Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Research Collaboration to Develop Precision Medicine Techniques for COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics – GlobeNewswire

Dissecting the Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Healthy Recovered or Asymptomatic Volunteers May Lead to Biomarkers for Tailoring COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics

Potential for Human Monoclonal Antibody COVID-19 Therapeutics to be Developed as a Result of the Collaboration

NEW YORK, July 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced it has entered into a research collaboration and option agreement with Columbia University focused on studying the immune responses to COVID-19 in healthy volunteers who have recovered from COVID-19 or were asymptomatic. The research collaboration will focus on T cell and antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 (CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19 at the cellular level including human monoclonal antibodies and anti-idiotypes. The research is designed to fill in important gaps in understanding the detailed immune responses to COVID-19, and to provide a foundation upon which to target vaccines and therapeutics to appropriate individuals by precision medicine.

The two principal investigators for the collaboration are Ilya Trakht, Ph.D., Associate Research Scientist and Sergei Rudchenko, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medical Sciences at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Trakhts project will study T cell and antibody responses in a variety of ways, including at the cellular level by stimulating T cells in vitro with CoV-2 antigens and by generating fully human monoclonal antibodies against CoV-2. The project, directed by Dr. Trakht, has the potential to lead to the isolation and characterization of therapeutically relevant fully human monoclonal antibodies to CoV-2. Dr. Rudchenkos project will generate DNA aptamer-based anti-idiotypes to certain of the monoclonal antibodies identified by Dr. Trakht. Such aptamers have the potential to identify biomarkers for protective CoV-2 immunity and to lead to accelerated precision medicine-driven vaccines designed to protect against COVID-19.

Seth Lederman, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Tonix Pharmaceuticals, said, We expect that more than one COVID-19 vaccine will ultimately be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and a challenge for future research will be to determine which vaccine is appropriate for each individual. Data from this collaboration will provide a roadmap and tools to potentially guide these recommendations. This work may also guide the selection of appropriate individuals for COVID-19 vaccine trials, such as for Tonixs TNX-1800, based on a live replicating vector platform, which is designed to confer durable T cell immunity. It is also possible that new COVID-19 vaccines can designed which will be tailored to individuals by precision medicine. We are excited to work with our collaborators at Columbia University on these precision medicine technologies and also to potentially develop new monoclonal antibody therapeutics.

Dr. Trakht said, T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 have only recently been reported, so there is much that we hope to learn and to contribute to the understanding of the systemic immune response to COVID-19. We are excited to exploit our fully human monoclonal antibody system to characterize the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and the potential for developing antibody-based immunotherapeutics."

Dr. Rudchenko said, The anti-idiotype aptamer tools that we plan to develop will characterize the immune responses in healthy people who have recovered or were asymptomatic from SARS-CoV-2 infection, which are relevant for developing therapeutics and vaccines. A goal for future research will be to use these tools to distinguish SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity in COVID-19 patients who suffered poor outcomes. My colleague, Dr. Trakhts system to make human monoclonal antibodies is particularly well suited to evaluate individuals antibody responses at a high level of detail in the context of accelerating precision medicine approaches to vaccines and therapeutics.

About Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.

Tonix is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, licensing, acquiring and developing small molecules and biologics to treat and prevent human disease and alleviate suffering. Tonixs portfolio is primarily composed of central nervous system (CNS) and immunology product candidates. The immunology portfolio includes vaccines to prevent infectious diseases and biologics to address immunosuppression, cancer and autoimmune diseases. The CNS portfolio includes both small molecules and biologics to treat pain, neurologic, psychiatric and addiction conditions. Tonixs lead vaccine candidate, TNX-1800*, is a live replicating vaccine based on the horsepox viral vector platform to protect against COVID-19, primarily by eliciting a T cell response. Tonix expects data from animal studies of TNX-1800 in the fourth quarter of this year. TNX-801*, live horsepox virus vaccine for percutaneous administration, is in development to protect against smallpox and monkeypox and serves as the vector platform on which TNX-1800 is based. Tonix is also developing TNX-2300*, a second live replicating vaccine candidate for the prevention of COVID-19, but using bovine parainfluenza as the vector. Tonixs lead CNS candidate, TNX-102 SL**, is in Phase 3 development for the management of fibromyalgia. The Company expects results from an unblinded interim analysis in September 2020 and topline data in the fourth quarter of 2020. TNX-102 SL is also in development for agitation in Alzheimers disease and alcohol use disorder (AUD). The agitation in Alzheimers disease program is Phase 2 ready with FDA Fast Track designation, and the development program for AUD is in the pre-Investigational New Drug (IND) application stage. Tonixs programs for treating addiction conditions also include TNX-1300* (T172R/G173Q double-mutant cocaine esterase 200 mg, i.v. solution), which is in Phase 2 development for the treatment of life-threatening cocaine intoxication and has FDA Breakthrough Therapy designation. TNX-601 CR** (tianeptine oxalate controlled-release tablets) is another CNS program, currently in Phase 1 development as a daytime treatment for depression while TNX-1900**, intranasal oxytocin, is in development as a non-addictive treatment for migraine and cranio-facial pain. Tonixs preclinical pipeline includes TNX-1600** (triple reuptake inhibitor) , a new molecular entity being developed as a treatment for PTSD; TNX-1500* (anti-CD154), a monoclonal antibody being developed to prevent and treat organ transplant rejection and autoimmune conditions; and TNX-1700* (rTFF2), a biologic being developed to treat gastric and pancreatic cancers.

*TNX-1800, TNX-801, TNX-2300, TNX-1300, TNX-1500 and TNX-1700 are investigational new biologics and have not been approved for any indication.

**TNX-102 SL, TNX-601 CR, TNX-1600 and TNX-1900 are investigational new drugs and have not been approved for any indication.

This press release and further information about Tonix can be found

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as anticipate, believe, forecast, estimate, expect, and intend, among others. These forward-looking statements are based on Tonix's current expectations and actual results could differ materially. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, risks related to failure to obtain FDA clearances or approvals and noncompliance with FDA regulations; delays and uncertainties caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic; risks related to the timing and progress of clinical development of our product candidates; our need for additional financing; uncertainties of patent protection and litigation; uncertainties of government or third party payor reimbursement; limited research and development efforts and dependence upon third parties; and substantial competition. As with any pharmaceutical under development, there are significant risks in the development, regulatory approval and commercialization of new products. Tonix does not undertake an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. Investors should read the risk factors set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) on March 24, 2020, and periodic reports filed with the SEC on or after the date thereof. All of Tonix's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by all such risk factors and other cautionary statements. The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date thereof.


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Peter Vozzo (investors) 213-0505

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Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Research Collaboration to Develop Precision Medicine Techniques for COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics - GlobeNewswire

ROTHENBURGER: How the pandemic has changed the way we do medicine – CFJC Today Kamloops

The usual rigmarole of trundling into an office, announcing yourself at the front counter, waiting for your turn and then being ushered into an exam room to wait some more, pretty much shoots an entire day. Avoiding office visits solves that and its got to be much less cost to the system, too. The only thing missing is those six-month-old magazines in the waiting room.

Its not all good, though. Getting a blood test at one of the local labs is more complicated and takes a lot of patience. In order to ensure social distancing, the number of people in the waiting room is severely limited, unlike pre-pandemic times when patients were packed in, standing room only.

Now, chances are youll end up standing outside waiting your turn. Hopefully, there will be chairs on the sidewalk spaced six feet apart because it will likely take at least a couple of hours. Bring a book and something for shade if its a hot day. The smarter thing to do is to make an appointment rather than doing a walk-in.

COVID-19 is forcing take-a-number medicine to make changes. Some of them like phone visits will probably become permanent. Video conferencing has been a thing for those living in remote areas for quite some time but it will likely become much more common. Terms like telemedicine and virtual care will become more familiar.

We can now consult with our doctors on our cellphones or home computers. For my talk with the doctor in Vancouver, I was offered a choice of Skype, Zoom or FaceTime. Kind of a video-conference smorgasbord. With security issues now being removed, online appointments are taking off. In B.C. doctors are allowed to bill at the same rates as for in-office appointments. An article in the Vancouver Sun by Dr. Tom Elliott, medical director at B.C. Diabetes, says provincial governments across the country are embracing this new way of doing things, and so are patients.

