Coronavirus Pushes Biggest Migration in the Americas Underground – OZY

When Colombian President Ivn Duques government closed the countrys border with Venezuela on March 14, its move was aimed at reducing the risk of the coronavirus spreading into the nation from its troubled neighbor. Two weeks later, that decision appears to have spawned a different consequence merely making it even more dangerous and exploitative for Venezuelan migrants seeking to escape their country.

Desperate to flee or at least access Colombias health services and food supplies, Venezuelan migrants are now paying illegal armed groups for passage through dangerous informal border crossings. Known locally as trochas, these crossings are spread along the 1,379-mile border between Colombia and Venezuela.

Since 2016, Venezuelans have crossed into Colombia to escape their crippled economy, which left their public health service in ruin and created shortages of food and basic medical supplies. Today, 1.7 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees reside in Colombia.Most of them came legally, with Colombia keeping its borders open longer than most Latin American nations even as the migration became a flood last year.

There are thousands entering through the trochas on a daily basis, and thats not going to be stopped easily.

Eduardo Espinel, Venezuelans in Cucuta Foundation

But since the border closure OZY was the first to report on the increasing likelihood of that move a growing body of evidence suggests Venezuelan migrants trying to leave their country are using trochas to get into Colombia. On one occasion, 60 riot police were sent to an area near Cucuta, a Colombian border town, after an instance of illegal migration. Experts and observers say thousands of Venezuelans might be crossing over every day. And other reports suggest migrants are now paying up to 100,000 pesos ($25 U.S.) to cross the trochas and around 25,000 pesos ($6 U.S.) for guides to help them reach the other side. In effect, the border closure has merely pushed what is the largest migrant crisis in the Americas Venezuelans leaving their nation underground, potentially making it even harder to manage.

Its impossible that the [Colombian] authorities can control all the people that are leaving, says Eduardo Espinel, director of the Venezuelans in Cucuta Foundation. Although the border is closed, there are thousands entering through the trochas on a daily basis, and thats not going to be stopped easily.

Some Venezuelans are leaving their country out of fear others to buy food or for medical appointments for diseases like diabetes, cancer and HIV, with treatment facilities scant in Venezuela.

In the past, Venezuela has closed its border with Colombia, but those instances were during political disputes never during a crisis of the scale of the coronavirus pandemic. Border closures on those occasions werent enforced very strictly, say experts. On this occasion, the Colombian government is generally trying to make an effort through the armed forces to enforce the border closure, says Marianne Menjivar, Colombia and Venezuela country director for the International Rescue Committee. The nature of what were facing now is different.

But while the number of people crossing over has reduced, they seem to be getting through, Menjivar adds. And crossing through the trochas presents high risks for vulnerable migrants.

Forstarters, they have to pay. Women are at high risk of rape, she says. Somecross wading through rivers, holding onto ropes. If it rains, the rivers grow,making these crossings even more dangerous.

Oxford University researcher Dr. Julia Zulver, who has worked extensively on the border areas in Colombia, shares Menjivars concerns. What we know about these [trochas] is that they have a strong presence of armed actors who, when it comes to women and girls, often engage in sexual violence, Zulver says. These are dangerous and precarious places for people to be.

Eira Gonzalez, a journalist on the Venezuelan side of the arid La Guajira region in Northern Colombia, says she has seen thousands of Venezuelans with children in their arms asking what are we going to do? in Paraguachon, the main border town in La Guajira, after the border closure. Gonzalez used the trochas herself for her work.

For the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) think tank, the decision to close the border was inhumane.

It may be justified, but its undoable, says Gimena Snchez-Garzoli, WOLAs Andes director. They should treat vulnerable Venezuelans humanely and with special attention given the public health crisis [in Venezuela].

But Felipe Muoz, thegovernments border manager, tells OZY the decision was not taken lightly andthat it is not for xenophobic reasons but for other sanitary and public healthreasons.

There is nothing against any nationality, because 44 percent of the people who cross the border are Colombian, Muoz says. He acknowledges the border closure is clearly not a perfect measure but adds that the move was made after consultations with the Pan American Health Organization that helped them correspond with the Venezuelan government.The two governments broke diplomatic ties last year.

Indeed, Colombia is battling its own, fast-expanding coronavirus crisis. The country had 798 confirmed cases as of Tuesday. Colombia has now barred entry to all travelers from abroad. All public events have been canceled, and schools, bars and nightclubs have been closed. In a state of emergency announcement last week, an obligatory isolation was ordered for the elderly the most susceptible to the virus to stay at home until May 31.And last Thursday, Duque announced a mandatory quarantine (with people allowed to leave houses only to buy essentials like food and medicines) until April 13. Fourteen people have died so far from the virus in Colombia.

But the illegal entry of Venezuelan migrants through the trochas could further complicate Colombias own challenges too. And it wont be easy to manage, say experts. The working relationship that health authorities between the two countries are about to develop is marred in mistrust on both sides, says Sergio Guzmn, director of Colombia Risk Analysis. Neither Venezuelan health authorities nor its political leaders have credibility with their Colombian counterparts, which is likely to stem the flow of information at a critical time.

And things could get worse, he warns. For now, Venezuela has reported only 135 cases. But as the disease outbreak gets worse in that country, its broken health care system could turn what began as a trickle at the illegal border crossings into a flood, he suggests.


Coronavirus Pushes Biggest Migration in the Americas Underground - OZY

Germany agrees to take in 50 young migrants from Greek islands – Daily Maverick

epa08268824 Asylum seekers, who have disembarked in the last four days on Lesvos Island, wait in line in a guarded spot of the port of Mytilene, to receive food, Lesvos island, Greece, 04 March 2020. The newly arrived asylum seekers will be transported not to the refugee camp of Moria but to a closed type refugee camp in mainland Greece. EPA-EFE/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU

The move was a first step by Germany, officials said, as worries mount about the health situation in the Greek camps due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Tens of thousands of migrants tried to get into European Union member Greece after Turkey said in February it would no longer prevent them from doing so, as agreed in a 2016 deal with the EU in return for aid for Syrian refugees.

Greece has described conditions in the camps on some of its islands, where more than 40,000 asylum seekers are now stuck during the coronavirus crisis, as a ticking health bomb.

Germanys interior ministry said on Tuesday it aimed to begin the transfer of unaccompanied minors next week from Greece, which has been the main gateway into the EU for people fleeing conflict in the Middle East and beyond.

On arrival in Germany, the young people will be placed in quarantine for two weeks before they are divided up across Germany, the ministry said, adding that other EU states had agreed to similar measures.

While the rush to the border in March met a strong response from Greek security forces, tensions have largely settled since the outbreak of the new coronavirus prompted Turkey to close its borders with Greece and Bulgaria.

Greece is urging the EU to help during the coronavirus crisis and has said it is ready to protect its islands, where no cases have so far been recorded.

Athens quarantined a migrant camp on the mainland after 23 asylum seekers tested positive for the coronavirus. (Reporting by Madeline Chambers and Holger Hansen; Editing by Alexander Smith)

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Germany agrees to take in 50 young migrants from Greek islands - Daily Maverick

What About Migrants And Refugees? The Stark Reality Faced By The Worlds Displaced During Covid-19 – Green Queen Media

As Covid-19 continues its spread across the world, the pandemic will disproportionately affect the worlds most vulnerable populations, among them asylum seekers, refugees, internally displaced peoples and migrant workers. The world must turn its attention to respond to this global crisis in a way that recognises the acute challenges these communities face.

The entire world is gripped by the current coronavirus pandemic. From Lombardy to New York and Wuhan to Bogota, all global resources- from governments, businesses and individuals- are being redirected to fight the spread of Covid-19. Even healthcare systems in developed economies are under immense strain, overwhelmed almost to their breaking point with hundreds of thousands of patients needing emergency care and rising deaths.

For many of us, the experience of this pandemic is like none other half of the world is on lockdown, those of us who can are working from home and we have perhaps never been as worried about health and safety before. But for the vulnerable sections of global society refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers, displaced peoples and low-income earners the gripping concerns about life or death are an everyday reality that Covid-19 has only intensified.

For these groups, the pandemic will undoubtedly make their lives even more challenging than they were before, exacerbating almost every threat they already face in terms of access to healthcare, sanitation, food, income, shelter and education. In East Asia alone, the recession will keep at least 24 million living on US$5.50 per day. The pandemic isnt just a global health crisis it is a humanitarian emergency for millions of people around the world.

This including people right here on our doorstep in Hong Kong. Already one of the most unequal cities in the world, marginalised groups in Hong Kong have for months been facing additional difficulties resulting from the economic downturn, from pay cuts to loss of employment altogether all of which will only work to deepen existing social inequalities and trap poverty-stricken groups.

In the immediate term, many people from marginalised groups struggle to afford personal protective equipment, like masks and hand sanitiser. This is an unforeseen expense that they now have to assume, with little wiggle room in their budgets, explains Victoria Wisniewski Otero, Founder & CEO of Resolve Foundation, a Hong Kong-based charity. Low-income or on-call gig workers, many of whom are unable to work from home, are forced to sacrifice their health if they cannot afford resources to protect them from the virus.

And while many of us have the privilege of social distancing in our homes, for Hong Kongs poorer members of society, their housing is cramped and uncomfortable, if they even have a roof over their head at all, Otero adds.

Hong Kong is also home to a huge migrant worker population, with migrant domestic workers alone representing close to 10% of the citys total working population. While policies put in place to curb the spread of the virus are crucial to help flatten the curve of Covid-19, many of them, such as social distancing and bans on large gatherings may put their labour rights in jeopardy. For asylum seekers in the city, they face the additional threat of lacking access to any medical care at all.

While the Hong Kong government has launched initiatives to help boost the economy and alleviate some of the social impacts of the pandemic, almost all of the funds that have been put forthhave restrictions that limit access by minority communities, especially people like domestic workers or asylum seekers with visa restrictions, said David Bishop, co-founder of nonprofit Migrasia and Principal Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong.

In India, the second most populous country in the world, 1.3 billion people are officially on lockdown, the biggest quarantine effort implemented by any government. The Indian economy itself is made up of local communities that power its marketplaces, farms and warehouses, the backbone of which is a massive informal sector that makes up 80% of the countrys non-agricultural employment, including migrant labourers who rely on daily wages.

Not only have 92% of the migrant day labourers already lost their incomes as a result of the economic fallout from the pandemic, they were given only 24 hours to return to their homes in time for the full country lockdown curfew. This was basically impossible for most of them, given that a vast majority come from far-away villages and given that transportation routes were cut off anyway. For many, it is a life-or-death journey on foot, a risky gamble that can mean facing police beatings, starvation and dehydration. At least 20 migrant workers have already died as they make their way home, hundreds of kilometres away.

