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2nd,International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery May 21-23, 2018 Tokyo, Japan
ConferenceSeries Ltdis a renowned organization that organizes highly notablePharmaceutical Conferencesthroughout the globe. Currently we are bringing forth2ndInternational Conference on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery(NanoDelivery 2018) scheduled to be held duringMay 21-23, 2018 at Tokyo, Japan. The conferenceinvites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery.
ConferenceSeries Ltdorganizes aconference seriesof 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 1000+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientificsocietiesand publishes 700+Open access Journalswhich contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.
2018 Highlights:
Nanomedicine and drugdelivery will account for 40% of a $136 billion nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery market by 2021. We forecast the total market size in 2021 to be US$136 billion, with a 60/40 split between nano medicine and drug delivery respectively, although developing new targeted delivery mechanisms may allow more value to be created for companies and entrepreneurs.
However, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at a faster CAGR owing to presence of high unmet healthcare needs, research collaborations and increase in nanomedicine research funding in emerging economies such as Japan, China, India and other economies in the region. Japan is expected to surpass the United States in terms of nanotechnology funding in the near future, which indicates the growth offered by this region.This conference seeks to showcase work in the area of Nanomedicine, Drug Delivery Systems, and nanotechnology, Nanobiothechnology, particularly related to drug delivery.
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Nanomedicine and drugdelivery can address one of the greatest challenges in the post-genomic era of the 21st century making the essential connections between Academics and industry professionals.
To meet these challenges, the field of Nanomedicine and drugdelivery has undergone exponential growth during the last 5 years. Technologies such as Personalized Nanomedicine, Design of Nanodrugs, Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery, Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, Nanomedicines and Biomedical applications, Nanomaterials for drug delivery, Regulatory Aspects Towards Approval of Nanomedicine, NanoPharmaceutical, Industry and Market processing and drug delivery promise to transform the world of Advanced nanomedicines and drug delivery much in the same way that integrated and transformed the world of pharmaceutical sciences.
Nanodelivery 2018 has everything you need:
Open panel discussions: Providing an open forum with experts from academia and business to discuss on current challenges in nanomedicine and drug delivery, where all attendees can interact with the panel followed by a Q&A session.
Speaker and poster presentations: Providing a platform to all academicians and industry professionals to share their research thoughts and findings through a speech or a poster presentation.
Editorial board meeting: Discussing on growth and development of open access Nanomedicine and drugdelivery International Journals and recruiting board members and reviewers who can support the journal.
Round table meetings: Providing a platform where industry professionals meet academic experts.
Over 50+ organizations and international pavilions will be exhibiting at the Nanodelivery 2018 conference and Exhibition. Exhibitors will include equipment manufacturers and suppliers, systems providers, finance and investment firms, R&D companies, project developers, trade associations, and government agencies.
In addition to the products and services you will see at the Nanodelivery Exhibition, you will have access to valuable content, including Keynote Presentations, Product Demonstrations and Educational Sessions from todays industry leaders.
The Nanodelivery 2018 has everything you need, all under one roof, saving you both time and money. It is the event you cannot afford to miss!
Who's Coming to Nanodelivery 2018?
Nanomedicineis the medical application ofnanotechnology, nanomedicineranges from the medical applicationsofnanomaterialsandbiological devices, to nanoelectronicbiosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology such asbiological machines.
Nanomedicine : Future Nanomedicine:
We can say that nanomedicine is ourfuture medicine.The usage ofNanomedicine in drug deliverycan unlock the way to cure many life threatening diseases. For examplesnanomedicine in cancer treatment,Nanomedicine for blood disorders,Nanomedicine for Lung Diseases, Nanomedicine for Cardiovascular Diseases. This includesFuture aspects of Nanomedicine,nanobots,nanodrugs.
Nanomedicine research group:
This is only possible by the grace and smart work of thenanomedicine research groupfrom all over the world.Nanomedicine coursesare taught in theuniversities all over the world.They also providepostdoctoral fellowship opportunity in nanomedicine.So we can say thatfuture of nanomedicineshines brightly .
Nanomedicine Market:
Nanomedicinecan be explained as theapplication ofnanotechnologytoachieveinnovation in healthcare.Theglobal nanomedicine marketis anticipatedto reach USD 350.8 billion by2025.This includes:Scope of Nanomedicine,Novel Drugs to NanoDrugs,Nanodrugs for Herbal medicinesand Cosmetics
Nanomedicine in Cancer:
A wide range of new tools and possibilities is already achieved incancer treatments using Nanotechnology, fromdiagnosingit earlier to improvedimagingfortargeted therapies.This includes Nanomedicine for other disease,Nanomedicine for Cardiovascular Diseases,Nanodrugs for Cancer Therapy
New formulations:
Nanomedicines are three-dimensional constructs of multiple components with preferred spatial arrangements for their functions.This includesNano Sized Drugs,Nanodrugs for Veterinary Therapeutics,Nanodrugs for Medical applications,Formulation and Development.