Not only can we deliver more efficiently for patients who reside in urban cores, we have found the key that picks the lock for delivering the same standard of care for those who live in rural or isolated regions, he says.

Technological innovation has been the driving factor that has delivered an unprecedented increase in quality of life across the Western world over the last 100 years. Theres no reason not to embrace it further.

The need for speed in fighting COVID-19 has had the effect of removing barriers for making all sorts of changes in the way healthcare is provided, including telemedicine. As some have put it, the pandemic offers a chance to recalibrate.

The whole working-from-home issue comes into play with doctors as much as anyone else. With the need for face-to-face appointments reduced, think of the savings that could be effected by not having to maintain downtown offices and staffing full-time.

Kamloops City council this week debated the implications of home-based professionals during a wide-ranging discussion on zoning. Should doctors, lawyers, accountants and other professionals be allowed to set up office in their homes?

At this point, theres no enthusiasm for it. While home-based businesses have long been supported here, there are restrictions, especially on those that would attract a lot of traffic and cause disruptions in the neighbourhood.

Unless its for something like tutoring or music instruction, clients arent supposed to come to the home. Proposed changes would allow customers to come for one-person personal services such as hairdressing or photo studios something thats already commonly done anyway.

Customers would not be able to come to the home for professional practice businesses, a staff report says. The reason to avoid the bleeding of vitality from commercial office areas.

That makes some sense for now, but it could change. The pandemic is making us rethink all kinds of things. One of them is the way we do medicine.

Mel Rothenburger is a former mayor of Kamloops and a retired newspaper editor. He is a regular contributor to CFJC, publishes the opinion website, and is a director on the Thompson-Nicola Regional District board. He can be reached at

Editors Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group.

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ROTHENBURGER: How the pandemic has changed the way we do medicine - CFJC Today Kamloops

City Notebook: Land, lots of land, and more news coming – Medicine Hat News

By COLLIN GALLANT on July 18, 2020.

A new proposal to use the Maple Avenue Firehall for an expansion of the food bank to a community food centre will be brought forward to city council on Monday, the agency announced late Friday.

And that might not be the biggest news coming forward from the citys land department in the near future.

The citys two-year-old plan to focus on marketing excess properties is also expected to ramp up, with a recent report noting that 40 such properties are under consideration.

The expanding Invest Medicine Hat office at city hall is also seeking a real estate specialist.

The plans goal is to spur private sector development in mature communities an effort to add tax base without adding costs. Revenue is also nice.

To this point the effort has seen a half-dozen lots go up for sale. Some have brought controversy such as the green space near Primrose Drive. The fire hall-food bank swap seemingly nips a conttroversy in the bud Hill residents didnt want the facility to go into the former Central Park School, but that huge, S.D. 76-owned lot is now a question mark in a mature community. It will be empty this fall, when francophone students of cole Les Cypres move to a new school in Saamis (which is almost complete).

Another city land sale last year, the News revealed this week, will see a Starbucks sprout up by late next year at he intersection of Altawawa and Parkview drives.

The locally owned, private development company behind that commercial building (four store fronts, and pad building for drive-thru coffee service) tells the News the final budget could be $2 million, including the cost of land, $371,000.

Cash rolling

After previous few details about a provincial plan to boost spending and jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic flu, the announcements are starting to come in.

Twinning a portion of Highway 3 for $150 million is the headline item of local note in a billion-dollar program that was only outlined in April.

Medicine Hat College got $860,000 this week for electrical upgrades at the campus, and the press release reveals the infrastructure boost for post-secondary facilities will be about $98 million. That about doubles the post-secondary spending his year on upkeep across the province, but is half allocated after this week saw about $20 million each go to the Olds Agricultural College and the University of Lethbridge.

A look ahead

The municipal planning commission meets Wednesday to discuss a slew of land use changes meant to bolster infill and redevelopment in mature neighbourhoods, including provisions to allow more secondary suites,live-workspaces, residential construction on smaller lots and other measures.

100 years Ago

Young Robert Babber of Medicine Hat won the UFAs gopher contest, bringing in a total of 590 tails to win $8 grand prize in the competition, the News rerpoted in July 1920.

The first year of the competition brought in a total of 2,145 tails, the recently formed Medicine Hat branch of the United Farmers movement announced.

The group was also raising funds to bring in Rainmaker Hatfield and would join a group of promoters along the Crowsnest rail line to pay the rainmakers $11,000 fee.

In Ottawa, Arthur Meighen became Prime Minsiter folowing the retirement of Robert Borden.

Three autos, including one belonging to the Alberta Provincial Police, were stolen from the downtown area in Medicine Hat over the weekend, leading to a statement from authorities: When vehilce is left unwatched, first remove the key.

Collin Gallant covers city politics and a variety of topics for the Medicine Hat News. Reach him at 403-528-5664 or via email at

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City Notebook: Land, lots of land, and more news coming - Medicine Hat News

A fresh new look: Rotary Track getting resurfaced this weekend – Medicine Hat News

By MO CRANKER on July 18, 2020.

The Rotary Track is getting a face lift this weekend and people are being asked to avoid the area until work is done.

The track was built in 2007 and every five years the lines need to be repainted. Every 10 years the surface needs to be redone. Both will take place this weekend.

We were planning to do the resurfacing last year, but the weather was giving issues to the company that does this, said Medicine Hat Track and Field Society member Marg Derbyshire. We pushed it back a few times, but just rescheduled for this year.

Its wind and rain that gives them problems, and were looking clear right now.

The Rotary Track is a certain location in Medicine Hat for track and field events over time, the track takes a beating.

General use and the winter weather damage the track over time, said Derbyshire. We had the lines repainted in 2015 and its definitely ready to be redone.

It seems like everyone is always using the first lane. The number one on the track is really worn out and it needs a new coat.

The track was established in 2007 and was paid for through a number of different organizations, including the Rotary Club, different school boards and grants.

The city needed a new track, said Derbyshire. This location was picked by the games committee as the prime spot for this.

The large fields here gave us space to work with and space for the throwing events.

The work will be done Sunday, but the track will need to sit for about a week before it is used again.

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A fresh new look: Rotary Track getting resurfaced this weekend - Medicine Hat News

Sports Medicine Market was estimated to grow at a rate of 7.0% CAGR during the forecast period due to rising rate of sports injuries globally, says…

Generally, sports medicine is considered as a distinct field of healthcare. sports medicine healthcare providers are available in most part of the regions worldwide. The application of sports medicine comes when a child is injured while running, doing any sporting activity, or doing any type of physical exercise, then it is usually recommended to cosult a sport medicine healthcare doctor for medical purposes. Sports Medicine is a branch of medicine that bridges the difference between research and experience by offering physical fitness and adequate treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries and daily workouts. Sport medicine doctors usually have special training to repair the damaged part of wounded patients body so that they can be cured in a limited time frame. While sports medicine doctors work predominantly with professional athletes, they are also interested in the treatment of children and teenagers participating in athletics and adults practicing personal fitness, as well as those with physically demanding jobs, such as construction workers.

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The whole sports industry is undergoing a disruption. Thanks to the evolving cutting-edge technologies, the role of athletic activities and events but also recovery following sport accidents is increasing. In sports medicine, the future holds a swing towards prevention by genomics, nutrigenomics, endless trackers and wearables, whereas there are other excellent innovations aimed at easing the pain and shortening recovery time. The various programs introduced include the usual incidence in orthopedics and recovery alongside pioneers such as sports psychology, diet, and even research and technology efforts to quantify and evaluate data points in order to assist in addressing the after effects of injury. Technology captures data about the players success during training or the real competition in any second. Data not only serves to evaluate but develop new tactics, thus improving the efficiency of the players in the field. It also enables in tracking the current state of safety and warn concerned officers about overtraining. Current medical advances will also provide sports people with the ability to learn further to uncover the various health hazards that could be impaired or what lifestyle they will adopt to allow them to succeed in the long term. Athletigen Technologies Inc., headquartered in Nova Scotish, is committed to offer expertise for many athletes in analyzing acquired DNA material to improve results, fitness, and safety. These genetic examinations help in revealing additional insight regarding potential elevated risk of injuries or basic dietary needs. Later, these results allow the concerned officials to adjust work out or nutrition routine according to the dynamic physical state. Sports exercising medicines are another major revelation in the field. BTE, a multinational organization headquartered in Baltimore, operates diverse recovery services in more than 35 countries. It has different devices for recovery, such as the Primus RS dynamometer or the Eccentron, a resistance simulator. The former tests the movements of patients as to how firm their grip is, whether they can lift a box before the doctor can give them the correct recovery exercises. In case of the Eccentron, aerobic simulator is an integral aspect of both recovery and efficiency enhancements. For each evaluation, it aims at solely eccentric practice and then develops an effective training curriculum.

