Immune responses to tuberculosis mapped across 3 species – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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Detailed genetic road map will guide research into TB treatments, vaccines

A new study led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis lays out a genetic road map of immune responses to tuberculosis (TB) infection across three species. Pictured is a TB-infected human lung. TB is shown in green, and immune cells surrounding the TB bacteria are shown in red and white.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the worlds most vexing public health problems. About 1.5 million people died from this bacterial lung infection in 2018, and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one-quarter of the worlds population some 2 billion people, mostly in developing countries are infected with the bacteria that causes TB.

For decades, scientists have been studying the deadly disease in mice and other animal models to develop drug therapies and vaccines to treat or prevent the infection. But findings in animals with TB dont always translate well to people with the disease, leaving scientists puzzled by the discrepancies.

Now, a new study led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis offers a genetic road map detailing the similarities and differences in immune responses to TB across three species mice, macaques and humans. According to the researchers, the insight into the immune pathways that are activated in diverse models of TB infection will serve as a valuable tool for scientists studying and working to eradicate the disease.

The research, appearing Jan. 29 in the journal Science Translational Medicine, is a collaboration between Washington University; the Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San Antonio; and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

For many years, scientists have been frustrated by the fact that animal models of TB especially the genetically identical mice so often studied dont really reflect what we see in people with TB infections, said co-senior author Shabaana A. Khader, PhD, a professor of molecular microbiology at Washington University. This study is important because now we show in great detail where these animal models overlap with humans with TB and where they dont.

Unlike many previous mouse studies, the new research involved genetically diverse mice that more closely recapitulate the wide range of TB infection severity in humans: Some infected individuals show no symptoms; others show intermediate degrees of severity; and still others develop extreme inflammation of the lungs.

With co-author Deepak Kaushal, PhD, at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute, the researchers compared the genetic and immune responses to TB infection in these diverse mice with the responses of TB-infected macaques in the Kaushal lab. And with co-author Thomas J. Scriba, PhD, of the University of Cape Town, the research team analyzed blood samples from adolescents in Western Cape, South Africa, who are enrolled in a clinical trial investigating TB infection. The samples from people allowed the researchers to analyze and compare data from the mice and macaques with a range of responses to TB infection in young people.

Past research from this long-running clinical trial identified a group of 16 genes whose activation patterns predicted the onset of TB disease more than a year before diagnosis. These genes called a human TB gene signature differed significantly in their activation patterns between young people who developed symptoms of TB and those who didnt.

In macaques, primates closely related to humans, scientists have long assumed that TB infection closely resembles such infection in people.

Our data demonstrate that 100% of the genes previously identified as a human TB gene signature overlap in macaques and people, said co-senior author Makedonka Mitreva, PhD, a professor of medicine and of genetics at Washington University and a researcher at the universitys McDonnell Genome Institute. Its important to have the definitive data showing it to be true.

There was significant overlap between humans and mice as well, according to the researchers, including co-first authors Mushtaq Ahmed, PhD, an assistant professor of molecular microbiology in Khaders lab; Shyamala Thirunavukkarasu, PhD, a staff scientist in Khaders lab; and Bruce A. Rosa, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine in Mitrevas lab. But they also identified genetic pathways that differed between mice and humans, providing detailed analysis of areas where TB in mice is unlikely to point to meaningful insight into human TB infection.

Until now, we have studied mouse models to understand TB disease progression, not knowing where the mouse disease translates to human disease and where it doesnt, Khader said. Now, we have shown that many areas do translate but that there are important aspects of TB infection that dont. If you are using mouse models to develop TB vaccines or other therapeutics that target areas that dont overlap, you likely wont succeed.

Added Mitreva, Our study will inform researchers when they may need to move to a different animal model to study their genetic or molecular pathways of interest.

The researchers studied in detail the genes that increase in expression in people who develop severe TB disease. Of 16 such genes identified in people, they were able to study 12 in mice. Four of the genes could not be studied because mice dont have equivalent versions of such genes or, when such genes were eliminated, the mouse embryos died during development.

The scientists found that the 12 genes fall into three categories: those that provide protection against TB infection; those that lead to greater susceptibility to TB infection; and those that had no effect either way. Such information will be useful in seeking future therapeutics that could, for example, boost effects of protective genes or shut down harmful ones.

According to Khader and Mitreva, their team plans to use the new knowledge to better understand TB infections that have become drug-resistant, a growing problem in places where the disease is endemic. In addition, they will harness the information to help understand why the TB vaccine often administered to high-risk groups of people works well in some individuals but not others.

With the studys raw data publicly available, Khader and Mitreva said they are hopeful it will serve as a valuable resource to TB research and immunology communities worldwide.

This work was supported by Washington University in St. Louis; the National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant numbers HL105427, AI111914-02, AI123780, AI134236-02, U19 AI91036 and U19AI106772; the Department of Molecular Microbiology at Washington University; and a Stephen I. Morse Fellowship; the Department of Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Scriba is a co-inventor of a patent of the 16-gene signature for TB susceptibility from the Adolescent Cohort Study (ACS).

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

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Immune responses to tuberculosis mapped across 3 species - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Marketing, not medicine: Gwyneth Paltrows The Goop Lab whitewashes traditional health therapies for profit – The Conversation AU

In Gwyneth Paltrows new Netflix series, The Goop Lab, Paltrow explores a variety of wellness management approaches, from energy healing to psychedelic psychotherapy.

Goop has long been criticised for making unsubstantiated health claims and advancing pseudoscience, but the brand is incredibly popular. It was valued at over US$250 million (A$370 million) in 2019.

The alternative health industry is worth A$4.1 billion in Australia alone and projected to grow.

A key driver of the industry is increased health consciousness. With easier access to information, better health literacy, and open minds, consumers are increasingly seeking alternatives to managing their well-being.

Goop has capitalised on the rise in popularity of alternative health therapies treatments not commonly practised under mainstream Western medicine.

Health systems in countries such as Australia are based on Western medicine, eschewing traditional and indigenous practices. These Western systems operate on measurable and objective indicators of health and well-being, ignoring the fact subjective assessments such as job satisfaction and life contentment are just as important in evaluating quality of life.

This gap between objective measures and subjective assessments creates a gap in the marketplace brands can capitalise on not always for the benefit of the consumer.

The Goop Lab fails to engage with the cultural heritage of traditional health and well-being practices in any meaningful way, missing an important opportunity to forward the holistic health cause.

Read more: Gwyneth Paltrow's new Goop Lab is an infomercial for her pseudoscience business

The uncritical manner in which these therapies are presented, failure to attribute their traditional origins, absence of fact-checking, and lack of balanced representation of the arguments for and against these therapies only serve to set back the wellness cause.

Many of the historical and cultural origins of the therapies in The Goop Lab are not investigated, effectively whitewashing them.

The first episode, The Healing Trip, explores psychedelic psychotherapy, suggesting this is a new and novel approach to managing mental health.

In reality, psychedelics have been used in non-Western cultures for thousands of years, only recently enjoying a re-emergence in the Western world.

In the second episode, Cold Comfort, the Wim Hof Method (breathing techniques and cold therapy) is also marketed as a novel therapy.

The meditation component of Hofs method ignores its Hindu origins, documented in the Vedas from around 1500 BCE. The breathing component closely resembles pryma, a yogic breathing practice. The Hof dance looks a lot like tai chi, an ancient Chinese movement practice.

Whitewashing these alternative therapies represents a form of colonisation and commodification of non-Western practices that have existed for centuries.

The experts showcased are usually white and from Western cultures, rather than people of the cultures and ethnicities practising these therapies as part of their centuries-old traditions.

Rather than accessing these therapies from authentic, original sources, often the consumers only option is to turn to Western purveyors. Like Paltrow, these purveyors are business people capitalising on consumers desire and pursuit of wellness.

Paltrow describes Goop as a resource to help people optimise the self. But many of these therapies are economically inaccessible.

In The Health-Span Plan, Paltrow undergoes the five-day Fast Mimicking Diet by ProLon a diet designed to reap the health benefits of fasting while extremely restricting calories. The food for the treatment period costs US$249 (A$368) (but shipping is free!). The average Australian household spends just over A$250 on groceries weekly.

Paltrow also undergoes a vampire facial, where platelet-rich plasma extracted from your own blood is applied to your skin. This facial is available at one Sydney skin clinic for between A$550 and A$1,499.

These therapies commodify wellness and health as a luxury product, implying only the wealthy deserve to live well, and longer.

This sits in stark odds with the goals of the World Health Organisation, which views health as a fundamental human right without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic, or social condition.

Companies like Goop have a responsibility to explain the science and the origins of the methods they explore.

Given their profit-driven motive, many absolve themselves of this responsibility with an easy disclaimer their content is intended to entertain and inform not provide medical advice. This pushes the burden of critically researching these therapies onto the consumer.

Governments should seek to fund public health systems, such as Medicare, to integrate traditional health practices from other cultures through consultation and working in collaboration with those cultures.

Read more: Traditional medicines must be integrated into health care for culturally diverse groups

Perhaps this will give everyone access to a wellness system to help us live well, longer. This way, citizens are less likely to be driven towards opportunists such as Goop seeking to capitalise on our fundamental human right to live well.

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Marketing, not medicine: Gwyneth Paltrows The Goop Lab whitewashes traditional health therapies for profit - The Conversation AU

Montefiore and Albert Einstein College of Medicine Secure $5.9 Million NCI Grant to Improve Cancer Care for Minority and Underserved Communities -…

BRONX, N.Y., Jan. 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Montefiore, the University Hospital ofAlbert Einstein College of Medicine, has received a $5.9 million grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to build on its success recruiting minority and underserved patients into cancer clinical trials and delivering the highest quality cancer care. This new grant, part of the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), is a continuation of funding first awarded in 2014.

