Class of 2017’s Dr. Jawan Gorgis is Family Medicine Resident of the Year – The South End

Wayne State University School of Medicine alumna Jawan Gorgis, M.D., was named by the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians as one of only two Michigan Family Medicine Residents of the Year.

Dr. Gorgis who graduated from the School of Medicine in 2017, is a resident in Beaumont Health of Troys Family Medicine residency program.

Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Career Development Margit Chadwell, M.D., wrote Dr. Gorgiss recommendation letter for the Beaumont residency program.

I (had) the pleasure of getting to know Jawan through her engagement with our Family Medicine Interest Group, where I serve as the faculty advisor. Jawan is inquisitive and resourceful, and has actively explored family medicine as a specialty choice. I have been impressed by her professional and pleasant demeanor, and her enthusiasm, Dr. Chadwell wrote.

Dr. Gorgis will receive the award during the virtual Academy Awards celebration Aug. 8, immediately following thevirtual MAFP Annual Meeting.

The Michigan Family Medicine Resident of the Yearaward recognizes a Family Medicine resident (PGY-1, PGY-2 or PGY-3) who exhibits qualities of exemplary patient care, demonstrates leadership among colleagues, displays a commitment to the community at large and is dedicated to the specialty through involvement in the MAFP and AAFP, service to the residency program, and/or other Family Medicine organizations.

As a student, Dr. Gorgis served as the education and training director for Street Medicine Detroit, coordinating and providing medical assistance to the citys most disadvantaged population. She was elected the schools national representative to the American Medical Association, and participated in the comprehensive Fabric of Society and Medical Political Action Committee Co-Curricular program, volunteering 150 hours in multiple community organizations, clinics and lobbying efforts. She obtained certification as an HIV counselor. She also was involved with multiple research studies resulting in a publication on her diabetes project. Her work with Street Medicine Detroit resulted in two posters she presented at national conferences.

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Class of 2017's Dr. Jawan Gorgis is Family Medicine Resident of the Year - The South End

American College of Lifestyle Medicine Launches Campaign to Promote Treatment and Reversal of Chronic Disease with Lifestyle Medicine – PRNewswire

The convergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest has been a wake-up call on the state of our individual and collective health, highlighting health disparities and faults in our health care system and medical schools.Our nation's lack of health has left us blindsided and vulnerable to the ravages of COVID-19, particularly in minority and underservedcommunities.

Chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the U.S., having reached epidemic proportions. Sixty percent of American adults now live with at least one chronic condition, while 42 percent have more than one. African American adults in particular are more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes, in part due to the chronic, toxic stress associated with racism. Chronic disease now accounts for as much as 86 percent of all health care expenditures. Yet our health care and medical education systems focus on chronic disease management rather than the health restoration provided by addressing its root-causes. Despite most chronic diseases being caused by unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, training in the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine has been virtually non-existent in medical schools.

Lifestyle Medicine is the use of a whole food, plant-predominant dietary lifestyle, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connection as a primary therapeutic modality for treatment and reversal of chronic disease.

ACLM President Dr. Dexter Shurney and other Lifestyle Medicine experts are available for media interviews and background. See our media kit:

Topics ACLM experts can be resources for include:

ACLM provides live and online CME-accredited events and courses for physicians and allied health professionals across the continuum of medical education, as well as certification, clinical practice tools, patient education resources, economic research, networking opportunities and advocacy. Board certification has been available since 2017.

SOURCE American College of Lifestyle Medicine

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American College of Lifestyle Medicine Launches Campaign to Promote Treatment and Reversal of Chronic Disease with Lifestyle Medicine - PRNewswire

WHO: access to HIV medicines severely impacted by COVID-19 as AIDS response stalls – World Health Organization

Seventy-three countries have warned that they are at risk of stock-outs of antiretroviral (ARV) medicines as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new WHO survey conducted ahead of the International AIDS Societys biannual conference. Twenty-four countries reported having either a critically low stock of ARVs or disruptions in the supply of these life-saving medicines.

The survey follows a modelling exercise convened by WHO and UNAIDS in May which forecasted that a six-month disruption in access to ARVs could lead to a doubling in AIDS-related deaths in sub-Saharan Africa in 2020 alone.

In 2019, an estimated 8.3 million people were benefiting from ARVs in the 24 countries now experiencing supply shortages. This represents about one third (33%) of all people taking HIV treatment globally. While there is no cure for HIV, ARVs can control the virus and prevent onward sexual transmission to other people.

A failure of suppliers to deliver ARVs on time and a shut-down of land and air transport services, coupled with limited access to health services within countries as a result of the pandemic, were among the causes cited for the disruptions in the survey.

The findings of this survey are deeply concerning, said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. Countries and their development partners must do all they can to ensure that people who need HIV treatment continue to access it. We cannot let the COVID-19 pandemic undo the hard-won gains in the global response to this disease.

According to data released today from UNAIDS and WHO, new HIV infections fell by 39% between 2000 and 2019. HIV-related deaths fell by 51% over the same time period, and some 15 million lives were saved through the use of antiretroviral therapy.

However, progresstowards global targets is stalling. Over the last two years, the annual number of new HIV infections has plateaued at 1.7 million and there was only a modest reduction in HIV-related death, from 730 000 in 2018 to 690 000 in 2019. Despite steady advances in scaling up treatment coverage with more than 25 million people in need of ARVs receiving them in 2019 key 2020 global targets will be missed.

HIV prevention and testing services are not reaching the groups that need them most. Improved targeting of proven prevention and testing services will be critical to reinvigorate theglobal response to HIV.

COVID-19 risks exacerbating the situation. WHO recently developed guidance for countries on how to safely maintain access to essential health services during the pandemic, including forall people living with or affected by HIV. The guidance encourages countries to limit disruptions in access to HIV treatment through multi-month dispensing, a policy whereby medicines are prescribed for longer periods of time up to six months. To date, 129 countries have adopted this policy.

Countries are also mitigating the impact of the disruptions by working to maintain flights and supply chains, engaging communities in the delivery of HIV medicines, and working with manufacturers to overcome logistics challenges.

At the IAS conference, WHO will highlight how global progress in reducing HIV-related deaths can be accelerated by stepping up support and services for populations disproportionately impacted by the epidemic, including young children. In 2019, there were an estimated 95 000 HIV-related deaths and 150 000 new infections among children. Only about half (53%) of children in need of antiretroviral therapy were receiving it. A lack of optimal medicines with suitable pediatric formulations has been a longstanding barrier to improving health outcomes for children living with HIV.

