In many parts of the world, insects that live or breed in water carry and transmit diseases such as dengue fever. Some of these insects, known as vectors, breed in clean, rather than dirty water, and household drinking water containers can serve as breeding grounds. The simple intervention of covering water storage containers can reduce vector breeding and may also reduce faecal contamination of water at the household level.

When water comes from improved and more accessible sources, people spend less time and effort physically collecting it, meaning they can be productive in other ways. This can also result in greater personal safety and reducing musculoskeletal disorders by reducing the need to make long or risky journeys to collect and carry water. Better water sources also mean less expenditure on health, as people are less likely to fall ill and incur medical costs and are better able to remain economically productive.

With children particularly at risk from water-related diseases, access to improved sources of water can result in better health, and therefore better school attendance, with positive longer-term consequences for their lives.

Historical rates of progress would need to double for the world to achieve universal coverage with basic drinking water services by 2030. To achieve universal safely managed services, rates would need to quadruple. Climate change, increasing water scarcity, population growth, demographic changes and urbanization already pose challenges for water supply systems. Over 2 billion people live in water-stressed countries, which is expected to be exacerbated in some regions as result of climate change and population growth. Re-use of wastewater to recover water, nutrients or energy is becoming an important strategy. Increasingly countries are using wastewater for irrigation; in developing countries this represents 7% of irrigated land. While this practice if done inappropriately poses health risks, safe management of wastewater can yield multiple benefits, including increased food production.

Options for water sources used for drinking-water and irrigation will continue to evolve, with an increasing reliance on groundwater and alternative sources, including wastewater. Climate change will lead to greater fluctuations in harvested rainwater. Management of all water resources will need to be improved to ensure provision and quality.

As the international authority on public health and water quality, WHO leads global efforts to prevent water-related disease, advising governments on the development of health-based targets and regulations.

WHO produces a series of water quality guidelines, including on drinking-water, safe use of wastewater, and recreational water quality. The water quality guidelines are based on managing risks, and since 2004 the Guidelines for drinking-water quality promote the Framework for safe drinking-water. The Framework recommends establishment of health-based targets, the development and implementation of water safety plans by water suppliers to most effectively identify and manage risks from catchment to consumer, and independent surveillance to ensure that water safety plans are effective and health-based targets are being met.

The drinking-water guidelines are supported by background publications that provide the technical basis for the Guidelines recommendations. WHO also supports countries to implement the drinking-water quality guidelines through the development of practical guidance materials and provision of direct country support. This includes the development of locally relevant drinking-water quality regulations aligned to the principles in the Guidelines, the development, implementation and auditing of water safety plans and strengthening of surveillance practices.

Since 2014, WHO has been testing household water treatment products against WHO health-based performance criteria through the WHO International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies. The aim of the scheme is to ensure that products protect users from the pathogens that cause diarrhoeal disease and to strengthen policy, regulatory and monitoring mechanisms at the national level to support appropriate targeting and consistent and correct use of such products.

WHO works closely with UNICEF in a number of areas concerning water and health, including on water, sanitation, and hygiene in health care facilities. In 2015 the two agencies jointly developed WASH FIT (Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool), an adaptation of the water safety plan approach. WASH FIT aims to guide small, primary health care facilities in low- and middle-income settings through a continuous cycle of improvement through assessments, prioritization of risk, and definition of specific, targeted actions. A 2019 reportdescribes practical steps that countries can take to improve water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities.

Excerpt from:
Drinking-water - World Health Organization

Medical uses of silver – Wikipedia

Uses of silver to establish the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease

The medical uses of silver include its use in wound dressings, creams, and as an antibiotic coating on medical devices.[1][2][3] Wound dressings containing silver sulfadiazine or silver nanomaterials may be used to treat external infections.[4][5][6] The limited evidence available shows that silver coatings on endotracheal breathing tubes may reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia.[7] There is tentative evidence that using silver-alloy indwelling catheters for short-term catheterizing will reduce the risk of catheter-acquired urinary tract infections.[8][9][10]

Silver generally has low toxicity, and minimal risk is expected when silver is used in approved medical applications.[11] Alternative medicine products such as colloidal silver are not safe or effective.[12][13][14][15][16]

Silver and most silver compounds have an oligodynamic effect and are toxic for bacteria, algae, and fungi in vitro. The antibacterial action of silver is dependent on the silver ion.[11] The effectiveness of silver compounds as an antiseptic is based on the ability of the biologically active silver ion (Ag+) to irreversibly damage key enzyme systems in the cell membranes of pathogens.[11] The antibacterial action of silver has long been known to be enhanced by the presence of an electric field. Applying an electric current across silver electrodes enhances antibiotic action at the anode, likely due to the release of silver into the bacterial culture.[17] The antibacterial action of electrodes coated with silver nanostructures is greatly improved in the presence of an electric field.[18]

Silver, used as a topical antiseptic, is incorporated by bacteria it kills. Thus dead bacteria may be the source of silver that may kill additional bacteria.[19]

Silver sulfadiazine (SSD) is a topical antibiotic used in partial thickness and full thickness burns to prevent infection.[3][20] It was discovered in the 1960s,[21] and was the standard topical antimicrobial for burn wounds for decades.[22][23]

However systemic reviews in 2014, 2017 and 2018 concluded that more modern treatments, both with and without silver, show better results for wound healing and infection-prevention than silver sulfadiazine,[24][25][26] and therefore SSD is no longer generally recommended.[27][28]

It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[29] The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a number of topical preparations of silver sulfadiazine for treatment of second-degree and third-degree burns.[30]

A 2018 Cochrane review found that silver-containing dressings may increase the probability of healing for venous leg ulcers.[31] A 2017 meta-analysis of clinical studies over the period of 20002015 concluded that "the evidence base for silver in wound management is significantly better than perceived in the current scientific debate" and that, if applied selectively and for short periods of time, silver has antimicrobial effects, produces an improvement in quality of life and shows good cost-effectiveness.[32] A 2014 data set from a recent meta-analysis concluded that the use of silver dressings improves healing time, and can lead to overall cost savings compared with treatment with non-silver dressings. It also found that patients who had been treated with silver dressings had a faster wound closure compared with patients who had been treated with non-silver dressings.[33] A 2013 meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials found statistically significant evidence to support the use of Biatain silver dressings in treating venous leg ulcers.[34]

A number of wound dressings containing silver as an anti-bacterial have been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[35][36][37][38] However, silver-containing dressings may cause staining, and in some cases tingling sensations as well.[39]

A 2015 systematic review concluded that the limited evidence available indicates that using silver-coated endotracheal breathing tubes reduces the risk of contracting ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), especially during the initial days of utilisation.[40] A 2014 study concluded that using silver-coated endotracheal tubes will help to prevent VAP and that this may save on hospital costs.[41] A 2012 systematic review of randomized controlled trials concluded that the limited evidence available indicates that using silver-coated endotracheal tubes will reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia, microbiologic burden, and device-related adverse events among adult patients.[42] Another 2012 review agreed that the use of silver-coated endotracheal tubes reduces the prevalence of VAP in intubated patients, but cautioned that this on its own is not sufficient to prevent infection. They also suggested that more research is needed to establish the cost-effectiveness of the treatment.[43] Another 2012 study agreed that there is evidence that endotracheal tubes coated with silver may reduce the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) and delay its onset, but concluded that no benefit was seen in the duration of intubation, the duration of stay in intensive care or the mortality rate. They also raised concerns surrounding the unblinded nature of some of the studies then available.[7]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2007 cleared an endotracheal tube with a fine coat of silver to reduce the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia.[44]

A 2014 systemic review concluded that using silver alloy-coated catheters showed no significant difference in incidences of symptomatic Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) versus using standard catheters, although silver-alloy catheters seemed to cause less discomfort to patients.[45] These catheters are associated with greater cost than other catheters.[45] A 2014 Multicenter Cohort Study found that using a silver-alloy hydrogel urinary catheter did reduce symptomatic Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) occurrences as defined by both NHSN and clinical criteria.[8] A 2011 critical analysis of eight studies found a consistent pattern which supported using silver-alloy urinary catheters over uncoated catheters to reduce infections in adult patients, and concluded that using silver-alloy catheters would significantly improve patient care.[9] A 2007 systemic review concluded that using silver-alloy indwelling catheters for short-term catheterizing will reduce the risk of catheter-acquired urinary tract infection, but called for further studies to evaluate the economic benefits of using the expensive silver alloy-catheters.[10] Two systemic reviews in 2004 found that using silver-alloy catheters reduced asymptomatic and symptomatic bacteriuria more than standard catheters, for patients who were catheterised for a short time.[46] A 2000 randomized crossover study found that using the more expensive silver-coated catheter may result in cost savings by preventing nosocomial UTI infections,[47] and another 2000 study found that using silver alloy catheters for short-term urinary catheterization reduces the incidence of symptomatic UTI and bacteremia compared with standard catheters, and may thus yield cost savings.[48]

A 2017 study found that a combination of chlorhexidine and silver-sulfadiazine (CSS) used to coat central venous catheters (CVC) reduces the rate of catheter-related bloodstream infections.[49] However, they also found that the efficacy of the CSS-CVC coating was progressively eroded by blood-flow, and that the antibacterial function was lost after 48 hours.

Research in 2018 into the treatment of central nervous system infections caused by free-living amoebae such as Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba castellanii, tested the effectiveness of existing drugs as well as the effectiveness of the same drugs when they were conjugated with silver nanoparticles. In vitro tests demonstrated more potent amoebicidal effects for the drugs when conjugated with silver nanoparticles as compared to the same drugs when used alone. They also found that conjugating the drugs with silver nanoparticles enhanced their anti-acanthamoebic activity.[50]

Silver-halide imaging plates used with X-ray imaging were the standard before digital techniques arrived; these function essentially the same as other silver-halide photographic films, although for x-ray use the developing process is very simple and takes only a few minutes. Silver x-ray film remains popular for its accuracy, and cost effectiveness, particularly in developing countries, where digital X-ray technology is usually not available.[51]

Silver compounds have been used in external preparations as antiseptics, including both silver nitrate and silver proteinate, which can be used in dilute solution as eyedrops to prevent conjunctivitis in newborn babies. Silver nitrate is also sometimes used in dermatology in solid stick form as a caustic ("lunar caustic") to treat certain skin conditions, such as corns and warts.[52]

Silver nitrate is also used in certain laboratory procedures to stain cells. As it turns them permanently a dark-purple/black color, in doing so increasing individual cells' visibility under a microscope and allowing for differentiation between cells, or identification of irregularities. Silver is also used in bone prostheses and cardiac devices.[11] In reconstructive hip and knee surgery, silver-coated titanium prostheses are indicated in cases of recalcitrant prosthetic joint infections.[53] Silver diamine fluoride appears to be an effective intervention to reduce dental caries (tooth decay).[54][55] Silver is also a component in dental amalgam.

Silver acetate has been used as a potential aid to help stop smoking; a review of the literature in 2012, however, found no effect of silver acetate on smoking cessation at a six-month endpoint and if there is an effect it would be small.[56] Silver has also been used in cosmetics, intended to enhance antimicrobial effects and the preservation of ingredients.[57]

Though toxicity of silver is low, the human body has no biological use for silver and when inhaled, ingested, injected, or applied topically, silver will accumulate irreversibly in the body, particularly in the skin, and chronic use combined with exposure to sunlight can result in a disfiguring condition known as argyria in which the skin becomes blue or blue-gray.[11][58] Localized argyria can occur as a result of topical use of silver-containing creams and solutions, while the ingestion, inhalation, or injection can result in generalized argyria.[59][60] Preliminary reports of treatment with laser therapy have been reported. These laser treatments are painful and general anesthesia is required.[61][62] A similar laser treatment has been used to clear silver particles from the eye, a condition related to argyria called argyrosis.[63] The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) describes argyria as a "cosmetic problem".[64]

One incident of argyria came to the public's attention in 2008, when a man named Paul Karason, whose skin turned blue from using colloidal silver for over 10 years to treat dermatitis, appeared on NBC's "Today" show. Karason died in 2013 at the age of 62 after a heart attack.[65] Another example is Montana politician Stan Jones whose purposeful consumption of colloidal silver was a self-prescribed measure he undertook in response to his fears that the Y2K problem would make antibiotics unavailable, an event that did not occur.[66]

Colloidal silver may interact with some prescription medications, reducing the absorption of some antibiotics and thyroxine, among others.[67]

Some people are allergic to silver, and the use of treatments and medical devices containing silver is contraindicated for such people.[11] Although medical devices containing silver are widely used in hospitals, no thorough testing and standardization of these products has yet been undertaken.[68]

Electrolytically dissolved silver has been used as a water disinfecting agent, for example, the drinking water supplies of the Russian Mir orbital station and the International Space Station.[69] Many modern hospitals filter hot water through copper-silver filters to defeat MRSA and legionella infections.[70]:29 The World Health Organization (WHO) includes silver in a colloidal state produced by electrolysis of silver electrodes in water, and colloidal silver in water filters as two of a number of water disinfection methods specified to provide safe drinking water in developing countries.[71] Along these lines, a ceramic filtration system coated with silver particles has been created by Ron Rivera of Potters for Peace and used in developing countries for water disinfection (in this application the silver inhibits microbial growth on the filter substrate, to prevent clogging, and does not directly disinfect the filtered water).[72][73][74]