"The most innovative cancer treatments are evaluated in clinical trialsoften years before they are broadly available in clinical practicesbut minorities are underrepresented in these trials," said Joseph A. Sparano, M.D., professor of medicine at Einstein, associate director for clinical research at the NCI-designated Albert Einstein Cancer Center, and associate chairman for clinical research, oncology at Montefiore. "Our continued funding from NCI is helping us correct this disparity. This is particularly relevant for the diverse population served by Montefiore and Einstein." Dr. Sparano is one of the principal investigators on the grant, along with Balazs Halmos, M.D, M.S., director, the Multidisciplinary Thoracic Oncology Program at Montefiore and professor, clinical medicine at Einstein, and Bruce D. Rapkin, Ph.D., professor of epidemiology & population health at Einstein and Montefiore.

One of Montefiore and Einstein's most notable achievements supported by NCORP funding was the landmark TAILORxclinical trial. The study, which found that 70% of women with the most common type of breast cancer could safely skip chemotherapy, immediately changed clinical guidelines for women around the world. Dr. Sparano, who also served as chair of the TAILORx study, reported comparable findings for women of African-American and Hispanic descent within the overall study population.

In addition, Haejin In, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., assistant professor of surgery and of epidemiology and population health at Einstein, and a cancer surgeon at Montefiore, is co-leading an effort to develop a cost-effective model to detect stomach cancer earlier, building on her prior research demonstrating most people with stomach cancer are diagnosed in hospital emergency departments when the disease is already too advanced to treat effectively.

Together, Montefiore and Einstein are one of only 14 NCORP Minority/Underserved Clinical Sites, which must have a patient population of at least 30% racial/ethnic minorities or rural residents. Approximately 80% of Montefiore and Einstein clinical trial participants are minorities compared to 8% nationwide.

NCORP trials now also include tissue collection, so researchers can study biological mechanisms, including those that prevent treatments from being effective across different racial and ethnic groups. As Dr. Halmos explains: "Having our patients, who are predominantly minorities, participate in cutting-edge clinical trials helps researchers strengthen the scientific evidence for various cancer therapies. We expect this to not only benefit our patients but improve care at hospitals and clinics worldwide."

The goals of the Montefiore and Einstein NCORP grant are to continue recruiting patients to the clinical trial network, maintain leadership at national scientific organizations like ECOG-ACRIN that design and conduct clinical cancer research, mentor young investigators and contribute to knowledge that will address cancer health disparities.

In addition to clinical trials focused on cancer diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Rapkin is leading the charge in studying where, when and how care is delivered, otherwise known as cancer care delivery research (CCDR). Montefiore and Einstein are part of a NCORP network of more than 900 hospitals, cancer centers and oncology clinics across 39 states eligible to participate in CCDR studies.

"Cancer disparities don't exist in a vacuum," said Dr. Rapkin. "They span genetic, social, economic and cultural factors. By participating in NCORP, we have access to more information about what might be preventing people from getting the best care possible and a real opportunity to improve cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship care for all."

Albert Einstein Cancer Center, a leader in basic and clinical cancer research and population-based studies, has been an NCI-designated center for almost 50 years.

About Montefiore Health SystemMontefiore Health System is one of New York's premier academic health systems and is a recognized leader in providing exceptional quality and personalized, accountable care to approximately three million people in communities across the Bronx, Westchester and the Hudson Valley. It is comprised of 11 hospitals, including the Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital and more than 200 outpatient ambulatory care sites. The advanced clinical and translational research at its medical school, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, directly informs patient care and improves outcomes. From the Montefiore-Einstein Centers of Excellence in cancer, cardiology and vascular care, pediatrics, and transplantation, to its preeminent school-based health program, Montefiore is a fully integrated healthcare delivery system providing coordinated, comprehensive care to patients and their families. For more information please visit Followus onTwitterand view us onFacebookandYouTube.

About Albert Einstein College of MedicineAlbert Einstein College of Medicine is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. During the 2019-20 academic year, Einstein is home to 724 M.D. students, 158 Ph.D. students, 106 students in the combined M.D./Ph.D. program, and 265 postdoctoral research fellows. The College of Medicine has more than 1,800 full-time faculty members located on the main campus and at its clinical affiliates. In 2019, Einstein received more than $178 million in awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This includes the funding of major research centers at Einstein in aging, intellectual development disorders, diabetes, cancer, clinical and translational research, liver disease, and AIDS. Other areas where the College of Medicine is concentrating its efforts include developmental brain research, neuroscience, cardiac disease, and initiatives to reduce and eliminate ethnic and racial health disparities. Its partnership with Montefiore, the University Hospital and academic medical center for Einstein, advances clinical and translational research to accelerate the pace at which new discoveries become the treatments and therapies that benefit patients. Einstein runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States through Montefiore and an affiliation network involving hospitals and medical centers in the Bronx, Brooklyn and on Long Island. For more information, please visit, read our blog, followus on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and view us on YouTube.

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Montefiore and Albert Einstein College of Medicine Secure $5.9 Million NCI Grant to Improve Cancer Care for Minority and Underserved Communities -...

Dr. Dori Borjesson named dean of the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine – WSU News

Dr. Dori Borjesson

PULLMAN, Wash. Dr. Dori Borjesson, chair of the Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of California Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, has been selected as the new dean of the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine.

Borjesson was chosen following a nationwide search to replace Dr. Bryan Slinker, who had announced plans to retire before being tapped to serve as interim provost. She will assume her new responsibilities leading WSUs cutting-edge veterinary, biosciences and global health departments on July 20.

The strength of Washington State Universitys research and its potential to impact communities locally and across the globe impressed me during the interview process, as did its dynamic clinical programs and the Washington-Idaho-Montana-Utah Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine, Borjesson said.

Im looking forward to building on Dr. Slinkers tremendous tenure of leadership, she continued. The enthusiasm for WSU among the community is impressive, and I look forward to building on that momentum.

In addition to her role as a department chair and full professor at UC Davis, Borjesson works as a clinical pathologist and is actively engaged in clinical service and laboratory test development. She served as the inaugural director of the Veterinary Institute for Regenerative Cures from 2015 to 2019 and continues to direct the Clinical Regenerative Medicine Laboratory.

Dr. Borjesson brings an important combination of strengths and experience to make her the right leader for the college, Slinker said. Shes a long-serving, highly regarded, and very effective academic leader, and an excellent clinician/scientist, at an aspirational peer institution. This background, combined with her intellectual rigor, openness, and compassion make her a great fit to lead the college in its next phase of growth and development as one of the nations top veterinary colleges.

Borjesson said shes thrilled to meet with WSU students, staff and faculty, as well as meeting with college and university stakeholders in the near future.

Being from the Pacific Northwest, this feels like a homecoming, said Borjesson, who was raised in Portland, Ore. Increasing engagement and outreach across the state is a top priority for me upon taking up this new role. In addition to engagement and strategic planning, Im also eager to face some of the critical issues facing members of the veterinary profession, including student debt and enhancing the well-being of our faculty, students and staff.

Among her more notable research contributions is using large animal models of disease to study cell therapy for inflammatory diseases.

Borjesson holds two patents in the area of mesenchymal stem cells and immunomodulation and has contributed to more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and in 2014 received the Zoetis Research Excellence Award. Alongside her own work, she has mentored more than three dozen veterinary residents and graduate students.

She and her colleague Dr. Aijun Wangs work with stem cells was highlighted in an extensive piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2018 about UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

Borjesson received her undergraduate education from the Colorado College in 1988, her Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from UC Davis in 1995. She completed a residency at UC Davis in clinical pathology in 1999, followed by her PhD in comparative pathology at the Center for Comparative Medicine at UC Davis in 2002.

After completing her PhD, Borjesson accepted an assistant professorship at the University of Minnesota, where she worked for four years before returning to UC Davis as an associate professor in 2006. She became a full professor in 2012. She has led the Integrative Pathobiology Graduate Group at UC Davis and is actively engaged in veterinary and graduate student curriculum development, teaching and mentoring.

Established in 1899, the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine is proud of its distinguished past as one of the oldest veterinary colleges in the United States. It is equally proud of its contemporary leadership nationally in offering programs for student wellness, its Teaching Academy, which leads its commitment to advancing the state of the art in both health professions and STEM education, and its research and graduate education programs. The breadth of research to discover foundational knowledge and to conduct research targeted to improve animal and human health both domestically and around the world places it in the top 10% of veterinary colleges in receipt of competitive federal research funding.

Phil Weiler, vicepresident for marketing and communications, 5093351221,

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Dr. Dori Borjesson named dean of the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine - WSU News

It Doesn’t Taste Good, but the Market Finally Swallows its Medicine – TheStreet

On any day when the indexes are down more than 1.5% or more, bulls are going to suffer some losses. While it may not feel very good, what happened Monday is exactly what this market needed. Technically conditions have become quite stretched and efforts at any sort of corrective action have been consistently rebuffed.

Over and over again, we have heard that the market can't correct due to the flood of liquidity. That has rendered valuation arguments meaningless, but what no one saw coming was the spread of a deadly virus that has effectively shut down the economy in China.

The confluence of extended market conditions and a negative news catalyst is almost perfect and now the question is how deep the correction will go before some solid support is found.

There is still not enough clarity about this virus to enable aggressive buyers to jump in. While the number of deaths and other statistics seems fairly small, there still isn't any idea how much further this will spread. There will be a widespread economic contraction in Asia, even if containment is achieved very quickly, but that will take a couple of weeks at an absolute minimum. The likelihood of more negative headlines is quite high.

While breadth was quite poorMonday with around 1,675 gainers to 5,850 decliners, one interesting aspect of the action is that the small-cap index iShares Russell 2000 Index (IWM) lost just 1.13% compared with over a 2% loss in the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) . The big caps there were much more extended that the small caps corrected more which is exactly what we would hope to see.

The good news about the action of this sort is that it will eventually lead to some good stock picking. The bulk of small caps report in a week or two and there should be some interesting setups.