Last month, WHO welcomed a decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve a new 5mg formulation of dolutegravir (DTG) for infants and children older than 4 weeks and weighing more than 3 kg. This decision will ensure that all children have rapid access to an optimal drug that, to date, has only been available for adults, adolescents and older children. WHO is committed to fast-tracking the prequalification of DTG as a generic drug so that it can be used as soon as possible by countries to save lives.

Through a collaboration of multiple partners, we are likely to see generic versions of dolutegravir for children by early 2021, allowing for a rapid reduction in the cost of this medicine, said Dr Meg Doherty, Director of the Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes at WHO. This will give us another new tool to reach children living with HIV and keep them alive and healthy.

Many HIV-related deaths result from infections that take advantage of an individuals weakened immune system. These include bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis, viral infections likehepatitis and COVID-19, parasitic infections such as toxoplasmosis and fungal infections, including histoplasmosis.

Today, WHO is releasing new guidelines for the diagnosis and management of histoplasmosis, among people living with HIV. Histoplasmosis is highly prevalent in the WHO Region of theAmericas, where as many as 15 600 new cases and 4500 deaths are reported each year among people living with HIV. Many of these deaths could be prevented through timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

In recent years, the development of highly sensitive diagnostic tests has allowed for a rapid and accurate confirmation of histoplasmosis and earlier initiation of treatment. However, innovative diagnostics and optimal treatments for this disease are not yet widely available in resource-limited settings.

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WHO: access to HIV medicines severely impacted by COVID-19 as AIDS response stalls - World Health Organization

Explained: What works in Covid-19 treatment – The Indian Express

Written by Dr Satchit Balsari, Dr Zarir Udwadia | New Delhi | Updated: July 11, 2020 11:09:48 am

Like a wedding guest piling food from a buffet onto their plate until there is no place left, doctors have been prescribing fistfuls of drugs when attempting to manage patients with Covid-19. We summarise based on current evidence from around the world, what scientists say works and does not, from among the treatments currently in vogue in India.

Azithromycin: This must be the most widely prescribed and misused antibiotic in this pandemic. Azithromycin, as with all other antibiotics, does not work in viral infections. Antibiotics are only warranted in patients who have evidence of a secondary bacterial infection as some hospitalised patients will have in the later stages of their disease. Indiscriminate use (as was the case even before the pandemic) in the hope that they will prevent bacterial infection only worsens antibiotic resistance, to which India is a frequent contributor.

Blood Thinners: Hospitalised Covid-19 patients have been observed to have a very high incidence of blood clots. There is current global consensus that all hospitalised Covid-19 patients will benefit from blood thinners injected daily just under their skin (like insulin injections). Though there is sound mechanistic reasoning, randomised controlled trials are awaited.

BCG & other existing vaccines: While the world eagerly awaits a new and SARS-CoV-2-specific vaccine, the use of existing vaccines (BCG, Polio, MMR vaccines) in the hope they will work is inappropriate. Trials are under way to see if they will boost innate immunity. We know that BCG has already been given at birth to all Indians, and it does not seem to have helped keep our case numbers low.

Vitamin C: More vitamin C may have been consumed than oranges since Covid-19 began! It doesnt work.

Vitamin D: A large meta-analysis just released shows that Vitamin D does not protect against Covid-19.

Favipiravir: This is an oral antiviral drug which was fast tracked by the Indian Drug Controller but is not yet approved in the EU or US. Its use should be restricted to mild or moderate infections only. Available data to support its use is sparse but Indian trials have just been completed and the results are awaited.

Hydroxychloroquine sulphate (HCQS): We now have compelling data from multiple large clinical trials including WHOs SOLIDARITY and the UKs RECOVERY trials to categorically say: HCQS does not work. Even Donald Trump may have stopped taking it by now and so should you.

Ivermectin: This is an anti-parasitic drug widely prescribed in India and parts of South America to treat infections from worms. There is no evidence it has any role in Covid-19. It should not be used.

Miscellaneous cures: The state machinery has been used to distribute unproven herbal and Ayurvedic potions (Ukalo), homeopathic drops (Arsenicum album), and treatments peddled by god-men. Anecdotes and observations do not constitute scientific evidence. In the absence of evidence generated from rigorously vetted clinical trials, the distribution of these substances must be condemned. Pushing unproven and supposedly harmless treatments and distributing them to hundreds of thousands is not only disingenuous, but provides people false hope, and risks them lowering their guard. There are no magic pills to boost immunity to fix years of malnutrition, stunting, obesity, and chronically inflamed lungs.

Oseltamivir: This is an antiviral agent prescribed for tempering symptoms from the virus that causes influenza. It has no role in treating Covid-19 infection which is caused by a coronavirus.

Plasma: Our blood is composed of cells and plasma. Plasma from those who have recovered from Covid-19 carries naturally acquired antibodies, and, when transfused to critically ill patients with Covid-19, may help improve outcomes. This form of therapy is being used across the globe and trials to access its efficacy are under way.

Remdesivir: An intravenously administered antiviral medication, it has been shown to be effective in well-designed studies. It seems to shorten recovery time and hospital stay but does not reduce the chance of death. It is currently to be used only in hospitalised patients with severe disease.

Steroids: The only drug so far shown to have a striking impact on mortality is an old and inexpensive one. Current evidence shows that dexamethasone can reduce deaths by one-third in patients with severe Covid-19 infection who need oxygen therapy or ventilators. Their use should, however, be restricted to hospitalised patients. If they are given too soon in the course of an infection, or given to someone with only a mild infection, they could prevent the bodys own immune system from fighting the virus effectively.

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Tocilizumab: This drug is an injection originally used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It is being widely used to counter the severe inflammation (cytokine storm) that occurs in some Covid-19 patients. Its use can increase the risk of bacterial infections, and it must therefore be used with caution, if at all, in carefully selected patients.

Zinc: This mineral is also commonly prescribed, despite there being no evidence that it is effective.

In conclusion, six months into the pandemic, we must therefore acknowledge four facts:

(Dr Zarir Udwadia is Consultant Chest Physician, PD Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai. Dr Satchit Balsari is assistant professor in Emergency Medicine and in Global Health at Harvard Universitys medical and public health schools. )

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Explained: What works in Covid-19 treatment - The Indian Express

Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine: 6 Easy Ways to Add More Humor to Your Day – KCTV Kansas City

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Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine: 6 Easy Ways to Add More Humor to Your Day - KCTV Kansas City

Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Outbreak on Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market 2020 Global Industry Trends, Manufacturers, Growth,…

Global Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market presents insights into the present and upcoming industry trends, enabling the readers to identify the products and services, hence driving the enlargement and effectiveness. The research report provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the major factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and industry-specific trends. Further, the report cites global certainties and endorsements along with downstream and upstream analysis of leading players.

