A strange, difficult time to study medicine | Features | albanyherald.com – The Albany Herald

SAVANNAH Ally Freeman, whos pursuing her doctorate in physical therapy at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, used to spend about nine hours a week getting hands-on experience in a classroom or a lab.

That was before the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted daily life around the globe as governments and private businesses try to contain the spread of the virus.

Freeman and other students working on degrees in the medical field now find themselves in a predicament they could not have anticipated. With restrictions on human interaction, they cant do some of the things they would normally be doing to gain proficiency.

Our whole curriculum depends on learning skills and being hands-on, says Freeman, 24, whose classes are now conducted entirely online. Thats whats been so hard. Because at some point, they have to make sure that we are safe to treat people.

The impact of COVID-19 has affected every industry. Clerical workers have left their office cubicles to work from home. Restaurant workers have shifted from table duty to handling curbside pick-ups. Teachers are engaging with their students online instead of in the classroom.

Like other businesses, health care educational institutions have implemented virtual classes on a temporary basis. But the move to such relatively remote learning can go only so far. Medical education, like the medical profession itself, often requires personal interaction and touching.

You cant just graduate from PA school and not have touched a patient, Bailey Dickinson, a 24-year-old physician assistant student at South University in Savannah, said.

Restrictions on human interaction have left medical education institutions trying to adjust as best they can. In March, for example, the Association of American Medical Colleges, which accredits major teaching hospitals, recommended that medical students not be involved in direct patient contact. This move was based partly on limited availability of personal protective equipment and testing, the AAMC said in mid-April.

Medical educators have taken extensive measures to modify their lessons, and theyve had to do it fast.

All the faculty hit the ground running because medical school students schedules are so constricted, Dr. Amy Baldwin, the campus director of curriculum for first- and second-year students at the University of Georgia and Augusta University medical partnership, said.

Higher education systems throughout Georgia have already gone virtual for the remainder of the spring semester. Now they are transitioning courses to be taught online in summer, too, according to the updated guidelines from the University System of Georgia. And educators hopes for a normal fall are up in the air.

In the meantime, students face an unprecedented challenge as they adjust to the new learning environment. Freeman says her current schedule consists of virtual classes in the morning, followed by videos and tasks that must be completed by the next days class.

Were trying to get everything that can be done through demonstration videos and reading. But ... thats a ton of material, Freeman said.

From a medical educators perspective, virtual Zoom meetings have been an effective tool for professors. Nothing beats in-person instruction, but faculty are doing their best to work with available technology.

Our faculty have made use of a lot of different instructional mechanisms, Baldwin said.

Students like Freeman still are concerned about how the programs will make up for lost time and build the vital skills needed for them to be confident in their future health careers.

Among students in the UGA/AU medical partnership program, the third-year students are considered to be in their clinical years, because thats when they are ordinarily in the hospitals doing their rotations or clerkships. Baldwin notes that the pandemic has been most disruptive for these students, because clinical opportunities have become scarce.

Thats the case for Dickinson, the PA student, who was about to start clinical rotations. During rotations, a student is placed in a medical specialty, like working as a physical therapist or in a family practice office, getting hands-on experience under the supervision of seasoned practitioners.

Our program used to have eight rotations, five weeks each, in different settings, Dickinson said. So we would go into a pediatrics office, into surgical units in the hospital, various places like that. We have now switched to two and a half weeks online with virtual cases, followed by two and a half weeks of clinic at places that arent hospitals.

In addition, the strain that the pandemic has put on hospitals has closed off many opportunities for students. Numerous hospitals are not taking any students at this time, and students who were matched with hospitals before the pandemic have had those rotations canceled or delayed.

Virtual case studies act as patient simulation exercises, so students can still learn to diagnose and treat specific medical conditions. For example, after observing a robotic patient on the screen, Dickinson must click the appropriate boxes to indicate which types of lab work the patient needs.

Finding ways to incorporate real-life scenarios into medical training has been an important task for Baldwin and the rest of the UGA/AU faculty.

Weve worked students who have graduated from the program into the curriculum, Baldwin said. Theyve been on the front lines for COVID-19 and have come back and given their perspective.

Some students are concerned about their ability to complete necessary steps in order to enter a medical program.

I have an entire checklist of things I need to get done before starting my program in August, Emily Gwaltney, a 25-year-old pre-nursing student at Athens Technical College, said.

The list includes updating immunizations, becoming CPR-certified, and having a standard background check and a drug screening test.

I really dont feel like Im in a place to visit anywhere to complete these tasks because, in my opinion, theyve got bigger fish to fry, Gwaltney said.

For Baldwins students, the first anatomy lab exam was conducted virtually.

Instead of in-person, hands-on, it was done with images, Baldwin says.

Students are eager to return to their normal habit of working one-on-one with patients, because thats central to what theyll be doing once they begin their careers.

There is something to be said for seeing patients in a clinic, hands-on, with the doctor that youre with, Dickinson said. I feel like youre more likely to remember the disease and the treatment if you see the case in person.

For Freeman, patient interaction is critical to being a good physical therapist.

You can watch all the videos you want, she says, but its important to actually feel whats working or not working for a patient. And without repetitive practice, so that certain tasks become second nature to the caregiver, its hard to get proper experience.

Despite the current problems, students know they will eventually get the patient interaction they need to become licensed. They cant move forward without it.

Our accreditation depends on students having a certain amount of hours in clinicals, so they cant just shorten that, Freeman said.

While the disruptions of the pandemic have delayed some important steps in receiving a medical degree, Baldwin said she is not worried that these delays will negatively affect the students future professional lives. She said she believes studying in a time of pandemic restrictions, with all the inconveniences involved, has pushed the students to be more resourceful.

I think this situation, and how our program has adapted to it, has really developed an institution and a population of learners that are much more resilient, she says.

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Andi Clements is a public relations graduate student at the University of Georgia. She received her bachelors degree in economics and is interested in business and nonprofit sustainability. She has a portfolio at https://andiclements.wixsite.com/mysite.

See the original post:

A strange, difficult time to study medicine | Features | albanyherald.com - The Albany Herald

Medicine, music and philanthropy honoured – The Bay’s News First – SunLive

Posted: 7:20am Monday 01 Jun, 2020

Traditional Maori medicine expert Robert McGowan. Image: Daniel Hines/SunLive.

Traditional Maori medicine expert Robert McGowan reckons getting recognition from the Queen could encourage more people in Tauranga to help take care of the whenua.

The Tauranga man has been recognised for services to Maori and conservation on the 2020 Queen's Birthday Honours List.

Robert has been involved with Nga Whenua Rahui since 2006, a Ministerial fund established in 1991 to provide funding for the protection of indigenous ecosystems on Mori land.

Over the past 25 years, he has worked to help restore the practice of rongoa Maori - traditional Maori medicine - in New Zealand.

Robert was a bit embarrassed when he first found out he had made it onto this years Queens Birthday Honours List.

But then, he realised it could encourage people to help protect the planet.

The recognition is a way of getting the message out there, and encouraging and involving people. But also giving them hope that we can turn things around.

A guiding principle Robert lives by is Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata - When the land is well, the people will be well.

All the things we need to stay alive come out of the earth, he explains. If she is not well, then we cannot be well.

If we make looking after Papatunuku the most important thing in our lives, then we all have a much better chance of surviving the future.

Robert says indigenous medicinal plants can be used to help regenerate bush, and are good indicators for the state of the environment.

Medicinal plants are really good indicators about the state of our environment because their main job is to heal the land.

He commends environmental care groups across Tauranga and the rest of New Zealand that put the work in to look after the earth.

In Tauranga Moana, and throughout New Zealand theres hundreds of thousands of people involved in groups doing their little bit. Look at the Aongatete Forest Project.

Robert says his biggest concern is the indifferent approach some Kiwis have towards looking after the environment.

The biggest worry is lots of people are quite indifferent and dont actually stop and think about it. We have got to really try and reach those people - so they can listen and get involved.

The most important thing for me as an older person is to pass on what I know to those that follow on.

Robert was the founding Chair of the Kaimai-Mamaku Catchments Forum from 2006 to 2018 and was involved in ensuring that the Tauranga Harbour and Waihou Catchments were managed sustainably.

He was also awarded the Loder Cup in 2018 for 25 years of contribution to investigating, promoting, retaining and cherishing New Zealands indigenous flora.

Morris McFall

A Tauranga philanthropist says building a rehabilitation centre for people with disabilities is one the most important contributions to the community he has made in his lifetime.

Morris McFall has been recognised for services to the community and philanthropy on the Queen's Birthday 2020 Honours List.

Tauranga's Morris McFall has been recognised for his services to the community and philanthropy. Pictured: Morris and his wife Hilary McFall.

But rehabilitation centre Next Step Gym isnt the only cause the former Te Awamutu dairy farmer has contributed funds, time and resources towards.