A bottle of colloidal silver

Colloidal silver (a colloid consisting of silver particles suspended in liquid) and formulations containing silver salts were used by physicians in the early 20th century, but their use was largely discontinued in the 1940s following the development of modern antibiotics.[58][78] Since about 1990, there has been a resurgence of the promotion of colloidal silver as a dietary supplement,[52] marketed with claims of it being an essential mineral supplement, or that it can prevent or treat numerous diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, herpes,[58] and tuberculosis.[52][79][80] No medical evidence supports the effectiveness of colloidal silver for any of these claimed indications.[52][77][81] Silver is not an essential mineral in humans; there is no dietary requirement for silver, and hence, no such thing as a silver "deficiency".[52] There is no evidence that colloidal silver treats or prevents any medical condition, and it can cause serious and potentially irreversible side effects such as argyria.[52]

In August 1999, the U.S. FDA banned colloidal silver sellers from claiming any therapeutic or preventive value for the product,[77] although silver-containing products continue to be promoted as dietary supplements in the U.S. under the looser regulatory standards applied to supplements.[77] The FDA has issued numerous warning letters to Internet sites that have continued to promote colloidal silver as an antibiotic or for other medical purposes.[82][83][84] Despite the efforts of the FDA, silver products remain widely available on the market today. A review of websites promoting nasal sprays containing colloidal silver suggested that information about silver-containing nasal sprays on the Internet is misleading and inaccurate.[85] Colloidal silver is also sold in some topical cosmetics, as well as some toothpastes, which are regulated by the FDA as cosmetics (other than drug ingredients making medical claims).[86]

In 2002, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) found there were no legitimate medical uses for colloidal silver and no evidence to support its marketing claims.[87] The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria.[52]In 2009, the USFDA issued a consumer advisory warning about the potential adverse effects of colloidal silver, and said that "there are no legally marketed prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth".[88] Quackwatch states that colloidal silver dietary supplements have not been found safe or effective for the treatment of any condition.[89] Consumer Reports lists colloidal silver as a "supplement to avoid", describing it as "likely unsafe".[90] The Los Angeles Times stated that "colloidal silver as a cure-all is a fraud with a long history, with quacks claiming it could cure cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, and numerous other diseases".[91]

It may be illegal to market as preventing or treating cancer, and in some jurisdictions illegal to sell colloidal silver for consumption.[75] In 2015 an English man was prosecuted and found guilty under the Cancer Act 1939 for selling colloidal silver with claims it could treat cancer.[92]

The US Food and Drug Administration has issued warning letters to firms including colloidal silver marketers for selling products with false and misleading claims to prevent, treat, mitigate, diagnose or cure coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).[93]

In 2020, televangelist felon Jim Bakker was sued by the Missouri Attorney General (AG) for marketing colloidal silver products and making false claims about their effectiveness against COVID-19. The Attorney General of New York sent a cease and desist order to Bakker and others about peddling the unproven products that was compared to selling "snake oil", and the Food and Drug Administration also warned Bakker about his actions.[94]

Controversial web show host, podcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was also warned by the New York Attorney General's office to stop marketing his colloidal silver infused products (toothpaste, mouthwash, dietary supplements, etc.) because he made unproven claims of its ability to fend off COVID-19.[95]

Hippocrates in his writings discussed the use of silver in wound care.[96] At the beginning of the twentieth century surgeons routinely used silver sutures to reduce the risk of infection.[96][97] In the early 20th century, physicians used silver-containing eyedrops to treat ophthalmic problems,[98] for various infections,[99][100] and sometimes internally for diseases such as tropical sprue,[101] epilepsy, gonorrhea, and the common cold.[52][78] During World War I, soldiers used silver leaf to treat infected wounds.[96][102]

In the 1840s, founder of gynecology J. Marion Sims employed silver wire, which he had a jeweler fashion, as a suture in gynecological surgery. This produced very favorable results when compared with its predecessors, silk and catgut.[97]

Prior to the introduction of modern antibiotics, colloidal silver was used as a germicide and disinfectant.[103] With the development of modern antibiotics in the 1940s, the use of silver as an antimicrobial agent diminished, although it retains some use in medicinal compounds today. Silver sulfadiazine (SSD) is a compound containing silver and the antibiotic sodium sulfadiazine, which was developed in 1968.[68]

The National Health Services in the UK spent about 25 million on silver-containing dressings in 2006. Silver-containing dressings represent about 14% of the total dressings used and about 25% of the overall wound dressing costs.[104]

Concerns have been expressed about the potential environmental cost of manufactured silver nanomaterials in consumer applications being released into the environment, for example that they may pose a threat to benign soil organisms.[105]

See the rest here:
Medical uses of silver - Wikipedia

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Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination at Tufts University: Tufts is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our community. Tufts does not discriminate in admissions, employment, or in any of its educational programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion, disability, sex or gender (including pregnancy, sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct including acts of sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, sexual exploitation and coercion, relationship/intimate partner violence and domestic violence), gender identity and/or expression (including a transgender identity), sexual orientation, military or veteran status, genetic information, the intersection of these identities or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. Retaliation is also prohibited. Tufts will comply with state and federal laws such as M.G.L. c. 151B, Title IX and its supporting regulations, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and Rights Act, Executive Order 11246 and other similar laws that prohibit discrimination, all as amended. Tufts is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. See Tufts' full Non-Discrimination Statement.

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Quantum Dots Cadmium Mercury Telluride (CdHgTe), Cadmium Selenide (CdSe), Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide (CdSe/ZnS), Cadmium Sulfide (CdS), Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), Cadmium Telluride/Cadmium Sulfide (CdTe/CdS), Lead Selenide (PbSe), Lead Sulfide (PbS)

Nano Dry Lubricant Powders Tungsten Disulfide (WS2), Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2), Hex-Boron Nitride (hBN), Graphite

Specially formulated Nano Lubricant Additive Powders to improve lubricity and save energy.

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Nano Products Online Store | Nanoproducts, Nanoparticles, Nanopowders ...

Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery; Where are We Now? – AZoNano

Nanoparticles, nanocarriers and nanomaterials are now more commonly known in the science world and by nanotechnology enthusiasts. These words have gained significant backing and have driven this technology to be utilized for applications within other fields, such as drug delivery for advancement and optimization.

Image Credit:Kateryna Kon/

Richard Feynman, who is referred to as the father of nanotechnology, is one of the leading theoretical physicists in the world due to his innovative vision of physics and the future. Although the term nanotechnology had not yet been used, the concept of this novel field had been planted and has grown exponentially in recent years. This has included the growth of nanotechnology within drug delivery, such as through nanocarriers.

Nanocarriers can be described as colloidal nanoparticles that are used for transporting therapeutic substances to a target site. These carrier molecules usually include 1-100 nanometers in diameter, which is useful for applications such as drug delivery due to the natural interaction between nanocarriers and biological systems.

These nanoscale carriers have a sustained circulatory presence and drug release, enabling them to overcome many challenges in conventional drug delivery systems. These challenges can include overcoming the endosome-lysosomal mechanism, crossing the blood-brain barrier, and passing barriers that would be difficult for larger drug molecules. Additionally, targeting the areas of concern is also an advantage for using nanocarriers in drug delivery, as the surface of these particles can be functionalized with ligands, enabling these particles to be directed effectively.

This is significant for drug delivery as it can ensure that drugs are being targeted to the areas of concern as opposed to systemic delivery of the drug, which causes all cells to experience side effects of the drug. Directing drugs to target sites is beneficial to minimize toxicity to healthy cells and tissue, which would be especially significant for cancer drugs as these drugs can cause significant damage to healthy tissues and even result in organ failure.

Nanomedicine, including nanocarriers that hold active substances or drugs, require Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval before it can be made available to patients.

This can be challenging due to the FDA approval process being estimated to take approximately 10-15 years, as well as costing $1 billion for every new drug being developed. The reason behind this is to be comprehensive in ensuring new drugs are both effective and safe for use, with pre-clinical stages involving animal studies as well as stages that investigate the most appropriate dose.

Nanomedicines have been scrutinized more than most conventional drugs due to being relatively new, which is demonstrated by trends in FDA-approved nanomedicines. Since the mid-1990s, the average number of nanomedicines that have received FDA approval for specific clinical indications per 5-year period has been approximately 13 drugs.

The highest peak of FDA approvals for nanomedicine has been between 2001 and 2005, and most FDA approvals for nanomedicine as a whole has included liposomal and polymeric nanoparticles, predominantly.

The growth of nanotechnology-based medicine has been estimated to grow exponentially for drug delivery, with a predicted CAGR of 11.6% between 2022 and 2027. The projection for this market has also been estimated to reach 391.5 billion USD by the year 2026.

With a healthy FDA pipeline for nanomedicine products under development, the progression of this field may be remarkably optimistic.

An example of a nanomedicine product under development includes Clenes ALS drug, which utilizes a gold nanocrystal suspension. This drug aims to potentially re-myelinate and has neuroprotective effects to aid the rare neurodegenerative disease, ALS. This disease is characterized by motor neuron death and can rapidly progress, with an average life expectancy of four years after diagnosis.

With other companies such as Amylyx Pharmaceuticals also developing an ALS drug and currently undergoing FDA review, Clene Nanomedicine hopes to learn and fine-tune outcome measures for their clinical trial, RESTORE-ALS, which has recently reported a significant decrease in mortality within this trial.

Nanomedicine drugs such as Clene may find it challenging to gain FDA approval due to testing heterogeneous populations. It can be difficult to measure survival in late-stage clinical trials, which is the case for ALS, because of fast disease progression. These challenges can subsequently affect FDA review; however, with further trialing and time, there is hope that the efficacy of significant drugs can be observed and therefore gain FDA approval.

Nanomedicine holds a significant role in many fields and the advancement of society as a whole, and the natural progression of nanocarriers in drug delivery may be revolutionary for medicine. This is especially true for diseases that may not have a treatment yet, such as neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS.

With this market being predicted to grow exponentially in the foreseeable future, as well as with the development of many nanomedicines within the FDA pipeline, the future of nanomedicine and nanocarriers is very promising.

(2022) ALS: Clene plans 300-patient Phase III trial of CNM-Au8. Clinical Trials Arena. Available at:

Bobo, D., et al.(2016) Nanoparticle-Based Medicines: A Review of FDA-Approved Materials and Clinical Trials to Date.Pharmaceutical Research,33, pp. 23732387.

Chamundeeswari, M., et al. (2019) Nanocarriers for drug delivery applications.Environmental Chemistry Letters,17, pp. 849865.

(2022) Clene Reports Significantly Decreased Mortality in RESCUE-ALS Long-Term Open Label Extension Trial. at:

ZKAN S, DEDEOLU A, KARADA BAKIRHAN N, ZKAN Y. (2019) Nanocarriers Used Most in Drug Delivery and Drug Release: Nanohydrogel, Chitosan, Graphene, and Solid Lipid.Turkish Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences,16(4), pp. 481-492.

'Plenty of room' revisited.(2009)Nature Nanotech,4, p. 781.

Sabit H., et al. (2022) Nanocarriers: A Reliable Tool for the Delivery of Anticancer Drugs.Pharmaceutics. 14(8), p. 1566.

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Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery; Where are We Now? - AZoNano

The Use of Nanorobotics in the Treatment Therapy of Cancer and Its Future Aspects: A Review – Cureus

Researchers have emphasised nanotechnology as an outstanding technological trend in the last few decades, and it is characterized by the fast proliferation of electronics for applications in communication, known as nanomedicine, and environmental monitoring. Studies are now being conducted on the scientific bottlenecks that affect the lifespan of the living, particularly humans. Among these constraints are illnesses with few or no alternatives for treatment and healing. A drug delivery system (DDS) refers to an alternative diagnosis and/or therapy that has been shown in the medical fraternity [1,2]. Nanorobots are nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), a recently developed chapter in miniaturisation, similar to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which is already a multibillion-dollar business. Designing, architecting, producing, programming, and implementing such biomedical nanotechnology are all part of nanorobotics and NEMS research. Any scale of robotics includes calculations, commands, actuation and propulsion, power, data-sharing, interface, programming, and coordination. There is heavy stress on actuation, which is a key prerequisite for robotics [1]. The similarity in size of nanorobots to that of organic human cells and organelles brings up a huge variety of its possible uses in the field of health care and environmental monitoring of microorganisms. Other potential uses, such as cell healing, may be possible if nanorobots are tiny enough to reach the cells. Furthermore, it is still to be realised that the tiny sensors and actuators' square measures are necessary for the growing concept of a strongly connected ascending information technology infrastructure; the envision of artificial cells (nanorobots) that patrol the cardiovascular system, thus, detecting and destroying infections in minute quantities. This might be a programmable system with approachable ramifications in medicine, creating a revolutionary replacement from therapy to bar [1]. Chemotherapeutic substances employed in cancer treatment measure disseminates non-specifically throughout the body, where they exert an influence on both malignant and normal cells, restricting the drug quantity feasible within the growth and also resulting in unsatisfactory medication due to excessive toxic hazards of the chemotherapy drugs on normal cells of the body. It is safe to say that molecularly focused medical care has evolved as a collaborative method to overcome the lack of specificity of traditional cancer therapy drugs [3]. With the help of nanotechnology, intercellular aggregation of the drugs in cancer cells can be increased while minimising the risk of unwanted drug toxicity in normal cells by utilising various drug targeting mechanisms [4].

This review article focuses on the recent advancements, technological growth, and expansion in the field of nanorobotics and nanotechnology and its application in the discipline of bio-healthcare systems, principally for the DDS in the medication of cancer. Existing research literature and relevant studies regarding the topic of concern were read and a detailed analysis was undertaken in the indexes of PubMed, Science Direct, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Hardly any language or time constraints were applied. To obtain a detailed search, more articles, synonyms, and derivatives of the phrases were employed; the following evaluation phrases were used: "drug delivery", "cancer", "neoplasms", and "cancer therapy".

