Phase engineering and the final frontier! – Advanced Science News

With a mastery of material phases, over the years scientists have developed more sustainable and groundbreaking technological advancements.

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From Harry Potters cloak of invisibility and Star Treks transparent aluminum glasses, an intricate manipulation of the structure of matter has been envisaged to lend material properties that almost seem magical. Arthur Clarkes third law well encapsulates these scenarios from fantasies to fiction: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic!

Our ability to manipulate materials into a functional form correlates with the evolution of civilization. Metrics on the quality of life improved as we progressed from stone to bronze to iron to ceramic to polymer, and now, to the electronic age. Progress, however, came with a penalty, as is evident from estimates of the enormity of the climate crisis and species extinction rates. Hence, the quest to leapfrog towards sustainable energy technologies is ever more critical.

Mastery over materials has come about as a result of material processing at high temperatures. The high temperature facilitates overcoming energy barriers and enables the material to seek its lowest energy state. While the implications of high-temperature manipulation may be intuitive in non-carbon hard materials like steel, even for soft materials like polymers, pioneering applications came via thermosetting polymers like nitrocellulose. However, the associated most stable structureis not always the one with desired properties. In addition to high temperature, if processing involves high pressure, atoms can be brought closer to each other and the material can be temporarily stabilized with structures not corresponding to that of the lowest energy phase. For example, nature manages to metastabilize carbon as desirable diamonds, but this is via a route that includes both high-pressure and high temperature.

Exploring materials properties as a function of their characteristic dimension, besides just temperature and pressure, gave raise to the birth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It is only on the nanoscale that one can discuss the phase of materials and still have the surfaces of materials play a vibrant role in terms of energetics of the material. Below the nano-lengthscale, there are only fluxional aggregates of molecules without meaningful convergent properties to deliberate phases of materials. Above the nano-lengthscale, the materials have matured to a less exciting asymptote and do not show any variation in properties as a function of their dimension.

Nanostructures with their emergent properties, like size-dependent optical properties, have captured the imagination of scientists for the last four decades. For example, nanoparticles with the same chemical composition but different sizes may appear to have different colors. Critical to the control of the size of the nanoparticle are chemical species called ligands a word whose Latin origin means to bind. The chemical structure and amount of ligands determine to what extent they bind to the nanoparticles, which in turn control their energy and sizes. Thus, synthesis of nanoparticles in the last four decades involves ligandsetting as opposed to thermosetting practiced over the last four thousand years. This ligand-driven method of manipulation is the essence of chimie douce or soft chemistry, which involves the assembly of materials at ambient pressures and temperatures.

Mother nature is a master of chimie douce and uses it to bequeath biomolecules with an infinite variety of properties. The exquisite variation in properties is most evident in proteins. A protein folds and assembles in an aqueous medium to generate its functional form, which is called its native structure. An artificial physicochemical intervention, like excess salt and heat, may result in the misfolding of proteins into its non-functional structure, which is referred to as non-native polymorph. The non-native protein forms can have a debilitating consequence and have been implicated in diseases like Prions and Alzheimers diseases.

Over the last decade, the concept of non-native polymorphs has been extended systematically to inorganic systems and explored in the context of solar-energy conversion, optoelectronics, electrocatalysis, and lithium-ion-batteries. Using the material design strategy of non-native polymorphs, it is demonstrated that the performance of a variety of electrochemical devices can be improved without changing its chemical composition, thereby broadening the phase space for materials exploration.

With the broadening of (material phase) space and scientists reconnoitering where no one has ever one before, the revelations of the Ministry of Magic and of Star Trek may well appear to be scientific facts rather than fantasy or fiction!

Written by:

Raj Ganesh S. Pala, professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering and an associate faculty of the materials science program, Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur (IIT-K)

Prashant Kumar Gupta, visiting assistant professor at the Indian Institute of Technology at Dhanbad

Sulay Saha, post-doctoral-fellow at the Washington University at St. Louis

Reference: Sulay Saha, Prashant Kumar Gupta, Raj Ganesh S. Pala, Stabilization of Non-Native Polymorphs for Electrocatalysis and Energy Storage Systems, WIREs Energy and Environment (2020). DOI: 10.1002/wene.389

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Phase engineering and the final frontier! - Advanced Science News

The Role of Electron Microscopy in Battery Research – AZoM

Dr. Shirley Meng is a professor and Zable Endowed Chair at the Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego. She is the principal investigator for the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC), and also the founding director of the Sustainable Power and Energy Center (SPEC) at UCSD, whose faculty studies materials and devices for energy capture, conversion, and utilization. Dr. Meng was the featured speaker at the Women in Microscopy Breakfast at M&M 2020, where she spoke about her career and the continued importance of women in science. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Im actually a microscopist by training. My undergraduate and graduate degrees are both in materials science and engineering, and I have operated electron microscopes and used electron microscopy since I was an undergraduate student.I still remember seeing the rows of atoms show up in the detector for the first time. Its a thrilling feeling thats indescribable. They werent just drawings of balls in a textbook, I was actually seeing the atoms on the screen right in front of me. Youre essentially making the invisible visible, and there are no other tools that allow you to do this, only top-of-the-line microscopes allow you to see atom columns like that.

The center consists of a group of faculty members who are working on the materials and devices that can capture and store energy, convert it from one form to the other, and utilize it. Broadly, we call this distributed energy generation and storage as well as integrated power management.

I lead the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion(LESC), where we work to diagnose and characterize materials for energy storage.

For instance, we look at state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries in order to understand why their electrode materials degrade and how we can capture this degradation while the device is in operation. We call this operando characterization. Once we figure out how and why the materials degrade, we can formulate engineering strategies to improve their properties in this case, make the batteries safer, more powerful, and longer-lasting.

We use X-ray, neutron, and electron-based tools. For the X-ray and neutron-based experiments, we work with national laboratories in order to access their instrumentation, but we have local access to the electron-based tools, such as electron microscopes and focused ion beam instruments. These are oftentimes Thermo Fisher Scientific products.

Lets be clear; at the moment, batteries are a very safe product. Safe enough that people carry them around every day in their phones, laptops, etc.

The typical accident rate is less than 1 in 10 million cells; however, we now have hundreds of thousands of electric cars (running on lithium-ion batteries) being sold everywhere around the world. As they are part of a vehicle, the safety of the batteries is now extremely important; when theres a vehicular accident, we don't want to see it amplified by the battery catching fire or exploding. Thats why current research focuses on things like solid-state batteries, where the flammable liquid electrolyte is replaced by a solid-state electrolyte, making the battery safer without sacrificing energy or power.

So, thats one of the main areas of battery research, and we are very excited to be part of it. At the same time, characterization and diagnostic tools allow us to figure out which solid-state electrolytes are the best choice for the next generation of batteries.

Energy storage is typically considered the Achilles heel of the renewable energy transition and is one of the biggest drivers of research in the field. When youre producing wind and solar energy, you have to have sufficient energy storage capacity so that it can be stored when its available and then used later, when its needed.

In this regard, electrochemical devices, like batteries, are really critical. They convert the electricity to chemical bonding energy and then back from chemical energy to electricity without combustion. So, it's an extremely efficient process. This technology will really be a game-changer if we want to cut CO2 emission and enable renewable energy technologies. Electric motors can have infinite torque, therefore, the transition to electric vehicles (EV) is driven by the combination of better technology and societal benefits we can be green while enjoying a better vehicle driving experience.

In fact, I think whats different now, compared to 20 years ago, is that corporations can be green, can achieve sustainability, and can make a profit. I believe a lot of industry leaders are going to step in and say, you know, this is an economic decision. We're no longer doing this because there are government subsidies or because we're just getting social returns.

If companies can be even more profitable by being green and being sustainable, this would go a long way to addressing climate change, really slow it down and make the planet a more livable and enjoyable place. I think thats the message I really want to give; you can now be sustainable and make a lot of money.

I think the motivation for all the researchers, graduate students, and postdocs in my laboratory is a fundamental understanding of a materials properties, but this knowledge is only impactful if we find the end-users, the companies, who are actually going to make or utilize these materials in their products. I want to know how we can help them make a better product that is going to positively impact society. Thats why I am actually very motivated to have a strong collaboration with industry partners.

For instance, SPEC has a program where companies can partner with us to fund a graduate student fellowship. This way, they can get a first-hand look at all the intellectual property that is generated. Meanwhile, the students have a very oriented mission for their research, since what they are doing is clearly connected to a final product.

We use high-end instruments, like transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) and synchrotron X-ray sources, to answer specific questions that our industrial partners cant. We can actually dissect the samples and go down to the atomic level, to the nanoscale, to find true answers. Where are the defects? Where are the problems that have happened? Then we feed that knowledge back to our industry partners.

If things like battery failure are happening at the nanoscale, at a molecular level, you need advanced tools to really dig into where the failure starts. You also need the ability to interpret the results of your experiments. This is where academic institutions are extremely useful; our skills are complementary to what the industry is trying to accomplish, and its why our partnership usually works very well.

Yes, our group is also funded through the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and several other federal agencies. Our researchers can use these resources to generate a lot of fundamental understanding and knowledge.

Of course, ideally, this research can reach a point where some actual impact can be measured; I think our most impactful work is directly applicable to the products created by our industry partners. So, really, its a collaborative effort between academia, industry, and the federal government; they all complement each other.

Obviously, there are very clear boundaries as well. As a research institution, we don't develop a product. Our students and postdocs, the human capital, is what we'll offer to society later knowledge and human resources.

The common tool we use is scanning electron microscopy (SEM). However, if you take a battery, it's very bulky and there are layers of cathode, anode, electrolytes, and separators. And on these layers, you have millions of particles you want to analyze. In order to do a detailed diagnosis of the battery, we need some kind of tool to extract samples. For this, we use a focused ion beam (FIB). In the past, this was a gallium ion beam, but through our collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, we now have access to a plasma FIB, where we can cut a much larger area with higher efficiency.