The founder of the McFall Group of Companies has supplied Waipuna Hospice, Westpac Helicopter Trust, Starship Hospital and the St Johns Ambulance with much-needed resources to help improve their services.

Inspiration for establishing the Mount Maunganui gym came about after a traumatic farming accident in 2002 that left Morris son Bryce McFall tetraplegic.

Our middle son was the only farmer of the three boys and he was about to take over our dairy farm. Then he had a quad bike accident and became a tetraplegic.

We went through the process of having doubt that he would even survive.

But Bryce did survive, and Morris says part of this is thanks to the aftercare he received following the accident.

He has very considerable disabilities, but he has made a real success of his life. Our son is an example of what can eventuate of good rehabilitation and aftercare.

Morris says the facility has been a success story, and continues to give people in Tauranga with living disabilities a lot of pleasure.

I guess you would have to say that it is one of the important things we have done in life.

Next Step is for people with all forms of disabilities, particularly those with spinal injuries, post-operative care and congenital problems.

Morris and his wife Hilary McFall have also been major sponsors for Paralympics New Zealand in recent years.

He is both a Fellow and Life Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and was awarded the Sir Bob Owens Trophy for an outstanding contribution to the logistics supply chain, transport sector, and the community.

This is one of the most prestigious awards I have received - it is pretty special, he says.

Morris was also a Waikato Regional Councillor from 1992 to 2001 and chaired the Regional Land Transport Committee for this period.

It has been a nice surprise getting this recognition, says Morris.

I dont go to a lot of trouble seeking kudos, but I must say I have been very blessed to have a wife who has been so supportive. That has helped to no end.

Morris and Hilary have just celebrated 61 years of marriage.

The pair say they prioritise making substantial contributions to the organisations that need them most, he says.

Morris joined Te Awamutu Rotary Club in 1978 where he was a founding member of the Pirongia Forest Park Lodge.

He personally carried out all of the site development and access roading. He also constructed and installed the viewing platform for the Te Awamutu Rose Gardens as a Rotary project.

Coreen Gray

Music has brought Coreen Gray a lifetime of joy, but never in a million years did the Tauranga woman expect to receive recognition from the Queen for her choral contributions.

Coreen, who has been a singer and voluntary music teacher since the 1980s, says she is absolutely staggered to have made the Queens Birthday Honours List this year.

I just cant imagine that I have done enough to be awarded such a wonderful thing. I am just so thrilled about it, she says.

Coreen joined the Tauranga community choir Oriana Singers in 1985 and lead them until 1996 she was a member for a total of 29 years.

She also helped establish the Tauranga Womens Institute choir in 1993, of which she was choir mistress and conductor.

One of the many highlights of Coreens career was judging the young Kiri Te Kanawa at a singing competition in Te Awamutu.

She was just a young girl, and I will never forget how impressed I was with her voice.

Musical involvements continue to keep Coreen busy nowadays, with her volunteering as a singing instructor for people with dementia at Bayswater Retirement Village, as well as working with general residents to stage musical productions four times a year.

The singing teacher says music will always be a part of her life simply because she just loves it.

Every Sunday she plays the organ at St Marys Anglican Church in Mt Maunganui.

The singing teacher says music will always be a part of her life simply because it makes her happy.

I just love it. I am only so sorry that as one gets older it is just not the same as it used to be, but I still sing.

Coreen was a vocalist and accompanist with the Tauranga Civic Choir for 10 years and was made a Life Member in 2013.

She is part of Registered Music Teachers New Zealand, and a member and past conductor of the Te Puke Lyceum Choir.

Coreen reiterates that anyone can get joy from music whether that be from participating or listening.

It just one of those things that really is a joy of life. And there can be enjoyment from both participating and listening.

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Medicine, music and philanthropy honoured - The Bay's News First - SunLive

Letter to the Editor: Medical cannabis is not really medicine – Press Herald

I write regarding the recent article State loses mental health grants over medical cannabis.

I have been a physician practicing Internal Medicine in Maine since 1978. I have never prescribed medical cannabis Last week The New England Journal of Medicine published an article saying there is no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse for marijuana. Adequate scientific studies have not been done. Physicians cannot say that marijuana provides medical benefit or does not have harmful side effects. The name medical marijuana is a misnomer since no scientific data support its medical benefit. The statewide referendum which passed and now allows its sale was ill advised.

More scientific studies are needed to know the risks we are taking prescribing this drug. Your article explains that Maine is losing $3.3 million federal dollars used in the Maine-AWARE Program to bolster the social service infrastructure to support student mental health. You state this loss is a setback for a state that is trying to cope with an alarming amount of mental health issues among students. Maine had the highest rate in the country of children diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or attention deficit disorder.

Since the FDA considers marijuana a controlled drug, this conflicts with the Maine medical marijuana law which is allowing students to take medical marijuana in the classroom.Clearly, we are going down a harmful path. All medications, especially mind altering drugs, need careful testing before they are made available to patients, especially students.

Daniel WoodWoolwich

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See the article here:

Letter to the Editor: Medical cannabis is not really medicine - Press Herald

2026 Projections: COVID-19 Medicine Market Report by Type, Application and Regional Outlook – Cole of Duty

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2026 Projections: COVID-19 Medicine Market Report by Type, Application and Regional Outlook - Cole of Duty


Trusted Business Insights answers what are the scenarios for growth and recovery and whether there will be any lasting structural impact from the unfolding crisis for the Aesthetic Medicine market.

Trusted Business Insights presents an updated and Latest Study on Aesthetic Medicine Market 2019-2026. The report contains market predictions related to market size, revenue, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market.The report further elaborates on the micro and macroeconomic aspects including the socio-political landscape that is anticipated to shape the demand of the Aesthetic Medicine market during the forecast period (2019-2029).It also examines the role of the leading market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview, financial summary, and SWOT analysis.

Get Sample Copy of this Report @ Aesthetic Medicine Market Size, Share, Market Research and Industry Forecast Report, 2019-2026 (Includes Business Impact of COVID-19)

Industry Insights, Market Size, CAGR, High-Level Analysis: Aesthetic Medicine Market

The global aesthetic medicine market size was valued at USD 52.5 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 8.9% over the forecast period. Innovation in aesthetic devices in the past decade has led to growth in demand for aesthetic treatments. The introduction of technically advanced products, such as non-invasive body contouring systems using controlled cooling technology is projected to create growth opportunities for the market in near future.Moreover, the rise in disposable income has boosted the demand for cosmetic surgeries, thereby accelerating market growth. Rising population prone to experiencing signs of aging coupled with rising consciousness about physical appearance is anticipated to further drive the demand for aesthetic medicine. The trend of combination treatments in aesthetics is on a rise. Aesthetics is now being combined with lasers and radiofrequency to achieve smoother and sustained results.

Growth in population between the ages 30 and 65 years is anticipated to boot the number of target consumers with signs of aging, such as wrinkles, lack of skin elasticity and dark spots. For instance, according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook, around 39.9% of the total German population was aged between 25 to 54 years and around 15.0% of the population was aged between 55 to 65 years in 2018. This factor is anticipated to drive the demand for aesthetic medicine from the country in the forthcoming years.Moreover, the need for improved aesthetics in the rapidly rising working-class population is likely to boost the usage of aesthetic medicine over the forecast period. According to Statista, U.S. alone had a working population of 155.76 million in 2018. With improving employment rates especially in the emerging markets, the market is anticipated to witness lucrative growth over the forecast period. However, the side effects associated with aesthetic procedures are likely to continue negatively impacting the consumer preference index.ProcedureType Insights of Aesthetic Medicine Market

Non-invasive procedures segment dominated the aesthetic medicine market in 2018 and is expected to register the fastest CAGR over the forecast period. According to the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, in U.S., around 15.7 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures were performed during the same year, around 2% more than 2016. This highlights the rise in number of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures being performed, such as laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, and botox injections. As per a Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, botox injection is considered as the top minimally invasive cosmetic procedure with more than 7.4 million procedures performed in the U.S. in 2018. This has led to high demand for minimally invasive or non-invasive procedures, propelling the overall market growth.Invasive procedures, such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and nose reshaping, among others are some of the popular aesthetic procedures. Rise in number of men and women wanting to improve their aesthetic appearance has been fueling the demand for liposuction procedures or devices. According to a 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, liposuction was among the top five cosmetic procedures in 2017 with over 246,354 procedures being performed during that year. Since 2006, breast augmentation is the top cosmetic surgical procedure according to the Plastic Surgery Statistics Report 2018.