Similar hardships are felt by the majority of the 7 million migrant labourers across Southeast Asia. Wealthy expatriates can choose whether they stay in their place, or to go, and often if they are passport holders of advanced economies, governments may even help them fly home. But faced with no wages, industrial workers, domestic servants and garment labourers have to choose between sleeping where they work in cramped conditions, without access to clean water, potentially running out of food rations or to attempt to make the journey home, where upon their arrival they will be faced with similar overcrowded conditions, the perfect hotbed for the spreading of the pandemic.

Then there are the hidden victims refugees and displaced people. In a recent statement, Henrietta Fore, the chief of UNICEF, said that there are 31 million children who are torn away from their homes, 17 million of which are internally displaced, 12.7 million are refugees and 1.1 million are asylum seekers. Most of them cannot call a doctor if they become sick, cannot wash their hands whenever they need to, and physical distancing is simply impossible in the swarming camps where they currently reside.

Many camps are already in a race against a ticking time-bomb. In Malakasa and Ritsona, two of 30 refugee facilities in Greece, several cases of people displaying symptoms of the virus have been detected. If left uncontained, a full-blown outbreak in camps would send the human cost of the pandemic further into unchartered territory.

Many of these individuals are separated from their families and away from their country of origin, their physical and emotional needs must not be forgotten, said Archana Kotecha, the Asia Region Director and Head of Legal at Liberty Shared, an anti-trafficking NGO.

Aside from the devastating loss of lives, the human impact of this pandemic on vulnerable migrants, refugees and the undocumented is likely to be a heightened risk of exploitation. Poor access to already strained healthcare services and no access to social welfare causes a crystallisation of vulnerabilities driven by the need to survive in exceptionally difficult times, explains Kotecha.

Recently, the United Nations launched a major humanitarian fund worth US$2 billion to lead a global response plan to some of the worlds most vulnerable countries. The appeal seeks to protect millions of people around the world who are most at risk of the coronavirus itself, and the consequential impacts of efforts to contain the pandemic.

The fund will help kickstart global governmental efforts to respond to the acute challenges that vulnerable groups face. But this is only the beginning, and all of us have a responsibility to step in to do what we can.

Otero believes that those of us who have the privilege to remain at home without huge financial strains should do their part. There are existing drives by civil society groups to organise distribution campaigns and initiatives to support the homeless. Now is the time to pledge your support. Become a monthly giver to NGOs, giving them a stable source of income. During so much uncertainty, this sends a great message, she said, adding that when the wellbeing of vulnerable groups is safeguarded, we all benefit collectively as a society.

The world is undoubtedly shaken by the pandemic, but some are and will continue to bear a much heavier burden as the crisis continues. For those of us on the fortunate side of the world, we must acknowledge our unique responsibility to give and support others in any way we can right now. Historys judgement will not be kind should we foresake compassion and aid for the voiceless amongst us during this unprecedented global crisis.

Lead image courtesy of Rajesh Kumar Singh / AP.

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What About Migrants And Refugees? The Stark Reality Faced By The Worlds Displaced During Covid-19 - Green Queen Media

Failure to fix immigration undermines our ability to mitigate COVID-19 | TheHill – The Hill

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the country and the globe, the Trump administration has enacted a series of travel restrictions with other countries and new measures targeting asylum seekers along the U.S.-Mexico border to combat the crisis.

Although President TrumpDonald John TrumpThe pandemic is bad, we need the capability to measure just how bad Florida governor wants federal disaster area declaration Amash calls stimulus package 'a raw deal' for 'those who need the most help' MORE has claimed that these measures would mitigate the crisis by stopping mass global migration that purportedly spreads COVID-19, they overlook the systemic problems in our health care infrastructure that failed to contain the virus in the country.

Unfortunately, this approach repeats the same mistakes of the administrations asylum policies at the U.S.-Mexico border by focusing on prevention and not the systems capacity to deal with a medical and immigration crisis.

Over the last year, the administration has relied on agreements with other countries to stem the flow of migrants at the southwest border. The "Remain in Mexico" program and the asylum agreement with Guatemala, for example, both allow asylum seekers to be whisked from the border to either wait for a hearing or seek asylum elsewhere. Although these programs led to a decline in arrivals at the Southwest border, the administration did not use that moment to fix the immigration systems problems.

These problems are legion. The immigration court system, which processes asylum cases, continues to be underfunded and understaffed, creating years-long backlogs for these cases. Customs and Border Protections infrastructure continues to lack the capacity to receive and process vulnerable populations like families and children with appropriate medical and humanitarian care.

Finally, the Department of Homeland Security does not have protocols for coordinating processing or managing the transfer of asylum seekers across its agencies or to the Department of Health and Human Services, nor to surge resources at the border to provide humanitarian assistance when needed.

These issues have limited the ability of the system to respond to the health crisis. Migrants in detention facilities face exposure to the virus if an employee contracts the virus and spreads it to their coworkers and detainees. The squalid conditions in the migrant camps on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico border also create similar risks, since many migrants do not have access to facilities to take preventative hygiene measures such as washing their hands. And CBP still has to encounter and process arriving migrants in its facilities with limited ability to provide medical care and screening, putting both migrants and CBP agents at risk.

The administration had not taken any meaningful, bipartisan steps to address these institutional problems before the pandemic, creating a two-front battle for the immigration system. Immigration advocates have called ending the Migrant Protection Protocols and releasing migrants in detention to avoid these medical issues. Without institutional and procedural changes that would allow the asylum and border systems to manage the incoming migrants, however, these steps would merely recreate the 2018 and 2019 border crisis.

First, ending MPP would reinitiate the same crisis because we have not constructed enough new border infrastructure to receive vulnerable populations or boosted resources for asylum adjudications and immigration courts to manage a significantly higher volume of cases.

Ending migrant detention would compound this problem, especially if DHS released asylum seekers in the United States without viable alternatives for their medical care and appropriate conditions of release to ensure future appearance at immigration court.

And while Alternatives to Detention programs could mitigate some of these problems, the inability to deploy such measures on a large scale overnight would mean that more migrants would be released into the United States without any oversight by authorities. Without an end-to-end overhaul of our immigration system, these proposed measures would not help with addressing the current pandemic or ensuring that the asylum system operates fairly and efficiently.

A smart response would recognize the need to fix the long-term problems with the immigration system while taking short-term measures to address the public health crisis. In the case of MPP, the United States and Mexico must immediately work with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, the Red Cross, and UNICEF to set up proper refugee camps on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico border that provides migrants with facilities to meet their health needs.

ICE should immediately surge health care resources to detention facilities and consider release for those who have underlying health conditions that would make them more susceptible to the coronavirus, with necessary monitoring and check-ins.

While these short-term measures would not resolve the problem tomorrow, they would address the immediate challenges while buying time for the government to solve the structural problems in the system. Given the stakes, the administration and Congress cannot delay in fixing these problems to strengthen the immigration system and its ability to help contain the pandemic.

Cristobal Ramn is a senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center.


Failure to fix immigration undermines our ability to mitigate COVID-19 | TheHill - The Hill

Asylum Rights Denied, Migrants, Refugees Find Greek Island on the Brink – Balkan Insight

The conservative Greek governments decision to suspend asylum rights followed an order at the end of February from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in neighbouring Turkey for coast guards and border police to stand down and wave refugees and migrants through, ripping up a 2016 deal with the European Union to keep them inside Turkeys borders.

Refugees and migrants headed in droves to the Greek-Turkish border, only to find the Greek side closed. Thousands are now stuck in no mans land. Many have been pushed back with tear gas, and, reportedly, bullets.

Talks between the EU, Greece and Turkey have yet to break the deadlock.

Under the EU-Turkey deal signed in 2016, Ankara was promised six billion euros in aid to accommodate the refugees it prevented from reaching European soil.

But Erdogan, under pressure at home over heavy Turkish military losses in Syria, has repeatedly accused Europe of failing to fulfill its financial aid commitments, and threatened to open the border to some 3.6 million Syrian refugees inside Turkey and more migrants from elsewhere.

At the east end of the port of Lesbos, beside a locked gate, visitors came to offer support to those held inside. Among the visitors were migrants and refugees from the Moria camp on Lesbos, Europes largest and most notorious migrant camp where some 20,000 are housed in facilities built for 3,000.

They passed food and clothes over the fence. Others had just come to chat. A Greek policeman smoking nearby glanced over from time to time and told them to move along. Some Afghan children played by the fence, seeing how high they could climb. A young boy came dangerously close to the razor wire running along the top of the fence, before someone spotted him and lifted him down.

Detained in the port, Salem, an 18-year-old Syrian from the northwestern city of Idlib, chatted to her two teenage cousins through the fence. On hearing of Erdogans order, Salem, her mother and her two siblings decided to brave the sea crossing to Lesbos.

I want to see my father in Germany, Salem said. The other side of the fence, her cousins Esma and Isra have already spent six months on Lesbos.

The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, rights bodies and NGOs have condemned the Greek governments suspension of asylum rights. The watchdog Human Rights Watch said the move flagrantly violates international and European law.

Boats pushed back

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Asylum Rights Denied, Migrants, Refugees Find Greek Island on the Brink - Balkan Insight

Club Med takes on the Frugals in EU ‘corona bond’ bailout battle – Reuters

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Leaders of nine EU countries urged the bloc on Wednesday to issue a common debt instrument to cushion their economies from the shock of the coronavirus crisis, challenging Germany and others adamantly opposed to pooling risk across the continent.

FILE PHOTO: European Union flags fly near the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, October 4, 2019. REUTERS/Yves Herman

European Union finance ministers broadly agreed the previous day on an idea that governments grappling for funds might apply for a credit line worth some 2% of their GDP from a joint bailout fund called the European Stabilisation Mechanism (ESM).

But there was no agreement on joint debt issuance across the 19 member states that share the euro single currency - long a goal for the Club Med group of mostly southern member states, most prominently Italy, and just as much a red line for a group of wealthier northern countries known as the Frugals.

That left it to the leaders, who will meet in a videoconference summit on Thursday, to thrash out the issue.

Germany was one of the founders of the euro zone, in which the European Central Bank sets monetary policy for all the 19 countries that share the EUs single currency, the euro.

But the ECB, to its regret, has no power over budgets.

ECB chief Christine Lagarde asked the ministers at their meeting on Tuesday to give serious consideration to a joint issue of corona bonds as a one-off, four officials said.

One official said her proposal had run into opposition from Germany, the Netherlands and other northern European countries, but also a lot of support beyond Club Med. Germany and others could block the proposal at Thursdays meeting.