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Injury levels in the developed part of the world are expected to surge, as athletics and sports activity are gaining popularity in the region. The current high injury prevalence in the developed and developing countries are projected to boost the sport medicine market worldwide. It has been duly reported that an average annual total of 8.6 million sports and recreational-related accident incidents are recorded in the United States, with an age-adjusted incidence of 34.1 per 1000 population and accident rates among males is usually higher than among females. Sports medicine helps in bridging science, exercise and health. In addition, it helps in boosting the scientific assessment, examination, and knowledge regarding sport performance. It involves integrated effort by the entire sports staffs which includes athletic trainers, physicians, physical therapists, and sports scientists to collaborate and enable the finest medical care that can be provided to prevent athletic injuries and illnesses.

The detailed research study provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of sports medicine market. The market has been analyzed from demand as well as supply side. The demand side analysis covers market revenue across regions and further across all the major countries. The supply side analysis covers the major market players and their regional and global presence and strategies. The geographical analysis done emphasizes on each of the major countries across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America.

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Key Findings of the Report:

Amongst the sports medicine market product category, body reconstruction segment holds significant share in the market owing to the rising demand for arthroscopy devices coupled with mounting change from conventional open surgeries to minimally invasive surgeries. According to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, approximately 4 million patients undergo knee arthroscopy, while 1.4 million patients undergo shoulder arthroscopy per annum. Due to its related advantages such as quick turnaround time and reduced pain, arthroscopy is ideal for both geriatric community and professional athletes, as compared to conventional surgical procedures. In 2016, an additional 55,529 people in the United States were diagnosed with bone and joint cancer. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is the most prevalent in reconstruction category which is mostly targeted to breast reconstruction patients. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition where one or more perceived issue in appearance is creating mental problems in the person. It has major consequences for patients who is wished to have breast reconstruction, because patient satisfaction is a major component for the required procedure

In application category in the sports medicine market, knee injuries hold significant share of the market. It has been reported that 17,397 patients has 19,530 sport injuries over a time frame of 10 years. 6434 people suffered 7769 knee joint-related injuries. Among all people, 68.1 percent were men, and 31.6 percent were women. At the time of the accident, approximately 50 percent of patients were between the ages of 2029. Anterior cruciate ligament lesion, medial meniscus lesion, lateral meniscus lesion, Medial Collateral Ligament Lesion, Lateral Collateral Ligament Lesion, and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Lesion were the major injuries reported. Football and skiing were the activities which led to most injury types. Lateral Collateral Ligament injury was associated with tennis and gymnastics, Medial Collateral Ligament lesion is related with judo and skiing, handball and volleyballs are associated with anterior cruciate ligament lesion, Posterior Cruciate Ligament lesion is affected mainly due to injuries related to handball, lateral meniscus with gymnastics and dancing, and medial meniscus with tennis and jogging.

Amongst the regional outlook, North America sports medicine market held more than 40% of the overall market in 2018 and is expected to continue the same trend over the next eight years. The major factor that is attributing to the change is the rising popularity of sports and mounting investments in sports medicines. In North America, the United States held more than 85% in 2018 and Canada is expected to witness the highest CAGR over the forecast period. Generally professional sports league is generating huge revenue in sports industry in the United States. Sports leagues majorly includes major league baseball (MLB), the national basketball association (NBA), the national football league (NFL), and the national hockey league (NHL), among others. According to a study, the market for professional sports in the United States is roughly half of the whole sports revenue held in Europe. Its majorly due to the huge disposable income available for the people in the country. Another reason for the rising popularity is the fact that sports are majorly linked with education in the United States, with most high schools and universities organized sports, and this is a unique footprint for the United States that college sports competitions play an important role in the American sporting culture, and college basketball and college football are popular in the country.

The major sports medicine market players includes Smith & Nephew Plc, Stryker Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Arthrex, Inc., Conmed Corporation, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Breg, Inc., Mueller Sports Medicine, Inc., DJO Global, Inc., and Wright, Medical Group N.V among the other market participants

Sports Medicine Market:

By Product

Body Reconstruction (Arthroscopy devices, Implants)

Body Support & Recovery Products (Physiotherapy Equipment, Compression Clothing, Braces & Supports)

By Application

Knee Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

Ankle & Foot Injuries

Back & Spine Injuries

Elbow & Wrist Injuries

Hip Injuries

Other Injuries

By Geography

North America




Rest of North America



The UK




Nordic Countries

Benelux Union

Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific




New Zealand


South Korea

Southeast Asia

Rest of Asia Pacific

Middle East and Africa

Saudi Arabia




South Africa

Rest of Middle East & Africa

Latin America



Rest of Latin America

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Sports Medicine Market was estimated to grow at a rate of 7.0% CAGR during the forecast period due to rising rate of sports injuries globally, says...

Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Outlook 2020 with COVID-19 Impact, Size, Growth Analysis and Forecast Report by 2027 – 3rd Watch News

Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market is systematic exploration that delivers key statistics on the market status of the development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. The report has included strong players and analyses their limitations and strong points of the well-known players through SWOT analysis. This Report covers growing trends that are linked with major opportunities for the expansion of the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment industry.

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Shenzhen Anke High-TechFujifilm CorpPositron CorpNeusoft Medical SystemsHitachi Medical CorpCarestreamFonar CorpGE HealthcareMindray Medical International LTDParamed Medical SystemsECHO-SON S.A.Hologic IncSiemens HealthcareEsaote S.P.A.Philips Healthcare

The Geographical Analysis Covers the Following Regions

The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease) Provide extra commentary on the newest scenario, an economic slowdown on the overall industry. In addition to this, the report also includes the development of the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment market in the major regions across the world.

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Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Segmentation: By Types

SPECT EquipmentPET-CT Equipment

Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Segmentation: By Applications


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This research report represents a 360-degree overview of the competitive landscape of the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market. Furthermore, it offers enormous statistics relating to current trends, technological advancements, tools, and methodologies.

Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Research Report 2020

Chapter 1 About the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Industry

Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape

Chapter 3 World Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market share

Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis

Chapter 5 Company Profiles

Chapter 6 Globalization & Trade

Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers

Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries

Chapter 9 World Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Forecast through 2027

Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview

It concludes by throwing light on the recent developments that took place in the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment market and their influence on the future growth of this market.

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Global Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment Market Outlook 2020 with COVID-19 Impact, Size, Growth Analysis and Forecast Report by 2027 - 3rd Watch News

MSK Hematologist: COVID-19 Has Impacted Every Facet of Cancer Medicine and Research – On Cancer – Memorial Sloan Kettering

The oncology community has stepped up to meet the challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic but must redouble their efforts in order to stem the potential long-term consequences of this public health crisis on the field. Thats the takeaway from a new letter appearing today in Science Advances, authored by MSK physician-scientist Ross Levine.

According to Dr. Levine, the early days of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders impacted patients ability to seek essential cancer treatment and screenings, as well as access to specialists for rare cancers. Some estimates showed that appointments to screen for cervical, colon, and breast cancers were down about 90 percent in March this year, compared to the last three years a reduction that could result in thousands of excess cancer deaths as those cases may be found later in more advanced stages.

