Elon Musk confirms he already uploaded his brain to a cloud, he spoke to himself – Marca English

Imagine you are the wealthiest person in the world and you think having one of you is not enough for the world. Elon Musk seems to think two of his brains are better than having just one, but this goes into a deep philosophical question we all have. Can consciousness be transferred to a machine? Musk has the technology and the means to at least give it a shot but we still had no idea if he has done it until today.

Musk just responded to a Twitter question where he confirms he has already uploaded his brain to a cloud on the Internet. He wasn't specific about it but the question was pretty specific. A Twitter account that goes by @BillyM2k asked: "If you could upload your brain to the cloud, and talk to a virtual version of yourself, would you be buddies?" Musk quickly responded: 'Already did it," withuot offering any type of explanation.

The mere concept of the mind is already a puzzling one, humans have been trying to explain it for millennia. To this day, there are many different interpretations and nobody can come up with a scientific definition of what the mind is. So, Elon Musk confirmed he uploaded his brain to the cloud but he didn't specify whether his other self has similar trades or if it's just the mathematical knowledge he uploaded.

Also, uploading his braing to a cloud and talking to himself probably means he is getting closer to solving Artificial Intelligence. Certainly, we all would like a better explanation about this rather than a short answer. WIll Elon Musk find time to explain exactly how he uploaded his brain to the cloud and what the conversation with himself was all about? We still have so many questions about this.

Excerpt from:

Elon Musk confirms he already uploaded his brain to a cloud, he spoke to himself - Marca English

Whatever Happened to the Transhumanists? – Gizmodo Australia

Gizmodo is 20 years old! In the summer of 2002, The Gadgets Weblog officially launched to cover all of your gadget weblogging needs. The last two decades have been a wild ride in technology, so were taking this opportunity to look back at some of the most significant ways our lives have been thrown for a loop by our digital tools. Weve come a long way since the days of TiVo, Napster, and Palm Pilots. Unfortunately, were still not old enough to drink.

Like so many others after 9/11, I felt spiritually and existentially lost. Its hard to believe now, but I was a regular churchgoer at the time. Watching those planes smash into the World Trade Centre woke me from my extended cerebral slumber and I havent set foot in a church since, aside from the occasional wedding or baptism.

I didnt realise it at the time, but that godawful day triggered an intrapersonal renaissance in which my passion for science and philosophy was resuscitated. My marriage didnt survive this mental reboot and return to form, but it did lead me to some very positive places, resulting in my adoption of secular Buddhism, meditation, and a decade-long stint with vegetarianism. It also led me to futurism, and in particular a brand of futurism known as transhumanism.

Transhumanism made a lot of sense to me, as it seemed to represent the logical next step in our evolution, albeit an evolution guided by humans and not Darwinian selection. As a cultural and intellectual movement, transhumanism seeks to improve the human condition by developing, promoting, and disseminating technologies that significantly augment our cognitive, physical, and psychological capabilities. When I first stumbled upon the movement, the technological enablers of transhumanism were starting to come into focus: genomics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. These tools carried the potential to radically transform our species, leading to humans with augmented intelligence and memory, unlimited lifespans, and entirely new physical and cognitive capabilities. And as a nascent Buddhist, it meant a lot to me that transhumanism held the potential to alleviate a considerable amount of suffering through the elimination of disease, infirmary, mental disorders, and the ravages of ageing.

The idea that humans would transition to a posthuman state seemed both inevitable and desirable, but, having an apparently functional brain, I immediately recognised the potential for tremendous harm. Wanting to avoid a Brave New World dystopia (perhaps vaingloriously), I decided to get directly involved in the transhumanist movement in hopes of steering it in the right direction. To that end, I launched my blog, Sentient Developments, joined the World Transhumanist Association (now Humanity+), co-founded the now-defunct Toronto Transhumanist Association, and served as the deputy editor of the transhumanist e-zine Betterhumans, also defunct. I also participated in the founding of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), on which I continue to serve as chairman of the board.

Indeed, it was also around this time in the early- to mid-2000s that I developed a passion for bioethics. This newfound fascination, along with my interest in futurist studies and outreach, gave rise to a dizzying number of opportunities. I gave talks at academic conferences, appeared regularly on radio and television, participated in public debates, and organised transhumanist-themed conferences, including TransVision 2004, which featured talks by Australian performance artist Stelarc, Canadian inventor and cyborg Steve Mann, and anti-ageing expert Aubrey de Grey.

The transhumanist movement had permeated nearly every aspect of my life, and I thought of little else. It also introduced me to an intriguing (and at times problematic) cast of characters, many of whom remain my colleagues and friends. The movement gathered steady momentum into the late 2000s and early 2010s, acquiring many new supporters and a healthy dose of detractors. Transhumanist memes, such as mind uploading, genetically modified babies, human cloning, and radical life extension, flirted with the mainstream. At least for a while.

The term transhumanism popped into existence during the 20th century, but the idea has been around for a lot longer than that.

The quest for immortality has always been a part of our history, and it probably always will be. The Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh is the earliest written example, while the Fountain of Youth the literal Fountain of Youth was the obsession of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Len.

Notions that humans could somehow be modified or enhanced appeared during the European Enlightenment of the 18th century, with French philosopher Denis Diderot arguing that humans might someday redesign themselves into a multitude of types whose future and final organic structure its impossible to predict, as he wrote in DAlemberts Dream. Diderot also thought it possible to revive the dead and imbue animals and machines with intelligence. Another French philosopher, Marquis de Condorcet, thought along similar lines, contemplating utopian societies, human perfectibility, and life extension.

The Russian cosmists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries foreshadowed modern transhumanism, as they ruminated on space travel, physical rejuvenation, immortality, and the possibility of bringing the dead back to life, the latter being a portend to cryonics a staple of modern transhumanist thinking. From the 1920s through to the 1950s, thinkers such as British biologist J. B. S. Haldane, Irish scientist J. D. Bernal, and British biologist Julian Huxley (who popularised the term transhumanism in a 1957 essay) were openly advocating for such things as artificial wombs, human clones, cybernetic implants, biological enhancements, and space exploration.

It wasnt until the 1990s, however, that a cohesive transhumanist movement emerged, a development largely brought about by you guessed it the internet.

As with many small subcultures, the internet allowed transhumanists around the world to start communicating on email lists, and then websites and blogs, James Hughes, a bioethicist, sociologist, and the executive director of the IEET, told me. Almost all transhumanist culture takes place online. The 1990s and early 2000s were also relatively prosperous, at least for the Western countries where transhumanism grew, so the techno-optimism of transhumanism seemed more plausible.

The internet most certainly gave rise to the vibrant transhumanist subculture, but the emergence of tantalising, impactful scientific and technological concepts is what gave the movement its substance. Dolly the sheep, the worlds first cloned animal, was born in 1996, and in the following year Garry Kasparov became the first chess grandmaster to lose to a supercomputer. The Human Genome Project finally released a complete human genome sequence in 2003, in a project that took 13 years to complete. The internet itself gave birth to a host of futuristic concepts, including online virtual worlds and the prospect of uploading ones consciousness into a computer, but it also suggested a possible substrate for the Nosphere a kind of global mind envisioned by the French Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Key cheerleaders contributed to the proliferation of far-flung futurist-minded ideas. Eric Drexlers seminal book Engines of Creation (1986) demonstrated the startling potential for (and peril of) molecular nanotechnology, while the work of Hans Moravec and Kevin Warwick did the same for robotics and cybernetics, respectively. Futurist Ray Kurzweil, through his law of accelerating returns and fetishization of Moores Law, convinced many that a radical future was at hand; in his popular books, The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) and The Singularity is Near (2005), Kurzweil predicted that human intelligence was on the cusp of merging with its technology. In his telling, this meant that we could expect a Technological Singularity (the emergence of greater-than-human artificial intelligence) by the mid-point of the 21st century (as an idea, the Singularity another transhumanist staple has been around since the 1960s and was formalized in a 1993 essay by futurist and sci-fi author Vernor Vinge). In 2006, an NSF-funded report, titled Managing Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations: Converging Technologies in Society, showed that the U.S. government was starting to pay attention to transhumanist ideas.

A vibrant grassroots transhumanist movement developed at the turn of the millennium. The Extropy Institute, founded by futurist Max More, and the World Transhumanist Association (WTA), along with its international charter groups, gave structure to what was, and still is, a wildly divergent set of ideas. A number of specialty groups with related interests also emerged, including: the Methuselah Foundation, the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (now the Machine Intelligence Research Institute), the Centre for Responsible Nanotechnology, the Foresight Institute, the Lifeboat Foundation, and many others. Interest in cryonics increased as well, with the Alcor Life Extension Foundation and the Cryonics Institute receiving more attention than usual.

Society and culture got cyberpunked in a hurry, which naturally led people to think increasingly about the future. And with the Apollo era firmly in the rear view mirror, the publics interest in space exploration waned. Bored of the space-centric 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars, we increasingly turned our attention to movies about AI, cybernetics, and supercomputers, including Blade Runner, Akira, and The Matrix, many of which had a distinctive dystopian tinge.

With the transhumanist movement in full flight, the howls of outrage became louder from critics within the conservative religious right through to those on the anti-technological left. Political scientist Francis Fukuyama declared transhumanism to be the worlds most dangerous idea, while bioethicist Leon Kass, a vocal critic of transhumanism, headed-up President George W. Bushs bioethics council, which explicitly addressed medical interventions meant to enhance human capabilities and appearance. The bioethical battle lines of the 21st century, it appeared, were being drawn before our eyes.

It was a golden era for transhumanism. Within a seemingly impossible short time, our ideas went from obscurity to tickling the zeitgeist. The moment that really did it for me was seeing the cover of TIMEs February 21, 2011, issue, featuring the headline, 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal, and cover art depicting a brain-jacked human head.

By 2012, my own efforts in this area had landed me a job as a contributing editor for Gizmodo, which served to expand my interest in science, futurism, and philosophy even further. I presented a talk at Moogfest in 2014 and had some futurist side hustles, serving as the advisor for National Geographics 2017 documentary-drama series, Year Million. Transhumanist themes permeated much of my work back then, whether at Gizmodo or later with Gizmodo, but less so with each passing year. These days I barely write about transhumanism, and my involvement in the movement barely registers. My focus has been on spaceflight and the ongoing commercialization of space, which continues to scratch my futurist itch.

What was once a piercing roar has retreated to barely discernible background noise. Or at least thats how it currently appears to me. For reasons that are both obvious and not obvious, explicit discussions of transhumanism and transhumanists have fallen by the wayside.

The reason we dont talk about transhumanism as much as we used to is that much of it has become a bit normal at least as far as the technology goes, as Anders Sandberg, a senior research fellow from the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford, told me.

We live lives online using wearable devices (smartphones), aided by AI and intelligence augmentation, virtual reality is back again, gene therapy and RNA vaccines are a thing, massive satellite constellations are happening, drones are becoming important in warfare, trans[gender] rights are a big issue, and so on, he said, adding: We are living in a partially transhuman world. At the same time, however, the transhumanist idea to deliberately embrace the change and try to aim for such a future has not become mainstream, Sandberg said.

His point about transhumanism having a connection to trans-rights may come as a surprise, but the futurist linkage to LGBTQ+ issues goes far back, whether it be sci-fi novelist Octavia Butler envisioning queer families and greater gender fluidity or feminist Donna Haraway yearning to be a cyborg rather than a goddess. Transhumanists have long advocated for a broadening of sexual and gender diversity, along with the associated rights to bodily autonomy and the means to invoke that autonomy. In 2011, Martine Rothblatt, the billionaire transhumanist and transgender rights advocate, took it a step further when she said, we cannot be surprised that transhumanism arises from the groins of transgenderism, and that we must welcome this further transcendence of arbitrary biology.