Don't forget that earnings reports hit with Apple (AAPL) being the big news on Tuesday night.

Overall this market is acting like a very normal market and it is refreshing to see. It may not cause much celebration, but this is what a healthy market does on a periodic basis and it will lead us to a new crop of opportunities.

Have a great evening. I'll see you tomorrow.

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It Doesn't Taste Good, but the Market Finally Swallows its Medicine - TheStreet

"Evidence-based medicine" and the expulsion of Peter Gtzsche – Salon

For eight months in 1975, Peter Gtzsche recalls driving around Denmark misleading doctors about a new, more expensive type of penicillin. He was 25 years old, with masters degrees in biology and chemistry. As a pharmaceutical representative for the Sweden-based Astra Group, he was tasked with promoting Globacillin, which was said to be more effective than regular penicillin. At the time, Gtzsche says he did not know that the claims he was making on behalf of his employer were not backed by high-quality evidence.

Gtzsche stayed in the pharmaceutical industry for another eight years, writing brochures, strategizing ad campaigns, and, eventually, presiding over clinical trials. It was here that disillusionment set in. Gtzsche in his telling, still a principled naf would watch with dismay as his superiors twisted or suppressed any unflattering trial results. Increasingly distraught, Gtzsche began pursuing a medical degree, leaving the industry for good in 1983.

His medical thesis, titled Bias in Double-Blind Trials, examined the claims of 244 reports of clinical trials for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a group that includes ibuprofen and aspirin. Gtzsches writing strongly critiqued the marketing practices of his former employer, Astra-Syntex, pointing out that no good evidence existed for their claim that the higher the dose, the better the effect.

That thesis was read by an Oxford researcher and physician named Iain Chalmers. It confirmed his impression, Chalmers wrote to Gtzsche in 1990, that Gtzsche was doing extremely important research. Chalmers, founding director of Oxfords National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, had spent much of the preceding decade hand-searching dozens of journals for studies relevant to care during pregnancy and childbirth. His idea was to collect these papers and compile them into reports so that doctors pressed for time would have authoritative, quickly-scannable syntheses of the best available data. In 1993, Chalmers sent an invitational letter to dozens of people, including Gtzsche, to help found a not-for-profit organization dedicated to gathering and summarizing the strongest available evidence across virtually every field of medicine, with the aim of allowing clinicians to make informed choices about treatment.

They called it the Cochrane Collaboration, after Archie Cochrane, a Scottish epidemiologist and one of the earliest and most prominent advocates for randomized controlled trials, the gold standard of clinical research. Cochrane today has 11,000 members with supporters in 130 countries, and many of the groups most high-profile findings that the placebo effect might be a myth; that mammography likely doesnt decrease breast cancer mortality, and turns healthy women into cancer patients via false or ambiguous findings emerged from Gtzsches research.

Gtzsche became the closest thing the world of statistical analysis had to a full-fledged celebrity. His findings were trumpeted, repeatedly, in The New York Times, with his mammography findings even making the front page in 2001. He became the subject of a documentary and was featured in at least one other. The Daily Show once had him play a kind of Big Pharma Deep Throat in a segment on the opioid crisis. Viewed by many as a relentless fighter who has accused entire disciplines of nigh-irredeemable corruption, Gtzsche's crusades earned him the respect of powerful peers and a loyal following of layperson-skeptics around the world.

So it came as a surprise, at least to outsiders, when Gtzsche was summarily expelled in fall of last year from the organization he helped found. He was voted off the board, then stripped of his position as director of the Nordic Cochrane Center, Cochranes Danish outpost. The stated reason for his termination was, according to a statement from Cochranes governing board, an ongoing, consistent pattern of disruptive and inappropriate behaviors, along with a breach of the organizations spokesperson policy, which requires collaborators to clearly identify whether theyre speaking on behalf of themselves or of Cochrane.

The seeming suddenness of his expulsion, and what critics view as its misguided pretext, has exposed rifts that go back decades: debates about the pharmaceutical industrys influence on medicine and about the research communitys tolerance of dissent. More fundamentally, Gtzsches expulsion has crystalized a longstanding debate about the proper role of data in the practice of medicine.

Whatever their differences, Cochrane and Gtzsche are both vocal supporters of evidence-based medicine, a movement that developed nearly 30 years ago to emphasize the use of well-designed research in medical decision-making. The problem is that neither side, nor really anyone, can agree on exactly what evidence-based medicine ought to mean. Some critics have characterized Gtzsche as a rigid intellectual who views assessing scientific data as a purely technical task that does not require the input of experts in a given field. Gtzsche calls such characterizations unfair, arguing that he simply advocates as everyone at Cochrane should for the use of rigorous methodology and the elimination of bias in assessing the efficacy of treatments. And while the organization has built its reputation on providing trusted evidence, Gtzsche now criticizes its methods, accusing Cochrane of bending to industry influence and overlooking important documentation of harms.

Cochranes reliance on published [randomized controlled trials], Gtzsche wrote in an email to Undark, makes Cochrane a servant to industry, which passively promotes what industry wants Cochrane to promote: messages that are very often untrue.

No one from Cochrane's leadership agreed to speak with Undark about the Gtzsche dust-up, or to respond to such charges, but in the organization's statement accompanying his ouster, they made their position clear: "Cochrane is a collaboration," the board declared, "an organization founded on shared values and an ability to work effectively, considerately, and collaboratively."

Gtzsche, they suggested, didn't seem to understand that.

* * *

In 1992, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper titled Evidence-Based Medicine: A New Approach to Teaching the Practice of Medicine. With more than 30 co-authors, it advocated a new paradigm for medical practice, deemphasizing intuitional and clinical experience in favor of the latest research data. We believed that the way we were practicing medicine was different from how it had been practiced before, the paper's lead author, Gordon Guyatt recalled, fundamentally different."

The paper had its origins at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, where David Sackett, an American-Canadian epidemiologist, had been arguing that doctors should be able to make sense of the literature and apply it to their practice. Among other things, this meant studying randomized controlled trials to determine whether an intervention really works.

In a randomized controlled trial, the participants are divided into two or more groups. One group gets the intervention a drug, for example and the others get a placebo, a varied dose of the drug, or some other form of treatment. By the 1970s, these trials were a standard component of drug approval. Still, even in the early 1990s, the results had a more modest influence on clinical practice than they do today. According to Guyatt, doctors did not typically keep up with the literature, and drugs were dispensed according to the guidance of local opinion leaders or influence from pharmaceutical representatives. The idea behind evidence-based medicine, then, was for clinicians to consult the literature before making a decision.

Chalmers had been a visiting professor at McMaster in the late 1980s. As the McMaster crew refined and exported their theories, Chalmers began building his own movement, distinct from but parallel to evidence-based medicine, and with significant overlap in ideology and personnel. Its roots lay in the Gaza Strip, where Chalmers had worked as a United Nations doctor in 1969 and 1970. I believe I would have done a better job, and that fewer of my patients would have suffered, if Id had access to a good source of reliable evidence for research, Chalmers said.

The Cochrane Collaboration was meant to rectify this problem by way of something called a systematic review: all the best randomized controlled trial data on a given treatment, sifted and synthesized into one readable report. "Basically, it was a bunch of troublemaking anarchists who wanted to do something which the establishment was not doing," Chalmers said. A skilled evangelizer ("In those days, to meet Iain Chalmers was to get hooked to his cause," said Jos Kleijnen, founding director of the Dutch Cochrane Center), Chalmers had no trouble assembling a global network of like-minded colleagues for his first symposium Gtzsche among them.

The Cochrane Collaboration was an extraordinarily powerful threat against authority, Sackett told the researcher and author Alan Cassels in his 2015 book on Cochrane. Individuals who had reputations based upon this is the way this disorder must be treated obviously were terribly threatened by what was going to happen with these young upstarts, and kids, and punks, and even laypeople challenging them about what they said must occur in terms of health care.

In an interview, Peter Gtzsche expresses his views on the criminality of pharmaceutical companies.

The backlash, then, was not surprising. And yet, by the end of the 1990s, the Cochrane Collaboration had attained more or less its present-day esteem, and evidence-based medicine was installed as the dominant paradigm of Western medical practice, a position from which it is has not budged in 20 years. The Collaboration's efforts were embraced by nurses and younger doctors, who for the first time had a means of challenging the decisions of their elders what proponents sneeringly called eminence-based medicine.

Cochrane, which began as an almost whimsical experiment among a group of like-minded colleagues an effort, according to Hilda Bastian, one of its founding members, to work out something like the total sum of human knowledge has morphed, in the course of a quarter-century, into one of the worlds most prestigious medical research bodies, with outposts in dozens of countries and yearly outlays exceeding $1 million apiece from the U.S., U.K., and Australian governments, plus large donations from groups like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gave Cochrane $1.15 million in 2016.

Cochranes total income last year was roughly $13 million, most of it from royalties on its enormous library of systematic reviews, generated by Cochranes global network of research centers and licensed to universities and hospitals around the world. Historically, these research centers have been more or less autonomous, free to pursue their own projects under the Cochrane banner while Cochranes main office in London lobbied for and distributed funding.

In recent years, though, Cochranes leadership has adopted a more hands-on approach, attempting to centralize the efforts of its far-flung franchises. In November of 2018, 620 disillusioned Cochranites formed Cochrane Members for Change, to protest what one member, Robert Wolff, described in a blog post as a mismatch between these two approaches, a grassroots science-focused collaboration on the one hand, and a top-down more business-oriented organization on the other. Among this group, Gtzsches termination was interpreted as a troubling symbol of the new business-oriented direction.

Gtzsche said that Cochrane was founded on the best of human motives honesty, generosity, fairness, transparency, openness. He believes his expulsion will dog the organization for years to come. It was a fundamental error they made, he said.