Sources said the German position, as it was in the 2010-2012 euro zone sovereign debt crisis, is that taking part in a mutual bond issue or corona bond is still a step too far, and would be resisted by its parliament and constitutional court.

There is also public opposition to putting German taxpayers money on the line to help countries seen as more spendthrift than Germany, which, alone among euro zone members, runs a balanced budget.

The push-back from northern countries - which sources said included the Netherlands, Finland and Austria - in the face of Europes most serious crisis since World War Two highlights a lack of solidarity that has been undermining the EUs principle of shared values ever since the debt crisis and the migrant crisis of 2015.

Some member states were initially reluctant to share medical equipment with Italy, which has suffered the deadliest outbreak, and several countries have reintroduced border controls - recalling the migrant crisis - inside what is normally the open-frontier Schengen Zone.

In a joint letter ahead of Thursdays virtual summit, nine countries, led by economic heavyweights France, Italy and Spain, called for a common debt instrument issued by a European institution to raise funds on the market.

By givingaclear message thatwearefacingthis unique shockall together, we would strengthen the EU and the Economic and Monetary Union and ... provide the strongest message to our citizens about European determined cooperation and resolve to provide an effective and united response, they said.

The letter was also signed by the leaders of Portugal, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Belgium and Greece.

Officials say the need for a decision on a bailout plan has been reduced by the ECBs announcement of a coronavirus emergency bond-buying program worth 750 billion euros.

Still, the ECB has long sought a euro zone-wide safe asset, arguing that a Euro Bond would be key to crisis-proofing a currency bloc that came close to collapse in the debt crisis only a few years ago.

A German government spokesman, responding to the letter, said it was normal for leaders to put forward proposals ahead of EU summits, but in the end the matter would be decided by all member states. No comment was immediately available from the Netherlands or Austria.

Such an instrument would give Brussels a fiscal lever that could be moved quickly and in tandem with the ECB, which has for years complained that budget policy is out of sync with monetary policy, hindering its economic stimulus efforts.

It would also let commercial banks cut holdings of their home countrys debt, breaking the so-called doom loop between banks and their host country in which any regional debt crisis can quickly morph into a banking crisis as well.

Additional reporting by Balazs Koranyi in Frankfurt, Andrey Khalip in Madrid, Gabriela Baczynska in Brussels and Andreas Rinke in Berlin; Writing by John Chalmers; Editing by Kevin Liffey

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Club Med takes on the Frugals in EU 'corona bond' bailout battle - Reuters

EU solidarity in the time of coronavirus – Open Democracy

By now you all understood that European solidarity does not exist, Serbias president, Aleksandar Vui, told the nation during a press conference to declare a state of emergency on Sunday evening. It was a fairy tale on paper, he added, and the only country that can help us is China. It was a moment of grand political theatre, delivered with Vuis trademark pauses and profundity, in front of a TV audience eager to learn whether their sons and daughters would be going to school or kindergarten the very next day. Yet it was a moment that captured a sentiment that even Serbias most progressive voices have come to harbour deepening and increasingly fundamental disillusionment with the EU and the European perspective. It is, moreover, a disillusionment that is felt across the Western Balkans.

The timeline for membership of the Union a dream shared by the so-called Western Balkans Six has been stretched to such an extent that it has begun to fray. The start of accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania were vetoed by France last autumn, despite the former having changed its name after an historic compromise with Greece. Kosovo still awaits visa liberalisation, even though the Commission determined that it had fulfilled all the stipulated conditions (of which there were plenty). Bosnia and Herzegovinas internal upheavals threaten its own functionality, let alone its prospects of membership. Only Montenegro and Serbia have made some small but tangible progress; often to the chagrin of the others, especially the progress of the latter.

Without either absolving governments for their failures to implement EU conditioned reforms (and their subsequent attempts to distract attention), or romanticising their stated commitments to do so amidst almost constant electioneering, the recalcitrance of certain member states towards admitting new members has hindered progress on numerous fronts.

It is not just the waning of the European perspective, though well-documented, that is driving disillusionment. The regions healthcare systems including those of EU members such as Croatia and Bulgaria have been decimated (especially outside the main urban centres) by the outflow of highly-trained medical personal (doctors, nurses, surgeons, anaesthetists), enticed by opportunities and renumeration in western Europe. Though one cannot begrudge these individuals the professional and life chances they so deserve, nor can the chronic mismanagement and underfunding of these systems be overlooked, it is nonetheless a loss of labour that is both hard to stem and exacting to replace (especially in the absence of sizeable immigration). Demand for such human capital from Europes ageing population is inexhaustible, and many feel these countries should be entitled to direct compensation for their investments. During public health traumas like the Coronavirus, such deficiencies become even more pronounced. There are already too few doctors and nurses, let alone when those on the front-line inevitably fall ill. They will face unimaginable stresses and strains, the result of which will be preventable deaths.

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EU solidarity in the time of coronavirus - Open Democracy

Political Symptoms of a Pandemic: What’s next for the EU? – New Europe

Truth be told, I spend a good part of my day following social media even more so during these past few days of self-isolation in my Brussels apartment.

If I were to identify one prevailing theme among all the memes doing the rounds of Instagram, that would be we all make fun of all those grabbing every last toilet paper roll and pack of linguini from the supermarket rack. But what happens when national Governments across the EU start behaving this way?

Somewhere between European capitals on intensified lockdown and an unavoidable Coronavirus-led recession, the pandemic brings another reality: the return of internal borders and the comeback of the Nation-State.

National Governments stepping up to their financial and organizational strengths, as people are physically distancing themselves to fight the pandemic, is understandable, it makes sense and, if kept within the boundaries of this extraordinary crisis, it is as it should be.

However, there is also an emotional aspect to this development, for which the political ground was already set before this crisis: Rightwing parties and movements loud anti-migrant and anti-refugee voices, calling for walls and the protection of traditional identities, have recently been matched by a left-leaning environmental movement promoting localization and calling for the cut down of air travel.

Politicians across the spectrum understand that people think in stories and when facing a crisis, people often stop believing in those stories. But when you no longer have a story, you cant explain whats happening.

We observed this in the aftermath of the recent financial and migration crisis. In the years between 2008, the beginning of the financial crisis that turned into a political crisis, and 2019 a very large segment of the citizens stopped believing in the story. They felt like they had lost their constants, their traditional points of reference.

Our economies were global, but our politics had remained local.

And their reaction was the one wed have if we had lost our way in a large city; going back to the point where we started, the point where we felt more secure and start over.

The old 20th-century political model of left versus right became largely irrelevant, and the real divide became that of truth versus post-truth and moderates versus extremists.

Now lets come back to the crisis we are currently facing. It has demonstrated the fragility of our global supply chains, be it medical equipment or autarky of food supply and has reinforced emotions of protectionism.

The irony is that most economists would agree its exactly this situation of fighting a global pandemic that should call for a more streamlined form of European governance, with Governments acting together under the coordination of a strong Leadership.

Lets take as an example public health, where, according to the Lisbon Treaty, the European Union only has what in EU jargon we call a shared competence (Art. 168 TFEU). National Governments define and deliver their national health services, while the EU machinery manages a limited budget of less than 100 million Euros per year. The EU doesnt legally have the competence or the budget to act and manage a streamlined European response to the pandemic, yet many were quick to criticize Brussels for not showing leadership in managing the current crisis.

On the other hand, lets look at the EUs response in a field where it does have competence, the monetary union. The European Central Bank was fast to unleash 750 billion Euros in a temporary bond-buying programme to alleviate the impact of the pandemic. Isnt this Leadership?

And lets finally look at the response of Governments imposing restrictions on exports of medical supplies, a position politically understandable, but unreasonable and counter-productive in the case of a global pandemic. Is this really Leadership?

While the coronavirus crisis has temporarily brought our borders back, we should really look at it as an opportunity to strengthen our Union.

Our economies and supply chains will remain global, so lets give the EU the competences and the funds to play an effective role next time around.

Often, I describe the EU as an archaic typewriter in a digital era; It needs to change, it needs to modernize its structures, and it needs to upgrade its role and leadership. But its up to national Governments to provide it with the necessary funds and competencies in order to turn it into a powerful smartphone.

So, truth be told: we are all in this together. Lets begin, citizens and national Governments, by no longer grabbing every last toilet paper roll and pack of linguini from the supermarket rack.

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Political Symptoms of a Pandemic: What's next for the EU? - New Europe

The hostile environment is being kept in place even amid the coronavirus crisis – LabourList

An elderly woman with lung cancer was told she would have to fly home to Ukraine in order to receive treatment, it has been reported. This would be quite a feat given there are currently no flights going into the country. Confronted with this news, Home Office administrators suggested that she drive instead. This absurd case highlights the intractable and insensitive culture behind day-to-day Home Office bureaucracy, which recently came in for serious criticism with the long-awaited publication of the Windrush Lessons Learned review.

In another sign that the Home Office is intending to carry out business as usual, it hasnt updated its coronavirus immigration advice for the best part of a month. Its determination to maintain the hostile environment, even in these unprecedented times, will surprise nobody who has been closely tracking developments in immigration policy over the past few months.

The pandemic has thrown the UKs hostile environment into the spotlight once again. As the Home Office continues to fly in the face of common sense and humanity, migrants are being left to fend off the impending Covid-19 crisis on their own. As food banks are driven into closure by dwindling volunteer numbers and supermarket shortages, it is undocumented migrants who will be worst affected. There are too many migrants currently on the brink of destitution without recourse to public funds.

The situation in healthcare is equally dire. While the government has confirmed that migrants can get tested for Covid-19 on the NHS at no charge, it has failed to publicise this fact. Equally, if they test negative for coronavirus and require other treatment, they could still incur charges.

Any policy that deters people from seeking medical treatment under the current circumstances is not only inhumane it can also exacerbate the spread of the virus. Pausing the immigration healthcare surcharge to ensure everyone comes forward would make a world of sense not least because the security apparatus surrounding it is so expensive.

Prisons were quickly identified as one area where coronavirus could spread like wildfire without special provisions. It took a while longer for the government to accept the danger posed to people in immigration detention centres, and even longer to publicly acknowledge it. The Home Office has maintained the pretence that it will carry on with deportations as usual but the fact that it cannot do so means it shouldnt be keeping them prisoner in the first place.

The government has now removed some of the most at-risk people from detention centres, but keeping people in such a risky situation seems entirely disproportionate when you remember that their main crime was not being born in this country. We also know that most people who are detained are let out after less than a month, which as one prison inspector noted in 2015 raises questions about the validity of their detention in the first place.

