Testosterone treatment reserved for men with symptoms – Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 70-year-old male. I receive testosterone injections (in the butt) from my provider every three weeks, and have been receiving these injections for roughly five years. My provider reviews my bloodwork every six months before he writes a prescription renewal for testosterone, which I then take to his office for safekeeping and the regular injections. My latest bloodwork indicates that my testosterone serum is low at 310, and free testosterone is low at 4.9. After five years of injections, I continue to have low T; it does not seem to be improving. At my most recent visit, the doctor increased the injection dosage from 2 ml to 3 ml. I am concerned because of the heart, prostate and other risk factors I read about. Any advice or cause for concern? M.M.

Dear M.M.: Testosterone treatment is indicated for men with symptoms of low testosterone levels and confirmed by blood testing. It is not a ''tonic'' to be used without due consideration.

There has long been concern about adverse effects of testosterone, especially to the prostate and to the heart. Most prostate cancer is testosterone-sensitive, and removing testosterone was one of the oldest treatments for prostate cancer. However, restoring normal levels of testosterone in a man with low levels is now considered to have low potential for increasing prostate cancer. It has not been definitively proven to be safe, but the many studies that have been done have been reassuring. Authorities recommend more-aggressive prostate cancer screening for men on testosterone treatment.

Athletes using extremely high doses of testosterone (many times greater than the doses you are taking) are at risk for heart attack and stroke. However, these data cannot be used to consider the risk in men who are prescribed testosterone with a low level, where the goal is to get to normal. Testosterone treatment reduces several key risk factors, including cholesterol. Most of the well-done studies show little if any risk from testosterone treatment; some have shown some benefit.

Since the dose you were getting wasn't bringing your blood level up, I think increasing it is appropriate. The usual goal is a blood level of 500-600, but that may not be appropriate for everybody.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am perplexed about use of estrogen ointment. My doctor has prescribed Premarin ointment to be used vaginally for relief of painful intercourse. It is effective, but I am very concerned about side effects. She has assured me that the amount that is used (twice a week) is minimal and does not put users at risk for the side effects of oral estrogen tablets. I do have family history of blood clots and uterine cancer, and I suffer from aura migraines. I am 65 years old and in good general health. I never considered the use of hormones for menopausal symptoms, and although I am using the ointment at present, I still am very hesitant. A.M.H.

Dear A.M.H: Because estrogen is poorly absorbed when used topically, the concerns about side effects are greatly reduced. Estrogen blood levels are very nearly the same in women on vaginal estrogen compared with women who do not use estrogen at all. While I would never prescribe vaginal estrogen to a woman with a history of breast cancer without discussing it with her oncologist, I think that the systemic risks of estrogen are very small with the vaginal preparations.

Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.

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Testosterone treatment reserved for men with symptoms - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Low T Symptoms | Low Testosterone | Signs of Low T

Simply put, testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. It is secreted by the testicles and adrenal glands and is directly responsible for sperm production and sex drive. Testosterone also plays a role in developing secondary sexual characteristics that men experience through puberty while also contributing to the muscle mass, strength, bone density, and maturation. Testosterone naturally decreases as men age, but when it dips too low it can result in other issues. Fortunately, there is an easy way to combat low testosterone symptoms, and that's through the quality hormone replacement pelleting procedures that BioTE offers. We are dedicated to helping our male patients deal with hormone deficiency.

In addition to the weak bones and increased risks of cardiovascular issues, low testosterone greatly affects your quality of life. If you've ever wondered what causes low-T, it's essentially broken down into two categories: primary hypogonadism and secondary hypogonadism. Primary hypogonadism occurs when the testicles are injured and have not descended, or if one suffers from Klinefelter syndrome. Secondary hypogonadism is from pituitary disorders, medications, type 2 diabetes, and aging. Some of the symptoms of low-T in men include depression, a decreased sex drive, and feeling weak. All of those low-T symptoms can change the way you live your life, and you shouldn't have to settle. BioTE can help you take your life back.

Here are some symptoms of low-T in men:

If you've experienced any of these symptoms and are concerned about low testosterone, the medical professionals at BioTE are ready to help.

You don't have to accept living with low testosterone. If you are experiencing symptoms of low-T, it's important to find a doctor that can help you improve. We at BioTE have created a way to assist you. Pellet therapy is an easy way to correct male hormone deficiency and has been proven to reduce other unseen risks of low hormones.

If you have any questions about pellet therapy or are wondering what BioTE can do for your low testosterone symptoms, please contact one of the many professionals at BioTE. We are here to help you take your life back from low testosterone.

See more here:
Low T Symptoms | Low Testosterone | Signs of Low T

Low-T (Low Testosterone) Quiz on MedicineNet

Q:Testosterone is a chemical found only in men.

The correct answer is: False


Testosterone is a steroid hormone which is made in the testes in males and in the ovaries in women (a minimal amount is also made in the adrenal glands).

The correct answer is: False


Menopause itself does not seem to play a role in a reduction of testosterone levels in women. With advancing age, in both men and women, the body produces decreasing amounts of testosterone over time.

The correct answer is: Men


Testosterone is the most important hormone in men. While it helps to maintain sex drive, sperm production, pubic hair and body hair, testosterone is also responsible for maintaining muscles and bones.

When testosterone production is low in men, sexual dysfunction is a common complaint; but other nonspecific symptoms such as depression, mood changes, weight gain, or fatigue, have been reported.

The correct answer is: DAll of the above


An upsurge in media attention regarding the so-called "male menopause" has left many men rushing to their doctor to treat symptoms they believe may be related to low levels of testosterone. The thought behind the concept of male menopause is that the decline in testosterone levels that occurs as men age may produce a characteristic and potentially treatable set of symptoms. Male menopause is also commonly referred to as low-T, andropause, or its medical name, late-onset hypogonadism.