* * *

In person, Gtzsche can be a warm, appealing, gently ironic presence. At 70, he is tall and thin, with a faint dusting of gray hair. Both his eyebrows arch skeptically in the same direction. He delights in bad jokes irretrievably bad jokes, Chalmers said. Not rude or anything like that; theyre just not funny. He can be famously good company, and it is not hard to see why so many of the people he has mentored and worked with remain loyal to him. I just remember [Peter] as one of the most sincere scientists that I have ever met, said Kleijnen, the Dutch Cochrane Center founding director.

But when it comes to his books and public persona, he also has a famously take-no-prisoners approach. I dig so deeply in my research, Gtzsche said, that I find the skeletons people have buried down there. And when I put them up on the ground people yell and scream, and call me all sorts of names, because they didn't think anybody would ever find the skeletons.

It started with Gtzsche's 2012 book on mammography, a recap of the research and controversies attendant to his decade-plus campaign against breast cancer screening. Gtzsche's view was, and still is, controversial. His public profile rose a year later with his next book, "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime. It excoriated the pharmaceutical industry, likening its tactics (bribes, kickbacks, serial fraud) to those of the mob.

Gtzsche's next crusade had markedly less currency, and planted him, in the eyes of some, on the outer edges of the fringe. Released in 2015, the book was called Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial. Its argument, more or less, is that much about the way psychiatry is practiced is wrong; that the specialty is built on myths, lies and highly flawed research; that the majority of practicing psychiatrists are, actively or through ignorance, deceiving and harming their patients, given Gtzsche's finding that prescription pills are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and Europe; and that these same psychiatrists might have noticed some of this were they not helplessly compromised by industry money.

The main reason for the drug disaster he writes, is that leading psychiatrists have allowed the drug industry to corrupt their academic discipline and themselves. Gtzsche then goes on to compare the leaders in the field to primate silverbacks in the jungle and claims that psychiatric research is predominantly pseudoscience.

The psychiatric community had some quibbles with this. Cochrane did, too. When Gtzsche published a summary of his findings in the Daily Mail, Cochranes leadership took the unusual step of publicly distancing themselves through a statement on Cochranes website. In addition to stating unequivocally that the organization did not share Gtzsches views, it publicly chastised the Danish professor: He has an obligation . . . to distinguish sufficiently in public between his own research and that of Cochrane the organization to which he belongs.

This infuriated Gtzsche, and the encounter seems to mark the point of no return in his relations with Cochrane management. In the years since, Gtzsche, who has no special training in psychiatry, has become a fixture on the antipsychiatry circuit, criticizing the discipline in editorials, in presentations, and at various symposia about withdrawing from psychiatric medications. (He has since claimed that almost all Cochrane reviews on psychiatric drugs should not be trusted.) Up until his expulsion, Gtzsche listed his title in these outreach activities as director of the Nordic Cochrane Center, leading multiple parties to complain to Cochrane itself.

One of these complainants, Fuller Torrey, a researcher at the Stanley Medical Research Institute, a nonprofit that funds work on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, shared his correspondence with Cochranes chief executive. Torrey wrote to call attention to Gtzsches association with an organization called the Hearing Voices Network, which, Torrey claims, promotes the belief that auditory hallucinations are merely on end of a normal behavior spectrum. Echoing other complaints, he added in a follow-up letter: It is very difficult to imagine how anyone with these views could possibly be objective regarding a Cochrane study of antipsychotics, thus impugning your credibility which is your most important asset.

In other words, Torrey seemed to be asking: Is this what Cochrane represents?

Gtzsche and his defenders argue that Cochrane is not meant to represent anything that Cochrane, as initially conceived, is simply a loose network of independent researchers, who will inevitably hold a range of opinions. But the organization Gtzsche was forced out of in September of last year was different in crucial respects from the one hed joined a quarter-century earlier. For one thing, it was no longer called the Cochrane Collaboration. It dropped the latter word in 2015, as part of a broader rebranding effort, and is now known simply as Cochrane.

In 2012, the organization hired Mark Wilson to serve as its CEO. Wilson, who does not have a science background, had spent more than a decade working in operations and development for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. In the view of Cochrane's latter-day detractors, Wilson is the driving force behind the organization's abandonment of its early, idealistic principles. According to them, he has corrupted the legitimacy of Cochranes systematic reviews by kowtowing to pharmaceutical companies and taking a relaxed stance towards conflict-of-interest issues. Former colleagues also describe Wilson as someone who uses business-speak as a weapon, rapidly jargon-ing subordinates into submission. You can't get a word in edge-wise, said Kay Dickersin, another founding Cochrane member and, until it closed last year, the director of the U.S. Cochrane Center.

For his part, Wilson did not respond to multiple interview requests sent by email. Similarly, other members of Cochrane declined to be interviewed. Having spoken with my colleagues, Cochrane spokeswoman Jo Anthony wrote in an email, I understand, at this time, none of them wish to follow up on your polite request and are happy for me to send you this note on their behalf.

Wilson has been praised for plotting a stable financial future for Cochrane, and for effectively consolidating an unruly, globe-spanning collective of scientists. Even Hilda Bastian one of Cochranes founding members, who parted ways with the organization over the boards refusal to remove the paywall from the Cochrane Library noted that Wilson is politically astute. Cochrane is lucky Mark Wilson hasn't abandoned them, turned on them, she added.

Cochrane started out as a movement, said Nick Royle, Wilsons predecessor as CEO. Over time, it became more business-like, and some of those early adopters perhaps didnt fit so well into the later framework. Thats just the normal evolution of an organization. Thats just how these things are.

Gtzsche has little patience for the new status quo. During a visit this past March, he was highly energized, particularly when discussing what he sees as Wilson's venality, power-lust, and imaginative bankruptcy. When he isn't denigrating Wilson, Gtzsche seems to impute to him an omnipotence somewhat disproportionate to his role as chief executive. In Death of a Whistleblower and Cochranes Moral Collapse, Gtzsche's book-length account of his Cochrane ordeal, Wilsons regime is compared to those of Voldemort, Big Brother, and Stalin. He is so powerful that he controls the whole governing board," Gtzsche told me. "He controls everything.

Disagreements over the direction of the organization came to a head last September. Ahead of its 25th annual colloquium, held at Edinburghs International Conference Center, governing board members voted to expel Gtzsche from the organization he had helped turn into a global force. The reason for the expulsion, as related later that month to STAT and Retraction Watch: Gtzsche had, among other things, used Cochrane letterhead on non-Cochrane-related business, in such a way as to potentially violate the organization's spokesperson policy.

(An independent legal team hired to review the dispute had not concluded prior to the expulsion that Cochranes policy warranted sanction.)

On September 16, the BMJ published a blog post by a researcher who worked with Gtzsche titled Cochrane a sinking ship? That evening, in Science: "Evidence-based Medicine Group in Turmoil After Expulsion of Co-founder." And a news article in Nature the next day: "Mass Resignation Guts Board of Prestigious Cochrane Collaboration." Similar articles were popping up in Italy, Colombia, and Sweden.

Near the end of the conference's second day, attendees took their seats for the Annual General Meeting in the conference hall's 1,200-capacity Pentland Suite. About 30 minutes in, the governing board's co-chair, Martin Burton, took the stage. (The meeting was recorded and posted on YouTube.) Gtzsche recounts in Death of a Whistleblower that before the meeting, he and David Hammerstein a fellow board member whod resigned upon Gtzsches expulsion had gathered signatures for a vote of no confidence in the present board, and the establishment of a new one right there in the conference hall. At Gtzsches signal, two of his colleagues were to stand and set the process in motion.

Gtzsche lifted himself from his seat and signaled to his colleagues across the room. But the colleagues stayed seated. (Neither would comment for this article, but in his book on the expulsion, Gtzsche suggests that at least one, Karsten Juhl Jrgensen, was worried about Wilson taking retributive action.)

No coup materialized. About a week later, Gtzsche was formally booted from the board. About a month after that, he was summarily fired from his job as the director of the Nordic Cochrane Center.

* * *

The Cochrane/Gtzsche split has by now been made to bear the weight of a number of disparate narratives by the journals and the medical press. One popular narrative posits Gtzsche as a truth-seeking maverick the spirit of evidence-based medicine incarnate going up against the creeping commercialism and bias-tolerance of mainstream science. Peter is willing to take positions that are sometimes very unpopular and probably create a lot of anxiety and even enmity in some circles," said John Ioannidis, a Stanford professor and prominent supporter of evidence-based medicine. We need people who are willing to take unpopular positions and provide the data.

Another narrative describes Gtzsche as a practitioner of an older, perhaps outmoded model of evidence-based medicine in which reviewing study data is viewed as a narrow task as, essentially, math which has since been superseded by the more open, pluralistic version supposedly taken up by Cochrane since Wilsons hiring.

Both views were recently unpacked in a 2019 paper published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. The papers corresponding author, University of Oxford professor Trish Greenhalgh, has in recent years emerged as one of the most prominent internal critics of the direction the evidence-based medicine movement has taken since its inception. In the 2019 paper, she takes particular issue with how the movement prioritizes clinical trial data over and above a physicians intuition or knowledge.

(Greenhalgh said she could not comment for this article, citing the possibility of a legal challenge to her piece from Gtzsche. Gtzsche, in a private, 11-page rebuttal he sent to Greenhalgh, which he shared with Undark, claims that the article is libelous and riddled with biases, errors and inexcusable oversights.)

Evidence-based medicines detractors further point out that its very name makes it difficult to criticize. How do you argue against evidence-based medicine? asked Mark Tonelli, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington. One way would be to destabilize the very concept of evidence.

Randomized controlled trials, which are typically conducted by scientists who dont practice medicine, and often funded by people who want to sell drugs, are not designed with the patient in mind. For one thing, as Tonelli pointed out, these trials tend to weed out patients with more than one illness, meaning these drugs are being tested on people who bear little resemblance to huge swaths of the patient population. (What elderly diabetic patient doesnt have comorbidities? asked Tonelli.) And as Greenhalgh pointed out in a 2014 paper titled "Evidence-Based Medicine: A Movement in Crisis?" which set off a fervent round of soul searching in the evidence-based medicine community the results of randomized controlled trials may be statistically but not clinically significant.