There are even some voices from the Conservative benches that are now recognising problems in our current immigration system as a result of coronavirus. Tory backbencher Steve Double pointed out how workers who were maligned as low-skilled just last month are actually pretty crucial to the smooth running of our country, and called on Home Secretary Priti Patel to think again.

As I pointed out recently in my critique of the points-based immigration system, all work is skilled work when its done well. Coronavirus is reminding everyone that there is no such thing as low-skilled work only low-paid work. As the rich flee the worst-hit areas in London, its the migrant workforce that is keeping the city on its feet.

Why is the Home Office so determined to carry on with business as usual when its clearly dangerous and impractical? It seems obvious to me that the real reason they are so scared about giving ground is that it will show up the monumental pointlessness, waste and tragedy of the current system.

The crisis so far has taught us two important things: that infections do not recognise national borders, and that public health is precisely that public. Its in the interests of all of us to ensure that everyone else has the means to stay healthy during the crisis.

Leaving people without the means to meet their basic needs isnt just a human tragedy during a global pandemic its also a serious public health issue. As activists rally together and sense some cracks in the current immigration infrastructure, it is more important than ever that Labour stands up to oppose the hostile environment.

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The hostile environment is being kept in place even amid the coronavirus crisis - LabourList

Wage subsidy is also for migrant workers who have lost their jobs, say leaders –

Migrant workers who have lost their jobs amid the COVID-19 crisis should contact their employers to obtain government wage subsidies,say political leaders.

With people being made redundant, jobs on hold, and the announcement of several business crisis package for New Zealand, those on work visas say they have not seen dedicated support for their group.

While one in fourmigrant arrivals were on a work visa in 2019,the number of migrant arrivals on work visas increased by 3100 (10 per cent) to 33,400 compared with the previous year.


Labour list MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan talks to Radio Tarana's Vandhna Bhan about migrant workers who have lost jobs during this coronavirus crisis.

There are more migrants arriving every year with the number having doubled between 2010 and 2019.

There'sa significant numberIndians who are currently here on a work visa, but have now lost their jobs amid the COVID-19 crisis, a Radio Tarana survey has found.

READ MORE:* Govt subsidy 'providing support for people who are already out of work'*Live: Coronavirus lockdown updates*Editorial: Welcome to the pandemic police state*Police commissioner pleads with public to play by supermarket rules - people will die*Top cop Mike Bush to lead new taskforce, says police will enforce new rules*Poll shows Kiwis back harsh measures but are extremely worried about virus


National Party leader Simon Bridges.

They work mostly in the hospitality industry and came to New Zealand under the skilled migrant workers shortage list.

Labour MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan advisesthose workers need to speak with their employers for them to apply for a wage subsidy for their workers.

"In terms of migrant workers, that is something the Immigration Minister is aware of and working on so all I can say at this moment is watch this space," Radhakrishnansaid.

Braden Fastier

Labour list MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, at a recent press conference,also pointed to the employer through the wage subsidy plan.

"We're giving greater flexibility to our benefit system," Ardern said.

"We acknowledge this is a time people are experiencing job loss. Our goal is to try keep people connected to their employer through the wage subsidy.

"If that's not happening we have the backup of our welfare system."

National Party leader Simon Bridges, in an interview on Tarana's Sunday@5 programme, said he hoped the issue would be resolved soon.

"There's a real problem here, we're going to have all these sorts of issues," Bridges said.

"We need to work through them urgently and make sure we're not just leaving people languishing there with no money, no support, literally in dire straits.

"We want our Kiwi Indians to stay in New Zealand, to contribute," Bridges said.

"We will get through COVID-19 and we know what a great contribution the Indian community has made so we have got to find ways to support through it in these types of situations where maybe it's not the right visa, maybe it's not the right residency, but we want to keep you here because of the contribution you make."

National MP Dr Paramjeet Parmarsaid the country needed to do all it could to hold on to these workers.

"If people decide to go back home to their countries in this time of crisis because they're not getting any financial support here, then it'll be very hard to bring those workers back when the economy regains and we need those migrant workers in our workforce."

The rest is here:

Wage subsidy is also for migrant workers who have lost their jobs, say leaders -

A Closed Border, Dashed Hopes and a Looming Disaster – The New York Times

CIUDAD JUREZ, Mexico Tania Bonilla arrived in this Mexican border city on Wednesday determined to apply for asylum in the United States.

With her 1-year-old in tow, she had defied the odds evading a death sentence by a Honduran gang at home, she said, as well as deportation by the Mexican authorities at the southern border and kidnapping by smugglers en route.

But now, in eyeshot of an international bridge connecting the Mexican city of Ciudad Jurez to the United States, a new and even more serious obstacle presented itself: the coronavirus.

In response to its rapid spread, which has claimed about 13,000 lives worldwide, the United States government announced on Friday that in addition to closing the Mexican border to nonessential traffic, it would shut off access for anyone trying to claim asylum from the border.

In practice, the United States will deport anyone caught crossing between official ports of entry, including those hoping to turn themselves in, denying them access to asylum and potentially sending them back into harms way.

Mexico has not only agreed to accept Mexicans returned under this policy. Its government acknowledged on Saturday that it would take back most Central Americans as well, potentially adding thousands more to the migrant populations already swelling along the border.

The Trump administration decision will also put an end, at least for now, to the hopes of asylum seekers who want to legally enter the United States at official border crossings. That includes thousands who have been waiting, some for months, for the chance to present themselves.

Analysts said this was the first time in memory since the creation of the current asylum system 40 years ago that the United States had shut down access to its program along the border a sign of the deep-seated fear that has prompted the president to close both the northern and southern borders to nonessential traffic.

But others viewed it as an attempt to use a global pandemic as a pretext to summarily block access to the U.S. asylum system for those coming from the south.

I think when you have a crisis of these proportions, its possible to get away with a lot, and thats possibly what they are doing here, said Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington.

For some migrants, the move felt existential, as though what little hope remained had been plundered by a virus that is far more widespread in the United States than in their own countries.

Right now, I dont know what Im going to do, said Ms. Bonilla, 22, seated on a cinder block outside the state of Chihuahuas migrant affairs offices. Her son played with another group of children whose parents were also fleeing violence. The one thing I cant do is go back.

Equally worrisome are the implications of such a move along the border, particularly in terms of health care, with communities of asylum seekers already writhing under the weight of overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions.

On Saturday, the Mexican government was encouraging migrants to leave a large encampment in the border city of Matamoros, where some 2,000 have been living in tents on a muddy strip of land next to the international bridge.

At least 150 migrants boarded buses at the camp on Saturday and were taken away, though it was unclear whether that was related to the coronavirus. From time to time in recent months, the federal government has provided bus service to migrants seeking to leave northern Mexico and return to Central America.

Mexican officials said the buses on Saturday were provided by the government in response to requests from migrants living at the camp.

Fridays decision by the Trump administration to wall off the border from potential infections seems, for the moment, to fly in the face of transmission patterns.

Helen Perry, executive director of Global Response Management, a nonprofit that runs a clinic at the migrant encampment in Matamoros, said there had been no transmissions of the virus among the migrant population so far, and none of those residing in the camp appeared to show symptoms.

Similarly, in Tijuana and Ciudad Jurez, medical professionals reported no suspected cases.

Meanwhile, the number of confirmed cases in the United States dwarfs those in every nation in Latin America and the Caribbean, combined.

Experts say the most likely scenario is that someone coming from the United States will bring the virus into migrant communities living south of the border, sowing devastation among already vulnerable populations.

The migrants havent passed through major cities, airports or been hanging out at cafes, said Mrs. Perry.

What is certain, however, is that the bulk of the new policys burden will be felt on the Mexican side of the border, where shelters are bracing for the new reality.

At a meeting this week in Ciudad Jurez, shelter operators met to discuss group strategies to protect their populations from the virus. Increased use of hand sanitizer, face masks and screening were among the most obvious.

At the Casa del Migrante in Ciudad Jurez, the largest and longest-running shelter in the city, new arrivals will be housed in a separate facility for at least two weeks. But even they cant follow all best practices.

They suggest we put one meter of spacing between the beds, said Blanca Rivera, an administrator there. But we dont have that kind of space.

Sister Adelia Contini, the director of the Madre Asunta Institute shelter in Tijuana, said she was caring for 70 migrants in a center with only 45 beds.

Were not going to receive more people, she said by telephone.

Father Julio Lpez, who runs the Casa del Migrante Nazareth shelter in the city of Nuevo Laredo, said his center lacked basic safety equipment.

We dont have anything, he said.

Dirvin Luis Garca, the deputy director of the Chihuahua population council, which oversees migrant issues for the state, was more blunt still: We are not prepared for this scenario.

In the Matamoros camp, migrants bathe and wash their clothes in the Rio Grande.

Families of four or five occupy tents intended for two people; some are already weakened by respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.

The crowded conditions, lack of hygiene and dearth of medical supplies practically guarantee that when the virus strikes, it will spread quickly and brutally.

We are preparing the community for what will inevitably happen, said Andrea Leiner, a nurse practitioner who is director of strategic planning for Global Response.

To prepare, the organization has begun distributing vitamin D and zinc in an attempt to boost migrants immune systems.

They are being told to position their tents at least six feet apart, and to open ventilation flaps to let in fresh air.

While many blame the United States for the already difficult conditions along the border, it is not solely responsible for the overcrowding.

Mexicos president, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, has taken heat for bending to the will of the United States in ways once unthinkable for a leftist leader, especially one who had vowed to protect migrant rights.

His public assent has helped push shelters beyond capacity, taxed local and state governments, exhausted the resources of charitable groups and strained the good will of residents.

Yet the president has hardly paid a political cost.

His approval ratings remain high among Mexicans, who seem to have given little thought to his migration policy. His administration has been clear that its policy is to maintain good relations with the Trump administration.

For Ms. Bonilla, that policy is a crushing counterpoint to the hope that brought her hundreds of miles north in search of a better life.

Even last October, when thousands of migrants were being sent back to Mexico, her partner had managed to make it across with their daughter. He was living and working in Florida.

She hadnt planned to join him so soon, but in February, she said, Honduran gang members began extorting her. She had started a small business selling coffee, and they wanted her to pay them $400, a relative fortune.

She refused and filed a complaint with the police. Five days later, after the gang found out, they threatened to kill her son in front of her.

An hour later, she fled with her son, carrying their documents, her meager savings and a cellphone. Since then, she has been denied asylum in Mexico, deported and then robbed when she finally did make it to Ciudad Jurez.

In less than a week, she had come to understand the migrants burden: persistence in the face of cruel setbacks and total uncertainty. That felt truer than ever now, as she waited for the new policy to go into effect.