Now, experts are urging patients to get back to the doctor to be screened for cancer or receive treatment, as precautions put in place at MSK make it safe for patients to come in for their appointments and procedures, including routine COVID-19 testing of patients and staff, social distancing measures, staggering appointments, and limiting visitors. Telemedicine appointments are also available when appropriate for both initial and follow-up visits.

Dr. Levine also notes that COVID-19 nearly brought to a standstill the clinical trials testing innovative new cancer therapies as well as basic cancer research in the lab, while simultaneously slowing the critical fundraising that makes such research possible. The pandemic also hindered the advancement of trainees, early career scientists, young investigators, and new oncologists the next generation of leaders who would be moving the oncology field forward in years to come.

All these factors could halt the hard-won momentum of the modern oncology field, unless action is taken. Cancer biology has always paved the way to biomedical innovation and improved human health, with broad, substantive impact, Dr. Levine writes. Cancer did not stay home during COVID-19, and we cannot stay home when the cancer field needs our collective efforts.

See the original post here:

MSK Hematologist: COVID-19 Has Impacted Every Facet of Cancer Medicine and Research - On Cancer - Memorial Sloan Kettering

New Comprehensive Report on Kids Fever Medicine Market with Profiling Global Key Players by 2027| FeverAll, Genomma, Hyland’s, Motrin, PediaCare,…

HealthCare Intelligence Markets unravels its new study titled Kids Fever Medicine Market. Effective exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis have been used to discover accurate data. For an effective business outlook, it studies North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Japan, and India by considering different aspects such as type, size, as well as applications. SWOT and Porters five analysis have been used to analyse cost, prices, revenue, and end-users. Various aspects of businesses such as primary application areas, financial overview, and requirement of the industries have been mentioned to give a brief to the readers. This research study further offers mergers, acquisitions and product portfolio of the businesses.

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Profiling Key players: FeverAll, Genomma, Hylands, Motrin, PediaCare, Walgreens

Global Kids Fever Medicine Market Report Illuminates:

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HealthCare Intelligence Markets Reports provides market intelligence & consulting services to a global clientele spread over 145 countries. Being a B2B firm, we help businesses to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving market with unbridled confidence. We craft customized and syndicated market research reports that help market players to build game-changing strategies. Besides, we also provide upcoming trends & future market prospects in our reports pertaining to Drug development, Clinical & healthcare IT industries. Our intelligence enables our clients to make decisions with which in turn proves a game-changer for them. We constantly strive to serve our clients better by directly allowing them sessions with our research analysts so the report is at par with their expectations.

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New Comprehensive Report on Kids Fever Medicine Market with Profiling Global Key Players by 2027| FeverAll, Genomma, Hyland's, Motrin, PediaCare,...

Q&A with Dr. Angela Phillips, ND on the benefits of naturopathic medicine – Concentrate

After a career change to pursue her passion, Angela (Ange) Phillips left her job in the chemical industry to pursue her doctoral degree in naturopathic medicine. You can read her full story here, but we also caught up with Ange on some of the details and benefits of her practice as well.

Q: What is Naturopathic Medicine and what can patients see a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) for?A: It is a holistic approach using natural therapies to attain optimal physical and emotional health. Every treatment plan is specific for that individuals unique health status and goals. Naturopathic medicine stimulates the bodys innate ability to heal and supports weakened systems; suppressive treatments are avoided. Recommended therapies may include botanical medicine, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, supplementation, clinical nutrition, sleep hygiene, and many, many other options.

Naturopathic medicine can help with some of the following conditions, among others: digestion issues, stress and anxiety, chronic conditions such as hypertension, autoimmune diseases, weight optimization, hormone imbalances, insomnia, allergies and much more.

We recognize there is a time and place for most all medical interventions and welcome integrative healthcare approaches, working in cooperation with your medical doctor, chiropractor, therapist, etc. Since we are not yet licensed in Michigan, I encourage patients to maintain a connection with their primary care physician as well.

Q: Can you explain a little more about the accreditation process and how that looks in Michigan?A: Sure, NDs earn their degree by graduating from a rigorous 4-year medical program at an accredited school and there are only eight schools recognized by the accrediting body for naturopathic medicine, the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME).

The State of Michigan does not currently regulate Naturopathic Medicine or Naturopathic Doctors, but legislation is in the works currently. The hope is that we will receive recognition in Michigan within the next one to two years.

A map of approved ND recognition. Michigan is in the process of passing legislation.

Q: Can you tell us about an impactful time where you witnessed healing in your patients?A: During my clinical internship in medical school, some interns and I worked in Downtown Chicago at the Salvation Army. We provided beneficiaries (residents) with chiropractic and naturopathic care. The facility has the capacity for about 210 male residents on site, and another location had female residents who would also come in for care.

Many of those patients were coming off of incarceration, out of a rehab program or off the street. Many of them had years of consistent drug use and were not in the best health.

We worked with them and were able to give them free acupuncture, supplements, naturopathic care and chiropractic adjustments. They really, really loved it and that location had one of the highest graduation rates in the nation for beneficiaries; I attribute a lot of that to the supportive chiropractic and naturopathic care they got a while there.

Many of them were able to take control of their health issues, including chronic uncontrolled diabetes, musculoskeletal pain, neurological issues, hypertension and many were even able to stop smoking with our support.

Q: How much does a visit cost and what can I expect? A: If youre on the fence about trying naturopathic medicine, I offer a free 10-minute phone consultation to answer basic questions. Then, when a new patient schedules, I send a comprehensive health history questionnaire through my HIPAA-compliant patient portal to complete before the first appointment. The first visit is about 90 minutes. I go over any interesting points on the questionnaire and ask additional pertinent questions, followed by a report of findings and setting goals together. I then create an individualized treatment plan with specific recommendations and timelines. I always encourage questions because understanding the rationale to treatment recommendations is key to patients having an active role and higher success in their journey to wellness.

Since we are not yet licensed in Michigan, I am unable to accept insurance, but do accept credit cards, cash, or checks. Appointment fees are: new patient visits ($250), 60-minute follow up visit ($145), 30-minute follow up visit ($80). Supplements are not included in the price of the visit. My current special is a free 30-minute follow up appointment with a first office call booked in the month of July!

Q: Where can we find you and learn more?A: My office is in Midland at 810 W Wackerly Street, inside the True Motion Spine & Sport office.

More information is available on my website, including scheduling and patient intake at and you can also find me on Facebook.

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Q&A with Dr. Angela Phillips, ND on the benefits of naturopathic medicine - Concentrate

Annals of Family Medicine: Study Finds Young Men Want to Discuss Intimate Partner Violence with Doctors – PRNewswire

A recent study published in the Annals of Family Medicinefound that 90 percent of men believe healthcare providers should be open to discussing the topic of IPV as it pertains to their role as perpetrator, victim, or both. However, of the 916 men aged 18-35 surveyed in the study, only about 10 percent of participants had.

The study was conducted by Tova B. Walsh, Ph.D., of the School of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago.

Men who reported lower levels of education were most likely to be asked about IPV. Support for discussing IPV with a healthcare provider varied by race and past experience with IPV. Black non-Hispanic men were less likely to think doctors should ask. Victims of intimate partner violence were more likely to support screening.

Walsh and her colleagues write that healthcare professionals are missing opportunities to identify and discuss IPV with men, and to step in with helpful interventions and referrals.

"Education, race/ethnicity, and history of involvement in physical IPV as perpetrator or victim were linked to beliefs about or experiences with being asked by a healthcare provider about IPV among this nationally representative sample of young men.Understanding these associations may aid primary care physicians in identifying male patients who have been perpetrators or victims of IPV, and addressing their needs for mental and behavioral health services, or referral to IPV advocacy organizations for intervention."

The researchers suggest tailored identification and intervention methods to address beliefs about IPV among specific groups of young men, particularly those who disclose IPV perpetration but endorse less support for doctor interventions.

"Further research is needed to assess the best strategies for primary care physicians to use when identifying and responding to IPV among male populations," the authors write.

Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and Beliefs About Partner Violence Screening Among Young MenTova B. Walsh, PhD, et alUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Social Work, Madison, Wisconsin

SOURCE Annals of Family Medicine

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Annals of Family Medicine: Study Finds Young Men Want to Discuss Intimate Partner Violence with Doctors - PRNewswire

The New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Results from Positive Phase 2b Trial of Arcutis’ ARQ-151 (Topical Roflumilast Cream) for the Treatment…

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARQT), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing treatments for unmet needs in immune-mediated dermatological diseases and conditions, or immuno-dermatology, announced today that The New England Journal of Medicine has published positive results from a Phase 2b trial of its investigational drug topical roflumilast cream for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis. The article has been published in the July 16 issue of the journal. These results demonstrate that ARQ-151 (roflumilast cream) administered once daily was superior to a matching vehicle in treating psoriasis, as measured by a rating of clear or almost clear at week six on the Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) scale.

Plaque psoriasis imposes a significant burden on patients, and is often associated with poor quality of life. Effectively treating psoriasis with topical therapies, which the vast majority of patients receive, is especially challenging due to side effects, tolerability or efficacy of existing topical treatments, said Mark Lebwohl, MD, Waldman Professor and Chair of the Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman Department of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and the lead author of the publication. These data demonstrate that once-daily topical roflumilast cream was well-tolerated and achieved early and significant improvements in psoriasis signs and symptoms, including in the hard-to-treat intertriginous areas such as the armpit or groin, where two skin surfaces touch.

Roflumilast cream (ARQ-151) is a once-daily, highly potent, selective phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4) inhibitor being developed for chronic plaque psoriasis. Arcutis is currently conducting a Phase 3 clinical program with topical roflumilast cream, including two ongoing Phase 3 clinical trials (DERMIS-1 and -2). The company anticipates topline data from the Phase 3 studies in the first half of 2021.

The positive results from this study are particularly encouraging for patients who need new and better options to treat this chronic skin disease. Roflumilast once-daily cream demonstrated significant improvements in psoriasis signs and symptoms, said Dr. Linda Stein Gold, Director of Dermatology Clinical Research and Division Head of Dermatology at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, and an investigator in the study. The results demonstrated statistical significance in an investigator determination of clear or almost clear as well as improvement in patient-reported measures, such as itch and burden of disease. Additionally, notable efficacy was demonstrated as early as within two weeks and topical roflumilast cream was well-tolerated throughout the study.

In the Phase 2b, double-blinded trial, a total of 331 adults with plaque psoriasis were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive topical treatment with roflumilast cream 0.3%, 0.15%, or matching vehicle applied once daily for 12 weeks. 109 patients were treated with roflumilast cream 0.3%, 113 with 0.15% cream, and 109 with the vehicle. The primary efficacy outcome was Investigator Global Assessment (IGA, a 5-item scale assessing plaque thickening, scaling, and erythema, ranging from 0-clear to 4-severe) of clear or almost clear at week 6. Secondary outcomes included clear or almost clear plus a 2-grade improvement (IGA Success), IGA Success on an Intertriginous IGA, and change in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI).

The primary efficacy endpoint of an IGA score indicating clear or almost clear at Week 6 was 28 percent, 23 percent and 8 percent for roflumilast 0.3%, roflumilast 0.15% and vehicle (p<0.001 and p=0.004, vs vehicle for roflumilast 0.3% and 0.15%, respectively). The secondary endpoint of an IGA score indicating clear or almost clear plus 2-grade improvement from baseline demonstrated that patients treated with both roflumilast doses showed separation from vehicle from Week 6 through Week 12, with Week 12 rates of 31% and 27% for roflumilast 0.3% and 0.15%, respectively, vs 14% for vehicle. Among the approximately 15% of patients with baseline intertriginous psoriasis of at least mild severity, 14 of 15 (93%) patients treated with roflumilast 0.3% had an Intertriginous-IGA score of 0 (clear) at Week 12 compared with 3 of 17 (18%) patients in the vehicle group. At Week 12, PASI-75 response rates (improvements in PASI from baseline of at least 75%) were 34% for roflumilast 0.3% vs 16% for vehicle. Application site reactions were less common in the roflumilast cream arms than the vehicle arm. Adverse events were reported in 39 percent, 27 percent and 30 percent of patients receiving roflumilast 0.3%, 0.15%, and vehicle, respectively. Ninety-seven percent of adverse events were rated mild or moderate in severity. In addition, 94 percent of patients completed the trial in the roflumilast 0.3% arm.

The results from this Phase 2b study provide further evidence of the potential of roflumilast cream as a once-daily treatment for patients with plaque psoriasis who currently lack suitable treatment options, said Frank Watanabe, Arcutis President and Chief Executive Officer. We are pleased to share these results, which suggest topical roflumilast was well tolerated and efficacious, with the broader scientific community in such a prestigious journal.

Please refer to the paper, Trial of Roflumilast Cream for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis for the full description of the design and results of this study.

About ARQ-151 (Topical Roflumilast Cream)Topical roflumilast cream is a once-daily, topical cream formulation containing roflumilast, a PDE4 inhibitor, that Arcutis is developing to treat plaque psoriasis, including intertriginous psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. PDE4 is an intracellular enzyme that regulates pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production and cell proliferation. Roflumilast was approved by the FDA for systemic treatment to reduce risk of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2011, and has shown greater potency (25 - 300 fold) than other two FDA-approved PDE4 inhibitors used in dermatology.

About PsoriasisPsoriasis is an immune disease that occurs in about two percent of adults in western countries. About 90% of psoriasis cases is plaque psoriasis, which is characterized by plaques, or raised, red areas of skin covered with a silver or white layer of scale. Psoriatic plaques can appear on any area of the body, but most often appear on the scalp, knees, elbows, trunk, and limbs, and the plaques are often itchy and sometimes painful. Plaques in certain anatomical areas present particular treatment challenges, including the face, elbows and knees, scalp, and intertriginous areas (where two skin areas may touch or rub together).

About Arcutis - Bioscience, applied to the skin.Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARQT) is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing treatments for unmet needs in immune-mediated dermatological diseases and conditions, or immuno-dermatology. The company is leveraging recent advances in immunology and inflammation to develop differentiated therapies against biologically validated targets to solve persistent treatment challenges in serious diseases of the skin. Arcutis robust pipeline includes four novel drug candidates currently in development for a range of inflammatory dermatological conditions. The companys lead product candidate, topical roflumilast, has the potential to revitalize the standard of care for plaque psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. For more information, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Contacts:Investor Relations:Heather Rowe ArmstrongVice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communicationsharmstrong@arcutis.com805-418-5006, Ext. 740

Media Relations:Mike BeyerSam Brown, Inc.mikebeyer@sambrown.com312-961-2502

Phase 2B Trial of Roflumilast Cream (ARQ-151) for the Treatment of Chronic Plaque Psoriasis:

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The New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Results from Positive Phase 2b Trial of Arcutis' ARQ-151 (Topical Roflumilast Cream) for the Treatment...

Advanced Practice Providers Knowledge, Attitudes, and Utilization of Complementary and Integrative Medicine at an Academic Medical Center. -…

Complementary and integrative medicine comprises treatments used along with conventional medical care. Its use within care settings and communities has increased.We aimed to assess baseline knowledge and use of complementary and integrative medicine among advanced practice providers at an academic medical center and their attitudes toward it.A 50-question survey was sent to 1018 advanced practice providers at our academic medical center to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes, and utilization of complementary and integrative medicine therapies.The 556 respondents (54.6% response rate) included physician assistants, nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse midwives. Respondents reported a positive attitude toward complementary and integrative medicine and were likely to refer their patients to a complementary and integrative medicine practitioner (59%). They agreed that patients whose providers incorporate complementary and integrative medicine into their care have better clinical outcomes (nurse practitioners, 93%; certified registered nurse anesthetists, 87%; physician assistants, 85%; P = .002) and improved patient satisfaction (all respondents, 84%). Advanced practice providers, especially nurse practitioners, stated that they initiate the conversation to discuss the benefits and harms of complementary and integrative medicine with their patients (nurse practitioners, 93%; certified registered nurse anesthetists, 87%; physician assistants, 85%; P < .001). Respondents most frequently endorsed overall exercise, massage, and melatonin. Prospective randomized controlled trials were the most influential factor for attitude toward complementary and integrative medicine among physician assistants (50%), and personal experience was the most influential factor among nurse practitioners (52.9%) and certified registered nurse anesthetists (46.8%).Advanced practice providers generally have positive attitudes toward complementary and integrative medicine, but utilization appears limited by a self-report of low knowledge of benefits and risks of various therapies. For patient safety and satisfaction, advanced practice providers require a strong complementary and integrative medicine knowledge base to counsel patients.