Natasha Vita-More, executive director of Humanity+ and an active transhumanist since the early 1980s, says ideas that were foreign to non-transhumanists 20 years ago have been integrated into our regular vocabulary. These days, transhumanist-minded thinkers often reference concepts such as cryonics, mind uploading, and memory transfer, but without having to invoke transhumanism, she said.

Is it good that we dont reference transhumanism as much anymore? No, I dont think so, but I also think it is part of the growth and evolution of social understanding in that we dont need to focus on philosophy or movements over technological or scientific advances that are changing the world, Vita-More told me. Moreover, people today are far more knowledgeable about technology than they were 20 years ago and are more adept at considering the pros and cons of change rather than just the cons or potential bad effects, she added.

PJ Manney, futurist consultant and author of the transhumanist-themed sci-fi Phoenix Horizon trilogy, says all the positive and optimistic visions of future humanity are being tempered or outright dashed as we see humans taking new tools and doing what humans do: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Indeed, were a lot more cynical and wary of technology than we were 20 years ago, and for good reasons. The Cambridge Analytica data scandal, Edward Snowdens revelations about government spying, and the emergence of racist policing software were among an alarming batch of reproachable developments that demonstrated technologys potential to turn sour.

We dont talk about transhumanism that much any more because so much of it is in the culture already, Manney, who serves with me on the IEET board of directors, continued, but we exist in profound future shock and with cultural and social stresses all around us. Manney referenced the retrograde SCOTUS reversals and how U.S. states are removing human rights from acknowledged humans. She suggests that we secure human rights for humans before we consider our silicon simulacrums.

Nigel Cameron, an outspoken critic of transhumanism, said the futurist movement lost much of its appeal because the naive framing of the enormous changes and advances under discussion got less interesting as the distinct challenges of privacy, automation, and genetic manipulation (e.g. CRISPR) began to emerge. In the early 2000s, Cameron led a project on the ethics of emerging technologies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and is now a Senior Fellow at the University of Ottawas Institute on Science, Society and Policy.

Sandberg, a longstanding transhumanist organiser and scholar, said the War on Terror and other emerging conflicts of the 2000s caused people to turn to here-and-now geopolitics, while climate change, the rise of China, and the 2008 financial crisis led to the pessimism seen during the 2010s. Today we are having a serious problem with cynicism and pessimism paralyzing people from trying to fix and build things, Sandberg said. We need optimism!

Some of the transhumanist groups that emerged in the 1990s and 2000s still exist or evolved into new forms, and while a strong pro-transhumanist subculture remains, the larger public seems detached and largely disinterested. But thats not to say that these groups, or the transhumanist movement in general, didnt have an impact.

The various transhumanist movements led to many interesting conversations, including some bringing together conservatives and progressives into a common critique, said Cameron.

I think the movements had mainly an impact as intellectual salons where blue-sky discussions made people find important issues they later dug into professionally, said Sandberg. He pointed to Oxford University philosopher and transhumanist Nick Bostrom, who discovered the importance of existential risk for thinking about the long-term future, which resulted in an entirely new research direction. The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge and the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford are the direct results of Bostroms work. Sandberg also cited artificial intelligence theorist Eliezer Yudkowsky, who refined thinking about AI that led to the AI safety community forming, and also the transhumanist cryptoanarchists who did the groundwork for the cryptocurrency world, he added. Indeed, Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum, subscribes to transhumanist thinking, and his father, Dmitry, used to attend our meetings at the Toronto Transhumanist Association.

According to Manney, various transhumanist-driven efforts inspired a vocabulary and creative impulse for many, including myself, to wrestle with the philosophical, technological and artistic implications that naturally arise. Sci-fi grapples with transhumanism now more than ever, whether people realise it or not, she said. Fair point. Shows like Humans, Orphan Black, Westworld, Black Mirror, and Upload are jam-packed with transhumanist themes and issues, though the term itself is rarely if ever uttered. That said, these shows are mostly dystopian in nature, which suggests transhumanism is mostly seen through grey-coloured glasses. To be fair, super-uplifting portrayals of the future rarely work as Hollywood blockbusters or hit TV shows, but its worth pointing out that San Junipero is rated as among the best Black Mirror episodes for its positive portrayal of uploading as a means to escape death.

For the most part, however, transhuman-flavored technologies are understandably scary and relatively easy to cast in a negative light. Uncritical and starry-eyed transhumanists, of which there are many, werent of much help. Manney contends that transhumanism itself could use an upgrade. The lack of consideration for consequences and follow-on effects, as well as the narcissistic demands common to transhumanism, have always been the downfall of the movement, she told me. Be careful what you wish for you may get it. Drone warfare, surveillance societies, deepfakes, and the potential for hackable bioprostheses and brain chips have made transhumanist ideas less interesting, according to Manney.

Like so many other marginal social movements, transhumanism has had an indirect influence by widening the Overton window [also known as the window of discourse] in policy and academic debates about human enhancement, Hughes explained. In the 2020s, transhumanism still has its critics, but it is better recognised as a legitimate intellectual position, providing some cover for more moderate bioliberals to argue for liberalized enhancement policies.

Sandberg brought up a very good point: Nothing gets older faster than future visions. Indeed, many transhumanist ideas from the 1990s now look quaint, he said, pointing to wearable computers, smart drinks, imminent life extension, and all that internet utopianism. That said, Sandberg thinks the fundamental vision of transhumanism remains intact, saying the human condition can be questioned and changed, and we are getting better at it. These days, we talk more about CRISPR (a gene-editing tool that came into existence in 2012) than we do nanotechnology, but transhumanism naturally upgrades itself as new possibilities and arguments show up, he said.

Vita-More says the transhumanist vision is still desirable and probably even more so because it has started to make sense for many. Augmented humans are everywhere, she said, from implants, smart devices that we use daily, human integration with computational systems that we use daily, to the hope that one day we will be able to slow down memory loss and store or back-up our neurological function in case of memory loss or diseases of dementia and Alzheimers.

The observation that transhumanism has started to make sense for many is a good one. Take Neuralink, for example. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk based the startup on two very transhumanistic principles that interfaces between the brain and computers are possible and that artificial superintelligence is coming. Musk, in his typical fashion, claims a philanthropic motive for wanting to build neural interface devices, as he believes boosted brains will protect us from malign machine intelligence (I personally think hes wrong, but thats another story).

For Cameron, transhumanism looks as frightening as ever, and he honed in on a notion he refers to as the hollowing out of the human, the idea that all that matters in Homo sapiens can be uploaded as a paradigm for our desiderata. In the past, Cameron has argued that if machine intelligence is the model for human excellence and gets to enhance and take over, then we face a new feudalism, as control of finance and the power that goes with it will be at the core of technological human enhancement, and democracywill be dead in the water.

That being said, and despite these concerns, Manny believes theres still a need for a transhumanist movement, but one that addresses complexity and change for all humanity.

Likewise, Vita-More says a transhumanist movement is still needed because it serves to facilitate change and support choices based on personal needs that look beyond binary thinking, while also supporting diversity for good.

There is always a need for think tanks. While there are numerous futurist groups that contemplate the future, they are largely focused on energy, green energy, risks, and ethics, said Vita-More. Few of these groups are a reliable source of knowledge or information about the future of humanity other than a postmodernist stance, which is more focused on feminist studies, diversity, and cultural problems. Vita-More currently serves as the executive director of Humanity+.

Hughes says that transhumanists fell into a number of political, technological, and even religious camps when they tried to define what they actually wanted. The IEET describes its brand of transhumanism as technoprogressivism an attempt to define and promote a social democratic vision of an enhanced future, as Hughes defines it. As a concept, technoprogressivism provides a more tangible foundation for organising than transhumanism, says Hughes, so I think we are well beyond the possibility of a transhumanist movement and will now see the growth of a family of transhumanist-inspired or influenced movements that have more specific identities, including Mormon and other religious transhumanists, libertarians and technoprogressives, and the ongoing longevist, AI, and brain-machine subcultures.

I do think we need public intellectuals to be more serious about connecting the dots, as technologies continue to converge and offer bane and blessing to the human condition, and as our response tends to be uncritically enthusiastic or perhaps unenthusiastic, said Cameron.

Sandberg says transhumanism is needed as a counterpoint to the pervasive pessimism and cynicism of our culture, and that to want to save the future you need to both think it is going to be awesome enough to be worth saving, and that we have power to do something constructive. To which he added: Transhumanism also adds diversity the future does not have to be like the present.

As Manney aptly pointed out, it seems ludicrous to advocate for human enhancement at a time when abortion rights in the U.S. have been rescinded. The rise of anti-vaxxers during the covid-19 epidemic presents yet another complication, showing the extent to which the public willingly rejects a good thing. For me personally, the anti-vaxxer response to the pandemic was exceptionally discouraging, as I often reference vaccines to explain the transhumanist mindset that we already embrace interventions that enhance our limited genetic endowments.

Given the current landscape, its my own opinion that self-described transhumanists should advocate and agitate for full bodily, cognitive, and reproductive autonomy, while also championing the merits of scientific discourse. Until these rights are established, it seems a bit premature to laud the benefits of improved memories or radically extended lifespans, as sad as it is to have to admit that.

These contemporary social issues aside, the transhuman future wont wait for us to play catchup. These technologies will arrive, whether they emerge from university labs or corporate workshops. Many of these interventions will be of great benefit to humanity, but others could lead us down some seriously dark paths. Consequently, we must move the conversation forward.

Which reminds me of why I got involved in transhumanism in the first place my desire to see the safe, sane, and accessible implementation of these transformative technologies. These goals remain worthwhile, regardless of any explicit mention of transhumanism. Thankfully, these conversations are happening, and we can thank the transhumanists for being the instigators, whether you subscribe to our ideas or not.

From the Gizmodo archives:

An Irreverent Guide to Transhumanism and The Singularity

U.S. Spy Agency Predicts a Very Transhuman Future by 2030

Most Americans Fear a Future of Designer Babies and Brain Chips

Transhumanist Tech Is a Boner Pill That Sets Up a Firewall Against Billy Joel

DARPAs New Biotech Division Wants to Create a Transhuman Future

See the article here:

Whatever Happened to the Transhumanists? - Gizmodo Australia

India versus West Indies second T20 highlights: Fancode yesterday match 2nd T20 highlights where to watch – The Sportsrush

India versus West Indies second T20 highlights: India continue to remain without a victory at the Warner Park.

During the second T20I of Indias tour of West Indies 2022 in Basseterre, West Indies beat India by 5 wickets to end their 12-match losing streak against this opposition in white-ball cricket. It is after almost 33 months that West Indies have been able to defeat India in any format.

Chasing a 139-run target, West Indies wouldve ideally wanted to have registered a victory way before they eventually did. Having said that, considering their recent form, the hosts wouldnt mind winning with four balls remaining in the match.

Opening batter Brandon King, who brought up a fourth T20I half-century to score 68 (52) with the help of eight fours and two sixes, was the pick of their batters.

Having said that, it was Devon Thomas (31*) who kept calm in a tense situation to be able to register a last-over finish at the Warner Park. Needing 23 runs off 14 balls to win the match, Thomas hit India vice-captain Hardik Pandya for a six to bring the asking rate down.

Further requiring 10 runs off the last Avesh Khan over, the right-hand batter hit a six and a four off consecutive deliveries to avoid any last-minute error. One of the two changes made by West Indies for this match, Thomas justified the decision of playing an extra batter on the back of hitting a four and two sixes.

