MSU Baroda....Micro Biotech ki Sabse mast holi
most memorable holi at Dept of microbiology biotechnology centre ...with batch M.Sc - 2006-08... DD Rini ,,,mishraji,,,as always awesome
By: Shaantanu Dabi
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MSU Baroda....Micro
MSU Baroda....Micro Biotech ki Sabse mast holi
most memorable holi at Dept of microbiology biotechnology centre ...with batch M.Sc - 2006-08... DD Rini ,,,mishraji,,,as always awesome
By: Shaantanu Dabi
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MSU Baroda....Micro
Ferris State Research: Microbiology
Ferris State University has a number of research projects ongoing with faculty and student collaborations. Learn more about research being done in the area of microbiology. Students in the School of Digital Media #39;s Television and Digital Media Production program at Ferris State University produced this feature.
By: Ferris StateTDMP
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Ferris State Research: Microbiology - Video
Episode 4: Microbiology and Texting
Microbiologists invented texting before there were cell phones! Follow us on tumblr! Email us at
By: MicroMinutes
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Episode 4: Microbiology and Texting - Video
VDay Logan
Have you been wondering just why we #39;ve been posting dating videos for some of our members the past few days? Well, wonder no more as our Music Director, Logan Emlet, explains it all for you! Name: Logan Emlet Class Standing: Senior Major: Molecular Biology Microbiology, Minors in Chemistry and Interpersonal Organizational Communication Why you joined the Crescendudes: I got interested in a cappella hearing CDs and seeing a group perform live in my choir class my senior year of high school. When I came to UCF Orientation, I went to the RSO Ice Cream Social for the sole purpose of finding the a cappella groups Life Goals: Attend medical school, go from there Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast Favorite band or artist: Currently, Mumford Sons Favorite quote: "For heights and depths no words can reach, music is the soul #39;s own speech" Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman A Fact About My Life: I am from Michigan (which is not a part of Canada). Also, I hate listing "favorite _______s"
By: Crescendudes
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VDay Logan - Video
DDK Bangalore kannada Krishi Programme telecast on 12.02.2013
1. This programme entitled "importance of Microbial inoculants in vegetables crops " lets the farmers to understand the importance of Microbial inoculants in vegetable crops. the participants of the programme are-Dr. MN Srinivasa, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, University of Agricultural sciences, Dharwad. 2.this programme entitled "Nasugunnikayi Cultivation for weed control" lets the farmers to know the adoption of this cultivation for weed control. the participants of the programme are-a. Dr. V. Ravindra, Principal Scientist, IIHR, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru. b. Dr. Ganesh Murthy, Principal Scientist and Head, Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry department, IIHR, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru. c. Dr. Himabindu K., Senior Scientist, Department of Medicinal Plants. IIHR, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru.
By: ddkbengaluru
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DDK Bangalore kannada Krishi Programme telecast on 12.02.2013 - Video
Growing with the Community | | Kausha Patel
My name is Doctor Kausha Patel. As the Medical Director of Laboratory Services at Civista, it #39;s my pleasure to share with you some of the advancements we #39;ve made this year. We have just completed a major, 4-phase renovation with the new "core lab" configuration. This allows our laboratory staff to communicate with each other more effectively and efficiently, resulting in less wait time for patients in the ED and quicker results for physicians. The end result is delivering the most effective treatment so patients can begin healing faster. I #39;m happy to report that we #39;ve also expanded and relocated our histology department to optimize anatomic studies and surgical tissue examination. Our microbiology department was also expanded to meet the growing needs of Civista #39;s new Center for Wound Healing. With all of our new advancements, Civista is able to ensure that we provide the very best, state-of-the-art care for members of our community.
By: CivistaHealth
Originally posted here:
Growing with the Community | | Kausha Patel - Video
Talks on Origin of Life, Department of Microbiology Biotechnology, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, 28th September 2012
By: Bhakti Niskama Shanta
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Talks on Origin of Life, Department of Microbiology
Pneumocystis carinii pneumoniae
For my Microbiology class
By: Andrea Reilly
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Pneumocystis carinii pneumoniae - Video
The care and feeding of microbes with audio For Internet
Lecture for mic205 microbiology, spring 2013
By: Joshua Stomel
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The care and feeding of microbes with audio For Internet - Video
ULSOM NW Kenya Medical Rotation Microbiology Introduction
This is the introductory medical microbiology youtube video for the ULSOM medical rotation in NW Kenya. It is very minimalistic and is only intended to introduce the viewer to a wide variety of infectious diseases in the area. A handout that can be commented on is located at the following URL.
By: David Duncan
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ULSOM NW Kenya Medical Rotation Microbiology Introduction - Video
The Case of the Ruined Picnie.mp4
Fifth graders at Bartle Elementary School in Highland Park enter the world of CSI as they learn about science and chemistry by simulating a crime scene. The Forensic Science Unit combines microbiology and chemistry to help students solve the case of the ruined picnic. While learning how to use observation and documentation skills, they examine footprints, fingerprints, hair and gum samples to discover the culprit behind the mystery and solve the crime.
By: Classroomcloseup
See the original post here:
The Case of the Ruined Picnie.mp4 - Video
Progressive Math Initiative.mp4
Fifth graders at Bartle Elementary School in Highland Park enter the world of CSI as they learn about science and chemistry by simulating a crime scene. The Forensic Science Unit combines microbiology and chemistry to help students solve the case of the ruined picnic. While learning how to use observation and documentation skills, they examine footprints, fingerprints, hair and gum samples to discover the culprit behind the mystery and solve the crime.