More importantly, according to these same critics, in elevating randomized controlled trials, the evidence-based medicine movement has consciously demoted all other forms of knowledge: observational studies, clinical experience, and the unique, un-averageable needs of the patient on the other side of the doctors desk. Greenhalgh suggests, in her Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice paper, that this has lately begun to change, citing an epistemic crisis in the movement. Gtzsche, she argues, is trying to resist the epistemic forces that are redefining his world.

The implication is that in sacrificing Gtzsche, Cochrane is taking a step towards a reformed, less aggressively doctrinal evidence-based medicine. The problem, from what Gtzsche has argued, is that he agrees with much of what Tonelli and Greenhalgh have to say. Rather than relying solely on randomized controlled trials, he says, observational studies and case reports can be very important for finding harms.

In any case, exactly how dismissing Gtzsche would lead to any real change in Cochrane is unclear, as is any specific way in which this epistemic crisis has led to tangible changes for the better. According to Tonelli, these concerns have not trickled down to clinical practice. For people like Greenhalgh in particular, theres a feeling that this can be solved, he said. For me, its more of a true epistemic limitation and the only way to get past it is to acknowledge the severe limitations of clinical research for practice and then re-broaden our approach to how we view medical knowledge. Despite being primarily targeted at patients, the conclusions of "Deadly Psychiatry" might provide one example of an evidence-based medicine troublingly abstracted from real peoples needs.

David Healy, a psychiatrist, prominent psychiatry critic, and sympathetic ally of Gtzsche's, pointed out that if youre not constrained by the need to actually treat people and dont see that medications can be helpful, then its easy to drift into thinking it would be best if we didnt have them. And I think Peter has toppled a little bit too much over that way."

* * *

This past March, Gtzsche launched an organization called the Institute for Scientific Freedom, which aims to preserve honesty and integrity in science. It was part of Gtzsche's campaign to avenge himself for the perceived wrongs visited upon him by Cochrane, and to further the work he once did at the Nordic Cochrane Center. (The article he wrote to announce the institute, published on the psychiatry-skeptic website Mad in America, contained 12 paragraphs on his expulsion from Cochrane and on Cochranes perceived moral rot, and roughly one sentence on what the institute would actually consist of.)

Gtzsche's home, 20 to 30 minutes by car from the center of Copenhagen, hummed with activity on the afternoon before the institute's opening symposium, which was to be held the following day. Among those milling about the kitchen were Peter Wilmshurst, the British cardiologist who in 1986 had blown the whistle on Sterling-Winthrop, a drug company which had tried to suppress his negative findings about the cardiac drug amrinone. (He was able to blow the whistle a second time, two decades later, when a medical device company that had recruited him for help tried passing off misleading data.)

Also in attendance was the U.S. psychiatrist Peter Breggin, who at 83 years old, is still capable of generating controversy as when, last year, he served as an expert witness for Michelle Carter, the woman who, as a teenager, pressured her boyfriend into killing himself. (Breggin has made his name in part as an expert witness for people who commit crimes while on prescription drugs, which Carter was at the time.)

Pamela Popper, another of the next day's lecturers and a prominent advocate for healthy eating as a substitute for medication and a business partner of Breggins was also visiting. A naturopath, Popper runs a popular YouTube channel, and it had driven some of sign-ups for the next days conference. She wasn't surprised, she said, by what happened to Gtzsche. "We've all been come after," she said. "It's a badge of honor really, to be pursued by them. It must mean you're doing something right."

With Gtzsche, of course, the pursuit is reciprocal. He is infamous for coming after people, even his own colleagues. Two months before Edinburgh, Gtzsche co-authored a critique of Cochrane's recent HPV vaccine review, which had concluded that there is high-certainty evidence that HPV vaccines protect against cervical precancer in adolescent girls and women. Gtzsche's paper accused Cochranes researchers of excluding nearly half the relevant trials and incompletely assessing certain adverse events and safety signals.

From all the available evidence, this paper was not the cause of Gtzsche's expulsion. His two co-authors, also members of Cochrane, were not removed from the organization. The news coverage, though, tended to link the two events, and Gtzsche was subsequently taken up as a hero by anti-vaccination groups, who assumed he shared their worldview. The Danish researcher appeared to outside observers not to be at pains to disabuse his new followers of this notion. If anything, he appeared to be courting it.

A few weeks before the symposium, Gtzsche's face had cropped up in the promotional materials for a workshop run by Physicians for Informed Consent, a prominent anti-vaccination group, to be held just a few days after the opening of his institute. Gtzsche was to deliver its keynote, alongside such anti-vaccine luminaries as Toni Bark and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. When the news was picked up on Twitter, Gtzsche quickly pulled out. When asked about it, he claimed he hadn't realized who the other speakers would be.

The Institute for Scientific Freedoms symposium was held at Bethesda, a historic church in central Copenhagen. The one-day event was to be made up mostly of short talks (sample titles: "Medical journals are an extension of the marketing arm of pharmaceutical companies"; "The many forms of scientific censorship in psychiatry") with two audience Q&As, one before the lunch break and one at the end. There were about 80 or 90 people in attendance, some who appeared to be in their 20s, but most who looked to be at or beyond middle-age. Gtzsche, appropriately, looked nearly priestlike, standing on the stage in all-black.

The fact that Gtzsche had inadvertently organized a kind of impromptu anti-vaccination convention became clear during the first Q&A, after the fourth or fifth successive question about vaccines. One questioner asked Peter Aaby who conducts vaccine research in Africa why, given the apparent abundance of studies showing that measles is actually good for you, we don't try and study what happens when you give certain African children large doses of Vitamin C instead of "injecting them full of toxins" (i.e., giving them the measles vaccine).

"Could I perhaps ask also for questions about ... not vaccines?" Gtzsche asked eventually.

The next questioner promptly took the mic and said they had a question about vaccines.

"Please, please, please talk about something else now!" said Gtzsche.

"I just want to say that the BCG part of tuberculosis, which is in the BCG vaccine, was never on the schedule in the U.S., and tuberculosis was the number two killer in "

"But please, excuse me, this is still "

The woman talked over him, so Gtzsche raised his voice to match: I ask you very kindly to not ask a question about vaccines at this point in time.

Iain Chalmers had flown in from London to attend the event. Hed had to duck out early, but said later by phone that he had been troubled by much of what hed managed to see.

The older psychiatrist, he said, referencing Peter Breggin, "basically, he seemed to feel that undying love was a good treatment for psychosis. And referencing Pam Poppers talk: She seemed to think you could stay healthy all your life if you eat the right foods. Not to mention the audience, and their worryingly sustained applause at certain lines from the stage, notably those seeming to be against vaccination.

It had become clear to Chalmers, at least, that in taking on the establishment, Gtzsche had attracted the wrong crowd. He didn't mention any of this at the conference. But before leaving for the airport, Chalmers relayed one bit of tough-love advice: namely, that Gtzsche should reconsider making himself the public face of his new organization. Nothing against him it's just, he isn't much of a showman. Sort of an anti-showman, really.

There had been plans to publish a transcript of the Q&A, but these were quickly scuttled "too embarrassing," Gtzsche admitted later. The whole thing seemed to alarm him. "We were quite disturbed by these people," he said.

* * *

Gtzsche had some trouble getting his recent book, "Survival in an Overmedicated World," published in English. He said he never needed an agent before, but had to hire one this time. After a round of rejections, Gtzsche says, the agent informed him that American publishers thought it somewhat irresponsible to publish a manual about how to bypass doctors and seek out the best medical information via the internet. You should not trust your doctor. You should look up the evidence yourself, he told me, explaining the books thesis.

This project might represent, depending on your perspective, either the vilest perversion or the perfect apotheosis of the evidence-based medicine ethos. If we reduce the practicing doctor to an algorithm, mechanically relaying the relevant treatment as prescribed by the latest data, then dispensing with that doctor with her biases, her blind spots, her susceptibility to the latest marketing or lobbying efforts seems a sensible next step.

The book has appeared in several languages, with the English version published at the end of April. Its opening paragraph is instructive:

"'You do not ask a barber if you need a haircut.' Most people have heard this expression or something similar. Yet we willingly allow our doctors to subject us to various diagnostic investigations and treatments which may be financially beneficial for themselves. Health care is riddled with financial conflicts of interest, and even when your doctor does not directly benefit, there are many other reasons you should be on the alert."

Having started his career critiquing the drug companies, Gtzsche's circle of scorn has since widened to take in mammographers, psychiatrists, scores of his own colleagues, and, now, seemingly every single doctor in the world. According to him, he has another book Vaccines: Truth, Lies, and Controversy, coming out in February.

As for whether he's through with Cochrane, Gtzsche said:"It's not over yet."

* * *

Daniel Kolitz is a writer living in Brooklyn.

This article was originally published on Undark. Read the original article.

Originally posted here:

"Evidence-based medicine" and the expulsion of Peter Gtzsche - Salon

Medicine Hat outscores Thunderbirds in up and down game –

Henrik Rybinski scored his 10th of the year but it wouldn't be enough as the Medicine Hat Tigers won 8-5. (Ryan McCracken)

Through 40 minutes of play Saturday night, the Seattle Thunderbirds hung with the leagues top-scoring club.

Seattle trailed the Medicine Hat Tigers 5-4 at the start of the third period and was on the power play, with a chance to tie. On the opening faceoff, the Thunderbirds turned the puck over and it led to a short-handed goal by Medicine Hats James Hamblin, 12 seconds into the period.

It was a backbreaker goal that the Thunderbirds could not recover from as Medicine Hat would take the game 8-5.

