Neuroscientists devise scheme for mind-uploading centuries …

Representative electron micrograph of white matter region in cryopreserved pig brain (credit: Brain Preservation Foundation)

In a scenario (almost) right out of the show Altered Carbon, two researchers Robert McIntyre, an MIT graduate, and Gregory M. Fahy, PhD., 21st Century Medicine (21CM) Chief Scientific Officer, have developed a method for scanning a preserved brains connectome (the 150 trillion microscopic synaptic connections presumed to encode all of a persons knowledge).

That data could possibly be used, centuries later, to reconstruct a whole-brain emulation uploading your mind into a computer or Avatar-style robotic, virtual, or synthetic body, McIntyre and others suggest.

According to MIT Technology Review,McIntyre has formed a startup company calledNectome that has won a large NIH grant for creating technologies to enable whole-brain nanoscale preservation and imaging.

McIntyre is also collaborating with Edward Boyden, PhD., a top neuroscientist at MIT and inventor of a new expansion microscopy technique (to achieve super-resolution with ordinary confocal microscopes), as KurzweilAI recently reported. The technique also causes brain tissue to swell, making it more accessible.

Preserving brain information patterns, not biological function

Unlike cryonics (freezing people or heads for future revival), the researchers did not intend to revive a pig or pig brain (or human, in the future). Instead, the idea is to develop a bridge to future mind-uploading technology by preserving the information content of the brain, as encoded within the frozen connectome.

Images of ASC-preserved pig brain dissection. (credit: Brain Preservation Foundation)

The first step in the ASC procedure is to perfuse the brains vascular system with the toxic fixative glutaraldehyde (typically used as an embalming fluid but also used by neuroscientists to prepare brain tissue for the highest resolution electron microscopic and immunofluorescent examination). That instantly halts metabolic processes by covalently crosslinking the brains proteins in place, leading to death (by contemporary standards). The brain is then quickly stored at -130 degrees C, stopping all further decay.

The method, tested on a pigs brain, led to 21st Century Medicine (21CM), lead researcher McIntyre, and senior author Fahy winning the $80,000 Large Mammal Brain Preservation Prize offered by the Brain Preservation Foundation (BPF), announced March 13.

To accomplish this, McIntyres team scaled up the same procedure they used to previously preserve a rabbit brain, for which theywon the BPFs Small Mammal Prize in February 2016, as KurzweilAI has reported. That research was judged by neuroscientist Ken Hayworth, PhD., President of the Brain Preservation Foundation,and noted connectome researcher Prof.Sebastian Seung, PhD., Princeton Neuroscience Institute.


However, BRF warns that this single prize-winning laboratory demonstration is insufficient to address the types of quality control measures that should be expected of any procedure that would be applied to humans. Hayworth outlines here his position on a required medical procedure and associated quality control protocol, prior to any such offering.

The ASC method, if verified by science, raises serious ethical, legal, and medical questions. For example:

It may take decades or even centuries to develop the technology to upload minds if it is even possible at all, says the BPF press release. ASC would enable patients to safely wait out those centuries. For now, neuroscience is actively exploring the plausibility of mind uploading through ongoing studies ofthe physical basis of memory, and through development oflarge-scale neural simulationsandtools to map connectomes.

Interested? Nectome has a $10,000 (refundable) wait list.

* Nectome has consulted with lawyers familiar with Californias two-year-old End of Life Option Act, which permits doctor-assisted suicide for terminal patients, and believes its service will be legal. MIT Technology Review

Brain Preservation Foundation | ASC Pig Block1 Section1 16nm

Kenneth Hayworth | Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation is Cryonics for Uploaders

We describe here a new cryobiological and neurobiological technique, aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation (ASC), which demonstrates the relevance and utility of advanced cryopreservation science for the neurobiological research community. ASC is a new brain-banking technique designed to facilitate neuroanatomic research such as connectomics research, and has the unique ability to combine stable long term ice-free sample storage with excellent anatomical resolution. To demonstrate the feasibility of ASC, we perfuse-fixed rabbit and pig brains with a glutaraldehyde-based fixative, then slowly perfused increasing concentrations of ethylene glycol over several hours in a manner similar to techniques used for whole organ cryopreservation. Once 65% w/v ethylene glycol was reached, we vitrified brains at135C for indefinite long-term storage. Vitrified brains were rewarmed and the cryoprotectant removed either by perfusion or gradual diffusion from brain slices. We evaluated ASC-processed brains by electron microscopy of multiple regions across the whole brain and by Focused Ion Beam Milling and Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) imaging of selected brain volumes. Preservation was uniformly excellent: processes were easily traceable and synapses were crisp in both species. Aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation has many advantages over other brain-banking techniques: chemicals are delivered via perfusion, which enables easy scaling to brains of any size; vitrification ensures that the ultrastructure of the brain will not degrade even over very long storage times; and the cryoprotectant can be removed, yielding a perfusable aldehyde-preserved brain which is suitable for a wide variety of brain assays.

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Neuroscientists devise scheme for mind-uploading centuries ...

New Brain Preservation Technique Could Be a Path to Mind …

An electron micrograph of the white matter region in an ASC-preserved region of a pigs brain. Photo: Brain Preservation Foundation

Using a technique developed three years ago, researchers from MIT and 21st Century Medicine have shown that its possible to preserve the microscopic structures contained within a large mammalian brain. The breakthrough means scientists now have the means to store and study samples of the human brain over longer timescalesbut the method could eventually, maybe, be used to resurrect the dead.

Back in 2015, we reported on how the same team, led by Robert McIntyre from MIT and Greg Fahy from 21st Century Medicine, was awarded the $26,735 Small Mammal Brain Preservation Prize, which is run by the Brain Preservation Foundation (BPF), a not-for-profit with the goal of furthering research in brain preservation.

Researchers from 21st Century Medicine have developed a new technique to allow long term storage of

In this case, the small mammal brain belonged to a rabbit, but a scaled-up version of the same technique has now been used to preserve a pigs brain, an accomplishment that has earned the teamyou guessed itthe BPFs Large Mammal Brain Preservation Prize, which carries a purse of $80,000.

Sounds like an incremental improvement, but this latest step opens the door to human-specific medical applications, like the ability to study 3D sections of the human brain in exquisite detail. More conceptually, the technique could be used for long-term human biostasis. And in fact, McIntyre is now running with this possibility, and has cofounded a new company called Nectome with this stated mission:

to preserve your brain well enough to keep all its memories intact: from that great chapter of your favorite book to the feeling of cold winter air, baking an apple pie, or having dinner with your friends and family. We believe that within the current century it will be feasible to digitize this information and use it to recreate your consciousness.

Were still a long way from uploading our brains into a computer (something that may never happen), but if it ever becomes a reality, we may look back on pioneering efforts such as these. As the BPF stated in an accompanying press release, this brain preservation technique, called Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation (ASC), would enable patientsthat is, preserved brains in cryostorageto safely wait out those centuries required to develop mind-uploading technologies. For now, neuroscience is actively exploring the plausibility of mind uploading through ongoing studies of the physical basis of memory, and through development of large-scale neural simulations and tools to map connectomes, writes the BPF. This Prize win should shine a spotlight on such neuroscience research, underscoring its importance to humanity.

Details of ASC were published in the science journal Cryobiology and independently verified by neuroscientists Kenneth Hayworth and Sebastian Seung, so this isnt some idle transhumanist fantasy. The process involves immersing a mammalian brain with a chemical stabilizer (a glutaraldehyde-based fixative) and cryoprotectants (to prevent damage while cooling), then bringing it down to -211 degrees Fahrenheit (-135 degrees Celsius) for long-term storage. In the event that scientists want to study the preserved brain, either a few months or a few centuries from now, all they have to do is warm the brain and remove the cryopreservants. The end result is not a biological substance, but a plastic-like object that still (theoretically) contains all of the information that was packed inside the brain at the moment of death.

Its for this reason that the technique is being heralded as a new form of cryonics. But unlike conventional cryonics, where an entire body or head is preserved in a vat of liquid nitrogen, the ASC technique makes no effort to preserve biological function. Instead, the goal is to prevent information theoretic brain death, whereby the stuff thats needed to restore a persons personality and memories remains intact. Conceivably, slices of these preserved brains could be digitized and reconfigured in a computer to reconstruct a persons connectomethe totality of a brains specific internal wirings.

As reported in MIT Technology Review, McIntyre, along with business partner Michael McCanna, will describe Nectomes brain preservation system next week at Y Combinators Demo Day in Mountain View, California. The Nectome team has also spoken to lawyers about Californias End of Life Option Act, which makes doctor-assisted death permissible for terminally ill patients; the idea here is that the integrity of a brain preservation will work best when a patient is euthanized before a terminal illness does damage to the body and (especially) the brain. Nectome isnt preserving brains for clients yet, but 25 people have already been added to the companys waiting list, reports MIT Technology Review.

For those of you thinking this is a path towards immortality, you may be in for a profound disappointment. Technical hurdles aside, the ASC approach doesnt guarantee a continuity of consciousness. As mentioned, this is a form of destructive preservation, where biological matter is basically transmutated into a temporary storage device. While your memories and personality stand a chance of revival, your seat of consciousness will likely be obliterated for all time. Brain preservation in this manner is thus a form of suicide, but with knowledge that a digital copy of you may live to see another day.

But this is just my opinionwe dont yet know how consciousness works, so its still impossible to know.

[Cryobiology, Brain Preservation Foundation, Evidence-Based Cryonics, MIT Technology Review]

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New Brain Preservation Technique Could Be a Path to Mind ...