By: Classroomcloseup
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Progressive Math Initiative.mp4 - Video
PMAC 2013 Feild Trip : Siriraj
PMAC2013 FIELD TRIP Program 30 January 2013 Siriraj Hospital is the oldest and biggest hospital in Thailand, established in 1888, by HM King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) of Rattanakosin Period, the father of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkhla. The field trip participants will visit the Department of Microbiology and the Division of Infection Control to study their works focusing on "monitoring antimicrobial-resistant infections," the issue attracting the academics #39; attention both at the national and international levels. Siriraj Hospital accommodates the nation #39;s largest laboratory for diagnosis of infectious diseases which has been certified by ISO 15189:2007. Also, the participants will study the state-of-the- art technologies for detecting and investigating the infectious disease outbreaks and share experiences on controlling major antimicrobial-resistant infections as well.
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PMAC 2013 Feild Trip : Siriraj - Video
The Study Room
Gotta study for our Microbiology Exam however, what do we find instead? SONG USED: Return Of The King by X-Ray Dog (WHICH IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF ITS RESPECTIVE OWNERS! NO INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! FOR LEISURE USE ONLY!) Written By: Angelo Munji Joey Uy Filming/Cinematography By: Angelo Munji, Joey Uy, Demetrios Alex Edited By: Angelo Munji CAST Angelo Munji Joey Uy Demetrios Alex Derrick Tom And a big thank you to the girl who let us record and didn #39;t mind us at all! 😀
By: MToAProductions
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The Study Room - Video
By Nina Golgowski
PUBLISHED: 21:07 EST, 9 February 2013 | UPDATED: 01:22 EST, 10 February 2013
A stunning collection of blown glass figurines exquisitely capturing some of the most deadly viruses and bacteria known to man have been made so perfectly that some say theyre too frightening to go near.
Seen blown up to one-million times their original size, these crystal-clear, some almost wriggling replicas of HIV, E Coli and Malaria to name just a few show the haunting diseases rarely seen in such beautiful form.
Titled Glass Microbiology, the art work is the product of U.K. artist Luke Jerram who dreamed up the collection with the intent not to entirely frighten spectators but more of send a message of the virus' global impact.
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Delicate but deadly: A glass replica of the deadly E-Coli virus is seen one million times its true size as part of a startlingly beautiful collection of viruses made out of blown glass
Larger than life: The HIV virus is seen left of Enterovirus 71, which is part of hand, foot and mouth disease
Every last detail: An exquisitely detailed reproduction of Malaria is seen here, with each image created with the help of UK virologist Andrew Davidson of the University of Bristol
'The reaction to the work really has been quite amazing,' Jerram told the BBC. 'They're obviously incredibly beautiful so people are automatically attracted to things of beauty but when they realize actually what they are there's that element of sort of repulsion.
Originally posted here:
Glass Microbiology: Luke Jerram's delicate but deadly viruses recreated out of blown glass
2012 UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Jeff Xia
Killam recipient, Dr. Jianguo (Jeff) Xia, is a postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. Bob Hancock #39;s lab ( Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology at UBC. His research focuses on using high-throughput #39;omics #39; technologies (such as next-generation sequencing) coupled with novel computational algorithms to study infectious and inflammatory diseases (such as Cystic Fibrosis), at a systems level. Dr. Xia completed his MSc (2006) and PhD (2011) degrees at the University of Alberta. He has over 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals of his field.
By: universityofbc
See the original post here:
2012 UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Jeff Xia - Video
Plasmodium vivax: Most Wanted
Microbiology Protozoan Movie
By: Taylor Chelo
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Plasmodium vivax: Most Wanted - Video
Mind-Altering Microbes: How the Microbiome Affects Brain and Behavior: Elaine Hsiao at TEDxCaltech
Elaine Hsiao is a postdoctoral fellow in chemistry and biology at Caltech. She received her undergraduate degree in microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics from UCLA and her doctoral degree in neurobiology from Caltech with Professor Paul Patterson. She studied neuroimmune mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders and uncovered a role for the commensal microbiota in regulating autism-related behaviors, metabolism, and intestinal physiology. Elaine has received several honors, including predoctoral fellowships from the National Institute of Health, Autism Speaks and the Caltech Innovation Program. She is currently studying the mechanisms by which microbes modulate host production of neuroactive molecules and aims to better understand how the human microbiota influences health and disease. In thespirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations) On January 18, 2013, Caltech hosted TEDxCaltech: The Brain, a forward-looking celebration of humankind #39;s quest to understand the brain, by ...
By: TEDxTalks
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Mind-Altering Microbes: How the Microbiome Affects Brain and Behavior: Elaine Hsiao at TEDxCaltech - Video
BWASCollege Kallakurichi at REFSYN Puducherry
Final year students of chemistry and Microbiology from Bharathi Womens Arts and Science College has participated in one day workshop on Analytical Instrumentation Demo held on 08 February 2013
By: Arun Refsyn
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BWASCollege Kallakurichi at REFSYN Puducherry - Video
Stuart has a PhD in Microbiology and teaches Science and Maths
Hi, my name #39;s Stuart and I spent 8 years in academia and gained a PhD in microbiology infectious disease. Along the way I was lucky enough to do some lecturing at Princeton University and that #39;s where my love of teaching came along. It #39;s now my aim to help people peruse the study of Biology and hopefully find the same rewards that I found. Thank you very much for watching.
By: Edd Tutorfair
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Stuart has a PhD in Microbiology and teaches Science and Maths - Video