That being said, the real architect of this West Indian victory was fast bowler Obed McCoy. Banking on his current form, McCoy not only registered career-best bowling figures but also picked the best figures for a West Indian bowler. McCoys six-wicket haul, only the 11th in this format, earned him a second Player of the Match award in international cricket.

Streaming platform FanCode, onlyofficial streaming appof this tour for the Indian audiences, has an option of watching highlights but only for itssubscribers.However, non-subscribers can watch selected video highlights on theTwitter handleorYouTube channelof FanCode.

While the official YouTube channel of West Indies Cricket will also be uploading highlights of this match but that might take some time especially for the Indian audiences who would be looking for highlights upon waking up in the morning in a few hours from now.

Read more:

India versus West Indies second T20 highlights: Fancode yesterday match 2nd T20 highlights where to watch - The Sportsrush

Tips & Tricks: How to get more likes on Instagram? These tips will guarantee you glory – News84Media – News84Media.com

Strong pointsIf you want to get likes on Instagram, start posting in a specific time slot. Instagram pays more for reel uploaders than for photo posts.You can also use Instagram Auto Liker to increase likes on posts.

New Delhi. Instagram has become the favorite application of all young internet users these days. Facebook i.e. Meta company has made many such changes, users can easily become popular by using it. It has millions of active users in India. Many people want to get more likes in less time.

Here we are going to tell some of those things, which if you follow you will get more likes on Instagram. Before following these tips, you must keep this thing in mind, your content must have power. Whatever you put in it, people wont like it if its boring.

Select a specific time slotIf you want to get likes on Instagram, start posting in a specific time slot. Posts posted on Sundays at 5 p.m. are thought to be the most popular. At the same time, a lot of likes can also be found on the post made at 2 p.m. Most posts are seen on Mondays at 7 p.m., Fridays at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m.

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Publish reels in HDYes, if you are an Insta user, keep that in mind. Instagram pays more for reel uploaders than for photo posts. For example, when you record a maximum 30 second video of your fun or action and upload it in HD quality along with all the music lyrics from the reels section on Insta, its quite possible that you get likes in a short period of time. time. Even when uploading a reel, you need to understand when Instagram users are most active. If you live in Delhi-Mumbai, the right time to post reels is considered to be 6-9 PM. Can download at 9 am.

One of the benefits of posting Reels to Instagram is that your Reels also play automatically on Facebook. Since Facebook is one of the most widely used apps in the world, Facebook itself also wants to promote Instagram. So if you post reels on Instagram, Facebook will help you too.

Please enter hashtagsWhenever you post on Instagram, definitely enter the hashtag related to that post. Use hashtags that are used more often. Even if someone uses the #instagram hashtag in their post, Instagram will trend it. Also note that some selected hashtags on Instagram that Instagram promotes must use them. Like #flowerstagram #flowersofinstagram #Reelsinsta #InstaReels #Instavideo #instagramchallenge #instachallenge #trend #instagood #explorepage #goodvibes

The size of the photo-video must be in HDInstagrams photo size is larger than other social media platforms. Also, if you took a fresh photo or video, you can post it. Dont use a lot of editing or filters. To get maximum likes, your post needs to look good, which attracts people. You must post within a week. Since then, Instagram also works with an algorithm, so when you post daily, your post will reach more and more people.

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keep the account publicAs an Insta user, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that if you keep your Instagram account private, people outside your circle wont be able to see your posts. Therefore, the account must always be public. You can also use Instagram Auto Liker to increase likes on your posts. This is an online tool that you need to link to your Instagram account.

Show Instagram ID on your other platformsYou will have accounts on many social media sites, display your Instagram username or URL as well. With this, people connected on your other platforms will start coming to your Instagram. Along with this, they will also start appearing in your session. You can also enable smartphone contacts in Instagram, so people who are on Instagram can connect with you.

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Tags: Instagram, instagram template, Instagram post, Instagram Video, Tips and tricks

FIRST POST: August 04, 2022, 4:38 PM HST

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Tips & Tricks: How to get more likes on Instagram? These tips will guarantee you glory - News84Media - News84Media.com

Identify emerald ash borer and native lookalikes differences – The Register-Guard

Lea Nash was talking to her neighbor about Oregon's newest pest when one flew into her neck or so she thought.

Standing near their Eugene homes close to River Road, the bug bounced off her neck and she assumed it was a bee. But looking down to where the bug lay stunned, she thought she recognized its color from a recent article in The Register-Guard.

Nash caught the metallic green bug in a jar. She was sure it was an emerald ash borer, the invasive beetle species that has decimated North American ash tree populations over the past 20 years and recently was found in Oregon for the first time.

Though Nash wrongly identified the insect she'd captured, Nash can be forgiven for missing the subtle differences.

The bug was a brilliant metallic green, just like the invasive emerald ash borer, scientific name Agrilus planipennis. But with just a bit more information at her disposal, Nash may have noticed the black spots on her specimen's wing covers.

What actually crashed into Nash's neck that day was later identified a western cedar border, scientific name Trachykele blondeli, another in the buprestidae family of wood-boring beetles often called "jewel beetles" for their metallic hues.

"I've got it in the jar and I'm thinking, 'This really looks like that thing,'" Nash said. "You've got to have your glasses on."

Though the western cedar borer is one of the insects most commonly confused with emerald ash borer, it's an Oregon native and doesn't create the kind of ecological disaster local foresters now are expecting its invasive cousin to cause.

Emerald ash borer, sometimes referred to as EAB, was reported in Oregon for the first time in late June. Though there's little hope the invasive Asian insect can be rooted out of Oregon before it spreads through the state and kills off most ash trees in coming years, state and municipal foresters want to keep track of it so as to mitigate or slow the damage.

"EAB has become the most destructive and costliest forest pest ever to invade North America, ODF Invasive Species Specialist Wyatt Williams said in the July announcement. At least fiveashspecies native to the central U.S. have become critically endangered as EAB spreads across the country killing hundreds of millions of urban and wildashtrees.

Extinction-level threat:Invasive beetle expected to decimate Oregon ash trees

EAB over the last 20 years has killed more than 100 million North America ash trees, with nearly 99% of infested trees succumbing to the beetle.

Only the Oregon ash is native to Oregon, a species important to riparian areas across the Willamette Valley and beyond. But dozens of other ash species are planted throughout Oregon cities, and all are at risk.

In Eugene alone, there are more than 9,000 ash trees on city streets and in city parks, according to EugeneUrban Forestry SupervisorEric DeBord. Ash trees make up about 8.5% of the city's approximately 65,000 street trees, or about 5,500 of the total.

In Salem, about 1,700 of the 32,000 street trees the city urban forester has inventoried are species of ash that are vulnerable to the emerald ash borer.

It is not known exactly how many ash trees are growing throughout the state or in local natural areas.

The discovery of EAB in Forest Grove in Washington County triggered the use of a statewide response plan to contain the damage. As of July 26, the Oregon Invasive Species Council Hotline had received 174 potential reports of EAB, according to the Oregon Department of Forestry. ODF is not tracking reports made to other agencies, but is aware that many have been made.

A major focus this summer is determining the extent of the EAB infestation in Washington County and following up on any leads about other possible locations as they are reported, according to ODF. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is placing traps in the Forest Grove area and engaging withODF,Tualatin and Columbia Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Clean Water Services and the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Center.

ODFs urban forestry program is also working to get information to urban foresters in cities and towns, according to ODF. Staff hosted a well-attended webinar on EAB July 21 for urban foresters around the state. ODF is encouraging cities that dont know how many ash trees they have to quickly inventory their trees to help them assess their risk from EAB.

ODF has also held in-person information-sharing meetings at the first-reported infestation site with OSU Forestry Extension, local officials from Forest Grove and Washington County conservation and soil and water agencies, he said.

While ODF and other agencies want help from the public tracking down EAB, resources are limited and the hunt can be best helped when reports are made by those who know what to look for. The OISC hotline online allows uploading of photos of tree damage and specimens so reports can be evaluated and specimens passed to experts for confirmation.

ODF reported one additional emerald ash borer-infested tree has been discovered near the original detection in Forest Grove because of a hotline report. No other investigated reports as of July 27 were confirmed to be EAB, according to ODF.

To the layperson, many other beetle species that are metallic green can look similar to invasive emerald ash borer, ODF forest entomologist Christine Buhl said in an email.

Keep in mind:

The most common beetles that people confuse with EAB are some of our natives, such as:

"Look closely at side-by-side images and you can see there are size, shape and color differences. These two beetles also do not attack ash. Instead, they feed on conifers, but are not major pests," Buhl said.

A number of species native to Oregon are in the same genus (Agrilus) as emerald ash borer and are also confused for them include:

"These other species closely resemble EAB in shape and size but are brown or blue-ish (not green), and none attack ash. They are considered secondary pests of other kinds of broadleaved trees. Buhl said they're viewed as indicators of preexisting tree stress on their preferred hosts, not primary causes of tree death," Buhl said.

"Color is a key identifier since EAB is the only beetle in the Northwest that is entirely brilliant emerald green," Buhl said. "The rest are more pale green, brown or green with stripes of other colors. Entomologists use keys based on physiological features to more accurately make an identification."

The preferred hosts of non-EAB beetles that look somewhat like EAB are other broadleaved or cone-bearing trees.

"Some are generalists feeding on a variety of trees and others feed only on one type of tree," she said. "Typically they infest trees that are already dying or dead. They help decompose those trees, speeding up the recycling of nutrients from the dead wood into the forest. Bronze birch borer, however, can attack stressed birch trees and cause their death."

"All of these non-EAB species are harmless to people, pets and animals. In some cases they are beneficial in helping break down wooden snags to build forest soils," Buhl explained.

"Some, such as bronze birch borer and flat-headed fir borer, are often found in stressed trees and can add to a trees stress. But they are usually unable to develop in healthy trees and must take advantage of dead, dying and heavily stressed trees. Bronze birch borer is attracted to drought-stressed birch trees and can hasten their death. But those trees would likely have died eventually on their own due to heat and drought stress."

"Definitely not," Buhl said. "They are harmless to people, pets and animals. Some wood-boring insects can be found in dying trees but they arent the cause of the trees death they are only in the trees because those trees are dying or died from other causes.

"Also, many wood borers are useful in helping wood decay faster to return nutrients back to the forest floor for other plants to use.

"In addition, the metallic wood-boring beetle family includes some of Oregons most spectacular insects, well-deserving of the other name for the family: the jewel beetles."

It's expected EAB will continue to spread throughout Oregon over the coming years, though the peak season for the beetle to emerge from trees will end with the summer.

Ash trees that look to be in decline may be an indicator EAB is present, and D-shaped holes on the truck are clear signs the invasive beetle has emerged from the tree.

Oregonians who suspect they've found an infested tree or an specimen they are confident is EAB should contact the Oregon Invasive Species Council Hotline. Reports can be made by calling 1-866-INVADER or online at https://oregoninvasiveshotline.org and click on "Report Now."

Contact reporter Adam Duvernay at aduvernay@registerguard.com. Follow on Twitter @DuvernayOR.

Original post:

Identify emerald ash borer and native lookalikes differences - The Register-Guard

Required Documents – School and Student Services by Community Brands

Understandably, many families have questions on how to best submit the documentation that many schools require as part of the financial aid process. Our goal is to make the process of submitting documents as easy as possible so weve put together some tips to help you in the process.

As a first step, we suggest you view the documents required by the schools you are applying to. They can be found in the Family Portal, under the My Documents tab. Please keep the following in mind as you go through the process:

If you know the school(s) you are applying to requires documents but they are not listed on the My Documents page, please contact us at sss@communitybrands.com. This indicates SSS needs to alert the school(s) where youre applying so they can enter their document requirements into the system.

Your documents will be marked as received much quicker if you upload them through the Family Portal.