The correct answer is: DAll of the above


Low levels of testosterone in men can affect a man in the following ways: - Loss of sexual interest and function - Erection problems - Increased breast size - Hot flashes - Problems with memory and concentration - Mood problems such as irritability and depression - Smaller and softer testicles - Loss of muscle strength and weakened bones

Symptoms of low testosterone levels in women include: - Hot flashes - Irritability - Loss of sexual desire - Sleep disturbances - Loss of muscle mass - Decreased bone density (osteoporosis)

The correct answer is: BThe brain


Testosterone production is regulated by hormones released from the brain. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland, located in the brain, produce hormonal signals that ultimately result in the production of testosterone. These hormones travel through the bloodstream to activate the sex organs in both men and women.

The correct answer is: False


In men, low testosterone levels in the body can be supplemented by hormone replacement with testosterone. Testosterone replacement therapy can be prescribed as an intramuscular injection usually given on a biweekly basis; as a patch or gel placed on the skin, or as putty that is applied to the gums of the mouth. Each of the treatments has its risks and benefits. The decision as to which form of testosterone to use depends upon the clinical situation. Discussions between the patient and health care professional often helps decide which medication to use.

In the United States there are currently no preparations that are FDA approved for testosterone replacement for women.

The correct answer is: CDiabetes


Men with diabetes are more likely to have low testosterone. Moreover, men with low testosterone are more likely to develop diabetes later. Testosterone helps the body's tissues take up more blood sugar in response to insulin. Men with low testosterone more often have insulin resistance.

Note: Scientists aren't sure whether diabetes causes low testosterone, or the other way around. Still, a link between diabetes and low testosterone is well established.

The correct answer is: BObese


Research has shown that nearly 40% of obese men over age 45 have a low testosterone blood levels. Men with very low testosterone also are more likely to become obese. Losing weight through exercise can increase testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements in men with low testosterone also can slightly reduce obesity.

The correct answer is: False


For a reasonably healthy man, having no interest in sex is not normal. As a man ages, it is natural for him to have less interest in sex than when he was younger. A gradual decrease of testosterone is normal as a man ages, but it is not normal for a healthy, older man, to have no interest in sex.

A man of any age who has lost interest in sex should have a frank conversation with a doctor.

The correct answer is: False


Many people with low testosterone have no symptoms. Only a blood test can determine a person's testosterone levels. The Endocrine Society considers 300 to 1,200 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) normal, and that less than 300 is low. Doctors usually use a blood test and a number of symptoms to make a diagnosis and to determine whether treatment is needed.

The correct answer is: False


From puberty, when a boy starts to grow a beard and pubic hair, testosterone affects hair growth in men. But it doesn't affect growth on all parts of the body the same way. Low testosterone can cause you to lose body or facial hair, but it doesn't cause male pattern baldness. Genetics have more to do with male pattern baldness.

The correct answer is: CAlcoholism


Alcohol is directly toxic to the testicles where testosterone is produced, and it seems to affect the release of other hormones related to men's sexual function and fertility. Shrunken testicles are a common sign of low testosterone in alcoholic men with liver disease, as well as lower libido and sexual potency. Enlarged breasts are common in heavy drinkers because alcohol may help convert testosterone into the female hormone estrogen.

The correct answer is: True


Up to 9 out of 10 men who have symptoms of low testosterone may not seek treatment. They may attribute their symptoms to other conditions or think their symptoms are a normal part of aging. Guys, if you have symptoms and believe they are having an impact on your quality of life and well-being, talk to your doctor.

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Reviewed by Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD, on October 1, 2012


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MedicineNet. Low Testosterone (Low T). <http://www.medicinenet.com/low_testosterone/article.htm>

womenshealth.gov. Men's Health. <http://www.womenshealth.gov/mens-health/sexual-health-for-men/sexual-problems.cfm#low>

MedicineNet. Male Menopause: Fact or Fiction? <http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=119561>

WebMD. Low Testosterone and Your Health. <http://men.webmd.com/what-low-testosterone-can-mean-your-health>

WebMD. Quiz: The Truth About Testosterone. <http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/low-testosterone-8/rm-quiz-truth-testosterone>

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Low-T (Low Testosterone) Quiz on MedicineNet

Column: Testosterone treatment reserved for men with symptoms – The Daily Courier

By Dr. Keith Roach, Syndicated Columnist

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 70-year-old male. I receive testosterone injections (in the butt) from my provider every three weeks, and have been receiving these injections for roughly five years. My provider reviews my bloodwork every six months before he writes a prescription renewal for testosterone, which I then take to his office for safekeeping and the regular injections. My latest bloodwork indicates that my testosterone serum is low at 310, and free testosterone is low at 4.9. After five years of injections, I continue to have low T; it does not seem to be improving. At my most recent visit, the doctor increased the injection dosage from 2 ml to 3 ml. I am concerned because of the heart, prostate and other risk factors I read about. Any advice or cause for concern? M.M.

ANSWER: Testosterone treatment is indicated for men with symptoms of low testosterone levels and confirmed by blood testing. It is not a tonic to be used without due consideration.

There has long been concern about adverse effects of testosterone, especially to the prostate and to the heart. Most prostate cancer is testosterone-sensitive, and removing testosterone was one of the oldest treatments for prostate cancer. However, restoring normal levels of testosterone in a man with low levels is now considered to have low potential for increasing prostate cancer. It has not been definitively proven to be safe, but the many studies that have been done have been reassuring. Authorities recommend more-aggressive prostate cancer screening for men on testosterone treatment.

Athletes using extremely high doses of testosterone (many times greater than the doses you are taking) are at risk for heart attack and stroke. However, these data cannot be used to consider the risk in men who are prescribed testosterone with a low level, where the goal is to get to normal. Testosterone treatment reduces several key risk factors, including cholesterol. Most of the well-done studies show little if any risk from testosterone treatment; some have shown some benefit.

Since the dose you were getting wasnt bringing your blood level up, I think increasing it is appropriate. The usual goal is a blood level of 500-600, but that may not be appropriate for everybody.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am perplexed about use of estrogen ointment. My doctor has prescribed Premarin ointment to be used vaginally for relief of painful intercourse. It is effective, but I am very concerned about side effects. She has assured me that the amount that is used (twice a week) is minimal and does not put users at risk for the side effects of oral estrogen tablets. I do have family history of blood clots and uterine cancer, and I suffer from aura migraines. I am 65 years old and in good general health. I never considered the use of hormones for menopausal symptoms, and although I am using the ointment at present, I still am very hesitant. A.M.H.