Emergence of Nanomedicines:
Extensive multidisciplinary investigation in the field ofnanomedicine nanotechnology biology and medicinehas caused the emergence of Nanomedicine as promising carriers fordeliveryof diversetherapeutic moleculesto the targeted sites. This includesNanodrugs for Cancer Therapy,Nanodrugs for Veterinary Therapeutics,Nanodrugs for Medical applications.
VLPsare a viruses devoid ofgenetic materialand thus they cannotreplicate.This includesNanoMedicine in HIV,Drug targeting,Nanomedicine for Cancer.
Nanocarrier :
A nanocarriers are used as atransport modulefor adrug. Commonly usednanocarriersincludemicelles,polymers,carbon-based materials,liposomesandmany more.This includesnanoparticles,nanobots,nanodrugs.
It was the extensive multidisciplinary investigation in the field ofnanomedicine nanotechnologybiology and medicinethat gave rise to thefuture medicinei.e.Nanomedicine. We know that nanotechnology is a recent development inscientific research,though the development of its central concepts happened over a longer period of time.This includesNanomedicine for other disease,Nanodrugs for Herbal medicines and Cosmetics
Biomedical nanotechnology:
Biomedical nanotechnologyincludes a diverse collection of disciplines.This includesCarbon Nanotubes,BiosensorsandNanobioelectronics,Nanobiomechanics and Nanomedicine.
Drug delivery systems:
Drug deliveryis theformulations,technologies, and systems for transporting apharmaceutical compoundinside the body safely to achieve itsdesired therapeutic effect.This includesLiposomes,Versatile Polymers In Drug Deivery,Drug Development
Toxicityis the measure to which a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism.This includeGold Nanoparticles,Silver Nanoparticles,Magnetic Nanoparticles.
Axenobioticis a chemical substances which is not produced naturally or expected to be found within an organism.This includesNano Micro Particles,BiosensorsandNanobioelectronics,Bio inspired materials and drug delivery
Pharmaceutical technology:
We can detect diseases at much earlier stages usingNano pharmaceuticals.Usingnanoparticles we can also design thediagnostic applicationsconventionally.This includesNanoliposome,Drug Targeting,Challenges and advances in NanoPharmaceuticals
Bioimagingare methods that non-invasively visualizebiological processesin real time.This includesImage-guided drug delivery,Imaging,Optical sensors
Imaging probe:
Molecular imaging probeis an agent used tovisualize, characterize and quantify biological processes in living systems .This includesOptical sensors,Smart Polymer Nanoparticles,NanomaterialsforImaging
Pharmaceutical compound:
The particular pharmaceutical product to fit the unique need of a patient can be made byPharmaceutical compounding.This includesChallenges and advances in Nano Pharmaceuticals,Nano Pharmaceuticalsfrom thebench to Scale up
Pulmonary delivery:
Pulmonary deliveryofdrughas become an attractive target and of tremendous scientific andbiomedical interestin thehealth care research.This includes Transmucosal Drug Delivery Systems, Sonophoresis Drug Delivery System, Hydrogel in Drug Delivery
Vascular disease:
Diseases of theblood Vessels can be related toVascular diseases.This includesovarian, breast cancer,kidney disease,fungal infections.
Tissue engineering:
The use of a tissue, engineering and materials methods, and suitablebiochemicalandphysicochemical factorsto improve or replacebiological tissues.This includesNeuro Regenerations,Organ fabrication,Cell-based therapies
Regenerative medicine:
Regenerative medicineis a broad field that includes tissue engineering but also incorporates onself-healing
Regenerative medicine- self healing:
Body uses its own systems, sometimes with help foreignbiological materialtorecreate cellsandrebuild tissuesand organs.This includeBiologic scaffolds,Bone Marrow Tissue Engineering,Mechanical properties of engineered tissues
Quantitative Imaging:
Quantitative imagingprovides clinicians with a more accurate picture of a disease state.This includesImage-guided drug delivery,Imaging,Optical sensors.