How to create your own wedding Snapchat filter – Omaha World-Herald

Snapchatters everywhere are capturing and sharing memories as they happen. Create your own wedding geofilter and invite your Snapchatting guests to post, save and share their Snap Stories as your special day unfolds. Creating a personalized overlay is as easy as uploading your own .png file.

Not a graphic designer?, wedding.wire and many other websites offer filter design templates that can be personalized in a snap.

A growing number of photographers and videographers are making personalized filters, too.

Weve seen an uptick in requests for personalized filters that almost function like a couples logo, says Spencer Evers, general manager of COMPLETE weddings + events in Omaha.

A standard Snapchat filter costs about $50, Evers says. A custom filter and implementation runs about $100.

For a tech-savvy couple, he says, it may make sense to jump online and get everything set up yourself.


1. CREATE YOUR DESIGNUsing a computer design program, create an overlay using your own photograph, monogram and hashtag. Save as a .png file.

2. UPLOAD YOUR DESIGNVisit and select Use your own design; click upload and select your .png file.

3. NAME IT & DATE ITName your geofilter. Select the date range for the filter to be active, keeping in mind the cost increases with each 24-hour period. Hint: If you opt to include the rehearsal dinner, schedule two different dates with the same filter to minimize costs during down times.

4. FENCE IT INFence or draw a box around the map area(s) where wedding festivities will take place. For example, if your wedding is at a hotel, youll want to include essentially the entire block. If your event is confined to a venue with a main entrance, you would only need to fence that area. Keep in mind thatthe larger the area (as defined in square feet), the greaterthe cost.

5. SUBMITLog in, submit your orderand pay. Youre all set!

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How to create your own wedding Snapchat filter - Omaha World-Herald

A song that speaks to you – The Hindu

Give a young girl with a mind of her own, a guitar, and see what she can do. When such an opportunity came to 14-year-old Bengaluru girl Mia Aliyah Makhija, with a honeyed voice, she chose to help less privileged children.

Mia recently released her debut single Speak Your Mind, a song written, composed and sung by her. The proceeds from the songs downloads go to two schools in Bengaluru.

Having started learning music at eight with her vocal coach Ragini, she later discovered Jazz. I loved it, and started learning, mostly by ear. My parents always listened to a lot of Jazz, Rock and The Blues. My parents love music. I've otherwise learnt music from the Internet. I listen and interpret songs my way."

Mia's inspiration for the single Speak Your Mind came from an interaction with a teacher at her school - Mallya Aditi International School. Mia says she was chosen for a role in a play based on the way I look and speak. But when I was given that role, I didn't feel complete and satisfied. I was disappointed. I went back home and thought about it. I cleared my conscience, went up to my teacher the next day and discussed it in a respectable way. My teacher also responded the same way. Thats when I felt we all have thoughts and ideas we should express.

She hopes to reach out to children across the world and encourage them to speak up. Mia believes that most children dont have a voice. But as future adults, Mia believes they must be heard out. I wanted to speak my mind and encourage others to do so too. And who better to encourage than those who are unable to..., says Mia.

Mia has been doing covers and uploading them on YouTube since September 2016 (you can find her on #miasings). Her music meanders into genres of jazz, R&B, soul, indie and pop. She has also performed live at open mics at various music venues in Bengaluru like Blue Frog, Humming Tree, Take 5, The Alliance Francaise, BFlat. "I believe imitation is the best form of flattery. As someone who appreciates and loves music, these originals teach me a lot. I feel the emotion when the artist sang the song and it keeps me on my toes," says Mia on the logic of doing covers. Mia says her musical influences range from Chantae Cann, Hindi Zahra, Cyrille Aimee, Lalah Hathaway, Corinne Bailey Rae, Esperanza Spalding, Manhattan Transfer, Susheela Raman, Diana Krall, Steely Dan, JJ Cale and AR Rahman. In fact renowned Soul and Jazz singer Chantae even wrote back to her on social media appreciating Mia's rendition of one of her songs and posted Mias version of her song on the artistes official facebook page. Her parents have set up a small studio for her at home where she does her recordings.

Mia also felt she should do something good with her music, so she took her school's help to tie up with two government-run schools to ensure all proceeds from the sale/download of her debut single 'Speak Your Mind' on all social media, go directly to the schools. Her song is available on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, CD Baby and other platforms.

Srirampura Higher Secondary is a government run school up to Grade 8, with 180 students and 4 teachers. "The school is in dire need of a library and reading material alongwith a reading room. The funding will help painting the room, fixing lights and fans, placing durries on the floor, fixing shelves and procuring books for the space," says Mia.

Pragathi School, a school for the children of construction workers has 40 students. "The funds required are to help shift the school into new premises...these kids come to school for that one free meal a day."

Mia hopes to make a career of her music and has set her eyes on music studies in the future.

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A song that speaks to you - The Hindu

Josh Peck Is Hotter Than a Peruvian Puff Pepper in His Latest Underwear Snap – Life & Style Weekly

As if you didnt already know the glow up of the century goes to Josh Peck! The formerly chunky Nickelodeon star showed off his impressive weight loss in his latest Instagram snap. And donning just undies, were thanking him big time!

Shedding major pounds, Josh has gone from funny fat guy to funny hot guy, and his hilarious caption proves it. When it looks like you never skip leg day but you actually just used to be 290, he quipped to his 4.5 million followers.

MORE: These Stars Swear They Dont Exercise and Were Jealous AF

Though Josh has been dropping weight steadily since leaving behind his days as a child star, perhaps this final push has come as a result of a pre-wedding diet, as he just tied the knot with now wife Paige OBrien. But even though his transformation is old news, Josh himself is aware of the fact that fans everywhere still obsess over his slim down.

MORE: Beyonc Is Slaying With Her Post-Baby Body Just One Month After Giving Birth to Twins!

There is a small part of me now people have been so obsessed with my weight loss and its like 12 years later Im like, Man, had I gone through my awkward, teenage years alone and not on television, this would just be a small footnote in my life,'the Drake & Josh alum said on the podcast Allegedly with Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weiss. Instead of the middle 11 chapters.

Though the constant interest in his weight loss may get old, Josh did say that he enjoys hearing that people find him motivational. Inevitably, it all makes it worth it when people come up to me and say theyve drawn any sort of inspiration from it,he said.Thats quite cool. For me, I could be OK not talking about it anymore because its sort of in the past, but culture is obsessed with image, and weight and the way we look, and diets, and food."

He continued, "People are taking photos of their food and uploading it to Instagram. People are interested and they cant get over itIm so happy I can be an example or an inspiration in any way, but I lost the weight because I wanted to and I stay this way just because I feel better.

Well, Josh, you are definitely our fitness goals! Keep posting pics in your undies, we dont mind!

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Here's How Khlo Kardashian Really Maintains Her Killer Bod

The Secret to Maintaining a Healthy Weight? According to These Celebs, it's Eating One Meal a Day

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Josh Peck Is Hotter Than a Peruvian Puff Pepper in His Latest Underwear Snap - Life & Style Weekly

These 7 Forces Are Changing the World at an Extraordinary Rate – Singularity Hub

It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who first said, The only thing that is constant is change.

He was onto something. But even he would likely be left speechless at the scale and pace of change the world has experienced in the past 100 yearsnot to mention the past 10.

Since 1917, the global population has gone from 1.9 billion people to 7.5 billion. Life expectancyhas more than doubled in many developing countries and risen significantly in developed countries. In 1917 only eight percent of homes had phonesin the form of landline telephoneswhile today more than seven in 10 Americans own a smartphoneaka, a supercomputer that fits in their pockets.

And things arent going to slow down anytime soon. In a talk at Singularity Universitys Global Summit this week in San Francisco, SU cofounder and chairman Peter Diamandis told the audience, Tomorrows speed of change will make today look like were crawling. He then shared his point of view about some of the most important factors driving this accelerating change.

In 1965, Gordon Moore (cofounder of Intel) predicted computer chips would double in power and halve in cost every 18 to 24 months. What became known as Moores Law turned out to be accurate, and today affordable computer chips contain a billion or more transistors spaced just nanometers apart.

That means computers can do exponentially more calculations per second than they could thirty, twenty, or ten years agoand at a dramatically lower cost. This in turn means we can generate a lot more information, and use computers for all kinds of applications they wouldnt have been able to handle in the past (like diagnosing rare forms of cancer, for example).

Increased computing power is the basis for a myriad of technological advances, which themselves are converging in ways we couldnt have imagined a couple decades ago. As new technologies advance, the interactions between various subsets of those technologies create new opportunities that accelerate the pace of change much more than any single technology can on its own.

A breakthrough in biotechnology, for example, might spring from a crucial development in artificial intelligence. An advance in solar energy could come about by applying concepts from nanotechnology.

Technology is becoming more accessible even to the most non-techy among us. The internet was once the domain of scientists and coders, but these days anyone can make their own web page, and browsers make those pages easily searchable. Now, interfaces are opening up areas like robotics or 3D printing.

As Diamandis put it, You dont need to know how to code to 3D print an attachment for your phone. Were going from mind to materialization, from intentionality to implication.

Artificial intelligence is what Diamandis calls the ultimate interface moment, enabling everyone who can speak their mind to connect and leverage exponential technologies.

Today there are about three billion people around the world connected to the internetthats up from 1.8 billion in 2010. But projections show that by 2025 there will be eight billion people connected. This is thanks to a race between tech billionaires to wrap the Earth in internet; Elon Musks SpaceX has plans to launch a network of 4,425 satellites to get the job done, while Googles Project Loon is using giant polyethylene balloons for the task.

These projects will enable five billion new minds to come online, and those minds will have access to exponential technologies via interface moments.