Weve suffered so much on the road, trying to get to this point, to ask for asylum, she said, clutching her son as he tried to wriggle free. To be met with this news, its just devastating.

Right now, I dont know what Im going to do, she added. Like I said, I cant go back. Thats the only thing I cant do.

Caitlin Dickerson contributed reporting from New York.

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A Closed Border, Dashed Hopes and a Looming Disaster - The New York Times

Coronavirus means the EU will never be the same again –

The European project was built on the idea of rendering future war among European states impossible. The EU is programmed to avoid armed conflict among its member states, a situation that would blatantly undermine its very essence. But who could have predicted that an epidemic would shake its foundations. In the space of a couple of weeks fundamental tenets of the EU project have received a body blow and may not recover from the coronavirus epidemic.

The European Stability Pact requires member states to respect a three per cent budget deficit. France was about to breach that anyway and has used Covid-19 as a cover to go much further, as will Italy, Greece and others. The Pact also requires states national debt to go no higher than 60 per cent of GDP. Many of the northern states have respected that, whereas the southerners have not. Italy and France were already at 130 per cent and 100 per cent respectively before the epidemic, but with full lockdowns those figures will soar. On Friday,the EU bowed to the inevitable and lifted the budget cap, the first time ever. This will inevitably exaggerate the financial mismatch between the EUs north and south that was such a feature of the 2010/12 euro crisis. Of course, it can forcefully be claimed that the exceptional European pandemic requires exceptional measures. Rightly so. But rolling back that debt when the crisis is over will not be easy without stringent austerity measures as meted out to Greece in 2012/13.

Another of the EUs fundamental principles is control of state aid. Goodness knows what a shibboleth that has been in the Brexit negotiations. But expect states such as France, which has statism in its DNA, to go to town on re-nationalising swathes of its industry, beginning with Air France. That is fair enough in times of crisis, but getting those states to relinquish control in better times will be arduous.

The Schengen borderless EU has also been dealt a body blow. Frontiers have been restored across Europe by individual member states and the EU finally and reluctantly agreed to suspend Schengen only this week. Given that many EU states notably in central and eastern Europe have battled with the Commission in wishing to take control of their own borders since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, expect the return of Schengen to be a struggle for Brussels.

Ironically, freedom of movement, that totem of EU principles, has also ceased, not only between states but within certain states, albeit for sound medical reasons. What has irked many pro-Europeans, and Brussels itself, is that the response to Covid-19 has not been a standard EU-wide procedure. That is because health is not an EU competence. Thus different states have applied different measures to their populations to control the virus.

In broad terms, there are two models. The Italian model of full lock-down, since adopted by Spain then France and Belgium; the UK model of limited restrictions, but refusing general confinement, followed also by Holland and Sweden.

France, after initially rejecting the Italian method then enforcing it like a Jacobin Terror, is particularly upset at this lack of European harmony, as I wrote in The Spectator this week. Could a faint historical pattern be emerging in the choice of national method? Those societies that have traditionally emphasised the liberty of their citizens above equality are rejecting confinement. But suffice to say that the EU has been denied control of one of its founding principles.

A further example of the damage to the European project wrought by the epidemic is the break-down of European solidarity. Never a perfect concept in the first place, that solidarity under crisis is patently ceding to nation state reflexes. Italy, the first into the crisis and woefully lacking in surgical masks and ventilators, was pained by France and Germanys refusal to release some of their stocks.

Finally there is the overarching question of the EUs brittle financial solidarity, or its absence. In the international financial storm that has shaken markets and economies, the weaker individual European member states have until late this week been left to fend for themselvesas Ambrose Evans-Pritchard forcefully pointed out in theDaily Telegraph.Rather than rushing to provide the liquidity and guarantees in the name of monetary union, the European Central Bank dragged its feet, unlike the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England. Worse still, its new president recklessly announced last week at a moment of extreme vulnerability in the bond markets were not here to close spreads, with a detrimental impact on Italian debt. Only, finally, on Thursday did it assume its role as lender-of-last resort for its members. As with the 2008-09 financial crash the parsimonious nations, led by Germany, have been reluctant to bail out the spendthrifts. Now they may be forced into the unthinkable, for Germany at least: debt mutualisation.

What is certain is that some European political parties will be boosted electorally by Europes feebleness in the crisis. Both Matteo Salvini in Italy and Marine Le Pen in France excoriated Brussels weeks ago for refusing to lift the Schengen agreements to stop the virus spreading, according to them, out of pure EU ideology. The forced suspension of many of the EUs fundamental principles is a gift to them. Brussels will struggle to put the genie back in the bottle.

Where all this will leave the European project is a moot point. Debt mutualisation, postponed from 2008/9, is explosive and could make or break the EU. And yet, the history of EU integration is evidence that it thrives on crises as levers for ever-closer union. Frances foreign minister views the epidemic as an opportunity for Europe, failing which she will miss her appointment with history. In which case, president Macrons greater European integration reform programme may actually see the light of day and Europe move to the next level of ever-closer union.

Prof John Keiger is a specialist in French history and the former Research Director in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge

Continued here:

Coronavirus means the EU will never be the same again -

Europeans Erect Borders Against Coronavirus, but the Enemy Is Already Within – The Indian Express

By: New York Times | Brussels | Published: March 16, 2020 1:57:23 pm Sparse crowds at Alexanderplatz, a large public square with shopping, on Sunday afternoon in Berlin, March 15, 2020. In societies where life plays out on the street or in the cafe, where friends are greeted with kisses on the cheeks, the outbreak is creating fear and fragmentation. (Emile Ducke/The New York Times)

The gilded museum of Europe is hollow and echoing. The great squares and stadiums are empty, the museums shut, the churches hesitant about services, the fine restaurants and cool bars shuttered.

The coronavirus is not only spreading but also infecting societies with a sense of insecurity, fear and fragmentation. Above all, it has severed humanity from its conceit of control and of the invincibility of its institutions, science, technology and democracies.

If that is true nearly everywhere the virus goes, it is all the more so in Europe, with its history of Enlightenment, where life is lived, ordinarily, on an intimate scale, bumping shoulders on the street or in the cafe, greeting friends with kisses on the cheeks.

No more. Today, Europeans are told to hide away, erecting borders between countries, inside their cities and neighborhoods, around their homes to protect themselves from their neighbors, even from their grandchildren.

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Confronting a virus that respects no borders, this modern Europe without borders is building them everywhere. But different states have different answers, and each discrete and disparate step has increased the sense of the coming apart, and the feeling that the problem is someone elses creation.

The paradox of a virus that knows no borders is that the solution requires borders, not just between countries but within them, said Nathalie Tocci, an adviser to the European Union. But putting them up in an uncoordinated way doesnt help.

Putting them up at all, in fact, may not make much difference. The invisible threat is already within.

Even so, there is inevitably a turn back to the state for expertise, control and reassurance. As the pandemic spreads from Italy to Spain, France, Germany and beyond, there is a growing sense of the need for harsh, even authoritarian methods, many of them taken from China.

After watching the epidemic in China with extraordinary indifference, Europe has been terrified by Italy. Suddenly, many of the continents countries are trying to lock down, to protect themselves and their citizens. The idea of European solidarity, and of a borderless Europe where citizens are free to travel and work, seems very far away.

Read| Explained: COVID-19 travel restrictions around the world

If the pandemic has the logic of war, requiring strong action, the enemy may be the person standing next to you.

Its not anymore a question of borders between states but between individuals, said Ivan Krastev, who directs the Center for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a permanent fellow at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna.

It is now the individual you fear, Krastev said. Everyone around you may be a danger, carrying the virus. The person may not know hes a danger to you, and the only one who isnt a danger is the one you never meet, the one who stays at home.

The welcoming kiss, la bise, is suddenly dangerous, as is the hug of happiness or condolence.

Krastev has written tellingly about Europes migration crisis, calling it as big a shock as the fall of Communism. But now no one is talking of opening borders, he said.

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Now its not migrants you fear, but everyone, Krastev said.

The narrative of the migrant crisis included metaphors of hordes, invasion and even insects, and claims that migrants were bringing disease. They wanted to come from their wretched lives to a Europe that they considered safe and rich. But it is no longer safe.

Now, migrants will wonder, Is the plague worse than the war? Krastev said. You cannot negotiate with the plague or flee it.

A decade ago, Dominique Mosi, a French political scientist married to an Italian, wrote a book called The Geopolitics of Emotion, explaining the strains caused by globalization in terms of humiliation, hope and fear. Today, he said, the dominating emotion is fear.

The crisis of COVID-19 is adding uncertainty to uncertainty, fear upon fear, accelerating a process of anxiety about a world that is moving too fast, Mosi said, referring to the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

With terrorism, economic panic, strategic uncertainty, climate change and migration, he said, the fundamentals seem uncertain and the future unknowable.

Now comes an enemy unseen.

You can put your hand on a door handle and get the virus thats the maximum of fear, he said.

He misses touching and kissing his grandchildren, he said, and begins to think of death.

Yet mobilization of society is even more difficult and necessary because the enemy is invisible, he said. Paris has lived through terrorism and saw 150 killed in one night in 2015, he noted.

It was brutal but visible, he said, whereas in the end, the number of dead from the virus will be much more numerous, but its invisible, and weve never lived through that.

So it is difficult for governments who learned to urge calm on their populations in times of terrorism to now learn how to frighten them into acting for the common good.

During the great Black Death of the 14th century, which took so many lives, people believed that God had condemned those who died and chose whom to spare. But in a secular society, its harder to find the morality in who is dying, Krastev said. Instead you have all these conspiracy theories, with talk of the foreign virus and even a Chinese spokesman suggesting that the U.S. military was to blame.

In 2003, George Steiner, the European philosopher who died last month at 90, wrote a famous essay for the Nexus Institute called The Idea of Europe. But that idea is under threat.

Europes cultural identity, Steiner wrote, is founded on several characteristics largely missing in the United States, where car culture, suburban sprawl and great open spaces engender a sense of separateness.

In Europe, it is a culture of coffee houses and cafes, where people meet, read, write and plot. They are places, Steiner said, for assignation and conspiracy, for intellectual debate and gossip, for the flneur and the poet or metaphysician at his notebook, open to all.

Europes is also a pedestrian culture, founded on squares and small streets, usually named after scholars and statesmen, famous for their works and their massacres. Europe is walked, he wrote, and distances are on a human scale.

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In this plague time, with cafes closed and squares empty of residents and tourists, both of those characteristics are destroyed, leading to isolation and loneliness, Krastev said.

But perhaps most important, Steiner wrote, is the European sense of death and decay, which he called an eschatological self-awareness which, I believe, may well be unique to European consciousness.

