NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Future US Microbiology Testing Market Outlook
Complete report $9,400. DataPack (test volumes, sales forecasts, supplier shares) $3,450.
Comprehensive 1,037-page analysis of the US microbiology testing market. Major issues pertaining to the US microbiology laboratory practice, as well as key economic, regulatory, demographic, social and technological trends with significant market impact during the next ten years. Current scientific views on the definition, epidemiology, and etiology of major infectious diseases and microorganisms. Ten-year test volume and sales forecasts for nearly 80 microbiology tests performed in US hospitals, blood banks, physician offices, public health and commercial laboratories. Instrumentation technologies and feature comparison of leading analyzers. Sales and market shares of leading suppliers. Emerging diagnostic technologies and their potential market applications. Product development opportunities. Profiles of current and emerging suppliers, including their sales, market shares, product portfolios, marketing tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements and business strategies. Business opportunities and strategic recommendations for suppliers.
Contains 1,037 pages and 177 tables
US MICROBIOLOGY TESTING MARKETTable of ContentsIntroductionWorldwide Market and Technology OverviewA. Major Infectious Disease Tests1. AIDSa. Background0 Structure and Composition0 Classification0 Origin of AIDS0 Animal Lentivirus Systems0 Virus Receptos0 HIV Infections in Humans- Pathogenesis & Pathology: Overview ofHIV Infection Course0 CD4T Lymphocytes and Memory Cells0 Monocytes and Macrophages0 Lymphoid Organs0 Neural Cells0 Viral Coinfections- Clinical Findings0 Plasma Viral Load0 Pediatric AIDS- Neurologic Disease- Opportunistic Infections- Cancer0 Immunity- Virus Isolation- Serology- Detection of Viral NucleicAcid and Antigens0 Infectivity0 Epidemiology- Worldwide Spread of AIDS- United States- Routes of Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
0 Laboratory Diagnosis
- Enzyme Immunoassay Interpretation
- Specific, Sensitivity, and Predictive
Value of Enzyme Immunoassays
0 Competition Assays
0 Western Blot Technique
0 Immuno-Fluorescence Assay (IFA)
0 Radioimmunoprecipitation
0 HIV-1/HIV-2 Combination Testing
0 Methods of HIV-Antigen Detection
0 Antigen Assays and Blood Screening
0 Urine Tests
0 Immunopathogenic Mechanism of HIV Infection
0 DNA Probes
- Overview
- Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
- In Situ PCR
- Needed Improvements
0 Viral Load/Drug Resistance Testing
0 Genotype and Phenotype Testing
0 Blood Banking Consideration
c. Vaccines and Drugs
- Antiviral Drugs
- Vaccines Against HIV
0 Transmission of HIV in Blood Products
0 HIV Transmission in Transplant and
Artificial Insemination Recipients
2. Adenovirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
d. Adeno-Associated Viruses(AAV)
3. Aeromonas
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
4. Anthrax/Bacillus Anthracis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs5. Arbovirusesa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs6. Babesiosisa. Background7. Bacillary Epithelioid Angiomatosis (BEA)And Other Bartonella (Rochalimaea)a. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs8. Blastocystis Hominisa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs9. Brucellaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs10. Campylobactera. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Tests0 Identification from Culturec. Vaccines and Drugs11. Candidaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs12. Chagas Diseasea. Background13. Chancroida. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs14. Chlamydiaa. Background0 Chlamydia Psittaci
0 Chlamydia Pneumoniae
0 Chlamydia Trachomatis
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
15. Clostridium Difficile
a. Background
0 Pediatric Infections
0 Epidemiology
b. Diagnostic Tests
0 Counterimmunoelectrophoresis
0 Fluorescent-Antibody Assays
0 Poloymerase Chain Reactions
c. Drugs and Vaccines
16. Coronaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
17. Coxsackieviruses
a. Background
0 Herpangina
0 Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome
0 Hepidemic Conjuctivitis
0 Pharingitis
0 Epidemic Pleurodynia
0 Myodarditis,Pericarditis
0 Overwhelming Infection of the Newborn
0 Acute Aseptic Meningitis
0 Undifferentiated Febrile Illness
0 Fever with upper respiratory infection
0 Encephalitis
0 Asymptomatic Infection
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
18. Creutzfeldt-Jakob's Disease
a. Background
0 Blood Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
0 Major Commercial and Academic Players
- Bayer
- Disease Sciences/Bio Tec Global- Imperial College of Medicine- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics- Pall- ProMetic Life Sciences- Proteome Sciences/Idexx- Q-One Biotech- Serono- U.S. Agricultural Research Servicec. Vaccines19. Cryptosporidium Parvuma. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Tests0 Histologic0 Laboratory Parasitology0 Serodiagnosisc. Vaccines and Drugs20. Cyclospora Cayetanensisa. Background0 Asymptomatic Infection0 Diarrhea in Immunocompetent Persons0 Diarrhea in Immunocompromisedersonsb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs21. Cytomegalovirusa. Background0 Chorioretinitis0 Gastrointestinal0 Central Nervous System Diseaseb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs22. Ebola Virusa. Background0 Epidemiology0 Hemorrhagic Feverb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs23. E. Colia. Background