Diamandis predicts that after we establish a 5G network with speeds of 10100 Gbps, a proliferation of sensors will follow, to the point that therell be around 100,000 sensors per city block. These sensors will be equipped with the most advanced AI, and the combination of these two will yield an incredible amount of knowledge.

By 2030 were heading towards 100 trillion sensors, Diamandis said. Were heading towards a world in which were going to be able to know anything we want, anywhere we want, anytime we want. He added that tens of thousands of drones will hover over every major city.

If you think theres an arms race going on for AI, theres also one for HIhuman intelligence, Diamandis said. He explained that if a genius was born in a remote village 100 years ago, he or she would likely not have been able to gain access to the resources needed to put his or her gifts to widely productive use. But thats about to change.

Private companies as well as military programs are working on brain-machine interfaces, with the ultimate aim of uploading the human mind. The focus in the future will be on increasing intelligence of individuals as well as companies and even countries.

A final crucial factor driving mass acceleration is the increase in wealth concentration. Were living in a time when theres more wealth in the hands of private individuals, and theyre willing to take bigger risks than ever before, Diamandis said. Billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are putting millions of dollars towards philanthropic causes that will benefit not only themselves, but humanity at large.

One of the biggest implications of the rate at which the world is changing, Diamandis said, is that the cost of everything is trending towards zero. We are heading towards abundance, and the evidence lies in the reduction of extreme poverty weve already seen and will continue to see at an even more rapid rate.

Listening to Diamandis optimism, its hard not to find it contagious.

The world is becoming better at an extraordinary rate, he said, pointing out the rises in literacy, democracy, vaccinations, and life expectancy, and the concurrent decreases in child mortality, birth rate, and poverty.

Were alive during a pivotal time in human history, he concluded. There is nothing we dont have access to.

Stock Media provided by seanpavonephoto / Pond5

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These 7 Forces Are Changing the World at an Extraordinary Rate - Singularity Hub

Blog: Eclipse.Today’s The Day! – WAVY-TV (blog)

Its here! Many astronomers have waited for this moment. Today there will be a total eclipse of the sun over a wide swath across the U.S. Well have a pretty good show here in Hampton Roads. About 80-90% of the sun will be blocked out in our region. Solets talk about it.

The event will start up around 1:20pm in the afternoon, it will peak around 2:45pm, and it will end a little after 4pm. Here are some specific times for different cities in the viewing area:

Norfolk will have about 86% of the sun blocked out by the moon.

The weather forecast looks pretty good for the region. We have high pressure just off to our northeast today. There is a stationary front to our south.

So well have partly sunny skies in the region. A stray shower may pop up in the region this afternoon. Id say theres only a 5-10% chance for a shower. Possibly a little better chance (10-20%) between Richmond, Gloucester, and Reedville. It will be pretty hot and humid though. Pretty standard weather for August. High temps will be near 90 with low-mid 90s inland. Dew points are in the low 70s. So the heat index will be in the mid 90s up to near 100 today. Keep that in mind if you are out for a while. Stay well hydrated. Also, be sure to put on plenty of sunscreen. (Yes youll still need it if you are out for a long period of time).

Be sure to wear the approved glasses to view the eclipse. You can also wear welders goggles. If you cant get the glasses, then you can still easily see the show. You can simply take a piece of cardboard. Poke a small hole in it. Then project the light onto the ground. You will have to move the cardboard up or down to focus the light. You can do this on a sheet or a large piece of paper. You can also use binoculars or a telescope. Just dont look through the eyepiece. Also, be careful as the light could get very hot as it gets focused. Pets can also harm their eyes if they look at the eclipse. The odds of them looking at the sun are low, but you can play it safe and keep them indoors. Make sure the kids know that they cant look at the eclipse without eye protection. Normal sunglasses will not work. Here are some other tidbits: Traffic may be rough if you are planning on traveling. A lot of folks might be on the road. Especially on the interstates. Plus, a lot of people will be uploading their images to the web. Lots of folks will be doing Facebook live. So internet connections may slow down for a brief time. Finally, some animals may behave differently. They may have some unusual behavior. Stay safe and have fun!

Tomorrow well heat up a little more. High temps will be in the low/mid 90s. The heat index will be near 100. Well have partly cloudy skies with a couple of isolated showers possible. There will be a better chance for rain Wednesday into early Thursday as a cold front moves into the region. Then well cool down and dry out going into the weekend. Highs will basically be near 80 Thursday through Sunday. The forecast looks dry next weekend for now.

In the tropicstropical storm Harvey fell apart this last weekend. However, the remnants are pushing towards the Yucatan Peninsula. It could re-develop over the Bay of Campeche in a day or two.

There is also a weak disturbance northwest of Puerto Rico. This is moving off to the west/northwest. It has a low-medium chance for development over the next 2-4 days. Well watch that one carefully, as it will be tracking over some very warm water. Though it does have to contend with a fair amount of wind shear. Stay tuned for updates!

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler

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Blog: Eclipse.Today's The Day! - WAVY-TV (blog)

YouTube star Lisa’s top tips to have you feeling all made up – Belfast Telegraph

YouTube star Lisa's top tips to have you feeling all made up

Hashtags like #ad and #spon (short for sponsored) are rife in the beauty blogging world, but you won't find them on Lisa Eldridge's YouTube channel. The 42-year-old was already one of the world's most in demand make-up artists when she started uploading videos in 2009.

Hashtags like #ad and #spon (short for sponsored) are rife in the beauty blogging world, but you won't find them on Lisa Eldridge's YouTube channel. The 42-year-old was already one of the world's most in demand make-up artists when she started uploading videos in 2009.

"I think that's why they're popular, because the products I use are never paid for or sponsored by brands. I have never taken a penny through sponsorship," says Lisa, whose celebrity clients include Kate Winslet and Kim Kardashian.

And, unlike most vloggers, Lisa, who is also creative director for Lancome, didn't have ads on her videos - until recently, when she decided to turn them on for the first time for altruistic reasons.

The revenue will be going to children's rights charity Plan International.

Lisa figured that since 93% of her 1.7 million subscribers are women, they wouldn't mind enduring a few ads in order to support a female-focused charity.

"I have got a really nice group of people ... I don't really get weirdos, I get the people who like to answer each other's questions and talk to each other. It's a very affirming community," she says.

A few days ago she posted a photo on Instagram, declaring: "You think I'm listening but I'm really doing your make-up in my head."

So what does a make-up legend think are the most common make-up mistakes - and what can we do to correct them?

Here are Lisa's top 10 do's and don'ts, and the products she says you can't go wrong with.

1. Do use SPF50 every day

"A really good SPF that works for my skin tone - that is probably what I spend most of my money on. Heliocare do a tinted version which is gorgeous and it's not that expensive."

Heliocare Gelcream Colour SPF50, 23.50,

2. Don't overdo your eyebrows

"I don't like the really 'blocked' brows where you don't see the natural hairs. I personally hate the way it looks. I much prefer when the brows are more feathered and lighter so you have a sense of the hairs."

3. Do apply mascara from the roots

"I always apply as much as I can at the roots first. Get down to the roots and hold (the wand) there and massage very slowly as long as you can. It's all about getting the bulk on first, otherwise the lashes can get very heavy at the end."

Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara, 24.50

4. Don't forget to blend your contour

"Contouring looks really bad when it's badly applied - when it's the wrong colour and it's too heavy. The edges should be blended. When it's done really well, it's amazing."

5. Do use concealer sparingly

"I like to have more coverage where I need it and less where I don't, because it tricks the eye. The person is looking at you and thinking, 'You're not really wearing a lot of make-up', when actually you can get away with wearing quite a lot when it's not heavy all over."

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Camouflage High Coverage Concealer, 22

6. Don't overload your eyes if they're small

"Sometimes people can really close their eyes down with very heavy eyeliner and very heavy lashes. If you have naturally quite small eyes, that type of make-up will make them look smaller."

7. Do use a primer

"I discovered Bioderma in Paris when I lived there in the Nineties. The thing I like from them is a Pore Refining Primer, a pore refiner that I use on clients underneath make-up."

Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner, 15.10, Escentual

8. Do use face masks liberally

"I am obsessed with face masks so most days I will wear one. I love Susanne Kaufmann, which is a natural Austrian brand. That is probably my favourite at the moment."

Susanne Kaufmann Moisturizing Mask, 41,

9. Do go easy on the bronzer

"The thing with bronzer is that it's always hard to take it down once you've done it. Apply it with nice light layers over your cheekbones, cheeks, temples, across the top of the forehead and a little bit on the neck."

Guerlain Terracotta Bronzing Powder, 36.50, John Lewis; Bourjois Matt Illusion Bronzing Powder, 5.95, FeelUnique

10. Do buy Japanese false eyelashes

"They are just so much better and so much cheaper in Japan than they are anywhere else. There are so many incredible eyelash brands out there, like Dolly Wink. And they stick on so much easier because the band is light not heavy."

Koji Dolly Wink Eyelash 09, 10.73,

Watch hundreds of make-up and beauty tutorials on Lisa Eldridge's YouTube channel

Belfast Telegraph

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YouTube star Lisa's top tips to have you feeling all made up - Belfast Telegraph

Sam Claflin Slips Into Shailene Woodley’s Bathing Suit In Fiji & We Have A Lot Of Questions – Hollywood Life

So, this is something that actually happened. Sam Claflin decided to put on Shailene Woodleys swimsuit while shooting a movie in Fiji. Yep. Though, from the looks of it, he might want to switch to a bikini.