Nanorobots are miniaturised machines that have the ability to perform work at par with that of current existing machines, having applications in the aspects of medicine, industry, and other areas like the development of nanomotors employed for the conservation of energy; nanorobots havealso proved to be serviceable inreducing infertility problems by acting as an engine and giving a boost to the sperm motility when attached to them [2]. Organic and inorganic nanorobots are by far the most commonly studied. Organic nanorobots, also known as bio-nanorobots, are created by combining virus and bacterium DNA cells. This type of nanorobot is less harmful to the organism. Diamond structures, synthetic proteins, and other materials are used to make inorganic nanobots, which are more hazardous than organic nanobots. To overcome this hurdle of toxicity, researchers have devised a way involving encapsulating the robot, thusdecreasing its chances of being destructed by the body's self-defence mechanism[5,6]. Scientists can gain an understanding of how to energise micro and nano-sized devices using reactionary processes if they understand the biological motors of live cells [7]. The Chemistry Institute of the Federal Fluminense University created a nano valve, which is made up of a tank covered with a shutter in which dye molecules are housed and may leave in auniform fashion whenever the cover is opened. This gadget is also natural, made of silica (SiO2), beta-cyclodextrins, and organo-metallic molecules, and shall be used in therapeutic applications [1]. Proteins are employed in certain studies to feed nanomotors that can move huge objects, as well as the use of DNA hybridisation and antibody protein in the development of nanorobots. DNA hybridisation is defined as a process by which two complementary single-stranded DNA and/or RNA molecules bond together to form a double-stranded molecule.A nanorobot can be functionalized using a variety of chemical compounds [8]. It has been investigated in nanomedicine in DDS, which operates directly on targeted cells of the human body. Researchers create devices that can administer medications to precise places while simultaneously adjusting the dose and amount of release. This DDS using nanorobots can be used to treat joint disorders, dental problems, diabetes, cancer, hepatitis and other conditions [2,9-12]. One of the benefits of this technology is the potential to diagnose and treat illnesses with minimal impact on normal tissues, minimizing the likelihood of negative effects and guiding healing and remodelling therapy at the cellular and sub-cellular levels [13,14].

New advances in medication delivery have resulted in greater quality in targeted drug delivery that uses nanosensors to detect particular cells and regulate discharges through the use of smart medicines [1]. Traditional chemotherapeutic drugs act by eliminating swiftly replicating cells, which is a primary feature of malignant cells. Most anticancer medications have a limited therapeutic boundary, often resulting in cytotoxicity to normal stem cells that proliferate quickly, such as bone marrow, macrophages, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), and hair follicles, causing adverse effects like myelosuppression (lower synthesis of WBCs, producing immunosuppression), mucositis (inflammation of the GIT lining), alopecia (hair loss), organ malfunction, thrombocytopenia/anaemia, and haematological side effects, among other things. Doxorubicin is used to treat numerous forms of cancer, including Hodgkin's disease, when it is combined with other antineoplastic medicines to minimize its toxicity [15,16]. Paclitaxel is a drug that is injected intravenously and is used to treat breast cancer. Some of the significant side effects include bone marrow suppression and progressive neurotoxicity. Cisplatin is an alkylating drug that results in the intra-DNA binding filament. Its negative effects include giddiness and severe vomiting, and it can be nephrotoxic [1]. Camptothecin is applied to treat neoplasiaby inhibiting type 1 topoisomerases, an enzyme required for cellular duplication of genetic information. Numerous initiatives have been launched with the goal of employing nanotechnology to build DDS that can reduce the negative impacts of traditional therapy. On the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), doxorubicin was layered [17]. Doxorubicin was used in metastatic tumour cells as a polymer prodrug/collagen hybrid. The use of polymeric pro-drug nanotechnology in the therapy of rapidly dividing abnormal cells is a novel advance in the field [18]. Nanotechnology is continually looking for biocompatible materials that may be used as a DDS. The nanoparticle hydroxyapatite (HA), a significant component of bone and teeth, was employed to deliver paclitaxel, an anti-neoplastic medication, and the out-turn implies that therapy should begin with hydrophobic medicines [19]. Various initiatives have been launched with the goal of employing nanotechnology to build DDS, which can reduce the negative influence of traditional chemotherapy. The limitation of conservative chemotherapeutics is that it is unable to target malignant cells exclusively. These above-listed adverse effects often result in a delay in treatment, reduced drug dose or intermittent stopping of the therapy [20]. Given the ability of nanorobots to travel as blood-borne devices, they can aid in crucial therapy procedures such as early diagnostics and smart medication administration [21]. A nanorobot can aid with smart chemotherapy for medication administration and give an efficient early dissolution of cancer by targeting only the neoplastic-specific cells and tissues and preventing the surrounding healthy cells from the toxicity of the chemotherapy drugs so being used. Nanorobots as drug transporter for timely dose administration allow chemical compounds to be kept in the bloodstream for as long as essential, giving expected pharmacokinetic characteristics for chemotherapy in the therapies for anti-cancer as shown in Figure 1 [22-25]. The clinical use of nanorobots for diagnostic, therapy, and surgery can be accomplished by injecting them via an intravenous route. The nanorobots may be getting intravenously injected into the body of the recipient. The chemotherapy pharmacokinetics comprises uptake, metabolism, and excretion, as well as a rest period to allow the body to re-establish itself ahead of the succeeding chemotherapy session. For tiny tumours, patients are often treated in two-week cycles [26]. As a primary time threshold for medical purposes, nanorobots can be used to assess and diagnose the tumour within a short span of time using proteomic-based sensors. The magnetic resonance contrast-agent uptake kinetics of a very small molecular weight can forecast the transport of protein medicines to solid tumours [27]. Testing and diagnostics are critical components of nanorobotics study. It provides speedy testing diagnosis at the initial visit, eliminating the need for a follow-up appointment following the lab result, and illness identification at an earlier stage. The demand for energy for propulsion is a restriction in the usage of nanorobots in vivo. Because small inertia and strong viscous forces are associated with less productivity and less convective motion, higher quantities of energy are required [28]. Drug retention in the tumour will decide the medication's effectiveness after nanorobots pass cellular membranes for targeted administration. Depending on its structure, medication transport pathways from plasma to tissue impact chemotherapy to achieve more effective tumour chemotherapy [27]. According to the latest research, nanotechnology, DNA production of molecular-scale devices with superior control over shape, and site-specific functionalisation assures interesting benefits in the advancement of nanomedicine. However, biological milieu uncertainty and innate immune activation continue to be barriers to in vivo deployment. Thus, the primary benefit of nanorobots for cancer medicine administration is that they reduce chemotherapeutic side effects. The nanorobot design integrates carbon nanotubes and DNA, which are current contenders for the latest types of nanoelectronics, as the optimum method [29]. As a compound bio-sensor with sole-chain antigen-binding proteins, a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) is used for building circuits with characteristic sizes in tens of nanometres [30]. For medicament release, this approach employs stimulation elicited upon proteomics and bioelectronics signals. As a result, nanoactuators are engaged to adjust medication delivery whenever the nanorobot detects predetermined modifications in protein gradients [1,31]. Thermal and chemical signal changes are relevant circumstances directly connected to significant medical target identification. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS), E-cadherin, and B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) are some instances of fluctuating protein aggregation within the body near a medical target under diseased conditions. Furthermore, temperature changes are common in tissues with inflammation [32]. The framework integrates chemical and thermal characteristics as the most essential clinical and therapeutic recommendations for nanorobot template analysis. It also integrates chemical and thermal characteristics as the most essential diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for nanorobot framework evaluation. The simulation in a three-dimensional real-time setting attempts to provide a viable model for nanorobot foraging within the body. One of the breakthroughs describes a hardware structure rooted in nano-bioelectronics for the use of nanorobots in neoplasia therapy [33,34]. The continuous venture in building medical micro-robots has led to the initial conceptual framework research of a full medical nanorobot until now issued in a peer-reviewed publication, "Respirocytes", detailed a theoretical unnatural mechanical red blood cell, or "Respiro-cytes", consisting of 18 billion perfectly ordered architectural atoms proficient in delivering 236 times extra oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body per unit volume than normal red blood cells [35]. Microbivores, or unnatural phagocytes, might monitor the circulation, searching for and eliminating pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. These nanobots may use up to 200 pW continuously. This capability is employed to break down germs that have been entrapped. Microbivores have biological phagocytic defences that are either organic or antibiotic-assisted, and they can operate up to 1,000 times quicker. Even the most serious septicaemic diseases will be eliminated by microbivores within a short span of time. Because virulent microorganisms are entirely digested into harmless sugars and amino acids, which are the nanorobots sole discharge, the nanorobots reject the advanced possibility of sepsis or septic shock [36,37].

To bring in combination the required collaborative skills to produce these unique technologies, numerous conventional streams of science, such as medicine, chemistry, physics, materials science, and biology, have come together to form the expanding field of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has a vast span of possible applications (Figure 2) [39],from improvements to current practices to the creation of entirely new tools and skills. The last few years have observed an exponential increase of interest in the topic of nanotechnology and research, which has led to the identification of novel applications for nanotechnology in medicine and the emergence of an advanced branch called nanomedicine. It includes the science and technology of diagnosing, treating, andpreventing illness, traumatic injury, and alleviating pain; conserving and enhancing human health using nanoscale architectured materials, biotechnology, and genetic engineering; eventually, complex machine systems and nanorobots, known as "nanomedicine" (Figure 3) [40,41].

In vivo diagnostics, nanomedicine might create technologies that can act within the human body to diagnose ailments earlier and identify and measure toxic chemicalsand tumour cells. In the surgical aspect,when launched into the body through the intravenous route or cavities, a surgical nanorobot controlled or led by a human surgeon might work as a semi-autonomous on-site surgeon. An inbuilt computer might manage the device's operations, such as looking for disease and identifying and fixing injury by nanomanipulation while maintaining communication with the supervising surgeon via coded ultrasonic signals [37]. By transforming mechanical energy from bodily movement, muscle stretching, or water flow into electricity, scientists were able to design a new generation of self-sustained implanted medical devices, sensors, and portable gadgets [39]. Nanogenerators generate electricity by bending and then releasing piezoelectric and semiconducting zinc oxide nanowires. Nanowires may be produced on polymer-based films, and the utilization of flexible polymer substrates may one day allow portable gadgets to be powered by their users' movement [39]. Fluorescent biological labelling, medication and gene delivery, pathogen identification, protein sensing, DNAstructure probing, tissue engineering, tumour identification, separation and purification of biological molecules and cells, MRI contrast enhancement, and phagokinetic research are among the uses. The extended duration effect of nanomedicine study is to describe quantitative molecular-scale components called nanomachinery. Accurate command and manipulation of nanomachinery in cells can lead to a more diverse and advanced gain in the interpretation of cellular processes in organic cells, as well as the creation of new technologies for disease detection and medication. The advantage of this research is the formation of a platform technology that will affect nanoscale imaging methodologies aimed to investigate molecular pathways in organic cells [40,42].

The main target of writing this review was to provide an outline of the technological development of nanotechnology in medicine by making a nanorobot and introducing it in the medication of cancer as a new mode of drug delivery. Cancer is described as a collection of diseases characterised by the unregulated development and spread of malignant cells in the body, and the number of people diagnosed every year keeps adding up. Cancer treatment is most likely the driving force behind the creation of nanorobotics; it can be auspiciously treated using existing medical technology and therapeutic instruments, with the major help of nanorobotics. To decide the prognosis and chances of survival in a cancer patient, consider the following factors: better prognosis can be achieved if the evolution of the disease is time-dependent and a timely diagnosis is made. Another important aspect is to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy on the patients by forming efficient targeted drug delivery systems. Programmable nanorobotic devices working at the cellular and molecular level would help doctors to carry out precise treatment. In addition to resolving gross cellular insults caused by non-reversible mechanisms or to the biological tissues stored cryogenically, mechanically reversing the process of atherosclerosis, enhancing the immune system, replacing or re-writing the DNA sequences in cells at will, improving total respiratory capacity, and achieving near-instant homeostasis, medically these nanorobots have been put forward for use in various branches of dentistry, research in pharmaceuticals, and aid and abet clinical diagnosis. When nanomechanics becomes obtainable, the ideal goal of physicians, medical personnel, and every healer throughout known records would be realized. Microscale robots with programmable and controllable nanoscale components produced with nanometre accuracy would enable medical physicians to perform at the cellular and molecular levels to heal and carry out rehabilitating surgeries. Nanomedical doctors of the 21st century will continue to make effective use of the body's inherent therapeutic capacities and homeostatic systems, since, all else being equal, treatments that intervene the least are the best.

Here is the original post:
The Use of Nanorobotics in the Treatment Therapy of Cancer and Its Future Aspects: A Review - Cureus

News from the world of education – September 24, 2022 – The Hindu

Information on courses, admissions, contests and other events from schools, colleges and universities

Information on courses, admissions, contests and other events from schools, colleges and universities

Unisys Innovation Programme

Unisys Corporation has opened registrations for the 14th annual Unisys Innovation Programme (UIP), a technical project competition for engineering students across India. Topics will range from Cloud Computing to Quantum Computing, IoT, Multimodal Biometrics, AI/ML, Blockchain and more. To register visit

Oliveboard offers crash courses

Oliveboard has announced it will offer a crash course for the preliminary and main exams for the IBPS PO clerks, which are scheduled to be held in October and November. It will offer 20 tests for the prelims and 10 tests for the mains apart from live classes and practice sessions. Visit for details

Test pack for CAT and CLAT

EduCrack is launching Comprehensive Test Pack (CTP) for CAT and CLAT aspirants. These test series can help the students to test, retest their readiness and to check their preparedness and sharpen their skills before the exams. Details at

International Teachers Olympiad

Around 40,000 teachers have registered for the International Teachers' Olympiad 2022 being organised by Suraasa. The initiative was launched to give teachers the respect, recognition, and rewards they deserve. The deadline to register is September 30 and registrations are open at

Webinar on writing personal statement

St. Georges University (SGU) School of Medicine, Grenada, will host a webinar on How to Write a Personal Statement for an International Medical School. The session will be held on September 29, 5.30 p.m. To register visit

Learn Leather Craft online

The Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC) has launched SCALE Studio Android App for online learning of DIY Leather Craft under the Skill India Mission. Aspiring learners like students at schools and colleges and others can learn the art of making footwear and fashion products by logging into the Design Studio through the app. The learners will be assessed and certified by Leather Sector Skill Council.