Get more information on Global Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market Research Report by requesting FREE Sample Copy @,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/147448#request_sample

Major Players:

GE HealthcareTriFoil ImagingBiosensors International Group, Ltd.EsaotePhilips HealthcareHitachiSiemens HealthcareCarestreamToshibaShimadzu

Global Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market research reports enlargement rates and the market value based on market dynamics, growth factors. Complete knowledge is based on the newest innovation in business, opportunities, and trends. In addition to SWOT examination by key suppliers, the report contains an all-inclusive market analysis and major players landscape.

The regional segmentation covers:

Segmentation by Type:

Diagnostic Medicine: SPECT Radiopharmaceuticals, PET Radiopharmaceuticals.Therapeutic Medicine: Beta Emitters, Alpha Emitters, Brachytherapy Isotopes.

Segmentation by Application:

Diagnostic Applications: SPECT, PET.Therapeutic Applications: Thyroid, Bone Metastasis, Lymphoma, Endocrine Tumors, Other Therapeutic Applications.

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Report Objectives

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Table of Content:

The Global Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market

Chapter 1: Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market Overview, Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities

Chapter 2: Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 3: Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Production by Regions

Chapter 4: Production, By Types, Market share by Types

Chapter 5: Consumption, By Applications

Chapter 6: Comprehensive profiling and analysis of Manufacturers

Chapter 7: Manufacturing cost analysis

Chapter 8: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 9: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 10: Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 11: Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market Forecast

Chapter 12: Conclusion of Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market

The Report has Tables and Figures Browse The Report Description and TOC @,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/147448#table_of_contents

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Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Outbreak on Nuclear Medicine & Radio Pharmaceuticals Market 2020 Global Industry Trends, Manufacturers, Growth,...

Massive Demand in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Market | Scope and Price Analysis of Top Manufacturers Profiles by 2027| Welltok, Inc., Intel…

HealthCare Intelligence Markets unravels its new study titled Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Market. Effective exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis have been used to discover accurate data. For an effective business outlook, it studies North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Japan, and India by considering different aspects such as type, size, as well as applications. SWOT and Porters five analysis have been used to analyse cost, prices, revenue, and end-users. Various aspects of businesses such as primary application areas, financial overview, and requirement of the industries have been mentioned to give a brief to the readers. This research study further offers mergers, acquisitions and product portfolio of the businesses.

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Profiling Key players: Welltok, Inc., Intel Corporation, Nvidia Corporation, Google Inc., IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, General Vision, Inc., Enlitic, Inc., BioXcel Corporation, and Berg Health.

Global Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Market Report Illuminates:

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HealthCare Intelligence Markets Reports provides market intelligence & consulting services to a global clientele spread over 145 countries. Being a B2B firm, we help businesses to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving market with unbridled confidence. We craft customized and syndicated market research reports that help market players to build game-changing strategies. Besides, we also provide upcoming trends & future market prospects in our reports pertaining to Drug development, Clinical & healthcare IT industries. Our intelligence enables our clients to make decisions with which in turn proves a game-changer for them. We constantly strive to serve our clients better by directly allowing them sessions with our research analysts so the report is at par with their expectations.

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Massive Demand in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Market | Scope and Price Analysis of Top Manufacturers Profiles by 2027| Welltok, Inc., Intel...

Modernizing Medicine to Host Must-Attend Event on COVID-19 Vaccine Timeline and Contact Tracing with Special Guest Jerome Kim, MD – Business Wire

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Modernizing Medicine, a leading healthcare technology company, is hosting a new installment in its thought leadership webinar series. The session, World War C: Contact Tracing and the Hunt for a Vaccine, will take place virtually on Tuesday, July 14 at 7 PM EDT. Those interested can register here.

Modernizing Medicines Chief Medical and Strategy Officer and co-founder, Michael Sherling, MD, MBA, will speak with special guest, Jerome Kim, MD, director general of the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), about the latest pandemic news. With so many unknown variables and uncertainty, Dr. Kim will help shed light on the COVID-19 vaccination development timeline as well as how contact tracing plays a significant role in helping to combat this global pandemic.

Dr. Kim is an international expert on the evaluation and development of vaccines. He is a recognized leader in HIV vaccine development and was named one of the 50 Most Influential People in Vaccines in 2014 by Vaccine Nation.

Dr. Kim stated that: The novel coronavirus has had unprecedented impact on our lives, economy and our expectations. Accelerating vaccine development is one of those necessary adjustments. While a vaccine typically takes 5-10 years to develop, its now all hands on deck to release a COVID-19 vaccine that prevents infection and/or disease as quickly, safely and fairly as possible.

During this virtual event, Dr. Kim will share his expertise on the fight against COVID-19, including:

Dr. Michael Sherling shared that: As physicians and healthcare professionals, we are all doing our best to treat patients in an uncertain world. I look forward to speaking with Dr. Kim and helping to provide a platform to share his invaluable knowledge with others in the healthcare community.

As we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, its important to rely on the power of information. To register for this event, click here.

About Modernizing Medicine

Modernizing Medicine and its affiliated companies empower physicians with suites of mobile, specialty-specific solutions that transform how healthcare information is created, consumed and utilized to increase practice efficiency and improve patient outcomes. Built for value-based healthcare, Modernizing Medicines data-driven, touch- and cloud-based products and services are programmed by a team that includes practicing physicians to meet the unique needs of dermatology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, pain management, plastic surgery and urology practices, as well as ambulatory surgery centers. For more information, please visit Connect with Modernizing Medicine on our Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

About the International Vaccine Institute (IVI)

The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) is a nonprofit inter-governmental organization established in 1997 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, IVI was the first international organization hosted by Korea. IVI has 35 signatory countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) on its treaty, including Korea, Sweden and India as state funders.