If you upload documents online, they will be available on the My Documents page within 5 minutes of your upload. You may need to refresh the My Documents page or log back into the application in order to see the upload. Its important to note, however, a distinction between uploading your documents and fulfilling your requirements. SSS is required to review the docs, verify their authenticity, and label them for our use. This process typically takes up to 3 business days.

Please be careful not to upload your documents more than once. Good news! If you are submitting a 1040 bundle (like Turbo Tax and other tax preparation services provide) and it includes images of your W-2(s) along with your supporting tax schedules, you do not have to upload your W-2 document(s) separately. Our system will find the W-2s with all your other tax documents and process them accordingly. If you are concerned that your upload was not successful, refresh the My Documents page or log back into the application to verify whether or not your document label appears in the correct Required Documents section.

While there is a time lag between when you upload your documents and when the system recognizes them as received, the good news is that will not adversely affect your applications timeliness. All documents will be stamped with the date they were received for processing whether mailed or uploaded. As an example if you upload your documents the day before your application deadline, they will be time stamped on that day. The system will not show them as received for up to another 72 hours, but that does not mean that they will be considered late. Its the date you upload them, not the date the system recognizes them, that will determine if your application was completed on time.

Our document upload wizard uses pop-up functionality. Families should always turn their Pop-Up Blocker off when working in our system.

Read the original post:

Required Documents - School and Student Services by Community Brands

Delving Into the Theological Power of Money – Dartmouth News

Money is on the mind these days. Inflationary gas prices, a rocky stock market, and fears of recession may have shaken some consumers faith in the economy.

That faith is of particular interest to Associate Professor of ReligionDevin Singh, who studies the connections between economics and Christianity. Singh acknowledges that spiritual and money matters dont traditionally go together. While most people understand that churches give money to charitable causes, what does religious doctrine have to do with debt and student loans?

Singhs research explores how the language of economics and Christianity have historically intertwined.

Part of my effort is to raise awareness of this genealogy, to shed light on where these things come from, Singh says. Both to give us a better understanding of them, but also then to say, if we want to change things to address inequality or exploitation, for example we need to know a bit about where they came from.

Still, that connection isnt always obvious. When Singh teaches his God and Money class, it can take time for his students to see the light.


If youre a crypto-evangelist, youre a firm believer, you have faith in crypto and you want to persuade others to believe.


Devin Singh, associate professor of religion

The act of salvation, of being redeemed, is an economic term, Singh explains, and God is described by some early Christian thinkers as managing the cosmos the way a money manager oversees finances. We have faith in our currencies. Though these are metaphors, Singh argues that they have implications about peoples attitudes toward money, work, and theology.

And at the end of the course students are like, Wow, professor, youve ruined me in the best way, Singh says. I cant not see these connections everywhere now, like religion and economics, religion and money. Singh adds some students have emailed him years later with a faith-and-economics connection they saw in the news, and a follow-up like that means the world to him.

His 2018 book,Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West, was well-received and explored how economic thinking influenced early Christian doctrine. More recently, Singh has been looking at cryptocurrencies, especially the quasi-religious language surrounding them.

People call themselves crypto-evangelists, right? Singh says. Theyre drawing on the language of evangelism, which is a religious term for spreading of faith. If youre a crypto-evangelist, youre a firm believer, you have faith in crypto and you want to persuade others to believe.

Singh thinks crypto and other digital currencies are here to stay, despite the recent market crashes that have sent shares tumbling. Looking to the past to consider the future, Singh notes that people have operated in cashless societies before, using an accounting system to keep track of exchanges. Its not unlike cryptos cloud-based ledger for currency holders.

And this comes down to, again, fundamentally, money is about a kind of belief, a kind of faith, Singh says. This is why credit and credo and faith are all etymologically related.

Hes also interested in artificial intelligence and the ways Silicon Valley denizens invoke religious ideas, such as uploading ourselves to the cloud as if we were preserving our souls, in their push for digitization.

These technological changes are like a tsunami, Singh says. Theyre pretty much inevitable. And so the issue is not whether we should make them, but how can we make them more humane and more equitable.

Associate Professor of Religion Devin Singh outside Thornton Hall on June 29, 2022. (Photo by Julia Levine 23)

Although Singh was born in northern California, his mothers work with the foreign service took them to Cameroon and Morocco, where Singh spent his elementary-school years. He grew up among Christian, Muslim, and indigenous African religions, and his father comes from a Sikh family. Back in the U.S., his mother had a born-again conversion experience.

Its all a bunch of stuff in the mix that I think shaped my interests, Singh says.

Still, Singh started out as a biology major at Pomona College, with an eye on medical school until organic chemistry weeded him out. He came to religion classes having always been interested in the big questions, and Singh had good experiences with a professor in the department.

I picked the major based on what was sort of happening in my life at the time, which was wrestling with these deep existential issues, Singh says, adding: I didnt have a grand plan to become a religion professor.

Singh earned a divinity degree, but his wide-ranging interests drew him toward academia. In graduate school, he layered sociology and anthropology courses onto his study of religion. Singh joined the Dartmouth faculty in 2015 after earning a PhD in religious studies from Yale and doing some postdoctoral work there.

I think that I, in some ways, gravitated towards this profession because I tend toward the contemplative, introverted side, Singh says. I love to sit and think about ideas and read. And writing is my best form of communication, where I feel like my voice is most clear.

Currently, Singh is finishing a book on debt, including the problems with excessive indebtedness and how debt has moral and religious aspects to it. Hes also planning a book on anger, examining it as a virtue and a positive energy for change.

While Singh enjoys the solitary research life, he also loves teaching, though as a self-professed people-oriented introvert, it can take him a while to decompress after a class.

I love the interaction, Singh says. I can be very animated and talk plenty and have these very dynamic conversations. But its a draining experience.

Department of Religion ChairReiko Ohnumacalls Singh impressive, citing his wide-ranging scholarship, his national reputation as a public intellectual who makes his research accessible and meaningful for a wider audience, and his innovative course offerings.

He is consistently one of the most popular professors in the department, Ohnuma says.

Caris White 23 calls Singh a phenomenal teacher and one of the most engaging lecturers on campus. She has recommended to her friends that they scroll through the course catalog to find Singhs name, and just take whatever he is teaching.

I think hes doing really cutting-edge stuff with religion and culture, White says.

Singh, who is Whites thesis adviser, has inspired her to consider a career in academia and religious studies. Hes been both really approachable and really knowledgeable, White says.

Despite the occasional energy drain after class, Singh enjoys teaching at a liberal arts institution like Dartmouth, where he gets to work with students from a range of majors, backgrounds, and interests.

If I were teaching at a graduate school in a religion department, I would just be influencing a handful of future scholars, which is also great and super-important for the profession, he says. But its great to be influencing people who are going to be leaders of corporations, leaders in medicine and government policy.

Excerpt from:

Delving Into the Theological Power of Money - Dartmouth News

Mind-bending optical illusion tricks you into only seeing three people can you spot fourth?… – The Scottish Sun

PEOPLE have been left stumped by an optical illusion showing 'three friends' in the wood - because a FOURTH is in the picture.

The mind-boggling snap left social media users stumped after emerging on Twitter.



At first it looks like one man in a kilt and hat is clinking miniature whisky bottles with two friends, whose arms are outstretched.

But there are four drinks - suggesting there is a fourth person in the picture. So can you see them?

Uploading the Reddit snap to Twitter, a social media user said: "My brain refuses to believe there are 4 people in this photo."

And internet users were left stumped trying to find the fourth person, with some wrongly believing the bag behind Mr Kilt is a person.

One pleaded: "I'm confused... why are there only "3" arms, yet "4" bottles?"

Another wrote: "Me looking at this photo asking myself if im blind or if theres something more going on here."

Meanwhile, a third simply gave up and said: "Nope, canny see it."

It's only on a much closer inspection that you can spot the camouflaged sleeve attached to a blue gloved hand at the left-hand side of the picture.

After a close examination, one Twitter user said: "I zoomed in, stared at those blue fingers for a good 30 seconds trying to figure it out.

"Multiple solutions went through my head. Maybe it's a child underneath the cluster of hands.

"Maybe somebody is standing behind the guy in orange. Then I saw it."

Another joked: "This is literally the first time I've seen camouflage work."

It's not the first optical illusion to have the internet completely stumped.

If you can spot the real owl hidden in this optical illusion within two seconds then you're a genius.

Elsewhere, a shopper shared something VERY unusual on a supermarket shelf so can YOU spot the cake hidden in plain sight?


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Mind-bending optical illusion tricks you into only seeing three people can you spot fourth?... - The Scottish Sun

Dr. Strange: Can the Multiverse Really Work as a Plot Device? – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Before reviewing the movie in detail, I wound up writing this little prelude regarding the problem with the multiverse plot device in general. It spilled onto the page before I could stop it but then other viewers might be asking some of these same questions.

Disney, or as I like to refer to this hell-spawn of a company, the Mouse, is at it again. Where is the Pied Piper when you need him? There are many bad movies in the world, but very rarely does one deserve the term, cinematic abomination. The last time I used that loathsome title, I was watching Luke Skywalker suck green milk from an alien walrus. What is the common factor between The Last Jedi and Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? You guessed it! The Mouse a pestilence destroying our cultures modern myths one by one.

There are certain types of plots (or tropes, if you prefer) I dislike more than others. These include The Liar Revealed, Time Travel, MacGuffin Chases, and yes, Dear Reader, Multiverse Stories.

As Ive said many times before, certain rules must be followed in good story telling: consistency in plot and character and the balance between tension and pacing, for example. A good story must also establish stakes using story elements like hard and soft magic systems. If one must, one may resort albeit sparingly to gimmicks/tropes such as the Ticking Clock. I discuss these and other story-telling devices in my previous reviews. but you can find YouTube videos that discuss them too, particularly science fiction writer Brandon Sandersons lectures. Getting started, heres the trailer for Dr. Strange:

The problem with the multiverse storyline in general is that it ultimately kills the stakes. Most people are not going to spend a great deal of time pondering whether Jim A and Jim B are different people because, frankly, the reason for their difference is self-evident: Of course, theyre different people. They made different choices. Thats the natural intuition of most thinking individuals but often, the writers of these contrived plots insist that it isnt so. They seem to want to scream, If these bad things had happened to you, then you. would be bad!

Most of the time, the writers take the notion of a multiverse and try to twist it into an argument against free will. In most multiverse plots, fatalism and nihilism are the orders of the day. Ill leave it to you, Dear Reader, to answer the question of whether or not a multiverse renders free will irrelevant. My point is, fatalism and nihilism make for lousy storytelling. If a character cannot ultimately make his own choices, then why should I care about him? If there is a good Thanos and a bad Thanos, and a good Dr. Strange and a bad Dr. Strange, and their respective positions were ultimately determined by external circumstances, then why should I root for either of them?

Furthermore, if you can convince a nave audience that all these characters are interchangeable from one universe to the next, then death means nothing the stakes mean nothing. And this is the norm in these types of stories. But the reason for this isnt just so the writers can satiate their petulant desire to scream Everything is meaningless! into the empty night sky. No. It makes the narrative a permanent cash cow.

Typically, what happens in a multiverse story is that when a character is killed as in Time Travel stories an alternative version of the character is brought back, and the viewer is expected to regard this doppelganger as the original character. This insults every viewers intelligence. No one is going to accept the doppelganger as the original. For one thing, he or she did not die, like the original character. That by itself makes the doppelganger completely different. For another, the relationship of the doppelganger to the rest of the cast must be different by virtue of their memories of the original character. That also demonstrates that the characters are in fact two different individuals and both the other characters and the audience will see them as such.