ANSWER: Because estrogen is poorly absorbed when used topically, the concerns about side effects are greatly reduced. Estrogen blood levels are very nearly the same in women on vaginal estrogen compared with women who do not use estrogen at all. While I would never prescribe vaginal estrogen to a woman with a history of breast cancer without discussing it with her oncologist, I think that the systemic risks of estrogen are very small with the vaginal preparations.

View original post here:
Column: Testosterone treatment reserved for men with symptoms - The Daily Courier

What does a low T cell count mean? – Doctor.ndtv.com

Q:What does it mean to have a low T cell count and low liver count?

A:A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell present in the blood. White blood cells help protect the body against diseases and fight infections. When the general defense systems of the body have been penetrated by dangerous invading microorganisms, lymphocytes help provide a specific response to attack the invading organisms. There are several kinds of lymphocytes (although they all look alike under the microscope), each with different functions to perform. Lymphocytes, like other blood cells, develop in the bone marrow and arise from immature cells called stem cells. In early childhood, some lymphocytes then migrate to the thymus, an organ in the top of the chest, where they mature to become T cells. Others remain in the bone marrow and mature there to become B cells. Both B cells and T cells also take up residence in lymph nodes, the spleen and other tissues where they encounter antigens; continue to divide by mitosis and mature into fully functional cells. These lymphocytes play an important role in recognising and destroying infecting organisms such as bacteria and viruses. In normal conditions, most of the lymphocytes circulating in the body are T cells. Their role is to recognise and destroy abnormal body cells (for example, cells that have been infected by a virus). There are several subsets of T-lymphocytes inflammatory T cells that recruit macrophages and neutrophils to the site of infection or other tissue damage; T-suppressor/cytotoxic cells (CTLs) possess that kill virus-infected and, perhaps, tumor cells and also inhibit B-cell development; helper T cells that help immature B cells develop into mature B cells and enhance the production of antibodies by B cells. B-lymphocytes are responsible for making antibodies as they recognise foreign cells and material (for example, bacteria that have invaded the body). When these cells come into contact with a foreign protein (for example, on the surface of bacteria), they produce antibodies, which then stick to the surface of the foreign cell and cause its destruction.If the number of T-lymphocytes is reduced, that is referred to as low T-cell count. There is no term in medicine like low liver cell count.

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What does a low T cell count mean? - Doctor.ndtv.com

Low T Specialist – Dallas, TX & Frisco, TX: Men’s T-Clinic …

What causes Low T?

Men may notice the effects of lower testosterone production after age 30. Additionally, Low T can be the result of primary testicular failure or a problem that originates in the testicles. Another cause of Low T happens in the pituitary gland the part of the brain that signals the testicles to produce testosterone. Low T can also occur as the result of an injury or infection.

Other factors that contribute to Low T may include:

Low T can present a variety of symptoms. Some of them mirror the symptoms of other medical problems as well, so its important not to ignore them. Seek treatment from a mens health care specialist if you have any of the following for more than a few days at a time.

The regulation and production of testosterone is the responsibility of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The body balances hormone levels when its functioning properly. For men with Low T, the body is either not signaling production effectively or it is not able to produce effective levels once it is given the signal to do so.

With testosterone injections, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland respond by signaling the testes to decrease natural production. Men who discontinue therapy revert back to their pre-therapy baseline testosterone levels. If those levels have been diagnosed as being inadequate, stopping the injections means you return to experiencing the symptoms you had before beginning treatment.

The only way to monitor your testosterone level effectively and identify potential issues is with multiple blood tests. This helps your doctor identify the proper dose specifically for you. No one likes to give blood, but the trained staff members at Mens T-Clinic make the process as painless as possible.

Testosterone production levels can vary, and a single blood test is just a snapshot of your bodys current production. Multiple factors can determine your level at any given time. For example, increases in the cortisol hormone (which increases with stress) have been known to lower testosterone.

Testosterone levels from 350 ng/mL to 1000 ng/mL are considered normal, but you could be in the low to normal range and experience symptoms.

Your doctor diagnoses hypogonadism by considering symptoms and testosterone levels. If you are borderline and have symptoms, you may qualify for therapy. Call or schedule an appointment online to learn about your options.

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Low T Specialist - Dallas, TX & Frisco, TX: Men's T-Clinic ...

Erectile Dysfunction/Low T Men’s Health Georgia

Peyronies disease is an acquired inflammatory condition of the penis where a plaque (scar) develops under the skin of the penis leading to curvature, painful erections, and erectile dysfunction. The plaque consists of scar tissue that forms within the wall of the tissue called the tunica albuginea that surrounds the corpus cavernosum, which is the structure that fills with blood to create erections. When the plaque is large enough, it causes curvature of the penis that may be painful and may prevent intercourse. Also, the plaque may cause erections to be less rigid or difficult to maintain. Peyronies disease is common and may run in families, with an estimated 1% of all men having some degree of Peyronies disease.

The exact cause of Peyronies disease is unknown, but it is likely that a genetic predisposition to abnormal scar tissue formation is an underlying cause. In some men, Peyronies disease is caused by trauma to the penis, for example, sudden and painful bending during intercourse.. Peyronies disease can be associated with abnormal scar tissue formation in the plantar fascia of the foot (Ledderhoses disease), the eardrum (tympanosclerosis), or the palm of the hand (Dupuytrens contracture). Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, is also commonly seen in men with Peyronies disease, which may predispose to poor wound healing and inflammation.

Peyronies disease often begins with the sudden onset of curvature to the erect penis, which may be initially painful. Peyronies disease may present with the new onset of erectile dysfunction. You or your doctor may notice an abnormal hardening or calcification of the tissue below the skin along the shaft of your penis. The plaque commonly occurs on the upper side of the penis near the base, but can also form on the bottom or side of the penis. In some men, the plaque occurs around the entire penis. The condition is usually asymptomatic in the flaccid state.