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Advanced Practice Providers Knowledge, Attitudes, and Utilization of Complementary and Integrative Medicine at an Academic Medical Center. -...

Genesee Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine now offers same-day and walk-in appointments – The Batavian

Genesee Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine in Batavia is now offering same-day and walk-in appointments to provide faster and more accessible care for those with orthopedic injuries.

Genesee Orthopaedics began offering same-day and walk-in appointments along with extended hours prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the practice has become increasingly helpful for patients dealing with the difficulty of getting an appointment or referral because of the pandemic.

The reason we started this was based largely on convenience, said Dr. Nicholas Valente, an orthopaedic surgeon at Genesee Orthopaedics. No one wants to sit and wait at the Emergency Room or Urgent Care.

Use of same day appointments allows for people to have their injury addressed as soon as possible, whether their injury happened that day or is an ongoing issue. This speedy treatment is important with certain injuries like fractures that require immediate attention and recommendations for physical therapy are given quickly for nonsurgical injuries.

A benefit of same day appointments is being able to see the person who will take care of you in the long term, Dr. Valente said. Theres more investment and more responsibility to know whats wrong and make the patient feel comfortable.

Genesee Orthopaedics has also taken extra precautions to ensure safety regarding COVID-19 in addition to hospital-wide regulations, including removing seating from the lobby and allowing patients to wait in their cars until their appointments.

Genesee Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine treats a variety of orthopaedic issues such as joint replacements, tendon injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and many other injuries. They are located at 33 Chandler Ave. in the City of Batavia. Phone is (585) 343-9676.

Open weekdays Monday and Tuesday 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Genesee Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine now offers same-day and walk-in appointments - The Batavian

Fever Checks: Real Medicine or Public Health Theater? Maryland Matters – Josh Kurtz

Floridas world-renowned amusement parks and casinos have reopened during the coronavirus pandemic most recently, Walt Disney World but the states summer fun now comes with standing in line to get checked for fever during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Temperature checks are one of the safety protocols required for admission, and they involve a worker using a handheld device to read a patrons body temperature. Those who have an elevated temperature cant get in.

Fever checks may flag some visitors who are ill, but for any number of reasons, the American Civil Liberties Union warns that the practice is fraught with shortcomings and may represent more marketing than public-health policy.

In many cases, it amounts to little more than public-health theater, said policy analyst Jay Stanley, author of an ACLU report citing unresolved questions about the accuracy of temperature-checking devices and privacy concerns.

The report was issued in May. In an interview with the Florida Phoenix last week, Stanley still stands by his conclusions.

Temperature checks are visible signals that facilities care about making their destinations less hazardous, despite being unable to make them actually safe, he said.

It poses a danger of creating a false sense of security, Stanley said.

Amusement parks in Florida wouldnt discuss their new protocols for safeguarding millions of visitors during the coronavirus pandemic, but they advise online that their guests must be, among other things, checked for fever.

Elsewhere, Hong Kong Disney shut down Monday for the second time this year due to coronavirus restrictions, according to the Associated Press, and Disneyland in California remains shuttered amid a new statewide lockdown announced Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).

Florida has continued to set records for new infections per day, even as people line up to get into amusement parks and other venues.

Walt Disney World near Orlando is straightforward about the hazard in this statement on its website:

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

By visiting Walt Disney World Resort, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Temperature checks are required prior to admission atBusch Gardens in Tampa,Universal Orlando,SeaWorld Orlando,Walt Disney Worldin Orlando, andSeminole Gamingcasinos around the state.

The CDC reports that a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher may signal an infection with COVID-19 (normal temp is 98.6).

The amusement parks and casinos say a visitor whose temperature measures 100.4 or higher will be required to step aside to undergo further screening, mostly questions, and possibly will be checked a second time, in case an elevated temperature was temporary due to exertion or some other cause.

Visitors confirmed with a fever, from whatever cause, and their parties will be denied admission.

TheCDCs FAQs page for businessesrefers to fever checks as an optional strategy that employers may do to screen their employees but it describes self-checks and screening questions as more effective ways to detect illness. It doesnt recommend fever-checking customers.

Its not recommended to temperature-check patrons, Jason McDonald, a spokesman for the CDCs COVID-19 response team, told the Phoenix. He said fever screenings may identify some cases of full-blown COVID-19 but will miss all customers who are infected and contagious without having fever or any other symptoms.

Accuracy of non-contact thermometers is questionable, too, McDonald said, agreeing with Stanley, who wrote in his ACLU report that various devices claim various, unproven levels of precision.

Devices being marketed during the pandemic as tools for no-contact fever screening include handheld infrared sensors, thermal cameras and drones marketed as being able to detect elevated body temperature from a significant distance even among people in groups.

McDonald and Stanley concurred in noting that an elevated body temperature may indicate conditions other than COVID-19, such as a non-contagious internal infection or even physical exertion just before being tested.

In his report, Stanley added that technologies that can remotely check a persons body temperature also could be expanded to measure and record other vital signs, including heart rate, without the persons consent, posing a violation of privacy.

Cato Institute Senior Fellow Walter Olson wrote in late May that businesses face potential liability over masking requirements and temperature checks of customers whether they do them or they dont do them.

Some, he said, will feel legally safer by screening customers for fever in order to deflect claims in court that a customer contracted the disease on the premises because a proprietor did not sufficiently prevent it.

Olsons article Temperature checks at businesses: Sued if you do, sued if you dont says in part:

The ACLU report makes much of various facts that hardly anyone disputes temperature sensors are far from ideally accurate, some people return hot results who do not have COVID-19, while others who do have it are not running a fever, and so forth. The argument for sensors has never been that they are perfect, but that by detecting at least some potentially contagious arrivals, they shift the odds and thus reduce overall spread of the disease in conjunction with decrowding, mask use, and other measures.

McDonald and Stanley are aligned with Geoff Luebkemann, senior vice president of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA), about the questionable value of temperature checks.

The association does not recommend temperature checks of patrons but endorses widespread use of face masks and supports proprietors who feel it necessary to deny service to someone believed to pose a health risk as long as that person is not part of a protected class as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

We have been very cautious about this, Luebkemann said in a interview with the Phoenix, in order to avoid offending customers, gathering inaccurate data, running afoul of the law, and forcing employees into confrontations with patrons who fail the screenings.

Instead, he said FRLA urges its members to practice active managerial control demonstrating responsible efforts based on CDC guidance and state executive orders. Those measures, many of them voluntary, feature the well-known basics of diligent distancing, frequent handwashing, preventing large gatherings, screening employees for indicators of illness, mostly self-reported indicators, and wearing masks to keep wearers who may be unknowingly infected from infecting others.

The very core of this time is the tension between public health and operating realities, Luebkemann said. Increased safety precautions cut into profits, he said, calling it a bitter pill that is necessary to swallow in order for businesses to stay open in Florida.

FRLA this week is rolling out a Seal of Commitment program in which its members can be publicly recognized by the association for adhering to best practices for protecting employees and patrons.

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Fever Checks: Real Medicine or Public Health Theater? Maryland Matters - Josh Kurtz

Reduced exposure, early detection key in treatment of black lung disease – WVU Medicine

Posted on 7/15/2020

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Pneumoconiosis, commonly known as black lung, has long been an issue for West Virginians. The WVU Medicine Pulmonary Medicine Multidisciplinary Interstitial Lung Disease Clinic includes pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, occupational therapists, and other professionals who provide an integrated approach to the treatment of the condition.

Common symptoms of pneumoconiosis include shortness of breath, coughing, and the production of phlegm. The condition is diagnosed using chest x-rays; CT scans; pulmonary function studies, including blood gasses; and biopsy.