Bachelor of Digital Business programme

The University of South Australia (UniSA) has partnered with Accenture in Australia to design a three-year Bachelor of Digital Business undergraduate programme that blends contemporary business subjects such as Economics, Accounting, Law, and Marketing, with expertise in digital technologies including AI, cybersecurity and Cloud platforms. For details, visit

Bajaj Allianz Life Hackathon

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance in partnership with upGrad has launched the Bajaj Allianz Life Hackathon, a nation-wide case study competition in which participants will be required to solve a business problem related to data. Winning ideas stand a chance to secure internship opportunities with Bajaj Allianz Life, along with assured cash prizes. For details, visit

Executive Programme in Strategic Finance

The Indian Institute of Management Lucknow invites applications for the fourth cohort of its Executive Programme in Strategic Finance, developed in association with WileyNXT. The programme will begin on October 14. Details at

Sustainability and Innovation Challenge 2022

Learn with Leaders, in partnership with Harvard Undergraduate Clean Energy Group (HUCEG), has announced the second leg of its Sustainability and Innovation Challenge 2022 . The four-week challenge is set to begin on October 8. The goal is to inspire and encourage high school students to tackle issues of sustainability and climate action in their communities. Visit to register.

International StartUp 360 MBA Programme.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites applications for its International StartUp 360 MBA Programme. Admission cycle is rolling.

Eligibility: Applicants must have a Bachelors degree from an institution accredited by the Hebrew University, with a GPA of 3.2 or above, or the equivalent on an Israeli scale (82 or above) along with a minimum GMAT and GRE score. Students are also required to submit an English proficiency level with a minimum TOEFL exam score of 90 and an ILETS score of 7 or above.

Visit for details

The Great Indian Fintech Fellowship Programme

Decentro has launched the second edition of The Great Indian Fintech Fellowship Programme, which is open to young graduates and final-year students. Fellows will receive a monthly grant of 50,000 to convert their idea into workable solutions along with mentorship from Decentro team. Last date to apply is October 10. Register at

New programmes in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Imarticus Learning is launching two new programmes in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, which includes training in Python, Data Analytics, SQL, Machine Learning, and Tableau, along with a strong focus on career-building skills like resume building, mock interviews, and training sessions with industry professionals. This course is open for students who have completed graduation or post-graduation with a minimum of 50%, and working professionals with up to three years of experience.

At Lexicon MILE

The Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence recently hosted Bollywood actor and TV personality, Pankaj Jha, at the Wagholi Campus, for a session on leadership qualities. It also hosted a Leadership Connect event at which speakers were Sanket Bhondve, IAS, Principal Secretary to Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways; Makarand Shastri, Director, Application Operations, Finserv; and Brigadier Ranbir Bhatia. The institute has also introduced a simulation environment for business learning, in a tie-up with CESIM. The model creates different scenarios and games that enable students to go beyond books and practically live the situations that they may come across.

Workshop on animation and gaming

KL Deemed-to-be University hosted a weeklong workshop on Animation and Gaming. Speakers included producer and director Tammareddy Bharadwaj; Rajiv Chilaka, Founder and CEO, Green Gold Animations; and Srikanth Pottekula, Founder and CEO, Discreet Arts.

Financial Times Masters in Management rankings

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's S P Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) has been ranked among the top 50 business schools of the world for the third consecutive year and ranked second in India.

NMIMS Mumbai, School of Business Management (NMIMS - SBM), has been ranked amongst the top 100 business schools.

Indian students win Global Citizen Scholarship

The 15th cohort of the Global Citizen Scholarship, provided by Global Indian International School (GIIS) for two years of study in Singapore, has 17 students from India. The students went through an exam and interview process.


The Asia Pacific Institute of Management marked its 27th Foundation Day recently with students, faculty and other employees participating. Santosh Chandra, National General Manager of Jana Small Finance Bank was the chief guest.

Griffins International School, Kharagpur celebrated National Sports Day, which commemorates the birth anniversary of hockey player Major Dhyan Chand, with a medley of events.

Northwestern University School of Professional Studies and Great Learning organised a felicitation ceremony for the first batch of students of the MS in Data Science Programme.

RBK International School, Bhayandar, hosted an International Week Display titled RESFEBER: The restless race of a travellers heart. The week-long celebration celebrated the spirit of oneness and the feeling of belonging to one world.

Hundred students from O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) will be selected to participate in an Certificate Programme designed exclusively in collaboration with The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the U.S. The students will be selected on merit from the 12 schools of JGU to study at Whartons Aresty Institute of Executive Education in Summer 2023.

GET SET HACK winners announced

GET SET HACK by RISE: Secure the World with Cryptography, a hackathon hosted by the ThriveDX, and the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, saw more than22,000 participants. The top 100 winners bagged prizes that included placement opportunities, internship opportunities and multiple paid scholarships. The first prize went to Sarthank Jain, a fourth-year B.Tech Computer Science student from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.

AVV researchers win patents

Dr. Shantikumar V. Nair and Professor Dr Manzoor Koyakutty along with a team of four researchers (Dr. Anusha Ashokan, Dr Ida M Anna, Dr Vijay Harish, Dr. Badrinath Sridharan) from Amrita School of Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham have won a patent in the U.S. and Australia for a novel nanomedicine that holds great promise for early detection and treatment of liver cirrhosis and liver tumour.

Symbiosis School of Online and Digital Learning launched

Symbiosis International (Deemed University) (SIU) has launched Symbiosis School of Online and Digital Learning (SSODL), to further digital education and upskilling in Management, Technology and Humanities through remote learning technology. The new initiative offers a host of Undergraduate and Post-graduate online programmes such as BBA, BSc in Economics, BCA, MBA, MSc in Computer Applications, MSc in Data Sciences, MSc in Economics and MA in Mass Communication. The online degree accorded by SSODL is at par with the regular and offline modes. To know more, visit

Ekya School organises run

Ekya School launched its first annual initiative Aryaman 2022: Ekya for a better Bengaluru. Over 1400 participants including from various Bengaluru schools, participated in the 1km, 3km and 5km runs, including students from various schools in Bengaluru. The proceeds from the run will support environmental and development projects in the city.

Unreal Engine courses at EDGE by Pearl Academy

EDGE by Pearl Academy is now an authorised training centre for Unreal Engine and will offer Unreal Engine courses on Virtual Production and on Metaverse Game Design. EDGE courses will be run at Pearl Academys Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru campuses. For more information, visit

Stella Maris launches Sustainable Development Students Hub

Stella Maris College, Chennai, launched the Stella Maris Sustainable Development Students Hub (SMSDSH), spearheaded by the Department of Economics. The programme aims to cultivate knowledge sharing, collaboration and capacity-building among students. The SMSDSH was inaugurated by Dr. Sulthan Khalifa Haroon Al Rashid, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Students Program Regional Officer (Asia-Pacific).

LEAD Masterclass with Leander Paes

LEAD hosted an exclusive Masterclass on Leadership and Collaboration with Olympic medallist and legendary tennis player Leander Paes, who shared learnings from his life and career.

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News from the world of education - September 24, 2022 - The Hindu

Apheresis Equipment Market Projected to Reach CAGR of 9.8% Forecast by 2028 – Digital Journal

The comprehensive industry research on Apheresis Equipment Market published by Data Bridge Market research which includes growth analysis, regional marketing, challenges, opportunities, and drivers analyzed in the report. To have best level of market insights and knowhow of the most excellent market opportunities into the specific markets, Apheresis Equipment market research report is an ideal key. This Apheresis Equipment market report encompasses a market data that provides a detailed analysis of the Apheresis Equipment industry and its impact based on applications and different geographical regions. Additionally, this market report also gives a detailed overview about product specification, technology, and product type and production analysis by taking into consideration other major factors such as revenue, cost, and gross margin. The Apheresis Equipment report is presented with full commitment by assuring the best possible service depending upon business requirements.

The apheresis equipment market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 9.8% in the forecast period. Data Bridge Market Research report on apheresis equipment market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecast period while providing their impacts on the markets growth. The rise in healthcare sector globally is escalating the growth of apheresis equipment market.

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Market Outline:

Apheresis is defined as a process in which the blood of a person is passed through equipment where one particular component of blood is centrifuged. The remainder component is send back to the donors circulation. The blood donation the apheresis equipment is utilized for separation and collection of the platelets or plasma while returning of the red blood cells.

The rise in prevalence of chronic diseases across the globe acts as one of the major factors driving the growth of apheresis equipment market. The increase in demand for blood components and growing concerns regarding blood safety, and rise in demand for source plasma from biopharmaceutical companies accelerate the market growth. The growing number of trauma and injury cases and presence of favourable reimbursement for apheresis procedures further influence the market. Additionally, surge inhealthcareexpenditure, rise in levels ofgeriatric population and increase in public funding positively affects the apheresis equipment market. Furthermore, apheresis for leukemia and paediatric patients and increasing investments from government bodies extend profitable opportunity to the market players in the forecast period.

On the other hand, high cost of apheresis devices & therapeutic apheresis procedures and installation and stringent donor recruitment criteria are expected to obstruct the market growth. Issues with recruitment of voluntary non-remunerated donors, and safety of blood transfusion in developing countries are projected to challenge the apheresis equipment market in the forecast period.

Some of the major players operating in the Apheresis Equipment market are

Terumo Medical Corporation, HemaCare, Haemonetics Corporation, Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Cerus Corporation, Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, KAWASUMI LABORATORIES, INC., KANEKA CORPORATION, Mallinckrodt, and Medica S.p.A., among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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Highlights of Following Key Factors of Global Apheresis Equipment Market

A detailed description of the companys operations and business divisions

Analysts summarization of the companys business strategy

Progression of key events associated with the company

A list of major products, services and brands of the company

A list of key competitors to the company

A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company

The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements published by the company with 5 years history.

Strategic Points Covered in Global Apheresis Equipment Market Table of Content:

Chapter 1:Introduction, the basic information of the Global Apheresis Equipment Market & product overview

Chapter 2:Objective of Study and ResearchScope of the Apheresis Equipment Market

Chapter 3:Apheresis Equipment Market Dynamics- driving growth factors, disruptive forces, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities

Chapter 4:Market Factor Analysis, Apheresis Equipment Market Value Chain, PESTEL & PORTER Model, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis

Chapter 5:Player Analysis; Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis of Apheresis Equipment Market, Strategic Group Analysis, Perpetual Mapping, BCG Matrix & Company Profiling

Chapter 6:Displaying Market Revenue Size by Type, application /vertical or end users, other Segments

Chapter 7:To evaluate the market by countries further broken down by countries

Chapter 8:Research Methodology

Chapter 9:Data Source

To Check the Complete Table of Contents, Click here

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Apheresis Equipment Market Projected to Reach CAGR of 9.8% Forecast by 2028 - Digital Journal

Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee – This…

New Jersey, United States TheHealthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine)Market research guides new entrants to obtain precise market data and communicates with customers to know their requirements and preferences. It spots outright business opportunities and helps to bring new products into the market. It identifies opportunities in the marketplace. It aims at doing modifications in the business to make business procedures smooth and make business forward. It helps business players to make sound decision making. Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market report helps to reduce business risks and provides ways to deal with upcoming challenges. Market information provided here helps new entrants to take informed decisions making. It emphasizes on major regions of the globe such as Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America along with their market size.

Such unique Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market research report offers some extensive strategic plans that help the players to deal with the current market situation and make your position. It helps in strengthening your business position. It offers better understanding of the market and keep perspective to aid one remain ahead in this competitive market. Organizations can gauze and compare their presentation with others in the market on the basis of this prompt market report. This market report offers a clarified picture of the varying market tactics and thereby helps the business organizations gain bigger profits. You get a clear idea about the product launches, trade regulations and expansion of the market place through this market report.

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Key Players Mentioned in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Research Report:

Sanofi SA, Pfizer Inc., Celgene Corporation, Luminex Corporation, Taiwan Liposome Company Ltd. And others.

Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine)Market report consists of important data about the entire market environment of products or services offered by different industry players. It enables industries to know the market scenario of a particular product or service including demand, supply, market structure, pricing structure, and trend analysis. It is of great assistance in the product market development. It further depicts essential data regarding customers, products, competition, and market growth factors. Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market research benefits greatly to make the proper decision. Future trends are also revealed for particular products or services to help business players in making the right investment and launching products into the market.

Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine)Market Segmentation:

Global Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market By Disease

Cardiovascular Diseases Oncological Diseases Neurological Diseases Orthopedic Diseases Infectious Diseases Other

Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market By Application

Drug Delivery Biomaterials Active Implants Diagnostics Imaging Tissue Regeneration Othes

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For Prepare TOC Our Analyst deep Researched the Following Things:

Report Overview:It includes major players of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market covered in the research study, research scope, market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.

Global Growth Trends:This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market are discussed.

Market Share by Manufacturers:Here, the report provides details about revenue by manufacturers, production and capacity by manufacturers, price by manufacturers, expansion plans, mergers and acquisitions, and products, market entry dates, distribution, and market areas of key manufacturers.