We give up that, that one hurts, Seattle head coach Matt ODette said. We were pretty amped up and fired up going into the third, the same situation as last night, chance to win a game going into the third by taking over momentum and capitalizing on some of the good work wed put in. That put us back, it was one of those key moments that we werent dialed in.

Seattle (14-20-2-1) wasted a hat trick from Andrej Kukuca as well as two-point nights from four other players in the loss. Medicine Hat (25-11-1-1) had two players score twice, including Brett Kemp who also added a pair of assists.

After a strong first period where Seattle erased an early 2-0 deficit to tie the game at 3-3, Medicine Hat was able to turn the game into an up and down affair in the second. Its the type of game that benefited the home club.

The Tigers outshot the Thunderbirds 20-9 in the second, scored twice and left with a one-goal lead.

I thought we had our game going in the first, that was a really good first period, ODette said. The track meet started up in the second period. Thats their style, thats what they want. I thought we hung tough and gave ourselves a chance going into the third and it just got away from us there.

Seattle had its chances Saturday.

Medicine Hats style allowed the Thunderbirds to create a number of odd-man rushes for themselves. While they scored five goals, they missed on several more that could have made a difference.

Weve got guys developing into those offensive type players that finish those chances, ODette said. Its a work in progress. Weve got some dynamic offensive guys that dont miss very often.

Kukuca didnt miss, and Saturday was another strong game for the Thunderbirds top line.

Henrik Rybinski scored a goal and added an assist, playing in Medicine Hat for the first time since he asked for a trade from the Tigers last season. Playing on Rybinskis wing, rookie Conner Roulette added a goal and an assist while Jeri Keltie-Leon had two helpers.

The goals were positive for Seattle, and the Thunderbirds have scored 10 times over the first two games of their weekend swing, but the up-and-down play is not in their DNA.

Seattle got sucked into the track meet at the cost of getting the puck low and wearing down the Tigers.

Its hard because they are risky off their offense, and they do give up odd-man rushes going the other way, ODette said. I thought we could have defended better at times. Some of the set plays, they scored two goals directly off faceoffswe need to be dialed in and focused in on those plays.

The loss didnt cost the Thunderbirds in their quest for a playoff race as the Tri-City Americans lost in Portland on Saturday. The two teams remain tied for the final playoff spot in the Western Conference.

Seattle will finish off its busy weekend Sunday afternoon with a game against the Swift Current Broncos.

Game Notes

The Thunderbirds are playing without defenseman Simon Kubicek who was playing in the World Junior Championships in the Czech Republic. Kubiceks Team Czech has been eliminated but ODette said that Kubicek wouldnt rejoin the team in time for Sundays game.

Kukucas hat trick gives him 14 goals on the season and just like last year, hes getting hot in the second half. He had a five-game point streak snapped on New Years Eve but has been back to scoring in the two games to follow. Over his last eight games, hes scored seven times while piling up 15 points.

Rybinskis goal was his 10th on the year and the Florida Panthers prospect has points in five straight games, four of which were multi-point outputs.

See the original post:

Medicine Hat outscores Thunderbirds in up and down game -

WVU Medicine doctor offers tips on how to make resolutions stick throughout the year –

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. With the start of a new year, also comes new resolutions. However, some find that it can be very hard to stick to those goals, but one WVU doctor wants to help.

Dr. Dana King, a professor of family medicine at WVU Medicine has tips that he said that can help people stick to their health-related resolutions in 2020.

King said that many people dont think resolutions are a good idea but that hes actually a fan because they are a good way to set the course for the rest of the year. However, he encourages people to not shoot for the moon by aiming for something unattainable.

He said proper dieting and exercise, for example, are two things that should be done in conjunction if you want the best results. King said he knows this because he and his colleagues have done the research but that its not necessary to overwhelm yourself with both.

If you say Im going to go for a walk every day youre not exactly having to join a gym or get new clothes. So physical activity and diet and of course stopping smoking or vaping, all working together would be great but really pick one and go for it this year.

King said he encourages people to consult with their primary care providers because they can give advice on dieting, exercising and tips on smoking cessation.

Specifically, he said, patients should get in touch with WVU Medicine and its physicians because they have free classes on how to quit smoking or vaping, and on proper diet and exercise.

We offer classes here starting Jan. 6 right here at University Town Center at WVU Family Medicine, King said. Theres a free class for smokers at 6 oclock, theres also a free class about dieting and weight loss either at 10:30 in the morning or at 5. But there are loads of resources throughout the community and classes, obviously, are starting this year because they want to take advantage of your new years resolutions.

At the end of the day, King said, he just wants people to remember that resolutions are a good and positive thing, as long as they are reasonable.

Sometimes people think of new years resolutions as something negative or something you have to give up for the year but really you can make a positive one, King said. You can say Im going to eat one vegetable at supper everyday or Im going to be grateful and have a grateful moment every day. So you can turn it into a positive.

View original post here:

WVU Medicine doctor offers tips on how to make resolutions stick throughout the year -

UW Medicine on how to deal with winter SAD and gloomy weather –

A study released in November 2019 declared Seattle the gloomiest city in the nation. That being so, there are ways to battle low winter mood that descends upon many here in the Pacific Northwest every year.

Study names Seattle the nations gloomiest city, Seattleites shrug

The November assigned something called a gloom score to each city. Seattles was a whopping 90.90.

Its hard because a lot of time you wake up in the morning, its dark, you come home in the afternoon, and its still dark, said UW Medicines Dr. Megan Feng. A lot of people come in with concerns about feeling a little down.

Dr. Feng suggests a variety of different methods to battle whats known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or aptly, SAD, for short. Among those methods is purchasing some sort of a light therapy device.

Including brands like HappyLight, these devices mimic the presence of sunshine during the winter months, and can even help with the process of waking up on dark mornings.

Rainy weather and dark skies overtake Puget Sound for foreseeable future

Normally what you want to do is turn it on early in the morning, usually within 10 minutes of waking up, Feng described. Then, youll kind of just put off to the side as youre doing your daily activities, eating your breakfast, reading the paper. Just having it in your vicinity, letting your eyes absorb that light stimuli can be helpful.

Other methods for treating SAD include exercising, eating healthy foods, and keeping up with social activities.

More and more were recognizing that these are really significant and impactful to peoples quality of life, said Meng.

Continued here:

UW Medicine on how to deal with winter SAD and gloomy weather -

‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ and the Expulsion of Peter Gtzsche – Undark Magazine

While the tone of the article is that Gotzchke is now questionable because his questions have extended toward the field of medicine in general, one would ask why should this be surprising or indeed, unethical? He has spent his time trawling through the negative depths of the medical industry and perhaps has uncovered even more than he expected.

The man should be judged on the data he produces and not through any bias toward those who question vaccines or medications. Indeed, everyone should question everything which is done to their body. That is common sense.

Doctors are not gods and they often make mistakes as we see from the death rate, in third place, from conventional medicine, most of it from prescribed drugs. More so because the chemists control the medical industry and influence research outcomes as has become increasingly clear.

It is not just Gotzche who has raised questions about the reliability of research. Editors of both The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine have done so and the work of Dr John Ioannadis concluded, most published research is false.

Methinks the writer of this article betrays his own prejudices rather than revealing Peter Gotzches.

The rest is here:

'Evidence-Based Medicine' and the Expulsion of Peter Gtzsche - Undark Magazine

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine To Change Name To Pacific College of Health and Science – PRNewswire

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) announced that effective today it will be formally changing its name to the Pacific College of Health and Science.

The change reflects the interests of the school's students, faculty, and alumni that now extend well beyond Chinese medicine. The time has come for the college to adopt a name that embraces that diversity and which will meet the needs of future generations, as well as today's nursing, acupuncture, massage, and health science students. The change also signals Chinese medicine's entrance into the mainstream of healthcare and medical science. No longer just complementary or alternative, Chinese medicine will be taught side by side with nursing and the science of human performance. Pacific College COO Malcolm Youngren states, "The school's central vision of being a recognized leader in delivering traditional medicine and integrative health science education remains as consistent as it has in the past while looking forward to the future."

Pacific College's newest offerings include the Master of Science in Health and Human Performance and the Medical Cannabis Certificate based on the standards of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Additional undergraduate and graduate nursing degrees are currently under development, all of which include a Chinese medical component.

According to Pacific College President Jack Miller, "By teaching nurses and other healthcare providers the principles of Chinese medicine, a truly integrative, patient-centered medical team is created. There are so many promising developments across the entire spectrum of health and sciencethat can and should be embraced by institutions of Chinese medicine for the benefit of their students and alumni, and ultimately, their patients."

While the name change reflects the forward thinking nature of the institution's academic leadership, the values and mission remain the same: improving lives by educating and inspiring compassionate, skilled leaders of traditional medicine and integrative health sciences.

To learn more, please reach out to Nathalie Turotte:

SOURCE Pacific College of Health and Science

Originally posted here:

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine To Change Name To Pacific College of Health and Science - PRNewswire

Poachers in South Africa slaughter 16 lions and hack off faces and claws for medicine –

Just one lion cub survived the mass slaughter in South Africa (Picture: Jamie Pyatt)

Sixteen lions have been brutally murdered and their faces and claws hacked off to be sold as traditional medicine.

Evil poachers broke into an enclosure in South Africa to kill the big cats, including lionesses who were within days of giving birth.

It is believed they were fed poisoned chicken meat and just one newborn cub survived the slaughter.

The lions were living with Gert Blom at Predators Rock Bush Lodge in Rustenburg, North West Province.

He went down to their enclosure on Friday morning and found his two male lions and six lionesses missing.

He followed drag trails to behind a perimeter wall, where he found them all butchered.

Gert said: They had hacked off 32 paws for the claws and eight of their snouts for their teeth after killing them with poisoned chicken which is a really agonising death for the lions.