Tissue Sciences:
The internal organs and connective structures ofvertebrates, andcambium,xylem, andphloemin plants are made up of different types of tissue.This includesNeuro Regenerations,Bioreactor design,Bone Marrow Tissue Engineering.
Rational drug design:
Drug design, is simply the inventive process of findingnew medicationsbased on the knowledge of abiological targetThis includesNanodrugs for Cancer Therapy,Nanodrugs for Medical applications,Nano Sized Drugs
Drug target:
Biological targetcan be described as thenative proteinin the body , with modified activity by a drug resulting in a specific effect. The biological target is often referred to as a drug target.This includeDrug targeting,Image-guided drug delivery,target site
Drug resistance mechanism:
InDrug resistancethe effectiveness of amedicationis reduced such as anantimicrobialor anantineoplasticin curing a disease or condition.This includeschemotherapy,tumor-targeted drug delivery
Single molecule imaging:
Single-molecule studies may be contrasted with measurements on the bulk collection of molecules. In this individual behavior ofmoleculescannot be distinguished, and only average characteristics can be measured.This includeDrug targeting,Image-guided drug delivery,Imaging
Medicine can be explained as the science and practice of thediagnosis,treatment, andprevention of disease.This include Controledradical polymerization,Nanodrugs for Herbal medicinesandCosmetics,Nanomedicine for Gastrointestinal Tract (GI) Diseases.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis:
Computer-aided detection(CADe), are systems that help doctors in the interpretation ofmedical images.This includesImage-guided drug delivery,Optical sensors,BiosensorsandNanobioelectronics
Pharmacology is the study ofdrug action, where a drug can be broadly defined as any man-made, natural, or endogenousThis includesNanoliposome,Drug Targeting,Applied biopharmaceutics
Drug delivery industries:
Demand fordrug deliveryproducts in the US will rise 6.1 percent yearly to $251 billion in 2019. Parenteral products will grow the fastest, driven bymonoclonal antibodiesandpolymer-encapsulated medicines.Hormonesand central nervous system agents will lead gains by application.Pen injectorsand retractable prefillable syringes will pace devices.This includesBio Pharmaceutical Industry,Focus on Nanopharmaceuticals,Industrial Applications of Nano medicine.
Drug delivery market:
The drug delivery market is thelargest contributing applicationsegment, whereasbiomaterialsis the fastest growing application area in this market. Nanomedicine accounts for 77Marketed ProductsWorldwide, representing an Industry with an estimated market $130.9 Billion by 2016.This includesBio Pharmaceutical Industry,Focus on Nanopharmaceuticals,Industrial Applications of Nano medicine.
Nanomedicine Market Size:
Theglobal nanomedicine marketis anticipated to reach USD 350.8 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Development ofnovel nanotechnology-based drugsandtherapiesis driven by the need to develop therapies that have fewer side effects and that are morecost-effectivethantraditional therapies, in particular for cancer.This includespharmaceutical industry,Up Coming Market for Nanotechnology,Focus on Nanopharmaceuticals.
Biodegradable implants:
Biodegradable implants offer a number of financial,psychological, andclinical advantagesoverpermanent metal implants.They provide the appropriate amount of mechanical strength when necessary, and degrade at a rate similar tonew tissue formation, thereby transferring the load safely to thehealed boneand eliminating the need for an additional revision and removal operation.This includesBiologic scaffolds,Biomaterials,Bone Marrow Tissue Engineering.
Nanomedicine industry:
Expecteddevelopments in nanoroboticsowing to therise in fundingfrom thegovernment organizationsis expected to induce potential to the market.Nanorobotics engineering projectsthat are attempting totarget the cancer cellswithout affecting the surrounding tissues is anticipated to drive progress through to 2025.This includesIndustrial Applications of Nano medicine,Nanotechnology tools in Pharmaceutical R&D,Bio Pharmaceutical Industry,Focus on Nanopharmaceuticals
Nanomedicine Market Drivers:
The major drivers of the nanomedicine market include its application in varioustherapeutic areas, increasingR&D studiesabout nanorobots in this segment, andsignificant investmentsinclinical trialsby the government as well as private sector. TheOncology segmentis the majortherapeutic areafornanomedicine application, which comprised more than 35% of the total market share in 2016.This includesAn Up and Coming Market for Nanotechnology,Nanomedicine: Prospects, Risks and Regulatory Issues,Current , Future Applications and Regulatory challenges.
Nanomedicine Market trends:
Thetherapeutic areas for nanomedicineapplication areOncology,is includesCurrent , Future Applications and Regulatory challenges,Regulatory Policies.
Nanomedicine Market Forecast:
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