FAQ Part 4: MEsenchymal Stem cell therapy for CAnadian MS patients (MESCAMS) – Video

FAQ Part 4: MEsenchymal Stem cell therapy for CAnadian MS patients (MESCAMS)
The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and the Multiple Sclerosis Scientific Research Foundation have announced a $4.2 million grant in support of the MEsenchymal Stem cell therapy for CAnadian.

By: MSSocietyCanada

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FAQ Part 4: MEsenchymal Stem cell therapy for CAnadian MS patients (MESCAMS) - Video

Dr. Coimbra explains his treatment with high dose vitamin D for multiple sclerosis – Video

Dr. Coimbra explains his treatment with high dose vitamin D for multiple sclerosis
This video has English subtitle! To activate it, click on the first icon on the right bottom of the video. http://mscure.aussieblogs.com.au/doctors-that-treat-with-vitamin-d/ (Doctors that...

By: Anna Moros

Visit link:
Dr. Coimbra explains his treatment with high dose vitamin D for multiple sclerosis - Video

Adaptive Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis: Hips & Hamstrings – Video

Adaptive Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis: Hips Hamstrings
Relaxing yoga sequence to stretch the hips and hamstrings. Also therapeutic for mild low back pain. http://www.adaptiveyogaforms.com This sequence is not appropriate if you are more than 3 months...

By: Adaptive Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

See the original post here:
Adaptive Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis: Hips & Hamstrings - Video

Th17 cell gain-of-function in a viral model for multiple sclerosis – Video

Th17 cell gain-of-function in a viral model for multiple sclerosis
In a viral model for multiple sclerosis (MS), Theiler #39;s murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD), both immune-mediated tissue damage immunopathology) and virus...

By: itsunoda

View original post here:
Th17 cell gain-of-function in a viral model for multiple sclerosis - Video