During erection, there may be:

Ultrasound can be used to evaluate the size of the plaque, the degree of penile curvature and severity of associated erectile dysfunction. To perform this ultrasound study, medicine is injected into the penis to produce an erection (see attached). A painless ultrasound probe is used to determine the plaque volume, degree of curvature, arterial blood flow into the penis, and the ability of the veins to keep this blood from exiting the penis. This information is used to develop an individualized treatment plan.

A combination of oral medications and/or penile injections may improve the symptoms Peyronies Disease. A vacuum erection device (VED) may be beneficial to improve penile length or aid with erections if venous leak erectile dysfunction is detected on ultrasound. For a small percentage of men, the curvature can improve over time with or without treatment.

Oral Medications:

The following medications may alleviate some symptoms or slow the progression of Peyronies disease:

Penile Injections:

Injections of medication directly into the penile plaque are an option that may benefit some men. Traditional intralesional injection therapies include verapamil and interferon. Xiaflex, an intralesional injection therapy made from collagenase clostridium histolyticum, offers certain men a potential decrease in curvature and symptoms with a simple office procedure. Xiaflex is an option for men with stable Peyronies disease, intact erectile function, and a curvature between 30 and 90 degrees. Xiaflex consists of a series of one to four 2-day injection cycles in combination with modeling therapy (bending) by the clinician.

Surgical Repair:

Surgical treatment is typically reserved for men with a severe penile curvature or erectile dysfunction that prevents intercourse. The main goal of surgery is to straighten the penis enough to restore satisfactory sexual function.

Surgical procedures for men with severe curvature but preserved erection function may include:

Penile Prosthesis:

For men with Peyronies disease and erectile dysfunction not responsive to conservative treatment options, implantation of a penile prosthesis is the best option. A penile prosthesis completely cures the disorder by restoring sexual function, a straight penis, and ones confidence. Performed through a small hidden penoscrotal incision, a penile implant is invisible in your body while producing a completely natural erection and sexual experience. Sensation, orgasm, ejaculation, and urination are unaffected. The prosthesis has the highest success rate of all the treatments for Peyronies disease and erectile dysfunction, and over 90% of men and their partners have reported satisfaction after the procedure. There are two main types of penile prosthesis: inflatable and malleable. An inflatable penile prosthesis consists of 3 components that allows for a normal flaccid state, and then inflation through a scrotal pump produces a rigid state. A malleable penile prosthesis exists in a permanent semirigid state that bends downwards for dressing and bends upwards for sexual activity.


Peyronies Disease Management Dot Plication Surgical Management

Circumferential Peyronies Plaque Excision with Semirigid Penile Implant

Peyronies Disease

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Erectile Dysfunction/Low T Men's Health Georgia

Low Testosterone (Low T) Treatments – onhealth.com

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is necessary for proper muscular development and masculinity. Testosterone is made in the testes (testicles). Women also have testosterone, but in much smaller amounts than in men. If testosterone levels are below normal, a doctor may prescribe one of several types of treatments. However, there is debate about who needs to be treated.

Testosterone levels decrease as men age. Sometimes this lower level of testosterone is termed "andropause" or "male menopause." Symptoms of male menopause may not be caused by low testosterone, but additional research is needed. Many men do not show any symptoms of decreasing levels of testosterone.

Although osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) is usually thought of as occurring mainly in women, the disease in men is commonly caused by low testosterone. Low testosterone levels can cause bones to thin, weaken, and become more likely to fracture.

Low testosterone doesn't always interfere with sex, but it is possible. Some men with low testosterone may experience a drop in libido while others lose interest in sex completely. Low testosterone levels can make sex more difficult because it may be tougher to get or keep an erection. Low testosterone might not be the sole cause of low libido; stress, sleep deprivation, depression, and chronic medical illnesses can also alter a man's sex drive.

Some of the changes that may occur with low testosterone are nonspecific symptoms such as easy irritability, mood changes, poor concentration, and feeling fatigued or having less energy. However, these symptoms may be caused by a condition other than low testosterone.

One of the many functions of testosterone is to help produce sperm. When testosterone levels are low, the "sperm count" can also be low. If the sperm count is very low, the man may not be able to father a child.

Although increased age is the most common cause of decreased testosterone levels in men, there can be other causes. Other common causes include:

You might need to be tested for low testosterone if you have erectile dysfunction (ED), a very low sex drive, low sperm count, loss of body hair, decrease of muscle mass, and osteoporosis. Conditions other than low testosterone could be the underlying cause of one's symptoms. A doctor will want to rule out other conditions before diagnosing and treating low testosterone.

Tests for testosterone levels are done by sampling the blood early in the morning when levels of testosterone are highest. Your doctor may want to run a second test a few days later to check for consistency in testosterone levels measured. Normal testosterone levels range from about 300 to 1000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), although some labs consider 200 ng/dL the cutoff for low testosterone. Your doctor will help interpret the tests for you.

If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, your primary care doctor may suggest you see a specialist such as an urologist or an endocrinologist. Not everyone with low testosterone will need or qualify for treatment. These specialists will help guide your treatment and design an approach to your low testosterone problem that is best for you.

Low testosterone treatment is designed to boost testosterone levels. Studies suggest this increase in testosterone can strengthen muscles, protect bones, and improve sex drive. Testosterone replacement therapy is only recommended for men who have blood levels that show low testosterone. Such treatments can have different effects from one man to another so it is difficult to predict the treatment outcomes for any one individual.

Testosterone injections are the least expensive form of testosterone treatment, but they can be painful. The shots are given about every 7 to 22 days and the body slowly absorbs the testosterone into the bloodstream. Injections can be given into the muscles or implanted as pellets. Testosterone levels can increase and then fall between shots.

Gel or patch treatments for low testosterone are placed directly on the skin. The hormone seeps out of the patch or gel and goes through the skin, and is slowly absorbed into the blood. Gels and patches are applied every day, and as a result, the level of testosterone remains fairly steady. A drawback to these treatments is they sometimes can cause itching, skin irritation, and blisters. In addition, women or children should not come in contact with skin that has been treated with a gel for 2 hours to avoid absorbing any testosterone.