First off no judgment here. If Sam Claflin, 31, feels competed to wear a womans swimsuit, hey you be you. Sam put forth his best application to be the next Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model on Aug. 17, uploading a trio of rather classy shots of him wearing one-piece swimsuit while in Fiji. Sams photographer was his Adrift co-star, Shailene Woodley, 25. She was also his stylist, as Sam revealed that the swimsuit belonged to the Divergent star.

Hopefully, Sam reimbursed Shailene for stretching out her swimsuit. He seemed to have some difficulties fitting into the outfit. Pressure, he captioned one photo of him tugging on the fabric near his inner thigh. In the next shot, Sam simply wrote Oucheeze. Well, it seems he wasnt ready to rock the one-piece. He probably could pull off a bikini and it wouldnt feel so restrictive just saying. If Kris Jenner, 61, and Elizabeth Hurley, 52, can rock the bikini, theres no reason for Sam to not give it a try. Plus, despite the unconventional outfit, Sam looked pretty buff.

Its amazing to think that the actor who rocked some ripped abs and had the open mind to actually put on a womans swimsuit would be a target of body shaming. Yet, Sam confessed that he dealt with these body issues. I remember doing one job when they literally made me pull my shirt up and were grabbing my fat and going you need to lose a bit of weight, he told The Sidney Morning Herald. Im not saying its anywhere near as bad as what women go through but I, as an actor approaching each job, am insecure especially when I have to take my top off in it and so nervous.

I get really worked up to the point where I spend hours and hours in the gym and not eating for weeks to achieve what I think theyre going for, he added. Sam said that while male actors dont get body shamed as much as women, they are subject to it and its never talked about. Well, heres hoping that these photos though leaving many with questions are proof that Sam doesnt care what anyone thinks. Looking good, dude.

So, what do you think about Sam in Shailene Woodleys swimsuit, HollywoodLifers? Hot? Not?

Read the original here:

Sam Claflin Slips Into Shailene Woodley's Bathing Suit In Fiji & We Have A Lot Of Questions - Hollywood Life

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to … Interactive Biodegradable Funerary Urns? – WUWM

Earlier this summer, a modest little startup in Barcelona, Spain, unveiled its newest product a biodegradable, Internet-connected funeral urn that turns the ashes of departed loved ones into an indoor tree. Just mix the cremains with soil and seedlings, and the digital-age urn will automatically water and care for your memorial sapling, sending constant updates to an app on your smartphone.

At first glance, the concept seems gimmicky evidently, we're running out of ideas for smart appliances. But the Bios Incube system can also be seen as the latest example of a gradual transformation in modern culture.

Technology is fundamentally changing how we deal with death and its attendant issues of funerals, memorials and human remains. Much of this change is for the good. Some developments are a little spooky. But one thing is for sure: You can do a lot of cool things with ashes these days.

The Bios Incube system, which went on sale in June after a successful crowdfunding campaign, is the latest iteration of a much older idea in which ashes are essentially used as compost for a memorial tree or plant. But the Incube system adds some high-tech twists. The biodegradable urn is placed within a 5-gallon planter with an elegant, off-white, minimalist design vibe call it the iUrn.

Actually, that's the Incube. Fill it with water and an internal irrigation system kicks in while separate sensors monitor the progress of your plant, taking constant readings on temperature, humidity and soil conditions. This information is wirelessly beamed to the included smartphone app, allowing the bereaved user to better care for and nurture the seedling as it grows into a tree.

Roger Molin, co-founder of Bios Urn, says the company offers two versions of its system. One provides the basic biodegradable urn and planter at $145. The more expensive version if you want all the high-tech bells, whistles, atmosphere sensors and smartphone apps tops out at $695.

"Interestingly enough, we have found so far that most have opted voluntarily for the high-tech option," Molin says.

He has a theory on that.

"Most of us are connected to the digital world, and we have become used to it," he says. "Perhaps by tying together this process with technology, there can be a sense of comfort that comes from using a familiar process with a new experience. We hope that it will push people in a new direction and perhaps make this process easier for those experiencing loss."

The Bios Urn concept is indeed part of a larger transformation in which technology is changing how we think about death and dying, says Candi Cann, author of the book Virtual Afterlives: Grieving the Dead in the Twenty-first Century.

"Their approach implies a different sort of afterlife than the religious one an afterlife that theoretically we can partake in," says Cann, who teaches religion and world culture at Baylor University.

"Recent theories on mourning reveal that having continued bonds with the deceased allow us to navigate everyday life while renegotiating our relationships with loved ones who are no longer present," she says. "So in this way, the Bios Urn might actually foster a healthy type of mourning that allows us to look after the dead in an active, daily way."

Caring for the dead via a smartphone app may seem strange, Cann says, but it makes perfect sense for those of us living in a perpetually connected world: "The generation today has grown up with online spaces and smartphones, so this is their medium."

Cann has done extensive research on modern mourning rituals around the planet, and the various ways that technology is impacting how we deal with death and dying. The Internet has certainly changed the way we do things. Obituaries are posted online, funeral arrangements are sent by email or text, and social media platforms like Facebook now offer a range of memorial pages and legacy contact options.

In general, this is all good healthy progress, Cann says. "Smartphones and social media spaces have forced a decline in the importance of a controlled obituary narrative, as more people can contribute to the communal memory of a person and the meaning of their life," she says.

A recurring theme in Cann's work concerns an odd and abiding reticence in mainstream Western attitudes toward death: In short, we just don't like to talk about it. Our aversion leads to a lot of unhealthy sublimation in the culture. "I would argue that the reason we see so much death in the media and in video games is precisely because we are not having real conversations about death," Cann says.

Technology is helping in that arena, too. Cann points to online communities like Death Cafe, which use Internet forums to arrange local meetups for people wanting to talk about death.

Then there is the issue of what to do with the remains. We humans have been navigating this dilemma since the dawn of civilization, but recent technological advances have opened up some options. You can have ashes incorporated into jewelry, blended into oil paintings, mixed into tattoo ink, submerged into coral reefs or even pressed into vinyl records. And don't forget about the festive fireworks option.

While developing the Bios Urn system, Molin explored how other cultures are processing cremains, like Tokyo's unique Ruriden columbarium, which utilizes LED Buddha statues and digital smart cards.

"I've seen some interesting things in China and Japan," he says. "Both have run of out burial space in larger cities and have created interesting ways of commemorating those who have passed."

Cann says that these new modern rituals, facilitated by various technologies, can help us get a little friendlier with death.

"In Brazil, I went to a public crematorium that cremates a body every 15 minutes, and is an actively used public park and picnic space," he says. "Families were playing and picnicking among the ashes. If we see deathscapes as friendly places, rather than where the dead are banished, we might be able to utilize them in healthier and more creative ways."

Looking to the future, however, Cann addresses more worrisome technologies.

"One of the areas I'm thinking more about is the use of artificial intelligence and digital avatars," Cann said. "These are people intending to upload themselves, via AI, into digital avatars."

Proponents of this idea contend that uploading the mind into a computer is entirely plausible. But science fiction has some cautionary tales in this area any technology that promises to defy death is usually nothing but trouble. Ask Dr. Frankenstein. Even speculating on this sci-fi scenario can get a bit dodgy, Cann says.

"Whenever people focus more on extending life rather than examining its quality, death loses its importance," Cann says. "If we are spending more time trying to deny death or prolong dying, then I think we are not living well."

In this light, the Bios Urn seems like a fairly gentle step forward. Technology can't yet provide us with digital immortality, but it can help us grow a memorial tree in our living room. What's not to like?

Glenn McDonald is a freelance writer, editor and game designer based in Chapel Hill, N.C. You can follow him @glennmcdonald1.

Read the rest here:

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to ... Interactive Biodegradable Funerary Urns? - WUWM

Film Review: Patriots QB Jimmy Garoppolo vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars – Pats Pulpit

Football is back! The first preseason game of the year ended in defeat for the Patriots, but more important than the score of the game is how individual players looked. With the debate surrounding the Patriots backup quarterback situation this off-season, how Jimmy Garoppolo and Jacoby Brissett perform this preseason could influence the plans for the position moving forward. With this in mind, I asked Patriots fans to decide which of the backups they wanted to see a film breakdown of. 60% of voters decided on Jimmy Garoppolo, so here we (after a slight NFL Gamepass-related delay) go.

With Tom Brady getting the night off, Jimmy Garoppolo was tabbed as the starter for the first preseason game against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Garoppolo put up impressive numbers, completing 22 of 28 attempts for 235 yards and two touchdowns. While the media provided effusive praise, Garoppolos performance doesnt quite live up the numbers. Lets take a closer look.

The biggest takeaway from the fourth year quarterbacks performance is that he showed an impressive feel for the pocket and where pressure was coming from.

The Jaguars get immediate pressure up the middle, and Garoppolo sees it and rolls away from the pressure as soon as he sees it. This isnt always the right thing to do, but in this situation Garoppolo had no other choice. He keeps his eyes downfield and finds his man to pick up a first down from third and long.

The touchdown everyone has seen by now is another good example of his pocket management. Dante Fowler gets inside leverage on LaAdrian Waddle (not a good look for Waddles roster hopes) and forces Jimmy to bail from the pocket. An argument could be made he shouldve stepped up with Jamil Douglas helping out on Fowler, but Fowler wouldve had an opportunity to get a hand on Jimmy if he did. Garoppolo resets his feet and looks downfield, making the throw for the touchdown to Austin Carr.

This wasnt a perfect playfading and throwing off his back foot is a recipe for disaster, and the throw wasnt particularly accuratebut when you evade pressure the way he did, and the result is a touchdown, those can be forgiven.

Beyond his pocket movement, Garoppolo flashed the ability (if inconsistently, more on that later) to make some impressive throws into tight windows.