With the combined FIB and SEM, we can see particles at the micrometer level. Once we have processed the sample, we can then go to the transmission electron microscope, where we can look at the sample at the nanoscale or even the angstrom scale, allowing us to see atoms and molecules. We do this because, to really diagnose battery materials properly, we need to have access to multiple scales with a suite of tools, allowing us to actually probe materials and understand their properties.

So, in my world, I view myself as a doctor for batteries. When a person is sick, the doctor needs a correct diagnosis in order to give the right prescription. To do that, they run many different tests; they draw blood, they take an X-ray or an MRI, etc.

Similarly, we diagnose and characterize materials in order to make sure they are operating at their best optimum conditions. This is critical because they end up in devices that billions of people are carrying every day, everywhere, in the car, on planes, everywhere. We need to diagnose where failures could happen, where issues might occur, using the most advanced tools, characterization, and computations possible. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing, and I'm very excited to share this experience.

We now have a very big community of battery researchers across the world, and I'm hoping that even more, bright and brilliant young scientists will join this field in the future. Were already seeing the younger generation of researchers introduce things like higher throughput characterization and artificial intelligence for data interpretation. The field is really exciting, and there are so many things that could be enabled with advanced characterization tools.

Diversity and inclusion drive innovation and creativity. My own journey as a woman in science started at the age of seven when my dad introduced to me the story about Dr. Marie Curie, the only woman who was awarded the Nobel Prize twice: Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Her words have been the guiding principle for me since then. Over the last hundred years, women collectively have made a lot of inroads in the STEM field, but to achieve true equity, our journey will continue. The field of science will attract more talent and become the first choice for women to launch and build their careers if all of us (men and women) are in this together. I feel privileged to be one of the women in science and to be part of the force to implement change. I hope these messages are clearly conveyed to the attendees of the Women in Microscopy Breakfast.

Dr. Y. Shirley Meng received her Ph.D. in Advance Materials for Micro & Nano Systems from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre in 2005, after which she worked as a postdoc research fellow and subsequent research scientist at MIT. Dr. Meng is currently a professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), where she holds the position of Zable Endowed Chair in Energy Technologies.

Dr. Meng is the principal investigator of the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC) and is the founding Director of the Sustainable Power and Energy Center (SPEC) at UCSD. In 2020, she was also named as the inaugural director of the Institute for Materials Discovery and Design (IMDD).

She is the author and co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, two book chapters and four issued patents, and is the Editor-in-Chief for the Materials Research Society journal MRS Energy & Sustainability.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily represent the views of Limited (T/A) AZoNetwork, the owner and operator of this website. This disclaimer forms part of the Terms and Conditions of use of this website.

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The Role of Electron Microscopy in Battery Research - AZoM

Copper-coated face masks could help slow transmission of COVID-19: U of T researchers – News@UofT

A team of researchers from the University of Torontos Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering aredeveloping a new way to coat tiny particles of copper onto the inside of fabrics, including those used in face masks a technology that could provide an extra layer of safety against COVID-19.

The goal is to deposit very fine copper particles onto both woven and non-woven fabrics using twin-wire arc (TWA) spray technology. The fabric would then be used in one of the layers of a reusable fabric face mask. Its anticipated the copper-embedded fabric will not affect filter or flow rate parameters and will be able to kill most viral and other pathogens within a few minutes.

By embedding the copper into the fabric, the researchers say masks could provide a continuous and proactive fight against the transmission of current and evolving harmful pathogens without altering the physical barrier properties of the masks themselves.

The anti-microbial properties of copper have been observed since ancient times. Egyptian and Babylonian soldiers would place bronze shavings in their wounds to reduce infection and speed up healing. Today, Mostaghimi and his team including EngineeringsMohini Sain andLarry Pershin,James A. Scott of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health andMaurice Ringuetteof the department of cell and systems biology in the Faculty of Arts & Scienceare exploiting the very same anti-microbial properties to develop coatings that safeguard everything from office furniture to personal protective equipment.

Mostaghimi directs theCentre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT)and has studied the impact of copper coatings oninfections in health-care settings for years, seeing first-hand how copper coatings applied to high-touch surfaces can help kill bacteria.

In one study, a copper coating was applied to the handles of half the chairs in a Toronto General Hospital waiting room. Over the course of five months, researchers recordeda 68 per cent reduction of viable bacteria cells per square centimetreon the treated chair handles.

Research from other groups shows COVID-19 surviving up to two to three days on stainless steel and even longer on other surfaces. However, it has been demonstrated that coronavirus particles are inactivated within four hours when exposed to a copper-coated surface at room temperature.

Traditionally, implementing copper coatings would be very expensive, Mostaghimi explains. But our research has developed a method that makes applying copper coatings more economically viable.

The CACT method is known as twin-wire arc spray. The wire part refers to the fact that the raw copper is supplied in the form of copper wire, which is more affordable than copper powders. The spray allows for large surfaces to be coated efficiently.

Another advantage is that the TWA method allows for spray parameters to be tightly controlled so that even heat-sensitive surfaces wood, fabrics, even cardboard can be coated.

Mostaghimi and his team were awarded anAlliance Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)to explore the possibility applying the TWA method to create copper-embedded fabrics for manufacturing reusable face masks.

For their project, titledCopper Embedded Fabrics and Face masks for Rapid, Irreversible Destruction of COVID-19, Mostaghimi and his team are collaborating with Green Nano Technologies Inc., which will produce a pilot run of the copper embedded face masks.

Using our TWA spray technology, we will be able to produce copper-embedded masks at a marginally more expensive cost than N95 surgical face masks, saysPershin, CACTs centre manager.

Additionally, as copper degrades both DNA and RNA genetic material, the masks will have the added benefit of irreversibly inactivating all microbial pathogens, regardless of their mutation rates even after masks were disposed.

Various copper concentrations will be tested on the fabrics to help determine the optimal parameters for destroying the virus. The copper-embedded fabrics will be tested by Ringuette, whose team will use the fluid released from ruptured virus-infected bacteria, called bacteriophage lysates, to simulate SARS-CoV-2on the masks.

The research has potential health and safety benefits that could extend well beyond thecurrent pandemic. Affordable, reusable anti-viral PPE for health-care workers could mean a decrease in disease transmission in health-care facilities and a reduction associated infections.

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Copper-coated face masks could help slow transmission of COVID-19: U of T researchers - News@UofT

Impact Of Covid-19 on Graphene Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 – Owned

Graphene Market Data and Acquisition Research Study with Trends and Opportunities 2019-2024The study of Graphene market is a compilation of the market of Graphene broken down into its entirety on the basis of types, application, trends and opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, drivers and restraints, and a global outreach. The detailed study also offers a board interpretation of the Graphene industry from a variety of data points that are collected through reputable and verified sources. Furthermore, the study sheds a lights on a market interpretations on a global scale which is further distributed through distribution channels, generated incomes sources and a marginalized market space where most trade occurs.

Along with a generalized market study, the report also consists of the risks that are often neglected when it comes to the Graphene industry in a comprehensive manner. The study is also divided in an analytical space where the forecast is predicted through a primary and secondary research methodologies along with an in-house model.

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Key players in the global Graphene market covered in Chapter 4:The New Hong MstarDeyang Carbon TechnologyAngstron MaterialsPerpetuus Advanced MaterialsNano X ploreCambridge NanosystemsUnited Nano-TechnologiesXG ScienceGroup Tangshan JianhuaAbalonyxNing Bo Mo Xi TechnologyJining Leader Nano TechnologyThomas SwanGranpheneaBeijing Carbon Century TechnologySixth Element Technology

In Chapter 11 and 13.3, on the basis of types, the Graphene market from 2015 to 2026 is primarily split into:Graphene PowderGraphene OxideGraphene Film

In Chapter 12 and 13.4, on the basis of applications, the Graphene market from 2015 to 2026 covers:Photovoltaic CellsComposite MaterialsBiological EngineeringOther

Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2026) of the following regions are covered in Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13:North America (Covered in Chapter 6 and 13)United StatesCanadaMexicoEurope (Covered in Chapter 7 and 13)GermanyUKFranceItalySpainRussiaOthersAsia-Pacific (Covered in Chapter 8 and 13)ChinaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndiaSoutheast AsiaOthersMiddle East and Africa (Covered in Chapter 9 and 13)Saudi ArabiaUAEEgyptNigeriaSouth AfricaOthersSouth America (Covered in Chapter 10 and 13)BrazilArgentinaColumbiaChileOthers

For a global outreach, the Graphene study also classifies the market into a global distribution where key market demographics are established based on the majority of the market share. The following markets that are often considered for establishing a global outreach are North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World. Depending on the study, the following markets are often interchanged, added, or excluded as certain markets only adhere to certain products and needs.

Here is a short glance at what the study actually encompasses:Study includes strategic developments, latest product launches, regional growth markers and mergers & acquisitionsRevenue, cost price, capacity & utilizations, import/export rates and market shareForecast predictions are generated from analytical data sources and calculated through a series of in-house processes.

However, based on requirements, this report could be customized for specific regions and countries.