Regional Insights of Aesthetic Medicine Market

In 2018, North America accounted for the largest market share in terms of revenue. Well-developed healthcare infrastructure, adoption of cosmetic procedures, increasing prevalence of skin disorders, and the presence of board certified and skilled cosmetic surgeons in the region are some of the major factors contributing to the growth. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), U.S. is reported to top the list of countries with the maximum number of cosmetic surgeons in the world in the year 2017. Awareness regarding aesthetic appeal and rising consciousness regarding outward appearance is also significantly contributing to the regional market growth.

Asia Pacific is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR of 10.8% over the forecast period, owing to a large number of surgical procedures performed in South Korea, Japan, and China each year. Availability of skilled professionals, advanced techniques, and cheaper treatment costs are anticipated to attract more customers. China and India have the largest population pool aged between 30 and 65 years. Moreover, rising disposable income coupled with presence of a large pool of working population is generating demand for aesthetic procedures in these countries, further fueling the regional market growth.

Market Share Insights of Aesthetic Medicine Market

The market is highly fragmented in nature with many local players competing with international players. However, strict regulatory approval process is challenging new product entries. Some of the key players contributing to the global market include Allergan, Hologic (cynosure), Johnson & Johnson, Galderma, Lumenis, Solta medical, Syneron candela, and Alma Laser.Rapid adoption of advanced devices for improved treatment, and technological advancements are the primary parameters affecting the competitive nature of the market for aesthetic medicine. In addition, the major players frequently engage in mergers and acquisitions to retain market share and to diversify the product portfolio.

Segmentations, Sub Segmentations, CAGR, & High-Level Analysis overview of Aesthetic Medicine Market Research ReportThis report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2014 to 2026. For the purpose of this study, this market research report has segmented the global aesthetic medicine market report on the basis of procedure type and region:

Procedure Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2019 2030)

Invasive Procedures

Breast augmentation


Nose reshaping

Eyelid Surgery

Tummy tuck


Non-invasive Procedures

Botox injections

Soft tissue fillers

Chemical peel

Laser hair removal



Quick Read Table of Contents of this Report @ Aesthetic Medicine Market Size, Share, Market Research and Industry Forecast Report, 2019-2026 (Includes Business Impact of COVID-19)

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Preventive Medicine Market Growth Prospects and Outlook 2020-2025 – Cole of Duty

The Preventive Medicine Market report provides a comprehensive perspective of the Global market, along with a detailed analysis of the major segments and gives a forecast from 2020-2026. The Preventive Medicine Market report is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists to make informed decisions. It provides the industry overview in terms of key parameters like growth rate, historical & futuristic cost, revenue, demand, and supply data (as applicable). The report explores the market at a global and regional level from the perspective of market size, growth rates, market drivers, key players, product types, and end-use industries. The study provides comprehensive data set in an easily accessible PDF and Excel format that enhances the understanding, scope, and application of this report for the end-user.

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Top Leading Companiesof Global Preventive Medicine Market areNovo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Preventive Medical Health Care, Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals, Quanterix, Phoenix Medicine, U.S. Preventive Medicine, and others.

The leading players of Preventive Medicine industry, their market share, product portfolio, company profiles are covered in this report. The leading market players are analyzed on the basis of production volume, gross margin, market value, and price structure. The competitive market scenario among Preventive Medicine players will help the industry aspirants in planning their strategies. The statistics offered in this report will be precise and useful guide to shape the business growth.

Global Preventive Medicine Market Split by Product Type and Applications:

This report segments the Global Preventive Medicine Market on the basis ofTypesare:

Public Health and General Preventive Medicine

Occupational Medicine

Military Preventive Medicine

On the basis ofApplication,the Global Preventive Medicine Market is segmented into:




Regional Analysis for Preventive Medicine Market:

For comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Preventive Medicine market is analyzed across key geographies namelyUnited States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Central & South America.Each of these regions is analyzed on basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.

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Table of Contents of Global Preventive Medicine Market:

Preventive Medicine Market Overview Global Preventive Medicine Market Competition, Profiles/Analysis, Strategies Global Preventive Medicine Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2015-2020) Global Preventive Medicine Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2015-2020) Global Preventive Medicine Market Regional Highlights Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Market Effect Factors Analysis Market Decisions with respect to present scenario Global Preventive Medicine Market Forecast (2020-2025) Case Studies Research Findings and Conclusion

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Note: All the reports that we list have been tracking the impact of COVID-19 the market. Both upstream and downstream of the entire supplychain has been accounted for while doing this. Also, where possible, we will provide an additional COVID-19 update supplement/report to the report in Q3, please check for with the sales team.

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Preventive Medicine Market Growth Prospects and Outlook 2020-2025 - Cole of Duty

From Hollywood to the hospital, a Halifax man’s creative path to medicine – CBC.ca

Only months into the COVID-19 pandemicand Dalhousie University medicine's 2020 valedictorian, Dr. David Hung, has already produced two medical education videos to aid doctors and paramedics fighting in the trenches.

Some might consider high-quality videos about high-stakes medicine impressive.

But creating content is nothing new for this newly minted doctor who's about to start his emergency medicine residency in Halifax.

Here's the twist: for the past few years, he's trained his camera on celebritieslike Travis Scott, Kylie Jenner and Kanye Westwhom he's featured ina Netflix documentary,a shoe commercialand a music video.

Whether it's videos about viruses or rap stars, he's found the formula forsuccess. "You have a taskand you just do your best to accomplish that in really the safest possible way,"said Hung. "At the end of the day, it's all the same."

Hung's unusual path to medicine started two decades ago when he was 11. Hegrabbed his dad's VHS camera to make videos of what he loved.

"I thought I was going to grow up to be a skateboard video director, you know, at the time way before YouTube," Hung said in an interview at the Halifax Commonskateboardpark, where you'll still find him riding.

He fulfilled his early ambition byshooting and editing videos and commercials. From mini-films featuring Nova Scotia skateboarding star Johnny Purcell, Hung made the natural progression into music videos including one he made for Enfield, N.S.'s Classified featuringSnoop Dog.

For Hung, 31, he's proven that you can soar to great heights in the air, and in life, through skateboarding.

"Learning how to do things like land a kick-flip for the first time. It's a clear goal that you have in mind, and the nuances of how to move your feet and when to jump is just so convoluted at first that it takes thousands and thousands of tries," he said.

"Not only is it the most gratifying sort of feeling, it's just a great marker of success. And I feel like getting to the point where you can get into medical school, matched to the residency program that you're interested in, is a lot of that," said Hung.

The skateboard park is conveniently located across the street from the emergency department at the QEII Health Sciences Centrewhere he'll work occasionally alongside his dad, Dr. Orlando Hung, an anesthesiologist.

He and his dad, along with his brother, Chris, who's also in medical school, recently collaborated with Dr. Ron Stewart, a former Nova Scotia health minister, on a paper for the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia about reducing the risk of catching COVID-19 when removing a breathing tube from patients.

Hung turned on the camera to shoot and edit a video to accompany the academic paper.

"It's on YouTube. Check it out, don't check it out. It's super boring, you're going to hate it," he said with a big smile.

It couldn't be more different than his other works.

In the 2019 Netflix documentaryLook Mom I Can Flyabout rap star Travis Scott, Hung was on a team that captured Scott's wild concert energy.

In his Kylie Jenner commercial for Adidas, Hung combines the esthetic of blending new video with an old VHS-style look, a signature in his skate videos.

And while working on Kanye West's music videoFamoushe honed skills he'll need as a doctor.

"When you work with anybody at that level, it's a work environment that's full of incredibly high expectations. Sometimes what that can feel like is high stakes, high stress environments," he explained.

"Working for someone in the entertainment industry may not be necessarily like a life or death circumstance. You know, some people could view it as the life and death of the career. So I think there's a lot of parallels to draw."

Hung said he "tried not to go into medicine," but his roundabout career path still took him there.First he studied theatre, earning an arts degree at Dalhousie, before working as a paramedic in Nova Scotia for four years.

He enjoyed the energy of paramedicine and the flexibility it provided to work in film, but he craved more. His father's love of being a doctor, even after long days in the operating room, had him reconsidering his career.

"Seeing him beaming with a smile ear-to-ear every single day he went to work, I thought that was so rare and unique and inspiring," he said.

He's quick to credit his two best friends from Nova Scotia, director Tyler Ross and rapper Jacob Smith,who've helped him keep up his creative career while juggling medical school.

When Ross found work in California, he remained loyal to his friends byrecruiting them forprojects.

Hung remembered his friends in his valedictory speech, which he delivered last week in a virtual convocation ceremony, and said they are examples of going against the norm in society.

"I just hope that my story, if anything, inspires people to think that you don't just have to fit into one box or one category," he said. "I'm a firm believer that anything is possible if you have the drive and passion to pursue it."

Having landed an emergency medicine position in his hometown, he and his partner can raise their newborn daughter with family close by. Hung also intends to find time to keep up with creative projects.

He's still the film guy and the guy in medicine who's living his dream.