0 Role of Escherichia Coli in
Causing Diarrhea
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
24. EchoVirus
a. Background
0 Acute Aseptic Miningitisis
0 Encephalitis
0 Exanthems
0 Respiratory Disease
0 Myope;ricarditis
0 Neonatal Infections
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
25. Encephalitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
26. Enteroviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
0 Viral Isolation and Identification
0 Antibody Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
27. Epstein-Barr Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
28. Giardia Lamblia
a. Background
0 Life Cycle and Morphology
0 Morphology of Trophozoites
0 Clinical Disease
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
29. Gonorrheaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs30. Granuloma Inguinalea. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs31. Hantavirusa. Background0 Identification of the Agent0 Transmission0 Other Rodent Hantaviruses0 Distribution0 Hantavirus Diseases0 Epidemiology0 Addendum in Proof-Northeastern Connection0 Previously Unknown Pathogens0 Cases Nationwideb. Diagnostic Tests0 An Immunohistochemistry Approach0 Hantavirus Rapid Diagnostic Test0 ELISA Diagnosis of Hantavirus PulmonarySyndrome0 IgG ELISA0 IgM Capture ELISAc. Vaccines and Drugs32. Helicobacter Pyloria. Background0 Pathogenesis0 Role in Peptic Ulcer Disease0 Role in Gastric Cancer0 Nonulcer Dyspepsiab. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs0 Specific Therapeutic Regimens0 Who Should Be Treated?0 Participants in Controlled Clinical Trials
0 Patients with Refractory Peptic Ulcer
0 Patients with Refractory NUD
0 Patients in High-Risk Groups for Gastric
33. Hepatitis
a. Background
b. Hepatitis A
c. Hepatitis B
d. Hepatitis C
0 Classification
0 Transmission of Infection
0 Occupational Hazards
0 Acute Hepatitis
0 Diagnosis of Acute Infection
0 Chronic Hepatitis
0 HCV and Other Chronic Liver Diseases
0 Alcoholic Liver Disease
0 Hepatitis B Coinfection
0 Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
0 Diagnostic Tests
0 Possible Indications for HCV RNA Testing
0 Conclusions and Future Direction
e. Hepatitis D
0 Historical Perspective
0 Epidemiology
0 HBV-HDV "Coinfection" vs. "Superinfection"
0 Methods of Detecting HDV
0 Prevention
f. Hepatitis E
0 Background
0 Prevalence of the Disease
0 Diagnostic Tests
0 Epidemiologic Serosurveys
0 Serologic Cross-Reactivity
g. Hepatitis G
0 Vaccines and Drugs
34. Herpes Simplex Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
35. Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)a. Background0 HIV-6 Infectionsb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs36. Influenza Virusesa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs37. Legionellaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs38. Lyme Diseasea. Background0 Clinical Description0 Clinical Case Definition0 Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis0 Case Classificationb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs39. Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)a. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs40. Malariaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Tests0 Potential Diagnositic Problems with PositivePatients from Non-endemic Areas- Patient- Laboratory- Physicianc. Vaccines and Drugs41. Measles (Rubeola)a. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs
42. Meningitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
0 Development of Polysaccharide Vaccines
0 Quadrivalent Vaccine Development
0 Meningococcal A.C.Y. & W-135 Vaccines
0 Efficacy of Group C Vaccine
0 Efficacy of Group A Vaccine
0 Combinations of Group A and C Vaccines
0 Group B Efficacy Trials
0 Future Direction
43. Microsporidium
a. Background
0 Prevalence and Geographic Distribution
0 Sources of Human Infection and Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
0 Light Microscopic Examination of Stool
Specimens By Chromotrope Staining
0 Stool Concentration Methods
0 Chemofluorescent Agents
0 Giemsa Staining of Stool Specimens
0 Cytologic Diagnosis
0 Histologic Examination
0 Electron Microscopy
0 Examination of Bodily Fluids
0 Examination of Tissue Sections
0 Immunofluorescence Detection Procedures
0 Serology
0 Cell Culture
0 Approach to Diagnosis
0 Evaluation of Patients with Presumptive
Intestinal Microsporidiosis
0 Evaluation of Patients with Presumptive
Ocular Microsporidiosis
c. Vaccines and Drugs
44. Mononucleosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
45. Mumpsa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs0 Efficacy of Vaccination0 Future Issues46. Mycoplasmaa. Background0 Ureaplasma Urealyticum & Mycoplasma Hominisb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs47. Papillomavirusesa. Background0 HPV in Cancer0 Cervical Neoplasmb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs0 Prevention48. Parvovirus B19a. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs49. Pneumoniaa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs50. Polyomavirusesa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs51. Pseudomonas Aeruginosaa. Background0 Virulence Factorsb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs52. Rabiesa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs
53. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
54. RhinoViruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
55. RotaVirus (REOVIRUS)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
56. Rubella(MEASLES)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
0 Developing Countries