Market Size by Type:This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.

Market Size by Application:Besides an overview of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market by application, it gives a study on the consumption in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market by application.

Production by Region:Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.

Consumption by Region:This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.

Company Profiles:Almost all leading players of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market are profiled in this section. The analysts have provided information about their recent developments in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market, products, revenue, production, business, and company.

Market Forecast by Production:The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market as well as for key regional markets.

Market Forecast by Consumption:The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market as well as for key regional markets.

Value Chain and Sales Analysis:It deeply analyzes customers, distributors, sales channels, and value chain of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) market.

Key Findings:This section gives a quick look at the important findings of the research study.

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We, at Verified Market Research, assist in understanding holistic market indicating factors and most current and future market trends. Our analysts, with their high expertise in data gathering and governance, utilize industry techniques to collate and examine data at all stages. They are trained to combine modern data collection techniques, superior research methodology, subject expertise and years of collective experience to produce informative and accurate research.

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Verified Market Research

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Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee - This...

Aviceda Therapeutics Announces Key Opinion Leader in Ophthalmology Drug Development Tarek S. Hassan, MD to Join Management Team as Chief Development…

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aviceda Therapeutics, Inc. a private biotechnology company located in Cambridge MA with a proprietary nano-technology HALOS platform (High-Affinity Ligands Of Siglecs), announced today the appointment of Tarek S. Hassan, MD, FASRS as Chief Development Officer and Senior Vice-President. He joins other leaders in the fields of retina and immunologic-based science and therapeutics, Drs. Mohamed Genead, David Callanan, Michael Tolentino, Derek Kunimoto, and Christopher Scott, as part of the executive management team.

Aviceda Therapeutics is an innovative clinical stage biotechnology company focused on developing transformative glyco-therapeutic drugs that modulate dysregulated inflammation in a diverse range of diseases that affect large unserved and underserved populations. Avicedas short-term focus is the initiation of the clinical trial for its lead product, AVD-104, a Ph II ready ophthalmic lead product for geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to dry AMD (dAMD). Dr. Hassan is ideally suited to manage the development of AVD-104 and move the company forward to bring its breakthrough therapies to the clinic, address significant unmet medical needs, and ultimately transform lives.

Aviceda is honored to have one of the most renowned and successful leaders in retina and strategic drug development join the Aviceda team in this key position. We believe that we have assembled the top team in ophthalmology and beyond. With our lead product about to enter clinical trials for GA associated with dry AMD, this is an ideal time for Tarek to join our management team. Given the broad potential of our HALOS technology pipeline, todays announcement marks a major step forward in advancing Aviceda as leading company in the field of retina and beyond, said Dr. Genead, co-founder and CEO of Aviceda Therapeutics.

I am honored to join the outstanding team of thought leaders in the fields of retina, glycobiology, and immune therapy at Aviceda, said Dr. Tarek Hassan. I am excited to complete the planning and oversee the execution of the Phase 2 trial for AVD-104 for GA associated with AMD. This critical indication affects a large patient population and has no current treatment. We have an outstanding opportunity to make major contributions towards finding a treatment for patients with this serious blinding disease, particularly through our innovative approach of developing immune modulators that act on the switches that turn pathologic mechanisms on and off. We see glyco-immune modulation as a powerful next generation mechanism for the treatment of many acute and chronic diseases of degeneration and inflammation, as well as diseases resulting from immune evasion.

About Tarek Hassan

Tarek S. Hassan, MD is Professor of Ophthalmology at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Director of the Vitreoretinal Fellowship Training Program and Senior Partner at Associated Retinal Consultants in Royal Oak, Michigan. He is the current President of the Retina Hall of Fame, Immediate Past President of the Retina World Congress (RWC), Past President of the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS), and Past President of the Foundation of the ASRS. He has been on the Executive Board of Directors of the RWC for the past 6 years. He served on the Executive Committee of the ASRS and the Foundation of the ASRS for 12 years and on the Board of Directors of the ASRS for 22 years. He is a Founder and Director of the Retina Fellows Forum (22 years), Club Vit (24 years), and Retina Hall of Fame (6 years).

Dr. Hassan has an active academic clinical practice in which he is extensively involved in a wide variety of clinical vitreoretinal research studies. He has been principal investigator or co-investigator in more than 150 randomized clinical trials, authored and co-authored more than 230 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and written 9 books and/or book chapters for medical texts. He is Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Vitreoretinal Diseases, as well as an editorial board member and scientific reviewer for other leading journals within ophthalmology and retina. He has given over 760 national and international presentations on many retinal topics and been awarded the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Achievement Award, the ASRS Senior Honor Award, and the AAO Senior Achievement Award. He was elected as an inaugural member of the Retina Hall of Fame in 2017. He founded, or co-founded several medical device and educational companies, and been granted numerous government-issued device patents.

Born in Houston, Texas, Dr. Hassan obtained his undergraduate, medical school, and residency training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan and then completed a vitreoretinal diseases and surgery fellowship at Associated Retinal Consultants in Royal Oak.

About Aviceda Therapeutics Inc.

Aviceda is a private biotechnology company located in Cambridge MA with a proprietary nano-technology HALOS platform and an IND-ready ophthalmic lead product for (GA) secondary to dAMD.

Avicedas lead product, AVD-104, is an intravitreal nanoparticle using HALOS technology with a dual mechanism of action (MOA) for GA/dAMD on critical complement and inflammatory pathways.

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Aviceda Therapeutics Announces Key Opinion Leader in Ophthalmology Drug Development Tarek S. Hassan, MD to Join Management Team as Chief Development...

Ponce Therapeutics Executes Worldwide Exclusive License to Speratum Biopharma’s Nano-in and No-Pass Mimic Nanoparticle Technologies in Anti-Aging and…

Ponce Therapeutic's ("Ponce") lead product, ReBeaut, is a microneedle patch containing nanoparticles carrying its proprietary ApoptiCIDecell elimination gene therapy technology targeting senescent keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the skin

Speratum Biopharma ("Speratum") will receive an upfront payment, pre-clinical and clinical milestone payments, and a royalty on worldwide net sales of Licensed Products incorporating their technology

Ponce's exclusive license allows it to utilize the licensed technology to extend its gene therapy clinical portfolio to include any skin disorders, benign or malignant and all anti-aging applications, whether delivered locally or systemically

MIAMI, July 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ponce Therapeutics, Inc., a company leveraging the growing scientific knowledge surrounding the aging process to develop anti-aging technologies, announced today that it had executed a worldwide, exclusive license to Speratum'sproprietary Nano-inand No-Pass Mimictechnologies to advance its lead product, ReBeaut, a state-of-the-art biotechnology platform to restore the youthful balance of aged or "senescent" and young, vital cells in the skin, targeting the senescent cells for elimination, providing a "reboot" of the skin's composition back to its youthful exuberance. Speratum's Nano-in is a proprietary, biocompatible polymer, LGA-PEI, that can condense with nucleic acids to form nanoparticles for drug delivery that can be used in vivo with a favorable pre-clinical toxicity profile. Nano-inwill be used to deliver Ponce's ApoptiCIDecell elimination technology into the skin via a proprietary dissolvable microneedle delivery platform. Ponce's exclusive license allows it to utilize the licensed technology to extend its gene therapy clinical portfolio to include any disorder of the skin, benign and malignant, including all dermatologic and cosmetic applications, skin-mediated gene therapy and skin-mediated delivery of small peptides, peptide-like molecules and other small molecules, and all anti-aging indications, whether delivered locally or systemically.

Story continues

Ponce Therapeutics, Inc.

PONCE Therapeutics, Inc. (, a biotech company leveraging the growing scientific knowledge surrounding the process of aging to develop products to arrest or reverse the aging process, was founded by Kevin Slawin, MD, Chairman and CEO and David Spencer, PhD., Chief Technology Officer, reuniting the team that founded Bellicum Pharmaceuticals and took it public in 2014 with a $55 million crossover Series C and a $161 million IPO. The team is retooling their original cell control technology with state-of-the-art advances ("ApoptiCIDe") towards their new goal of creating anti-aging products with a solid underlying scientific basis. Ponce Therapeutics began operations in January 2021 and operates in laboratory space in K2 Biolabs ( in Houston, TX. Dr. Slawin is a founding Board Member of K2 Bio and both Drs. Slawin and Spencer are investors. Drs. Slawin and Spencer are also joined by Damian Young, Ph.D., CSO, and Kayvon Namvar, CFO, as the founders of DELIVER Therapeutics, Inc. ( company that plans to applynovel, high-throughput screening technologiescombinedwith chemical innovation to DELIVER therapeutics, including novel anti-aging therapeutics, that address the most difficult problems in clinical medicine and that is also situated at K2 Bio.

Ponce's founding lead investor, Rapha Capital, is an investment management firm focused on making strategic investments in early stage, non-public biotechnology companies, through special purpose, joint venture entities which it manages. Rapha Capital was founded by its President, Kevin Slawin, M.D., a successful and experienced oncologic and robotic surgeon. In addition to founding Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.("Bellicum"), a publicly traded company listed on NASDAQ, he also plays a guiding role in several of the investments managed by Rapha Capital in certain companies, serving as Board Chairman of Imagin Medical, Inc. (, a publicly traded company (OTC: IMEXF), and FIZE Medical, Inc. (, and a board member at 3DBio Therapeutics, Inc. (, and Demeetra AgBio, Inc. ( Together with Dr. Mitch Steiner, CEO of Veru, Inc., he is the Founder, CEO and Chairman of Miami MediCo.s (, a network of physicians, founders, executives and investors working to expand the entrepreneurial healthcare ecosystem in Miami.

"The science of aging has continued to mature and can now provide a scientific basis for technologies to reverse the aging process in humans. Proof of concept data in animal models demonstrates that removal of senescent cells from organs improves their function and imbues them with a more youthful profile," said Dr. Slawin. "I'm excited to be taking another important step towards the clinic in the anti-aging space, which I believe will quickly rival oncology in both value and interest" he added. "With this license, we are building the necessary technology platform to deliver our first product, beginning with the skin, allowing us to leverage an increasingly detailed, mechanistic understanding of aging to arrest or even reverse it," added Dr. Spencer.

"We are gratified to begin this collaboration with the team at Ponce that utilizes our novel technologies as part of their therapeutic platform," said Dr. Christian Marin-Mueller, the founder and CEO of Speratum and the inventor of Nano-inand No-Pass Mimic technologies. Dr. Thilo Bayrhoffer, Speratum Biopharma lead investor, treasurer, and member of the board added "Our patented technologies, combining synthetic biology with nanotechnology, are needed to develop modifiable and adaptable therapeutic platforms for targeted nucleic acid delivery. Following a research collaboration with Roche in 2021, this is the first commercial license for our technologies, and it reinforces our commitment to further Speratum' s therapeutic programs, including MiR198 targeting pancreatic cancer, which is expected to be in the clinic by 2024."

About Ponce Therapeutics, Inc.

Ponce Therapeutics "Anti-aging Technologies Based on Real Science and Developed by Real Scientists" Ponce Therapeutics is leveraging the growing scientific knowledge surrounding the process of aging to develop its first state-of-the-art biotechnology platform to restore the youthful balance of aged or "senescent" and young cells in the skin, targeting senescent cells for elimination. This provides a "reboot" of one's genetic program to turn the clock on one's skin back to its youthful exuberance. While initially focused on skin, Ponce is planning to develop a wide-ranging portfolio of anti-aging products based on the best science in the nascent anti-aging field. Ponce is headquartered in Miami, Florida with research facilities located in Houston, TX.

For more information about PONCE Therapeutics, email info@poncethera.comor visit

About Speratum Biopharma, Inc.

Speratum Biopharma, Inc. ("Speratum") is an innovative biotechnology company focused on research and development of targeted oligonucleotide delivery systems and nucleic acid therapeutics, including No-Pass MimicmicroRNA ("miRNA) for the treatment of cancer. The company was founded in 2014 with technologies licensed from Baylor College of Medicine ("Baylor"). Since then, Speratum has combined these with best-in class, proprietary nanotechnologies to generate a ground-breaking oligonucleotide and cell therapy platform. Speratum is currently in final pre-clinical stages of development for its first therapeutic, a small RNA tumor suppressor against pancreatic, ovarian, and other cancers that includes a proprietary RNA interference ("RNAi")-inducing mimic of miR-198, a naturally occurring microRNA involved in the pathogenesis of a number of solid cancers. Speratum's Nano-inand No-Pass Mimictechnologies are also being studied in other oligonucleotide research areas and therapeutic modalities such as circular RNA ("circRNAs").

For more information about Speratum Biopharma, please visit https://speratum.comor e-mail

About Rapha Capital Management, LLC and Rapha Capital BioVentures Fund I, LP Rapha Capital Management, LLC is an investment management firm located in Miami, Florida, focusing on strategic investments in early stage, non-public biotechnology companies. Rapha Capital was founded by its President, Kevin Slawin, MD, a successful and experienced oncologic and robotic surgeon, biotech consultant, investor, and founder focusing on technologies in oncology, T cells and immunotherapy, as well as other breakthrough healthcare technologies. Rapha Capital Management manages thirteen legacy SPIVs, Rapha Capital Investment I XIII. Rapha Capital Management offers alternative asset management services to the RCBV Fund, which has more recently been the vehicle for both new and follow-on investments managed by Rapha Capital Management.

For more information about Rapha Capital Management, email info@raphacapital.comor visit

(PRNewsfoto/Rapha Capital Management, LLC)


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Ponce Therapeutics Executes Worldwide Exclusive License to Speratum Biopharma's Nano-in and No-Pass Mimic Nanoparticle Technologies in Anti-Aging and...