"If I can keep this up, everything will be just fine," said Hung.


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From Hollywood to the hospital, a Halifax man's creative path to medicine - CBC.ca

How Coronavirus is Impacting Market Size of Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals , Forecast Report 2019-2027 – Cole of Duty

Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals Market 2018: Global Industry Insights by Global Players, Regional Segmentation, Growth, Applications, Major Drivers, Value and Foreseen till 2024

The report provides both quantitative and qualitative information of global Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market for period of 2018 to 2025. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global market of Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals is estimated to growth at a CAGR of _% during the forecast period 2018 to 2025 and is expected to rise to USD _ million/billion by the end of year 2025. In the year 2016, the global Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market was valued at USD _ million/billion.

This research report based on Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market and available with Market Study Report includes latest and upcoming industry trends in addition to the global spectrum of the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market that includes numerous regions. Likewise, the report also expands on intricate details pertaining to contributions by key players, demand and supply analysis as well as market share growth of the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals industry.

Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @ https://www.researchmoz.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2569264&source=atm

Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals Market Overview:

The Research projects that the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market size will grow from in 2018 to by 2024, at an estimated CAGR of XX%. The base year considered for the study is 2018, and the market size is projected from 2018 to 2024.

The report on the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

Leading manufacturers of Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals Market:

The following manufacturers are covered:Bracco ImagingBayerMallinckrodtNordionTriad IsotopesLantheusIBA GroupGE HealthcareChina Isotope & RadiationJubilant PharmaEli LillyAdvanced Accelerator ApplicationsSIEMENSDongchengNavidea

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeDiagnostic RadioisotopesTherapeutic Radioisotopes

Segment by ApplicationOncologyCardiologyOther

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How Coronavirus is Impacting Market Size of Nuclear Medicine & Radiopharmaceuticals , Forecast Report 2019-2027 - Cole of Duty

Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market Research Size foreseen to grow exponentially over 2019 2025 – 3rd Watch News

The Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine report provides independent information about the Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine industry supported by extensive research on factors such as industry segments size & trends, inhibitors, dynamics, drivers, opportunities & challenges, environment & policy, cost overview, porters five force analysis, and key companies profiles including business overview and recent development.

Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine MarketLatest Research Report 2020:

Download Premium Sample Copy Of This Report: Download FREE Sample PDF!

In this report, our team offers a thorough investigation of Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market, SWOT examination of the most prominent players right now. Alongside an industrial chain, market measurements regarding revenue, sales, value, capacity, regional market examination, section insightful information, and market forecast are offered in the full investigation, and so forth.

Scope of Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market: Products in the Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine classification furnish clients with assets to get ready for tests, tests, and evaluations.

Major Company Profiles Covered in This Report

Pfizer, Johnson& Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Sanofi, Horizon Pharma, Abbott, Mylan, Daiichi Sankyo, TEVA, Almatica Pharma, Astellas Pharma, Tide Pharmaceutical, Iroko Pharmaceuticals, Hengrui Pharmaceutical, Abiogen Pharma

Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market Report Covers the Following Segments:

Segment by Type:


Segment by Application:

Medical CarePersonal Care

North America



South America

Center East and Africa

United States, Canada and Mexico

Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy

China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia

Brazil, Argentina, Colombia

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa

Market Overview:The report begins with this section where product overview and highlights of product and application segments of the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market are provided. Highlights of the segmentation study include price, revenue, sales, sales growth rate, and market share by product.

Competition by Company:Here, the competition in the Worldwide Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market is analyzed, By price, revenue, sales, and market share by company, market rate, competitive situations Landscape, and latest trends, merger, expansion, acquisition, and market shares of top companies.

Company Profiles and Sales Data:As the name suggests, this section gives the sales data of key players of the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market as well as some useful information on their business. It talks about the gross margin, price, revenue, products, and their specifications, type, applications, competitors, manufacturing base, and the main business of key players operating in the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market.

Market Status and Outlook by Region:In this section, the report discusses about gross margin, sales, revenue, production, market share, CAGR, and market size by region. Here, the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market is deeply analyzed on the basis of regions and countries such as North America, Europe, China, India, Japan, and the MEA.

Application or End User:This section of the research study shows how different end-user/application segments contribute to the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market.

Market Forecast:Here, the report offers a complete forecast of the global Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market by product, application, and region. It also offers global sales and revenue forecast for all years of the forecast period.

Research Findings and Conclusion:This is one of the last sections of the report where the findings of the analysts and the conclusion of the research study are provided.

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Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Medicine Market Research Size foreseen to grow exponentially over 2019 2025 - 3rd Watch News

‘Married to Medicine’: Britten dodges questions on intimacy issues with Mack, does she fear being judged? – MEAWW

As promised, 'Married to Medicine: Los Angeles' has started to test marriages and friendships but in a gradual manner. However, Shanique Drummond and Lia Dias's feud has reached a new, mind-numbing level. But that's not the only scoop of drama this Bravo show has to offer its viewers.

On paper, Britten Cole and husband Mack Major make for an ideal couple but off of it, their relationship isn't a bed of roses. And, the underlying cause could be intimacy issues.

Last week, Mack and Britten were spending their time having a conversation when their son, Mack Jr., jumped into the bed indicating that it was time for bed and for Mack to go into the other room and sleep.

During the green-room interview, Mack said how it bothered him that their son would sleep in his bed whereas he'd have to find a spot someplace else in the house. He wasn't direct but he did express a slight annoyance about not being able to sleep in the same bed with Britten.

He travels a lot, which means he's only around for two days a week. And to spend the limited time in separation would tick anyone off. However, Britten thinks of it as an adjustment they'd have to make because kids are used to having her around and therefore wish to sleep in the same bed as her when Mack is traveling.

Today, we see her friends confront her about the sleeping situation, to which she responded defensively. Britten shook her head and confirmed that she doesn't have intimacy issues with Mack.

Is she in denial or does she fear judgment?

Britten's good friend Imani Walker's husband, Phil Johnson, has been away for over three months. And she has had to explain herself a lot because of that. On and off, the ladies have speculated about what could have kept the couple (Imani-Phil) apart and most of the time, they've come up with just one guess - Phil may be over Imani.

This could be running through Britten's mind. The more people discuss, the more fodder they'll have for gossip and by the end of it all, she'll be explaining herself to everyone. Either this or maybe she is not prepared to accept the fact that the butterflies and sparkles have left their marriage.

But, these are mere shots in the dark because Britten hasn't directly addressed these issues on the show or off of it. In a chat with MEA WorldWide, Britten shared how difficult it had gotten to discuss her personal life on camera but she eventually managed.

"I think anytime you have cameras in front of you, whether your sharing something personal or you know being comedic or whatever it is, it's always kind of difficult to do that because you know someone's watching it's just hard in general, whatever you're doing it's hard to have a camera in front of you talking about things that are personal between my, my husband definitely was difficult but because it was real and it was personal," she had pointed out.

Catch all the new episodes of 'Married to Medicine: Los Angeles' on Bravo every Sunday.

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'Married to Medicine': Britten dodges questions on intimacy issues with Mack, does she fear being judged? - MEAWW

There are few certainties in coronavirus medicine research is our best weapon – The Guardian

This pandemic is frightening for many people especially those at the highest risk and the need for effective prevention and treatment is pressing.

When there is no direct evidence about what is best to do with a new disease, we need to create it. Clearly, that means recognising that some seemingly sensible interventions may not produce the intended effects. All of medicine is a bit uncertain (unlike maths, where proof is immutable). We can be very certain about some things (drinking bleach is harmful) and less certain about others (could vitamin D be useful?) Admitting uncertainty is something medicine historically finds difficult. But if we dont recognise the gaps in our knowledge, we wont research them. And good research has to be the way out of this.

There are now thousands of research papers on Covid-19, but many of such poor quality that we shouldnt rely on them. This means extra care and critique is needed. And on that basis, we simply dont know if vitamin D, for example, will help with Covid-19 (although all UK residents get a recommendation either to take or consider taking vitamin D the evidence for benefit is either absent or small with the exception of asthma). To know if it will help against Covid-19 needs rapid research for instance, assessing the vitamin D levels of people with severe Covid-19 against similar people who have less severe Covid-19 or avoid getting it altogether, or asking a group of people at high risk to diligently take supplements, and monitoring what happens.

As far as hydroxychloroquine goes, initial trials of this drug which is typically used to prevent malaria (and has been promoted by Donald Trump as a possible cure for all things Covid-19) were initially of poor quality, tiny, and with no control groups. Yet they were widely reported as showing it helped, while better quality trials that followed showed it didnt. Research is now focused on whether it might work as a preventive measure. Knowing what doesnt work is vital. It means that we can stop wasting resources on things that dont work and avoid unnecessary side-effects. Its also clear that hydroxychloroquine has cardiac side-effects, a fact that needs care in monitoring. There is no such thing as an intervention that is free of side-effects.