Buccal patches are placed on the gums above the incisors (teeth) about every 12 hours and slowly release testosterone. They are not effective if swallowed. Buccal patches may cause a bitter taste, irritation to mouth tissues and gums, and may cause headaches. Fortunately, these side effects lessen over time. The patient can eat, drink, and kiss others while using buccal patches because they are not directly exposed to testosterone.

Although testosterone therapy has been tried in many individuals, the risks and benefits of this treatment over many years is still not known because such studies are still underway. Testosterone should not be given to men with untreated prostate cancer, untreated sleep apnea, or untreated breast cancer. In some men, testosterone therapy may need to be stopped if the risks outweigh the benefits.



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Low Testosterone (Low T) Treatments - onhealth.com

Low T Treatment in Texas & Illinois | SynergenX Health …

Low T, which is a lower-than-normal level of the male hormone testosterone, can affect men in a variety of ways. It can also have a number of potential causes, including:

Really, age is the most common reason for Low T. Thats because most men begin to experience a decline in testosterone, albeit a gradual one, after age 30. Generally, testosterone levels peak during adolescence or early adulthood, and its pretty much all downhill from there. The older you become, the lower your T levels, and its faster for some men than for others.

Whatever the reason or reasons behind it, Low T can cause or contribute to a number of conditions that disrupt mens lives and can affect their productivity, relationships and sense of worth or self-identity. These include:

At SynergenX, we treat Low T with hormone replacement therapyand we do it differently. We tailor the treatment and dose to each mans individual needsas informed by lab tests. We also differ from the typical hormone treatment protocol by testing continually and varying the dose as your T levels rise and fall, because they do. By continually, actively monitoring patients and adjusting treatment, we minimize the risksand help most men achieve a marked, positive change and a reinvigorated life and sense of self.

While erectile dysfunction can be helped dramatically by hormone replacement, we also can help improve erectile function and sexual performance with BoostEREX. BoostEREX is a noninvasive, drug-free treatment that uses low-intensity shockwave pulses to treat EDs cause (unlike medicines like Viagra, which treat symptoms). In use in other countries for nearly a decade, penile shockwave therapy like BoostEREX has been proven by multiple studies to improve erectile function and sexual performance by eliminating micro-plaques, rejuvenating penile blood vessels, and releasing growth factors that help new blood vessels grow.

SynergenX also offers a tailored, effective weight management program to help men lose weight, keep it off for optimal health, and maximize the effects of their Low T treatment to both feel and look great. And speaking of looking your best, SynergenX offers aesthetic services designed to bring your appearance into harmony with how great you feel on the inside.

For more information about the conditions and symptoms SynergenX can help with, or to schedule an appointment for a FREE Low T test in McKinney, North Park, Woodlands, Kingwood, Vintage Park, Katy, Galleria, Burr Ridge, Sonterra San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, or Northwest San Antonio, call 877-915-2554 or use our easy online form.

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Low T Treatment in Texas & Illinois | SynergenX Health ...

Low T – Testosterone Replacement Therapy – Ehormones

Low T is short for low testosterone a condition that affects most men as they age. Testosterone levels typically decline after the age of 30 and become more prevalent and symptomatic in men 40 and over. Low T causes older men to lose muscle, energy and motivation. It can affect a persons mood, making them irritable and more prone to depression often call grumpy old man syndrome. Low T is also a leading cause of sexual dysfunction in aging men, including a drop in libido and ability to get and maintain erections. Men also lose HGH, Human Growth Hormone, as they age and this to can be treated if necessary with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (or TRT).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men is becoming more and more common as men are increasingly aware of the potential benefits. Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help men improve their mental clarity and focus. Additional benefits include increased muscle mass, libido, and motivation, while decreasing central body fat. Symptoms of low testosterone and/or low HGH levels are common among men over the age of 30. EHormonesMD will develop an individualized and comprehensive treatment protocol to help you achieve the maximum benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

For men with decreased libido or those who have problems with erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, Testosterone Replacement Therapy can be significantly beneficial. While many men as young as 30 require Testosterone Replacement Therapy to restore Testosterone levels, HRT is particularly beneficial for men over the age of 40, when testosterone levels may have reached a significant decline. YourEHormonesMDdoctor will be able to determine whether Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help you fight the issues of waning libido and/or erectile dysfunction, and remove the need for ED medications.

Low levels of testosterone can lead to decrease in muscle mass, an increase in body fat and result in a decrease of bone mass over time. Several men experience the inability to achieve results from their work outs, which is usually a direct result of having low testosterone levels. Testosterone Replacement can help to counteract these physical changes and, in fact, clinical studies have shown that Men can see a 10% to 15% increase in muscle mass and protein synthesis in as little as 2 to 3 months. While many physical changes are normal for men as they age, testosterone treatment can offer significant benefits for men when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

While it might not sound obvious at first, Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men can actually help with some emotional problems that men experience as they age. Low Testosterone levels have shown to reduce self-confidence and motivation, which can have a negative impact on personal relationships and work results.. Feelings of sadness and depression, as well as the inability to concentrate on important tasks or remember important pieces of information are also common with decreased testosterone levels.

Be sure to contact one of our manyEHormonesMD locationsthroughout the US to take that first step at regaining your youth. Simply call or email us to schedule an appointment.

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Low T - Testosterone Replacement Therapy - Ehormones

Low T Medical Clinic and Low Testosterone Therapy

Low Sex Drive? Hair Loss? Fatigue or Muscle Mass Loss?

You may suspect youre suffering from low testosterone.. Have you been researching treatment options? Do you want to connect with fellow low T patients?Low T Medical Clinic is exactly what you have been looking for!We have created an all-inclusive website that will help you with everything from diagnosing your condition to replenishing your hormone levels to connecting with other guys who have been through the same situation.

One of our main goals is to provide accurate, research-based information to men who are suffering from low testosterone. We educate men about the various symptoms of low testosterone. Well help you determine if these major life changes youre experience are based on fluctuating hormone levels.

We also hope to make you aware of the severity of your condition by highlighting the various health risks assoc. with low testosterone. Well also encourage you to find the best treatment option for your condition.