Our mandate is to make vaccines available and accessible for the worlds most vulnerable people. We focus on infectious diseases of global health importance such as cholera, typhoid, shigella, salmonella, schistosomiasis, Group A Strep, Hepatitis A, HPV, TB, HIV, MERS, COVID-19, as well as antimicrobial resistance. For more information, please visit

About Dr. Jerome Kim

Jerome Kim, MD, is the Director General of the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) and an international expert on the evaluation and development of vaccines. His depth and breadth of scientific experience spans basic research through advanced clinical development. Dr. Kim was Principal Deputy and Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis at the U.S. Military HIV Research Program. He led the Armys Phase III HIV vaccine trial (RV144) which was the first demonstration that an HIV vaccine could protect against infection. He has authored over 250 publications and received the John Maher Award for Research Excellence from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in 2013.

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Modernizing Medicine to Host Must-Attend Event on COVID-19 Vaccine Timeline and Contact Tracing with Special Guest Jerome Kim, MD - Business Wire

Dr. Ayers featured in video promoting COVID-19 precautions – The South End

A Wayne State University School of Medicine faculty member plays a key role in a video that was distributed to the more than 160,000 members of the nations second-oldest collegiate historically Black Greek letter fraternity to promote proper masking and social distancing procedures for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Eric Ayers, M.D., FAAP, FACP, demonstrates the three Ws of pandemic protection wearing a mask, washing hands and the width of social distancing in a video produced by and for the members of Kappa Alpha Psi.

I was more than happy to participate in disseminating this important message to my brothers, said Dr. Ayers, who has dual appointments in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. He is section chief for Internal Medicine and Pediatrics for the Division of General Medicine, program director of the Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program and co-director of Transition Medicine. We have to continue spreading the word if we have any chance of tamping down this virus and returning to some semblance of normal.

The video was timed for distribution before the Fourth of July holiday and features Dr. Ayers demonstration the proper way to wear several types of masks, as well as stressing the vital importance of hand washing and keeping at least six feet from others during gatherings.

While a historically Black fraternity, since its founding in 1911 at Indiana University, the organization has never limited membership based on color, creed or national origin. The fraternity has 721 undergraduate and alumni chapters in every state, and international chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, Japan, the United States Virgin Islands, Nigeria, South Africa and the Bahamas. Members include Ralph Abernathy, Wilt Chamberlin, Benjamin Jealous, Oscar Robertson, Cedric the Entertainer, Arthur Ashe, Mike Tomlin, Gayle Sayers, John Singleton, Tom Bradley, Bob Johnson, John Conyers, Alcee Hastings, Bill Russell, Tavis Smiley, Marvin Sapp and Colin Kaepernick.

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Dr. Ayers featured in video promoting COVID-19 precautions - The South End

CereHealth Showcases "Going Against the Norm" During the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging’s Annual Meeting – BioSpace

DENVER, July 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- CereHealth Corp., a recognized leader and innovator in biotechnology applications and advanced neurodiagnostics, announced today that its FDA-cleared population template, an alternative to traditional normative datasets for quantitative analysis of clinical brain SPECT, will be presented by the company's Senior Medical Imaging Engineer, Lindsay Quandt, MS, MBA, at SNMMI's Annual Meeting on July 11-14. The virtual conference, entitled "Diagnosis to Therapy: The Future of Image-Guided Patient Management," will be attended virtually by over 2,500 society members and insiders of the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging industry worldwide.

A recorded oral presentation of the collaboration between Ms. Quandt and coauthor, Dr. Cyrus Raji, MD, PhD, will be featured in the conference's online Science Pavilion1. Ms. Quandt will review their analysis of how a large collection of clinical scans can substitute a small dataset of normal subjects for the identification and quantification of perfusion abnormalities in brain SPECT imaging. She will highlight how the population template was generated from over 2,000 heterogenous clinical scans and validated against a normative dataset of 90 controls. Based on the high rating that the abstract received from the conference's review panel, a condensed version of its content is currently under consideration to be featured by Dr. Irene Buvat during her Physics, Instrumentation and Data Sciences (PIDS) Summary Session on Sunday, July 12.

"One of the many benefits in having a large, consistently acquired and continuously expanding clinical dataset is that it allowed us to explore an alternative method for SPECT quantification that was counterintuitive but ultimately consistent with the current gold standard," said Shane Quint, CTO of CereHealth Corporation. "Through the verification and validation process for the FDA, it became evident that our approach made sense and could be applied clinically. SNMMI's invitation to present to the keenest minds applying these methods in daily practice is an exciting opportunity."

CereHealth's FDA 510(k)-cleared CereMetrix platform delivers radiologists and treating providers with advanced neuroimaging analysis tools in a web-enabled environment. Unparalleled 3D visualizations and objective voxel-level perfusion measurement enable consistent and detailed assessments of patients' brain health. CereMetrix's viewer, paired with its clinical data collection and automated reporting, equip physicians with every tool necessary to deliver comprehensive neurodiagnostic evaluations.

"The level of accuracy encompassed in CereMetrix's population template provides a clear pathway to identify abnormalities, which in turn allows me to explain the connection to my patient's symptoms," said Shaun O'Leary, MD, PhD, a Chicago neurosurgeon who has been using CereMetrix's reporting since 2018. "I can tell my patients that abnormalities identified in their quantitative brain imaging have been vetted through a method that is as good as the present gold standard AND will continue to get better as more patients are included."

About CereHealth Corporation

CereHealth is an imaging and data analytics company committed to fulfilling the needs of patients, healthcare providers, radiologists, and researchers with compassionate care and state-of-the-art tools. Our web-based solutions help each user integrate all available data for a more precise and thorough understanding of their patient, cohort, or condition in question. The Company focuses on removing diagnostic bias and applying innovation to empower healthcare providersto make more informed decisions regarding patient-specific treatments and enable contract research organizations (CROs) to access interlocked capabilities that add value to the clinical trial process and workflow.

1Raji, C., Quandt, L. Going Against the Norm: A Novel Approach to a Normative Dataset for Clinical Brain SPECT. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 61 (Supplement 1), pp.76, 2020 (link).

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CereHealth CorporationJohn KelleyCEO+1-720-259-1875243044@email4pr.comwww.cerescan.com

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CereHealth Showcases "Going Against the Norm" During the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging's Annual Meeting - BioSpace

Nuclear Medicine Protection Market Demand Analysis, Statistics, Trends and Investment Opportunities to 2023 – Cole of Duty

This report presents the worldwide Nuclear Medicine Protection market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2018 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

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The report provides a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists and competitive analysis of Nuclear Medicine Protection Market. It provides the Nuclear Medicine Protection industry overview with growth analysis and futuristic cost, revenue and many other aspects. The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Tire Nuclear Medicine Protection study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope and application of this report.