Deep in Christianity and European philosophy was a more or less tragic finality, he wrote, adding: It is as if Europe, unlike other civilizations, had intuited that it would one day collapse under the paradoxical weight of its achievements and the unparalleled wealth and complication of its history.

These are hardly the end of days, but the mood is grim. Still, it is sometimes broken by surprising acts of common humanity and solidarity, Tocci noted.

An Italian, she is staying at home in Rome with her husband and children, filling out a police form when she ventures out into the street, even to go to the grocery store, and trying to concentrate on the nicer aspects of quarantine.

You rediscover some small things, spending time with the children and the family, keeping up with her father by Skype, noting that for once, social media is proving to be more beneficial than meretricious.

Italians have been singing together from their segregated balconies and displaying a united appreciation for their exhausted medical workers, she noted.

Whats beautiful about it, so far, is that it hasnt led to alienation, Tocci said. People are afraid but mostly showing responsibility and solidarity. There are so many messages going around, some of them full of hilarity and a shared community.

Even on my dreary and empty Brussels street, someone has hung an Italian flag from an apartment window. And there are still, in the grocery stores, where people move silently and carefully around one another, moments of shared emotion. A woman with a full shopping cart was trying to balance a package of toilet paper and dropped her phone. I picked it up and gave it to her, then thought how foolish I had been, but she thanked me and smiled ruefully, understanding the ambivalence.

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Europeans Erect Borders Against Coronavirus, but the Enemy Is Already Within - The Indian Express

Migrant camps on Mexican border are scrambling to avert mass infection from coronavirus – Yahoo Finance

Self-isolating isnt straightforward at the encampment in Matamoros, a Mexican border city home to about 2,500 people living in tents, waiting on US asylum and immigration claims.

There are no confirmed novel coronavirus cases in the camp, but humanitarian organizations are working around the clock to prepare for the devastating effect the virus could have if someone does become infected, said Andrea Leiner, director of strategic plans at Matamoros for Global Response Management (GRM), a medical nonprofit. If Covid does come to our camp, the environment is ripe for mass infection and severe illness, she said.

The camps inhabitants, who mostly traveled from Central America in the infamous migrant caravans, now live on a dusty former soccer pitch right next to the Rio Grande. It looks like a little village from hundreds of years ago, when you didnt have running water, you didnt have electricity, you didnt have the basic amenities we think of as being critical or needed in everyday life, said Andrea Rudnik, co-founder of Team Brownsville, a nonprofit providing aid from the US side of the border. Its extremely dusty. When you get onto the river levees, you get hit with waves of dust and dirt in your faceand thats constant.

Mexican media have reported a possible case in the town of Matamoros and a confirmed case in Reynosa, another border town with a large encampment. While US president Donald Trump announced this week he planned to close the border with Mexico, immigration hearings have so far been ongoing. That means migrants living in the camps have been crossing back and forth across the border to attend hearings. Its possible that after their court appointments people could have brought the virus back from the US, where there are far more confirmed cases than in Mexico, said Maureen Meyer, director for Mexico and Migrant Rights at WOLA, a nonprofit focused on human rights in the Americas. It could quickly become a real crisis on the border, she said.

Like the US government, critics have accused the Mexican government of initially taking a laissez-faire approach to the coronavirus crisis in general. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador spent last weekend, for example, defiantly hugging and kissing supporters. In Matamoros, authorities at first said the crisis wasnt a big deal and mooted measures like displacing those hit by the virus to a different site, Leiner said. But they have since softened their approach and signed off on humanitarian organizations plans, while the head of the local health department has been in constant contact, she said.

But concerns remain that policy could quickly change. As cases start coming up, one thing we were worried about is if we announce any suspected cases or if we notify the authorities, could that then trigger a border closure? Or violence against the camp? Or someone being detained and never seeing their family again? Leiner asked. If were further hampered by border closures or supply lines or medical personnel not being able to cross, that makes the fight ahead of us even more difficult.

Most asylum seekers on the border are young, but their high levels of stress and poor living conditions mean the virus could take a heavy toll on them, said Oscar Misael, an anthropologist at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte, a research institute studying the border area. Were talking about a population that is obviously at risk because they were already exposed to conditions of vulnerabilitywhether social, legal, or in terms of healthcare, he said.

When Misael surveyed migrants in Reynosa and Matamoros last year, around a third said they had experienced health issues during their journeymany of which were acute respiratory infections. Leiner said most people there are malnourished and nutrient deficient.

GRM has been giving them multivitamins to boost their immune systemsone of three prongs in the strategy to tackle the virus. They have put in place whatever prevention methods are possible, such as moving tents further apart, improving ventilation, and setting up a medical hotline.

People with mild to moderate symptoms will shelter in their tents, while those severely hit will be sent to the local hospital. Once that fills up, GRM will begin treating people in a rudimentary field hospital that can take up to 20 patients. Its in the middle of a muddy field where theres no electricity and no running water, Leiner said. Were clearly not able to provide medical grade oxygen at the quantity where we can ventilate peoplethats just not possible.

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Migrant camps on Mexican border are scrambling to avert mass infection from coronavirus - Yahoo Finance

The week in foreign policy – BFPG

This week in foreign policy, and domestic affairs, has been one like no other, with countries across the world introducing unprecedented measures to contain the spread of Covid-19. With news outlets saturated with stories and information relating to the coronavirus, we will continue to bring you foreign policy pieces you might have missed as world activity continues.

Although relegated to a video-conference, EU leaders met this week with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the migrants crisis and the humanitarian situation in Idlib, Syria. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the UKs Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to negotiate a resolution to the migrant crisis with Erdogan, as well as coordinate a humanitarian response to the situation in Idlib. Further details available on Euractiv.

Following the courts decision to declare a planned third runway at Heathrow unlawful, the proposed expansion has now been declared to be in a deep freeze, reports CityAM. Stefan Boscia writes that the aviation industrys crisis, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, will likely delay a government decision on the expansion of one of the UKs busiest and most international airports.

Over in the US, the Democratic Primary rumbles on, albeit with a reduction of live debates. Michael OHanlon examines for The Hill how different foreign policy would be under either of the frontrunners, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Whilst the candidates appear radically different, OHanlon suggests that upon examining their actions and proposals, their ideas could be reconciled. Many of Sanders specific proposals, for example, rooted in international cooperation, and the fight against climate change, inequality and authoritarianism, are much more mainstream than his favorable comments about Fidel Castro back in the day might suggest, creating overlap with the more centrist Biden.

The coronavirus has piled the pressure on the global economy, and for Iran a nation subject to tough international sanctions and hit particularly hard by Covid-19 the outlook is bleak. Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic Editor at The Guardian, reports that the UK has been pressuring the US behind the scenes to ease sanctions on Iran in order to help it fight the coronavirus outbreak. As 17,361 people in Iran have been infected with the virus, the Iranian embassy in London has appealed for sanctions to be lifted. The World Health Organization has suggested that the Iranian health ministry figures have underestimated the true numbers of those affected by the coronavirus by a fifth, meaning that the strain on the country is even greater.

Whilst the UKs transition period for leaving the EU is still due to expire at the end of this year, the Telegraph suggests that the UK is preparing to seek an extension to this transition period as both the UK and the EU are focused on the coronavirus crisis. The EUs chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has been confirmed to have the virus, and his British counterpart, David Frost, is reportedly self-isolating with symptoms, adding further credence to the idea that an extension will be sought before the June deadline expires.

The British Foreign Policy Group is an independent, non-partisan think tank based in London. Through dynamic research, events and networks, we seek to strengthen the UKs international engagement, and advance our understanding of global affairs in the 21st Century.

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The week in foreign policy - BFPG

Conversations From Calais: the powerful design project giving a voice to refugees – The National

You said you were going back to Syria, reads a poster pasted on a wall on a street in London. I asked you if it was safe there. You answered you didnt care, at least if you died there, it would be with dignity and in your own country, instead of dying here, like an animal.

This heartbreaking extract is from a conversation between a refugee stranded in France and a volunteer aid worker. It is one of about 100 emotional snippets printed on to posters and put up throughout more than 50 cities across five continents and in several languages, as part of a project called Conversations From Calais.

On another poster, the words read: You asked me if I had seen those photos of white people coming to Sudan. You said the white people always looked so happy, smiling with the locals. You said they always felt welcomed in your country, because they were treated as guests in your home. So you asked me why you didnt deserve the same treatment in Europe. I didnt know what to answer.

Mathilda Della Torre, 23, who is studying for a masters degree in graphic communication design in London, launched the project at the end of last year. Through it, she says she hopes to re-humanise the refugee crisis, highlighting the struggles and hardships faced by so many people fleeing their home countries in search of safety and security in Europe.

Two years ago, I decided to go to Calais Refugee Camp with my mum to volunteer after wed attended a pop-up shop run by Help Refugees where you could buy items like notebooks, food or clothes for migrants, Della Torre tells The National. I was so shocked this was happening and that I hadnt been aware of it. I thought everything had ended. I felt embarrassed and naive to be French and not know about this.

Last month, 220 migrants were rescued in the English Channel in the space of 48 hours. Last year, 2,758 boats attempted to cross the Channel illegally a five-fold increase compared to 2018, during which 568 tried to cross. The camp Della Torre visited, which is also known as the Calais Jungle, hosted almost 10,000 refugees at its peak and was cleared by French authorities in October 2016, with about 6,000 people moved. At the time, Frances interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said the country would create accommodation for thousands elsewhere in a bid to unblock Calais.

Soon after, amid failed asylum applications and mounting racism, migrants began gathering in the area again in the hope of making a successful attempt to cross the Channel, eventually forming several smaller camps that are regularly cleared. The French police arrive early in the morning and take away a lot of their belongings, Della Torre explains. The refugees are forced into this cycle of constantly having to find a new place and this is what is so physically and mentally exhausting and damaging.

The evictions are an attempt by authorities to prevent migrants from reaching the UK illegally. In November, Michel Cadot, the head of Pariss police force, said there would now be a permanent police presence deployed in order to stop these camps reforming. He said the evacuations were a bid from the state to take back the public space. The UK-France Co-ordination and Information Centre in Calais which opened in 2018 and is operated by British Home Office border officials, National Crime Agency officers and British immigration enforcement staff backs the strategy. Before the centre opened, UK home secretary at the time, Sajid Javid, said it would allow the UK and France to work even closer in the fight to tackle illegal activity at the border and the crime networks who are putting the lives of vulnerable people at risk.