But you see, Dear Reader, the Mouse thinks youre stupid. He thinks you will treat Hawkeye, a character youve followed for years, the same way youd treat a new phone, or a toy, because Hawkeye is not a fictional character who has lived a life of his own in your imagination. (He has a little multiverse inside your mind, if you will.) NO! To the Mouse, Hawkeye is as interchangeable as a car, so a multiverse is the ultimate opportunity to tell the viewer to discard their old products and make way for new products. But most viewers will not do this because, multiverse or not, every character is unique and alive. Not just because they have a life of their own, but because they have a life with you.

If youre a fan of the Marvel Universe , particularly, if you are a fan of Wanda Maximoff, you rooted for her when she listened to Hawkeye and, for the first time, chose to be the good guy. You wept with her when she was forced to kill Vision. You shared in her horror when you realized that her kids were not real and that shed enslaved an entire town after Visions death. Youve wanted her to find closure. Whether she lived or died in the story, whether she was given justice or mercy, you wanted her arc to end. You wanted to see her accept Visions death and move on or self-implode because she could not face the truth.

But none of that matters. All those years you spent wondering what was going to happen to her, meant nothing. Because the events of her life happened differently somewhere else. Dont you see? The Mouse can torture poor Wanda forever, now. Shell die horribly in one universe, live marginally better in the next, only to be brought to the 616 universe our universe and be subjected to other tortures, only to perhaps die all over again. Shell live and die perpetually, and her story arc will become an endless loop to infinity and beyond as The Mouse would say.

I hate multiverse stories because they cannot end and the reason they cannot end is because by definition a multiverse is infinite. And there is no better way to kill the stakes than to have a story that can never finish.

Because the Mouse knows it can resurrect and kill Wanda forever, it was unafraid to turn her into one of the most idiotic and malicious villains in the Marvel Comics Universe. The many who rooted for Wanda Maximoff ever since she watched her brother die have longed to see her and Vision together again somehow. They have hoped she would find a way to make her children real and become the hero she was always meant to be. But she has been given the good old Luke Skywalker treatment. But hey! Who cares! If you dont like it, it doesnt matter, because you liked it in another universe.

Well review the story in more detail next time.

You may also wish to see my two-part review of Transcendence (2014):

Transcendence Part 1 The Soul Meets the Singularity. In Part 1 of my review of the 2014 classic, we start with the question: Can a human mind be completely transferred to a computer? When an anti-tech group shoots a researcher, his wife, ignoring warnings, saves him by uploading him but is the powerful new Singularity really him?


Transcendence, Part 2: Spoonful of Water with the Nanotech When Will now an AI possesses a tradesman so that he can touch his wife Evelyn again, Evelyn begins to have second thoughts Transcendence (2014) remains good viewing even though it too often sacrifices tension to pacing: We dont mind seeing characters worry a bit sometimes.

Also, my reviews of Firefly, the TV series and the subsequent film Serenity: Firefly: Can science fiction reimagined as the Wild West work? I strongly recommend the original 20022003 series for its careful development of the culture that grows up around world-building (terraforming). Firefly is an impressive blend of the future and the past and, if Disney+ carries through with its threat of a remake, be sure to see the original. All parts linked at here.


Dr. Strange: Can the Multiverse Really Work as a Plot Device? - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Parents wowed by mum’s "brilliant" DIY Lunchables she claims is cheaper than the real thing – Leicestershire Live

A creative mum has been celebrated online after sharing the "brilliant" DIY Lunchables she makes for her kids to take to school - which she claims is "much cheaper" to put together, compared to purchasing the actual Dairylea snack from stores. Fellow parents have been left impressed by her lunchbox hack, with many keen to try them out on their own kids.

Others have also commented on how much tastier the mum's version looks over the real thing. On popular Facebook group, Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK, Selina uploaded an photo of a plastic container she filled with crackers, cheese and ham she bought separately that she says was more cost-effective than buying a pack of Dairylea Lunchables - which average 1.55 at most UK supermarkets.

Since uploading the image earlier this week, the post has been liked more than 5,000 times. In the caption, the mum described her homemade combination as "DIY Lunchables" and said her handcrafted alternative is "much cheaper".

READ MORE: Teachers say they see three-quarters of pupils come to school hungry, study reveals

Hundreds of people flocked to the comments section to praise the mum, with many thanking her for sharing the "great" idea. Cherrill wrote: "What a great idea! a lot of kiddies just dont eat all their sandwiches."

Debbie stated: "Great idea, I love it." Nina praised: "My son hates the cheese in these so what a fab idea doing yourself like that! Will give it a go!"

Clarissa added: "[I] adore a Lunchable and am in no way paying the price they've been recently. So thank you for this cause my little head didn't think of it!"

Lucy asked: "How have I never thought of this before?" Browneyes typed: "What a great idea," as Karen added: "And I bet they taste nicer too!"

Caysey responded with: "Thank you for sharing this is a great idea and saving money too will do do this at the weekend." Carrie commented: "I always do this, we call ours Homemade Lunchables I use cookie cutters so they stack like originals."

Jessica replied: "I do this all the time for the kids they dont mind at all! Add in a few tomatoes and cucumber sticks too. Much much cheaper and less waste." Sharing some more money-saving tips, Rachel said: "I do this every day, get the crackers in bulk from Costco."

To enhance Selina's idea further, Catherine suggested: "I do this and save the Lunchables box to use so feels even more real. Just add cellophane over the top."

In response to parents saying they will be giving the idea a go, Christine added: "Just a little heads up people. The crackers/cheddars will go soggy if not wrapped separately.. They take on moisture from the ham and cheese," while Courtney echoed: "Put the crackers into a separate bag as they can get soggy touching the cheese and ham xx."


See more here:

Parents wowed by mum's "brilliant" DIY Lunchables she claims is cheaper than the real thing - Leicestershire Live

Daughters accuse Sophia Mirza of ruining their peace of mind for media publicity – Baaghi TV

LAHORE/DUBAI (Our Reporter): Actress and model Sophia Mirzas twin daughters have revealed their mother told them to steal their passports, take money from their father and run away from their Dubai home.

15-years-old twin sisters Zainab Umar and Zunairah Umar have spoken for the first time about their mother Sophia Miraz, 42, during an interview with a Pakistani TV channel and in a written affidavit submitted before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Sisters Zainab Umar and Zunairah Umar said they were living in Dubai with their father Umar Farooq Zahoor happily and of their free will and allegations by their mother are false and fabricated that they are being held against their wishes.

15-years-old twin sisters Zainab Umar and Zunairah Umar spoke out after Sophia Mirza held a press conference demanding the recovery of her two daughters from Dubai-based Norwegian Pakistani Farooq Zahoor, who is Liberias Ambassador at Large for Pakistan and South East Asia.

Sophia Mirza, 42, held a press conference after a major investigation published in The News and Geo revealed that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on instructions of Shehzad Akbar, former Accountability and Interior Minister of Imran Khan, targeted Umar Farooq Zahoor on a complaint by Sophia Mirza who filed a complaint against her former husband under the name of Khushbakht Mirza without revealing at any stage that she was actually the former wife of Umar Zahoor. The FIA went on to investigate and issue Interpol Red Arrest Warrants against Mr. Zahoor in three cases that were already closed due to lack of evidence including a case in which NAB had cleared him.

The twin teenagers have negated claims made by their mother Khushbakht Mirza (known in the showbiz industry as Sophia Mirza and Sofia Mirza) at the press conference, stressing that the model was holding media talks to gain publicity and win media sympathy.

Sofia Mirzas daughters said their mother came to Dubai multiple times in the last few years and despite being in constant contact with her daughters refused to meet them and ignored their requests to meet. We requested our mother to see us when in Dubai but she ignored us, did her modeling shoot, and went back. She appears on TV to level allegations that she is seeking to recover to run a campaign against our father. She doesnt care about us. She cares only about her image and her media publicity.

Zainab Umar and Zunairah Umar said they had chosen to live with their father in Dubai and were living with him happily and of their free will. Our mother is after money. She encouraged us to try open the safe, take passports and money and run away from home. Its selfish of her.

This publication also has a copy of a previously written affidavit provided by both sisters to the court, making serious allegations against their mother.

In the written affidavit, signed separately by both sisters but carrying the same statement, the twin sisters said they have been living happily with their father for over 12 years in Dubai.

They said their mother, rather than visiting them, resorted to social media platforms and for several years, she has been publicly uploading materials and making statements to indicate that her two daughters have been forcibly removed and kept by Umar Zahoor against their will.They said their mothers actions have ruined their peace of mind and had adversely affected our mental and psychological health since the media-related material is accessible to everyone.

Zainab Umar wrote: Me and my sister have faced extreme embarrassment and bullying at our schools and we were so distraught that our father has arranged for us to change our schools thrice to protect us from the effects of our mothers statements.

Zainab Umars affidavit reads: I wish to negate all the baseless allegations of my mother. We are leading a healthy, happy, peaceful and productive life here and our all needs including lodging, study, food, and entertainment are sufficiently met. Our father spends frequent time with us and we have and are residing with our father happily and wilfully.

One of the affidavits continued: Recently we have faced another wave of public humiliation by our mother (Ms. Khushbakat Mirza) when she has managed to get yellow warrants issued. Our father has tried to assure us of or well-being but me and my sister have withdrawn from our friends who inquire if we are kept hidden by our friend from our mother, I am tired of the humiliation and the backlash that I and my father have to encounter, I am tired of the humiliation and the backlash that we have to encounter. I am heartbroken after realising that our mother, despite being aware of our exact whereabouts since she sent us a couple of presents through mail, decided to use us as a pawn and told everyone that we need to be located. Me and my sister, when tormented by our mother, have confronted her and asked her why she would continue to shake our lives and peace. She has our contact numbers and address but yet lied and declared us missing without any regard of the torture it would inflict on both of us.

The affidavit added: I and my sister are scared of what we shall face if we are physically exposed to the real abuse that our mother has portrayed in her public statements. I hereby state that I wish to continue living with my father and do not wish to either meet or live with my mother since I dont wish any further disturbance and trauma inflicted upon me or my sister.

Both sisters offered in their affidavits that they were prepared to record their statements through Skype or any other electronic mode in order to ensure that they were making the statements without any coercion.

Court papers also reveal that Umar Farooq Zahoor has repeatedly offered to the court that he was willing to arrange the meeting of Ms. Khushbakht Mirza with daughters Zainab Umar and Zunairah Umar including bearing the cost of traveling and lodging of Ms. Khushbkaht Mirza during her visit and stay in the UAE.

In response to a court order of March 2013 by Pakistans Supreme Court, Umar Zahoor paid a hefty amount of Rs.10,00,000 to Ms. Khushbakht Mirza in order to financially assist her to travel to UAE and meet with her daughters.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the directions of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, also paid her a sum of 15000 AED as financial assistance for hiring a counsel of her own choice in UAE to contest the matter of custody of her daughters before the Courts in UAE but Sofia Mirza launched no case.

Sophia Mirza was contacted for a response but she didnt respond to the statements and allegations made by her twin daughters. However, she has previously maintained that her daughters were kidnapped from Pakistan by their father and that they are being held against their will in Dubai, and that they should be brought back to Pakistan.

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Daughters accuse Sophia Mirza of ruining their peace of mind for media publicity - Baaghi TV

Metal Gear Speedrunner Reveals He Faked Live World Record, Claims Its A Puzzle – Kotaku

In a week filled with fantastic live speedruns at Summer Games Done Quick 2022, a one-hour playthrough of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance still turned heads. Even more remarkable was the encore, unlocked through community donations: a frantic race through the games Blade Wolf DLC campaign which ended up setting a brand-new world record. Or at least it would have, had it been real. Instead, a few days later the speedrunner behind it confessed to having faked it using a pre-recorded video compiling his best times from previous runs.