The report firstly introduced the Nuclear Medicine Protection basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the worlds main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

The major players profiled in this report include:Company A

The end users/applications and product categories analysis:On the basis of product, this report displays the sales volume, revenue (Million USD), product price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into-General Type

On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Nuclear Medicine Protection for each application, including-Medical

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Regional Analysis For Nuclear Medicine Protection Market:

For comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Nuclear Medicine Protection market is analyzed across key geographies namely: United States, China, Europe, Japan, South-east Asia, India and others. Each of these regions is analyzed on basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.

Influence of the Nuclear Medicine Protection market report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Nuclear Medicine Protection market.

Nuclear Medicine Protection market recent innovations and major events.

-Detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Nuclear Medicine Protection market-leading players.

-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Nuclear Medicine Protection market for forthcoming years.

-In-depth understanding of Nuclear Medicine Protection market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.

-Favorable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Nuclear Medicine Protection market.

The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:

Table of Contents of Nuclear Medicine Protection Market

1 Study Coverage

1.1 Nuclear Medicine Protection Product

1.2 Key Market Segments in This Study

1.3 Key Manufacturers Covered

1.4 Market by Type

1.4.1 Global Nuclear Medicine Protection Market Size Growth Rate by Type

1.4.2 Hydraulic Dredges

1.4.3 Hopper Dredges

1.4.4 Mechanical Dredges

1.5 Market by Application

1.5.1 Global Nuclear Medicine Protection Market Size Growth Rate by Application

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2 Executive Summary

2.1 Global Nuclear Medicine Protection Market Size

2.1.1 Global Nuclear Medicine Protection Revenue 2014-2025

2.1.2 Global Nuclear Medicine Protection Production 2014-2025

2.2 Nuclear Medicine Protection Growth Rate (CAGR) 2019-2025

2.3 Analysis of Competitive Landscape

2.3.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)

2.3.2 Key Nuclear Medicine Protection Manufacturers Nuclear Medicine Protection Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters Manufacturers Nuclear Medicine Protection Product Offered Date of Manufacturers Enter into Nuclear Medicine Protection Market

2.4 Key Trends for Nuclear Medicine Protection Markets & Products

3 Market Size by Manufacturers

3.1 Nuclear Medicine Protection Production by Manufacturers

3.1.1 Nuclear Medicine Protection Production by Manufacturers

3.1.2 Nuclear Medicine Protection Production Market Share by Manufacturers

3.2 Nuclear Medicine Protection Revenue by Manufacturers

3.2.1 Nuclear Medicine Protection Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.2.2 Nuclear Medicine Protection Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.3 Nuclear Medicine Protection Price by Manufacturers

3.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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Nuclear Medicine Protection Market Demand Analysis, Statistics, Trends and Investment Opportunities to 2023 - Cole of Duty

RibFest goes drive-thru – Medicine Hat News

By MO CRANKER on July 10, 2020.

While COVID-19 has cancelled quite a few events this year, RibFest will still be happening.

The event will run differently, using a drive-through format, and funds raised will go to the Rotary Club of Medicine Hat.

This years RibFest will be running August 7-9 and four different rib vendors will be selling their southern barbecue classics. There will also be a Tater King booth and a lemonade stand.

Its going to be just like grabbing a coffee, but with southern barbecue, said organizer Andrew Reinhardt.

The event will run from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday at Murray Chevrolet. Sunday will run from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

People will enter the Murray parking lot in their vehicles and pick one of four lines to get into. They will drive up to a cashier with an iPad, place their order, pay with either cash or debt and then grab their food.

The cashier will operate the iPad so people dont have to themselves, said Reinhardt. People can stay in their car the entire time.

Reinhardt says the rib trucks are highly efficient and can do an order in 15-20 seconds and that they are expecting 2-2,500 cars over the weekend.

This is a safe fundraiser and were going to meet every guideline for Alberta Health, he said. I know people are dying to do something and this is going to be a fun event.

There will not be tables set up this year for people to sit and eat at, because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Rotary Club treasurer Gail Halderman says the group is still looking to get sponsors on board and that it is planning on selling pop and other things to raise a bit of money.

Were holding this to get money so we can give back to the community, he said. We do a lot of work in our community like the Rotary Music Festival every year. We also put over $100,000 into a trail project last year that went from Desert Blume back to Medicine Hat.

The event has been held in previous years to support the local chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters, but money from every sale will go to Rotary this year instead.

The RibFest people approached me and our board thought this was a great idea, said Halderman. We know they work with a lot of Rotary groups and were looking forward to this opportunity.

More information can be found by searching for Medicine Hat Rotary Drive Thru Ribfest on Facebook.

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RibFest goes drive-thru - Medicine Hat News

Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 – Cole of Duty

Global Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market: Overview

Nuclear medicine equipment include special imaging devices such as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and gamma cameras a.k.a. scintillation cameras for diagnosing and treating chronic diseases such as cancer. Composed of radiation detectors, gamma cameras help to identify radioactive energy emitted from the patients body and converts it into an image. SPECT could work in combination with gamma cameras for producing 3D or more detailed images. This could be done with the rotation of gamma camera heads around the patients body.

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Global Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market: Key Trends

Over the course of the forecast period 20172025, the world nuclear medicine equipment market is prognosticated to register an attractive growth owing to some reliable factors. There could be favorable changes taking place in the world nuclear medicine equipment market on account of technological evolutions such as hybrid imaging, improvements in molecular imaging that do not necessitate radioisotopes, and the introduction of new radiopharmaceuticals to help in diagnosis and therapy.

However, lack of molecular and anatomic imaging training, insufficient evidence and data to support the capability of nuclear medicines to improve patient results, lack of cost-effectiveness, and lessened medical imaging reimbursement could pose some challenge to the world nuclear medicine equipment market. Nonetheless, market participants are predicted to be blessed with some profit-making business opportunities in the coming years.

The growth of the world nuclear medicine equipment market could be attributed to the exclusive benefit of specific deliverance of non-invasive and unique approach to data at cellular and molecular levels, which otherwise cannot be reproduced with the help of other imaging procedures. Against the background of the rise in awareness about chronic diseases, the world nuclear medicine equipment market is expected to witness a higher demand because of the advantage of earlier detection. A positive effect on the growth of the world nuclear medicine equipment market could be anticipated with the increase in diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures conducted on a worldwide platform.

Global Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market: Market Potential

The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in Jordan has appreciated the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provided via the 2015 Practical Arrangements agreement between the two entities. Development of the IAEA Curricula for Nuclear Medicine Professionals, arrangement of clinical practices workshops and meetings, and direct training of nuclear medicine professionals are the three key areas of the collaboration. KHCC believes early diagnosis and treatment of cancer through nuclear medicine technologies and techniques are vital for improving the cure rate among patients.