Fast and ultrafast thermal contrast amplification of gold nanoparticle-based immunoassays | Scientific Reports –

Setting up TCA readers with CW vs. pulsed lasers

To achieve ultra-high signal amplification fold on the GNP labels, the TCA system can be improved by increasing the laser energy fluence. During laser irradiation, the heat generation of a GNP,(dot{{Q}_{GNS}}), can be estimated as

$$dot{{Q}_{GNP}}={C}_{abs}bullet {I}_{0},$$


where ({C}_{abs}) is GNPs absorption cross section (unit: ({mathrm{mm}}^{2})), and ({I}_{0}) is the energy fluence of laser irradiation (unit: (mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2})). Increasing ({I}_{0}) creates a higher photothermal response from GNPs ((dot{{Q}_{GNS}})), which could help lower TCAs detection limit of GNPs in LFA. In most previous studies, a CW laser at 532nm was used in TCA and the regular irradiation power on LFAs was set as~25mW10,11,13,15. The measured diameter of the laser spot on LFA was about 0.1mm13, whose average input energy fluence, ({I}_{0}), was estimated as 3.2(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2}) (Table 1).

To maximize the photothermal response of GNPs, the traditional CW laser was upgraded to a pulsed laser with higher energy fluence. Here, a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser (iWeld 980 Series, 120J, LaserStar Technologies, FL, USA) was used to provide a high-energy singular millisecond pulse, as shown in Supplementary Fig. S1a. As calibrated, the highest laser pulse energy was 60.64J within 20ms16. For a 2mm spot, the energy fluence from the pulsed laser was up to 955.4(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2}), about 300-fold higher than that in previous studies10,11,13,15. To maximize (dot{{Q}_{GNP}}) under the same laser irradiation, the GNS was chosen over other GNPs, such as gold nanorods (about 90nm in length and 15nm in width) which also absorb strongly at 1064nm, because GNS has larger ({C}_{abs}) than other GNPs as characterized in a previous study17. Table 1 compares the (dot{{Q}_{GNP}}) of different GNP-laser settings. The GNS-pulsed laser (400V) setting has the highest heat generation which can be as high as 2080-fold of that for the 30nm gold nanosphere (GNSp)-CW laser (25mW) setting. Thus, it was chosen to test the limit of TCA. However, less than maximum pulsed laser intensity (22.3(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2})) was used to test GNS-loaded NC membrane (model LFA) since it was prone to burn under more intensive irradiation.

To test the limit of TCA, both TCA readers equipped with CW laser and pulsed laser were set up to compare their limits of detection (LoDs) for GNPs precoated in NC membrane and on coverslips as immunoassay models. Their schematic setup is shown in Fig.1a,c. More details on CW laser TCA can be referred to our previous work9,13. Details of ultrafast TCA setup and characterization are provided in Supplementary Sect. S1. As compared between Fig.1b,d, different lasers enable different heating intensity and speed. When heating a GNP spot with an ms pulsed laser, the heating energy from pulsed laser was confined within the laser spot which, in turn, enabled a much higher temperature increase than CW laser heating (detailed in Supplementary Sect. S4). The temperature increase of a GNP spot can be done within ms by pulsed laser heating while CW laser would need many seconds to heat the spot. As summarized in Fig.1e, faster reading can be achieved with the pulsed laser ultrafast TCA (seconds) than CW laser TCA either with discrete or continuous reading algorithms (115min) as detailed in previous work9,13,14. Additionally, different temperature measurement products (IR camera vs. sensor) were used to fit with the lasers as summarized in Fig.1e.

TCA readers equipped with continuous-wave (CW) laser vs. pulsed laser. (a) Arrangement of the laser path, IR camera, and testing platform, such as a substrate coated with gold nanoparticle (GNP) spot, in the CW laser TCA reader. (b) Schematic record of temperature response of a GNP spot heated by CW laser. (c) Arrangement of the laser path, IR sensor, and testing platform in the ultrafast TCA reader equipped with an ms pulsed laser. The gray area was the field of view of the IR sensor, which depends on the alignment parameters, d and (theta) (detailed in Supplementary Sect. S1). (d) Schematic record of temperature response of a GNP spot read by pulsed laser. (e) Comparison of reading time, laser heating time scale, and temperature measurement products in ultrafast TCA vs. CW laser TCA with continuous and discrete reading algorithms.

In addition to lasers, GNP-loaded substrates being irradiated also impact the thermal responses. In general, substrates with lower thermal mass and higher tolerance for laser intensity against thermal damages will achieve higher thermal signals. Table 2 lists three substrates (NC membrane, plastics, and coverslip) that can be potentially used for immunoassays and testing the limit of TCA. NC membrane (widely used in LFAs) and coverslip were chosen as substrates to be tested in this study since they had significant differences in both thermal mass normalized by volume and maximum temperature without thermal damage.

To test the limit of TCA, we compared thermal signals of the (pulsed laser) ultrafast TCA with CW laser TCA when reading the same model LFAs (GNS-loaded NC membrane) as seen in Fig.2. The UVvis-NIR extinction spectrum of the GNS is shown in Supplementary Fig. S3. The intensity output of the pulsed laser was set at 22.3(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2}) (Table 1) to avoid thermal damage to NC membrane, whose thermal signals are shown in Fig.2a. For CW laser TCA, both traditional discrete reading and continuous reading (i.e., fast reading) were applied and results were plotted in Fig.2b,c, respectively. The CW laser intensity was set at 12.7(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2}) (100mW, Table 1), nearly twofold lower than that from ultrafast TCA. Compared with visual reading of model LFAs, TCA readings showed a 10- to 20-fold reduction in LoD for GNSs loaded in NC membrane, as shown in Fig.2ac. The ultrafast TCA had higher thermal signals than CW laser TCA for the controlled GNS concentrations, as compared in Fig.2d. However, it also had much higher background noise for the blank NC membrane (i.e., without GNSs). We speculate that this is due to the limitation of the IR sensor. Ideally, the acquisition time of the IR sensor should be at least tenfold smaller than the pulse width (3ms) to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the signal acquisition. Unfortunately, in our case, the IR sensor, which was chosen based on its small size to fit into laser chamber and price consideration, had a comparable acquisition time of 3ms (Fig.1e) despite the claim that it could show interpolated temperature at 1ms interval; this may contribute to some noise or inconsistency in the reading. In contrast, the CW laser TCA had a much faster temperature acquisition (16.7ms) than the laser heating time scale (seconds), thus with high reading consistency. Perhaps, as a result, the current ultrafast TCA setup did not show an apparent benefit in signal amplification to read model LFA compared to the fast TCA. The lowest LoD was achieved by the fast TCA reading (i.e., using CW laser and continuous reading algorithm), and was twofold lower than those from ultrafast TCA and the other discrete reading algorithm. Future optimization may consider a more advanced IR sensor, although a higher cost is expected. Alternatively, increasing lasers pulse width can reduce the impact of IR sensors inadequate sampling, which can also enhance thermal signals with a significant increase in laser energy fluence. Since NC membrane was prone to pyrolysis and burn under intensive laser heating (Table 2), another assay substrate (i.e., glass) was considered to test the limit of TCA in the next section.

Reading gold nanoparticles in nitrocellulose (NC) membrane as model lateral flow immunoassays (LFAs) by TCAs with continuous wave (CW) laser vs. pulsed laser. NC membrane was precoated with diluted silica-cored gold nanoshells (GNSs) as model test regions in lateral flow immunoassays. (a) Thermal signals from ultrafast TCA reading with a pulsed laser (22.3(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2}), 170V, 1.41J, 3ms) (red). (b) Thermal signals from CW laser TCA reading with a discrete reading algorithm (yellow). (c) Thermal signals from fast TCA reading with CW laser and continuous reading algorithm (blue). (d) Comparison of these thermal signals from different TCA readings. Round shadows: limits of detection (LoDs) for GNSs. Square shadow (gray): visual cutoff to read GNS spot in NC membrane (model LFA). Statistical significance is indicated with asterisks: ns: p>0.05; *p<0.05; **p<0.01. The GNS concentration in NC membrane was the projected surface concentration=volumetric concentration (times) membrane thickness.

For even higher signal amplification, proof-of-concept measurement was conducted by TCA reading of GNSs pre-coated on a glass coverslip as a model MIA, which can tolerate much higher irradiation intensity than either paper or plastic (see Table 2 and Fig.3a). To maximize the thermal signals in measurement, the maximal energy output of the pulsed laser (400V, 60.64J, 20ms pulse width, and 2mm spot size, ({I}_{0}=) 955.4(mathrm{W}cdot{mathrm{mm}}^{-2})) in ultrafast TCA was applied to detect GNSs on the coverslips in Fig.3b. A stricter metric (IUPAC, see Methods) was applied to extrapolate the LoD for GNSs on coverslip by ultrafast TCA reading rather than ANOVA analysis which was used as default for other measurements. To understand the benefit of coverslip, its thermal signals were compared with those of model LFAs with NC membrane read by ultrafast TCA but at lower pulse energy (1.41J) to avoid thermal damage (Fig.3c). Unlike model LFAs, the GNS-coverslips in Fig.3b were all subvisual due to poor visual contrast, while the visual cutoff of model LFAs was shown in Fig.3c. Regarding ultrafast TCA reading as compared in Fig.3d, the coverslips had higher thermal responses than model LFAs for the same GNS concentrations. The thermal LoD for GNSs on coverslip was also lower (~57-fold) than the visual LoD for model LFAs. This suggests that increasing laser pulse energy enabled higher thermal responses, which compensated for the large thermal mass of coverslip. Since coverslip has better thermal tolerance, 20ms pulse was applied, which was~6.7-fold longer than the acquisition time of IR sensor (3ms). Thus, the sensor sampling issue that may have influenced readings in the model LFA case (Fig.3c) was likely not an issue here (Fig.3b). Further modeling and discussion on substrate comparison for TCA are provided in Supplementary Sect. S4 to potentially achieve even higher thermal signals and thus better signal amplification from TCA reading. Certainly, finding a sensor that can operate under even shorter pulses with improved signal-to-noise will also help.

Testing the limit of thermal contrast amplification (TCA) by improving substrates for ultrafast TCA reading. Thermal signals were measured through ultrafast TCA reading silica-cored gold nanoshells (GNSs) precoated in nitrocellulose (NC) membrane and on coverslips at the same projected surface concentrations as model test regions in immunoassays. (a) Experimental tolerance of laser pulse energy by the tested GNS-NC membrane and GNS-coverslip systems. (b) Thermal signals from GNS-coverslips with maximal laser pulse energy (60.64J) over 20ms. (c) Thermal signals from GNS-NC membrane with laser pulse energy at 1.41J over 3ms to avoid thermal damage. (d) Comparison of these thermal signals from different substrates. Blue round shadow: limits of detection (LoDs) for GNSs in NC membrane. Square shadow (gray): visual cutoff to read GNS spot in NC membrane. Dashed line: extrapolated LoD for GNSs on coverslip by IUPAC metric. All the coverslip cases were subvisual. Statistical significance is indicated with asterisks: ns: p>0.05; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001. The GNS concentration in NC membrane was the projected surface concentration=volumetric concentration (times) membrane thickness.

Figure4a compared thermal signals from GNS-coverslip and GNS-NC membrane (or model LFA) when being read by their respective optimal TCAs. The LoD for GNSs in the coverslip case (1.24E3 GNSs/mm2) was still about 2.85-fold lower than that of the NC membrane case. This further proved that increasing the laser fluence can improve thermal response and signal amplification fold via TCA reading, and thus the sensitivity of immunoassays. Figure4a also showed that the background noise of blank samples for ultrafast reading of GNS-coverslip was around 1C, much higher than GNS-NC membrane with fast TCA reading, which may set the major limit to an even lower LoD. This noise might be due to the system error of the ultrafast TCA, absorption of laser energy by glass, etc. For even greater MIA sensitivity enhancement by TCA, future efforts would be needed to reduce the background noise.

(a) Comparison of thermal signals from diluted silica-cored gold nanoshells (GNSs) precoated in nitrocellulose (NC) membrane (model LAF) and on coverslips as model test regions in immunoassays when being read by their respective optimal thermal contrast amplification (TCA) systems. Model LFA was read by fast TCA (i.e., continuous-wave (CW) laser with a continuous reading algorithm) while coverslips were read by ultrafast TCA at maximal energy output. Blue round shadow: limits of detection (LoDs) for GNSs in NC membrane. Square shadow (gray): visual cutoff to read GNS spots in NC membrane. All the coverslip cases were subvisual. Dashed line: extrapolated LoD for GNSs on coverslip by IUPAC metric. (b) Summary of the LoDs for GNSs precoated in/on different substrates (i.e., NC membrane or coverslip) and read by different TCA systems. Their corresponding amplification folds were calculated by comparing them with visual cutoff for reading GNSs in NC membrane. For NC membrane, GNS concentration was the projected surface concentration=volumetric concentration (times) membrane thickness.

To summarize, Fig.4b shows the LoDs for GNSs measured on various substrates (NC membrane vs. coverslip) when being read by different TCA systems (CW laser vs. pulsed laser). The signal amplification folds were normalized by the visual cutoff of reading model LFAs, which is a conventional readout format for commercial LFAs. The coverslip and ultrafast TCA with maximal pulsed laser energy output had the maximal signal amplification (57-fold), followed by the model LFA with fast TCA reading (20-fold). When reading model LFAs, the discrete reading by CW laser TCA showed a similar amplification fold (tenfold) to the ultrafast TCA. It is also expected that the amplification fold by ultrafast TCA could be further improved by reducing the background noise and/or using a better IR sensor (faster response), despite the higher cost and other changes in TCA setup. For future ultrafast TCA-MIA applications, the consideration of assay kinetics and design was also discussed in Supplementary Sect. S5 apart from signal amplification. Overall, TCA is able to enhance signals for both LFAs and MIAs. MIA with TCA is promising for future ultrasensitive POC diagnostics, although further improvement in reducing background noise will be needed if further signal amplification is needed or required.