This doesnt just go for drug treatments. It should hold true for non-drug treatments. There is a clamour for everyone in public to wear a face covering. Does it work? Some research papers insist it does offering reasons as to why fabric will stop the passage of viral particles from the mouth and nose. But what really matters is whether this would result in fewer people being infected. So far, three reviews of the evidence (which have yet to be peer-reviewed) have found no or slender evidence, at best, for any benefit. But a bigger concern is a lack of investigation of unintended consequences. Would people wearing face coverings manage not to touch their faces or would they subconsciously take risks, which results in more infections, not fewer? What does this mean for deaf or lipreading people, or those with cognitive difficulties? Hazards for some may be accepted if there are outweighing benefits for everyone but, when the evidence is so slender, we need rational deliberation.

Would policymakers assume face coverings work, and make decisions on, for instance, encouraging the use of public transport on this basis without high-quality evidence to tell us this is safe? The truth is that we dont know, because we dont have the studies. The counter-argument is its a global pandemic, we cant wait for the results of research. I would argue that because it is a global pandemic, we need good, rapid research even more: the results will be applicable to far more people than usual when a drug or potential preventive measure is tested, hence the need to get better evidence for everyone. And yes, the need is urgent but this pandemic has no clear end in sight.

We could do fast, pragmatic, real-world studies, supplying masks to a geographical area with encouragement and instruction on use, and monitor for comparative changes in infection rates, together with carrying out field studies to observe peoples behaviour. Difficult, yes; but impossible, no. The World Health Organization has made it clear that we need research during pandemics (and drug trials have got off to an amazingly fast start), but this needs to hold true for things like face coverings too. What seems a sensible and obvious solution may not be. Harms and unintended consequences are everywhere, but are only reckoned with properly if we look for them.

Medicine is now in the era of Covid-19. This could be a turning point: where we take the uncertainty we are facing and, rather than assuming that our interventions will work, everyone citizens, patients, researchers and healthcare staff comes together to reduce it.

Margaret McCartney is a GP who writes about evidence-based medicine; she is the author of The State of Medicine: keeping the promise of the NHS

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There are few certainties in coronavirus medicine research is our best weapon - The Guardian

AIIMS former head of medicine dept dies of COVID – The Tribune India

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, May 23

Dr Jitendra Nath Pande, an acclaimed medical specialist and former head of the Department of Medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, died at his residence on Saturday.

Dr Jitendra Nath Pande was 79.

He was serving as a consultant at a Delhi-based private hospital after retiring from the AIIMS. His wife is also currently hospitalised with the infection.

Dr Jitendra Nath Pande had tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this week.

Dr Pande and his wife tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday with mild symptoms and had decided to remain in home isolation, said AIIMS director Dr Randeep Guleria.

But his wife was shifted to the AIIMS on Saturday.

We were following up on him regularly and he said he was improving. Yesterday, after having his dinner, he went off to sleep and then passed away in his sleep possibly because of an acute cardiac event, Dr Guleria said.

Dr Pande had co-morbid conditions.

Knowledge and humility can co-exist and Dr Pande was an epitome of that. He was an excellent human being and it is a great loss to the medical fraternity. AIIMS family will miss him the most because he joined AIIMS as an MBBS student and retired as the head of the Department of Medicine, Dr Guleria said.

I have closely worked with him and knew him since my childhood as he was the student of my father, he added.

After his retirement in 2003, Dr Pande joined the Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research and worked there as a senior consultant in the Respiratory Medicine Department.

He was a legendary physician who had taught many practising doctors at AIIMS and continued to mentor physicians even after joining this hospital. What was remarkable was that most difficult cases would come to him, said the institutes director, Abhishek Bhartia.

I even spoke to him yesterday. He was under home care and seemed to be recovering.

Sangita Reddy, joint managing director, Apollo Hospitals Group, and president of industry chamber FICCI, said in a tweet: Deeply saddened to hear that today. @covid19 claimed its most illustrious victim Dr JN Pande Director & Prof of Pulmonology @aiims_newdelhi. A stalwart of the medical world his work in pulmonology will continue to ensure better health for many. My Condolences to his family. With agency inputs

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AIIMS former head of medicine dept dies of COVID - The Tribune India

Coronavirus tests the value of artificial intelligence in medicine – FierceBiotech

Albert Hsiao, M.D., and his colleagues at the University of California, San Diego (USCD) health system had been working for 18 months on anartificial intelligence programdesigned to help doctors identify pneumonia on a chest X-ray. When thecoronavirushit the U.S., they decided to see what it could do.

The researchers quickly deployed the application, which dots X-ray images with spots of color where there may be lung damage or other signs of pneumonia. It has now been applied to more than 6,000 chest X-rays, and its providing some value in diagnosis, said Hsiao, director of UCSDs augmented imaging and artificial intelligence data analytics laboratory.

His team is one of several around the country that has pushed AI programs developed in a calmer time into the COVID-19 crisis to perform tasks like deciding which patients face the greatest risk of complications and which can be safely channeled into lower-intensity care.

ASCO Explained: Expert predictions and takeaways from the world's biggest cancer meeting

Join FiercePharma for our ASCO pre- and post-show webinar series. We'll bring together a panel of experts to preview what to watch for at ASCO. Cancer experts will highlight closely watched data sets to be unveiled at the virtual meeting--and discuss how they could change prescribing patterns. Following the meeting, well do a post-show wrap up to break down the biggest data that came out over the weekend, as well as the implications they could have for prescribers, patients and drugmakers.

The machine-learning programs scroll through millions of pieces of data to detect patterns that may be hard for clinicians to discern. Yet few of the algorithms have been rigorously tested against standard procedures. So while they often appear helpful, rolling out the programs in the midst of a pandemic could be confusing to doctors or even dangerous for patients, some AI experts warn.

AI is being used for things that are questionable right now, said Eric Topol, M.D., director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute and author of several books on health IT.

Topol singled out a system created byEpic, a major vendor of electronic health record software, that predicts which coronavirus patients may become critically ill. Using the tool before it has been validated is pandemic exceptionalism, he said.

Epic said the companys model had been validated with data from more 16,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in 21 healthcare organizations. No research on the tool has been published, but, in any case, it was developed to help clinicians make treatment decisions and is not a substitute for their judgment, said James Hickman, a software developer on Epics cognitive computing team.

Others see the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to learn about the value of AI tools.

My intuition is its a little bit of the good, bad and ugly, said Eric Perakslis, Ph.D., a data science fellow at Duke University and former chief information officer at the FDA. Research in this setting is important.

Nearly $2 billion poured into companies touting advancements in healthcare AI in 2019. Investments in the first quarter of 2020 totaled $635 million, up from $155 million in the first quarter of 2019, according to digital health technology funderRock Health.

At least three healthcare AI technology companies have made funding deals specific to the COVID-19 crisis, includingVida Diagnostics, an AI-powered lung-imaging analysis company, according to Rock Health.

Overall, AIs implementation in everyday clinical care is less common than hype over the technology would suggest. Yet the coronavirus crisis has inspired some hospital systems to accelerate promising applications.

UCSD sped up its AI imaging project, rolling it out in only two weeks.

Hsiaos project, with research funding from Amazon Web Services, the UC system and the National Science Foundation (NSF), runs every chest X-ray taken at its hospital through an AI algorithm. While no data on the implementation have been published yet, doctors report that the tool influences their clinical decision-making about a third of the time, said Christopher Longhurst, M.D., UCSD Healths chief information officer.

The results to date are very encouraging, and were not seeing any unintended consequences, he said. Anecdotally, were feeling like its helpful, not hurtful.

AI has advanced further in imaging than other areas of clinical medicine because radiological images have tons of data for algorithms to process, and more data make the programs more effective, said Longhurst.

But while AI specialists have tried to get AI to do things like predict sepsis and acute respiratory distressresearchers at Johns Hopkins Universityrecently won a NSF grantto use it to predict heart damage in COVID-19 patientsit has been easier to plug it into less risky areas such as hospital logistics.

In New York City, two major hospital systems are using AI-enabled algorithms to help them decide when and how patients should move into another phase of care or be sent home.

AtMount Sinai Health System, an artificial intelligence algorithm pinpoints which patients might be ready to be discharged from the hospital within 72 hours, said Robbie Freeman, vice president of clinical innovation at Mount Sinai.

Freeman described the AIs suggestion as a conversation starter, meant to help assist clinicians working on patient cases decide what to do. AI isnt making the decisions.

NYU Langone Healthhas developed a similar AI model. It predicts whether a COVID-19 patient entering the hospital will suffer adverse events within the next four days, said Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, M.D., Ph.D., who leads NYU Langones predictive analytics team.