Global Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market: Regional Outlook

The U.S. nuclear medicine equipment market is prophesied to testify a remarkable progress on the back of several technological advancements, thus raising the hopes of vendors operating in North America. As a result, North America could well run for attaining a dominant position in the international nuclear medicine equipment market. One of the factors that is envisaged to be responsible for the growth of North America is the rapid advent of novel radiopharmaceuticals for the purpose of conducting therapeutics and diagnosis.

Actively participating countries such as Japan could help the Asia Pacific nuclear medicine equipment market to grow at a faster rate. The analysts foresee Japan as a larger consumer of nuclear medicine equipment in Asia Pacific. Moreover, the country could exhibit a high development of nuclear medicine practice due to a telling increase in the count of hybrid SPECT/CT examinations performed in the recent past. Other countries such as India and China are foretold to expedite the growth of Asia Pacific with an augmenting demand for the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases.

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Global Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market: Competitive Landscape

The worldwide nuclear medicine equipment market could be branded by consistent elements that direct price trends and other vital factors. Envisioned to carry a secular nature, the worldwide nuclear medicine equipment market could bear the presence of top players such asSiemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Digirad Corporation, and DDD-Diagnostics A/S.


Nuclear Medicine Equipment Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 - Cole of Duty

Surge in the Adoption of Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery to Fuel the Growth of the Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market Through the…

A new intelligence report Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market has been recently Added to Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market Research set of top-line market research reports. Global Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market report is a meticulous comprehensive analysis of the marketplace which offers access to direct first-hand insights on the growth path of market at near term and long term. On the grounds of factual information sourced from authentic industry pros and extensive main business study, the report provides insights about the historical growth pattern of Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market and current market scenario. It then provides brief and long-term market growth projections.

Projections are purely based on the detailed analysis of key Market dynamics which are expected to influence Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market performance and also their intensity of influencing market growth over the course of assessment interval.

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Along with evaluation of dynamics, the report provides In-depth examination of key business trends that are expected to behave more prominently in global Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market. The study also provides valued information about the existing and upcoming growth opportunities in Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market that the key players and new market entrants can capitalize on.

Competitive Businesses And Manufacturers in global market

key players in aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery market areAllergan, Inc., Alma Laser, Cynosure, Galderma S.A., Lumenis, Johnson and Johnson, Solta Medical, Inc. and Syneron Medical Ltd.

The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.

The report covers exhaust analysis on:

The regional analysis includes:

North America (U.S., Canada)

Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)

Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)

Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)

Asia-Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)


The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)

The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.

Report Highlights:

Detailed overview of parent market

Changing market dynamics in the industry

In-depth market segmentation

Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value

Recent industry trends and developments

Competitive landscape

Strategies of key players and products offered

Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth

A neutral perspective on market performance

Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint.

NOTE All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in reports are those of the respective analysts. They do not necessarily reflect formal positions or views of Future Market Insights.

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Opportunity assessment Provided in this Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market report Is important in terms of understanding the profitable areas of investment, which are the technical insights for major market players, suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders in Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market.

In-depth global Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market taxonomy presented in this Report offers detailed insights about each of the market segments and their sub-segments, which can be categorized based on par various parameters. An exhaustive regional evaluation of international Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market breaks down international market landscape into key geographies.

Regional prognosis and country-wise evaluation of Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market Allows for the evaluation of multi-faceted performance of market in all of the crucial markets. This information intends to offer a wider scope of report to readers and identify the most applicable profitable areas in global market place.

Key Areas and Countries Covered in Global Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market Report-

Taxonomy and geographical analysis of the international Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market enables readers to see profits in existing chances and catch upcoming growth opportunities even before they approach the market location. The analysis offered in report is purely meant to unroll the economic, societal, regulatory and political situations of this marketplace specific to each area and nation, which might help prospective market entrants in Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market landscape to comprehend the nitty-gritty of target market regions and invent their strategies accordingly.

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Table of Contents Covered In this Market Report Are:

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Surge in the Adoption of Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery to Fuel the Growth of the Aesthetic Medicine And Cosmetic Surgery Market Through the...

COVID-19 case reclassified out of Medicine Hat zone, city down to 10 active cases – CHAT News Today

The South Zone recorded four additional cases over the past 24 hours. The total now stands at 1,385 1,283 recovered, 90 active and 12 deaths. Two people in the zone are in hospital, a drop of one.

Across Alberta, there are 37 new cases. There are 584 active cases, a decrease of 24, and 7,774 recovered cases, an increase of 58. The province now has 8,519 total cases.

There are 46 Albertans in hospital, seven of which are in ICU. The provincial death toll rose by three to 161.

There were 6,966 tests were completed in the past 24 hours.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw announced July 2 that she will not be providing daily updates this week but that the online numbers will be updated daily.

Cypress County has 30 total cases 21 recovered cases and nine active ones.

The County of Forty Mile has two active cases and three recovered.

The MD of Taber remains at 12 total cases, nine active and three recovered.

Special Areas No. 2 has no cases on the map. There was previously one recovered case and one death attributed to the region.

The County of Newell is showing one active case and 20 recovered. In Brooks, there remains one active case. There have been 1,119 total cases in the city and 1,109 are recovered. Brooks has recorded nine deaths.

The County of Warner has 41 total cases, 39 active, one recovered and one death.

The City of Lethbridge has a total of 49 cases. Of those, nine are listed as active and 40 recovered. Lethbridge County has five cases, two active cases and three recovered.

The figures on are up-to-date as of end of day July 8, 2020.

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COVID-19 case reclassified out of Medicine Hat zone, city down to 10 active cases - CHAT News Today

Blackfeet Nation calls for permanent protection of Badger-Two Medicine – The Cherokee One Feather – Cherokee One Feather

Tribe proposes legislation for sacred wildlands to be designated Cultural Heritage Area

Browning, Mont. Following decades of threat to their cultural homeland, the Blackfeet Nation on Thursday, June 25 released a legislative proposal to permanently protect the Badger-Two Medicine as a Cultural Heritage Area.

Weve been working on this for many years, with partners from all across the state, said John Murray, Blackfeet Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. The future of our traditional homeland has been uncertain for too long. Its time to protect the Badger-Two Medicine once and for all.