0 Elimination and Eradication of Measles
0 New Developments
57. Salmonellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
58. Septicemia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
59. Shigellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
60. Staphylococcus Aureus
a. Background
0 The Genus Taphylococcus
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
0 Prevention
61. Streptococci
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs0 Group A Streptococci0 Group B Streptococci62. Syphilisa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Tests0 Biopsy0 Rabbit Infectivity Testing0 Other Diagnostic Modalitiesc. Vaccines and Drugs0 Syphilis and HIV Infection0 Syphilis As a Cofactor for HIV Transmission0 Basic Science Issues63. Toxoplasmosisa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs64. Trichomonas Vaginalisa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs65. Tuberculosisa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Tests0 Microscopic Characteristics0 Cultural Characteristics0 Detection of Antibodies0 Skin Tests0 MDRTBc. Vaccines and Drugs66. Vibrioa. Backgroundb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs67. West Nile Virusa. Background- Clinical Syndromesb. Diagnostic Testsc. Vaccines and Drugs
68. Yersina
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
B. Instrumentation Review and Market Needs
0 Abbott AxSYM
0 Abbott IMx/IMx Select
0 Anagen AN2000/AuraFlex
0 Beckman Coulter Access
0 BioChem Pharma/SR1
0 BioMerieux/Vitek Vidas
0 Biotrol System 7000
0 Chiron ACS: Centaur
0 Chiron ACS: 180
0 J&J Diagnostics/Amersham Amerlite
0 J&J Diagnostics Vitros ECi
0 Olympus PK310
0 Roche Cobas Core
0 Roche Elecsys 1010/2010
0 Roche ES 22
0 Roche ES 33
0 Roche ES 300/300AL
0 Siemens ELISA Processor II/III
0 Siemens Immuno 1
0 Siemens/Opus/Plus/Magnum
0 Siemens Stratus
0 Tosoh AIA-1200/1200DX/NexIA/600
0 Wallac/Pharmacia Delfia
C. Emerging Diagnostic Technologies
1. DNA Probes
a. Technology Overview
b. Amplification Methods
0 Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Robotics
- Temperature Cyclers
- PCR Variations
0 Immuno-PCR
0 Ligase Chain Reaction0 Branched DNA0 Q-Beta Replicase0 Nucleic-Acid Sequence-Based0 Strand Displacement Activation0 Self-Sustained Sequence Replicase2. Monoclonal Antibodies3. Immunoassaysa. Technological Principleb. Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)0 Overview0 ELISA0 Dot Immunobinding Assays0 Capillary Immunoassays0 Particle-Membrane CaptureImmunoassays0 Enzyme Amplificationc. Fluorescent Immunoassays0 Fluorescence Polarization0 Time-Resolved Pulse Fluorescenced. Luminescence0 Chemiluminescence0 Bioluminescencee. Latex Agglutinationf. Immunoprecipitation4. Differential Light Scattering5. Microcomputers and Automation6. Artificial Intelligence7. Liposomes8. Flow Cytometry9. Chromatography10. MRI11. Gel Microdroplets12. OtherD. Personal TestingE. Worldwide Business EnvironmentF. Worldwide Market StructureG. Worldwide Market Size and Growth
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
1. Health Care Expenditures
2. Cost Consciousness
3. Reimbursement
4. Industry Consolidation
5. Managed Care
a. HMO
b. PPO
6. Hospitals
7. Admissions
8. Length of Stay
9. Industry Diversification
10. Physician Demographics
11. Population Aging
a. Chronic Illness
b. Disease Incidence
c. Susceptibility to Iatrogenesis
d. Multiple Illness Cases
12. Laboratory Regulations
13. FDA Reform
C. Market Structure
1. Centralized Testing
a. Hospitals
b. Commercial/Private Laboratories
c. Blood Banks
1) Community and Regional Centers
2) Plasma Fractionation Centers
2. Decentralized Testing
a. Physician Offices/Group Practices
b. Point of Care Testing
c. Other Decentralized Testing Locations
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers
Major Product Development OpportunitiesA. InstrumentationB. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/PanelsC. Computers, Software and AutomationD. Auxiliary ProductsDesign Criteria for Decentralized Testing ProductsAlternative Market Penetration StrategiesA. Internal DevelopmentB. Collaborative ArrangementsC. University ContractsD. Distribution Strategies for DecentralizedTesting Markets1. Marketing Approaches2. Product Complexity3. Customer Preference4. Established Suppliers5. Emerging Suppliers6. Major Types of Distributors7. Market SegmentationPotential Market Entry Barriers and RisksA. Market MaturityB. Cost ContainmentC. CompetitionD. Technological Edge and LimitationsE. Patent ProtectionF. Regulatory ConstraintsG. Decentralized Testing Market ChallengesCompetitive Assessments- Abbott- Affymetrix- Beckman Coulter- Becton Dickinson- bioMerieux
- Bio-Rad
- Cepheid
- Diamedix
- DiaSorin
- Eiken Chemical
- Enzo Biochem
- Fujirebio
- Gen-Probe
- Hologic
- ID Biomedical
- J&J Diagnostics
- Kreatech
- Life Technology
- Lonza
- Nanogen
- Novartis Diagnostics
- Qiagen
- Roche
- Scienion
- Sequenom
- SeraCare
- Siemens
- Takara Bio
- Thermo Fisher
- Wallac
- Wako
List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing AdenovirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing BartonellaTestsMajor Companies Developing or MarketingCampylobacter TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing CandidaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing ChlamydiaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing ClostridiumTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing CoronavirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing CryptosporidiumTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing CMV TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing EchovirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing EnterovirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing EBV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Giardia