Della Torre has a different take on the matter, arguing these evictions put even more vulnerable people at risk. Now people are staying under bridges and next to the highway, she says. The evictions are more and more frequent but the number of people is not decreasing. These people are totally dependent on humanitarian organisations. This is what inspired her to begin writing down conversations she had with people stranded in Calais, which led to the idea of creating the posters.

This project is a way of bearing witness, re-humanising the migrant crisis, sharing stories and documenting whats happening

-Mathilda Della Torre

Della Torre recalls a particularly striking conversation she had while volunteering with Help Refugees to distribute clothes. A refugee asked for a specific colour of jumper, but it was no longer available. He said to me but you dont understand, I havent been able to make a choice about my food or my clothes for the past 18 months. I dont have choice in anything I do. I was sent by one smuggler to another, who decided where I was going, and then its charities deciding when Im going to eat, what Im going to eat and where Im going to eat.

After that exchange, Della Torre says she noticed negative coverage in the media about refugees attempting to cross the Channel, as well as an overall lack of media coverage about the situation in Calais. This spurred her decision to travel to Dover, which has a major port for ferries to Calais. She pasted the first 50 posters all across the English town.

An article last autumn portrayed the arrival of migrant boats on the coast of England as an invasion that the country had to strengthen its borders, she says. So I travelled to Dover and put these conversations up using wheat pasting [a liquid adhesive created using wheat flour or starch mixed with water] it is an easy way to gain control of public spaces.

After that she created an Instagram account called Conversations From Calais and in January she launched its website. It allows people from across the world to submit excerpts of their own conversations with refugees, as well as being able to download posters to display where they live.

Another poster reads: You told me you were stuck in the sea for eight hours with your wife and five kids. The boat broke down. It was dark and the kids were crying. I saw the darkness in your eyes as you said you saw death in those waters.

Josh Man-Saif, the community and networks manager for Help Refugees, says Europe should be ashamed of the lack of protection for child refugees who are travelling alone. Two hundred unaccompanied minors are living just 20 miles away from Kent, he says. Under the Dublin Regulation, these children have the legal right to be reunited with family, he says. But with Britain leaving the EU, it means the future of this regulation is uncertain.

The Dubs amendment to the Brexit bill, which would have protected unaccompanied child refugees in Europe without family by transferring them to the safety of the UK, was overturned by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Conservative MPs in January. Ministers argued the Brexit bill was not the appropriate place to deal with the issue.

Primary legislation cannot deliver the best outcomes for these children as it cannot guarantee that we reach an agreement, UK Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay told Parliament at the time. That is why this is ultimately a matter which must be negotiated with the EU and the government is committed to seeking the best possible outcome in those negotiations.

But Man-Saif says this leaves no mechanism to protect these lost children. The only option for many unaccompanied minors is to use traffickers or try to take other dangerous routes. It means one more lifeline is gone and these children will be forced to take more risks, he says. It means chasing lorries, potentially getting on to a boat in a storm, sleeping outside for months with strangers you dont speak the same language as. So many children disappear.

Since 2016, the spaces available for refugees to camp in have become smaller, he says. They were in the woods and then wastelands in industrial zones, but month by month police and private companies have fenced them off. Now most people are sleeping on the pavement at the side of the road.

Last month, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) released a statement condemning the failure of the French authorities to protect migrant children, specifically those who are unaccompanied. Corinne Torre heads MSFs mission for France and says that with the vast majority of asylum applications from unaccompanied children being rejected, the organisation took the decision to open a day centre in Paris that offers legal support, medical care and a safe, social environment for those aged under 18.

A year after wed opened the centre in 2017, 57 per cent of the unaccompanied minors wed provided legal assistance for were recognised as minors, which shows that evaluations by the French authorities were not done properly, Torre says.

She stresses mental health is a major problem among refugee children and that many of the minors MSF deal with have been kidnapped, tortured or suffered sexual violence, in their home country and during their journey into Europe. We do mobile clinics every week in the north, she says. We can testify that the situation is really bad. It is becoming increasingly complicated because now we have more unofficial camps around France. This includes families with kids, which is unacceptable

. We have more and more vulnerable people. European policies are not working. Everyones protecting their own borders.

It is for these reasons that Della Torre says she feels the work shes doing through Conversations From Calais, no matter how small, is important. Its about giving a voice to migrants, she says. These people feel as though they are being ignored by governments. This project is a way of bearing witness, re-humanising the migrant crisis, sharing stories and documenting whats happening.

Its been a success so far. The project gained momentum after Januarys Refugee Solidarity Summit in Deptford, where her posters were exhibited. A selection of images of the exhibition taken by a visitor garnered almost 12,000 shares online. Its been a bit overwhelming but Ive seen the positive side of social media, Della Torre adds. Seeing there is a need for this project has motivated me to keep going. People still need to be talking about this issue.

Updated: March 22, 2020 08:32 AM

Originally posted here:

Conversations From Calais: the powerful design project giving a voice to refugees - The National

10 new ways to have fun indoors this week, chosen by our critics –

1. The Stay At Home Festival

If laughter is the best medicine, good news: a bunch of top comics have banded together to launch this free online festival, hosted by Robin Ince. Live-streamed highlights include appearances from Sherlock writer Mark Gatiss (Monday), Jo Brand (Wednesday) and Sara Pascoe (Thursday), as well as Ince's co-star from Radio 4's The Infinite Monkey Cage, physicist Brian Cox (Tuesday). Tristram Fane Saunders

Hastened to Curzon Home Cinema where it can be eagerly lapped up, this heady romantic drama, set in Tbilisi, is about the sexual awakening of an ambitious young Georgian dancer, played in a ferociously lithe acting debut by Levan Gelbakhiani. His desire for a charismatic rival drives a story that never goes quite where you expect, and the photography is radiantly lovely.Tim Robey

Childrens author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers, whose books Lost & Found; Stuck are treasured classics for bedtime reading, has launched #stayathomestorytime on his Instagram Stories. At 6pm UK time each day he will read aloud one of his books and talk about its making. Videos will be posted on his website afterward and children can ask Jeffers questions about each book via his Facebook page. We are all at home, but none of us are alone. Lets be bored together, he says.Lucy Davies

This gorgeously produced book was published to accompany the new Tate exhibition and its arguably better than being there. Many of Beardsleys most beautiful black-and-white drawings were for The Yellow Book, the naughty fin de siecle magazine that published Oscar Wilde. By reproducing them in book form, for up-close private perusal, the Tate has put them back where they belong.TFS

Published by Tate Publications;

This excellent freeview platform will be streaming two productions of works by Mozart this coming week: on Tuesday, Lucio Silla from Brussels's Thtre de la Monnaie featuring the excellent British tenor Jeremy Ovenden in the title role; and on Friday Le Nozze di Figaro in John Cox's delightfully traditional staging from Garsington Opera. Both then remain available on demand for six months.Rupert Christiansen

This marvellously imaginative reworking of the 1841 Romantic masterpiece made a strong impression upon its unveiling in 2016, since when it has continued to mature like a robust burgundy. It sets the doomed central romance (originally playing out in the Rhineland of the Middle Ages) amid a tragically 21st-century-feeling migrant crisis, and boasts thanks to English National Ballets ever-marvellous corps the most genuinely terrifying army of spectres around.Mark Monahan

Available on DVD from Opus Arte;

On his sixth albu, Baxter Dury, the talented son of Ian Dury,mixes spoken word and slinky grooves in a series of surrealist late-night vignettes. Dury essays the provocative ambiguity of a Pinteresque lounge lizard prone to evasive circumlocution and parodic gangsterism, all set to gorgeous bass heavy dub beats conjuring theEighties hits ofGrace Jones.Neil McCormick

Released by Heavenly Recordings;

The Orchestre de Paris and the Orchestra of the Paris Conservatoire, two choruses and heroic-voiced Bryan Hemel join forces to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Berliozs death with his immense Requiem. Gustavo Dudamel conducted this performance at Notre-Dame Cathedral.Ivan Hewett

Sky Arts, Sunday March 22, 10.00am 12.00pm;

Stephen Sondheim turns 90 this weekend, so its only right and proper to hit "play" on his witty and wise (if inclined to the didactic) fairy-tale mash-up from 1986, lovingly brought to arboreal, al fresco life at Regents Park Open Air Theatre in 2010 by Timothy Sheader to mark his 80th. Listen out for Judi Dench as the (puppeteered) giant and hug close the newly poignant sentiments of the final song: No One is Alone.Dominic Cavendish

Released in cinemas just weeks ago, Alla Kovgans film about Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) is now available to watch on demand. Blending original footage of him both conversation and action, it is also packed with typically otherworldly performances by his celebrated Dance Company, and makes for a fascinating and often beautiful voyage through the mind and work of one of dances great iconoclasts.MM

Read the original post:

10 new ways to have fun indoors this week, chosen by our critics -

A migration crisis and disagreement with Turkey is the last thing Europe needs right now – CNN

The EU rejects this claim. An EU Commission spokesperson told CNN that the EU was sticking to its side of the deal, pointing out that the EU had committed over $6.6 billion dollars to handling the crisis, $3.5 of which has already been spent. The source pointed out that Turkey's objections might have more to do with the fact that the money does not go directly to the Turkish government.

Whatever the truth, the threat this poses to the EU is significant. Migration has been a hot-button issue in Europe for some time. And the EU's lackluster approach to handling the crisis has left it in a position where a leader like Erdogan can effectively hold a gun to Brussels' head and start making demands.

The 2016 agreement came about after Syria's multi-year civil war saw unprecedented numbers of people fleeing violence trying to enter the EU through Greece's land and sea borders with Turkey.

Migration had become politically toxic among EU member states. Some leaders, most notably Germany's Angela Merkel, were eager to ease the humanitarian crisis, after reports emerged of refugees being subjected to horrendous living conditions and shocking images were published of bodies washing up on European shores after boats -- overloaded with refugees -- sank.

However, welcoming the influx of migrants from Syria aided the growth of Europe's far-right populists. Parties across the bloc used it to bash the EU's refugee policies and argue for tighter border control.

Read more:

A migration crisis and disagreement with Turkey is the last thing Europe needs right now - CNN

Balkans brace for another migration crisis, urge EU to wake up – EURACTIV

The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIVs media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Before you start reading todays edition of the Capitals, we invite you to read the Special Report Europes new Climate Law: Leaving no-one behind?.

Regarding the latest developments at the Greek-Turkish border take a look at the following stories:

Erdogan drops the human bomb on EU

Migrants clash with Greek police, diplomatic efforts underway

EU calls extraordinary foreign ministers meeting on Syria conflict



Following the chaos at the Greek-Turkish land borders, leaders from the Balkan region have urged the EU to take immediate action to prevent a repeat of the 2015 migration crisis.