Speedrunning culture is incredibly online, with players swapping strategies on forums, livestreaming their practice and world record attempts from all over the world, and later uploading the best times to record-keeping sites like Speedrun.com. One of the things that makes annual events like SGDQ special is that some of the most talented players behind all sorts of different games get to come together in person and showcase their craft live for fans and casual viewers alike. In this context breaking records is rare, and all the more special because of it. Substituting pre-recorded footage for live attempts, on the other hand, is sacrilege. But thats exactly what a speedrunner who goes by Mekarazium admits to doing last week.

The Blade Wolf DLC run incentive people paid for is a pre-recorded segmented run, the speedrunner told an SGDQ rep on Discord over the weekend. I havent mentioned it anywhere, neither during the submission process or the email that I sent to the committee. It was supposed to be a real-time run, but Ive changed my mind at the last second after switching the saves.

Mekarazium, who was streaming remotely for the event on June 30, pointed out a few of the differences between his NG+ Hard playthrough, which was live, and the bonus run which edited together multiple perfect partial runs of the DLC. For one, the Blade Wolf campaign playthrough didnt have any sounds from his keyboard and mouse. The checkpoints also didnt quite line up, and as PCGamesN reported, some viewers also noticed after the fact that the in-game camera was still moving at one point even after Mekarazium had removed his right hand from his mouse.

Ive done an actual bad thing and I shouldnt have done this on the event, he told GDQ.

But why he did it remains much harder to figure out. His SGDQ run ended with a rambling speech condemning leaderboards for monopolizing too much of the status and attention of speedrunning communities. He also seemed to want to make the case that more players should be focusing on exploring and crafting unique approaches to speedrunning rather than just chasing new world records.

I feel empty and deranged, denied one last epiphany and ushered from the stage, Mekarazium said near the end of his SGDQ appearance, quoting This Godless Endeavor from the 90s heavy metal band Nevermore.

As a result of the stunt, GDQ has removed Mekaraziums run from its YouTube channel and told Kotaku hes been banned from performing at the event in the future.

This is absolutely unacceptable and attempts to undermine the integrity of the speedrunning community that we love and support, a GDQ spokesman wrote in an email. The exact result they desired was unclear from the document, but it is clear that they believed we would not be willing to speak out about their behavior. However, we believe it is in the communitys best interests to know why this run was removed by GDQ.

In his original message to GDQ, and in a follow-up response to Kotaku, Mekarazium said he made the decision to switch to a pre-recorded segmented run in part because his NG+ speedrun of the base game had gone so well and he wanted to cap it off with an even more impressive showstopper. The following run had to be even higher in quality, which would become a grand finale, he said over Discord.

To unlock the Blade Wolf DLC run, SGDQ viewers had to collectively donate $25,000 to Doctors Without Borders during the speedrun of the base game, and so they did, with hundreds contributing. What they got in return was impressive in theorythe run came in at 6:55.7, a whopping 25 seconds below the previous world record set by Mekaraziumbut it wasnt the live performance they had paid for, unbeknownst to anyone in the audience at the time. They cheered. Mekarazium feigned surprise, saying holy shit when his time was announced.

Truth be told, that was a scummy thing to do, Mekarazium now says on the issue of tricking the people who had donated. But he doesnt seem to feel the same way about the rest of the stunt, instead claiming its deeper meaning is some sort of puzzle to solve.

This is a taunt, Mekarazium told Kotaku. [A] taunt to every single person that watches speedrunning events and havent asked yourself some questions. He criticized content makers for profiting off the work of speedrunners in exchange for free publicity, and GDC for putting its brand needs ahead of the communitys passion, saying the event will take a massive hit to their image for removing one of the highly-rated runs that was well-received by everyone.

People will focus on the fact omg he cheated, and not on the sheer amount of preparations done to ensure [the] run will go well, and the segmented run will go unnoticed.

Mekaraziums explanation only got more cryptic from there. If you want to see some things change, theres always [a] price to pay, he said. I am paying with my reputation of a marathon runner, a speedrunner, a commentator and a very passionate person to make others think about the things youre ready to do in the name of said passion. So that others might change their opinion on the speedrunning as a whole. He declined to elaborate further.

The speedrunner admitted he was also sleep-deprived at the time of his performance, due to scheduling delays. Whatever his true motivations, he seemed to know his antics would eventually come to light and get him banned back when the credits rolled last week. We wont be meeting again I think, some people just want to watch this world burn, Mekarazium said at the end of his SGDQ appearance. Good night, there will be more godless nights.

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Metal Gear Speedrunner Reveals He Faked Live World Record, Claims Its A Puzzle - Kotaku

Cardi B’s Son Could Win ANY Staring Contest With These Gorgeous Eyes! – The Blast

When rapper Cardi B had her second child Wave, she refrained from sharing his pictures and other personal details for the longest of times, and for good reason.

Thankfully, the WAP singer is over that now; shes taken to posting pictures of her son and showing him off at any given opportunity.

Cardi B has also been posting adorable pictures of her son on Instagram for every milestone he attains, and it was no exception for his tenth month birthday.

The rapper spent the 4th of July holiday uploading cute pictures of her son to celebrate him turning ten months old.

Read on for more details of the information.

On July 4, 2022, the 29-year-old rapper took to her Instagram to share pictures of her son, Wave Set, who recently turned ten months.

The snapshots featured Wave posing for the camera while donning a cute blue and white knit hat and a white onesie. CardiB also included pictures where he crawled and played up to the camera, but this time, it was in a pair of denim jeans.

Happy 10-month BIG WAVE, she captioned the pictures.

The Up singer also posted a short video on her Instagram story of her holding Wave as they both stepped out for some fresh air. She wore simple make-up and donned a white top as she held her son in the video.

Although she didnt add any caption to the reel, it was obvious that the pair were enjoying mother-son bonding time.

Last month, the singer posted several images of her son, marveling at how rapidly he had developed.

My baby is growing too fast on me, she wrote on June 4.

He donned an all-blue ensemble with a chain on his neck in the pictures. He was also featured lying down and sucking his thumb.

The rapper delighted fans when she announced the arrival of her son in September 2021. But she left them confused as she refused to reveal the name and other personal details.

However, she has since confirmed that she and her husband Offset had a good reason for keeping their son out of the spotlight.

CardiB mentioned in an interview that she decided to keep her sons identity private to protect him from internet trolls.

She shared that her family received a lot of cyber attacks and hate after they announced Kultures details publicly. As a result, they kept Waves identity from the public as long as possible to prevent giving the trolls anything to use.

We went through a lot of sad things when it comes to Kultureterrible behavior that not even the older kids have ever been through, Cardi shared withEssence, referencing Offsets three other children.

So many people will post mean, disgusting things just to get a reaction from us, and we get very angry and upset.

In the same interview, the rapper spoke about her relationship with Offsets other children, claiming she loves them like her own children.

I feel like sometimes people go into a relationship with a man or a woman who has kids with negativityand I feel like people should embrace it and love it. I love our family and wouldnt want it any other way.

Offset also confirmed her sentiments, adding that CardiB was a great mother to all his children, including his stepkids.

Its a blessing to be able to have them all together and to have a wife whos open and treats them as if theyre her kids,

While Kulture and Wave might live in mansions and get a lot of expensive toys and clothes, their parents plan to instill humility in them. The pair intend to raise their kids to appreciate what they have and understand that nothing comes for free.

We still teach our kids like normal parents, Offset shared in the interview withEssence. Ive never told my daughter shes a celebrity. I want her to have the mind of a working person. I always tell my kids how hard I worked, how many years I put in to be in a position where everything is good.

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Cardi B's Son Could Win ANY Staring Contest With These Gorgeous Eyes! - The Blast

Arsenal: 4 big hopes in the quest for a top four place – Pain In The Arsenal

Arsenal: 4 big hopes in the quest for a Premier League top four place as there are elements of the run-in that are beyond the Gunners control. (Photo by James Williamson AMA/Getty Images)

Arsenal are where they are on merit. Theyve warranted being in this position as, to date, theyve been the fourth best side in the Premier League. Thats generally how tables work.

Some sides may scrape their way into certain places with luck on their side, and others may drop down the table because theyve been rocked by injuries. But nevertheless, come the final day of the campaign, where you end up is more often than not where you deserve to be.

That doesnt mean everything is within your control, however. It was out of Arsenals hands that Bruno Fernandes hilariously missed his penalty in the 3-1 win over Manchester United. Just as it was beyond the Gunners control when Fraser Forster turned into Gianluigi Buffon for an afternoon.

Improvements across the team and its individuals have made Champions League football a possibility, one that is up to five matches away from being determined. Arsenal can only control their results in the run-in, with all else being left to hope.

As Mikel Artetas men bid for their first taste of elite European competition for five seasons, they have their own destiny firmly in their hands. Win their games, or just match Spurs results, and it is theirs.

What about the other elements? Forget about that which they can determine, what is it that they cant control that comes down to a bit of simple bit of hope?

Mohamed Elneny has been outstanding over the past two fixtures, turning the clocks back to 2016 with his double pivot partnership alongside Granit Xhaka crucial in the securing of the six most recent points.

Naturally contract talks emerge as a result, and that hes the best thing since sliced bread. For the moment, he sort of is. But that doesnt mean Thomas Partey wouldnt have the red carpet rolled out for him as soon as hes back up and running.

And he quite literally is running.

Uploading himself on the treadmill at London Colney, while the footage is reassuring there is no knowing whether or not this is part of the pre-planned training regime or whether hes ahead of schedule. What we do know, however, is that Arteta loves to play mind games when it comes to player availability and the absence of a time frame on his initial injury (despite the manager hinting his season was over) could be with some hope of a quicker-than-expected return.

Partey, back for the north London derby? We can dream. Charles Watts said Parteys people havent ruled it out.

The problem is that it might just be a dream. The gods of healing may look down favourably on the Gunners or it could be that the Ghanaian really is out for the season. Hope springs eternal, eh?

Continued on next page

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Arsenal: 4 big hopes in the quest for a top four place - Pain In The Arsenal

What do you need to know about NFT today to improve your business tomorrow? – Business Review – Business Review

In our modern world, in order to build a successful business, it is very important to follow all the innovations in the market. Of course, the NFT field attracts more and more investors every day! Moreover, the new digital NFT marketplace appears almost every week. In this article, we will look and understand the uniqueness of such a phenomenon as NFT, why it has become so popular and how you can implement NFT in your life. It will definitely change your mind about digital currency and open new horizons for your investments.

We are convinced that somewhere deep down, many readers want to make their own NFT, spending a few dollars to sell it for tens (and perhaps hundreds) thousands of US dollars. Firstly, you need to understand what NFT is.

NFT (non-fungible token) can be considered a special type of cryptocurrency, each token (a piece of art) is unique and cannot be replaced by another. People usually buy NFT for the same purpose as paintings by artists, expensive collectibles and other art objects. However, unlike them, NFT exists in the digital space on marketplaces like Sandmilk, it makes this art object not only unique but also innovative.

First of all, you should know that you can offer NFT to your clients or sell NFT. It all depends on what you want to use non-fungible tokens for.

Different companies use NFT for different purposes, such as:

There is no doubt that creating an NFT in 2022 will allow your company to innovate and improve the customer experience by implementing a unique loyalty program. NFT tokens are already helping many companies create greater connections with the consumers of their products or services by working with a unique digital object.

Lets take a look at this process in more detail. First, your brand can give away NFT objects through social media contests or offer NFT to your most loyal customers as a thank you. Then the owners of these NFTs will be able, for example, to access private sales, VIP events or even exclusive video content (created by our audiovisual production, of course).