Crowded pocket, hands jumping in his face, tight window, third and long, money throw. High enough the underneath LBs cant reach, behind his TEs ear so the safety cant come in and break it up, in a place that only his receiver can go get it, and Jacob Hollister did just that. First down.

30 yards down the field, 25 yards across the field. Find the length of the hypotenuse. Nearly 40 air-yard throw to the sideline, he may have been a little late getting to the target, but delivers a strike for a big first down on a deep comeback.

Lastly, probably my favorite throw he made on the night. Get to the top of your drop, set, back-shoulder throw the CB cant do anything about in 1-on-1 coverage, easy first down on a throw thats more difficult than it looks.

Garoppolo made some atrocious throws in this game, speaking to the inconsistency mentioned in the above section. He started the game off very slowly, which can be argued as just shaking off some rust and getting into a rhythm, or as struggling against the Jaguars starters and picking on the backups.

Garoppolo has a chance to put his team in the red zone, and correctly attempts to make a back-shoulder throw with a safety closing over the top and the defender step for step on Devin Luciens inside shoulder. Garoppolo cant even give Lucien a chance to make the play, however, as he leads him out of bounds.

The pocket movement here deserves to be in the Good section, but the throw lands it here. After a pump fake and stepping up in the pocket to evade the initial pressure, Jimmy finds his tight end wide open and completely misses him.

This couldve been 6. This shouldve been a big play. This was almost an interception. Garoppolo is late getting the ball out and not only underthrows his man, but leads him so far inside the ball almost landed in the safetys (who started about 10 yards to the right of the play) hip pocket.

I mean...come on. Yes, Dion Lewis managed to get a hand on it. Working from a completely clean pocket with a receiver more than 3 yards clear of any defender and facing directly at you, only ~9 yards away, there is no excuse for that ball to land anywhere other than his numbers.

Finally, a completed pass, but this is how you get your receivers killed. Open window to throw in and Garoppolo leads Hollister too far. Hollister makes a great play on the ball, and then pays the price for doing so, getting hit in the head twice immediately after catching the pass. (*Note: There was an issue uploading this gif, I had to use a different site to do so. It needs to be clicked on or hovered over to play, it will not autoplay like the others)

The Patriots did not ask Jimmy Garoppolo to do a whole lot. Most of his completions came on screens and dump-offs. He made some impressive throws but for every good one he had, he cancelled it out with an equally bad one. He heated up as the game went on, but as already mentioned, its tough to tell whether to attribute that to Garoppolo settling in, or him finding success against the Jaguars backups (Jacksonville played most of their defensive starters in the game).

Ultimately, my biggest takeaway was Garoppolos pocket movement. He was under pressure quite frequently in this game and generally knew when to step up and maneuver in the pocket and when to bail and try to extend the play with his legs. This was the one area of his game I came away from pre-season week 1 truly impressed with. This game provided us with more of the same from Garoppolo: Enough flashes to provide hope for the future, enough downside to question if hes actually a part of it.

Original post:

Film Review: Patriots QB Jimmy Garoppolo vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars - Pats Pulpit

Get fit: Fitness gurus you can work out with for free on YouTube – Daily Commercial

By Kaitlyn McLintock / Tribune News Service

Instead of neglecting our workout (and the mood-boosting benefits that come from it), we schedule ourselves a little one-on-one workout time with YouTube. The workouts are time-flexible, accessible and expert-led. In other words, its basically a treasure trove of fitness.

A quick search unearths everything from yoga to Pilates to HIIT training routines; whatever type of sweat session you prefer, YouTube likely has it. Thats why we decided to put together a list of our favorite online fitness channels just to help you narrow your search a little bit.


Adriene Mishler is the light-hearted yogi behind this YouTube channel. Her yoga videos range from targeted practices for anxiety, depression, sleep and pain (like this one for neck and shoulder relief) to power flows for strengthening and lengthening. Her goofy yet calming presence is enough to make you change into comfortable clothes, drink a cup of tea and relax into a yoga routine.


Cassey Ho has been a mainstay on the YouTube fitness scene since she started uploading Pilates videos in 2009. Her website, Blogilates, provides fitness and nutrition advice, along with body-positive inspiration and sporty merchandise.

She specializes in workouts that build and tone muscle using nothing else but your own body weight. The workouts are hard but fun. Her bubbly and outgoing personality almost makes you forget your arms are screaming in the middle of a 15-minute workout (almost). Stay dedicated to her videos, try your best, and youll see real change.


Although she does have videos fit for beginners, chances are that youll love Tara Stiless yoga videos if youre an intermediate or advanced yoga devotee. Her no-frills approach is quieting, calming and strengthening for both the body and mind. (If youre not super into yoga, check her videos out anyway, because they might majorly inspire you; shes the most graceful human being weve ever seen).


Jeanette Jenkins is a celebrity personal trainer (responsible for training A-listers such as Kelly Rowland) who posts a variety of different workouts designed to increase strength. Many of her videos are extremely short think no longer than 30 seconds just so she can show a few reps of effective moves. Then, depending on how much time you have, you can make it an extended workout, or just do a few circuits. Take this Zumba video, for instance. Its solely concentrated on planks and high knees for an intense cardio sweat.


Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott started their Tone It Up empire to share workout, nutrition, and even lifestyle advice. Many of their workouts take place in front of a beautiful backdrop of the Pacific ocean, so you can kind of feel like youre working out while on a SoCal vacation (better than working out at home, right?).

Theyre also regular Byrdie contributors. Check out all of their stories. (Personally, we love this piece on the 5 exercises you should do if you sit all day).


XHIT Daily is a YouTube channel that regularly posts workout videos ranging from Crossfit to Pilates. The three hosts are incredibly knowledgeable, reminding their viewers how to correct their form and get the most from their workouts throughout.


Weve covered yoga, Pilates, and strength training workouts, but this one is for any runners out there. The Run Experience has almost 70,000 YouTube subscribers, to which it shares motivating running tips, tricks, and advice. They have videos on everything from hydration and nutrition to race-day prep. Regardless if youre a runner or not, they share super-effective targeted workouts that are great for doing on the go.


Simmons posts regularly on YouTube, so youll never be without a new workout to try. The best part? You dont need a ton of equipment. Many of her videos use your body weight, and maybe a dumbbell or two to target specific muscle groups. Plus, she produces videos on healthy meal prep, to keep you going throughout a busy week.

See the rest here:

Get fit: Fitness gurus you can work out with for free on YouTube - Daily Commercial

Watch The Heart-Stopping Moment A Biker Cartwheeled In Front Of A Car – Car Throttle

Drifting a motorcycle is a fine art. It takes a tremendous amount of skill, and if it goes wrong, its probably going to hurt. With that in mind, we really cant recommend you try it on the road. On a busy residential street. With pretty much no safety gear other than a helmet.

Unfortunately, thats precisely what this guy did in Newcastle, New South Wales, with the ever-scary Dashcam Owners Australia YouTube channel uploading the moderately terrifying footage for our viewing displeasure.

Hes thrown off the bike but initially stays upright, with the momentum forcing him into an almost graceful cartwheel - right in front of an oncoming car. Fortunately, the car in question - which recorded the whole thing via a dashcam - was able to stop in time.

The driver had this to say about the crash:

Fella took the corner a little to fast, but seemed fine afterwards - although there was a little bit of shock, as he rode off without a chance for me to get out of the car (short conversation through the window). He apologised, and no damage was done to my car. I noticed a fair bit of fluid pouring from the bottom of his bike as he drove away.


Watch The Heart-Stopping Moment A Biker Cartwheeled In Front Of A Car - Car Throttle

Why 802.11ax is the next big thing in Wi-Fi – Network World

Zeus Kerravala is the founder and principal analyst with ZK Research, and provides a mix of tactical advice to help his clients in the current business climate.

I know, I know, Ive heard it before. A new technology comes along, and it promises to be the next big thing. Consumers and businesses buy it, and what happens? It fails to live up to the hype. In my opinion, almost every iPhone release over the past five years has been that way. Sure there were some cool new features, but overall its not something Id say was game changing.

One technology that does promise to live up to the hype is 802.11ax, the next standard for wireless LANs. I say that because this next generation of Wi-Fi was engineered for the world we live in where everything is connected and theres an assumption that upload and download traffic will be equivalent. Previous generations of Wi-Fi assumed more casual use and that there would be far more downloading of information than uploading.

I agree that 802.11ac made things somewhat faster, but it was a faster version of something that was designed with old-school assumptions in mind. Im sure everyone reading this has been in a situation where youve been at a conference center, stadium or in another public space, and everything is great. Then the keynote or concert starts or something else happens to get tens of thousands of people SnapChatting, tweeting, Facebooking (or SnapFacing if your New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick), and things come to a crawl.

The problem with Wi-Fi isnt always the speed of the system. 802.11ac wave 2 gets us to or over the Gigabit barrier, which should be plenty of bandwidth for most people. The bigger problem with Wi-Fi is congestion and how current Wi-Fi handles lots of people trying to do wireless things and overcrowding the network. The ax standard solves these problems and others by completely redesigning how Wi-Fi works and taking some best practices from LTE.

Ax will be anywhere from 4x to 10x faster than existing Wi-Fi, but the wider and multiple channels greatly increase throughput. For example, if one assumes the speed is increased by 4x with 160 MHz channels, the speed of a single 802.11ax stream will be 3.5Gbps. The equivalent 802.11ac connection will be 866 Mbps. A 4x4 MIMO environment would result in a total capacity of about 14 Gbps. A client device that supported two or three streams would easily top 1 Gbps or much more.