Another one of our priorities is to connect low T patients from across the globe with our online community and forum. No man should suffer in silence. Connect with other men who have low testosterone. Share your thoughts, experiences, fears, and concerns. Seek advice and suggestions from other low T patients and experienced medical professionals.

Not only does Low T Medical Clinic act as a top-notch resource center and online community, we also want to help you find the treatment option best suited to your condition. Well help you find local low T doctors who can provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.

If you have been suffering from low testosterone, it is time to take advantage of all Low T Medical Clinic has to offer.

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Low T Medical Clinic and Low Testosterone Therapy

Buckeye PMR Low T – Do You Have Low Testosterone?!

Nationwide Leaders in Testosterone TherapyLow-cost testosterone replacement options

So what is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? If youre an aging man, chances are youve lost quite a bit of energy, experienced a drop in sexual potency or erectile dysfunction, put on a few extra pounds, and now you have to work even harder in the gym to maintain your natural weight. Theres a reason forthat and for most men it starts with a T. Were talking about the male hormone Testosterone.

By the time you hit 30, yourbody is already significantly behind in testosterone production. You see, by your mid-twenties, your testosterone levels begin to decline by about 1-2% a year. And, by 40, youve lost nearly half of your necessary growth hormones resulting in a common but often misunderstood condition called Andropause, Low T or Hypogonadism; precisely what we treat with various Testosterone Replacement Therapy options.

Men often mistake symptoms of andropause for a midlife crisis. Youve put on weight; your sexual desire has decreased and even worse, your sexual performance is suffering. To make yourself feel better, you may want to buy a flashy sports car, but in reality, the most likely solution to your problem is Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Your testosterone levels have dropped resulting in increased body fat, depression, muscle loss, hair loss, and fatigue. These are not just symptoms of getting older. In fact, men as young as their twenties to thirties can experience low testosterone (Low T) symptoms. Before you seek medical treatment for depression and spend years on prescription medications, consider having your testosterone levels checked at Buckeye PMR.

Low testosterone is a serious condition that should not be ignored. In addition to the unpleasant symptoms we mentioned above, lower than normal testosterone levels have been clinically associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and death.

Testosterone replacement therapy aids in circulation and improves blood vessel function, so its important to have enough of it to ensure healthy blood flow. There are a number of testosterone receptors in the heart, so a healthy testosterone level helps it function properly.

The additional testosterone that results from hormone replacement therapy also reduces the amount of certain unhealthy chemicals in the blood, including cholesterol, and improves a patients lipid profile, a beneficial cardiovascular effect.

Finally, the weight loss and improved physique that many men experience with hormone replacement therapy help to reduce the risk of heart disease and restore heart health.

Excerpt from:
Buckeye PMR Low T - Do You Have Low Testosterone?!

Center for Men | Tulsa Men’s Clinic | Tulsa Low T

Center for Men | Tulsa Men's Clinic | Tulsa Low T

The symptoms of low testosterone may include fatigue, weight gain, reduced sex drive, decreased motivation and more.

Learn about the symptoms

Dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone can be frustrating. Have you ever wondered what causes it?

Learn about the causes

Studies show that if not managed properly, low testosterone may increase risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Learn about the risks

The CFM mission is to provide an improved quality of life for men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone.

Understand the statistics. Reduce the risk.

25 Percent Twenty five percent of men suffer from symptoms of low testosterone?

30 Minutes Thirty minutes is all it takes to find out what your testosterone levels are.

40 Percent Forty percent of men with high blood pressure also have low-t levels.

Get tested today. Its quick, easy, and painless!

Start Here

Originally posted here:
Center for Men | Tulsa Men's Clinic | Tulsa Low T

Low Testosterone Treatment in St. Louis | Low T Revolution

Join TheLow T RevolutionToday10,000+ Satisfied Low T Patients in St. Louis

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for low testosterone (low t) may be a smart choice for you if you areexperiencing any of these symptoms:

These are often symptoms of low testosterone, also known as low t, and can be effectively treated naturally through hormone replacement.Typically, testosteronelevels are brought back to levels that are average for a 25-year-oldmale. When this happens, men feel more energetic, have a higher sex drive and bettersexual functioning, and, over time, develop a more youthful physique with less body fatand more muscle. These changes can be further enhanced by nutrition and exercise.

Low testosterone treatmentfor men has been studied extensively and has been found tobe a safe and effective way of improving quality of life in men with low testosteronelevels. The protocol followed by Low T Revolution is not guess work. You will be seen by a qualified physician and your visit will be very informative and efficient. We are a private conciergemedical practice with 20+ years of experience in this industry your care is our top priority.

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Low Testosterone Treatment in St. Louis | Low T Revolution

Doctors Address Low Testosterone Ads – CBS St. Louis

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) Theres a lot of ads out there about low testosterone, prompting local experts to share some advice.

Barnes-Jewish West County Urologist Dr. Christopher Arett at Washington University School of Medicine says theres no real definition of what constitutes low testosterone.

Testosterone typically, for the average population, is around 300 or higher, so 300 to 500 is often given as a normal range, he says. However, if youre below that level, it doesnt mean that you are going to have symptoms, and if youre above that normal, you may still have symptoms of low testosterone [if] at some point in life you had higher testosterone.

What are the symptoms of Low T?

What people may notice is decrease in energy level, decrease in sex drive, over the long-term low testosterone can decrease muscle mass, bone density, and increase truncal obesity, or beer belly, says Washington University urologist Dr. Dane Johnson.

Arett says men have to be tested for Low T no later than 10 a.m., because testosterone production is at its highest when men are asleep. Testosterone levels peak in the early morning, and as the day progresses, testosterone in every person decreases.

When your testosterone is taken during the day completely changes what their value will be, he says.

Arett says it is critical to have a good doctor-patient relationship when talking about whether or not you have low testosterone, because the symptoms are not specific and could be caused by other underlying health conditions.

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Doctors Address Low Testosterone Ads - CBS St. Louis

Older men with ‘low T’ can improve their sex lives with testosterone therapy, study says – Men’s Fitness

We hate to say it, but low testosterone levels can have a slew of negative effects for older guys.

