Trichinosis (No sound) 1942 – Video

Trichinosis (No sound) 1942
CONTAINS SOME GRAPHIC SCENES VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!!! This short movie displays how a Trichinosis infestation can occur, also the preparation of slide specimens for viewing under the microscope. So ... if you do not have an interest in microbiology, parasitology you probably will find this footage boring as it has no sound. For further reading from wiki ... Trichinosis, also called trichinellosis, or trichiniasis, is a parasitic disease caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game infected with the larvae of a species of roundworm Trichinella spiralis, commonly called the trichina worm. There are eight Trichinella species; five are encapsulated and three are not. Only three Trichinella species are known to cause trichinosis: T. spiralis, T. nativa, and T. britovi. Between 2002 and 2007, 11 cases were reported to CDC each year on average in the United States; these were mostly the result of eating undercooked game, bear meat, or home-reared pigs. It is common in developing countries where meat fed to pigs is raw or undercooked, but many cases also come from developed countries in Europe and North America, where raw or undercooked pork and wild game may be consumed as delicacies. The circumstances surrounding the first observation and identification of Trichinella spiralis are controversial due to a lack of medical records. In 1835, James Paget, a first-year medical student, first observed the larval form of T. spiralis while witnessing an autopsy at St ...From:Stu TubeViews:0 1ratingsTime:19:05More inEducation

See the article here:
Trichinosis (No sound) 1942 - Video

Research and Markets: Microbiological Analysis of Food and Water


Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Elsevier Science and Technology's new book "Microbiological Analysis of Food and Water" to their offering.

With the help of leading Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) microbiology specialists in Europe, a complete set of guidelines on how to start and implement a quality system in a microbiological laboratory has been prepared, supported by the European Commission through the Measurement and Testing Programme. The working group included food and water microbiologists from various testing laboratories, universities and industry, as well as statisticians and QA and QC specialists in chemistry.

This book contains the outcome of their work. It has been written with the express objective of using simple but accurate wording so as to be accessible to all microbiology laboratory staff. To facilitate reading, the more specialized items, in particular some statistical treatments, have been added as an annex to the book.

All QA and QC tools mentioned within these guidelines have been developed and applied by the authors in their own laboratories. All aspects dealing with reference materials and interlaboratory studies have been taken in a large part from the projects conducted within the BCR and Measurement and Testing Programmes of the European Commission.

With so many different quality control procedures, their introduction in a laboratory would appear to be a formidable task. The authors recognize that each laboratory manager will choose the most appropriate procedures, depending on the type and size of the laboratory in question. Accreditation bodies will not expect the introduction of all measures, only those that are appropriate for a particular laboratory.

Features of this book:

- Gives all quality assurance and control measures to be taken, from sampling to expression of results

- Provides practical aspects of quality control to be applied both for the analyst and top management

- Describes the use of reference materials for statistical control of methods and use of certified reference materials (including statistical tools).

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Research and Markets: Microbiological Analysis of Food and Water

Message of President Aquino to the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Inc. on the occasion of …

Message of His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III President of the Philippines To the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Inc. On the occasion of their 33rd Annual Convention

[November 28, 2012]

My warmest greetings to the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Inc., as you hold your 33rd Annual Convention.

The health of our citizens remains one of our top priorities in government, as we strive to empower them to contribute to our communal task of nation-building. Your event is a timely opportunity to share information and insights that would help secure the well-being of our people. May your convention be a significant step towards the advancement of your specialty, which is germane to the public welfare and to our collective mission of revitalization.

The varied fields of science and medicine are crucial components in our goal of maintaining a strong and capable populace. Your government counts on your partnership to accelerate our progress towards being a dynamic society. May all our tasks serve to fulfill our aim of galvanizing our nation.



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Message of President Aquino to the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Inc. on the occasion of ...

Knock You Down parody written by Carole – Video

Knock You Down parody written by Carole
this was the uncut version that didnt make it to the radio..idk y..they said ppl dont like to be educated when they vibe to radio music.. Micro humor. OB humor. Gangsta. 2004 Grizzillz. 2009 Microbiology oral presentation. 2012 recording. trichomoniasis dont discriminate. no hate. all love. check yourself. really. like go get a pap. or a physical. or some metronidazole. or a life. and a sense of humor. and then i will get someone to hold my iTouch.. next time. deal!From:caromo1770Views:2 0ratingsTime:03:49More inComedy

Originally posted here:
Knock You Down parody written by Carole - Video

Cost Effective Microbiology (Video 3 of 3) – Video

Cost Effective Microbiology (Video 3 of 3)
Dr Sayyed Aali talks about cost effective approaches to microbiology. Here are links to related video: Diagnostics - Right Test, Right Time: Ealing Pathology - Strengths Persisting Challenges: Ealing CCG tries to ensure that our videos are accurate, up to date, and as helpful as possible. However we cannot be held responsible for any opinions, inaccuracies and omissions. This extends to linked videos and "suggested" videos on YouTube.From:HealthView24Views:1 0ratingsTime:21:36More inEducation

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Cost Effective Microbiology (Video 3 of 3) - Video

GW professor to examine infections in HIV patients with federal grant

Public release date: 26-Nov-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Lisa Anderson 202-994-3121 George Washington University

WASHINGTON (Nov. 26, 2012) Imtiaz A. Khan, M.D., professor of microbiology, immunology, and tropical medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, received a $1.6 million federal grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study the effects of microsporidiaopportunistic inter-cellular pathogensthat cause morbidity and mortality in HIV patients.