In Sofia, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov is today preparing to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan in Ankara. He called on the EU to do everything and quickly to give Turkey the money it needs to readmit and take care of the refugees.

In Zagreb, Domestic Affairs Minister Davor Bozinovic has said Croatia is ready for another migrant wave at its borders. We have plans in case of escalation, but this is an issue that needs to be addressed diplomatically, he said, adding that the current migration wave is exactly the same as the one in 2015. The EU has not learned its lesson, he emphasised.

In Belgrade, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic promised on Sunday that Serbia would continue to treat migrants fairly, but warned it would not let them remain trapped in Serbia in large numbers.

Read the full story by Krassen Nikolov, Karla Junicic and EURACTIV Serbia



SPD and Greens call for concrete actions after racist attack. In light of the 19 February shooting in Hanau, Germanys Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens proposed over the weekend concrete steps to address racism in the country. Both parties wish to create an independent Racism Commissioner, and the SPD intends to put the matter on the agenda for the next Grand Coalition committee meeting on 8 March. EURACTIV Germanys Sarah Lawton has the detail.



Gender quota effective for supervisory boards but fails to trickle down. The Austrian quota system came into force in January 2018: All market-listed companies and some non-listed with over 1,000 staff had to have at least 30% of men or women respectively, meaning that not more than 70% could be of the same gender. However, no fines are levied in case of non-compliance; if no fitting candidate had been put into place, the seat would just remain empty. What are the results though? Philipp Grll has more.

Also read: Austria says it will stop any migrants trying to rush its border



Surprise on retirement law. In the midst of a coronavirus crisis, the French government surprised MPs by resorting on Saturday to a procedure that allows a law to be passed in parliament without a vote: Article 49.3 of the Constitution, concerning the law on pensions. EURACTIV France has the story.



Coronavirus crisis talks. Over the weekend, a ministerial emergency meeting convened by Belgian PM Sophie Wilms (MR) to examine measures to be taken in response to the coronavirus crisis. Alexandra Brzozowski reports.



Million euros to find a sustainable solution. Helsinki has launched a competition to find a sustainable urban heating system. The solution must not rely on fossil fuel or biomass fired heating. The aim is to get rid of coal as the main source of district heating for good. Pekka Vnttinen digs deeper.



Bullying row overshadows Johnsons baby. Home Secretary Priti Patel is at the centre of a bullying row after the top official in her department, Sir Philip Rutnam, resigned on Saturday citing a vicious and orchestrated campaign against him by Patel.Benjamin Fox has the story.



Coronavirus school closure. An unnamed secondary school in the east of Ireland is to close for 14 days following the first case of coronavirus in the area. Contact tracing has assessed that close contacts of this patient includes pupils and teachers of a secondary school, Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health said.

Public health doctors are in direct contact with pupils, their parents and the staff involved. Patient confidentiality in this case, and in all cases, should be respected. The Department of Health will provide updated information as necessary.(Samuel Stolton |



New coronavirus cases but citizens still not concerned. As coronavirus cases continue to soar in the EU, Spanish Health authorities reported on Sunday a total of 73 new confirmed cases in the Iberian country, EURACTIVs partner EFE reported.Read more in English.



After decades of debate over the best location for a second airport in the Lisbon region, the start of work on the new Montijo airport was scheduled for this year, but a law giving the local authorities involved the right to veto the project threatens to put a brake on the work.

The association of airlines in Portugal (RENA) has recently asked the government and the Lisbon airport concessionaire (ANA) to immediately complete the urgent infrastructure work, in addition to the development of the new airport at Montijo. (Carla Jorge and Jorge Eusbio,



Commissions competition watchdog wants to find out if the Italian governments December decision to loan national airline Alitalia 400 million was illegal state aid. Romes 400m loan was ostensibly meant to help Alitalia streamline its operations so that the carrier could find a potential buyer. Sam Morgan has the story. (



Charles Michel heads for Greece. EU Council chief Charles Michel expressed yesterday his full support for Greek efforts to protect the European borders. Closely monitoring the situation on the ground. I will be visiting the Greek-Turkish border on Tuesday, he tweeted.



Opposition rallies. On Saturday, three main opposition candidates held rallies as part of their presidential campaigns. Magorzata Kidawa-Boska (PO), who is closest in the polls behind the incumbent Andrzej Duda, promised to undo many PiS reforms, and restore the rule of law and be a true president, because it is time for Poland to have a female president. EURACTIV Polands ukasz Gadzaa reports from Warsaw.



The art of losing. What would others give for 18%, said Smer-SD party leader and ex-PM Robert Fico in what was supposed to be acknowledgment of his defeat. There are three losers, one winner. You (media) have lost, the third sector has lost and Smer has lost, he added. Fico is not considering leaving the partys chairmanship. However, he might be challenged by the ousted PM Peter Pellegrini, who got more preferential votes than Fico.

Opposition leader wins parliamentary election. The conservative movement Ordinary People (OaNO) party won Saturdays (29 February) parliamentary elections in Slovakia and will be the dominant player in a likely government coalition of opposition parties. Its leader Igor Matovi promises zero tolerance for corruption. Full story here. (Zuzana Gabriov |



Not having it. Czech MEP Tomas Zdechovsky (Christian Democrats) will take legal steps to defend himself against PM Andrej Babi who called him and another Czech MEP, Mikulas Peksa, traitors. Babi said that Zdechovsky and Peksa act against the Czech government by opening the topic of his suspected conflict of interest in the European Parliament. The PM criticised the two in connection with the fact-finding delegation of the EP, led by Budgetary Control (CONT) chair Monika Hohlmeier, that visited some authorities in order to check Babis conflict of interest in Prague last week. [Full story here]. The suspicion is based on last years European Commission audit report on subsidies from the EUs structural funds.

Coronavirus infection arrives. The health minister has confirmed the first three cases of coronavirus in the Czech Republic. Cases seem not to be connected, but all three patients, one of them a travelling American student, were in Italy recently. Babi has already proposed a ban on direct flights from Milan and Venice. (Ondej Plevk |



Transition Fund eligibility. Six counties in Romania are eligible for Just Transition Fund projects, according to a preliminary analysis of the European Commission, cited by MEP Siegfried Muresan. Hunedoara, Gorj, Dolj, Prahova, Galati and Mures are the counties that could need the largest support to comply with the targets of the European Green Deal, said Muresan, Parliament rapporteur on the funding for the Green Deal. The Commission plans to allot some 10% of its proposed 7.5 billion Just Transition Fund for Romania projects. (

More details here



Corona-free area. Slovenian government announced at noon on Sunday that no coronavirus infection has been confirmed in the county. So far, 201 tests have been completed.

Surplus of 11 million in the state budget in January. Slovenias state budget had revenues of 904.5 million in January and expenditure of 893.6 million. The surplus reached 11 million, while last year there was a hole in the budget of 52.4 million. Taxes totalled 839.7 million in January, up 8.4% from last year. (eljko Trkanjec |



Parliamentary elections in Serbia to be called on 4 March. President Aleksandar Vucic said he would call parliamentary elections in Serbia on 4 March, immediately upon his return from Washington, where he is attending a meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Vucic said on 29 February that the election campaign will last 50 days.

When the campaigns last for that long, it is necessary not to rush, you cant reach the campaign peak if you dont have a strategy for that, everyone will have time to prepare one. I hope that the list Im leading will make a good result, he said. (



Independence Day that Bosnian Serbs dont recognise.As in previous years, ever since the country declared its independence in 1992, only half of BiH is marking Independence Day on 1 March, as the holiday is celebrated mainly by ethnic Bosniaks and Croats and their administrative half of the country. In the other, Serb-dominated half, 1 March is just a regular working day. Republika Srpska instead celebrates 9 January, the date when it was established in 1992. (eljko Trkanjec |



Urgent parliament session.Kosovo Parliament is set to convene today after opposition MPs asked for an urgent session to discuss the governments proposal on abolishing tariffs with Serbia. The initiative came from former PM Ramush Haraidnajs Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), who continue opposing revocation of tariffs. As PM, Haradinaj introduced in November 2018, a 100% tax on all Serbian imports. Speaker Vjosa Osmani, a member of the LDK, a coalition partner in Albin Kurtis government, said Kosovo cannot hinder its relations with the US only because of the tariffs. Haradinaj has also been criticised by Albanian PM Edi Rama. (eljko Trkanjec |


[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Zoran Radosavljevic, Benjamin Fox]

See original here:

Balkans brace for another migration crisis, urge EU to wake up - EURACTIV

What We’re Watching: Europe’s migrant crisis, Bibi’s win, and Russians standing their ground – GZERO Media

A fresh humanitarian crisis on Europe's doorstep: A dramatic surge of migrants has arrived on Greek shores in recent days, after Turkey abandoned a 2016 deal with the EU under which it has housed some 3.7 million Syrian refugees in exchange for billions of euros in aid. Ankara took this step after a dangerous flare up last week in Syria, where Turkish troops are trying to halt a Syrian assault on Idlib province that's driving more refugees across the Turkish border. Some 10,000 migrants have since tried to breach the Greek border in recent days, leading Greek police to use tear gas and other riot control methods. One child died after a makeshift boat capsized off the Greek island of Lesbos, a main destination for migrants. Meanwhile, Greece's prime minister announced Tuesday that all asylum applications would be frozen while Athens deals with the emergency. Brussels has pledged emergency aid.

Netanyahu wins, but how big? With about 90 percent of votes in from Israel's parliamentary election, its third in less than a year, incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party came out victorious, winning four more seats than its rival Blue and White party. At the time of this writing, Netanyahu is still two seats short of a 61-seat parliamentary majority. If Netanyahu, who is set to face a corruption trial on March 17, gets to 61 seats by merging with his allies on the right, he could seek parliamentary immunity from graft charges. But if the tally is a 60-60 split with the opposition, Netanyahu might need to entertain some sort of unity government with Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz. While much will be determined in the days ahead, one thing is clear: Netanyahu has won an election that was essentially a referendum on whether his legal troubles ought to disqualify him from leadership.

Putin isn't giving up any ground, literally: Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted a flurry of proposed constitutional amendments, including measures that would effectively ban same sex marriage, criminalize blasphemy, and prevent Russia from giving any part of its territory to a foreign power. That last measure will directly affect two major territorial disputes: one with Japan over the fate of islands occupied by Soviet forces during World War Two, and another with Ukraine over the fate of Crimea, which Moscow has politically and economically integrated into Russia since illegally annexing the peninsula in 2014. It seems that even for the country with the largest land territory on earth, every hectare counts.

Continue reading here:

What We're Watching: Europe's migrant crisis, Bibi's win, and Russians standing their ground - GZERO Media