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Some Point of Table of Content:

Chapter One: Report Overview

Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends

Chapter Three: Value Chain of Graphene Market

Chapter Four: Players Profiles

Chapter Five: Global Graphene Market Analysis by Regions

Chapter Six: North America Graphene Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Seven: Europe Graphene Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Graphene Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Graphene Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Ten: South America Graphene Market Analysis by Countries

Chapter Eleven: Global Graphene Market Segment by Types

Chapter Twelve: Global Graphene Market Segment by Applications12.1 Global Graphene Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.1.1 Global Graphene Sales and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.1.2 Global Graphene Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020)12.2 Photovoltaic Cells Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.3 Composite Materials Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.4 Biological Engineering Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)12.5 Other Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Chapter Thirteen: Graphene Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2026) continued

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List of tablesList of Tables and FiguresTable Global Graphene Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2020-2026)Figure Global Graphene Market Share by Type in 2019 & 2026Figure Graphene Powder FeaturesFigure Graphene Oxide FeaturesFigure Graphene Film FeaturesTable Global Graphene Market Size Growth by Application (2020-2026)Figure Global Graphene Market Share by Application in 2019 & 2026Figure Photovoltaic Cells DescriptionFigure Composite Materials DescriptionFigure Biological Engineering DescriptionFigure Other DescriptionFigure Global COVID-19 Status OverviewTable Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Graphene Industry DevelopmentTable SWOT AnalysisFigure Porters Five Forces AnalysisFigure Global Graphene Market Size and Growth Rate 2015-2026Table Industry NewsTable Industry PoliciesFigure Value Chain Status of GrapheneFigure Production Process of GrapheneFigure Manufacturing Cost Structure of GrapheneFigure Major Company Analysis (by Business Distribution Base, by Product Type)Table Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region)Table The New Hong Mstar ProfileTable The New Hong Mstar Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Deyang Carbon Technology ProfileTable Deyang Carbon Technology Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Angstron Materials ProfileTable Angstron Materials Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Perpetuus Advanced Materials ProfileTable Perpetuus Advanced Materials Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Nano X plore ProfileTable Nano X plore Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Cambridge Nanosystems ProfileTable Cambridge Nanosystems Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table United Nano-Technologies ProfileTable United Nano-Technologies Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table XG Science ProfileTable XG Science Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Group Tangshan Jianhua ProfileTable Group Tangshan Jianhua Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Abalonyx ProfileTable Abalonyx Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Ning Bo Mo Xi Technology ProfileTable Ning Bo Mo Xi Technology Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Jining Leader Nano Technology ProfileTable Jining Leader Nano Technology Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Thomas Swan ProfileTable Thomas Swan Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Granphenea ProfileTable Granphenea Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Beijing Carbon Century Technology ProfileTable Beijing Carbon Century Technology Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Table Sixth Element Technology ProfileTable Sixth Element Technology Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020Figure Global Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Global Graphene Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table Global Graphene Sales by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Graphene Sales Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Graphene Revenue ($) by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Graphene Revenue Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)Table Global Graphene Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2015Table Global Graphene Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2019Figure North America Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Europe Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Middle East and Africa Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure South America Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure North America Graphene Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table North America Graphene Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table North America Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure North America Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure North America Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table North America Graphene Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table North America Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure North America Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure North America Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure United States Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Canada Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Mexico Graphene Sales and Growth (2015-2020)Figure Europe Graphene Revenue ($) Growth (2015-2020)Table Europe Graphene Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table Europe Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Europe Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Europe Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table Europe Graphene Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table Europe Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Europe Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Europe Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure Germany Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure UK Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure France Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Italy Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Spain Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Russia Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Graphene Sales by Countries (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019Table Asia-Pacific Graphene Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020)Table Asia-Pacific Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020)Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015Figure Asia-Pacific Graphene Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019Figure China Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Japan Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure South Korea Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Australia Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure India Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Southeast Asia Graphene Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)Figure Middle East and Africa Graphene Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) continued

About HongChun Research:HongChun Research main aim is to assist our clients in order to give a detailed perspective on the current market trends and build long-lasting connections with our clientele. Our studies are designed to provide solid quantitative facts combined with strategic industrial insights that are acquired from proprietary sources and an in-house model.

Contact Details:Jennifer GrayManager Global Sales+ 852 8170 0792[emailprotected]

NOTE: Our report does take into account the impact of coronavirus pandemic and dedicates qualitative as well as quantitative sections of information within the report that emphasizes the impact of COVID-19.

As this pandemic is ongoing and leading to dynamic shifts in stocks and businesses worldwide, we take into account the current condition and forecast the market data taking into consideration the micro and macroeconomic factors that will be affected by the pandemic.

Originally posted here:

Impact Of Covid-19 on Graphene Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 - Owned

Nano Gas Sensors Market 2020 Growth Opportunities and Revenue Statistics to 2025 By Top Players | Raytheon Company, Ball Aerospace and Technologies,…

Nano Gas Sensors Market With COVID-19 Analysis 2020-2025:

The report has been prepared based on the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of information about the Nano Gas Sensors market collected from specialized sources. The competitive landscape section of the report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of key industry players. company overview, financial overview, product portfolio, new project launched, recent development analysis are the parameters included in the profile.

Company overview, financial overview, product portfolio, new project launched, recent development analysis are the parameters included in the profile. The study then describes the drivers and restraints forthe marketalong with the impact they have on the demand over the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes the study of opportunities available in the market on a global level.Finally, the report in order to meet the users requirements is also available.

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The key manufacturers in this market include : , Raytheon Company, Ball Aerospace and Technologies, Thales Group, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Environmental Sensors, Emerson, Siemens, Agilent Technologies, Shimadzu, Futek, Dytran, Nemoto, Endress Hauser, Falcon Analytical, ,.

By the product type, the market is primarily split into : , Semiconductor Nano Gas Sensor, Electrochemistry Nano Gas Sensor, Photochemistry (IR Etc) Nano Gas Sensor, Others, ,

By the end users/application, this report covers the following segments : , Electricity Generation, Automobiles, Petrochemical, Aerospace & Defense, Medical, Biochemical Engineering, Others, ,

This study gives data on patterns and improvements, and spotlights on Markets and materials, limits and on the changing structure of the Nano Gas Sensors Industry. The key motivation behind the report is to give a proper and key examination of this industry.

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Moreover, the report includes analysis of different products available in the Nano Gas Sensors market on the subject of production volume, revenue, pricing structure, and demand and supply figures.The report highlights profitable business strategies of market competitors along with their business expansion, composition, partnership deals, and new product/service launches.

Contact Us:Mr. Kevin ThomasDirect:+1 513 549 5911 (US)+44 203 318 2846 (UK)Email:[emailprotected]

See the original post:

Nano Gas Sensors Market 2020 Growth Opportunities and Revenue Statistics to 2025 By Top Players | Raytheon Company, Ball Aerospace and Technologies,...

Food dyes, tattoo ink can be used to detect cancer: Study – BusinessLine

New research carried out by the USC Viterbi Department of Biomedical Engineering has claimed that widely popular colouring agents including tattoo inks and food dyes could help improve the detection of cancer, as per the study published in the journal Biomaterials Science.

The researchers developed new imaging contrast agents using common dyes such as tattoo ink and food dyes to detect cancer.

They stated in their study that when these dyes are attached to nano-particles, they can illuminate cancerous cells inside the body, allowing medical professionals to better differentiate between cancer cells and normal adjacent cells.

Researchers maintained that the detection of cancer is tough without proper imaging agents; contrast materials which when injected into patients, allow for imaging such as MRI and CT to function with better sensitivity and specificity.

This further enables medical professionals to diagnose with accuracy, and for surgeons to identify the exact margins of tumours.

Cristina Zavaleta, lead author of the study, said in a statement: For instance, if the problem is colon cancer, this is detected via endoscopy. But an endoscope is literally just a flashlight on the end of a stick, so it will only give information about the structure of the colon you can see a polyp and know you need to take a biopsy.

But if we could provide imaging tools to help doctors see whether that particular polyp is cancerous or just benign, maybe they dont even need to take it, she noted.

The researchers further explained that the illuminated nano-particles move through a blood vessel to look for cancer. And, when the colouring dyes are used with the nano-particles, more sensitive imaging contrast can be done of the cancerous cells.

To achieve this, the team has discovered a unique source of optical contrasting agents from household colouring dyes.

These optical inks can be attached to cancer-targeting nano-particles to improve cancer detection and localisation.

Zavaleta and the team are considering using common food dyes that could be attached to the nano-particles. This may include the dyes found in colourful candies like Skittles and M&Ms. These dyes already have the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration Department (FDA) for human consumption.

If you encapsulate a bunch of dyes in a nano-particle, youre going to be able to see it better because it is going to be brighter. Its like using a packet of dyes rather than just one single dye, Zavaleta added.

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Food dyes, tattoo ink can be used to detect cancer: Study - BusinessLine

Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market Predicted to Accelerate the Growth by 2018-2028 – Scientect

Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market: Introduction

Surgical instruments tracking systems have been accessible for use in medical field for several years. Today, surgical instruments tracking systems have turned into a need. The previous four to five years have witnessed major changes in tracking systems. Rapid advances in instruments tracking systems technologies such as nano-engineering and opto-electrical engineering have created new avenues in recent years. Need for unobtrusive and automated tracking systems will keep demands lucrative in coming years.

The report by TMR Research takes a closer look at recent trends impacting the revenue potential of various players and offers insights into imminent investment pockets in key markets.

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Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market: Key Development

Some of the most prominent competitors operating in the competitive landscape of global surgical instruments tracking systems market include

Most players are embracing a few organic and inorganic and natural systems, for example, new launches and product advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and collaborations alongside expansion on regional and global scale for serving the unmet needs of users.

Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market Dynamics

Rising instances of surgical instruments left in the human body after medical procedures and instrument scattering are the main considerations driving the evolution of the surgical instruments tracking systems market. As indicated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the casualty rate of held surgical articles is around 2.0%. Along these lines, the requirement for cutting edge innovations, for example, 2D scanner tags and RFID to follow the held instruments while the patient is still in the task theater, is rising. This factor is anticipated to push the surgical instruments tracking systems market.

Rising popularity of instruments tracking devices by emergency clinics is another main consideration boosting the market development. Following healthcare gadgets and stock administration during work cycle including medical procedure, post-medical procedure, sanitization, and storage systems are a portion of the serious issues supervised by emergency clinics. Along these lines, they are embracing new technologies to follow these gadgets and systems, which thus is relied upon to stimulate the market.

A portion of the regular instruments that are accidently left in a patients body during medical procedure consists of sponges, blades, needles, electrosurgical adapters, clamps, scalpels, safety pins, scissors, and towels. Among these instruments, towels are probably the most common thing left behind by mistake. Surgical instruments left in patients bodies will in general cut veins and puncture blood vessels that might lead to internal bleeding, creating a pressing need for technologies to track these instruments.

Expanding requirement for stock administration and usage of Unique Device Identification (UDI) guidelines by the FDA are foreseen to drive the market. Innovative headways and initiatives by governments to adopt these gadgets is foreseen to additionally boost the market in the coming years.