Fifteen years ago, Khan saw that this type of infection was becoming a major problem in HIV populations. He realized little had been researched about immune response to these pathogens. After looking into the matter further, he saw that CD8+ T cells played a critical role in protecting against these pathogens.

His project, titled "CD8+ T cell effectors against microsporidia," will study how to prevent microsporidia from causing complications in immunocompromised subjects by regulating CD8+ T cells. These highly understudied cells are tolerated and controlled in healthy, immunocompetent individuals. For the elderly or individuals with HIV, these cells can cause problems. In order to stave off infection for the immunocompromised, the cells need to be maintained and regenerated.

"The question is, how can you generate CD8 effectively, so this infection does not harm them?" said Khan. "Because CD8+ T cells are critical, how can you maintain a good CD8 cell population, so this group of pathogens doesn't reemerge?"

Khan and his research team will be using cytokines and other therapeutic methods to generate highly functional CD8+ T cells to create and maintain robust immunity against these pathogens, improving the mortality and quality of life of many HIV patients.

This research may not only benefit those suffering from microspordia, but can be extended to other infections effecting HIV populations, as well.


To interview Dr. Khan, please contact Lisa Anderson at or 202-994-3121.

See the article here:
GW professor to examine infections in HIV patients with federal grant

Specimen Collection: Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab with the Multitrans Viral Collection Kit – Video

Specimen Collection: Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab with the Multitrans Viral Collection Kit
The importance of proper specimen collection utilizing the Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab with the Multitrans Viral Collection Kit. This video was created in partnership between Starplex Scientific Inc. and Dr. Robert Lannigan, Department of Microbiology, London Laboratory Services Group, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada.From:starplexscientificViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:56More inScience Technology

Read more from the original source:
Specimen Collection: Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab with the Multitrans Viral Collection Kit - Video

Konica Minolta 1690MF – Video

Konica Minolta 1690MF
Buy from Amazon US out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB001Q3KMX0%2Fofficeproducts%5Fcenter%2D20 Customer Reviews "I bought this printer after much searching of all the brand names I could find. In total blind faith, I decided on this one. It seemed to have the least service problems opposed to the best features. As laser printers were never meant to produce quality photos, this printer does quite nicely for occasional medium grade photos and oustanding for my original purpose...color printed illustrations and reams of notes for my anatomy and microbiology classes.I am deeply satisfied with this printer for this purpose.As for problems, the first page I tried to print, the paper jammed, my fault for not putting in the paper right (I was in a hurry). Also, the fuser is faulty (and they are sending me a new one at no charge) leaving a mark across two lines on the paper. It doesn #39;t affect my notes and color diagram, but still, it #39;s new and shouldn #39;t do that.I have had no other problems and Minolta is being wonderful about all my idiots issues. They were endlessly patient when, after two months and 764 pages later, I had to replace the sample toners. They lasted much longer than they were supposed to, but I set my dpi settings at 600 x 600. I still had very good quality results at that setting.They worked with me for over an hour, walking me through the installation.All in all, I would ...From:jaunita hatchViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:56More inHowto Style

See original here:
Konica Minolta 1690MF - Video

Sherris Medical Microbiology, Fifth Edition – , C. George Ray – Video

Sherris Medical Microbiology, Fifth Edition - , C. George Ray Sherris Medical Microbiology, Fifth Edition - , C. George Ray No other text clarifies the link between microbiology and human disease states like Sherris Medical MicrobiologyA Doody #39;s Core Title for 2011!4 STAR DOODY #39;S REVIEW!"This will continue to be a popular textbook, primarily due to the well-designed figures and pictures in all chapters. It is one of the better textbooks I have seen for teaching the basics of medical microbiology."--Doody #39;s Review ServiceFor more than a quarter-of-a-century Sherris has been unmatched in its ability to help you understand the nature of microorganisms and their role in the maintenance of health or causation of disease. Through a dynamic, engaging approach, this classic text gives you a solid grasp of the significance of etiologic agents, the pathogenic processes, epidemiology, and the basis of therapy for infectious diseases. The fifth edition has been completely revised to reflect this rapidly-moving fields latest developments and includes a host of learning aids including clinical cases, USMLE-type questions, marginal notes, and extensive new full-color art.Features 66 chapters that simply and clearly describe the strains of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can bring about infectious diseasesCore sections on viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases open with new chapters detailing basic biology, pathogenesis, and antimicrobial agents and feature a consistent presentation covering Organism (structure ...From:lesliemccoy312Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:09More inPeople Blogs

Originally posted here:
Sherris Medical Microbiology, Fifth Edition - , C. George Ray - Video