These benefits associated with owning an NFT can tangibly enhance brand awareness beyond its regular customers.

From this example, we can understand that when you work with NFT, you have some kind of key offered by the brand. As you know this key allows you to enter the house to discover its interior. Without this key: you stay outside.

If your company or your brand sells products, creating digital copies of real collections or special goods of the metaverse in the form of NFTs can be a good way to enter a new and growing digital market (metaverses and virtual worlds) and grow in this sphere. This is a place where NFT and the metaverse go really closely.

Even more, a company can encourage its departments to create content and buzz for the brand. The company can offer NFT to those who leave the best reviews, product video reviews or articles about the companys products. It creates a ripple effect as more content is created as the company releases new NFTs, tailored to specific aspects of the brand, campaigns or other special events.

This way, a company that enters the NFT market in 2022 provides itself with a great competitive advantage, develops a unique customer experience and strengthens its loyalty program. Moreover, your brand will have an avant-garde image and will establish itself in a new vibrant virtual market.

As you already understood, selling tokens can be a good way to make money. Platforms like Sandmilk are there to make it easy and fast for you. Although first you need to work on creating a crypto wallet. Crypto wallet will help you in creating an account on the digital NFT marketplace, but be careful about the compatibility of your wallet and platform. Its really important to avoid difficulties.

The second step will be to create an NFT using customized software. Then you can upload your token to the platform and become an NFT seller.

It should be noted that marketplaces are responsible for tokenization, that is, keeping a copy of the file that you want to sell on the blockchain. Given the many forms that NFTs can take, many formats are supported by the markets (PNG, SVG, GIF, MP3, MP4, etc.). After uploading your work, you can choose a title and description for it.

Be sure to choose the most suitable market, depending on the type of NFT you want to sell. The fees that are charged from your sales may vary depending on the trading platforms, as well as the price of the cryptocurrency.

There are several ways to sell tokens online. For example, you can sell NFTs through an auction, which is one of the most common ways to sell. You can also sell instantly, just like in a physical store. After the sale, your NFT goes into the collection of the buyer, who can keep or resell it.

Lets summarize all the information. We can say without any doubt that NFT is an opportunity to offer your clients something unique in exchange for their ideas, it will definitely build loyalty. Instead of relying on traditional methods of gathering consumer feedback or generating brand interest, NFTs create an object that consumers can own and appreciate as the brand evolves.

Companies that leverage the power of NFT are demonstrating that their brands are using the latest technology to build direct relationships with consumers, collect first-hand data, and deliver on promises of consumer loyalty. Of course, the oil and gas market is a new direction in business. However, many companies have already succeeded in this area. It remains innovative and trendy.


What do you need to know about NFT today to improve your business tomorrow? - Business Review - Business Review

EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Arbroath TikToker having a world-wide impact – Tay FM

Josh Donaldson, known as Earthdrop on the app, has over 1.4 million followers

Arbroath TikToker Josh Donaldson has gained a following of over 1.4 million people by posting videos of his river cleans and other nature efforts on the app.

Alongside a following of over a million people, Josh, known as Earthdrop on the app, has received over 9.4 million likes on his river cleaning content.

The 31-year-old's hobby turned internet sensation first started thanks to a walk with his family.

Josh said: "I took my daughter and partner out on a walk and we stumbled upon a lovely little ravine, loads of plants, really really nice. But, there was a lot of rubbish. TV's, skips, all kinds of stuff that had just been thrown off the top of the dam.

"It kind of just sat wrong with me. I'd never done anything like it in my life but I decided to nip down in the car and pick up a few bits. Once I picked up them up I found more and found more and more and it just kept going."

Originally, Josh used his account as a mental health support page and after hitting 15,000 followers he was encouraged by his viewers to post his cleaning efforts. He said: "I posted one of the videos and it went nuts."

"One of them hit, I think it's on 20 million views and three and a half million likes, or something like that. That was about the turning point for the TikTok and that's where I mostly started uploading this stuff."

People duet me with them tidying up their own places in like Australia, America and Canada.

Since he started his project over a year ago, Josh feels he's starting to see a difference in a spot near Glamis where he's spent a lot of time cleaning.

He said: "When I first arrived there was very little life there at all. There was nothing in the water. There was very little in the way of birds. Since then, I've up squirrel boxes and there's now red squirrels appearing. There's robins appearing, there's finches appearing, there's frogs and toads and things."

After spending so much time with his cleaning efforts, he told us the most common item found on his river cleans.

Josh said: "Plastic shopping bags and they take just about the longest time to degrade. I've found things under the water that I reckon could've been there since the 70s and they look like they've been put there a month or two ago.

When I first arrived there was very little life there at all. There was nothing in the water . There was very little in the way of birds.

"Plastic bags are primarily the biggest problem because they get caught on anything. I've seen dead fish in them and things like that and it's just the worst thing for aquatic life."

Since Josh started sharing his cleaning efforts on TikTok, he's been blown away as people all across the world have been inspired to do the same. He said: "I take a great deal now from the fact that people duet me with them tidying up their own places in like Australia, America and Canada.

"The fact that these people are tidying up their own places then crediting me with having done it means it wouldn't have been done beforehand. This is what my partner said, she's like you've effectively contributed to cleaning up different parts of the planet from standing in Arbroath which blows my mind."

You can watch more of Josh's videos here.

EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Arbroath TikToker having a world-wide impact

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EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Arbroath TikToker having a world-wide impact - Tay FM

How to edit video for Instagram: quick tips for Stories, Reels and Posts – Creative Bloq

If you want to edit video for Instagram, you have a number of options for doing so. However, the first thing to establish is what kind of video youre planning to post. Instagram has taken a while to figure out its video offering, and you currently have a few options for where and how you can post videos.

Currently on Instagram you have three main methods of posting videos Stories, main feed posts and Reels. Until recently there was also the long-form IGTV app, however Instagrams parent company Meta announced that it would be shutting down IGTV as of March 2022, due to lack of interest and a desire to simplify the platforms video offering. So, for now, these three it is. (Well, you can also go Live, but since were talking editing here well leave that alone for now).

In this guide, well take you through each type of video you can post on Instagram, explain the requirements and how best to edit and optimise your videos for each one.

For more powerful video editing options, check out our guide to the best video editing software, as well as the best free video editing software if youre on an extremely tight budget. Also, bearing in mind that Instagram works best when youre using your phone, our guide to the best video editing apps might also be helpful.

The easiest way to get started posting your video on Instagram is to hit the + symbol at the top right of the screen. This will take you to the menu where you can select what type of content you want to post. The top three options will be Post, Reel and Story. Select which one you want to post, and you'll be taken directly to the editing and uploading interface.

So, let's look at each one in turn.

An Instagram feed post is the simplest way to share a video. The in-app editing functionality here is quite limited, meaning that if you simply want to share a video on your feed, you may want to edit it beforehand in a separate app or program. Here are the key things to remember.

Set the dimensions: You can post a video in Instagrams traditional square format, or in the dimensions it was originally shot. When selecting your clip from your gallery, click the two-arrows icon on the bottom left to toggle between these options.

Remember the time limit: Youve got a maximum of 60 seconds when posting video clips to your Instagram feed.

Trim and add filters: In-app, you can use the uploader to trim your video clip, or to add one of Instagrams famous filters (though they are a bit pass these days). If you want to add music, text or effects, youre best off either doing it beforehand or using either Reels or Stories, as the post editor doesn't offer this functionality.

Instagram Stories are short, ephemeral photos and videos that show up at the top of a users feed, and disappear after 24 hours. Originally introduced to compete with Snapchat, Stories have since become a key part of the Instagram experience. Here are some tips for editing Instagram Stories.

Think in 15 seconds: An individual Instagram Story is 15 seconds long. If you upload a longer video, itll automatically be split into multiple stories, but this can make for a disjointed experience for the viewer. You can individually select parts and remove them to isolate a 15-second section, but the breaks may not be where you want them. Its best to plan in advance and trim your clips to 15 seconds or less before upload your phones native video app will likely be able to handle this.

Stay vertical: Instagram Stories are almost exclusively viewed full-screen on a phone display, so portrait format dimensions (1080 by 1920 px) are what you need to be thinking in. If you do have video thats a different orientation, you can always zoom in manually in the interface like you would with a photo, but remember that this will have an impact on the quality.

Remember what you can do in the app: The Instagram app makes it easy to add simple things to your Stories. You can overlay text, add music (the app links up with Spotify), rotate video, zoom in, move the video around the canvas, add a background, overlay photos from your gallery, and more. If you have simple tasks like these in mind, the easiest thing to do is probably handling it in-app.

and what you cant: The Stories interface isnt much for colour correction. There are Instagrams well-known filters named after cities, which you can access by swiping left or right in the Stories interface, but honestly these are pretty lame. For simple colour correction or stylish presets, youre best off looking into an app like Adobe Premiere Rush.

For more on Stories, see our Instagram Story tips guide.

What Stories were to Snapchat, Instagram Reels are to TikTok. These are short clips that can be posted to the main feed, or continually scrolled through just like TikToks.

Create in-app if possible: You can add pre-recorded clips to a Reel by tapping the camera roll icon at the bottom left, but unlike TikToks, Reels dont let you add many effects to these clips. You can add text, stickers and music in a similar interface to Stories, but the more advanced stuff is fenced off unless youre shooting in-app. Simply tap the centre button to start recording, or use the clock icon to start a recording timer.

Set the length: Reels can be set to 15, 30 or 60 seconds they dont have to be exactly these prescribed lengths, but they cannot exceed them.

Use transitions: In the Effects panel (accessed by tapping the stars icon), you can find some useful Transitions to get you from one clip to another. These include effects like Warp (whip between clips when you turn your head left or right), Spin (trigger a spinning transition by tilting your head), Zoom (tap a section of the frame to transition by zooming in on that area) and more. They can be really handy for stitching clips together smoothly.

Save effects: The effects interface on Reels is a big sprawling mess. If you find an editing effect you like, save it using the bookmark icon so that you can easily access it again.

Align your clips: Once youve added your first clip, youll notice a new icon on the left-hand menu bar. This is the Align tool selecting it will bring up a ghost overlay of the end of your previous clip, which you can then align the next shot to. This is useful for smoothly transitioning between clips.

Want to know more about Reels? Check out our full beginner's guide to Instagram Reels for more tips.

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How to edit video for Instagram: quick tips for Stories, Reels and Posts - Creative Bloq

Shad Talks TAO Tour, the Problem With Genius, and His q’ Departure – Complex

TAO is an apt title for Shads latest album. Thats because few of his showbiz peers are equally enlightened. Ahead of the 22-date TAO tour (kicking off April 29) the rapper not only discussed spitting lauded and timely rhymes about gig economy gauges and addictive tech for that LP. And he didnt just look back on being part of the Peabody-winning docu-series Hip-Hop Evolution, or consulting on the ambitious upcoming Black Life: A Canadian History. He also gave zen-likenot to mention rarecomments about his tumultuous 2016 exit from CBCs flagship arts program q.

Whats more: the MC also told us about letting such yin and yang fall out of harmony while (very hilariously) standing his ground against one of the most (perhaps misguidedly) popular platforms in music. To paraphrase Shad belowthere are times for Taoism, but sometimes rappers are better served by The Art of War.

Youve been praised for rapping outside your sonic comfort zone on the TAO favorites Slot Machines and Work. One overlooked track: Body (No reason). Its bedrock-hard beat changed my idea of what a typically jazzy Shad song could be.Well, I love music that has an excitement to it. And that can be of any genre. Dom Dias, whos done a lot of different work with a lot of people, sent me that beat. And I quickly told him, Its dope, let me rock on this one. Especially when I think of a full-length album, I love making the track list dynamic and full of surprises.