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Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market: Geographical Analysis

In 2018, North America contributed sizable revenue shares in the global surgical instruments tracking systems market. The launch of unique device identification (UDI) framework by the U.S. FDA for accurately identifying proof of medicinal gadgets through their distribution networks is one of the central points credited to this lead. Moreover, the presence of well-established healthcare infrastructure, fast adoption of cutting-edge products, and high per capita healthcare consumption in other developed regions, such as Europe, are foreseen to fuel the global surgical instruments tracking systems market.

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.

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Surgical Instruments Tracking Systems Market Predicted to Accelerate the Growth by 2018-2028 - Scientect

3D Printed Implants Market: Growing Biomedical Applications of 3D Technology is Expected to Boost the Market – BioSpace

Global 3D Printed Implants Market: An Overview

The global 3D printed implants market is an important part of the growing larger trend, the 3D printing in medical applications.

The global 3D printed implants market players are serving a crucial need of the medical sector. Medical processes can be enhanced with training on artificial models before surgeries. Additionally, the products in the global 3D printed implants market are helping reconstruction of entire facial features, limbs and tissue lost during serious illnesses such as Arthritis and much more.

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Moreover, due to growing advancements in technologies such as nano-materials, today physicians can recreate exact replicas of individual anatomy and extend their services naturally. Moreover, critical surgeries like heart replacement and total joint replacement have also become feasible, thanks to virtual planning and guidance provided by 3D printed technology.

Currently new material advances such as polymer based hearts and other organs are making their ways into the medical field. Orthopedic implants like the ones made up of metals are also on the rise. This new material promotes osseointegration and increase the ability of surface bearing load capabilities. Today, many healthcare institutions, especially hospitals are introducing 3D printed machinery in their operations through radiology departments.

Additionally, the devices created using 3D printed technology are superior to conventional ones. For example, printed casts for fractured bones can be open and custom-fitted. These enable wearers to scratch, ventilate, and wash the damaged area. Additionally, these can also be recycled.

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The growing advancements in materials, supporting technology, and increasing medical applications are expected to drive significant growth for the printed implants market in the near future.

Global 3D Printed Implants Market: Notable Developments

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Global 3D Printed Implants Market: Key Trends

The global 3D printed implants market is witnessing positive developments such as identical bone customized implants, CT-bone, and zygoma augmentation process. The additional control over medical processes provided by the 3D printed implant technology is expected to create many opportunities for various players in the market. Moreover, rising R&D development, increase in medical surgeries, and growing biomedical applications of 3D technology are also expected to boost the 3D printed implants market.

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However, high initial investments in the technology, lack of skilled technician, and longer production queues are expected to limit growth of the 3D printed implants market. However, the growth in cranial as well as orthopedic implants are likely to offset the setbacks in favor of the 3D printed implants market. The growth in the orthopedic segment reached an all-time high in 2018. It is expected to drive more tumor surgeries to create robust new opportunities.

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3D Printed Implants Market: Growing Biomedical Applications of 3D Technology is Expected to Boost the Market - BioSpace

MIT partners with national labs on two new National Quantum Information Science Research Centers – MIT News

Early this year, the U.S. Department of Energy sent out a call for proposals as it announced it would award up to $625 million in funding over the next five years to establish multidisciplinary National Quantum Information Science (QIS) Research Centers. These awards would support theNational Quantum Initiative Act, passed in 2018 to accelerate the development of quantum science and information technology applications.

Now, MIT is a partner institute on two QIS Research Centers that the Department of Energy has selected for funding.

One of the centers, the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA), will be led by Brookhaven National Laboratory. MIT participation in this center will be coordinated by Professor Isaac Chuang through the Center for Theoretical Physics.

The other center, the Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA), will be led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory are partners on this center. Professor William Oliver, a Lincoln Laboratory fellow and director of the Center for Quantum Engineering, and Eric Dauler, who leads the Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems Group at Lincoln Laboratory, will coordinate MIT research activities with this center.

Quantum information science and engineering research is a core strength at MIT, ranging broadly from algorithms and molecular chemistry to atomic and superconducting qubits, as well as quantum gravity and the foundations of computer science.This new funding from the Department of Energy will connectongoing vibrant MIT research in quantum information with teams seeking to harness and discover quantum technologies, says Chuang.

Devices based on the mysterious phenomena of quantum physics have begun to reshape the technology landscape. In recent years, researchers have been pursuing advanced quantum systems, like those that could lead to tamper-proof communications systems and computers that could tackle problems today's machines would need billions of years to solve.

The foundational expertise, infrastructure, and resources that MIT will bring to both QIS research centers is expected to help accelerate the development of such quantum technologies.

Much of the theoretical and algorithmic foundation for quantum information science, as well as early experimental implementations, were developed at MIT. The QIS research centers build on this experience and the broader landscape. It is fantastic that MIT is participating with two centers, and this reflects our strength and breadth, says Oliver.

Each QIS research center incorporates a collaborative research team spanning multiple scientific and engineering disciplines and multiple institutions. Both centers are focused on pushing quantum computers beyond-NISQ, the acronym referring to today's generation of noisy intermediate-scale quantum systems. The long-term goal is to develop a universal quantum computer, the kind that can perform computational tasks that would be practically impossible for traditional supercomputers to solve. To get there, researchers face enormous challenges in creating and controlling the perfect conditions for large numbers of quantum bits (qubits) to interact and store information long enough to perform calculations.

Unlike most previous efforts, contributors from the algorithm, quantum computing, and quantum engineering areas will all need to work together to achieve the community's acceleration toward this ambitious goal, says John Chiaverini, a principal investigator in the Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems Group.

In their partnership with the QSA, RLE and Lincoln Laboratory researchers will focus their efforts on co-designing fundamental engineering approaches, with the goal of enabling larger programmable quantum systems built from neutral atoms, trapped ions, and superconducting qubits. Advancing all three hardware approaches to quantum computation within a coordinated, center-scale effort will enable uniquely collaborative development efforts and a deeper understanding of the fundamental quantum engineering constraints, says Dauler. As larger systems are realized, they will be used by researchers throughout the center to feed quantum science research.

We look forward to further strengthening our research collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the partner universities to create many advances in quantum information science through the Quantum Systems Accelerator, says Lincoln Laboratory Director Eric Evans.

At the C2QA, experts in QIS, materials science, computer science, and theory will focus on the superconducting qubit modality and work together to resolve performance issues with quantum computers by simultaneously co-designing software and hardware. Through these parallel efforts, the team will understand and control material properties to extend coherence time, or how long the qubits can function; design devices to generate more robust qubits; optimize algorithms to target specific scientific applications; and develop error-correction solutions.

MIT's cutting-edge facilities will bolster these collaborations. Lincoln Laboratory has the Microelectronics Laboratory, an ISO-9001-certified facility for fabricating advanced circuits for superconducting and trapped-ion quantum bit applications, and MIT.nano offers more than 20,000 square feet of clean-room space for making and testing quantum devices.

I'm excited by the opportunity the research centers offer to collaborate, and to better advance the state of knowledge and technology in the quantum area.Specifically, the collaboration offers a new avenue for the U.S. quantum information science community to access the unique design, fabrication, and testing capabilities at MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, including the Microelectronics Laboratory and numerous laboratories specializing in advanced packaging and testing, says Robert Atkins, who leads the Advanced Technology Division overseeing quantum computing research at Lincoln Laboratory.

Participation in both centers will complement other major programs that MIT has initiated in recent years, including the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, which aims to advance artificial intelligence hardware, software, and algorithms; the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, which spans all five of MIT's schools; and the most-recently established Center for Quantum Engineering out of RLE and Lincoln Laboratory.

In addition to selecting these two MIT-affiliated centers, the Department of Energy announced funding for three additional QIS research centers. These investments, according to the department, represent a long-term, large-scale commitment of U.S. scientific and technological resources to a highly competitive and promising new area of investigation, with enormous potential to transform science and technology.

The QIS research centers will assure that advances in fundamental research in quantum science will progress to practical applications to benefit national security and many other segments of society, says MIT Vice President for Research Maria Zuber. The pace of discovery in this field is rapid, and the combined strengths of campus and Lincoln Laboratory are very well-aligned to lead in this area.

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MIT partners with national labs on two new National Quantum Information Science Research Centers - MIT News

A new platform for controlled delivery of key nanoscale drugs and more – MIT News

In work that could have a major impact on several industries from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics and even food MIT engineers have developed a novel platform for the controlled delivery of certain important drugs, nutrients, and other substances to human cells.

The researchers believe that their simple approach, which creates small capsules containing thousands of nanosized droplets loaded with a drug or other active ingredient, will be easy to transition from the lab to industry.

The active ingredients in many consumer products intended for use in or on the human body do not easily dissolve in water. As a result, they are hard for the body to absorb, and it is difficult to control their delivery to cells.

In the pharmaceutical industry alone, 40 percent of currently marketed drugs and 90 percent of drugs in development are hydrophobic wherein [their] low water solubility greatly limits their bioavailability and absorption efficiency, the MIT team writes in a paper on the work in the August 28 issue of the journal Advanced Science.

Nanoemulsions to the Rescue

Those drugs and other hydrophobic active ingredients do, however, dissolve in oil. Hence the growing interest in nanoemulsions, the nanoscale equivalent of an oil-and-vinegar salad dressing that consists of miniscule droplets of oil dispersed in water. Dissolved in each oil droplet is the active ingredient of interest.

Among other advantages, the ingredient-loaded droplets can easily pass through cell walls. Each droplet is so small that between 1,000 to 5,000 could fit across the width of a human hair. (Their macroscale counterparts are too big to get through.) Once the droplets are inside the cell, their payload can exert an effect. The droplets are also exceptionally stable, resulting in a long shelf life, and can carry a large amount of active ingredient for their size.

But theres a problem: How do you encapsulate a nanoemulsion into a dosage form like a pill? The technologies for doing so are still nascent.

In one of the most promising approaches, the nanoemulsion is encapsulated in a 3D network of a polymer gel to form small beads. Currently, however, when ingested those beads release their payload the ingredient-loaded oil droplets all at once. There is no control over the process.