The model will be run in a four- to six-week trial with patients randomized into two groups: one whose doctors will receive the alerts, and another whose doctors will not. The algorithm should help doctors generate a list of things that may predict whether patients are at risk for complications after theyre admitted to the hospital, Aphinyanaphongs said.

Some health systems are leery of rolling out a technology that requires clinical validation in the middle of a pandemic. Others say they didnt need AI to deal with the coronavirus.

Stanford Health Careis not using AI to manage hospitalized patients with COVID-19, saidRon Li, M.D., the centers medical informatics director for AI clinical integration. The San Francisco Bay Areahasnt seen the expected surge of patientswho would have provided the mass of data needed to make sure AI works on a population, he said.

Outside the hospital, AI-enabled risk factor modeling is being used to help health systems track patients who arent infected with the coronavirus but might be susceptible to complications if they contract COVID-19.

At Scripps Health in San Diego, clinicians are stratifying patients to assess their risk of getting COVID-19 and experiencing severe symptoms using a risk-scoring model that considers factors like age, chronic conditions and recent hospital visits. When a patient scores seven or higher, a triage nurse reaches out with information about the coronavirus and may schedule an appointment.

Though emergencies provide unique opportunities to try out advanced tools, its essential for health systems to ensure doctors are comfortable with them and to use the tools cautiously, with extensive testing and validation, Topol said.

When people are in the heat of battle and overstretched, it would be great to have an algorithm to support them, he said. We just have to make sure the algorithm and the AI tool isnt misleading, because lives are at stake here.

Kaiser Health News(KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of theHenry J. Kaiser Family Foundationwhich is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

ThisKHNstory first published onCalifornia Healthline, a service of theCalifornia Health Care Foundation

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Coronavirus tests the value of artificial intelligence in medicine - FierceBiotech

The China Precision Medicine Industry Analysis by BIS Research projects the market to grow at a significant CAGR of 12.82% during the forecast period,…

China Precision Medicine Market to Reach $18,723. 5 Million by 2029. Key Questions Answered in this Report: What are the major market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the China precision medicine market?

New York, May 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report "China Precision Medicine Market: Focus on Ecosystems, Applications, and Competitive Landscape Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2029" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p05803973/?utm_source=GNW What are the underlying structures resulting in the emerging trends within the China precision medicine market? How will each segment of the China precision medicine market grow during the forecast period and what will be the revenue generated by each of the segments by the end of 2029? What would be the compound growth rate witnessed by the leading players in the market during the forecast period 2019-2029? What are the key applications in China precision medicine market? What are the major segments of these applications? What are the major technologies that are employed in the China precision medicine market? Which is the current dominant technology? Who are the key manufacturers and service providers in the China precision medicine market, and what are their contributions? Moreover, what is the growth potential of each major precision medicine manufacturer and service provider?

China Precision Medicine Market Forecast, 2019-2029The China Precision Medicine Industry Analysis projects the market to grow at a significant CAGR of 12.82% during the forecast period, 2019-2029. The China precision medicine market generated $4,919.7 million revenue in 2018, in terms of value.

The China Precision Medicine market growth is majorly driven by factors such as shifting the significance in medicine from reaction to prevention, government initiatives for the incorporation of precision medicine in China, lowering costs and advancement in sequencing technologies, and surge in underlying direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing market in China. However, factors such as fragmented healthcare system in China, a lack of knowledge dissemination for advanced diagnostic capabilities, and a lack of a unified framework for big data integration hamper the overall market growth.

Expert Quote on the China Precision Medicine MarketAnnouncement of the China Precision Medicine Initiative in 2016 has radically changed healthcare regimes in the country, with renewed focus being directed toward capitalizing the present genome sequencing boom in the country. Further, with the establishment of the China Precision Medicine Cloud by WuXi NextCODE and Huawei, cloud-based genomics is set to be the cornerstone of Chinas precision medicine revolution.

Scope of the Market Intelligence on China Precision Medicine MarketThe China precision medicine market research provides a gain a holistic view of the China precision medicine market in terms of various factors influencing it, including regulatory reforms, and technological advancements.

The scope of this report is centered upon conducting a detailed study of the products and services allied with the precision medicine market. In addition, the study also includes exhaustive information on the unmet needs, perception on the new products, competitive landscape, market share of leading manufacturers, growth potential of each underlying sub-segment, and company, as well as other vital information with respect to China precision medicine market.

Market SegmentationThe China precision medicine market segmentation (on the basis of applied sciences) is further segmented into genomics, pharmacogenomics, and other applied sciences.Genomics is the prevalent applied sciences type in the China precision medicine market.

This segment constitutes the majority shareholder in the applied sciences ecosystem for precision medicine and is also expected to continue dominating through 2029.

The China precision medicine market segmentation (on the basis of digital health and information technology) is segmented into CDSS, big data analytics, IT infrastructure, genome informatics, in-silicon informatics, and mobile health.

The China precision medicine market segmentation (on the basis of application) is segmented into oncology, infectious diseases, neurology/psychiatry, lifestyle and endocrinology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and other applications.

Key Companies in the China Precision Medicine IndustryThe key manufacturers and service providers who have been contributing significantly to the china precision medicine market include Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., BGI Genomics Co., Ltd., Illumina, Inc., Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group, WuXi AppTec, Berry Genomics Co., Ltd., Agilent Technologies, Inc., and PerkinElmer Inc., among others.

Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05803973/?utm_source=GNW

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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The China Precision Medicine Industry Analysis by BIS Research projects the market to grow at a significant CAGR of 12.82% during the forecast period,...

My Turn: It’s time to take our medicine – Concord Monitor

Published: 5/22/2020 6:20:14 AM

Modified: 5/22/2020 6:20:03 AM

This past weekend offered a snapshot of where we are in the pandemic. On Saturday, there were protests at the State House.

The group ReOpenNH led the display with both the protests (no masks, no social distancing) and a coordinated op-ed piece in local papers.

Meanwhile, there were 13 more COVID-19 deaths in New Hampshire and the Strafford County jail reported its first two cases of COVID-19: one staff member and one ICE detainee.

In his opinion, Mr. Manuse, the chair of ReOpenNH, feels the restrictions have been an unnecessary intrusion upon our liberties and this entire pandemic is some sort of political ploy. He states that according to New Hampshire statistics, were more likely to die from an opioid overdose than from COVID-19. He further states that people under the age of 15 are more likely to die from the flu.

Of course, the reality is much more complicated and different from Mr. Manuses beliefs. Anyone can be a viral vector and spread the disease whether or not they experience symptoms. The virus will spread to our most vulnerable through contact with his or her younger loved ones.

He also ignores the fact that the only people who die from an opioid overdose are those who use them recreationally. No one gets COVID-19 intentionally.

The youth in New Hampshire are no different biologically than the youth in Massachusetts or New York. Thats where a mysterious offshoot of COVID-19, called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children is killing some children and hospitalizing about 200 other in the United States alone. So if the disease doesnt prove fatal to our children, the hospital bill might be fatal to the parents.

We need to listen to our doctors advice. They dont get paid for preaching a political agenda and they dont want to prolong their own lockdown restrictions any more than the rest of us.

Our health and our economy are sick, but if we all just take our medicine we will all be back on our feet again.

(Dr. James Fieseher lives in Dover.)

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My Turn: It's time to take our medicine - Concord Monitor

A Coronavirus Fad Or The Future Of Medicine? Telehealth Is Having A Moment – WBUR

Telehealth is having a moment.

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, many people can't, or won't, visit their doctors in person. So, some are making virtual visits, instead.

This could be the future of medicine or a fad that won't last beyond the current outbreak. The idea that video calls could replace some trips to the doctor's office isn't new, andit never really caught on, until COVID-19 suddenly changed everything.

"We started seeing unprecedented growth never seen before," said Girish Navani, CEO of Westborough-based eClinicalWorks.

Though Navani's company is a leading maker of medical software, the telehealth platform it introduced several years ago wasn't a big hit. Before the coronavirus pandemic, average daily usage by all clients combined was just 28 hours.

Practically overnight, usage has skyrocketed to about 25,000 hours per day.

"What's even more exciting is not just the growth in usage," Navani said. "The stories that we are hearing every day is that the doctors find this to be very, very convenient, easy, safe. And, on the other side, the patients find it to be extremely convenient."

Navani's company hopes patients and doctors are hooked and that telehealth is here to stay. But getting people to like telehealth is only half the battle.

Until recently, doctors and hospitals had little incentive to offer virtual visits because many health insurers didn't cover them or paid far less than the prices of face-to-face appointments. Like many states, Massachusetts is temporarily requiring equal payments during the pandemic, under an orderfrom Gov. Charlie Baker.