But even now there's a scientific tug-of-war over testosterone-replacement therapy. Sure, it sounds greatwhat guy doesn't want more of the "masculine hormone"?but risks of testosterone therapy can include the growth of pre-existing cancerous cells, testicular shrinkage, infertility, even heart attack or stroke, as one of our writers discovered.

The positives are just as extreme. Aside from increased strength and motivation, men can enjoy greater urinary health, better sexual function, and a higher quality of life, according to new research from Boston University Medical Center.

In the study, published in the Journal of Urology, researchersenrolled roughly 650 men in their 50s and 60s. Some of the men had unexplained testosterone deficiencies, while others suffered from genetic hypogonadism (when gonads fail to produce testosterone). About 360 men received testosterone therapy for eight years (the remaining didn't).

What's more, the men who underwent testosterone therapy enjoyed a significant bump in their urinary and sexual function (lower instance of erectile dysfunction, higher sex drive), as well as better quality of life (sunnier mood, higher confidence).

Another interesting detail: Two men in the treatment group died from causes unrelated to cardiovascular failure, while 21 in the non-treatment group died (19 deaths were cardiovascular-related). Those mortality rates suggested that testosterone therapy isn't necessarily linked to a greater instance of heart attack or stroke, the researchers suggested.

"It is thought that testosterone treatment in men may increase prostate size and worsen lower urinary tract symptoms," study author Abdulmaged Traish, Ph.D., said in a press release. Researchers discovered somemenhad larger prostates post-testosterone therapy, but they experienced fewer instances of frequent urination, incomplete bladder emptying, and waking at night to urinate.

"[Testosterone therapy] is well-tolerated with progressive and sustained improvement in urinary and sexual function, and overall improvement in quality of life," Traish added.

Something to think about if your testosterone takes a hit one day and you want to fight manopause head-on.

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Older men with 'low T' can improve their sex lives with testosterone therapy, study says - Men's Fitness

Low Testosterone (Low T) Center – Henderson, NV


Lindsey Reynolds Desert Endocrinology Henderson 2415 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Ste 100 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 434-8400


William R. Litchfield Desert Endocrinology Henderson 2415 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Ste 100 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 434-8400


Violet Amirjalali Desert Endocrinology Henderson 2415 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Ste 100 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 434-8400


Catherine Flynn Dream Fund Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic 10001 S Eastern Ave Ste 209 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 616-5865


Farrukh Iqbal Green Valley Endocrinology 710 Coronado Center Dr Ste 220 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 450-5002


Claudia K. Vogel Comprehensive & Interventional Pain Management 10561 Jeffreys St Ste 211 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 990-4530


Fred G. Toffel Bumbaca & Toffel Mds 2700 E Sunset Rd Ste D34 Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 736-2021


Firhaad Ismail Firhaad Ismail MD 2470 E Flamingo Rd Ste C Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 792-4500


Shadi Abdelnour University Of Nevada School Of Medicine 1707 W Charleston Blvd Ste 220 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 731-9110


Chard D. Bubb HealthCare Partners Nevada 2285 E Flamingo Rd Ste 105 Las Vegas, NV 89119 (702) 862-8226


Kenneth E. Izuora Nevada Neurological Cnslnts 1707 W Charleston Blvd Ste 220 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 731-9110


Quang T. Nguyen Las Vegas Endocrinology 700 Shadow Ln Ste 400 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 431-7008


Barry Gould Southwest Medical Associates Endocrinology 2316 W Charleston Blvd Ste 259 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 877-5319


Michael G. Uzmann Southwest Medical Associates Endocrinology 2316 W Charleston Blvd Ste 259 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 877-5319


Roslyn Collins Southwest Medical Associates Endocrinology 2316 W Charleston Blvd Ste 259 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 877-5319


Paul Tomasic Southwest Medical Associates Endocrinology 2316 W Charleston Blvd Ste 259 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 877-5319


Betsy M. Palal Palm Medical Group 9280 W Sunset Rd Ste 306 Las Vegas, NV 89148 (702) 696-7256


Samer Nakhle Palm Medical Group 9280 W Sunset Rd Ste 306 Las Vegas, NV 89148 (702) 696-7256


Serena A. Klugh Palm Medical Group 9280 W Sunset Rd Ste 306 Las Vegas, NV 89148 (702) 696-7256


Bijan Ahrari Palm Medical Group 3150 N Tenaya Way Ste 415 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 696-7256


Milton K. Wong Desert Endocrinology 8925 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas, NV 89117 (702) 387-8868


Lubna Ahmad Endocrine Clinic 7010 Smoke Ranch Rd Ste 100 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 228-5000


Avi A. Ostrowsky Avi A Ostrowsky MD 2911 N Tenaya Way Ste 104 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 360-9210


Charmaine Yap VA Southwest Medical Center 6900 Pecos Rd North Las Vegas, NV 89086 (702) 791-9000


Molouk Rahnema Aiyan Diabetes Center 629 Ronald Reagan Dr Ste C Evans, GA 30809 (706) 868-0319


Molouk Rahnema Aiyan Diabetes Center 462 Furys Ferry Rd Ste C Martinez, GA 30907 (706) 868-0319


Nathania L. Park Brian Berelowitz MD 653 N Town Center Dr Ste 315 Las Vegas, NV 89144 (702) 804-9486


Susan S. Vanbeuge Brian Berelowitz MD 653 N Town Center Dr Ste 315 Las Vegas, NV 89144 (702) 804-9486


Brian A. Berelowitz Brian Berelowitz MD 653 N Town Center Dr Ste 315 Las Vegas, NV 89144 (702) 804-9486


Stephen C. Castorino Advanced Health & Endocrine 653 N Town Center Dr Ste 202 Las Vegas, NV 89144 (702) 368-2244


Maria K. Nwokike Nwokike & Nwokiki MDs 5105 Camino Al Norte North Las Vegas, NV 89031 (702) 750-2438


Maria K. Nwokike Nwokike & Nwokiki MDs 5105 Camino Al Norte North Las Vegas, NV 89031 (702) 750-2438

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Low Testosterone (Low T) Center - Henderson, NV

Low Testosterone ( Low T ) Treatments – MedicineNet

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is necessary for proper muscular development and masculinity. Testosterone is made in the testes (testicles). Women also have testosterone, but in much smaller amounts than in men. If testosterone levels are below normal, a doctor may prescribe one of several types of treatments. However, there is debate about who needs to be treated.