If one knocked the channel width down to 40 MHz, which could happen in crowded areas like stadiums or college dorms, a single .11ax stream would be about 800 Mbps for a total capacity of 3.2 Gbps. Regardless of the channel size, 802.11ax will provide a huge boost in speed and total capacity.

One of the big advancements in LTE is something called orthogonal frequency division multiple access (ODMFA), which is an alphabet soup way of saying it does frequency division multiplexing. With previous versions of Wi-Fi, channels were held open until the data transmission had finished. Think of a line at a bank with only one teller where people have to queue up. MU-MIMO means there can be four tellers and four lines, but the people still need to wait for the transaction ahead of them is complete.

With OFDMA, each channel is chopped up into hundreds of smaller sub-channels, each with a different frequency. The signals are then turned orthogonally (at right angles) so they can be stacked on top of each other and de-multiplexed. With the bank analogy, imagine a teller being able to handle multiple customers when they are free. So customer one hands the teller a check and while that person is signing the check, the teller deals with the next customer, etc. The use of OFDMA means up to 30 clients can share each channel instead of having to take turns broadcasting and listening on each.

From a user perspective, the network will seem much less congested than with 802.11ac. Another benefit is that the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands can be combined creating even more channels for data. The ax specification also includes something called QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) encoding, which allows for more data to be transmitted per packet.

Any new Wi-Fi standard will improve battery life, since the range is typically further and data is transmitted faster so the client does not need to work as hard. However, ax has a new feature called wake time scheduling. This enables APs to tell clients when to go to sleep and provides a schedule of when to wake. These are very short periods of time, but being able to sleep a bunch of short times will make a big difference on battery life.

Ive talked with chip, AP and client device manufacturers about when to expect 802.11ax products, and we should see the first consumer Wi-Fi routers in the early part of 2018 with an outside shot of late 2017. After that, the business grade APs and clients will follow. We are certainly close enough that network managers should be starting the educational process and planning now.

If youre not sure what this means for your business, talk to your Wi-Fi vendor, as all the major wireless LAN suppliers are planning to support 802.11ax. One final point: If you need to upgrade now, I certainly wouldnt put if off and wait for ax. Wi-Fi is extremely important to businesses of all sizes and will become more important as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more widely adopted.

The evolution of client devices has been game changing, as theres almost nothing we do that doesnt involve them. The 802.11ax specification finally brings a Wi-Fi standard to the network that can support all of the things we want to do with our wireless LANs.

The rest is here:

Why 802.11ax is the next big thing in Wi-Fi - Network World

Hands on: Nest Cam Indoor and Outdoor home security cameras – The Sydney Morning Herald

Nest's streaming cameras offer a great way to keep an eye on things back at the ranch, assuming your home broadband connection is up to the task.

Security cameras with real-time alerts aren't just for catching burglars in the act, they can also offer peace of mind if you've got school-aged children coming home to an empty house or pets who spend the day alone.

Consumer-grade streaming cameras have been around for years, and there are plenty to choose from, but smart home pioneer Nest adds a few clever features to help stand out from the crowd. At the same time Nest has also launched its smart smoke/ carbon monoxide alarm in Australia, but we're still waiting on the Nest Smart Thermostat.

The cameras aren't cheap; the Nest Cam Indoor and Outdoor models cost $319 each, plus there's the optional Nest Aware cloud-based monitoring service which costs $14 per month for the first camera and $7 for each subsequent camera with Nest throwing in 30 days for free.

Perhaps more importantly, Nest's streaming cameras can also take a high toll on your broadband connection which will be an instant deal-breaker in some homes.

Easy to set up

It's simple to link a camera to your home WiFi network and Nest account by downloading the iOS/Android Nest app and scanning the QR code on the back on the camera. As a fallback it's also possible to configure the cameras using a desktop browser.

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Both cameras are easy to install around your home, offering 1080p resolution and a 130-degree field of view thanks to a slight fisheye lens.

The Nest Cam Indoor features a flat magnetic base, along with a screw-in wall plate, so you can stick it pretty much anywhere as long as it's within range of your WiFi network and the 3-metre power cable can reach a wall socket.

You can stand the Indoor camera upright on a flat surface or attach it to the wall and then tilt the camera up and down, as well as twist it from side to side. There's the option to flip the image if you need to install the camera upside-down on the ceiling.

Meanwhile the Nest Cam Outdoor features a curved magnetic back and comes with a concave wall plate that has a 7.5-metre power cable. Once the camera is attached to the base it's easy to tilt it in any direction up to around 50 degrees. While the outdoor camera is weatherproof, Nest recommends not installing it in direct sunshine.

Keep an eye on things

You can access your cameras via the Nest mobile app or a desktop browser, with the option of two-factor authentication to help keep out uninvited guests.

While the cameras are handy for seeing what's happening at home right now, Nest's strength is its intelligent alerts system which can send emails or pop-up alerts to your phone. Unfortunately most of these features rely on you shelling out for a Nest Aware subscription each month.

Even if you don't have a subscription, each camera will notify you when it hears a noise or sees something move. You're not bombarded with messages every time someone walks in front of the camera, instead it notifies you at the first sign of activity after which it uses intelligent alerts to only notify you of "important activity".

You're sent a photo of the scene which isn't always very helpful if the culprit is far from the camera but you can click on the link to see a live feed.

At this point you can see and hear what's happening in the room and use two-way audio to speak to your unexpected guest, although the audio can be a bit unreliable (perhaps a bandwidth issue, although they were tested on 100/2 Mbps cable broadband). The picture is crisp and the cameras do a good job of coping with brightbacklights.They're infrared cameras, so they can still see clearly at night.

Stay Alert

Unfortunately you need a Nest Aware subscription if you want to see an instant replay or scroll back in time. Without this, the cameras will be of little use to some people.

To cut down on alerts, you can adjust the microphone sensitivity, or else disable sound or motion notifications completely. Nest Aware subscribers can also create custom zones within each camera's field of view, which is handy if you don't want to detect pets walking across the floor or trees moving outside the window. Nest Aware applies extra intelligent scene and audio analysis to reduce false positives, plus subscribers can save clips and create timelapse videos.

Nest Aware subscribers can also opt to only receive alerts when a person walks into the room, with smart image analysis able to recognise human movement (but not recognise specific faces, that requires the Nest Cam IQ which isn't sold in Australia). Subscribers can also take advantage of intelligent sound alerts, recognising people talking or dogs barking.

Private party

To further cut down on alerts and better manage your privacy you can schedule specific cameras to switch off at specific times of day. You can also automatically disable certain cameras when the Nest mobile app detects you're at home, although this chews through your smartphone battery like all GPS-enabled apps which monitor your location while they're running in the background.

Alternatively you can keep the cameras running but stop alerts when you're at home, which might be important depending on the types of events you're watching for.

Thankfully it's possible to add family members to your Nest account and control the cameras and alerts depending on who is home which is important if you don't want alerts on your phone when you go to the shops on the weekend while others stay at home.

Apart from smartphones, you can use Works With Nest-compatible low-powered Bluetooth GPS trackers to tell the cameras when you're home the kind of thing you could easily attach to house keys or a school bag.

If you don't live alone there are obviouslyprivacy and trust issues to be considered. The Nest Cams helped solve the mystery of my missing sunglasses; they were misplaced during a party so we went back to the video replay to find their hiding spot, but you can image how this power could be abused.

Look to the cloud

Unlike some security cameras the Nest Cams don't store any video onboard, instead they upload to the cloud constantly which obviously presents major challenges if your home is starved of bandwidth.

The upside of streaming to the cloud is that you can get an instant replay at any time or scroll back up to 30 days with thumbnails marking events of interest, but of course only if you're paying for the Nest Aware subscription.

The downside is that you're chewing through a hell of a lot of bandwidth, with that data probably counting towards your monthly usage limit. Even if you don't have a Nest Aware account, the cameras must upload constantly for you to receive alerts. With no onboard storage or backup power, the Nest Cams are useless if an intruder cuts the internet and/or power to your house before breaking in the window although you're sent alerts if your cameras are offline for a while.

In the picture

The cameras offer a sharp 1080p resolution with 8x digital zoom but even with a 2 Mbps uplink this wasdialled down to 720p by default, at which point a single Nest Cam is constantly uploading at 400 kbps leaping past 1 Mbps per second when something moves. At this rate a single camera will chew through around 120 GB per month.

These bandwidth demands are simply ludicrous in a country like Australia where many homes face monthly data limits and would be lucky to have access to 1 Mbps upload speeds. Thankfully you can adjust the picture quality to allow for your bandwidth, dialling it up to 1080p uploading at 1.2 Mbps and chewing through 300 GB per month or down to 360p (150 kbps, 30 GB per month).

Even at the lowest settings these bandwidth demands might still be too much if you have several cameras around your home, so you might curb their thirst by using the advanced settings to disable certain cameras at certain times.

Even if you're lucky enough to have access to the NBN you'd want to be on at least the 25/5 Mbps speed tier, as a basic 12/1 plan won't cut it. Heaven forbid everyone in your neighbourhood owns a few Nest Cams or your peak hour broadband traffic jams could get a lot worse.

So what's the verdict?

Like many American products, Nest Cams are designed for a world where data andbandwidth are seemingly infinite resources. In returnthe camerasoffer some impressive tricks but only if your home broadband can cope and you're prepared to shell out for the Nest Aware subscription.

To be fair some rivals also demand a monthly fee for cloud video storage, so it's important to do your research before taking the plunge. If you won't sign up for Nest Aware then your money is probably best spent elsewhere, especially if you'll be forced to dial down the picture quality so you're not making the most of the Nest Cam's 1080p resolution.

In a perfect worldNest Cams could be the perfect home surveillancetool, but for now they'll be impractical in many Australian homes until we sort out our nation's broadband woes.