The Badger-Two Medicine is bordered by Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The 130,000-acre wildland was originally part of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, and is considered sacred to the Blackfeet Nation. Today, it is managed by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest. The area is home to many Blackfeet origin stories, and Tribal members still practice traditional ceremony there.

In the early 1980s, the federal government illegally issued oil and gas leases in the Badger-Two Medicine over the objections of the Blackfeet Nation. Ever since, the Blackfeet and our allies have fought to prevent industrialization of the area. Last week, a panel of judges in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals canceled the last of those illegal leases. That decision has opened an opportunity to plan a better future for the Badger-Two Medicine, for Blackfeet, and for all Montanans.

The proposed Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act was drafted in partnership with Blackfeet leaders, non-tribal neighbors, hunters, anglers, conservationists, ranchers, local landowners and many others. In most ways, the proposal simply keeps things the way they are. It builds on existing protections, such as the areas Traditional Cultural District designation, and is modeled on legislation already enacted in other places. The proposal guarantees continued public access for hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, horse packing and other traditional uses. It also keeps grazing rights intact on the land.

Because the Badger-Two Medicine already is off-limits to oil/gas leasing and to motorized access, it has no impact on current status of those uses. Non-commercial timber harvest would continue under the proposal, for forest health, wildfire response and private property protection. And the plan would add protections for headwater streams that are an important source of clean water for agricultural operations and communities both on and off the reservation.

In addition to protecting traditional uses, the Cultural Heritage Area designation guarantees existing Treaty Rights will be honored, and establishes formal Tribal consultation with the U.S. Forest Service to contribute to future management decisions. The bill also provides the Blackfeet Nation an opportunity to conduct trail maintenance and other contracted forest work.

There are important voices that for too long have not been heard, Murray said, noting that during the recent legal proceedings there were no Blackfeet judges or attorneys in the courtroom. We have been refused a seat at our own table, and people across the country have been making decisions about our most sacred ancestral lands. This proposal provides us a voice in the discussion.

In addition, the proposal establishes a diverse citizen advisory group made up of both tribal and non-tribal stakeholders, to help the U.S. Forest Service draft long-term management guidelines for the Badger-Two Medicine.

This is not the first plan advanced to protect the area; multiple proposals for wilderness designation date back to the 1970s, and a Trump Administration review recommended creating a National Monument there in 2017.

But this is the first time in 40 years that we have been out from under the threat of industrial leases, said Terry Tatsey, a member of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council. This is a real opportunity to get it right, once and for all. The Cultural Heritage Area plan is the first proposal to be written with Blackfeet involvement, and with Blackfeet values included.

According to Tatsey, Blackfeet owe our cultural survival to the Badger-Two Medicine. For all those decades, when the federal government outlawed our ceremonies, those mountains are where we went to practice our culture and our ways, he said. Its our last refuge.

Murray noted that Our traditional Blackfeet knowledge system is intact, but it is in a fragile condition. It cannot stand many more assaults. If we dont protect it now, we may lose those parts of Blackfeet knowledge and culture forever.

But the Badger-Two Medicine is not just home to the spiritual Medicine Grizzly; it also is home to flesh-and-bone grizzly bears, wolverines, elk, mule deer and many other iconic wildlife species that migrate between the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and Glacier National Park.

The Badger-Two Medicine represents some of the best wild habitat on the planet, said Tyson Running Wolf, a state legislator and former Blackfeet Councilman. This is where the prairie meets the mountains, and its some of the finest hunting heritage Montana has left.

That is one reason the proposal has the support of so many sportsmen, Running Wolf said. In addition to hunters and anglers, the Cultural Heritage Area plan is backed by a former oil lease holder, ranchers, business owners, conservation interests, large private landowners, outfitters and guides, and many others. Within Indian Country, it has been endorsed by Blackfeet Tribal Business Council, the Blackfoot Confederacy, the National Congress of American Indians, and the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council, which represents all the Tribes of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.

Weve been talking to our neighbors for a long time about this, Running Wolf said, making sure were getting it right. Lots of people have provided advice, making it a better proposal for everyone.

Recently, the Blackfeet Nation shared the proposal with Montanas Congressional Delegation, with a request that they work together in a bipartisan manner to pass the measure as swiftly as possible.

A moment like this doesnt present itself very often, Murray said. With the leases canceled and the Forest Service seeking to manage the area in accordance with the existing Traditional Cultural District designation, were looking at a tremendous window of opportunity for everyone.

This land heals, and I think all of us could use some healing in the world right now, Murray said.

Blackfeet Nation release

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Blackfeet Nation calls for permanent protection of Badger-Two Medicine - The Cherokee One Feather - Cherokee One Feather

The power of the Native American medicine wheel – Argus Leader

Richard P. Holm, MD, Prairie Doc Published 10:53 p.m. CT June 25, 2020

Rick Holm

In recent years, Ive learned of wonderful aspects of Native American culture, especially the sacred medicine wheel or hoop of life with variations in colors and meanings according to each tribe and nation. The circle is a universal spiritual symbol, but the Native American medicine wheel has complexity and power for me, a person who has cared for the elderly throughout my lifetime on the prairie.

For centuries, the Native American medicine wheel has given bearing, a sense of position, an objective and simultaneous understanding of both the infinitude and the limitation of life. The wheel brings a conscious spirituality that recognizes and accepts all things. For me, it closes the gap between the cynical scientific part of me and the inclusive spiritual part. By spiritual, I mean that part of our soul that savors music, art, poetry and the divine; the part that grows to love all things living and nonliving.

In the following verse, Ive taken the liberty to express my interpretation of the sacred circle:

First we get down on our knees and feel the soil, sacred Mother Earth, the world around us, the animals, plants, prairies, lakes, mountains, the environment of our planet from where all food and sustenance comes; earth is foundation.

Then we stand and raise our arms to sacred Father Sky, the sun, stars, clouds, rain, wind, air and breath of life, light and dark; from where all energy flows and ebbs; sky is infinity.

Then we turn and bow east, symbolized by the color red, the rising sun, springtime, birth, the very young, a sense of innocence and hope for the future.

Then we bow south, symbolized by the color yellow, the full sun, summer, early adulthood, a sense of unconquerable power and the courage to fight for justice.

Then we bow west, symbolized by the color black, the setting sun, autumn, mature adulthood, a sense of gravity to protect freedom and face vulnerability with honest eyes.

Finally we bow north, symbolized by the color white, nighttime, winter, old age, wisdom to savor friendship, family and the circle of life, release from fear of change and death, and a sense of empathy from having walked in anothers moccasins.