Here is the original post:
Fast and ultrafast thermal contrast amplification of gold nanoparticle-based immunoassays | Scientific Reports -

$2.38M to test nano-engineered brain cancer treatment in mice – University of Michigan News

The two-compartment nanoparticles as seen with structured illumination microscopy. The green compartment contains the immune drug while the red compartment brings the tumor-killer. Credit: Ava Mauser and Nahal Habibi, Lahann Lab, University of Michigan.

A new nanomedicine that crosses the blood-brain barrier, engages the immune system and kills cancer cells may offer hope for treating the most aggressive form of brain cancer, glioblastoma.

With $2.38 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, the medicine will soon be tested in mice at the University of Michigan.

Led by a nano-engineer and neuro-oncology researchers at U-M, the study is the first to test the two drugs together, packaged so that they can be delivered through the bloodstream rather than a hole in the skull. It builds on previous success eliminating cancer in seven out of eight mice by packaging just the immune drug in the protein that crosses the blood-brain barrier so that it could be delivered intravenously. The five-year survival rate for glioblastoma in humans is about 5%.

The standard of care for glioblastoma is surgery and radiation, and the median survival hasnt improved for several decades. A systemically delivered nanomedicine that can prolong survival and prevent recurrence is the dream, said Maria Castro, the R.C. Schneider Collegiate Professor of Neurosurgery and professor of cell and developmental biology.

Her team leads the mouse studies in collaboration with Pedro Lowenstein, the Richard C. Schneider Collegiate Professor of Neurosurgery and professor of cell and developmental biology.

As the team tests out the nanoparticles timed to release the immune drug followed by a tumor-killing drug, developed and produced by project lead Joerg Lahanns group, one of the key questions is how well the drugs cooperate.

Are they working much better than either drug alone? Thats what were hoping for. Or is it just a small improvementor are they actually competing with each other and making the treatment worse or increasing the side effects? said Lahann, the Wolfgang Pauli Collegiate Professor of Engineering and director of the U-M Biointerfaces Institute.

The advanced nanomedicines are delivered intravenously and combined with radiation therapy, as they would be in a future clinical trial.

To get the nanomedicine from the bloodstream to the brain, Lahanns team packages the drugs in a protein called human serum albumin, which is present in blood and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Once there, the drugs must wake up the immune system to prevent recurrence and death, which frequently follow conventional treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Tumors grow and regrow because cancer cells have ways of suppressing the immune system. The 2020 study and the new grant use a drug that blocks STAT3, a signaling molecule that cancer cells use to tell immune cells not to attack them. This gave the immune system of the mice the ability to identify the cancer cells as targets for destruction.

In a study just out in May, the team used a drug that blocks CXCR4, an immune receptor that receives orders to send killer T-cells away. Blocking CXCR4 helps keep T-cells in the brain, where they do their work of killing brain cancer cells. Three out of five mice survived long term, and all of those survivors cleared new tumors during the recurrence challenge.

While the new grant wont use this drug, the team is interested in a future study exploring whether two immune approaches together might be more effective.

Tumors have a lot of variation, so we need to attack them from many directions, Lowenstein said.

After initial testing of the new two-compartment nanomedicine in lab-grown cell cultures that mimic human tumors and their surroundings, the team will begin testing in mice as the next step toward clinical trials in humans. They will find out how much of the nanomedicine makes it into the brain, how well it fights the cancer, how well it leaves the body and what the side effects are like.

Previous studies suggest that the nanoparticles home in on tumor cells, infiltrating them more often than healthy cells, and one of the goals for this one is to better understand how that works. For nanomedicines to advance into clinical trials as experimental treatments for glioblastoma, we must understand the mechanisms by which they accumulate in tumor and other tissues, said Colin Greineder, U-M assistant professor of emergency medicine, who will lead studies of how the nanomedicine distributes in the body.

See original here:
$2.38M to test nano-engineered brain cancer treatment in mice - University of Michigan News

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, 5G, And Nanotech In Healthcare: How Organizations Are Preparing Best For The Future – Inventiva

Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, 5G, and Nanotech in healthcare: How organizations are preparing best for the future

Automation, digitalization, and technological enablement are having a significant impact on several industries. The healthcare industry is not an exception. The healthcare delivery system in India is changing and is about to advance significantly. The pandemic has shown that healthcare organizations can become innovative, flexible, and resilient by utilizing tech-enabled business models that place data at the core.

Additionally, healthcare organizations quickly realize that no matter how technically advanced their services or products are, they will no longer be applicable. To produce not just an enhanced product or service but also a better healthcare experience, it is imperative to connect with users along the healthcare value chain, be they patients or physicians. Fortunately, technological progress has accelerated the process of change required for Indian healthcare to become digitally linked and shown promise for enhancing peoples healthcare experiences.

India has already begun developing a national digital framework to create a digital health ecosystem on a national scale. The market for digital healthcare in India was estimated to be worth INR 116.61 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach INR 485.43 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 27.41 per cent. Adopting electronic health records for the whole population is one of the several steps made in that regard.

Healthcare organizations are quickly embracing innovative technology to change how care is delivered in the nation and benefit the healthcare ecosystem as a solution to address the problems that the countrys healthcare system is now facing. Here are a few new technologies that are changing things:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and digital representations of the human bodys physiology make it possible to anticipate the chance that chronic diseases will advance based on the decisions being made. By using these simulations, healthcare professionals can better comprehend options and therapies and their consequences on patient health outcomes and influence on related expenditures.

Additionally, AI is helping healthcare professionals manage illnesses holistically, better coordinate care plans, and help patients manage and adhere to their treatment regimens. Further, statistics indicate that administrative expenses account for 30% of healthcare expenditures. The bulk of these duties, such as keeping track of bills that need to be paid and maintaining records, may be automated with AI, considerably cutting expenses.

Cloud Computing

The collaboration between physicians, nurses, and departments has grown crucial as healthcare organizations throughout the nation transition to value-based care. Thanks to cloud computing, accessing patient information has gone from a sluggish and laborious procedure to a quick and easy process.

With cloud computing, data may be stored centrally and made accessible from any location at any time. In addition, cloud infrastructure allows users to adjust health data storage depending on the new patient volume. IoT-enabled devices are being offered to patients by a variety of healthcare providers. By connecting these devices to a healthcare providers cloud system, patient data may be swiftly delivered to the doctor. This makes for a quicker diagnosis and better treatment.

The 5G Network

Every aspect of healthcare has the potential to be improved by a 5G connection, particularly since the healthcare sector is still recovering from the ravages of the epidemic. Large data files and real-time, high-definition video may be transmitted over a fast network to handle telemedicine appointments. Patients may reach medical professionals more quickly and receive treatment more quickly thanks to the use of 5G, especially in remote places.


Utilizing nanotechnology has given the healthcare sector new opportunities. Researchers and scientists use this technology to improve medical imaging, target tumours, and medication delivery systems. Additionally, the technique reduces costs, speeds up DNA sequencing, and provides scaffolding for tissue regeneration or wound healing. Further, artery obstructions are being removed by nanobots or micro-scale robots, as are quick biopsies of worrisome cancerous tumours.

The healthcare sector is anticipated to strengthen in 2022, thanks to groundbreaking discoveries and technologies. Most of the significant modifications are still in the future!

This article will examine the main medical technology developments and changes anticipated for the medical industry shortly.

The focus is often on lowering the cost, increasing access to healthcare services, and identifying and treating problems sooner rather than later. The US healthcare industry is expanding quickly; by 2026, the national healthcare products value is predicted to reach USD 6 trillion. Its never too late to prepare for the many available healthcare possibilities. Make sure to use digital technology to increase revenue, and staff productivity, achieve better financial results, and improve patient care.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has advanced quickly in recent years, and this trend will persist in 2022. Among the various sectors that gain from AI, medicine mainly uses it for accurate illness diagnosis and detection, albeit this is not the only use. IBM Watson, for instance, is one of the AI systems already accessible for use in business and healthcare.

Computed Tomography Scan Analysis

The demand for computed diagnostic professionals (radiologists) has significantly grown since the COVID-19 epidemic struck the worlds population.

AI-powered technology could provide a solution. AI systems can quickly evaluate CT images from hundreds of patients, identifying pneumonia patterns brought on by COVID-19 and informing physicians of these. That would make up for the lack of qualified labour in this industry.

Before our eyes, innovative ideas are taking shape. For instance, a deep learning model for imaging COVID-19 was developed to recognize COVID-19 patterns in CT images automatically. The Microsoft-sponsored InnerEye research project is another promising endeavour for processing computed tomography scans. Even though accuracy has significantly increased, radiologists are still hesitant to entrust the digital mind with crucial choices. AI cannot be held responsible for a poor diagnosis or ineffective course of therapy. Instead, the expert who decided to employ AI must pay for their error and take every precaution to limit the adverse effects while maximizing this digital health trend.

Because of this, most cutting-edge clinics employ AI as an additional tool rather than a stand-alone diagnostic or therapeutic method. It is excellent for validating current diagnoses or enhancing research data that has been gathered conventionally.

Machine Learning in Biopharma and Medtech

The pharmaceutical sector will effectively capitalize on technological advancements in healthcare by utilizing AI to discover new medications. A group of British and Japanese scientists filed a patent for the first medicinal molecule created by AI in January 2020. The drug will be used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder after it passes muster for testing on humans.

AI-enhanced lab research has also led to the discovery of other intriguing formulations since late 2021, including some potential treatments for uncommon and extremely severe ailments. Numerous cutting-edge studies, such as molecular modelling and simulation of chemical reactions in multi-factor settings, leverage AI and machine learning approaches to support chemical experiments and therapeutic medication development.

Since many tests may be carried out electronically, this method enables scientists to reduce the number of expensive onsite experiments using reagents and high-tech lab equipment. It also hastens the discovery of critical scientific innovations.

Automating Hospital Workflows using Robotics

Startups from all over the world will pour hundreds of millions of dollars into creating AI projects in 2022, including various forms of robotic systems, which may enable them to reduce the cost of recruiting trained medical personnel. The intention is to assist medical facilities that already have a severe shortage of nurses and clinicians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has put the entire healthcare system under unprecedented strain, rather than to replace people with machines, which would lead to unemployment and a decline in social standards. Learn more about creating medical HR software to assist HR professionals in addressing the U.S. medical workforce problem.

Innovative enterprises should keep in mind the medical communitys restrictions on AI-driven software, its capabilities, and its applications as they work to realize these lofty goals. Modern medicine has countless applications for robotic assistance and automated systems, including cleanliness, surgery, remote diagnostics, etc. However, the healthcare systems top goals will always be the well-being of medical personnel and the effective treatment of patients.

In light of this, robotic and AI-driven technologies will be employed to support current procedures rather than replace them, resulting in a potent fusion of the present and the future. Daring projects combined with sound regulation are a prominent trend in the digital health sector. It will enable physicians to utilize cutting-edge technology fully, learn to apply it in satisfying and secure ways, and steer clear of any pitfalls.

Symptom Checker Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs with artificial intelligence (AI) support (often not true AI but powerful algorithms) that engage in meaningful conversations that resemble those between humans using voice, text, or option-based input.

Every area, including healthcare and medical consultancy, is seeing a rise in their use. These solutions, available around-the-clock online or via mobile devices, can provide preliminary medical diagnoses and health advice based on input and complaints from a patient. Chatbots can also be connected with unique patient portals for hospitals and clinics. When human medical assistants are unavailable, they can assist patients with their health issues and worries, even in acute situations (such as disaster-induced overloads of call centres, peak or non-operation hours, etc.)

These chatbots can aid patients in determining their subsequent actions and motivate them to seek professional medical advice when necessary. Care must be exercised, though, since it may result in inaccurate self-diagnosis and disinformation.

Globalization of AI Requirements in Healthcare

Ten recommendations that can serve as the foundation for the creation of GMLP have been developed by a powerful coalition of the U.S. FDA, Health Canada, and the United Kingdoms Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (Good Machine Learning Practice). These guidelines will help programmers and AI engineers create secure medical equipment, software, and systems powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) components. This shows that governments take the potential and hazards posed by AI exceptionally seriously and would want to regulate the use of AI in healthcare practices as soon as feasible.

Adoption of AI-backed Technologies

The main drawback of the advancement in artificial intelligence technology is that hackers will use it to target medical systems and steal secured healthcare information, rather than only to save human lives or help medical personnel with their everyday responsibilities. One of the growing dangers to the security of medical technology in 2022 and beyond is sophisticated malware with AI capabilities.

Which medical technology solutions are in jeopardy? Almost everything could have weak security or security flaws, such as wireless systems in hospitals, clinics, or health centres, EMR/EHR solutions, IoT, and computer-aided healthcare provider and health insurance company systems. Intricate phishing and social engineering assaults can also target clients and staff members.

Hackers may use this feature to simulate personal identities as part of next-generation super-personalized social engineering and phishing campaigns, which have the potential to be as dangerous and deceptive as ever before due to AIs growing capacity to mimic photorealistic 3D faces or organically sounding voices. This necessitates installing high-end data protection methods that can mitigate any hazards by hacker techniques aided by AI.

Despite all the technological safeguards and healthcare providers knowledge, statistics on data breaches show a sharp rise over the previous ten years, with infractions peaking in 20202021. These data breaches impact thousands of patients around the US. Hopefully, healthcare organizations will focus more on data security and their digital ecosystems in 2022. Healthcare cybersecurity is quickly emerging as a popular technological topic this decade.