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hantavirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Helicobacter
Pylori Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hepatitis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Influenza
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Legionella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lyme Disease
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lymphogranuloma
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Malaria
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Measles
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Meningitis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing MicrosporidiumTestsMajor Companies Developing or MarketingMononucleosis TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing Mumps TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing MycoplasmaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing PapillomaVirus TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing ParvovirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing PneumoniaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing RSV TestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing RotavirusTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing RubellaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing SalmonellaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing SepticemiaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing ShigellaTestsMajor Companies Developing or Marketing StaphylococciTests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Streptococci Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Toxoplasmosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Trichomonas
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Tuberculosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing West Nile
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Yersinia Tests
Worldwide All Market Segments Laboratories
Performing Microbiology Tests by Country
Worldwide All Market Segments Total Microbiology Test
Volume Forecast by Country
Worldwide All Market Segments Total Microbiology
Diagnostics Market Forecast by Country
Infectious Disease Tests Major Issues and Market
Potential For Personal Testing
U.S.A. Summary Table
All Infectious Diseases Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Laboratories Performing Infectious Disease Tests
by Market Segment
U.S.A.Hospital Laboratories Performing Infectious DiseaseTests by Bed SizeU.S.A.Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing InfectiousDisease Tests by Annual Test VolumeU.S.A.Physician Office Laboratories Performing InfectiousDisease Tests by Practice SizeU.S.A.All Market Segments Infectious Disease Test Volume ForecastU.S.A.Hospital Laboratories Infectious Disease Test Volume ForecastU.S.A.Blood Banks Infectious Disease Test Volume ForecastU.S.A.Physician Office Laboratories Infectious DiseaseTest Volume ForecastU.S.A.Commercial/Private Laboratories Infectious DiseaseTest Volume ForecastU.S.A.Public Health Laboratories Infectious Disease TestVolume ForecastU.S.A.All Market Segments Infectious Disease DiagnosticsMarket ForecastU.S.A.Hospital Laboratories Infectious Disease DiagnosticsMarket Forecast
Blood Banks Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecast
Physician Office Laboratories Infectious Disease
Diagnostics Market Forecast
Commercial/Private Laboratories Infectious Disease
Diagnostics Market Forecast
Public Health Laboratories Infectious Disease
Diagnostics Market Forecast
HIV or HIVI/HIVII Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales
Forecast by Market Segment
HTLV I or HTLV I/HTLV II Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
HIVAg Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Western Blot/Other Confirmatory Test Volume and
Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Adenovirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Aeromonads Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
U.S.A.BEA Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Blastocystis Hominis Test Volume and Diagnostics SalesForecast by Market SegmentU.S.A.Campylobacter Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Candida Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Chancroid Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Chlamydia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Clostridium Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarketSegmentU.S.A.Coronavirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.CoxsackieVirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Cryptosporidium Test Volume and Diagnostics SalesForecast by Market Segment
Cyclospora Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales
Forecast by Market Segment
CMV Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
E. Coli Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Echovirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Encephalitis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Enterovirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
EBV Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Giardia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Gonorrhea Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Granuloma Inguinale Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