There are multiple causes for the increase in complicated pneumoconiosis in coal miners, Rafia Zulfikar, M.D., WVU Medicine pulmonologist, said. Miners are accessing thinner coal seams and taking more rock with the coal, leading to a change in the composition of the dust in the mine.

Pneumoconiosis rates have increased in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia since 2000. Modern mechanical coal mining creates more dust than earlier methods by releasing more fractured silica-containing rock.

According to Dr. Zulfikar, research has found that silica is more toxic than pure coal dust when inhaled, causing inflammation, fibrosis, and a higher risk of cancer. Additionally, bituminous coal mined in the Appalachian Mountains has been found to lead to higher rates of black lung than the non-bituminous coal mined in other places in the United States.

People often think of coal dust as just coal, but it has numerous components other than just coal, Zulfikar said. Modern coal dust contains 40 to 90 percent silica in addition to coal, asbestos, diesel exhaust, and other elements.

This changed composition combined with improper use of personal protective equipment and smaller mines with larger concentrations of mine dust has led to higher rates of pneumoconiosis in younger miners.

According to Zulfikar, the best treatment for the condition is reduced or eliminated exposure to coal dust. While lung damage from exposure to coal mining dust is difficult to reverse, therapies can be provided to treat the symptoms of the disease.

Studies on other potential treatments are underway, but are years from completion.

We have worked with researchers at NIOSH to replace the old standard x-ray films from the 1960s and replace them with digital images to improve the early detection of black lung, Zulfikar said. Still, the best way to early detection is for miners to have regular chest x-rays while working in the mines so the condition can be caught before it reaches a stage that is more difficult to manage.

For more information on black lung, watch this video:

For more information on WVU Medicine, visit

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Reduced exposure, early detection key in treatment of black lung disease - WVU Medicine

FYI, Every Episode of Married to Medicine Is Available to Stream on Peacock – Bravo

Feeling a little lost now that Season 2 of Married to Medicine Los Angeles has officially come to an end with the explosive July 12 finale? If the L.A. ladies have understandably left you wanting more drama, dont fret. NBCUniversals brand new streaming service, Peacock, has just the fix. You can now take a walk down memory lane with your favorite Atlanta-based doctors and wives, because all seven seasons of Married to Medicine are waiting to be watched on Peacock.

The Married to Medicine women have been through so much in seven seasons. From rocky relationships to new business endeavors to drastic home renovations, each episode is an entirely new emotional rollercoaster, and the beauty of Peacock is that you can binge it all as quickly as youd like! (Or savor it slowly. Thats totally your business. No judgement either way.)

Once youve burned through all the drama, there are plenty of other complete series to obsess over on Peacock. You can set sail with everyones favorite yachties with Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean, or drool over some insanely luxurious homes with Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles and Million Dollar Listing New York. If youd rather watch less-than-fabulous homes turn into something stunning, there are a whopping 11 seasons of Flipping Out to enjoy. Oh, and if you havent seen Ladies of London, yet, you can skip across the pond instantly with Peacock. Basically, there are endless hours of jaw-dropping television for you to get into.

The Daily Dish is your source for all things Bravo, from behind-the-scenes scoop to breaking news, exclusive interviews, photos, original videos, and, oh, so much more. Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagramfor the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras.

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FYI, Every Episode of Married to Medicine Is Available to Stream on Peacock - Bravo

FOOD IS MEDICINE: CDPHP and Healthy Alliance IPA Partner with The Food Pantries for the Capital District To Improve Member Health by Tackling Food…

ALBANY, N.Y., July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CDPHP and Healthy Alliance Independent Practice Association (Healthy Alliance IPA) today announced a partnership with The Food Pantries for the Capital District to improve the health of CDPHP members by connecting them with healthy, reliable food sources.

The partnership a first-of-its-kind in the region will identify CDPHP Medicaid members who are at-risk for food insecurity, then recommend one of the below paths:

CDPHP will work with its members and health care providers to identify those who are food insecure. Then, representatives from Healthy Alliance IPA and The Food Pantries for the Capital District will work directly with those individuals to tailor a meal plan that meets their health care needs.

Currently, more than 80,000 people (10 percent of the population) are considered food insecure in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to serious health complications, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and cancer and causes a major strain on health systems nationwide.

Numerous studies have also shown that just 20 percent of a persons health is determined by traditional health care or the care they receive in a doctors office. That means the remaining 80 percent is determined by social issues, such as food, housing, transportation and other socio-economic factors.

At CDPHP, we understand that if a mother or father cannot put healthy food on the table, there is a good chance they are not thinking about basic health care needs like immunizations, well child visits, dental screenings and more, said CDPHP president and CEO, Dr. John Bennett. By eliminating food insecurity, we are removing one of the roadblocks to good health.

This dual-pronged approach is aimed at not just feeding those who are food insecure but setting individuals up on a path toward a healthier life one that will diminish the chances of developing long-term health complications. Members who are eligible for the program will receive wraparound care to ensure they receive routine health screenings, immunizations, care management and more.

We are honored to be launching this important initiative with CDPHP and The Food Pantries for the Capital District. Our organizations purpose is to improve the health of the people in our community and there is no better way to do that than to make sure that food is available to those who need it, Jacob Reider, MD, CEO of Healthy Alliance IPA. Too often, our society reacts to problems rather than prevent them. This program prevents problems in a way that will create longstanding benefits for our community.

Food insecurity and racial inequities have been thrust to the forefront of the public dialogue in 2020. It is commonly understood that minorities and individuals in poorer communities are more prone to serious health issues, in addition to food insecurity.

With more than one in 10 of our New York Capital Region neighbors struggling with food insecurity, access to healthy food is critical to preventing chronic diseases and maintaining a higher quality of life with a chronic condition.Thank you to CDPHP and Healthy Alliance IPA for investing in The Food Pantries innovative systemic approach through social care to prevent and treat chronic diseases through consistent access to healthy food, said Natasha Pernicka, Executive Director, The Food Pantries for the Capital District.

CDPHP Medicaid members and their health care providers can inquire about eligibility for the program by contacting the CDPHP Care Team at 1-888-94-CDPHP(2374).

About Alliance for Better HealthEstablished in 2015, Alliance for Better Health and its daughter organization Healthy Alliance IPA, collaborate with community partners to address social needs before they turn into costly, medical problems. With more than 100 partners in New Yorks Tech Valley and Capital Region, Alliance prioritizes building health equity for all. For more information about Healthy Alliance IPA and Alliance for Better Healths mission, please visit

About CDPHPEstablished in 1984, CDPHP is a physician-founded, member-focused and community-based not-for-profit health plan that offers high-quality affordable health insurance plans to members in 26 counties throughout New York. CDPHP is also onFacebook,Twitter,LinkedIn, andInstagram.

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FOOD IS MEDICINE: CDPHP and Healthy Alliance IPA Partner with The Food Pantries for the Capital District To Improve Member Health by Tackling Food...

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market Brief Analysis and Application, Growth by 2026 – Cole of Duty

This report presents the worldwide Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2018 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

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The report provides a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists and competitive analysis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market. It provides the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine industry overview with growth analysis and futuristic cost, revenue and many other aspects. The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Tire Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope and application of this report.

The report firstly introduced the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the worlds main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

The major players profiled in this report include:Astellas Pharma Inc.AveXis, Inc.Bioblast Pharma Ltd.Cytokinetics, Inc. 24F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.GenethonGenzyme CorporationGMP-Orphan SASIonis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Longevity Biotech, IncNeurodyn Inc.Neurotune AGNovartis AGSarepta Therapeutics, Inc.Voyager Therapeutics, Inc.Vybion, Inc.WAVE Life Sciences Ltd.

The end users/applications and product categories analysis:On the basis of product, this report displays the sales volume, revenue (Million USD), product price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into-LMI-070ND-602NT-1654NusinersenNXD-30001

On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine for each application, including-HospitalClinic

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Regional Analysis For Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market:

For comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market is analyzed across key geographies namely: United States, China, Europe, Japan, South-east Asia, India and others. Each of these regions is analyzed on basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.

Influence of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market recent innovations and major events.

-Detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market-leading players.

-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market for forthcoming years.

-In-depth understanding of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.

-Favorable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine market.

The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:

Table of Contents of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market

1 Study Coverage

1.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Product

1.2 Key Market Segments in This Study

1.3 Key Manufacturers Covered

1.4 Market by Type

1.4.1 Global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market Size Growth Rate by Type

1.4.2 Hydraulic Dredges

1.4.3 Hopper Dredges

1.4.4 Mechanical Dredges

1.5 Market by Application

1.5.1 Global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market Size Growth Rate by Application

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2 Executive Summary

2.1 Global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market Size

2.1.1 Global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Revenue 2014-2025

2.1.2 Global Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Production 2014-2025

2.2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Growth Rate (CAGR) 2019-2025

2.3 Analysis of Competitive Landscape

2.3.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)

2.3.2 Key Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Manufacturers Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters Manufacturers Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Product Offered Date of Manufacturers Enter into Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market

2.4 Key Trends for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Markets & Products

3 Market Size by Manufacturers

3.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Production by Manufacturers

3.1.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Production by Manufacturers

3.1.2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Production Market Share by Manufacturers

3.2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Revenue by Manufacturers

3.2.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.2.2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.3 Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Price by Manufacturers

3.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medicine Market Brief Analysis and Application, Growth by 2026 - Cole of Duty

Serology testing coming to the Hat – Medicine Hat News

By GILLIAN SLADE on July 16, 2020.

Hatters will soon have the option of having a serology test to determine if they have had COVID-19 without knowing it.

Ichor Blood Services, a private mobile lab collection service company, has plans to make this available in Medicine Hat for a fee.

Ichor collects a blood sample and the actual serology testing is done at StageZero Life Sciences laboratory in Richmond, Virginia in the U.S., using FDA EUA approved tests.

Antibody testing is an important complement to active virus testing to identify the portion of the population that may have already been exposed to the virus, said Mike Kuzmickas, founder and CEO.

The total cost includes a basic fee of $75 to go to someones home/office. To take the blood sample and for the lab test it costs $120 for a total of $195. If there are more members of a family being tested at the same location the total cost is reduced because the $75 is only applied once. A booking can be made on Ichors website and the test is paid for in advance.

StageZero initially runs a BTNX Rapid Response test on the blood sample. Negative antibody results from this initial test are more than 99 per cent accurate.

The results are provided to the patient through a secure online portal.

If the initial test shows a positive on the IgG antibody, a second test is run using the Beckman Coulter Access test. If this is positive, it will validate the presence of antibodies with a Positive Predictive Value of 99 per cent, said Kuzmickas.

Ichor currently takes bookings in Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto. It has plans to expand to Medicine Hat soon. In the meantime, depending on the number of people requesting serology testing in Medicine Hat, Ichor may provide service locally. If you do not want to wait for that you have the option of driving to Calgary.

Kuzmickas says there has been a lot of interest from people who are travelling. People who are planning to fly to Morocco are required to have a serology test.

Ichor is legally allowed to offer the test for a fee because the laboratory work is being done in the U.S., said Kuzmickas.

Depending on when the blood sample is taken and forwarded to the lab in the U.S., it can take either 48 hours or up to 10 days for the results of a serology test.

On June 23 Alberta Health announced an investment of $10 million for serology testing in Alberta, limited to four specific research studies. Tests are not available to the public.

Some local family doctors have said they believe they treated COVID-19 patients before COVID-19 tests were being done.

Health Canada has approved some serology tests for use by doctors.

On May 2 the Spartan Cube COVID-19 system by Spartan Bioscience Inc. Canada was approved using nucleic acid technology. On March 24 the Xpert Express SARS-CoV-2 by Cepheid in the U.S. using nucleic acid technology was also approved.

Ichor also hopes to offer regular lab work services in Medicine Hat

Ichor Blood Services also hopes to soon have permission to offer its services in Medicine Hat for regular lab work such as urine and blood tests ordered by your family doctor.

Ichor currently offers service in Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto, with immediate plans to expand into Fort McMurray, Red Deer, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat.

Mike Kuzmickas, founder and CEO of Ichor, says he knows there are people who would like the option of someone coming to their own home to collect samples for lab work. They would rather not have to wait in a waiting room with others, particularly with the threat of COVID-19, and they are willing to pay for that option.

Kuzmickas says it relieves the burden on public labs and collection sites and provides an option for those who have a compromised immune system, find it physically challenging get to a collection site or are too busy to wait at a public lab facility.

Kuzmickas says he has talked with the regulatory bodies such as the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, the provincial government and the minister of healths office.

We are in the final stage of discussing collection agreements with DynaLife and Alberta Precision Labs, said Kuzmickas, who hopes the required approvals could be in place within four to six weeks.

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Serology testing coming to the Hat - Medicine Hat News

Patients should have a role in deciding the value of medicines – STAT – STAT

Policymakers increasingly consult value assessment models to help price new medical interventions. Value models use prespecified approaches and selected health outcomes to match the price of an intervention to its expected benefits. Who chooses the approach and outcomes, however, is at the center of a debate about the value of pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device-based interventions.

Patients, their family members, and the general public have historically been excluded from contributing to value assessment models. We believe that their voices and views should be essential elements in measuring value.

Their exclusion hasnt been an oversight it is by design. Setting aside the views of patients who have the most to gain or lose from health care interventions is standard operating procedure in pharmacoeconomic and policy research. Advocates of that approach say that summary, societal-level preferences are the only way to generate apples-to-apples comparisons of the benefits and costs of every health care option. We contend that obscuring patient perspectives hurts the long-term prospects of these methods and that limited resources will be allocated to interventions for a precisely but thinly conceived notion of the public.


Advocates of including a patient-centered approach say that is the only way to estimate what matters most to the individuals who would be directly affected by the new treatment. Rising civic movements of disability activists and others have adopted the phrase nothing about us without us that invokes widely held beliefs about fairness. Movements carrying this message have put research orthodoxy on notice, and some have begun participating in valuation and pricing debates.

Advocates of both patient-centered and societal-level approaches understand that a debate about these approaches needs to happen. But they are currently talking past one another and the polarization will only intensify if advocates on both sides become further entrenched. The core disagreement can be resolved, but it will require many actors drug and device makers, insurers, researchers, policymakers, patients, and members of the public to forge a common path forward.


Our experience with patient and stakeholder engagement tells us that methods for including patient voices in research are far less complicated or demanding than some researchers believe they will be. We recommend that advocates of the two approaches prepare for a new public conversation about health care valuation by:

Once this groundwork has been laid, a national discussion should begin. At a minimum, valuation of a medicine should account for health outcomes that are important to patients. In addition, new deliberative procedures can be adopted to accommodate views of a wide range of decision-makers. For instance, multicriteria decision analysis offers an opportunity to combine differing views in challenging valuation work where value is defined by many factors.

Conversations about the value of medicine should be informed by an examination of the core outcomes used in value assessment. For instance, the COMET Initiative, a catalog of core outcome sets including some that are useful to valuation work, could be assessed for meaningful patient involvement in identification, development, implementation and evaluation of measures.

Once they are prepared for a national discussion, researchers, patients, family members, and others should engage in discussions that are based on well-established principles of stakeholder engagement.

The U.S. research enterprise has witnessed a dramatic growth in stakeholder engagement in recent years. With growing consensus that health care research can be conducted with support and engagement from multiple stakeholders, including patients and the public, we can forge a new and more productive path on even the most contentious topics in health care valuation.

Thomas Concannon is a senior policy researcher at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corp., assistant professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, and director of stakeholder and community engagement at the Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Lori Frank is a senior behavioral scientist with the RAND Corp. and president of the International Society for Quality of Life Research. She founded and served as program director of the evaluation and analysis program at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and currently serves on the Personalized Medicine Coalition board and the Alzheimers Foundation of Americas medical, scientific, and memory screening advisory board. RAND received a contract award from PhRMA Foundation to pursue work related to patient engagement in health care valuation. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not represent the views of RAND or findings of research supported by the PhRMA Foundation.

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Patients should have a role in deciding the value of medicines - STAT - STAT