We pray in harmony as love consoles. O sacred hoop of life, please touch our souls.

This essay is a composite of works written by the late Richard P. Holm, M.D. who died in March 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was founder of The Prairie Doc and author of Lifes Final Season, A Guide for Aging and Dying with Grace available on Amazon. Dr. Holms legacy lives on through his Prairie Doc organization. For free and easy access to the entire Prairie Doc library, visit and follow Prairie Doc on Facebook, featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc a medical Q&A show streaming on Facebook and broadcast on SDPB most Thursdays at 7 p.m. Central.

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The power of the Native American medicine wheel - Argus Leader

The Human Genome Project transformed biology and medicine – The Economist

It is hard to remember what science was like beforehand

Jun 27th 2020

TWENTY YEARS ago, on June 26th 2000, those running the public Human Genome Project and its private-sector shadow, a firm called Celera Genomics, decided to declare victory. In a simultaneous breasting of the tape, each published a working draft of the genome. The broker, Bill Clinton, hosted the chief scientists at the White House. Hyperbolic comparisons were made to the Apollo project to land people on the Moon.

Unlike Apollo, though, this announcement marked a beginning rather than an end. Genomics is now so embedded in biology that it is hard to recall what things were like before it. Those first human sequences cost billions of dollars to obtain. Today, with the advent of new technologies, a full sequence costs about $200, and less detailed versions are cheaper still. It is as if, to use Apollo as the analogy, regular shuttles to the Moon had become available at prices an average family in the West could affordand the more adventurous might now be considering a trip to Mars.

Researchers with a hypothesis to test can, for instance, turn to biobanks containing details of tens or hundreds of thousands of peopletheir medical records, education, employment and, crucially, data about their genomes. Private companies will also sequence genomes to varying standards, for a suitable price. It is probably the case, and if not, it soon will be, that more than 1m human genomes have been sequenced by one method or another.

Genomics also helps non-medical biology. Many non-human species, including crops and domestic animals, have had their genomes sequenced. Though tinkering directly with the genes of organisms that end up on peoples plates still makes some a bit queasy, that is increasingly unnecessary. Genomic knowledge can now be used to speed up selective breeding, without the need for genetic engineering.

At the other end of the scientific spectrum, what can be done for Homo sapiens can be done, using DNA from fossils, for other (now extinct) species of human being: the Neanderthals and Denisovans. There is a possible practical interest even here. Sequencing shows that these species once interbred with Homo sapiens. It also suggests that the traces of that interbreeding which remain may help the recipient to fight off infections, by combating viruses and boosting the immune system.

Sources: INSDC; NHGRI; Broad Institute; S. Peyrgne et al., Science Advances, 2019; S. Mallick et al., Nature, 2016

This article appeared in the Graphic detail section of the print edition under the headline "Dawn of an era"

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The Human Genome Project transformed biology and medicine - The Economist

Giving Tomatoes Their Shots: The Future of Plant Medicine May Come From Drones – DroneLife

Nobody likes getting a shot but even plants might need them sometimes. MIT researchers are exploring ways to administer injections to plants with drones.

As described in the original articleplants, much like people, get sick. The treatment traditionally involves the spread of chemicals designed to mitigate or alleviate the disease. Spreading or spraying chemicals usually results in much of the treatment being absorbed by the soil, rather than the plant.These researchers are testing a new type of needle that may be used in the future to shoot medicine into diseased plants directly, rather than spreading chemicals in the traditional method.

Science News for Students says: Similar to the way COVID-19 sickens and kills people, disease epidemics are wiping out entire groves of bananas,oranges and other crops. To treat plant diseases, farmers usually spray chemicals. Some of these target the germs that cause disease. Other chemicals target the pests that carry those germs.

But less than 5 percent [of the chemicals] go inside the plant, MIT researcher YuntengCao points out.

The more precise shot delivery method of giving plants medicine is called a phytoinjector. Its a tiny patch containing even tinier barbs that pierce the plant. Those barbs are microneedles. And theyre made to dissolve. As they do, they release their medicine. Later, the patch falls off or can be removed, says Science News.

A similar technology is already available for humans.

One of the major problems facing agronomists in using this technology is delivery- if the patches must be attached by hand to each individual plant, the technology may be impractical for large farming operations. Drones, already heavily used in agriculture, offer one possible solution. Researchers equipped a small drone with a toy dart gun in order to inject the needle into the plant see the enlarged video below.

CEO,, and CMO of Principle at Spalding Barker Strategies. Has enjoyed working with and around the commercial drone industry for the last 10 years. Attendance and speaker at Industry Events such as Commercial UAV, InterGeo, Interdrone and others. Proud father of two. Enjoys karate, Sherlock Holmes, and interesting things. Subscribe to all things drone at DroneLife here. Email is [emailprotected] Make Sure that you WhiteList us in your email to make sure you get our Newsletter. [emailprotected]


Giving Tomatoes Their Shots: The Future of Plant Medicine May Come From Drones - DroneLife

Old is gold? Study finds 2,000-year-old medicine aiding in faster recovery among COVID-19 patients – Moneycontrol

As global pharma giantsrace to find the cure for coronavirus, the use of a 2,000-year-old medicine has shown signs of faster recovery among COVID-19 patients.

A test trial carried by Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) on 105 Greek COVID-19 patients showed that the use of Colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed for gout, has shown signs of clinical benefits.

Out of the 105 patients, 55 of them were given daily doses of colchicine for up to three weeks, alongside standard antibiotics and antivirals (but not remdesivir).

The test results reveal that participants who received colchicine had statistically significantly improved time to clinical deterioration. There were no significant differences in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin or C-reactive protein levels.

The health of the remaining 50 patients who did not receive colchicine clinically deteriorated to a severe stage.

While the drug has shown faster sign of recovery, doctors have stressed that the study size is too small.

Dr Rajiv Bahl, an emergency medicine physician in Orlando, said as per a report byMedical Express that the drug has been used to prevent heart conditions such as pericarditis and other inflammatory conditions affecting the body.

However, he believes the size of the trial is too small and more such studies need to be conducted for recommending colchicine as a routine drug to fight the coronavirus.

Although it does show some early promise, future studies need to be conducted before we can incorporate colchicine as an extensively used medication to help combat COVID-19," Bahl said.

Unlike many drugs being tested in hospital patients which are given by infusion or injection colchicine tablets are easy to take and are inexpensive.

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Old is gold? Study finds 2,000-year-old medicine aiding in faster recovery among COVID-19 patients - Moneycontrol