The MIT team solved this by adding a shell, or capsule, around large individual droplets of nanoemulsion, each containing thousands of nano oil droplets. That shell not only protects the nano droplets inside from harmful physiological conditions in the body, but also could be used to mask the often unpalatable taste of the active ingredients they contain.

The result is a pill about 5 millimeters in diameter with a biodegradable shell that in turn can be tuned to release its contents at specific times. This is done by changing the thickness of the shell. To date they have successfully tested the system with both ibuprofen and Vitamin E.

Our new delivery platform can be applied to a broad range of nanoemulsions, which themselves contain active ingredients ranging from drugs to nutraceuticals and sunscreens. Having this new control over how you deliver them opens up many new avenues in terms of future applications, says Patrick Doyle, the Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering and senior author of the paper.

His colleagues on the work are Liang-Hsun Chen, a graduate student in chemical engineering and first author of the paper, and Li-Chiun Cheng SM 18, PhD 20, who received his PhD in chemical engineering earlier this year and is now at LiquiGlide.

Many Advantages

The MIT platform has a number of advantages in addition to its simplicity and scalability to industry. For example, the shell itself is derived from the cell walls of brown algae, so its very natural and biocompatible with human bodies, says Chen.

Further, the process for making the nanoemulsion containing its payload is economical because the simple stirring involved requires little energy. The process is also really gentle, which protects the [active] molecule of interest, like a drug, says Doyle. Harsher techniques can damage them.

The team also demonstrated the ability to turn the liquid nanoemulsion inside each shell into a solid core, which could allow a variety of other applications. They did so by adding a material that when activated by ultraviolet light cross-links the nano oil droplets together.

For Chen, the most exciting part of the work was preparing the capsules and then watching them burst to release their contents at the target times I engineered them for.

Doyle notes that from a pedagogical point of view, the work combined all of the core elements of chemical engineering, from fluid dynamics to reaction engineering and mass transfer. And to me its pretty cool to have them all in one project.

This work was supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and the Think Global Education Trust (Taiwan).

Read the original post:

A new platform for controlled delivery of key nanoscale drugs and more - MIT News

Flexible Micro LEDs May Reshape Wearable Technology – Manufacturing Business Technology

Flexible micro LEDs can be twisted (left) or folded (right).

University of Texas at Dallas

University of Texas at Dallas researchers and their international colleagues have developed a method to create micro LEDs that can be folded, twisted, cut and stuck to different surfaces.

The research, published online in June in the journalScience Advances, helps pave the way for the next generation of flexible, wearable technology.

Used in products ranging from brake lights to billboards, LEDs are ideal components for backlighting and displays in electronic devices because they are lightweight, thin, energy efficient and visible in different types of lighting. Micro LEDs, which can be as small as 2 micrometers and bundled to be any size, provide higher resolution than other LEDs. Their size makes them a good fit for small devices such as smart watches, but they can be bundled to work in flat-screen TVs and other larger displays. LEDs of all sizes, however, are brittle and typically can only be used on flat surfaces.

The researchers' new micro LEDs aim to fill a demand for bendable, wearable electronics.

"The biggest benefit of this research is that we have created a detachable LED that can be attached to almost anything," said Dr. Moon Kim, Louis Beecherl Jr. Distinguished Professor of materials science and engineering at UT Dallas and a corresponding author of the study. "You can transfer it onto your clothing or even rubber -- that was the main idea. It can survive even if you wrinkle it. If you cut it, you can use half of the LED."

Researchers in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics helped develop the flexible LED through a technique called remote epitaxy, which involves growing a thin layer of LED crystals on the surface of a sapphire crystal wafer, or substrate.

Typically, the LED would remain on the wafer. To make it detachable, researchers added a nonstick layer to the substrate, which acts similarly to the way parchment paper protects a baking sheet and allows for the easy removal of cookies, for instance. The added layer, made of a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon called graphene, prevents the new layer of LED crystals from sticking to the wafer.

"The graphene does not form chemical bonds with the LED material, so it adds a layer that allows us to peel the LEDs from the wafer and stick them to any surface," said Kim, who oversaw the physical analysis of the LEDs using an atomic resolution scanning/transmission electron microscope at UT Dallas' Nano Characterization Facility.

Colleagues in South Korea carried out laboratory tests of LEDs by adhering them to curved surfaces, as well as to materials that were subsequently twisted, bent and crumpled. In another demonstration, they adhered an LED to the legs of a Lego minifigure with different leg positions.

Bending and cutting do not affect the quality or electronic properties of the LED, Kim said.

The bendy LEDs have a variety of possible uses, including flexible lighting, clothing and wearable biomedical devices. From a manufacturing perspective, the fabrication technique offers another advantage: Because the LED can be removed without breaking the underlying wafer substrate, the wafer can be used repeatedly.

"You can use one substrate many times, and it will have the same functionality," Kim said.

In ongoing studies, the researchers also are applying the fabrication technique to other types of materials.

"It's very exciting; this method is not limited to one type of material," Kim said. "It's open to all kinds of materials."


Flexible Micro LEDs May Reshape Wearable Technology - Manufacturing Business Technology

Carleton Faculty Receive CFI Funding to Support Research Benefiting All Canadians – Carleton Newsroom

Carleton University researchers Mohammad Reza Kholghy, Roslyn Dakin and the teams of Banu rmeci, Ravi Prakash and Jesse Vermaire, as well as Kumiko Murasugi, Erik Anonby and David Mould, have received approximately $1 million in funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovations (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) for their work on manufacturing nanoparticles, understanding how animals fly, monitoring water pollution and strengthening endangered languages.

Carleton is leading the way in innovative and important fields that will directly improve the lives of Canadians, said Rafik Goubran, vice-president (Research and International). These projects reflect the support of early-career researchers recruited to Carleton, as well as the equipping of multidisciplinary research groups brought together through Carletons Multidisciplinary Research Catalyst Fund (MRCF) last year.

MRCF provides resources and support to research teams so they can achieve a demonstrable increase in impact that goes beyond individual researchers.

Mohammad Reza Kholghy, Canada Research Chair in Particle Technology and Combustion Engineering,is focused onnanoparticle engineeringwith applications in energy storage, creating advanced materials, sensing and measuring the impact of emissions on the environment. Particles are omnipresent. For example, people inhale millions of particles in the air they breathe.Dental fillings and medications are created combining several particles together.Car tires rely on carbon nanoparticles for their strength and functionality. New types of particles are increasingly finding applications in every aspect of peoples lives.

Kholghy is developing combustion engineering technology that enables large-scale production of nanoparticles with the desired properties, while limiting emission of polluting nanoparticles such as soot. Nanoparticle synthesis with flames offers a scalable alternative to conventional manufacturing methods, which often do not go beyond lab scale demonstrations. Understanding nanoparticle formation in flames also helps engineers design combustion systems with minimal, if not zero, soot emissions.

Banu rmeci, professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ravi Prakash, professor in the Department of Electronics, and Jesse Vermaire, professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, are leveraging CFI funding to better understand the fate of pollutants in the environment, their impact on ecosystems and human health, and create new micro-and nano-sensors to detect pollutants. To gather important information, the team will also develop next-generation sensors to assist in this monitoring.

Flight is a remarkable adaptation that has allowed birds, bats and insects to diversify and spread throughout the globe. Many flying animals can achieve maneuverability that far surpasses what can be achieved with current technology. Roslyn Dakin, professor in the Department of Biology, will use these CFI funds to establish the Interactive Animal Flight and Dynamic Behaviour Laboratory, which will discover how animals, in particular hummingbirds, achieve remarkable agility and flexibility in performance and perhaps aid in the development of technology that can mimic these attributes.

Language endangerment is a global issue affecting almost every nation in the world. Scholars estimate that by the end of this century, more than 40 per cent of the worlds 7,000 languages will have vanished. Most Indigenous languages in Canada face significant challenges. Kumiko Murasugi and Erik Anonby, professors in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies, and David Mould, professor in the School of Computer Science, lead the interdisciplinaryEndangered Language Knowledge and Technology(ELK-Tech) research team at Carleton. The team will be using CFI funds to set up the ELK Centre, a space that brings together language communities, researchers and technologists working to adapt and develop relevant, accessible and collaborative digital tools that help strengthen and renew endangered languages.

Media ContactSteven ReidMedia Relations OfficerCarleton

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Carleton Faculty Receive CFI Funding to Support Research Benefiting All Canadians - Carleton Newsroom

Nanotextiles Market Estimated size be driven size Innovation and Industrialization COVID-19 2024 – Chelanpress

The global market fornanotextilesshould grow from $5.1 billion in 2019 to $14.8 billion by 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.6% for the period of 2019-2024.

Report Scope:

This report provides an updated review of nanotextile technology, including materials and production processes, and identifies current and emerging applications for this technology.

BCC Research delineates the current market status for these products, defines trends, and presents growth forecasts for the next five years. The market is analyzed based on the following segments: nanotextile type, functionality, nanostructured material, application, and region. In addition, technological issues, including key events and the latest developments, are discussed.

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More specifically, the market analysis conducted by BCC Research for this report is divided into five sections.

In the first section, an introduction to the topic and a historical review of nanotextiles are provided, including an outline of recent events. In this section, current and emerging applications are also identified and grouped in segments (apparel, technical, household, and other consumer products).

The second section provides a technological review of nanotextiles. This section offers a detailed description of materials used for production of nanofabrics, properties of nanotextiles, and typical fabrication methods. This section concludes with an analysis of the most important technological developments since 2016, including examples of significant patents recently issued or applied for. The chapter ends with a highlight of the most active research organizations operating in this field and their activities.

The third section entails a global market analysis for nanotextiles. Global revenues (sales data in millions of dollars) are presented for each segment (nanotextile type, functionality, nanostructured material, application, and region), with actual data referring to the years 2017 and 2018 and estimates for 2019. Dollar figures refer to sales of these products at the manufacturing level.

The analysis of current revenues for nanotextiles is followed by a detailed presentation of market growth trends, based on industry growth, technological trends, and regional trends. The third section concludes by providing projected revenues for nanotextiles within each segment, together with forecast compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for the period 2019 through 2024. Projected and forecast revenue values are in constant U.S. dollars, unadjusted for inflation.