I wanted it to feel exciting, not just in the lyrics but also have an up energy in the vocal delivery. So a lot of the bars are just train of thought, me going in on this hard beat. But also making sure I touch on real things, especially the threads throughout the album about technology and what that does to our relationships with each other and ourselves.

What are some of your favourite lyrics on that song?There are some bars in there about a specific situation I had with genius.com where, I think I said it better in the lyrics than I can in conversation, but it was a strange, convoluted situation. How can I explain this clearly? I love the idea of a fan community around lyrics. Like, I love that. And I love fans uploading lyrics to Genius, and annotating, and all that.

But what I dont like is the site itself, the company, promoting that its an official source. And making money off of that. Because its not official. Its a fan community site. I think, in an insidious and disingenuous way, they try to pass themselves off as an official source. And one way they try to do that is verifying artists in this fabricated clout system.

They wanted to verify me, and I said, I dont want to be verified. And Im not going to work for you for free to correct my song lyrics on your site, so that you can promote yourself as an official source. At least get the lyrics right. Youre a lyrics site! At least invest in that.

So I touched on that in the song.

That went over my head as a listener. But Im so excited to hear that Shad beefed with Genius.[Laughs] It wasnt even beef! Its a parasitic business model. You want artists to do free labour for this system of clout, that you invented. In order to, you know, make all this revenue. It seems very [pauses] shady. So I asked to be unverified. And after a long time, they complied.

How did that feel in the end?You know, its one of those things where you think: What did that accomplish? And the truth is: probably not very much. But on principal, I was like, Yeah, I have to do that. And whatever, its not a big deal. But it is emblematic of Internet culture, and Internet business, where people are trying to get rich quicker, without actually caring about their work.

That makes me think of your song Work, where you rap suckers work for money. You should make your money work for you. What made you want to write about labor?I knew I wanted to make a song about work. So I sat down with Skratch Bastid, who Ive collaborated with a bunch before. And I pulled up this drum break by this Vancouver prog group called We Are the City.And Bastid was really into it. Again, like Body, its a very different track than what Ive been on before. But it was really fun to put together, because it was a mix of a couple of different influences. It has this prog, industrial element. And it has a very 80s, Rick Rubin production side that Bastid and I are fans of as well, but that I havent dabbled in much. So it was cool to try and figure that mix out. That sound made me think it was the song I was going to write about work to. And those lines almost wrote themselves.

It sounds clich but: music has given me so much. Ive learned how to work hard. How to persevere. How to be more courageous. How to be more myself. Its given me everything.

What challenges lie in changing your sound on these new songs, and then bringing that fresh dynamic to the stage for your upcoming tour?The real challenge is putting the new songs beside some of the older ones people will want to hear, so that the set list will make sense. Thats something Ill have to puzzle out. But Im pretty excited to play these new songs, and be in a room with the fans again. Normally, Im more nervous before a tour, in a healthy way. You should have a healthy respect for what you do, and that should make you prepared. But its been so long since Ive been out on the road to play for my fans thats overriding the nerves this time.

Youve worked on plenty of things since being on the road last time. One upcoming project is Black Life: A Canadian History, which you talked a bit about during another recent interview. Can you tell us why its exciting, and why it has the potential to be meaningful?Theres not a lot I can say about the specifics of what it will be. It hasnt been filmed yet. But its an eight-part documentary series about Black history in Canada. Its exciting because theres never been anything on that scale, on that topic before. So its really going to be something else, at least thats the hope and plan. Theres a lot invested in it. Itll cover three or four hundred years of Canadian Black history in one series. And they are making it with an eye toward being an educational resource. But also ensuring its beautiful and artistic. Its got some pretty huge ambition. And Im pretty comfortable with how its going to play out. The plan is for it to come out sometime next year.

And has that process helped you learn some exciting things about Black Canadian figures, that you might not have known otherwise?Ive looked at some treatments so far. My role is as a creative consultant, to give some feedback to the producers and directors. The first episode I read about is about slavery. And that was really illuminating. Because we dont learn a lot about the history on our soil, and Canadas relationship to the slave trade globally. I learned so much reading through that treatment. And I think its going to be pretty mind-blowing for Canadians. And I think the plan is for that to be the first episode.

That subject matter will be interesting, considering how holier than thou some Canadians can be when comparing ourselves to the States, despite recent news. How does it feel to be a part of something thats taking such a much-needed harder look?I think it will give a complete picture. Theres the narratives that we got growing up, in our society. They may be truthful, but not the whole truth. Or in some cases they are total distortions. But I think the doc will bring to light some issues that were not often taught. Like when I was reading in the treatment, I didnt know 80 percent of the stuff I was reading. The research is so good that it brings the stories out in individual cases. Not just statistics, but real Canadian Black people and families and their stories. As we all know, family stories are complicated. Migration stories are complicated. Many Black Canadians at that time mightve come to Canada, then mightve gone back to the States. We have a narrative here that Canada was a safe haven. And some of that may be true. But there were a lot of people that went south looking for freedom, because conditions were difficult for Black Canadians. All that to say: it will give a more complete picture of our history.

I cant wait to see it. It sounds like youre at an interesting place, having lots of successful projects on the go. It makes me think about your career arc.I remember being excited to hear you host q. You got Norm MacDonaldto open up like few have. Later, I had a lot of empathy, because it seemed both challenging and like you were getting a lot of criticism. When Hip-Hop Evolution got the Peabody, did you feel any sense of triumph?Ive always been fortunate to have interesting stuff to work on. With q, obviously I was let go. But I enjoyed it. And I found the work to be meaningful, and I had a good time doing it. And with Hip-Hop Evolution, same thing. I feel lucky to have, and continue to have, purposeful work. And Im also thankful for the lessons. Through q, and Hip-Hop Evolution, and TAO, and the album before it, A Short Story About A War, I feel throughout my career, even before that, I feel like Ive learned so much. It sounds clich but: music has given me so much. Ive learned how to work hard. How to persevere. How to be more courageous. How to be more myself. Its given me everything.

It looks a little bit different to me from the insideless like peaks and valleys and more like this continuous, I dont know, this continuous magical journey. Im sounding really cliched! But thats how it feels, from when I first started making music, like Im embarking on this wild ride thats teaching me everything I know.

Thats a very wise way to look at things. Can it be challenging to have that perspective after being let go from q, for example? Or are there other sources of support to maintain that upbeat perspective?Ive always been fortunate to have really good people and relationships. And a pretty strong spiritual foundation. All that gives me perspective, throughout the successes and failures, on what I am ultimately trying to do. That doesnt change. And what I mean by that, with my music or q, or Hip-Hop Evolution, my goal is always the same: be true to the work, and try to make a contribution.

Read more:

Shad Talks TAO Tour, the Problem With Genius, and His q' Departure - Complex

Youve Been a Huge Inspiration for Me Emma Raducanu Is Ecstatic After a Huge Surprise From a Grand Slam Champion Celebrating Her Laureus Award -…

Emma Raducanu wins the 2022 Laureus World Breakthrough of the Year Award. The 19-year-0ld lived one of the biggest dreams of her career in 2021. To everyones surprise, she won the 2021 US Open. Winning the title, she wrote her name in the history books by becoming the first qualifier to go ahead and win the womens singles crown at a Grand Slam.


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The win in no time made Raducanu one of the most looked upon young players in womens tennis. Keeping her breakthrough performance in mind, Raducanu was honored with the prestigious award.


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The Laureus World Breakthrough of the Year Award honors players who have just started climbing the ladder of success. The award recognizes players who have achieved a big milestone in their formative time. Raducanu was no different. The current World No. 11 proved to be the most deserving winner for the award with her title-winning performance at the 2021 US Open.

Honoring Raducanu with the award, the Laureus Award took to their Instagram handle, uploading a post. The post featured Raducanu holding the award, giving an acceptance message. In the message, she expressed her thankful gratitude towards the Laureus Academy. She also asserted that she still has a lot of work to do.

She said, Thank you so much to the Laureus Academy for voting. It means so much to receive this award and I really want to congratulate my other nominees. I feel like its been a really great year for me but Ive still got a lot of work to do. Thank you very much

The celebrations werent over yet. Going further in the video, Raducanu received a special message from one of her career inspirations, Li Na. The Chinese grace became a member of the Laureus Academy in 2016 at Paris. Since then, she along with 59 other members have been voting every year to pick the best sporting talents.


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With Raducanu winning the Breakthrough award this year, Li Na extended her wishes to the Brit player. She said, Hey Emma, Li Na here to say congratulations. Im happy as a member of the academy that my colleagues and I have chosen you as the winner of the Laureus Breakthrough of the year.

Just like many other young players, Li Na has been an inspiration for Raducanu as well. Receiving a congratulatory message from Li herself undoubtedly left Emma speechless. Replying to Lis message, Raducanu said, Wow! Thank you so much Li Na. It means a lot to get this message from you. Youve been a huge inspiration to me all of my career. I remember watching you. So thank you so much.


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On the tennis front, Raducanu is currently trying her hands on the clay-court season. She kicked off her clay-court tour campaign with a quarterfinal loss at the Stuttgart Open. She will next appear at the Madrid Open scheduled to start on 28th April.

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Youve Been a Huge Inspiration for Me Emma Raducanu Is Ecstatic After a Huge Surprise From a Grand Slam Champion Celebrating Her Laureus Award -...

WATCH: Eugenie Bouchard Shares a Hilarious Video of Justin Timberlake While Attending the 8AM Golf Event – EssentiallySports

Eugenie Bouchard has been out of the professional circuit for more than a year now. However, even though she had been out of the tour, it hasnt stopped her from enjoying her time off-court. Over the gone-by weekend, the 28-year-old was in Las Vegas. She was there to attend the 8AM Golf Invitational hosted by American actor Justin Timberlake.


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The event was a celebrity-studded affair, having the whos who of the sports world. Attending the event, Eugenie gave a glimpse of the same through an Instagram post. While enjoying the celebrations, Bouchard shared a hilarious moment during the celebrations on her Instagram story.


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Giving a glimpse of the ceremony, Bouchard took to his Instagram, uploading a story. The story was a reshare of Golf presenter and Miss America 2015, Kira Kazantsev Dixon. The story featured Kira, Eugenie, former LPGA tour player Jeehae Lee, current LPGA Tour player Michelle Wie West, and the 8AM Golf Head of Brand, Ashley Mayo.

The women were posing for the camera when the event host Justin Timberlake jumped in, photobombing the girls. Kira shared the video on her Instagram story, captioning it OK but JT (Justin Timberlake) were trying to take a girls pic here.

Having a laugh, Bouchard went on resharing the story on her account while captioning it with some laughing emojis.

Following the story, a few hours back, Bouchard put up an Instagram post, giving a sneak peek at the girls day at the golf course. The post was a collection of visuals featuring Bouchard, Michelle Wie West, Kira Dixon, Jeehae Lee, along with American actor Chace Crawford, and actress Kathryn Newton. She captioned the post, Golf Course Files.


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Eugenie Bouchard has been out of the tour for more than a year now. She last played at the 2021 Monterrey Open, suffering a first-round loss. Post the loss she revealed about her tore subscapularis in her right shoulder. Undergoing surgery in June 2021, she was forced to stay out of the remaining season.

After much patience, the former World No. 5 recently entered the court to start her comeback training. Furthermore, a few weeks ago, she also played a few exhibition matches with Alison Riske and Sofia Kenin. Keeping the two factors in mind, it wouldnt be wrong to say that fans can expect a comeback announcement by Bouchard anytime soon.


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WATCH: Eugenie Bouchard Shares a Hilarious Video of Justin Timberlake While Attending the 8AM Golf Event - EssentiallySports