"You talk to almost anybody in the provider community and people on the payer side, and they'll tell you the arrival of the coronavirus and the executive emergency order that we issued on telehealth has brought this into the mainstream in Massachusetts," Baker said at a recent news conference.

A big question is whether insurance companies will continue to cover telehealth at the same rate as in-person careafter the pandemic. For now, many are noncommittal.

"At the appropriate time, we will work with all stakeholders customers, health care providers, and policymakers on transitioning to a post-COVID-19 environment, with a continued focus on making high-quality health care accessible and affordable,"Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, the state's largest insurer, said in a statement.

WBUR previously reported that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts customers are using telehealth technology about 100 times more than usual.

Harvard Pilgrim said it "will continue to evaluate as the months progress," and Tufts Health Plan said it "will continue to examine reimbursement levels as time goes on." The two insurersplan to merge this year.

AllWays Health Partners said it "will work with state officials and other members of the health care community on appropriate telemedicine policies in a post-COVID-19 environment."

AllWays Vice President Jennifer St. Thomas said in a recent online forum organized by the Massachusetts High Technology Council that telehealth looked like risky business before the coronavirus.

"Health plans have really held back because of the concern over adoption," she said. "Am I going to change my product design just to have it be a flop?"

Adoption is through the roof, at the moment. But, in the long run, telehealth coverage and demand appear to present a chicken-and-egg dilemma: Insurers may need steady demand after the pandemic subsides to make coverage worthwhile. But the demand could depend on continued coverage.

That's because doctors might drop telehealth if asked to accept low insurance payments, and patients may be unwilling to make up the difference, out of pocket.

A compromise may be the key to making the economics of telehealth work in Massachusetts and beyond, according to Dr. Jim Leavitt, whose gastroenterology practice is funded by a Boston private equity firm but has offices in Florida, Alabama, Virginia and Washington state.

"Will it be the same rate as a regular visit? Maybe not," Leavitt said. "If it's 20% of the rate, it's a problem, from a business structure. But if it's 80% [or] 85% of the rate, it's reasonable."

For now, Leavitt's doctors are conducting telehealth visits using software from eClinicalWorks something they hardly ever did before the spread of COVID-19. If insurance coverage remains at the level Leavitt calls reasonable, after the pandemic, he predicts one-quarter to one-third of his practice's visits could stay virtual.

View post:

A Coronavirus Fad Or The Future Of Medicine? Telehealth Is Having A Moment - WBUR

Q: I Feel Like Im the Only Guy Taking ADHD Medicine – ADDitude

DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR RYAN WEXELBLATT?Ask your question about ADHD in boys here!

Q: I hate taking ADHD medicine because no one else does. Im the only one, and I dont want everyone knowing Im different.

A: Lots of guys take medicine everyday for different things. Some take it for diabetes, some take it for asthma, some for other things. Whatever the reason, theres nothing wrong with taking medicine. It doesnt make you different. Also, if your brain works with ADHD, you probably wont have to take medicine for the rest of your life. When youre an adult, you may decide to take it some times and not other times. Even if you do decide to take it all the time, theres nothing wrong with that.

1. Read This: Why Kids Resist Medicine2. Read This: Refusing ADHD Meds Due to Stigma3. Read This: How to Improve Medication Adherence

Ryan Wexelblatt, LCSW is the facilitator of theADHD Dude Facebook Group andYouTube channel. Ryan specializes in working with males (ages 5-22) who present with ADHD, anxiety with ADHD, and learning differences; he is the one professional in the United States who specializes in teaching social cognitive skills to boys from a male perspective.

Submit your questions about ADHD in boys here!

Updated on May 22, 2020

Read the original here:

Q: I Feel Like Im the Only Guy Taking ADHD Medicine - ADDitude

Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment market worldwide is projected to grow by US$760.9 Million – GlobeNewswire

New York, May 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report "Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Industry" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p05442559/?utm_source=GNW Poised to reach over US$1.4 Billion by the year 2025, Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems will bring in healthy gains adding significant momentum to global growth.

- Representing the developed world, the United States will maintain a 3.3% growth momentum. Within Europe, which continues to remain an important element in the world economy, Germany will add over US$27.3 Million to the regions size and clout in the next 5 to 6 years. Over US$21.8 Million worth of projected demand in the region will come from Rest of Europe markets. In Japan, Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems will reach a market size of US$69.7 Million by the close of the analysis period. As the worlds second largest economy and the new game changer in global markets, China exhibits the potential to grow at 6.8% over the next couple of years and add approximately US$220.2 Million in terms of addressable opportunity for the picking by aspiring businesses and their astute leaders. Presented in visually rich graphics are these and many more need-to-know quantitative data important in ensuring quality of strategy decisions, be it entry into new markets or allocation of resources within a portfolio. Several macroeconomic factors and internal market forces will shape growth and development of demand patterns in emerging countries in Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East. All research viewpoints presented are based on validated engagements from influencers in the market, whose opinions supersede all other research methodologies.

Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05442559/?utm_source=GNW




1. MARKET OVERVIEW Recent Market Activity Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment - A Prelude US - The Dominant Market Developing Nations Offer Lucrative Opportunities PET Scanners to Outshine SPECT Systems Positive Outlook for the Healthcare Industry Signals Growth Rising Incidence of Cancer - A Major Growth Driver Ageing Population - A Vital Demography Competitive Landscape Competitive Overview in Nuclear Medicine Market A Competitive Analysis of Major Players in the Nuclear Medicine Market Global Competitor Market Shares Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Competitor Market Share Scenario Worldwide (in %): 2020 & 2029 Impact of Covid-19 and a Looming Global Recession 2. FOCUS ON SELECT PLAYERS Digirad Corp. (US) GE Healthcare Plc (UK) Mediso Medical Imaging Systems (Hungary) Mediso Medical Imaging Systems (Hungary) Positron Corporation (US) Siemens Healthineers (Germany) 3. MARKET TRENDS & DRIVERS Technology Innovations Promise Bright Prospects Technological Advancements to Drive Growth Select Technological Advances Full-Body PET Scanner on the Horizon Wearable PET Scanner for Neurological Imaging CZT Detectors Help GE's New Scanner to Provide Better Images at Low Radiation Limited Potential Exists for Further Improvements in System Physics Software Developments Improve Nuclear Medicine Imaging Software Makes an Impact in SPECT Image Acquisition Times Hybrid Imaging to Herald a New Era of Diagnosis Duration of Hybrid Imaging Procedure Bodes Well for Market Personalized Medicine Slowly Gaining Ground; To Drive Nuclear Medicine Battling Alzheimer's Disease - A Powerful Market Force for Nuclear Medicine Hypoxia Imaging - The Future of Cancer Therapy PET or SPECT for Cardiac Imaging - The Debate Continues Innovative Radiotracers - Key to PET & SPECT Success SPECT Innovations to Improve Efficiency Cardiocentric SPECT Cardio-Focused Collimation Novel Biomarkers to Extend PET in Oncology Cardiac Amyloidosis Visualization - A Potential Application for PET Application of PET in Drug Development to Expand Opportunities PET/MRI Makes Inroads Major Players Come Up with New Hybrid PET/MRI Systems Broad Clinical Applications to Drive Demand for Hybrid PET/MR Systems Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Array for PET/MRI Systems PET-MRI Emerging as a Promising Standard for Imaging Soft Tissue Contrast Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals to Boost Cardiac Applications Factors Restricting Market Growth High Costs - A Major Threat for Market Growth Supply Shortages: A Niggling Cause of Concern Canadian Scientists Discover Means to Address Supply Shortages Price Sensitivity & Competition from Alternatives Limit Market Potential Unfounded Fears of Radiation Exposure Hinder Growth Bottlenecks in Developing Markets 4. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE Table 1: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Global Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 2: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Global Retrospective Market Scenario in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2012-2019 Table 3: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Shift across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 4: Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems (Product Type) World Market by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2020 to 2027 Table 5: Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems (Product Type) Historic Market Analysis by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2012 to 2019 Table 6: Hybrid Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems (Product Type) Market Share Breakdown of Worldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 7: Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Systems (Product Type) Potential Growth Markets Worldwide in US$ Thousand: 2020 to 2027 Table 8: Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Systems (Product Type) Historic Market Perspective by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2012 to 2019 Table 9: Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Systems (Product Type) Market Sales Breakdown by Region/Country in Percentage: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 10: Planar Scintigraphy (Product Type) Geographic Market Spread Worldwide in US$ Thousand: 2020 to 2027 Table 11: Planar Scintigraphy (Product Type) Region Wise Breakdown of Global Historic Demand in US$ Thousand: 2012 to 2019 Table 12: Planar Scintigraphy (Product Type) Market Share Distribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 III. MARKET ANALYSIS GEOGRAPHIC MARKET ANALYSIS UNITED STATES Market Facts & Figures US Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share (in %) by Company: 2020 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 13: United States Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020 to 2027 Table 14: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in the United States by Product Type: A Historic Review in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 15: United States Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 CANADA Table 16: Canadian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2to 2027 Table 17: Canadian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Review by Product Type in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 18: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Canada: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027 JAPAN Table 19: Japanese Market for Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 20: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Japan: Historic Sales Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2012-2019 Table 21: Japanese Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 CHINA Table 22: Chinese Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Growth Prospects in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 23: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in China in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 24: Chinese Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market by Product Type: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027 EUROPE Market Facts & Figures European Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market: Competitor Market Share Scenario (in %) for 2020 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 25: European Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Demand Scenario in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 26: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Europe: A Historic Market Perspective in US$ Thousand by Region/Country for the Period 2012-2019 Table 27: European Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Shift by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 28: European Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020-2027 Table 29: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Europe in US$ Thousand by Product Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019 Table 30: European Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 FRANCE Table 31: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in France by Product Type: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for the Period 2020-2027 Table 32: French Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Scenario in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 33: French Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 GERMANY Table 34: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Germany: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 35: German Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 36: German Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ITALY Table 37: Italian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Growth Prospects in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 38: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in Italy in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 39: Italian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market by Product Type: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027 UNITED KINGDOM Table 40: United Kingdom Market for Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 41: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in the United Kingdom: Historic Sales Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2012-2019 Table 42: United Kingdom Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 SPAIN Table 43: Spanish Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2to 2027 Table 44: Spanish Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Review by Product Type in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 45: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Spain: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027 RUSSIA Table 46: Russian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2to 2027 Table 47: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Russia by Product Type: A Historic Review in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 48: Russian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF EUROPE Table 49: Rest of Europe Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020-2027 Table 50: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Rest of Europe in US$ Thousand by Product Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019 Table 51: Rest of Europe Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ASIA-PACIFIC Table 52: Asia-Pacific Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 53: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Asia-Pacific: Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Region/Country for the Period 2012-2019 Table 54: Asia-Pacific Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 55: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Asia-Pacific by Product Type: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for the Period 2020-2027 Table 56: Asia-Pacific Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Scenario in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 57: Asia-Pacific Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 AUSTRALIA Table 58: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Australia: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 59: Australian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 60: Australian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 INDIA Table 61: Indian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2to 2027 Table 62: Indian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Review by Product Type in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 63: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in India: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027 SOUTH KOREA Table 64: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in South Korea: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 65: South Korean Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 66: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Distribution in South Korea by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF ASIA-PACIFIC Table 67: Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 68: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Rest of Asia-Pacific: Historic Sales Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2012-2019 Table 69: Rest of Asia-Pacific Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2VS 2027 LATIN AMERICA Table 70: Latin American Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Trends by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2020-2027 Table 71: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Latin America in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: A Historic Perspective for the Period 2012-2019 Table 72: Latin American Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Percentage Breakdown of Sales by Region/Country: 2012, 2020, and 2027 Table 73: Latin American Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Growth Prospects in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 74: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in Latin America in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 75: Latin American Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market by Product Type: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027 ARGENTINA Table 76: Argentinean Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020-2027 Table 77: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Argentina in US$ Thousand by Product Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019 Table 78: Argentinean Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 BRAZIL Table 79: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Brazil by Product Type: Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand for the Period 2020-2027 Table 80: Brazilian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Scenario in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 81: Brazilian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 MEXICO Table 82: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Mexico: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 83: Mexican Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 84: Mexican Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF LATIN AMERICA Table 85: Rest of Latin America Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020 to 2027 Table 86: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Rest of Latin America by Product Type: A Historic Review in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 87: Rest of Latin America Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2VS 2027 MIDDLE EAST Table 88: The Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 89: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in the Middle East by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 90: The Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Region/Country: 2012, 2020, and 2027 Table 91: The Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020 to 2027 Table 92: The Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market by Product Type in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 93: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in the Middle East: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Product Type for 2012,2020, and 2027 IRAN Table 94: Iranian Market for Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 95: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Iran: Historic Sales Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2012-2019 Table 96: Iranian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Analysis by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ISRAEL Table 97: Israeli Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2020-2027 Table 98: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Israel in US$ Thousand by Product Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019 Table 99: Israeli Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 SAUDI ARABIA Table 100: Saudi Arabian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Growth Prospects in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 101: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in Saudi Arabia in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 102: Saudi Arabian Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market by Product Type: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Table 103: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in the United Arab Emirates: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 104: United Arab Emirates Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 105: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Distribution in United Arab Emirates by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF MIDDLE EAST Table 106: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Rest of Middle East: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027 Table 107: Rest of Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2012-2019 Table 108: Rest of Middle East Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2VS 2027 AFRICA Table 109: African Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Thousand by Product Type: 2to 2027 Table 110: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market in Africa by Product Type: A Historic Review in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 111: African Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Share Breakdown by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 IV. COMPETITION

Total Companies Profiled: 30 Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05442559/?utm_source=GNW

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Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment market worldwide is projected to grow by US$760.9 Million - GlobeNewswire

The Father of Functional Medicine Says Drink Oat Milk and Beer – The Beet

Now,he has some additional recommendations on what to eat, and these two may surprise you: oat (milk) and beer.

Okay, so Bland takes his oats in the warm bowlful topped with cinnamon or berries. But there's nothing wrong with the frothy espresso-topped kind, either.

"Oats have a lot of beta-glucan, which is a really important modulator of your microbiome," he says. That's right, eating or drinking your oats may help keep your gut healthy. Oats are also rich in vitamin E, phytic acid, and certain antioxidants that may help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Quarantine or not, having a beer now and then can take the edge off. But it may have more benefits than just a buzz. And when it comes to beer, the hoppier, the better.

"Beer has hops in it,"Bland says. "Hops are not only a bittering agent, but they are a bioactive member of the phytochemical families that stimulate insulin sensitivity and cause lipid metabolism."

Hops has been revered for its ability to help you sleep. You can get hops extract on its own if you don't want the buzz (or calories) of beer. Consuming hops has also been linked to reducing the risks ofmetabolic syndrome.

But don't just grab any old beer. Go for something that's extra hoppy, says Bland.

"Go for an IPA, because you have more of those isoflavones and humulones from the hops." And don't overdo it. "Just as with wine or with tequila, it has to do with magnitude," he says.

No surprise that the father of functional medicine recommends balance.

Read the rest here:

The Father of Functional Medicine Says Drink Oat Milk and Beer - The Beet

Power of Precision Medicine Could be Fueled Here – ETF Trends

The ARK Genomic Revolution Multi-Sector Fund (CBOE: ARKG) is establishing a reputation for being one of the best-performing healthcare ETFs, a legacy forged over its multi-year lifespan, not just a few weeks.

One of the driving forces behind ARKGs enviable long-term track records its the managers ability to identify disruptive forces in the healthcare and genomics arenas. The intersection of precision medicine and genomics could be the next growth frontier for ARKG investors.

Increasingly, clinicians are tailoring treatments to a patients specific genetic mutations, said ARK analyst Simon Barnett in a recent note. While the number of precision therapies targeting these mutations has grown, only recently have costs dropped to a low enough level that physicians can sequence an individuals genomic profile and identify his or her mutations.

ARKG includes companies that merge healthcare with technology and capitalize on the revolution in genomic sequencing. These companies try to better understand how biological information is collected, processed and applied by reducing guesswork and enhancing precision; restructuring health care, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and enhancing our quality of life.

Empowered by the cost declines of next generation DNA sequencing (NGS), diagnostic providers such as Veracyte (VCYT), Exact Sciences (EXAS), and Guardant Health (GH) are advancing personalized medicine by matching patients to precision therapies. ARK believes that therapeutics companies increasingly will use NGS in clinical trials, creating targeted therapies that ultimately will supplant traditional chemotherapies, writes Barnett.

Guardant Health and Veracyte combine for almost 6% of ARKGs roster.

Bolstering the long-term case for genetic sequencing is the fields ability to help healthcare professionals more accurately diagnose ailments, delivering a higher level of personalized patient care.

In the lucrative oncology field, a prime target for many genomics companies, there are myriad ways genomics and precision medicine can combine to potentially increase positive outcomes for patients.

Some mutations are not inherited and can appear spontaneously, giving rise to aggressive cells that coalesce into tumors. In the case of spontaneous variants, cancer patients are matched to targeted therapies with a lock-and-key system, according to Barnett. First, using molecular diagnostic tests, oncologists search for the mutationthe lockthat is driving tumor growth. Then, diagnostic vendors introduce the molecular information to a genomic biomarker database and search for the best treatmentthe key. Importantly, as the data on clinical outcomes feeds back into the system, the accuracy of the algorithms that match patients to therapies increases continuously.

For more on disruptive technologies, visit our Disruptive Technology Channel.

The opinions and forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Tom Lydon, and may not actually come to pass. Information on this site should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any product.

Excerpt from:

Power of Precision Medicine Could be Fueled Here - ETF Trends