U.S.A.Hantavirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Helicobacter Pylori Test Volume and DiagnosticsSales Forecast by Market SegmentU.S.A.HAV NAT Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.HBV NAT Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.HbsAg Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Hepatitis C Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Anti-HBC Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Anti-HBS Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Anti-HAV Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Hepatitis Delta Test Volume and Diagnostics SalesForecast by Market Segment
HBcAg Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
HBeAg Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
ALT/SGPT Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Herpes Simplex I and II Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Herpes Type VI Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales
Forecast by Market Segment
Influenza Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Legionella Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Lyme Disease Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Lymphogranuloma Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Malaria Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
U.S.A.Measles Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Meningitis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarketSegmentU.S.A.Microsporidium Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Mononucleosis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Mumps Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Mycoplasma Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Papilloma Virus Test Volume and Diagnostics SalesForecast by Market SegmentU.s.a.Parvovirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Pneumonia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Polyomaviruses Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket Segment
Pseudomonas Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Market Segment
Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Rhinovirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Rotavirus Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Rubella Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
Salmonella Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Septicemia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by
Shigella Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by Market
U.S.A.Staphylococci Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Streptococci Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Syphilis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Toxoplasmosis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Trichomonas Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Tuberculosis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.Vibrio Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.West Nile Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast by MarketSegmentU.S.A.Yersinia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast byMarket SegmentU.S.A.AIDS Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplier
Adenovirus Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
Campylobacter Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
Candida Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Chancroid Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Chlamydia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
CMV Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Cryptosporidium Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Echovirus Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Enterovirus Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
EBV Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
U.S.A.Giardia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Gonorrhea Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Helicobacter Pylori Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Hepatitis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Hepatitis C Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor SupplierU.S.A.Herpes Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Influenza Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Legionella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor SupplierU.S.A.Lyme Disease Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor SupplierU.S.A.Measles Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor Supplier
Meningitis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Mononucleosis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
Mumps Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Mycoplasma Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
Pneumonia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Rabies Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
RSV Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Rotavirus Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Rubella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major
Salmonella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by
Major Supplier
U.S.A.Septicemia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor SupplierU.S.A.Shigella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Streptococci Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor SupplierU.S.A.Syphilis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by MajorSupplierU.S.A.Toxoplasmosis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales byMajor Supplier
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Nicolas Bombourg
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
Read more:
Future US Microbiology Testing Market Outlook