It is cruelty that is beyond belief and an absolutely terrible sight to behold when you see magnificent predators lying there covered in flies minus their faces and their paws.

Two of the lionesses were heavily pregnant and a post mortem showed that they died with three unborn cubs inside each.

Another lioness had given birth the day before she was poisoned and two of her cubs perished after drinking her poisoned milk.

Just one survived, who has been named Yoda, and the two-day-old is currently being bottle-fed by Gert.

He added: With the eight dead cubs six unborn and the two that were almost certainly poisoned from their mothers milk that means the poachers effectively killed 16 lions.

The poachers scaled two 2.4metre-high walls and threw poisoned chicken over an electric fence and into the enclosure.

They then used bolt cutters on a number of gates and dragged the lions corpses behind a wall to butcher them.

Gert said he believed there were four poachers as he had found four sets of footprints.

The poisoned lions were all aged between three and four.

The male lions were called Aslan and Hollow and the females Noela, Sia, Sussie, Misty, Lilly, and Frye.

South African Police spokesman Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said they were investigating but there have been no arrests.

Traditional witch doctors or healers us the lion body parts to make potions known as muti for local customers who believe it gives them powers to ward off evil spirts or bring luck.

There is also a growing international trade in lion bones as traders in East Asia turn the bones into wine and medicine.

Many of the lions have been killed in the canned hunting trade, where big cats are bred to be shot by hunters.

More here:

Poachers in South Africa slaughter 16 lions and hack off faces and claws for medicine -

Toya Bush-Harris Broke Her Ankle: See the Photo of the Injury – Bravo

Married to Medicine's Toya Bush-Harris is starting the new year on the right foot and, for the moment, it's her only one. While we're not actually sure which ankle she did injure based on the photo she shared, she confirmed that she's broken one of her ankles and will be spending the next few weeks healing.

She confirmed the news on Instagram and shared a photo of the injury. "My life for the next 5-6 weeks. I Guess God needed my undivided attention," she captioned the photo adding the hashtags: #brokeankleproblems, #missingtennis, and #havingtroublesittingstill.

At least Toya has found the perfect way to spend her downtime by resting in front of a fire.

Regardless of the injury, Toya is still looking forward to the new year. "Happppppy New Year!!!! Lets make 2020 so amazing that we cant help but Thank God for Every Single Day!!!" she shared on Instagram. She hashtagged the message: #praisedance, #thankful, #humbled, #grateful, and #abundance.

Get well soon, Toya!

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Toya Bush-Harris Broke Her Ankle: See the Photo of the Injury - Bravo

Opinion | Laughter and gardening make the best medicine – Grand River Sachem

Happy New Year everyone! This year, you will be able to astound your friends and family with these little-known facts about gardens and plants.

For example, did you know that a sunflower is actually made up of 1,000 to 2,000 individual flowers on one stalk?

Or, that there are more micro-organisms in one teaspoon of soil than there are people on Earth? They keep your soil full of nutrients.

In addition, according to studies, plants really do respond to sound. So, keep talking, singing and playing music to keep your plants happy and growing.

Also, did you know that butterflies are more attracted to weeds than to your plants? This is because the breeding process for many of the flowering plants we buy in stores has eliminated a lot of their fragrance. Make sure you sow heirloom variety seeds and plants for more butterflies.

Heres another interesting tidbit: if you sprinkle baking soda into your tomato soil, it will sweeten your crop and make them less acidic.

Composting doesnt have to be a long and laborious process. For a quick way to cheat on composting, apply coffee grounds, eggshells, chopped banana peels and other organic matter directly into the soil when planting.

Now we all know some fun (and silly) facts about gardening. Share them with your friends for a chuckle. Laughter combined with gardening makes the best medicine.

Why not join other happy gardeners and would-be gardeners at the Dunnville Horticultural Societys next program night, Jan. 16?

We will be welcoming local garden expert and group favourite Lester Fretz.

We meet every third Thursday at the Optimist Club Hall, 101 Main St., from 7 to 9 p.m. Or visit us online at our Facebook page, or website

For questions or comments, contact president Deb Zynomirski at 416-566-9337 or

Marlene Link is a member of the Dunnville Horticultural Society.


Opinion | Laughter and gardening make the best medicine - Grand River Sachem

Bargain Shop closing their doors – CHAT News Today


Back to Back Losses

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Bargain Shop closing their doors - CHAT News Today

Human body parts found rotting next to abandoned medicine after thieves broke into medical waste compound – The Sun

HAZARDOUS body parts were found rotting at a medical waste site by two burglars nearly a year after it closed down.

Intruders Barry Watson and Jamie Pollard broke into the compound in Newcastle over two days to swipe medication left lying around.



But the pair had to undergo decontamination due to the biohazard they had been exposed to after the medical waste was left to rot, Chronicle Live reports.

Investigators also discovered decomposing body parts left abandoned after Healthcare Environmental Services Ltd lost their NHS contract and went bankrupt in December 2018.

The companystopped trading after becoming embroiled in a waste stockpiling scandal.

Shocking pictures show bin liners full of hazardous waste piled up in skips inside the closed-down compound.

Prescription drugs in buckets were also "easily accessible to people who breached the security", Newcastle Crown Court heard.

A backlog of hundreds of tonnes of clinical and human waste was finally cleared last month.

Watson and Pollard have now been sentenced to six months suspended for 18 months with a community order after admitting two counts of burglary.

The court was told the pair simply forced a shutter to get into the site on September 6 before returning the next day to stock up again.

A security officer saw Pollard and Watson attempt to flee with a plastic bag full of drugs and gave chase.

Barry Robson, prosecuting, said: "He ran after them and shouted at them to stop but they didn't.

"Watson turned at one point and swung a punch towards him which missed and Pollard shouted 'Just do him'.

"The security guard let them escape because he feared for his safety."

After the second break-in, the pair were caught and firefighters had to be called due to the biohazard and both burglars had to be decontaminated before going to hospital.

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Vic Laffey, for Pollard, said: "It doesn't take much research to see there were dozens of large bin liners in the yard.

"Quite how this situation developed is beyond belief, quite frankly.

"On entering the premises, it seems that outdated prescription drugs were freely available and lying around and they went back the second day because of that."



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Human body parts found rotting next to abandoned medicine after thieves broke into medical waste compound - The Sun

Yes, Socialized Medicine Will Lead To Waits For Care – The Federalist

Recently, a liberal think-tank, the Center for American Progress (CAP), issued a policy paper that promised the truth on waiting times in government-run health systems. If you want the truth about the issue, however, youll have to wait a long time for it if you choose to rely on CAPs disingenuous analysis.

The CAP report cherry-picks facts to try to make an argument that a single-payer health-care system wont result in rationing of health care. Unfortunately, however, even supporters of single payer have admitted that government-run care will increase waiting times for care.

CAPs paper starts out by criticizing President Trump and other conservative groups, who have asserted that a single-payer system would lead to massive wait times for treatments and destroy access to quality care, as Trump stated in his recent executive order on Medicare. CAP calls these assertions false, and then claims:

Patients in peer nations generally have similar or shorter wait times than patients in the United States for a variety of services, refuting the argument that universal coverage would necessarily result in longer wait times in the future. [Emphasis added.]

The above sentence, like the rest of the paper, uses clever semantic wordplay to obscure the issue. CAP claims that universal coverage wouldnt necessarily result in longer wait times, but Trump and the right-leaning groups have criticized one specific form of universal coveragesingle payer, in which the government serves as the sole funder of health care. (CAP repeats those misleading tactics by referencing the impact of prior coverage expansions in the United States, many of which used private insurers and none of which directly equate to a universal, government-funded health system.)

Of the papers four peer nations with universal coverage systemsAustralia, France, Germany, and Swedenonly Australia and Sweden have government-run insurance plans. By contrast, France and Germany rely on private insurers to implement their universal coverage systems.

While it includes other systems without single-payer coverage in its analysis, CAP specifically excludes Britains National Health Service, known for its waiting times and rationed access to care. CAP claimed to omit the NHS in its analysis because no candidate currently running for president is proposing nationalizing health care providers a la the British modela true enough statement, but a self-serving one.

If CAP included non-government-funded systems in its analysis, it certainly should have included the government-funded NHS. That it did not suggests the analysts wanted to rig the papers outcomes by relying solely on favorable examples.

The CAP papers most deliberate omission comes in the form of our neighbor to the north: Canada. The paper examined four metrics of access to care, based on data from an analysis by the (liberal) Commonwealth Fund of 11 countries health systems. Given the shabby results Canadas health system showed on health care access, it seems little wonder that the leftists at CAP failed to disclose these poor outcomes in their paper:

As I discuss in my book, Canadas health system suffers from myriad access problems, based on other metrics from Commonwealth Fund studies that CAP chose not to mention in their paper:

With results like that, little wonder that the liberals at CAP didnt want to highlight what single-payer health care would do to our health system.

That said, some socialist supporters of single payer have conceded that the new system will limit access to care. As I noted last year, the socialist magazine Jacobin said the following about one analysis of single payer:

[The study] assumes utilization of health services will increase by 11 percent, but aggregate health service utilization is ultimately dependent on the capacity to provide services, meaning utilization could hit a hard limit below the level [the study] projects.

Translation: People will demand additional care under single payer, but there wont be enough doctors and hospitals to meet the demand, therefore resulting in waiting times and rationed access to care.

Lest one consider this admission an anomaly, the Peoples Policy Project called a recent Urban Institute study estimating the costs of single payer ridiculous and unserious, in large part because of its comical assumption about increased demand for care: There is still a hard limit to just how much health care can be performed because there are only so many doctors and only so many facilities. Again, socialists claim that single payer wont bust the budget, in large part because people who seek care will not be able to obtain it.

With analysts from the right and the socialist left both admitting that single payer will lead to rationed health care, CAP can continue to claim that waiting times wont increase. But the best response to their cherry-picked and misleading analysis comes in the form of an old phrase: Who are you going to believeme, or your lying eyes?