Testosterone levels decrease as men age. Sometimes this lower level of testosterone is termed "andropause" or "male menopause." Symptoms of male menopause may not be caused by low testosterone, but additional research is needed. Many men do not show any symptoms of decreasing levels of testosterone.

Although osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) is usually thought of as occurring mainly in women, the disease in men is commonly caused by low testosterone. Low testosterone levels can cause bones to thin, weaken, and become more likely to fracture.

Low testosterone doesn't always interfere with sex, but it is possible. Some men with low testosterone may experience a drop in libido while others lose interest in sex completely. Low testosterone levels can make sex more difficult because it may be tougher to get or keep an erection. Low testosterone might not be the sole cause of low libido; stress, sleep deprivation, depression, and chronic medical illnesses can also alter a man's sex drive.

Some of the changes that may occur with low testosterone are nonspecific symptoms such as easy irritability, mood changes, poor concentration, and feeling fatigued or having less energy. However, these symptoms may be caused by a condition other than low testosterone.

One of the many functions of testosterone is to help produce sperm. When testosterone levels are low, the "sperm count" can also be low. If the sperm count is very low, the man may not be able to father a child.

Although increased age is the most common cause of decreased testosterone levels in men, there can be other causes. Other common causes include:

You might need to be tested for low testosterone if you have erectile dysfunction (ED), a very low sex drive, low sperm count, loss of body hair, decrease of muscle mass, and osteoporosis. Conditions other than low testosterone could be the underlying cause of one's symptoms. A doctor will want to rule out other conditions before diagnosing and treating low testosterone.

Tests for testosterone levels are done by sampling the blood early in the morning when levels of testosterone are highest. Your doctor may want to run a second test a few days later to check for consistency in testosterone levels measured. Normal testosterone levels range from about 300 to 1000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), although some labs consider 200 ng/dL the cutoff for low testosterone. Your doctor will help interpret the tests for you.

If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, your primary care doctor may suggest you see a specialist such as an urologist or an endocrinologist. Not everyone with low testosterone will need or qualify for treatment. These specialists will help guide your treatment and design an approach to your low testosterone problem that is best for you.

Low testosterone treatment is designed to boost testosterone levels. Studies suggest this increase in testosterone can strengthen muscles, protect bones, and improve sex drive. Testosterone replacement therapy is only recommended for men who have blood levels that show low testosterone. Such treatments can have different effects from one man to another so it is difficult to predict the treatment outcomes for any one individual.

Testosterone injections are the least expensive form of testosterone treatment, but they can be painful. The shots are given about every 7 to 22 days and the body slowly absorbs the testosterone into the bloodstream. Injections can be given into the muscles or implanted as pellets. Testosterone levels can increase and then fall between shots.

Gel or patch treatments for low testosterone are placed directly on the skin. The hormone seeps out of the patch or gel and goes through the skin, and is slowly absorbed into the blood. Gels and patches are applied every day, and as a result, the level of testosterone remains fairly steady. A drawback to these treatments is they sometimes can cause itching, skin irritation, and blisters. In addition, women or children should not come in contact with skin that has been treated with a gel for 2 hours to avoid absorbing any testosterone.

Buccal patches are placed on the gums above the incisors (teeth) about every 12 hours and slowly release testosterone. They are not effective if swallowed. Buccal patches may cause a bitter taste, irritation to mouth tissues and gums, and may cause headaches. Fortunately, these side effects lessen over time. The patient can eat, drink, and kiss others while using buccal patches because they are not directly exposed to testosterone.

Although testosterone therapy has been tried in many individuals, the risks and benefits of this treatment over many years is still not known because such studies are still underway. Testosterone should not be given to men with untreated prostate cancer, untreated sleep apnea, or untreated breast cancer. In some men, testosterone therapy may need to be stopped if the risks outweigh the benefits.



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Low Testosterone ( Low T ) Treatments - MedicineNet

Low Testosterone Therapy & Treatment Revive Low T Clinic

"Simply the best care you will find anywhere."

Revive Low T Clinics are located in Seattle & Kirkland, WA and provide low testosterone therapy for men.

Many men suffering from low testosterone experience a decreased quality of life and increased risk for serious health problems such as bone loss and diabetes. Revive Low T Clinic offers focused treatments that can help you get the most out of life Get Revived!

Meet with one of our experience doctors and find out if you have low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone include:

What makes Revive Low T Clinic so special?

First of all, we offer an enhanced version of testosterone therapy that includes additional assistance with balancing estrogen levels and other related aspects of testosterone therapy such as nutrition.

Also, we accept most health insurance plans and feel we offer a superior service due to our commitment to patient care.

Dr. Barry Wheeler, our main physician, has helped thousands of men improve their lives with testosterone therapy and other treatments targeted at improving quality of life. We are willing to send your testosterone prescription to any pharmacy of your choice unlike other low testosterone clinics that may only work with one pharmacy.

In conclusion, our treatments are designed to help increase effectiveness and reduce side effects. We recognize all patients are different and refer patients to other specialists as needed.

Simply the best care you will find anywhere. Ive had a variety of experiences with hormone replacement over the years and I have to say that Dr. Wheeler is hands down the most competent medical professional I have ever met. I regularly refer my friends to him and I would not trust my care to anyone else.

Becoming a patient is easy!

From diagnosis to treatment of low t we are here to help you. We are passionate about helping you determine if you have low testosterone or not and providing an effective solution to treat low testosterone.

Get the old you back

We accept most insurance and cash patients only pay $150. All new patients receive a free lab test to check your testosterone level with your first visit.

Learn more about the symptoms of low testosterone with this simple online quiz. See if your symptoms match up.

Learn more about what insurance covers and may not cover and what cash options we offer as well. At our clinic you pay for what you get.

We have locations in Seattle and Kirkland and offer patients the option of doing testosterone injections at one of our offices as well as at home.

The rest is here:
Low Testosterone Therapy & Treatment Revive Low T Clinic