In the fourth section of the study, which covers global industry structure, the report offers a list of the leading manufacturers of nanotextiles, together with a description of their products. The analysis includes a description of the geographical distribution of these firms and an evaluation of other key industry players. Detailed company profiles of the top players are also provided.

The fifth and final section includes an analysis of recently issued U.S. patents, with a summary of patents related to nanotextile materials, fabrication methods, and applications. Patent analysis is performed by region, country, assignee, patent category, application, and material type.

Report Includes:

55 data tables and 29 additional tables Detailed overview and industry analysis of nanotextiles and their global market Analyses of global market trends with data from 2017, 2018, estimates for 2019 and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2024

Segmentation of the global nanotextiles market by product type, fabrication technology, application, end use industry and geographical region Identification of the fastest-growing applications and technologies, and a holistic overview of the current and future market trends which will lead to increasing demand for nanotextiles production An extensive U.S. analysis of recently issued patents, with a summary of patents related to various types of nanotextiles and their fabrication methods and applications Description of the geographical distribution of manufacturers and detailed company profiles of the top industry players including Donaldson, eSpin Technologies, Finetex EnE, Nano-Textile and Parker Hannifin


Nanotextiles are a class of textiles that utilize nanotechnology during their fabrication process. In particular, the term nanotextiles applies to four categories of products: nanocoated textiles, fabrics consisting of nanofiber webs, textiles obtained from composite fibers based on nanostructures, and nanoporous textiles.

Although the origin of nanotechnology can be traced back to the 4th century, the first nanotextiles were only introduced during the 1980s in the form of nanofiber-based membranes for filtration. During the past 40 years, sales of nanotextiles have expanded steadily and are currently experiencing very strong growth, due to their increasing use in the fabrication of mass-market products within a range of sectors. This study provides an updated, comprehensive description of nanotextiles and their characteristics, highlighting the latest developments in their fabrication technology and features. It also offers a detailed market analysis for these products by segment (nanotextile type, functionality, nanostructured material, application, and region), describing technical aspects and trends that will affect future growth of this market.

As shown in the Summary Table, the global market for nanotextiles increased from nearly REDACTED in 2017 to REDACTED in 2018 and is estimated to be valued at REDACTED in 2019.

BCC Research has divided all the applications where nanotextiles have current and potential use in two main groups: consumer products and technical products.

Consumer products, which include mainly apparel and household articles, currently account for the largest share of the market, at an estimated REDACTED of the total in 2019, corresponding to REDACTED in 2019. Within this segment, nanotextiles are being used primarily for the fabrication of high-performance outerwear and stocking. Sales of these products have risen at a very healthy CAGR of REDACTED during the 2017-2019 period.

By comparison, nanofabrics for technical products represent a share of REDACTED of the total, corresponding to estimated 2019 revenues of REDACTED. This segment has been expanding at a REDACTED CAGR since 2017, mainly driven by applications in the mechanical/chemical/environmental, life science, and energy sectors.

Sales of nanotextiles are projected to continue rising at a double-digit rate during the next five years. Relevant factors that will contribute to market expansion through 2024 are the following Increasing penetration in large industry sectors such as apparel, filtration and separation, catalysis, biomedical, energy, and automotive. Greater utilization in the fabrication of products characterized by strong demand, such as membranes, photocatalysts, and tissue engineering scaffolds. Growing market penetration of nanotextiles in developing countries. Increasing use of these products in wearable electronics and wearable medical devices. High levels of related R&D activities.

As a result, the total market for nanotextiles is forecast to rise at a CAGR of REDACTED from 2019 to 2024, reaching global revenues of REDACTED in 2024.

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Nanotextiles Market Estimated size be driven size Innovation and Industrialization COVID-19 2024 - Chelanpress

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Internet of Things job with CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY | 218434 – Times Higher Education (THE)

School/Department School of Aerospace, Transport and ManufacturingBased at Cranfield Campus, Cranfield, BedfordshireHours of work 37 hours per week, normally worked Monday to Friday. Flexible working will be considered.Contract type PermanentSalary Lecturer: Salary level 6 43,351 to 48,323 per annum with additional performance related pay up to 60,403 per annum or Senior Lecturer: Salary level 7 53,205 to 59,302 per annum with additional performance related pay up to 74,126 per annumApply by 13/09/2020

Role Description

We welcome applications from people who can contribute to the state of the art in education and research. We are seeking expertise in Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, digital systems, virtual and augmented reality, visualisation, ISO55000.

As the UKs only exclusively postgraduate university, Cranfields world-class expertise, large-scale facilities and unrivalled industry partnerships is creating leaders in technology and management globally. Our distinctive expertise is in our deep understanding of technology and management and how these work together to benefit the world.

Our people are our most valuable resource and everyone has a role to play in shaping the future of our university, developing our learners, and transforming the businesses we work with. Learn more about Cranfield and our unique impact here. Our shared, stated values help to define who we are and underpin everything we do: Ambition; Impact; Respect; and Community. Find out more here.

Cranfield Manufacturing (which includes major activities in Materials) is following the ambitious strategy of developing a roadmap for a Sustainable Manufacturing Sector for 2050 by applying fundamental science and thought leadership via conceiving and maturing the concepts of Smart, Clean and Green manufacturing solutions agnostically across all sectors and through all tiers of the supply chain with SMEs as well as OEMs. This is to support the national aspiration of Net Zero UK by 2050. We offer world-class and niche post-graduate level research, education, training and consultancy. We are unique in our multi-disciplinary approach by bringing together design, materials technology and management expertise. We link fundamental materials research with manufacturing to develop novel technologies and improve the science base of the manufacturing research. Our capabilities are unique, with a focus on simulation and modelling, and sustainability. They also include work in composite manufacture, metallic glasses, nano-materials (graphene, coatings and sensors), low energy casting, thermal barrier coatings and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). Our expertise in through-life engineering services offers solutions to defence, aerospace, transport and manufacturing customers.

This role will lead and support our programme of education and research in through-life support and manufacturing. The successful candidate will join the management and teaching team of MSc Through-life Systems Sustainment and MSc Manufacturing Information Systems. You will be expected to build an independent portfolio of research and PhD supervision.

You will be educated to doctoral level in a relevant subject and have relevant experience. With excellent communication skills, you will have expertise in one or more of:

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In return, the successful applicant will have exciting opportunities for career development in this key position, and to lead and supportworld leading research and education, joining a supportive team and environment.

At Cranfield we value Diversity and Inclusion, and aim to create and maintain a culture in which everyone can work and study together harmoniously with dignity and respect and realise their full potential. Our equal opportunities and diversity monitoring has shown that women are currently underrepresented within the university and so we actively encourage female applicants. To further demonstrate our commitment to progressing gender diversity in STEM, we are members of WES & Working Families, and sponsors of International Women in Engineering Day.

We actively consider flexible working options such as part-time, compressed or flexible hours and/or an element of homeworking, and commit to exploring the possibilities for each role. Find out more here.

For an informal discussion, please contact Professor Andrew Starr, Head of Through-life Engineering Services Institute, on (E)

Interviews to be held: 28 to 30 September 2020

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The End of an Era as Tata Motors Prepare To Sell Their Passenger Car Business – Moneylife

Updated at 4.45pm on 5 August 2020 to add clarification from Tata Motors.

The 15th of January 1998was a red-letter day in Indias automotive history. On that day, at New Delhis Pragati Maidan expo grounds, several new cars were launched; but the, but the car that really grabbed the headlines was the Tata Indica, Indias first home-grown 'peoples car.' Even if all knew that the new Tata car that would be as big as a Maruti Zen, yet provide the space of an Ambassador, at a price of a Maruti 800, was going to be called the Indica (like in India+Car), they still hadnt seen the car.

Thus, the unveiling of the car was a much-awaited moment. Sure enough, expectations ran high and, at the unveiling, which had thousands of journalists, politicians and spectators crowding the huge Tata stand at Hall 11 of Pragati Maidan, the car did not disappoint. Here was a car that did deliver on the promise of space and size and in a package that was, indeed, good-looking.

The Indica was launched in the Indian marketplace by the end of 1998, as Tata had promised, and initial bookings (about 115,000) and expectations were huge for a car that, though priced more than the Maruti 800, was still markedly cheaper than the smaller Maruti Zen. Sadly, early quality problems blunted that enthusiasm for the Indica; and, over the years, the reputation of the car and the car making abilities of Tata Motors took a downward spiral.

Exactly 10 years later, almost to the day, on the 10 January 2008, Tata Motors regaled a thousand-odd spectators at Hall 11 of Pragati Maidan, once again, with the dramatic unveiling of the Tata Nano. The 'most expected' car in the history of the automobile in India had lakhs thronging to Hall 11 at Pragati Maidan, which remained crowded and jam-packed through the rest of the Expo. Outside, the eager crowds reminded you of a cricket stadium before a one-day match. Hundreds of security men formed uncompromising barricades with thick ropes.

By 16th January, the last day of Delhis ninth motor show, some 1.8 million people had thronged the Expo, comfortably beating the Paris motor shows record draw of a million-and-a-half, just to get a glimpse of the Tata Nano, the car which had grabbed headlines across the globe. They came in their thousands, from Delhi, Haryana and UP, riding cars, buses, even tractors and tongas, setting off traffic snarls that stopped Delhi at several places.

For what everybody had gathered to see at Hall No 11 in Pragati Maidan was not just another small car, but to see hope emerge on wheels. For this 'lakhtakia' car, in Hindi meaning 'the one-lakh rupee' car as the man on the street had already named it had enabled millions to dream of a life beyond the motorbike, of a life that would be safer and more comfortable for themselves and his (or her) dear ones.

Less than two years later, a few months after the Tata Nano went into production, that dream came to a fiery end, as a few of the Nanos self-ignited inexplicably, and as the image of the 'cheapest car in the world' hardly helped find it buyers who could be proud of the car.