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Yes, Socialized Medicine Will Lead To Waits For Care - The Federalist

Medicine in motion: How Tai Chi heals body and mind – CNN

"It is the most unbelievable, beautiful, harmonious, blissful exercise," Fung says, as she lifts her arms to the sky in the preparatory movement called Wu Chi.

"We breathe in, we open palms down, absorb the energy from Earth. We breathe in, palms up towards the sky, absorb the energy from heaven," she explains, bringing a dancer's innate elegance to the motions.

It was dance that brought Fung to the practice of Tai Chi, as she searched for ways to heal multiple injuries she sustained as she practiced her craft.

"As a ballerina, you always strive harder to break through the limits," Fung said. "Your body is getting sick and is injured all the time.

"Why Tai Chi has good, amazing health benefits is because it's a self-healing process." she said. "When I started, I thought, 'This is quite phenomenal.'"

A balance of yin and yang

Evolving from ancient martial arts, the core principles of Tai Chi are based on Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy which stresses a natural balance between two opposing forces called yin and yang.

Think of yin and yang as the complementary but opposite sides of a coin that together form a perfect whole.

"Yang is your mind, it's a cerebral activity. It's your emotions. Yin is your body," Fung said. "By practicing Tai Chi, you connect these two parts, and you balance the yang energy with the yin energy."

"When these two things balance, then harmony is achieved," she continued. "When harmony is achieved, then transformation follows. And the transformation is -- you feel better."

When you are in balance you feel your "chi" or life force which traditional Chinese medicine considers a form of energy that can heal mind and body. When chi is unlocked and flowing through the body, Fung said, it can address the body's injuries.

"When the chi actually start working, your body improves. Your balance gets better. You sleep better. You have enhanced vitality, energy," said Fung, who now teaches classes in Hong Kong combining dance and Tai Chi. "And it keeps flowing. That's why it's amazing."

Science behind the mystery

While all that sounds rather mystical, science shows Tai Chi can improve health. Researchers have discovered that even a shorter, modified exercise series of Tai Chi movements can improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility, while also reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.

Tai Chi also reduces falls and improves balance in the elderly, and is easier than traditional exercise for some with frail health or physical limitations.

Cardiovascular disease: Tai Chi and Qigong, a very similar centuries-old system of movement, breathing and meditation, have shown to be extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Mental health: The calming, meditative trance needed to do a Tai Chi series has been shown to greatly reduce anxiety and stress, even lowering levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the blood of participants.

A city of healthy elderly

In Hong Kong, where Fung lives, the practice of Tai Chi is common.

In addition to a healthy diet of fish, rice and vegetables, access to green spaces and a lack of crime, experts point to the health benefits of Tai Chi as a reason lifespan has increased in Hong Kong over the last 50 years.

"For women, it is 88 years," said geriatrician Timothy Kwok, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. "Less in men, it is 82 years."

The health benefits are so impressive the Hong Kong government promotes the practice of Tai Chi by providing free classes.

"All around the parks in Hong Kong, every morning, you have some people just getting groups of people and teaching them how to Tai Chi," Kwok said. "It is all for free."

For Fung, the ancient Chinese movements are a key to self-healing she cannot live without.

"If you understand how it works, you understand the nature, the fundamentals, the inner workings of what Tai Chi is," Fung said," then when you apply it, and when it works, then it's no turning back."

See more here:

Medicine in motion: How Tai Chi heals body and mind - CNN

Link between herpes virus infections, Alzheimer’s refuted – Baylor College of Medicine News

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine report today in the journal Neuron evidence that refutes the link between increased levels of herpes virus and Alzheimers disease. In addition, the researchers provide a new statistical and computational framework for the analysis of large-scale sequencing data.

About 50 million people worldwide are affected by Alzheimers disease, a type of progressive dementia that results in the loss of memory, cognitive abilities and verbal skills, and the numbers are growing rapidly. Currently available medications temporarily ease the symptoms or slow the rate of decline, which maximizes the time patients can live and function independently. However, there are no treatments to halt progression of Alzheimers disease.

Like all types of dementia, Alzheimers disease is characterized by massive death of brain cells, the neurons. Identifying the reason why neurons begin and continue to die in the brains of Alzheimers disease patients is an active area of research, said corresponding author Dr. Zhandong Liu, associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor and the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Childrens Hospital.

One theory that has gained traction in the past year is that certain microbial infections, such as those caused by viruses, can trigger Alzheimers disease. A 2018 study reported increased levels of human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) in the postmortem brain tissues of more than 1,000 patients with Alzheimers disease when compared to the brain tissues of healthy-aging subjects or those suffering from a different neurodegenerative condition.

Presence of elevated levels of genetic material of herpes viruses indicated active infections, which were linked to Alzheimers disease. In less than a year, this study generated a flurry of excitement and led to the initiation of several studies to better understand the link between viral infections and Alzheimers disease.

Surprisingly, when co-author Dr. Hyun-Hwan Jeong, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Lius group and others, reanalyzed the data sets from the 2018 study using the identical statistical methods with rigorous filtering, as well as four commonly used statistical tools, they were unable to produce the same results.

The team was motivated to reanalyze the data from the previous study because they observed that while the p-values (a statistical parameter that predicts the probability of obtaining the observed results of a test, assuming that other conditions are correct) were highly significant, they were being ascribed to data in which the differences were not visually appreciable.

Moreover, the p-values did not fit with simple logistic regression a statistical analysis that predicts the outcome of the data as one of two defined states. In fact, after several types of rigorous statistical tests, they found no link between the abundance of herpes viral DNA or RNA and likelihood of Alzheimers disease in this cohort.

As high-throughput omics technologies, which include those for genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and others, become affordable and easily available, there is a rising trend toward big data in basic biomedical research. In these situations, given the massive amounts of data that have to be mined and extracted in a short time, researchers may be tempted to rely solely on p-values to interpret results and arrive at conclusions, Liu said.

Our study highlights one of the potential pitfalls of over-reliance on p-values. While p-values are a very valuable statistical parameter, they cannot be used as a stand-alone measure of statistical correlation data sets from high-throughput procedures still need to be carefully plotted to visualize the spread of the data, Jeong said. Data sets also have to be used in conjunction with accurately calculated p-values to make gene-disease associations that are statistically correct and biologically meaningful.

Our goal in pursuing and publishing this study was to generate tools and guidelines for big data analysis, so the scientific community can identify treatment strategies that will likely benefit patients, Liu said.

This study was funded by the Huffington Foundation.

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Link between herpes virus infections, Alzheimer's refuted - Baylor College of Medicine News

Move over men, theres a movement in medicine –

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) For years, it was mostly men who applied to medical school in South Dakota, but times are changing.

This past year, for the first time in history, there are about the same number of women as men attending the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine.

One doctor in particular has been instrumental in turning those numbers around.

Chandler Jansen is really focused this year. Thats because shes finishing up her last year of med school at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine.

Really as long as I can remember medicine was what I want to do, I cant really always explain why, but I always felt that drive to medicine, Jansen said.

Stephanie Kazi is a third year med student.

I kind of got my exposure to healthcare working at a nursing home in high school and thats kind of where I saw about the need for caring for individuals in medicine and I decided that was how I wanted to spend my time and kind of devote myself to a career, Kazi said.

Both are part of what appears to be an upward trend in South Dakota; women entering the medical field to become doctors.

For more than six decades, enrollment at USDs Sanford School of Medicine had been dominated by men. In fact, in all the graduating classes seen here, most of the students were men.

Women were not applying to medical school and we think that might be because women might have been told that, well if you want a family, dont go into a high powered career if you want children, Dr. Mary Nettleman, Dean of Sanford School of Medicine said.

Dr. Mary Nettleman, Dean of Sanford School of Medicine, has been instrumental in getting more women to apply to med school.

We dont create an advantage for somebody, right, we just try to remove barriers if we see them, Dr. Nettleman said.

She says for the longest time women didnt think they could take maternity leave if they were attending medical school. Dr. Nettleman introduced several programs to help young women become doctors.

We have a wellness program, we have pregnancy program, whereby you can get a woman, who gets pregnant during medical school, can have their baby, graduate on time, and take maternity leave, Dr. Nettleman said.

The students will not be penalized for missing any classes, clinics, or assignments because of maternity leave. Instead, the school will work with the student to create an academic makeup plan to ensure that missed course work is completed.

It takes a lot of time, resident Anna Bahnson said.

Anna Bahnson has completed med school and is now in her residency. Even though, she hasnt started a family, she has seen how the school has helped other students find balance between homework and family.

I think a lot of people are intimidated by the time commitment, but I think, you know, no matter what, once you graduate from college or high school or whatever, you know, the next phase is is work, and youre either, working in your job or you if youre in medicine, I think of medical school as, it was my job, Bahnson said.

Dean Nettleman, from the first year of school she gave us talks about that and how we had any, you know concerns that we could come to her and just kind get that process going if we didnt want to get started on, Kazi said.

These are high achieving young people in South Dakota. Theyre going to have a high achieving job. And anytime you do that, you have to balance your family, and your professional life. And its just as important to do that as a physician, as being a school teacher as being any one of them. Its something you just have to do. So we did that and now the class is about 48% women, Dr. Nettleman said.

You heard right, nearly half of all medical students now at USDs Sanford Medicine of Health are women.

Now as these three women look back at the past, they can already picture their future.

If its what youre passionate about follow it, theres always going to be challenges, no matter what career you go into theres always any time commitment. I mean thats not unique to the field of medicine so I wouldnt say being scared of Oh, is this going to take too much time because if youre passionate about it you can find a way to make it work, Jansen said.

For her efforts, Dr. Nettleman has been awarded the prestigious Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell Award for Oustanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine.

The award is only given to one doctor in the entire country.

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Move over men, theres a movement in medicine -