How to Prevent Data Breaches in Healthcare?

The security of medical records, which is governed by HIPAA and EDI in the healthcare industry, is a top priority for the US government.

Every healthcare professional should follow a few effective procedures:

Facial Recognition With Masks

Face recognition technology, which permits approved access for medical professionals to mobile devices or workstations, rose to popularity due to its ease.

Deep learning facial recognition algorithms must be used in the COVID-19 pandemic to distinguish staff members wearing masks. Specific sources claim that some businesses have already achieved 99.9% accuracy in the face recognition of people wearing masks.

Nanotechnology may still seem like science fiction, yet it is steadily influencing our daily lives. By the end of 2021, fantastic news about the creation of tiny, organic robots that can reproduce themselves will reach every part of the globe. Therefore, it is realistic to anticipate that 2022 will bring forth several significant advancements in the nanomedicine sector. Early investments are welcome in the burgeoning nanomedicine industry.

Here is a brief explanation of what nanomedicine is: it uses nanoscale (microscopically small) materials and objects, like biocompatible nanoparticles, nanoelectronic devices, or even nanorobots, for specific medical uses and manipulations, like the diagnosis or treatment of living organisms. The injection of a group of nanorobots into a humans blood vessels might be utilized as a possible hunter for cancer cells or viruses, for instance. This method is anticipated to effectively combat a wide range of cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, and other hereditary, oncologic, or auto-immune illnesses on a cellular level (or even become an ultimate solution to them).

Even though the IoMT will not be a novel concept by 2022, this industry will experience exponential growth. Every one of the several digital health developments in this sector has excellent applications for healthcare professionals and has the potential to save billions of dollars.

Apps for remote health monitoring and wellness will continue to grow in popularity in 2022. You may discover a decent number of professional (and many other semi-professionals) mobile applications for healthcare and health in the GooglePlay or iTunes libraries.

Some mobile applications can connect to wearables like pulsometers or fitness trackers to use the information gathered by the sensors attached to your body to report or evaluate your health problems, including blood pressure, body temperature, pulse, and other metrics.

Autonomous nursing robots or self-moving smart gadgets can substantially assist by minimizing the tasks linked to supply management or sanitary maintenance that medical professionals must perform.

Different types of robots can work in various hospital-based settings and jobs, protecting human workers from infection risks or stress from the extreme burden imposed on many US hospitals by a COVID-19 patient overflow. An Italian hospital, for instance, employed robot nurses during a COVID-19 severe epidemic. These clever assistants were utilized to remotely check patients blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels because they are two critical indicators of their present state of health. Those levels might decline quickly, necessitating emergency intervention for the patient. This drastically decreased the requirement for nurses to visit patients in person.

Healthcare systems primarily concentrate on elements within their area of expertise: quality and price of medical services while generating risk assessments and accumulating illness data. However, they represent the very beginning. Before patients feel symptoms and seek the help of physicians, a host of other less apparent circumstances impact them.

Initial health problems are caused by factors other than a lack of care. Their origins are deeper; they are found in social, environmental, and demographic contexts that are rarely taken into account in the context of conventional clinical diagnoses.

Medical institutions mainly handle symptoms and offer advice on lifestyle modifications, having a minimally significant influence on treatment results (between 10% and 20%). In addition, between 80% and 90% of health outcomes are determined by non-medical variables. The term social determinants of health refers to these elements (SDOH).

In 2022, healthcare providers will approach SDOH with greater caution than ever before and carefully review patients medical histories, taking into account details that were overlooked in earlier years.

Doctors will shift from treating symptoms to prediction and prevention based on patients SDOH predisposition to particular diseases to stop the advancement of dangerous health concerns and reduce individual medical expenditures.

More implant-related options and technology will hit the global and American healthcare markets in 2022. This offers dramatically improved regenerative medicine effectiveness, patient rehabilitation, and a solution for many disabilities previously thought to be incurable.

Increasing the Use of 3D Bioprinting

By 2027, it is anticipated that the medical industrys volume of 3D printing potential will surpass $6 billion. Even if 3D printing biocompatible implants is not a novel technique in 2022, new materials and more advanced prosthetic methods will make this technology more dependable and available to a more extensive range of patients. In particular, it is anticipated that advancements in 3D bioprinting technology would improve the following areas:

Neural Implants

In 2022, effective options for brain-computer implants are anticipated to debut. Neuralink plans to begin inserting its devices into human brains at least in 2022. More businesses, groups, initiatives, and startups are preparing to market their neuro-implants for various medical requirements, including regaining functional independence in patients with multiple forms of paralysis or blindness.

For instance, it was stated that by the end of 2021, a team of scientists had implanted a microelectrode array (a penny-sized implant) into the visual brain of a blind individual, enabling her to recognize several letters and shapes. Although there is still a long way to go, brain implants potential to help people with various disabilities seems to have a genuinely fantastic and promising future.

Healthcare businesses will employ an exponentially growing number of data sources, and the volume of gathered healthcare data (including patient records, DICOM files, and medical IoT solutions) will also rapidly increase. Medical service providers will seek contemporary platforms, such as data fabrics, to combine and handle massive amounts of dispersed and structured data.

It will be among the tasks to build safe multi-cloud solutions capable of transporting significant amounts of data to manage, store, and mine it for valuable insights and to link siloed data with the healthcare systems.

Healthcare payers and providers frequently have interests that clash. The standard of their collaborative work decreases when both sides take absolutist positions. Patients, therefore, do not get the care they need. They are frequently mistreated, have to wait longer, and pay more.

Both payers and providers should embrace a value-oriented mindset and work toward group goals rather than individual success. All parties must understand that they are working for the same purposeproviding high-end healthcare to the publicand that if either suffers losses, the other will no longer support them. All organizations involved in the healthcare sector will hopefully try their utmost to learn how to collaborate in 2021. They will concentrate on delivering complete care, move from settling disagreements to cooperation, and communicate information to support successful decision-making.

The healthcare sector is already seeing the effects of the vast diversity, universality, and growth of digital communication channels. A brand-new channel for distributing medical data is telehealth. It entails delivering healthcare services remotely through the Internet, videoconferencing, streaming services, and other communication technologies. Long-distance education for patients and medical professionals is included in telehealth. Telehealth has achieved widespread acceptance and has evolved into a regular procedure in 2021. Modern clinics already counsel their patients electronically. This kind of communication will replace conventional internal dialogues and receive full regulatory permission in the upcoming years.

With the introduction of 5G wireless, telehealth will expand rapidly and be universally adopted shortly.

See more here:
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, 5G, And Nanotech In Healthcare: How Organizations Are Preparing Best For The Future - Inventiva

A new nanomaterial for precision medicine and the green transition – EurekAlert

image:representation of the nanocluster view more

Credit: Politecnico di Milano

The SupraBioNano Lab (SBNLab) at the Politecnico di Milanos Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta, in partnership with the University of Bologna and the Aalto University of Helsinki (Finland) has, for the first time, synthesised a superfluorinated gold nanocluster, made up of a core of only 25 gold atoms, to which 18 branch-structured fluorinated molecules are linked. The project was recently published in the prestigious Nature Communications magazine.

The metal clusters are an innovative class of very complex nanomaterial, characterised by ultra-small dimensions (<2nm) and peculiar chemical-physical properties such as luminescence and catalytic activity, which encourage its application in various scientific fields of high importance in relation to modern global challenges. These include precision medicine, in which metal nanoclusters are used as innovative probes for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, and the energy transition, where they are applied as efficient catalysers for the production of green hydrogen.

The crystallisation of metal nanoclusters offers the possibility of obtaining high-purity samples, allowing their fine atomic structure to be determined; however, at present this remains a very difficult process to control. The methodologies developed in this study promoted the crystallisation of nanoclusters, allowing their atomic structure to be determined by means of x-ray diffraction at the Sincrotrone Elettra in Trieste. The end result is the structural description of the most complex fluorinated nano-object ever reported.

Thanks to the presence of a completely fluorinated shell, containing almost 500 fluorine atoms, the gold nanocluster is stabilised by the numerous interactions between the fluorine atoms of the binder, encouraging crystallisation, states professor Giancarlo Terraneo.

It will soon be possible to study the structure of these advanced nanomaterials at the Politecnico di Milano, where thanks also to the grant from the Region of Lombardy Next-GAME (Next-Generation Advanced Materials), a laboratory dedicated to the use of state-of-the-art x-ray instruments to characterise crystals, nanoparticles and colloids, is being established, concludes professor Pierangelo Metrangolo, on behalf of Next-GAME.

The interactions between the fluorine atoms both within the nanocluster and between the nanoclusters were rationalised using quantum chemistry techniques at the University of Bolognas G. Ciamician Chemistry Department by Dr Angela Acocella and professor Francesco Zerbetto.

Professor Valentina Dichiarante, professor Francesca Baldelli Bombelli, Dr Claudia Pigliacelli and professor Giulio Cerullo, from the Politecnico di Milanos Physics Department, also contributed to the study, looking at the nanoclusters optical characteristics and demonstrating the fluorinated binders impact on the gold cores optical activity.

The High-resolution crystal structure of a 20kDa superfluorinated gold nanocluster study, C. Pigliacelli et al. Nat. Commun. 2022,13, 2607 is available at the following link:

Nature Communications

Experimental study

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High-resolution crystal structure of a 20kDa superfluorinated gold nanocluster


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A new nanomaterial for precision medicine and the green transition - EurekAlert

Origami millirobots bring health care closer to precision drug delivery – Nanowerk

Jun 15, 2022(Nanowerk News) If youve ever swallowed the same round tablet in hopes of curing everything from stomach cramps to headaches, you already know that medicines arent always designed to treat precise pain points.While over-the-counter pills have cured many ailments for decades, biomedical researchers have only recently begun exploring ways to improve targeted drug delivery when treating more complicated medical conditions, like cardiovascular disease or cancer.A promising innovation within this burgeoning area of biomedicine is the millirobot. These fingertip-sized robots are poised to become medicines future lifesavers to crawl, spin, and swim to enter narrow spaces on their mission to investigate inner workings or dispense medicines.Origami millirobot with spinning-enabled propulsion. (Image: Zhao Lab)Leading research in this field, Stanford University mechanical engineer Renee Zhaois working on many millirobot designs at once including a magnetic crawling robot, which was recently seen worming its way through a stomach on the cover of Science Advances. Powered by magnetic fields which allow for continuous motion and can be instantly applied to generate torque and change the way the robots move her robots can self-select different locomotive states and overcome obstacles in the body. Just by shifting the strength and orientation of the magnetic field, Zhaos team can send the robot sailing across the body at distances in a single leap that are 10 times the robots length.A key aspect of her research, the magnetic actuation also provides untethered control for non-invasive operation and separates the control unit from the device to allow for miniaturization. Zhao said their most recent robot, featured in Nature Communications ("Spinning-enabled wireless amphibious origami millirobot"), is the most robust and multifunctional untethered robot we have ever developed.This new spinning-enabled wireless amphibious origami millirobot is as multifunctional as its name implies. Its an elegantly conceived single unit thats able to speedily travel over an organs slick, uneven surfaces and swim through body fluids, propelling itself wirelessly while transporting liquid medicines. Unlike pills swallowed or liquids injected, this robot withholds medicine until it reaches the target, and then releases a high-concentration drug, said Zhao, who is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering. That is how our robot achieves targeted drug delivery.Reshaping drug deliveryWhats groundbreaking about this particular amphibious robot, according to Zhao, is that it goes beyond the designs of most origami-based robots, which only utilize origamis foldability to control how a robot morphs and moves.On top of looking at how folding could enable the robot to perform certain actions imagine an accordion fold that squeezes out medicine Zhaos team also considered how the dimensions of each folds exact shape influenced the robots rigid motion when it was not folded. As a result, the robots unfolded form inherently lends itself to propulsion through the environment. Such broad-minded considerations allowed the researchers to get more use out of the materials without adding bulk and in Zhaos world, the more functionality achieved from a single structure within the robots design, the less invasive the medical procedure is.Another unique aspect of the design of the robot is the combination of certain geometrical features. A longitudinal hole into the robots center and lateral slits angled up the sides reduced water resistance and helped the robot swim better. This design induces a negative pressure in the robot for fast swimming and meanwhile provides suction for cargo pickup and transportation, Zhao said. We take full advantage of the geometric features of this small robot and explore that single structure for different applications and for different functions.Based on conversations with Stanford Department of Medicine experts, the Zhao Lab is considering how to improve upon current treatments and procedures by building new technologies. If this work goes Zhaos way, her robots wont just provide a handy way to effectively dispense medicine but could also be used to carry instruments or cameras into the body, changing how doctors examine patients. The team is also working on using ultrasound imaging to track where robots go, eliminating any need to cut open organs.The smaller, simpler, the betterWhile we wont see millirobots like Zhaos in real health care settings until more is known about optimal design and imaging best practices, the labs first-of-its-kind swimmer highlighted in Nature Communications is among their robots that are furthest along. Its currently in the trial stages that come before any live animal testing that proceeds human clinical trials.In the meantime, Zhaos team continues combining a variety of novel smart materials and structures into unique designs that ultimately form new biomedical devices. She also plans to continue scaling down her robots to further biomedical research at the microscale.As an engineer, Zhao strives to develop the simplest structures with the most functionality. Her amphibious robot exemplifies that mission, as it inspired her team to more fully consider geometric features not yet commonly prioritized by other origami robot researchers. We started looking at how all these work in parallel, Zhao said. This is a very unique point of this work, and it also has broad potential application in the biomedical field.

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Origami millirobots bring health care closer to precision drug delivery - Nanowerk