In both cases, Ratan Tata had the right vision, the right idea, at the right time. And the Indian consumer and public were more than ready and happy to buy Indian and make the country proud. Yet design, engineering, and quality shortcomings each time had the consumer rethinking. These quality issues were eventually addressed, but years after the cars were launched. By then, the damage had been done.

Both the Indica and the Nano projects were developed at less than $400 million each peanuts in the international automotive development scale of things. But that was one of the main problems in chasing the objective of 'frugal engineering,' as well as making a car 'for Indians, by Indians,' quality was compromised every time. Also, the hubris of the engineers and designers once the Nano had grabbed headlines worldwide, knew no bounds.

The consumer wants the best product that their money can buy, and they do not care whether it was designed by Indians or by people from another part of the world. On the contrary, Indians would be more assured if the cars were, indeed, designed by Europeans.

Finally, it was the attitude of developing in a penny-wise-pound-foolish way, as well as the obsession to do things in India with Indians, that has brought Tata Motors down to its knees, whence it's up for grabs, and will, in all likelihood, be grabbed by the Chinese. Is this the end of Indias car making story?


"In March 2020, Tata Motors had announced the intent to subsidiarise its PV business as the first step towards securing mutually beneficial strategic alliances that provide access to products, architectures, powertrains, new-age technologies and capital. Securing a mutually beneficial alliance is a priority. However, it is not an imperative for today but an opportunity to be secured for tomorrow," the company statement says.

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The End of an Era as Tata Motors Prepare To Sell Their Passenger Car Business - Moneylife

OPINION: Carbon tax and its impact on India –

New Delhi: The effect of global warming and climate change are well emphasized in global narratives and India can neither remain unaffected nor be a mute spectator. Per capita carbon emissions between developed and developing countries like India is still unfavorably biased at 3.26:1 (world bank sample), however we are all are in this together now. Taxes, are fiscal tools to garner revenue and also direct public policy initiatives. Putting a price on carbon is widely seen as the most cost-effective and flexible way to achieve emission reduction. Globally there is consensus that Carbon Pricing, would facilitate compatible emission pathways, increase investment and innovation in clean technology, promote achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through channelled financing, generate revenue for aiding vulnerable communities, managing the economic impacts of a low-carbon economy, create environmental, health, economic, and social co-benefits, ranging from public health benefits coming from reduced air pollution to green job creation.

Carbon taxes or pricing excessive usage of carbon, are a charge for non-conformity with accepted goals for de-carbonisation. This can be achieved through two main options. First, an Emission trading system (ETS) that fixes a ceiling on the total level of greenhouse gas emissions and allows those industries with low emissions to sell their extra allowances (Carbon credits) to larger emitters, thereby creating a marketplace for greenhouse gas emissions. Most of European Union member countries follow ETS while some members like Sweden impose a carbon tax. In 2020, emissions from sectors covered by the system is estimated to be 21 per cent lower than in 2005. Secondly, a Carbon Tax Charge (CTC) that sets a price on carbon by defining a tax rate on greenhouse gas emissions or more commonly on the carbon content of fossil fuels. Unlike the ETS system, Carbon Tax pre-defines the price of carbon pollution, thereby pushing businesses towards clean energy. Canada imposes a carbon tax at a rate of $20 per tonne of CO2 emissions in 2019 which is rising to $50 per tonne. This is estimated to significantly reduce greenhouse gas pollution by between 80 and 90 million tonnes by 2022.

In a country like India, the impact of introducing carbon taxes, can be viewed from multiple dimensions:

Impact on Revenue: Taxing fossil fuels is one of the larger contributors to exchequers globally and India is no exception. A shift to clean energy would mean significant loss of revenue for Governments. A report estimated that a carbon tax @ $ 35 per tonne of CO2 emissions levied by India in phases from 2017 to 2030 can yield more than 2% of GDP, thereby compensating the loss from taxing fossil fuels (Rs 5.5 lakh crore for FY20).

Impact on Innovation: Carbon taxes accelerate the development of innovative business models around clean energy like solar powered automobiles, solar drones, zero energy buildings, super grids, utility scale battery production etc. Multiple startups have already raised hundreds of millions of dollars in venture investments.

Impact on investment and employment: Given the scale and magnitude of change desired, the scale of investment needed is substantial. Successive Governments have consistently pursued a stable renewable energy policy with strong results. FDI inflow in the Indian non-conventional energy sector stood at US$ 9.22 billion between April 2000 and March 2020 (DPIIT). More than US$ 42 billion has been invested in Indias renewable energy sector since 2014 and India ranks 3 rd globally in the EY Renewable Energy Country Attractive Index 2019. Investments in excess of $500 billion are required over the next decade to meet our energy targets. Utility-scale renewables sector have already created 100,000 jobs (2020), and the current targets are likely to generate another 1.3 million direct jobs.

Impact on health care infrastructure: India is also exploring the case for ensuring universal rural healthcare through a sustainable energy path: a CEEW study (June, 2020) has shown that primary healthcare centres in Chhattisgarh with battery supported solar PV systems (costing just Rs 28/ person) have better outcomes, especially in maternal and neonatal cases, due to power supply for medical equipment and storage of drugs. Expanding the application across a fractured health care system can have far reaching benefits at affordable costs.

Impact on pollution: Pollution is bad for both health and economy. India losses a significant $150 bn pa owing to just air pollution (Green peace 2020). Studies by acclaimed institutions have established that the use of solar and wind energy reduce pollution levels by as much 80-97%. India's total renewable capacity was around 35.7% (Sep 19) of the total installed generation capacity consequent to which CO2 emissions fell by around 1% in FY 20. India aims to have 275 GW (by 2027) from renewable/clean energy, and has pledged a 33-35% reduction in the emissions intensity of its economy by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. This is expected to have far-reaching impact across sectors like health care, urbanisation, transportation, power etc.

Carbon tax is one of the potent options to nudge the adoption of green tech and, if used wisely, can generate significant results in a short span. A calibrated introduction of Carbon Tax with an effective market for ETS, would go a long way in making the transition financially viable and widen the participation of stakeholders. Policy makers are constantly challenged with the need to balance the push for renewables with economic practicality. India as a nation has been extremely responsible and committed in this initiative and the results are compelling. We wish and hope this thrust continues.

[This piece was authored by Divakar Vijayasarathy, Founder and Managing Partner, DVS Advisors LLP]

[Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the author and does not necessarily subscribe to it. shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly]

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UNB professor working on a mask that would kill the coronavirus –

Amid growing evidence of airborne transmission of COVID-19, the work of one New Brunswick researcher could become an important tool to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Felipe Chibante, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of New Brunswick, is working on a face mask that would not only trap the coronavirus, it would kill it.

He says that same technology could eventually lead to air filters that would do the same thing on a larger scale for homes and office buildings.

The key is to use tiny particles of virus-killing material to make the masks.

Incorporating such metals into a face mask "at the nano-scale is very effective at killing airborne pathogens," he said.

Chibante is one of several New Brunswick researchers to receive money for COVID-19-related projects.

In March, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, in partnership with the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF), launched a COVID-19 Research Fund and invited researchers to apply which they did in droves.

They received 60 applications and requests for $2.3 million in funding, which was more money than they had available.

That's when the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) stepped in to provide more funding. In total, 27 projects across the province have been approved to the tune of $846,707.

As people and governments debate whether to make face masks mandatory, a growing body of scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests airborne transmission may be important in spreading the virus.

In an open letter published earlier this month, 239 scientists from 32 countries called on the World Health Organization to acknowledge that airborne transmission of the coronavirus is a potential driver of the pandemic.

The WHO had long maintained that the virus is spread by large droplets, but recently acknowledged the possibility of airborne transmission, saying it cannot be ruled out.

Those developments aren't lost on Chibante, who says airborne transmission makes the use of masks even more important.

Chibante, whose background includes working with nano-particles in the development of clean energy, says the first step in the project is to create nano-coatings capable of killing airborne pathogens, like the virus that causes COVID-19.

That material would then be incorporated into the mask itself and help filter out particles.

Chibante and his team will be working with several metals that have already proven their antibacterial and antiviral properties. Copper for example, has long been known to disrupt or kill pathogens, which include bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease.

Silver is another possibility, although only when reduced to nano-size. Chibante explained that the properties of some metals, like silver, change when reduced and they become "the enemy of viruses."

Chibante's team will be working with the Sabian cymbal company of Meductic, which will provide some of the metal material that his team will "nano-ize" for the project.

Sabian offered to supply the raw material for the project, explained chief operating officer Mike Connell.

In fact, the company approached the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation early on in the pandemic to explore ways it could help in the global fight against COVID-19.

After all, company officials were already aware of the antiviral potential of copper, said Connell.

They had a lot of copper sitting around and business had dropped off as a result of the pandemic, he said.

"We thought there might be potential for high touch-point items made of copper alloys because of its disinfectant properties."

Connell said they wondered about whether copper could be incorporated into face masks. They were just tossing around ideas at the time, and he said they're pleased to leave the scientific part of the project to the experts.

He said they initially handed over a supply of the exact same material used for making cymbals a combination of copper and tin and will create different combinations of metals if asked to do so as the project progresses.

Once an effective coating is developed, it will be incorporated into the mask itself. That way, when viruses are trapped in the mask's filtration system, it doesn't continue to live there.

"We know that COVID can hang around for a long time," he explained. "So now you have a mask that's a biohazard, and you have to dispose of it, and there's hundreds of millions of masks in Canada that we're processing as biohazard. And so the idea was, can we do something that would actually kill the virus once it landed on the mask?"

Chibante said being able to destroy the virus eliminates the argument some people have made about masks being harmful to the wearer. A COVID-killing maskwill not only protect other people, but will protect the person wearing it, he said.

"So it's community hygiene as opposed to individual hygiene," said Chibante.

Eventually, he hopes toeliminate another complaint of mask-haters bymaking them see-through to allow for better communication.

As an added phase to the project, he's using his work in the energy sector to create a self-sanitizing feature for the masks. Since pathogens can usually be destroyed at temperatures above 60 Celsius, he envisions using tiny electrical systems to create enough heat in the mask to destroy anything that wasn't already killed on contact with the anti-viral coating. He says it could be as easy as plugging the mask into a USB port to activate what could be thought of as "nano-zappers."