Hands on: Nest Cam Indoor and Outdoor home security cameras - The Sydney Morning Herald

How Maryland’s political parties ramped up their ground games for 2018 – Washington Post

With Marylands governorship and General Assembly seats at stake in the 2018 election, the states Democratic and Republican parties are both testing new approaches to outreach and working more vigorously than in the past to boost turnout in their favor.

Armed with lists of independents and party affiliates who sat out recent midterm elections, party volunteers and candidates are canvassing neighborhoods virtually every weekend to convince voters that the upcoming races matter, focusing largely on battleground districts but also reaching into each others strongholds.

Democrats, who outnumber Republicans by 2 to 1 in Maryland, want to oust Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and shore up their veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly amid a surge of grass-roots activism and anger toward President Trump, who is deeply unpopular in the state.

Republicans are pushing to build on their 2014 success, when they captured the governorship in an upset and took over nine legislative seats during a year of record-low turnout for Democratic voters. They want to reelect Hogan and break the Democratic supermajority by flipping at least five Senate seats held by Democrats.

The challenge at this point for both political parties is to make sure your base remains engaged and committed, said John Willis, a University of Baltimore politics professor and former Maryland secretary of state who worked with past Democratic campaigns.

In 2014, voter turnout in the state dropped 11 percent compared with the previous gubernatorial election, including an 8 percent drop for registered Democrats. Some of the most significant declines occurred in Baltimore City, Montgomery and Prince Georges counties traditional Democratic strongholds.

Willis said registered Democrats could take back the governorship by increasing their turnout by four points, or about 80,000 people, noting that Hogan won the office with about 66,000 more votes than his opponent, then-Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D).

The key to 2018 is mobilization and getting back to normal, Willis said. The margin can be closed very easily with a mobilization effort.

To that end, the Democratic Party has embarked on a 10,000-household listening tour that will last through fall, asking residents what they want from elected leaders before developing an overarching message for upcoming elections. Then it will pivot toward trying to persuade voters to show up at the polls and back its nominees.

Old-fashioned neighbor-to-neighbor conversations is the most effective tool in politics these days, Maryland Democratic Party chair Kathleen Matthews said. Data is crucial, but in terms of a process, its all about building trust and conversations with people.

The Republican Party, flush with cash since Hogan took office and hoping down-ballot candidates can piggyback on the governors sky-high approval ratings, has been similarly active, deploying canvassers to swing districts with a new mobile app that flags residents who are likely to consider GOP candidates.

Its no secret were outnumbered in voter registration, but we believe we can capitalize on Hogans popularity and a tight data operation to make sure that our voters starting with Republicans but also independents and Democrats who will vote for Republicans from time to time are going to be there for us in the governors and General Assembly races, Maryland GOP chair Dirk Haire said.

Both parties are trying to win over people like Perry Rose, a 51-year-old computer programmer who lives in a working-class neighborhood of eastern Baltimore County. He voted consistently as a Republican in the past but now describes himself as an independent, saying he grew disenchanted with the GOP in recent years.

Del. Christian J. Miele (R-Baltimore County), who is running for state Senate and was the first 2018 candidate to receive backing from Hogan, worked Roses neighborhood during a recent canvassing effort this month.

Rose recognized Miele from a recent stream cleanup event and greeted the candidate as he neared his property with campaign brochures, but didnt commit to supporting him in the next election.

I dont know what you stand for, but I know youre a good person, and I can at least say youre at the top of my mind, he said.

Miele asked Rose to call him later so he could lay out his policy positions.

Thats why you door-knock because you dont know how someone like that is going to vote, Miele said. It sounds like hell support the person with the best ideas.

Frederick resident Heather Scott-Fagan is another potential prize for both parties. The 27-year-old lab technician, who said she typically votes only in presidential elections, described herself to Democratic canvassers this month as strongly left-leaning but named nonpartisan redistricting something Hogan has pushed for the past two years as a top priority.

When asked whether she wants to see Hogan reelected, she replied that she would rather see someone else.

Instead of waiting until after the primaries, the state Democratic Party has launched its field operations and voter outreach roughly a year in advance.

Trumps election has bolstered Democratic recruiting.

Daryl Martin, a 62-year-old editor for government contractors who knocked on doors with the Frederick group this month, said she has not been involved in campaigning since 1972, when she stuffed mailboxes for then-Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern.

I did that and just disappeared until this election, she said. I got angry and decided I needed to do something.

Martin and a partner knocked on 15 doors and reached four residents over nearly three hours, using printed spreadsheets that did not list homes in a geographical order.

Haire says the GOP mobile app, which uses data such as voting history and consumer habitsto determine which residents might vote for the partys candidates, gives them an advantage.

The day after Martins outing, Miele knocked on 35 doors in a two-hour period and reached five people, with his app providing logical routes.

The Democratic Party has similar technology but didnt use it during the Frederick outing this month.

Both organizations are uploading residents responses to survey questions to build their databases and identify supporters, opponents or those consideredpersuadable.

Both parties are focused on political battlegrounds such as Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Frederick counties, all jurisdictions that Hogan won convincingly in 2014.

In Marylands 2016 Senate race, then-Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D), who won the seat, defeated House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga (R-Baltimore County) by 16 points in the Republican candidates home jurisdiction, but he lost in Frederick and Anne Arundel counties by 4.2 points and 1.4 points, respectively.

State Sen. Ronald N. Young (D-Frederick), one of the GOPs top targets for 2018, said he feels confident about winning reelection if turnout is strong in the largely Democratic city of Frederick. Last weekend, he led more than 20volunteers on a door-knocking campaign in his district.

Theres a good chance of some degree of a blue tide this time around, he said. Often during an off year, voters go the opposite direction of president, and this one is saying some things that could motivate people ... but Im not going to rely on that. Im going to concentrate on turning out the votes myself.

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How Maryland's political parties ramped up their ground games for 2018 - Washington Post

Mouni Roy’s Version Of Baadshaho Song Rashke Qamar Will Blow Your Mind Away –

Mouni Roy is perhaps one of the most successful actresses in Indian television at the moment. She began her career with the iconic TV show, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and then went onto do Naagin 2, which was a huge hit. The actress is also known for her amazing dance skills which she has proved in herlatest video thats gone viral on social media.

In the new video, the actress dances with such grace that for a moment we forget that the song hasnt been originally picturised on her. Seen wearing a beautiful olive green salwar kameez, the actressis seen gracefully dancing to the popular song Tere Rashke Qamar from Ajay Devgn and Ileana DCruzs upcoming film, Baadshaho. She looked absolutely ravishing in the outfit that she also wore during the Raksha Bandhan ceremony at actress Aamna Sharifs residence.

We always knew that the actress had a strong fan following. But, that belief was further strengthened after her insta story, in which she captured the dance, got shared on various social media platforms within moments of her uploading the video. (ALSO READ:Mouni Roy And Ravi Dubey Cant Stop Singing Praises For Each Other)

Check out the video below

Meanwhile, on the work front, she was recently spotted with her favourite star, Salman Khan, shooting for the upcoming reality show, Bigg Boss 11, that will be showcased a month in advance than usual. She will also be seen making her Bollywood debut opposite Akshay Kumar in Gold, produced by Ritesh Siddhwani. We will also get to see actors Amit Sadh and Kunal Kapoor in pivotal roles in the movie.

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Mouni Roy's Version Of Baadshaho Song Rashke Qamar Will Blow Your Mind Away -

Carbon Black may be leaking terabytes of customer data (UPDATED) – Healthcare IT News

Security firm Carbon Black awoke to a damning report Wednesday morning about a severe flaw in one of its top software products: Sensitive corporate data from some major companies -- clients of Carbon Black -- have been found on multi-scanner services.

The report from DirectDefense, a managed security strategies provider, ties the data leak to an API key that the company claims belongs to Carbon Black Cb Response, a next-generation anti-malware endpoint detection and response tool.

Cb Response is responsible for leaking hundreds of thousands of files comprising terabytes of data, according to the report.

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Researchers sampled 100 files and identified leaks in several major companies, including: a large streaming media company, a social media company and a financial services business.

The leak contains a wide range of company data: cloud keys, single sign-on passwords, two-factors keys, customer data, proprietary internal applications like custom algorithms and trade secrets, app store keys, internal usernames, passwords and network intelligence and customer data.

DirectDefense left impacted company names out of the report to protect identities. However, the researchers did contact all customers found on the database.

The leaked data exist primarily around various executable formats (we havent seen evidence of this in documents or pdfs yet), the report authors wrote. However, if handled incorrectly, even executables can easily contain serious data leakage of information that can be hazardous to a companys security posture.

Carbon Black provides security tools to a wide range of companies, almost 2,000 customers globally -- including those in the healthcare industry.

The issue stems from data collected about potential threats that are aggregated into a central location to be later analyzed by researchers. Carbon Black separates the good files from the bad files to prevent harmful files from running.

However, it relies on whitelisting to ward off threats -- forcing Carbon Black to continuously analyze a rapidly increasing pool of data. DirectDefense researchers said the issue is when the security firm encounters new files from clients and is unsure of whether a file is good or bad -- it sends the file to a secondary cloud-based multi-scanner to be scored.

Translation: All new files from clients are uploaded to Carbon Black at least once. The result of gaining access to the multiscanner would allow a hacker to also gain access to the files submitted to the database.

Welcome to the worlds largest pay-for-play data exfiltration botnet, the report authors wrote.

And to make matters worse, the report wasnt able to definitively conclude whether this flaw is specific to Carbon Black. What the researchers do know is that Carbon Blacks prevalence in the marketspace and the design of their solutions architecture seems to be providing a significant amount in data exfiltration.