"By engineering and controlling those electrical properties, we can actually be able to heat up the mask internally where all the action is. We don't want to just blow hot air into it. We want to have it, you know, almost like a little toaster element inside your mask."

Chibante says the technology could eventually be expanded for use in air-exchange systems in homes and commercial buildings.

"It's the same kind of principle where you have an airborne pathogen and you want to remove it, and you don't want to be just changing your filters every day. You want to reuse that filter for a period of time. So we see this being able to extend beyond just personal protection equipment but to, you know, commercial systems."

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From birds to burrs, here are four examples of biomimicry at work – create digital

According to the US-based Biomimicry Institute, biomimicry is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges.

Put simply, its the innovation that arises from nature. And from Velcro to bullet trains, nature can be seen as the inspiration behind many of societys latest and greatest innovations.

The fastest train in the world was creating serious noise pollution until Japanese engineer, Eiji Nakatsu came across an innovative idea while birdwatching.

Noticing that kingfishers barely make a splash when diving into water to catch fish, Nakatsu designed a roughly 15-metre-long steel beak for the high-speed trains, to reduce the tunnel boom that occurred when the trains exited a tunnel. Not only did it solve the noise pollution issue, it also increased the efficiency of the Shinkansen by 10 to 15 per cent.

Nakatsu also redesigned the shape of the trains pantograph to mimic an owls wings, including feather-like noise-dampening serrations along the pantographs wing, to break up the rushing air turbulence.

At the University of South Australia (UniSA), researchers have also been looking to nature, studying the surfaces of plants and animal species that have been found to be highly resistant to microbial attack due to their unique structure at the nanoscale.

They used this research to develop innovative dental implants that are resistant to microbial infection.

Our work has focused on mimicking structures found on the wings of insects, which contain billions of nanopillars that operate as a nanomechanical barrier to bacterial colonisation, said lead UniSA researcher,Professor Krasi Vasilev.

The structure mechanically kills the same broad range of bacteria known to cause orthopaedic and dental implant infections, which can lead to the failure of the procedure.

The researchers recently teamed up with medical technology company, ANISOP Holdings, with the goal of translating the nanoengineering concepts into reality.

They say the new dental implants could prevent infections before they become serious or potentially life-threatening problems, with the potential to save millions of dollars globally.

Over in the UK, researchers at Durham University have engineered the first manufactured non-cuttable material, using abalone shells and grapefruit skins as inspiration.

The [abalone] shell is 2000 times harder to crack than the bricks that its made of, said Stefan Szyniszewski, a Durham University engineering professor who was part of the research team.

When you think of security doors or armoured steel, its very heavy. And if you look at protective structures in nature, like the peel of a grapefruit, theyre usually very light.

Inspired by these strong yet lightweight biological structures, researchers developed a metallic cellular structure composed of an internal grid of large ceramic segments. The resulting material was both highly deformable and ultraresistant to dynamic point loads; found to be non-cuttable by an angle grinder and a power drill.

Potential applications for the new material range from personal protective equipment, bike locks and lightweight armour to the doors of a vault in a bank.

While the term biomimicry was coined in 1997, using nature as inspiration can be seen in designs dating back much earlier.

For example, in 1941 Swiss engineer George de Mestral found small burrs covering his dogs fur after a hunting expedition, and was intrigued by the way the burrs were able to defy gravity.

Examining the tiny hooks under a microscope, de Mestral noticed the burrs interlocking mechanism, and was inspired to mimic the structure as a fastener for clothing.

He patented his idea in 1948, and Velcro has since become a household name.

The list goes on

From architecture inspired by termite mounds to sports cars modelled on sailfish, nature as design inspiration can be seen in many innovations.

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From birds to burrs, here are four examples of biomimicry at work - create digital

Lindsay McCormick of Bite Toothpaste Bits Named in Fast Company’s Annual List of the Most Creative People in Business – PR Web

MARINA DEL REY, Calif. (PRWEB) August 06, 2020

Fast Company announced its 11th annual list of the Most Creative People in Business, honoring Bite Toothpaste Bits CEO and Founder, Lindsay McCormick among an influential and diverse group of leaders from a vast range of global industries.

The Most Creative People in Business list recognizes individuals who used their innovative thinking to make an impact on the world beyond financial success. These engineers, executives, choreographers, activists, designers, journalists, and founders have created something new this year within their field thats never been done before in their industries. Many achieved these societal problem-solving accomplishments in one of the most contentious and erratic times in history.

Im honored to be included in such an inspiring group of people, all working to create meaningful and impactful change in our world, said McCormick. "There has never been a more important time for us to come together to find new and innovative solutions to our environmental problems. I never set out to create a business, but the success of what we've grown at Bite has give me the power to share my story and the urgency to save our planet. We've only just begun... said McCormick.

As Bites CEO and Founder, Lindsay McCormick started Bite in her living room after learning about the one billion plastic toothpaste tubes that end up in our landfills and oceans every year. Once a social media video went viral, sales skyrocketed overnight and McCormick quit her full-time job to launch Bite into a multimillion company. McCormicks love of the planet, urgency to make a difference, and personal mission to create sustainable solutions to products we use every day has now become Bites mission.

Since Bites inception in 2018, the company has become a trailblazer in the sustainability and personal care space with its innovative and plastic-free products made with the planet in mind. From creating the first-ever toothpaste tablet with nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAP) to Bites recent launch of 100% compostable and plant-based dental floss, McCormicks team is working to make conscious consumerism an unconscious decision.

Fast Company editors and writers spent a year researching candidates for the list, scouting every business sector: social good, medical, technology, engineering, marketing, entertainment, startups, and more. The people selected have all accomplished something truly innovative within the past 12 months or so that is having a measurable effect within their industries and beyond. Theyre also discoveriesnone has ever been profiled in Fast Company in print before. Together, they represent the future of business.

Each year, we recognize artists and conventionally creative people making their mark on business and corporate executives deploying creativity and innovation to address some of the biggest challenges facing businesses and society, says Stephanie Mehta, editor-in-chief of Fast Company. Individually and collectively, the Most Creative People are an inspiration.

To see the complete list, go to: in 2009, the Most Creative People list was quickly established as one of Fast Companys most esteemed franchises. Each year, the magazines editors present an all-new list of people chosen according to a proprietary methodology.

Fast Companys Most Creative People in Business issue (September 2020) is available online now at and on newsstands beginning August 11, 2020. Join the Most Creative People conversation using #FCMostCreative.

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Lindsay McCormick of Bite Toothpaste Bits Named in Fast Company's Annual List of the Most Creative People in Business - PR Web

3D mapping reveals how wounds begin to heal – Futurity: Research News

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Researchers have figured out for the first time how the wound healing process begins.

The finding may provide new insight into fibrosis and cancer metastasis, according to a new study.

For the new study, published inACS Nano, the team discovered the way fibroblasts, or common cells in connective tissue, interact with the extracellular matrix, which provides structural support as well as biochemical and biomechanical cues to cells. The researchers uncovered a recursive process that goes on between the cells and their environment as well as structures in the cells that were previously unknown.

Clinical efforts to prevent the progression of fibrocontractile diseases, such as scarring and fibrosis, have been largely unsuccessful, in part because the mechanisms that cells use to interact with the protein fibers around them are unclear, says Delaram Shakiba, a postdoctoral fellow from the NSF Science and Technology Center for Engineering Mechanobiology (CEMB) at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis.

We found that fibroblasts use completely different mechanisms in the earlyand I think the most treatablestages of these interactions, and that their responses to drugs can therefore be the opposite of what they would be in the later stages.

The process has stymied mechanobiology researchers for some time, says Guy Genin, professor of mechanical engineering and co-director of CEMB.

Researchers in the field of mechanobiology thought that cells pulled in collagen from the extracellular matrix by reaching out with long protrusions, grabbing it and pulling it back, Genin says.

We discovered that this wasnt the case. A cell has to push its way out through collagen first, then instead of grabbing on, it essentially shoots tiny hairs, or filopodia, out of the sides of its arms, pulls in collagen that way, then retracts.

Now that they understand this process, Genin says, they can control the shape that a cell takes.

With our colleagues at CEMB at the University of Pennsylvania, we were able to validate some mathematical models to go through the engineering process, and we now have the basic rules that cells follow, he says. We can now begin to design specific stimuli to direct a cell to behave in a certain way in building a tissue-engineered structure.

The researchers learned they could control the cell shape in two ways: First, by controlling the boundaries around it, and second, by inhibiting or upregulating particular proteins involved in the remodeling of the collagen.

Fibroblasts pull the edges of a wound together, causing it to contract or close up. Collagen in the cells then remodels the extracellular matrix to fully close the woundwhere mechanobiology comes into play.

Theres a balance between tension and compression inside a cell that is newly exposed to fibrous proteins, Genin says. There is tension in actin cables, and by playing with that balance, we can make these protrusions grow extremely long. We can stop the remodeling from occurring or we can increase it.

The team used a 3D-mapping techniquethe first time researchers have applied it to collagenalong with a computational model to calculate the 3D strain and stress fields created by the protrusions from the cells.

As cells accumulated collagen, tension-driven remodeling and alignment of collagen fibers led to the formation of collagen tracts. This requires cooperative interactions among cells, through which cells can interact mechanically.

New methods of microscopy, tissue engineering, and biomechanical modeling greatly enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which cells modify and repair the tissues they populate, says Elliot Elson, professor emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biophysics.

Fibrous cellular structures generate and guide forces that compress and reorient their extracellular fibrous environment. This raises new questions about the molecular mechanisms of these functions and how cells regulate the forces they exert and how they govern the extent of matrix deformation.

Wound healing is a great example of how these processes are important in a physiologic way, Genin says. Well be able to come up with insight in how to train cells not to excessively compact the collagen around them.

The National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center for Engineering Mechanobiology, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering funded the work.

Source: Washington University in St. Louis

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3D mapping reveals how wounds begin to heal - Futurity: Research News