Carbon Black customers should review the data being collected through the Cb Response product and evaluate the type of data that exists on the network. Those concerned about third-party access, like healthcare organizations, could also utilize disabling cloud uploads. But keep in mind that it will negatively impact security, as new files cant be scored.

In a blog post, Carbon Black Co-founder and CTO Michael Viscuso said: Theres an optional, customer-controlled configuration (disabled by default) that allows the uploading of binaries (executables) to VirusTotal for additional threat analysis.

This option can be enabled by a customer, on a per-sensor group basis, he continued. When enabled, executable files will be uploaded to VirusTotal, a public repository and scanning service owned by Google. We appreciate the work of the security research community.

Carbon Black was not informed about the issue brought to light by DirectDefense before it was published. Specifically, Viscuso explained that DirectDefense asserts that this an architectural flaw in all Cb products.

But this is exclusively a Cb Response feature not included in Cb Protection or Cb Defense, said Viscuso. Its also not a foundational architectural flaw. Its a feature, off by default, with many options to ensure privacy and a detailed warning before enabling."

This post was updated to include comments from Carbon Black CTOMichael Viscuso.

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Carbon Black may be leaking terabytes of customer data (UPDATED) - Healthcare IT News

Exclusive: In An RTI Response, Censor Board Says It Cannot Do … – Huffington Post India

Remember when Pahlaj Nihalani said that he might pursue legal action against filmmakers for showing films abroad without a CBFC certificate? It's okay if you don't, because it's just one of the several incomprehensible rants the Censor Board chairman goes on every now and then.

But here's the thing: the Censor Board has zero control over what is shown in film festivalsand they just admitted it.

Responding to an RTI application I filed, the CBFC said that it has "no jurisdiction" over films being exhibited in festivals, either in India or abroad. So much for 'clamping down'.

Keep this in mind: the Censor Board regulates films that are exhibited theatrically in India. This means that it has absolutely no control over film festivals or even overseas distribution. Why is then Pahlaj Nihalani rattling his sabers?

This is not the first time he has contradicted the organization he heads. He has frequently complained about producers uploading uncertified trailers of their film on YouTube, but the Censor Board has admitted in another RTI response to me that it has no authority to regulate what filmmakers upload to the Internet. Notably, it has also admitted it has no jurisdiction over content that is streamed on platforms such as Netflix and Hotstar.

As if these contradictions weren't enough, let's look at the one easily found in Nihalani's own films. As a filmmaker, he routinely got away with making films featuring sexualized content that the CBFC today keeps a tight lid on.

Then there was the Mirror Now incidentNihalani claimed that if the news channel was able to get 100,000 viewers to approve of the word 'intercourse' in a trailer of the film Jab Harry Met Sejal, he would clear it.

Later, he was cornered for a good few minutes in an awkward silence by one of the channel's reporters. They had managed to get those votes. And yet, he said nothing. So I filed another RTI.

In response to this RTI, the Censor Board said, pretty stiffly: "CBFC certifies films as per the Cinematograph Act, 1952, and Certification Guidelines 1991 laid down under it by the central government."

It's safe to assume that the Cinematograph Act does not really allow the chairman to make censorship decisions based on unscientific polls held by news channels on Twitterand yet, he was able to make that bold demand, in really formal and contract-like language, and shy away when it backfired.

The problem with Nihalani's proclamationsand his almost Trump-like inability to enforce themis not with the statements in themselves; but in the fact that an individual like him is allowed to head the Censor Board in the first place.

The CBFC's name stands for the Central Board of Film Certification, not Censorship. But under Nihalani, the Board has taken a reckless and unguided slide down the path of censorship, only to have many of those decisions reversed.

In his first few weeks into the job, Nihalani circulated a ridiculous list of swear words that he said would no longer be allowed even in films certified for adults. Following the list's leak, and the criticism that followed, even from within the Censor Board, the circular was put on hold.

Then there's the long list of films that the Censor Board rejected that were later cleared by the courts or by the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal. Take Udta Punjab, which the CBFC demanded undergo over 70 cuts, including removing all instances of the word 'Punjab'. The absurd decision was overturned by the Bombay High Court, which let the film pass with one cut.

Take Haraamkhor, a film depicting a teacher who takes advantage of a vulnerable teenage girl; the Censor Board rejected the film because "teachers are revered people in society", never mind that the film was highlighting how some of them abuse that reverence.

The FCAT cleared the film with two minor cuts and an on-screen disclaimer.

Most recently came Lipstick Under My Burkha, which the Censor Board rejected for being too 'lady-oriented'. The FCAT again cleared the film with cuts.

From these events, it becomes clear that the Censor Board has no idea what it's doingits chairman frequently makes threats and orders he has no power to execute. It rejects films on flimsy grounds that are later overturned by the FCAT and courts. It has even stopped uploading records of the increased number of cuts films have to endure these days.

Why should a Censor Board that seems to have no idea on how to do its job; whose decisions are consistently challenged and overturned; which is headed by a man who has no idea what it is and isn't allowed to do; continue to be allowed to run unchecked with the authority to regulate what Indian people can and cannot see?

Also see on HuffPost:

6 Times Anushka Sharma Nailed It While Speaking About Censorship

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Exclusive: In An RTI Response, Censor Board Says It Cannot Do ... - Huffington Post India

Internet service providers in Nigeria: which one is the fastest? – NAIJ.COM

Nigerian internet speed history started in 2001 when the Global System for Mobile Communication was introduced to people. Nigeria has developed and changed since then. Today, a lot of internet service providers in Nigeria compete for the best place on the market! Still, the question is simple who is the fastest of them? Find the answer here!

It`s true that the history of internet in Nigeria started in 2001, but it was also the first year when the competition between providers started. Today, Nigerians can enjoy all the pleasures of technologies. The first 3G network was introduced to Nigeria by Alcatel and Globacom in 2008. Also, the first 4G network was presented in 2016.

According to the data from the, the average download speed in Nigeria is 3.87 MBps for today. Keep in mind that there is not much data after 2016. According to the data from, the last available speed test run in Nigeria was made in 2015. According to this data, it was very easy to create the top internet service providers in Nigeria 2015. Take a look at the top 10 best in 2015!

- Globacom Limited 6.04 MBps;

- Spectranet Limited 6.66 MBps;

- Smile Communications Nigeria 7.01 MBps;

- IPNXNG 8.32MBps;

- Vodacom Business Nigeria 8.35MBps;

- Internet Solutions Nigeria Limited 8.51MBps;

- IPNX Nigeria LTD 9.30 MBps;

- MTN Nigeria 11.65MBps;

- Cyberspace Limited 15.86MBps;

- CoolLink 16.07 MBps;

- Netcom Africa Limited 17.94MBps.

What has been happening with the best internet providers in Nigeria for the past two years? What about the internet speed? If you want answers to this question, then you need to check our speed test investigation 2017! used one of the best web portals to check internet speed of the Nigerian internet providers! For today, there are only fourteen Nigeria internet service companies presented on this website. Let`s take a look at the download speed in Nigeria today!

Attention! has used the information connected to Lagos city!

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From the list of internet service providers, it has the lowest download speed of internet. You can clearly see from the picture that it`s only 7.57 MBps. Still, it`s a newcomer when it comes to speed service providers in Nigeria.

This internet provider shows good results if you compare it to the results of 2015. However, when it comes to the download speed and development, the results are not so good. So, right now, Spectranet did not make it to the list of top 10 fastest internet service providers.

It`s strange, but this internet company did not show the best results according to Netcome Africa LTD showed only only 12.08 MBps.

It`s another player in the league of top internet service providers in Nigeria. As you can see from the picture above, it`s also one of the internet providers in Nigeria that has shown very modest results on

Smile internet can certainly be considered as one of the best internet providers.! According to the data from and, Smile managed to increase the speed of their internet to up to 12.98 MBps.

It`s another new player on the internet service market in Nigeria. It clearly shows good results with 13.52 MBps download speed!

Another internet service provider that showed great results in the internet speed test is MTN Nigeria. It offers a download speed of 13.8 MBps.

This internet service provider shows good results with a download speed of 13.63 MBps.

Another internet service provider that showed great results in the internet speed test is MTN Nigeria. It provides a download speed of 13.8 MBps.

Another good performer from the top internet service providers in Nigeria. It has a good download speed with 14.24 MBps, but the upload speed is even greater with fantastic 21.67 MBps.

Airtel opens our top 5 fastest internet service providers in Nigeria. The download speed of Airtel is good, but the upload speed is low only 10.59 MBps.

Only a few KB difference was enough to get kick this one off the list of our top three best internet providers in Nigeria. Still, 17.09 MBps of speed is pretty fantastic for this internet company!

What is so special about Internet Solutions? It`s their speed of uploading! Just take a look at 21.31 MBps! Therefore, the bronze medal in our top 14 goes to Internet Solutions!

The silver medal goes to Cool Link ISP! This company earned this medal by providing 17.33 MBps at!

The leader of our top 14 fastest internet service providers is CobraNet Ltd! This company can provide 19.27 MBps download speed and 20.68 Mbps of upload speed. Therefore, the gold medal today goes to CobraNet Ltd!

It`s important to say that the internet service market in Nigeria is booming and constantly changing. Newcomers can completely change the overall face of the market. However, these newcomers will need to implement new technologies! The situation keeps changing, and Nigerians should expect new ideas and plans from internet service providers!

What is clear for today is that Nigerian internet service markets is going the right direction! It provides new services and new speed limits to the users!

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Internet service providers in Nigeria: which one is the fastest? - NAIJ.COM